J U ^ ' ■

. , ■> WEDNESDAY, it L Y

gOTtting Ij^ralb A rm n it Daily Nat Pnaa Ron n # WMthar F m toe Week Ended . ' 'O' ^ ■ireiaat at U. ft Waadhaa Bm b toe HMropoUtan iJUMet Canunto actoexXH* jndtaUad tranatoa UnL 'My«,iM$ *V Maodwra of Waahtngtoo Lodge, vacaMy of Otnuaettctit tot l8d0, wKh UQX„, and the Ladiea Auxitlary. ston, Mto aa a cMl'angtosar. [| T o w n pirehtors Approve Im Sale Brindantour He la curiauUy ptaaidsnt ot toa . t o . cM I FREE lanERY . . Fete and tBBight. Lear and Royal Black Preccptory will m a n ied to 1 3 , 7 6 0 maet Sunday morning at Orange OwmacUnat aacthm at the Ameri­ H e le toe tea. fVI^By Baoel$y sonny n ______Tonoff Damo- can SocMar qt Ctoil BuglBeers. Dorothy Braun, of R rex*^ The Menibar af tha Andtt HU at 10, and proceed to the And Paving Portion of Elm St* Appointed to Brtoddmoure have Ifoad to Men- VAliLlhtril. wntoeef. M gii aa-Sd. ______i wiB mtat tooiglit at i PreabyteHan Onircli, 48 Spruce Tha Bsw appohitoe ia a Worid Buraan o f dreototion tM ' M b r . ItaRMor VtaMral S t , for aenricea. The R«nr. Gurdon War JI vater^ havihg served In eheeter.atece 1668. Tfim have five MaiuAetter" A City o f ViUage Chmrm chfldren: Tbeodoret 13: WUUam, E im W R R R M BM^ » • W . O n ta r S t , to paiy SoorBle of Weat Hartford will The Town Board of. Directora laatoownera but tha railroad, which has toe Ch)aa'Sarma Theatre. Housing Vnit ' Brtodamoar was bom in WaM Dototoy. 8; and rir TB^aeto to tlw late M m Pa- night M>proved several matters left given. Us permtsripo, however. ela a m i OMtMtt, Bto waa a Approved also, was a routine •Warwick, 'R X . Btiera fie atteDdad VOL. LXXYn, NO. 239 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1968 PRICK SEVEN CENTS The Batvatkm Am y will ^y vlUe area accounted for 190 of the or vlf the chance for mediation does rivedlaM Friday, may have been congressional , Republicans would terms. When the committee g;ets pot appear their task is to get to­ total. Ctelma by women totaled recMsed again. fight vigorously against any move 460, or 48.8 per cent. Ml 3-5747 down to specifics there may be gether a report on which to base There was a recess on Tues- for federal seizure of railroads or more room for agreement" the legislative settlement propo­ Manchester was sixteenth in SALE day, reportedly because the C2u- compulsory arbitration in the rail However. Dirksen said in a sep-' Connecticut In claims filed. First neae were awaiting instructfona ^rork rules dispute, sals President Kennedy says he arate interview he interpreted the will make If the parties do not wae Bridgeport Yrith 4,784. H art­ Cameras A mounted poHoanan disperses heckleirB from toe area of a Bronx diner where pickets ^wneored toxn Prid^ following an attack J And Dirksen, the Senate Repub^ White House announcement that ford was next with 4,114, fol­ OUR ENTIRE STOCK reach agreement. 8 CK ISU O I.I) fiy toa OongvesB of Racial Equality continued demonatrsitioDs last night amid violence. (AP Ftao- on toe Cxiinese by the Soviet | ]foan leader, said neither could be the committed report would be The new board, headed by Sec­ lowed by New Haven with 4,067, \Vf (iivp I'rccn to fsx .) ______Communist pariy central commit-: approved without a lengthy struggle limited to the tacts in the case a s: 691 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER and WaleftMry ,wlth 3,460. tee. Some Soviets appeared at the. ^ cSpitol Hill. retary of Labor W. Willsud Wirtz, indicating that "we are going to | W. Willard Wlrtx was named by Kennedy in con­ *’^**’* other congressional leaders al- be asked to write working rules. nection with bis announcement NEXT TO GAS COMPANY famous brand name Scene Lit-up Like Premiere ***' ®**toer toe Soviets gp made it clear they hope they into the statutes." late Wednesday, less than ^ h t Ouneae t»me. ’ „Qf have to wrestle with the "It looks to me as if Congress hours ahead of the 12:01 a.m. Neitoer the Chln^ Embassy problem of legislating a solution is going to have to become an deadline, that the showdown be­ FREE PARKING IN REAR nor headquartero of the Soviet fp the railroad controversy. oversized labor board to do that.” tween the carriers and their on- Communist purty would Announcing the postponment of the Illinois senator added. “If we train workers had been put off to Youths Buy Confederate Caps, s ^ comment a ^ what might * threatened strike until July 29. get into that field we «-ill have July 29. In the interval the board ■ I President Kennedy said Wednes- to be careful not to set some dan­ —and Otngress If necessary—ore ^But the Sov^ Mws i^ency ] day he will send a labor-maitage- gerous precedents." to try their hand. SUMMER Ttaa _ Mnounc^ _ that Premier i ment committee’s report to Oin- SHOP AND SAVE OUR Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey o f The board, which ie required to Stone Pickets at Bronx Diner ,5^“ ' Kress July 22 with recommenda- Minnesota, the assistant Demo­ ■make its report by July 22 and mmiiat party chief Jmios Ka<^ tions "designed to dispose of the cratic leader, told the Senate thus give Cfongress a week for any K'C BINGOI had a conference in the Kremlin issues’’ Meeting jobs of 40,000 Wednesday that if the dispute is further action, met today tor its firem en and 25,000 other rail work forced into Congress for settle­ Every Friday Night At 8 P.M, EDITOR’S NOTE-tOORE pick-w "We anUclpated soma trouble*Thetr signs say, "Freedom Now." «■ Page Thirteen) organizational session, with repre­ all right, but nothing like this 'No Employment, No Hamburg­ ment “ you’re opening up a Pan­ sentatives of the railroads and the •ts and white teen-age hecklers Elarlier. Kennedy had said that KNNIHTS OF COLUMBUS HOME DRESSES have made a Bronx diner an ex­ from the teen-agers. ers.’ dora’s box of trouble for both operating unions also on hand. "We have to keep demonstrat­ This Is a middle-claaa aciglibar- if necessary he would ask for new management and labor." Wirtz said at the start that the plosive scene for five straight legislation to avert a railroad tie- ETOBE-WIDE CLBABANCE OW 8PRINC and SUMMER MERCHANDBSE 13B MAM SniBEr — MAN< ni^ts. Bocks havO been hurled, ing to make what we’re doing hood long estaUiabed. It Is most­ Seji. Wayne Morse. D-Orc.. said group's primary function will be aatlonally adv6rtltad at known to the white community.” ly Italian-American, but Jews and up. Before announcement of the it would take “a very bad set of to prepare a report and not direct shots fired, police nightsticks S ta te N ew s strike postponement, speculation C&AROE AOOOUNTS SfYITED swung. An Aaweiatsd Press re­ The pickets are demanding that Irish-Americans live there too. circumstances" to persuade him settlement actions. toe chidn which owns. the diner "This baa turned a lot of my had centered on a request to Con­ to vote for compulsoty arbitration. However, he agreed with George 10.99 to 22.99 porter who has been covering toe gress for power to seize the rail­ disorders presents toe temper and hire more Negroes. friends into aavagea,” aaid John But he said he might be forced Meany, AEXi-CIO president and A white teen-ager, pointing to Mulligan, 21. The rode toroarlug Roundup roads or to require compulsory ar­ to do so to protect toe public's in- member of the boaird, that there views of toe opposing sides,' and bitration—or a combinatiao of the ! terest pictures the nri^boriiood scene. his Confederate cap, said; was done by toe immature, he is nothing to stop mediation ef­ YOUR CHOICi said, because "toey tbiite Just be­ two. I Morse said It would be “very George Harrison forts if the chance comes'up. N GIRLS’ SHORT SLEEVE ^ "We paid a buck to get into SPRING And ^theONE pfaceio By JAMES R¥AN Freedomland (a Bronx amuse- cause you’re a Negro yon're no Senate Democratic Leader Mike | difficult to justify" seizure of the But there are no plans for fur­ N SLEEVELESS NEW YORK (AP)—A weird pic­ ment';park) to get these.’’ good.” Parsells Leadi^ Mansfield of Montana said. he carriers. Besides, he said that in ther negoUationa between the par­ SUMMER eanfor ture of racial ticketing. Jewing Some spectators scream epithets standing out there,’ hopes that by July 22 toe negotia-1 such a situation the government ties under government auspices, adults and teen-agers looking for at toe tight oval of pickets. In Lobbyist Fees Uons between toe railroads and might put in work rules the un­ Wirtz indicated. JERSEYS and BLOUSES Police barricadee i»otect the *) toe operating imicms trill have | ions didn’t like and enforxre them Absent from today's initial ses­ DRESSES kicks has emerged from civil « produced an agreement “and with injunctions, rights demonstrafions at a Bronx pickets from hecklers. They also sion were Joseph Block, board bainiberger spot nuurk o ff a walkway where no HABTPXXtiD (AP) — Fonner there will be notldng to report to Sen. Jacob K. Javits. R-N.Y.. chairman of Inland Steel 0>. of Reg. $1.69 Reg. $1.98 For five explosive nigiits, Ne more than 35 persons may enter Hoaae Majority Ineder Norman K. Congress.’’ | backed up Morse's plea for fur- Chicago, who was reported to be gro and • white- - pickets At the the diner at one tone,’ by police Race Viol«Eice BarneBa. h 4m> hnonra the legislative '"I would assume that toe Presi-.ther negotiations. He said thst U] on a Western trip, and George %?RICE money wDckiiiga from penonnl experi- dtaifa committee would draw up an agreement is not reached, toe' Harrison, an AFL-CIO vice presi­ $ 1 .1 9 $ 1 .4 9 the minute you wantitm white Castle Dinar have mawn order. The toiy place is aJwaya thousands of hecklen.-- . fU ed, aae% may mdl beeome toe fiighaet a bm of particulars covering toe | unions may find themselves sad-. dent and veteran railway union . Shots have beeq But the diner is losing money, In Say- hMqriat to.nmdK —Tear- River Congress of Racial Equality which I movie premiere da of emphiytr tobfiying expendi- Boat Burns, I from Norfolk, Va., a few minutes ' *l \ • BETTY HARTFORD • MeKENRICK KORELL is sponsoring toe picketing, said:' On and on toe pickets march. gas bombs hu^ed by police rout­ torea filed to date at the- State I late. The six are a subcommittee ed abouj 1,000 Negro dem onstra­ of the President’s Lsbor-Msnage- • PATTY PETITE tors who shattered And siaoe some of bis cUenta I ment Advisory (fommittee. BENEFICIAL b slashed tires vdien a* wedm-long stlU remain to file, his remunera­ Some 400 Rescued The full group, except for Bl(x;k, FINANCE SVSTEM miitBrials: ani«l iBrMy, 100% daeren batiota, dacron and eoHon, integration drive anqitod tato ^ - tion may climb several thousands is expected to swing into acUoii FAMOUS NAME BOYS’ LONG And SHORT Cassini Says olence during the night. more. Aug. 5 in top filing deadline. Friday, Wirtz said. fiowB $201» Seoo— Loeni *o4miBed at loaraoet Joseph Block Scattered by the stinging Flandln represents many of the BUENOS AIRES, Argdntins Representing the unions at the ' I00%,flna coHon, voilot fumes, small grotqw of Negroes major trading stamp companies 'year-old Ciudad de Asunckm 7:J& meeting were Charles Luna, presi­ GIRLS’ COATS FANT SETS , Mg im McJoI PIimhmg Ca ^ e§ BUeeAesSer Leopard Loss (AP)^Fire" swept a river boat a.m . as she was 50 m iles from roamed this edgy port dty for before legislative committees. carrying 421 or more persons ear­ dent of the Brotherhood of Rail­ 806 MAIN ST. (Over WoohoQrth*^ hlANCHESTER colers: sotido, prints, otripai about two hours, venting their ire Another cs-tewmaker turned Buenos Aires on an overnight run road Trainmen, AFTrCIO: Louis Mttcfiad »41S6 > tokOcrthaYEBIBBIeger ly today and threaten^ to send it from Montevideo. Uruguay/ at random on store and car win­ lobbyist, former State Rep. John to toe bottom of toe River Plate Kef. 82.98 Ref. 88.98 a lasa af MOO etak $2000 «laa erganSf npto B Is His Fault dows, -before peace was restored Q. Tilsan Jr., New Haven lawyer More than nine hours Is^er. of­ (Cootinned on Page Tea) B cf. 810.96 Res. 813.98' Reir. 817.98 styias: short sloovo and slaavalass estuary. ficial figures conflicted ^ to the iriy today. and a Repitelican, picked up $3,250 Pateengers and crewmen dived ei»o,oe; Cch^ Luther Hodges Public 'Health Service spokes­ ;? eraily associate with Elngtish man said "eggs are the sus­ hUrthi, got a full doee of Jv»t ades and asked the State Patrol Aaeoclation of Real Estate Boards, (Oonttnued on Page Tea) Re*. 81.29 ...... 9 8 c tor more. At least 35 patrolmen $«»; Investment Cmnpany tosU- pected cause,’’ but tliat, op to' ^1*98BsaBaaaaBaBB $ 1 .4 9 plain elegance. Sure, there were had rushed Into the city at the.tute. $574; Pilgrim Hall Furniture now, no specific geographic pullovers, but they had sequins request of the city manager. ..Oo., $500; and Sports Car CHub *fry A Hutchinson O j., (S A H. ' ated Infections, seien of them in cluded a visit to the beauty salon will be handled by Juvenile au-| Trading Stamps), remains to file the Northeastern States, says a of Kenneth, who achieved fame by Cut $1 Billion RcE -8^98 ...... $ 1 .9 8 Reg. 8 « .9 « ...... $ 2 .7 9 thoriUes. 6 statement of tta payment to previously-issued report of ttie doing 'JacqueUne Kennedy’s hair, The outbreak began in toe area ■ Barseils- health - sendee's Communicable /AEN'S SHORT SLEEVED and who established his own ‘M on of the city and county jails after] Among other lobbyist paymenta. Disease Center at .Atlanta. where, everything is red paisley the demonstrators bad m arched fi*«- - *T Jf _ 'ford: Algonquin Gas ‘rituismissian dictated budget, before signing "You have done so much for her, 1 enSiO n D U U U S Co.. $515 ; asm . investment Bank- Mrs. Betty AmhaWelos years would bring total savings, the measure he deleted three di- N« P liatr 2 .5 9 2 >-5.00 I think If it’s a boy, khe should ens Association, $606; Hartfcuxl to almost $4 billion within five. >rectives speefifying toe allotment Reg. 88.98 ...... $ 2 .7 9 name It after you!" CSasrini’s ref­ Oouranl, $206; aind Hess Oil and years instead of toe originally es^' of certain revenues. Republicans erence to Mrs. Kennedy was a CAMBRIDGE, 8[d. (A P )—R a- Cbem ical Carp., $306. timated $3 billion. say that there is no question toe roundabout one: "I caused the cial tension continued to taiild to-. Atty ijm h i. f . Robinaao Jr„ The savings have been in logis­ Governor has toe right to veto BOYS’ and GIRLS’ cbmpara with 4.00 and 5.00 „ Crowds Jeer tic—supply—costs and "have not $ 1 4 9 PmMGt your heme hhk Join death of all. the leopards in Ethi­ day despite toe presence of a fed- Haitfocd. toe Cuqmration Trust items of appropriations but they Reg. 84,98 ...... Smn f r ^ LitiGt opia, because It was I who sug­ eral mediator. Another mass co., $600; Atty. John C. Biackall, in any way- been achieved at qumtion his power to refuse to lOoiMH PliBn. No uootf Bo a rh e e gested to Mrs. Kennedy that ri»e a sacrifice of national security,” NduNv oainiod Mirfooo lo flood oofl. -nationally advartitad $hirts. march on the cmmty comtoouse I WATtttw«i The American AnO-Viri­ Queen; Wife’s follow legislative dlrfctlves on INFANTS’ and SS l M ootaSoSSSlOGT*^ ' wear that leopard coat, and it be­ le Negroes was scheduled tor to-|,ecttai Socie^. $500; Atty. John U McNamara wrote. accounting proceduresf came so popular that this noble ' On the contrary, he listed in­ ^5 * 9 8 a a a a a a a a a a . Star bffBMNor. Boo. ^ ___. Collins, Hartford, nailways of New animal is now getting to be ex- An angry crowd of some 500 tt-TH. Appeal Heard creases in combat capability which SEEDS DRUG Sl)8PECT toidt, and it isi^ my fault.” white spectators pelted Negro' ^ be said have been obtained during HARTFORD (AP)—Inspectora TODDLERS’ WEAR the past two years. They had been F* 8 8 .9 8 His association must have made marchers with raw eggs Wednes-. , d i . d * (or the State Department of Cqa- . .. $ 4 4 9 . materials: dacron and Mr. Cassini politically-minded, for day night as the Negroes ipaiicbed . Joyceot aOCK KtgMS LDNDON (AP)'— Betty Ambati- disclosed in various previous an- sumer Protection were alert^ ♦7.98 elos called off her crusade against j nouncements. H A lX O N cotton, 100% fine in ccmimenting on all th^ gold back from the courthouse where i HARfEXHtp. (AP) — oonnecti- today fo watch for a possible oi)t- lamb. three-dimenalDnal i brorade, they had staged a prayer-vigil cut Jaycees will back, natio^ the Greek royal famUy today af- j Among them he menUoned:' . I a COTTON OVERALLS pima cotton, j of-season run on morning glory GIRLS’. BOYS’ beads, jewels and other signs of a pre^sting continued segregation I publicatiop of a reoolution calling ter Prenuer Panayotis P)pinelis I An increase of 100 per cent in seeds. Comniissioner Attillo R. 100% fat bank account, he mid, "His- here. I Ibr strong support o f diril rights agreed to give King Pari her ap- the number of nuclear warheads FrassinelU Issued toe alert attar PAJAMAS a OVERALL SETS 1 tory has sixiwn us that Jurt before A shouting, jeering crowd of of miiKsity groups, barred from peal for toe Mease of her hus- for strategic warefare forces; a 60 toe Boston district ot toe Fed­ pattons: stdids toe fall of any civtozation, pe<^e some 200 Negroes massed on an cooBiderwtion at the Jwie naUoaal band from prison, j p^r cent increase in nu- eral FDA (Food and Drug Ato woven checks and wear clothee like tobse.’’ Mr. C*a- Intersection ri toe Negro district convention by the outgoing nation­ '-‘I shall be staging no more clear forces defricqred in Western m inlstratioa) notified Uili) that $ 1 .4 9 a S U N S U IT S a TOPPER SETS idalds, sdectod piinte .siRi reminded the editon that last later, pelting city and state poUcc al preeidena. a Georgiaa. demonstrations against Kng Pari Ehnt^; a 48 per cxnt increas in Stuart T . Haiinrters toe seeds consumed in large ^B«g. 81.96 aaaaaaaaa.aaa season be predicted dothee vfoidd officers with bricks and bottlea Atty. George A; AttianeoD, who ^ d ()ueen FTedvlka' during their the number of ootobat-ready quantities might produce halhi oculars: penna-stay fit toe ^gure more anugly, and Ohe" state patrolman, QA Larry was as preeident of toe state visit here,” said the British Army diviakms; a 30 per cent ex- piBstioas similar ta| those pro­ ' sure enou^, they do.. ’T.et’s stage E. .Rush, was struck on the siMul- Oonneetlcut Junior CSiamber of wife of toe Greek Communist. ; pansion in the number ol a ir tacti Commuters Happy duced by marajuaaa. s aarcotle. S U M * a a • a a a a a a a a a and batton-down ait-doiwm demonstrations for the der by a brick and was treated Oommerce Wedneaday' night at "1 have been promised by the I cal squadrons, u d a 200 per cent Skate (Hitlets will be checked to American bosom! Lei’s march on for , cuts and bruises. DePaaquale’s Restaurant in New- prime minister that my appeal in(;rease fo special______forces for deal-BOSTON (AP)—TTiousands of see if morning glory seeds . a r e . reduced TO CLEAR sfyles: fiiD button Washington with dgns, ‘Bring A federal mediator, Macep Hub­ ingtnn. oakl today he will write to ] for Tony’s release will be put he- ing with guerrilla-t>^ threats. available, and U. they are foeiag W fsloo front, pullover back the Bosom!’ ’’ bard, an attorney in, toe OvU Jlaycee - national headquarters on I fore the king. I now have more McNamara said the saving re- ?**w Ekigland ocxnmuterk sighed bought hi large qiiaatitofa, FDA ' buttoQ <^sim>er, to two tones at grape, Oottie’a Some of toe shinieat coatumea in Rights Dirision of toe Justice Oe- bdbaS of toe Ctamectlcut group. hope for Tony.” suited tron^’(Iminwementa in qp- with rehef today over to# rail seientiata are checking too types tea UMB evening drew ot history were Oaaainl’s aitoa with partmuit, arrived In'tois tosm of Hia M ter srin aak that a roao- Mra. AmbaUeloa, 45, baa been a | jerating afflriebey,"'''a 'point on atrtka poatpqpamant Some 56,000 af aaads, "Heavenly Bine" nnd t^iered longtefl “ootyamaa'^ nBk!’ is paneled atraigiit BtUe Jadieta, ahnoat 12400 late Wednesday afternoon tution drawn up by tlie Rev. R 06- rallying ])al]it for the hundrada of which he haa placed bMvy sm- —Iiwftateiii $0,000 w4ao oommuts “Pterfy OBtea." to pee M Ihey M DLJpV SQUARE— PHONE 649-5274 tecta hi-^bemk. Tlia ' stMri^ hi. toehr out He ateo toowed and met with city offirtaie. laUar, aat Ohatta a f JBfiajr CII7 — kept ConununMta. anarcljlata, ban-the- iphaals ainea. bs came to ftw Pte-. ann ptateme „ IXxBoa'le ertae-qetaoed. (Fho- te Nsaf Tesft teom Oosmtetiont— So Mbw Yiocfo ObutiB* C hm p.) ») « B) W (Oe^ltetel an Y B ^' i' ‘ * .'I \

V h

MANCHESTER SVianNa HERA^ M ANCHES^ 00801 .THU^DAT, U. IM ■ V-. M AN C H B Sin EVENING HERALD^ MANGHESTERt CX>NN, THURSDAY;. JULY 11, 1968 -PAGE THREB^ prayer as part o t the opening i «h d pribHs soSi- the. faot that tbraa South-Windmr ensiaea In aoiiool In ligh t ^ tlM F v U E ^ n t n g Heteon ty; r: Bttsabeth Birtl^; icaiy'-, Ellen David 7Viat% Robert Whitehead, together re ic ^ Supreme Oouri deotatoew ■» Bteachard,Kenfieth. Bamberger, S M a g <>mrtet, TUs decision aaid tlwt BUe Roy Wieee, Locraine Wbykovsky, .Portor,. on HarrY-Jeffties 217 Receive Patricia Boninb, Jo-An Boudreau, Dianne Zepfsi ohd Btepben Zoidcia Of Mozatt, ^ then was a definite feeling of for AsHs reading or the redtatlan of fits Appraigers «dnts Bohwt Mark Boyla, Roger Briggs, Judith Grade m p e dimmwto oonoepdoos o f the music. Ijord’a Ikayer could hot be re­ jwrtland. RidSud' Srierright, Ateo, Jayne' AHardyee, Daiyl . Iwrerlheiem the audience quired or provided for in the We're Kept Up With The Times By AUnOED SHEDfWOUt BeHnrt Hoiioi^ Iieea Ootidto and Stephen Osmrt- Bogiey, Qjmthia Borneo, Jeori Bax­ WeU Played joyed tide work ttemendousiy, and FH^toRule j^icies or rules of the schooL mmx. itteintd M. C |y. ter, Cmolyn Besser, Richard ..Bqm- •eoorded the featured instrumen- -Six new teodiere have been ap­ S i^ ed for H yoa want to baaa yow pl*y — For 72 Years Do m a K. Porter; W a^. Kart en what yoa M fifi’frona the 5W 0- The frmrth anerter kenor roU Also, Militm CoaUt. Raymond beiger. Brace Bori James. B>^- tnbata aa enthudantic applause as pointed: Mias Ittta Oindberg, grad­ H . LMIb ; wood and roidBa, at Jtertor Mgh ttrtool " Coat. Jeanne Crouac^ Brace Der­ ram. Robert Campbell, Margaret Though we’ve kept up with the times when it comes to serv­ . t o m s CWDBEB uate o f Central Oonneotient BtBto ih v had eailbre given the fea­ On Tax Item Revcilwatijon Mcft. Oeatge B m itik E< wtth a carrtbl and attenttve ear. ’A~\otal of 917 rick, Joanne' Dixon, Dana Dono­ Carney, AUoe Ckeella, Frank ices and equipment, we have held steadfast to the old-fash­ Vjrtaata* ViH fjM lB i conducted tured .wind playen. R weh a Cbllege, to teach Grade 1 ai Or­ ■eth Piantira; nods, Otant MM ■■ all-lloM rt lamfiam u the eec- Any ef ear can bear what were named to tkm honon liaL van, Robert Dotchin, Florence Champ, David Cfalatel, Barbara ioned virtues of friendly warmth, courteous consideration thoroagUhr .pi^eadonal perform­ chard HU School; John Bek, grad­ l^tthlh gradera-tey -the flat with Downham, Joanne Eflrtman, Bar­ Oooconi, Canri Cbmbw, Michael ■Bd iB the aeilea o f ■uminer con- ance, of oourae. but aotrtehwvv Mhyor Jldni Mhdiiea has writ­ uate of Pennsylvania State Teach­ tha opponents say, hrt It and neighborly spirit of helpfulness. You’ll enjoy doing •crta known aa the Hartford Fee* trained ear to bear wiwt they do 88 namea the aeseiiM griek fol- ry EDiott, Margaret Fagan, Bar­ Dixon, Gregory Dvorak, Linda Dy- failed to oan y the oonvicMon ^ ten to the Federal Housing Ad- ers ObHege at Kiutxtown, fo u r United Appraissl Oa,' hai Porter, K^SSST^Hhted lowa with 88, and the a ia fii grade bara Fay, Nancy -Finlay, Janet ber,' Joan Fedora, Stephen Fuller, business here. 'Ural of MuUc. before a capacity mtoMtration (FHA). requesting a yean exp^enoe in Ckoiniwel,_to not aoy. the wutk>wt>ioh bos preceded engaged to nvatne Hebron prop­ m efoM l Fortnr; j ragnut and « . ia ttiiid wiM 48. Fontana, Joyce Frankland, Pa­ Steven Goodstine, S ^ '^ Hdfrick, audience tn Rloonrttekl laat n i^ t. FbiaBy came the Symphony tn tea,ch Grade 6 at Oroiianl B U admtbte lUdMrt O- x.A*/ mela FTanklin. Merle Frasier, . R waa a moat enjoyable diolce of rUHng on whether a homeowner erty, in a unanimous vola by the Easb-W eot------By grades bonaes went to: Louis Hennequln, Deborah Karp- G-n^mor., I^believe tlda to be the Sciwxd; Mias Shdrlw Klaullnsh, fS ta m u , B iRona and In k - GceiAe 8M m Shanm Goetchius, Gary Gott, Buaic. and on the whole it waa can be required by a beude to- ac­ board o f aosessor o, fiw w« to Openibg lead — -Ace af Haarta. and Helene Kieoolt. " t r 'Ct_ finest symphony ever written. It graduate of the lloLverri^ of Jgf-® M s o f tha evmd wOl ba Ang. Patricia Aerto. Joanne APorti- Mary Harrison, Ann Hflmov and Also, Ariene LaPenta, EmHy fary WeU fdayad h f the oreheatia. cumulate sufficitait funds In Ms oost the town $7,200. AM ^ “West leads ttw ace of hearts Is tremendouaiy popular and’ re- Biartford, to teach Grader 4 at 1^ «R land M ar Loatafls awteL and «*■» *■ to . A S O < T A T I O N more gradoua tempi current dur- fact that ihany homeowners have $650. He is on tha ataflt of tlw Unl- to E rm s eWb flaaMa. ao you taka it and tt Lynne Bernardi. Walli Bertram. LaOoe, Susan Lertie, Sandra Mc- Penny, lYancte Pisch, Barbara There is not a Ungle note too few, ent Wlknn, graduate of BosnMn veielty of Oonneotioafs'School for Bortar. whs worts. Mbw. bow do yoa handio Thomas Boll. Jacqueiinie Booth, Caflum, David McQuade, John Raak, Jane Roy, Kenneth Royce, feig the eighteenth century. There received notice frotn their moct- OiUege, to teach Bbiglleh at the t t S J t B f/esa/rjtasjt vfAtas araa no aenae o f haate such as ia nor. one note too meny. Aaeosacne, as lecturer-tsachar. Ha tba onltr’ Oiariea Brackett. Deborah Brad- Miohalik, Jerilyn MtiUahey, Judy Susan Royce, Richard Srtofield, Mr. MhrljoeiUB, reading o f this giage bank to pay |18 addtUonBl Orchard K l School; Oscar Auer, ■ aweaisTSfs etassT riwaweiat iwsTiTSTiea frequently encd&tered. yet the each mcofth to cover the. change to offers Yo take over the wi k ft to go on a trip Too e ^ choeen was bright and gay. the tadform fUMOl year on J t^ 1, rtTWfiTMlrif in 1964 p ro v iiM the Botlanal poihs o f ttw tnhnpo with tha kiiig> queen and to U riala)* nad* Me Ourreot Annual Dividend M D O T tA d a im The seldoni play^ Sinfonia aidered and aenaitive. The orchee- State OoUege, writfi a master’s town d^dea on having a Jart. WUIe doihg so, think aboot Tea hsldt Ip Oarr, Sandra Clifford, and E3iza- Patten, Richard Pitruzzello, Kaye Unda Villemaire, Wayne Ward, On Insured Savings 1964. d ^ ee and sixth year oertlfloate Ooncertante featuring wind in- tra responded well, and the per­ When oski^ by three town offi­ nmaaior: His aolary wonld ba go to fiawewwu tba simwmwmIm and no atUn- A-d-M-T‘d-81 ^ ” • beth Cox- Rask, Barbara Ramnuseon, Ruth Ekneet Woilett, and Douglas Zac- BRANCH OFFICE, ROUTE 31. (XIVENTRV atruments brought us to intermis- formance was better than many cials the reason for the addition, from the Univer^ty of Hartford, $1,500, in that eosa tomfS•MMpb 7Novak,- to ba eared for by ttoa to the cards la the dtagraim Also, LeAnne DeOobert; Barbara Rhodes and Doiores Ricci. carro. Idon. Here Harvey and William I have beard. Still it was apparent the bank officialB aaid it was the rem edal reading teeufiier. H e bos an ooBt. whila Ma KHllMr eMenda Thay oo|y one dtatrihofioa w WMt Donovan. Dolores Downham, Linda Also, Dorothy Riod, Judith had thiiteen years experlenoe in The revaluatlag will take Dunham. Ruth Eloeteer, Nancy Nigeria, one of the new inde­ MON..TUES.-FR1DAY Goldstein, together with James that with rebeeraals ooating the policy of the bank to obtain suffi­ start in the Amston section of the to vWt mbMi ef Mo the Haat-Weot cards, hot you Richmond, Laura Roibb, Leslie Aicobs. and Robert Sehaffer were w ay they do, there had been In- cient funch in escrow to pay a full the ciaaanocm, seven as a remed(sl ahoold eoulder all, poorible dlatri- rtwold be e reaaoaahle Flster. Sharon Flavrtl. Joan Fred­ Rubin. David R u b i n o w, Elena pendent nations in Africa, is al­ Fvtra Hniirc open till s p.m. reading teacher in CronyweB, Mid- town. House-to-house viatts wiQ ba rickson, David Gilbert, Diane Gris­ fmtured on oboe., clarinet, horn, auffident time to work out the 12 months taxes. When it was made, all appraisera canylng Idon- batksM wbea planning yoar play. game but art lor you Saenz, Barry fWmdals, Nancy Sol­ most three times the size of the LA H u I1UIII O THURSDAY 9 AM. to 8 PJ«.—WED.P CLOSED AT NOON and bassoon respectively. AD did beauties of every Httle phrase. pointed out that ttiia policy woidd (Setownt, Guilford and OM Say- t* Ito. and Mm. AMort Too are In danger t i S j i f one know your ptefetrod fkul .eoa- wold. Sharon Owqrek, Pamela omon, Christine Stephens, Bruce British Isles or about the con^- brook. tification cards. In caae of own­ Hamilton. Paul Hold, William n thie job. with the Goldstein The general effect was far better create a hardship on the home- er's absence a card w fll be leCt. OooHdgn M t Safarday kM to opponent hna aU Ikiur o f the mloa- tract, M tt qtiiofciy and avoid Stewart, Kathryn Stoddard. Bdr bined area of Texas and Okla­ brothers excelling: True, they had than average, but there were dla- ownere, the bank agreed to post­ waky, Jacqueline on A pril 1, 19M, wID amount to July 19, 20. outs to all opening be at Phote's ptcnle grounds on ttmo wart’s discard wiU reveal MUler, Kathleen Miller. Mary Ann -Mt mundane under the dream' which a small pond adds to the even thoogh they were Payday Changes about 24 or 25 mille Instead of a aooounta. the rthmihsi, and yoa can load Mongell. Janet Noriega, and Ray- attroetiona The ploiie will ba held ie r eoBM tbfa aomnaar oboidd be cwice ouuugu JBBSC m miHid Pace. ■- Mkrod. normal 32 or 98 mlfia. ..the re- at 11:80, after the service. R eg. ^5.89 Master-Mixed Also. Judith Palmberg, Pamela The Oereuata Nottutna fo r TNeo For School Staff Mdt o f an U months budget and Bvenlng H e r a ld to send appitrarinna fay July pide op Us jart and nine. (*» use of our general ftmd sur­ S o a I h Windsor rcrrmpondfait' St. Petrel Note 18, the deadMna AppIkMtons The hMdliig trtia yon Pilkonis. Beverly Pitney, Thomas Orchesbras, wfdeh d m aoily feo^ S t Peter’s Bplapopal Chnrdi win Platt, Kathryn Poucher, ClawUa •med four aWnr players, w TRere won’t be any more *Tong plus. . .representing approximate­ Lama Kata, telephone 644-178S. sfaauld be sent to om afy o U aboot length in dtamonda, hot ly the equivalent of a nine month hold Its m om l^ service at 9, the AJfcert B. (Ray or your edoemted onr wfll trtl yoa Reed. Nicola Robinow, Donna eoraetldng of an anti-climax after paydays” for Mand iester teachers. rector, the Rev. Gordon W. Wee- Scruton. Donna Sharp, - Susan ■te tn d y beautiful Sinfonia Cbn- period.” laaine J. Wheeler. Thm are taro aomething if you look for a void SEARS R i the future aH Board o f Elduca- man, officiating. This wiS be file Sherlock. Robert Simes, WendeUn m staid e Ownnld tnlm ert, JeanM tlon emidoyea wO ba paid every Beginning July 1, 1964, the ntons of the eamp, the lint in diamoixte. The cine la what start of the new fisi^ year, the only service for the day. Hoi^ week from JUy 98 to Aug. t , and did not 'happen in the bidding. Smith. Berdine Spector. Marie Spi- i : n K -ANP I'O Benjandn. Vlobor IdooU, and la- other Nday. Oommunion w ill be celebrated. wak. Douglas Steely. David Stri- Although onatodiaiia hail been taxpayer will pay his taxes on a Local Stocks the second from Aug. 4 to 9. Mra. If Bast were void of diamnnde semi-annual basis . . . ”the taxpay­ Mary Drew, o f Hdiran wM be eoi he woold have dooUed six rpadee ra io t photo maitis. Diane Thomas, Kem Tjrler, paid on a M-weddy basis, other MRS. ROGER ALAN HARRY Marilyn Urban and Hollis Urba- amployas xeoatved their pay on the er will pay his taxes In advance Mbm Marjorie H.'Martln. head to eiEgvrt aa umiaaat lead. Blnee . . . six months due on July 1, 1964 Qnotattoas Phnrtahel by of the Dcuglaa lA ia cy staff, vriw E art did not doable, he i:annot be ■etU. House Paint MM mul ITth o f the month. k 4-H ch fr mrariim and six months on Jan. 1, 1965,” Cobom ipddlebrook. tm i. void of framonda Miee Nancy Bkeen Jrtfriee and$>wore a willow green street length Grade Eight TWa qmtam leonltad in teachers jm nlunfld g a r botM lad g. J a «r Also, Priscilla Almond, Cath­ aomethnes having to wait a third the mayor said. Bonk Btoeks has also bsm eared for at a loeal M , e t 7 »0 p m . a f M b It la pooBlUa. however, lor Wert Roger Aten Heny, both of Maa- dress. Both wore corsages of vriiite Our chemists compared all important quality TERMITES? The mayor assumes, In his let­ Bid Asked reot hente, is reported greatly im­ to be void of diamnnila ainee he roses. erine Anderson. Hel.en Arciaz. weekend for their ebacka recetv- oervioe oHIoe. Roefcvfila The par­ ibeatar, eawhnnged marriage vowe ter, that the taxpayer win put Oonn. Bonk and TrtMt proved, and is now at her hoou, vraold have ho reason to dooUe A reception for 100 was held in Diana Asvestas, Lynn Bacon, Paul Jfo Sure...Ca» BUSS iag thma lha fidloavlng trtwutmy r te o f thla meshng. wbk h is et N arth Xetbodiet Church on Baknlski, Robert Baacetta, Om- aaide 13-4 each month in an fid^- Co...... 70% 78% the 1750 bouoe, as known. She w U heU doe to tha ggowlug even i f he were void. the church hall. When leaving on REAFEEHOHEHSmnOII the pay data happened to fan on a stance ^ y r e r , Deborah Reimhe, factors... in every category, this point matched flunilay. tion of the tax Increase due In Hartford National spend the sunamer months j ia horaa jodging, ia to hi drawing three roonde of June I. a motor trip through Oxmecticut, you lead a David Bengtaon, Zina Berfriik, Zneal teaciiar crganlsaHona bad 1964. B y so doing. It Is understood, Bank and Trust Go. 66 M % cuperating; beforo returnhig to k- memhera tobeeom e m oreaM M d ln trampa you lead a low diamond to The bride is a daughter of Mr. Mrs. Harry wore a three-piece suit braiy dutieo, having been grant­ dnmmy’e ace. taUag oat tiwnr- of powder blue jersey. T te oou]9e raqnaatsd the changeover numer- he wHl be prepared for the addi­ Fire Insuraaoe CompaMea ■9 19m w w iH iy and iStm . Maynbrd R. Jeffries, 186 other best sellers. ooB times In the past. This apuing, tional tax burden. Hartford Fire ...... 66 70 ed leave of absence ontfl the eom- be devoted to taarte jod gld g ance agalnrt the one void poeei- Green Rd. The bridegroom la the w ill live at 420 Wintfarop A ve.; New When the bank originally National Fire ...... 115 123 ia g folL UHty Mat yoa have worted ooL son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin E. Haven. fe a fte r a poB o f file teachers, the oeduras and to tha nos o f t The reel le easy. quested sufficient funds In escrow Phoenix Fire ...... 116 128 CTambahe W erk en inoiogy. Jmtor liadw wfil find Harry, 143 Mountain Rd. The bride is a 1900 gnimuate of payroll departmant dediled to ef- Manchester High SchoU.^ and is fa ct On dBUge beginning with the to pay a fUU 12 months payment Ufa and Indemnity Ins. Ooa Sub-oommittee members eq>- this Infocmntl oM heipM la The Rev. H. Oagood Bennett w fleeol year July 1. OB July 1, 1964, they were requir­ Aetna Oasuedty...... 107 114 poioted to serve af Hehron’s an­ ing poimger 4-H’eia. (M performed the double ring cere- employed by the Travelers Insur­ AWNINGS ing twice the amount necessary os Aetna life ...... 160 168 nual Amerkna Region’s dam- nnony. James MoKoy was otganiat. ance Co., New Haven Branch. The only aix monthe would be due at CJonn. General ...^.*.164% 172% boke, as ahnounced hy Ckndr. Bouquets of white gladiok dec­ bridegrcx>m is a department mana- that time. H tfd. Steam Boiler . .132 142 ^ at King's Departlueut Stora, C M M k c | M Howard E. Porter, ara; Foed and oanoMeMent. C Fkrt Yarag 8r. (OWM w) a a i M b Mteieoeel (Chrt) Iftvito T ra to orated the oanctuary. The mayor then quotes a paa- Travelers ...... 196% 208% conduct o f boke^ Leonard Porter, The bride, given in marriage by 7ew Haven. Osratey Atareephree mS Am O NLY Steak H o t m to T e n r a OBge from the Coniwctlcut mort­ Puhlio UmiUes EmU Ramhiwh, Louis BeBotte, her fbifiier, wore a floor-length, WANTED. WARM FEET gage form ”. . . the homeowner Oonn. U ^ t Pow er . . 85% «% Edwin Jofanson, Obuence In k ­ * ttBUMNnKAKDlMNEM silk organza gown, designed with I I tc 15 Aepces is required to have in escrow a sum Htfd. Electric Ught FORU, Italy (AF) -- Ruins of ing; entertainment. Robert Mott, 1 P A U L 'S 1 ' * LOB81KB8 AND SEAFOOD a sabrlna neckline, kmg rteevee equal to the ground rents. If any, n ew ...... 4 1 % 42% George Smltli, Q. Eari Porter, with points ait the wrists, a scal- an ancient Roman villa liave bean found here with a built-in fioor and the taxes and ^ledal aases- Hartford Gas Co. ... 88% 40% Richard Parker, Walter W. Don­ Starts Tonight! 1 A DAILY LUNOHEONS Iqped tiered skirt of ohantilly IMMMrE-R! Gallon amenta next due. . . .” Southern New Ebigland m ADULTS ONLY s 1 S I E A K 1 A AlOXE BANQUET FACILmES heating, system dating to the 1st ald, J ^ Ktdimyeh, and the He­ lace, terminating in a chapel- CJentuiy B.C. T f the foregoing is correct,” the Tel^Uione ...... 61 04% bron aportsman’s chA> memhera . ” XRirmn AA8B0XBS IRUVIRSK length train. Her fingertip veil of U tc thtt Mtttt? IW tt mayor argues, ”... the homeowner Manufacturing Oompaalea The mosaic flooring ■twi founda- i Axk>k* Bknpaaai wM be $a BURNSIDE EVENT TEIDAT ...... | M I UkJsion was attarted to a crown tions of the villa were uncovered! In South Windsor wlO he treated In Arrow, Hart, Heg. .. 61% 65 1 H O U S E 1 of seed pearls, and she carried a aster mixed a discriminatory and unjust man­ Associated Spring .. 17% 18% while digging the basement ta x a ; M - oasoiule bouquet Of White roeee modern home in this c t^ near | NO MONEY DOWN ner If he ia required to accumulate Bristol Brass ...... 1 1 % 12 % A JOAN JOYCE TRIO with a white orchid center. sufficient funte in each year to Dunham Bush ...... 8% 7 the Adriatic coast. on Sears Revolving Charge Account f l i p r I'.i S c,. I 7 i 0 N E 0 a h d l Its bn EYERY FRL eed SATl EVES. Mtee Margaret E. Jeffrice of BILL TUNSKY pay a fun year’s taxes on July 1 N. B. M iochine...... 23 96% OPEN SUNDAYS There was an air space under Manchester, sister of the bride, was the mosaic so the floor would be i of each year when only a six North and Judd .... 16% 18 TkL 878-lStt mold o f hottor. Miss Joan Bed- months levy la due on that date.” Stanley Works ...... 19 90% DDONO BO(HI CLOSED MOMOlAiri warmed-by air brought in through! STATE narz of Wethersfield and Miss tubes from a central h eath y sys-j • Applies easily with brush or roller Ri view of these facts, the may­ Veeder-Root...... 46% 50 Rdberta Harry of Manchester, tern. I or aaked the FHA office to rule on The above quotationa are'not to KATXNEE 9 PJL sister of the bridegroqm, were the power of a bank to require a be oonstrued as actual markets. ■lag ‘TMTEET at €:96«:8i9 bridewnaids. • Hides well, has remarkable durability someoavner to accumulate twice nCABZAN” A t 8:66 The attendants were attired in the amount o f the tax levy In his APARTMENTS AVAILABLE sheath dresses of peau de sole, • Resists mildew, .peeling, chipping escrow account as due on a given TORONTO (AP) — A sharp EAST WINDSOR fashioned with a scooped neckline, date. swing away from apartment hous­ elbow-length sleeves, and an over­ • White cleans itself with each rain Aok 24-Room School es to detached and semi-detached, skirt. The maid of honor wore yel­ The .board of education is rec­ single-family homes has been not­ lowy and carried a ccucade bou­ FREE • Colors resist fading, stay truly bright ommending to the Town Council ed In the metropolitan area of To­ U* Se Rtiti S quet of small yellow carnations. KODAK HLM that the town build a 34-room de- ronto. The three largest suburbs EEOLUSIVE! 1st MHVS-IN MOdnifCil 'The bridesmaids wore aqua, and mentaiy sdiool in the north-cen­ approved 61.8 per cent more per­ carried cascade bouquets of small tral portion of town to bouse mits for singje - family homes HELD OYER BY PW ULAB DEMAND aqua carnations. Oradee 1 through 8. In April 1963, than in April The Meet Aeelalmed Film ef Att H aw ! Richard Nelson of Manchester I W H te i This school ahould be ready fo r 1862, while apartment iq)provala served as best man. Lawrence M. occxgMnoy no later than Sept. dropped SO per cent COMPANION FEATURE Jeffries, brother of the bride, and 1965. The statement of educational Meanahlle, apartment landlords Richard Smith, both of Manchester, needs used fo r the Orchaitl win emphasiss swimming pools, ooa nr "BEST PICTUREr were ushers. LlfiGEH DRUG STORE elem entoiy qohool may be used as two months’ rent free, and elabo­ Fnasy C»-HU— Mrs. Jeffries wore a navy blue the boalc statement for the now rate decor to fUl up their sulteo. •oHO at The Pufcade— 404 Middk Tpke. W est sohool. PEGGY CUMMENGS street length A ’ess with white ac­ cessories. Th<(|Mdegroom’s mother One-Coat Acrylic Latex The board wfil also note in its *Catry On Admiral!** letter to the oouticD that an ad­ dition to the high adxxd diould be EAST Interior Flat Paint ready by Sept. 1966. This rocommeaidation'waa based TONI6 HT on projected enrollments submit­ H/utm R ead Herald Adyg. ted fay School Supt. Merle B. A f 8 :3 0 Regular Price WoQdmansee. The pi^ectiona were n u T DKTvx-iN SHOwma based upon current school regi*- SKK R FBOM m KDOB $6.49 Gallon OF TODS SKAT - COLOR tration, enumeration figures for AT POTUIAE PRICES Gallon the five-year period in question “ T h e Y o o iie R a c e rs ” (1963-64 through 1967-68), and a Once over does the job— covers any color! Remarkably (fuick 5 per cent Incraase per year to PLDB TIOLBHT DRAVA nr -hour drying ipeans you can paint and use your room the “California^ estimate the growth of the sebod same day. Completely ^orless. Lead-free pigments for tots’ poptdation. TOHMUR According to these figures, lH s a fe ty . clasBrooms wiB be needed: 96 ANNUAL SHOE rooms at Avery Street School; 24 Aluminum at Orchard HUl; 21 at Pleasant Valley; 28 at Union-EUsworth; and M at Wapping. Howwer, Egfansion there are only 108 rooms availaUe in the system: 24 at Avery; 24 at EAST HARTFORD CJLEARANCEI Ordiard HUl; 16 at Pleasant Val­ ELLINGTON ROAD Ladders ley; 20 at Union-BIfakrorth; and BRADLEY GROUNDS 24 at Wapping. S. WINDSOR TOWN LINE Therefore, the proposed new 1 6 -F oo t sdxxd would not onfy reUeve over­ Save 10.00 to crowding at Wapfdng, faut also Pttsh -ttp overcrowding in aU other schools. TUES., JULY 16 The board wiB request an opin- AUSPIGES B.P.OJL 18M 8 9 : 0 8 9 14.96 NOW ! from Town Attorney EkKvln Ideal handjonan’s ladder! Has automatic on as to the legality of spring locks, pressure-sealed rungs, rubber tlwir pokey regarding a ailent feet. Smooth-sliding sections separate, make 2 ladders. Smartalre Shoes Reg. Priced 20-ft. size 18.44 24-ft. size 21.95 N O W ! Ends Tuesday From $6.99 to $9.99 • ADULTS ONLY e "Dintt in Aiiflittiittc Colonial Afmosphoro'* BURNSIDE Mow 8t onMsnAng priooL pour favorite fEE pEHME tti PYQUAUC INN vtaaiaanien ' COMPLETELY AIR-OQNDCnONED Smaiteiie riioee tirnt prove faihiOn b tt 161 M AIN ST.. WETHERSFIELD. CONN. look—not ft piloel Ghodw from flirtaUiagi TEL. 629-9468 o AMPLE PARKING ' Bftt% siiftit dieviy. og telWed pomps. SMORGASBORD •I In the sBaaon's moit vMDtod oolon aod l ^ i b a N B Our Best Posable 4-Cylinder Portable A F e a tu re s^rkft. Not si itaes Ifi al i^fatt Craftsman Sprayers Tank-Type Sprayer hiiiaHw ll. IwU’irwiewt Hr-T«y hwi W E D N E S D A Y Good, Thrifty Soon Dttcor-Eitt siTAii s nitiii SATURDAY. 6 to 9 PJL. JPHftEEBA TIE lEIIILTI THE H (»a: OF EllEITIELLI uiriEcemAisci SUNDAY, 8 “to 8 PJL Lat«cFlatPaittt HoiMtt Pcdiits BIU IMA temiiwM ELEPIXIT lE ll 0000 r o o D 1 4 0 5 0 TIE iicoaruAiu. vstis.raafM Regular 159.50 • Ilin U I lllllt TIEIFE LUNCHEONS eM kiM AJLtos l I J S t t p Regular 84.95 ■OUA’E iM u m D INNERS.... k m s p j l • PJL 2 Gal. * 5 2 Gal. *5 f i Y T m H c E j i p m w Powerful % H.P. motor, piston type sprayer lets -Completely autonfatic. Sprays any paint, lubri­ EX IfLLtI i D E L IC IO U S S U N D A Y lERS Smoofiw OB oeailj with you paint 4 to '6 times faster than with brush. cant! Up to 3.0 Qfm at 60 psi. Ruggedly built, EKmcuiAi MctAimuTiHcstnaift 18 N O O N T O 8 P J L roDor o r bruab, le waah- A boon for low budgetet Spray adjusts from fine to wide fan,, no messy works fast. Has pressure regulator, 7% 'gallon TIAIIID VIU AlWAUFUline ArtMAn S(PECIAL FRIDAY NIGHT-^WHARFSIDE DINNER ■bte. Tbote werti oleen. S OjpM OB beeuttfuUy with overspray. W ith ^ ru ^ n d hose. tank, siphon or pressure feed gun. % H.P. KiHMMuic Dou* NEiEi.aen raunu Main St. brush o r roller. 8 eoiora. v-nAt-aaioaK nru 1 lUBKaMFitaa CLOSED Reaqiiet and party roam avaflaUe fhr ^&emarSl^skif LITTLE lilt Ell lEIIIL llU m 4 rtan n t m.liMnav jgpi ipjR weddlBgR banqueUrand holiday portiea Manchester Shofqiing Parkade Free Store-Side Parking MONDAYS ean 82»«MS. ^llop at Sears and Save Weiit Middle Turnpike—643-1681 ‘ 9 PAL aad 8 P-li.' MANCHESTER PARKADE Open 9:30 fL t/ L to 9 P3I. Comfortably On AdmiraT Chttdren 8L06, Sttrittiftctiaai G furanteed er Y o o f M oney Back SEARS (Tuesday, Satorday fill 8 PJM.) A^'Conditio^ OPiN WEDNfSDAY, THURSDAY owl PRIDAY iqOMTS T U f

