Geologic Map of the Frederick 30' × 60' Quadrangle, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia

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Geologic Map of the Frederick 30' × 60' Quadrangle, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia

Prepared in cooperation with the Geological Survey Geologic Map of the Frederick 30’ × 60’ Quadrangle, Maryland, , and

By Scott Southworth, David K. Brezinski, Avery Ala Drake, Jr., William C. Burton, Randall C. Orndorff, Albert J. Froelich, James E. Reddy, Danielle Denenny, and David L. Daniels

Pamphlet to accompany Scientific Investigations Map 2889

2007 U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Department of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne, Secretary U.S. Geological Survey Mark D. Myers, Director

U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia: 2007

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Cover: Color-shaded-relief image of the Frederick 30´ × 60´ quadrangle showing high topographic elevations in shades of red and low topographic elevations in shades of blue. The hillside is illuminated from the east. The highest elevation is 1,920 ft above sea level on Blue Ridge at the southwestern part of the map area in Loudoun County, Va., and the lowest elevation is 140 ft above sea level along the at Great Falls, Montgomery County, Md. The higher elevation regions, such as the ridges of the Blue Ridge province, portions of the Great Valley of the Valley and Ridge province, and Sugarloaf Mountain and parts of the Westminster terrane in the province, are in contrast to the lower elevation region of the Culpeper and Gettysburg basins, Frederick Valley, and Potomac River val- ley within the Piedmont province in the eastern half of the map area. The elevation differences are a function of rock hardness and different erosion histories. Image produced by David L. Daniels, USGS, using a 5-m digital elevation model of USGS.

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Although this report is in the public domain, permission must be secured from the individual copyright owners to repro- duce any copyrighted materials contained within this report.

Suggested citation: Southworth, Scott, Brezinski, D.K., Drake, A.A., Jr., Burton, W.C., Orndorff, R.C., Froelich, A.J., Reddy, J.E., Denenny, Dani- elle, and Daniels, D.L., 2007, Geologic map of the Frederick 30´ × 60´ quadrangle, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 2889, scale 1:100,000, 42-p. text.

ISBN 978-1-4113-1165-7 iii


Introduction...... 1 Great Valley Section of the Valley and Ridge Province...... 2 Geologic Setting...... 2 Lower Paleozoic Sedimentary Rocks...... 4 Tomstown Formation...... 4 ...... 4 Elbrook Limestone...... 4 Conococheague Limestone and Big Spring Station Member ...... 4 ...... 4 Stonehenge Limestone and Stoufferstown Member...... 4 ...... 4 Pinesburg Station Dolomite...... 5 St. Paul Group...... 5 Chambersburg Limestone...... 5 ...... 5 Structure...... 5 ...... 5 Blue Ridge Province...... 5 Geologic Setting...... 5 Mesoproterozoic Rocks...... 6 Rocks...... 6 Cobbler Mountain Alkali of the Robertson River Igneous Suite...... 6 Metasedimentary Rocks of the Fauquier Group and ...... 6 Metadiabase and Metarhyolite Dikes...... 7 Metavolcanic and Metasedimentary Rocks of the Catoctin Formation...... 7 Paleozoic Clastic Metasedimentary Rocks of the ...... 7 Loudoun Formation...... 7 ...... 7 ...... 8 ...... 8 Carbonaceous ...... 8 Tomstown Formation East of ...... 8 Structure...... 8 Mesoproterozoic...... 8 Neoproterozoic...... 8 Paleozoic...... 9 Folds...... 9 ...... 9 Faults...... 9 Mesozoic...... 9 Metamorphism...... 9 iv

Mesoproterozoic...... 9 Paleozoic...... 10 Piedmont Province...... 10 Geologic Setting...... 10 Culpeper and Gettysburg Basins...... 10 Chatham Group...... 10 Manassas ...... 10 Bull Run Formation...... 11 Catharpin Creek Formation...... 11 Mount Zion Church ...... 11 Meriden Group...... 11 Midland Formation...... 11 Hickory Grove Basalt...... 11 Turkey Run Formation...... 12 Sander Basalt...... 12 Thermally Metamorphosed Rocks ...... 12 Diabase Dikes and Sills...... 12 Frederick Valley Synclinorium...... 12 Araby Formation...... 12 Cash Smith Formation...... 12 Frederick Formation...... 12 Grove Formation...... 12 Sugarloaf Mountain Anticlinorium and Bush Creek Belt...... 13 Sugarloaf Mountain ...... 13 Urbana Formation...... 13 Westminster Terrane...... 13 Prettyboy ...... 13 Marburg Formation...... 13 Ijamsville Phyllite...... 14 Sams Creek Formation...... 14 Wakefield Marble...... 15 Potomac Terrane...... 15 Metagabbro, Ultramafic Rocks, the Soldiers Delight Ultramafite, and Metatuff....15 Metasedimentary Rocks...... 15 , , and Intrusive Rocks...... 16 Structure...... 17 Western Piedmont...... 17 Central Piedmont...... 17 Thrust Sheets and Faults...... 17 Foliations...... 17 Folds...... 18 Sugarloaf Mountain Anticlinorium and Bush Creek Belt...... 18 Eastern Piedmont...... 18 Thrust Sheets and Faults...... 18 Foliations...... 19 

Lineations...... 19 Folds...... 19 Metamorphism...... 19 Sugarloaf Mountain Anticlinorium and Frederick Valley Synclinorium...... 19 Westminster Terrane...... 20 Potomac Terrane...... 20 Coastal Plain Province...... 20 ...... 20 Surficial Materials...... 21 Alluvium...... 21 Alluvial Terrace Deposits...... 21 Colluvium...... 21 Residuum and Lag Gravel...... 21 Summary of Geologic History and Tectonics...... 21 Resources...... 22 Limestone and Aggregate...... 22 Building and Ornamental Stone...... 22 Metals...... 23 Aeromagnetic Map...... 23 Introduction...... 23 The Shaded-Relief Map...... 23 Correlation of Magnetic Data With Geology...... 23 References Cited...... 25 Description of Map Units...... 30 Unconsolidated Surficial Materials...... 30 Great Valley Section of the Valley and Ridge Province...... 30 Blue Ridge Province...... 31 Piedmont Province...... 35 Culpeper and Gettysburg Basins ...... 35 Frederick Valley Synclinorium...... 37 Sugarloaf Mountain Anticlinorium and Bush Creek Belt...... 38 Westminster Terrane...... 38 Potomac Terrane...... 40 Coastal Plain Province...... 42


1. Index map of the Frederick 30’ × 60’ quadrangle showing 7.5-minute 1:24,000-scale quadrangle names and a list of published geologic maps of the areas shown in gray...... 2 2. Map of the Frederick 30’ × 60’ quadrangle showing major physiographic provinces and structural features...... 3 3. Gray-scale shaded relief image of the Frederick 30’ × 60’ quadrangle showing geologic features that correlate with the magnetic data...... 24 vi

Conversion Factors

SI to Inch/Pound Multiply By To obtain Length centimeter (cm) 0.3937 inch (in.) millimeter (mm) 0.03937 inch (in.) meter (m) 3.281 foot (ft) meter (m) 1.094 yard (yd) kilometer (km) 0.6215 mile (mi) kilometer (km) 0.5400 mile, nautical (nmi) Area square meter (m2) 0.000247 acre square kilometer (km2) 0.3861 square mile (mi2) Geologic Map of the Frederick 30’ × 60’ Quadrangle, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia

By Scott Southworth,1 David K. Brezinski,2 Avery Ala Drake, Jr.,3 William C. Burton,1 Randall C. Orndorff,1 Albert J. Froelich,4 James E. Reddy,1 Danielle Denenny,1 and David L. Daniels3

Introduction are discussed from oldest to youngest. Where applicable, the discussion includes information on tectonic origins. The Blue Ridge province contains Mesoproterozoic The Frederick 30’ × 60’ quadrangle lies within the Potomac River watershed of the drainage (1 billion years old, or 1 Ga) paragneiss and granitic basin. The map area covers parts of Montgomery, Howard, that are intruded by a swarm of Neoproterozoic (570 million Carroll, Frederick, and Washington Counties in Maryland; years old, or 570 Ma) metadiabase and metarhyolite dikes. Loudoun, Clarke, and Fairfax Counties in Virginia; and Jef- Unconformably overlying the gneisses are Neoproterozoic ferson and Berkeley Counties in West Virginia. Many geologic metasedimentary rocks and metavolcanic rocks associated features (such as faults and folds) are named for geographic with the dikes. The Mesoproterozoic gneisses were deformed features that may or may not be shown on the 1:100,000-scale and metamorphosed during the Grenville orogeny. Subse- base map; see figure 2 for additional features. See page 29 for quently, the Neoproterozoic metasedimentary and metavol- Description of Map Units. canic rocks accumulated during a continental rifting event The geology of the Frederick 30’ × 60’ quadrangle, Mary- (Rankin, 1976). Clastic metasedimentary rocks of the newly land, Virginia, and West Virginia, was first mapped on the formed continental margin were deposited paraconformably 32 1:24,000-scale 7.5-minute quadrangle base maps between upon the Neoproterozoic rocks. 1989 and 1994. The geologic data were compiled manually at To the east, Neoproterozoic and early Paleozoic metased- 1:100,000 scale in 1997 and were digitized between 1998 and imentary and metavolcanic rocks were deposited on the mar- 1999. The geologic map and database may be used to support gin of the rifted continent. These rocks underlie the Sugarloaf activities such as land-use planning, soil mapping, ground- Mountain anticlinorium and Westminster and Potomac ter- water availability and quality studies, identifying aggregate ranes. As the rifted continental margin stabilized and became resources, and conducting engineering and environmental a passive margin during the early Paleozoic, carbonate rocks studies. See the index map of 1:24,000-scale geologic maps were deposited on the broad continental shelf. Those carbon- (fig. 1) for site-specific studies. ate rocks are now exposed in the Great Valley section and the The map area covers distinct geologic provinces and Frederick Valley synclinorium. sections of the central Appalachian region that are defined by The early Paleozoic carbonate platform became unstable unique bedrock and resulting landforms (fig. 2). From west in response to the Ordovician Taconian orogeny. Deformation to east, the provinces include the Great Valley section of the associated with this tectonic event is recorded in rocks of the Valley and Ridge province, the Blue Ridge province, and the Piedmont province to the east. These rocks, which are now Piedmont province; in the extreme southeastern corner, a small part of the Potomac terrane, were thrust westward onto rocks part of the Coastal Plain province is present. The Piedmont of the Westminster terrane; next, rocks of the Westminster province is divided into several sections; from west to east, terrane were thrust onto rocks now exposed in the Sugarloaf they are the Frederick Valley synclinorium, the Culpeper and Mountain anticlinorium and Frederick Valley synclinorium Gettysburg basins, the Sugarloaf Mountain anticlinorium, the (Drake and others, 1989; Southworth, 1996). Westminster terrane, and the Potomac terrane. The geology The early Paleozoic sea eventually closed up and disap- of the Frederick quadrangle is discussed by geologic prov- peared during the continental collision of tectonic plates dur- ince and sections; the geologic units within each province ing the late Paleozoic Alleghanian orogeny. The Alleghanian orogeny transported all of the rocks within the map area west- ward along the North Mountain thrust , which is exposed

1 immediately northwest of the quadrangle. The Alleghanian U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Va. 20192

2 orogeny produced numerous thrust faults and folds in the rock Maryland Geological Survey, Baltimore, Md. 21218 and regional-scale folds that help define the geologic prov- 3 U.S. Geological Survey, retired. inces (fig. 2). The Massanutten synclinorium underlies the 4Deceased. Great Valley section, the Blue Ridge-South Mountain anti-  Geologic Map of the Frederick 30’ × 60’ Quadrangle, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia

SOURCES OF GEOLOGIC DATA Ashby Gap Gathright and Nystrom (1974) Middleway Dean and others (1990) Berryville Edmundson and Nunan (1973); Point of Rocks Burton and others (1995); Dean and others (1990) Brezinski (2004b) Bluemont Southworth (1994) Poolesville Southworth (1998) Buckeystown Southworth and Brezinski (2003) Purcellville Southworth (1995) Charles Town Dean and others (1990) Round Hill McDowell and Milton (1992) Frederick Brezinski (2004a) Seneca Drake and others (1999) Harpers Ferry Southworth and Brezinski (1996b) Shepherdstown Dean and others (1987) Keedysville Dean and others (1987) Urbana Southworth (1999) Kensington Drake (1998) Walkersville Brezinski and others (2004) Martinsburg Dean and others (1987) Waterford Burton and others (1995) Middletown Brezinski and Fauth (2005)

Figure 1. Index map of the Frederick 30’ × 60’ quadrangle showing 7.5-minute 1:24,000-scale quadrangle names and a list of published geologic maps of the areas shown in gray. clinorium underlies the Blue Ridge province, and the Freder- Great Valley Section of the Valley and ick Valley synclinorium and Sugarloaf Mountain anticlinorium underlie the western Piedmont province. Ridge Province Tens of millions of years after the Alleghanian orogeny, early Mesozoic continental rifting formed the Culpeper and Geologic Setting Gettysburg basins, which once were connected to form a large down-faulted basin filled with sediments that eroded from The Great Valley section of the Valley and Ridge prov- the adjacent Blue Ridge and Piedmont highlands. Continued ince is a broad valley underlain mostly by carbonate rocks rifting resulted in igneous intrusions and extrusive volcanic west of the Blue Ridge. The rocks form the Massanutten rock at about 200 Ma, and eventually led to the opening of synclinorium, a broad with an overturned east limb. the Atlantic Ocean. Sediments eroded from the Appalachian The western boundary of the Great Valley is not within the highlands were deposited by river systems and transgressing map area, but is defined by the clastic rocks that underlie seas and now form the Coastal Plain province. Great North Mountain to the southwest in the Winchester, ra alyScino h alyadRdePoic 3 Great Valley Section of the Valley and Ridge Province

. Figure Map of the Frederick 30’ × 60’ quadrangle showing major physiographic provinces and structural features.  Geologic Map of the Frederick 30’ × 60’ Quadrangle, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia

Va.-W. Va. 30’ × 60’ quadrangle. There, the Alleghanian North with its dark siltstone, sandstone, and . The siltstone Mountain places the Cambrian and Ordovician commonly exhibits ripple marks and mudcracks. The sand- rocks of the Great Valley onto and Devonian rocks. stone is crossbedded and contains Skolithos linearis burrows. These rocks were deposited in a shallow, subtidal to supratidal environment. Lower Paleozoic Sedimentary Rocks Tomstown Formation Elbrook Limestone The carbonate rocks of the Lower Cambrian Tomstown The Middle and Upper Cambrian Elbrook Limestone Formation (_t) ( of Stose (1906)) are (_e) (Stose, 1906) consists of lower, middle, and upper infor- subdivided into the Bolivar Heights (_tbh), Fort Duncan mal members (Brezinski, 1996) that were not differentiated on (_tf), Benevola (_tb), and Dargan (_td) Members (Brezinski, this map due to poor exposure. The lower part of the forma- 1992). The Tomstown rocks offer the first evidence that the tion consists of cyclic intervals of limestone, shale, and shaly eastern part of the rifted continent had evolved into a passive dolostone; the middle part of the formation is largely com- continental margin. The vertical sequence of rocks suggests posed of thin-bedded to bioturbated limestone; and the upper a change from a shallow, carbonate shelf to a deep shelf and part is a thick sequence of medium-bedded algal limestone, then to a carbonate bank. dolostone, and dolomitic shale. These rocks were deposited in The Bolivar Heights Member (_tbh) is a thin-bedded a shallowing-upward, peritidal environment. limestone containing wispy dolomitic burrows that increase in abundance upsection, where bioturbation was more prevalent. Conococheague Limestone and Big Spring Station The base of the member is a 15-m-thick interval of mylonitic Member marble known as the Keedysville marble bed (Brezinski and The Upper Cambrian and Lower Ordovician Conoco- others, 1996). The marble bed’s lower contact defines a regional cheague Limestone (O_c) (Stose, 1910) consists of interbed- thrust fault that detached the carbonate rocks from the underlying ded limestone, dolostone, and sandstone arranged in cycles. sandstone of the Antietam Formation of the Blue Ridge province The lower 100 m consists of coarse-grained, calcareous to (Brezinski and others, 1996). The Fort Duncan Member (_tf) is dolomitic sandstone, fine-grained limestone with intraforma- a dark, thick-bedded, burrow-mottled dolostone whose base is tional , and fine-grained dolostone of the Upper probably an erosional surface at the top of the Bolivar Heights Cambrian Big Spring Station Member (_cb) that forms low Member. The Benevola Member (_tb) is a very thick bedded to ridges. Above the Big Spring Station Member, the Conoco- massive, sugary dolostone with faint crossbedding. The base is cheague Limestone includes intraformational conglomerates, gradational with the underlying bioturbated dolostone of the Fort algal bioherms, ribbon rock, and oolites, arranged in cycles. Duncan Member. This rock is quarried for aggregate because it is Like the underlying rocks of the Elbrook Limestone, these pure and massive. The Dargan Member (_td) consists of a lower rocks represent shallowing-upward marine deposits of a peri- bioturbated dolostone alternating with intervals of laminated tidal environment. dolostone. In the upper part, bioturbated and oolitic dolostone is interbedded with laminated limestone and silty dolostone. Beekmantown Group.—Consisting of Stonehenge Waynesboro Formation Limestone and Stoufferstown Member, Rockdale Run Formation, and Pinesburg Station Dolomite. The Lower Cambrian Waynesboro Formation (_wa) (Stose, 1906) has been subdivided into the Red Run (_war), Stonehenge Limestone and Stoufferstown Member Cavetown (_wact), and Chewsville (_wac) Members (Brez- Only the Lower Ordovician lower part of the Stonehenge inski, 1992). These members have distinctive physiographic Limestone is mapped in this quadrangle. The basal part of expressions that facilitate field mapping; sandstone of the the Stonehenge Limestone, the Stoufferstown Member (Obss) lower Red Run and upper Chewsville Members underlies low (Sando, 1958), consists of silty, laminated limestone. The hills with the intervening, less resistant carbonate rock of the remainder of the Stonehenge Limestone (Obs) (Stose, 1910) Cavetown Member underlying a swale between the hills. consists of thick-bedded, fossiliferous limestone. Algal bio- The Red Run Member (_war) consists of interbed- herms, intraformational conglomerates, and bioclastic beds ded sandstone and laminated, ribbony, sandy dolostone. The alternate with thin dolostone beds. Unlike the peritidal environ- Cavetown Member (_wact) is typically not well exposed. ments of the underlying Conococheague Limestone, the Stone- The lower part consists of a thick-bedded, massive limestone henge Limestone was deposited in a subtidal environment. and bioturbated dolostone; the middle part consists of biotur- bated dolomitic limestone and dolostone and thin calcareous sandstone and shale; and the upper part consists of thick-bed- Rockdale Run Formation ded, bioturbated dolomite with laminated ribbony dolomite The Lower and Middle Ordovician Rockdale Run Forma- at the very top. The Chewsville Member (_wac) is distinctive tion (Obrr) (Sando, 1957) consists of cyclically bedded lime- Blue Ridge Province  stone and dolostone. The limestone is thin to medium bedded, mostly consists of clastic rocks of the Middle and Upper Ordo- fossiliferous, and contains intraformational conglomerates, vician Martinsburg Formation. The Massanutten synclinorium, algal bioherms, bioclastic zones, burrow mottling, and chert Blue Ridge-South Mountain anticlinorium, Frederick Valley nodules. The dolostone is laminated and displays abundant synclinorium, and Sugarloaf Mountain anticlinorium consti- mudcracks. These rocks reflect an alternation between subtidal tute a fold train that was transported westward above the North to peritidal environments similar to that in the Conococheague Mountain thrust fault during the late Paleozoic. The rocks Limestone (O_c) discussed previously. of the Great Valley are highly folded with tight and upright second-, third-, and fourth-order disharmonic folds that verge Pinesburg Station Dolomite up the limbs of the higher order folds (see fig. 2). Axial-pla- nar cleavage is most evident in the shale of the Martinsburg The Middle Ordovician Pinesburg Station Dolomite Formation. There are several late-forming thrust faults on the (Obps) (Sando, 1957) consists of medium- to thick-bedded inner limbs of the Massanutten synclinorium that truncate dolostone and laminated dolostone that contains chert nodules. units. High-angle tear faults and normal faults cut the folds. Crosshatched joints weather to form a diagnostic “butcher- block” pattern on the surface. Thin intervals of fine-grained limestone occur in the lower part. Near the top of the forma- Metamorphism tion, irregularly bedded, brecciated dolostone that indicates paleokarst is common. These rocks reflect a restricted shal- The rocks of the eastern part of the Great Valley were low-marine environment that was at times exposed to air. subjected to the same deformation and lower-greenschist- facies metamorphic conditions as the rocks of the westernmost St. Paul Group Blue Ridge province. Minor amounts of chlorite and are evident in some of the rocks, especially those that exhibit The Middle Ordovician St. Paul Group (Osnr) consists of slaty cleavage and (or) mylonitic . Most of the carbon- thick-bedded, micritic, fenestral limestone having thin-bedded ate rocks of the Great Valley are not metamorphosed. dolomitic limestone and interbedded with laminated dolostone in the lower part. These rocks were unconformably deposited in a tidal flat to lagoonal environment above the Pinesburg Station Dolomite (Obps). The New Market Limestone and Row Blue Ridge Province Park Limestone, which are the only parts of the St. Paul Group that occur in this quadrangle, are not differentiated on the map. Geologic Setting

