

ED 084 989 HE 004 879

AUTHOR Irwin, Judith T., Comp. TITLE The Campus Resources of Higher in the of America: A Taxonomy of Types and A Geographical Distribution. INSTITUTION for Educational Development, Inc., Washington, D. C. Management Div. PUB DATE Nov 73 NOTE 114p. AVAILABLE FROM Management Division, Academy for Educational Development, Inc., 1424 Sixteenth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 (free)

EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$6.58 DESCRIPTORS *; *Community Colleges; Directories; Geographic Distribution; *; *Institutions; Law ; Medical Schools; Taxonomy; *

ABSTRACT This document presents a classification of the campus resources of higher education institutions in the United States. After the foreword, the institutions are divided into 5 categories: doctoral-granting universities; comprehensive colleges and universities; general baccalaureate colleges; 2-year colleges, and separate specialized professional schools. The doctoral-granting universities are divided into 3 groups, depending on number of Ph.D. awards granted and amount of federal government support for academic . The comprehensive colleges and universities are institutions that may have doctoral programs and that offer master's degrees, and have an enrollment of more than 3,500 students. General baccalaureate colleges may award master's degrees and have enrollments under 3,500. Two-year colleges include community colleges, technical institutes, and branches, and other campuses offering less than a baccalaureate program. Separate specialized professional schools include Bible colleges and religious , medical schools, schools of and , schools of business, schools of music, art, and design, schools of law and teachers colleges and all others. (Autnor/PG) FILMED FROM BESTAVAILABLE COPY

The Campus 'Resources of Higher Education ixt, the United Statesof America

U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION I. WELFARF NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCA riON ,f 'LE. r',;.-E. f, ' .4E-Cl",.f ,E,SC, GP 7.0., n0.+4 0'.'09' 0 ":E!" `I;71 ",F 7), (.-, ".',3".% ("), 10 POS .("p CO CP-



Compiled. by JUDITH T. IRWIN

Foreword by JOHN D. MILLETT

MANAGEMENT DIVISION Academy for Educational Development, Inc. 1424 Sixteenth Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 TABLE OF CONTENTS

Foreword 1 Classification of Institutions by Type, Affiliation, and Geographical Location 21 1.1. Leading Research Universities 22 1.2. Other Research Universities 24 1.3. Other Doctoral-Granting Universities 25 20 Comprehensive Colleges and Universities 32 3.0. General Baccalaureate Colleges 42 4.0. Two- Year Colleges 65 5.1. Bible Colleges and Religious Seminaries 93 52 Medical Schools 101 5.3. Other Health Professions 102 5.4. Schools of Engineering and Technology 103 5.5. Schools of Business 104 5.6. Schools of Music, Art, Design 105 5.7 Schools of Law 106 5.8. Teachers Colleges 106 5.9. Other Specialized Schools 107

List of Tables Table 1. Number of Institutions by Type 10 Table 2. Student Enrollment by Type of Institution 11 Table 3. Average Enrollment by Type of Institution 13 Table 4. Distribution of Institutions by Type and Geographical Location 16 FOREWORD There have been two major deficiencies in much of the statistical data and analysis about the colleges and universities of the United States. One such deficiency has been the absence of a useful taxonomy of types of colleges and universities. A second such deficiency has been the lack a a principle of enumeration. We are fortunate in this country to have the Directory of Institu- tions of Higher Education which is published annually by the National Center of Educational Statistics of the One of Education in the federal government. And we are doubly fortunate that this Directory is published with commendable promptness, usually appearing about half-way through the academic year to which it applies. But the classification structure and the principle of enumeration set forth in this annual Directory leave a good deal to be desired. The reasons for this observation are clearly implied in the material which follows and need not be elaborated here. It is sufficient to comment that there are c:implexities in establishing common charac- teristics among institutions of higher education upon which to build an adequate classification scheme. The Carnegie Commission on Higher Education during its notable inquiry from 1967 through 1973 into the state of health of American higher education as institutional entities decided to develop its own taxonomy of institutional types for its enumerative and analytical purposes. This classification scheme was set forth in the Carnegie Commission report entitled New Students and New Places.' This classification scheme is shown on the following page. Although the Carnegie Commission published the numbers of institutions by each category and enrollment data by category, the Commission did not publish a list of the names of each institution as assigned to its classification scheme. There was very good reason for this omission. Individual colleges and universities would undoubt- edly have protested their places in this taxonomy and the Commis- sion could have become involved in endless small arguments which would have sidetracked atten+ion from the major problems the Com- mission had addressed. The Carnegie Commission classification scheme was unique in several ways. It attempted both a program distinction and a qualita- tive distinction among various colleges and universities. Thus, the

'Carnegie Commission on Higher Education, New Students and New Places, A Report and Recommendations, October 1971 (: McGraw-Hill, 1971), Appendix A.

1 Carnegie Classification Scheme 1.0Doctoral-Granting Institutions 1.1 Heavy emphasis upon research The fifty leading institutions in terms of federal government academic science support and awarding at least fifty Ph.D.'s in 1967-68. 1.2 Moderate emphasis upon research The next fifty leading institutions in terms of federal financial support and awarding fifty Ph.D.'s plus M.D.'s in 1967-68. 1.3 Moderate emphais on doctoral programs Institutions awarding forty or more Ph.D.'s and M.D.'s or receiving at least four million dollars in federal financial support.

1.4Limited emphasis upon doctoral programs Institutions awarding at least ten Ph.D.'s in 1967-68.

2.0 Comprehensive Colleges 2.1 Comprehensive Colleges I Institutions offering liberal arts and "several" other programs, but only an "extremely limited" doctoral program. 2.2 Comprehensive Colleges II State colleges and some private colleges offering liberal arts and at least one professional program. Did not include private institutions with fewer than 1,500 students or public institutions with fewer than 1,000 students. 3.0Liberal Arts Colleges

3.1Liberal Arts Colleges Selectivity I Colleges scoring 58 or above on Astin's selectivity index or included among the two hundred leading baccalaureate institutions in terms of their graduates receiving Ph.D.'s at forty leading universities. 3.2 Liberal Arts Colleges Selectivity II All other liberal arts colleges. 2 4.0All Two-Year Colleges and Institutes

5.0Professional Schools and Other Specialized institutions 5.1 Theological seminaries, bible colleges, and other institutions offering degrees in religion 5.2 Medical schools and medical centers 5.3 Other separate health professional schools 5.4Schools of engineering and technology 5.5 Schools of by -,mess and management 5.6 Schools of art, music, design, etc. 5 7 Schools of law 5.8 Teachers colleges 5.9 Other specialized institutions Included graduate centers, maritime , military institutes, and miscellaneous.

scheme revealed to a greater extent than other classification arrange- ments the real diversity among institutions of higher education in the United States. In addition, the Carnegie Commission taxonomy counted each separate campus as an institution. Thus, it classified a total of 2,827 institutions rather than the 2,565 for 1970 as enumerated by the Office of Education. The Office of Education counted multi-campus institutions as one institution, rather than as several which would seem to be the more desirable practice.

The one omission from the Carnegie Commission taxonomy was . any indication of the geographical distribution of the various types of higher education institutions. Since the names were not to be published, no geographical distribution was provided, lest this too might offer grounds for argument.

The Importance of Classification The taxonomy developed by the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education was useful for its own analytical purposes. In the absence of the publication of the names of the institutions and their locations, it could not be used, however, by other researchers or by state

3 government and other planners. The Carnegie Commission classifica- tion was suggestive, but not useable by others. It should be mentioned that in subsequent reports after that of October 1971 the Carnegie Commission did make some minor modifi- cations in its classification scheme. It is not necessary here to trace these changes. In general, the basic outline of the taxonomy as origi- nally developed remained a basic tool in the analytical work of the Commission. An adequate classification of institutions is very important in higher education analysis and planning. In man;,, instances an inventory of the actual instructional programs offered by various institutions has been lacking. No comparison of enrollment or expenditure data among institutions of higher education in the United States has any validity unless it is made on a program basis. Furthermore, since geographical access has been recognized for some forty years as a major factor in permitting students of different socio-economic status to enroll in higher education, it is very important to 'mow what kinds of instructional and other programs of higher education are located where. Because the Carnegie Commission classification is suggestive of the variety and dispersion of higher education institutions in the United States, and because this kind of information is essential to governmental and institutional planning, the Management Division of the Academy for Educational Development decided as a means for promoting improved planning practices in the management of higher education to undertake to apply the Carnegie Commission classification to the 1972-73 universe of institutions of higher education. The first major problem was how to identify this universe. There was only one possible solution. The 1972-73 Office of Education Direc- tory of higher education institutions was used as the source of institu- tional data.2 If an institution or a campus was not listed in the 1972-73 Directory, the institution or campus was not enumerated and was not classified by type. To our knowledge, there are some omissions from that Directory, but the fault probably lies with the reporting institutions and not with the Office of Education. In addition, several new institutions have begun operations since the Directory was pub- lished and it was not possible to connt.these either. We had not proceeded far with our efforts to classify institutions and campuses, however, before it became apparent that the Carnegie Commission taxonomy would have to be modified. We found that in our attempt to use the Commission's classifiCation scheme, we

2Education Directory, 1972 -73: Higher Education, prepared by National Center of Educational Statistics, Office of Education, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (Wash- ington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1972). 4 were becoming involved in a good many decisions of subjective judg- ment. These could only lead to those same arguments which the Carnegie Coinmission wisely decided to avoid. Moreover, it must be acknowledged that the program data available from the Office of Education Directory leaves much to be desired. It is not always clear just what undergraduate and graduate profes- sional programs are offered by an institution or by one of the institu- tional campuses. Furthermore, many so-called liberal arts colleges do in fact have a department of economics and business management and a department of education. Many liberal arts colleges have obtained approval of their teacher education programs from state boards of education in order that their graduates may obtain employ- ment in the public schools. It seems that there are only a few "pure" liberal arts colleges in the United 3t.ates. There are problems also when it comes to the whole of graduate study. Many so-called liberal arcs colleges offer at least a master's degree and there are some offering the doctoral degree. There are religious seminaries which offer an undergraduate four-year so-called liberal education program as pre-professional education for, the graduate professional education ul theology. Many similar kinds of difficulties could be mentioned: A Modified Taxonomy In the interests of employing objective criteria for a classification scheme and in order still to suggest program distinctions between institutions, we developed a new taxonomy, one drawing its inspira- tion from the Carregie Commission taxonomy and enumeration but one with somewhat fewer categories and one, we hope, with some- what more precise distinctions. This modified taxonomy is shown on the following page. The principal five-fold classification of the Carnegie Commission by types of institutions was retained, but the designations were changed and the sub-categories simplified or eliminated in certain instances. There were compelling reasons for these changes. The category of doctoral-granting universities seems to be a desir- able one, but the sub-categories were reduced to three and the distinc- tions were made as precise as possible. The category :s confined to universities and does not include all institutions which may offer doctoral degree programs and award doctoral degrees. Universities were' defined as institutions offering undergraduate, graduate, and graduate professional programs, in the arts and sciences generally and in professional fields. Separate graduate centers organized some- what apart froM other colleges were not included herein, nor were separate professional schools (such as those in the health professions, business, engineering, and theology) which also offer and award doc- toral degrees. 5 Taxonomy of Institutions of Higher Education in the United States

1.0Doctoral-Granting Universities

1.1Leading Research Universities - The universities which awarded over fifty Ph.D. degrees in 1970-71 and which received over ten million dollars in federal government support of academic science in 1970-71. 1.2 Other Research Universities The universities which awarded over thirty Ph.D. degrees in 1970-71 and which received over five million dollars in federal government support of academic science. in 1970-71. 1.3 Other Doctoral-Granting Universities All other universities which awarded any doctoral degrees in 1969-70 or 1970-71. 2.0 Comprehensive Colleges and Universities Institutions which may have doctoral programs (although no Ph. D's were awarded in 1969-71) and which offered master's degrees (except where noted) and had an enrollment of more than 3,500 students. 3.0General Baccalaureate Colleges Institutions which may award the master's degree but have enrollments under 3,500 students. 4.0 Two-year Colleges Community colleges, technical institutes, university and college branches, and other campuses offering less than a baccalaureate program. 5.0Separate Specialized Professional Schools 5.1Bible Colleges and Religious Seminaries 5.2 Medical Schools 5.3 Other ildalth Professions 5.4Schools of Engineering and Technology 5.5Schools of Business 5.6 Schools of Music, Art, Design 5.7Schools of Law 6 5.8 Teachers Colleges 5.9Other Specialized Schools (Includes graduate centers, military academies, and miscellaneous specialized kinds of institutions) The category of doctoral-granting universities Wac restricted to universities which did actually award doctoral degrees in 1969-70 or in 1970-71. The data for award of doctor degrees were taken from two Office of Education publications. Unless at least one doc- toral degree had been awarded in onof these two years, we did not list' a university as a doctoral- granting university, even though the highest offering as listed in the Directory was a doctoral program. But every university which had awarded a doctoral degree in one of these two years War- included in the category; there were no exclu- sions based upon Any arbitrary standard of the number of degrees conferred. We were dependent, of course, 'upon the accuracy of the available Office of Education data. The sub-category "leading research universities" was definedupon the basis of two criteria: the award of fifty or more doctoral degrees in 1970-71 and the receipt of more than ten million dollars in federal government support of academic science in 1970-71 as reported by the National Science Foundation.4 The sub-category "other research universities" was based likewise upon two criteria: the award of thirty or more doctoral degrees in 1970-71 and the receipt of five million dollars or more in federal government support of academic science in 1970-71. The remaining sub-category included all universities awarding at least one doctoral degree in 1969-70 or in 1970-71. The second principal category, comprehensive colleges and univer- sities, was intended to include institutions offering in the arts and sciences and in two or more professional fields, offering graduate education and awarding master's degrees in 1969-70 (the most recent year for which we had data), and having a sizeable student enrollment, as given in the Directory. We are inclined to believe that the larger an institution of higher education, the more diverse will be its undergraduate and graduate enrollments. Accordingly, we fixed the dividing line between the "comprehensive" and the "general" institution as an enrollment of 3,500 students. This seemed to us to represent a reasonable standard. We made no effort to develop or use any sub-categories for this category. aMary Evans Hooper, Earned Degrees Conferred 1969-70, Institutional Data, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 19701; and Elfrida L. Burnett, Doctor's Degrees Conferred by All U.S. Institutions: By State, Academia Field, Sex, and Institutions 1961-62 Through' 970-71, January 1973 (Multilithed), Office of Education, U.S: Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. 4National Science Foundation, Federal Support to Universities, Colleges, and Selected Non-. profit Institutions, Fiscal Year 1971, NSF 73-100 (Washington: .U.S. Government Printing Office, 1973).

7 We believe the designation "general baccalaureate college" is more descriptive of an institution than the label "," and as just explained we finally decided upon enrollment size as the princi- pal standard of differentiation between a comprehensive institution and a general baccalaureate college. To be sure, there are colleges and universities in this grouping which award master's degrees and even offer doctoral degrees. We believe, however, that in most instances the smaller colleges and universities under 3,500 students do find it desirable and preferable to give primary emphasis to their undergraduate programs, espelcially in the arts and sciences, business, and education. The Carnegie Commission saw fit to divide liberal arts colleges into two sub categories based essentially upon a selectivity criterion. Presumably this was an effort to suggest qualitative differentiation among the four-year baccalaureate colleges. We decided to drop these two sub-categories. For those who may be interested, however, in the characteristic of selectivity, we have included an asterisk in this grouping showing presence or absence from the selectivity indices as reported by one well-known guide to American colleges and univer- sities.5 The two-Year colleges category is intended to include, in addition to junior colleges, community colleges, and technical institutes, those university branches offering less than a full-blown baccalaureate program. We found that some state universities were somewhat less than accurate in some instances in indicating the scope of thecourse offerings at their branch campuses. If some upper-divisioncourses and even some master's degree courses were offered as an "extension" of the home campus programs, then these were listed in the Directory as the highest offering. This practice makes a meaningfiAl classification by types of programs very difficult to achieve. We simply endeavored to classify branch campuses according to the best information avail- able to us from varied sources. This category is in need of much more precise definition and reporting practice. Finally, we found the Carnegie Commission category of specialized professional schools quite useful, along withitsvarious sub- categories. We encountered two major problems, however, in using. the definitionS along with the data about offerings in the Directory. One problem was how to classify the theological offering an undergraduate education in the liberal arts. Where the small enroll- ment size of the undergraduate enrollment seemed to suggest that the program was essentially one of "feeding" the graduate profes- sional program in theology, we listed the entire institution asa of theology.

5James Cass and Max Birnbaum, Comparative Guide to American Colleges, 1970-71 edition (New York: Harper and Row, 1969), pp. 827-832. 8 When it came to defining separate campuses of medicine, we fol- lowed the practice of including all colleges of medicine which were located in a different city from that of the main campus of the univer- sity. We decided that for all practical purposes the college of medicine located apart from a university's central campus should be considered as a separate college Of medicine. In addition, in .those instances where the medical center campus included colleges of dentistry, nurs- ing, and even other health professions, we listed the institution first of all as a college of medicine. Table 1 herewith shows the actual number of institutions, that is, separate campuses, as enumerated in this particular endeavor. We have included all the campuses as indicai.,,:.ct in the 1972-73 Direc- tory. The number reaches a total of 2,945. It is noteworthy that the largest categories in terms of institutional count are the two-year colleges and the general baccalaureate colleges. No taxonomy of types of institutions by program is adequate which does not make a clear distinction between public and private spon- sorship. For this reason, the count is in every instance divided between public and private. There is some debate today whether the division between public and private is a meaningful one. The essential difference is two-fold: the method of appointing a majority of the trustees and the extent of subsidy from governmental appro- priations available to finance the instruction of students. If a majority of trustees are appointed by public authority (rather than by a self- perpetuating board or by private authority), and if half or more of the cost of instruction of students is provided through governmental funds, a college or university is surely public. But for our purposes we have relied upon the sponsorship as indicated by the 1972-73 Directory. The campus count in and of itself tells us only a part of the story about higher education in the United States. We are equally interested in knowing where the students are to be found and in what numbers. Table 2 makes use of the enrollment data indicated in the 1972-73 Directory and presents these data in summary form by our classification scheme. There are some very interesting obser- vations to be made from this table. First of all, by type of institution, the enrollment distribution was as follows:

Percent Doctoral-Granting Institutions 33 Two-year Colleges 31 Comprehensive Institutions 20 General Baccalaureate Institutions 12 Specialized Professional Institutions 4


Public Private Total

Doctoral-Granting Universities 126 84 210 Leading Research Universities 36 23 59 Other Research Universities 26 13 39 Other Universities 64 48 112

Comprehensive Colleges and Universities 197 44 241

General Baccalaureate Colleges 144 719 863

Two-Year Colleges 871 247 1,118

Specialized Professional Schools 76 437 513 Bible Colleges and Seminaries 0 241 241 Medical Schools 30 10 40 Other Health Professions 5 29 34 Engineering and Technology 10 41 51 Business 0 22 22 Music, Art, Design 5 47 52

Law 1 10 11 Teachers 5 17 22 Other Specialized Schools 20 20 40

TOTALS 1,414 1,531 2,945

Source: Education Directory, 1972-73: Institutions of Higher Education, National Center of Educational Statistics, Office of Education, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1972). 10 TABLE 2 STUDENT ENROLLMENT BY TYPE OF INSTITUTION 1972

Public Private Total

Doctoral-Granting Universities 2,243,366 700,285 2,943,651 Leading Research Universities 950,410 281,387 1,231,797 Other Research Universities 437,029 114,717 551,746 Other Universities 855,927 304,181 1,160,108

Comprehensive Colleges and Universities 1,595,381 247,682 1,843,063

General Baccalaureate Colleges 290,768 815,923 1,106,691

TwoYear Colleges 2;618,017 131,076 2,749,093

Specialized Professional Schools 111,790 237,785 349,575 Bible Colleges and Seminaries 0 59,423 59,423 Medical Schools 36,013 5,193 41,206 Other Health Professions 1,993 12,386 14,379 Engineering and Technology 28,356 68,471 96,827 Business 0 25,896 25,896 Music, Art, Design 3,177 25,863 29,040 Law 1,523 8,153 9,676 Teachers 6,591 19,139 25,730 Other Specialized Schools 34,137 13,261 47,398

TOTALS 6,859,322 2,132,751 8,992,073

Source: Same as Table 1.

