J U ^ ' ■ . , ■> WEDNESDAY, it L Y gOTtting Ij^ralb A rm n it Daily Nat Pnaa Ron n # WMthar F m toe Week Ended . ' 'O' ^ ■ireiaat at U. ft Waadhaa Bm b toe HMropoUtan iJUMet Canunto actoexXH* jndtaUad tranatoa UnL 'My«,iM$ *V Maodwra of Waahtngtoo Lodge, vacaMy of Otnuaettctit tot l8d0, wKh UQX„, and the Ladiea Auxitlary. ston, Mto aa a cMl'angtosar. [| T o w n pirehtors Approve Im Sale Brindantour He la curiauUy ptaaidsnt ot toa . t o . cM I FREE lanERY . Fete and tBBight. Lear and Royal Black Preccptory will m a n ied to 1 3 , 7 6 0 maet Sunday morning at Orange OwmacUnat aacthm at the Ameri­ H e le toe tea. fVI^By Baoel$y sonny n _______ Tonoff Damo- can SocMar qt Ctoil BuglBeers. Dorothy Braun, of R rex*^ The Menibar af tha Andtt HU at 10, and proceed to the And Paving Portion of Elm St* Appointed to Brtoddmoure have Ifoad to Men- VAliLlhtril. wntoeef. M gii aa-Sd. ______ i wiB mtat tooiglit at i PreabyteHan Onircli, 48 Spruce Tha Bsw appohitoe ia a Worid Buraan o f dreototion tM ' M b r . ItaRMor VtaMral S t , for aenricea. The R«nr. Gurdon War JI vater^ havihg served In eheeter.atece 1668. Tfim have five MaiuAetter" A City o f ViUage Chmrm chfldren: Tbeodoret 13: WUUam, E im W R R R M BM^ » • W . O n ta r S t , to paiy SoorBle of Weat Hartford will The Town Board of. Directora laatoownera but tha railroad, which has toe Ch)aa'Sarma Theatre. Housing Vnit ' Brtodamoar was bom in WaM Dototoy. 8; and rir TB^aeto to tlw late M m Pa- night M>proved several matters left given. Us permtsripo, however. ela a m i OMtMtt, Bto waa a Approved also, was a routine •Warwick, 'R X . Btiera fie atteDdad VOL. LXXYn, NO. 239 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1968 PRICK SEVEN CENTS The Batvatkm Am y will <m- over, from their meeting of July 3, requirement by the Federal Hous­ The Toiwn Boand o f D irectors, duct an open air aervice tomortww and tabled others. ing Authority, for re-approval of last night, appointed Theodore ___ oatd ot tba Jon- at 7:S0 pJn. at Main and Birch Approved by a unanimoue vote the "Working Rrogram for Com­ Brindamour of 6 Dover Rd.,' to a lar OMtacy Qufc of UanoiMatar Ste. Cadet Fred Dixon will be in munity Improvement" for Hous­ 1 Maet taoictit at BOO a t Uie was the sale of a right-of-way of five-year term on the Manchester oiiarga. eewec department property off 01 ing for the Elderly and. Urban Re­ M et JCra.. Lanaranoe Deekar, newal ProJects. Housing Authority. No Reds (LBMal'St. Waivtas. Mxa.lfl- A Boaton area Hethodiat Aldera- cott St., to the Hartford Electric The Board postponed discussion Brindamour; a Democrat, re­ Nl TMto wSI ba co-boateaa. gate Day Service wRl be hrid Sun­ Light Co., "for an amount of not of plans for bi-monthly meetings places Raymond Ahdlslo, R^mbli- can, whose term eiqiired June 90. day, July as at S:S0 pJn. at tl»e less „than $24,500’ ’. of town committee and commis­ tesBea Lodge Order ot Taaa, Cathedral of Plnee, Rindge, N. H., sion members with their group. The new member of the Author­ Show Up I tone d bamcna tatnomwr at for New Bngland Methodlate. General Manager Richard Mar­ ity was nominated by Director tin, who recommended the sale, Also postponed was the desig­ at tba borne of M b. Jagr Ctevid Barry, and was unanimously gave that amount aa the appraisal nation of length of terms for STORE 9:30'to 5:30— THURSDAY 9:30 to 9:00 , ato, SB Obnar^ Rd. Thera will O A O LOVr NIMMEB members of the Citlsens Advisory elected. The Republican. mlnori^ ma !■***»«■» meettng attar the made by Arthur Knofla. did not offer an oppositioh nomi­ WALTHAM. Maaa. (AP) — The power company has need of 'Committee. < Oneglia and Gervasini of Torring- A request by Dr. Nicholas Mar- nee. CLOSED MONDAYS THRU JULY Mtd AUGUST For Talk the right-of-way to lifcrease Its Brindamour, a civil engineer, ton. Conn., were apparent low bid­ facilities for providing more elec zialo. Town Health Director, that sanitary sewers be extended to the works tor the Greater Hartford ders at $3,507,660 for conatruc- trie power in the area. Blood CSommlsslon. He has been MOSCOW (AP) — Soviet tioa of the Weat Thompson dem on The Board, accepted “with re­ Keeney St.