fci '».'L i 1 ^ -.' ■'

r \ r \ > ■ "i. , v -rl'T"' f:. I T tr- ■.

■ r ■ -a’ . ,f • >1 i. • ... P A C T W r M V' »■ ** ' NUNCOSffRa N TIE ^ nSALD. MANG^ESTEI^ O0lN»,‘THtJ!»I)AY, JULY W| 19« ■- U . C , r ' - ■ .yv “ r ' ~ lUNCffllSniili EVENING HERALP* lUMCHMnEBy OC^,* THIJBSAAYr^ULY U , ^ « 1 . - . r p ■ ^ ", " • V-V'V ' '■ ■ ; ■/ . School Stand . . .4T '.O''.' . • ' '• " - ..A' ' GaveWallace Another Grand Union EXCLUSIVE SizeinSbuth P o n io u s ' By U X ninMAa VONTGOlOatT, Aim. (AP) - Mcrirey. ^ an Almlmmm poUticml - flcure. Gov. George C. ft^Umce mmy bmve emerged from the Untver* •ity o f Almhmmm rmeiml crlaia a. taller man tbaa ever before. Him "sclioolbaase .,door” atand agalnat the admittance o< - thrM Negro gtudents to the univeiMty, aUiough unaucceoaful, 1# the m non for a greater nreeUge. 7i Wallace atlll eUaga to the Ix ^ that, aomAoar, he will convince the federal courta that tha three Negroea were lUegally admitted to the unlveralty, where Confed­ erate otOcera trafned a century ago. ^ H O I N S A I N J SAVE CASH... Recently, the nnlveraity hoard • ( truateee, o ( which the governor la ex-otflclo preaident, asked the Get BLUE STAMPS tod U.8. Sth Chcult Court of' Appeala a t DOUBU STAMPS to aet aalde the Dtatrict Court or­ der which put the Negroee in ^•98-6.98 echool. EVERY WEDNESDAY Much of the praiae In the atate for hia reftiaal to-leave the achool houae door until federallsed lan d O 'LAm BUTTER & €8‘ tlonal Guard troops marched onto the campua ie baaed on the ab- POKQHT IT... ■ence ot mob violence. Wallace FAKIIHOIISE FIO IElf %»H.h 'yeu .hop GronJ-Wey. FREE bad aealed o ff Bm univeraity with H'untiot (or e .p .t to frop state tn>open,k And Iwd National dio lom lly bu» eon t^ o o Guardsmen on standby duty ba- let of lough* out of life... CREAM PIES %33‘ w ith fota they ware called Into federal ospociolly when the only service. parking »pol apaa furnt up Encouraged by the aupport, the • «ix blocks and on ■rmlut of 100 WITH THIS COUrOH AHD TASTY this nrenor has hdensifled hia de- hoovy bondlos away...with tAILORIB Srmfaiation to withhold Alabama’s ktdt« yotl You*ra antitiad A niRCHASI or $5.00 Ot MORE c o u p o n electoral votes from Prseldent «n aosiar tint# thon that* •S% DACRON - nnM BLUE Kennedy In next year's election. NO MOBl Coma anjoy il. Porkings |C*C«Wl BMT W»W CiM fOWwl B«M BAKED BEANS •::r49*’ He traveled to Jackson, Was fraa ond ao»y at Grond-W«y to help organise a companion in­ CUTTINO STRAP8I 95% COTTON STAMPS 3 COUPON GOOD THRU lAT.. JU LY j p . GLORimA-SUCDuRlHVB #HAA dependent elector drive there. BITTIB IHUrOM COUPON PtI CMTOMf • it the two states, and poaalbly PADDID A ethers, do rebel against the n tlonal Democratic party again, UHPABDIO WALK SHORTS I i'* t I I ELBERTA PEACHES 3-ir^ P Wallaee may head a states nghta pP^dential ticket. MODILSI 1 of an unidedged elector DTCHEIf CAID n would be to force the MeCBon into the Bouse of Repre­ sentatives. Wallace has no illu­ sions that -he could be elected on SALAD DRESSING * 3 9 ' a third party ticket But be may have other political n S S H F A X ambitions—pwhape the U.8. Sen­ ate. Or a secimd term as governor H N E A P m 4 ^$loo atartli^ in IVTl, The state consti- tutkm {Hohihlts the governor from DRINK GRAPEFRUIT succeeding hlinself. 8en. John Sparkman, Democrat, eomes up for re-elecUon in' 1986, A n d AlAVUBfBi hut Wallace oaakbi't oppoee Mm t.—ar urifc.T* * n o s then. The governor Is dlsquaUfled Summer Food Guide by law from occupying any elec­ SODA »**5P0SIT 4 l 8 9 ' ■ ON'AINS RKiPtS fOR tive state ofBce fhr at least a 1 .A 9 lA C H con year after the, es^lratlon of Ms • ‘ .it, lor Giili ,ind Ptitio term in 1967. Foetoring 65% D «w a polyw- • Summrr G.i'd'-n Spccidltios If Wallace hu designs on the tor 33* 0 »tteii; fortrol poly- Senate, he w ill M ve to wait until • Cool bur^.m, r D' ostor L cotton; Mmbod wovow Sen. Lister ttli. Democrat, comes The newest thing In bros... cotton plaids, poplins shosrs • V.' .ght itrh' •,' '■■urnmiT FoOC iq> again in 1968. im T O CATSUP 2 ’S r 4 9 ' One critic who disagreed with t o every fdthionl No more A batik fabrics 1 Ass*t solids Wallace's promised defiance wi cutting straps or uncomto- fancies, cotton madras plaids sJu Alabama’s lA. Gov. James B. toble clew*! Stretch A checksi Ivy .doll A seM- Allen . strops stoy porfoctly In belted styling! Custom tailofed After the crlaia, Allen told a plaeo...thoy only movp Montgomery cM c club WMIace fsoturas, 29-42 w u Ie d r i n k A ; : : * ! ' ”’ SPRAYSTAROl '1^ 29* bad “matured as a statesman. Qs whon you mpvo! Woor thorn laid aside some political conald- off th« thoJldor, shouldor aUUD BRANS A . MAc erationa and reached fun pblltleal tip or rogulor potition ! maturity.’’ Poddod & unpoddod modols MTERGENTmZSrAS'’ Alabama newspapers generally in whito cotton! A B l> C I I' / cheered Wallace. The Montgom­ ciipi, sizes 32-40 I <' ery Advertiaer. wMch disagreed ■ABBGO ^ 4 M . BoomiBfioBmi , n f i , with the wisdom of the s^ool- bouse door stand but conceded the lambs WudSirawierrt ^ 9 9 emor was' obligated to carry OREO CREMES J ^ 45*’ out, said, "Among Southern^ r governors, he baa a very distinc­ eiAMip g k t k , tive posMan and will be very wauctnuMnaca A . CfOO much In demand over the eountry COOKIES 3 5? 1 SPRAYSTARCB ” 2t 39* as a ^leaker.” wrep^»d^^^"g° Slow pri«** SWEET-LUSCIOUS Miss Cohen Grad Of Mandl College

Susan Ellen Cohen, d a u ^ te r o f lb. Mr. and Mra. Sol R Cohen, 61 FAMOUS BO OAL. Jordt St., was graduated yrnder- MAKS SMCBERRIES day from Mandl College of Medi­ BLASTK cal Technology,' New Torfc City. MUs CMten. a 1961 graduate of 4 S B C Manchester mgh SchooL„has ac­ OABBAOi nCE FROM cepted employment in Shmrt Hills, MILMAC N . J. CAN LAMB ( P THE WESTERN OmNlBWARI CHOP WORM nBM 8QDIRBIS , Our Sop. ORCHARDS > Discount OOLJJNSVIlAiE. Conn. (A P )— Prieo 3.9T A service station operator who Ceaporoblo ^Hh bonus tni sella worms to fishermen was 9.00 Voluo 17.96 Only Tt warned that dispensing cut-up A hotisehoM must! lU S l'C lIS P ttUr. lA lti lOM worms in place ct whole ones Spring Bouquet or Golden Silver color with o block could place him in violation of a Wheat patterns! Can't be top! Lock typo lid! Easy ou n g COOHTRT IM » state law agalnsf misrepresenta­ harmed by detergent, hot to clean I CUCUMBERS BANANAS RED PLUMS tion. woter or dishwater ! 8 din­ PVancis M. Gerss, deputy com­ Get IS "droTBSir missioner ot consumer producUon, ner plates,' sondwich pla­ UTBR acted on complaint of a resident tes, soup-cereals, cups A m Stan vo S..25' 2 . 29' . 25' who said he purchased a can of soueers! 1 platter, vegeU ii§!—J lb. PLUS a wonna for $1. Instead of 48 worms, able bowl, sugar bowl with he .diumed that he received only ®hanct to 13, each eUt Into four pieces. ’ soyor A croomorl MAKE L n m USIER And Ton Get 66 O h e o f Trlple-S Blue Stamp. CHOPS UTCBEN 6ABDEN ^ CNAA WINDOW SHADES FRENCH FRIES WASHABLE ronTuMBCHOPS INTERSTATE M E VYE Si£S. 2k 39< 2k 29' AQUA SHADES ' 'i f t tc Made to Order CE...IVE SO fgOtiLDSIt CHOPS LDun^ 2st35* m!Sc(HJ«.2s^39* W WW With Toor Roltere Fan Liae of Custom s VENETIAN BLINDS OH SALB E isa PATtttS onojSn£s±::2,.89'’----- ..Ill I. I « ■ I .iijii I ri " 89‘ ■ > . cBon KJctMtlfLotUL NJtUpjjHW'T^UeA.i L A. JOHNSON FRIDAY i!5I«H»«io ABB H P * PAitrr oo. ■ tO R N IH g r u n flE N C H APPLE ur CBBim 72^ Main 3U TeL MI 9-4501 combuuM iia s v c d M s i yia sT s b b v i d i @m3S ^fc. PINEAPPLE PIE DISH DETERGENT PULL SIX! CORNED I STURDT S-WIB ^ NOW N O W 9 9 k 49' ‘ ALUMINUM A O U lS f _ muummmwmim RiUWOOD CHAIRS ^ p o u n d CAKE RING 2~ 49* I "iiirSS* ------i rAWiYMa — And Ton 3 .n ” Get SO . 7 . 4 7 » ground BEEF .65- OUR REGULAR PRICE coMOABsayie.eg ^89® SjSbdbacon F O » a u * ° ' WAS 7.34 FOR 2 VEAL STEAKS « n a “S*<5Sw ■Ml biack See'pojes 27on(/ M « j f08l LIMIT S MBM M8T8M -^PPEB CiMoperative poiaes baaed an aawaat aqalvalaa* valeaal . “ SS®”*"

V— - m ■ T - 7 ; ■>■ IV iS-. MANCHESTER PARKADE, MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST • OPEN MON. THRU SAT. 9:30 A.M. TO 10 P.M. -U I f . j . > «-


MANCHIESTER EVB3QNO HERALD. UANCHBSTER^ OONK./^[HURSDAY lU 1068 f A < » 9 B V I K pAffie 8or BANCHESnS EFBWIMG BBSALl^ HMNCHESTtoL OQIfii:. THOBSDAT, JULY 11, 1068 ______------w ----- ' - ^ -- - -t - T i Ex-Envoy Aciks ’

riNE STu AND HARTFORD RD. Staff Cute in / . UeSeLegationd •* • 'r*- • WASHINGTON (A P l-T stok Into -i' ^ any U.S.. embassy to tba warM. except pCTh^pa to areas «( Africa - \ where things ara not too com­ fortable, and what do you aea? Attaches, administrators, rSha- i bUitators, military man, toforma-- tio.i specialists and men tietog up loose ends—"far too many peo­ ple.” This, at least. Is tha way things seem to Ellis O. Briggs, tt. who i ' has set Washington afiina with his obeefvatians about tho dtotcmatic missions ha served for $7 ycers. St. and HARTFORD ROAD . • 'r ,/ 'i '' He expressed his views to an 'tx interview, and elso in testimony PIk* Studio to a Senate subcommittee on ns- tionsl security staffing s^ d opera- Engaged Uons, headed by Sen. IHenry M. The engagement of Misa Nancy Jackson, D-Wash. | Xarie Browning of Live Oak, Fla., - Even senators who did not to'Carl 'Laurence Maaxtal of Man­ share Briggs’ views on non-pro­ chester has been announced by her fessional ambassadors and the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Peace Corpa—he opposes b o th - Burton Browninj^ of Live Oak. commended the retired diplomat Her fiance is the son of Mr. and for his ability and candor. Mrs. Carl Stanley Masital of 82 Sen. Jack.ion said, •'Ambassa­ Goodwin St. dor Briggs is a pro to the very Miss Browning is an honor gradu­ best sense. He has had the confi­ ate of Suwanee High School, where dence of three Republican admin­ she was chosen for the Hall of istrations and three Demi^ratic Fame in recognition Of scholarship administrations.” . and leadership. She has won many Many embassies, Briggs ssiw. dancing awards, and has appeared could do with half or less of their in summer stock' at Yarmouth staffs. In nearly every case the Mass: Sh^is a Junior in the school people are loyal, conscientious of Arts and Sciences at Florida and hard working. “It's Just that State University, Tallahasee, where there are far too many of she is a speech and English major, them.” Briggs says. "They chjttfr and Spanish minor. up the premises." " Mr. Masztal is a graduate of Briggs added that about 80 per Manchester High School, where he TOTS’ IRIS' cent of the over-staffed embas­ was a member of the swimming sies are headed by political ap­ and track teams. He served.three SLEEVELESS WASH W Wl pointees as "inexperienced to dip­ years in the paratroopers of the SUMMEI lomacy as to directing an army U.8. Army. He is a Junior at ^ Q L O R o n corps, a fleet of warships or an Florida State University, where he air force.” Is on the dean's list, and majoring SENIOR COnON SHIRT PLAYWEAR Most Cabinet departments—es- in government. He was a member p ^ N - U N C S BliOISES x:ially Defense, Commerce, at Uie FSU circus in his freshman reasury. Agriculture and Justice year. —have people in the embassies, Surf and so 6o other agencies “ all the 24” G R ILL DRESSES M way from one end of the alpha­ bet to the other,” he aald. Group Directs The average U.S. embassy. Eo. Briggs says, is groaaly over­ X/ staffed, particularly by agencies Gripes About $0 .0 0 other than the State Department. State Department officials shied away from any direct answer to Poor Housing * 4 . 9 7 Jamaicas, pedal pushere, Briggs’ comments. They did esy gome with UnainJcabie Uo-hf ■ * eahtn boys, shorts, crawl- Foreign Service personnel were pant'*' m , sunsults, in denim and it sent abroad unleM it was felt By JOT BmLLER ueker prints, stripes, fir — , * th^ were neceesary. NEW YORK (AP)—*‘My baby 1.28 ” 1 and solids. Bri^gf declined to name em­ !• ' - ■ . * Ehumd heat-resistaot bowl, adjiistable grill • Full sweep unpressed pleats was bitten by a rat iast night— Mae ahdmaisa. drSelf belts' - bassies ho considers pvetatsffed. the third time. The landlord says heights, chrome plated grill. Sturdy, rugged. p ool o r M m f. but impiie n v naMONE WOlOliy wOpWCTIOn ^ A B A R D W E Mrs. Samuel Hartwell .‘‘We keep AHOY! -'^Today there isN;i^y one Ameri­ running recoras on the status of can ambassador mT the entire world (Howard Jonesvs, ambassa­ each 'com pli^ t. We follow up with . . . CoevdalBd opes stock iMkoom Pieces! EASY.CARE ACMLAN dor to Indonesia) who '^ s been phone checks and- make on-the- SOLID OAK KING SIZE DELUXE •a live Bcene inspections. We go to court 9 NAUTICAL at his post for as long «■ five LA to see how the cases Are handled. CHOICE OF; years. The average, the lasT I looked it up, was less thAiKA And we keep files on landlords. Wagon Wheel We cap^put out at random cards 6 WEB CHAISE year and a half.” Bedroom Units jsl Bunk Bed, ladder that s^iow an owner has paid 80 $ < 0 0 One way to cut down embassy ''x and g^ard radl ’ 3 . 9 6 staffs, he said, is for staffs of fines./which is still cheaper than “SSnsey a* im . . . you’ve aald this many tunes to describe DOUBLE TUBULAR ARMS sametfMag toqgh. rugged and durable . . . these handsome comlated Splndel Panel Bed'' foreign sdd missimis to pull out fixing the ceilings or getting rid Bachelor Chest /' of jrh ts.” aedbeom f itrej are skillfully crafted in beautiful, natural grain solid when projects are finished. Rancher 3- / Only once has the five-day- •aJk. Ybpa Cm duiahility and rustic beauty, these authentic reproduc- “ When you terminate a pro­ aSsms: ec pfnweer Americana will fit gracritoily into your master bed- Drawer Desk/ gram you don't automatically get a-week service ..been, interrupted. Low Boy Ch^t That’s when they were forced to team . . . m stand up to the toughest abuse in the children’s room rid of the Indians.” ..be said. amfl merm lose their g o ^ looks.' Mirror $19^ "Some try to remain Indefinitely, move to new quarters because the 4-Drawer/Chest ^ f a in t Roller city’s department of buildings said heather. tieing up loose riids. As they ex­ OPEN STOCK BEDROOM “COLONY Nile Stapd $19.88 $C.97 plain It to you." theyi were violating the build­ COlXJHTnON.'* Buy the baskt pieces you Chair $18.88 «nd TRAY 4 ^ ing code by using their hotel need NOW : . .additiciial pieces may be Comer Table apartment space for commerical purchased as the family grows: $19.88 purposes. Cuban Te^n-agers Straus commented wryly that he was pleased to find the depart­ See Executions ment enforcing the code. ” VVe only Non-Cliii***5^^ 12 Vi G au ge wish that the thousands of New strong Firestone -/cion ]’ MIA^U. Fla. (AP»—A newly ar­ Yorkers in - our slum neighbor- 36” H ig h r webs, in green and white rived (Juban refugee youth says hoods whose a p p ^ to the build- combinations. Adjust to Button front with teen-agers are forc^ to witness Jngs department ‘so often go un­ h i gAX*0»°*” , four positions, fuU folding. overslse nautical execuUons,of anti-Cdstroites in his heeded could g ri the same kind Mvjb ca rta s Revere 1” aliunlnum. pockets. Perfect homeland! of attentiem.” for beach, casual He said Wednesday that young Call for Action was stsuled when lOff or lounge wear. Ctommunists relish the spectaclg WMCA was nmning a hard-hitting roU ^ pi-i- fntot Mid h ^ . f V Sizes small,.me­ blit Uiat others like himself seven-part documentary on the dium and large in found it repugnant. i housing situation. At h r ; same with DOUKE-COATEPI Heavy Steel resUta dis­ easy-care cotton. "Before the firing squads g o)to time, a group o f women taking MJPGET riam aa to **- work, some young people taunt a course in community leadership tortion. Weathrt _tos2Sto3S. TERMS resistant, gal^^ the rictim.s with statements jpte reached the conclusion that bad BC^V.S’ find G IR L S - ‘take a last look at the caskets in bousing situation. At the same nized life. 30” - which they are going to put linquency and other big city prob­ you,’ " ssiid Luis Torres Perez, 17, lems. They tried to figure out who escaped his homeland by . ^-dather upnen. . s a n d a is ■ ’ ,x4x48” htob$n.»0a«>0'«>'‘’ S-WEB FOLDING something they could do. small boat. It so happened a member of the Torfes ssdd that in Santa Clara, class was Ellen Straus, wife of 5’ FENCE POSTS...... * where' he lived, “this macabre WMCA’s president. The rest came WESTINGHOUSE S a -S -5 ‘ 1 . 3 7 A* FENCE POSTS . spectacle is set up two o f three about logically. FAMOUS CURAO ALUMINUM times a week.” "W hy not?” asks Peter Straus. .>■ "Private citizen efforts fail be­ 13 CUBIC FOOT cause they have no means of put­ ting on the public heat. Commun­ Danish Dog Walks ications media efforts fail because DOUBLE DOOR Only on Hind Legs they’re not sustained. But a ra­ PLASTIC CHAIR dio station and a group of deter­ mined women working together Paper ODENSE, Denmark (AP)—Puc- amnriiere in the. country seems REFRIGERATOR FIRST QUALfTY--***'*" ^ ki, a year-old poodle, has baffled unbeatable to me.” WCNIC Danish medical 'm en. He walks Thbnq SANO a l S , only on his hind lega > AeteeoHc Defrestiiig JUG BANDAGES "The dog started walking up­ Science Making . 1 All S t ^ ' right when he was three months, Picnic Plates * 105 Ul. Tnw Frccatr . . for Men old." his Owner. Carl W. Soell-' Poinsettia Obey 2 l 9 9 for Women tog, told a reporter. ”We never Mml for Chiidr*ii trained him to do it. “ When Pueld goes walking U’a WASmNGTQN—If the Christ­ Heavy Fii«st(»ie velon webbing. Full mas poinsetUa in the hriAg room I nearly always on' his bind legs. Sometime# he stands upright for kxAed better^ last year tlua in folding. Stremg 1” Revere tubular | construction. more than five mtontea staring at the paM, chances are it was - ~ r . - ^ — because oTsonte apfdied science. 100 Pkg. taiS: 1 somethtog toteresttog.'” One Danish surgeon has adtajl PninsiUia growers have learned 1 9 8 permission to take x-rays df puo- to oontrol growth with chemicals ki's pelvic region' to' an attempt and to delay flowering by Ught- wilite.* O rt UquidSt to find out why he apes the hu­ raaAtsaiBy t aigfat. ion. AH niDGET TERMS .r.'r - _ S turdy Bfiiwcnt man at^aee. BnieHliig gava Mb is Iwltod, okay, aajte. iik ito brought to Just amifiBg. ter, t^ f c j ^ lpd eiM er the; ' monnlHalton I ^ ^

