Climate Change and Impact Assessment

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Climate Change and Impact Assessment Final Program Climate Change and Impact Assessment Special Symposium Aalborg, Denmark 25-26 October 2010 International Association for Impact Assessment Symposium Host Sponsors Media Partners TM ■ ■ ■ Welcome Welcome to Aalborg Climate change represents one of the most signifi cant challenges of our time. Th e impacts have both global and local dimensions, and require actions from global ‘deals’ to citizens’ actions. Th e climate challenge is It is a pleasure to made up by a broad range of challenges like complexity, unpredictability, distribution of impact and inequality, risk of trade-off s between climate welcome all of you to change and other environmental concerns, uncertainty and uncertainty avoidance, capacity building, and not least, ‘governance landscaping’ for Aalborg and to the IAIA handling climate change. Special Symposium During the symposium, we will focus on challenges and opportunities, including aspects of mitigation as well as adaptation, and on how assess- on Climate Change and ment methodologies in combination with planning, policy and decision- making can help handle climate challenges. Impact Assessment! Th e timing of the symposium is special and important! We hope it will provide a thought-provoking and creative environment for all partici- pants, and will foster mutual understanding, inspiration and solutions for the range of climate challenges. Table of contents Let us make the symposium a new impetus for enhancing and strength- Welcome ...............................................2 ening the dimension of climate change in impact assessment, and for Daily Agenda .......................................4 strengthening the climate component in planning and policy-making. Overview of Agenda .............................6 Th e symposium scientifi c committee, all theme leaders, members of DCEA, Keynote Addresses ...............................6 and IAIA Headquarters staff are dedicated to making your stay produc- Th emes ..................................................8 tive and fun. We warmly thank them all and everyone else who has Nordic Research Day in Impact helped . We are also sincerely appreciative of the sponsorship and support Assessment .........................................24 provided by Th e Obel Foundation, Th e Municipality of Aalborg, Th e Miljøvurderingsdag / Danish North Denmark Region, Th e Port of Aalborg, Scandinavian Airlines Environmental Assessment Day .........25 (SAS), Siemens Wind Power, Aalborg University and DCEA. General Information ..........................26 During the symposium, we hope you will not hesitate to ask any member Symposium Locations (Maps) ...........27 of the IAIA Headquarters team or DCEA to help you with information Hosts & Committees .........................28 and ideas. Most sincerely, Conference Venue Lone Kørnøv Jonathan Allotey Aalborg Congress & Culture Centre Chair of the Symposium IAIA President Europa Plads 4 9000 Aalborg, Denmark Tel: +45 9935 5555 E-mail: [email protected] 2 Climate Change and Impact Assessment | Aalborg, Denmark Daily Agenda Sunday 24th October Tuesday 26th October 18.00 – 19.30 Opening Reception and Registration 08.00 Registration Opens at the Aalborg Museum of Modern Art, 09.00 – 10.30 Parallel Sessions KUNSTEN ■ Embedding Climate Change in Professional Practice II (Hall East) ■ Health Impact Assessment I Monday 25th October ■ Decision Making & Governance 08.00 Registration Opens ■ Landscape & Ecosystem Services I ■ Scenarios and Future Th inking for Impact 09.00 – 10.30 Plenary Assessment in a Changing Climate II ■ Dr. Ross Marshall, keynote speaker ■ Professor Nicholas Stern, video 11.00 – 12.30 Plenary 11.00 – 12.30 Parallel Sessions ■ Prof. Viriato Soromenho-Marques, ■ Danish Environmental Assessment Day keynote speaker (Hall East) ■ André Jol, keynote speaker ■ Social Impact Assessment I 12.30 – 13.30 Lunch ■ Waste Management Strategies & Plans I ■ Climate Change & Development 13.30 – 15.00 Parallel Sessions Cooperation I ■ Embedding Climate Change in ■ Climate Change & Infrastructure I Professional Practice III (Hall East) ■ Health Impact Assessment II: Workshop 12.30 – 13.30 Lunch ■ Urban Planning & Regional Strategies 13.30 – 15.00 Parallel Sessions ■ Landscape & Ecosystem Services II ■ Danish Environmental Assessment Day II ■ Carbon Calculators II (Hall East) 15.30 – 17.00 Closing Plenary ■ Social Impact Assessment II ■ Waste Management Strategies & Plans II ■ Climate Change & Development Wednesday 27th October Cooperation II 09.00 – 17.00 Nordic Research Day ■ Climate Change & Infrastructure II 09.00 – 17.00 Technical Visits 15.00 – 16.00 Poster Session 16.00 – 16.30 Plenary ■ Eric Berlow, keynote speaker 16.30 – 18.00 Parallel Sessions ■ Embedding Climate