11 Second, it is noteworthy that seventy-six percent of all enrollments as of 1972 were to be found in the publicly sponsored colleges and universities. Yet at only one type of institution, namely the doctoral- granting university, was the actual distribution between public and private institutions near the 75-25 ratio. The enrollment at public two-year colleges was. ninety-five percent of the total, while nearly eighty-seven percent of the enrollment in the so-called comprehensive institutions was to be found in the public institutions. On the other hand, large percentages of the total enrollment in the other two types of institutions the general baccalaureate colleges (seventy- three percent) and the specialized professional institutions (sixty- eight percent) were found in private colleges. In Table 3 we have carried the enrollment data a step farther and have shown the average student enrollment by type of institution. The figure is a simple average, calculated by dividing the total number of students as shown in Table 2 by the total number of institutions as shown in Table 1. Here again there are some interesting obs'irva- dons. Public institutions tend to be much larger in average enrollment size than the private institutions. For all types, the average sizes are: public 4,851; private 1,393. The doctoral-granting institu- tions have the largest average size, with the leading research univer- sities being the largest in enrollment. The next largest in enrollment are the comprehensive institutions, followed by the two-year colleges. The specialized professional schools are the smallest in enrollment size. It appears that the subject of desirable enrollment in terms of institutional economics deserves careful consideration. As indicated earlier, a major objective in this classification is to provide management planning data about the location of various types of higher education institutions in the United States. Accordingly, the major institutional types were distributed among the fifty states, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the outlying territories of the United States. These data are presented in Table 4 at the conclusion of this foreword. In the instance of the separate professional schools, since the number is dominated by theological seminaries and bible colleges, this sub-category has been shown separately. Otherwise, all the separate professional schools have been grouped together, the only subdivision being that of public and private. Once again there are various observations to be drawn from the table. For example, every state contains at least one doctoral-grant- ing university, although twenty states do not have a leading within their boundaries. On the other hand, there are seven leading research universities located in California, three in Illinois, three in Massachusetts, two in Michigan, two in Missouri,


Public Private Total

Doctoral-Granting Universities 17,804 8,337 14,017 Leading Research Universities 26,400 12,234 20,878 Other Research Universities 16,809 8,824 14,147 Other Universities 13,374 6,337 10,358

Comprehensive Colleges and Universities 8,098 5,629 7,648

General Baccalaureate Colleges 2,019 1,135 1,282

Two-Year Colleges 3,006 531 2,459

Specialized Professional Schools 1,471 544 681 Bible Colleges and Seminaries 0 247 247 Medical Schools 1,200 519 1,030 Other Health Professions 399 427 423 Engineering and Technology 2,836 1,670 1,899 Business 0 1,177 1,177 Music, Art, Design 635 550 558 Law 1,523 815 880 Teachers 1,318 1,126 1,170 Other Specialized Schools 1,707 663 1,185

TOTAL 4,851 1,393 3,053

Source: Tables 1 and 2. 13 two in New Jersey, six in New York, three in , two in , four in Pennsylvania, and two in Texas. The geographical distribution of private general baccalaureate col- leges is noteworthy. There are fifty-five such colleges in Pennsyl- vania, fifty-two in New York, thirty-six in Illinois, thirty-eight in Ohio, thirty in California, and thirty in Texas. In twenty-nine states, the number of public two-year institutions is the largest of any type. In ten more states, public two-year institu- tions are outnumbered only by private general baccalaureate colleges Georgia, Indiana, Maine, Missouri, Nebraska, New York, Penn- sylvania, , West Virginia, and Wisconsin. Two states, Iowa and , have equal numbers of each. The other nine states have a very small number of public two-year institutions or, in the case of South Dakota, none at all. The seminaries and bible colleges are concentrated very heavily in a very few states, and, indeed, in a very few cities. The largest numbers are in New York (thirty-seven), California (twenty-five), Pennsylvania (twenty -one), Illinois (fifteen), and Missouri (fourteen). The same general pattern holds true for other specialized professional institutions, except that Massachusetts, relatively devoid of bible schools and seminaries, has nineteen public and privat.2 specialized professional institutions. The states with the greatest total number of institutions of higher education are, quite predictably, those states with the largest popula- tions, Eight states have more than one hundred institutions: Califor- nia (231), Illinois (149), Massachusetts (121), New York (245), North Carolina (116), Ohio (124), Pennsylvania (177), and Texas (140). North Carolina is the only state on this list which does not have a major population center. In conclusion, it must be emphasized that higher education in the United States is a dynamic, not a static, phenomenon. The 1973-74 Directory will undoubtedly list new campuses and drop some others which will have gone out of operation. In addition, enrollments change, program offerings change, federal government support of academic science varies from year to year, and the number of degrees awarded will fluctuate. Any enumeration and classification of 1972-73 institutions depend- ing in part upon 1970-71 data will not be adequate for 1973-74 o subsequent years. These data are published simply as a beginning, as an indication of essential planning information for higher.education management. A one-time inventory will not suffice. Only a continu- ously maintained inventory can be adequate. Moreover, the classification has only one primary utility. It pro- vides an indication of what kinds of institutions with which experi- ences might usefully be analyzed or compared. The experience of

14 all higher education institutions as a whole means very little. It is the experience of institutions with similar characteristics which may be meaningful. This classification by no means provides a full indication of the various characteristics of institutions of higher education. It is only the beginning in the search for common attributes and common experience.

15 TABLE 4 DISTRIBUTIONTOTAL OF INSTITUTIONS BY TYPE AND GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION 1.1 Leading Research 1.0 DOCTORALGRANTING INSTITUTIONS 1.2 Other Research 1.3 Other Alainma INSTITUTIONS 54 Public 0 Private 0 Public 1 Private 0 Public 1 Private Alabama ArkansasAizonaAlaska 2420 7 0c1 0o 10 0 0 1 ArkansasArizonaAlaska ConnecticutCaliforniaColorado 231 3353 024 103 10 0 1 06 1 ConnecticutColoradoCalifornia FloridaD.Delaware C. 6519 8 0 1 01-0 10 02 0 1 FloridaD.Delaware' C. IdahoHawaiiGeorgia 6213 9 01 0 00 01 10 1 IdahoHawaiiGeorgia IowaIndianaIllinois 149 6366 1 02 0 1 01 402 IowaIndianaIllinois LouisianaKentuckyKansas 303752 01 0 1 0 1 0 61 LouisianaKentuckyKansas MassachusettsMarylandMaine 121 5324 01 310 0 1 20 0 1 MassachusettsMarylandMaine MichiganMississippiMinnesota 446392 012 0 01 1 0 20 MississippiMinnesotaMichigan Missouri 76 1 1 2 0 Missouri NebraskaMontana 2912 00 0 1 0 0 12 0 10 NevadaNebraskaMontana NevadaNew JerseyHampshire 186319 7 01 02 00 001 021 NewNew Hampshire JerseyMexico NorthNew MexicoYork CarolinaDakota 116245 14 02 1 002 001 21 80 1 NorthNew York CarolinaDakota OklahomaOhio 124 42 01 1 21 0 06 20 1 OregonOklahomaOhio PennsylvaniaOregonRhode Island 177 4213 03 0 1 0 1 5 1 Pennsylvania.Rhode Island South CarolinaDakota 1756 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 0 TennesseeSouth CarolinaDakota TexasTennesseeUtah 140 6814 12 0 1 05 1 4 1 TexasUtah VirginiaVermont 7219 10 0 1 02 00 WashingtonVirginiaVermont WisconsinWestWashington Virginia 592745 0 1 0 1 10 WisconsinWest Virginia Amer.Wyoming Samoa 18 0 00 0 WyomingCanalAmer. ZoneSamoa VirginPuertoGuamCanal Islands Rico Zone 20 1 0 01 0 VirginPuertoGuam Islands Rico TrustTOTALS Territory 2,945 1 36 0 2 2 1 64 0 48 0 TrustTOTALS Territory DISTRIBUTION OF INSTITUTIONS BY TYPE AND GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION (Cont.) TABLE 4 2.0 COMPREHENSIVE COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES 3.0 GENERAL BAC- CALAUREATE 4.0 TWO-YEAR COLLEGES 5.1 Bible Colleges5.0 and SPECIALIZED PROFESSIONAL 5.2-5.9 Alabama Public 3 Private 0 Public 9 Private 15 1 Public 18 Private 5 1 Seminaries 1 Public 1 Private 0 Alabama ArkansasArizonaAlaska 3 10 0 050 83 11 34 32 00 10 01 ArkansasArizonaAlaska ConnecticutColoradoCalifornia 13 34 450 13 30 75 209415 617 25 4 235 29 30 ConnecticutColoradoCalifornia FloridaD.Delaware C. 061 0 1 0 1 15 2 1 27 2 1 43 230 001 620 FloridaD.Delaware C. IdahoHawaiiGeorgia 204 0 018 16 24 13 26 8 1 04 031 03 IdahoHawaiiGeorgia IowaIndianaIllinois 15 32 1 052 3624 4724 9 10 53 15 58 0 1 21 3 1 IowaIndianaIllinois LouisianaKentuckyKansas 4 10 012 1417 21 1 74 37 061 00 KentuckyKansas MassachusettsMarylandMaine 9431 20 1 262 2511 96 1617 46 28 021 941 423 15 52 MassachusettsMarylandMaineLouisiana MississippiMinnesotaMichigan 62 00 34 1622 9 203213 746 97 1 100. 049 MississippiMinnesotaMichigan Missouri -6 C 0 3 20 14 7 14 6 Missouri NevadaNebraskaMontana 21 00 30 193 38 0 1 00,,2 0 1 NevadaNebraskaMontana New JerseyHampshireMexico 170 06 23 10 8 14 81 10 30 07 021 New JerseyHampshire NorthNew Carolina York 16 6 1 08 7 2752 4 5444 1417 37 2 29 0 NorthNew MexicoYork Carolina OklahomaOhioNorth Dakota 35 03 53 1 38 72 4115 5 570 . 09 1 11 00 OhioNorth Dakota PennsylvaniaOregon 10 3 1 30 8 1 5510 4013 11 2 21 5 17 2 PennsylvaniaOregonOklahoma ' SouthSouth'Rhode DakotaCarolina Island 0 1 00 450 15 64 22 0 1 260 13 03 1 SouthRhode CarolinaDakota Island UtahTexasTennessee 13 17 01 13 1 3026 1 5312 5 378 086 04 TexasTennessee VirginiaVermont 05 0 1 36 20 8 24 1 37 30 22 VermontUtah WestWashington Virginia 43 15' 97 27 6 30 2 1 0 WestWashingtonVirginia Virginia Amer.WyomingWisconsin Samoa 10 0 0 19 0 16 17 01 03 06 Amer.WyomingWisconsin Samoa PuertoGuamCanal Zone Rico 01 1 1 60 01 60 00 0 10 PuertoGuamCanal Zone Rico to TOTALSTrustVirgin Territory Islands 197 0 44 00 144, 01 719 0 871 0 1 "247 0 241 00 7 196 0 TOTALSTrustVirgin TerritoryIslands CLASSIFICATION OF






The universities which awarded over fifty Ph.D.'s in 1970-71 and which received over ten million dollars in federal government support of academic science in 1970-71.

Boston University (Boston, Massachusetts) California (Pasadena, California) Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland, Ohio) * State University (Fort Collins, Colorado) (New York, New York) Cornell University (Ithaca, New York) Duke University (Durham, North Carolina) Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts) (, Maryland) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, Massachusetts) *Michigan State University (East Lansing, Michigan) (New York, New York) *North Carolina State University at Raleigh (Raleigh, North Carolina) Northwestern University (Evanston, Illinois) * (Columbus, Ohio) *Oregon State University (Corvallis, Oregon) *Pennsylvania State University (University Park, Pennsylvania) Princeton University (Princeton, New Jersey) *Purdue University (Lafayette, Indiana) *Rutgers, The State University at New Brunswick (New Brunswick, New Jersey) Stanford University (Stanford, California) *State University of New York, State University at Buffalo (Buffalo, New York) *Temple University (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) *Texas A & M University (College Station, Texas) Tulane University of Louisiana (New Orleans, Louisiana) *University of Arizona (Tucson, Arizona) * at Berkeley (Berkeley, California) *University of California at Davis (Davis, California) *University of California at Los Angeles (Los Angeles, California) *University of California at San Diego (La Jolla, California) University of Chicago (Chicago, Illinois) *University of Colorado (Boulder, Colorado) * (Gainesville, Florida) *University of Georgia (Athens, Georgia) *University of Hawaii at Manoa (Honolulu, Hawaii) *University of Illinois at Urbana (Urbana, Illinois) *University of Iowa (Iowa City, Iowa) *University of Kansas (Lawrence, Kansas) *University of (Lexington, Kentucky)

*Indicates that the institution is public. All others are private. 22 *University of Maryland at College Park (College Park, Maryland) University of Miami (Coral Gables, Florida) *University of Michigan at Ann Arbor (Ann Arbor, Michigan) * at Minneapolis-St. Paul (Minneapolis, Minnesota) *University of Missouri at Columbia (Columbia, Missouri) *University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Chapel Hill, North Carolina) University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) *University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) University of Rochester (Rochester, New York) University of Southern California (Los Angeles, California) * at Knoxville (Knoxville, Tennessee) *University of Texas at Austin (Austin, Texas) *University of Utah (Salt Lake City, Utah) *University of Virginia (Churlottesville, Virginia) *University of Washington (Seattle, Washington) *University of Wisconsin at Madison (Madison, Wisconsin) Vanderbilt University (Nashville, Tennessee) Washington University (St. Louis, Missouri) Yale University (New Haven, Connecticut) (New York, New York)


The universities which awarded over thirty Ph. D.'s in 1970-71 and which received over five million dollars in federal government support of academic science in 1970-71.

*Auburn University (Auburn, Alabama) Brandeis University (Waltham, Massachusetts) Brown University (Providence, Rhode Island) Carnegie-Mellon University (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) * (Clemson, South Carolina) Emory University (Atlanta, Georgia) *Florida State University (Tallahassee, Florida) George Washington University (Washington, D.C.) C orgetown University (Washington, D.C.) Illinois Institute of Technology (Chicago, Illinois) *Iowa State University of Science and Technology (Ames, Iowa) *Indiana University at Bloomington (Bloomington, Indiana) *Kansas State University of Agriculture and (, Kansas) *Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge (Baton Rouge, Louisiana) *Mississippi State University (State College, Mississippi) *New Mexico State University (Las Cruces, New Mexico) *Oklahoma State University (Stillwater, Oklahoma) Rice University (Houston, Texas) Saint Louis University (St. Louis, Missouri) *State University of New York, State University at Albany (Albany, New York) *State University of New York, State University at Stony Brook (Stony Brook, New York) Syracuse University (Syracuse, New York) Tufts University (Medford, Massachusetts) *University of Arkansas at Fayetteville (Fayetteville, Arkansas) *University of California at Irvine (Irvine, California) *University of (Cincinnati, Ohio) *University of Connecticut (Storrs, Connecticut) University of (Denver, Colorado) *University of Massachusetts at Amherst (Amherst, Massachusetts) *University of Nebraska at Lincoln (Lincoln, Nebraska) *University of New Mexico (Albuquerque, New Mexico) University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame, Indiana) *University of Oklahoma (Norman, Oklahoma) *University of Oregon at Eugene (Eugene, Oregon) *Utah State University (Logan, Utah) *Virginia Institute and State University (Blacksburg, Virginia) *Washington State University (Pullman, Washington) *Wayne State University (Detroit, Michigan) *West Virginia University (Morgantown, West Virginia) *Indicates that the institution is public. All others are private. 24 Category 1.3. OTHER DOCTORAL GRANTING UNIVERSITIES All other universities which awarded any doctoral degrees in 1969-70 or 1970-71.

ALABAMA of Alabama (University)

ALASKA Public University of Alaska at Fairbanks (Fairbanks)

ARIZONA Public (Tempe)

CALIFORNIA Public California State University at Los Angeles (Los Angeles) California State University at San Diego (San Diego) California State University at San Francisco (San Francisco) University of California at Riverside (Riverside) University of California at Santa Barbara (Santa Barbara) University of California at Santa Cruz (Santa Cruz) Private Loma Linda University (Loma Linda) Occidental College (Los Angeles) University of Judaism (Los Angeles) University of the Pacific (Stockton) University of Redlands (Redlands) University of Santa Clara (Santa Clara)

COLORADO Public University of Northern Colorado (Greeley) 25 CONNECTICUT Private Wesleyan University (Middletown)

DELAWARE Public University of Delaware (Newark)

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Private (Washington, D.C.) Catholic University of America (Washington, D.C.) (Washington, D.C.)

GEORGIA Public Georgia State University (Atlanta)

IDAHO Public University of Idaho (Moscow)

ILLINOIS Public Illinois State University (Normal) Northern Illinois University (De Kalb) Southern Illinois University at Carbondale (Carbondale) University of Illinois at Chicago Circle (Chicago) Private De Paul University (Chicago) Loyola University (Chicago)

INDIANA Public Ball State University (Muncie) Indiana State University (Terre Haute) 26 KANSAS Public Wichita State University (Wichita)

KENTUCKY Public University of Louisville (Louisville)

LOUISIANA Public Louisiana State University at New Orleans (New Orleans) Louisiana Tech University (Ruston) Mc Neese State University (Lake Charles) Northeast Louisiana University (Monroe) Northwestern State College of Louisiana (Natchitoches) University of Southwestern Louisiana (Lafayette)

MAINE Public University of Maine at Orono (Orono)

MASSACHUSETTS Private Boston College (Chestnut Hill) Clark University (Worcester) Northeastern University (Boston) Smith College (Northampton) Springfield College (Springfield)

MICHIGAN Public Michigan Technological University (Houghton) Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo) Private University of Detroit (Detroit)

MISSISSIPPI Public University of Mississippi (University) University of Southern Mississippi (Hattiesburg) 27 MISSOURI Public University of Missouri at Kansas City (Kansas City) University of Missouri at Rolla (Rolla)

MONTANA Public Montana State University (Bozeman) University of Montana (Missoula)

NEBRASKA Private Creighton University (Omaha)

NEVADA Public University of Nevada at Reno (Reno)

NEW HAMPSHIRE Public University of New Hampshire (Durham) Private Dartmouth College (Hanover)

NEW JERSEY Private Drew University (Madison) Seton Hall University (South Orange)

NEW YORK Public State University of New York, State University at Binghamton (Binghamton) Private Ade 1phi University (Garden City) Alfred University (Alfred) (Bronx) Hofstra University (Hempstead) 28 New York, Private (cont.) New School for Social Research (New York) Saint Bonaventure University (St. Bonaventure) Saint John's University (Jamaica) Union College (Schenectady)

NORTH CAROLINA Public University of North Carolina at Greensboro ,(Greensboro) Private Wake Forest University (Winston-Salem)

NORTH DAKOTA Public North Dakota State University (Fargo) University of North Dakota (Grand Forks)

OHIO Public Bowling Green State University (Bowling Green) Kent State University (Kent) Miami University (Oxford) Ohio University (Athens) University of Akron (Alzon) University of Toledo (Toledo)

OKLAHOMA Private Phillips University (Enid) . University of Tulsa (Tulsa)

OREGON Private University of Portland (Portland)

PENNSYLVANIA Private Bryn Mawr College (Bryn Mawr) Drexel University (Philadelphia) Duquesne University (Pittsburgh) 29 Pennsylvania, Private (cont.) Lehigh University (Bethlehem) Villanova University (Villanova)

RHODE ISLAND Public University of Rhode Island (Kingston) Private Providence College (Providence)

SOUTH CAROLINA Public University of South Carolina (Columbia) Private (Greenville)

SOUTH DAKOTA Public South Dakota State University (Brookings) University of South Dakota (Vermillion)

TENNESSEE Public Memphis State University (Memphis)

TEXAS Public East Texas State University (Commerce) North Texas State University (Denton) Texas Tech University (Lubbock) Texas Woman's University (Denton) University of Houston (Houston) Private Baylor University (Waco) Southern Methodist University (Dallas) Texas Christian University (Fort Worth) University of Dallas (Irving) 30 UTAH Private Brigham Young University (Provo)

VERMONT Public University of Vermont and State Agricultural College (Burlington) Private Middlebury College (Middlebury)

VIRGINIA Public College of William and Mary (Williamsburg) Virginia Commonwealth University (Richmond)

WISCONSIN Public University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee (Milwaukee) Private Marquette University (Milwaukee)

WYOMING Public University of Wyoming (Laramie)

OUTLYING AREAS Puerto Rico Public University of Puerto Rico at Rio Piedras (Rio Piedras)


Institutions which may have doctoral programs (although no Ph. D's were awarded in 1969-71) and which offered master's degrees (except where noted) and had an enrollment of more than 3,500 students.