IT ■' ■ 1 X -! ^ iiV ,-U

• -’ 1. l,,-

MANCHESm KVKaNO MA^CHBSnEB. CONN* THURSDAY, JULY ll, 1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CX)NN, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1968 PAGE lONB IN JUST 16 MINUTM special legislative oommlttes' to in oomiHHng its aamaament e f the to 88 tha fact ramalna tiiat, afthaugli the Two More Ete>ll IF YOU HAVE TO and grpup singing. The pro^am them e w ith "iddventuring ta mlnti»Ar.pPRINTlWg mo. maeked In official gecrecy, thfe Yankee^ ' On Tuesday, Wednesday and P A R IS (AP) — Poc every 100 NEW DELHI—Centuries before school enroll,meht rose taom I t BtlMll memberlnjg that, two irears befwe, wlH merely have to experience. Psalm 4:8 "In peace w il I both been accepted as first-year in ­ ecxeina. l a i ^ S ? ! “How Big ia Your -Wofid 7.’’ will participation will be held on the Chinese, for' their part, made their dents in the Manchester Hemorlal ■arfaee reshse. WOW m W**a*a — — Thursday nights openihg time will South ^Church campus behind or men with driving licenses ta th* invention of electric air 114,000 to 456v0i()b in the last dec­ By A.H.O. Govemor Denqisey himselC had Just ' enoufh -doulM to come iip lie down and ale^; for Thou alone, oS!, N*. Bad TkmmMir. be the! theme’ fto a iv«ek of eve­ HogStal School of X-ray Technol- be .6:30. On Friday a cookout inside the Jesse Lw House. ■' France last year there were 64, conditioning. India’s emperors ade before independence. Since arrival in Moscow the rignal for a m ade an HI fa te d pdbHe rem ark with a recommandatirii that per­ O Lord, makieat m« d w ell in John McCarrick^s Resignation ning programs for ^ung people o sy . supper, is planned for 5:30 p.m: The week of adventuring is open women as compared to only 191 used "khus khus Utties. " fiber 1957 the trend has continued and new open door.policy toward Qie It is sotnetfainc of a contradic­ in wMch he seemed to say he haps. after all, the queatloa,-being at tbs Bouto Methodist CbiBrii. In 1962. In the 10 years, the per- mats soaked' with water, to help tm safety." ,. Marc lyAvignon, aon of Mr. and The atudy periods will proride to ail young peotde in the deiig- 1 now two thirds of the primary- press o< the W est, w ith this result^ tion that that seaskm of the Leg­ would give his apfmoyal to a ao important and being so oontro- The PMimiat not only had a The actlvtUea 'w U o ^ Monday centage of iW ring licenses lssUed|gooj their palaces. BzeeM veraial, ougbit to be raterred to M i s . Oeraldl R. DAvlgnon aim I ipfinanta and obooac only tboae opportunities for activities on the nated gradea There ia no fOe for school ehUcken are in achocl. that tte Ru.esians too have now' islature whkdi did more than any measure letting the people of the way with words, but he also had g o o d s p e e d • a t its "MMUng at 8:80 pia. vrith a box wpper nerial com So, if all goes well and smooth­ DR. ROBERT J. WALSH Produced by aot otherwise credited In thle caper litical parties might conduct be- * of its deportment too. njomtng. In .complete bonfidence Mseutiva asarion from 7:30 to Boltona are selling their family and aleo the local news published here mission, made up entirely of leg- ly, if the study conuniqakm can that God would oomfimt and pro­ Marit'Leddy 10:90 la a t night. Ai' right, of republication of special— tween themselves, with much more i The most glaring and easily aftera short leave of ab­ home here and will aoon move to SlspaU'hee herein are also reserved iriators tfaemselvm, to study the merely be kept away from report­ tect him durihg the ensuing night Tbs board remarked that no West Dennis, Maaa. SEARS boldne.ss and experience. ' identified indications that this **“ - institution of betting on horses. ing 'With flat refection of the idea, alon felt privileged to be a bad law Hla plan for reatfOl sle^ can be <^8 Intematioiial^ hoard lauwduv was expected to be The Bolton house on Bolton Outstanding L O W PRICES for Craftsman run service client of N E A Serr- Each Communist side, believe This commission, in the mind the perennial e ffo r t to set iq> rac­ ours If we wiB put our cares and sence, HAS RE-OPENED 1J( il-.HrCK A N P (X) •e. Inc. ^ unto itself came in the host of pet­ isesswt at an meeUngn end placed O n te r Rd. was built around 1858 Publishers RepresentaUves Tba and design o f those wtio puriied its ing in Connecticut haa scored ith worries in His care and trust our­ Famous Acta 81” , it or not, seems to want the good ty special measures it passed, one Ha lattar of resignation on file. by Bolton’a grandfathw after he railus Mathew-, Special A g e n c y —New creation through, will have only first great ta cti^ victory thanks selves to His protection for t|M HIS OFFICE at 857 East Tork Chicagr Detroit and Bostoa. will, or at least the respect, of or two of which, when exposed to th at “ un- 'htrtxk K rich” in the gold luto one key thing to do. to the wheeling and deaUng for night ahead. When we are able to m e m b e r a u d it BUREAU o r Governor Dempsey’s veto, have IH1ATR1 AIR ' ONDI'IONSD diMtiaagy, m of '49. Axkxcding to Botton, hU Rotary and Reel Power Mowers . . . ClRCtrtA.T10NP that outside world whose opinion It will not be asked or encour­ which, mostly on petty matters, do this, we will find a reel un- Center Street for the proved a petty, so silly, so im- tola at a later grandfather ran a general store Tne Herald Printing CompMy, no true Communist could possibly aged to recommend recing to Con­ but sometimes liiddng a whole oompUcated by our own anxiety. aamemhere in Bolton Ototar. A fter assumes no financial responsibility tM deserving of legislative action of necticut. It w ill be behaving with batch of petty matteia to soma- Th e Rev. Edweurd W . Johnaoii' practice of Oral Surgery. TR 3 -8 6 6 8 respect. any kind as to raise doubts-as to The’ hoaid finished diaeussing summering all his Hfe in the fam ily typographical errors appearing in ad- full loyalty to Ms original spon- thing big, the 1963 seaaion was V i OAT Tertiaements and other readinr matter The only explanation we can the sanity of the legislative pro­ Bo« Olfii' 0| • ‘ ■ toa budget Mat night and will be­ home, Bolton and Ms wife moved sorehip if it merely e]q>erieiu»s inoompar^y the greateat with St. George’s Episcopal Church ta The Manchealer Evening Herald___ think of is that neither side In the cess in 1983. Ih e r e w ere people In gin intu vlawing candidstea for pennanenUy to town In 19Sa He trouble and d ifferen ce o f o^Htuon the moatest Bolton, Oonn. was employed by toe ConneoUcut Display advertising closing hours: this session who were willing to ptiueJpai o f toa alenoentary achoql dispute now being conducted be­ Printers In Hartford for 46 years. or Monday—1 p.m fjid ay put enirthing through, and who at its meeting on June 15. or Tuesday-1 p.m. Monday, tween Moscow and Peiping has BriOta tha oontinnation of the Public Beoords Rotary Power Mower or Wednt.aday—1 p.m Tueeda*. did, and some of it waa packaged or Thuraday—1 p tn. W^neaday. anything like true Communism. beyond reach of any gibetnatorial the buatneaa fo r Warrantee Deeds: Andrew An- or E riday-l P.m. Thuraday Tbis Is basically a power politics I eovered: Paytog of sakM to George and Fkxence Jer- or SatuToay—I p.m. Friday, veto. h taring tranaportation and kovios, property on Briton Center aasiritled deadline: 10:SO am. eaeS quarrel, in which either side would The biggest piece of moral de­ eoasm ittee rc|>orts and Rd.; FVanklin S.G4odeto OhelUs' Req. 74.99 ot po-,:*eatlon except Saturday — pravity which wound its way n m be quite willing to pick up support A m otion P. Chandler, property in Rosebale; anywhere It could. get it, regard­ through the aeaaion was, in any to ahriiih oommitteea, Hall Investment On. to U and -R caae, given procedural protection Thursday, July 11 less of its Ideological purity. If the toa board aa a whole lo- Housing Oorp., property in Rose- against any gubernatorial inter­ d wvaeytolBg anyway. dale; Harold W. Attant to Mor­ rivalry keeps on, you can bet that ference. There waa a gubernatorial Shonl«»nH Be Asketl Or Serve LOW PRICE < UgUacI aaid that many ris 8ilverstMn, property on HiU- attempt to interfere, and a rather SAVE j the day might come when we, the ' I had eahed hhn up al­ oreat Rd.; Ralph R. Wild to Trevor vigorous one. if one can construe Whatever future trouble it may United States, could have the de­ tar toa laat budget meeting ba- Ledger-Tbomaa, p ro p a rty on gubernatorial stands taken behind sntall for the nation’s comfort and lightful privilege of chooelng canse of a report in a newepaper Notrii Rd.; Mmiona A. Reynolda to rioeed doors aitd expressed with­ 15.00 economy, the action of the rail­ which coalition to affiliate our­ Q U A L I ' ^ i wms the min rate waa going to James N. and Sonia MoCunry, out threat of use of executive jum p 11 nrfiie and that the budget property In Roaadale; Pari and road unions in refusing to, accept selves with—the Russian or the powers aa vigorous. waa Tswlded.’’ Mra Agnes Krey- 'Viderie Flano to VVIlUaia N. Sauer. Supreme Court Justice Arthur Chinese. Governor Denqieey, It is said, tag said that she waa talking Jr, property on Hebron Rd.; R.' tried to keep his Democratic Sen­ riMMit h er a rticle In a H a rtford John A M y to Richard 8. and Goldberg as arbiter of their dis­ But let us hope that, even If CHARGE IT M Sfiors RcvolviiiQ Charig* pute with railroad management at such a lurid temptation ever does ate from giving ita approval to the ptaxr asal all her figurea were Dorothy M. Warner, property on legiatative resolution setting ig> e flonect, that her. resulting 11 mill Caipenter Rd.; Kileen C. Dovm to least constitutes a big favor to the arrive, we have sense enough to ta-— « waa olivioua, and that tbe Cheilia P. Chandler, properly In American Judicial system. sUric to the only Mnd of afflliation r f - kad mtaquoted “pewkUng.'' Rosedale. • Aluminiuii howing—amooth cfist bfiffice— efficient air flow Prealdait Kaimady's propoaal to we o i^ t to have any Interest in 8be Itad told the i>aper that it Dairy W im MBS Justiet GoMbaig in such a or any organlxlng effort for from was M"ks to Ifobilheat— 4-Section Gas Boilers and an oil-firad bot water heater until our delivery mien leave your home, you’ll among the Court’s mendiers them­ 1=;;’ fend us a friendly Iqt! Ever since the day we selves, a rigid tradition against ofeoneetcapaci^—^yoarteaily can talcs cars ofaC tosir washing 3::: were founded on October 8,1874 as a funeral participating in or speaking shout FRESH PRODUCE Dr. Hugh Friend Beads a t ana ton s. ' service (which we still operate as the Wat- Req. 199.95 events and iasuse on which scene i - ‘ QUART M cm candotfasfiuiily waah. HHS _T= kins-West Funei^ Service at 142 East (>nter latu Ts ssssinw o f ths O m rt Its e lf Begins Practice flb e * do the dtose ef * e aaa* JAR Street) we’ve been known for our sincere 25-Year Guarantee nay havd'ts Kda ftaa Jearior taksB U s liato, and FIRM RIPE BANANAS 25c wish to help you. Telephone operator . . . Finest HOMART The PissMsnt riwuld sever hav« 25-Year Guarantee Dr. Hugh mend, . aon of Ik*, you w q jo y a toovrar. o^ice w o r k e r s . . salesmen . . . shippers .. . Fsached toe Goldberg, and GoM- Poa’tdalay—phmuatoday. FANCY, SWEET Free repair or re­ 169 and Mrs. Amoe E. Friend, 79 Save $30 now on cast Iron boilers. Use in gravity, forced hot H ad out bow osay it ia to sw itdi all along the line you'll find us eager to serve Reg. 124.95 Craftsman placement, at our barg riiould never have agreed to Oomatook Rd., has Joined tbe office 'w ater or steam heat. Wet base design permits use ovej com­ taaM oUhaat-toad water boat. SEEDLESS GRAPES i b . 29c you in a friendly way. option, if boiler sec­ serve. The umons did the right of Dm. W. H. Lowrt Jr., WiUdem tion fails within 1 bustible floor. Fully insulated jackets for top efficiency. Install ttdng, but for ths wrong rsasons. F. Fnatley, and Robert Walker M wBiA—toef/to^ LAKGE. LUSCIOUS MABISCO CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKJES . .8>4 oz. pkg. 39e 10-inch Bench Saws You’ll find this is true in all our affiliates year of sale. Pay yourself, or ask Sears to arrange it for you as an e.xtra. Call Sears of Hartford. He reoebtly completed Lb. 49c EDUCATOR ICE BOX COOKIES ...... 10 oa. pkg. S ic today for action. ' his interiMhip at Hartford Hos­ BING CHERRIES . . . the Watkins-West Funeral Service with ^ reg;ular price during W « d i« Our Wtek«d Preew pital and 'WlH prisetioe internal Onnand J. West director and William J. Len- next years, sub­ Rag. 179.95 HOMART 4 SfCtien Oil medicine. nq«» associate director . . . Watkins of Man­ SAVE tracting y25 of I t Is vSHthar iateraating that, MORIARTY * 1 4 9 His flather ia riiief of Opbttaal- chester, furniture and interior decorations, at price for each re­ Bailor with oxtended front jacket . having met for an attempt at ap mology and Otolaryngology at 34.96 Ideologleal and policy Miowdown Manchester Memorial Hospital. BROTHERS 935. Main Street . . . Watkins of Hartford at maining full year on A p P P Aluminum Style Beverage Set if bebwesa themselv'es at Moscow, 241 Asylum St., f|ine pianos and organs and guarantee. After) ■ K C E we can i estimate your heating the two Oammunlst world giants AIR EXERCISES PROPOSED its Mmehester branch in our building at 17 first year, Inst^a- needS( Hurry. NEW DELHI, IndU (AP)—Pro­ ■hoidd be siihibitiw a eertata rivsU Ml 3-5135 Oak Street. A grand addition to any man’s workshop. Built-in ac­ tioK 'extra. V posals for joint air exercises curacy makes it easy to turn out cuts that fit. Motor Free Estimxte — Sear* will meamire your •BMiHnais af tha tioasHils impor- in India were formally made FIRST FOOD home and recommend proper heating. I01.3lli C «H w St. «n iM and tha poaettle Jwtgment of We&aaday to tha Indian govern­ We’re $11 partners in friendly service. i blade and arbor tilt together as a unit. Convenient con- •»* 1 PHONE 843-1581 TODAY! • aaaihty eapitaliat world pram ment -by' the United Statea aed STORE OF MANCHESTER, INC. trolls for easy adjustments. Motor extra. « h a t poapQria diffetHBoa oooid Britain, a rrilabls source report- W E GIVE ed. to Xoabow or to Mplni^ ECONOMY V ' ' 446 CENTCE ST.--PLENTY OP PftEE PARKING Tha proposals ars part of Amer> GREEN STAM PS , doomed, Inrignljlcant, lean-Biitlsb. pldns to sbarpto &- • 3 rsaetloBary Imperial- dla jigaiM t a possiUe air ^ttack’ HIGH QUALITY • GROCERIES • MEATS • PRODUCE A LOW PRICES Manchester Shopping Parkadt Open 9:30 A ^ .-9 PJL Of tha West n^ght think by Red Chi^. M obilhG of O F MANCHESTER Shiopr at Sears and Save TsapeetivB marita of Tha American-Britisb pquagfona OPEN WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY TILL f P.M ^^TURDAY TILL 4;30 P ^ _i_r~8aUBffictioW Guaranteed or Your Money Back Warn MiddVi T im p A f i- ^ t r lin md Sfitvdifir YU| • PJI.) >W8 OonMmudat quam l? hre axpacted to begin Jobit Akw- etaaa to the OaiU and Oalcutta ^ '‘ r " ------— M h T a t regiooa epedMy M

k. I ,•

MANCHESTER EVENING HERAU), M^INCHESTER. OCHIN^ THURSDAY, JULY 11, 196t PAGE ILEVEH ' m ANCHESTEB EVENING HEBALD, MANC3IESTER, CONN^ THURSDAY, JULY 11, 196S .. vnt 'attalgiu d rla . ImmedlaMtir pateedad Qaasinl’s msny beads and aaquhw. They are. Dmm Jk;. 8 mstriaal. ltd., both Cassini Says AMmiw eidattsu w«c« Mb lava- w mm Obtha and aannisl Wlauton, BuWnsteed o f ranging therh over Five New ^ads recent gmduatm. a t St. Etenris iootrfiiotiooL whoae designer Is Roxane. Both an area, thaas dialgitari sism to I S S iim a i S i an sritri^iy./w S School of Nuntng; M te xaiy ^Hal Boyle~ anp noted for mraning gowna that be pMng the brads on bop of each Roxana osHsd hm "anoirer ta by chiffon yoke Nurses at MMH Supply Costs - ware yecy, very full and JohOnnee, daughter of Mm. An- Dr. FaUcher Seeks : ' StateNews Rivier Boat Leopavd Loss worn with faigb cowt-neck blouses donft skimp oh glainour. Not tbs other. One short dtansr drsaa by Ofoopatm” wSw a M M firtsd dram a rw oh conjhtnationa as a Ugbt inoat opuleot or dramsUc o f the R onna that nmat hs've barn badf- of aappUra bias vehrat, banded at Plia ymaig vramfen from Mbn- im. JohanhpB,' 130 Bh«h S t, and neck and hem wkh a wide darign Obesity Molecular Proof Cut $1 Billion SWfo Mdrt and a alesvelcia floor- guw a, bat the one tlwt msda an-iaMi dinp wMi Mack Jet was t bik; showing the team Jn (hmtsr paefo Jolnad the nuning Mim Sandra McKay, daugh­ Is His Fault faPdth coat oC bright orange over oditata eatch lhair bfoaih for ita described as tiM ck Jet at Its mori of gold. Mven bar street d otlim d. appeared at Heshert Sand­ ter of Mr. and Mre. - Arthur Sentence Reduction Roundup atafr of Maneheatiec Memorial Some 400 Rescued J*M^*»en cidktfea. “A lot la Shear toeaDty. m m a pala tamon dpeetaeular and draanatie,” oaua- 'were striking, with snka of A f­ a l vMns* a topas MIk svanlag McKay, 315 Highland St., both By McNamara > ViH* Om ) ® «® «* n 6 for file home.” inid Mr. satin baSgown, ita Mgn vnUstHna ing aome editor to add, **and Its rican kkhdEin atmefled la aeakt « waa vmy plain asospt for the HnapMal AR ata 1960 graduates graduatee of tbe Hartford Hoopi* Of Victim’s Noble Traits (Cmitlniied from Page One) flosMag into a pals seqijin flower Doialeat.” tVhan dsnotag: in tUa and sdbra marirlnga. tal School of Nursing; and Mias Dr. Morris U. Fancher, a Manchester dentist, has filed two O i W . -y o to the leMauranta, k topaz baadbm on the long of Ifonrtwatfa H gh School. (CoattBoed from Page One) - (Confioaed from ^ g e Ona) ior smihig, ^ y o t t l aee that people roust be appliqae on the bodice thst flowed drear, one wordte't need an or- A new hrilp sMswiatiii. a way of They are; M te Mary EZen Jef- Jerene MInney, daughter of Mr. motions in U.S. D istrict' Court in New Haven, in his latest from ooosideration at tba Jaycea and flra. ehestra. and Mre. William T. MSnney, 250 • temoCifobad I thlnfcWO aB tde- into a aeqoia sttep aersas one ootting t h a t involved gnamts Oh. Maa, dsigfdar of Mr. and Ebs. national oonvention in lipuisville, aome. MMoUSTi W. EQddle Tpke., ■who bee gradu­ NBW YORK (AP)—What la the pull m y „ch ^ back and &iish thriToTor mtaufactur- fi?ht to stay, or set aside, his sentence for income tax eva- Iha boat’s ownars siMd $10 had had Jumped < flw luBs M s Am eridta aME udUi dasp 'F-^iaelca band- * * * « ; It must ha taxes.” See, al­ Tbs oort ef sknpie lonpalseved a'too. lovely riothm to wear to a Bm JegMm, 90 Newman St., and meal. All this exercise did was to industry in 1981. -----:------«> Ky., by outgiolng national Jaycee ways poUtloa Marly IMu weak It looked as if overhlouas Roocane rirowad for for- ssuroe o f aaodi pside at Oaths | ohdi mseting or to church, but M te Buhara Ann £kmn. daugh­ ated from Joseph Lawrence School Btost repulalve sentence in the ing industry Sion. been rescued. ad in lud ana hiaa atilpea of ss- build up my appetite. The defense chief called a late r T r ^ ^ n t Douglas Blankenship— The two 1—liin wiHse MMurliMn dssigjirra weren’t using quite so' wltk «o- snd foouU pasm .the heart of'vdm - GOP Expects to Drop Risley, iE n R A STAMPS 9 year diets again. So I did. But not I back where you started. inventory systems covering a private driveway leading dier on July 26, 1961. new president, Richard Heedlee of with Pnrehase of $5 or more ^ a with much hope. M.v theory i.*; that it Isn't ju.«t period of several years. the school. Utah, who took office from Blank­ THE MCM3T EXACTING CARE goes into the OUR SKILLED MEATMEN earefuBy cat tha Last week, the U.S. Court of enship at the June national oon- Coopon good July 11 thru J ! It's an odd thing about this > what you eat that makes you fat. One reduction discussed by Mc- Suddenly the kitten jumped Appeals in New York, unanimous­ Olson from Selectmen Posts oelection and handling: of Mott’s "Tender-Trim" rigid *Tcndcr-Trim" standards, trim­ . July IS. 1963. Limit one cou- down into a catch basin. Rob­ ventlon. BMat to world. If you openly confess you M>' theory is that the air is full. Samara involved what he called ly upheld the sentence and upheld Meats. ming away aO excess fat and bone— then quickly pan to a family. .Adults have a secret love nest, nobody; of lonely. in\nsible. floating fat "buying only what we need.” He ert and Cynthia saw the kit­ the denial, in 1962, in New Haven The Rev. Mr. Oaatle was one of . the TO'YM (Ten Outstanding The RepUriioan party in 'Veenonarealixed from the grand MOTTS "TENDER-TRIM" MEAT is personally piukage it in tig^t transparent wraps to seal in Only. State Law: Cigarette*, will tell you how to run it. But if molecules seeking- a home. siaid a restudy of the military’s ten in the one basin, then it District ciourt, of a motion for a Beer and Fkir Traded ItemK you admit you're trying to lose' When these molecules see requirements had enabled the de- appeared in another, and then Young Men) of 1962, named on a Sm goingg to nominate two peraons the transfer o f m pm e m eelected by oor meat buyer, rushed to us t»ld every fait of fine, fresh fbvor. What’s more, our new trial. national Imsis annually by the excluded from offer. weight, everybody gets into the mean-natured. selfish person, they partment to cancel $7(X>-mUlion it disappeared in the massive TTie Court had noted "with dis­ for first seleotman and selectmen tte general fund. and fresh, double-checked in our stores and kept cases are re-stocked frequently— aO thronsh Jaycee organization In tWs coun­ other tixui the two men who now Hearty m x fg — ir act. fl** him in terror, and he worth of procurement which had network of the system. approval,” the delays in time be­ fresh at adentifiealiy soatroUsd low taaipcm- the day—sac bmwc isasoa wky sar auat looks. Your private problem Immedi- remains skinny. been planned, by reducing buying Police were notified of the try. hold the poote, Georgs Risley and Nearty 990 cliildrSn are regiater- tween the sentencing date and the Athanaon said the Rev. tJbe. ed in tte recreafion progiams at ately becomes their public busi- But when the molecules encoun- for inventories. Eiuring fiscal 1963, unknown kitten’s predicament dates for filing the appeals. Hernxan Otoon, rxipeoUvely, ae- Bess. A. man may have flunked, ter a kind-hearted, good-natured, he said, almost $1.2 billion in ex- but last reports, at 1 p.m. to­ OasHe drew up the resolution and oordlng to a p ^ y spokesman. Bury Field and Beniy Park. out of high school, seen his wife generous person, they hai^ly at- cess inventories was redistributed day, noted no signs of the fe­ Had all the other 1962 TOYM sign Tte nainea o f the eandidatas Mias Dole Minptay ia in charge run away with the mailman, tach themselves to him l|ke bar- to military users for curr'ent con- line. Bob and Cynthia were it, hoping he could gst it befOire wUl be presented hy a nominating of tte Bniy Flrtd pngrom . and tailed twice in business hitnself nacles to a ship, layer by layer, sumption or mobilization reserve making periodic checks of Uie nationa] Jaycee convention in aoRxnittee TVieoday at 7 pjn. bo Miss Patricia Little le ia rtorge and been badly defeated when he until he becomes 1st. stocks. looking into some half-dozen O bituary late June, at'least for oonsidenb- tte GOP town oommittee, and if of tte Henry Park prograBi. ran for sheriff, but there’s one Thus fat on a man is molecular He figured that $12 billion is in- basins located along the road­ tion. the oonunlttee apixxreea, to tte Debby and Lynda f^ceo, Jody Briden, Weiidy Katt. Sandy Briden thing in life he’s sure of—a way IHOof a t fine character, bom hoe- vested in excess stocks and said a way in front of the school. GOP caucus at 8 pjn. in the Sor to make the pounds melt off you pitality, and natural nobility o f ' central clearing house, with head- Thorne Case perior Cbgrt room in town haH. and Nancy Krtly- receidly won awards in a erSqr hot ronteat at as if they were butter. soul. In fact, the more he waddles quarters at Battle C m k, Mich., HARTFORD (AP)—^Tbe Thome Rsfwrtedly, Ftrat Seleotinaa Ria- Yes sir, in this field he's an ab­ the more of a target he becomes will have a complete inventory- by Death Oaims ley wiM te nominated for a poot Henry Park. The wiimeta at Bury CHUCK ROASTS Fifth Arrested cose—West Hartford’s bittereot Firtd were S m TtoUa and MSrk solute authority. If he has a mag­ for these wandering, home-seek- the end of this calendar year, oontroversy in years—may have a on the hoard of finance. ic diet, and you tell him patiently ing fat molecules . McNamara also had some com- In Break Case The four Republicans whose Patten. that you've already tried it and it Mrs. White, more peaceful solution than state Joanne Karedd wen tte peanut So, if you're this kind of a per- ments on one of his favorite educators ever dreamed possihle. terms expire on tte board of ed­ doesn’t work for you, he invari­ son, the only way to keep from topics, "goldplating " — procure- ucation w il be nominated for an­ hunt at Bury Field. ably wins the day with the leer- gaining weight is to close the win- ment of equipment and weapons Jamai J. Kaily Jr.. 18. of Glas­ Board members, 'who refused to EUen Huff and John Berger wen permit their names temes to be other term. Ttey are C9)ainnan inc obaervation: dow, and lie in bed all day - with | srtiich otherwise could be bought tonbury, today was arraigned in ’44 ^Citizen’ 'WUUam Hahn and membera Eldfth the Henry Park pranut h i t for "All you need to do is to push the sheet pulled over your head— , cheaper but provide the same use- ^ ___ ised, said West Hartford,, super­ childrea 9 and 7 years a t age. Manchester’s Olroutt Court 13 on intendent of acItoolB, Dr. Ddmund Oasati, Alice Hammeur and Thomas BONELESS jrourself away from the table.” so the fat molecules can't find' fulness. Some examples cited: A ROCKV1IUL.E1—Mrs. Ddith Guil­ Chrruthcra. Peggy Hickey and Jeffrey Wmiams a charge of breaking and enter­ H. Thome, noay be offered a ten­ w i for ch D d n S thrwgjh 19 years What utter, utter nonsense! At you . I specially designed "mechanical ford White, 78, of 66 ESm St., wh9 The nominating oommittee wM Bumy a dinner. I’ve purtied my- Scientists may argue wdth this: mule” for opening and closing the ing with criminai intent. Bond was ure of tour more years instead of age. was named “Citizen of the Year” of the single year granted him offer the name of Arthur (JeHahn self away from the table 30 or SO ^ theory, but they have yet to prove' heavy hatches on the Minuteman set at $1,000. for tte board of tax review, to St. Jeoeph Plcnle .1----- —— ------— ------——. , . .. . missile silo cost $555,000 but a Hie youth was the fiftti person in 1944, died at Rockville (jlty Hos­ three months ago \^en he re­ T te Holy Name Soelatjt o f St. CHUCK ROAST times until my arms were so | it wrong. Certainly it makes arrested on a similar charge fol­ signed on the demand cf the townfa replace John Leech. Norman weak I barely had strength to much sense as most diets. commercial hydraulic device pital yesterday afternoon. She -\yas Strong will te renominated for Joseph Church will hold its annual costs $80,000; a lift truck for Navy lowing a Sunday break and drink­ Board of Elducation. family ptodc at Hoary Bath S i- ing affair at Farrell’s Restaurant the wife of Luther A. 'White. Such an offer has not been of­ thia board. Cooks Fork-Tender Subroc antisubmarine missiles Henry Butler wNI be renomi­ day, beginning at noon. Joseph costs $2,480 imder original design, at 315 Main St. A graduate of the Hartford Hos­ ficially prepooed at a board meet­ Rosulis is ehainm ef theoCfoir. He was being held at Police pital School o f , Nursing. Mrs. ing, but "the idea has been men- nated for boWn clerk, and Sylvia Evarytime! but came down to $385 when an WUoon for tax ooBeCtor. Rail Unit JFK Named ordinary mechanical lifting device Headquarte*^ early this afternoon 'White organized the Women’s tloned sympathetically," K. was ibe ooclely wiB te teU TMeofoy Auxiliary of the Rockville City Stuart Neff will te renominated wras substituted. for a poBSlble posting of the tend. reported. In addition, a private for town treasurer and the agent More procurement through con­ If bond is not obtained, he will be survey indicates that a majority of the. town deposit fixid. e t t f Aneat To Mediate If It Can tract competition is sound policy, sent to the State Jail at Hart­ of the board members would prob­ Through investment of town Woltar Jeoanm. 71. of 4 Mrtden said McNamara, although he ford in default. ably support it when and If R rooniee, Neff "managed to resBae Lane, waa arrested o a Gresre St. noted that in some instances this Det. Sgt. Joaoph Sartor and comes to a vota $29,(MX) during tbe post fiscal yaeterday aStornoi and daeged (OOBtfaaed tran Page One) , , . . was complicated by the need for Det. 'nwmaa Graham made the Tbe board, when it obtained Dr. year. $91, 8 9 t with the carriers at any time. districit, and two ether men wfil te M ow , T r y I I Earty Ctorden 80L PAK VEAL CUTLETS The principal start-up business estate has been one of the largest tend), Andrew E. KisscH. 21. of 1. Tbe coming school year at nominated for the cRy. Heopllal Neira was making staff anangement for hidden costs in defense operations. 765 E. Middle Tpke. ($5,000 bond), the agreed $19,750 salary. reos today. Ctot Jte C O rem Oommlselon Meeting Aihnltted yesterday: Craig I tost HUNORBIS OF EXTRA STAMPS the study and preparation of the McNamara said. Over the pest and Anthony McAllister, 26, of 123 2. 'Two more years In the capac­ The Vernon Fire District Com- &«ton. 146 H idei Rd.. Bast Hert­ 17 OZ. report. two years, he said, the Pentagon W. Middle Tpke. ($5,000 bond). ity of ’’consultant” to the board nru/srion will hold its annual meet^ ford; Roland BnuflMid. 13 Spring NO COUPONS NEEDED—NO LIMIT The key point in obtaining the W orld News has initiated action at more than The cases have been continued and tbe new superintendent of ing tonight ait 8 o'clock in the 'Ver­ SU; Mrs. r i i i uM! Gray. Maple CANS A tl. RB3IS AT BtOTTS EVERYDAY LOW, LOW PBIOEE delay lor the board’s work was 400 locations in the United States until July 22 at Manchester. schools at a 'Yeduced salary.” 81.. BHington; WlBiara Say, 16 and overseas to get rid of or con­ non Elementary School, to antopl agreement by the railroads to . 3. One final y e e x “on leave of a budget and elect officere. Tialcott Ave. hold off on application of the new In B rie f solidate installations. H ; MONTE 25 EXTRA CALL HIM ‘MA* K absence” at the previous year’s Three posts are open on the fire Birth yaeterday: A s i to Mr. WHh Funhaar 6 or If-o a Nepeo Oold Onto—oB vortoUra manpower-cutting work rules. The Real estate returned to civilian HOUSTON, Tex. (AP) — James salary. ._ use under this program will total oommiseion, and five men are and Ifoa. Ardhraiy Stephen, 52 imiona had said they would strike PARIS (AP)—The French gov- L. Weaver is receiving congratula­ Tbe new offer. It was explained, seeking them, inchiding Ally. VUtage 8L 25 EX1WA at once If the changes were made. . . . . " 265.905 acres, McNamara wrote; tions as the brand-new "mother” would permit Dr. Tbome to oom- I Believe: ernment has decided to repay industrial plants which can be Herbert Hannabury and Ronald Discharged yesterday: Norman With rarrhaar Lh. Fkg. Hygrade>a Wrtoliiai Friraha Today’s meeting broke up after of nine ducklings. plete his full 20 years service in PEAS ■B hour and a half. Asst. Secre­ more than $200 million of ita fw-1 used for commercial work will Burke, at-laige cemdldates, and Strong, RFD 2. V e r m ; Mn. Whrai the Weavers’ pet duck met B«tti e. I^ te West Hartford, easing his pension Donald Cumminge, A»toew Tri- Katiiieen Ryglei and daughter. 25 EXT1LA tary James J. Reynolds, the La-1 eign debt before it is due. M o s t! total 54; personnel being released an untimely end survivors includ­ problems, and, as a board member Hospital smd served as Hs preoi- carico and PeTcy L. Spicer, oandl- Baxter St. Ttaliand: Mra Nanc>- with raiihaaa OapUil Fteara Chmsk Bologaa or lirorwan bor Department’s labor-manage- of the money probably will go to ' other places be- ed a setting of -14 ducks eggs. said, “end the whole Thome case datee of C3o. 1, 2 and 3 reopective- BucMey. 98 W. Main 9 t; Mrs. ment relations specialist, ooiusaid ,I _.. . . cause of closing or consolidation Weaver put the eggs on an elec­ dent for iMveral terms. She was in a manner satisfactory to men carriers and rail ufaons agreed to ^mted States. will total 53,310; annual operating _ tric heathig pad and watched over president emeritus at the time a t ly- Oarol Kloter and son. 143 Orchard THE CONSUMERS’ of good will,-on both sinld be issued. GROUHD tims to Congress. ern Star. Involved — the "dry” town of Kennedy’s appointment of the Bonn's defense chiefs also are WASHINGTON (AP)—President*' It raised prices, contrary to She was bom ki Corona, L. I., Blcximfleld and Woodbridge where I bc^eve this act is equally un- Kennedy's wishes and understand­ iWELCHADE opecial study committee, the cU-1 reported making [dans to eventu- Kennedy has had seven big crises N. Y„ M an* 13, 1685, a daughter (Hily beer sales are permitted. ' week, the State Health Department eoBStitntional as the one max of a day of intense activity i ally build a fleet of oceem-going since he entered the White House. ing, after a new ccsitrect in wdilch of John J. and Selina Eildred Guil­ But, a jater perusal of the bill reported yesterday. Low levels of Mott’s fought to the SuiMrmi<( - In the WWte House, was his sec- attack submarines of up to 1.700 gome he won. some he didn’t. Two steelworkers got some benefits ford. signed the governor indicated strontium 90 and strontium 89.were About Town m ond surprise announcement in the tons for the first time sincp -.w i j j Beeidea hw husband survivors there was no reference to the local detected, but no radioactive iodine. Court two years ago. CHUCK but no pay raise. rail dis^te in two days. i World War H. Informants said include a daughter, Mip. Ralph H. option clause. Foods examined were taken from a The Britirti'American Ctiib arill Simply put— Mott’s believes or FIESTA On Tuesday the President had construction facilities are being tempo- Kennedy denounced the steel­ Glbeon of Rockville; three broth­ Late Wednesday afternoon It was daily diet at one of the state insti­ bold a record bop Satur^y night Best for from 9 to 1 for members ate their that free competition is good recommended arbitration of the prepared at Kiel. ' makers. It was the power of the ers, Albert Guilford and Dr. Ar­ discovered two amendments had tutions. Char-Broiling!' work rules dispute by Supreme The Germans are allowed sub-1 others in the toiroented fields presidency against the steel In­ thur E. Guilford, both of Torring- been-tacked on to the original bill guests at tte club house, 7$ MaiMe tor the consumer And business. Court Justice Arthur J. Goldberg, marines of a maximum 450 tons.' .'J™* co m m u n ^ i^ ere to dustry. ’^ e hidustiy quaked and ton, and Harry Guilford of Lcmg passed by the assembly and should STATE BID OPEIflNG St. Mott’s needa no statutory pro- a former labor lawyer and Ken­ The West Germans are believed ons are a long way off. Beach, CJallf.; two grandsons. Dr. have been part of the bill approved quit and dropped the price boost. HARTTFORD (A P )—a . Di lorio tectfam ftn* its prices. Our com- nedy’s fomer secretary 6 t later. to have persuaded North AtfanUc Luckily for Kennedy, all his Luther W. Gibson and Ralph H. by the governor. Marine Weather Treaty (^anizaUon they should been R esident 2H Gibson Jr.; and a great-grand­ of Cranston, R. I. is apparent low petitmB should not. Union Rejection of the proposal crisis didn’t happen at once. The One amendment directed that a bidder at $137,670 to build a main­ —the carriers accepted—touched play a. more active anUsGbmarine h fourth one arrived' Sept. 3p, 1962. daughter. referendum be held in the towns tenance service and storage cen­ WINDSOR LOCKS (AP)—The W e believe the American off Wednesday’s activity in the' role in the Baltic in case of a *** o^ice Tbe .funeral will be held tomor­ s a v e | E S » Sutirlpt Ttqie H « « I It was a teat of wills with Ross involved and that no permit could ter in Pomfret to r the State High­ U.S. Weather Bureaii issnert the houaewife is an intelligent •xecuUve mansiem. war. i ^ ^ Barnett, governor of Mississippi. row at 2 p.m. at the Whlte-Gibeon be issued by the Liquor Control way Department. In other bidding foUo>»ing maime weather State­ comparative shopper. She Sarw iee Dairy Department 1 _z xi- i-z ^ _ I In his inaugural speech that day FI*eral Home, 66 EJlm St. Tbe Decfari^ they ted no objec- MOSCOW ( ^ ) - Hie hot line he said A m ^can problems would Tbe will of a governor against the Commission to the "private clubs yesterday, Webb and Knapp Ma­ ment thia morning: knows where she can buy •lANT 45-01. CAN K A C H IN E m jr w n Mott’s Roed Sharp Cheese. lb. 69e tons to Vsit- rate for industrial customers oortto 4 knots, tempenature 53. 'Vis- cees boggage be dismissed gradu­ bis missiles. Fbnerol Home, NorUifield, Vt., The wording of the bill Vis gen­ ftfUty 10 mOea; portly ctoady. Grapes mllitary outpost in tbe Mekong-1 ins, freedom rides, picketing. with a Mass a t requiem at St. would go up ^ M per cent. ally. Tbe unions ted rejected the River delta today. Tbe Saigon | entry to previously all-white Alabama’s Gov. George C. Wal- eral and makes no mention.of eith­ Anlirose — wind g DEL MONTE finitUngt:' John’s OathoUc (anin*. Burial was er of the two country clpbs af­ a p p l r o a i k e government reported 12 defenders' schools, and mass demonstrations. 1irarolng Mthlng from ABLE TO SPEAK knotit portly ctoady. virtfaaity 10 Minute Maid Finally eame the President’s killed, 18 wounded, and 12 ‘ They're increasing the pressure. I nett’s debacle, his own te « in Calvary Cemetery, Northfleld fected. However, it speoifiM that mUes, temperature 6^ cohn. U«HT CHUNK SWEET, JUICY dramatic announcement shortly missing. ^ : They know no maUer how much ■ wills - and invoked Kwmedy s FWls, Vt. It ia apphcalble' only to dubs at WnNISTED (AP) — Sen. Ahto- Fire Trtate winds wert-north^ LARGE BERRIES alter 4 p.m. ttet there would be Tbe guerrillas reportedly suf- they win, an end to discrimina-. *hcth crisis on June 11, 1963. least five years old with 18-hole bam Ribicoff, D -C o i., will t e tbe west 10 knpta. potey ekndy. virt- k A DELICIOUS BLEND at no strike. The President reported 10% in Stocks golf courses o t at least 5,600 chief speaker at the July 20th dedi­ bUity 4 ndes. temper atnre 63, moBoar, etuterd-ripe apptos. \ a r g e c l u s t e r s fered no casualties. - tioo in all its forms Is still s He defied a U.S. court order to cation of the Had Diver dam ate Orange Delight agreement by the unions snd car- yards. Hiere are a few other quai- ootan. HONG KONG (AP)—Tbe first dream. admit tw o Negroes to the Unlver- reservoir, a $5.5 million flood ooh- r im to his proposal to name-the of six Vickers Viscount turboprop. Kennedy's first crisis was a dis-, sity of Alabama. Kennedy federal- NEW YORK—Progressive in­ tfications mentioned and tte oidy MnrSaiik Foiat — wtad west- triil .project, tte UjS. ‘Army Blq- apeclal committee and said h£ airliners ordered by Communist | aster: Tbe invasion of Oiha'i by Uzed Alabama’s National Guards- vestment prog;rams for civil-serv­ two clubs in the state that can southwest 9 knots, rtesr. viaitailty TUNA VitciMhi C forirhod Ceac— trptod DrM ginecaa announced yesterday. took 'thia. actiixi in "view of the China in 1961, has airtved in Hong Cuban rebels with his backing on I men and marched them up to ice pension fw ds could boost re­ meet these restrictions and thus 15 teles, temperature 63, sea 3 unique aiid all-important nature Kong for delivery to the Bekihg April 17, 1961. , Wallace. Wallace wilted. Tbe Ne- tirement benefits, advises Paul L. benefit from the bill at present are feet. of this labor-management dis­ government. ; : ^ t was badly planned, even; groes-got in. Howell, supervisor of New York Tumiblebrook and Woodridge. LiCBNSIIS SUSPENDED Little OuB. winds west 2 knota Tbe_ planes^____ !were______sold _ to_ the! wrakly_____ ,planned.______While the world Kennedy met his seventh and (jlty’s $3,2(50,000,000. pension fund. State Rep. Morris B. Coh«i, D- HARTFORD (A P )—Tlie Ootooy ekor. viatoflity 10 mrbw, REG. HMRhtiil, aeatfol, t a ^ ^ Kennady did not indicate what- Red Chinese despite opposition bywatched, Fidel Castro smashed K .; latest c r i^ Wednes^y, just New York law allows 10 per cent Bloomfield, sajd today ttet hs Liquor Store of Wateibury re­ FWkner Uiate—wimh West. 18 ). the a or feat deaaort lor lb ■and of legislation he might ask! the U.S. State Department Kennedy did nothing. hours before the railroad unions of such funds to be invested in feels ther# should be an investiga­ ceived a 90-day suapensii ^ its knots, portly doody. vWMlity 10 CANS I jrouag and old. Got as a result .of the proposed study ______It was a lesson to him—and he were to begin a nationwise strike, common stocks. tion of the "strange disappear­ liquor license yesterday for ithree miles, calm. Oreea. Stzaups toe! —If no agreement is reached. A OUT OF THEIR HAlh)8 learned______-it—to - -be - more - careful------Tbe railroads, u[*eld by a ance’’ of the amendmoits. counts o t sellin^f^ minors. Stratford —winds south­ M7 MIDDU TURNPIKE EAST. Nmt il» 6i«m. MANCHBTBL “ “ 1 0 - 9 9 ' Chpitol m i source said, howeVer, TULSA, Okia. (AP) — Police | about involving American prestige presidential commission, a presi- POPULATION SHRINKING The State Liquor Oxitttri Oom- west 10 knots, clear, visenlky 1 ULRGE 25-OZ JAR the President would propose an decided after following an ambu­ and safety in a new adventure. dential board and the Supreme VENICE (AP) — This fabled MULVEY RITES m isB ii also suspended for 45 Jdai^s nolle, sea sootterest 1 foot. OPEN NIGHTB A aipandnteit to tte Ralhrajr Labor lance to the scene of one accident Tbe second crUHs came Aug. IB, (Jpurt, eventually were going to city of the lagoon and gondola is NORWICH (AP) — Funeral leir- tte peimH. of Young's Uquor Eiatoria Neck—windB auuthwsat MKMfDAY thru lATUSDAY TILL T "Acti ^ g rpnsrldtog a r ldtog for aompiilaory art that tt was beyond their Jurisdic­ 1061. Premier Khrushchev walled lay off about 40,000 railroad fire- one of the few major ciUes of the ices will te held in M a d isi Satur­ Store, Wahmantto, for siHlng af­ 4 knots, dear. viribOity 8 aoBsa, tion. in Beat Beriin to keep Mast Oor- an and about 9BJXI0 olter rail world that is k>aing population. day for Daniel F. X. Muiveyi fo r m ­ ter hours 1 two uocasiorii ate temperatine 64. cotoL Ws ktMtfS dit Kght to Limit Quanlltitt ~ 3 . M. WoUa, ciiUf nagotialor for Ti|o women driven eoUtded in mans from escaping tp Om West. wovfcera. ' ' Ehien in the fabulous days of e r sports editor of tbe New'Haven rteistog’ to eooperate w4th an k»- tte aMli'iiaila, aatd It la the car- a busy supermarket at the inter­ Kennedy did little more than do- The lay-offs wor« the Deges, Venice never had much Regtstcf for 24 yean. He died in a ip6ctor. vtoOWB^T) ilara’ andwatandiilg ttet tbe section of soups and dgarettea. Dounce 'tte wall and the spirit be­ start today. The unions said more than a quarter million pop-' hospital.here yesterday at the age A 60-doy suapensii was mated la III areal, iarmm el aalwtMM rratiiirer, H wfB 1m aattlad one way W l^ e n the mess of broken glsss, hind it. Tbere wasn't m n ^ more they’d strike at once. Kennedy got illation. Jt dwindled down ,to 2(X),- o f 60. Suryivors thcldde two sons (M t to toe Hotel Putnam in Put­ I'ABBfERS YOU GET A kkrtli faaa' aat of aay adrwtiiif kwa, |0a « a ■ M othor by July 99. He said te detergent_Ent and potato chips waa te could do without risking war | both aides to agree i o do nothing ()00 between the two world. VarSj and. a daughter! nam 1 two counts of srtling to PAR S (AP) — There are ap- MMht. s *TAIN c m a r eeMM fos la Ha ■ 4U .not think fUrtbsf. collective' cleared. < minors and one o i allowing minora pTOximately four mnwnw farmers r inchicic 'p to te as l y h t e w p to toe la t e rtira ^ f^rtbef. collective;! cleared one woman had been cut with.Russia. until at least July 29. dropped to 160,(XX) In the psilt dec­ DOUBLE S&H STAMPS EVERY WED ** A ' la contemplated. ; on tbe leg by. a broken bottle. 8he , He made out better with all the BMora then, ho aald, te would ade, and ta still shrinking. ~N-LEVEL SAFE in a bar room. in FruKM. am ong'a total pcqnla- . Tha dopulatlon seeps away to HARTFORD (AP)—Radioactivity Bill’a Partcagu fitoie of New tkxi of some 48 mtlihii A.. ** ambulance.. Thera | eriaea that followed. Tte noxB wasi aak congTssshroal octioe. Tte only rln 13W there were more «»w OMy aald ttiSy||x>w the ptrikMgotptdlce got ttien.tten . but tfaagrlwitfatfaayiwitfa the .American ate^ atae) in

