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[email protected] | 256.438.1191 | ESTABLISHING HEALTHY BOUNDARIES for Clergy & Churches A one-day workshop focused on establishing and maintaining the boundaries that keep both congregations and clergy safe, healthy, and productive. Workshop Cost Monday, May 21, 2018 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. $49 (Includes Lunch) Belmont’s Cool Springs Campus To Register: 310 Billingsly Court, Franklin, TN Dr. Bill Wilson, Presenter Clergy and congregations are finding that boundary awareness and guidance is a significant challenge and opportunity. Boundary awareness involves sexual harassment and moral behavior, life balance, social media habits, family time, Sabbath-keeping, youth and child-care policies, and a host of other issues. Gaining clarity around these issues and creating a healthy culture around boundaries is essential if we are to accomplish the mission God has for us. We will talk about the importance of healthy boundaries and how to incorporate them into the full life of a faith community. TCBF General Assembly Tabl Table of Contents BUSINESS MEETING AGENDA | 4 E O TCBF GA 2017 Minutes | 5 Volunteer State Missions Offering | 6 - 7 2017-2018 Contributing Churches & Individuals | 8 F Coordinating Council Nominations | 9 CONTENTS 2018-2019 Proposed Ministry Budget | 10 - 11 Ircel Harrison Scholarships & Betty Galloway Award | 12 SPrING NewSletter - GA 2018 SPeCIAl edItION | 13 - 20 FrIdAy eVeNING WorSHIP | 21 SAturdAy AFterNOON WorSHIP | 25 SaTURDAY EVENTS | 26 -28 EAT LOCAL | 29 - 30 & S Friday, April 27 CH 4:30–6:30 p.m.