Change in Professional Practice I (Hall East) ■ Carbon Calculators I ■ Water & Climate Change ■ Scenarios and Future Th inking for Impact Assessment in a Changing Climate I A work of art ■ Climate Change & Infrastructure III 19.30 Conference Dinner at Nordkraft entitled “Th e Climate Challenge” will be created by local painter Lars Bonde during the symposium. All participants will contribute. Aalborg, Denmark | Climate Change and Impact Assessment 3 Overview of Parallel Sessions Hall East Gæstesalen Monday 11.00-12.30 Environmental Assessment Day I Social Impact Assessment I Erfaringer med klimaændringer i Assessing resource-dependency & miljøvurdering vulnerability Page 25 Page 15 13.30-15.00 Environmental Assessment Day II Social Impact Assessment II Initiativer for klimaændringer i Responsiveness to climate change miljøvurdering adaptation policies Page 25 Page 15 16.30-18.00 Embedding Climate Change Carbon Calculators I in Professional Practice I A view of diff erent carbon calculators A view of existing mechanisms for for local authorities – opportunities and integrating Climate Change into challenges for future IA practice professional IA practice Page 11 Page 8 Tuesday 9.00-10.30 Embedding Climate Change Health Impact Assessment I in Professional Practice II HIA and climate: State of the art and From challenge to opportunity: Identifying institutional approaches what needs to be done to embed climate Page 10 change in IA practice Page 8 13.30-15.00 Embedding Climate Change Health Impact Assessment II: in Professional Practice III Workshop Shaping the European Commission’s Th e future needs and themes for Health forthcoming: Practical guidance and Impact Assessment in the context of recommendations for integrating climate Climate Change change and biodiversity into EIA/SEA Page 10 procedures Page 8 4 Climate Change and Impact Assessment | Aalborg, Denmark Overview of Parallel Sessions Radiosalen Musiksalen Latinerstuen Waste Management Climate Change & Climate Change & Strategies & Plans I Development Cooperation I Infrastructure I Waste management strategies, SEA and Mapping the knowledge base for climate A view of the current practice of climate change in the UK and other change mainstreaming impact assessment of climate change in developed countries infrastructure planning Page 14 Page 19 Page 16 Waste Management Climate Change & Climate Change & Strategies & Plans II Development Cooperation II Infrastructure II Waste management, climate change Lessons from practice Lessons from practice and SEA in India and other emerging Page 14 Page 16 economies Page 19 Water and Climate Change Scenarios and Future Th inking Climate Change & Marine and river basin water quality and for Impact Assessment in Infrastructure III ecosystem assessment and management a Changing Climate I Ways to move forward in a changing climate Water scenarios for Europe Page 16 Page 20 Page 13 Decision Making Landscape & Ecosystem Scenarios and Future Th inking & Governance Services I for Impact Assessment in Uncertain Futures: Th e State of Climate a Changing Climate II Challenges and Opportunities Change Planning in Denmark Today Scenario-building in Spitsbergen, Arctic in Using Impact Assessment Page 8 Tools in Landscape Planning Page 13 for Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Page 21 Urban Planning & Landscape & Ecosystem Carbon Calculators II Regional Strategies Services II - Round Tables Unintended consequences of using Computer Says “Not Sure”: Th e role How impact assessment tools can help carbon calculators (carbon footprint) in of path dependencies and increasing create mitigation IA and decision making: How to avoid returns in planning for climate change pitfalls Adaptation strategies that enhance Integration of climate change in urban landscapes and support ecosystem Page 11 and regional planning: Experiences services from Danish SEA Page 22 Page 19 Aalborg, Denmark | Climate Change and Impact Assessment 5 Keynote Addresses ■ ■ ■ 25 October 2010 ‘Th e Changing Role of the Professor Nicholas Stern will Impact Assessment Practitioner’ provide a video address. by Dr. Ross Marshall Professor Lord Nicholas Stern, IG Patel As a professional body of specialists, have Chair and Director, LSE Asia Research we got our focus right when seeking to Centre; EOPP Associate. act as a fulcrum between the climate sci- Professor Stern’s research and publications ence and its practice in situ, and between have focused on the economics of climate the scientifi c community and developers/ change, economic development and growth, plan makers and the wider stakeholder economic theory, tax reform, public policy community? and the role of the state and economies in Dr. Ross Marshall is Executive Manager transition. within Th e Environment Agency (UK), His fi rst books were on
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