Chambersburg Limestone The Blue Ridge province in the Frederick 30’ × 60’ quadrangle consists of rocks of the Blue Ridge-South Moun- The Middle Ordovician Chambersburg Limestone (Oc) tain anticlinorium, which is a large west-verging complex fold. (Stose, 1910) consists of argillaceous and nodular limestone The anticlinorium exposes allochthonous rocks above and that is perhaps the most fossiliferous unit in the Great Valley. transported by the North Mountain thrust fault during the late The unit represents a change in depositional environment from Paleozoic Alleghanian orogeny (Evans, 1988). The core of a passive-continental-margin carbonate platform to an active the anticlinorium consists of Mesoproterozoic paragneiss and continental-margin shelf; the transition is possibly associated granitic gneisses that are intruded by Neoproterozoic gran- with the Ordovician Taconian orogeny. ite, a swarm of metadiabase dikes, and several metarhyolite dikes. Deposited unconformably on the gneisses are Martinsburg Formation Neoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks (Fauquier Group and Swift Run Formation), which are, in turn, overlain by metavol- The Middle and Upper Ordovician Martinsburg For- canic rocks (Catoctin Formation). A thin unit of phyllite and mation (Om) consists of shale, siltstone, and sandstone with conglomerate (Loudoun Formation) locally is transitional argillaceous limestone at the base. Turbidites exhibiting between the rocks of the Catoctin Formation and the clastic typical Bouma cycles with load clasts are characteristic. The metasedimentary rocks of the overlying Lower Cambrian turbidites indicate the foundering of the margin and its evolu- Chilhowee Group (Weverton, Harpers, and Antietam Forma- tion into a foreland basin (that is, the margin sank at the same tions). This cover-rock sequence of metasedimentary and time that sea level was rising), where shallow-water carbonate metavolcanic rocks mostly underlies the three limbs of the sedimentation gave way to deepwater clastic sediments. Blue Ridge-South Mountain anticlinorium: from east to west, these limbs are represented by Catoctin Mountain, Black Oak Structure Ridge-Short Hill-South Mountain, and Blue Ridge-Elk Ridge. Several outliers of cover rocks in the core of the anticlinorium The rocks that underlie the Great Valley form the Massa- also were preserved from the erosion of folds and faults. nutten synclinorium, a regional fold that resulted from the late The boundary between the Blue Ridge province and the Paleozoic Alleghanian orogeny. The core of the synclinorium Great Valley section to the west is the stratigraphic contact 6 Geologic Map of the Frederick 30’ × 60’ Quadrangle, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia between the ridge-forming metasandstone of the Antietam In general, most of these rocks are all light colored, medium Formation and the overlying limestone and dolostone of the grained, and distinguished by the presence or absence of Lower Cambrian Tomstown Formation. At the northern part and (or) . Only one of these units (Ymc) is coarse of Pleasant Valley in Washington County, Md., the Rohrers- grained. ville fault (Southworth and Brezinski, 1996a), which separates Six types of granitic rock are present in the western Blue Cambrian limestone of the Great Valley from older metasedi- Ridge. Massive quartz--orthopyroxene-microcline- mentary and metavolcanic rocks of the Blue Ridge, acts as the charnockitic (Yc) is mapped primarily provincial boundary. To the east, the boundary between the on the basis of float of fresh black rock having a distinctive Blue Ridge and Piedmont provinces is marked by the lower orange crust. Charnockitic granite occurs as - and plug- slope of Catoctin and Furnace Mountains along a Mesozoic like bodies whose age is uncertain (Aleinikoff and others, normal fault. Exceptions to this boundary placement are found 2000). Layered granitic (Ylg), the oldest dated rock east and south of Furnace Mountain near the Potomac River in the region, has the variegated texture of a migmatite. The in Loudoun County, Va., where the unnamed carbonaceous protolith of this layered gneiss is interpreted to be a felsic phyllite unit and dolostone of the Tomstown Formation are volcanic rock. Hornblende monzonite gneiss (Yhm) has a char- stratigraphically above Antietam Formation; these rocks are acteristic spotted texture with up to 30 percent hornblende. discussed under the Blue Ridge province. Porphyroblastic metagranite (Ypg) is characterized by ovoid porphyroblasts of microcline as much as 3 centimeters (cm) Mesoproterozoic Rocks long and garnet 1 cm in diameter. Garnetiferous metagranite (Ygt) and Marshall Metagranite (Ym) also occur in the western The Mesoproterozoic rocks in the core of the Blue Blue Ridge as dikes and sills, and the garnetiferous metagran- Ridge-South Mountain anticlinorium are paragneisses and ite also occurs as a large body near the Potomac River. granitic orthogneisses. The Mesoproterozoic paragneisses are poorly exposed and occur as lenses and layers within granitic gneiss. They are interpreted to be the country rock that existed Neoproterozoic Rocks before intrusion of the granite. The most distinctive unit is Cobbler Mountain Alkali Feldspar Quartz Syenite of the garnet-graphite paragneiss (Yp). A well-layered texture, flakes Robertson River Igneous Suite of specular graphite, and large crystals of garnet (almandine) suggest an impure sandstone or graywacke as the protolith The Robertson River Igneous Suite consists of nine types (Burton and Southworth, 1996). Amphibolite (Ya), a spotted, of peralkaline to metaluminous granite and syenite (Tollo locally well-foliated hornblende-orthopyroxene-plagioclase and Lowe, 1994). Only one member of this suite, the Cobbler gneiss that contains subordinate sills or dike-like bodies of Mountain Alkali Feldspar Quartz Syenite (Zrc), occurs in the metanorite, metadiorite, and hornblende-biotite gneiss, is Frederick quadrangle where it intrudes Mesoproterozoic rocks interpreted to be a mafic metavolcanic rock. Quartzite and of the Blue Ridge province within the southwestern part of the quartz-sericite tectonite (Yq) have rounded grains of quartz and map area. The syenite is a medium-grained massive rock con- zircon; seams of black, carbonaceous phyllonite; and pods of taining distinctive stubby mesoperthite crystals. The rock lacks garnet-graphite paragneiss. The quartzite is of sedimentary the Grenvillian foliation seen in the Mesoproterozoic rocks of origin and has been locally sheared. the region because it was intruded about 300 m.y. later (Tollo At least four groups of orthogneisses are present in this and Lowe, 1994). quadrangle; the groupings are based on isotopic age data (Ale- inikoff and others, 2000) as follows: (1) 1,153±6 Ma layered Metasedimentary Rocks of the Fauquier Group and Swift granitic gneiss (Ylg), 1,149±19 Ma hornblende monzonite Run Formation gneiss (Yhm), 1,144±2 Ma porphyroblastic metagranite (Ypg), and about 1,140 Ma coarse-grained metagranite (Ymc); (2) A sequence of clastic metasedimentary rocks unconform- 1,111±2 Ma biotitic and 1,112±3 Ma leucocratic Marshall ably overlies the Mesoproterozoic gneisses and Neoprotero- Metagranite (Ym); (3) 1,077±4 Ma quartz-plagioclase gneiss zoic Cobbler Mountain Alkali Feldspar Quartz Syenite. These (Yqp) and 1,077±4 garnetiferous metagranite (Ygt); and (4) rocks, the Neoproterozoic Fauquier Group and Swift Run 1,060±2 Ma white leucocratic metagranite (Yg), 1,059±2 Ma Formation, occupy the same stratigraphic position but are not pink leucocratic metagranite (Yml), 1,055±4 Ma biotite granite in contact with each other. Rocks of the Fauquier Group are gneiss (Ybg), and 1,055±2 Ma megacrystic metagranite (Ypb). restricted to the east limb of the Blue Ridge-South Mountain Different groups predominate west (western Blue Ridge) and anticlinorium. The boundary between the Fauquier Group east (eastern Blue Ridge) of the Short Hill fault. Five types rocks and those of the Swift Run Formation are two trans- of granitic rock are mapped in the eastern Blue Ridge. These verse-normal faults that were active during deposition of both include (from oldest to youngest) coarse-grained metagranite groups of strata (Kline and others, 1991). (Ymc), the Marshall Metagranite (Ym) (Jonas, 1928; Espen- The stratigraphic nomenclature of Kasselas (1993) is used shade, 1986), garnetiferous metagranite (Ygt), white leuco- here for rocks of the Fauquier Group, which was formerly cratic metagranite (Yg), and pink leucocratic metagranite (Yml). called the Fauquier Formation by Espenshade (1986). The Blue Ridge Province 

Fauquier Group consists of the Swains Mountain Formation dal metabasalt and chlorite schist (Zcm). In several places at and Carter Run Formation. The base of the Swains Mountain or near the base are bodies of white calcitic marble (Zcma) Formation contains a local, clast-supported boulder conglom- similar to, but more extensive than, the marble (Zsm) within erate (Zfsc) consisting of boulders and cobbles of Mesopro- the underlying Swift Run Formation. Local metabasalt terozoic granite gneiss; the conglomerate is interpreted to be contains blocky masses of light-green epidosite. The metaba- a debris-flow deposit. The remainder of the Swains Mountain salt contains interbeds of thin, discontinuous, finely laminated, consists of gray, coarse- to fine-grained meta- and finer metasedimentary phyllite (Zcs); dark, variegated, vesicular, grained metamudstone (Zfsm) overlying the boulder conglom- tuffaceous phyllite (Zcp); and phyllite and quartz-muscovite erate. The Swains Mountain is overlain by gray metasiltstone schist of metarhyolite composition (Zcr). The rocks of the and meta-arkose of the Carter Run Formation (Zfcr). The rocks Catoctin Formation show considerable variation in thick- of the Fauquier Group dramatically increase in thickness to ness and proportions of rock types along strike. In Maryland, the south beyond the quadrangle boundary, and they do not metabasalt gives way northward to phyllite, and in Pennsyl- occur north of the cross fault that dropped them down against vania metarhyolite is the dominant unit. Metabasalt of the the Mesoproterozoic rocks. A small outlier of these rocks near Catoctin Formation in Virginia has a Rb/Sr age of 570±36 Ma Mountville in Loudoun County, Va., probably also was depos- (Badger and Sinha, 1988), and metarhyolite of the Catoctin ited in a fault-bounded basin. Formation in has a U-Pb age of 597±18 Ma Rocks of the Swift Run Formation (Stose and Stose, (Aleinikoff and others, 1995). 1946) consist of metasandstone and schist (Zss), phyllite (Zsp), and marble (Zsm). The clastic rocks become finer grained upward in section and crossbedding suggests a fluvial origin, Paleozoic Clastic Metasedimentary Rocks of the but the marble and some phyllite may be lake or shallow- Chilhowee Group marine deposits. The three types of rocks are not present in the same stratigraphic positions everywhere due to facies varia­ The Lower Cambrian Chilhowee Group (Safford, 1856) tions. consists of the Loudoun, Weverton, Harpers, and Antietam The massive basal metasandstone and schist unit (Zss) Formations. The contact between the rocks of the Chilhowee locally contains pebbles and cobbles of quartz, phyllite, and Group and the underlying rocks of the Catoctin Formation is ferruginous sandstone, and grades upward and laterally into conformable to locally unconformable. Rip-up clasts of phyl- quartz-sericite schist. The quartz-sericite schist becomes finer lite, metabasalt, and red jasper from the Catoctin Formation grained as it grades upward into tan, sandy, sericitic phyllite record a period of erosion before deposition of the Loudoun (Zsp). White, pink, and tan, massive to schistose, calcitic and Formation. Rocks of the Chilhowee Group represent a fluvial dolomitic marble (Zsm) occurs as local pods. Although the to shallow-marine transgressive sequence exhibiting a depo- marble pods have been elongated by deformation, they prob- sitional transition from to passive-continental margin, the ably originated as local lake or shallow-marine deposits that latter marked by the conformably overlying carbonate rocks. were not laterally extensive. Loudoun Formation Metadiabase and Metarhyolite Dikes The Loudoun Formation (Keith, 1894; Stose and Stose, A northeast-trending swarm of tabular dikes intrudes the 1946) locally occurs between the Catoctin and Weverton Mesoproterozoic and some Neoproterozoic rocks. The dikes Formations and consists of a thin, discontinuous sequence consist mostly of green metadiabase (Zmd) with some gray of predominantly phyllite (_clp) and a minor quartz-pebble metarhyolite (Zrd) (Southworth and others, 2006) and range conglomerate and pebbly metasandstone (_clc). Rocks of the in thickness from 0.5 to 5 m. Texturally, the metadiabase Catoctin Formation grade into the overlying lower phyllite ranges from fine grained (most common) to coarse grained unit. The phyllite is interpreted to include metamorphosed to porphyritic. The metarhyolite is fine grained to porphyritic volcanic tuff, mudstone, and (or) soil (Reed, 1955; Nick- with plagioclase phenocrysts in a of microcrystalline elsen, 1956). The discontinuous and lensoid quartz-pebble quartz and potassium feldspar. Near Middletown, Md., one of conglomerate probably represents a local alluvial fan deposit. these dikes appears to cut metabasalt of the lower part of the Cross-stratified beds of quartzite occur locally between the Catoctin Formation (Zcm). Zircons from a metarhyolite dike conglomerate and underlying phyllite. The conglomerate also along the Potomac River yielded a U-Pb date of 571.5±5 Ma is transitional into the overlying quartzite of the Weverton (Aleinikoff and others, 1995). The dikes were probably feed- Formation. ers to the volcanic flows of the Catoctin Formation. Weverton Formation Metavolcanic and Metasedimentary Rocks of the The Weverton Formation (Keith, 1894) is divided into Catoctin Formation three members (in ascending order): the Buzzard Knob Mem- The Catoctin Formation (Keith, 1894) is characterized ber (_cwb), the Maryland Heights Member (_cwm), and the mainly by green, aphanitic, massive to schistose, amygdaloi- Owens Creek Member (_cwo) (Brezinski, 1992). The Buzzard  Geologic Map of the Frederick 30’ × 60’ Quadrangle, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia

Knob Member is a light, massive, vitreous quartzite interbed- Frederick, Md. The dolostone is exposed along U.S. Route 15, ded with metagraywacke and metasiltstone. The Maryland in a pasture south of the Potomac River, as small outcrops in Heights Member is a dark, granular quartzite interbedded streams, and is recorded in drill core (Hoy and Schumacher, with dark metasiltstone. The Owens Creek Member is a dark, 1956) to the north in Maryland. This dolostone resembles the poorly sorted, crossbedded quartzite and quartz-pebble con- Bolivar Heights Member of the Tomstown that is exposed glomerate interbedded with dark metasiltstone. The Maryland north of Harpers Ferry, W. Va.; however, the Tomstown Heights Member on Catoctin Mountain contains a thick bed mapped east of Catoctin Mountain differs from the Tomstown of vitreous quartzite that is mapped separately (_cwmq). The mapped to the west in the Great Valley section of the Valley Weverton is mapped undivided (_cw) only in the southern part and Ridge province. of the quadrangle, west of Bull Run Mountain fault.

Harpers Formation Structure The Harpers Formation (_ch) (Keith, 1894) is mainly a Mesoproterozoic dark, foliated, quartz-laminated metasiltstone and biotite-chlo- rite-muscovite-quartz phyllite. Primary sedimentary structures Mesoproterozoic foliation in the Blue Ridge province are mostly obscured by recrystallization and cleavage. Rocks is defined by mineral assemblages typical of granulite-facies of the Harpers Formation on Catoctin Mountain are more metamorphism. At least three episodes of deformation affected strongly foliated and phyllitic than the Harpers’ metasiltstone the oldest rocks (Burton and others, 1995; Aleinikoff and and metashale on Short Hill-South Mountain or on Blue others, 2000). The northwest-trending foliation (D1), which Ridge-Elk Ridge. On Blue Ridge-Elk Ridge, the lower part locally is parallel to unit contacts, is cut by a weaker foliation of the Harpers Formation contains thin beds of pebble con- with mineral lineations and southeast-plunging sheath folds glomerate, which indicate that the lower contact is transitional (D2). The D2 features were later deformed into broad, north- above the underlying Weverton Formation. The upper part of west-trending folds (D3). The D1 deformation event is younger the Harpers contains thin beds of clean metasandstone (_chs), than the age of crystallization (1,153 Ma) of the oldest granitic which contains burrows of the trace fossil Skolithos linearis. gneisses, but is older than the weakly foliated 1,077±4 Ma

The metasandstone is transitional into the overlying Antietam granite that cuts it. The D2 deformation occurred after the

Formation (_ca). latest intrusion at 1,055 Ma, and D3 deformation was still

later based on the observation that D3 features cut D2 features. Antietam Formation Outcrops of ductile folds in gneiss are rare. The quartz tectonite unit (Yq) that parallels Butchers The Antietam Formation (_ca) (Keith, 1894) consists Branch in the southwestern part of the western Blue Ridge of a thin-bedded metasandstone and meta-arkose. The unit is exposed only along the Potomac River north of Harpers Ferry, may be a Mesoproterozoic silicified fault rock because it par- W. Va., and south of Point of Rocks, Md., on Furnace Moun- allels unit contacts and is transected by Paleozoic schistosity tain. The Antietam underlies prominent ridges that are littered and cleavage. Monazite ages from Mesoproterozoic rocks on with friable float. Locally, the clean metasandstone has worm either side of the Short Hill fault suggest that the gneisses on burrows of the trace fossil Skolithos linearis. either side were not in proximity to each other during intru- sion, so the fault may have existed at that time. Carbonaceous Phyllite In Loudoun County, Va., south of Point of Rocks, Md., Neoproterozoic a Lower Cambrian lustrous, gray, laminated, carbonaceous Two cross faults and one strike-parallel fault southwest phyllite ( ) that produces a distinctive dark soil is locally _cp of Leesburg, Va., juxtapose the rocks of the Neoproterozoic present between rocks of the Antietam Formation and the Fauquier Group and Swift Run Formation against Mesopro- overlying Tomstown Formation. This unit occupies a strati- terozoic gneiss. These are interpreted to be syndepositional graphic position similar to that of the dark shale of the Cash normal faults (Kline and others, 1991). The faults do not Smith Formation in the Frederick Valley to the north in Mary- appear to cut the rocks of the Neoproterozoic Catoctin Forma- land. The organic shale and mudstone mark the end of clastic tion, which indicates that they were active prior to extrusion of sedimentation prior to the development of an Early Cambrian the Catoctin’s metabasalt. carbonate shelf. The presence of a metadiabase dike swarm in the base- ment rocks of the Blue Ridge is strong evidence that a 50 Tomstown Formation East of Catoctin Mountain percent extension of the crust occurred during crustal rifting, Light-gray dolostone of the Lower Cambrian Tomstown even though few normal faults have been recognized in the Formation (Stose, 1906) (_t) extends from near the town basement gneiss complex. This long period of Neoprotero- of Furnace Mountain south of the Potomac River in Loud- zoic continental extension began with the emplacement of oun County, Va., north along Catoctin Mountain to west of the anorogenic granite of the Robertson River Intrusive Suite Blue Ridge Province  at about 722 Ma and continued through the volcanism of the tain anticlinorium and coeval with its formation. The foliation Catoctin Formation at about 565 Ma. The extension ultimately is slaty to schistose, depending on the host rock. resulted in the opening of the Iapetus Ocean. The dikes and The S2 cleavage is discontinuous, is commonly axial extrusive flows of the Catoctin Formation mark the peak planar to F2 folds, did not involve extensive recrystallization, of continental rifting activity. and formed mostly by pressure solution. S2 has about the same

strike as S1 but at a slightly steeper dip.

Paleozoic Faults The rocks of the Blue Ridge province were deformed Paleozoic faults were mapped on the basis of strati- and metamorphosed during the Paleozoic to produce the Blue graphic truncation and omission, mylonitic foliation, and Ridge-South Mountain anticlinorium. This event most likely localized deformational fabrics. The most regionally extensive was the result of the late Paleozoic (?) Alleghanian faults are also the most enigmatic. The Short Hill fault can be orogeny, although some argon data suggest an earlier Devo- traced about 60 kilometers (km) from a shear zone in Meso- nian to thermal event may have been respon- rocks in Fauquier Co., Va., south of the Frederick sible (Kunk and Burton, 1999). The anticlinorium is a broad, quadrangle, to an area near Rohrersville, Md., where lime- asymmetrical, west-verging, and gently north-plunging fold stone of the Middle and Upper Cambrian complex. Gently plunging folds occupy the homoclinal east structurally overlies metabasalt of the Neoproterozoic Catoctin limb, and more complexly deformed and tightly folded rocks Formation along a flat-lying fault that plunges northward with are located on the overturned west limbs. The stratigraphy on the Blue Ridge-South Mountain anticlinorium. This fault is the west limb of the anticlinorium is repeated by the Short Hill interpreted to be an early Paleozoic normal fault that was con- fault, which is an early Paleozoic (or older?) normal fault that tractionally reactivated as a thrust fault and then was folded was contractionally reactivated and folded during the forma- with the anticlinorium (Southworth and Brezinski, 1996a). tion of the anticlinorium. The formation of the anticlinorium The Keedysville marble bed is a derived from was accompanied by a main fold phase (F1) and associated the Bolivar Heights Member of the Tomstown Formation. The axial-planar cleavage (S1), and a later, minor fold phase (F2) mylonite indicates that a regional detachment was present and associated crenulation cleavage (S2). between the carbonate rock sequence and the underlying clas- tic rocks of the Chilhowee Group before the anticlinorium was Folds folded (Brezinski and others, 1996). Other intraformational thrust faults, strike-slip faults, and The Blue Ridge-South Mountain anticlinorium is a large normal faults are either synchronous with or postdate F1 fold- west-verging F1 fold. The east limb underlies Catoctin Moun- ing of the anticlinorium. The Mesoproterozoic gneiss contains tain and Furnace Mountain, and the fault-repeated west limbs zones of mylonite and phyllonite that superficially resemble underlie Blue Ridge-Elk Ridge and the sequence of Black Oak fine-grained, metasedimentary rocks but actually were formed Ridge, Short Hill, and South Mountain. Map-scale F1 parasitic by ductile faulting. The mylonite contains typical folds include those on Purcell Knob (which is east of Keys of lower-greenschist-facies metamorphism and is probably Gap on Blue Ridge), the Hillsboro syncline that underlies contemporaneous with the development of coplanar S1 cleav- and Black Oak Ridge, several synclines age. Several shear zones are as much as about 1 km wide and of the Swift Run Formation east of Short Hill Mountain, and juxtapose different basement gneiss units. the Furnace Mountain syncline. These F1 parasitic folds con- tain second- and third-order folds.