-Ldnwood Dr. area, the Qutanebaug River apove Put­ waa postponed to a later date. with that commlaeiaa for toe past and Chinese negotiators fail­ To Mediate If It Can gret’’ the resignation of Robert E. nam, Conn., the New England six yesrs. For toe previous six ed to appear today at the hill­ Klernan as Justice of the peace. years, he had been employed by DB. B (»E R T J. WALSH Ootpe of Army liigineere an­ Kiernan, a democrat, had given top villa where they have nounced yeaterday. no reason for his resignation. Jobless Claims b i^ debating their ideologi­ ! WASHINGTON (AP)— A aflars short leave of ab- Apppointment of a new Justice of cal differeiu^s. i new presidential board, as- Advertiaement— the peace was tabled by the Board. Jump 10 Per Cent R U G and Normally Xtoe two delegations GOP Bars Railroad I signed to make one last effort MBee. HAS RE-OPENED The Dlrectore also approved a arrive in black ' limousines short­ 4 f at unwinding the railroad Take money you can't loee. request by Case Bros.^.. that the ly before 10 a.m. but today .there H B OFFICE at 867 East Take Traveler’e Chedu on your Unmnployinent daima filed In work rules tangle before a 19- town pave an additional section of Manchester during the week end­ UPHOLSTERY swas no aign of them and' no im­ vacation and eliminate the dan­ Elm St. extension as far as the mediate explanation ot their fail­ day strike reprieve expires, Center Street for the ger of loss and inconvenience. Get New Haven freight station. Gen­ ing July 6, Jumped ten per cent picked fact-finding as its over tha previous week. ure to ^ipear. Seizure, Arbitration a supply at Connecticut Bank and eral Manager Martin estimated the CLEANING Weat'etp observers speculated main Job today. But the mem­ prstliet of Oral SnrffsiTv Trust Cooopany. There are three cost o f paving at about $2,000. A total of $23 , persons were that the talks, which have been bers agreed they will mediate Manchester offices to serve, you This section of the street is not proceesed, oompairod to . 841 for in progress at the villa much of _____________ week ending June 29. The JRock- TEL, M l 9-1752 WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen.« mendations made by commissions if they can. at 80^ Main, IS North Main and owned by the town. Title to pave to* to"c staefe- the CSilncse ar- Everett M. Dirksen said today in the past have been in broad the Paikade. has .been granted by aU pnq>^y vlUe area accounted for 190 of the or vlf the chance for mediation does rivedlaM Friday, may have been congressional , Republicans would terms. When the committee g;ets pot appear their task is to get to­ total. Ctelma by women totaled recMsed again. fight vigorously against any move 460, or 48.8 per cent. Ml 3-5747 down to specifics there may be gether a report on which to base There was a recess on Tues- for federal seizure of railroads or more room for agreement" the legislative settlement propo­ Manchester was sixteenth in SALE day, reportedly because the C2u- compulsory arbitration in the rail However. Dirksen said in a sep-' Connecticut In claims filed. First neae were awaiting instructfona ^rork rules dispute, sals President Kennedy says he arate interview he interpreted the will make If the parties do not wae Bridgeport Yrith 4,784. H art­ Cameras A mounted poHoanan disperses heckleirB from toe area of a Bronx diner where pickets ^wneored toxn Prid^ following an attack J And Dirksen, the Senate Repub^ White House announcement that ford was next with 4,114, fol­ OUR ENTIRE STOCK reach agreement. 8 CK ISU O I.I) fiy toa OongvesB of Racial Equality continued demonatrsitioDs last night amid violence. (AP Ftao- on toe Cxiinese by the Soviet | ]foan leader, said neither could be the committed report would be The new board, headed by Sec­ lowed by New Haven with 4,067, \Vf (iivp I'rccn to fsx .) _______ ___________________ ___________________ Communist pariy central commit-: approved without a lengthy struggle limited to the tacts in the case a s: 691 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER and WaleftMry ,wlth 3,460. tee. Some Soviets appeared at the. ^ cSpitol Hill. retary of Labor W. Willsud Wirtz, indicating that "we are going to | W. Willard Wlrtx was named by Kennedy in con­ *’^**’* other congressional leaders al- be asked to write working rules. nection with bis announcement NEXT TO GAS COMPANY famous brand name Scene Lit-up Like Premiere ***' ®**toer toe Soviets gp made it clear they hope they into the statutes." late Wednesday, less than ^ h t Ouneae t»me. ’ „Qf have to wrestle with the "It looks to me as if Congress hours ahead of the 12:01 a.m. Neitoer the Chln^ Embassy problem of legislating a solution is going to have to become an deadline, that the showdown be­ FREE PARKING IN REAR nor headquartero of the Soviet fp the railroad controversy.
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