ALABAMA Public Jacksonville State University (Jacksonville) University of Alabama in Huntsville (Huntsville) University of South Alabama (Mobile)

-ARIZONA Public Northern Arizona University (Flagstaff)

ARKANSAS Public Arkansas State University (State University) State College of Arkansas (Conway) * University of Arkansas at Little Rock (Little Rock)

CALIFORNIA Public California State College at Dominguez Hills (Dominguez Hills) California State College at Sonoma (Rohnert Park) California State Polytechnic University at Pomona (Pomona) California State Polytechnic University at San Luis Obispo (San Luis Obispo) California State University at Chico (Chico) California State University at Fresno (Fresno) California State University at Fullerton (Fullerton) California State University at Hayward (Hayward) California State University at Humboldt (Arcata) California State University at Long Beach (Long Beach)

*These colleges fulfilled all comprehensive requirements except that they did not have a master's degree program. 32 California, Public (cont.) California State University at Northridge (Los Angeles) California State UniVersity at Sacramento (Sacramento) California State University at San Jose (San Jose) Private. Chapman College (Orange) Golden Gate University (San Francisco) Loyola University of Los Angeles (Los Angeles) Pepperdine University (Los Angeles) University of San Francisco (San Francisco)

COLORADO Public *Metropolitan State College (Denver) *Southern Colorado State College (Pueblo) University of Colorado Denver Center (Denver) Western State College of Colorado (Gunnison)

CONNECTICUT Public Central Connecticut State College (New Britain) Southern Connecticut State College (New Haven) Western Connecticut State College (Danbury) Private Fairfield University (Fairfield) University of Bridgeport (Bridgeport) University of Hartford (West Hartford) University of New Haven (West Haven)

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Public Federal City College (Washington, D.C.)

FLORIDA Public Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (Tallahassee) Florida Atlantic University' (Boca Raton) Florida International University (Miami) Florida Technological University (Orlando) University of South Florida (Tampa) University of West Florida (Pensacola) Private Rollins College (Winter Park)

33 GEORGIA Public *Columbus College (Columbus) Georgia Southern College (Statesboro) Valdosta State College (Valdosta) West Georgia College (Carrollton)

IDAHO Public Boise State College (Boise) Idaho State University (Pocatello)


. Public Chicago State University (Chicago) Eastern Illinois University (Charleston) Northeastern Illinois State University (Chicago) Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville (Edwardsville) Western Illinois University (Macomb) Private Bradley University (Peoria) Roosevelt University (Chicago)

INDIANA Public Indiana University at Fort Wayne (Fort Wayne) Indiana University Northwest (Gary) Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis (Indianapolis) Indiana University at South Bend (South Bend) Purdue University Calumet Campus (Hammond) Private Butler University (Indianapolis) University of Evansville (Evansville) Valparaiso University (Valparaiso)

IOWA Public University of Northern Iowa (Cedar Falls) Private Drake University (Des Moines) 34 KANSAS Public Fort Hays Kansas State College (Hays) Kansas State College at Pittsburg (Pittsburg) Kansas State Teachers College at Emporia (Emporia) Washburn University of Topeka (Topeka)

KENTUCKY Public Eastern Kentucky University (Richmond) Morehead State University (Morehead) Murray State University (Murray) Western Kentucky University (Bowling Green)

LOUISIANA Public * Grambling College (Grambling) Nicholls State University (Thibodaux) Southeastern Louisiana University (Hammond) A & M College (Baton Rouge) Private Loyola University (New Orleans)

MAINE Public University of Maine at Portland-Gorham (Gorham)

MARYLAND Public Morgan State College (Baltimore) Towson State College (Baltimore) University of Maryland Baltimore County Campus (Baltimore) Private * (Baltimore)

MASSACHUSETTS Public Boston State College (Boston) Bridgewater State College (Bridgewater) Fitchburg State College (Fitchburg) 35 Massachusetts, Public (cont.) Framingham State College (Framingham) Salem State College (Salem) Southeastern Massachusetts University (North Dartmouth) University of Massachusetts Boston Campus (Boston) Westfield State College (Westfield) Worcester State College (Worcester) Private Suffolk University (Boston) Western New College (Springfield)

MICHIGAN Public Central Michigan University (Mount Pleasant) Eastern Michigan University (Ypsilanti) * Ferris State College (Big Rapids) * Grand Valley State College (Allendale) Northern Michigan University (Marquette) Oakland University (Rochester)

MINNESOTA Public Bemidji State College (Bemidji) Mankato State College (Mankato) Moorhead State College (Moorhead) Saint Cloud State College (St. Cloud) University of Minnesota at Duluth (Duluth) Winona State College (Winona)

MISSISSIPPI Public Delta State College (Cleveland) Jackson State College (Jackson)

MISSOURI Public Central Missouri State University (Warrensburg) Northeast Missouri State College (Kirksville) Northwest Missouri State University (Maryville) Southeast Missouri State College (Cape Girardeau) Southwest Missouri State College (Springfield) University of Missouri at St. Louis (St. Louis) 36 NEBRASKA Public Kearney State College (Kearney) University of Nebraska at Omaha (Omaha)

NEVADA Public University of Nevada at Las Vegas (Las Vegas)

NEW JERSEY Public Glassboro State College (Glassboro) Jersey City State College (Jersey City) Montclair State College (Upper Montclair) Newark State College (Union) Rutgers University at Newark (Newark) Trenton State College (Trenton) William Paterson College (Wayne) Private Fairleigh Dickinson University at Madison (Madison) Fairleigh Dickinson University at Rutherford (Rutherford) Fairleigh Dickinson University at Teaneck (Teaneck) Monmouth College (West Long Branch) Rider College (Trenton) * Saint Peter's College (Jersey City)

NEW MEXICO Public Eastern New Mexico University (Porta les)

NEW YORK Public City University of New York Bernard Baruch College (New York) City University of New York College (Brooklyn) City University of College (New York) City University of New York -- Hunter College (New York) City University of New York Lehman College (Bronx) City University of New York -- College (Flushing) State University of New YorkCollege at Brockport (Brockport) State University, of New YorkCollege at Buffalo (Buffalo) State University of New YorkCollege at Cortland (Cortland) State University of New YorkCollege at Fredmia (Fredonia) State University of New YorkCollege at Geneseo (Geneseo) 37 New York, Public (cont.) State University of New York College at New Paltz (New Paltz) State University of New York College at Oneonta (Oneonta) State University of New York College at Oswego (Oswego) State University of New York College at Plattsburgh (Plattsburgh) State University of New York College at Potsdam (Potsdam) Private Canisius College (Buffalo) Iona College (New Rochelle) Ithaca College (Ithaca) University Brooklyn Center (Brooklyn) C.W. Post Center (Greenvale) (Bronx) Pace College (New York) Russell Sage College (Troy)

NORTH CAROLINA Public Appalachian State University (Boone) East Carolina University (Greenville) North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (Greensboro) North Carolina Central University (Durham) University of North Carolina at Charlotte (Charlotte) Western Carolina University (Cullowhee)

NORTH DAKOTA Public Minot State College (Minot)

OHIO Public Cleveland State University (Cleveland) Wright State University (Dayton) Youngstown State University (Youngstown) Private John Carroll University (Cleveland) (Dayton) (Cincinnati)

OKLAHOMA Public *Cameron College (Lawton) (Edmond) 38 Oklahoma, Public (cont.) Northeastern State College (Tahlequah) Southeastern State College (Durant) Southwestern State College (Weatherford)

OREGON Public Oregon College of Education (Monmouth) Portland State University (Portland) Souther ) Oregon College (Ashland)

PENNSYLVANIA Public Bloomsburg State College (Bloomsburg) California State College (California) Clarion State College (ClaAon) Edinboro State College (Edinboro) Indiana University of Pennsylvania (Indiana) Kutztown State College (Kutztown) Millersville State College (Millersville) Shippensburg State College (Shippensburg) Slippery Rock State College (Slippery Rock) West Chester State College ('West Chester) Private Gannon College (Erie) La Salle College (Philadelphia) Saint Joseph's College (Philadelphia)

RHODE ISLAND Public Rhode Island College (Providence)

SOUTH CAROLINA Public Winthrop College (Rock Hill)

TENNESSEE Public Austin Peay State University (Clarksville) State University (Johnson City) State University (Murfreesboro) Tennessee State University (Nashville) 39 Tennessee, Public (cont.) Tennessee Technological University (Cookeville) University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (Chattanooga) University of Tennessee at Martin (Martin)

TEXAS Public Angelo State University (San Angelo) Lamar University (Beaumont) Midwestern University (Wichita Falls) Pan American University (Edinburg) Prairie View Agricultural & Mechanical College (Prairie View) Sam Houston State University (Huntsville) Southwest Texas State University (San Marcos) Stephen F. Austin State University (Nacogdoches) Texas A & I University (Kingsville) Texas Southern University (Houston) University of Texas at Arlington (Arlington) University.. of Texas at El Paso (El Paso) West Texas State University (Canyon) Private Saint Mary's University (San Antcnio)

UTAH Public *Weber State College (Ogden)

VIRGINIA Public Madison College (Harrisonburg) *Norfolk State College (Norfolk) Old Dominion University (Norfolk) Radford College (Radford) Virginia State College (Petersburg) Private University of Richmond (Richmond)

WASHINGTON Public Central Washington State College (Ellensburg) Eastern Washington State College (Cheney) Western Washington State College (Bellingham) 40 Washington (cont.) Private University of Puget Sound (Tacoma)

WEST VIRGINIA Public *Fairmont State College (Fairmont) Marshall University (Huntington) *West Liberty State College (West Liberty) *West Virginia State College (Institute)

WISCONSIN Public University of Wisconsinat Eau Claire (Eau Claire) *University of Wisconsinat Green Bay (Green Bay) University of Wisconsinat La Crosse (La Crosse) University of Wisconsinat Oshkosh (Oshkosh) * University of Wisconsinat Parkside (Kenosha) University of Wisconsinat Platteville (Platteville) University of,Wisconsinat River Fails (River Falls) University of Wisconsinat Stevens Point (Stevens Point) University of Wisconsinat Stout (Menomonie) University of Wisconsinat Whitewater (Whitewater)

OUTLYING AREAS Puerto Rico Public University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez (Mayaguez) Private Catholic University of Puerto Rico (Ponce)


Institutions which may award the master's degree but have enrollments under 3,500 students.

ALABAMA Public Alabama A & M University (Normal) (Montgomery) Auburn University at Montgomery (Montgomery) Florence State University (Florence) Livingston University (Livingston) Troy State University (Troy) Troy State University at Fort Rucker (Fort Rucker) Troy State University at Montgomery (Maxwell AFB) University of Montevallo (Montevallo) Private Athens College (Athens) *Birmingham-Southern College (Birmingham) Daniel Payne College (Birmingham) Huntingdon College (Montgomery) Judson College (Marion) (Birmingham) Mobile College (Mobile) Oakwood College (Huntsville) Saint Bernard College (St. Bernard) *Samford University (Birmingham) (Selma) *SpringHillCollege (Mobile) (Tuscaloosa) (Talladega) Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee Institute)

ALASKA Private Alaska Methodist University (Anchorage)

*All colleges which are preceded by an asterisk are categorized as selective according to the Cass and Birnbaum "Selectivity Index,"Co our pa rative Cu ide toAmericanColleges,1970-71 edition. 42 ARIZONA Private College Del Rey (Phoenix) Grand Canyon College (Phoenix) Prescott College (Prescott)

ARKANSAS Public Arkansas Polytechnic College (Russellville) Henderson State College (Arkadelphia) Southern State College (Magnolia) University of Arkansas at Monticello (Monticello) University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (Pine Bluff) Private (Little Rock) Arkansas College (Batesville) College of the Ozarks (Clarksville) Harding College (Searcy) *Hendrix College (Conway) John Brown University (Siloam Springs) Ouachita Baptist University (Arkadelphia) (Little Rock)

CALIFORNIA Public California State College at Bakersfield (Bakersfield) California State College at San Bernardino (San Bernardino) California State College Stanislaus (Turlock) Private Armstrong College (Berkeley) Azusa Pacific College (Azusa) Biola College (La Mirada) California Baptist College (Riverside) California Lutheran College (Thousand Oaks) *Claremont Men's College (Claremont) *College of the Holy Names (Oakland) *College of Notre Dame (Belmont) Dominican College of San Rafael (San Rafael) *Immaculate Heart College (Los Angeles) John F. Kennedy University (Martinez) La Verne College (La Verne) Lincoln University (San Francisco) Lone Mountain College (San Francisco) *Maryrnount College (Los Angeles) *Mills College (Oakland) Monterey Institute of Foreign Studies (Monterey) *Mount Saint Mary's College (Los Angeles) New College of California (Sausalito) 43 California, Private (cont.) Pacific College (Fresno) Pacific Union College (Angwin) Pasadena College (Pasadena) *Pitzer College (Claremont) *Pomona College (Claremont) *Saint Mary's College of California (Moraga) * (Claremont) Southern California College (Costa Mesa) *University of San Diego (San Diego) *Westmont College (Santa Barbara) *Whittier College (Whittier)

COLORADO Public Adams State College (Alamosa) Fort Lewis College (Durango) University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (Colorado Springs) Private *Colorado College (Colorado Springs) Loretto Heights College (Denver) *Regis College (Denver) Rockmont College (Denver) *Temple Buell College (Denver)

CONNECTICUT Public Eastern Connecticut State College (Willimantic) Private *Albertus Magnus College (New Haven) Annhurst College (Woodstock) *Connecticut College (New London) Quinnipiac College (New Haven) Sacred Heart University (Bridgeport) *Saint Joseph College (West Hartford) *Trinity College (Hartford)

DELAWARE Public Delaware State College (Dover) Private Wilmington College (New Castle) 44 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Private *Gal laudet College (Washington, D.C.) *Trinity College (Washington, D.C.)

FLORIDA Public University of North Florida (Jacksonville) Private *Barry College (Miami) Bethune-Cookman College (Daytona Beach) Biscayne College (Miami) *Eckerd College (St. Petersburg) (Jacksonville) Flagier College (St. Augustine) Florida Memorial College (Miami) *Florida Southern College (Lakeland) *Jacksonville University (Jacksonville) *New College (Sarasota) Palm Beach Atlantic College (West Palm Beach) Saint Leo College (St. Leo) *Stetson University (Deland) University of Tampa (Tampa) Warner Southern College (Lake )

GEORGIA Public Albany State College (Albany) Armstrong State College (Savannah) Augusta College (Augusta) Fort Valley State College (Fort Valley) Georgia College (Milledgeville) Georgia Southwestern College (Americus) North Georgia College (Dahlonega) Savannah State College (Savannah) Private *Agnes Scott College (Decatur) Atlanta Baptist College (Atlanta) Berry College (Mount Berry) Brenau College (Gainesville) Clark College (Atlanta) LaGrange College (LaGrange) *Mercer University (Macon) (Atlanta) (Atlanta) Oglethorpe College (Atlanta) (Augusta) Piedmont College (Demorest) 45 Georgia, Private (cont.) Shorter College (Rome) Steelman College (Atlanta) Tift College (Forsyth) *Wesleyan College (Macon)

HAWAII Public University of Hawaii Hilo College (Ii; Private Chaminade College of Honolulu (Honolulu) Church College of Hawaii (Laie) Hawaii Loa College (Kaneohe) Hawaii Pacific College (Honolulu)

IDAHO Private College of Idaho (Caldwell) Northwest Nazarene College (Nampa)

ILLINOIS Public Governors State University (Park Forest South) Sangamon State University (Springfield) Private *Augtistana College (Rock Island) Aurora College (Aurora) *Banat College (Lake Forest) *Blackburn College (Carlinville) College of Saint Francis (Joliet) Columbia College (Chicago) De Lourdes College (Des Plaines) Elmhurst College (Elmhurst) Eureka College (Eureka) George Williams College (Downers Grove) Greenville College (Greenville) Illinois Benedictine College (Lisle) *Illinois College (Jacksonville) *Illinois Wesleyan University (Bloomington) Judson College (Elgin) *Knox College (Galesburg) *Lake Forest College (Lake Forest) *Lewis College (Lockport) *Mac Murray College (Jacksonville) McKendree College (Lebanon) *Millikin University (Decatur) 46 Illinois, Private (cont.) *Monmouth College (Monmouth) *Mundelein College (Chicago) National College of .Education (Evanston) *North Central College (Naperville) *North Park College and Theological Seminary (Chicago) Olivet Nazarene College (Kankakee). *Principia College (Elsah) *Quincy College (Quincy) *Rockford College (Rockford) *Rosary College (River Forest) *Saint Xavier College (Chicago) *Shimer College (Mount CaiToll) Trinity Christian College (Palos Heights) Trinity College (Deerfield) *Wheaton College (Wheaton)

INDIANA Public Indiana State University at Evansville (Evansville) Indiana University at Kokom3 (Kokomo) Indiana University Southeast (Jeffersonville) Purdue University at Fort Wayne (Fort Wayne) Purdue University North Central Campus (Westville) Private Anderson College (Anderson). Bethel College (Mishawaka) Concordia Senior College (Fort Wayne) *DePauw University (Greencastle) *Earlham College (Richmond) Franklin College of Indiana (Franklin) Grace College (Winona Lake). Goshen College (Goshen) *Hanover College (Hanover) Huntington College (Huntington) Indiana Central College (Indianapolis) Manchester College (North Manchester) Marian College (Indianapolis) Marion College (Marion) Northwood Institute Indiana Branch (West Baden) Oakland City College (Oakland City) Saint Francis College (Fort Wayne) Saint Joseph's Calumet College (East Chicago) Saint Joseph's College (Rensselaer) *Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (St. Mary-of-the-Woods) *Saint Mary's College (Notre Dame) Taylor University (Upland) Tri-State College () *Wabash College (Crawfordsville) 47 IOWA Private Briar Cliff College (Sioux City) Buena Vista College (Storm Lake) *Central University of Iowa (Pella) *Clarke College (Dubuque) *Coe College (Cedar Rapids) *Cornell College (Mount Vernon) Dordt College (Sioux Center) Grace land College (Lamoni) *Grinnell College (Grinnell) Iowa Wesleyan College (Mount Pleasant) *Loras College (Dubuque) *Luther College (Decorah) Marycrest College (Davenport) Morningside College (Sioux City) Mount (Cedar Rapids) Northwestern College (Orange City) Parsons College (Fairfield) Saint Ambrose College (Davenport) *Simpson College (Indianola) University of Dubuque (Dubuque) Upper Iowa University (Fayette) *Wartburg College (Waverly) Westmar College (Le Mars) William Penn College (Oskaloosa)

KANSAS Private Baker University (Baldwin City) Benedictine Col?ege .(Atchison) Bethany College (Lindsborg) Bethel College (North Newton) College of Emporia (Emporia) Friends University (Wichita) Kansas Wesleyan (Salina) Marymount College (Salina) McPherson College (McPherson) Mid-America Nazarene College (Olathe) University (Ottawa) Sacred Heart College (Wichita) Saint Mary College (Leavenworth) Saint Mary of the Plains College (Dodge City) Southwestern College (Winfield) Sterling College (Sterling) Tabor College (Hillsboro)