Pages IS to 1 4 I Section Two tHUR3DAt, JUIit 11, 1968 iSanrliirBter lEuenitig l^eralli THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1968 computer programmer. Hollman was charged with poasessing an Crowds Jeer offensive weaqxm—a roli of pmptr STAMPARAMA. DAYS! containing' a dart should be developed until the resi­ Several minutes b^ore Queen dents had been consulted. ' School Aides Taking Steps Queen; Wife’s Biisabeth left the theater, booing Citizen Umt Wubtful Sweeney thou^t that the CAC, greeted the depcuting Greek cou­ WORLD did not have the rif^t kind of in­ lee. It reached a pMk as Prince formation to satisfy the North To InsUdl Language Lab Appeal Heard Philip Joined them in a g^ass- Baders. Hutchinson tried to find roofed limousine and anspp^ on GREER Of North End Plan out what he thought they would DOUBLE Si STAMPS Inst night the Board of Direc-’f'student stations. By twirling the the interior light want to'know. I (OaatiiMMd from P«c« 0«e) ' \ i ' dial a student will be able to select % . The same treatment was given “VTho ill going to pay for aswers,: tom appropriated 316,000 frten the About 10 Bieftibers of the Citizens Advisory vCottunittee water lines, road relocation T” he Capftal Reserve Improvements for individual study any tape In- bombera and others demonstrat­ Queen Mother Elizabeth and new­ the master control room. Also, the ing during: the Oredc royal visit ly married Princess Alexandra inet at Municipal Building last night to hear the first Fund for a language laboratory at Rybcayk aaid that the means of Manchester High School, about teacher will be able to feed .^the in support of demands for the re­ and her husband, Angus Ogilvy, luring of proposals for the renewal of Mkhchester’s student any tape she wishes from lease of almost 1,000 Greeks held as they entered their cars. EVERY DAY..ALL WEEK... paying for sewers had not yet been half of the $35,000 they allocated determined, that the privately for educati.onal Improvements. her position at the teacher console. In prison since the postwar Com­ There was some scattered 1 * H a n e h e a t e r BsdsvaloiMnant Because of the sophistication of munist uprising. cheering with each outburst, how­ HLL YOUR BOOKS TWICE AS FAST -way, the MRA wants to - get the owned Manchester 'Water Co., Today school officials indicated Jigspcy (MRA.^ Bxaeutlve Direc­ opinion of the North Bind residents they are already taking steps to­ the lab called for in the specifica­ The demonstrators claim they ever. servtog the North Btod, would om - tor Edward. Ryhcaylc ahowed four on the proposals. ward the installation of the lab, tions, more pupil stations can be are political prisoners. The Greek Home secretary Henry Brooke tribute to water relocation, and alternative plant -and the one But OAC memhen present left requested In board of education added in the future if necessary government says they were con­ denounced the demonstration. that the tevm would pay for road without making obsolete or dis­ "The queen of Ehigland was that he flndi moet aatisfactory the nigtait ballcsd a t th eir role as in - construction. through the federal budgets stance 1967, but until now. victed of such crimes as mtirder SEMI-BONELESS SHORT CUT CA.C thought the leaat practical.. always forced out of the school rupting the main installation, booed tonight and I am furious,” formaticn Agents for the' MRA, jgrant tor urban renewal. and treason. Ambatielos is serv­ 725 Middle Tunipi The four plane on view last night, program by economy cuts. , Haroian said. In addition pro­ ing life for fostering the Commu- he said. saying that tbey had tod little Probably u{q>ermoft in moet grams could be sent out to other “I never thought such a tiling and available to interested towns­ knowledge of the project them­ North Bnd residents minds is the The first move, said Jacob nlirt revolt. people from Rybcsjdc at the MRA schools by telephone if desired. His wife has been Queen Fred- would happen in Britain. selves, and that they weren't all question “How will the renewal Haroian, instructional materials office QA Main St, show planned coordinator for the school aystam. School officials, he said, like this ‘ arika’s —and Greece’s— nemesis "There are 50 million decent oon-vinced k was a good thing project affect my propelcty?” feature because they are looking / people in this country and it is patterns c< land use and traffic will be to coordinate plans for the since ^ last April. Mrs. Ambatielos circulation. themselves. Roughly, the answer isM f your toward the probability that foreign distressing that the country’s rep­ Smoked Ham "Isn’t this going to be fanlesU- property is located in an area installation with Supt. of Schools manhandled the queen during a languages will become part of the visit Fredeiika made to Britain utation should be unbalanced by they differ moet in street plan, oally expenftveT*’ aftoed EUward' where streets must be relocated, William H. Curtis and H. Blaine with the plan the MRA moet likes Miller Jr., vice principal at the junior high school program in the then, and the resultant furor an irresponsible minority.” S w eeney. it must be torn down. not-too-distant future. Starting Newspaper pictures taken in­ involving the relocation of N. Main high school, tmd to send out spe­ caused Premier Constantine Car- RIB ROAST “Cbukki’t you bring North Main In the case of the MRA’s pre­ the study of language In earlier amamlis to recommend that the side the theater showed Queen I t, North School St, and the Main at. south of the railroad tracks fer!^ plan for the Ndrth Bnd, cifications, already drawn, to the Elizabeth looking far from happy. Lm i i IHb —N. Main intersection. two or three firms equipped to grades iS part of a nationwide state visit be called off. When tr Hotter Beet . . . ★ Better Cut . . . ★ Better Trim . and Join it to 'Wooittxidge St. this means elimination of the trend, educators feel. King Paul refused, Garamanlls re­ Queen Frederika by conteaM Pork Roast Main St ia extended on a line to toetead?” asked John Hutchinson. building facing the present meet them. A. Ftaymond Rogers Jr., princi­ signed. appeared cheerful. She waved her the north, to form an Intersection “1 would ■ be to favor of reto- North Main St from the Wiiton Plana call for a lab of the mo.st handkerchief to booers and cheer- sophisticated type now in ex­ pal of Manchester High School, Mrs. Ambatielos had a 40-min­ — a with N. Main St., relocated nortti oating North Main Bt if it opened Library weft including the pres­ said he suspects the installation ute Interview today with Pipinel- ers alike. to run on an east-west line behind up new bueineae areas,” said Vic­ ent commercial buildings cn the istence. Haroian said, similar to More trouble was expected to­ one now in use at Trinity College. cannot be ready before the begfin- Is, Caram anils’ successor. The ChoiCO Whiton Ufarary, the TMCA and ttie tor Swanson, “but .1 think this west corner of North Main and ning of the February semester. meeting was arranged by the La- night. The leftist gitxq>s, defying bank branch offjee, and with N. pien wtH Jtift oTaate a very ex­ North School Sta. He said he and members of the police orders, called for a march high school language department However, he .said it would be put borite members of the British School St., whose lower end has pensive secondary road (out of It also means removal of the into use as soon as it is ready. on Claridges Hotel where' the Minute Steak been moved east. have studied the Trinity setup and Parliament who have been cam­ the tod North Mato St.)i' buUdinga on the south side of Greek king and qiieen are giving agree it is best for three reasons: Mrs. Yvonne M. Allan, recently paigning for release of the civil The resifit is a oonwentional Instead he suggested eliminaiting North Main as far west as Olen- a banquet for British royal^ and First, tt is of the add-on type and hired to teach French, will handle war priscmers. four-way intersection oonsiderahly or raising the railroad tracks ney’s Lumber Yard. the lab. Rogers said, because she The demtmstrations against the government ministers.- (-which Ryhcayk ruled out as too Most of the bulMIags south of will not. become obsolete; .second, north of the present Juncture of it is simple for students to oper­ has already had experience -with Greek visit hit Queen Elizabeth II Main and N. Mato Sts. expensive for the . bankrupt New the railroad tracks wW remain. one at Coventry High School. Wednesday night. For the .first IniagtoiBg the renewal project Hlaven Railroad) and ^^d«ning Land uses to the area, as rec­ ate; and third, it offers great flexi­ time in modem history a British ecmplete as the MRA would like both the present North Main and. ommended by the MRA’s market bility, enabling the teacher to run monarch was booed a British Police Arrests to see It a pedestrian standing in Hfoodhrid^ Sts. to open up space survey team, wUI Include raft- as many as 20 separate and dis­ crow d. the center of the new intersection for npw busineas, use. denUal, commercial, Ught indus­ tinct language programs at the Queen Btlzsbeth was visibly same time. Rcriand H. Oomder, 17, of IS w ou ld kxHc around and se e : “How axe you going to relocete trial and puMic areas. No Reds The luiit at present will occupy riu^en > by the torrent of abuse 1ST THAW 4TH To tfie north, up relocated N. j Tkumbidl 9L, y e s t e r d a y wi all the tuainesaes now In the North T h e CA C has scheduled a meet­ three major areas of the high from about 1,600 of the Commu­ charged with disregarding a stop School St, the old Robertson ing July 17 to talk about the pro- nists, anarchiste and ban-the-bomb- End (R ybc:^ aaye about 40) Iq school. The main lab will be sign. The onsigiit incident occur­ RIBS . . . School with its modem, campus such a small (about 4^ acre) p o ^ renewal plan, and to con­ crs who have been demonstrating type addition; sider developing its own alterna­ located in room 227, now a study since the four-day state visit star­ red a t TViOand T )ike. and NeW shopping area?” Swanson asked. hall, and will consist of 38 pupil Show Up State Rd. The youth wiH be pre­ To the weft, along relocated N. tives, before breaking into com­ ed Tuesday. "I think the area is too small stations and a teacher control con­ sented in hlanchester’s Cinmit Main St, modem garden type to get many devekqiers interested mittees to talk to the North Bnd sole which will “ feed” language ^ e queen drove off unsmiling Sfjartments fiUkig about 4Vi acres residen ts. and almie to Buckingham Palace Court 12 on Jidty 32. in it,” said Sweeney. tapes to pupils either singly or in instead of Joining Prince Philip Herbert Bryk, 34, of lU Con­ on tbe north aide of the s^«et “Coiddn’t ^ou Include UMon groups for study. The master tapes stance Dr., bsw been charged with and a small local shopping area For Talk and the rest of the royal party Bond in the proJeetT” asked themselves -will be housed in a ktolated in Its paiidng lot—like a a government reception. fUlcre to dclv« to the right. The Sw anson. Columbia separate programming room, and arreet stems from a pycor warranty on unit Pleasant View Lodge (Save 13c) Budget Terms BOUTE •—I MILES EAST OF WTLUMANTIO 2 ^ 4 3 FOB RESERVATIONS CALL 455-9501 Lo-cal Dressinjs Dudgel Terms easily arranged LittlsFritliiet2.'i:;49« Ksquick " • ^ 4 9 * easily arranged V $ 90 DAYS GOLD I lb. ^ Take up to 2 years S.O.S. Pods ^“^39* Flour MEDAL l t « IS CASH MITY. NICE FROZEN to pay. LYNN Poultry Farms FROZEN Spor-Kod Qaiquiri Mix « OZ. CANS S r s r ’l PARKADE JULY 90 DAYS $5 DOWN __ _ MIDDlt ' TUPNPIKt . . MANCh£STtP Strawberries JUMBO SIZE, SWEET EATING IS CASH DELIVERS Naw — New — New Sliced 16 OZ. Pkg. Vi SOUTHfRN FRIED CHICKEN CANTALOUPES (Save 10c) General Electric 19" TV Delivery FRENCH FRIES and it ■ * ' * UHF-VHFollelraiiinl •‘ 2 telescoping antennas COLESUW Installation * Sturdy carry cose SEALTEST BUY one at TI-DEE ORDERS BUT UP TO TAKE OUT FOR * Daylight blue screen DOOR BUSTER SPECIALS IDEAL FOR riCNICS, ENTERTAINING. regular price, SWONOK MOR BEACH AND FAMILY OUTINGS * 90 BsBdsw ^ L 1' ■ I .- ,-4 ' ,< T.:.-

'V PAGE PEFTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERAIJ). MANCHESTER. CONN, THURSDAY. JULY 11. 1968 PAQB ftIUK'lVEN gathered' to shout aind Jeer. Each groop tried to drown out the oth­ Bricks Thrown er." As toe danonstrators sang '^ndoper "We Shall Overcome," rallying From Yotir Neighbor’s Kitchen song of toe civil rights movement, M others O u b Sets As Cambridge toe white crowd took op the Now, at Stop a Shop! Save even more By' DORIS BELDING dMnt “ Two, four. six. eight we W eU Child O m ic don't want to intepate.’’ According to Mrs. H. John Ma­ Tension Buil^ Nearly W state and local police | lone, 84 Pro^>eot St., Shtrimp w ith ' ,'nw Andow UaOMK^ CSub w « kept toe groupe separated. i Macadamia Nuts makea a r«y B i«e Om I a ««in iponaor « W d l ChiW a tn ic I I « A crowd of srtiites. ftrilowed' toe' .special and delicious company for inoomiig first graders. The Negroes a block' from toe court­ I he cenfesred with Negro Madera. house before toey wow baited by dish. She says, "a young couple doital ciinlc, with an initial check- from Hawaii brought this recipe t» and fkjurlde treatments, will I Hubbard, a Negro, told reporters stsde police. The crowd dispersed, I that he was h o e merdy to Inves only to regroup to greater to the United SUtes. and it w m he held at the elementary school given to me by a mutual friend. on July 22, 23 and 24, with fur­ [tigate the racial Mtaation. strength at the intersection sgain. HUNDREDS srfaere they rem ained fo r m ore The nuts are quite a delicacy, \ Wednesday u i ^ ’a march on ther Souride treatments on July even in Hawaii, but are n w be­ M , 20 and Aug. 2. Ithe coarthonae hy Negroes vrtm than an hour. I are demanUng tanaiediate inter. . The Negro crowd that later coming quite easy to find.” _■ The hearing dtnic wiH be held Shrimp with .M acadam ia NWto on "nniroday and Friday. Jiily 25 I graUan ef —‘*»»w todUtias was farmed in Ckmhridge’s 2nd Ward, iorderty mitfl the groegt reached wfaldi is predominantly Negro, 1 ci^) water and 26 at the elementary school OF pound shrimp and will be conducted bv Robert Itta target As the demonMrators moled restleesly then broke up The finest meat you HI ever eat! I sang, white ^ectators qoiddy affbr. ^ teaspoon salt rried rich . H teaspoon pepper- Afipolntments are to be made fat •4 cup nuts (ooaroeiy chopped) hdranoe, with Mre. James FVmui, 1/3 cup butter Aaimian of the wdl-chtld pro- tablespoon flour gratn. tablespoon chth sauce Home Game ■ \ • m cups milk . The Babe Ruth Lieague team Top or Bottom EVERY WEDNESDAY is ^ 1 B«1 water, add ehrimp, salt and will play Lebanon in its last home pepper. Bring to boil ami ooedt for game at the elementary school three minutes. Drain and save field tonight atartlng at 6:16, The liqiud. (Took nuts in butter until team wsll be wearing, for the third broiwn. Blend in flou r, add shrim p thne, tmtforma supplied by the An- Bound DOUBLE liquid, chilli sauce and milk. Oodk, dovo- Sand and Gravel Oo. Fol­ stirring until thick, add shrimp. lowing tonight’s game, the team Serve with rice or on boast has three games remaining, to be points. Gamish with parsley. Pre­ played away. cleaned f-rozen shrimp are espe­ Donkey Game DAY cially good in this recipe, Strs. A donkey baseball game to be Malone said, but green sfartanp layed In Oolumhia Wednesday, may be used. Suly 17, at the fireman's baseball Mrs. Malone admits she enjoi’s Seld on Rt. 6A between the An- trying new and different rocto^s. dtover Fire Department and the and this one has become a great ^lumbia lions Otub. The game favorite. "When, we . entertain, toe w411. start at 8 pm . Refreshments said, something different is usual­ will be sold. ly most welcome and rates tope All proceeds will go to the Co­ with me if it is simple to prepare, lumbia Recreation Council to fur­ as wen as delicious.” ther their work with the young f a l N i i i i A native of O>ncord, N. H., Mrs. people of Oolumfcia. Malone is a graduate of WBson Tidccta may be purchased in (College, Boston, Mass., and was an Andoser fkom lOsa Dorotbea Rsiy- s«!i YOU iKiiir, mm, IHU tof • llw Crade! X-ray technician at Mary Fletcher ■Bond o f Andover Center. Hospital. Burlington, Vt., where her huriband attended ' medical Herald school. eerreepcndaBt, Margesp 9ome mumpleK J .t o r The family has lived in Man­ tciepliaBe 742-dOU. M i chester about 10 years. Dr. Makme » is a pediatrician. K m I i D i I h i I k * M i M M i M • 29« Tfwiwu (Herald photo bjr Ptnto.) Mrs. Malone is preaideat at toe Buying Poumr Up MRS. H. JOHN MALONE Women’s Auxiliary of Manefasater U nm O ir— Oonaumer purohaa- R c b c M , Memorial Hospital and the Wom­ en’s Club of Manchester, and past kig posMT has Inrreaaert 20 to 40 M n m I i IUST' St, attempted" to turn into his per cent ia the past decade, a fed­ M W M it. iTruck Hits Tree, drivewny aa Sie brakes failed. He president of Gibbons A sswnbly. V 4MEXTM Catholic Ladies o f CSohmtoua. She failed to round the turn and the eral swagr in ^Detiott and five Ik x 49< is a member of St. James’ Church other ettlaa inrttnatni. Ootls(pi for ASt I 9> T O P V A L U E Two Hospitalized truck continued on acroea a neigh- and Ladies of St. James, Hartford food, dothhig, and Aeltsr dropped boff's lawns and struck a tree. County Medical Auxiliary. Nten- tnm 89 lo 86 per oent ct aamhigB. V » The truck hod moderate front cJiester (Country (Hub. Gourmet Speeiah for AlUo tooekond onfyl mm A 43-year-old Union 9t. man end damage. No arrest was made 29* I and a d3-year-odd N. Main 9t. CSiib of Manchester, and the adult Q h i k Face of Riifiip Roast in the Incident. aidvisory board of the Manchester 29- boy 3restefday evening were ad­ Teem Center. SlipftSN IiM iM li mitted to Manchester Memorial She has six children, Meg, 12: Hoigwtsi with injuries they re- Lab Unit Headed Bean, 10: Jennifer, 8: Laura, 6; DMab B M i 7 S J K 37* • . r s ? - STAMPS! Cfflved when a pickup truck, in Christopher, 3^, and Rsidence, B!alMiallon o' Top Sirioin Roast <^ 95' with* they were passengere, t o p h o p By Miss Boughton 1>4. S S D iv M 1km 2 *L T 39* 2 *.,: » I craMied into a tree off N. Main St. '^UPFR MAt’ KF’ '- FI MU fUHp M l fulir Joeeg^h Kiiybel o f 83 Union St. MirwMd'f M M iiB V JT* Frosh Haddock FUlefs I today ia reported in fairiy g T k k k ] crotoi, it was repotted. B ougMon win plan the associar HVAR, Yugoslavia (AP)—When atMpeMMI Maino^s Finaat E ugene Duniftoy, 36, o f 667 N, tion’s program for the coming it comes to ring^g bells folks SsOisMi 2-,T47^ W 37« V t T Hygradc^a Week I Main St, driyer of the vehicle, year. On June 1, 1064 she will take around here know they can count waa treated fo? minor facial lac- over as president of the associa­ on their church bell ringer to do V 39* MSNi 2t;29- at Stop & Shop! I orations and discharged from the tion. The first moeiting of the it with his feet on the ground-- I hoapilaL group is schediiled for Ootober in In different colored shoes. It’s his Sd M V 49 JUMBO LIVE Police said that the incident oc- MBnehester. custom to don a brown shoe and Nygrada's Fvly Cookad I curred aAxnit 4:30 p.m. when Mim Boughton Kvee af 462 X. a blac.k shoe whenever be does W n V I S * Sk«ldas6 Pfodc Dungtoy, driving west on N. Main Mldthe Tpke. the joi).' • j r » t f 37^ SWnlwM, «oo! At a LOBSTERS labf Pood ______8 9 > Mkl’s.U. Pn InM V 47* ■pceM low prfoef ttralnad Food 9 jan 9ie Bumble Bee Junior Food 8 {an 9I« U M U L Pm I t w V 32* Ryirada's BologM 39*ii Itl (Uhn Inlii V 17* Is------S MwiwmIi'I ) O c W H I T E T U N A YtBM rtllM BM taM Syrv ftS S9* H M r W W I l t f Ae plMt h N o b lM O JiM a InHMr M N StA A O* 5 9 i i Mg H i atom Ym M i Iw M (iw f Mh 2 V 29* M M OM m I m A fUkmr LT.WOOD M'sShASana **!&*- 2U31* isiklLa 19c CtM Sm I Sm w y MiMh Locker Plant >" A k M N m p y M r M prioc. SHOULDER PICNIC Mtnrton’s IIM n i U i t ^itr. A n t W w FOR OU’TDOOR COOKINO U. 8. D. A. CHOICE HEAD CUT v r 9 0 « U k y M S l M . DELICIOUS CORNED BEEF M » t | M STEAK|TTES CKIdiuii of Ilie Sea BEEF PIES Big, Big Bing STJIMPS ‘ OUR OWN CURE Chunk light 1

itaiTi Suewlany 0 * V 4I* TOBIN’S - WEBSTER EXTRA LEAN, FBESHL'y GROUND I p r f c o o I Sweet, ripe NOT PREPACKAGED Vogafablo Shortaning (n iln U iafah lto Sipo BACON ^ ' and lusciome! I*!) CM / 31c Ihir iM dA em i Kw CHUCK GROUND M > c a n 80< V » 4 6 5 i 0 9 p b

Goldnn thoriianing GROTE & WEIGEL — FAB "H- H R S T PRIZE— M U C K r S C O L D C U T S SLICED TO ORDER—NOT PREP.4CKAGED ■ m UiH M « M M I M V p * NectariHft 46 VARIETIES rv|QRAJ m mrnum W . D y n o w rio M m Io w b « r l MiatoVftaPIftb J|4V M ttmpom WgM rnmmu H q a M M w g ie l For Flavor and Fres’hnessI JUynoldi W nj^ lAAflnH ftni lagiaidkR ve* 4ft ^2 S i Strawberries MMeHMeftfte - H B l WE RENT COLD STORAGE LOCKERS FOR Hsnvy M f rfc-^s 1 m D9k*«0"AA' i0k4ai^ tt. FREEZE QUICK and EASY In p m f t BWMd YOUR FROZEN MEATS AND VEGETABLES ‘ I " W 6 8 c .VAPOCAN 1 . - 2 ----A' 1 t k m N M g . Tpgfhd Suck Economical Horn* FOR AS LITTLE AS $1.25 A MONTH. THE F a b ^ o fiw n T Big, bedi^tful Fraoiino Contalnara I l g a t a N • iM. lifaryoM mkt far T r e n d , Pint. 10 for 69c LOCKER HOLDS ABOUT 250 LBS. OF MEAT. ftp Mill Mwfte U St For iMg W «hkyi i Giant She 49c sacMidf wlieR yap 3 piece Salad Set 11/2 Pint U) fo r 79c COMPARE THIS DEAL BEFORE YOU BUY A LundMon M eot"^ MiSviK *ir r m l>«AM U 4catai a n J d L W h Gorgeoiw jewe^-tooes , in Qt., 10 fo r 89c \ t s s r StopiSiN p Appk Pfa U ds, 10 for 65e L ^ , * HOME FREEZER. - C Sove 40* on leiAoM ...... " [^^ietSeJMgba^ P " ' m » « t M * . 'C b e M s : “ i z z holAo togaftor t QaNon of Bfoach 49* "M r. €|leen O ee in fv e ry A ia g '* T id e , - / DIue W aihd^ Suck HouiebeiJ Meencr 9MW b u t V i - IV tmiaataiag wMh apfw apploto .‘ i, ' . ■ ' - Compare to other fine brands aelling for up to 16c more! And you Mvo lOc. Reg. 39c. M Win $5,000 in Tide's^ li ounce boHle 39c SMWMWTIi i h 2 «|^ 9 t 'Mb, ee peit^e 35c 6 4 3 - 8 4 2 4 “lhapping Hing" SwMpitaiwc .aAft|

* M r 8 i e 'Jv * - *» . : ' L .1 I I ,

m ,,- M A N /M4NCTriBTEiU c a w TflaB lIA Y , JC LY _ dalnagad. FAfflE S m t P I ttia vtcinity of the Jails, bfoddng traffic. They refuse«t^ to move, he An iurapu inveatigaflan was alatiqa hi diaata. wka V i o l e n c e teid, and wera carried to fba'pad- tagroppad. at fire Bore flMa‘ LMO Negroeu- have SMM teld IkB dy wagona^ beadquhidan a hioA wmy beea .. azreated hare in recent O^mnlwa ^ ' Eagle Losses' of the United States, wacka anff^ six have bean eonvict- Other Negroes lay Cerent in front dared pottN tp waa a from Patnaewt caBI In Savannah; gas. lie dura was aceafted ana ed Wa aatltiaapasa diargea. They I k e teWB' reoreatton departznant <)um>, Bouador —Ouuyaqud. f i l m a w U m C h O a of the wagona, blUckiiic thair de­ ara aseklag hew trials. (Ooatfnned from Page One) TV-Radio Tonight Bring Probe parture. Inaide tlfo Wagons,. Ne- the Negrpea jasat Ike M'auadea has luHiomiced a aetiea of'l<) one- wWb . 608,000 people. Is Beuador’a tors staged sit-ins st the Manhat- M iM Leonard groair pushed togi^w and broke with a vnOey o f rod n . ,. There was no '’expianathei of htegeat c*ty. Quito k sepood. , tan offices of Oov. Nelson A. Tear Gas Used wko fired ttw dipt that wmmded half lionr"^ antmaiteg leasona for standing out there,’ ’shld a teen- and Mayor Robert A. opearthe doora. when polfoe triad Anotbef group o f ahoWt M i re­ a recent census shows. Some ru- treated down the atreet , hreu k ^ Ike Nagro deiiwwieiTator in *- the**-' wotuMt at Am Verpkuiok School ager in a ear parked near the Wagner today as the state Intei^ Air Race O f Pesticides Meed with carefully to block the doora, other Negroes pool. Ikeae aeaairaia wOl be heM tnl-ama flgurea are unrehafale, J, „ I vened in the racial conflict that In am ow ta (Ooeilamed y Saturday. (34) What * New 8:30 (10-23-30) Dr. Kildare S;(16 (40) Aseignment Ui^erwater (4033) L.eave It To Beaver al bird, the bald eagle. feu(i between two teen-age gangs. ■Mr tha laca wU be froin *:U0 (13) The Twilight Zone Chlif-, to Atlantic «:3S ( 3) News: Sport*! weather The victims, including four teen­ 4:30 ( 8) Hong Kong (4033) My Three Bona There ate only about 4.000 bald agers and a 22-year-old male by­ c a r , K . J. IO m InoBard and her (40) Adventure* In Time ( 3) The Detectlvaa eagles in the United States, ex* stander. were not serlou-sly hurt, « » « fla t. M m Margaret Ciaek of (53) New* (18) Subecription / ^ <341 Symphony (34) An>. Busineis Syttema chiding Alaska, and there has a hospital reported. Four Negroes niilata. Calif-, won ^ oC the 11 (J8) U fe of Riley 8:30 (4(533) McHale’a Navy been a severe drop recentl/ in liga M Mat yaar'a race. They (10-23-30) Hazel (C) were arrested. (22) Club House the number of young eagles being The teen-agers are members Sf w H be flytng a Mne and white 4:46 (10-22-30) Huntley-Brtakjey New* (24) Ragtime Era 10:UU I 3-12) Nurse* bom. p e n t tmfBn you M BOTH F lp w mmI are aponaored ( 3) Walter Cronklte the "Butler Gents.” (63) New* (24) Japanese Time "Breeding success in sosne Police said a group of 10 "Sov­ kjr ttM Avia HentrA-Gar System. T:00 t 3) Wratt Earp (4()33) Premiere areas is almost nil," said Dr. I t t a Inooard, in a idioDe call from (13-2i«0-M) New*; Sport* and (10-23-30) World of Jacqueline ereign Lords" carried a laweiL Weather Kennedy' William Stickel, onq of those di­ f OP or BOTTOM off. double-barreled shotgun and Inr kOMO m Peeerty HOla, Oalif .. 10:30 ( 24) Basic I**U(>* of Man recting the research' at the center. (10) Rlp(»rd several • rifles In their foray he k v fktbM . aaid tlna year for (53) Family Market ( 8) Dragnet This is especially true along the the Mat tkaa they wBl be oarry- (18) Subscription TV 11:00 ( 3-8-10-13-22-30-40-63) New*. against the "Butler Gents. (34) Travel Time' Weather and S|Mrts Atlantic Coast, where onto about lOlV DISCOUNT C A policeman said he heard two kM aayge a for noe in fUgtat. This., ExceHent 7:15 (22) Klnge of Golf 11:15 (101 Tonign; one in ten attempts by bald ea­ shotgun blasts and several^, rifle ^ ^ l a a tkaM to fly aa Ugh as 18.* 7:80 (1030) Wide Country ( 3) Movie gles to raise their young succeed­ M 8 faat e h k h M e feels would ( 3) Award'Theater - (40) Steve Allen > For shots at 9:30 p.m. on a street cor- ( 8) Gale Storm ll:3i) (12) Movie ed last year. rier near the "Butler Gents haae kal[^ tknn in last year's (4033) Nelson Family 11-30 ( 23-30) Tonight (C) ■ The investigation has centered IB (22) Men Into Space ' 8) Movie ___ on pesticides as the p i^ t d e headquarters. Pot When the sboU rang out. a ^ Ika oew r of 'the plane ' ia Haat- SEE SATrRDATrS TV WEEK FOR COMPLETE T-ISTINO cause. PRICES*** hMa l l anjuurt who fonneriy Ured The Patuxent center proved in Roast yssu'-old man collapsed and died hi nwitlaniT Conn„ and operated research begun in 1945 tbat sub-1 —apparently ot a heart attaiA • Iks miylWBd Ikim a He k now a lethal doses of pesticides lower i a m p FAmOUS In his apartment above the gang , faUdaot o f caUfOciiia. the capacity of Bob White and R u n i i m headquarters. Police today booked thres Ne­ A!wac4a w61 i>e preaented at a Radio quail to reproduce. hMsqaat which M m Leonard and N T m OVBI MAST LB gro youths on charges of feloniou.s (This listing Includes only those news broadcasts of 10 or 15 minute Pesticides have been found in GREEN STAMPS a s kar eo-pOot wU attend in AUanUc assault, unlawful assembly and length. Some stations carry other abort newscasts). varying quantities in the carcass- TOP illllieiN ROASTS Otty Jdty 18. MIm Leonard’s sis- violation of the antiweapons law. e.s of eagles, including one which tar, Mrs. Gerard Chapdelaine. is a W D B ff-U il 4.11:45 Sports Final A 18-year-old Negro boy waa held 13:00 Starlight Serenade observers watched die on Jamee* I a Juvenile delinquent Mhnehaatarrea ldent. 4:00 Jim Nettletoa 1 00 New* and Sign OH IB 4:0U Raynor Shines w rw r-i4ia town Island in Virginia. Members of the State Commie- Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Gerahin. re 1 :06 New* o.gn Off 4:00 Joel (Msh But Dr. John L. Buckley, di­ sion on Human Rights confer to­ ■WHa 7:00 Bill Hughes rector of the wildlife reaeurch S t e a k s at EkrtfOrd Hospital, day Frith a lawyer for the White 4:00 Jeff Sprung 13:00 Girand center, said he was not yet con* Top Round or Cube n g at their home on 4:15 New* Weather and Sports WINF—1284 Castle diner chain on picketing at Rd- Mrs. Gerahin was 7:15 Easy E>1 Show 4:00 News, Weather vlnced pesticides are the cause a diner in the Bronx where vio­ June 37 in an .8:00 Met* v*. Lo* Ancele* 6:10 Today on Wall Street of the eagles' failure to reproduce. lence has flared four nights. 10:30 Tontcht At My Plac* 6:15 Showcase He added however, he also wmuB*t m, 0 iiiewt wfaQe on her wTiD-iaat 6:45 LiOirell Thomas IB Mckets sponsored by the Con­ hem riaiting her bus- 4.U New* Bpone Slid WaallMt 7:00 News convinced that pesticides were not gress of Racial BJquallty are, de­ 7:16 World Wide Sports ear ran off the end of 4:35 Album of the Day the cause. manding that the chain hire more 4:45 Three SUr Extra 7:30 Showcase Researchers at Patuxent are ______Highway and overturn­ 7:06 Conversation Piece 8:00 The World Tonight Top Sirloin Steaks Negroes. Officials of the chain working along two lines. The cen­ ed at a eonatruction point in Hart- 7:30 Ne-ws 8:16 Lifeline have called the demonstrators 8:10 Pop* Concert 8:30 Showcase ter ha.s requested that all bald 10:65 Yankees at Los Angeles LB demands unreasonable. 8:00 Boston at Minnesota eagles found dead be sent to RACK RAY - flkatBoimt Shm/nt eration for ^pendicitls. M d n u H would prepare an order granting held Saturday morning inspection. a request by the> U;S. attorney P(4ice did not attempt to eject All the beds were lumpy except EXTRA S&H STAMPS with ONE 4 fo 6 lb UCES ON general's office that Perez Jim­ 10-year-old Kathy's, which was any of the sit-in groups. enez be kept behind bars. FRkl: DEUVERY ■The demonstratcurs at both of­ SAW43MM B r a n s faultlessly in order. Latz called 1 U U Smoked •m o o i o r Picnic Perez Jimenez sought his free­ attention to bow well hla daughter fices want more than I2.5-blllion 9 A.M . to 9 PAL worth of state and city construc­ AUSTATE PABITERS dom through a state court hear­ had made her bed.. W niA S8H SIAA8FS with O NI Wb pkg 4 k f EXTRA S&H STAMPS wHh ONE 8-ec pkf 1 W E G I V E T ir s t tion projects held up until there "You know why her bed is made SFMTy'sBr9WiiN'S4rv9SMsag8 -TW. 74S-7588 ing, contending the government RnU SWd n i fniilu 2 5 had forfeited' JurisdicUmt by not so well?” explained her brother. ARTHUR DRUB 50 Is assurance of more Jobs for Ne­ acting on Venezuela's extradition "She slept on the floor (ast night.” 4 0 1> BORA SAH STAMPS wHh ONE l-oi |*S EXTRA S&H STAMPS with ONE 1-ft> phf groes and Puerto Ricans. CeoM hakn Snuag* h o t m iw ih Both Rockefeller, a Republican, N a tio n a l 2 5 fbMt la^ Meed Bilegwi 25 and Wagner, a Democrat, have 4 0 P fXTIA S&H STAMPS with ONE 4-ez skf bora S&H STAMPS with ONE ring been active in moves for civil knmm S t e P r i M KM mmb rights and equal Job opportunities Stores 2 5 OM MU Bibpn 25 for minority groups. GR.BBN The two sit-ins are sponsored . YOU GET BURSACK'S LOW. LOW PRICES ON ____ hgr tbs Joint ComaOttee on Equal JBTTAM PS^ Opportunity. The committee in­ cludes representatives of CORE, the National Association tor the Advancement of Colored People Searon^s Best Buys in Produce t and other civil rights groups. Polly’s Pointers Sitr CANNED JUICE SPEOALSl PEACH ES 4 - 43 ’ EXPAND DISH .ORAINEB PliwappU-Orang*, Pm4appl4“P4Br, Piwanpple Atwimt *AVE Ic By POLLY CRAMER Newspaper Enterprise Assn, DEAR POLLY—If you do not Del Monte JUKE DRMKS 4 6 0 Z CAN 37‘ LB have enough room In your dish BANANAS drainer tor extra glasses, etc., a few clamp clothespins pinned RID or YILLOW - PerfKt TimsI QuwidMr S A V i 17c along the border or sides form NIW JERSEY pegs on which to hang small Juice 46-OZ PINT TRU-BLUB glasses or baby's bottles. At mj( CANS Blueberries suggestion, my daughter used this Hawaiian Punch 3 Idea for her baby’s bottles. Ever LB since, she has used colored plas­ PINAST - Fancy Quality, Full BoAml Ftw Cherries washukstom stati tic or wood clamp pins along the sides of her dish drainer. —MRS. 4 6 0 1 f u l l o f i d e a s CHICICEN NCXXIZ. a a C O M I iBiAiLFACK CANS CALIFORNIA LB DEAR POLLY — Recently some FKG S|01 Tomato Juice 2 of us were planning a bridal show­ H o b i M Tcifef Tea Bogs OF XK) Nectarines er tor a friend and we thought it would be fun and different to have O f f CK-GHIOCBW , "YOR" €AR0iH - Made from Sweet, Tiwtpeiwd F i^ lA V I 2c U Y 9 CAKE MOOS LB a trading stamp shower. This SANTA ROSA shower tunied out to be lots of 29« Piunts fun. made a hit with everyone, the BcHy CradKT guests as well as the future bride. HOSHTAUTT ASSOCIMBir OtOFFeOi Grapefruit Juice She loved shopping with her ^ 7 % O Z stamps and got many wonderful RABTFOOD JARS gifts. —MRS. D. G. L. PHIAST - Rkb in Tropical Flavor GIRLS—That was real generos­ EXTRA S&H STAMPS with ONE phf NOUKBHUG, ECOhPM ICAt i SHtWMei KTRA S&H STAMPS with ONE 2-Hj )sr ity on the part of the guests as most women really hoard their Fioist Strawberry Preserves Tropicana Fruit Bars stamps and would be loath to part P r it e c e Mneoppie Juice ^ 29‘ with even one. — POLLY lABJET, QMU4EAE. MCE a' _ ■ ■ ' ■ . - A t e ^ EXTRA S&H STAMPS with ONE M -oz M SOtOFACK o a M te EXTRA S&H STAMPS wHh ONE 2-tb isr DEAR POLLY — Shorten the Abo ORANOI DRINK *AV1 «c 2 d Finast Liquid Detergent legs at one end of a picnic table R & R X 2 ^ 37« d U Raast Raspbein Preserves and fasten old tricycle or baby A t e f EXTRA S&H STAMPS with ONE 40-oz M buggy wheels to the legs so that ALL VAUE1CS HSriOKKAaES ■ A t e EXTRA S&H STAMPS with OhjE 30-oz mh therta^le will remain level. You LGE Hi-C Grope ]Drink 29‘ Prune Juice fackiiu iami. ckri pick" up [the other end and BARS 3 ( 1 FiRast Pioeapple Chunks 2 d easily roll th'e| table to where you S w i f t ' s » 2 ^ 49* 31 •WTint it .—MRS. O. F. EXTRA S&H STAMPS with.„ONE PtlidoM S«frMhlng Drinti S A V l ^ EXTRA S&H STAMPS with ONE 16-oz «sn ^ WcagAf? —ilat Diet Delighf Help Youl DEAR PtjLLY—I ' have two lit­ Rnast French Cherry Pja tle giiys, 5 and 7. It seemed as Bm Ami Jet ^pray thought I was continuallji going to the refrigerator' to get one of QUKX AMD EAST 2 aoziMNS 35c Mott Drinks** «•**» « 29‘ A t e f EXTI^'S&H STAMPS with FOUR 3 H ez pkfft A t e P " EXTRA S&H STAMPS with ONI them a cold driiik of water. Last w o z ltd ^35c |Ptan 9M>T CAH 3 5 < summer, I saved two catsup bot­ Rvut Frak Galatins 2d Finast Banana Loaf U o d e eSf 33c I Apricots ^ W 2 CAH 21c tles 'and the caps. I put a red A t e f EXTRA S&H STAMPS with ONE pLg sf tt rubber band aroimd one and a rwjt Fmhh! EXTRA S&H STAAAPS with ONE J-lb jsr blue rubber band on the other. T i s s u e 2 2 7 t I filled them and placed them Ffnst OrMgt Marualade 2d Finast English Muffini in the refrigerator where the chil­ kitty S^moB for Cals S c o t T o w e k ' RIG ROU 2 1 c dren could reach for a drink ig | P EXTRA S&H STAMPS with ONE pkg s( 4 w m IM Of 400 2 7 < A t e f extra S&H STAMPS with ONE 24-oz btl themselves. They are each respon­ Dipper Pura Soottes Fadal Tissues sible for ■ keeping their bottles NapAa Soap^ 2 NeiHa 1j3 M ore Tea 5 1 c IHOZJAI 8 9 e A d ReaLkaM Ltaon Juice 1 d Finast English Muffins filled,, and they drink from the LEMONADE bottles—which certainly saves on Instant Fels » • « « « Aa.aBwa d k o d k F bI O Yluts Jnsiant Coffee JAB 9 5 c I g | P EXTRA S&H STAMPS with ONE pkg glasses. I give' each bottle a good Ate ■ ■ extra ^ STAMPS with ONE H pin* sin sudsihg every day) or so. —GERr RaHy G ocker Mini Rrownie AAtx 14^ FKG 3 9 c ’ Gande F ^ "YOR' GARDEN ^ 1 d Sugared Chocobte Donuts TRUDE BcRy G ocE er Butterscotch Squares 14-Of WC 3 9 < 2 d I n e l^ HMVy Craan Woodburf'SoM> ameim« M N K « r REGULAR H ^^cANs X W ; DEAR POLLY — All knitters sm ata 4 7 g Bonnia Toao Cat Food KG 8 9 c know it is best to Join yam at / CANS the end of a ro.w. To detetmino f^ Z KG 2 9 c 2 85< Harlz D og YoBaaBH ( \ whether you have enough W(x>l to ' - * 4 9 c work the row all the way across, n r c M r o a h m n > c o n c o r d ^ spread the work out on the nee­ Grape Juice ^ n-OZCAN 31c dle. Then if the yam left mea­ sures four .times as long as the MAN CABOL CANDIES SUMMEKTIMB SPECIALS work on the needle,there will be jm n o ^ lOOZ enough to knit the full row. —S, n^rw—« 2 nCGS Hawaiian Ponch muKF 3 ^ • j ' I JELLY W AFIBS GljRLS /— How'many times 1 have gafobled on there being .=S2' 29« enough, yam for another row. Now } Welchade 4 I wonder why it never occured to kluLrAa !Si_2a< me to ravel out one row and n B K n N O U 6A1S « z » S 9c : measure the amount . required. Four times IS .it, in plain knit- oocnesfMc 25?o39t, JettecflhOrinlis O8di0*nr,<5»«P4AFpk 5 flng, but I would Uke an extm tach tor tee tying together: — M BMT NAIIOWAl M S MABTO 9|N « FRoouen 0 ^ ofm m RenvEiHi uoq to umit POU.T FIOUjMIT QUANTlTIEt . Ill ■( -----' . lop u r ■ “ ■ r -