Later deformation produced open to tight F2 folds accom- Mesozoic panied by axial-planar crenulation cleavage and spaced cleav- Several small, brittle normal faults in the Mesoprotero- age, all of which may have been a continuation of the earlier zoic rocks may be early Mesozoic (Burton and others, 1995), phase of deformation (Nickelsen, 1956; Southworth and oth- because they are similar to the family of brittle normal faults ers, 2006). F2 folds superimposed on F1 folds and S1 cleavage that cuts the east limb of the anticlinorium near Point of are exposed on Blue Ridge from Wilson Gap to its terminus Rocks, Md. Elsewhere in the Blue Ridge province, the only north of Rohrersville, Md., and on Catoctin Mountain south of evidence of Mesozoic structures is the north-trending Early Point of Rocks, Md. diabase dikes.

Cleavage Metamorphism A regional, penetrative, northeast-striking, southeast-dip- ping S cleavage (South Mountain cleavage of Cloos (1951) 1 Mesoproterozoic and Mitra and Elliott (1980)) overprints Mesoproterozoic foliation and bedding in Neoproterozoic and Cambrian rocks. Plutonism, metamorphism, and deformation in the Blue

The S1 cleavage is axial planar to the Blue Ridge-South Moun- Ridge province spanned about 150 m.y., from about 1,153 to 10 Geologic Map of the Frederick 30’ × 60’ Quadrangle, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia

1,000 Ma (Aleinikoff and others, 2000). Mesoproterozoic defor- and they also have similar landforms. Mesozoic sedimentary mation and metamorphism ended no earlier than about 1,055 rocks of the Culpeper and Gettysburg basins unconformably Ma, which is the age of the youngest deformed unit (megacrys- overlie the older rocks. The sedimentary rocks were intruded tic metagranite, Ypb). Granulite-facies mineral assemblages of by diabase dikes and sills. (1) orthopyroxene and microcline in charnockitic granite and (2) orthopyroxene and brown hornblende in amphibolite show granoblastic texture and triple-junction grain boundaries. Mona- Culpeper and Gettysburg Basins zite ages (Aleinikoff and others, 2000) indicate that there was no In the Frederick 30’ × 60’ quadrangle, Triassic and Juras- regional thermal event hotter than 720°C that affected the rocks 40 39 sic sedimentary and volcanic rocks were formerly assigned after the Grenville orogeny. The Ar/ Ar age of hornblende to the Culpeper Group (Lee, 1979, 1980), which was in turn from a Grenville rock provides a cooling date of 1,000 to 920 divided informally into a lower part and an upper part. The Ma (Kunk and others, 1993), which could be designated as the former lower part was revised as the Chatham Group, and minimum age for regional metamorphism in this area. the former upper part was revised as the Meriden Group by Weems and Olsen (1997). In this quadrangle, the Chat- Paleozoic ham Group includes the mainly Upper Triassic sequence of continental sedimentary rocks and some basalt; the Meriden Paleozoic deformation was accompanied by recrystalliza- Group includes the Lower Jurassic series of basalt flows and tion under lower-greenschist-facies metamorphic conditions. intercalated sedimentary rocks (Midland Formation, Hickory

The formation of S1 cleavage was accompanied by the growth Grove Basalt, Turkey Run Formation, and Sander Basalt) (Lee of fine-grained muscovite, chlorite, biotite, , actinolite, and Froelich, 1989). Both the Chatham and Meriden Groups and accessory minerals in the rocks of the Neoproterozoic and belong to the Newark Supergroup (Froelich and Olsen, 1984). Lower Cambrian cover sequence. Biotite is only recognized in cover rocks on the east limb of the Blue Ridge-South Moun- tain anticlinorium. Some of the cover rocks show multiple Chatham Group.—Consisting of Manassas Sandstone, generations of white muscovite-sericite, suggesting a complex Bull Run Formation, Catharpin Creek Formation, and Mount metamorphic history. Retrograde mineral assemblages of Zion Church Basalt. muscovite, biotite, and chlorite replaced feldspar, brown bio- Manassas Sandstone tite, and garnet in Mesoproterozoic gneisses; Neoproterozoic metadiabase dikes and metabasalt contain actinolite, chlorite, The Upper Triassic Manassas Sandstone (Lee, 1977, and epidote. The age of metamorphism and deformation is 1979) is divided into the Reston Member (Lee, 1977) (^cmr), poorly constrained but is usually attributed to the late Paleo- the Tuscarora Creek Member (Lee, 1977) (^cmt), and the zoic Alleghanian orogeny (Mitra and Elliott, 1980). The Blue Poolesville Member (Lee and Froelich, 1989) (^cmp). The Ridge province rocks were transported westward during the rocks assigned here to the Tuscarora Creek Member and the Alleghanian orogeny (Evans, 1988), but the metamorphism Poolesville Member in the Culpeper basin have been called the and deformation that they exhibit may be older. New Oxford Formation by workers in Maryland and Penn- sylvania (Cleaves and others, 1968; Berg and others, 1980). These rocks were deposited by braided streams that flowed across a lowland. Piedmont Province The Reston Member (^cmr) is the basal conglomerate that is faulted against and unconformably overlies older metasedi- Geologic Setting mentary rocks of the Potomac and Westminster terranes. The conglomerate is composed of cobbles, pebbles, and boulders The Piedmont, which means “foot of the mountain,” is of micaceous quartzite, phyllite, metagraywacke, and schist in the province east of the lower slope of Catoctin Mountain in an arkosic matrix of sand, clay, muscovite, and feldspar. The the Blue Ridge province. In the eastern part of the province, deposits are lensoid and discontinuous, which indicates that they crystalline rocks of the Potomac terrane were thrust onto meta- are probably channel deposits of a river system. morphic rocks of the Westminster terrane along the Pleasant The Tuscarora Creek Member (^cmt) is a basal con- Grove fault. The metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks of glomerate that unconformably overlies carbonate rocks of the Westminster terrane were thrust westward along the Martic the Upper Cambrian Frederick Formation (and rocks of the fault onto metasedimentary rocks now exposed in the Sugar- Urbana Formation at one locality). Although the Tuscarora loaf Mountain anticlinorium and Frederick Valley synclino- Creek is laterally equivalent to the Reston Member, the clasts rium. Except for some valleys underlain by carbonate rocks, are from different source rocks. The Tuscarora Creek contains the Piedmont is a dissected plateau. Rocks of the Sugarloaf limestone and dolostone clasts derived from the Frederick Mountain anticlinorium and Frederick Valley synclinorium and possibly the Grove Formations. The conglomerate locally are correlative with rocks of the Blue Ridge anticlinorium and is lensoidal and discontinuous as it represents debris-flow the Massanutten synclinorium (Great Valley), respectively, channels incised into an alluvial fan. In the subsurface along Piedmont Province 11 the western margin of the basin, the conglomerate is probably Catharpin Creek Formation the base of the stratigraphically higher conglomerate in the The Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic Catharpin Creek Leesburg Member of the Bull Run Formation. Formation (J^cc) consists of cyclic sequences of interbedded The Poolesville Member (^cmp) is an arkosic, mus- sandstone, siltstone, and conglomerate as much as 30 m thick. covite-rich sandstone interbedded with siltstone containing The contact with the underlying Upper Triassic Bull Run sparse quartz pebbles that fines upward. The base of the unit Formation is gradational and intertonguing, but the contact is transitional with the underlying Reston and Tuscarora Creek with the overlying Lower Jurassic Mount Zion Church Basalt Members. The Poolesville Member also grades up into the (Jcm) is a sharp disconformity. When this unit was deposited, overlying Balls Bluff Member of the Bull Run Formation; the climate had once again become wetter; therefore, mainly therefore, the contact between the two units is gradational and fluvial to lacustrine deposits accumulated. approximately located. The Goose Creek Member (J^ccg) of the Cathar- pin Creek Formation is a lenticular body of conglomerate Bull Run Formation composed of subrounded pebbles and cobbles of quartzite, metabasalt, metasiltstone, gneiss, limestone, and quartz, Rocks previously assigned to the Upper Triassic Balls all derived from rocks of the Blue Ridge province. The con- Bluff Siltstone by Lee (1977, 1979) are now assigned to the glomerate is interbedded with pebbly arkosic sandstone and Bull Run Formation, which consists of the Leesburg Member, its matrix is locally rich in . Like the conglomeratic the Balls Bluff Member, and the Groveton Member by Weems rocks of the Tuscarora Creek Member (^cmt) of the Manassas and Olsen (1997). The three members are laterally equivalent, Sandstone and the Leesburg Member (^cbl) of the Bull Run but are characterized by different lithologies that represent Formation, the Goose Creek Member probably represents a variable depositional environments. As the climate changed debris-flow channel incised into an alluvial fan; the distinc- from wet to dry, alluvial fans formed and extended from the tion between the Goose Creek Member and the other two highlands west of the border fault onto playas with lakes and units is the source and composition of its clasts. The resistant intermittent streams. The resulting deposits are conglomerates clasts exposed at the surface of this unit remain as a lag gravel interbedded with sandstone and siltstone at every scale. deposit. The Leesburg Member (^cbl) is a conspicuous carbonate conglomerate composed of subangular to subrounded boul- Mount Zion Church Basalt ders, cobbles, and pebbles of limestone and dolostone in a The Lower Jurassic Mount Zion Church Basalt (Jcm) is a sandy siltstone matrix. The source of the carbonate rock clasts high-titanium, quartz-normative tholeiitic basalt. Vesicles and includes the limestone and dolostone of the Tomstown, Fred- amygdules at the tops indicate one or two flows. The basalt erick, and Grove Formations. The conglomerate intertongues underlies a low ridge but is poorly exposed. with the sandstone and siltstone of the Balls Bluff Member and forms a complex map pattern. The sandstone and siltstone Meriden Group.—Consisting of Midland Formation, then pinch out to the west. This unit is similar to the conglom- Hickory Grove Basalt, Turkey Run Formation, and Sander erate of the Tuscarora Creek Member (^cmt) of the Manassas Basalt. Sandstone and is probably stratigraphically continuous with it in the subsurface. Midland Formation The Balls Bluff Member (^cbb) is mainly feldspathic, The Lower Jurassic Midland Formation (Jmm) consists silty sandstone interbedded with clayey and sandy siltstone in of cyclic sequences of interbedded siltstone, sandstone, and cyclic sequences as much as 3 m thick. The unit is gradational shale. Lenticular deposits of variegated cobble and pebble with the underlying Poolesville Member of the Manassas conglomerate and conglomeratic arkosic sandstone (Jmmc) are Sandstone, intertongues laterally with rocks of the Groveton mapped separately. The conglomeratic strata represent alluvial Member and Leesburg Member of the Bull Run Formation, fans that prograded eastward into lakes situated on playas. and is overlain unconformably by rocks of the Upper Triassic Shale and siltstone contain the remains of the abundant and and Lower Jurassic Catharpin Creek Formation (J^cc). diverse fish that lived in the lakes. The Groveton Member (^cbg) is mostly a thin-bedded to laminated, silty and sandy lacustrine shale interbedded Hickory Grove Basalt with clayey and sandy siltstone in cyclic sequences 3 to 9 m The Lower Jurassic Hickory Grove Basalt (Jmh) consists thick. The unit is gradational with the underlying Balls Bluff of two or three flows of high-titanium, high-iron, quartz-nor- Member and is considered to be a lateral equivalent. The rocks mative tholeiitic basalt with vesicles and amygdules locally at are also conformably overlain by rocks of the Catharpin Creek the tops of flows. Locally, the flows are separated by sand- Formation. The shale is poorly exposed but can be traced by stone and siltstone (Jmhs) that, in places, are disconformable shale chips in soil. with both the underlying and overlying strata. 1 Geologic Map of the Frederick 30’ × 60’ Quadrangle, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia

Turkey Run Formation Frederick Valley Synclinorium The Lower Jurassic Turkey Run Formation (Jmt) consists Araby Formation of cyclic sequences of interbedded sandstone, siltstone, con- glomerate, and shale. The conglomerate (Jmtc) is composed The Lower and Middle Cambrian Araby Formation (_ar) of subrounded boulders, cobbles, and pebbles of metabasalt, (Reinhardt, 1974, 1977) consists of burrow-mottled sandy quartzite, marble, quartz, and basalt. Like the Midland Forma- metasiltstone whose bedding is obscured by structural folia- tion, these deposits represent alluvial fans that prograded into tions. The metasiltstone is interpreted as a deepwater-slope lakes on a playa that were later covered with basaltic lava facies of a starved clastic basin (Reinhardt, 1974). The Araby Formation is conformably overlain by limestone and limestone flows. breccia of the Rocky Springs Station Member of the Frederick Formation. In the northeastern part of the Frederick Valley, Sander Basalt within the map area, metashale beds thicken near the top of The Lower Jurassic Sander Basalt (Jms) is the uppermost the unit. unit of basalt flows and sedimentary rocks and is the young- est bedrock in the map area. The stratigraphically lower flows Cash Smith Formation of the Sander are high-titanium, high-iron, quartz-normative The Middle and Upper Cambrian Cash Smith Formation . Poorly exposed sandstone and siltstone (Jmss) sepa- (Edwards, 1988) (_cs) is a dark shale and that grades rates the lower flows from the stratigraphically higher flows of up into thin-bedded, calcareous shale with limestone nodules. low-titanium, quartz-normative basalt. The Sander Basalt has The Cash Smith is transitional between the metasiltstone of distinctive curved columnar joints. the underlying Araby Formation and the shale of the overlying Rocky Springs Station Member (_frs) of the Frederick Forma- Thermally Metamorphosed Rocks tion. Although the Cash Smith is similar to the dark shale beds within the mostly carbonate Rocky Springs Station Member, The Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic strata (J^tm) of neither unit can be continuously mapped across the synclino- the Newark Supergroup were thermally metamorphosed by rium. diabase intrusions (Jd, Jdc, Jdh, Jdg). Zoned contact aureoles in the country rock may be seen adjacent to the diabase. The largest contact aureoles are found adjacent to the diabase Frederick Formation sills along the Dulles Greenway (Virginia State Route 267) at The Upper Cambrian Frederick Formation (Frederick Belmont Ridge in Loudoun County, Va., and near Boyds, Md. Limestone of Keyes, 1890; Stose and Stose, 1946; Reinhardt, Thin aureoles may be seen adjacent to narrow diabase dikes. 1974, 1977) is a thick interval of limestone and dolostone that Siltstone and shale are altered to cordierite-spotted hornfels contains thin intervals of shale and sandstone. The Frederick in the inner aureole; epidote-chlorite hornfels characterizes Limestone was renamed Frederick Formation by Southworth the outer aureole. Sandstone is metamorphosed to tourmaline and Brezinski (2003), and the three members of Reinhardt granofels and (or) quartzite; carbonate conglomerate is meta- (1974, 1977) are shown on the map; in ascending order, morphosed to marble. they are the Rocky Springs Station, Adamstown, and Lime Kiln Members. The Rocky Springs Station Member (_fr) is characterized by intervals of polymictic breccia that may be Diabase Dikes and Sills traced locally. This lower member was deposited by offshelf Early Jurassic diabase from three varieties of magma is submarine slides that accumulated at the toe of a paleoslope mapped in the Culpeper and Gettysburg basins (Froelich and (Reinhardt, 1974). An interval of grayish-black shale (_frs) Gottfried, 1988). Both the olivine-normative diabase and the that is similar to the shale of the Cash Smith Formation (which low-titanium, quartz-normative tholeiitic diabase occurs as locally underlies the unit to the north) is interbedded with the dikes (Jd). High-titanium, quartz-normative tholeiitic diabase limestone. (Jdh) occurs as both narrow dikes and thick, differentiated sills The Adamstown Member (_fa) consists of thinly bedded that contain cumulates (mapped separately as unit Jdc) in the limestone and thin intervals of shale that were probably depos- lower parts and late-stage differentiates in the higher parts. ited in an oceanic basin (Reinhardt, 1974). The Lime Kiln The differentiates include granophyre (mapped separately as Member (_fl) consists of thinly bedded limestone interbedded unit Jdg), ferrogabbro, diorite, syenite, and aplite. The thin with algal limestone at the top of the formation. This upper sills and thicker sheets of diabase are irregular in shape. The member appears to record aggradation from ocean-basin depo- sition to shallow-shelf deposition (Reinhardt, 1974). dikes are linear, discontinuous, and were emplaced en echelon along dilated fractures. The diabase dike exposed along the Maryland side of the Potomac River, between Sandy Hook and Grove Formation Weverton, has an 40Ar/39Ar age of 200 Ma (Kunk and others, The Upper Cambrian and Lower Ordovician Grove 1992). Formation (Stose and Jonas, 1935; Jonas and Stose; 1938b; Piedmont Province 13