KENTUCKY Public Kentucky State University (Frankfort) Northern Kentucky State College (Highland Heights) 48 Kentucky (cont.) Private Asbury College (Wilmore) Bellarmine College (Louisville) Berea College (Berea) Brescia College (Owensboro) Campbellsville College (Campbellsville) *Centre College of Kentucky (Danville) Cumberland College (Williamsburg) Georgetown College (Georgetown) Kentucky Wesleyan College (Owensboro) Pikeville College (Pikeville) Spalding College (Louisville) *Thomas More College (Fort Mitchell) *Transylvania University (Lexington) Union College (Barbourville)

LOUISIANA Public Southern University A&M College at New Orleans (New Orleans) Private Centenary College (Shreveport) (New Orleans) Louisiana College (Pineville) Our Lady of Holy Cross College (New Orleans) Saint Mary's Dominican College (New Orleans) Xavier University of Louisiana (New Orleans)

MAINE Public University of Maine at Farmington (Farmington) University of Maine at Presque Isle (Presque Isle) Private *Bates College (Lewiston) *Bowdoin College (Brunswick) *Colby College (Waterville) *Nasson College (Springvale) Ricker College (Houlton) Saint Francis College (Biddeford) Saint Joseph's College (North Windham) Unity College (Unity) Westbrook College (Portland)

MARYLAND Public Bowie State College (Bowie) Coppin State College (Baltimore) 49 Maryland, Public (cont.) Frostburg State College (Frostburg) Stint Mary's College of Maryland (St. Mary's City) Salsbury State College (Salisbury) University of Maryland Eastern Shore (Princesr, Anne) Private Antioch College Washington-Baltimore Campus (Baltimore) *College of Notre Dame of Maryland (Baltimore) Columbia Union College (Takoma Park) * (Towson) * (Frederick) *Loyola College (Baltimore) Mount Saint Mary's College (Emmitsburg) *Saint John's College (Annapolis) *Saint Joseph College (Emmitsburg) * (Chestertown) *Western Maryland College (Westminster)

MASSACHUSETTS Public *Lowell State College (Lowell) North Adams State College (North Adams), Private American International College (Springfield) *Amherst College (Amherst) *Anna Maria College for Women (Paxton) *Assumption College (Worcester) Atlantic Unior College (South Lancaster) Bentley College (Waltham) Bradford College (Bradford) *College of the Holy Cross (Worcester) College of Our Lady of Elms (Chicopee) Curry College (Milton) Eastern Nazarene College (Wollaston) *Emerson College (Boston) *Emmanuel College (Boston) *Gordon College (Wenham) *Hampshire College (Amherst) *Merrimack College (North Andover) *Mount Holyoke College (South Hadley) *Newton College of the Sacred Heart (Newton) *Radcliffe College (Cambridge) *Regis College (Weston) *Simmons College (Boston) *Stonehill College (North Easton) *Wellesley College (Wellesley) *Wheaton College (Norton) *Williams College (Williamstown)

50 MICHIGAN Public Lake Superior State College (Sault Sainte Marie) Saginaw Valley College (University Center) University of Michigan at Dearborn (Dearborn) University of Michigan at Flint (Flint) Private Adrian College (Adrian) *Albion College (Albion) *Alma College (Alma) Andrews University (Berrien Springs) Aquinas College (Grand Rapids) *Calvin College (Grand Rapids) Detroit Institute of Technology (Detroit) Duns Scotus College (Southfield) *Hillsdale College (Hillsdale) *Hope College (Holland) John Wesley College (Owosso) *Kalamazoo College (Kalamazoo) Madonna College (Livonia) *Marygrove College (Detroit) Mercy College (A' Detroit (Detroit) *Nazareth College (Kalamazoo) Northwood Institute (Midland) Olivet C, 'ege (Olivet) Saint Mary's College (Orchard Lake) Shaw College at Detroit (Detroit) Siena Heights College (Adrian) Spring Arbor College (Spring Arbor)

MINNESOTA Public Minnesota Metropolitan State College (St. Paul) Southwest Minnesota State College (Marshall) University of Minnesota at Morris (Morris) Private *Augsburg College (Minneapolis) Bethel College (St. Paul) *Carleton College (Northfield) *College of Saint Benedict (St. Joseph) *College of Saint Catherine (St. Paul) College of Saint Scholastic.a. (Duluth) *College of Saint Teresa (Winona) College of Saint Thomas (St. Paul) *Concordia College at Moorhead (Moorhead) *Gustavus Adolphus College (St. Peter) .*Hamline University (St. Paul) Lea College (Albert. Lea) *Macalester College (St. Paul) *Saint John's University (Collegeville)

51 Minnesota, Private (cont.) Saint Mary's College (Winona) *Saint Olaf College (Northfield)

MISSISSIPPI Public Alcorn Agricultural and Mechanical College (Lorman) Mississippi State College for Women (Columbus) Mississippi Valley State' College (Itta .Bens) Private Belhaven College (Jackson) Blue Mountain College (Blue Mountain) *Millsaps College (Jackson) Mississippi College (Clinton) Mississippi Industrial College (Holly Springs) (Holly Springs) (Tougaloo) Whitworth College (Brookhaven) William Carey College (Hattiesburg)

MISSOURI Public Lincoln University (Jefferson City) Missouri Southern State College (Joplin) Missouri West'rn College (St. Joseph) Private Avila College (Kansas City) Central Methodist College (Fayette) Culver-Stockton College (Cant .1) *Drury College (Springfield) Evangel College (Springfield) F'ontbonne College (St. Louis) *The Lindenwood Colleges (St. Charles) Maryville College (St. Louis) Missouri Baptist College of St. Louis (St. Louis) Missouri Valley College (Marshall) Park College (Parkville) Rockhurst College (Kansas City) School of the Ozarks (Point Lookout) Southwest Baptist College (Bolivar) Stephens College (Columbia) Tarkio College (Tarkio) *Webster College (St. Louis) *Westminster College (Fulton) *William Jewell College (Liberty) William Woods College (Fulton) 52 MONTANA Public Eastern Montana College (Billings) Northern Montana College (Havre) Western Montana College (Dillon) Private Carroll College (Helena) College of Great Falls (Great Falls) Rocky Mountain College (Billings)

NEBRASKA Public Chadron State College (Chadron) Peru State College (Peru) Wayne State College (Wayne) Private Bellevue College (Bellevue) College of Saint Mary (Omaha) Dana College (Blair) Doane College (Crete) *Hastings College (Hastings) John F. Kennedy College (Wahoo) Midland Lutheran College (Fremont) Nebraska Wesleyan University (Lincoln) Union College (Lincoln)

NEVADA Private Sierra Nevada College (Incline Village)

NEW HAMPSHIRE Public University of New Hampshire Keene State College (Keene) University of New Hampshire Plymouth State College (Plymouth) Private Belknap College (Center Harbor) Canaan College (Canaan) Franconia College (Franconia)

Franklin Pierce College (Rinclge) . Mount Saint Mary College (Hooksett) Nathaniel Hawthorne College (Antrim) New England College (Henniker) Notre Dame College (Manchester) Rivier College (Nashua) Saint Anse Im's College (Manchester) 53 NEW JERSEY Public Ramapo College of New Jersey (Mahwah) Richard Stockton State College (Pomona) Rutgers University at Camden (Camden) Private Alma White College (Zarephath) Bloomfield College (Bloomfield) Caldwell College for Women (Caldwell) Centenary College for Women (Hackettstown) *College of Saint Elizabeth (Convent Station) Felician College (Lodi) *Georgian Court College (Lakewood) *Upsala College (East Orange)

NEW MEXICO Public New Mexico Highlands University (Las Vegas) Western New Mexico University (Silver City) Private College of Santa Fe (Santa Fe) College of the Southwest (Hobbs) *Saint John's College at Santa Fe (Santa Fe) University of Albuquerque (Albuquerque)

NEW YORK Public City University of New York Meclgar Evers College (Brooklyn) City University of New York Richmond College (Staten Island) City University of New York York College (Jamaica) State University of New York (Saratoga Springs) State University of New YorkCollege at Herkimer-Rome-Utica (Utica) State University of New YorkCollege at Old Westbury (Old Westbury) State University of New YorkCollege at Purchase (Purchase) Private *Bard College (Annandale-on-Hudson) * (New York) *Briarcliff College (Briarcliff Manor) *Colgate University (Hamilton) *College of Mount Saint Vincent (Riverdale) *College of New Rochelle (New Rochelle) *College of Saint Rose (Albany) *College of White Plains (White Plains) Concordia College (Bronxville) Dominican College of Blauvelt (Blauvelt) Dowling College (Oakdale) *D'Youville College (Buffalo)

54 New York, Private (cont.) Eisenhower College (Seneca Falls) *Elmira College (Elmira) *Finch College (New York) Friends World College (Huntington) * (Clinton) *Hartwick College (Oneonta) *Hobart and William Smith Colleges (Geneva) *Houghton College (Houghton) *Keuka College (Keuka Park) King's College (Briarcliff Manor) Kirkland College (Clinton) *Ladycliff College (Highland Falls) *Le Moyne College (Syracuse) Long Island University College (Southampton) *Manhattanville College (Purchase) *Marist College (Poughkeepsie) *Marymount College (Tarrytown) *Marymount Manhattan College (New York) *Mercy College (Dobbs Ferry) *Molloy College (Rockville Centre) *Mount Saint Mary College (Newburgh) *Nazareth College of Rochester (Rochester) *Niagara University (Niagara University) Pace College Westchester Campus (Pleasantville) (Rochester) Rogers College (Maryknoll) *Rosary Hill College (Buffalo) `Saint Francis College (Brooklyn) *Saint John Fisher College (Rochester) *Saint Joseph's College (Brooklyn) *Saint Lawrence University (Canton) Saint Thomas Aquinas College (Spark/ 11) *Sarah Lawrence College (Bronxville) *Siena College (Loudonville) *Skidmore College (Saratoga Springs) *Syracuse University Utica College (Utica) (New York) *Vassar College (Poughkeepsie) * (Staten Island) *Wells College (Aurora)

NORTH CAROLINA Public Elizabeth City State University (Elizabeth City) Fayetteville State University (Fayetteville) Fayetteville State University at Fort Bragg (Fort Bragg) Pembroke State University (Pembroke) University of North Carolina at Asheville (Asheville) University of North Carolina at Wilmington (Wilmington) Winston-Salem State University (Winston-Salem) 55 North Carolina (cont.) Private Atlantic Christian College (Wilson) Barber-Scotia College (Concord) Belmont Abbey College (Belmont) (Greensboro) Campbell College (Buie's Creek) Catawba College (Salisbury) *Davidson College (Davidson) Elon College (Elon College) Gardner-Webb College (Boiling Springs) *Greensboro College (Greensboro) *Guilford College (Greensboro) *High Point College (High Point) Johnson C. Smith University (Charlotte) Lenoir-Rhyne College (Hickory) (Salisbury) Mars Hill College (Mars Hill) *Meredith College (Raleigh) Methodist College (Fayetteville) North Carolina Wesleyan College (Rocky Mount) Pfeiffer College (Misenheimer) *Queens College (Charlotte) Sacred Heart College (Belmont) ' *Saint Andrews Presbyterian College (Laurinburg) Saint Augustine's College (Raleigh) *Salem College (Winston-Salem) (Raleigh) Warren Wilson College (Swannanoa)

NORTH DAKOTA Public Dickinson State College (Dickinson) Mayville State College (Mayville) Valley City State College (Valley City) Private Jamestown College (Jamestown) Mary College (Bismarck)

OHIO Public Central State University (Wilberforce) Private *Antioch College (Yellow Springs) Ashland College (Ashland). *Baldwin-Wallace College (Berea) Bluffton College (Bluffton) *Capital University (Columbus) 56 Ohio, Private (cont.) Cedarville College (Cedarville) *College of Mount St. Joseph-on-the-Ohio (Mount St. Joseph) College of Steubenville (Steubenville) *College of Wooster (Wooster) Defiance College (Defiance) *Denison University (Granville) (Cincinnati) Findlay College (Findlay) Franklin University (Columbus) *Heidelberg College (Tiffin) *Hiram College (Hiram) *Kenyon College (Gambier) *Lake Erie College (Painesville) Malone College (Canton) *Marietta College (Marietta) Mary Manse College (Toledo) *Mount Union College (Alliance) *Muskingum College (New Concord) Notre Dame College (Cleveland) *Oberlin College (Oberlin) *Ohio Dominican College (Columbus) Ohio Northern Uni4ersity (Ada) *Ohio Wesleyan University (Delaware) *Otterbein College (Westerville) Riu Grande College (Rio Grande) Union Experimenting College and University (Yellow Springs) Urbana College (Urbana) Ursuline College (Cleveland) Walsh College (Canton) *Western College (Oxford) (Wilberforce) *Wilmington College (Wilmington) *Wittenberg University (Springfield)

OKLAHOMA Public East Central State College (Ada) (Langston) Northwestern State College (Alva) Oklahoma College of Liberal Arts (Chickasha) Oklahoma Panhandle State College (Goodwell)

Private American Christian College (Tulsa) Bartlesville Wesleyan College (Bartlesville) Bethany Nazarene College (Bethany) Oklahoma Baptist University (Shawnee) Oklahoma Christian College (Oklahoma City) Oklahoma City University (Oklahoma City) Oral Roberts University (Tulsa) 57 OREGON Public Eastern Oregon College (La Grande) Private Columbia Christian College (Portland) George Fox College (Newberg) *Lewis and Clark College (Portland) Linfield College (McMinnville) Marylhurst College (Marylhurst) Mount Angel College (Mount Angel) *Pacific University (Forest Grove) *Reed College (Portland) Warner Pacific College (Portland) *Willamette University (Salem)

PENNSYLVANIA Public Cheyney State College (Cheyney) *East Stroudsburg State College (East Stroudsburg) Lincoln University (Lincoln University) Lock Haven State 'College (Lock Haven) Mansfield State College (Mansfield) Pennsylvania State University Behrend Campus (Erie) Pennsylvania State University Capitol Campus (Middletown) University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown (Johnstown) Private *Albright College (Reading) *Allegheny College (Meadville) Allentown College of Saint Francis de Sales (Center Valley) Alliance College (Cambridge Springs) Alvernia College (Reading). *Beaver College (Glensid0 - *Bucknell University (Lewisburg) Cabrini College (Radnor) *Carlow College (Pittsburgh) .*Cedar Crest College (Allentown) *Chatham College (Pittsburgh) *Chestnut Hill College (Philadelphia) College Misericordia (Dallas) *Dickinson College (Carlisle) *Eastern College (St. Davids) "'Elizabethtown College (Elizabethtown) *Franklin and Marshall College (Lancaster) Geneva College (Beave Falls) *Gettysburg College (Gettysburg) *Clove City College (Grove City) Gwynedd-Mercy College (GWynedd Valley) *Haverford College (Haverford) *Holy Family College (Philadelphia) *Immaculate College (Immaculate) 58 Pennsylvania, Private (cont.) *Juniata College (Huntingdon) King's College (Wilkes-Barre) *Lafayette College (Easton) La Roche College (Allison Park) *Lebanon Valley College (Annville) *Lycoming College (Williamsport) *Marywood College (Scranton) *Mercyhurst College (Erie) Messiah College (Grantham) *Moravian College (Bethlehem) rMuhlenberg College (Allentown) Our Lady of Angels College (Aston) Point Park College (Pittsburgh) *Rosemont College (Rosemont) Saint Francis College (Loretto) *Saint Vincent College (Latrobe) *Seton Hill College (Greensburg) Spring Garden College (Chestnut Hill) *Susquehanna University (Selinsgrove) *Swarthmore College (Swarthmore) *Thiel College (Greenville) *University of Scranton (Scranton) *Ursinus College (Collegeville) Villa Maria College (Erie) *Washington and Jefferson College (Washington) Waynesburg College (Waynesburg) *Westminster College (New Wilmington) *Widener College (Chester) *Wilkes College (Wilkes-Barre) *Wilson College (Chambersburg) York College of Pennsylvania (York)

RHODE ISLAND Private Barrington College (Barringt6n) Mount Saint Joseph College (Wakefield) Roger Williams College () *Salve Regina College (Newport)

SOUTH CAROLINA Public *Citadel Military College of South Carolina (Charleston) * (Charleston). Francis Marion College (Florence) *Lander College (Greenwood) South Carolina State College (Orangeburg) Private (Columbia) Baptist College at Charleston (Charleston) South Carolina, Private (cont.) (Columbia) Claflin College (Orangeburg) Coker College (Hartsville) Columbia Col loge (Columbia) * (Spartanburg) (Due West) * (Greenville) Limestone College (Gaffney) (Sumter) Newberry College (Newberry) Presbyterian College (Clinton) Vorhees College (Denmark) *Wofford College (Spartanburg)

SOUTH 'DAKOTA Public Black Hills State College (Spearfish) Dakota State College (Madison) Northern State College (Aberdeen) University of South Dakota at Springfield (Springfield) Private *Augustana College (Sioux Falls) Dakota Wesleyan University (Mitchell) Huron College (Huron) Mount Marty College (Yankton) Sioux Falls College (Sioux Falls) Yankton College (Yankton)

TENNESSEE Public University of Tennessee at Nashville (Nashville) Private Belmont College (Nashville) Bethel College (McKenzie) Bryan College (Dayton) Carson-Newman. College (Jefferson City) Christian Brothers College (Memphis) Covenant College (Lookout Mountain) David Lipscomb College (Nashville) (Nashville) *King College (Bristol) (Knoxville) Lambuth College (Jackson) (Jackson) Lee College (Cleveland) Le Moyne-Owen College (Memphis) Lincoln Memorial University (Harrogate) 60 Tennessee, Private (cont.) *Maryville College (Maryville) Milligan College (Milligan College) Scarritt College (Nashville) Southern College (Collegedale) *Southwestern at Memphis (Memphis) Tennessee Temple College (Chattanooga) Tennessee Wesleyan College (Athens) Trevecca Nazarene College (Nashville) Tusculum College (Greeneville) Union University (Jackson) *University of the South (Sewanee)

TEXAS Public Sul ROss State University (Alpine) Tarleton State College (Stephenville) University of Texas at Dallas (Dallas) Private Abilene Christian College (Abilene) *Austin College (Sherman) (Dallas) Dallas Baptist College (Dallas) Dominican College (Houston) East Texas Baptist College (Marshall) . Hardin-Simmons University (Abilene) Houston Baptist College (Houston) Howard Payne College (Brownwood) Huston-Tillotson College (Austin) Incarnate Word College (San Antonio) (Hawkins) Letorneau College (Longview) Lubbock Christian College (Lubbock) Mary Hardin-Baylor College (Belton) McMinTy College (Abilene) *Our Lady of the Lake College (San Antonio) (Waco) Saint Edward's University (Austin) Southwestern Union College (Keene) *Southwestern University (Georgetown) (Tyler) Texas Lutheran College (Seguin) Texas Wesleyan College (Fort Worth) *Trinity University (San Antonio) University of Corpus Christi (Corpus Christi) University of Plano (Piano) University of Saint Thomas (Houston) Wayland Baptist College (Plainview) (Marshall) 61 UTAH Public Southern Utah State College (Cedar City) .Private Westminster College (Salt Lake City)

VERMONT Public Castleton State College (Castleton) Johnson State College (Johnson) Lyndon State College (Lyndonville) Private *Bennington College (Bennington) *Goddard College (Plainfield) *Marlboro College (Marlboro) *Norwich University (Northfield) *Saint Michael's College (Winooski) School for International (Brattleboro) *Trinity College (Burlington) Windham College (Putney)