ij; t , PAGE NINETBBN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, IIANCHi^Il!K» COWL, THURSDAY, JULY 1 1 , 1 9 MI .. t THURSDAY, JULY 11,.1963MANCHESTER EVteJiNG HERAU). MANCMEsri^ OOltfl., dtane to help A frid^ .nationalists. is essential for us to keep In dy­ FAGC EI0 HTE6 N- ■w/i taxax aabUito. llatbUi Angnten guerrilla- flgm ers u e namic contact with our brothers PENTLAND d a ily crossworu pu zzle W rite -o ffs U p partlCTIarty Africa E^ es tndimig In < several Algerian- in Algeria to b e a e llt' fr a n their 6V ROUSC»N O U R flOARBING ^U S E with MAJ^R HOOPLE w e n , , ___ , Campe. Estimates of the number emaerlmco.’* " v urrus spoihs • Half of tboee etlrklng to the ok) vary from 30 Oto 1,000. ’They use Rescha said the Algerian gov-' jorporatiems^ guiddhtes on denrbriatkin told the jSuppQrted by weapons that served Algerians Srament “la oqe of the most' prac-1 I A t i - ; An«w*f to Depmtment of Ooauaerce the av­ during their rebellion. deal governments'' we have daalt / tVE MUlSOCD A LOT OP <90E£fI 'pie Baby Has enge aerrica Uvea they weft ns- Representatives of the “Nation­ With In Africa. It has i^ven us QZ o R 6 H a b o v e AN’ BELOW People and Things hig for their equipment were Algeria Boss al UbecaUon Front of Angola’’ more material assistance than i M M I G * EdATXFIOEM O.t HAMS C U C K T WATERS tQx HOPE HE^ < T|ut Savings about flie same as the new guide­ m o r^ .” IRM W E RAKE PKOHieADeTEt, conduct an active press campaign ^ ^MATCHES TWAT OHBJ; ACBOSS lOPartide lines. (Many Industries and com- .wnRlW HOROWIEC with the government’s help. Al­ Be declined to specify what Al­ ih t h e ^umkeM l a k e s llBb-alve mouiias oaaies already had made new ar- By ANDREW b o k u w u a ; fo v H o BUT t h e ONLY TlM t t EVER By SAM IhAWSON gerian ■ newspapers denounce Por­ geria's assistance consisted of. aiPTAHm/ THE MATNES CAUl IGlMson or 12 Seawnins Been Named... He A r o o p t h a t Q T . , Kcanedy A P Beatoeaa Hewe Aaalyat iaiMcmaitB with the Internal ALGIERS (AP) — Premier Ah- tugal’s conduct In Angola and Ben Bella has aphounced he baa THEM THE -nctMeUEES, MEAH- 19 By way a Rsreane Service betee the general Ben Bella’a queat to become earmarked the equivalent of 3200,- /MACKEREL OP YOOKS WAS' 7 Funny ones 21 Fancy OEM TCHtK CAP)—While hod threaten intervention. (M& CAMELS OF THE 13 Mist Drew’s , change waa announced.) leading revolutionary Is 000 to help the struggling nadco- PfXM A FRIENO WHO A 22 Fishermin s —awd the rest of n»— I At the recent Addis Ababa sum- f T H E S e CLAIMEP He HOOKED ONE nimesaket alists. FtSH CAM e o 3 0 HOOR6 14 Small apac* ------iJ S r ^ lung Alger* Intomu, a. m dn base —— mit conference. Ben BeUa pledg^ WHUie BAILING OVCRTH' 23 Township (abj litoeat oiA eongreaeianal debates ^ .rrUnr indeoend- I"volunteers to help A ngolas In helping nadonalists from An­ NEW C A R WITHOUT A DRIMtC/ 15 Meat cuts 24 LeKiaUUva of nationaltets seeking maepeno g^nst Portuguese rule. SAHARA DeSERT W A 18 Rent roll WniTt Blntae Tlracy, daugMer Ctoytoa M. and cuts hi income tax'to be Jumped in later yean be- gola, Mommhique and South A f­ body PelUn HameL 85 Waite SL 6be waa hem 1 ad Itoa cause of faster writeoffs now. And rica, Ben Bella apparenUy would BUGGS BUNNY HOUSEWDAn*/* 17 Piper’s, son 25 Adjective latea. some eorpotatkais hava* ------.**Poiltlcal exiles and nationalists Last/'^eek, Ben Bella 18 First woman 26 Mr. Lugosi Mwn^rtal a ^ t a l . ^ B ar .raaleraal anaidaBataef' la MBa. F n some noted that die new. medxida ly Inaugurated the headquarters Uke to build a debt of gratitude RENTALS (BibJ 39 Age 49 Bird’s! »Mi4> a neat saving already. from Portugal’s colonies and from 27 Blackens Tlih PaUoo. Ribiden. Her pateraal graadpareola are Mr. aad Mta. would decrease their reperted net of the South African "NaUonal toward Algeria which would help CERTAINLY, <30SH,I \WONDER ACCORDING TO 20 Amount (ab) 29 U.S. coin 42 Bury Mhurica Hhmel, 86 WeBa St. Smue S3A hUlion. the Depart- income akag with the grass eani- South Aitrlca a ^ flocking to Al­ foster his leadership in Africa. ersiMcnt 5 ?« “«od43gt^;^|^ V .. C o n g r e s s,” an o^anlzation euV'NOR, W HeUE HE KEEPS THIS SUN DIAL, 21 Is pcrsil lent ioC Cbmmmce says. And the liw s a«««* make unfortunate com- geria in search^ support Another factor is Ben Bella's VataliMi Sptdait 25 Sojourn StMast ‘ ^ s X (Uffi- PlefJged to the elimination of '^HT/,SVtt/E8TERA ( JUST A HIS WATCH? )T IS ALMOST 28 Exposures 45 Calumniate direction Mnteh, Sherri Lon. daugtiter of Ronald K. and aaSy layaa »«fc hcDcnts may go even higher oarisoas with previous yoars. to coDVlcdoo of the importance of NOON, SIRE! SSPeruaa 47SpeedcattUft MBurmoaen itan Oda year’s tax bOls are flg- etilUes, Ben*SSa ^tas promised i white rule In South Afrlc^ TTie Oae. two er d ,CAN YATELL HX J \ WOMENTi 32 Doctrine 37 We KUth Mutch, Marrow Rd.. Coveetry. She earns hara Jtoljr 2 at the imirr»*“ dtacouragHnent of ------money. trainlhiC^Uities headquarters, headed by Robert his role as a liberator and r«vo- OWW-TWW! 33 Kind of tide SSAlcore 48Deoda apdte Mancfaaater Memorial HoapttaL H «r maternal gmad^aranis ai« their stoekboldeia. Wieir profits.-—-—a rm s . - V m ... lution&ry. C M O M r! 34 Miss Chase ■'* ------Rescha, is to serve as the main IT IS ? and Mn. R. C. Hike, Pennington, N. J. Her gatwaal The cm hi tax payments came would loMk umaUcr. even If their and volunteers to free Of, coordinating and propaganda cen- >"Ren BeUa 1s convinced that 35 Kind of illy „om new rules on figuring depre- ■ J , i„i iraiM-rt ‘ the remnants of colonial iu|e.^, 35 Lea grandmottier la Mra. Joeepbine Match, SouUh Bedtoy M D a, IM k - r- ter for French-speaking Africa. he la the most prominenL ufost 40 Musteline W e haM d aiber, Shaundi Lynn,' 15 numtha. rinttoB. the w ear and tear that C brn^Sm are watriiiag now I “ I myself wUl fight If necks- 'We are ranv^cwl" that our successful revoludcoary to AW- fC . mammal A , • • G • the tax conectar alkars on ma- »*» the sary,’’ he emodonally told a rec- M nwgle to South Africa wlU take I ca.” a Western < h p ^ a t a a l^ nwaa MR-2W1 41 Physostigmlne Y«r|pHiacn, Babert Shaaa, son of Hftiry P. Jr., and .laaira chinety and equipment. rxtee’oa cisisFMta income, no ent rally. . , . 35^'Sme term as to Algaria." i "His help for t^ ^ o j*!^ ** *• m M A lN ! 43 Mo'rlndln dyes matto’ how deprecladqn la fig-1 The government maintains se- M urray Y oigm m en, 31 Ekbnund S L He w aa bora Joto 5 a t St. The 32.3 bUUoh saving hopefully how oepreciaa^ » ^ what has actually been Rescha aald to an Interview. "It 1 largely tied to thia belief. 46 Container _aa chaaaeled into new machin­ 47 Wife of Aeflr Franda’ HoepitaL Hte matental ciaadparenU are Mr. aad Mra. (myth.) Ghariaa Murray, Hartftard. His paternal giaadparento a n Sto. ery. r*»"«« or otawr business ac- 80 Put in a new aqd hfta. Harry ,P. Torgenaen Sr.. Ftortford. Ha haa eaa hroth- thrity- would brip the econo- lining it y Kevin. 6, and one atoter, Kaddeen Anp. 3 ^ . my to grow—and even mors hope­ BsMt yMf gift cwiRttln w ith... 83 Bridge holding * • • e • • fu l, prov^ more Joba Pm m yMT Mget with... 86 Musical Audies 87 Makes into law Petoreoa, Stephea lae, mm at Otpt. Roger W. (US. A m ^ A MmMe Jump in new machin­ —■ ' ' TM. to» » t »w < 88 Scatters and Joan Boyle Patweem. Oeki««L Mkti. He was bora Jane 2T ery and toris orders, a slight in­ 39 MUe a new In Detroit. Hie ntatemel Siahdperenta are Mr. aad Mr*. Jotoe crease la plans ter .more spending i BY V. T. HAMLIN experiment on Boyle, M l Baat Middle tlpke. Hte pateraal giaad|iaiaMa are for ptams.and equipmenL teafhed ALLY OOP DOWN Mr. aad Mra. Oareoae Petenon, 35 Uxokmod St. He haa tera jm with geieral increase in buM- hrcMieta, Rog«r W. Jr., 3H. and John G. l.H. ness activity to lift the economy • 0 POOS aO NK TO HE MUST I WHERE'P HE, CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER 2 Singing \loke Mg***" and faster than the govern- _ ji___ I in t e r v ie w T H 'G U Y QUITE A FIN D ’IM ? 3 Masculine inunt experts had expected at the FEUA.' nkknamc CarieoB. lo r le li a , daughAhr a t Wajme Robert- aad SMnto* f’:- J- i-H ; j J: L!J WHOS aO N NAT^ start o f this year. OVSIMYOU JOB? 4 New Zealand M oK^ Oaitoon, 58 Cheatnut SL She was bora Jane 3* at Maa- parrot Cheetor Memorial Hoapital. Her maternal graadpareMa are . Some of thL. seems likely to be SS! 8 writing fluid Mr. And Mn. George McKay, 67 Btaaford 8L Her pateraal I traceable to the tax* savings of if July 4, S, 6, and 7 proved fo bo e bit too much for your food budget - - here's hew lo gel tWomu grandmother hi Mre. Svea Cartoon. 53 waiker St. Her atot^ the new depreciatitxi allowances. 7 Fondle it back into fhepe! Apply ASP's Nirifl aid fo r hoH-dazad budRalsI Get the cash savings • Mineral rodt nal great-grandparenta are Mr. and Mra. .JabB Bwactoe. IW These are of two kinds. FtosL BHales norenee SL Her palerml greet-giaiidparents an Mr, aad Mra. Oongram voted to allow ooepora- vided by AAR'S storewide low prices . . . they sure pep up budgetsl Pick up thorn vsluAte ttcoB to dednet from Omtl tax H rueet B «1in , O u t Hagnated. N . H. Field Stamps, too, and’glve your stamp collection a tremendous boost! And do all this vriiile - • • • • • Mil, ta 7 per cent of die cost ■T:3*C»r~ Toaell. KrlsUae Lois, daughter o f Louie W. aad Raawl He­ of new equ^iment. The Commerce you're selecting from ASP's dependable-quality foods! Departmept says corporations do- bert YoueU. 88 Harlan SL She was bora July • at IMaeteeMer Memorial Hospital. Her patemW gjw^mMmr ta M n Aana Ing so saved a total of more than -'L.TH— E i- 31 btmoa in 1963 on their tax wmmmmmmem 1 - M OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS YIoiMB. She haa one brother. Gary, IS, and ene MMer. Mann. 18. tana. *•••• the- Internal Revenue SUPER-RIGHT FRESH TENDER Af^^AAEATY IDEAL FOR COOK-OUTS DOWT6IVE HIM ALLTHOOBM NSa^ ^ Service issued new rules allowing l o o k , m a c .' 1 Clark,' Jeffrey DoagtoA mm of CStaHee Hr BPSeuSHTYOU ONCE—r r s TOO AAUCH FOR HIM, AMO— J i.Jwty • at tm tm r writeoffs lOT tSX pUTpOSeS ^ Y . WHERE 01PYOU THISTIME*- BA0FUU.7 VeWRETHE CNUlfONa other equipiawiL whenever pur- Ready-to-Coek T H e a C U L K E ^ VUHO HAO STEAK.' IF 1 THOUaHt YOU , Mt. and Mn. Harold A. Hindu. BHngton. Rhi ciwsed. T ^ depreciatlaa allow- PRISCILLA'S POP BY AL VERMEER PANHANDLE!? THOSE ON T H E WAY ibtiwr to Ernest E. Clark. Vernon. He has one DavM y o u BUSY FOR OF THE RESTAURANT, re t-L IS T E N , MIS" aacc reduces the gross earnings QUrTE A ChM Va, 6. and one MMer, CyntMa Elehte, 5. on which taxes are due. The Oom- Whole 2Vr-31» 18 M A S S H E WHILE.' -TER,Juarr*iAirr A • • • • SHE SAYS THERE'S EKPLAaHMATHIS^ mcree Department thinks this Chickens JUST NO W AY TO A T R I E D T H E ID AMU Onnanlage. Kerl lies, daugliter of Jeffrey Wayne aad IM it- inercaaad such writeoffs by 32.4 POOR MRS. STOBBS HA? COMMUNICATE T E U E P H O N E i lyn' Cartoon Cununingi, 841 Hills SL. EMM Haitfbid. Sie ama >im«« last jrear. And ctopor- W IT H H E R ! -XT born Judy 6 at Mhnehester Memorial HoapitaL Her nmtnad LOW PRICES T O 3 IB S QUITE A PROBLEM WITH attasa Ums trimmed tax llaUli- S Vt.E'AoifS ' Split or Cut-up HER TEEN-AiOED grandparents1 are jar. Mr. ana and Mn.mra. Leroyuerwy xi.H. ChitooB, m t Harltort -y —t ttoa by at least $1.2 biilion. H er pMem el graadfatbsr to Horace C. Cummtocs. H a* m m w O . D A U < E H T E R > • • • • • Bm faster writeoffs also mean- CHICKEN - Roy. jramaia Marie. «toug)«ter of Jose]* R. aad BeSty Jay WimI aonaer hmw form erly the en­ Chicken Breasts GMman Roy, 2732 Main St.. GlaMoUbury. Shejwas bora tire depraclaiton allowance will be 6 at MaaOhsstsr Memorial Hospital. Her used ap. This would increase tax paymeats in later years. The the­ BING CHERRIES Is Mrs. Thslma Oaaseday, West Tortt. Pa. Her pat QUARTERS Chicken Legs parsrita are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Roy, RFD Ito. 2. ory, however, is that this very fact would induce corporations to Fancy Sweet She has one btuther, Joseph, 2. LiGS 0 0 0 0 0 buy new machinery sooner and Tasty LB 39= Chicken Wings Bsgdsn. unobele Andree, daughter of John D. aad Margaret scrap what la old and nondedncU- Uc. a il all at thi« would add to MoiCimisy HMSdan. 13 Diane Dr.. Vernon. She wae bora Jm c 2T at Hartford Hospital. Her maternal giandpareata are Mr. aad the natiacra mneh-stresaed goal LB 35" LB 39' LB MTa Robert J. MrdClnney, Bolton. H er paterasl giaadpaieats of a faster economic growth rate. Chicken Backs ate Mr. aitd Mrs. John P. Bogden, Providence. R. L Hm mater­ Not an emporatians adored the i U nal great-giandroottier la Mrs! Amedee RobinsosL toJhmr ®**1^** uew depreciation rules. Some PEACHES Mwk to their old ways of figuring SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY, GENUINE SPRING, REG. TRIM WHOLE BY JOE CAMPBELL ii,ti.WTMa»ettw< temal grsat-gtandmother is Mrs. Amedee DeaaalL Qarix^ Qut- BONNIE ada. Luscious Tasty ^In a crisis IPs inspiring, isn’t it, Miss Stilss, to sea Freestone 4 LBS 39" Het I H. P«l.OBr« '".I Tedford, Patricia Lynn and Pamela Jeaa. twin Aiughieia of I'M HEDIOMTEVEN HE P0E6NT patriots flock to Washhigton asking only what they can Arthur ll kiid-ttoMh Freeburg Tedford. 8 Church SL They were SAV HELLO. \ THOUGHT^ KNOW !T do for their countoy . . . and what the salary vdll be!” w wt .■Ml bom July 5 at MbnaiMeter Memorial HoepitaL ’Their m etroti HERE COMES (HtSOiRL 1 S S U WHY MOTHERS aBTORRY .» -. LI ITHAT KM4PS0ME) PRIENP You VJEEE HIS Y E T - ' v grailtoarenU are Mk. and Mrs. ^ .9**!?*^ nm FANS SL Their paitemal grandniother is Mra M$ktiM-IL■•1hdto*8 [ Be ready tor the hot weather Lamb Legs Church SL ’Ibey have two sMara. Detaa Ana, ^ aaa * bbb.. ahead with a QUMTER AT­ CANTALOUPES BEN CASEY Colleen, 3. T IC F A N Itetalled to your • 0-0 0 0 JUMBO SIZE SHOULDER CHOPS Smith, Christopher John, son of John S. and Audrey Sehen- I teoane. Conqilete with, ton Inger Smith, 466 W. Middle Tpk*. He was bora July 5 at Man­ I loavera aad all carpentry 18's 49" AND STEW LAMB LB chester Memorial Hospital. His maternal giwndparents are Mr. wosfc. LAMB and Mrs; Joseph B. Sdtweninger, Manchester. Mo. His p atei^ LB ■Tandpeumtts are Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Smith. BuTCalo. N .T . WILSON su per-r ig h t slic ed Super-Right, Skinless, r T * G G • • . ♦ ELECTRICAL CO. • OZ 0 4 C Frankforts A ll M eat 2 P K G W RoUaton, Suaaa Ann, daughter of Bruce aad Rose Mary MIXED NUTS Pepper Loaf PKG w G W ells RObtiwon. 75 H reh Bt. She w aa bora July 2 at M u K h c ^ M9-4817— A33.T376 SUTEI-RIGHT SLICED ALL GOOD 12 OZ |C 6 0 Z ter MemoehU Hospital. Hef maternal giandparente we aad Exca 14 0 ZVAC. 80Z AAC SLICED PKG ■ PKG Mra. Loaia WeUs, Great Yatroouth. Noefoak. England. Her pa- olive Loof MCGi A » Bologna tenua glmndhareraa are Mr. aitd Mrs. Chnries RohinatB. SL Pe- BRAND TIN h r $UP€«-«10HT iOlLEO HAM TYPE 7-11 bsnbuiw, Pla. She has two brothera. Wayne, 4, and Davf^ 2. Cap'n John's . G • • • • Cooked Horn ^0 49*" Frozen SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NKal. Wank, Joaenh Eobert, son of Andrew and DomSEr Perch Fillets Wnuk, 23 Praapeot SL, RookvtUe. He w aa bora ’July 5 a t » U n - Notice JANE PARKER LGE. 8 ' 1 LB 8 QZ SIZE SUPEReiGHT CAREPUILY CURED Cap'n John's A 10 OZ f m C Oheater Memorial Hospital. His maternal gnmdpayda am ^ . REG. MAC SlkedBocoR p^^ u63^ Meet and Serve re PKGS / 3 r ^ O MANY \ and M n. Julius Urdn. Baxter SL, Tblland. His patefuel gm a^ B 69c 49' R$h Sticks pu«a(B are Mr. mud Mkv. IdOuU Wrrak, 15 Cbertnul St^ R o «* WE HAVE DAILY Blwberry DOWNDRAF15. I vlUe. Hb.ltoa two benthemi Andrew. 5. aad Michael. 2: aad oaa Mater, Andrea, t . DELIVERY TO THE m m 0 0 0 0 0 ju it Muxn L. Srnmmmmmmm Sommariva, Paul Andrew, son of Frsdericit and Viviaa UtUe While Iraie micHn L#AF STOCK Sotmnariva. 321 Benedict Dr., Wapptag. He was bora 2 ta BOLTON PtGch f k JAKE FAKXCR UG elk SfECIAL 59‘ Mhnehester Memoelsl Hoapftal. HU maUsml j r a a d O a ^ m UP Sed/L! ChaxJd ^m ptvuL! MORTY MEEKLE BY DICK CAVALLa Sumnuth. ' • Jolm UtUe. 160 Pearl SL His paternal gtanihaoteer is m___J v - 1— jMKVxwax GkAROCK IQT g J C r M N M cnSCCWT BOLD oe WARBLC SPEC DeRoooo, Westerly, R.I. He haa one tmaher, PYederiek John. A&P SLICED 1 1 LB iV 7 OZ Beverages ASST. FLAVORS ^ SOTS AREA ■fc npni.ctmAM.eeMiuTioii AmC 1 0 ^ : and otte Mater, JudMh Anne. 12. ' , Formosan SL. a I LB 4 OZ IHATOO/FROM H&eP0 C6 AU^HI61W0 a B 2. THEf/lD BCTTEiZ N O T L er G • • • • M M n S SOM JMC PAfiKER nCG OF 13 SPEC Pinea|iple SPECIAL 1 CANS Pineapple 9 5 ' IH&MAtUZOGM IG laS^UV IN Hee MC. e C C M a ? CSTO f i Ptlloramo, Robert, James, son of John aad ***'S ? f^ ® *^ lAKf'•SCKVY A FKGS mmC or Crushed * CANS Twh Rells iAKE PARm SPECIAL X OF 13 3 d A&P 1 LB 9 OZ 7-;i 5 ABOurMyaw, i6Nt H e? FlBoiwmo, 131 Hhasbeth Dr. He was bora July 4 at Maniymer LENOX DCW Memorial Hospital. Hte paternal gmndparenU are Mr. ^ JAKE PARKER SPECIAL JARS Cut Asparagus DROP Nicole PUiommo. Brooklyn, N.Y. He tame two tavoraen. Joiim. U . PHARMACY CiBHOBioii Streussel SPECIAL 39' Apple Sauc9 BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE Riotamrd 9; mnd one aiAer, Mary. 14. I JAK A I LB M0C SULTANA 1 LB G • • • • PAMCER A LVS Comwi Bh ( Hath 2W a OENTER ST. CANS MEM THE TlDEOiAMGES Rioter, Ronald ScotL son of Bsrt IL and Tomatoes SPECIAL 4 59" MIUER'S WGAL M AC 143 Orchard SL, Rockville. He was bom July 5 at Rncmlle Seer Rye Bread mmitarxis 2 ililv5 49‘ HEY, ' AWBE I'O TEL Ml f S t n Dill Pickles WHOLE rOSHK •OT WT aty Hoapital. - Hte maternal grandparents am Mr. and Mm 1 LB 1 OZ *10M,VllpW BETTERTRY Ttoomaa^amer. RockviUe. His paternal grandparmts are Mr. INPACK A A C STARrmS TO MAKE FOR Iona Green Peas CANS 25" Waldorf Toilet Tissue OF 10 O T TOGO THAT ISLAND aad M ra Harold Kloter Sr, Rockville. UrcIo Bens ROtERT PINT a A C b a c k - BACKTHERE. ANN PAGE SPECIAL 1 LB 2 Castile Shompoo PECK lOT ^ T WARPS' Pre-Cooked Rice Beans TOAAATO SAUCE CANS 25" Silverbrook Butter 7-// ANN PAGE 12 OZ CREAMERY I

CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNEI^ Nine Assorted Fruit Flavors — Frozen Jellies 3 ’ EXTRA THKY1« ' Our Own Too Bogs PKGOFtO’aPKO i Y IX A K A L L B E E F UbbyJ^iSL PLAID STAMPS “ MINMG W H O L E B E E F SMsU ONUS! * V»- ^ is Coupon and Your $5.00 or More PurchoM auari-*ldSr^J^6h«lF MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD HAMBURG COUPON GOOD THRU SAT., JULY 13, 1963 TENDERLOINS (iif ^glH xAf—Fnm limit on« coupon p«r eu»lom«r. Not good tor tobacco ■ WE WANT TO 6EAT 'EM AGAIN IF ^ THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT GAME, S 2 - 7 5 product) »n^ item) prohibited by lew. , '3PID, WE CAN, BOVS— BUT REMEMBER BOVS/1 w an tc h a a l l o n VOUR Lba. Ormge Drink FM Zr.UUl ^40ZCANS98‘ WHAT I'VE ALWAYS SAID— IT'S TOES— EVERY SECOND.' OKAY-! to h r- - »v,s tirie:’ ' - . JU ST A GAME AND YOU'RE Grape Men *4p~rMMR 24ozcam39‘ mimmmmmmmmm HERE TO HAVE FUN< $ < f 1 9 R

- "SHOPPING FLING" Borden's Wishbnne MABISCO OREO CRBMB Rogu c - 5 2 .9 9 SWEEPSTAKE hdian Dressing ^ 39® Sondwich " ' l»'’«49' Spogketti Sauce a IMPORTED KRAKUS HAMS l o . Evaporated Milk ^ SEE WINNERS LIST FOR ALL FAMOUS assortm ent PIAM V THREE DRAWINGS AT A&P. SuNsbini , « « 3 ^ p FARMHOUSE CREAM PIES 3 F , * 1 .0 0 a 60Z 9 1 C « i 4V iiO z a 7 C Nabisco Gtokies 'm 39' TIDE iA*etp«*3 5 ' 4 CANSM 1 0 CANS Vienna Fiiiftrs39' \ ■d DAVY JOP^ES BY LEFF and McWILLIAMS • PRODUCE • -- FANCY SW EET-^ED OR WTHTtE FANCY LARGE GM Mednl Ajax Uquid All Condensed Lux Uqirii 1 AM ... WHAT I'M AN...UH, GOOD... YOU'RE SURE, MISS... BUT Fluffy All MR. ABERNATHY BY RALSTON JONES and FRAfjK RIDGEWAY 7 h ir e d tSCUSE ME, M l§ S „. ALL-AROUND ; X WANT THAT TRUCK LOOKS s e e d l e s s g r a p e s CHERRIES flnnr •!»•»» 59' Detergent I'M l o o k i n g POR M A N ... 1 CAN YOU TO MOVE KINDA OLD T'M E... IT Cleaner Detergent HANDLE 'MOST THAT TRUCKLOAD I D O f/ rS E E TO EACH- ^ .. i 'L L E N JC V WOULDN’T SURPRISE LGE 4 4 c A n y t h i n g OF L U M B E R ME A BIT IF IT CONKID, Edncntnr AU PURMSB 12 OZ pla stic 47c H IS OWN, TH E GUIDE! PKG w O HEYABERNATHy- PH flC5 o il WHY •you E V E R DOWN TO OUT REAL SOON. Lb . 29c Lb . 4 9 c 15 OZ A A C BOTTLE to # YOUtaNOTEVBV TOOK TH IS ADMIRAL, •THE P IE R MlyTnrH ^«n25' BOT M r ; . T' PKG*" i GUIDED TOUR., y o u EN JO Y LOOKINO A 1 ‘ ATTHE T H E TOUR r z U e ’ a t PAIMTfNCS!] • FANCY CRABMEAT W bk Rinse Blue Sw oniiguid Ajax Cleanser Crisce ShertenlBf *: / Detergent Detergent -1 liqaM dtriar I U 4 y » » K |C A U O Z G I C . ^ 0 0 CAN toto M'COMTAINIRS M 1 PINT a 1 C QUART X Q C uozVu^fcinTC ^ ■ r a s . HIGHLAND PARK MARKET ! •OTTU iMR C A N T I OLN to 3 /// I ------« Phone 643-4278 ^ 317 HiRhl«n4 St, Mancherter, Ataa w ' w