Reinhardt, 1974) is an interval of carbonate rock in the center tion mapped to the west, and they are surrounded by Ijamsville of the Frederick Valley. The Grove consists of two informal Phyllite. The rocks along Bush Creek are interpreted to be the members. The lower member (O_gl) consists of crossbed- Urbana Formation exposed beneath the Martic thrust sheet in a ded, sandy limestone; sandy dolomitic limestone; and sandy tectonic window (Southworth, 1999). dolostone that, as a package, is distinct from the underlying and overlying strata. These rocks were probably deposited on the shelf edge as a sand wave complex. Westminster Terrane Above the basal limestone and dolostone member are Prettyboy Schist limestone and dolostone of the upper member (O_gu). The strata are arranged in cycles consisting of thrombolitic and The Neoproterozoic(?) and Lower Cambrian(?) Prettyboy stromatolitic limestone and laminated dolostone that were Schist (Crowley, 1976) (_Zp) is quartz-muscovite-chlorite- deposited in a peritidal environment. albite schist and muscovite-quartz-albite schist containing characteristic white, euhedral albite porphyroblasts and oxi- dized cubes of pyrite. The Prettyboy Schist may be a coarser, Sugarloaf Mountain Anticlinorium and Bush distal-facies equivalent of the rocks of the Marburg Formation Creek Belt (Drake, 1994; Howard, 1994). However, the Prettyboy rocks exhibit a higher metamorphic grade, thus making the grada- Sugarloaf Mountain Quartzite tional contact between the two units a metamorphic isograd The Lower Cambrian Sugarloaf Mountain Quartzite (Fisher, 1978). The Prettyboy Schist crops out in two areas (Jonas and Stose, 1938b) is a medium-bedded to massive interpreted to be antiforms within the northeastern part of the quartzite cemented by silica and sericite. Crossbeds, graded Westminster terrane in the northeastern corner of the quadran- beds, and sparse ripple marks show that these are continental- gle. Massive to schistose metabasalt (_Zpb) forms a lensoidal margin deposits laid down in shallow water. Poorly exposed body within the schist of the northernmost antiform. Granular laminated metasiltstone is interbedded with the quartzite. The quartzite (_Zpq), as much as 1 m thick, is interbedded with the Sugarloaf Mountain Quartzite is subdivided into informal schist (_Zp) in sequences as thick as 30 m. lower (_sql), middle (_sqm), and upper (_squ) members. The upper member is well exposed at the summit of Sugarloaf Marburg Formation Mountain, the middle member forms the prominent ridge The Neoproterozoic(?) and Lower Cambrian(?) Mar- north of the summit (which may be traversed by following the burg Formation (Drake, 1994) (Marburg Schist of Jonas and Northern Peaks trail), but the lower member is poorly exposed Stose, 1938b) consists of phyllitic metasiltstone (_Zmbs) and (Southworth and Brezinski, 2003). small bodies of metagraywacke (_Zmbg), metabasalt (_Zmbb), and quartzite (_Zmbq). Quartz-sericite-chlorite metasilt- Urbana Formation stone contains local chloritoid and albite porphyroblasts, and The Lower Cambrian(?) Urbana Formation (Urbana chlorite-albite metasiltstone contains ribbons and laminae of Phyllite of Jonas and Stose, 1938b; Edwards, 1986) conform- quartz 0.25 cm thick. Both of these varieties of the Marburg ably overlies the Sugarloaf Mountain Quartzite and is structur- are impregnated with vein quartz and are highly folded. Thin ally overlain by rocks of the Ijamsville Formation along the layers and lenses of muscovite-chlorite-paragonite- Martic fault. The Urbana Formation (_u) consists of quartzite, phyllite that are lithologically similar to rocks of the Ijamsville calcareous metasandstone, metagraywacke, and metasiltstone, Phyllite are locally seen within the fine-grained rocks but are all of which cannot be differentiated because of poor exposure too small to map. The quartz laminae in the metasiltstone may and the of all the rock types; however, there are be the result of both sedimentary (turbidite) and metamorphic mappable bodies of marble (_um) and quartzite (_uq). Most processes. of the rock units in the Urbana Formation are discontinuous Metagraywacke (_Zmbg) consists of a dark, quartz-rich lenses that are sandy, calcareous, friable, or deeply weathered granular graywacke locally interbedded with the phyllite and and thus are poorly exposed. The quartzite, metasandstone, metasiltstone (_Zmbs). The small metabasalt body south of and metasiltstone are crossbedded and ripple-marked, which Barnesville, Md. (_Zmbb), is interpreted to be an epiclastic indicates that they were deposited in shallow water. Schistose deposit. The quartzite (_Zmbq) is medium to coarse grained to massive, sandy, chlorite-rich marble (_um) is interbedded with a high chlorite content. with metasiltstone and metasandstone. Massive quartzite (_uq) The contact between the rocks of the Marburg Formation interbedded with vuggy calcareous metasandstone mapped and the Sams Creek Formation is the Hyattstown thrust fault, within broad belts of metasiltstone are probably local channel but rocks of the Marburg Formation may stratigraphically deposits and not a continuous stratigraphic horizon. underlie rocks of the Sams Creek Formation in the northern Metasiltstone, calcareous metasandstone, marble, and part of the map near Sams Creek, Md. North of Winfield, Md., quartzite crop out along Bush Creek. These rocks are lithologi- the Marburg Formation is interpreted to structurally overlie cally and structurally identical to rocks of the Urbana Forma- the Prettyboy Schist. The Marburg Formation contains a minor 1 Geologic Map of the Frederick 30’ × 60’ Quadrangle, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia amount of hematitic phyllite that resembles rocks of the Ijams- include zircon, ilmenite, and magnetite. The protolith of this ville Phyllite, although the rock units never come into contact. rock is interpreted to be a submarine debris flow. The Marburg Formation contains some fine-grained albite Chloritic phyllite and metasiltstone (_Zicp) are interbed- schist that is similar to the coarse-grained albite schist of the ded with conglomeratic metagraywacke (_Zicm) near Chestnut Prettyboy Schist. Because of these two lithologic similarities, Grove, Md. The conglomeratic metagraywacke has distinctive the Marburg Formation may be a transitional facies between subrounded pebbles of white quartz and tan lithic clasts in a the Ijamsville Phyllite and Prettyboy Schist; otherwise, the green, chloritic siltstone matrix. Large boulders of the distinc- Marburg rocks are unique to this region. The rocks mapped tive rock litter the uplands, but exposure is poor. The detrital here as Marburg Formation were previously assigned to the material in the conglomeratic metagraywacke was derived Wissahickon Formation by Fisher (1978) and to the Gillis from greenschist-facies metasedimentary rocks with abundant Group by Edwards (1986, 1994). vein quartz, but the source is unknown. The chloritic phyllite unit (_Zicp) is interlayered with Ijamsville Phyllite the hematitic phyllite at the type locality of the formation. Northward from the type locality, the phyllite is conglomer- The Neoproterozoic(?) and Lower Cambrian(?) Ijamsville atic, contains phyllite and marble clasts and marble lenses, and Phyllite (Jonas and Stose, 1938b) consists of eight mappable is interbedded with quartzite of the Sams Creek Formation. varieties: phyllite (_Zip), metabasalt (_Zib), quartzite (_Ziq), Near , phyllite interbedded with 0.5-m-thick marble (_Zim), metalimestone (_Zil), phyllitic conglomerate quartzite transitions northward into thick-bedded quartzite that (_Zic), conglomeratic metagraywacke (_Zicm), and chloritic is interbedded with thin layers of phyllite and rip-up clasts of phyllite (_Zicp). The Ijamsville is mapped in four distinct belts phyllite. as follows: (1) from the type locality at Ijamsville, Md., south to Beallsville, Md., (2) in a klippe of the Martic fault west of Sams Creek Formation Sugarloaf Mountain, (3) between the klippe and rocks of the Sams Creek Formation near Chestnut Grove, and (4) above the The Neoproterozoic(?) and Lower Cambrian(?) Sams Creek Formation (Jonas and Stose, 1938b) contains 11 map- Martic fault east of Sugarloaf Mountain. pable varieties: metabasalt ( ), felsic schist ( ), marble The muscovite-chlorite-paragonite-chloritoid phyllite _Zsb _Zsf (_Zsm), tuffaceous phyllite (_Zstp), muscovitic phyllite variety (_Zip) often has composite foliations and abundant (_Zsmp), hematitic phyllite (_Zshp), metalimestone (_Zsl), quartz veins that are folded and transposed to form phyllonites quartzite interbedded with phyllite (_Zsqp), quartzite (_Zsq), with dull-green clots and patches of retrograde chlorite. The metasiltstone (_Zss), and calcareous metasandstone (_Zsc). least deformed fine-grained rocks are that were quar- Metabasalt (_Zsb) is mostly massive, aphanitic to porphyritic, ried for roofing material as early as 1880 (Dale and others, and contains calcite-filled amygdules and epidosite nodules. In 1914). Bedding in the slate is locally expressed as thin bands several places, the metabasalt is a hyaloclastite breccia com- of opaque minerals on cleavage surfaces. The dark color of posed of fragmented metabasalt, a conglomerate of elongated the phyllite and slate results from abundant minute hematite metabasalt clasts, and epiclastic deposits of weathered metaba- crystals. salt. The metabasalt is interpreted to be metamorphosed basalt Metabasalt (_Zib) contains nodules of epidosite and flows that were intercalated with beds of quartzite, metasilt- sparsely crops out as flattened pillows north of Beallsville, stone, phyllite, and marble. The flows are chemically identi- Md. Locally, centimeter-thick metabasalt is interlayered with cal to tholeiitic basalt of the Catoctin Formation of the Blue phyllite. Yellowish-gray, massive, fine- to medium-grained Ridge-South Mountain anticlinorium to the west (Southworth, quartzite (_Ziq) is interbedded with phyllite, but the bodies are 1999). Felsic metavolcanic and metavolcaniclastic schist discontinuous and probably represent channel deposits. (_Zsf) is interlayered with metabasalt in one place, just west of Thin-bedded metalimestone (_Zil) containing black car- Fountain Mills. bonaceous phyllite is surrounded by phyllite near the mouth Massive to thin-bedded, calcitic and dolomitic marble of the . The thin, argillaceous metalimestone (_Zsm) occurs as linear pods in three different types of Sams may be olistoliths (large clasts) deposited in deepwater mud. Creek phyllite as well as in metabasalt and quartzite in differ- The metalimestone resembles the Silver Run Limestone of ent stratigraphic positions. These marble pods are interpreted Jonas and Stose (1938b) and Fisher (1978) (Southworth, to be olistoliths. Several bodies that are as long as 1 km and as 1998). Three pods of sandy limestone (_Zim), 10 cm to 3 m wide as 0.5 km are within a “calico” phyllite-clast conglomer- long, are found within conglomeratic phyllite (_Zip) west of ate. the type locality at Ijamsville. The marble is also interpreted to Tuffaceous phyllite (_Zstp) is a metavolcaniclastic phyl- be olistoliths deposited by debris flows in deepwater mud. lite that was formerly called the Libertytown Metarhyolite An unusual outcrop of phyllitic conglomerate (_Zic) (Jonas and Stose, 1938b). Muscovitic phyllite (_Zsmp) is north of Bush Creek and west of Monrovia, Md., is composed extensive in the eastern belt of the Sams Creek Formation, of fist-sized, flat chips of muscovite-chlorite phyllite sup- adjacent to the thrust sheet of rocks of the Marburg Forma- ported by a dark matrix rich in detrital heavy minerals that tion. Hematitic phyllite (_Zshp) closely resembles rocks of the Piedmont Province 1

Ijamsville Phyllite but is interlayered with tuffaceous phyllite Henryton thrust faults. The ultramafite constitutes a fault block that is not recognized in Ijamsville Phyllite to the south. Meta­ that separates the Sykesville Formation (_s) to its west from limestone (_Zsl) is identical to metalimestone of the Ijams- the Loch Raven Schist (_Zl). Chemical data suggest that the ville Phyllite and occurs mostly within phyllite (muscovitic, rock originally was pyroxenite that formed beneath the ocean tuffaceous, or hematitic varieties), but one body is adjacent to floor (Drake, 1994). metabasalt (_Zsb) and another body is above marble (_Zsm). The quartzite interbedded with phyllite (_Zsqp) is mostly Metasedimentary Rocks medium-grained quartzite interbedded with phyllite, phyl- The Mather Gorge Formation (Drake and Froelich, 1997) lite-clast conglomerate, and tuffaceous phyllite. The unit is mostly consists of quartz-rich schist (_Zms), metagraywacke mapped near Lake Linganore, southeast of McKaig, Md. The (_Zmg), migmatite (_Zmm), phyllonite (_Zmp), and metatuff quartzite, which is similar to that of the Weverton Formation (_Zmt). The metagraywacke and schist are interpreted to be and the Sugarloaf Mountain Quartzite, is interbedded with deepwater turbidites deposited in a large submarine fan under rocks that can be traced to the type locality of the Ijamsville fairly high-energy conditions (Drake, 1989). In the eastern Phyllite. The variegated phyllite-clast conglomerate and tuffa- part of the unit, some of these metasedimentary rocks were ceous phyllite are associated with marble and metavolcanic later partially melted to form migmatites and sheared to form rocks of the Sams Creek elsewhere. phyllonites. Medium-grained quartzite of the Sams Creek Forma- The schist unit (_Zms) includes a quartz-muscovite- tion (_Zsq) is locally crossbedded and calcareous and prob- chlorite-plagioclase-epidote-magnetite-hematite mineral ably represents channel deposits within all the other units of assemblage. Locally, the unit is a muscovitic gneiss containing the formation. Metasiltstone (_Zss) locally interbedded with interbedded metagraywacke and some small blocks of calc- quartzite and calcareous metasandstone resembles rocks of silicate rock. the Urbana Formation (Jonas and Stose, 1938a), but the Sams The well-bedded metagraywacke unit (_Zmg) also Creek rocks contain metabasalt and the Urbana rocks do not. contains semipelitic schist, quartzose schist, and some calc- Friable, coarse-grained, calcareous metasandstone (_Zsc) with silicate rock interbeds. Metagraywacke beds range from 3 large, high-angle crossbeds appears to be overlain by metaba- cm to as much as 3 m thick but average about 15 cm. Meta- salt (_Zsb) south of Monrovia, Md. graywacke beds are graded and have sole marks and slump features that are preserved even though the original rocks Wakefield Marble were subjected to sillimanite-grade metamorphism (Hopson, The Neoproterozoic(?) and Lower Cambrian(?) Wake- 1964). In the eastern part of the map unit’s areal extent, some field Marble (Jonas and Stose, 1938b) (_Zw) is a dolomitic of the schist and metagraywacke was partially melted to form to calcitic marble that can be traced continuously from the stromatic and, less commonly, phlebitic migmatite (_Zmm) northern edge of the map area northward to the type locality (Mehnert, 1971) consisting of a quartz-plagioclase leucosome in Wakefield Valley in the adjacent New Windsor 7.5-minute and a quartz-rich schist paleosome. In the extreme eastern part quadrangle, where it stratigraphically overlies metabasalt of of the map unit’s areal extent, the schist and metagraywacke the Sams Creek Formation (Fisher, 1978). The Wakefield were locally sheared in broad fault zones. The resulting rock Marble is interpreted to represent shallow-water deposits on is a lustrous, fine-grained chlorite-sericite phyllonite (_Zmp) submerged islands of basalt (Fisher, 1978). Because the Wake- containing knots and pods of white vein quartz. field is identical to large clasts of marble within both the Sams Metatuff (_Zmt) consists of hornblende-plagioclase- Creek Formation and Ijamsville Formation, the significance of quartz-muscovite, felsic, schistose metamorphosed tuff. It its stratigraphic position is uncertain. is interpreted to be part of a sparse sequence of interlayered mafic and felsic metavolcanic rocks near Great Falls, Va. The Northwest Branch Formation (_Zn) (Drake, 1998) Potomac Terrane consists of well-bedded meta-arenite and lesser quartzite and calc-silicate rock. Beds range from 1.3 cm to 1.2 m in thick- Metagabbro, Ultramafic Rocks, the Soldiers Delight ness and are interbedded with schist similar to that in the Ultramafite, and Metatuff overlying Loch Raven Schist. Dark-green and black, fine- to medium-grained metagab- The Loch Raven Schist (_Zl) (Crowley, 1976) is a thin- bro containing layers of metapyroxenite (_Zg), as well as bedded, lustrous, quartz-muscovite-biotite-plagioclase schist serpentinite, soapstone, chlorite-tremolite-epidote schist, that, in places, contains garnet, , and (or) chlorite. talc-chlorite schist, and talc-calcite-actinolite schist (mapped The schist is interbedded with semipelitic schist and meta-aren­ together as _Zu), constitute blocks of mafic and ultramafic ite (_Zlm) and is similar to the underlying Northwest Branch rock that were emplaced during deposition of turbidites of the Formation into which it grades. Mather Gorge Formation. The Soldiers Delight Ultramafite The Oella Formation (_Zo) (Crowley, 1976) is quartz- (_Zsd) (Drake, 1994) is serpentinite that has been sheared and plagioclase-biotite-muscovite meta-arenite interbedded with altered to talc schist and soapstone between the Brinklow and quartz-muscovite-plagioclase schist similar to the underlying 16 Geologic Map of the Frederick 30’ × 60’ Quadrangle, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia

Loch Raven Schist into which it grades. The meta-arenite beds the Sykesville Formation in southern Rockville, Md. Biotite- range from 1 cm to about 1 m in thickness. hornblende tonalite has a strong relict-igneous-flow foliation The Laurel Formation (_l) (Hopson, 1964) is a sedimen- in places. The tonalite contains many ultramafic and mafic tary mélange consisting of a quartzofeldspathic matrix that xenoliths and (or) autoliths, as well as xenoliths of metasedi- contains quartz grains and fragments of meta-arenite and mus- mentary rocks; mafic minerals, therefore, typically make up covite-biotite schist, and large porphyroblasts of muscovite. 50 percent of the tonalite. Radiometric dating methods have The upper part of the formation (_lu) contains more than 50 yielded a concordant conventional U-Pb age of 466±3 Ma and percent olistoliths of meta-arenite and muscovite-biotite schist a single-crystal U-Pb age of 472±4 Ma (Aleinikoff and others, that are locally as long as 5 to 10 m. 2002). Quartz gabbro (Ogg) also contains lesser diorite and The Sykesville Formation (_s) (Hopson, 1964) is also a even lesser quartz norite. At many places, the unit contains sedimentary mélange consisting of a quartzofeldspathic matrix thin cumulate layers of metapyroxenite and augite-hornblende that contains distinctive round, eye-shaped quartz lumps and rock. Metapyroxenite (Ogp) is mostly altered to dark-grayish- blocks of phyllonite (_Zmp), migmatite (_Zmm), and meta- green serpentinite. Small pods and a swarm of metapyroxenite graywacke (_Zmg) of the Mather Gorge Formation; as well as xenoliths occur within or along the borders of the larger tonal- mafic and ultramafic rocks (_Zu), metafelsite, and plagiogran- ite and quartz-gabbro plutons. ite. The upper part of the formation locally contains 50 percent The Middle Ordovician Kensington Tonalite (Cloos and or more of phyllonite and schist lenses interpreted to be olisto- Cooke, 1953; Fleming and others, 1994) (Ok) intruded rocks liths derived from the Mather Gorge Formation (Drake, 1989; in the eastern belt of the Sykesville Formation near the Rock Muller, 1994). Creek shear zone and the Brinklow thrust fault. In and near these fault zones, the unit is intensely foliated to mylonitic Cambrian, Ordovician, and Devonian Intrusive Rocks muscovite-biotite granodiorite that contains augen and coarse porphyroblasts of microcline. The rock has a single-crystal Intrusive rocks include Ordovician quartz bodies; the U-Pb age of 463±8 Ma (Aleinikoff and others, 2002). Ordovician(?) Bear Island Granodiorite; the Early Ordovician Veins, lenses, and irregular bodies of massive, foliated, Georgetown Intrusive Suite and Dalecarlia Intrusive Suite; and jointed vein quartz of several different ages have intruded the Middle Ordovician Kensington Tonalite; the Late Ordovi- rocks in the eastern Piedmont. Map-scale quartz bodies (Oq) cian Norbeck Intrusive Suite; and the Late Devonian Guilford intruded schist and phyllonite of the Mather Gorge Forma- Granite and pegmatites. tion, mélange of the Sykesville Formation, schist of the Oella The Ordovician(?) Bear Island Granodiorite (Cloos and Formation, tonalite of the Norbeck Intrusive Suite, and the Cooke, 1953) (Ob) is a leucocratic muscovite-biotite grano- Kensington Tonalite. Loose boulders of quartz commonly lit- diorite and related pegmatite composed of quartz, albite, and ter the upland as the silica is very resistant to physicochemical microcline. The granodiorite and pegmatite form small- to . One of the largest bodies of quartz is Annapolis medium-size sheets, sills, and dikes in migmatite and phyl- Rock, a prominent hill located immediately northeast of the lonite of the Mather Gorge Formation. These bodies extend a , east of Damascus, Md. distance of 18 km from Bear Island northeast to the Plummers The Late Ordovician Norbeck Intrusive Suite (Drake, Island fault. 1998) consists of biotite-hornblende tonalite (Ont), quartz The Early Ordovician Dalecarlia Intrusive Suite (Drake gabbro (Ong), ultramafic rocks (Onu), and trondhjemite (Ontr). and Fleming, 1994) consists of biotite monzogranite and Most of these bodies intrude rocks of the Sykesville Forma- granodiorite (Odm), leucocratic muscovite-biotite monzo- tion. Biotite-hornblende tonalite contains many xenoliths and granite (Odl), and muscovitic trondhjemite (Odt) that intrudes (or) autoliths of more mafic rock and locally has a strong rocks of the Sykesville Formation, Georgetown Intrusive relict-igneous-flow foliation. This rock has a concordant con- Suite, and Norbeck Intrusive Suite. Biotite monzogranite and ventional U-Pb age of 467±4 Ma and a single-crystal SHRIMP lesser granodiorite contain lenses, zones, and irregular pods of age of 449±7 Ma (Aleinikoff and others, 2002). Quartz gabbro leucocratic muscovite-biotite monzogranite. The biotite mon- forms small bodies within biotite-hornblende tonalite. Ultra- zogranite has a U-Pb single crystal sensitive high-resolution mafic rocks include small bodies of serpentinite and soap- ion microprobe (SHRIMP) age of 478±6 Ma (Aleinikoff and stone. Trondhjemite is very siliceous and consists largely of others, 2002). South of Olney, Md., muscovitic trondhjemite plagioclase and quartz. encloses a very small body of leucocratic monzongranite; The Late Devonian Guilford Granite (Dg) (Cloos and these two Dalecarlia units are in turn enclosed by biotite- Broedal, 1940) is a nonfoliated, homogeneous monzogranite hornblende tonalite of the Norbeck Intrusive Suite (described that forms thin bodies that crosscut bedding and schistosity in below). the Northwest Branch Formation just north of the Burnt Mills The Early Ordovician Georgetown Intrusive Suite (Flem- fault. The Guilford Granite has a U-Pb age of 362±3 Ma ing and others, 1994) consists of biotite-hornblende tonalite (Aleinikoff and others, 2002). (Ogh), quartz gabbro (Ogg), and metapyroxenite (Ogp) that Late Devonian pegmatite (Dp) is composed of coarse intrude rocks of the Sykesville Formation in Washington, grains of muscovite, microperthitic microcline, albite, and D.C., to the south. In this quadrangle, they are found within quartz. The rock is nonfoliated and crosscuts schistosity and Piedmont Province 1 foliation in the Sykesville and Laurel Formations east of the Thrust Sheets and Faults Rock Creek shear zone. The rocks of the Westminster terrane are lithotectonic units in a stack of imbricate thrust sheets, the base of which Structure is floored by the Martic fault (Southworth, 1996). The thrust sheets are defined by deformation fabrics in distinct rock The Piedmont province is subdivided into the west- types, domains of different fold orientations, and the trunca- ern, central, and eastern parts, each of which is bounded by tion of rock units. The major faults are the Martic, the Barnes- regional faults. The central and western parts of the Piedmont ville-Monrovia, and the Hyattstown thrust faults (from west share a similar structural history, but the rocks of the eastern to east and structurally lowest to highest). The faults were Piedmont are more complex and polydeformed. Therefore, probably active during all the orogenies of the Paleozoic Era. the geologic structure of each region is presented with little Shear-band cleavage and steep folds locally suggest some attempt to correlate the events. As discussed in the section on dextral strike-slip motion along some of the faults (South- metamorphism (below), ongoing argon geochronological stud- worth, 1996). The Martic thrust fault cuts upsection westward, ies (Kunk and others, 2005) and metamorphic fabric studies placing the Ijamsville Phyllite on rocks of the Urbana, Araby, (Robert P. Wintsch, Indiana University, 2001, oral and written and Frederick Formations; the fault is folded with the footwall commun.) will attempt to unravel this complex history. rocks. The Barnesville-Monrovia thrust fault places rocks of the Sams Creek Formation on rocks of the Ijamsville Phyllite. Western Piedmont The Hyattstown thrust fault places rocks of the Marburg For- mation on rocks of the Sams Creek Formation. In addition to The Culpeper and Gettysburg basins are half grabens the named thrust faults discussed above, there are early thrust bounded on the west by the east-dipping, normal Bull Run Moun- faults that are now folded, late thrust faults that cut existing tain fault. The strata on the east side of the basins unconformably faults, reactivated thrust faults, and numerous small intrafor- overlie pre-Mesozoic rocks of the Piedmont province but some mational faults of limited displacement in the Westminster contacts are normal faults. The strata within the basins mostly terrane. dip gently west with the greatest thicknesses found in the western part of the basins. The basins deepened and the strata thickened Foliations during slip movement along the normal faults (Smoot, 1991). The minimal displacement on the Bull Run Mountain fault is equal The Martic thrust sheet is composed completely of the to the greatest thickness of the basins’ strata, or about 10 km, as Ijamsville Phyllite. The Ijamsville displays a composite folia- determined by our cross sections. The west-dipping strata, the tion that consists of a transposition foliation that is overprinted conglomerates on the western margin, and the fact that all units with phyllonitic foliation and several generations of cleav- are truncated by the Bull Run Mountain fault all show that the age. Vein quartz that impregnates the rock has been sheared, faulting was active throughout Triassic and Jurassic time. Both transposed, and folded into steep isoclines. These steep F1 the broad folds near the western margin of the basins and the folds were deformed by westward-verging, inclined F2 folds transverse folds formed because displacement along the Bull Run that plunge steeply to gently in all directions. These F2 folds Mountain fault varied along strike. Strike-parallel folds formed as exhibit an attendant northeast-dipping, axial-planar, pressure- a result of drag along the Bull Run Mountain fault. The northern solution crenulation cleavage. margin of the Culpeper basin terminates along many normal In the Barnesville-Monrovia thrust sheet, foliated metaba- faults that are both parallel to and transverse to the regional strike. salt of the Sams Creek Formation is structurally aligned paral- The rocks that underlie the Frederick Valley have been lel to the fault. Sheath folds of metabasalt plunge moderately folded into a doubly plunging synclinorium that is overturned to south to southeast in a zone of high strain near Monrovia, Md. the west. The east limb of the synclinorium contains a series of The map pattern just north of Monrovia yields a cross section northeast- and southwest-plunging and synclines of of the tubular folds. the Araby Formation, Cash Smith Formation, and Rocky Springs The dominant foliation in rocks of the Marburg Forma- Station Member of the Frederick Formation. These folds dis- tion above the Hyattstown fault is transposition foliation. play axial-plane cleavage. The upper member of the Frederick Transposed beds are folded by west-verging, inclined to