VIRGINIA PubliC Cliiistopher Newport College of College of William and Mary (NewportNews) George Mason University (Fairfax) *Longwood College (Farmville) *Mary Washington College (Fredericksburg) University of Virginia Clinch Valley CollegelWise) *Virginia Military Institute (Lexington) Private Averett College (Danville) Bridgewater College (Bridgewater) Eastern Mennonite College (Harrisonburg) *Emory and Henry College (Emory) *Hampden-Sydney College (Hampden-Sydney) Hampton Institute (Hampton) *Hollins College (Hollins College) Luther Rice College (Alexandria) Lynchburg College (Lynchburg) *Mary Baldwin College (Staunton) *Randolph-Macon College (Ashland) *Randolph-Macon Women's College (Lynchburg) *Roanoke College (Salem) Saint Paul's College (Lawrenceville) Stratford College (Danville) *Sweet Briar College (Sweet Briar) Virginia Intermont College (Bristol) 62 Virginia, Private (cont.) Virginia Union University (Richmond) Virginia Wesleyan College (Norfolk) *Washington and Lee University (Lexington)

WASHINGTON Public Evergreen State College (Olympia) Private . Fort Wright College of the Holy Names (Spokane) *Gonzaga University (Spokane) *Pacific Lutheran University (Tacoma) Saint Martin's College (Olympia) *Seattle Pacific College (Seattle) Seattle University (Seattle) Walla Walla College (College Place) *Whitman College (Walla Walla) Whitworth College (Spokane)

WEST VIRGINIA Public (Bluefield) Concord College (Athens) Glenvile State College (Glenville) Shepherd College (Shepherdstown) West Virginia Institute of Technology (Montgomery) Private Alderson Broaddus College (Philippi) *Bethany College (Bethany) Davis and Elkins College (Elkins) Morris Harvey College (Charleston) Salem College (Salem) West Virginia Wesleyan College (Buckhannon) *Wheeling College (Wheeling)

WISCONSIN Public University of Wisconsin at Superior (Superior)

Private 1 *Alverno College (Milwaukee) *Beloit College (Beloit) Cardinal Stritch College (Milwaukee) *Carroll College (Waukesha) Carthage College (Kenosha) Dominican College (Racine) 63 Wisconsin, Private (cont.) Edgewood College (Madison) Holy Family College (Manitowoc) Lakeland College (Sheboygan) *Lawrence 'University (Appleton) Marian College of Fond du Lac (Fond du Lac) Milton College (Milton) Mount Mary College (Milwaukee) Mount Senario College (Ladysmith) Northland College (Ashland) *Ripon College (Ripon) Saint Francis de Sales College (Milwaukee) *Saint Norbert College (West De Pere) Viterbo College (La Crosse)

OUTLYING AREAS Canal Zone Public Canal Zone College (Balboa)

Guam Public University of Guam (Agana)

Puerto Rico Public University of Puerto Rico Cayey University College (Cayey) Private Antillian College (Mayaguez) Bayamon Central University (Bayamon) *College of the Sacred Heart (Santurce) Inter-American University (San German) Inter-American University at Hato Rey (Hato Rey) World University (Hato Rey)

Virgin Islands Public College of Virgin Islands (St. Thomas)

64 Category 4.0. TWO-YEAR COLLEGES Community colleges, technical institutes, university and college branches, and other campuses offering less than a baccalaureate program.

ALABAMA Public Albert P. Brewer State (Fayette) Alexander City State Junior College (Alexander City) Enterprise State Junior College (Enterprise) Faulkner State Junior. College (Bay Minette) Gadsden State Junior College (Gadsden) George C. Wallace State Junior College (Selma) George Wallace State Technical Junior College (Dothan) Jefferson Davis State Junior College (Brewton) Jefferson State Junior College (Birmingham) John C. Calhoun State Technical Junior College (Decatur) Lurleen B. Wallace State Junior College (Andalusia) Northeast Alabama State Junior College (Rainsville) Northwest. Alabama State Junior College (Phil Campbell) Patrick Henry State jlnior College (Monroeville) S. D. Bishop State Junior College (Mobile) Snead. State Junior College (Boaz) Southern Union State Junior College (Wadley) Theodore A. Lawson State Junior College (Big ingharn) Private Alabama Christian College (Montgomery) Alabama Lutheran Academy and College (Selma) . Cullman College (Cullman) Marion Institute (Marion) Walker College (Jasper)

ALASKA Public Universityof Alaska Anchorage (Anchorage) Universityof Alaska Juneau-Douglas Community College (Auke Bay) Universityof Alaska Ketchikan Community College (Ketchikan) Universityof Alaska Sitka Community College (Sitka) Private Sheldon Jackson College ( Sitka)

65 ARIZONA Public Arizona Western College (.Yuma) Central Arizona College (Coolidge) Cochise College (Douglas) Eastern Arizona College (Thatcher) Glendale Community College (Glendale) IVIaricopa Technical College (Phoenix) Mesa Community College (Mesa) Phoenix College (Phoenix) Pima Community College (Tucson) Scottsdale Community College (Scottsdale) Yavapai College (Prescott) Private College of Ganado (Ganado) Navajo Community College (Tsai le)

ARKANSAS Public Arkansas State University at Beebe (Beebe) Phillips County Community College (Helena) Westark Community College (Fort Smith) Private Crowley's Ridge College (Paragould) Shorter College (North Little Rock) Southern Baptist College (Walnut Ridge)

CALIFORNIA Public Allan Hancock College (Santa Maria) American River College (Sacramento) Antelope Valley College (Lancaster) Bakersfield College (Bakersfield) Barstow College (Barstow) Butte College (Durham) Cabrillo College (Aptos) CaTiada College (Redwood City) Cerritos College (Norwalk) Chabot College (Hayward) Chaffey College (Alta Loma) Citrus College (Azusa) City College (San Francisco) College of Alameda (Alameda) College of the Canyons (Valencia) College of the Desert (Palm Desert) College of Marin (Keutfield) College of the Redwoods (Eureka) College of San Mateo (San Mateo) 66 California, Public (cont.) College of the Sequoias (Visalia) College of the Siskiyous (Weed) Columbia Junior College (Columbia) Com!Jton Community College (Compton) Cosumnes River College (Sacramento) Contra Costa College (San Pablo) Crafton Hills College (Yucaipia) Cufsta College (San Luis Obispo-) Cypress College (Cypress) De Anza College (Cupertino) Diablo Valley College (Pleasant Hill) East Los Angeles College (Los Angeles) El Camino College (El Camillo) Feather River College (Quincy) Foothill College (Los Altos Hills) Fresno City College (Fresno) Fullerton Junior College (Fullerton) Gavilan College (Gilroy) Glendale College (Glendale) Golden West College (Huntington Beach) Grossmont College (El Cajon) Grove Street College (Oakland) Hartnell College (Salinas) Imperial Valley College (Imperial) Laney College (Oakland) Lassen College (Susanville) Long Beach City College (L ang Beach) Los Angeles City College (Los Angeles) Los Angeles Harbor College (Wilmington) Los Angeles Pierce College (Woodland Hills) Los Angeles Southwest College (Los Angeles) Los Angeles Trade Technical College (Los Angeles) Los Angeles Valley College (Van Nuys) Merced College (Merced) Merritt College (Oakland) Mira Costa College (Oceanside) Modesto Junior College (Modesto) Monterey Peninsula College (Monterey) Moorpark College (Moorpark)! Mount San Antonio College (Walnut) Mount San.Jacinto College (Gilman Hot Springs) Napa Co)%ge (Napa) Ohlone College (Fremont) Orange Coast College (Costa Mesa) Palo Verde College Blythe) Palomar College (San Marcos) Pasadena City College (Pasadena) Porterville College (Porterville) Reedley College (Reedley) Rio Hondo College (Whittier) Riverside City College (Riverside) Sacramento City College (Sacramento) Saddleback College (Mission Viejo) San Bernardino.Valley College (San Bernardino) 67 California, Public (cont.) San Diego Community College City College (San Diego) San Diego Community College Evening College (San Diego). San Diego Community College Mesa College (San Diego) San Joaquin Delta College.(Stockton) San Jose City Collei-r:2 (San Jose) Santa Ana College (Santa Ana) Santa Barbara City College (Santa Barbara) Santa Monica College (Santa Monica) Santa Rosa Junior College (Santa Rosa) Shasta College (Redding) Sierra College (Rocklin) Skyline College (San Bruno) So land College (Sutsun City). Southwestern College (Chula Vista) Taft College (Taft) Ventura College, (Ventura) Victor Valley College (Victorville) West Hills College (Coalinga) West Los Angeles College (Culver City) West Valley College (Campbell) Yuba College (Marysville) Private California Concordia College (Oakland) Colegio de la Tierra (Fresno) Don Bosco Technical Institute (Rosemead) Humphreys College (Stockton) Marymount College of Palos Verdes (Palos Verdes Peninsula) Miller Community College (Los Angeles) College (East Palo Alto)

COLORADO Public Aims College (Greeley) Arapahoe Community College (Littleton) Colorado Mountain College East Campus (Leadville) Colorado MountaiirCollege West Campus (Glenwood Springs) Community College of Denver Auraria Campus (Denver) Community College of Denver = North Campus (Denver) Community College of Denver Red Rocks Campus (Lakewood) El Paso Community College (Colorado Springs) Lamar Community College (Lamar) Mesa College (Grand Junction) Morgan County Community College (Fort Morgan) Northeastern Junior College (Sterling) Otero Rinior College (La Junta) Range ly College (Range ly) Trinidad State Junior College (Trinidad) Private Colorado Electrical Technical College (Manitou ,z,prings) 68 CONNECTICUT Public Greater Hartford Community College (Hartford) Hartford State Technical College (Hartford) Housatonic Regional Community College (Bridgeport) Manchester Community College (Manchester) Mattatuck Community College (Waterbury) Middlesex Community College (Middletown) Mohegan Community College (Norwich) Northwestern Connecticut Community College (Winsted) Norwalk Community College (Norwalk) Norwalk State Technical College (Norwalk) Quinebaug Valley Community College (Danielson) South Central Community College (New Haven) Thames Valley State Technical College (Norwich) Tunxis Community College (Farmington) University of Connecticut at Hartford (Hartford) University of Connecticut Southeastern Branch (Groton) University of Connecticut at Stamford (Stamford) University of Connecticut at Torrington (Torrington) University of Connecticut at Waterbury (Waterbury) Waterbury State Technical College (Waterbury) Private Hartford College for Women (Hartford) Mitchell College (New London) Morse of Hartford (Hartford) Mount Sacred Heart College (Hamden) Post Junior College (Waterbury) Saint Thomas Seminary (Bloomfield)

DELAWARE Public Delaware Technical and Community College Northern Branch (Wilmington) Delaware Technical and. Community College Southern Branch (Georgetown) Private Brandywine College (Wilmington) Goldey Beacom College (Wilmington) Wesley College (Doveri,

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Public Washington Technical Institute (Washington, D.C.) Private College of the Potomac (Washington, D.C.) Immaculata College of Washington (Washington, L.C.) Marjorie Webster Junior College (Washington, D.C.) Mount Vernon College (Washington, D.C.) 69 FLORIDA Public Brevard Community College (Cocoa) Broward Community College (Fort Lauderdale) Central Florida Community College (Ocala) Chipola Junior College (Marianna) Daytona Beach Community College (Daytona Beach) Edison Community College (Fort Myers) Florida Junior College at Jacksonville (Jacksonville). Florida Keys Community College (Key West) Gulf Coast Community College (Panama City) Hillsborough Community College (Tampa) Indian-River Community College (Fort pierce) Lake City Community College (Lake City) Lake-Sumter Community College (Leesburg) Manatee Junior College (Bradenton) MiamiDade Junior College (Miami) North Florida Junior College (Madison) Okaloosa-Walton Junior College (Niceville) Palm Beach Junior College (Lake Worth) Pensacola Junior College (Pensacola) Polk Junior College (Winter Haven)

Saint Johns River Junior College (Palatka) . Saint Petersburg Junior College (St. Petersburg) Santa Fe Community College (Gainesville) Seminole Junior College (Sanford) South Florida Junior College (Avon Park) Tallahassee Community College (Tallahassee) Valencia Community College (Orlando) Private Florida College (Temple Terrace) Marymount College (Boca Raton) Saint John Vianny Minor Seminary (Miami) Webber College (Babson Park)

GEORGIA Public Abraham Baldwin Agriculture College (Tifton) Albany Junior College (Albany) Brunswick Junior College. (Brunswick) Clayton Junior College (Morrow) Dalton Junior College (Dalton) Deka lb Community College (Clarkston) Fl yd Junior College (Rome) (7,thieSville Junior College (Gainesville) Gordor. Junior College (Barnesville) Kennesaw Junior College (Marietta)' Macon Junior College (Macon) Middle Gocgia College (Cochran) South Georgia College (Dorglas) 70 Georgia (cont.) Private. Andrew College (Cuthbert) Birdwood Junior College (Thomasville) Brewton-Parker College (Mount Vernon) Emmanuel College (Franklin Springs) Georgia Military College (Milledgeville) Reinhardt College (Waleska). Truett McConnell College (Cleveland) Young Harris College (Young Harris)

HAWAII Public . University of Hawaii Hawaii Community College (Hilo) University of Hawaii Honolulu Community College (Honolulu) University of Hawaii Kapiolani Community College (Honolulu) University of Hawaii Kauai Community College (Lihue) University of Hawaii Leeward Community. College (Pearl City) University of Hawaii Maui Community College (Kahului) Private Honolulu Business College (Honolulu)

IDAHO Public College of Southern ldaho (Twin Falls) North Idaho College (Coetu- d'Alene) Private Ricks College (Rexburg)

ILLINOIS Public Belleville Area College (Belleville) Black Hawk College East Campus (Kewanee) Black Hawk College Quad-Cities Campus (Moline) Carl Sandburg College (Galesburg) City Col,:ge of Chicago Amundsen-Mayfair College (Chicago) City College of Chicago Kennedy-King College (Chicago) City Colt,tge of Chicago Loop College (Chicago) City C: siege of Chicago Malcolm X College (Chicago) City College of Chicago Olive-Harvey College (Chicago) City College of Chicago Southwest College (Chicago) City College of Chicago Wright College (Chicago) Collage of Dupage (Glen Ellyn) College of Lake C.Atrity (Grayslake) Community College of Decatur (Decatur) Danville Junior College (Danville) 71 Illinois, Public (cont.) Elgin Community College (Elgin) Highland Community College (Freeport) Illinois Central College (East Peoria) Illinois Eastern Junior College Lincoln Trail College (Robinson) Illinois Eastern Junior College Olney Central College (Olney) Illinois Eastern Junior College Wabash Valley (Mount Carmel) Illinois Valley Community College (Oglesby) John A. Logan College (Carterville) Joliet Junior College (Joliet) Kankakee Community College (Kankakee) Kaskaskia College (Centralia) Kishwaukee College (Malta) Lake Land College (Mattoon) Lewis and Clark Community College (Godfrey) Lincoln Land Community College (Springfield) McHenry County Junior College (Crystal Lake) Moraine Valley Community College (Palos Hills) Morton College (Cicero) Oakton Community College (Morton Grove) Parkland College (Champaign) Prairie State College (Chicago Heights) Rend Lake College (Ina) Rcck Valley College (Rockford) Saux Valley College (Dixon) Shawnee College (U1 lin) Southeastern Illinois College (Harrisburg) Spoon River College (Cantjn) State Community College (East St. Louis) Thornton Community College (South Holland) Triton College (River Grove) Waubonese Community College (Sugar Grove) William Rainey Harper College (Palatine) Private American Academy of Art (Chicago) Central YMCA Community College (Chicago) Felician College (Chicago) Institute of Drafting and Technology (Morrison) Kendall College (Evanston) Lincoln College (Lincoln) MacCormack College (Chicago) Mallinekrodt College (Wilmette) Robert Morris College in Carthage (Carthage) Springfield College in Illinois (Springfield)

INDIANA Public Indiana University East (Richmond) Linco inland Technical Institute (Evansville) Mallory Technical Institute (Indianapolis) North Central Technical Institute (Kokomo) Northeast Technical Institute (Fort Wayne) 72 Indiana, Public (cont.) Saint Joseph Valley Technical Institute (South Bend) Vincennes University (Vincennes) Wabash Valley Technical Institute (Terre Haute) White River Valley Technical Institute (Columbus) Private Ancilla Domini College (Donaldson) Holy Cross Junior College (Notre Dame) International Junior College of Business (Fort Wayne)

IOWA Public Clinton Community Coilege (Clinton) Des Moines Area Cot, _unity College Ankeny Campus (Ankeny) Des Moines Area Community College Boone Campus (Boone) Ellsworth Community College (Iowa Falls) Hawkeye Institute of Technology (Waterloo)

. Indian Hills Community College Centerville (Centerville) Indian Hills Community College Iowa Tech (Ottumwa) Iowa Central Community College at Eagle Grove (Eagle Grove) Iowa Central Community College Fort Dodge Center (Fort Dodge) Iowa Central Community College at Webster City (Webster City) Iowa Lakes Community College North Campus (Estherville) Iowa Lakes Community College South Campus (Emmetsburg) Iowa Western Community College (Council Bluffs) Iowa Western Community College at Clarinda (Clarinda) Kirkwood Community College (Cedar Rapids) Marshalltown Community College (Marshalltown) Muscatine Community College (Muscatine) North Iowa Area Community College (Mason City) Northeast Iowa Vocational (Calmar) Scott Community College (Davenport) Southeastern Community College at Burlington (Burlington) Southeastern Community College at Keokuk (Keokuk) Southwestern Community College (Creston) Western Iowa Tech (Sioux City) Private. Grand View College (Des Moines) Mount Saint Clare College (Clinton) Ottumwa Heights College (Ottumwa) Palmer Junior College (Davenport) Waldorf College (Forest City)

KANSAS Public Allen County Community Junior College (Iola) Barton County Community Junior College (Great Bend) Butler County Community Junior College (El Dorado) 73 Kansas, Public (cont.) Cloud County Community Junior College (Concordia) Coffeyville Community Junior College (Coffeyville) Colby Community Junior College (Colby) Cowley County Community Junior College (Arkansas City) Dodge County Community College (Dodge City) Fort Scott Community Junior College (Fort Scott) Garden City Community Junior College (Garden City) Haskell Indian Junior College (Lawrence) Highland Community Junior College (Highland) Hutchinson Community Junior College (Hutchinson) .I)Idepeitdence Community Junior College (Independence) Johnson County Community Junior College (Overland Park) Kansas City Kansas Community Junior College. (Kansas City) Kansas Technical IrAitute (Salina) Labette Community Junior College (Parsons) Neosho County Community Junior College (Chanute) Pratt Community Junior College (Pratt) Seward County Community Junior College (Liberal) Private Central College (McPherson) Donnelly Co]le.ge (Kansas City) Hesston College (Hesston) Saint John's College (Winfield)

KENTUCKY Pudic Uliversity of Kentucky Community College System (Lexington) Private Alic) Lloyd College (Pipoa Passes) Lees Junior College (Jackson) Lin&Wilson College (Columbia) Midway College (Midway) Saint Chtharine College (St. Catharine) Southeas en) Christian College (Winchester) Sue Bennett College (London)

LOUISIANA Public Delgado Vocational Junior College (New Orleans) Louisiana State University at Alexandria (Alexandria) Louisiana State University at Eunice (Eunice) Louisiana State University at Shreveport (Shreveport) Saint Bernard Parish Community College (Chalmette) Southern University A&M College at Shreveport (Shreveport)

74 MAINE Public Eastern Maine Vocational Technical Institute (Bangor) Southern Maine Vocational Technical Institute (South Portland) University of Maine at Augusta (Augusta) University of Maine at Bangor (Bangor) Private Beal Business College (Bangor)

MARYLAND Public Allegheny Community College (Cumberland) Anne Arundel Community College (Arnold) Catonsville Community College (Catonsville) Cecil Community College (North East) Charles County Community College (La Plata) (Wye Mills) Community College of Baltimore (Baltimore) Dundalk Community College (Baltimore) Essex Community College (Baltimore) Frederick Community College (Frederick) Garrett Community College (McHenry) Hagerstown Junior College (Hagerstown) Harford Community College (Bel Airy (Columbia) at Rockville (Rockville) Montgomery College at Takoma Park (Takoma Park) Prince Georges Community College (Largo) Private Kirkland Hall College (Ocean City) Villa Julie College (Stevenson)