■J. ' 1

j.' „ T "I ,4 1 . . / ' ■ Y ( ; 4 ■ -0 ' ' \ jI . f I \ ■ PAGE TWENTY-OUrt: MANCHESTER EVEmNG H pU U K MRlfCBESIBR, CX)l|f;ii. THURSDAY. JULY 11. 19^ MANCHESTER’ EVENlKG jaE ^ L D . MANGHES'TER. NN. THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1968 ■ FMHB tW iM tl Podres^ Win Over Mets Giji^ Dodg^rg Foiy-Giime Bul^e THE Rockville Trips Coventry Behind ^utz Herald ■ f LA Staff Stingier Than Benny HOWIE HOLCOMB 'Sports Edltar ion Loses, 3-1 the Mete, toe PhnadrlpWa out. IVahk Thomaealoty aiaec June A The big ri^t- l^EW YORK (A P )^ A bou tf hander now has a 412 mark. Sunday when they go to Wethers­ Two,, heavy favorites— in-^ on bogeyed the 16th hut they Eastern Leafcue lies dropped eecouditlBce Ban n toP xl w>6 itoep to left—hut ^ Good Pnblic Relations Mem a l«l Just when they appeared t o f ** more than enough aa5 halved the remaining holes and those Los Angeles Dodger Franclaco five games behind, cap­ my Davis got k againrt toe wall, The Reds netted all three of Klacak waa aifectivriy atifltog the field for an lmpm:tant double- eluding lEllihgton Ridge’s Jim pitchers. Man, they give up italizing on Giant misplayi hi a and his throw hi waa rrtayed to toeir runs to the first off Glen &)orts writers are notoriously among the world’s^ best be mhking a food rim for the header. Manefaester la aUm- on the Nixon had his win. Batters ga've the Eartem Menrherter' hitters. Tha locals fi­ Rusher— were upset in the Rusher', a rtudent at Darling­ runs the way Jack Benny 10-2 romp. first for a game aitdliig double Hitotaie. with M a r^ Keough knock­ “free-loaders.” This is a reputation that has b e« bi^t m top, Manchester’s Legion nally pushed over an unearned run road TSunday, facin g South Wind­ League back to tbe pitchers last Ptoy. ing to two with a triple and seor- sor in a sto ^ game at 2:30. semifinals of -the Connecticut ton Prep in Rome, G4U, won tbe re­ nigbt. Ar«l it was a rare treat en- parts with a buck. Also to the ML—Joey Jm j be­ • • • over 5 number of years. Much of the “kxit’’ cast toward, toe baseball team stubbed its col­ to ue aixth. Billy Kunx o|Wned cent New England Junior Tourna­ came a winner for toe fint tfme tag on a stages by Jolm Kdwards. lective toe. The stone ovw wtth a stogje, scoie aecond and Sununariea: Golf Association’s Junior joved bv aH bt^the league-lead­ Johnny Podres pulled the PHlLS-GIAim— • • s woricing press is legit—lifter all sports pages acroas the Rockville 204 000 x—6 4 1 ment at W^ollkstmi, Maas, and this ing Indians, who Scrooge act Wednesday night, dol­ in over a monto. vrlto strong rrtief which they stumbled came went to third on Klecak’a Wild Tournament which ends .to­ spring took the Mid-South Tourna­ help in the final toning, as the The Phils got torse runs In the fXMXB-FIKAm— country carry news stories that, in effect, advertise eyery- pidroff attempt He scored as Eric Coventry 000 100 0—1 4 2 day at the Watertown Country bowed 5-1 to the two-hit pitching ing out three miserly singles and fifth inning for a 4-3 lead over the Woodealdck relieved Johnson from Stafford ^Wtoga and it’i Puts and VanOudenhover Luft. ment at Chattanooga. Tenn. "The striking out 11 as the Dodgers Cincinnati Reda trimmed toe <3d- t.hinar from L it ^ Leagues to Majoi^ Leagues. To pay for Ozols grounded out Club. Rusher lost to Irv Nixon Jr. oi Ehnka's John Papa (6 4 ). In Giants with toe help of Chock HiB- with toe bases full to the' eighth named Dave Klec^lG Tooniey (1), Young (6 ) and Mor- other loser. Gosdigian, is the Hart­ other action, Totk buivched its cashed In another victory by cago Cubs 41: and Hourton’a Ken thto advartiatag would be lmpoa-5------' The catcher turned pitcher fired Manchester had a couple of of American Brass, 1-up while the. ford Jaycee champion. Johnson and Hal WoodeaklA com­ er’a error, then added three un- toning at Pittsburgh, retired toe stole, thus a free meal now and other threats going but Klecak riaon. other pre-toumey choice — Jim three hits for two runs in the handing New York’s poverty- earned runs to the sixth after side by strfldng out Smoky Bur­ The Jeta-’ntmw are even woiaa. a neat four-hitter lart night aa be Stalfori Svrlsca <6> The latter fell three behind stricken Mets their lith succes­ bined for a five-hit 2-0 abUtoot Of then is a cheap price for toe wion- Last eeasoo, with 'Tiyrtertoal was able to bear down aral get out ab T b po a e rbi Goshdigian of Goodwin Park was when Semplenski won the 6th. 7th fourth and got shutout pitchtog the Pittsburgh Piimtea. lie McCbvey dropped a fly frt A gess. then held off toe Pirates to hurled hia drib to a 8 -1 victory from Jim Burton (7 4 ) to defeat sive loss, 1-0. eortog group to pay. H ai^’ Wismer at the helm, the over the locals at M t Nebo. His of trouble. Detora, 3 b '...... 3 1 1 1 4 0 0 beaten. 2-up, by Roy Semplen.ski and 8Ui. They battled on fu'etly two-base raiapiay. They mmle .it a the ninth. The Colts managed only L. ChainpayBe. rf..30100U0 of Chase. Binghamton. 2-0. Rude Toppin The Dodgers now have won Dick Stuart's slugging powered rout with another llii lie ndi iliaiy six htts .oft Bob mend, but Tkere'e no queatian Oat oc- ch* want throu*^i ftrrt an Indi­ affective pitching wSa backed up Klecak. p ...... 3 1 1 0 3 1 1 even terms the rest of the way be­ the Boston Red Sox over Minne­ caelonaUy some writers go too far vidual inresB man and then a pwMlc STANDINGS The 18-hole final was held this fore Gosdigian belted two drives' (3-5i was the hard hick loser. At eight of their last nine in climb­ agatoat rdiever Billy Q dn to toe bundled three of them in-toe first by auperlati've defensive play at R. Champayne. 3b .. 3 1 3 3 3 0 1 Reeding. Frank Linzy scattrted ing -from fourth place to a rich sota 7-4 in 10 tontoga to the only and have a hand sticking out, relations firm. Nobody knew what Btaffbrd Springs recorded its tfaiid W . L Pet. Cuman, c ...... 3 0 1 3 0 0 1 morning. out of bounds on the 18th and American League game played. sevento. vrindtag up ynto the fifth for both their runa Hanley, l b ...... 3 0 0 7 0 0 0 eight hits—all singles— and coa-st- five-game lead in the National victory to todr laid^six gaftiee. • • • awaiting a ihtOe •’green” that was going on, l)ut compared tha victory to atoe starta. R qckviB a...... 5 2 .714 DeTora aa ...... 3 0 0 1 0 1 0 Ruoher gained the semio with conceded. The hard-hitting first baaeman > x-• either croeaeB the palm or eiae! oonditiona on the team itself, tUa MANCHEBTEK ...... 5 4 .556 Bemat. U ...... 3 0 0 0 0 0 an overwhelming 8 and 7 triumph Summary; I ed to tos 11th win in 15 (freriors League. In five of those eight vic­ MeOenrey b a n n d his 2trd hom ­ ■KD 80X-TW1MB— Rockville extended its Zone 1-A 6 ! as Springfield trounced the Red tories. Los Angeles pitchers have ploded out of a home run stamp’ er to toe first |od Orlando Cepeda Fortunately these cheapakates are waa pretty good. lead with a 5-1 triumph over Cov­ W ettaensfield...... 8 8 .500 Vail, ct ...... 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 over George Dent m of Ridgewood Ql'.ARTICBFTN.ALS with a pair, tochidtog the rlinrher' Stuart, mho hadn’t homered to C o v e n tr y ...... 4 .500 Hlpsky, l b __ ; ____ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sox, 9-2. posted shutouts and in two others hit his 17th to the fourth, gtving 2 1 games and hadn’t drtven to a fSw and far between. One*day when the writer was entry at. Rockville. 'The other) 6 in the morning quarterfinals. Irv Nixon. American Brass, def. they’ve held the opposition to a with two on to toe lOto. j San FtandSM a brief 2-0 lead. Chi run to 11. togged Ms Uth of toe But anyway because of toe na­ jid-ving as president of the Oon- game saw Wetherafleld nip South South W im ttor ...... 4 5 .444 Tolala: ...... 37 3 ( 31 1 3 3 However he lost the afternoon lead Alan Harrison. Orange. 3 and, 2. . • • Stafford Springs ... .333 single run. • | M dJsh .4 M. won It hot had to with one on In toe 'fourth ture of tkek- join, the scribes nectlout Sport Writers AHlaace we W toitoor, 2- 1 , on the letter’s fldd, .8 8 KSBcbMlcr ( 1) to. Nixon on the 'fourth hole and Jim Rusher, Ellington Ridge, RI'DOT N.AMED DODGCRS-METS— leave in toe sixth when be injured. inning as file Red Sox built up a oome to frequent contact with received a call frwn New Tork, a all blit eliminating the kwers from ab r h po never could catch uh- Podres, the 30-year-old left-hand­ Gallagher gave up five of Staf­ Crowrll. 3b ...... 0 0 0 def. George Dent HI, Ridgewood. Podres. 7-6. extended his sco r e -' Ma ^Akle nnmtog the bases. Jofan-’ f^i lead against poutopaw Jim publicity men—both amateur and reprasenUUve of the Titans artc- contention f«r the title. McCarthy, if ...... 0 0 0 ^ Nixon has a one under par 68 LAKE PLACID. N. Y. (AP) — er, has banked three victories in ford's six hits and all three runa 8 and 7. the Dodgers’ latest surge, allow­ less string to 24 innings in a duel: ~1ippeteto finished for the i Kaat ot toe Twins. Itien, facing pmffadnnBl Two of the best to tag to attend the next AiBance At Neibo, Stafford opened with a Kuiu. rt ...... 1 3 0 h L iitii OvKi.. rtiiJAl)—Walter McGowan of Hamilton, ’while Rusher’s medal .score wae an Jim Goshdigian. Goodwin Park, John Ruddy of Ansonia, Conn., to bring his first game after a May. cf ...... 0 0 1 ing a grand total of one run aild with the Mets' Gail Willey, vriiol^ Lefty am ODeO, 104, waa Mtoneaota relief star Bill Dailey the' latter oategnry are Bob Fiahei meeting. He was told bafd be wel- first toritog run off starter Gary even par 69. Bach was three under def. John Maloney. New Haven. 2- was peeled vice president of the- pair of wins. Butchtoaon j^hed M ai^. c f ...... 0 0 0 Scotland, goes upside down in a flyweight bout against par for the first three hole.s. Rush­ 10 hits. His squeaker over the checked the Dodgers on foor ain^ toe to the 10th after Dick Williams of the New Tork Tankeea and Bill' come and so he came, along with Gallagher. With one out Line Oaola. c ...... 0 0 3 up. National Federation of State High gles until Roeeboro rified owe toto ptneb douMe and a walk, Stuart Orowley of Ike Boston Red Sox, then quarterback AI Doroiw and rtii^ed bti w .; Sullivan, c ...... 0 0 2 Hawaiian Ray Perez in tlie Paisley, Scotland, Ice Rink. er went eagle, par birdie while the School -Athletic Association at ) Mets, decided on John Roseboro’s ^ Monettr, lb ...... 0 1 13 Roy Semplenski, Cha.«e. def. Bill I eighth-inning homer, was his sec-1 the seats vrlto one out in.^toe hit No. 10. fortunately the ones, that area a couple of other frimt effloa men. at aecond by Klecak. Then «*•«>< three walks in four Naugatuck youth had three Ses-sions III. Chippanee, 3 and 2. the dose of its five day conven­ eighth. Big things were forecast far the Aadrraon. 3b ...... straight .birds. The 11th hole was ond straight by a 1-0 score and his A1 Worthington and Bin Henry, Boelon’s bullpen ace, Dick Ra- scribes see mnch ef during the utlve atoglM by _ Leroy Cham-1 Rodevrs, an ...... STE.4DY WORK FAST PITCH SEMIFIN.%LS tion yesterday. The federation in­ Titans and the APL and tha writ­ RockviUe got a ifood two-way Brady a a ...... decisive as Rusher took a bogey fourth .shutout. Podres bad Ua d oe^ cmB hi stifled a hases-loaded Cub threat j datz. raised his record to 0-1 with summer monfha pagne and Frank Cuman got Kle­ NASHVILLE, Tenn. — (NEA) — ' Stratford - (NEA) - Inaguart- Nixon def Rusher. 1-up. cludes high school athletic asso­ hr the Btath, saving Jay's first vie- fiiree tontogs ot enektt relief. R woidd be dUHcult to choose ers were invited to a pra season parfonnance from AI Puts In scor­ Hutcnlnaon. p ...... 0 0 six and went two down. . While the Dodgers were edging. the last of the tdiito. Alto i cak home with the acore. Gallarhrr. p ...... 0 0 Art Guepe coached Vanderbilt foot- tog the world .sqftball tournament Semplen.ski def. Gortidigiaii, 2- ciations in all 50 states and six . i betw een them. One jurt feek party at the training camp to Bey: ing ibi fifth irictory against two [ Nixon Bogeya The visitors added two more Schnmer, a ...... 0 0 ball squad.s for 10 years. longer : play thi.s year will be the Women’s up. Canadian provinces. doiibly fortunate that both men. Mountato, N. T. A few 'want, 'wrote loasea. In addition to holding Cov­ than anyone except Dan McGugin.' Fa.st Pitch in Stratford Aug. 23-31. He picked \ip a stroke when Nix­ runs to the third. Again it was a Totala; .. 36 1 4 21 12 1 1 are to the Immediato area. Both good thii«B and aananed they one-out rally, thla time Detora entry to one run and four hits, he would oonttaue on the malUng list. a Popped but for Hutchinson in 7th. go out of their way to make the atartad It when he reached firat on termed seven and walked only one. Stafford ...... 1 0 2 0 0 0 0—3 MoriaHy Nine Infrequent vtdtor feel wrioome. Maybe oome did, hut aroi^ an error. Line Champagna fbulad It was Puts' perfect squeeze Manchester ...... 00000 1 0—1 here, the papers remataed on the 3B: R. Champaxne; SB: DeTora. HOME IS THE HERO—Dodgers’ catcher John Rose- Tk^ eomehow manage to make out hut Detola stole eacond and bunt that got itae first Rockville Crowell. Kuna (3). Rodgera: LOB: Staf­ the Ufile guin feel as Important outside, as it were, kwMng to. scored on Klacak'a stogie. Leroy run home and bis triple that drove ford Springs 3. Mancheater 6: BB: 11 boro received accolades from his teammates as he reach­ WO Leates Cellar aa the 'wiitera who are on bsml * a * Champagne followed with a triple in two additional seoras. Rich Mc­ Klecak 3; SO: Klecak 3. Clallaxher 2. I pseva.nAY, TMecfaY 8 to 5:30— WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY. FRIDAY I f» 8 — SATURDAY 8 t« 4 (l^gwStaBdiDgs dally oovertog the reepertive cluh I Hutchinson 3; Hits off: Gallaxher 5.1 es dugont after sliunming a homer that provided a 1-0 Wont Job Ever / scoring Klacak. Gill had two RBIs for the winners. I for 3 runs In 3 inn'nxs; Hutchinson 1 '[ INTERNATIONAL LEAOO: ’’We’re beginning to see Ike from the h uger paparsL That, ended Stafford's soaring' RockviSe has a big day on tap ' for 0 runs in 4 innings: L; Gallagher. 11 victory over the Mets last night Leo Durocher (2) leads Purtitog over a single run in the Tke worst atogla mWiandkng cheers, helped by iritcher Bob Miller and Manager Walt light," has been adopted by Mor- AMnOGAN LEAOCB While writers In this area have ttiird, Norman’s equaled the Oil­ iarty Brothem beinhell tens aa W. L. Pet. GB. been bleaaed wHh the ahUities of of pilbHc retatlono involved an Alston (left foreground) and outfielder Tommy Davis ers’ scoring in two other innings its official theme song—or at Mew Teak ....M SI All — Drills Start Today these two men, they’ve also been APT. exMbition to Now Haven lart (12). (AP Photofax.) and this squeezed out a 5-4 upbet least It oonld ha«« been. Tke Gee C H eage ...... 47 M ASS 5 bedsvflad by soma cf'the worst season. Only a few folks about Payoff Mistake victory last night at Verplanck House Gang aippwl ▼«k» ^ M a­ Baatan ...... 45 82 A 4» pUbaic letotiona efforts a t any the atate were even aware It was Huge Chore Ahead Field. chine, 2-0. last nig ht to th e B a rt- ....47 48 A48 8 Fw College Eleven league or team. on and even fewer ebowad up. Jim Baleeano was tte leading Chief ofXendan are the Aaaeri- Ntot one aOck o f pufcficlty cam e NEW TWftK (AP) — They FISK* TIRES Collects Five RBIs ford Twlhgtat League to emerga toy yon can’t brat the horses. aluggper for toe winnen with a from a tong uonflnvisd to Ika BtFANBrON. IH. (AP) — A caa FootoaH Laague taaraa — the ttwough, folka didn’t even know double and a pair of siziglea. New Tork Jets (Titans) and the .But this was the day they did toop'cefiar. .41 48 A71 jsquad of SO of last season's ftoaat when, It waa to be played, how 'Teammate Dave Bdlnilskl sod Joe Boston Patriots. Seasons come and much It cost to get to or anything For Arnie Palmer It.. To the tune of $28448.40. Both runs eanaa to Ike fourth .O t y ’’Human error,” on embar­ Stuart on HR Binge Quaglia of the Otlens each had a when Manager Gene Johnzm and « I A27 15%^ ~rti(togiata footbaB playeia aeaem- g o but you never Imow these rtufae rtae. And thus they dlibi’t tonw. pair of safetlee. ble at Nomweatem Unlveisity Point of aB this is — not how rassed track official sold yes­ Bob'Osrtoon aiiigied and Bob A t* * % terday after mutual. clerks at Fago drew a walk. Bob BIton fol- Untoy bo atart tores -wertw of G oing hmek to the time the writ* many free meals scribes get — but LYTHAM ST. ANNE’S Eni^and (AP)—Arnold Palmer AM iaUGAN LJEAGUK ar was stiU anaopg the kirii hills Aqueduct race track hod FISK CUSTOM traUng for tke AS-Btar Game. w ith ai 4 . (1 8 ). rather the relation between pubhe was cfMifroiited today with one of the biggest tasks he ever shoved ' tbe irver - payment It took a couple of extra to- ting Jolmaaa Tke OollegiaaB, coadied for the a t laUhfMd Ooonty, tha AFL be­ relations work and auoceartkil As Rebuttal to Houk ntoga, but Sears made it three out gan its operatian with a big frui- has faced in golf, catching up with a nine-shot deficit after through the window*. Bx-Oentral sbeth stratokt year by Otto promotions. The electranle eolculaitor o f to ir over champion Peck Lum­ Norm NtwOetd protected the lead New 1 8 4 ) a t L Graham. Director ef Atbletica at fe r e .'T I m Patxtots were quick to The Tankeee are neiw the tops the firat roimd of the British Open champfonahip- 27 MONTH ROAD HAZARD GUARANTEE NYLO.- ber‘ last iright at Waddrtl neU, send out a lettcrkead riiowtog a Palmar, to aeandi of tala tUnlip which automsttoglly figures the TMa akategy worked wtwn the rart of tha way. » ). U p m . the Ooart Guard Academ y. wlH to attendance annually and this acniMaarauBMrr. pau l 5 4 . 1 1 4 ) a t fooMbaU pixyer — to colonial u ol- atraight Britlata title, unloaded a prices on the ponies had broken KaJaone atruek out, but b y to beat the Nattonal PUottaU year the Red Sox have the biggert Today's 18 holes wUl reduce the down to a dry ram before the (A P ) — A M m as tUmigh Charlie Brackett and K ent aned toxea and wnfisad twa. He _ 74). 8 pjn. League ckamptona — the Green fonu — and teas tog a triepbona jump to crowds to either major mlaeraUe 76 Wednesday over the Stuart Soliowad witta Ma three Smith cofrtbined to hold the league iHiiiihei that tocludad tha lanuban field of 120 to the low 45. Best es- first raee. Mutuel department • Premlmn type daal tread nek atMut la out to got out «f ene Jobs to toa second Bay Packera—for tke first time league. Ftobel and QrowleyT Never 6,757 yard par 70 Royal Lytham run Mart and ttkit was tkar tltliete to four hits, fanning 14 1778. A good gimmick and we had tlmstcs were that 148 would do clerks, who normally cHeck tbe ~wn iie got Dasa Manoo to hit iy * (ltoiha^ 84), ance 1868 en Aug. 2 to fiokUera see the names to the bM eeoee, and 8t. Aiuies links and there the trick. That meant Palmer Aosr a WM a nlaUlM not gam a along the way. {fitting rtar for high hopes for the future, were those who said he was “ out ealenlator’s flguren, were press­ • Lok-Titc(TM) Corntnietion Mm for tte Amar* into a doitole p t^ after flw first F ld d . a a a but they’re impqrtauit. needed a 72 or better to be cer­ ed Into dnty fignring the prices Stuart’s Seat homer, jurt toe. winners was Bicky Nicol whose # 4 ) a t Last season the Titans didn’t of it.” lean League afraUr team. two-out double drove to a pair of two battcra Mtmfrty. A alow 1898, debat of Orabam as tain for the final M holes Friday. mannally. • Blowout proof (tubeleM) ^ ahead od Lu OSnbon’a ' 13th, roHer to Steve Gkegorexyk. tKiag (Ckenty 8 -9 ). (N ). bead ooack, the ooUege graduates draw peanuts, the Patriots were Leading the pack were Phil H m ooatroTcnial firat baas- drove in two a t the fOur Bos­ sixth inning rune that sent the QaidL Ending Toagh Job Ahead Somehow, they failed to take C.70X1B to at first haae. retired tke rtde. (Grant 54) at Ban- overwhekned tha Detroit Lions a little better but sUB had plenty Rodgers, ex-Martoe from La • Extra eircumfercntial nping mtM dtofu hi are nnia with ton runs in the fourth. game bito overtime. Smith and 8 -7 ), (W ). But that was tke end. Since then Jolla, Osl. and Australia’s Peter Palmer conceded the job ahead Into eonsMersUon that one Bl»dt Jioriai^s ptoya agato tos^tt 35-18. Tkay haven't won since. not a dosen relraeee Imve been re- of room. Cbuld. It be that when wse. Parma, had been for Iflferpl tipction two iMfty IMae maa iMt The five RBIa pcahed hkn Brackett eadi had three hits for these clufaB realise there are fane Thomson, four times British Open lol him was tough. evMi for a 2 .'ube-Type Mijiew to give Ite Red Sox a Sears. at Ook FBrtu eppoatog Royrt ’, they held toe ceivad (either baick to Torrtngton kin^, at 67. • to 1 tevortte no one wants really i scratched. ahead o t MalaoBe for the team T ypew rke g; Aaxelea^ U Packm to a 21-50 edge fiirough outside metropohtan Boston and 7-4 Viobay over tlie MtooeaoU lead with Sd-^the fourth beat HaJ Rofcb had the only extra or here) which leads one to sus- 'ile d Wtth 68e ) to bet against. i The error showed In tbe base Mt for Peck’s, a ftort-tontog ttrea qpartara before bekeg dle- p ^ the Patriots either don’t New York, some of their probleins ploee prices. Brenda’s Hope, TUBELESS TUBE-TYFi Tiifae m l rT ------* figure in league. Malaona € U y . (M ). w4H dtaappear. We tMnk th ey At 68 arere Tom Haliburton of j He saUd he could not recall a I er She AaMTloaa League em - doUbla manUed 42-20. want or don’t need Oonnactiout England and lefthander Bob tournament be won wtth a start of I who won the race, was listed at has 54. ida 19tli homer tied 8 p & Tka pees bold a 184 aaargto to would. ion etr to, a eraahtog atait. Odeage, (N). support. Charles of New Zealand. And at 76. 81640 for a 82 plooe ticket and S. 00X13 ...... 12.D S 9.50x14 •-70x15 ...... 14JIS him wtth Roger Maria o t New B.^SEB.UL HEROES IS aeriea 'with two tiea Brown’s Bisque, who finished Bffi lioitoGquette wfB toy York for tfaiid plaoe in the NATION ALr IfA O tn E at W iiM sgtia.,(N). 89 were Kel Nagle, of Australia. Palmer wasn’t walking much to keep the Red Sox hi eeeood Trailing by three going into the the 1960 centenary open ktog. and about Ida round Wednesday. He seeond, was listed at 85.50. k.i0KlS ...... 1 4 J IS 6.70x15 ...... 1G4N5 home run dertjy. t'lTCHING — MAHOifAL UCAGl'E /Tkay were Stuart’s hist fifth, Manchester Auto Parte came Dodgers. aB j^MSip’s Ramon 8^ . sold he just couldn’t hit a tee : plsiee prioo ssi. HragU* W . L . P et. Hope, figuring in Pnnna’s ...... T.OtalS...... I t M -as hoBMra to 21 gam es. He hadn’t up with a big hrtf dozen runa to 11 " Jofek Nlcklous. tlJ. Masters' ttwt straight, T. 5« x l4 IG JIS 7.10x11 gahi aa 84 come from behind tri­ 51 88 A87 — champion, waa to a comfortable. *T drove poorly. That's where serateh, sboiild have hem -8740 dedslaoa. Dicic SUgmaii (T-8 ) drtven hi a run in the . last 1 1 48 88 A58 4 Maris Joins Mantle iriB work for tfie Twine. umph over the Medioa at Richley spot St 71. 11 kri it all,” he said simply. nad Brown’s Klaqae should B.0Gk14 ...... 7.00x15 s j t K i i ...... gMsea. S t. L a ^ ...... 48 88 A48 5 , Stuart's saaond hom e ran Stuart fane had hoped for Field last night. have been $5.18. carl Orgrm had a three-nm ______4F 88 A42 5% SPORTS 7 WHITEWAUS ONLY $2 EXTRA Mat MgM hmka apen a 44 such an eiqjloaion from the an to.) . . . . . 4 8 48 ASS 5 tie M tbs lO di. giving rvHad aluanpiiig first baseman aa a homer and Dick Jagouts a two-run ciicuit rtout for the winnera. Mask ____ 48 48 A18 1% Dan Nulvey Dies aoa n ek Radata Ms ntoto vie- meaiin of diowing Manager ...... 41 48 A88 18 On Casualty List Ralph Rouk be was wrong hi Ballard added three more aafetiea McKenna’s, Irish Five W in to a 10 -hit attack. 41 44 AS2 18% NORWICH (A P )—Don Mulvey. • fREE FLAT REPAIR — — ALL TIRES paaitng over Stuart hi hk RESULTS 60, one of Connecticut’s beat- nek vniHaaia rtunined a Ail-Star eelectiooa. Jack Huh did most of the 4am age for the Medics, ooUectlng H ew T a lk ' .! s8 55 A41 82% NEW YORK (AP)—^Roger Maris, the other half of New S u m m er B asketball C ontests kiKXwn sports editors for more SouMa to Mft wfiki ha pinek IHa iphirge ovenbadowed YeatcHay’s Horten than 20 years, died in a hospital acme fine r^ef pitching by three of their five hits. York’s famed M-and-M slugging combination, has jmned • FREE TIRE ROTATION — A U TIRES h it for Radrta with ena out In NA3tK»fA L LRAGCK L New Teak 5. BMC U5AOI7K here yesterday arter on illness of the top of tka ioth. Out Tae- Radatx, who went three acore- Mickey Mantle cm the Yankee list of the missing. Michael Herrlott of Towson, 15. Lexigert game of the j m r at VictorB to lost night's summer^ ■cKs (S7> several months. The white-haired trxcRudd vraa totentionaSgr leae imihigB before giving way Oavay (tS). O aptda'^ln)/^ Robertson Bwk saw 'Vkrtety CS- Maris, who assumed the Yankee^ Mulvey served as sports editor of walked to' art tq> a douUe to Williams, and the batting Md., will captain Dartmouth’s ♦«iwn ludership when Mantle was basketball action were McKerma's Quey ...... AMEMIGAN LEAOCK 5. CUeage l! ■era nip Walnut Bacben, 8-7, Siininons ...... The New Haven Register from play and to gat at Sw ilgbt- champkmdilp struggle be­ 1M4 lacroase team. His brother aideltoed wtth a broken foot Jime Five and the Irish All-Stars. Mc­ McKenna ...... Jon, claaa of '58, also ^yad niratia 2. Plttskargh 8. to M> tmilnga last night 1B25 to 1948. After leaving the haaded Mttkw Piank Mal- tween TaiitiiMiirtil and Mad O aly Gaasa S, will undergo surgery at New Kenna’ s topped the Buncs A.C.. 37- Andralot ...... I i Register in 1948, he became asso- sons. lacroase. Wank Branioardi tripled and Ptaillipa ...... T oday's soored tke deriding ,nm when Phil York’s Lenox HUl Hospital Friday 80, to a senior dl-vlsion game while Daly ...... _ _ _0 , elated with, a public relations con­ Lae Aageies (Diysdale 18-18) Cuater aocked a aaorifica fly. Prior tor a rectal flas&re. the Irish combine walloped the cern and traveled throughout the at New Tork (O alg 2-12) 5 pna. to that the big Ut for the wtonere ■From what I bear fttan New Bakers, 85-18, to junior com peti­ Totals ...... 13 1S-2S 37 country and Canada, directing York,” Yankee Manager Ralph Bnoee A. C. (SS) (Marickal 124) aa B w t BbakervGIe’S three ren tion. r P ts.! fund-raising campaigns. In recent (Calp 184) (N). Mner. ' Houk said to Lop Angeles, ”I ex­ Outscored by a hoop from the! suarr 34 8 i years, he returned to the newi^ia- wgo (ntowsrth 114 and Dave WWta agato provided the pect him to be but a week to 10 floor, M cKem ia's m ore than m odei McAui»y (VO 8 ; per field, and worked on papers in FISK* TIRES 74) at Ctortoaafi (Pertsej big pumk for the Daiberi with d ays." up for it from the foul line. Tliey Ryan I ' the mid-wsst. Funeral servicen will n i f i i i h u i i i u f Maalie Betanis VhM SAVE OH AIsLHOiiE H EEPE Id ------r 184) 2. (TwI-N). three hita, tiKtuding a homer, to connected on 18 of 25 tries while Renrdnn ...... 3 14 14 11I be held Saturday morning at Madi- saaater 5-4 awi Mantle, who won the American the losers made but four of 14. Kelley ...... 0 50 (VO 0 1 son. solemn high Mass will be four tries. Don Wheeler we# the League’s Moat ValuaUe Ptoyer 44) to St. Leals (Brog- w inning' pticber akboiiBh be Dave McKeiuia was the game’s T o t a ls ...... 11 414 30 celebrated at St. Margaret's 54) and Bariette 7-7 or GM- award for the third Ume last sea­ high scorer vrith 20 points. - m ore Irish (U> Church, Madison. Burial will be ki afiowed 15 hita while loser Pop son, rejoined the Yankees to Loe sen 54) 2. (TWi-N). (Jaitoon gave 10 . than double his cloeest rival. B* r Pts. St. Mary’s Ometery. Clinton. Btra (FsrreO 5-5) at PM Angeles today, but is not expected Bsskerrillc FISK AIR-FLIGHT to be ready to play for another Charley Bunce and IDke Reardon O'Briail ... 0 (VO Oj -T------(Cardwefi 54) (N). ALUMNI LKAOITS ! H l i Apvarican ' League umpire Jim PHiay*s Osnses week or two. sparked a late drive by the losers GARDEN HOUSE M that at one pc^t, briarght them S (Ml (, Hooochlck of A lentown. Pa., has 18 MONTH ROAD HAZARD GUARANTEE NYLON flBirhe at New Tark. With Brad Burtiey tonning 14 ‘T’ll {day him as soon as ha’s a YOUR WORLD"... battcra, Naariff Aims gained an ready,” Houk said. "I don’t know within four points of McKenna's. - Roberts — 1 ecialist Dr. Jedm Donald­ start but hod buUt up a 174 lead ’ o Bladed troad pattern was t^ big bit of the frame. son, who will perform the opera­ by holfUmc. Mike Ortowski paced djxoo •.70x15 P09T » R a H . P I N « I BiH n illiafrl pitotieia writ fo r tion. the attack with points, Wally Ms^ 0 Sevan rib troad for high 10 SilrfaM ...... Black I Sports Schedule file loaeia, aBowfng seven Mba apd Hie slugging, green-eyed out­ Irish adding seven and three others T u b e-T y p e perfonnanee 10 . BBl Hart of Naaetfra fielder, missed the Yankees’ dou­ six each. ,. I Touis I S-13 IS and BUI Remmeay of the Bankera bleheader to Cleveland Sunday T kriaday. July 11 each had bam bits. with what was thought at the Ume TUBELESS to be a recurrence of a back. aU- 1UBE.TYPE 'White Sox va. Twlna. 8:16. Char­ ALUMNI JUNIORS ment that sldeltoed him 7.10x15...... 1 S J I5 7.50x14 ...... te r Oak. earlier this season. Garde m Braves, 8:15. Keeney Pair of fi-ve-run Iraiinga helped irS HERE INSTALLATION the Meta to a lR4 win over the He flew to his home to Inde- S t pendence. Mo., for the All-Star ' 7.«>xl5 ...... 1S.HS - 8.00x14...... I fit Maryk vx. dvtton. 5:15. ML Glaata rt Keeney St Tke Yankees I got off to a big lead at . Charter game break, brt returned to New Iftabo, Tork Wednesday after a telephone, I MUFFLERS WHITEWALLS ONLY $2 EXTRA Tbaefaen vn Tetapbone, 5:15, Oak Ikvk and trounced the Ori- consultation with Dr. 40 FREE ter Oak. the ctotch to teadtog the Mets to 19 home runs, 42 runs batted to AISO RtERS Bantly 'vz. Ponticefii’a, 5:16, vioU ry.' MArfc L e g ^ and Mike and a .294 batting average—his BLACK TOP SEALER *■ WHITE CEDAR ROUND RAH. W ert Side. LnFranria eadb bomeged for the highest to the .inajora—ao far this Little Miss Loop NO MONEY DOWN LIFETIME eUARANTEE Heavy Duty 10 F t Sections. (Trie Rafie and One PasG Green Manor va. Moriarty'a, 5. w tonerx aeaaon. YOUR CHOICE B uddey. Thm M ichallk wporhoA the Shaffle Schednled Has Three-Way Tie Army A Navy va. Dfikm's. 5, Tanka with three hita and two With both Mantle and Marls out • SHOCKS: •3.75*:’'"' *3.95 WkddeB. RBia. Tom p ’Cbarty waa the Or- of. aefion, Houk said be would $ e . 7 5 (Tno Ksib.airi One Past) 8 F t P^ant’a vn Aneridik, 5, Tar- iolai^ hart Iwt with a pair ef aato- slniftle hts players according to Three teame firtre first place IfU N BO E P K n r b ' x b . At Yard tiea. Only parka, pllck^ the situation. to tbe Little Miaa Softball League OOLVMBUS READY FOR ERECTI^Y' *198.00 *3 00 *3 JO He said bd Would use left-handed —Wlb with perfect 3-0 records. bittiiig John' Blanchard to right They are Memorial Store, Mbriarty ORIGINAL FORD field agalrist ri^-banded pitch- Brothers and Nassiff Arms. era. and aUft Joe Pepitone from Another trio, Pellin’a Reatau- I GALLON CAN COVERS 250 8Q. FT. • MUFFURS this iceek's SPECIALS lYNAHIC n HOUIAY COUPE first to right field with Harry z«nt, Paul Dodge Pontiac and 357 BROAD ST.. MANCHESTER—443-2444 j Bright rskiing over first against Killian Steel Ball are deadtocked DRIES IN 24 HOURS WALKER I Thia Mg. beautifnl *53 CHda. coaU Isaa than yon^d guert! It givas I left-handed pitchers. with 1-2 nnarka In the .celar— > WINDOW OPEN MONDAY, TUESDAY W U 5 : 3 ^ ^ ■iitivg a^rle, amootb V 4 petfacmance, and a humrioua nda! I "If Blancfaard’a Utitog doesn’t both 54— are LiWe Mlattea and ONLY ONE COAT REODDIED A-F FISK WINDSOR SHUTTERS .b old 1 9 —but I think it will, he’s Bhntly Oil. (HUCONAL FORD Louver'afriad aate- 'been looking mudi better lately— M onday's aoores ware: KBUan SURFACE NEEDS ONLY A WED., THURS.. FRL HI B—SATURDAY liN 4 F.M. Hor.ahuttars. Made CombineMeo 4 im put Tony Kibek to the outfield 13, BanUy 1 2 ; Moriarty'a 22, Pel- T om Just pay. tor part — a 16 Month road oftraatad Pondoroaa with aalqua pi iaiid use PhU Unp at short” the Ito's 8; Memorial Store 12, Mla- CLEAN SWEEPING ihargn for testallatteM.' hanrd gnanatae PiaeforlongWe. 18F dasiga. (Mass t ' Yankee manager said; siee 4; Naasifrs 17, Paul Doidga 6. WxATWH. .95 NO 8CBUBBW6 WITH DEmiGENTS 2’-l(K’ X 3’-2”. $>| C C 2’- 8” X 6’.9” w BEACH BALLS •.70x15 a Nykm easing Reg. $5.05. 3’-0" X 6’-9” . *31,50 8nve 15% on 8 er more pair etaad- 1 % pair biaek rtnn Un| a id Nzes. thumb latch. SAW fl85 29c 7 a Molded-in aiping T- MANC : MOTOB 8A I X S W n X 1 TabalcM for axtra traetion 1 CAB nUME STOCK MOB EASTERN STATES □ ■□E Enjoy your'honie improvements NOW wtth ' G.70X15 ...... 9 M Revolving Budget Account (B.R.A.). As SIBe aa S15 month buys up to glOO. *2975 S T ax) MIHHABTY T.50X14 ...... a Lok-tttoCni) daain FARMER’S EXCHANGE Ijw axtra iMhMica Wliitewalls Only aUlLDiNG M A T E R IA L S l a w n AND OABMN <*N1EB BBOTHERS SHOP FRIDAYS TO MAI4CHESTER MOTOR SALES c > 12 Extra AB Prieea^’hu F.E.T. L MBER FUEL TOLLAND TUBNYDOE, BUfmA-ANIV-lKL, 54541X8 TKL. 5484185 5 U corn y N C r t t r o MAIN ST,—PHOH^E 649^5253 OPEN SATURDAY #PKV DAILT 5 AJt-4 F K i BAT^ 5^A ^ 9» IXKOfMf S5i-5i5 oENrnaK a r