Formation and the lower member of the Grove Formation define recumbent folds. Crenulation cleavage that is axial planar to F2 second-order folds in the core of the synclinorium, but cleavage is folds plunges steeply and gently northeast and southwest. All not as pervasive as that on the overturned east limb. rocks of the Marburg Formation are sheared. The primary foliation in the Prettyboy Schist is a schis- Central Piedmont tosity that displays transposition. In the northern antiform this foliation is shallow dipping and folded upright with crenula- The central Piedmont includes the Westminster terrane, tion cleavage. Along the Pleasant Grove fault, the schistosity the Sugarloaf Mountain anticlinorium, and the Bush Creek of the Prettyboy Schist is steep, and pervasive to spaced shear- belt. band cleavage transects the early foliation to form a tectonite. 1 Geologic Map of the Frederick 30’ × 60’ Quadrangle, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia

Folds and polymetamorphosed prior to emplacement (Drake, 1989; Muller, 1994). Olistoliths (clasts) of the Mather Gorge Forma- Folds are recognized in both outcrop and map patterns tion (migmatite, schist, folded metagraywacke, and phyllonite) (Jonas, 1937). Fisher (1978) described three fold phases that within the Sykesville Formation demonstrate that deformation are nearly coaxial: early Wakefield Valley folds (isoclinal folds and metamorphism of the Mather Gorge Formation predated of bedding with axial-plane schistosity), a Marston fold phase the sedimentation and deposition of the Sykesville Formation (steep north-northeast-trending folds with axial-planar cleav- (Drake, 1989; Muller, 1994). From the Plummers Island fault age), and late kinks of the Jasontown fold phase. The Wake- west to Bear Island, ductile fault fabrics in the Mather Gorge field Valley and Marston folds enter the northern part of the Formation are restricted to phyllonite, which is interpreted to map and are defined by the contacts of the Prettyboy Schist, be derived from the shearing of schist, metagraywacke, and Marburg Formation, Sams Creek Formation, and Wakefield migmatite of the Mather Gorge Formation (Drake, 1989) as Marble. To the south, deformation has obscured evidence of the rocks were transported westward above the rocks of the these folds. Some outcrops in the north-central part of the Sykesville Formation. Along the Potomac River just south Sams Creek Formation between the Hyattstown and Martic of the map area, exposures of strongly sheared rocks in both faults show refolded folds. Here, the early schistosity is verti- the Mather Gorge and Sykesville Formations across the steep cal, trends east to west, and is folded with northeast-striking west-dipping Plummers Island fault suggest that the fault was cleavage that is axial planar to steep F antiforms that plunge 2 reactivated, possibly as a back thrust (Fisher, 1970). Argon in all directions. Similar high strain between the Barnesville- geochronology suggests that the Plummers Island fault was Monrovia fault and the Hyattstown fault has produced tubular reactivated in the (Kunk and others, 1998, sheath folds of metabasalt and phyllite of the Sams Creek 2005). Formation. The Loch Raven thrust sheet consists of the Northwest Branch Formation, Loch Raven Schist, and Oella Forma- Sugarloaf Mountain Anticlinorium and Bush tion (Drake, 1989). The Laurel Formation is a sedimentary Creek Belt mélange that contains locally abundant olistoliths of previ- ously deformed rocks. The Loch Raven thrust sheet was The Sugarloaf Mountain Quartzite and the stratigraphi- emplaced along the Burnt Mills fault during deposition of the cally overlying Urbana Formation were folded to create the Laurel Formation. The Loch Raven thrust sheet and Laurel doubly plunging Sugarloaf Mountain anticlinorium, which is Formation were next overthrust by rocks of the Sykesville For- overturned to the northwest (Scotford, 1951; Thomas, 1952). mation along the Brinklow thrust fault (Fleming and Drake, The north-plunging nose of the anticlinorium is an - 1998). Both hanging wall and footwall rocks are marked by syncline-anticline triplet of Sugarloaf Mountain Quartzite. To mylonitic foliation (Drake, 1994). Rocks of the Loch Raven the south, the structure ends as a plunging anticline. An intra- thrust sheet and Sykesville Formation are locally separated by formational thrust fault places part of the main body of the the Rock Creek shear zone (Fleming and others, 1994). The anticlinorium onto its west limb. The numerous small, normal Rock Creek shear zone is characterized by phyllonitized and faults that cut the folded quartzite beds are related to Mesozoic mylonitized rocks that cover an area as much as 3 km wide. extension associated with the formation of the Culpeper basin. The rocks contain kinematic indicators of thrust faulting, as The Sugarloaf Mountain Quartzite and Urbana Forma- well as dextral and sinistral strike-slip motion (Fleming and tion display a cleavage that is axial planar to the single fold others, 1994; Fleming and Drake, 1998). To the south of the that constitutes the anticlinorium. Metasiltstone of the Urbana map area, near the National Zoo in Washington, D.C., are Formation is characterized by bedding, one cleavage, and a some discrete younger thrust faults of the Rock Creek shear conspicuous bedding and cleavage intersection lineation. This zone that have placed crystalline rocks against Quaternary lineation plunges northward away from Sugarloaf Mountain. and Tertiary sediments (Fleming and Drake, 1998). The Rock Bedding-cleavage intersection lineations in the Urbana Forma- Creek shear zone locally reactivated segments of the Brinklow tion, which is mapped in a window of the Martic thrust fault in thrust fault and localized emplacement of the Kensington the Bush Creek belt, plunge gently southward. Tonalite (Fleming and Drake, 1998; Drake, 1998). Rocks of the Potomac terrane were transported west- ward onto rocks of the Westminster terrane along the Pleasant Eastern Piedmont Grove fault. The Pleasant Grove fault is a ductile shear zone as much as 1 to 2 km wide that initially formed as a thrust fault Thrust Sheets and Faults during deformation associated with the Ordovician Taconian Metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks of the Potomac orogeny (Drake, 1989). K-Ar geochronology suggests that terrane constitute a stack of thrust sheets (Drake, 1989). The deformation-induced recrystallization was associated with thrust sheet of rocks represented by the Mather Gorge Forma- shear-band foliation having dextral strike-slip movement in tion was placed over previously undeformed sediments of the late Paleozoic ( to Permian, 311.4±3.2 Ma) the Sykesville Formation by the Plummers Island fault. The Alleghanian orogeny (Krol and others, 1999). An 40Ar/39Ar rocks of the Mather Gorge Formation were polydeformed date on white mica in the shear zone also indicates a 364 Piedmont Province 1 to 348 Ma episode of deformation, possibly related to the Folds Acadian orogeny (Krol and others, 1999). Rocks within and Rocks of the Mather Gorge Formation were folded at on either side of this fault zone have phyllonitic foliation and least three times (Drake, 1989). The map patterns of the a spaced shear-band cleavage having dextral shear sense. 40 39 metagraywacke and schist units of the Mather Gorge Forma- Ar/ Ar data near the Potomac River define a Late Devonian tion near the Potomac River illustrate the early west-trend- deformation zone about 12 km wide that transects the Pleasant ing Captain Hickory fold phase. These isoclinal folds were Grove fault (Kunk and others, 2005). There is no isotopic evi- refolded by the northerly trending, upright Potomac folds and dence of pre-Devonian or significant post-Devonian movement northwest-trending Reston folds. The local outcrop pattern along the Pleasant Grove fault (Kunk and others, 2005). of the Plummers Island and Burnt Mills faults, as well as the interpreted tectonic windows, indicate that these faults have Foliations been folded. The reclined folded thrust may have occurred Rocks of the Mather Gorge Formation contain several during the Potomac fold phase, whereas open folds may be foliations (Drake, 1989). The first schistosity forms a fan along related to later strike-slip transpression. the Potomac River; it dips gently eastward near Seneca, Md., is near vertical at Great Falls, and dips westward near the Maryland Metamorphism border with Washington, D.C. This schistosity has been folded, faulted, and overprinted by several younger foliations. Rocks of The rocks of the Piedmont province were metamorphosed the Northwest Branch Formation, Loch Raven Schist, and Oella at different times and grades, and they have been subse- Formation have a primary schistosity that has been overprinted quently juxtaposed and transported westward during Paleo- by a spaced cleavage at many places. Rocks of the Sykesville and zoic orogenies. In general, the rocks are of the highest grade Laurel Formations have a crude foliation, defined commonly by of metamorphism (sillimanite) in the east and of the lowest aligned clasts, that is overprinted by schistosity in some spots. grade (chlorite-sericite) in the west. However, the grades of Rocks of the Georgetown, Norbeck, and Dalecarlia Intrusive metamorphism do not follow a simple Barrovian sequence Suites have a primary flow foliation that is overprinted by a as has been described along discrete sections of the Potomac secondary metamorphic foliation. Rocks of the Guilford Granite River near Great Falls (Fisher, 1970; Drake, 1989). Recent 40 39 are not foliated, but rocks of the Bear Island Granodiorite are analysis of Ar/ Ar dates on hornblende and muscovite from locally sheared. Sheared leucocratic granitoid (Bear Island Grano- locations across the Maryland Piedmont demonstrate that the diorite?) near and along the Plummers Island thrust fault at the rocks experienced a complex polymetamorphic history (Krol Potomac River suggests post-Early Ordovician deformation along and others, 1999; Kunk and others, 2004, 2005). In short, the this fault. Shear strain in all these rocks has resulted in transposi- core of the Potomac terrane at Great Falls records Ordovician tion, phyllonitic, and mylonitic foliation (Fleming and Drake, cooling ages. To the east of Great Falls, the rocks were struc- turally deformed and then retrograded in the Early Devonian 1998). Rocks of the Mather Gorge Formation along the Pleasant and Late Pennsylvanian. West of Great Falls, the rocks of the Grove fault have a shear-band cleavage with dextral kinematics Potomac terrane contain Late Devonian foliations. West of the of undetermined displacement. Similar movement indicators are Potomac terrane and beneath the Pleasant Grove fault, rocks of only locally found along the Plummers Island fault. the Westminster terrane contain Early Silurian foliations, and there is no evidence of Devonian or later deformation. Lineations The first schistosity in rocks of the Mather Gorge Forma- Sugarloaf Mountain Anticlinorium and Frederick tion, Northwest Branch Formation, Loch Raven Schist, and Oella Formation is marked by intersecting beds and forms a Valley Synclinorium prominent intersection lineation. Later schistosities in these The Sugarloaf Mountain Quartzite and rocks of the rocks have intersected the first schistosity, which formed addi- Urbana Formation are at chlorite grade resulting from a tional intersection lineations. Higher grade rocks have mineral single, greenschist-facies metamorphic event. The matrix of lineations that plunge down the dip of the schistosity. the is rich in sericite and contains sparse chlorite. Rocks of the Sykesville and Laurel Formations are also Cleavage in metasiltstone and marble of the Urbana Formation lineated. Small olistoliths in these rocks are elongated down are marked by aligned sericite crystals and chlorite porphyro- the dip of the foliation. Profile views of the olistoliths show blasts that give the rocks a green hue. that they are shaped like pancakes that were flattened, not Chlorite-grade rocks of the Araby, Cash Smith, Frederick, stretched. Minerals on foliation surfaces are also aligned, and Grove Formations locally contain sparse, tiny crystals of which indicates that the rocks have been stretched. Many of sericite and chlorite porphyroblasts that are crudely aligned the rocks of the Georgetown, Dalecarlia, and Norbeck Intru- in the cleavage plane. Cleavage and chlorite crystals are most sive Suites have a downdip mineral lineation that formed in a evident in clay-rich rocks of the overturned east limb of the stretching regime. synclinorium. 0 Geologic Map of the Frederick 30’ × 60’ Quadrangle, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia

Westminster Terrane the Loch Raven Schist and Laurel Formation east of the Rock Creek shear zone, which indicates that these rocks experienced Rocks of the Westminster terrane had a complex meta- two prograde events. Static porphyroblastic staurolite and morphic history under greenschist-facies conditions (Kunk coarse muscovite have overgrown this foliation as well as the and others, 2004). of the Ijamsville Phyllite, Marburg mylonitic and phyllonitic foliations in the shear zone (Fleming Formation, and Sams Creek Formation contain varying pro- and Drake, 1998). Staurolite occurs along fractures in olisto- portions of muscovite, chlorite, paragonite, quartz, magnetite, liths of ultramafic and mafic rocks. Rocks of the Middle to and calcite, all resulting from the first metamorphic event. Early Ordovician Georgetown, Dalecarlia, and Norbeck Intru- Metabasalt of the Sams Creek Formation contains varying sive Suites, and the Ordovician(?) Bear Island Granodiorite proportions of actinolite, epidote, and stilpnomelane. Quartz- have been metamorphosed, but the Late Devonian Guilford ose rocks in all the formations contain sericite and chlorite. Granite has not been metamorphosed. Phyllitic rock in fault zones was retrogressively metamor- phosed and sheared into phyllonitic diaphthorites (Knopf, 1931). Rocks described by Knopf (1931) as “sick-looking” are characterized by chlorite in multiple shades of green, white Coastal Plain Province quartz, and abundant leucoxene. Phyllites of the Ijamsville Phyllite, Sams Creek Formation, and Marburg Formation The Lower Cretaceous Potomac Formation (Kps) consists locally experienced a later prograde metamorphic event that of unconsolidated gravel, sand, silt, and clay that unconform- caused chloritoid and albite to overgrow the earlier foliation. ably overlies rocks of the Laurel Formation (_l) in the extreme The contacts between the phyllite of the Sams Creek Forma- southeastern corner of the map area, near Silver Spring, Md. tion, rocks of the Marburg Formation, and the Prettyboy Schist This is the only remnant in this quadrangle of a fluvial and in the northeastern part of the map area may be isograds as deltaic deposit that once may have extended as far west as the suggested by Fisher (1978). Static chloritoid in phyllite of the Blue Ridge province. Marburg Formation increases in size and abundance to the southeast and is rotated by pressure-solution cleavage. Albite porphyroblasts also increase in size and abundance to the east, from rocks of the Marburg Formation into the Prettyboy Fossils Schist. Locally, albite encloses crinkles of the Wakefield and Marston fold phases; thus, the peak of metamorphism post- Some of the sedimentary rocks in the quadrangle dates the major folding events. contain a variety of fossils that become more abundant and diverse as the rocks get younger. The Cambrian Harp- Potomac Terrane ers and Antietam Formations contain burrow traces called Skolithos linearis. The Cambrian Antietam Formation also Rocks of the Mather Gorge Formation are polymeta- contains Olenellus (Walcott, 1896), the oldest trilobite fossil morphic. They experienced a prograde metamorphic event in the central Appalachian region. Other Cambrian rocks characterized by mineral assemblages ranging from a chlorite (Tomstown, Frederick, and Waynesboro Formations; and zone in the west to a sillimanite zone in the east (Fisher, 1970; Elbrook and Conococheague Limestones) contain parts Drake, 1989). In the sillimanite zone the rocks are migmatites. of trilobites, algal colonies (stromatolites), and conodont This Barrovian metamorphism occurred before the intrusion microfossils. Ordovician rocks (Grove Formation, Conoco- of the Ordovician(?) Bear Island Granodiorite and maybe cheague Limestone, Stonehenge Limestone, Rockdale Run before the Middle Ordovician Taconian orogeny (Becker and Formation, Pinesburg Station Dolomite, St. Paul Group, and others, 1993). The high-grade rocks to the east were locally Chambersburg Limestone) contain fewer trilobites and con- sheared and retrogressively metamorphosed to chlorite-sericite odonts, but do have more snails, brachiopods, echinoderms, phyllonites. This retrograde metamorphic event was followed bryozoans, and cephalopods. When the carbonate deposition by a secondary prograde event that crystallized the chlori- was replaced by clastic sedimentation of the Martinsburg toid, muscovite, and biotite in the shimmer aggregate that had formed during the retrograde event. The 40Ar/39Ar white Formation, mainly snails, clams, and trilobites survived mica dates suggest that rocks of the Mather Gorge Formation because they could filter out the clay and silt. immediately above the Pleasant Grove fault record thermal Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic rocks of the Culpeper evidence of the Taconian (Ordovician), Acadian (Devonian), Group yield phytosaur teeth; coelacanth fish; footprints of and Alleghanian (Pennsylvanian to Permian) orogenies (Krol crocodiles, lizards, and carniverous dinosaurs; plant impres- and others, 1999). sions, pollen, and spores; insect parts; conchostracans; The Sykesville Formation was metamorphosed at bio­ ostracodes; and fish scales. These fossils occur in the Manas- tite±garnet±staurolite grade, but its olistoliths were metamor- sas Sandstone, Bull Run Formation (Balls Bluff Member), phosed (some at partial melt conditions) and deformed prior to Midland Formation, Catharpin Creek Formation, and Turkey deposition. Foliations containing biotite and garnet are seen in Run Formation (Weems, 1987, 1993). Summary of Geologic History and Tectonics 1

Surficial Materials slopes. The surface of the deposits consists completely of clasts with no visible matrix supporting them because the finer grained material has washed away, but matrix-supported clasts Alluvium may occur at depth. Well to poorly sorted Holocene alluvium (Qa) composed of stratified mixtures of unconsolidated clay, silt, sand, gravel, Residuum and Lag Gravel and cobbles underlies flood plains of nearly all rivers and tributaries. The channel of the tributary commonly is incised The limestone of the eastern Great Valley section (Hack, into bedrock with alluvium exposed along the banks. The 1965) and the Frederick Valley section (Southworth and Brez- thickness of the alluvium is highly variable and is a function inski, 2003), gneiss of the Blue Ridge province, and schist of of bedrock, topography, and land-use practices. Locally, thick the Piedmont province uplands (Froelich, 1975) have a thick deposits of alluvium resulted from erosion due to agricultural regolith developed on their surfaces. This regolith consists th practices of the 19 century; mill dams also caused a buildup partly of a residuum of in situ weathered bedrock (saprolite). of eroded sediment in places. Recent suburban development Some of the regolith is more than 30 m thick, which accounts has introduced large quantities of sediment into tributaries and for the flat topography (note the contours on the base map of into the Chesapeake Bay. the quadrangle) and the lack of outcrop. Pebbles and cobbles of angular to euhedral white quartz Alluvial Terrace Deposits from possible in situ weathering of the underlying carbonate bedrock superficially resemble terrace deposits (Qt or QTt); The map area includes locally preserved remnants of however, these deposits are lag concentrates from residual high-level Pleistocene and older(?) terraces (QTt) and low- material (Qr). Presumably, the vein quartz originally filled level Pleistocene and Holocene terraces (Qt) of the ancestral fractures and cavities in the carbonate rock in the western and Potomac, Shenandoah, and Monocacy Rivers. These con- central Piedmont. spicuous terraces consist of rounded sandstone and quartzite Another distinctive residuum, Pleistocene and Holocene cobbles and boulders that contain the trace fossil Skolithos lag gravel (Ql), formed from the in situ weathering of con- linearis, and rounded to angular chert pebbles, cobbles, and glomeratic rocks of the Goose Creek Member (J^ccg) of the boulders whose sources are Early Cambrian and younger rocks Catharpin Creek Formation in the western part of the Culpeper of the Valley and Ridge province. The deposits are isolated basin, south of Leesburg, Va. Natural surface accumulations of remnants of former, more extensive terraces. The remnants rounded quartz pebbles and cobbles superficially resemble ter- of older deposits may only be a veneer of coarse clasts; race deposits. Excavations near the Loudoun County Landfill younger, more well-preserved deposits may be several meters reveal a thick regolith of saprolitized cobbles and boulders thick. Some of the highest deposits—such as Mount Sterling around pinnacles of bedrock. in Loudoun County, Va.; east of Lucketts, Va.; and south of Dickerson, Md.—are the result of the topographic inversion of an ancient channel. The oldest deposits at Sterling, Va., are several meters thick and are deeply oxidized and leached. Summary of Geologic History and Tectonics Colluvium The rocks of the Frederick 30’ × 60’ quadrangle reflect sev- Fine and coarse colluvium cover the hill slopes across the eral Wilson cycles (Wilson, 1966) of opening and closing ocean quadrangle. The colluvium was derived from the escarpment basins. Rocks of the Blue Ridge province record evidence of a of the east limb of the Blue Ridge-South Mountain anticlino- billion-year-old mountain range that resulted from the Grenville rium. The deposits occur as lensoid aprons that cover the orogeny. This continent, called Laurentia, rifted about 500 m.y. bedrock of the western margin of the Culpeper basin. later to create an ocean known as Iapetus. Rocks of the central Fine colluvium (Qcf) consists of subangular clasts of and western Piedmont province (west of the Pleasant Grove quartzite, phyllite, metabasalt, epidosite, and vein quartz. fault) as well as rocks of the Great Valley section of the Valley Coarse colluvium (Qcc) consists of cobbles and boulders of and Ridge province were deposited in various depths and envi- predominantly quartzite. Gravity, debris-flow, and freeze-thaw ronments within the Iapetus Ocean. For example, slate, phyllite, processes acting on the landscape resulted in coarse colluvium and quartzite of the Westminster terrane of the central Piedmont concentrations in hillslope depressions on Blue Ridge-Elk were deposited in deep water on the continental rise, whereas Ridge, Short Hill-South Mountain, Catoctin Mountain, and carbonate rocks of the Great Valley were deposited in shallow Sugarloaf Mountain. Only the largest boulder streams, boulder water on a continental shelf platform. Carbonate rocks of the fields, and rock slides are portrayed on this map because a Frederick Valley in the western Piedmont reflect the continental thin veneer of colluvium covers virtually all of the mountain slope that marks the transition between the two settings.  Geologic Map of the Frederick 30’ × 60’ Quadrangle, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia

Rocks of the Potomac terrane in the eastern Piedmont are to erode bedrock and carry sediment down the Potomac River interpreted to be deepwater deposits containing debris of the to the Chesapeake Bay. oceanic crust (Drake, 1989). Parts of this terrane show evi- dence of deformation and metamorphism not seen elsewhere (Drake, 1989). The earliest thrust sheets were emplaced during sedimentation in a deep oceanic trench. One thrust sheet con- Mineral Resources tains the older Mather Gorge Formation overlying the younger Sykesville Formation; the other thrust sheet contains the older Active quarries in the Frederick 30’ × 60’ quadrangle Loch Raven Schist overlying the younger Laurel Formation include those that mine (1) high-calcium limestone for cement (Fleming and others, 1992, 1994). and agricultural lime, (2) diabase, limestone, marble, shale, The deformed rocks of the Potomac terrane were intruded and serpentinite for aggregate, and (3) gneiss, schist, and by tonalitic to granitic rocks during the Ordovician Taconian quartzite for dimension building stone (Edwards, 1995). Only orogeny (Drake, 1989). The highly deformed rocks of the the locations of quarries, mines, and prospect pits for aggre- Westminster terrane also may have been subjected to late gate, precious metals, dimension and ornamental building Taconian deformation and may have been transported westward stone, and iron or manganese minerals that existed in historical onto Cambrian rocks of the Frederick Valley along the Martic times are shown on the map. fault during this tectonic event (Southworth, 1996). Mylonitic Keedysville marble at the base of the Cambrian carbonate rock sequence (Tomstown Formation) in the Blue Ridge province Limestone and Aggregate and Great Valley section of the Valley and Ridge province is In the Great Valley section of the Valley and Ridge interpreted to be a regional detachment that formed during the province, there are at least 26 quarries in the Great Valley Taconian orogeny (Brezinski and others, 1996). Other evi- that mine high-calcium limestone of the Cambrian Tomstown dence of the Taconian orogeny is the change in deposition from Formation, Waynesboro Formation, and Elbrook Limestone; carbonate rocks to clastic rocks in the Ordovician Martinsburg Formation of the Great Valley section, indicating an uplifted and the Ordovician Stonehenge Limestone. In the Blue Ridge source that was eroding. However, argon geochronology in the province, small pods of calcitic to dolomitic marble were quar- rocks of the Piedmont province suggests that deformation and ried historically in four places for agricultural lime and orna- metamorphism occurred in the Silurian, Devonian, and Missis- mental stone. In the Frederick Valley of the western Piedmont sippian (Krol and others, 1999; Kunk and others, 2004). province, there are seven quarries that produce crushed stone All of the pre-Mesozoic rocks were folded, faulted, and and Portland cement. In the Westminster terrane of the central metamorphosed in several events throughout the Paleozoic, Piedmont, more than 10 small quarries and pits in marble were culminating in the late Paleozoic (Pennsylvanian to Permian?) recognized and they often were in close proximity to historical Alleghanian orogeny. This orogeny resulted from the collision kilns that were used to heat the marble to produce agricultural of the continental plates of Laurentia (North America) and lime. Gondwana (Eurasia) that closed the Iapetus Ocean. The rocks Several quarries are located in sills of Early Jurassic were transported westward above the North Mountain thrust diabase and in beds of basalt, which are used for aggregate fault that crops out at the surface just northwest of the Freder- in road metal and for concrete in Loudoun County, Va. Shale ick quadrangle. From west to east, the Massanutten synclino- and limestone are quarried and crushed for aggregate in the rium, Blue Ridge-South Mountain anticlinorium, Frederick Frederick Valley. Serpentinite is crushed for aggregate in Valley synclinorium, and Sugarloaf Mountain anticlinorium Montgomery Co., Md., in the eastern Piedmont. are a west-verging fold train above this thrust fault. The Appalachian highlands that were created by the con- verging fold-and-thrust belt collapsed as the continent began Building and Ornamental Stone to rift and pull apart, creating the Atlantic Ocean during the Triassic and Jurassic Periods. Alluvial-fan debris shed from Historic homes and other structures in the area were scarps along normal faults filled the lowlands that eventually constructed from virtually every type of locally exposed indig- evolved into basins by possibly renewed listric fault move- enous rock. Those rocks mined for commercial quantities are ment along older thrust faults. Basalt flows were extruded and mostly in the eastern Piedmont and were quarried and used for diabase was intruded in the last stages of the rifting prior to the the construction of canals, bridges, and buildings in the early formation of the Atlantic Ocean. 1800s. The most popular dimension stones used have included Drainage systems that flowed to the west into the Appa- (1) Kensington Tonalite, Georgetown Intrusive Suite, and lachian basin gradually reversed as a result of the rifting and Sykesville Formation (known as “Potomac blue stone”), (2) flowed east toward the Atlantic Ocean. Debris that was shed serpentinite, (3) sandstone of the Poolesville Member of the from the eroding Appalachian highlands formed thick deposits Manassas Sandstone (often called “Seneca red sandstone”), (4) of unconsolidated sediments that eventually became the Atlan- quartzite of the Weverton Formation and Sugarloaf Mountain tic Coastal Plain. Modern rivers and their tributaries continue Quartzite, and (5) various limestones in the Great Valley. Slate Aeromagnetic Map 3 of the Ijamsville Phyllite was quarried in at least six locations The total magnetic field measurements from each survey for roofing material in the early 1900s (Dale and others, 1914). were interpolated into separate grids. The International Geo- Gneiss of the Sykesville Formation, limestone conglom- magnetic Reference Field was then calculated in grid form for erate of the Leesburg Member of the Bull Run Formation, and the time and altitude of each survey and subtracted from the marble of the Swift Run and Catoctin Formations have been corresponding grids of observed magnetic data. The resulting the most popular ornamental stones. Conglomerate of the residual grids were then compared with adjacent grids and Leesburg Member (called the “Potomac marble” or “Calico adjusted for level differences. Finally, the adjusted grids were rock”), quarried in Loudoun County, Va., and Frederick joined into one grid. County, Md., was used in 1815 by Benjamin Latrobe for the columns in Statuary Hall of the U.S. Congress on Capitol Hill (U.S. Geological Survey, 1998). The Shaded-Relief Map The residual magnetic field grid is displayed as a shaded- Metals relief map overlain with selected geologic features (fig. 3). The synthetically produced illumination is from the east at a In the late 1700s and 1800s, there were abundant pros- simulated sun angle of 45º; therefore, shadows appear along the pects for limonite, hematite, and manganese for the produc- western sides of the magnetic anomalies. The relative intensi- tion of iron located throughout the quadrangle. In the Blue ties of the magnetic anomalies are displayed as gray scales. see Ridge-South Mountain anticlinorium, near the contact of the Southworth and others (2002) for a color-shaded-relief map Antietam Formation with the overlying Tomstown Formation, with red corresponding to higher magnetic values and blue are at least 24 manganese prospects. On the eastern side of corresponding to lower magnetic values. The shading technique the Frederick Valley, there are at least five limonite prospects greatly enhances small-amplitude magnetic anomalies. along the contact between the Araby Formation and the over- lying Frederick Formation. Both gold mines and placer deposits (Bernstein, 1980; Correlation of Magnetic Data With Geology Kuff, 1983) may be found within the Piedmont province. Vein The aeromagnetic anomalies correlate closely with the quartz was mined for gold near Great Falls, Md. (Reed and mapped geology because some lithologic units have contrast- Reed, 1969). Gold was also a byproduct of mining for lead, ing magnetic properties. The dominant features of the aero- zinc, and silver from marble and metavolcanic rocks in the magnetic map are (1) a series of large-amplitude magnetic Linganore mining district of the Westminster terrane in the anomalies in parallel belts that are associated with metabasalt central western Piedmont (Heyl and Pearre, 1965). There are of the Catoctin Formation in the Blue Ridge province and three reported occurrences of gold in the Blue Ridge province: (2) a broad swath of high-amplitude values corresponding one placer deposit, one associated with metabasalt of the Cato- to metasedimentary, metavolcanic, and mafic rocks of the ctin Formation, and a third located in rocks of the Chilhowee Mather Gorge Formation in the eastern Piedmont. Lower Group near the border fault of the Gettysburg basin. Gold, amplitude magnetic anomalies are associated with metabasalt silver, and copper prospects were located in sandstone and of the Sams Creek Formation and metasedimentary rocks of diabase in the Culpeper basin in Virginia and Maryland (Rob- the Urbana Formation in the western Piedmont. The complex inson and Sears, 1988). pattern of segmented magnetic highs within the Catoctin Formation may represent individual or groups of basalt flows. Smaller wavelength high-amplitude magnetic anomalies are Aeromagnetic Map associated with Mesoproterozoic gneiss units (Southworth and others, 2006) in the western part of the Blue Ridge province Introduction and with Jurassic diabase dikes and sills. The aeromagnetic anomalies also correlate with mapped A digital aeromagnetic grid of the Frederick 30’ × 60’ faults. The most obvious anomaly is associated with the quadrangle was assembled from data resulting from 10 aero- Pleasant Grove fault that places rocks of the Mather Gorge magnetic surveys that were flown between 1958 and 1989. Formation against rocks of the Marburg Formation in the Three of the surveys were recorded and processed digitally; central Piedmont. The fault zone is marked by magnetite- the remainder were analog surveys, and the magnetic values bearing phyllonites and . The Plummers Island fault were digitized from hand-drawn contour maps. Surveys in (rocks of the Mather Gorge Formation juxtaposed against Maryland and Virginia were flown along east-west flightlines, rocks of the Sykesville Formation) is roughly coincident to a with the spacing between the flightlines ranging from 0.125 boundary between large- and small-amplitude anomalies. The to 1 mile (mi) (200–1,600 m). All but one survey were flown low-amplitude lineament to the east of the highly magnetic at 500 feet (ft) above ground. In West Virginia, flightlines phyllonites of the Mather Gorge Formation corresponds to trended northwest to southeast at 1,000 ft above ground with 2 weakly magnetic rocks of part of the Sykesville Formation. mi of separation. The Mather Gorge Formation in the Potomac terrane of the  Geologic Map of the Frederick 30’ × 60’ Quadrangle, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia Gray-scale shaded relief image of residual aeromagnetic field grid data. High magnetic anomalies are displayed as dark gray

Figure 3. (values as much 430 nanotestlas). Geologic features that correlate with the magnetic data are shown. References Cited 

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Southworth, Scott, Brezinski, D.K., Drake, A.A., Jr., Burton, Thomas, B.K., 1952, Structural geology and stratigraphy W.C., Orndorff, R.C., and Froelich, A.J., 2002, Digital of Sugarloaf anticlinorium and adjacent Piedmont area, geologic map of the Frederick 30 × 60 minute quadrangle, Maryland: Baltimore, Md., The Johns Hopkins University, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia: U.S. Geological unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, 95 p. Survey Open-File Report 02–437, scale 1:100,000, only Tollo, R.P., and Lowe, T.K., 1994, Geologic map of the Rob- available online at ertson River Igneous Suite, Blue Ridge province, northern (Accessed June 25, 2007.) and central Virginia: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF–2229, scale 1:100,000. Southworth, Scott, Burton, W.C., Schindler, J.S., and Froelich, U.S. Geological Survey, 1998, Building stones of our Nation’s A.J., 2006, Geologic map of Loudoun County, Virginia: Capital: Reston, Va., U.S. Geological Survey, 36 p. U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Investigations Series Map Walcott, C.D., 1896, The Cambrian rocks of Pennsylvania: I–2553, scale 1:50,000, 34-p. text. U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 134, 43 p. Stose, A.J., and Stose, G.W., 1946, Geology of Carroll and Weems, R.E., 1987, A Late Triassic footprint fauna from the Frederick Counties, in The physical features of Carroll Culpeper basin, northern Virginia (USA): American Philo- County and Frederick County: Baltimore, Maryland Depart- sophical Society Transactions, v. 77, pt. 11, p. 1–79. ment of Geology, Mines, and Water Resources, p. 11–131. Weems, R.E., 1993, Stratigraphic distribution and bibliogra- Stose, G.W., 1906, The sedimentary rocks of South Mountain, phy of fossil fish, amphibians, and reptiles from Virginia: Pennsylvania: Journal of Geology, v. 14, p. 201–220. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 93–222, 49 p. Weems, R.E., and Olsen, P.E., 1997, Synthesis and revision Stose, G.W., 1910, The Mercersburg-Chambersburg Folio: of groups within the Newark Supergroup, eastern North U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Atlas, Folio 170, 144 p. America: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 109, Stose, G.W., and Jonas, A.I., 1935, Limestones of Frederick no. 2, p. 195–209. Valley, Maryland: Washington Academy of Sciences Jour- Wilson, J.T., 1966, Did the Atlantic close and then re-open?: nal, v. 25, no. 12, p. 564–565. Nature, v. 211, p. 676–681. 30 Geologic Map of the Frederick 30’ × 60’ Quadrangle, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia

Description of Map Units of the Goose Creek Member (J^ccg) of the Catharpin Creek Formation, the Poolesville [For thickness of units, see cross sections.] Member (^cmp) of the Manassas Sandstone, and the upper member (O_gu) of the Grove Formation. Natural surface accumulations con- Unconsolidated Surficial Materials sisting of rounded quartz pebbles and cobbles superficially resemble terrace deposits (Qt and Qa Alluvium (Holocene)—Well to poorly sorted, strati- QTt). Excavations reveal a thick regolith of sap- fied mixtures of unconsolidated clay, silt, sand, rolitized cobbles and boulders around bedrock gravel, and cobbles underlying flood plains pinnacles of nearly all rivers and tributaries. Channel of tributary commonly is incised into bedrock with QTt Terrace deposit, high level (Pleistocene and alluvium exposed along the banks. Thickness Tertiary)—Conspicuous, high-level terraces of alluvium is highly variable and is a function of the ancestral Potomac, Shenandoah, and of bedrock, topography, and land-use practices. Monocacy Rivers preserved locally on isolated Locally, thick deposits of alluvium resulted hillocks. Composed of rounded sandstone and from erosion due to agricultural practices of the quartzite whose sources are Lower Cambrian 19th century; mill dams also caused a buildup and younger rocks of the Valley and Ridge of eroded sediment in places. Recent suburban province; rock fragments contain remains of development has introduced large quantities of trace fossil Skolithos linearis. Deposits are sediment into tributaries isolated remnants of former, more extensive terraces. Some of the highest deposits, such as Qt Terrace deposit, low level (Holocene and Mount Sterling in Loudoun County; one east of Pleistocene)—Sand, gravel, and boulders on flat Lucketts, Va.; and one south of Dickerson, Md., benches located as much as 50 meters (m) above are the result of topographic inversion of an the flood plain ancient channel

Colluvium (Holocene and Pleistocene) Great Valley Section of the Valley and Ridge Qcf Fine colluvium—Lensoid aprons of poorly sorted, Province subangular clasts of quartzite, phyllite, metaba- salt, epidosite, and vein quartz supported in a silt matrix. Covers bedrock of the western margin Om Martinsburg Formation (Upper and Middle of the Culpeper basin along the lower slope of Ordovician)—Light-brown shale, calcareous Catoctin Mountain shale, and siltstone. Contains thin to medium beds of sandstone and metagraywacke in the Qcc Coarse colluvium—Cobbles and boulders of pre- upper part; gray argillaceous limestone at base dominantly quartzite, concentrated in hillslope depressions on Blue Ridge-Elk Ridge, Short Hill Oc Chambersburg Limestone (Middle Ordovician)— Mountain-South Mountain, Catoctin Mountain, Light-gray, argillaceous, nodular limestone and Sugarloaf Mountain. Emplacement was by gravity, debris flows, and freezing and thawing Osnr St. Paul Group (New Market and Row Park Limestones, undivided) (Middle Ordo- Qr Residuum (Holocene and Pleistocene)— vician)—Light- to medium-gray, thick-bedded Unconsolidated mixture of moderately red- micritic limestone and bioclastic limestone con- dish-brown soil, and pebbles and cobbles of taining bedded black chert nodules grayish-pink to white, angular, locally euhedral quartz derived from in situ weathering of under- Beekmantown Group lying carbonate rocks. Located primarily in the Frederick Valley north of Potomac River. Obps Pinesburg Station Dolomite (Middle Ordo- Thickness ranges from a thin veneer to 3 m. vician)—Light-gray, medium- to thick-bedded Superficially resembles terrace deposits (Qt and dolostone and dololaminate containing white QTt) and light-gray chert nodules. Characteristic “butcher-block” weathered surface (caused by Ql Lag gravel (Holocene and Pleistocene)—Distinc­ cross-hatched joints). Irregular bedding resulting tive residuum formed from in situ weathering from collapse breccia and paleokarst near top Description of Map Units 31

Obrr Rockdale Run Formation (Middle and Lower _td Dargan Member—Lower part is dark-gray, biotur- Ordovician)—Light- to dark-gray, fine- to bated dolostone interbedded with intervals of medium-grained, thin- to medium-bedded, fos- dark-gray, laminated dolostone and dark-gray siliferous limestone and crystalline dolostone. limestone. Upper part is dark-gray, bioturbated, Contains gray chert nodules oolitic dolostone, interbedded with laminated limestone and silty dolostone Obs Stonehenge Limestone (upper part) (Lower Ordovician)—Dark-gray, fine- to medium- _tb Benevola Member—Light-gray, very thick bedded grained, thick-bedded, fossiliferous limestone to massive, sugary dolostone with faint cross- with minor black chert. Contains algal bioherms, bedding. Base is gradational with the underly- intraformational conglomerates, bioclastic beds ing bioturbated dolostone of the Fort Duncan that alternate with minor dolostone beds Member (_tf). Pure and massive dolomite is quarried as aggregate Obss Stoufferstown Member—Light-gray, laminated, silty limestone containing thin interbeds of platy _tf Fort Duncan Member—Dark-gray, thick-bedded, limestone and coarse-grained bioclastic lime- burrow-mottled dolostone. Base is probably stone an erosional surface on top of Bolivar Heights Member (_tbh) O_c Conococheague Limestone (Lower Ordovician and Upper Cambrian)—Interbedded dark- to _tbh Bolivar Heights Member—Dark-gray, fine-grained, light-gray, laminated, algal limestone; dolomitic thin-bedded limestone with wispy dolomitic limestone; light-brown dolostone and sandstone burrows that increase in abundance upsec- tion. Base is a 15-m-thick interval of gray to _cb Big Spring Station Member (Upper Cambrian)— white, mylonitic marble (informally known as Light-gray, calcareous to dolomitic sandstone; Keedysville marble bed) interpreted to be a medium-gray, fine-grained limestone with intra- regional thrust fault that detached the carbon- formational conglomerate; and light-gray, fine- ate rocks from the underlying rocks of the grained dolostone Antietam Formation (_ca) (Brezinski and oth- ers, 1996) _e Elbrook Limestone (Upper and Middle Cam- brian)—Medium-gray, thinly bedded limestone interbedded with (1) white, mylonitic marble; (2) light-brown, laminated dolostone; and (3) Blue Ridge Province thin, calcareous shale to shaly dolostone

Waynesboro Formation (Lower Cambrian) _t Tomstown Formation (Lower Cambrian)—Poorly exposed medium-light- to medium-gray, saccha- _ wac Chewsville Member—Interbedded dusky-red shale, roidal dolostone and dolomitic marble contain- mudstone, and argillaceous sandstone; light-gray ing thin layers of sericite sandstone; and light-brown sandy, dolomitic limestone and dolostone _cp Carbonaceous phyllite (Lower Cambrian)— Medium‑ to dark‑gray, fine-grained muscovite- _ wact Cavetown Member—Interbedded gray, bioturbated graphite phyllite. Locally contains alternating dolostone, dolomitic limestone, and laminated light- and dark-gray thin beds ranging from limestone, with a few thin, sandy limestone beds several mm to 1 cm in thickness. Produces dis- near the middle tinctive light-gray soil. Found only as float or as small, slumped outcrops in discontinuous lenses _war Red Run Member—Interbedded light-olive-gray above Antietam Formation (_ca) near Furnace shale; light-gray, fine-grained sandstone; and Mountain. Interfingers laterally with dolostone medium- to dark-gray, sandy, dolomitic lime- of the Tomstown Formation stone Chilhowee Group _wa Undivided—Shown in cross section only _ca Antietam Formation (Lower Cambrian)—Light- _t Tomstown Formation (Lower Cambrian)—Light- olive- to olive-gray, medium- to coarse-grained, to dark-gray, limestone, dolostone, and marble medium-bedded, locally ferruginous, micaceous, 3 Geologic Map of the Frederick 30’ × 60’ Quadrangle, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia

silty metasandstone interbedded with very fine _cw Undivided—Found only in southern part of quad- grained, silty metasandstone to sandy metasilt- rangle, west of Bull Run Mountain fault stone. Local ferruginous horizons with abundant botryoidal hematite and limonite are located near Loudoun Formation (Lower Cambrian) contact with overlying Tomstown Formation (_t) or carbonaceous phyllite (_cp) _clc Conglomerate—Dark-gray to dusky-blue, very coarse pebble conglomerate containing pebbles _ch Harpers Formation (Lower Cambrian)—Dark- of rounded to subrounded white, blue, and red greenish-gray to brownish-gray, fine- to very quartz; gneiss(?); red jasper; and variegated phyl- fine grained, laminated to massively bedded lite in grayish-black, iron-rich, silty matrix; local chlorite-muscovite-quartz phyllitic metasiltstone. interbeds of fine-pebble conglomerate and graded Magnetite-rich, sandy metasiltstone, fine-pebble and crossbedded quartzite conglomerate is locally conglomerate, and thin-bedded metasandstone transitional into overlying Weverton Formation (_chs) found locally in the western Blue Ridge. On Catoctin Mountain, the rock is a phyllite _clp Phyllite—Gray-black and light-olive-gray to dark- with transposed bedding and metamorphic folia- purple-gray phyllite containing tuffaceous clasts tion consisting of alternating millimeter-scale and elongated blebs. Dark-gray- to greenish- quartzose and micaceous laminae gray-weathering chlorite-quartz-graphite-mus- covite phyllite and lesser white- to gray-weath- _chs Metasandstone—Light-gray to brown, thin-bedded ering pebbly metasandstone with thin phyllite metasandstone, with Skolithos linearis burrows. interbeds are on Catoctin Mountain. Base of Interbedded with metasiltstone of the main body unit is transitional into the underlying Catoctin of the Harpers (_ch) west of Blue Ridge-Elk Formation; top of unit is in sharp contact with Ridge near Harpers Ferry, W. Va. conglomerate (_clc) or overlying Weverton Formation (_cwb) Weverton Formation (Lower Cambrian) Catoctin Formation (Neoproterozoic) _cwo Owens Creek Member—Dusky-blue to dark-gray to dark-purplish-gray, very coarse grained quartzite Zcm Metabasalt—Light-green to dark-greenish-gray to and quartz-pebble conglomerate. Poorly sorted, medium-bluish-gray, fine-grained to aphanitic, thick bedded, with graded beds and crossbeds; massive to schistose, amygdaloidal metabasalt contains local accumulations of magnetite, composed of actinolite, chlorite, epidote, albite, ilmenite, and pebbles of red jasper, red and pur- and rare quartz. Contains lenses and layers of ple quartz, and phyllite. Interbedded with poorly apple-green, fine-grained, hard, massive epidote- exposed, dark-greenish-gray, phyllitic meta- quartz rock (epidosite). Contains local interlay- siltstone. Gradational with overlying Harpers ers of agglomeratic metabasalt breccia Formation Zcs Metasedimentary phyllite—Light-gray to variegated, _cwm Maryland Heights Member—Greenish-gray to light- finely laminated quartz-graphite-muscovite phyl- gray, medium-grained to granular, massive lite. Five thin bodies mapped within main body of quartzite in beds 5 to 10 m thick. Forms topo- Catoctin around and north of Paeonian Springs graphic ledges but is not well exposed. Includes unnamed thick quartzite bed (_cwmq) mapped Zcp Tuffaceous phyllite—Darkly variegated to lustrous separately on Catoctin Mountain in Maryland and silvery white, metarhyolitic, vesicular, blebby phyllite and fine-grained quartz-sericite _cwb Buzzard Knob Member—Light- to medium-gray, phyllite interpreted as felsic metatuff fine- to medium-grained, well-sorted, graded, variously bedded (crossbedded, thick bedded, Zcr Metarhyolite—Light-gray and tan, vesicular, blebby or massive), vitreous quartzite interbedded phyllite; massive, silvery white schist with feld- with light-gray metagraywacke and metasilt- spar phenocrysts; and aphanitic quartz-musco- stone; locally arkosic where unconformable to vite schist Mesoproterozoic gneiss on Blue Ridge. White to gray, massive to thickly bedded, vitreous quartz- Zcma Marble—Pinkish-white and light-green, massive to ite with thin (less than 0.3 m thick) interbeds of schistose marble; and white, gray- to buff-weath- dark phyllite is restricted to Catoctin Mountain ering, fine- to medium-grained, massive to schis- in Virginia tose calcitic marble. Margins of marble locally Description of Map Units 33

contain coarse-grained actinolite, tremolite, and gray-weathering, coarse- to fine-grained sericite- chlorite. Two thin bodies mapped within metaba- potassium feldspar-quartz metasiltstone and salt unit south of Potomac River arkosic metasandstone. Beds range from 0.3 to 2 m thickness and are defined by fining-upward Zmd Metadiabase dike (Neoproterozoic)—Dark-green- sequences; tangential and trough crossbeds are ish-gray, fine- to medium-grained, massive to common. Gravel and isolated, cobble-sized schistose metadiabase and schistose metabasalt clasts occur locally. Mapped south of Steptoe composed predominantly of chlorite, albite, epi- Hill in Virginia, near southern edge of quad- dote, and actinolite. Coarser grained variety has rangle stubby, 2- to 8-millimeter (mm)-long actinolite pseudomorphs after clinopyroxene that produce Swains Mountain Formation (Neoproterozoic) distinctive nubbly texture. Rare aphanitic meta- diabase has relict euhedral plagioclase laths. Zfsm Metamudstone—Light-gray, light-brown-weathering, Compositionally similar to metabasalt of the thinly laminated (less than 2 cm) sericite-quartz Catoctin Formation (Zcm). Metadiabase dikes metamudstone containing very fine quartz sand; that are too narrow to portray as green polygons and lustrous sericitic phyllite. Upper contact at 1:100,000 scale are portrayed as short red is gradational with rocks of the Carter Run lines. Commonly, these dikes shown in red range Formation (Zfcr) from 0.5 to 5 m thick Zfsc Boulder conglomerate—Light- to dark-gray, boulder Zrd Metarhyolite dike (Neoproterozoic)—White- to and cobble conglomerate and metasandstone gray-weathering, aphanitic to fine‑grained with biotite-chlorite-sericite-potassium feld- quartz-sericite schist and very fine grained, flinty spar-quartz matrix. Bedding thickness varies rock with plagioclase-feldspar phenocrysts in a from 0.5 to 6 m and is defined by fining- felted groundmass consisting of quartz, feldspar, upward sequen- ces. Boulders and cobbles biotite, and epidote consist of locally derived Mesoproterozoic granite gneiss. Trough crossbeds of coarse- to Swift Run Formation (Neoproterozoic) medium-grained sandstone are common. Lower contact is an unconformity that has as much as Zsm Marble—White, pink, and tan, gray- to buff-weath- 100 m relief and is distinct and abrupt; else- ering, medium- to fine-grained, calcitic and where, it is obscured within a zone of schist dolomitic marble with local thin, discontinuous, that is possibly metamorphosed fossil soil. sandy layers Upper contact is gradational into metasand- stone Zsp Phyllite—Grayish-reddish-purple phyllite, grayish- green finely laminated phyllite, dark-greenish- Zrc Cobbler Mountain Alkali Feldspar Quartz gray to brownish-gray, sandy, sericitic phyllite; Syenite of the Robertson River Igneous Suite and medium-dark-gray slate in fining-upward (Neoproterozoic)—Gray- to buff-weathering, sequence. Pinkish-gray to light-brownish-gray, medium-grained, massive alkali-feldspar quartz fine-grained, dolomitic marble locally found syenite. Consists of stubby, euhedral mesoper- near top thite grains (2–4 mm in diameter) intergrown with anhedral quartz; amphibole breaks down Zss Metasandstone and schist—Pinkish- to greenish-gray, into quartz, plagioclase, and oxides; and minor very coarse to medium-grained, crossbedded interstitial plagioclase. Mesoperthite crystals metasandstone and quartzite containing quartz conspicuous on weathered surface. Locally cut phyllite and sandstone pebbles and cobbles; by dikes of fine-grained granite of presumably brownish-green chlorite-sericite-feldspar-quartz coeval magma source. Mapped only in south- metagraywacke; and lustrous, silvery quartz-ser- western corner of quadrangle icite schist in fining-upward sequence. Grayish- brown arkosic metasandstone (fossil soil?) local- Ypb Megacrystic metagranite (Mesoproterozoic)— ly found at lower contact with basement rocks Light- to medium-gray, medium- to coarse- grained quartz-monzonite gneiss with large, Fauquier Group pink potassium-feldspar porphyroblasts. Strong Paleozoic schistosity is the dominant foliation. Zfcr Carter Run Formation (Neoproterozoic)—Light- Mapped only along the southern edge of the to medium-gray and olive-gray, light-yellowish- quadrangle in the southwestern corner 3 Geologic Map of the Frederick 30’ × 60’ Quadrangle, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia

Ybg Biotite granite gneiss (Mesoproterozoic)—Pink, sive to well-foliated biotite-plagioclase-quartz- orange- to gray-weathering, medium-grained, microcline metagranite. Characterized by white well-foliated or well-lineated biotite-plagioclase- or pink, 1- to 2-cm-long microcline porphy- quartz-microcline gneiss. Biotite is 10 to 15 roblasts and aggregates of blue quartz; biotite percent by volume. Middle Proterozoic foliation content ranges from 0 to 10 percent. Commonly expressed by planar aggregates of biotite; local- contains pronounced augen texture due to over- ly, foliation is weak or absent and replaced by a printing by Paleozoic schistosity lineation expressed by biotite streaks and rodded quartzofeldspathic grains. Occurs interlayered Ypg Porphyroblastic metagranite (Mesoproterozoic)— with two varieties of leucocratic metagranite (Yg Yellowish-brown-weathering, medium- to coarse- and Ygt) grained garnet-biotite-plagioclase-quartz-micro- cline metagranite. Characterized by megacrysts Yml Pink leucocratic metagranite (Mesoproterozoic)— of orange to pink microcline or microcline-rich Pink, medium- to medium-fine-grained, massive aggregates that are deformed into rounded ovoids to moderately foliated plagioclase-quartz-micro- 1 to 3 cm in diameter; garnet, biotite, plagioclase, cline metagranite. Biotite is locally present (0 to opaque minerals, and distinctive clots of blue 10 percent). Foliation defined by flattened quartz quartz occur interstitially. Flattened ovoids define and feldspar grains and local, thin, biotite-rich foliation, which is locally cut by dikes of garnetif- layers erous metagranite (Ygt)

Yg White leucocratic metagranite (Mesoproterozoic)— Yhm Hornblende monzonite gneiss (Mesoprotero- White, medium- to medium-fine-grained, massive zoic)—Gray-weathering, medium-fine- to fine- to moderately foliated plagioclase-quartz-micro- grained, well-foliated hornblende-quartz-micro- cline metagranite. Biotite is locally present (0 to cline-plagioclase monzonite gneiss. Foliation 5 percent). Middle Proterozoic foliation defined defined by strongly flattened quartz and feldspar by biotite where present, by flattened grains of grain aggregates and by prismatic hornblende; quartz and feldspar, and by thin aplite layers quartz content ranges from 10 to 20 percent; hornblende content as much as 30 percent. Ygt Garnetiferous metagranite (Mesoproterozoic)— Rarely occurs as a more massive, spotted rock. White, medium- to medium-fine-grained, Biotite and orthopyroxene are rare mafic con- massive to moderately foliated garnet-plagio- stituents clase-quartz-microcline metagranite. Dusky-red commonly transition to dark-green due Ylg Layered granitic gneiss (Mesoproterozoic)— to rim alteration to biotite and chlorite White, gray, or pink, medium- to fine-grained, well-layered garnet-biotite-plagioclase-quartz- Yqp Quartz-plagioclase gneiss (Mesoproterozoic)— microcline granitic gneiss. Millimeter- to centi- White, medium- to medium-fine-grained, weakly meter-scale layering defined by concentrations to moderately well-foliated quartz-plagioclase of biotite and aplite. Garnets up to 1 cm in diam- gneiss. Biotite content varies from 0 to 5 per- eter scattered throughout rock. Folded layering cent. Foliation defined by biotite where present, and swirly, migmatitic texture suggest partial by flattened quartz and feldspar grains, and by melting; protolith is interpreted to be a felsic thin aplite layers. Strongly resembles leucocratic volcanic rock metagranite (Yg) but potassium feldspar is rare or absent Yc Charnockitic granite (Mesoproterozoic)—Dark- green and brown, yellow-brown-weathering, Ym Marshall Metagranite (Mesoproterozoic)—Light medium- to coarse-grained, massive to well-foli- gray and pink, medium-grained, weakly to mod- ated quartz-hornblende-orthopyroxene-micro- erately well foliated and (or) lineated biotite- cline-plagioclase charnockitic granite. Poorly plagioclase-quartz-microcline metagranite with exposed underlying topographic knolls; mapped a leucocratic phase and a biotitic phase. Biotite primarily on the basis of float of fresh black content ranges in abundance from 10 to 15 per- rock having a distinctive orange crust and orange cent. Layering locally produced by veins of pink soil. Charnockitic granite occurs as discontinu- pegmatite parallel to foliation ous lensoid and pluglike bodies

Ymc Coarse-grained metagranite (Mesoproterozoic)— Ya Amphibolite (Mesoproterozoic)—Dark-green and Gray to pink, medium- to coarse-grained, mas- brown, gray-weathering, medium- to coarse- Description of Map Units 3

grained, massive to weakly foliated, spotted unit Jdh produced early-stage, bronzite-bearing hornblende-orthopyroxene-plagioclase amphibo- cumulates (Jdc) lower in the sheets and late- lite gneiss. Contains subordinate sill- or dike- stage differentiated bodies higher in the sheets like bodies of metanorite, metadiorite, and horn- such as granophyre (Jdg), ferrogabbro, diorite, blende-biotite gneiss syenite, and aplite, all of which contain pink potassium feldspar, albite, hornblende, biotite, Yp Garnet-graphite paragneiss (Mesoproterozoic)— and quartz. Dike dimensions vary from a wedge Reddish-brown (rusty-weathering), medium- edge to more than 150 m wide. Diabase sheets fine- to fine-grained, well-foliated to layered exceed 600 m in thickness graphite-biotite-garnet-plagioclase-quartz gneiss and schist. Layering defined by alternating mil- J^tm Thermally metamorphosed rocks (Lower Jurassic limeter-scale, garnet-rich zones containing gar- and Upper Triassic)—Variegated hornfels, nets 0.1 to 1 cm in diameter, garnet aggregates, quartzite, marble, meta-arkose, and metacon- and centimeter-scale quartzofeldspathic layers. glomerate occurring as zoned contact aureoles Garnets (almandine) typically deformed and ret- adjacent to diabase intrusions. Includes dark- rograded to green, lensoid clots of fine-grained gray to olive-black, cordierite-spotted horn- chlorite and muscovite. Graphite occurs as dis- fels; bluish-gray epidote and chlorite hornfels; seminated, small, rounded flakes. Distinctive white to pinkish-gray tourmaline granofels or orange-red stain produced by secondary hematite quartzite; greenish- to purplish-gray epidote after accessory magnetite. Retrograded schis- and chlorite meta-arkose; and white, light-gray, tose varieties include quartz-chlorite-magnetite and pink, crystalline marble. Contact aureoles schist and carbonaceous phyllonite. Probably a few meters thick adjoin narrow dikes, but can the remnant of that predates be more than 213 m thick and as much as 1.6 Mesoproterozoic granites km wide adjacent to thick diabase sheets; rocks closer to the contacts are hard, brittle, fractured, Yq Quartzite and quartz-sericite tectonite and unweathered; sedimentary structures com- (Mesoproterozoic)—Light-gray to white, monly preserved fine- to medium-grained, massive quartzite and quartz-sericite tectonite. No primary textures Meriden Group recognized such as bedding or early metamor- phic foliation. Rounded zircons in a quartz Jms Sander Basalt (Lower Jurassic)—Dark-gray to mylonite are seen in thin section; commonly bluish-gray, finely to moderately crystalline, por- contains strong Paleozoic penetrative cleavage. phyritic to equigranular basalt with plagioclase, Thin lenses of graphite may be seen in outcrop; augite, and pigeonite phenocrysts. Tops of flows contains larger mappable pods of paragneiss are locally vesicular and amygdaloidal. Lower (Yp) as seen along Butchers Branch, east of basalt flows locally separated from stratigraphi- Bluemont, Va. cally higher basalt flows by poorly exposed red- dish-brown sandstone and siltstone (Jmss). Both the lower and upper basalts are characterized by Piedmont Province distinctive curved columnar joints locally over- Culpeper and Gettysburg Basins printed by closely spaced fractures. Apparently paraconformable with underlying and intercalat- Jd Diabase dikes and sills (Early Jurassic)—Medium- ed sedimentary rocks. Estimated thickness less to dark-gray, medium crystalline and equigranu- than 300 m. Single occurrences of Jms and Jmss lar, massive diabase with characteristic orange- west of U.S. Route 15, south of Oatlands, Va. brown-weathered surface. Derived from several magma types as follows: (1) olivine-normative Jmt Turkey Run Formation (Lower Jurassic)— (olivine-plagioclase-) tholeiitic diabase Reddish-brown and dark-gray sandstone, silt- was intruded as dikes (Jd); (2) low-titanium, stone, conglomerate, and shale, interbedded in quartz-normative tholeiitic diabase containing cyclic sequences. Sandstone is fine to coarse centimeter-size phenocrystic clusters of calcic grained, locally pebbly and crossbedded, poorly plagioclase in a fine-grained groundmass of sorted, and micaceous. Siltstone is ripple lami- pyroxene and plagioclase also was intruded as nated and contains very fine detrital muscovite. dikes (Jd); and (3) high-titanium, quartz-norma- Shale is fissile, laminated, fossiliferous, and car- tive tholeiitic diabase was intruded as differen- bonaceous. Conglomerate is mapped separately tiated sheets (Jdh). Igneous differentiation of (Jmtc) and consists of variegated, subrounded 36 Geologic Map of the Frederick 30’ × 60’ Quadrangle, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia

boulders, cobbles, and pebbles of metabasalt, J ^cc Catharpin Creek Formation (Lower Jurassic and quartzite, marble, quartz, and subangular basalt Upper Triassic)—Very dark red to dusky-red clasts derived from the Goose Creek Member sandstone, siltstone, and conglomerate; inter- (J^ccg) of the Catharpin Creek Formation. bedded in cyclic sequences about 30 m thick. Cycles consist of meter-scale, coarser layers Sandstone is micaceous, arkosic, and pebbly; alternating with finer grained layers. Unit is overlain by dusky-red and olive-gray, thin-bed- deeply weathered and poorly exposed. Mapped ded to ripple-laminated, calcareous, micromica- west of U.S. Route 15, south of Oatlands, Va. ceous, sparsely fossiliferous, laterally persistent siltstone. Reddish-brown conglomerate deposits Jmh Hickory Grove Basalt (Lower Jurassic)—Medium- are lenticular and consist of rounded cobbles to dark-gray, finely to moderately crystalline, and pebbles of mainly quartzite and metabasalt microporphyritic to equigranular basalt with pla- in fine- to coarse-grained, arkosic sandstone gioclase, augite, and pigeonite phenocrysts. Tops matrix. Mapped south of Leesburg, Va. of flows are locally vesicular and amygdaloidal; vugs are filled by , calcite, and prehnite. J ^ccg Goose Creek Member—Variegated, lenticular Consists of two or three separate flows of basalt body of conglomerate and interbedded red- (Jmh) locally separated by poorly exposed, dish-brown to grayish-green, pebbly sandstone. reddish-brown sandstone and siltstone (Jmhs). Conglomerate is thick bedded to massive, with Unit is locally disconformable (but regionally subrounded pebbles and cobbles of mainly paraconformable) to underlying and overlying quartzite, metabasalt, metasiltstone, gneiss, vein sedimentary rocks. Mapped along U.S. Route 15 quartz, and limestone in medium- to coarse- around Oatlands, Va. grained, arkosic and calcitic sandstone matrix. Sandstone is fine to coarse grained, poorly Jmm Midland Formation (Lower Jurassic)—Reddish- sorted, medium to thick bedded, micaceous, brown and light- to dark-gray siltstone, sand- arkosic, pebbly, and silty. Deeply weathered to stone, and shale (Jmm) and conglomerate (Jmmc) thick, orange-brown saprolite mantled by lag interbedded in cyclic sequences. Siltstone is gravel. Intertongues laterally into main body micaceous and commonly ripple laminated; of Catharpin Creek Formation. Mapped east of locally bioturbated, calcareous, carbonaceous, U.S. Route 15, south of Leesburg, Va. and fossiliferous. Sandstone is fine to coarse grained, locally pebbly, crossbedded and ripple- Bull Run Formation (Upper Triassic) laminated, and feldspathic. Shale is silty, micro- laminated, burrowed (with dessication cracks), ^ cbg Groveton Member—Light- to dark-gray, light-green- carbonaceous, pyritic, calcareous, and fossilifer- ish-gray, and black, thin-bedded to laminated, ous. Lenticular deposits of variegated cobble locally ripple marked, mud-cracked, calcare- and pebble conglomerate and coarse-grained ous and dolomitic, sparsely fossiliferous, silty conglomeratic, arkosic sandstone locally are and sandy shale; interbedded with dusky-red, near border fault of both basins. Unit is poorly thin-bedded, calcareous, micaceous, feldspathic, exposed but is paraconformable to basalt forma- bioturbated, clayey and sandy siltstone in cyclic tions above and below. Mapped east of Bull Run sequences, 3 to 9 m thick. Grades northward into Mountain fault, south of Leesburg, Va. fluvial and deltaic and siltstones, but is partly repeated by faulting. Laterally equiva- Chatham Group lent to Balls Bluff Member (^cbb). Mapped along and to its west in the southern Jcm Mount Zion Church Basalt (Lower Jurassic)— part of the quadrangle Dark-gray to black, aphanitic to very finely crystalline, microporphyritic, high-titanium, ^cbb Balls Bluff Member—Reddish-brown, fine- to medi- quartz-normative tholeiitic basalt. Contains um-grained, thin- to medium-bedded, locally phenocrysts of augite and plagioclase. Tops of crossbedded, feldspathic, silty sandstone inter- flows are vesicular and contain amygdules filled bedded with dusky-red, thin-bedded, calcareous, by calcite, zeolites, and prehnite. Weathers to micaceous, feldspathic, bioturbated, clayey and reddish-brown or gray saprolite in uplands. Unit sandy siltstone in repetitive sequences, 1 to 3 is poorly exposed but probably conformable or m thick. Intertongues laterally with carbonate paraconformable to underlying and overlying conglomerate of Leesburg Member (^cbl) to sedimentary rocks. Mapped east of U.S. Route the northwest and with the Groveton Member 15, south of Oatlands, Va. (^cbg) to the south Description of Map Units 3