MASSACHUSETTS Public Berkshire Community College (Pittsfield) Bristol Community College (Fall River) Cape Cod. Community College (West Barnstable) Franklin Institute of Boston (Boston) Greenfield Community College (Greenfield) Holyoke Gnimunity College (Holyoke) Massachusetts Bay Community College (Watertown) Massasoit Community College (Brockton) Middlesex Community College (Bedford) Mount Wachusett Comraunity College (Gardner) Newton Junior College (Newtonville) North Shore Community College (Beverly) Northern Essex Community College (Harhill)

75 Massachusetts, Public (cont.) Quincy Junior College (Quincy) Quinsigamond Community College (Worcester) Springfield Technical Community College (Springfield)

Private -- Aquinas Junior College of Business (Milton) Aquinas Junior College of Business at Newton (Newton) Bay Path Junior College (Longmeadow) Bay State Junior College of Business (Boston) Becker Junior College (Worcester) Bryant-Stratton Commercial School (Boston) Burdett College (Boston) Cambridge Junior College (Cambridge) Chamberlayne Junior College (Boston) Dean Junior College (Franklin) Endicott-Junior College (Beverly) Fisher junior College (Boston) Forsyth Schodl ror Dental Hygienists (Boston) Garland Junior College (Boston) Graham Junior College (Boston) Katharine Gibbs School (Boston) Lasell Junior College (Auburndale) Leicester Junior College (Leicester) Mount Ida Junior College (Newton Centre) New England Institute of Embalming (Boston) Newbury Junior College (Boston) Northampton Junior College (Northampton) Perry Normal School (Milton) Pine Manor Junior College (Chestnut Hill) School of Worcester Art Museum (Worcester) Simon's Rock (Great Barrington) Wentworth Institute (Boston) Worcester Junior College (Worcester)

MICHIGAN Public Alpena Community. College (Alpena) Bay de Noc Community Coli Age (Escanaba) Delta College (University Certer) Genesee Community Co Dego. (Flint Glen Oaks Community College (Centreville) Gogebic Community College (Ironwood) Grand Rapids Junior College (Grand Rapids) Henry Ford Community College (Dearborn) Highland Park Community College (Highland Park) Jackson. Community College (Jackson) Kalamazoo Valley Community College (Kalamazoo) Kellogg CommulAy College (Battle Creek) Kirtland Community College (Roscommon) Lake Michigan College (Benton Harbor) Lansing Community College (Lansing) Macomb County Community College Center Campus (Mount Clemens) 76 Michigan, Public (cont.) Macomb County Corrimunity College South Campus (Warren) Mid-Michigan Community. College (Harrison) Monroe County Community College (Monroe) Montcahn Community College (Sidney) Muskegon Community College (Muskegon) North Central Michigan College (Petoskey) Northwestern Michigan College (Trave:.se City) Oakland Community College Auburn Hills Campus (Auburn Heights) Oakland Community College Highland Lakes Campus (Union Lake) Oakland Community College Orchard Ridge Campus (Farmington) Saint Clair County Community College (Port Huron) Sehoolcraft College (Livonia). Southwestern Michigan College (Dowagiac) Washtenaw Community College (Ann Arbor) Wayne County Community College (Detroit) West Shore Community College (Scottville) Private Concordia Lutheran Junior College (Ann Arbor) Davenport College of Business (Grand -Rapids) Jackson Business University (Jackson) Michigan Christian Junior College (Rochester) Muskegon Business College (Muskegon) Suomi College (Hancock) MINNESOTA Public Anoka-Ramsey State Junior College (Coon Rapids) Austin State Junior College (Austin) Brainerd State Junior College (Brainerd) Fergus Falls State Junior College (Fergus Falls)

Hibbing State Junior College (Hibbing) . Inver Hills State Junior College (Inver Grove Heights) Itasca State Junior College (Grand Rapids) Lakewood State Junior College (White Bear Lake) Mesabi State Junior College (Virginia) Metropolitan State Junior College (Minneapolis) Normanrlale State Junior 0)11ege (Bloomington) North Hennepin State Junior College (Biooklyn Park) Northland State Junior College (Thief River Falls) Rainy River State Junior College (International Falls) Rochester State.Junior College (Rochester) University of Minnesota Technical College; at Waseca (Waseca) University of Minnesota Technical Institat42- at Crookston (Crookston) Vermilion State Junior College (Ely) Willmar State Junior College (Willmar) Worthington State Junior College (Worthington) Private Bethany Lutheran College (Mankato) Crosier Seminary (Onamia) Golden Valley Lutheran College (Minneapolis) Saint Mary's Junior College (Minneapolis) 77 MISSISSIPPI Public Coahoma Junior College (Clarksdale) Copiah-Lincoln Junior College (Wesson) East Central Junior College (Decatur) East Mississippi Junior College (Scooba) Hinds Junior College (Raymond) Holmes Junior College (Goodman) Itawamba Junior College (Fulton) Jones County Junior College (Ellisville) Meridian Junior College (Meridian) Mississippi Delta Junior College (Moorhead) Mississippi Gulf Coast Junior College Jackson County Campus (Gautier) Mississippi Gulf Coast Junior College Jefferson Davis Campus (Handsboro) Mississippi Gulf Coast Junior College Perkiriston Campus (Perkinston) Northeast Mississippi Junior College (Booneville) Northwest Mississippi Junior College (Senatobia) Pearl River Junior College (Poplarville) Southwest Mississippi Junior College (Summit) Utica Junior College (Utica) Private Clarke College (Newton) Mary Holmes College (West Point) Natchez Junior College (Natchez) Prentiss Normal-Industrial Institute (Prentiss) Saints College (Lexington) Southeastern Baptist College (Laurel) Wood Junior College (Mathiston)

MISSOURI Public Crowder College (Neosho) East Central Missouri District Junior College (Union) Florissant Valley Community College (St. Louis) Forest Park Community College (St. Louis) Jefferson College (Hillsboro) Longview Community College (Lee's Summit) Maple Woods Community College (Kansas City) Meramec Community College (Kirkwood) Mineral Area College (Flat River) Moberly Junior College (Moberly) Penn Valley Community College (Kansas City) State Fair Community College (Sedalia) Three Rivers Community College (Poplar Bluff) Trenton Junior.College (Trenton) Private Columbia College (Columbia) Cottey College (Nevada) Kemper Military School and College (Boonville) Missouri Baptist College Hannibal-Lagrange Campus (Hannibal) 78 Missouri, Private. (cont.) Saint Mary's College at OTallon (O'Fallon) Saint Paul's College (Concordia) Virentworth Military Academy (Lexington)

MONTANA Public Dawson College (Glendive) Flathead Valley Community College (Kalispell) Miles Community College (Miles City)

NEBRASKA Public Central Nebraska Technical College (Hastings) Fairbury Junior College (Fairhu-y) Lincoln Technical College (Lincoln) McCook College (McCook) Nebraska Western College (Scotts Bluff) North Platte College (North Platte) Northeastern Nebraska College (Norfolk) Platte Junior College (Columbus) Private York College (Yor::)

NEVADA Public Clark County Community College (Las Ve,as) Elko Community College (Elko) Western Nevada Community College (Carson City) Private -Deep Springs College (Dyer)

NEW HAMPSHIRE. Public New Hampshire Technical. Institute at Concord (Concord) Private Colby Junior College for Women (New London) New England Aeronautical Institute (Nashua) - White Pines College (Chester) 79 NEW JERSEY Public Atlantic Community College (Mays Landing) Bergen Community College (Paramus) Brookdale Community College (Lincroft) Burlington County :College (Pemberton) Camden County College (Blackwood) County College of Morris (Dover) Cumberland County College (Vineland) Essex County College (Newark) Gloucester County College (Sewell) Mercer County Community College (Trenton) Middlesex County College (Edison) Ocean County College (Toms River) Passaic County Community College (Paterson) Somerset County College (Somerville) Private Alphonstis College (Woodcliff Lake) Assumption College for Sisters (Mendham) The Berkeley School (East Orange) Englewood Cliffs College (Englewood Cliffs) Fairleigh Dickinson University Edward Williams College (Hackensack) ;Katharine Gibbs School (Montclair) "Luther College (Teaneck) Salesian College (North Haledon) Tombrock College (West Paterson) Union College (Cranford)

NEW MEXICO Public Eastern New Mexico University at Roswell (Roswell) New Mexico Junior College (Hobbs) New Mexico Military Institute (Roswell) New Mexico State University Alamogordo Branch (Alamogordo) New Mexico- State University Carlsbad Branch (Carlsbad) New Mexico State University Grants Branch-(Grants) NeW Mexico State University San,juan Branch (Farmington) University of New Mexico at Gallup (Gallup)

NEW YORK Public Adirondack Community College (Glens Falls) Auburn Community College (Auburn) Borough of Manhattan Community College (New York) Bronx Community College (Bronx) Broome Community College (Binghamton) Clinton Community College (Plattsburgh) Columbia-Greene Community College (Athens) Community College of the Finger Lakes (Canandaigua)

80 New York, Public (cont.) Corning Community College (Corning) DutcheSs Community College (Fough.keepsie) Erie Community College (Amherst) Fashion Institute of Technology (New York) Fulton-Montgomery Community College (Johnstown) Genesee Community College (Batavia) Herkimer County r!ommunity College (Herkimer) Hostos Community College (Bronx) Hudson Valley Community College (Troy) Jamestown Community College (Jamestown) Jefferson Community. College (Watertown) Kingsborough Community College (Brooklyn) La Guardia Community College () Mohawk Valley Community College (Utica) Monroe Community College (Rochester) Nassau Community Ct, liege (Garden City) New York City Community College (Brooklyn) Niagara County Community Lullege (Niagara Falls) North Country Community College (Saranac Lake) Onondaga Community College (Syracuse) Orange County Community College (Middletown) Queensborough Community College (New York) Rockland Community College (Suffern) Schenectady County Community College (Schenectady)

Staten Island Community College (Staten Island) . State University of New York Agricultural and Technical College at Alfred (Alfred) State University of New Yt,rk Agricultural and Technical College at Canton k Canton) State University of New York Agricultural and Technical College at Cobles'-!::

(Cobleskill) . State University of New York Agricultural and Technical College at Delhi (Delhi) State University of New York Agricultural and Technical College at Farmingdale (F arm ingdale) State University of New York Agricultural and Technical College at Morrisville (Morrisville) Suffolk Con -.,31 Community College (Selden) Sullivan County Community College (South Fallsburg) Tompkins-Cortland Community College (Groton) Ulster County Community College (Stone Ridge) Westchester Community College (Valhalla) Private Academy of Aeronautics (Flushing) American Academy of Dramatic ArtS (New York) Bennett College (M,illbrook) Cazenovia College (Cazenovia) College for Human Services (New York) Elizabeth Sam College (Yonkers) Harriman College (Harriman) Hilbert College () La Salette Seminary (Altartymt) Maria College of Albany (Albany) 81 New York, Private (cont.) Maria Regina College (Syracuse) Mater Dei College (Ogdensburg) Paul Smith's College of Arts and Science (Paul Smiths) RCA Institutes (New York) Russell Sage Junior College of Albany (Albany) Trocaire. College (Buffalo) Villa Maria College at Buffalo (Buffalo)-

NORTH CAROLINA Public Anson Technical Institute (Ansonville) Asheville Buncombe Technical Institute (Asheville) Beaufort County Technical Institute (Washington) Bladen Technical Institute (Dublin) Blue Ridge Technical Institute (Hendersonville) Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute (Lenoir) Cape Feat. Technical Institute (Wilmington) Carteret Technical Institute (Morehead City) Catawba Valley Technical Institute (Hickory) Central Carolina Technical Institute (Sanford) Central Piedmont Community College (Charlotte) Cleveland County Technical Institute (Shelby) Coastal Carolina Community College (Jacksonville) College of the Albemarle (Elizabeth City) Craven Technical Institute (Newbern) Davidson County Community College (Lexington) Durham Technical Institute (Durham) East Carolina University at Camp Lejeune (Camp Lejeune) East Carolina University at Cherry Point (Cherry Point) Edgeotmbe Technical Institute (Tarboro) Fayetteville Ti:chnical Institute (Fayetteville).. Fors:1. Technical Institute (Winston-Salem) Gaston College (Dallas) Guilford Technical Institute (Jamestown) Halifax County Technical Institute (Weldon) Haywood Technical Institute (Clyde) Isothermal Community College (Spindale) James Sprant Institute (Kenansville) Lenoir Community College (Kinston) Martin Technical Institute (Williamston) McDowell Technical Institute (Marion) Nash Technical Institute (Rocky Mount) Pamlico Technical Institute (Alliance) Piedmont Technical Institute (Roxboro) Pitt Technical Institute (Greenville) Randolph Technical Institute (Ashehoro) Richmond Technical Institute (Hamlet) Roanoke-Chowan Technical Institute (Ahoskie) Robeson Technical Institute (St. Pauls) Rockingham Comma lity College (Wentworth) Rowan Technical Ins,ituta'Saii bury) Sampson Technical Inoitute (Clinton) Sandhills Community CAege (Southern Pines) 82 North Carolina, Public (cont.) Southeastern Comm Unity College (Whiteville) Southweste.i.n Technical Institute (Sylva) Surry Community College (Dobson) Technical Imitute of Alamance(Burlington) Tri-County Technical Institute (Murphy) Vance County Technical Institute (Henderson) W. W. Holding Technical Institute (Raleigh) Wayne Community College (Goldsboro) Western Piedmont Community College (Morganton) Wilkes Community College (Wilkesboro) Wilson County Technical Institute (Wilson) Private Brevard College (Brevard)- Chowan College (Murfreesboro) Durham College (Durham) King's College (Charlotte) (Kittrell) Lees-McRae College (Banner Elk) Louisburg Cc llege (Louisburg) Mitchell College (Statesville) Montreat-Anderson College (Montreat) Mount 03: :e College (Mount Olive) Peace College (Raleigh) Saint Mary's Junior College (Raleigh) Southwood College (Salemburg) Wingate College (Wingate)

NORTH DAKOTA Public Bismarck Junior College (Bismarck) Lake Region Junior College (Devils Lake) North Dakota of Science (Wahpeton) North Dakota State University at Bottineau (Bottineau) University of North Dakota at Williston.(Williston)

OHIO Public Belmont Technical College (St.Clairsvilk) Bowling Green State University at Fire linds.',Huron) CincNnati Technical Institute (Cincinnati). Clark Technical College (Springfield) Columbus Technical Institute (Columbus) Cuyahoga Community College -- Metropolitan Campus (Cleveland) Cuyahoga Community College Western Campus (Parma Heights) Hocking Technical College (Nelsonville) Jefferson County Technical Institute (Steubenville) Kent State University Ashtabula Regional Campus (Ashtabula) Kent State University East Regional Campus (East Liverpool) Kent State University Salem Regional Campus (Salem) 83 Ohio, Pub liC (cont.)

Kent State University St±. County Regional Campus (North .Cantol.) , Kent State University Trumbc7egional C,ampus (Warren) Kent State University Tus ^ara_Ls Regional Campus (New Philadelphia) Lakeland 0,ommunity College (Mentor) Lima Technical College (Lima) Lorain County Community College (Elyria). Marion Technical College (Marion) Miami University at Hamilton (Hamilton) Miami University at Middletown (Middletown) Michael J. Owens Technical College (Perrysburg) Muskingum Area Technical Institute (Zanesville) North Central Technical College (flansfield) Northwest Technical College (Archbold). Ohio State University at Lima (Lima) Ohio State Un;versity at Mansfield (Mansfield) Ohio State University at Marion (Marion) Ohio State University at Newark (Newark) Ohio University Belmont County Branch (St, Clairsville) Ohio University at Chillicothe (Chillicothe) Ohio University at Ironton (Ironton) Ohio University at Lancaster (Lancaster) Ohio University at Portsmouth (Portsmouth) Ohio University at Zanesville (Zanesville) Scioto County Technical Institute (Lucasville) Sinclair Community College (Dayton) Stark State Technical Institute (Canton) . Raymond Walters Branch (Blue 2!Sh) Vanguard Technical Institute (Fremont) Wright State University Western Ohio Branch (Celina) Private Bliss College (Columbus) (St. Martin) Davis Junior College (Toledo) Kettering College of Medical Arts (Kettering). Lourdes Junior College (Sylvania) Miami-Jacobs Juror College of Business (Dayton) Mount Vernon Nazarene College (Mount Vernon)

OKLAHOMA Public Altus Junfor College (Altus) Carl Albert Junior College (Poteau) Claremore Junior College (Claremore) Connors State College (Warner) Eastern Oklahoma State College (Wilburton) El .Reno Junior College (El Reno) Murray State College (Tishomingo) Northeastern Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College (Miami) Northern Oklahoma College (Tonkaw..1) Oklahoma State University at Oklahoma City (Oklahoma City) Oscar Rose Junior College (Midwest City) 84 Gliahoma, Public (cont.) Sayre Junior College (Sayre) Seminole Junior College (Seminole) South Oklahoma City Junior College (Oklahoma City) Tulsa Junior College (Tulsa) Private Bacone Colleg. (Bacone) Hillsdale Free _Will Baptist College (Moore) Oklahoma School of Business, Accounting, Law and Finar:4:e (Tulsa) Saint Gregory's College (Shawnee) Southwestern College (Oklahoma City)

OREGON Public Blue Mountain Community College (Pendleton) Central Oregon Community College (Bend) Chemeketa Community College (Salem) Clackamas Community College (Oregon City) Clatsop Community College (Astoria) Lane Community College (Eugene) Linn-Benton Community College (Albany) Mount Hood Community College (Gresham) Portland Community College (Port lar.cl) Rogue Community College (Grants Pass) Southwestern Oregon Community College (Coos Bay) Treasure Valley Community College (Ontario) Umpqua Community College (Roseburg) Private. Concordia College (Portland) Judson Baptist Ca liege (Portland)

PENNSYLVANIA Public Bucks County Community College (Newtown) Butler County Community College (Butler) Clarion State College Venango Campus (Oil City) Community College of Allegheny County Allegheny. Campus (Pittsburgh) Commuiiity College of Allegheny County Boyce Campus (Monroeville) .Community College of Allegheny County South Campus (West Mifflin) Community College of Beaver County (Monaca) Community College of Delaware County (Media) Community College of Philadelphia (Philadelphia) Harrisburg Area Community College (Harrisburg) Indiana UniVersity of Pennsylvania in Armstrong County (Kitt,toning) Indiana University of Pennsylvania at Punxsutawney (Punxsutawney) Lehigh County Community College(SchnecksviIle) Luzerne County Community College.(Wilkes-Barre) Montgomery County Community College (Blue Bell) 85 Pennsylvania, Public (cant) Northinpton County Area Community College (Bethlehem) Pennsylvania State University Allentown Can:pus (Allentown) Pennsylvania State University Altoona Campus (Altoona) P,,nns-lvania State University Beaver ',;ampus (Monaca) Pennsylvania State University Berks Campus (Reading) Pennsylvania State University-- Delaware Campus (Chester) Pennsylvania State UniverSity DuBois Ca.npus (DuBois) Pennsylvania State Universi3, Fayette Campus (Uniontown) Pennsylvania State University Hazleton Campus (Hazleton) Pennsylvania State University McKeesport Campus (McKeesport) Pennsylvania State University 11...t Alto Campus-(-Mont Alto) Pennsylvania.State University New Kensington Campus (New Kenstigton) Pennsylvania State University Ogontz Campus (Abington) Pennsylvania State University Schuylkill Campus (Schuylkill Haven) Pennsylvania State University Shenango Valley Campus (Sharon) Pennsylvania State University Wilkes-Barre Campus (Wilkes-Barre) Pennsylvania State University Worthington-Scranton Campus (Dunmore) Pennsylvania State University York Campus (York) Reading Area Community College (Reading) Temple University Ambler Campus (Ambler) University of Pittsburgh Bradford Campus (Bradford) University of Pittsburgh Greensburg, Campus (Greensburg) University of Pittsburgh Titusville Campus (Titusville) Westmoreland Olinty Community College (Youngwood) William Sport Area Community College (Williamsport) Private Ellen Cushing Junior College (Bryn Mawr) Harcum.Junior College (Bryn Mawr) Keystone Junior College (La Plume) Lackawanna Junior college (Scranton) Manor Junior College (Jenkintown) Mount Aloysns Junior College (Cresson) Northeastern ChriStian Junior College (Villanova) Peirce Junior College (Philadelia) Penn Hall Junior College (Chat.- ersburg) Pinebrook Junior College (East Stroudsburg) Valley Forge. Military Junior College (Wayne)