^ 'f ■ F \ - .. -J- L


h a m c h e s t e b e v e n i n g h e r a l d , m a n c K 00N N „ THXiRSDAY, JU tY 11) 1963 PAGE TWENTY- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, TNURSDAY, JULY 11, 1968 F A G H T W E V T f-T W O E n r a e l s 7 2 F W S a ls 7 2 H e Fdr Sale 7 2 Hoosea For Sale 7 2 •Honpes Fix Sols 7 2 Houses For Sale 72 inis Beiyd 69 Summer Homes For Rent 67 RoofiOff aad Oiitot y 18*A THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW VERNDN — Maw T raoto ratoad iM ugnw aee i^oM Ogewiih RB ARB vrine and room jn COLONIAL — Formal dining room, /fioR 'T H (jO V E N TR 'f — $18,800. MANCjHESTER — 6 room (jape, Royal Ballet F ouik GARDNER LAKB — Northwest ranch. 1% batta, 8/4 sam. StoAOB cabinet kitchen with .(W Neat complated 6 room Cape, oil reasonably priced, overaise 3-car ROOl ^^URNISHED ROONs , complete T zoom older home, aU eon- light housekeepliig facilities. Cen- Shorefront. Modem Housrtceepliig. value tor IMOeL Leatar D, Bride, Sjxar garage, an* hot water hart! niaiby. Soar garage, den, 3 bedrooms, attachad hot water neat large fenced yiud, garage, recreation room, aereened roods of an W f2!sf4fUPilN0 $63 weekly up. Vlrtt weekends. Brakar. SiS-UBA write, tot 103x413. Mazton B . ~ B d A ir R eri Betote, 648-0883. tar oratk, etdaonaya A nd THEN 8UEU. 'iN/EXERCtSEf ANOTHER tm ly located. Mrs. Dorsey, 14 4 bedraenm, flre- ptooh, centrally located at 487 CLASSIFIED Free cHored pictures, brochara. Realtor. 6484668. Summit Street. OaU owner 380- paired Alum limm oMfaig. M lMETU.8HBi0Ur DOWN-DOWN/WDlF.i SUREGNESVBTRAWBERRy Arch Street, Manchester.______to Sri,- Final T our o u r D/EN MORE Arrowhead Grove, (jolchester 4, ReaHor, TWO PAMILT FLAT — Just Usted. 7661. yer*o’ eocperionee. Froo intimi tes H M N 0 0 U W 1 D COUEON^OISLS- I d PUT BACK I'KHIAMAPPE-} fiUNDAEj, ONE ROOM to rent, private home, (joim . Norwich 887-4696; Hartford 13B LAKEWOOD Flys and five with two additional Can Howlsy, 848-580. a4M m. gPACE B0ND8 a. — LOSEABoiTfNE J0UGITH04E1K$'] ABOUT TEN/ \TITE,DOESHT/piEAa!IW( private entrance, 119 Cooper HIU 242-9278. QuaUty bunt iwnch 5 ' large rooms on third floor. Separate cril CUSTOM DESIGNED executive rr? s c o o w i — • lO rooms, living area square By M A RY OABtPBELJL t w in be by ebocwograplier p o u N o e - < r r — Street. 649-0696„ Wnnrh. heating systems, practically new. home in one of Manchester'e Ashton. She wiU be ADVERTISING ANDOVER LAKE — Lakefront N ew O b Market Oram Man­ ------. — VoaaL wt : ton. at- M a n c h e s te r feet AA zone, , diaded, AP Nesvsfeatore Writer Few sfems o ff b w Une. Asking prime locations. 7 spacious named governor of the 319- Radio-TV Repair 18 FURNISHEiQi ROOM for rent near cottage, 6 rooms, all modem con­ or Ranch, rioaa to VecBcn 8 t todwd garage, aicaly ri>cii|wd landscaped lot feet. 649- $21,boo. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, rooms, sunken Uvlng room, NEW YORK (AP)-The dainty Main Street, 649-2170. 9 Hazel veniences, avaUable monthly or 1,250 aqaare tort: Ihrliig ana. let, dom to aehoot tSSJOSl U9S. pupil BaBet School. BesideB CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS start pecMinr eiter yoa have 648-167?. cathedral ceUlng, 3 huge fire; gray-taaired woman who is both to spend time there, she CONNIES TV and Radio Sorvloa. Street. season. 640-2874. Two thiaa helrnnmi wmM PhObilck Agency. Sto4 seen oda home. Best Buy in places, landscaped lot. (jail own­ originator and director at Britain's 8 A.M. to 5 PAl. available all hours. 8itisraciion EUtANGTON ■/ $10,800 ranch, S T don’t think than to any largar, fcltdMn aoEtraaL B ngato *own.-Whera dm eaa you find er 640-6386, after 5 p .a i; or. Satur­ tomouB Royal BeJlet aaya her rcthing if you make ptona guaraiiteed. J Gall 64a-1816, ROOM IN l^RIVATE home, park­ SMALL CXJTTAOE for rent. West POUR BBDSOfBC ITmrTi. StogT rooms, kno^ pLM Uvlng room, day and Sunday. ing, gentleman preferred. CaU Beach, Westbrook, (jonh., July l$- value in the 18a. Kraetoga aaB , a dx room afi redeco­ rtaef took ie maintaining the btgta what you’re going to Ao. Bill Bolea, 64»06B& UonndetVw, two MB ceramic nice treed/lot. Tremont Agency, COPT CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT 649-1972. 20, August 17-31. Call 648-0186. hallM. lira alarm, teiga kUrtim. rated, for only fUAOO. Nice lot, sm-TBTT. BOLTON $ 1 2 ,8 0 0 standard and repotatian her com­ V Dame Nioette ia Irteb. She waa Mtotor lot, m j m i r P fam ndt plenty of good traea Very cen- pany has achieved. / b om SklriB Stannue and took a MONDAT n n nUDAT IPd* AJf.—flATCBOAT • AAL ROQM FOR RENT, complete Ught LAKEFRONT, Holland, Maas., 4 trany locriad. Vacant North Coventry ■ Finished **nie realty exhausting ttana to MotIhr— ^Tra ck iiic— WARREN E. HOWLAND Agency. SIMiM. SECLUSION - Ruga French'stage name in an eta when S t o r a c e M housekeeping faclUties, centrally rooms, sleeps 6, boat, dock, porch, immaculate 7 Economy 6 room Cape, en­ keeping it adiere it la, >xni sto." other ballerinas were toldng Kua- Raritor—S50 ICria St •ays Dame Ninette de Valoi^^Tt's PLEASE READ YOUR AD located, 649-9468. closed porch, very reasonable. — 8 I SpUt baths, garage, closed back patio, 4 finlBhed 8 ROOM CAPE COD sian names. Her title was added MANCHEsn'EK Package DaMvssy. 644-0146. S4S-U M a very cSfferent thing, keeping a __ « r * ^ M t AM” a n takea otw the phone no m eua- T. J. O odeett, Realtor room s, Manchester, $18,t00. down, 3 partially finished up, in 1961 when King George named Light trucking and packag# deUv- ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN, cen­ ______W. HutcMna, 6494182. new furnace and hot water oompany on an erven keiri, iftudh her a dance eosmnaszder a t tba O r­ The eirertfaer ihonld rend his ed the FIRST DAT IT trally located, kitchen privileges, NIAN’HC, (jRBSCENT Beach, 7 ery. Refrigeratora. waMtrm and 6 4 8 -1 6 7 7 heater, riiad dormer, amesite Two car garage, 3 flreplacee, m ore ertm usting tSmn !^|etiUng It der of the BritMt Ekopira APFEAB8 Mid REPORT ERRORS hi time for the next Inser- stove moving specialty. Fuidkig parking. Call 643-8127. Prospect Ave. New ranch house, St b k KON ^ 6 badroom fjolonlal,. drive, Mgh let, dead-end street. formal dining room, plastered MHi. Ihn Hetnld is ceapoMible for only ONE Inoorrect or omitted $85 a week. 649-2881, Mr, Fitz­ Brick : VA baths, fireplace, buUt-ins, ga­ chairs tor rent. 649-0758. ROOM FOR RENT, private en­ 14X30 l M l « Easily financed. waUs, shed dxmner, walk-t bee brouglat DIAL 643-2711 643-8187. central. 643-6331. (jharlaa Nlchoison 743-6864 Weils when it ideated in the “mu- |31,90(k J . D . Baalty, SIAU to. gpUr-UWBL, r roenu, 1% baths, rooms and bath up, basement ga­ many tsrtbutee to Dame Ninette sich boime ” John Sedler built owsr NEW (jO’TTAGB for rent at An­ wlto^^ikwedtor* U tA m T k M k t r teP^ toige temily wooBit kitchen with rage, weU terraced, secluded LAWRENCE F. FIANO and tour is receiving orttical eome famous woUs in 1683. FOR RENT — Front room central­ dover Lake. Call 643-7169. ' OOWOOR D BD. baUt-his, Intercom system Paintmg— PapeRag 21 H.E.HALL ly located, parking, 649-7129. 59 treed lot, $16,900. Cantor A Oold- R ealtor 648-2766 aoQlai^ attesting also to the fact "When we moved to Covent l» 9 0 SPMUND throoghootMb th e/ house, sm/u0Wz BcaawiQv,gzuage, large ttete nonr totinri hB?pSed^0*t*O^nM«L*‘ra^ fa rb , 648-8443, 875-6244. (jharles Nicholson 742-6364 that/ihe baa indeed kept tier com­ Garden. 1 struck," Dame Ninette PAINTING, EXTERIOR and in­ ST.nUL4iMINN: Birch St. (jOVENTRY — Beautiful lakeside room, cahtort kltdiwi. 3 bride Agency, eriSMA 100x300 ■lo t S'jrearB-olil, $32,000. MANfjHES’TER — Modern 4 bed­ cottage available now until August room ranch, 2 baths. 100x200 lot, ps^ on a high and even keel. says. "I said I was tired of being terior. paperhanging, wallpaper rooms, raeraafigp room . ------PbUbrickk A gency, 640-8464. SPACIOUS 8 ROOM Garrison Co­ /W hen Dame Ninette started her TROUBLE REAGHIN6 OUR ADVERTISER? removed, floors sanded, dry waD 3. Call 643-6930. aeaped yard. Marion B. Rttoait- (jOLONIAL RANCH — 6 rooms, lonial, 4 bedrooms, office or den, full basement, immediate occu­ called after a theater, so we put FURNISHED ROOM for rent, 136 VA bribe, modeni bttdwn with SPRING 8p. — 6 room Ranch, 1% pancy, Sacrifice at $17,900. Hayes MANCjHESTER — (jlean 4 room to>mpany in 1931, she aa>-s her aim in for a ciiarter to gi've it a dif­ work. Reasonable rates. Fully in­ Bissell Street. CaU 649-(X)91. aon. R ealtor. * ‘ formal dining room, recreation MISQUAMKjUT, R.I. — 4 rooms hntha, near waU to waU carpeting, room with fireplace, attached 3- A gency, 643-4808. ranch, full cellar. 60x120 shadi tor it was no lees than that it ferent name. sured. 648-9658, Joseph P. Lewia furnished, hot water, gas heated, abould “become a eomeratone of ll-Hoir AMWtrlig Service He^ Wanted—FoBale 35 Dogs^Birds—Pets 41 Household Goods 51 FURNISHED R(X)M for rent — MANCBBBIBB VKaMtTE — * 5 *5 te*k” sS5SlL"*P^53dk mo d ena/k ltchen with buUt-ins, 2- ca r garage, 100x160 lot, shade lot, reaacnable offer eonsldi '"The Q aeea granted ow ohaiter EXTERIOR AND tutadar $90 weekly, (jail 643-0491, room ranA tadR IM , Iraad lot, ea r g n a g e , tot 100x300, condition trees, aluminum siding, $29,900. BOLTON LAKE — 4 room ranch, Owner 648-0354. Bbglizli iSieater.’’ in 1956 and now we bave a aame Bolton Lake’front — Swimming, oversize garage, patio, .> lakefront Wallpaper hooka ftpe AUGME34T YOUR family income BOARDING MEDIUM size and FOR SALE — Brpwn toned 9x12 walk-oot aallar. «di bat wri Wkm/ new. f3tM0. Phflbrlck PhUbrick Agency, 649-8464. 6be heraelf had done eliareog- you oan take into any thee tar of fishing, boating. $8 weekly. 649- CAPE (jOD — Harwichport, In privileMs, Immaculate condition, VERNON — $18,990 — Im m aculate raphy to r ptojw and operas in tfae Free to HeraM Reatfen OeUinga. n o o ra . Fully with a high payjing part-time job small dogs. Grooming Cocker braided rug, 3^ matching rugs, 2636. heat, 8 geperoue badraonis. U A gebiT . 640 8464. bricks and mortar — or giasa ” quaint cape cod home, rooms with foot Uvtog room, tomOy trees. Reasonable. $10,800. Good- 614 room ranch, huUt-tn oven- '30a and had danced two jreers woritmanahto gaarantaad. (evenings 6-9), salary or enn- Spaniels our specialty. Harmony maple coffee table, 2 end tables. bath, near beach and town, be­ The woman who in 30 years Pelletier, l u t-aiaa H Be an roissioo. ideal work tor right per­ ICIl Kennels. Hebron Road, Bol­ Colonial style hanging lamp. 742- Uteben. binnarnlato. $UAi a F e R Y s t r e e t — Large 6 room child-Bartlett, R ealtors, 289-0989, range, walk-out basemoit. Owner with the Dtaghilev troupe before ginning July 21. 649-8684 or 621- ranch, ritached garage, fUU baae- 643-7925. transferred causing f^ e d sale. DlegMlev’e death in 1929. How­ created a oomerstone o t the E n g­ can M8-90a. son. Must be High School gradu­ ton. 643-6427. 7176. Apartments—Flato— Wolveitaa Agency, Realtor. 64S- BM apartment, 149 Oak­ csip ort, AitawsrinsTg a large 7 room q»Ut level home on ed In porch, built-in dishwasher, k», in 1949. we had our school SEWING fit during our great summer sale REFINED WIDOW wishes 81^ out basement, oil hot water 742-8101. now going on, you get your gro­ land Street. 649-6329, 9-6. I9AOO rClLL PRICE Sar toodara 4 1% baths, fireplace, itoelS aaaa- a lot with an city faculties, in- attached garage, upper 30’s. Own­ its For Silo 78 goliig; a good oampaao’—not as room apartment with all con­ ter bedroom, ao^le d eoeta, heat, ceramic tile bath, trees, er, 228-3541. big as it is now; we had got our­ Prentice Files Articles For Sale 45 ceries at the market of your choice. room year ’loand ranch orathxdt- rhating sidewalks and curbs, to­ large lot, dead-end street. We OUTSIDE PAINTINO at a low veniences Including heat, centrally large fnHy tfied baaement day. Tlien let ne diow you a Jim BUILDINO lota■ prime selves settled in Oovent Gerden, Aato DrlTlnR SchoM 7-A 3 COMPLETE LOOKING FOR rentals? OaU J. D. ing Oenr entry Lake. KMchen baOt- have already procured an FHA Jon, AA som Fhilbricli price. No jo b too big or too amaO. MACHINE FOR SALE — Flat stone for walls, located, (ja il 233-0646. toa. Bel Air Reri Brtric. M A n u . Bad hatchwn, patio, amedte Duidy in new condition for less MANCHESTER — AU you can lose end w« bad a big reputation.” LEARN TO DRIVE iHpecial at- CaU now, 649-0726, 6444M01. ROOMS OF BRAND Realty, 648-6129. drive. large comer let Snxtone appraisal and commitment, is your heart when you see this Boy, 640-8464. Candidacy as fireplace, veneer, and patloe. Call eXJUPLE, TWO CHILDREN, look­ m oney. GaU The Jarvis Realty permitting occupancy within Nnreyev Cesniag rnnnoniMioo, Altrsd an tontloa to nen'ous and elderly. 648-007. NEW FURNITURE 4 ^ % - m j n MowTHLar. owner asU ag ItTASS. C o.. Realtors. 648-4113, 640-7814, captavaUng home on Wells St., In contrast to tbe present tour, A APPLIANCES ing for 6 or 6 room apartment or two weeks. built by AnsakU. Features 6 spa­ WYLLYB i n . — Extraordinary M B im r 8t. PlAOtBO. Classroom for tOen-arer. Picki^ 1-2-3 ROOMS, unfurnished, no pets, five S-bedi Dona xanch. al 64S-3619, 64A0087. single lo t. 040 k>ot frontaga. with audiences eagerly looking for­ service. Day-or evenmg lessons. E le c t r ic a l OPERATORS LAVVNMOWERS, garden tractors, The “ Economy” house. Pleasant neighborhood. atoexnaL cellar, amertta .d cious nxHns, full basement and a 1st Selectman Free $60 Groceries no children. CaU 648-3068. 848-1914. 648-7444. ward to seeing Rusaien-bom Rudolf Reasonable rates. Manchester and tiUera Terms, trades, parts Only SIMOS. Gkrttoe l a w E e n c e f . f i a n o 814A00 — 6 ROOM CAPE, tanmacu- neatly landscaped yard. Priced to Nureyav tor tbe first time and BRBIE EEnM ATEB. a w - 3 RCKDMS...... $188 tote oondltlon, nsarty finished, sell at $17,600. (jail The Jarvis Driving Academ y. 748-7240. Experienced operators and and service. Capitol Equipment, TWO ROOM apartment for rent, WE HAVE customers waiting tor Hiit«drtna.Inn. W****” . M M U S. Margot Fonteyn and other favor­ Joseph Ptenttoa of Bnittai (3eUter PIW S it e 4 Ice on all typaa of electdcai wir­ IB hteln Street, Manchester. ’The "H oneym oon” Rekiter SfS-yrss fireplace, open stairs, recreation LAWRENCE F. FIANO R ealty (jo .. R ealtors, 648-4118, trainees needed. ExceUeot op- heat, hot water, gas for C(x>king, the rental of your property. Call Resort Property For Sole 74 ite stars again. Dames Ninette ing. Ucenaed and Insarad. wnaoB •48-7968. Free $60 Groceries electric refrigerator and stove fur­ WEST 81DB — • roam Oxpa. raa- room, wooded tot, Manchester. R ealtor 643-2766 649-7814. Rd. filed tor tbe affioe of first MED CAR? To orsdR tursod E le ctrica l Go., Manchester, poctunity for qualified braineee J, D. Realty, 648-6129. Charim: ;ys, “of course none of our dan­ MB uajrmentT Motorcyeles—Bleydes 11 3 R O O M S ...... $269 nished. Call 649-7787, 5-7 p.m . reafion room , cloee to boa Une Oartton W. Hntehlne. 649-8183. Charles Nicholson 742-6364 (jOVENTRY LAKE — 4 room cot­ selectroan yesterday, Mbs teat day d on n r 8h 649-4817. Qlastonbury, 5tS-7X7l. to leara sewiag. i^iidy . . . St:$tE ILHsuJ I jOAM fo r Ute beet In ’The “ Charm House” and ahopptog , SUjSOA FbObrl VERNON — $14,400. Im m aculate cers was known when we came «T Don't AUTO-CTCLE 1968, small 60 ec, lawna from our acreening plant OOVERTRT STREET — 6 room ranch 6>4 rooms, picnic area with tage, 2 wooded lots, oak grove, over here the first time.” for filiiig tor the I Free $60 Groceries Aganoy. S4SS6SA asking $6,800. Financing avaUable. The town eomndttee 1 DooRlan. B- very good condition, top speed 86 Aadovar • Columbia. George Giif- 3 R O O M S ...... $394 ANDOVER CENTER i room Bfisiness Property For Sale 70 ranch, garage, city water, eewers, babbling brook. MltcheU Ex­ But all we’ve really dona since d o ir ^ amnll* m .p.h. Call 648-0889, 649-6674. Floor 24 ting, h ic., 743-7886. TWO PAM ILT. 4 -t ptoa SK Otory. near b ^ aeboOl. shopping. Own­ change. Tremont Agency, 876-2627. John H. Lappen, In c., 640-6361. 1949 is add to our reputation and at 8 at tlM Oonunontty HsB to MM llo sm all MANCHESTER MODES, The “Hollywood” apartment, 742-7641. (jENTER STREET — 8 stores plus THREE MINUTES to MqncbeBter prepare tor ttse party eataons next Free $60 Groceries M*M rear bolldtog- Pbr tntorma* e r SIS-S040. tor $16,600, 1 8 /4 acres o f land, add to our dancua.” There now FLOOR SANDING and refinialihig SPBCXAL s a l e — Picnic taHea, 7 room apzuiment, aU to one tlon can 640-1919 between S d p j ANDOVER — $18,900. Im m aculate COVEINTRY LAKE — $ room cot­ are 135. ’Tueada.y. m a S R O O M S ...... $488 parkOka i plus a 6>4 room ranch style home tage, furnished, one minute walk OoiEilM (^edalisiw in older Ooon). axtra atordy 2” lumber, 6 toot 470 MAIN St.- room apartment. package, excellent location with liaHM ago RENRT ST. — Large (jape, 6 3 bedroom ranch, 100x600 lot, That first U.S. tour was a dml- Mrs. Doriothy Miller, comnlttee Bluinen SorTtces Offered IS Painting. CdUan. Fapadiaaging. ’Hie “ Boulevard” good potential. For further infor­ VERNON — Jurt over Ma completely handcrafted present oversize garage, Ideal tor newly­ to beach, $2,500 fuU price, cash $13.96, 7 foot $14.60. Delivered. W. . Free $60 Groceries 649-5229, 9-6. 648-7^44. roenu and both on first floor, up- owner. Lortdng lor the unusual lenge, says the director of this chairman, reports that tbere will ALWATB A fobd aupvtr "Md HAROLD A SON Rubbish Re­ No job too smdL John" ^ Vetfallle. ~ a n k e r. 876-7148. mation caU the Philbriek Agency, Une. Like new 8M raia * , m staira anflntebed, potential 4 or 5 weds or retired couple. Hayes only. Lester D. Babiii, BnUcer, company whose forte is'^ fuUlength be tour contests in the caucus. The CtoraoMd u d Eordn, |M6 and 649-6760. 8 R O O M S ...... $697 649-8464. spur LXVEL-a mnma. i halfea. bidl»4a k flite i1 wllb plus land, then call Wolverton A gency, 648-4803. 648-1686. moval, cellars, attics, and ysods, ’The “ Aristocrat” FOUR R(X)M apartment, 64 Birch bedroom home, attractive wooded A gency, niealtor, 649-2818. Russian balleto, and an even g ra t­ post of flrat selecitman. bo be va­ dowB. at Ontor lCoton,_M Oon- weekly or monthly pick-up. Har- SUPER-CEDED ROTARY and St., second floor. CaU 643-6200 a f­ tlon room gamga. arty dttette, flraplaca. Hkyaa tot. elom to an schools, $17,900. cated by Chariea RchUne, ia tOr Rtraot, MAIBM.. flnanefeic Free $60 Groceries MAIN STREET CORNER — 140 648-480$. (jOVENTRY — Beautiful cottage, er challenge was a 1961 tour in (dd Hoar, 649-4034. reel Tom mowers at special ter 6. DSAOO. 4 ^ « SM.1S Fbflbrick A gency, 640-8464. Russia. sought by T. J. Oookett. Richard Bonds—StoefcB— p rices! Save ig> to $20. M arlow 's, 8 R O O M S ...... $679 feet on Main Street by 160 feet BOULDER RD. — 6 room Colonial, like new, exceUent location, good nwlim'od ronrdlens o< prte* with Bontldy. OuRon w. H 3-car garage, 1 8/4 wooded acres, M anchester Bast Side ’We fasought ‘Sleeping Beauty* kiorra. William (javansigb and ,4f^rorago erodR. MfHtgagea 81 867 Main S treet $10 DOWN DELIVERS THREE AND FOUR room apart­ deep. Ideal corner lot. Semi-pro- 44A8U3, MrifiplaLMhM. aOUJfliER llKEEt — SIX BOOM front^o-back SpUt. tai bank financing avaUable. CaU SUMMER COOLING 8 YEARS TO PAY! fesrional building on It. Business teto 6 room TTnliedil Bi■gBknr. rlvacy, Porter Street Schort. 643-6080. to them, in their own home, and Prentice. Jutiue Strong has fllea ments, including heat, hot water fine Bad Outtord nelghbothood, S for aeleotinan, along with teonm- IRfT PliYHODTH, M om ent condi­ SEXXIND m ortgages — IM lm lted PICNIC TABLES — Extra sturdy, Free Stortige Until Wanted and gas for cooking, electric re­ Zone 2. Few blocks to hospital. T. MAlfCHBBTKR — 6 room randi. large airy rooma, aalunil wood- ohn H. Lappen, In c., 649-6361. *The Fire Bird’ which they'd never FOR ENTIRE HOUSE quaUty interior. $33,900. J. D $ 1 0 ,9 0 0 bent ICchoel Peace. tion, 9100. COb bo seen at 104H funds available tor aei aU bolted construction, 6 foot Free Delivery In Conn. frigerator and gas stove furnished. J. (jrockett. Realtor, 048-1677. fireplace,. bqEit-taa, centrally lo­ w o^ flrraiaee, aew fora n ra . Bel Realty, $4$dl39. aeen. Oak a t H e lp 3 6 $19.26, S foot $22.96, 10 foot Free Set-Up By Our Own $0 HOLLISTER — 4 bedrooms, Wanted— Real Estate 77 ’"Iheir response to ttw dancing An lasmoceaeful candidate for H you have a good forced air heat­ gages, payments to salt CaU 649-7834 or 649-6779 between cated, fmitiadtota oecopaney. Air Real Brtala. flO M t close to ril schools, 3-ear gara$;e. ing system and proper wiring, we budget. Btipedient ser r s . $25.96 and ottaers. Assem bled, de­ Reliable Men Plus Free Service 6-7 p.m . Char-Bon Re«il Betote. 648-0681. MAMCUESTEU Vicinity — Ranch, Clean, older 7 room home, 3- was very, very nice. They loved first aeiectman may be eledted 1M2 FALCON, S door, standard DELJVERT MAN over 21 for part- livered. W. a n k e r, 876-7148. Phone for appointment Land For Sale 71 FA l^T — Hew roof and Owner 649-6118. car garage, quiet, private REAL ESTATE UaUngp want* our scenery and costumea to setoctman but he oannot be a transmissian, radio, heater. Can can install a 2-ton Fedders- Flex- Realty. 643-5129. $ smmy bedroom s, 14x19 Uvliag time store and delivery work. SAMUEL ALBERT THREE ROOMS and tile bath, room with firepUuie set In nelghborhoi^, near everything, Free eatlmatea of value. La ‘Sleeping Beauty.’ ~ oandidate tor ooth offices on the b o soon SM miUard St. 048-1781. herm etic, 24,000 B .T.U ., 1686; 8 VERMONT — Lunenburg, 60 acres, 96K1» foot lo t wIZh rtmda trees, %■ CARTEIR IT., Brtton — 8 room rence F . Fiano, R ealtor. 64S-3766. ton, 88,000 B.T.U .. $840. A FRESH START wiU ease tenrton Honrs H> ajn.-2 pjn ., 5-day w t A . Hartford, 247-0368 stove, refrigerator, heat and hot paneled wan, tomUy sise kitchen Cape, S-car cinder block nrage, elty utUlUea. E asily financed; KTraneUrar Wash halldt. The laws provides that and help your vacation plana 88,- Must be booeet and dependable. ROXY ELECTRIC organ, best SEE IT DAY OR NIGHT water furnished. Newly redeco­ $760, good location. George Brew, car gangs, $|gJ5i nobrtek with bunt-te oven and range, “the votes esLot tor the unsucoess- 1961 THDNDERBIKD, show room offer. Can 649-7461. North (joncord, Vermont. Tanxdi hibrication pit and loft. Bel Air WANTED — HOMES to aeQ. Due However, touring with the Bogr- 000 costs 866.75 per month. Gidl P lease caD *49 4544 after T p jn . n you have no means of trans­ rated. Adults. 1614 School Street. Agency, irtartS. countere, aluminum al BaUet ia far toooa being Desna SoS ia(s1btela for flrat aateqtanan ' nuwdlUeii, nvorytUag pow er. P olar T. P. AITKIN CO. Frank Burke, (joi^ Mortgage 1^- R a ri Estate. 648-0883. to increase in bustoees, we 1 wMto. C ^ 649A290 anytime. POWER MOWERS—30’’. h.p. portation, I’ll send my auto for (XIVENTRY — On Route 44-A. stoema and eereens, otl baaeboard LAWRENCE F. FIANO getting short of listings. Please N lnetie’s favorite occupation shall be counted as votes for bin', 88 ToUand Tpke. change, 16 Lewis Street. Hartford. PLUMBERS eivl pbimber’B belp- you. No obligation on your part. CENTRALLY LOCA’TED, 4 room / ONLY $12,900 FOUR BEDROOM laiaei za a d i. as a meufber of such board, ]pro- en , eteady work. Apply in person Briggs-Stratton, recoil starter 31.9 acres, partly wooded, 6 room large reeraafion room, 3 ton hpal . $1SA00. W otverton Agency, IT. JAMES PARISH — 8 soom (jo- R ealtor 648-3766 call us tor free appraisal. E. A. “Real touring is one of tbe moat 1961 CHEVROLET Station Wagon. 643-6798 246-8897. apartment, including air condition Reattor, OtS-SSlS. lonial, 4 or 6 bedrooms, formal vided no elector may be a can­ between 8-9 am . at Berson Broa $49.90, no down payment, $2 week­ A—Lr-B—E--R—T'—S Ing, parking, refrigerator, stove, Ranch house and guest cottage. batbg, 1-car garage, excellen t con- Chaurles -Nirtiolsoa 743-6864 Mitten, Rezdtor, 648-6980. whauating pastimes in tbe world. Hhtcolleiit condition. Owner must ly. G oie'e Discount station, 4M W. Owner moving to Europe. Will dining room, large Uteben, Uvlng “You can’t do anything aboot didate for both the aCfice of firs' aaorifiee. T 4»«»l. TltEB REMOVAL pruning, and SO Harrazd St., New Britain or 43-46 ALLYN ST., HARTFORD laundry room, $136 monthly, J. D A darter boma that can’t ha dm oa, $3S,908. Ageney. oaU tor appointment. 539-8387. Center. sacrifice, $38,000. Terms. Write or beat Completely redecorated room , m baths, IH car garage, (bffereat stages; you just adapt artectman and that of- zelMJhBsm." lot clearing. Lawn mowing. Frank Business OpportumtieB 32 OPEN NIGHTS TILL 9 P.M. Realty, 643-6129. $0x2t7 lot, ahada trees, $17,600. Three people are running for phone Meadowbrook, 246 W. Put­ Inside and oat 5 rooms of DELIGHTFUL MANCHESTER — Zoos B lot waat­ yourself to them. It interferee too 1S07 FAIRLANE, 4-dom-, automatic C. Noble, 649-6068. PhUbrick A gency, 640-8464. SIX ROOM Cape, excellent condi­ ed. P .O . Box 884, M anchester. two vacancies oa the board o: trowomleotoH, power steering end COMPLETE Luncheonette and CARPENTERS WANTED, good WHITE EDISON (jRIB, like new, AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY — nam Ave., Greenwich, Conn., pridefal comfort M ifay jo a r LAKBWO(H> CroCLE Area — tion, close to schools and shop­ much with the atendand of tbe 8HARPBNINO ■awa, sodq fountain buaineas, low rent, pay, apartment boOdingB at 579 DARK. RICH, stone free loam, fifl, $30; yellow stuffed chair, $10. CaU Five room apartment, second TO 9-2334. own garden and lai^ treed BmutlfWly Labaped Colonial perfonnancee. They buBd tauge finance; Raymond E. Oboper, Al- br^eo, radio, hooter, very good gravel, sand, stone. Call 648-8603. Newly decorated 6-room Cape, MANCHESTER — Chaimlng ping. Itorion E. Robertson, Real­ REAL ESTATE listings needed. K bert PuUo and incumbeol Norman nondUon. OsU att-0648 after 5:80 knives, axM, good location in Mani^ester, ideal Hartford Rd. Apply Field Office, 649-8178. floor, 36 Chestnut Street, $95 per lo t C k m to everytlitaig. Ann Ckpe with eortra large roomo, ga­ room Cape with beautiful yard, tor, 648-6968. theaters with tiny atages all over for working couple, leas ttian 8L* desirable East Center St. lo- you are selling, I have Interested J. PruesB. Three men also seek PJB. rotaxy blades. (M ck ssrvios. O ^ - FOR SALE — 6 ton water cooled month. 643-1686. Lord can ten yoa m ore 649-68M, rage. oQ hot water heat. 1^4 fireplace, 1^ baths, full shed parties. Lester D. Babin, Brrtier, tbe world. It’s Just ridiculous: tol IgpitiweBtTjb., 88 Mala M., 000. 649-9958, 643-8677. Houaea For Salo 7 2 •76-6611. 36SAXS. baths, firqilace. {riaster walla, at­ catlon. A 4-bedroom possibility, PRBlSnGE HOME in prestige two seats on Uie board of tax air conditioner; 160.000 B.T.U. fur­ diaded yard, modestly priced dormer and other extras. Must be 648-1686. thegr're thUking of taming 1965 FORD T letada hardtop, blue M anchester. H oars dally 7-6. W A T K IN S FOUR ROOM apartment, 426 tractive treed tot. QnaUty cen- location. This 6 room Split can be into cinemas.” review: Herbert Wilson and in­ nace, reasonable. 643-8966. Broad Street, partly furnished SIX ROOM Inunaculate home at $U,800. seen. CaU AUce (jlampet, Realtor, cum bents Harry Peilezta and and white, V-8, automatic trans- Thursday 7-9. Saturday T-4. gtraetod, many toriuiea, Mid 649-4648 or 643-7867. seen by appointment at anytime, 2-8-4 FAMILIES, plus singles, Iteri’onning in one theater reg­ nUssian, ^ rl ownsr. 649-6692 after 648-7988. Bar^fain Shop with stove, refrigerator, automatic across from Shady Glen. 194 feei $37,900. J. D. Realty, 643-6129. Charies Church. on TurnpUce, 650 feet deep. Bel BARROWS A WALLACE twenUea Woiveitcn Ageiiey. Real­ maximum advertising and con­ ularly baa tta dlaodvantagee, too. 8:80. DISSATISFIED WITH PRODUCTION NEW WOODEN SHINOLE8. Call washing machine. Tel. 643-4751. tor. 66S-381S. SIX R(XjM Ranch, Andover Lake, tracts. plus buyers. Call E. E. LAWN MOWERS, sharpened and $129.00 Low-back Barrel Chair, Air Rea] Estate, 648-9333. WESLEY R. SMITH BOLTON — 3 minutes from Center. Dame Nbwtte aays the London Maarhfeter Eveaiag HeraM Bol­ 643-8866 after 5 p.m . Si K. Center St. excellent financing, $16,600. J . D. Bushey A gency, 649-3068. critics, quite aocustomed to the repaired, eales and service, cental MACHINIST foam cushion, lx>x pleats, blue ’TO RENT — 4 room heated apart­ $1SAM — S BEPftOCW RANCH. Two bomaa on two acres of land toa correapoaitaat. M. Oeiiamrell e^pment. L A M Eqiiipment YOUR .PRESENT JOB? ment. near business section, (jail MAN(jHESTER — 6 room Ranch, AGENCY R ealty, 648-6120. oompeny, are much lees bomph- 5061 M .O ., T .D ., aotet somUticii. 1962 CUSHMAN MOTOR scooter, print, $99. 2-yeara-old, ■ large kitchen with biriMa stove, eonobtootton storms. tor two families, all in one parcel. Toung. telcphewe SIS 8ML 640^043. C ^ . , Route 88, Vernon, 876-7609. $85. 36” boy’s bicycle, $18. 643 643-5118 between 8:30-4:30. 41SMain8t. recrmtlcH room, sleely land­ 649-8062 MANCHESTER — Walk to shop­ Reisently buUt and m odem . The m entary than ttes American Manchester exchange, Enterprise $139.96 High-back Lounge Chair, bullt-lns, dining room, 8 bedrooms, S IC K O F 0748, after 5 p.m . Beat Hartford scaped tot. Ugh itevaftm CSri- 648-7903 — 649-0666 ping. 6 room spUt level home, 8 whole package can be yours zmd press. 1968 FORD, black and white, club 1946. For second shift tourquoise leather-like plastic, UNFURNISHED 4 room apart attached garage, lot 100x300 with Navy to Decide trees, $16,900. PhUbrick Agency, tan W. RutrtiiiM. StodUS. bedrooms, Uvlng room vritb fire' It ie priced In the low 30's. J. D. a a the fans, alao aoouatomed sedan, needs valvas, best otttr. tapered fruitwood legs, $89. ment, all conveniences and loca­ R ealty, 643-6129. Castro Praises LAWN MOWERS sharpened and tion nice. Excellent condition. Box 649-8464. place, dining L, rec room, 2 baths, to the company and its stars, have Can 848-4676 after 6. CUTBACKS - LAYOFFS? ALUMINUM CARPORT, 10x20. LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN — Beauti­ Oil hot water heat, shrubbed and On Sub Search an opportraitty to dleoover new repaired, free pick-up and deliv­ OaU 643-438B. $129.00 Lawson Lounge Chair, W, Herald. PORTER STREET area — Older 6 LOVELY 7 ROOM Colonial, large ery in Manchester. Russ’ Mower foam cusliion, box pleats, gold, $79. MANfjHESTEiR — 2 family home EIGHT ROOM CSspe C3od, quality ful 7 room Ooiofilal. family room, room home. 8 bedrooms, garage, shaded lot, $19,600. W olverton talent. Touring Students First-class man only capable of 6-5 on 65x185 shaded lot, 2^ar ga­ construction, must be seen to be Trcmr garage. 3 fireplaces. 1% A gency, R ealtor, 646-3818. living room with fireplace, WASHINGTON (AP)—The Navy Career Watchen 1966 DeSOTO, good eondiUon, $100. Service, 742-7607. Perhaps a business dl your own reading blueprints, setting up JACuA!oI submersible sump pump, shade trees, located on quiet screened side porch, 114 baths, ga­ $169.00 Attached pUlow-back Law- f o u r ROOM duplex (half house) rage, separate utilities, aluminum appreciatod. Priced at $30,000. J. tiled baths, all built-ins. porch, will study results so far in the **Ihe gaUertee are wonderful. CaU 649^4696 after 6 p.m . is the answer! ! A Sunoco Serv­ . and operating drill presses, % h.p., 30 foot piping, Uke new, street, handy to shopping and MANCJHESTER $11,800 — 4 room rage, large lot beautifully land­ HAVANA (A P )—Prim e Mini.s- ice Station provides not only a $46. 649-4702. son Lounge Chair, foam cushion, oil heat, (jail 643-5778. storms and screens, one block to D. Realty, SOdm. city "HHMes. large lot. fun attic, tranqwrtatian, $14,600. PhUbrick search tor the lost atomic subma­ They’S watch aomebody in the milling mscttlnee, and lathes. box pleats, spice plaid, $99. bus and shopping, (jwners occupy­ plastered walls, full insulation house, tree shaded lot, about $3,- scaped. ^ Ideal home for gra­ b ock row and foHow heir career." ter Fidel Cbstro has publicly pat­ HonsehoM Senrices good income but security for A gency, 640-8464. cious and cmnfortable Uvlng. Sell­ rine .Thresher during the next four 1961 OORVAIR, 4-epaed stick Mon- 4% ROOM GARDEN apartment ing. Excellent investment. Wolver- laundry in basement, hatdnray, 000 down payment, assum able to six weeks and then decide ’*1710 first Saturday you faring ted on the back a group of sn Offered ^ 13-A the man and his family. In- POLOROID LAND cam era 80A, $99.00 M odem Lounge Chkir, m ortgage, 643-0319. ing for $22,9R FORD, excellent nin- new plant located in East Hart­ parking. $115 monthly. 643-7925 eloeed porcta, neat, clean, well announced today. role out in the provinces, a n-hole partment travel ban. ning cemUtion, rebuilt motor with and Slipcovers made to order, in able. For appointment . caU other accessoriea Sacrifice, $75. $69.00 Slipper Chair, button back, 1960, 5H room ranch, attached ga­ Miss Zelonis at 2890291 be­ ford. Excellent benefits. hirt> 649-4703. kept home. Hayes Agency, 643- This presumably will include a lot of fans will drive out to see (jastfo told Hax-ana University 40,000 mUes, $276. CaU 876-7S63. business since 1930, three genera­ wages, with shift premiums box pleats, tapestry, $49. AVAILABLE August 1 — 6 room rage, full basement, 2 full batiis, SOUTH WINDSOR — Trim and tions of quality workmanship. All tween 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p'.m. 4808. aluminum combinations, nicely neat, 8 bedroom one story house, deiHsion on whether the bathy­ tier.” students in a speech Tuesday and production bonuses. duplex, $120 monthly. Inquire 16 Gingham C over-up! Tour Spots work guaranteed in writing for or evenings call Bob VanDer- $89.00 M odem low-back Lounge Huntington Street. Call 649-6023 be SEPTIC TANKS landscaped. Owner, 649-4i326. garage. Baseboard radiation. Dry scaphe Trieste will again be sent night. is:iued for publication to­ poel at 875-6384. Boats and Accessories 4R Chair, foam cushion, tangerine, AND BOIXJNG P a r k — 6 room (jape, out to aid in the search for the After a month at the Metropoli­ day. that the yot^ig visitors from 10 years. Sam’s Upholstering, fore 2 p.m. weekdays or anytime $-4 bedrooms, 1^ tiled baths, oil weU tor washer. H . acre yard. Tradui—Tm etm 522-4206. walnut tapered legs, $59. weekends. Eve. 648-6243. TH REE FAM ILY, 7-4-3, central lo­ P rice $16,900, with $13,400 assum­ sunken submarine. ’Ihe Thresher tan Opera House in New York the United States had expressed Apply in person FX>R SALE — Good well seasoned hot water, plastered walls, large cation, large comer lot, 3-car ga­ disappeared in April with 129 men (where the stage is shglitly larger rebeiUon “in . accordance with PLUGGED SEWERS cabinet Utchen, fireplace, breeze­ able 4^A% mortgage. Glenn Rob­ FOR SALE—^FarmaU F20 tractor, f u r n i t u r e REFINISHED — used lumber in assorted sizes. Al­ WATKINS BROTHERS, Inc. rage. Call owner 649-9626 between erts Agency, ML£ Realtors, 644- aboard in 8,400 feet of water off than that at Oovent Garden and principles sustained when that nms and starts good, good rubber, so, storm windows, inside vhd out­ way and garage, owner transfer­ Scratches, burns removed, color BEAU’Tif SALON — Newly esUb- 935 MAIN S’TREET Furnished Apartments 63-A 0 - 8 . 1621, 643-0816. the New Ekigland coast. the aoen^My fits beautifully the country was created.” m ake an offer. Call 742-7667. cluuiged. Manchester Reflnishing lished. weli paying. 5-station side doors, one gas hot air fur­ Maehiiie CleaHed red- Very clean, close to school, The Trieste has made five Royal Ballet te touring until July “They are youngstera with their stores and poo], $16,900. Ken Os- C o., 648-9288. beauty .salon in shopping center. THE FULLER BRUSH nace, radiators, sinks and tubs. 1% ROOM FURNISHED apart Septic Tanks, Dry Wells, Sew­ (jOVENTRY — This house has dives, none successful in locating 7. It is appearing in Baltimore, own ideas who do not belong to 1960 INTERNATIONAL 5(odel B One 80 gaUon gas hot water heat­ er Lines' Installed—Cellar Wa­ trineky. Realtor, 648-6166. 110, 8/4 too plckim, excellent Vemon-Rockville area. Marvelous ment, light housekeeping, rath three or more ingredients — Just the submarine. She is now back Philadelphia, Boston, Detroit, T\>- the herd." he said. RBWEAVINO of brans, DMth boles. opportunity, business growing COMPANY er. Also, plumbing suppUes. Open COMBINA’nON WASHER‘ and room, reasonable, centrally lo­ terproofing Done. DUPLEX what the doctor ordered for your In the Boston Navy Yard for over­ roRto, Oucago, Seattle, Portland ’Die Americans expect to spend shape, T-8 motor, neavy duty ZIppan npalred. Wtaidaw Sbades daily 3:30 to 6. Saturday 8-3. (5io- dryer. 649-2691. BOWERS SCHOOL area — Excel­ transmisaloo, springs and clutch. rapidly. Must sell due to other in­ cated. 646-8404 between noon-6 lent 6 room ranch, large com­ comfort and happiness. (1) Stu^y haul and refitting-which is expect­ and Lne Angeles. the next week tn a. tour of Cuban mad# to measure; all alsed Vene­ terests. Will finance, if necessary. man’s Housewrecking, Stock p.m . Conveniently located off W. construction. (2) Pleasing floor ed to require about a month. After Dame Ninette retires, * e pro\-inces. Equipped With radio, heater, spot­ tian Hinds Keys made whll« you Place, off North Main Street, or 20 GALLON BOTTLED gas hot McKinney bros. pleted recreation room, 2-zone l i t , dome Ught, cigarette lighter, Write Box D. Herald., heating aystem, large ceramic Center St., 6-6, with 3 bed­ plan. (8) The ultimate In tasteful wait. Tape Recorders for rant. ' 88 Long m u St. call 649-2392. water heater, $16. Gas stove, 30” , LARGE 4 Red tor Immediate sale. * dreamy landscaping. (6) .Three ter. For more information: call h.p. Mercury motor, tilt trailer. twin-size bedrooms, 18x18 living Building— Contracting 14 Frank Mott. 643-5658. Owner must sacrifice..742-6051. lot Sensibty priced. Charles Les- BEST An equal opportunity employer. , peranee, 640-7630. room with fireplace, ga foge, Anto AeecflBorleB—Tires 8 O ffice and Store Business Locations WESLEY R. SMITH walk-cut basement. P rice $17,600. CALL ME on your formica needs, 17 FOOT SAILBOAT (National One AGENCY VACATION 1968 FORD ENGINE, com plete Design) complete with trailer and Equipment 54 For Rent 64 I t x a s a n t surroundings , ax- Near Bolton line,- just off Route bars, ootmtprs, kitchen cabinets, Help Wanted— Feaule 35 44. Glenn Roberts Agency, MLS witii transmiaskm and clutch, vanitory ikiits, table-tope and sail. 643-0893. , NEW TYPEW RITERS, $5>.96 up; eaUent ccaiditiaa, nezo' bus, shop­ 649-8^r^-> I rassoneble. 649-9944. ping. custom buUt for ccnnfoit R ealtors, 644-1621, 878-1817. COMPANION — m m m s. island standa 648-8988. CXDUNTER GIRL — Egg ’n You. used typewriters, $29 up. Berube’s SMALL STOKE .for' rant oa Oak 1963 GORVEHE 648-7952 — 649^08M 1095 Main. St. No teleHione calls. e x h i b i t BUILDER. Spray paint­ Typewriter Service, 479 E. Mid- and imonomlcal maintenance. Six er. Experienced only. Display- Street. Call 649-6294. nice size rooms, two full baths, QUALITY CARPENTOY—Rooms, Apply in, person. Diamonds— Watchc ' die Tpke., Manchester. $49-8477. — , . , ...... ■■ ...... I Black. Both tops. $40 H.P. 4- Trailers Mobile Homes 6>A fireplace, garage. H. B. Grady, basements refinlshed. built-lns, craft. In c., Manchester, 643-0117. J e w e h y 4 8 speed transmission, positraetlon B roker, 648-SOOO. INVESTMENT PROPERTY THR11E-YEAR8-OLD American formica, tile, general repair. No Houses For Rent. 65 ROLLING PARK — Cool 6 rooms, job too Anal). Call William Rob­ WATCH AND jewelry repairing at rear 4.11, metal brakes. aiabOe home, 2 bedrooms, alumi- Wearing; Apparel— Purs 57 MX ROOM ralR-Ievel ranch, by aluminum siding, dishwzMher, Bum avfning, completely furnish- bins Carpentry Service. 649-8446. TELEPHONE OPERATOR SalesaKB Waated 3S-A reasonable prices prompt serv­ VERNON AREA — |Five room tdastered walls, porch, extras, Cape, near shopping and schools enatom bnUdar in Manchester, In- We have, several excellent two. •d, BMUmabls m ortgage. 878-6384. ice. 2 wstchmakers. Hraches- TEEN-AGE GIRL’S summer and Call GENE WHITE chadlng 3-car garage and 3 fire- $16,800. Owner, 64S-8667. HOME REPAIR and maintenance, OPPORTUNITY FOR advance- ter’s oldest established jeweler. winter clothing, size 12-14. Excel­ rec room, appliances, $175 month families available at n>ecial remodeling, roofing and altera­ MATURE WOMAN F. E. Bray. 737 Main St.. SUte lent condition. Reasonable. After ly. J. D. Realty, 648-5129. piaeea, loaded with extras, $34,' profit making prices. Call one 'ment in sales leadiiK to manage A f MoricNty Bros. 000. J. D. R ealty, 648-6129. MANCHBSTEIR — Beautiful one- of cur qualified brokers now to tions. Call Russ Atkins, Builder, ment openiiv soon. Company will Theater BuUding. 5, 649-3506. , year-old raised ranch. This home Anto DilvlnK Sdiofri 7-A 643-0411. “ The small Job car­ FIVE ROOM single home, $110 learn the particulars and show train. A verage over $6,000 a year xtutEE BEn>R(X)M Ranch, only. 6- 'features 3 good sized bedrooms M o i m / x a n IM vIiw Sohoed Iim ., penter.’ ’ 5 ^ D A Y S Wanted—-Te Bay 58 monthly, including heat, elec 643-5135 you the variews properties. AH to start. For interview caU 644- yeaia-old, fee room, many extras, with large closets, lovely living are priced to meet your needs afflees, rtaasraom locatod Man- 0302 between 6-8 p.m . only. Garden— Farm— Dairy tricity, hot water. Middle aged room wito'fireplace, large kitchen WE BUY SELL or trade antique couple, no children. Immediate $10,900. J. D . Realty, 648-6139. and help make money for you. •barter Paikads, ipw m level. B«- LITTLE TYPING Prodacta 50 with buUt-ins, plus rec room and fiBBsra, older, aervaus students, Spedal Services 15 WANTED — Aggressive, energetic and used.furnltura, china, rlaa*. occupancy. J. D. Realty, 643-5129. 8190 3-car garage. (5wner wUl sacrifice salesman for appliance depart­ CHERRIES FOR PIE, canning, sUver pletun tm u tp and oM p -is Tean-ago driver’s TREE CUTTING and removal, lots tor qrtek sale. Howard Realty, as. 8 t^ certified. GOOD SALARY ment. W. T. Grant Co.. Parkade. freezing. TeL 643-7304. 202 New coins, old dolls and guns, bobby Sn-aS76, cart amarar, 64A00SS. J. D. REALTY cleared. Insured, Joe Pelletier, Boltoa Road. coUectioos, attic cententa or whols BOLTON LAMFRONT^ 742-7658. estates. Furnltur« Repair Service, BOWERS AREA — Drtiglittol Co­ 06 Center St TUcottvUle, Coon. Tel. 848-7449. Apply . . . LARGE 4-BEDROOM lonial, lovely setting, aluminum He^ Waatetf— 1 Household Goods 51 aiding, awn^s, den. Ranch, 6 •46-6139 M L E R N f t o o f 16 -Male vr F c a n le ‘ 37 BmVa Ml egoqlNi« date ikook room s, $17,900. Ranch, 3-years-oId, SEWING MACHINES — 1962 WANTED — MEN'S ueed golf Seven romn home, garage, Driving Sdiool R. DION RObFING and siding, al- INTELLIGENT 8 minute telephone models, never used, $36 or $2 tor Joatora that ham bold < Jolt one-fSece makeg tida gtag- 3 baths, $18,600. E. J. (jaupenter. CONNECTICUT STATE 'clu b s, (ja il 649-2164; ' ham oaver- aaay to aew and lazge Utchen with buUt-ln diah- Broker. 849-5061, 649-9152. teratioos, ceilings, painting and calls can bring you $10 per hour. weekly. 643-8044 after 6 p.m . OPEN HOUSE srteattvriy. Several verdons are $14,900 — SIX ROOM Cape, ap­ t’s largest, .auto- gutter work. Satisfaction guaran provided, making it an all-year lauiUer! Add pretty pongy trta in waitoer. large paneled Uvlng EMPLOYMENT SERVICE No seliing. (ja il 742-8620 preferably room with fireplace, enclosed MANCHESTER — 4 room Ranch, proxim ately $2,200 down can as­ mafic and atandaid rtdft, teed, free estim ates. 648-4362. V6‘:30 p.m . tovortte. croee eUtch eutoroldery! toaa plek-up sendee, teen-age 6-8 P.M. TODAY ^ FWtam No. 383XH baa paneled sunporch, trees, dock. excellen t throughout, $11,700. sume existing mortge$e. (jail 806 Main St., Manchester ELEtjTRJC .STOVE tor sale, excel­ ’ k. Na StM wdh PATT-O-BAMA ^ ^ 689'after $. Mo agents, please. •toaBTOom, older and nelgous A. A. DION, INC. Roofing, siding, lent coodition. CaU 649-9179, lA t o . t o A rare buy at only $17,900. Short way out, axtra i^tecial, 8 to in dam t. U . U . to. 14. IS. lA- bedroom ranoh, aaarty one acre oar specialty. painting. Carpentry. Alteratiaiis Cto-- EAST HARTFORD Brat S0% to IS. atae 11. U K to A MANCHBRER — Oountzy dub . f i r * and addttloBo. Orillngi, Orillngi. Workraan- SitaatMMis W aated— TWO BEDROOM SETS — One ex­ 149 Florence Sfreef, Manchester tend, m odem , lain petoe, $10,900, rtaamtea^ d ywdo a t SSAoeh; % $500 down. Over JOO mere Usttaga, area. 5K roam eurtom built ranch, i g g j p MiraBtoad. 8 t o iAutumn a t F o u k 2 8 tra large 6 pieces, ons 8 pieces. LAWBENCB F. FIANO lot lOQxUI, aeraenad porrti, priced DIONIFIED Part-Tims Work. Most GUI MS-43n. DAY NURSERY all price range. Can the EHsworth women use fragrances, comneties Etomodeled, Md«M)ratod, <6-room home, exeellent m im B. aSte^^rai «ki to aotoa «m below appraisal. Owner, efB-aess. SUiaiEB DAT CAMP rikty H a ra ^ lllS^jSvL.^lir R ealtor 648-37$$ IC tten A gency, Realtor, 643-0980, Wo iM tter wlieiv yoa pten te flp«Dd yoor vaeotlaii. . . no m stter kow k »s BlDWEXi BOMB laapoovemaot and toiletries. You peifosm a aenr- 1968. SI” SILVER!TONE console tioiL eoreced pelio, garage, secluded lot, 61^900. If Sot Bontort. The Maiifherter Ere 64S-332S. U m M - fln t ' wnL<. DO IROltlNO to my home, iiii« H erald. lUS AVE. OP AMWanAW, NEW TOOK M , n .Y . EDISON ROAD V (jape, 4 down, 3 OatttfiaBr—natO ig, rtdteg, altera- Ice tor them and eam extra dol­ c a n 648-1776. TV, needs tube, k s - CaU after yvmSe been looking for THE home, see this. Cbaries Nichcdaco 742-6864 a vacation you’re going te enjoy— keep up with what’s gewg on at home school. tnhMd fioao. adrttkoo and remodeling lars for yourself when yoa show 6:80, 640-7610 o r wertrends. 1 5 8 S i f v w U m AlfEBlGAS. NEW TOBX S6. N.T- Fbr lat-oteoa maSing add 10c 6% ROOM RANCH, exceptionally unfinished up, fireplace, garage, appewrad, BOW of- fbr each pattern. Pimt Nkme, patio, oil heat. Owner, 649-0059. - of ali ^p^.\^BxeeQeat wortanan them Avon’s ccraplete line of Eoft Hartford For let-dam mailing add IOC low priced, with bullt-lns and a by having The Mancihester Evening Herald sent to your vacation address, and hehhtd these products. You choose woric- EVJEKXTUINQ in sterUlZed, re- RUTH L. ORZYB tor each pattern. Print Mtine, Adtoras w6tk aooe and Ptetten large lot, $13,600. J. D. Realty, •Or taan-ogoni. ing hours to fit your bousehrtd SitaatkHto Wanted— corsHUoned-lised furniture and ap- WARREN E. HOWLAND Addram wBh aone. stjde nnootoer VERNON — 6 ROOM (jolonial, IH 643-6129. MANCHESTER — 7 room home, 3- RAT’S ROOFINO CO. ahiagle pUancca — n $ b in quaUty, low in JurtSOCi I Near * « Aibam' ear garage, near achoolk, trans- schedule. Call how! 289-4922. . 3 9 Td. 289^302 r e a l t o r / - 350 MAIN 8T. \ hatha, oil hot water, Jarga lot with and boOt-im roofa, gutt« work, price. Antiques fr ^ Vermont D poX traae, ownar tranrteiTed, Inunedl* W m siO K — I zoom Ranoh, 8 bed- and Howard CAU. CmpUtATION DEPT.— 643-2711 ra f and (romney repafca: Ray NURSE—Licensed to Ounnecfiraf; irtsti, IjsBianr mirniturc, 194 C pH ara M Taun asrt Vp 6 M -1 1 0 8 , Fttee, $18,m ■ 3S-bad boma, »-U rtdft, haaas •«• ‘ ' U) Open » A d T I e % ^ • \ '■ I . • y /: : t '* 'I.'"