^cbl Leesburg Member—Variegated, light-gray-weather- O_gl Lower member—Medium-light- to medium-gray, ing, crudely bedded carbonate conglomerate thick-bedded and crossbedded, sandy limestone; containing conspicuous subangular to subround- and sandy dolomitic limestone. Limestones con- ed boulders, cobbles, and pebbles of grayish and tain 0.3-m-thick interbeds of medium-light-gray reddish lower Paleozoic limestone and dolostone sandy dolostone in a matrix of reddish-brown, pebbly sandstone and calcareous, sandy siltstone. Intercalations of Frederick Formation (Upper Cambrian) calcareous sandstone and siltstone thicken to the southeast where they intertongue with the main _fl Lime Kiln Member—Dark-gray, fine-grained lime- body of sandstone and siltstone of the Balls stone and calcareous shale. Interbedded with Bluff Member (^cbb) fine-grained, thinly laminated to thin-bedded and medium-bedded limestone near the base. Manassas Sandstone (Upper Triassic) More thickly interbedded toward the top with medium-dark-gray, fine-grained, wavy-bedded ^ cmp Poolesville Member—Predominantly gray, pinkish- limestone locally containing stromatolitic gray, and reddish-brown, fine- to coarse-grained, algal beds. Near the top, interbedded with thick-bedded, arkosic, micaceous sandstone; medium-light-gray, crossbedded, sandy lime- locally pebbly and crossbedded where it fills stone channels; commonly interbedded with reddish- brown, calcareous siltstone in upward‑fining _fa Adamstown Member—Medium-dark- to dark-gray, sequences in upper part of unit. Thickness is as fine-grained, argillaceous limestone thinly inter- much as 900 m. Gradational and intertonguing bedded with dusky-yellow to medium-dark-gray, contacts with overlying and underlying units silty dolostone. Several dark-greenish-gray to greenish-black, light-olive-brown-weathering, ^ cmt Tuscarora Creek Member—Light- to dark-gray and silty, calcareous shale intervals 2 to 15 m thick light-red, variegated conglomerate composed are present throughout the member of very fine to very coarse grained, angular to subangular pebbles and cobbles of limestone and _fr Rocky Springs Station Member—Dark-gray, nodular dolostone within a matrix consisting chiefly of to lumpy-bedded, argillaceous, dolomitic lime- limestone and dolostone granules and dusky-red stone at the base of the Frederick Formation. to grayish-red clayey sand and silt with calcite Contains an interval of grayish-black, platy shale cement. Limestone and dolostone clasts derived (_frs) as much as 20 m thick that is mapped from Cambrian and Ordovician strata along the eastern flank of the Frederick Valley. Upsection becomes dark-gray, laminated to ^ cmr Reston Member—Light-gray to pinkish-gray, varie- flaggy-bedded limestone with dusky-yellow to gated pebble, cobble, and boulder conglomerate light-olive-gray, silty, dolomitic partings and containing clasts of phyllite, schist, quartzite, laminations, and intervals as much as 10 m thick metagraywacke, and quartz in a poorly sorted, of medium-dark-gray, polymictic breccia that coarse-grained, arkosic sandstone matrix. grade upsection into medium-gray, planar-bed- Locally interbedded with pale-reddish-brown ded, arenaceous limestone. Clast sizes range sandstone and siltstone. Basal conglomerate from sand size to 0.5 m in diameter on the west- unconformably overlies metasedimentary rocks ern side of the Frederick Valley and diminish to of the central and eastern Piedmont. Mapped as less than 1 cm in diameter on the eastern side of very small or thin bodies west of and south of the Frederick Valley Sugarloaf Mountain and around Seneca, Md. _f Undivided—Light-gray limestone. Single occurrence along Potomac River just east of the U.S. Route Frederick Valley Synclinorium 15 bridge

Grove Formation (Lower Ordovician and Upper _cs Cash Smith Formation (Upper and Middle Cambrian) Cambrian)—Grayish-black, fissile, platy, cleaved shale and slate, grading upward into O _gu Upper member—Thickly interbedded medium-light- thin-bedded, calcareous shale with limestone gray, locally sandy, thrombolitic and stromato- nodules. Mapped only along northern edge of litic, algal limestone; medium-gray, laminated, quadrangle in an anticlinal ridge adjacent to dolomitic limestone; and olive-gray dolostone Israel Creek, near Walkersville, Md. 3 Geologic Map of the Frederick 30’ × 60’ Quadrangle, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia

_ar Araby Formation (Middle and Lower Cam- Sams Creek Formation (Lower Cambrian? and brian)—Light-olive-gray, mottled metasiltstone Neoproterozoic?) containing sandy intervals; pervasively cleaved bedding typically obscured by structural folia- _Zsb Metabasalt—Dark greenish- to medium-bluish-gray, tions aphanitic to porphyritic, massive to schistose, vesicular metabasalt composed of chlorite, epi- dote, quartz, altered plagioclase, actinolite, horn- Sugarloaf Mountain Anticlinorium and Bush blende, and albite. Igneous texture is locally pre- Creek Belt served. Pods of epidosite are common. Includes some metaconglomerate composed of metabasalt pebbles and cobbles. Contains local pillow struc- _u Urbana Formation (Lower Cambrian?)—Medium- tures and hyaloclastite olive-brown to light-olive-gray, poorly sorted, calcareous metasandstone, metagraywacke, _Zsf Felsic schist—Medium-bluish-gray, grayish-blue, quartzite, and metasiltstone. Contains graded very pale blue, and light-olive-gray, fine-grained, beds, crossbeds, and sparse ripple marks tuffaceous, fragmental, metavolcanic and metavolcaniclastic quartz-muscovite-feldspar _um Marble—Light-greenish-gray, thin-bedded, crystal- schist of intermediate composition. Locally line marble; and schistose to massive, chlorite- interbedded with metabasalt. Only one small rich, sandy, calcitic marble. Poorly exposed; occurrence mapped with muscovitic phyllite produces distinctive reddish-orange soil unit (_Zsmp) southwest of the intersection of Maryland State Routes 75 and 80 on either side of Fahrney Branch _uq Quartzite—Light-olive-gray and light-brownish-gray, fine- to coarse-grained, thin- to medium-bedded, Marble—Brownish-gray to grayish-reddish-purple, crossbedded, pitted, vuggy, friable, lensoidal and _Zsm massive to thin-bedded, calcitic and dolomitic discontinuous, very calcareous metasandstone marble containing quartz sand. Includes minor and quartzite. Interbedded with light-brown calcareous metasiltstone laminated metasiltstone _Zstp Tuffaceous phyllite—Variegated grayish-reddish- Sugarloaf Mountain Quartzite (Lower Cambrian) purple and bluish-gray, vesicular phyllite with light-gray streaks and blebs _squ Upper member—Pink and white, medium-bedded to massive, well-sorted, cross-stratified quartzite _Zsmp Muscovitic phyllite—Light-bluish-gray, dusky-yel- with ripple marks low, and medium-orangish-pink muscovite-chlo- rite phyllite containing albite porphyroblasts, _ sqm Middle member—White and purple to light-gray, quartz, and hematite dust. Contains minor meta- fine-grained, massive quartzite interbedded with siltstone. Lithologically distinct from rocks of seldomly exposed medium-brown, quartzose the Ijamsville Phyllite and Marburg Formation metasiltstone and dusky-blue, laminated meta- by its lighter color siltstone similar to that of the conformably over- lying Urbana Formation (_u) _Zshp Hematitic phyllite—Bluish-purple, hematite-rich phyllite. Resembles Ijamsville Phyllite _sql Lower member—Poorly exposed, light-gray quartzite _Zsl Metalimestone—Light-gray, thinly layered, argilla- _sq Undivided—Shown in cross section only ceous metalimestone

_Zsqp Quartzite interbedded with phyllite—Light-gray Westminster Terrane quartzite interbedded with purple phyllite and slate; with variegated, conglomeratic phyllite; _Zw Wakefield Marble (Lower Cambrian? and and with bluish-gray, tuffaceous phyllite Neoproterozoic?)—Reddish-white, massive to finely bedded dolomitic to calcitic marble, _Zsq Quartzite—Light-gray to grayish-green, medium- marble rich in quartz sand, and sandy marble. grained, thin-bedded to massive, crossbed- Mapped only along northern edge of quadrangle ded quartzite and minor calcareous sandstone around Sams Creek containing detrital plagioclase, , and Description of Map Units 3

polymictic quartz. Bedding is defined by con- very small pods within phyllite (_Zip) on the centrations of heavy minerals. Interbedded with southeast limb of the Sugarloaf Mountain anti- other units of the Sams Creek Formation, includ- clinorium ing phyllite (_Zsmp), metabasalt (_Zsb), and metasiltstone and metagraywacke (_Zss) _Zil Metalimestone—Light-bluish-gray to medium-light- gray, thin-bedded, laminated, carbonaceous and _Zss Metasiltstone—Metasiltstone, phyllite, quartzite, and argillaceous metalimestone; and minor, medi- metagraywacke, undifferentiated. Contains other um-dark-gray, finely laminated, carbonaceous units of the Sams Creek Formation, including phyllite. Thin unit mapped from confluence of marble (_Zsm) and quartzite (_Zsq), and appears Potomac and Monocacy Rivers for about 5 km to overlie the metabasalt unit (_Zsb). Bedding to the southeast. Small body located above flood can be recognized except where transposed plain of Linganore Creek, east of Frederick, Md. in shear zones adjacent to faults. Muscovitic phyllite containing albite porphyroblasts and _Zic Phyllitic conglomerate—Light-olive-gray muscovitic elongated blebs of chlorite is interpreted to be phyllite clasts supported in a dark-gray matrix of a metatuff. Locally, light-brown metasiltstone chlorite, quartz, ilmenite, magnetite, and zircon. is interbedded with quartzite and calcareous Occurs just north of Bush Creek to the west of metasandstone Monrovia, Md.

_Zsc Calcareous metasandstone—Light-brown and gray, _ Zicm Conglomeratic metagraywacke—Light-gray and cross-stratified, calcareous metasandstone and green, medium- to coarse-grained metagray- quartzite. Mapped in two small areas just south wacke with white quartz pebbles and variegated of Bush Creek near Monrovia, Md. phyllite chips, in a green, chloritic matrix. Found within chloritic phyllite unit (_Zicp) Ijamsville Phyllite (Lower Cambrian? and Neoproterozoic?) _Zicp Chloritic phyllite—Light-olive-gray and greenish- gray chloritic phyllite and metasiltstone _Zip Phyllite—Dusky-blue, grayish-blue, very dusky reddish-purple, and greenish-gray to pale-olive Marburg Formation (Lower Cambrian? and phyllite; phyllonite containing abundant pods Neoproterozoic?) and folded stringers of white vein quartz; and minor slate. Intensely folded and sheared. Finely Metasiltstone—Greenish-gray to light-olive-gray, laminated beds seen only in slate. Phyllite con- _Zmbs quartz-sericite-chlorite phyllitic metasiltstone sists mostly of muscovite and chlorite, but also contains paragonite and chloritoid. Paragonite containing thin (0.25 cm) light-gray quartz lami- (determined by X-ray diffraction) gives unit a nae and ribbons; and dusky-blue, grayish-blue, lustrous sheen. Dark coloration is caused by dusky-reddish-purple, and greenish-gray to pale- abundant hematite dust olive muscovite-chlorite-paragonite-hematite phyllite similar to that of Ijamsville Phyllite _Zib Metabasalt—Dark-green and schistose metabasalt (_Zip). Porphyroblasts of albite and chloritoid composed of chlorite, epidote, and quartz. Rare occur locally. Much of unit is transposed, phyl- pillows locally preserved. Mapped as thin unit lonitized, and has abundant pods and folded east of Martic thrust fault contact with Urbana stringers of white vein quartz Formation (_u); one small body mapped in fault slice near confluence of Potomac and Monocacy _Zmbg Metagraywacke—Grayish-green to black, mas- Rivers sive graywacke interbedded with dark phyllite. Mapped in southernmost area of Marburg _Ziq Quartzite—Yellowish-gray, fine- to medium- grained, massive sericitic quartzite locally _Zmbb Metabasalt—Dark-greenish-gray to dusky-yellow- intervening between phyllite (_Zip) and metab- ish-green, aphanitic to porphyritic metabasalt asalt (_Zib). Mapped as very thin units east containing epidosite. Only one small body in of the Martic thrust fault contact with Urbana quadrangle mapped along tributary to Bucklodge Formation (_u) Branch south of Barnesville, Md.

_Zim Marble—Light-olive-gray, sandy limestone and _Zmbq Quartzite—Light-gray to grayish-green, coarse- dusky-red, calcareous quartzite occurs as three grained, massive quartzite 0 Geologic Map of the Frederick 30’ × 60’ Quadrangle, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia

_Zp Prettyboy Schist (Lower Cambrian? and Ong Quartz gabbro—Dark-gray, medium-grained quartz- Neoproterozoic?)—Dark-greenish-gray quartz- augite-hornblende metagabbro. Forms small muscovite-chlorite-albite schist with white, bodies within biotite-hornblende tonalite (Ont) euhedral albite crystals Onu Ultramafic rocks—Dark-green, well-foliated ser- _Zpb Metabasalt—Dark-green, massive, porphyritic metaba- pentinite and lesser soapstone. Probably altered salt composed of chlorite, epidote, and quartz. from pyroxenite. Forms three small bodies with- Located only in northeastern corner of quadrangle in biotite-hornblende tonalite (Ont)

_Zpq Quartzite—Brown, medium-grained quartzite inter- Ontr Trondhjemite—Light-gray, medium-grained mus- bedded with quartz-muscovite-chlorite schist. covitic trondhjemite. One small body mapped Single occurrence on map along Interstate Route within biotite-hornblende tonalite southeast of 26, just east of intersection with Maryland State Olney, Md. Route 97 Ok Kensington Tonalite (Middle Ordovician)— Medium-gray, coarse-grained, weakly to moder- Potomac Terrane ately foliated, locally garnetiferous, muscovite- biotite tonalite. In and west of the Rock Creek Dp Pegmatite (Late Devonian)—Light-grayLight-gray andand whitewhite shear zone and other sheared areas, the rock is muscovite-microcline-albite-quartz pegmatite. intensely foliated to mylonitic muscovite-biotite Locally contains minor amounts of biotite, granodiorite containing augen and coarse por- tourmaline, allanite, monzonite, magnetite, and phyroblasts of microcline that suggest metaso- pyrite. Most of the microcline is microperthitic. matism during the shearing event. Petrographic Crosscuts schistosity and foliation of the country and chemical data are given in Hopson (1964) rocks and is not deformed and Fleming and others (1994)

Dg Guilford Granite (Late Devonian)—Gray, medi- Georgetown Intrusive Suite (Early Ordovician) um- to fine-grained, nonfoliated, homogeneous granite of monzogranite composition. About 90 Ogh Biotite-hornblende tonalite—Gray, medium- to percent of the rock consists of equal parts of coarse-grained, massive to foliated biotite-horn- microcline, plagioclase, and quartz; remainder blende tonalite that has a strong relict-igneous- consists of equal amounts of biotite and musco- flow structure at many places. Unit contains vite and minor amounts of apatite, garnet, clino- many ultramafic and mafic xenoliths and (or) zoisite, zircon, and magnetite. Forms thin sheets autoliths, and xenoliths of metasedimentary that crosscut bedding and schistosity in the rocks. Typically contains 40 to 50 percent dark Northwest Branch Formation (_Zn). Two small minerals. Petrographic and chemical data are bodies mapped on north side of Burnt Mills fault given in Drake and Froelich (1997) and Fleming along eastern edge of quadrangle and others (1994). Mapped along southern edge of quadrangle Oq Quartz bodies (Ordovician)—White, massive, and fractured quartz probably intruded as large veins Ogg Quartz gabbro—Dark-gray, mostly medium- to which are now preserved as smaller remnants. coarse-grained quartz-augite-hornblende Found scattered throughout map area east of metagabbro, lesser quartz diorite, and much less- Pleasant Grove fault er quartz norite. In many places, the unit con- tains thin cumulate layers of metapyroxenite and Norbeck Intrusive Suite (Late Ordovician) augite-hornblende rock. Petrographic and chemi- cal data are given in Fleming and others (1994). Ont Biotite-hornblende tonalite—Gray, medium- to Mapped along southern edge of quadrangle coarse-grained, fairly massive to foliated biotite- hornblende tonalite consisting largely of quartz, Ogp Metapyroxenite—Dark-green to black, medium- to , hornblende, and biotite; and lesser coarse-grained, massive to well-foliated meta- chlorite, epidote, apatite, and magnetite. In many pyroxenite occurring within metagabbro (Ogg). places, has a strong relict-igneous-flow structure. Much of the rock has been altered to dark-green Contains many xenoliths and (or) autoliths of to grayish-green serpentinite. Unit forms small more mafic rock. Petrographic and chemical data pods and xenolith swarms within or along the are given in Hopson (1964) borders of larger tonalite (Ogh) and quartz gab- Description of Map Units 1

bro (Ogg) plutons. Mapped along southern edge that contains elliptical quartz fragments and of quadrangle fragments of meta-arenite and biotite schist. Typically spangled with very large porphyrob- Dalecarlia Intrusive Suite (Early Ordovician) lasts of muscovite. Upper part (_lu) contains more than 50 percent olistoliths of meta-arenite Odm Biotite monzogranite and granodiorite—Medium- and muscovite-biotite schist that are locally as gray, medium- to coarse-grained, massive to long as 5 to 10 m. Located only in the south- well-foliated biotite monzogranite and lesser western corner of the quadrangle granodiorite. Locally contains plagioclase phe- nocrysts. Mapped bodies contain widespread _Zo Oella Formation (Lower Cambrian and (or) lenses, zones, and irregular bodies of leucocratic Neoproterozoic)—Gray, fine- to medium- muscovite-biotite monzogranite (Odl). Two grained quartz-plagioclase-biotite-muscovite small bodies are mapped, one within biotite- meta-arenite interbedded with lesser schist. hornblende tonalite (Ont) where it is completely Mapped adjacent to Loch Raven Schist (_Zl) enclosed by muscovitic trondhjemite (Odt) and south of Triadelphia Reservoir in Maryland one at the southern edge of the quadrangle west of Maryland State Route 187 _Zl Loch Raven Schist (Lower Cambrian and (or) Neoproterozoic)—Medium-gray, medium- to Odl Leucocratic muscovite-biotite monzogranite—Light- coarse-grained, thin-bedded, lustrous quartz- gray, leucocratic, medium- to coarse-grained, muscovite-biotite-plagioclase schist that, in plac- foliated muscovite-biotite monzogranite. Locally es, contains garnet, staurolite, and (or) chlorite. grades into monzogranite (Odm) with which it Contains some interbedded semipelitic schist commonly occurs. Mapped only at southern and meta-arenite (_Zlm) similar to those of the edge of quadrangle west of Maryland State underlying Northwest Branch Formation (_Zn) Route 355 _Zn Northwest Branch Formation (Lower Cambrian Odt Muscovitic trondhjemite—Light-gray, fine- to medi- and Neoproterozoic)—Light-gray, medium- um-grained, sugary textured, massive to weakly grained, well-bedded quartz-plagioclase-biotite foliated muscovitic trondhjemite dikes, sheets, meta-arenite and lesser quartzite and calc-sili- and irregular bodies. Petrographic and chemi- cate rock. Both the meta-arenite and quartzite cal data are given in Drake and Fleming (1994). have a good schistosity marked by biotite flakes. Mapped in one location within biotite-horn- Beds range from 1.3 cm to 1.2 m in thickness. blende tonalite (Ont) where it encloses a small Contains interbedded schist similar to that of the body of biotite monzogranite and granodiorite overlying Loch Raven Schist (_Zl); upper con- (Odm) east of Maryland State Route 97, south of tact grades into overlying Loch Raven Schist Olney, Md. Mather Gorge Formation (Lower Cambrian and Ob Bear Island Granodiorite (Ordovician?)—Light- (or) Neoproterozoic) gray, fine-grained muscovite-biotite granodio- rite and related pegmatite composed largely of _Zms Quartz-rich schist—Greenish-gray to gray, reddish- quartz, albite, and microcline. Forms small- to brown-weathering, very fine grained, lustrous medium-size, crosscutting sheets and bodies in quartz-muscovite-chlorite-plagioclase-epidote- rocks of the Mather Gorge Formation magnetite-hematite schist containing interlayers of phyllitic metasiltstone, muscovitic gneiss, _s Sykesville Formation (Lower Cambrian)— metagraywacke, and calc-silicate rock. Thin to Variegated, gray metamorphosed sedimentary very thin beds are largely transposed into early mélange consisting of a quartzofeldspathic cleavage and contain folded white quartz veins granofels matrix containing quartz and feldspar grains, and fragments and bodies of metamor- _ Zmg Metagraywacke—Light- to medium-gray, yellowish- phosed sedimentary, volcanic, and intrusive to reddish-brown-weathering, fine- to medium- rocks grained, generally well-bedded metagraywacke and semipelitic schist. Beds range from about 3 _l Laurel Formation (Lower Cambrian)—Light- to cm to as much as 3 m thick, averaging about 20 medium-gray, medium- to coarse-grained, mod- cm. Many beds are graded; sole marks and slump erately to well-foliated sedimentary mélange features are abundant. Contains interbedded consisting of a quartzofeldspathic matrix quartzose schist and lenses of calc-silicate rock  Geologic Map of the Frederick 30’ × 60’ Quadrangle, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia

_ Zmm Migmatite—Light-gray quartz-plagioclase leucosome large bodies or smaller blocks within rocks of and dark-gray, quartz-rich schist the Mather Gorge Formation

_ Zmp Phyllonite—Greenish-gray, chlorite-sericite phyl- _Zg Metagabbro and metapyroxenite (Lower Cam- lonite containing white vein quartz. Highly brian and Neoproterozoic)—Dark-green and folded black metagabbro and metapyroxenite that occur as two small blocks within rocks of the _Zmt Metatuff—�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������Dark-gray, hornblende-plagioclase-quartz- Mather Gorge Formation. The larger body is muscovite, felsic, schistose metatuff.������������������ Only one located at the headwaters of Cattail Creek south small body is mapped near the southern edge of of Interstate Route 70 in Howard County, Md.; the quadrangle in Great Falls, Va. the smaller body is located along Great Seneca Creek west of Gaithersburg, Md. _Zsd Soldiers Delight Ultramafite (Lower Cambrian and (or) Neoproterozoic)—Green serpenti- nite, talc schist, and soapstone. Interpreted to Coastal Plain Province be mostly altered pyroxenite. Mapped adjacent to Loch Raven Schist north of Triadelphia Kps Potomac Formation (Lower Cretaceous)— Reservoir in Maryland Unconsolidated, compact, well-sorted, stratified gravel, sand, silt, and clay that unconformably _Zu Mafic and ultramafic rocks (Lower Cambrian overlies rocks of the Laurel Formation (_l) in and Neoproterozoic)—Greenish-gray serpen- the extreme southeastern corner of the map area tinite, soapstone, and talc schist that occur as near Silver Spring, Md.

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