RHODE ISLAND Public Rhode Island Junior College (Providence)

SOUTH CAROLINA. Public Aiken Technical Education Center (Aiken) Berk-Charle:4on-DorchestEr Technical Education Center (North Charleston) Chesterfield-Maiboro.Technical Education Center (Cheraw) Clemson University at Greenville (Greenville) 86 South Carolina, Public (cont.) Clemson. University at Sumter (Sumter) Florence Darlington Technical Education Center (Florence) Greenville Technical Education Center (Greenville) lorry- Georgetown Technical Education Center (Conway) Midlands Technical Education Center (Columbia) Orangeburg Calhoun Technical Education Center (Orangeburg), Piedmont Technical Education. Center (Gveenwood) Spartanburg County Technical Education Center (Spartanburg) 11:ter Aria 7Cechnical Education Center (Sumter) Tri-County Technical Education-Center (Pendleton) University of South Carolina at Aiken (Aiken) T Iniversity of South Carolina at Allendale (Allendale) dniversity of South Carolina at Beaufort (Beaufort) University of South Carolina at Conway ,:_lonway) University of South Carolina at Spartaaliurg (Spartanburg) UniVersity of South Carolina at Union (Union) York County Technical Education Center (Rock Hill) Private Anderson College (Andersen) Friendship Junior College (Rock Hill) North Greenville College (Tigerville) Palmer College (Charleston) Palmer College at Columbia (Columbia) Spartanburg Junior College (Spartanburg)

SOUTH DAKOTA Private Freeman Junior College (Freeman) Presentaion College (Aberdeen)

TENNESSEE Public Chattanooga State Technical Institute (Chattanooga) Cleveland State. Community College (Cleveland) Columbia State Community College (Columbia) Dyersburg State Community College(Dyersburg) Jackson State Community College (Jackson) Mot low State Community College (Tullahoma) Nashville State Technical Institute (Nashville) Roane State Community College (Harriman) .Shelby State Community College (Memphis) State Technical Institute at Memphis (MehTiphis) Volunteer State, Community College (Gall--Ain) Walters State Community Colley (Morristown) Private .Aquinas Junior College (Nashville) -.',..lumberland College of Tennessee (Lebanon) 87 Tennessee, Private (cont.) Freecl-Hardeman College (Henderson) Hiwassee College (Madisonville) John A. Gupton College (Nashvi:le) Martin College (Pulaski) (Morristown) Steed College (Johnson City)

TEXAS Public Alvin Junior College (Alvin) Amarillo College (Amarillo) Angelina College (Lufkin) Bee County College (Beeville) Blinn College (Brenham) Brazosport College (Lake Jackson) Central Texas College (Killeen) Cisco Junior College (Cisco) Clarendon College (Clarendon) College of the Mainland (Texas City) Cooke County Junior College (Gainesville) Del Mar College (Corpus Christi) Eastfield College (Mesquite) El Centro College (Dallas) El Paso Community College (El Paso) Frank Phillips College (Borger) Galveston College (Galveston) Grayson County Junior College (Denison) Henderson County Junior College (Athens) Hill Junior College (Hillsboro) Houston Community College (Houston) Howard County Junior College (Big Spring) Kilgore College (Kilgore) Laredo Junior College (Laredo) Lee College (Baytown) McLennan Community College (Waco) Mountain View College (Dallas) Navarro Junior College (Corsicana) Odessa College (Odessa) Odessa College Midland Campus (Midland) Pano la Junior College (Carthage) Junior College (Paris) Aanger Junior College (Ranger) Richland College, (Dallas) Saint Phillip's College (San Antonio) San Antonio College (San Antonio) San Jacinto College (Pasadena) South Plains College (Leve lland) Southwest Texas Junior College (Uvalde) Tarrant County Junior College Nortilefist Campus (Hurst) Tarrant County Junior College Southern Campus (Fort Worth) Temple Junior College (Temple) Texarkana College (Texarkana) 88 Texas, Public (cent.) Texas Southmost College (BrownsviP9) Texas StateTed..ical Institute J.. nes Connally Campus (Waco) Texas State Technical Institute . Mid- Continent Campus (Amarillo) Texas State Technical Institute Rio Grande Campus (Harlingen) Tyler Junior College (Tyler) Vernon Regional Junior College (Vernon) (Victoria) Weatherford College ( Weatherford) Western Texas College (Snyder) Wharton County Junior College (Wharton) Private Concordia Lutheran College (Aastin) Devry Institute of Technology (Dallas) Jacksonville College (Jacksonville) Lon Morris College (Jacksonville) Schreiner Institute (Kerrville) South Texas Junior College (Houston) Southwestern Christian College (Terrell)

UTAH. Public College of Eastern Utah (Price) Dixie College (St. George) Snow College (Ephraim) Utah Technical College at Provo (Provo) Utah Technical College at Salt Lake City (Salt Lake City) Private Latter-Day Saints Business College (Salt Lake City) Stevens Henager College (Salt Lake City) Stevens Henager College at Ogden (Ogden)

VERMONT Public Vermont Technical College (Randolph Center) Private Champlain College (Burlington) Green Mou,ILain College (Poultney) Saint Joseph College (Old Bennington)

VIRGINIA Public Bliie Ridge Community College (Weyers Cave) Central Virginia: Community College (Lynchburg) Dabney Lancaster Community College (Clifton Forge).. 89 Virginia, Public (cont.) Danville Community College (Danville) Eastern Shore Community College (Wallops Island) Germanna Community College (Fredericksburg) Sargeant Reynolds Community College (Richmond)

John Tyler Community College (Chester) . Lord Fairfax Community College (Middletown) Mountain Empire community College (Big Stone CL New River Community College (Dublin) Northern Virginia Community College (Annandan,) Patrick Henry Con- 4,,,inity College (Martinsville) Paul D. Camp Community College (Franklin) Piedmont Virginia Community College (Charlottesville), Rappahannock Communit,F College (Glenns) Richard Bland College of College of William an.' Mary (Petersburg) Southside Virginia Community College (Alberta) Southwest Virginia Community College (Richlands) Thomas Nelson Community College (Hampton) Tidewater Community C011ege (Portsmouth) Virg Ulla Highlands Community College (Abingdon) Virginia Western Community College (Roanoke) Wytheville Community College (Wytheville) Private Bluefield College (Bluefield) Ferrum 'College (Ferrum) Marymount College of Virginia (Arlington) National Busina3s College (Roanoke) Southern Seminary Junior College (Buor:'s Vista) Sullins College (Bristol) Virginia College (Lynchbug)

WASHINGTON Public Bellevue Community College (Bellevue) Big Bend Community College (Moses Lake) Centralia Co llzge (Centralia) Clark College () Columbia Basin Community College (Pasco) Edmonds Community College (Lynn Wood) Everett Community College (Everett) Fort Steilacoom Community College (Tacoma) Grays Harbor College (Aberdeen) Green River Community College (Auburn) Highiine Community College (Midway) Lower Columbia College (Longview) Olympia Vocational T6chnical Institute (Olympia) Olympic Coll?ge (Bremertou) Peninsula Co lege (Port Angeles) Seattle Community College Central Campus (*Seattle) Seattle CommuttIty College -NorthNorth Campus (Seattle) Seattle. Community College South Campus (Seattle) 90 Washington Public (cont.) Shoreline Community College (Seattle) Skagit Valley College (Mount Vernon) Spokane Community College (Spokane) Spokane Falls Community College (Spokane) Tacoma Community College (Tacoma) Walla Walla Community College (Walla Walla) Wenatchee Valley College (Wenatchee)--- Whatcom Community College (Ferndale) Yakima Valley College (Yakima)

WEST VIRGINIA Public Parkersburg Community College (Parkersburg) Potomac State College of West Virginia University (Keyser) Southern West Virginia Community College a Logan (Logan) Southern West Virginia Community College at Williamson (Williamson) West Virginia Northern Community College at Weirton (Weirton) West Virginia Northern Community College at Wheeling (Wheeling) Private Beckley College (Beckley) ti Ohio Valley College (Parkersburg) Salem College at Clarksburg (Clarksburg)

WISCONSIN Public Blackhawk Technical Institute (Janesville) District One Technical Institute (Eau Claire) Fox Valley Technical Institute (Appleton) Gateway Technical Institute at Kenosha (Kenosha) Gateway Technical Institute at Racine (Racine) Lakeshore Technical Institute (1`,Ianitowoc) Madison Area Technical College (Madison) Milwaukee Area Technical College (Milwaukee) Moraine Park Technical Institute (Fond du Lac) Nicolet College-Technical Institute (Rhinelander) North Central Technical Institute (Wausau) Northeast Wisconsin Technical Institute (Green Bay) Southwest Wisconsin Vocational and Technical School (Fennimore) University of Wisconsin Center System (Madison) Waukesha County Technical Institute (Pewaukee) Western Wisconsin Technical Institute (La Crosse) Private Concordia College (Milwaukee)

91 WYOMING Pubik Casper College (Casper) Central Wyoming College (RN erton) Eastern Wyoming College (Torrington) Laramie County Community College (Cheyenne) Northwest Community College (Powell) (Sheridan) Western Wyoming Community College (Rock Springs)

OUTLYING AREAS American Samoa Public. Cominu'....; College of AlL2rican moa (Pago Pago)

Puerto Rico Public University of Puerto Rico Regional Colleges Administration (Rio Piedras) Private Inter-American University at Aguadilla (Aguadilla) Inter-American University at Arecibo (Arecibo) Inter-American University at Barranquitas (Barranquitas) Inter-American University at Bayamon (Bayamon) Inter-American University at Ponce. (Ponce) Puerto Rico Junior College (Rio Piedras)

Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Eastern Carblitie Island Public Community College of Micronesia (Ponape Island)


5.1. Bible Colleges and Religious Serninaries

ALABAMA, Southeastern Bible College (Birmingham)

CALIFORNIA Amei:kan Baptist Seminary of the West Berkeley (Berkela'; American Baptist Seminary of the West Covina (Covina) Bethany Bible College (Santa Cruz). Church Divinity School of the Pacific (Berkeley) Fuller Theological Seminary (Pasadena) Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary (Mill Valley) Graduate Theological. Union (Berkeley) Hebrew Union College California Branch (Los Angeles) 'Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley (Berkeley) - Los Angeles Baptist College and Theological Seminary (Newhall) Mennonite B.ethren Biblical Seminary (Fresno) Pacific Christian College (Long Beach) .Pacific Lutheran Theological SeminarY (Berkeley) Pacific School of Religion (Berkeley) Russell College (Burlingame) Saint Albert's College (Oakland) Saint John's' College (Camarillo) Saint Patrick's College (Mountain View) Saint Patrick's Seminary (Menlo Park) San Francisco Theological Seminary (San Anse/mo) San Jose Bible College (San Jose) Simpson College (San Francisco) Southern California School of Theology ;Claremont) Starr King School for the Ministry (Berkeley) West Coast Bible College (Fresno)

COLORADO Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary (Denver) Iliff School of Theology (Denver) Saint Thomas Seminary (Denver) Yeshiia Toras Chaim Talmud Seminary (Denver) CONNECTICUT Hartford Seminary FOundation (Hartford) Holy Apostles Seminary College (Cromwell) .Saint-Alphonsus College (Suffield) Saint Basil's College (Stamford)

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Oblate College (Washington, D.C.) Saint Paul's College (Washington, D.C.) Wesley Theological Seminary (Washington, D.C.)

FLORIDA Seminary of Saint Vincent de Paul (Boynton Beach) Southeastern Bible College (Lakeland)

GEORGIA Atlanta Christian College (East Point) Columbia Theological Seminary (Decatur) Interdenominational Theological Center (Atlanta) Toccoa Falls Institute (Toccoa)

ILLINOIS Bethany Theological Seminary (Oak Brook) Catholic Theological Union (Chicago) Chicago Theological Seminary (Chicago) Concordia Theological Seminary (Springfield) Evangelical Theological Seminary (Naperville) Garrett Biblical Institute (Evanston) Hebrew Theological College (Skokie) Lincoln Christian College (Lincoln) Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (Chicago) McCormick Theological Seminary (Chicago) Meadville-Lombard Theological School (Chicago) Moody Bible Institute (Chicago) Northern Baptist Theological Seminary (Oak Brook) Saint Mary of the Lake Seminary (Mundelein) Seabury-Western Theological Seminary (Evanston)

INDIANA Christian Theological Seminary (Indianapolis) Fort Wayne Bible College (Fort Wayne) Goshen Biblical Seminary (Elkhart) 94 Indiana (cont.) Grace Theological Seminary (Winona Lake) Mennonite Biblical Seminary (Elkhart) Saint Joseph's Capuchin Seminary (Crown Point) Saint Meinrad College (St. Meinrad) Saint Meinrad School of Theology (St. Meinrad)

IOWA Aquinas Institute School of Theology (Dubuque) Divine Word College (Epworth) Faith Baptist Bible College (Ankeny) Vennard College (University Park) Wartburg Theological Seminary (Dubuque)

KANSAS Central Baptist Theological Seminary (Kansas City) Friends Bible College (Haviland) Manhattan Christian College (Manhattan)

KENTUCKY Asbury Theological Seminary (Wilmore) Kentucky Christian College (Grayson) Lexington Theological Seminary (Lexington) Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary (Louisville) Saint Mary's College (St. Mary) Seminary of Saint Pius X (Erlanger) Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Louisville)

LOUISIANA New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (New Orleans) Notre Dame Seminary (New Orleans) Saint Joseph Seminary College (St. Benedict)

MAINE Bangor Theological Seminary (Bangor)

MARYLAND Ner Israel Rabbinical College (Baltimore) Saint Mary's Seminary and University (Baltimore) Washington Bible College (Lanham) Washington Theological Coalition (Silver Spring) 95 MASSACHUSETTS Andover Newton Theological School (Newton Centre) Berkshire Christian College (Lenox) Episcopal Theological School (Cambridge) Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (South Hamilton) Hebrew College {Brookline) Hellenic College (Brookline) Mount Alvernia College (Newton) Saint Hyacinth College and Seminary (Granby) Saint John's Seminary ()

MICHIGAN Calvin Theological Seminary (Grand Rapids) Detroit Bible College (Detroit) Grace Bibie College (Grand Rapids) Grand Rapids Baptist College and Seminary (Grand Rapids) Reformed Bible College (Grand Rapids) Sacred Heart Seminary (Detroit) Western Theological Seminary (Holland)

MINNESOTA Bethel Seminary (St. Paul) Concordia College at Saint Paul (St. Paul) Lutheran Theological Seminary (St. Paul) Minnesota Bible College (Rochester) North Central Bible College (Minneapolis) Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary (St. Paul) Saint Paul Bible College (Bible College) Saint Paul Seminary (St. Paul) United Theological Seminary (New Brighton)

MISSISSIPPI Reformed Theological Seminary (Jackson)

MISSOURI Calvary Bible College (Kansas City) Cardinal Glennon College (St. Louis) Central Bible College (Springfield) Concordia Seminary (St. Louis) Covenant Theological Seminary (St. Louis) Eden Theological Seminary (Webster Groves) Immaculate Conception Seminary (Conception) Kenrick Seminary (St. Louis) 96 Missouri (cont.) Mari llac College (St. Louis) Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Kansas City) Nazarene Theoiogical Seminary (Kansas City) Notre Dame College (St. Louis) Saint Mary's Seminary and College (Perryville) Saint Paul School of Theology (Kansas City)

NEBRASKA Grace Bible Institute (Omaha) Platte Valley Bible College (Scotts Bluff)

NEW JERSEY Beth Medrash Govoha (Lakewood) Don Bosco College (Newton) Immaculate Conception Seminary (Mahwah) New Brunswick Theological Seminary (New Brunswick) Northeastern College Bible Institute (Essex Fells) Princeton Theological Seminary (Princeton) Saint Michael's Passionist Monastery (Union City)

NEW YORK Be'er Shmuel Talmudical Academy (Brooklyn) Beth Jacob Hebrew Teachers College (New York) Bobover Yeshiva Bnei Zion (Brooklyn) Cathedral College of Immaculate Conception (Douglaston) Central Yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim Lubavitz (Brooklyn) College of Rochester-Bexley-Crozer (Rochester) General Theological Seminary (New York) George Mercer Junior Memorial School of Theology (Garden City) Hebrew Union College New York Branch (New York) Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary (Jordanville) Immaculate Conception Seminary (Troy) Jewish Theological Seminary of America (New York) Kehilath Yakov Rabbinical Seminary (Brooklyn) Maryknoll Seminary (Maryknoll) Mesivta Eastern Parkway Rabbinical Seminary (Brooklyn) Mesivtha Tifereth of America (New York) Mesivtha Torah Vodaath Seminary (Brooklyn) Mirrer Yeshiva Central Institute (Brooklyn) Mount Saint Alphonsus Seminary (Esopus) New York Theological Seminary (New York) Nyack Missionary College (Nyack) Passionist Monastic Seminary (Jamaica) Rabbi Jacob Joseph Rabbinical College of New York (New York) Rabbinical Academy of Mesivta Rabbi Chaim (Brooklyn) Rabbinical College Ch'sam Sofer of New York (Brooklyn)

97 New York (cont.) Rabbinical College of Kamenitz Yeshiva (Brooklyn) Rabbinical College of Long Island (Long Beach) Rabbinical Seminary of America (New York) Rabbinical Seminary of Netzach Israel Ram (Brooklyn) Saint Bernard's Seminary (Rochester) Saint John Vianney Seminary (East Aurora) Saint Joseph's Seminary and College (Yonkers) Saint Vladimir Orthodox Theological Seminary (Crestwood) Union Theological Seminary (New York) Wad hams Hall Seminary and College (Ogdensburg) (New York) Yeshiva Beth Shearim Rabbinical Institute (Brooklyn)

NORTH CAROLINA Piedmont Bible College (Winston-Salem) Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (Wake Forest)

NORTH DAKOTA Northwest Bible College (Minot)

OHIO (Norwood) Borromeo Seminary of Ohio (Wickliffe) Cincinnati Bible Seminary (Cincinnati) Evangelical Lutheran Theological Seminary (Columbus) Hebrew Union College (Cincinnati) Methodist Theological School in Ohio (Delaware) Pontifical College Josephinum (Worthington) Saint Mary Seminary (Cleveland) United Theological Seminary (Dayton)

OREGON Mount Angel Seminary (St. Benedict) Multnomah School of Bible (Portland) Northwest Christian College (Eugene) Western Baptist Bible College (Salem) Western Conservative Baptist Seminary (Portland)

PENNSYLVANIA Academy of the New Church (Bryn Athyn) Baptist Bible College of Pennsylvania (Clarks Summit) 98 Pennsylvania (cont.) Divinity School of the Protestant Episcopal Church (Philadelphia) Eastern Baptist Theological ,(;eminary (Philadelphia) Faith Theological Seminary (Elkins Park) Lancaster School of Bible (Lancaster) Lancaster Theological Seminary (Lancaster) Lutheran Theological Seminary in Gettysburg (Gettysburg) Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia (Philadelphia) Mary Immacu'te Seminary and College (Northampton) Northeast Bible Institute (Green Lane) Philadelphia College Of Bible.(Philadelphia) Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (Pittsburgh) Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary (Pittsburgh) Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary (Philadelphia) Saint Fide lis College (Herman) Saint Francis Seminary (Loretto) Saint Vincent Seminary (Latrobe) Theological Seminary for the Reformed Episcopal Church (Philadelphia) United Wesleyan College (Allentown) Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia)