Anrkge Dafly Net Pn m K n '■ i - fimBSDAxJ JULY U , The Weathar A-: ■ 'For «w Week nmeeael e f D . a . W eefk w S i FACT TWENTT-FO^ . M y 'g. i m . IRanrlifBt#r Harold r a b and miia taad^ Wa r.. lito r Mletsnar, 68, o< 24 Trottsp S t, W ATHLETES FOOT 13,760 I SL; Harold Tedford. 28 Campfleld ttarou3;h the ooutt’a family Mls^ tlons office. a count of failure to grant the HOW TO TREAT IT — Menkcr of «B AeOt “ Free Treitts Friday Rd.; Dotina Plenzlo, Bkuit Hartford; 12th Circuit / right o f ^ to tbe arid 86a. Martin Asks William Bbfst, South Rd., Bolton; Prosecutor F. Joeei* ' Parafliso About Town also entered noUes in the cases. o< mohard A . Brpwn, 22,..,Covato Manehe»ter— A Ciiy o f ViUrngo Ckmrm The tab for ice cream will be _ Mrs. Verna Murphy, 311 Hany La., try, was granted a dlsmlaaal o f to e h ^ Rockville; Mrs. Nellie Moran, 80 Court Cases William I>mohue, 28, of 180 Cen­ nUsatoa. Thee la 8 to Manrf>«ni o f Sunset ReM csh picked up by the mayor Friday New Rules on ter St., Boris Berdnik, 44, Of 06 his case following a short trial on lafeetoa skia stosyk ~ at Henry Park and Bury Field Broad SL; Mark Hoiile, Andover; a charge of dumping rubbish on * ia ivpIaM R. I f amS rIm im A Hi < m i ae ra g a U ) IcMtee wUl mee^ at 7 tonifijtit at William Dittrich, 92 Grand Ave., Pearl St., and Raymond Dion of TOL. LXXXn, No. 240 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY U . 190 PRICE SEVEN CENTS HotoiM Ftineral H «n«. 400 Main in Rockville. Boys and girls reg­ MANCHESTER SESSION 29 Bkigertan St., each on charges private property. The prosecutor teflk aft RpF istered in the recreation de­ Rockville: Mrs. Anna King, Snip- of breach of the peace; also Peter said evidence was lacking. ®t., to pay reapeots to tl»e late Subdivision^ slc Rd., Rockville; Mrs. EUsle Hoxle, John M. Lahda, 24, of 5 Ridge­ M l « K H lon A. TySer, a member partment program will be given wood Rd., this morning was fined free ice cream, provided by Glastonbury; BBaine Coske, Green of the ecfmtilMUon. General Manager Richard Mar­ 3102 when he pleaded guilty to Rockville Mayor L«o B. Fla­ Rd., Rockville; Frederick Mercer, the charge of driving a motor ve­ South Coventry; John Dupont, 76 Mambeni o f the IJadiee o f St. herty Jr. tin has suggeeted that the pres­ hicle while under the influence of 3 Guardsmen Shot ■ftie Ice cream w ill be distrib­ e t subdivision regulations might Cottage St.; Mark Sullivan, 6 Wad­ liquor. Jamas wHt meet tonight at 7:45 dell Rd.: Ludwig Ristau, 28 Dur­ at the Jflhti F. 'Kem ey Funeral uted al 1:80 p.m. at Henry now be improved, in the light .. ' (|c | ' / l.tj fta). Memorip5 of you come our way, her death, headed fay CowL BARBECUE 50. Guests altbended from Mhn- Hospital Notes The parking pRcposal was de­ Time and years roll swiftly by„ II LARGE FRESH chicken (split, whole WT/ , ■ • ^ ohestor. Blast Hartford and West veloped cooperatively by the town But love and memories never dla. or cut) and extra George McCaughey, wiS say Hartford. Large wedding ^beUs 1 ^ H only that her death was *nn- Visiting hoore mre 2 to 8 p.m. administration, the parking au­ Daughter, son-in-law, CHICKEN LEGS larsTe chicken lesr H Army Junta Satamlayi Jaly 13 decorated the room, with stream­ for all areas except maternity, thority, and the Chamber. and grandchildren , Top Spy timely,” but off-duty patraB- ers matching the ocAom of the where they ai« 2 to 4 juiL and l b . 59c all fo r J I L men have been caRri In Servlngw A t 5 and 6:80 P M . bridal atfbendants’ gowns. 6:80 to 8 pjn. and private reams, A peroonal shower was given by where they are 10 aun. to 8 pun. Takes Over search the woods briund tte II WINGS — LaVlfiKo MIbs Miadelyn Altken of 7 Tyler Visitors are requeeted not to Fofearty house. CSTde. She wiH serve os Miss Bmoke In patieats’ rooms. N o more Hartfond Detective n—vSini mid At United Damato's maid of honor. ‘Ihe than two vMtors at one time per 4tli of JULY ^ For Reds In Ecuador he and his men have a to bride-eiect opened her gifts whhe patient. SP E C IA LS 2 mind, whom they bove aot put Methodist Church seated beneath a decorated um- picked iq>. QUITO, Ecuador (AP)—A mili­ RT. 44-A. BOLTOX brdla. About 30 attended. Fatfeoto Today: 288 6 Baked Virginia Ham Pinehurst Steaks...Roasts 'Die girl's body wwa dtoossssed Mlea Damabo, a daughter o f ADiMITTElD YESTERDAY: Defector tary Junta ruled Ekniador today at 9 s ja . fay G eorge K enpy . a • Roast Beef An Jus ttter 'exiling President Ourlos Ar- ,Mr. end Mire. Louis Damato, 16 Kenneth Oaitm, 82 Congreaa S t; You can tell by the looks. You can td l by the taate salesman foi' the FVgsity Brea, For Beaervatfwie Gall: Homestead St., wiS become the Mrs. Margaret TogaL Box Moun­ • Baked Stuffed Jumbo Shrimp osemena. The Junta said he “ was heating company. bride of Donald Reid, son of Mr. Pinehurst beef is .better. Pinehurst s te ^ and By OOUM FB08T frequently drunk, spotted the na­ Mrs. HeraU Lee, 648-8080 tain Dr., Vernon; Mrs. Lucinda He had been called by Ike g;Mk and Mre. BMward Re«d, 345 HU- Boyce, 184 School St.; Mrs. Hugh iAKED LASAGNA ...... $1.251 roasts are the kind you brag about and Pinehi:^ LONDON (A P )—Defection tional honor and sympathised liard S t (HJO FASHION STRAWBERRY SHOriTOAKE ...... 4So|| with communism.” aunt. Miss Mary FVaber. 22 OM- l ir a Michael GyridanldMr, Bracken, 57 Blssex SL; Mrs. Jo juicy sizzling steaks increase your fame aa a of • top Soviet spy to the tage au wte wanted to tomw 646-1868 The wedding la planned for next Ann Morgan, 376 Woodland SL; - FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL becue cook . . . West raised 'speculatitm today A Quito radio report heard in vtoy tlM gbf had not towwa wp month at St. Brid^yst’a Church. Mrs. Dorothy BaMyga, 439 HBUard he Fogarty hbosc at 281 Porter St. where the body of Maryellen Fogarty was found SL; Richard Lee, Oook Dr., Bolton; .that his flight might force the Colombia said five persona were Mrs. Dorothy Uccello, Bolton Rd., COMPLETE LOBSTER DINNER .... $1.95|| Soviet Union to revamp its in­ ' ■ y-. killed and three wounded iriien an The arrow indicates the window of her bedroom. (Henud photo by satemis) This week select m aged tender sirloin, pofrierluNiM - ■' army tank fired qn a erqwd atmt- ______^ Varnon; Mrs. Helen Rira, Hazard- SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL telligence aiqiaratus. viUe; Samuel Prentice, 106 High or individual Delmonico steak. Have it cut the thick­ ing members of Uw Jenta as they ness you like best. Just tell Charlie, Writer, Henry Hie British- government said the entered the government palace to St.; Jacqueline Cbok, 323 Wood- STEAK DINNER...... $1.95|| defeotor, a aenior Soviet faiteili- take office. bridge SL; Biuce Glode, 1066 Tol­ EVERY WEDNESDAY or Albert what you like . . . and they will get it far gence officer, whs turned over to' land TtAe.; T ra d e Alvestad, Britain after weeks of interroga- CoUapse Expected State New s DDJVERCD FRESH TtmirqmnfVille: 'Thomas Dunlop, CHICKEN IN THE BASKET ...... 99e|| you. A military spokesman said Ar- tkn ^ the U.S. Central Intelli- osemena, a known tippler, dis­ 667 N. Miain SL; Mrs. Charlotte We Specialize In Businessmen’s Luncheems— 85c to 99c PINEHURST p n e e Agency In JNashington. The graced himself by getting drunk Tatro, 16 Norman SL; Mrs. Idar- GENEROUS PORTIONS Block island Swordfish is boing s ^ af tho low^ British ^ d ha as Important at a banquet Wednesday night in Roundup garet Longriianqm, 122 Birch St.; PLUS OUR REGULAR MENU •a any defector -te either side Theodore McCormick, Ek»t Hart­ est price in years. Small, tender, ^ sh ly caught, honor of the prasidant of the For Red Unity Talk • - - * LEGAL BEVERAGES GROUND MEATS ■faica World Wav SL Grape ttnea.' rtrtttad’’V.B. Adm. ford; Anne Lodge, 24 Victoria Rd.; ORDERS very tender swordfish 39c to 49c lb. W o will al­ Bta Identity was kept oecret. Of- Vfijfred McNeU. Rtoboid BeH, 1 ^ Lakeymod CSr.; » HOMEMADE BREAD aa« PASTRIES PU T UP Bcials said ne is betaig bald at a ’ Guebts at the Greg Spencer, Wapping; Mrs so nave fresh Lobster meat in cans and frash said 'Iba Middlebury House • SOUPS MADE FRESH DAILY >pO GO! are always so good! Ettra aacret beadquartara in Britain tor • it n 3IOSOOW (A n af ritorgoa aed Mary Sklener, Nonwich; Martin fresh . . . just Juicy enough Haddock and Flounder fillets. toar tba Soviats ndgbt by to kid­ Goodes, Stafford Springs. anTThipiai ^ ^ HtiYYis,'' T h r ^ D ie Enjoy Your Favorite I for extra flavor . . . ground n ap ''or u n binr. * vomited in gathering its attack AiOMTrrED TODAY: Mrs. Ei­ dsitbt on the Legal Beverage Her* • • • I many times throughout the “ Hls life Is in positive danger,’’ and committeld son died to- 62.3 MAlpi St r e e t service way. An informed source said the So­ . Thursday mortdng th* chiefs of Westeril obaaren BIRTHS YEKITERDAT; A Fresher-By -Far viet contacted an Ainerican Em­ the three armed brmiches met that further diiirnoonn Soriet Uman signed day when fire destroyed their two- daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Paul CAFE CORNER OF PEARL bassy in an allied capital after with the commander of fiie Quito story home on Wittemore Road Jackson. TSlcottville; a daughter CATERINO TO SMALL PARTIES CHUCK GROUND garrison, and decided' to depose Ween the Conumnriit gii Ibitotcr Chen Yi (Route 188). to Mr. and Mre. Donald Foster, 46 was fatQe. he Soviet Union tiarf Firemen said the bodies of FYed lb. 79c (Continued on Page Four) Arosemena. Eight ' tanks Foster SL: * xm to Mr. and Mrs. NABVE BEETS truckloads of soldiers surrounded The taBre wars vecsoMd Tl kicidogical quarrel and Helen Rainville and their son Bruoe Bartlett, Groton; a aon to the presidential palace about 2 day and alto on Tnesdoy wB level. He took ' Joseph were identified by a mar- Mr., and Mrs. George Tatro, exptonation. Some 3 in I Blend o f p.m Mnre at sq^arate recep- r i^ed daughter, Mrs. FYank Kempa, ■nionipoonville; a son to Mr. and 2 bunches 25c Arosemena refused to resign I ■•*** ' ttolrgarteii l^Aiag ter representa- who lives nearby, Mrs. Carl Kucienski, 'Ihotnpaon- BEEF, PORK, VEAL Puffy Hairdo and named hls brother Gustavo fo r a fa ce aavtog ware to e e l oa . Outer Mongolia and The cause of the blaze was not vUle. as defense miniater in nn effort talks. . ^ rea. immediately determined. Fh'emen DISCHARGBID YESTBIRDAY: lb. «9 c SXVXatXSEN ! found the dwelling in flames when Pfc. Leon Buckle of Vhe Denton, 'Md., area, is escorted to the to rally the armqd forces against The Orineto Belcgetoa. bon Joseph Seima, 83 Seaman Cir.; Coes the Way the uprising. Friends of the 44- by Teng Hriaoqgng. drove (A P ) — The eyes of they arrived shortly before 3 a.m. klilli inriiiiiffl August Kramer, Coventry: Jo Oambridge, Md., armory. He was one o f thTM Nhiblonal Guards­ REGULAR HAMBURG men shot in racial riotinig. (A P Pbotofax). year-old president who were in their L eu n Bans ■a aa the conferoice The alarm was called in by a EIXENMABY FOGARTY Anne Murray, 86 Benton SL; the besieged palace said be waa Chinese Ehntaaaay. totaem the Soviet neighbor who was awakened by Rene FVatus, 90 Bridge SL; Steven lb. 55c BOSTON LETTUCE Of 1962 Fads sfiU drunk. gates did not abow i ' Gbnmnmists. a passing motorist, Mitchell, Ekut Hartford; William ferenee haR elfber. oar Khrushchev and The bodies of the parents were Crackdown on Reds NEW T Ol/tK — Bveryftiing The situation remained in doubt Van Sicklln, Wapping: Mrs. Eaiza- (We have patties, too, 4 to for several hours until provincial Tha Chinaae and I to o f Hungary are found on an enclosed side porch, B S i notliiii£ it d is ovirlookeil 19c tors, tt was QUITO, Ecuador (AP)— mili­ beth Rail, West Willihgtcm: Lor­ 5 to a lb.) •witebea around ;tbeoe days. Fboh- Booties, Bibs, Bonnet^ conunanders began to send mas­ a to the Kremlin si- Some two hours later Joseph state Une Is premium quality. State raine L’Mdureaux, 34 Victoria Rd.; fop editoca woActaing the fall sages of support for the rebel been able to ( could decide Rain'vUle's body was found in the tary government that replaced Mrs. Sharon Hollis, Elast H artford; sis to begin reoonclltotton of lha fragile Communist living room, hard-drinking President Carlos Line is golden brown—not too dark, eoUeotiMM o f ttie New TM k Cbu- chiefs. Mrs. Minnie Lehman, 44 Durant In the Pacific Ocean port, of bitter dispute of tbm eanroa e to iriaxing “hard The neighbor. Eklson L. Brown, Arosemena piedged tod^y to crack not too light, but just right State Line SL; William PosUewaite, 428 W. 6ura O ioci) daetya>«ri have seen ooeriTniitilun AortM tsfee. I said that after notifying firemen, down hard on pro-Castro Commu­ is delivered fresh—dailyl Taste the Flow to Mrs. Kennedy Guayaquil, 170 miles soutlnreat of Middle Tpke.; Mrs. Valentine Ka- NABISCO For Your Salad Bowl more ttdn^ 'ttiaf coma ^w rt ttanii Quito, there were a few attempts n ie Chinetoi proixrod to p agency Toss | he ran to the Rainville house, only nist terrorist bands roaming this delicious difference in a fresh, crisp, cenovakis, 709 Main SL; Mrs. Alice a watdianakia:. A high-atyte de- to organise street demonstratioas o f disenssion^ m a letfar and Kydr to find “the flames too power- South American nation. The gov- great potato chip. Carlson, 40 E3m SL, Rockville: FROM NEARBY FARMS ... By FRANCES LEWINE that aloe eltarked Pieoaiar 1 tlie “ achieve-: ful. and impossible to get near erning junta, headed by navy Capt. 1963 CO N T IN EN T A L 4-D O O R ...... SAVE! MINERETS . rigner bxtoy triea to moke as ^ah average of 800 letters a day. in favor of Arosemena, but all Mrs. VloU Clegg, 45 VUlage SL; WASHINGTON (AP) — Many About 460 of the letters receivto were broken up. shebev's peaceful H m gary's wvHnnvl oco- j the buUding.” I Ramon Castro Jijon, proclaimed Autumn Frost. Special purchase of company executive car. BEET GREENS SPINACH many different ports o f a oootaime ley. The Soviets , ------I ------' martial law and a c u r f^ and *s- Mrs. Ruth Silhavy, 43 Ridgewood Fully equipped. Americans already are sending since announcement of her preg­ . A military spokeaman said Ar­ 30 Small oa he can. so that a woman buys nancy ‘ concern the baby. Abo^ teiM a e f ■) I (Oouttoned oa Pago Eight) I tablished a strict censorship. gifts and good wishes to Mrs. osemena reidgned aftor receiving Cakes BIB LETTUCE SALAD BOWL LETTUCE eoaX, akkt, jacket, blouae, 'so o if, 100 gifts have been received so guarantees for his peraonal Mfety 1962 CONTINENTAL 4-DOOR ...... $4595 In Bag wniatooait. and whatever etoe you John F. Kennedy, who is' expect­ far, and that of his family. Choice of two factory executive cars. Full warranty. ICEBERG LETTUCE can tbfnk of, ail togrether. Some ing a third baby' in late August. . In Mdnstaking writing, indicat­ Only designers create tbrir own hats Baby booties, bibs, bonnets, The junty asUd electians would ing the author may Just have be bold as soon as pooslfale aad 1963 MERCURY 2-DOOR ...... $2495 CHIGKORY ESCAROLE and shoes to show with their pol- sweaters and handmade quilts are mastered the art, came the mes­ FREE M A IN ST. leotiana, and though they do not often included in the dally mail that it bad received messages ot Girls frmit Florida in Town for Tobaisco Work MANCHESTER sage: ^'I'm very glad you are go­ support from aU poUtical parUea and White with blue Interior. Radio, heater, standard transmis­ ROMAINE PARSLEY nnke these to seS along with the at the White House, along with ing to have a baby. Love.” sion. One owner. notef from many parts of the. and all units of the armed forces eoata and ridita, th^ pcohabiy "I wish It was me that was ■Die. military sent Arosemena to HI BIRCH ST. PARKING KEEBLER ROYAL CUKES TOMATOES wish they oaij]|cL There are- so world. and by a6 Mlea CtoviSe, a sUiot diaciplin-# Mias ClaviUe Says that defizdte UBLIC MARKE having the baby,” said another. Panama aboard an Ecuadorian arian, nmkee sure that the girls 803-805MAINSTREtT , 1961 COMET 2-bOOR ...... $1395 naany FYench shirt cuffs around A White House spokesman says A young boy sent a card early, ta r te r tttooigN trips are scheduled for each Sun­ RARERIPES RADISHES the letters even include offers to air force plane. He on bis Kfito af the grotqp ia Miss are always supervised by one or Gr^n. Radio, heater, standard transmission. STARS 39c that a designer, Judltfa explaining he was writing “so- I arrival “I have not resigned.” Btyhty UgtaectoMlglriB day. The girls have already McCann, has started making cuff help take care of the new baby. will not fotg$t since I ’m going fb aaxfltoL _ aariated by Miss another of the rix women in the And, the m ail also brings name Arotomma,' wbo boasted about that otata are n*"**^**^ toi - Ctinm^nga. group. 'When asked whether the visited Wickham Park and Ihe knks to match earringe' and pins. camp in June.” .• his “ masculine passions and vic­ WEEKEND SPECIAL VALUES 1960 CHEVRO LET IM P A L A ...... $1495 Of course,' if one foUowa high suggestions and requests to be The White House said most of mar wocUng ter O dbaeii B Ctorito has bewi coming girls con go out by themselves in Elizabeth Park roee gardens in 4-door hairdtop. Radio, heater. Power Glide, power steering, godparents. es,” pame into immiinence aa tha tabacoo groeeia, and Kriug to hraet grtagw o t teen- the evening, her answer was a Hartford. style, the same sliilt' goes always the gifts, will go to ctuiiitable in­ left-ltoning vice president In the SMALL, LEAN ^hite with red interior. Here's A Very Special Grocery Value adth the aune skirt. No high style LJttle girls hope it will be a stitutions. A spokesman noted It Y l^ on N. Mate St. ter 14 jeeia, the past eight positive “No.”. Next Sunday, they will travel to girl; boyk vote tor a ■ boy. administration of President Jose The girls, vda> are IS 'toben asked w h^b- eithW Gilledte Castle in East Had- oaotomer would ever find heraielf is White House policy that the Maria Velasco Iharrs - However, tbe director was anx­ ______. 3 9 c ^ eonveBed to wear Donald Brooks’ S<^e letter writers urge Mrs. First Lady accept only those gifts years of age, work right b Mkad being te Itonchester ious to point out that the girls flitd dam or Sturbridge 'ViUage. Mass. Smoked Shoulders 1961 FALCON tFord) 4-DOOR ...... $1345 The armed torcea deposed Vel­ day, six day* a week, ssri ■aner. 3Can Ctovifie said 'The whole group is looking for­ Radio, heater, standard transmission. Biirt, soy, or Teal Traina’s pull­ Kennedy to have her new baby “worth under 315.” many thtoga to do in th e if hours bom in the White House itself. asco Ibarra in November 1961 st- apore time under the etatet e “weafcto’t mtos it for the away from the tobacco teeds. AU ward to Sunday, the 21st, fo r oo CHOCK FULL OF NUTS "HEAVENLY" over, with a ridrt trom the budget A spokesman for th* First Lady department otnipiy' beqauae no But she and the President, on ad­ said everyone who writes Mrs. ter hls attempts to raise taxes siqwrvirian of rtx wamcB—e' to- the rcreation teciUtiee of the Y that day they will “do” Boston. 1958 RAMBLER STATION WAGON . . . $ 795 other skirt erns clean at the time. vice of physicians, already ' have Kennedy gets an acknowledement touched off bloody riots. The rector, an aeeistaiit dteecter, ton e g n i ^ dbreetoc. a scbool are at their disposal. Th^re is Cullman Bros., who bmploye th* Choice Beef Cuts ^ army tried to install the Supreme cooks and a bouariceieper. 4-door. Black and red. Radio, heater, standard transmission. ruled -that out and Mrs. Kennedy from the White House, but the an­ Bvea in Ptont City,- Fla. tennis, ping -poqg, (rievlsion. rec- girts, lease the 'YMCA for the sum- Thera does beat a heart beneath, Oourt president, but the Congress ag the sequina o f flashion. however, has a j date the last week In Au­ swers may not be from her per­ Thciy otoep at the Y and tohe Bchaa cigbCh grade matta- otxh and a record player, danc-. mer months, jmd supply all food gust at Walter Reed Army Hos­ sonally. Actually, Mrs. K ^edy chose Aroeemena. The air force all thsir meals there. The ghto ; in j ■««■«»' there ing. sc^tball, and swimming at Sol-' and equipment fo r. thkr comfort, SIRLOIN TIP ROAST 1 1960 FO RD C O N S U L ...... S 64^ and a few dtodgniga have advanced rided toth Congress, and he toMi COFFEE ib-72' the oouae of switching around. pital here for a Caesarean de­ only gets to sea those letters abar* in buun keeping dtotoa. : O ty. n tovto o f 2S.OOO. is teris I^ori. the lajtter under super- The actual recruitment of tie 4-door. Radio, heater, standard transmission. Vinyl interior. livery. office on Nov. 9. Moot of the soutliecB bdto oonn I ohtor ten m rte» west of TRY O U R O W N M AK E For a nice oven roast. OO j » ' n 'Vera MaxweB showed .q. aUm drees which her staff think m erit her vision, of course. : girts, and aU arrangements, how- Real economy! . The White House says Mrs. special attentloo, the spokesman The military forced Arosemetaa from the Thmpn-Ptonf O ty area tos between Xnke- Outlman Bros, buses are at th e. ever, is handled by The Connect!* Reg. $1.09 Ih. Lb. T T W ^ T tbat she oaOs her alty-drees, al­ to break .relations with Commu­ though it is complete In itself, Kennedy's nUfil continues to run said. of Flotlda. They are choaro attto I, cigartoad of the disposal of the girts for - Sunday j out Shade Growers Tbpocco Agrl- SUGAR CURED ^ 1961 C O M H 2-D O O R...... $1395 SHURFINE nist Cuba'in 1962 on the groundd peroonat interviews with the yar- tripa, their only day off. cultural Association. FRESHLY GROUND - A aroemd which one can tip a fidler that smuggled arms stam i^ with Green. Radio, heater, standard transmission. GEISHA HALIBUT akirt of a fabric to match the the .Soviet star were moving In LEAN HAMBURG J USB LIKE TUNA . PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT ooet. “Ihat’s one way to beat from Ecuador’s coast for mw hy 1960 STUDEBAkER 2-DOOR ...... $ 895 paying eaceoe fabggage on an alr- Steamer^ Off-Course^ Struck troublemakers. CORNED BEEF R«. Mclb. Lb. 49c ^ Blue. Radio, heater, automatic transmission. can 25c - ■ 4 cans 95c DRINK 4 Ig. cans 1.00 Bne,” she pointed out Some of The break infuriated Prime Minister Fidel Oastre o f Cuba, Fresh From the Brine (Oonbened *e Page She) Sunken Ship^ Survivors Claim who called Arosemena a drunken CHUCK BEEF GROUND J 1960 COMET 2-DOOR ...... $1245 coward and predicted that Ecua­ CHUCK PIECES-^ENTER CUTS Radio, heater,' autopjatlc transmission. Green. One O'wner. dor’s military chiefs would pver- Phehursf Frosted Food Special Fraud ‘ Conviction BUENOS AIRES, ArgenUna^ptossed an investigatian, some throw him. • No B o n e ...... I>. 69e Lb. 69c ^ 1959 WILLYS STATION W A G O N ...... $1395 (AP) —A score of small boats survivors said the 88-yaar-old combed the Plate River Estu- steamer apparently went off VEAL, BEEF, PORK A Radio, heater, four-wheel driva Excellent! A Superb Nutritious Meal By Birds Bye's MASTER CHEF... For Broker Team jury through thick .fog today for Chnek Pieces, bone in ...... B>. 49e course In a S6-foot-deep channel COMBINATION ^ 20 persons missing after the fiery and struck a sunken sUp. He ‘Died’ 3 Times, Q U IC K and EASY BIRDS EYE MEW YORK (AP)—The father- sinUng of a river steamer carry­ An electrical short circuit iq>- SMein Tipso— Solid Leon Pieces . lb. 98c Reg.79c.b. , 4?- oon brokerage team of Gerardo ing more than 4(W persons. Forty parently touched off an axidoslcn (yets Heart Device No limit, rain A. Ra and Gerard Re was con­ bodies had been recovered. and the lights went out. Yon may Mrvie hot or for tasty corned heef victed Thursday of a stock fraud Rescue vessels plucked 3S5 pan­ “Panic started when we saw KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — MORIARTY checks if 'we TURKEY DINNER eotsqdracy in' which, the govern­ ic-stricken survivors from over­ thick black smoke coming up Norman Howard “ died’JuBve ttoea ■endwichw. FRESH T ment said, the public was bilked crowded lifeboats ' and the wintry from inside, and then red before be got a mechanical lease sell out. a f 38 milUon. waters of the wide river mouth flam es,” Ehirique PTeseinkopf, 26, on life. each A Jury of 10 men ahd two wom- SO miles in from the Atlantic. a Uruguayan businessman said. That lease is a battery-powered Native Poultry 4 Chicken Dinner, Beef Dinner ah deliberated four hours in ar­ The 2,330-ton Ciudad De Asun­ “PtolSe screamed in fear. They device in the abdomen of tbe 68- BROTHERS riving at their verdict of guilty on cion — . 4-Wheel D rive W iflys VahlfeleU ^e Dealer” ' tencing. Uruguay, to Buenos Aires. went out. One went down bow heart impulses, Defense attorneys said they An .unconfirmed report first and sank. I The beginning Of what might OF OUR MILD CORNED BEEF LARGE MEATY would aqqwaL Americans were aboard, CHICKEN BREASTS Lb. PINEHURST GROCERY INC, 302 Main Street Sdme survivors said saveral I have been tbe and ter Howard Ba, f t , aad his. son, 40, wars itbto theip identity nor tbelr man puabed women from Ufa-1 waa laat April 9. NEW CAR LEASE PLANS AVAILABLE ON t waa known. WINGS OPEN TONIGHT and FRIDAY NIGHT TIM-NINi / V b n p fa a (Herald photo,kr OOara) Lb. ALL MAKES AND ikoDELS I O a te i Iheir F M FRr far Em SeMon. (•

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