RHODE ISLAND Seminary of our Lady of Providence (Warwick)

SOUTH "CAROLINA Central Wesleyan College (Central) Columbia Bible College (Columbia) Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary (Columbia)

SOUTH DAKOTA North American Baptist Seminary (Sioux Falls)

TENNESSEE American Baptist Theological Seminary (Nashville) Free Will Baptist Bible College (Nashville) Harding of Religion (Memphis) Johnson Bible College (Knoxville) Memphis Theological Seminary (Memphis) Mid-South Bible. College (Memphis)

TEXAS Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary (Austin) Dallas Bible College (Dallas) 99 Texas (cont.) Dallas Theological Seminary Graduate School (Dallas) Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest (Austin) Gulf Coast Bible College (Houston) Oblate College of the Southwest (San Antonio) Southwestern Assembly of God College (Waxahachie) Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Fort Worth)

'VIRGINIA Presbyterian School of Christian Education (Richmond) Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary in Virginia (Alexandria) Union Theological Seminary, in Virginia (Richmond)

WASHINGTON Northwest College (Kirkland) Sulpician Seminary of the Northwest (Kenmore)

WEST VIRGINIA Appalachian 'Bible Institute (Bradley)

WISCONSIN Holy Redeemer College (Waterford) Nashotah House (Nashotah) Saint Francis School of Pastoral Ministry (MiIwaulq e)

100 5.2. Medical Schools Albany Medical College (Albany, New York) Baylor College of Medicine (Houston, Texas) Chicago Medical School University of Health Science (Chicago, Illinois) *City University of New York Mt. Sinai School of Medicine (New York, New York) *College of,Medicine and Dentistry (Newark, New Jersey) Hahnemann Medical College (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) *Indiana University Medical Center at Indianapolis (Indianapolis, Indiana) *Louisiana State University at New Orleans (New Orleans, Louisiana) *Medical College of Georgia (Augusta, Georgia) *Medical College of Ohio at Toledo (Toledo, Ohio) The Medical College of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) Medical College of Wisconsin (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) *Medical University of South Carolina (Charleston, South Carolina) IVIeharry Medical College (Nashville, Tennessee) . (New York, New York) *Pennsylvania State University Hershey Medical Center (Hershey, Pennsylvania) Rush Medical College (Chicago, Illinois) *State University of New York Downstate Medical Center (Brooklyn, New York) *State University of New York Health Science Center at Buffalo (Buffalo, New York) *State University of New York Health Science Center at Stony Brook (Stony Brook, New York) *State University of New York Upstate Medical Center (Sitacuse, New York) *University of Alabama in Birmingham (Birmingham, Alabama). *University of Arkansas Medical Center (Little Rock, Arkansas) *University of California at San Francisco (San Francisco, California) *University of Colorado Medical Center (Denver, Colorado) *University of Connecticut Health Center (Farmington, Connecticut) *University of Illinois Medical Center at Chicago (Chicago, Illinois) *University of Maryland Baltimore Professional Schools (Baltimore, Maryland) *University of Massachusetts Medical School at Worcester (Worcester, Massachusetts) University of Minnesota Mayo Graduate School of Medicine (Rochester, Minnesota) *University of Mississipp Medical Center (Jackson, Mississippi) *University of Nebraska Medical Center (Omaha, Nebraska) *University of Oklahoma Health Science Center (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) *University of Oregon Medical School (Portland, Oregon) *University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences (San Juan, Puerto Rico) *University of Tennessee (Memphis, Tennessee) *University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (Galveston, Texas) *University of Texas Medical School at Dallas (Dallas, Texas) *University of Texas Medical School at Houston (Houston, Texas) *University of Texas Medical School at San Antonio (San Antonio, Texas) *Indicates the institution is public. All others are private. 101 5.3. Other Health Professions . Albany College of Pharmacy (Albany, New York) Baylor College of Dentistry (Dallas, Texas) California College of Podiatric Medicine (San Francisco, California) California School of Professional Psychology (Los Angeles, California) California School of Professional Psychology (San Francisco, California) Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine (Chicago, Illinois) College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery (Des Moines, Iowa) Columbia University College of Pharmacy (New York, New York) Illinois Co llege of Optometry (Chicago, Illinois) Illinois College of Podiatric Medicine (Chicago, Illinois) Kansas City College of Osteopathic Medicine (Kansas City, Missouri) Kirksville. College of Osteopathic Medicine (Kirksville, Missouri) Long Island University of Pharmacy (Brooklyn, New York) Los Angeles College of Optometry (Los Angeles, California) Massachusetts College of Optometry (Boston, Massachusetts) Massachusetts College of Pharmacy (Boston, Massachusetts) Mercer University Southern School of Pharmacy (Atlanta, Georgia) National College of Chiropractice (Lombard, Illinois) New York College of Podiatric Medicine (New York, New York) Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine (Cleveland, Ohio) Pennsylvania College of Optometry (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) Pennsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) Philadelphia College of Osteopathici Medicine (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) Saint Louis College of Pharmacy (St. Louis, Missouri) Southern College of Optometry (Memphis, Tennessee) *State University of New York State College of Optometry (New York, New York) Texas College of Osteopathic.Medicine (Fort Worth, Texas) *University of Oregon Dental School (Portland, Oregon) *University of Texas Dental Branch (Houston, Texas) *University of Texas Nursing School (Austin, Texas) *University of Texas School of Public Health (Houston, Texas) Vermont College (Montpelier, Vermont) Thomas Jefferson University (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)

*Indicates the insitution is public. All others are private. 102 5.4. Schools of Engineering and Technology Aero-Space Institute (Chicago, Illinois) *Air Force Institute of Technology (Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio) Bridgeport Engineering Institute (Bridgeport, Connecticut) Capitol Institute of Technology (KenSington. Maryland) Central Institute of Technology (Kansas City, Missouri) Central New England College of Technology (Worcester, Massachusetts) Chicago Technical College (Chicago, Illinois) Clarkson College of Technology (Potsdam, New York) Cogswell Polytechnic College (San Francisco, California) *Colorado School of Mines (Golden, Colorado) Delaware Valley College of Science and Agriculture (Doylestown, Pennsylvania) Devry Institute of Technology (Chicago, Illinois) Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (Daytona Beach, Florida) Florida Institute of Technology (Melbourne, Florida) Institute(Flint, Michigan) *Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, Georgia) *Georgia Institute of Technology Southern Tech (Marietta, Georgia) Harvey Mudd College (Claremont, California) Heald Engineering College (San Francisco, Califc,:da) Indiana Institute of Technology (Fort Wayne, Indiana) Institute of Paper Chemistry (Appleton, Wisconsin) Institute of Textile Technology (Charlottesville, Virginia) Lawrence Institute of Technology (Southfield, Michigan) *Lowell Technological Institute (Lowell, Massachusetts) Midwest College of Engineering (Lombard, Illinois) Milwaukee School of Engineering (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) *Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology (Butte, Montana) New England Institute (Ridgefield, Connecticut) *New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (Socorro, New Mexico) New York Institute of Technology (Old Westbury, New York) New York Institute of Technology in New York City (New York, New York) *Newark College of Engineei.ing (Newark, New Jersey) Northrop Institute of Technology (Inglewood, California) Ohio Institute of Technology (Coluinbus, Ohio) *Oregon Technical Institute (Klamath Falls, Oregon) .Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn (Brooklyn, New York) (Brooklyn, New York) Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Troy, New York) Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute of Connecticut (Hartford, Connecticut) Rochester Institute of Technology (Rochester, New York) Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (Terre Haute, Indiana) Saint Louis University Parks College of Aeronautical Technology (Cahokia, Illinois) *South Dakota School of Mines and Technoiogy (Rapid City, South Dakota) Stevens Institute of Technology (Hoboken, New. Jersey) of Naval (Glen Cove, New York) Wentworth College of Technology (Boston, Massachusetts) West Coast University (Los Angeles, California) West Coast University (Orange, California) Western States College of Engineering (Inglewood, California) Worcester Polytechnic Institute (Worcester, Massachusetts) *Indicates the institution is public. All others are private. 103 5.5. Schools of Business Babson College (Babson Park, Massachusetts) Baltimore College of Commerce (Baltimore, Maryland) Bryant College of Business Administration (Smithfield, Rhode Island) Cleary College (Ypsilanti, Michigan) Detroit College of Business (Dearborn, Michigan) Dyke College (Cleveland, Ohio) Fort Lauderdale University (Fort Lauderdale, Florida) Husson College (Bangor, Maine) Johnson and Wales College (Providence, Rhode Island) Jones College (Jacksonville, Florida) Jones College at Orlando (Orlando, Florida) Madison Business College (Madison, Wisconsin) Menlo College (Menlo Park, California) National College of Business (Rapid City, South DaVut,a) New Hampshire College (Manchester, New Hari ,enire) Nichols College (Dudley, Massachusetts) Robert Morris College (Coraopolis, Pennsylvania) Southeastern University (Was: ington, D.C.) Strayer College (Washington, D.C.) Thomas College (Waterville, Maine) Tiffin University (Tiffin, Ohio) Walsh College of Accounting and Business Administration (Troy, Michigan)

104 5.6. Schools of Music, Art, Design American Conservatory of Music (Chicago, Illinois) Art Academy of Cincinnati (Cincinnati, Ohio) Art Center College of Design (Los Angeles, California) Atlanta School of Art (Atlanta, Georgia) Berklee College of Music (Boston, Massachusetts) Boston Conservatory of Music (Boston, Massachusetts) Brooks Institute in Santa Barbara (Santa Barbara, California) California College of Arts and Crafts (Oakland, California) California Institute of the Arts (Valencia, California) Chicago Academy of Fine Arts (Chicago, Illinois) Chicago Conservatory College (Chicago, Illinois) Cleveland Institute of Art (Cleveland, Ohio) Cleveland Institute of Music (Cleveland, Ohio) Columbus College of Art and Design (Columbus, Ohio) *Conservatory of Music in Puerto Rico (San Juan, Puerto Rico) Cranbrook Academy of Art (Bloomfield Hills, Michigan) Curtis Institute of Music (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) Fort Wayne Art Institute (Fort Wayne, Indiana) The (New York, New York) Kansas City Art Institute (Kansas City, Missouri) Layton School of Art and Design (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) Manhattan School of Music (New York, New-York) Mannes College of Music (New York, New York) Maryland Institute College of Art (Baltimore, Maryland) *Massachusetts College of Art (Boston, Massachusetts) Memphis Academy of Arts (Memphis, Tennessee) Minneapolis College of Art Design (Minneapolis, Minnesota) Moore College of Art (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) Museum . (Portland, Oregon) New Englatid Conservatory of Music (Boston, Massachusetts) *New York State College of Ceramics Alfred University (Alfred, New York) *North Carolina School of the Arts (Winston-Salem, North Carolina) *Otis Art-Institute of Los Angeles County (Los Angeles, California) (New York, New York) Peabody Institute of Baltimore (Baltimore, Maryland) Philadelphia College of Art (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) Philadelphia Musical Academy (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) Rhode Island School of Design (Providence, Rhode Island) Saint Louis Institute of Music (St. Louis, Missouri) San Francisco Art Institute College (San Francisco, California) San Francisco Conservatory of Music (San Francisco, California) Santa Barbara Art Institute (Santa Barbara, California) School of Art Goodman School of Drama (Chicago, Illinois) School of Dayton Art Institute (Dayton, Ohio) School of Museum of Fine Arts (Boston, Massachusetts) Shenandoah College Conservatory of Music (Winchester, Virginia) Sherwood (Chicago, Illinois) Society of Arts and Crafts (Detroit, Michigan) Swain School of Design (New Bedford, Massachusetts) Vanderco.ok College of Music (Chicago, Illinois) Westminster Choir College (Princeton, New Jersey) Wisconsin College Conservatory (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)

*Indicates the institution is public. All others are private. 105 5.7. Schools of Law

Albany Law School (Albany, New York) . Brooklyn Law S: -hoof (Brooklyn, New York) Detroit College of Law (Detroit, Michigan) Dickinson Schod 61 Law (Carlisle, Pennsylvania) John Marshall Law School (Chicago, Illinois) New England School of Law (Boston, Massachusetts) (New York, New York) South Texas College of Law (Houston, Texas) Southwestern University School of Law (Los Angeles, California) *University of California --Hastings College of Law (San Francisco, California) William Mitchell College of Law (St. Paul, Minnesota)

5.8. Teachers Colleges Bank Street College of Education (New York, New York) College of Saint Joseph the Provider (Rutland, Vermont) Columbia University Teachers College (New York, New York) Concordia Teachers College (River Forest, Illinois) Concordia Teachers College (Seward, Nebraska) *District of Columbia Teachers College (Washington, D.C.) D-Q University (Davis, California) Dr. Martin Luther College (New Ulm, Minnesota) George Peabody College for Teachers (Nashville, Tennessee) *Harris Teachers College (St. Louis, Missouri) Lesley College (Cambridge, Massachusetts) *Lewis and Clark State College (Lewiston, Idaho) Medaille College (Buffalo, New York) Mills College of Education (New York, New York) National College of Education Urban Campus (Chicago, Illinois) Pacific Oaks College (Pasadena, California) Saint John College of Cleveland (Cleveland, Ohio) *University of Maine at Fort Kent (Fort Kent, Maine) *University of Maine at Machias (Machias, Maine) Wheelock College (Boston, Massachusetts) Woodbury College (Los Angeles, California) The Wright Institute (Berkeley, California)

*Indicates the institution is public. All others are private. 106 5.9. Other Specialized Schools Includes graduate centers, military academies, and miscellaneous specialized kinds of institutions

Atlanta University (Atlanta, Georgia)' Baltimore Hebrew College (Baltimore, Maryland) *California Maritime Academy (Vallejo, California) Caribbean Center of Advanced Studies (Carolina, Puerto Rico)

*City University of New York Graduate School and_ University Center (New York, New York) *City University of New York John Jay College of Criminal Justice (New York, New York) Claremont Graduate School (Claremont, California) College of Insurance (New York, New York) (New York, New York)2 The Dropsie University (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)3 Gratz College (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)4 institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities (New York, New York) *Maine Maritime Academy (Castine, Maine) *Massachusetts Maritime Academy (Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts) Merrill-Palmer Institute (Detroit, Michigan)5 *New York State College of Agriculture Life Science (Ithaca, New York) *New York State College of Human Ecology (Ithaca, New York) *New York State School of Industrial Labor Relations (Ithaca, New York) *New York State Veterinary College (Ithaca, New York) Nova University (Fort Lauderdale, Florida)6 Oregon Graduate Center (Beaverton, Oregon) Pacific States University (Los Angeles, California) Pennsylvania State University King of Prussia Graduate Center (King of Prussia, Pennsylvania) Rabbinical College Telshe (Wickliffe, Ohio) Rand Graduate Institute of Policy Studies (Santa Monica, California) (New York, New York)' Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology (Rosemead, California) Spertus College of Judaica (Chicago, Illinois)8 *State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry (Syracuse, New York) *State University of New York Maritime College (Bronx, New York) *Texas A & M Maritime Academy (Galveston, Texas) Thunderbird Graduate School (Glendale, Arizona)9

*Indicates the institution is public. All others are private. 'Graduate institution of the Atlanta University Center. 2Undergraduate programs in art and architecture; undergraduate and graduate programs in engineering and science. 3Graduate institution for Hebrew and cognate learning, Near Eastern Studies and higher education. 4Hebrew teachers college. 5Child study. 'Graduate institution with programs leading to the Ph.D. in behavioral sciences, life sciences, and oceanography. An Ed.D. is also offered. ?Medical research. 'Undergraduate institution specializing in Judaic and Hebraic studies and providing programs for other Chicago colleges and universities. 'International management. 107 *United States Air Force Academy (U.S, Air Force Academy, Colorado) *United States Coast Guard Academy (New London, Connecticut) United States International University (San Diego, California) *United States Merchant Marine Academy (sings Point, New York) *United States Military Academy (West Point, New York) *United States Naval Academy (Annapolis, Maryland) *United States Naval Post-Graduate School. (Monterey, California) *University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Science (Houston, Texas)


BY 1990: DOUBLED ENROLLMENTS, TRIPLED COSTS. Charts showing the chron- ic financial squeeze with which most urban universities will have to learn to live. MEETING THE FINANCIAL PINCH AT ONE UNIVERSITY. The university is Princeton; the savingone million dollarsreflects the impact of Provost William Bow- en's incisive memorandum explaining why the University needed to tighten its belt. BLACK STUDIES: HOW IT WORKS AT TEN UNIVERSITIES. After the ideological furor dies down, these are these management problems to solve: organization, faculty, money. 319 WAYS COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES ARE MEETING THE FINANCIAL PINCH. An expanded check-list of practices being used right now to save money and increase income. THE ADVANTAGES OF WORK-STUDY PLANS. In addition to helping balance a university budget, work -study can attract capable students who need a chance to earn their way, and make education more relevant for all students. SURVIVAL THROUGH CHANGE. A case study of a privately supported urban uni- versity's plan to fight the budget squeeze. A GUIDE TO PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATORS. Third expanded edition of a handbook identifying over 125 useful workshops, conferences, internships and fellowships sched- uled for 1973. RESCUE BEGINS AT HOME. Highlights of To Turn the Tide (Father Paul C. Reinert, President of St. Louis University), including an 11 - point self-help plan other institu- tions can follow. PUTTING COOPERATION TO WORK. A survey of how voluntary cooperation is helping colleges and universities. PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATION. Three papers discussing general scope and problems, focusing on the current issues of tenure and collective bargaining, and suggesting ways to de grease costs. HIGHER EDUCATION WITH FEWER TEACHERS. A survey of colleges and universi- ties which have recently increased their student-faculty ratio to 20 to1 or more, for those who are considering such a change and wondering how class size affectg quality. THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT TO HIGHER EDUCATION MANAGEMENT. Report of a seminar, in which higher education administrators learned from business experience without. losing sight of differences between the two. institutions. FINANCING CURRENT OPERATIONS OF AMERICAN HIGHER EDUCATION. An analytical framework for comparing and contrasting the income and expenditures of publicly and privately supported colleges and universities. ALTERNATIVES IN STATE GOVERNMENT FINANCING OF HIGHER EDUCA- TION. A description and comparison of various state approaches to the financing of students and institutions and the problems and policy decisions confronting them.

RESOURCE REALLOCATION IN RESEARCH UNIVERSITIES. Case studies of five research universities that reorganized their planning and budgeting efforts.

SYSTEMS MODELS AND PROGRAMS FOR HIGHER EDUCATION. A catalogue of management information systems and computer simulation models available for higher education current operations and long - range_ planning. LET'S END THE CONFUSION ABOUT SIMULATION MODELS! A report of the Spring Conference of the Society for College and University Planning, including gen- eral discussion of simulation models and case-studies of simulation models at various campuses.

.CONFRONTING THE NEW DEPRESSION IN HIGHER EDUCATION. Two budget exercises developed by John D. Millett, Director of the Management Division, one for "Principal College," and the other for "Major University." A SURVIVAL KIT FOR INVISIBLE COLLEGES. The story of how une "invisible" college has met the challenge of staying alive in the period of crisis in higher educa- tion, by the President of Aquinas College, Norbert J. Hruby.

MANAGEMENT FORUM. Management Division newsletter containing articles and papers on higher education management and planning; each issue covers one or two current topics.

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Management Division Academy for Educational Development 1424 Sixteenth Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 The Academy for Educational Development, Inc., is a nonprofit tax-exempt planning organization which pioneered in the field of long-range planning for colleges, universi- ties, and state systems of education. It has conducted over 100 major studies for institutions throughout the country, as well as for national agencies such as the U.S. Office of Education, the National Science Foundation, the .Agency for Interna- tional Development, and the National Institutes of Health. Additional information regarding the Academy's complete program of services to education may be obtained from its offices:

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