Memorial Day Parade, HARTFORD (AP) — a on Rail Merger and Also Appear in the Marine by Binxin O

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Memorial Day Parade, HARTFORD (AP) — a on Rail Merger and Also Appear in the Marine by Binxin O THURSDAY, MAY 88, 186t tWHimr-POUR AtwraM Dafly Nat Ptaaa ^ob For Am Wetifc Boded The Weather , HanrtifBtfr lEtt^tting H ffoU t AprU SO, 1968 Foreeaot of D. A WsMhsr. BorMHi Frost warning i M i I John Mother Chapter, Order of ' Miss Arlyne Mary Garrity, and chlldren'a work;' Mrs. Rlohard mlttos are Mra. Walker BiiggA 1 3 ,9 7 4 Sperry, literature and publications; ohaimuui; Mrs. Hetbert 'McKin­ 86 to 46, OoMer in rarol araao. DeMolay, la (ponaorlng a spring daughter of Atty. and Mrs. Har- Mrs. Brooks A bout Tow n dance Sotutday, June 8, at the (dd W. Geirrity, 141 Pitkin St., was Mrs. Walker Briggs, supply; Mrs. ney, Mrs. John Bieggs, Mni. Alton Mamber of Aodtt . Saturday sonny and warmer. Higli 'Maaonic Temple from 8 p m . to 2 recently elected vice president of Louia Champeau, promotion, and Hall, Mm. Philip Leea and M n . Dnrean of drealation near 70. , ndM rt H. SolHMtx, loa of Mr. M n. Paul Grifflttaa, memberMiip. M foichesU ti M d t b u . Harold F. Schueti, IS a-m. AU 'mefnben are invited. ZeU Phi EJta sorority at Emerson Heads WSCS Russell MacKendrick. •A City of Village Charm ntoaiM iDr,, hoa complated rocrult College, Boston. Committee chairmen are M n. Dr. James V. Claypool, super-, training o i Uw Naval Training Mandtester Rod and Gun Qub Richard Reinohl, and Mrs. David intendent of Norwich District of 85 East CeBter St. Ontor, Great Lakes, HI. will have Ladies Night Saturday Mariner Ship 4, Manchester Girl Second Year Howe, pubUcity co-chairmen; Mrs. the New England Southern Con­ VOL. LXXXn, NO. 200 (TWENTY PAGES) ^^ANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1963 (Olaaslfied AdvsrUaing on Page 18) at the clubhouse on Daley Rd., Scouts, will sponsor a bake sale Joseph SwensBOn, church activ­ ference, spoke after the business At Summit St. PRICE SEVEN CENTS Coventry. Dinner will be served at Saturday beginning at .1:30 p.m. Mrs. George Brooka of 71 Weth- ities; Mrs. Robert Samuelson, ro­ meeting. His topic was "Called, Uriel tidga of Maoons, Morrow, WEEKEND CASH AND CARRY SPECIAL! wBl hold a Q>e<^ meeting Satur- 8:30. A four-piece orchestra will in front of the Stop and Shop ereJl St. was recently re-elected tation; Mrs. Marshall Hodge, fel­ Confronted and Compelled.” ttagr at 7:80 pan. at the lodge. The play for dancing from 8 to 1. store, W. Middle Tpke. Homemade prudent of the Woman’s So­ lowship; Mrt. Richard Wann, The Rev. Ray C. HoIUs Jr., as­ FRESH-CUT sociate poster of South Methodist MOoter Maaon degree will be ex- bread, cake and rolls will be ciety of Christian Service of South hospHaUty; Mrs. Charles Banks, GOP to Gut State News erapUfiod. George Moberg of Bol­ The Silk Town Blites color featured. Methodist Church, and installed by sunshine; Mrs. Howard Keeney Church, was soloist. James W. ton will preside. guard will sponsor a car wash the Rev. Lawrence F. Almonfi, pas­ and Mrs. Mark Leadbetter, kitch­ McKay was organist. Pentagon Hot Saturday at 9 a.m. at the Fem- , Charles F. Perkins, SK3, U.S. tor, with other officers In a candle­ en; and Mrs. Russell MacKen- A social time was held in the CARNATIONS *1 - mla Neon Sign Oo., Spruce St., be­ Coast Guard, son of Mr. and Mrs. light ceremcwiy. drick, pianist. Reception Hall, after the cere­ Governor’s Roundup tween Oak and Maple Sts. The Frank C. Perkins, 23 Autumn St., Other officers are Mrs. Law­ Memibers of a nominating oom- monies. U.S. Asks InjlinCtion event was rained out last Satur­ is home on leave after spending 14 rence Almond, first vice president; day. Proceeds of the wash will be months in the Aleutian Islands. Boosts used to purchase equipment for After his leave, he reports to the Over Changes ICC Ends Hearings the newly organized color guard, USCG Supply Center, Brooklyn, which will make its first appear­ N.Y. ance in the Memorial Day parade, HARTFORD (AP) — A On Rail Merger and also appear in the Marine By BinXIN O. FAY < Ing under proviatons of the d n l^ penny a pack on cigarettes is Members of the VFW Auxiliary FARMS Corps League parade Jtme 7. WASHINGTON (AP) — cation law and its revislpHs. as far as Republicans say BOSTON (A P)— A week- will participate at Hanon Hatch Criticism by Congress'" members they will go on tax increases To HeadCff Wallace The Salvation Army will con­ Post installation tomorrow at 8 Secretary of Defense Robert generally has beet^Xestrained. long hearing by the Interstate COHAGE p.m., 40 South St., Elmwood. Con- S. McNaln^ra’a vast revamp­ But within th^-dnllltory, there this year. Commerce Commission on the duct an open air service tonight 'The rest of Gov. John Dempsey’s at 7:30 at Main and Birch Sts,, ductreases are Mrs. • George Eca- have been s^tdd objections by proposed Pennsylvania - New bert, Mrs. Olive Ray, Mrs. Harry ing of the Ml|tary establish­ proposed tax Increases, which to­ CHEESE preceded by a service of prayer some officers,' sharp private dls- York Central railroad merger Mahoney, Mrs. Florence Plitt, and i l l ment—its adnunistrative or­ apeemem.."by others. One of the gether with the sixth cent on cig­ and meditation at the Citadel from arettes were supposed to produce concluded today with testi­ 6:30 to 7:16. Mra Marie Hale. ganization, its chain of com­ high cpnunanders Is <m the way Vows He’ll mand, its multibillion.dollar out, y n th McNamara opposing re- an additional $68 million in bien­ mony that New England' nial revenue, will be scuttled by Mrs. Nona Pearson McCaiui, Zion Evangelical Lutheran operation— is all but com­ itment of Adm. George W. needs two strong competitive, Church will hold a Family-Congre­ j,.Jhderson to a second term as thexHouse, GOP leaders indicated Grade 4 teacher at Green School, \ Af Pinehursf plete. a f t e ^ caupiis yesterday. railroads. Stop Negro will be honored at an open house gation-Youth evening Sunday be­ chief of naval operations. And Herbert B. Blxler, now connect­ Reorganization o t the Navy rS- GSn. Curtis E. LeMay was given Repttolicans had previously an­ tomorrow from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at ginning at 5 p.m. with a potluck malns to be completed. Son^' h- ed with 'a research firm but for­ for memibers and friends. Families only h ijf of a usual two-year ten­ nounced^ plans to cut Dempsey’s the school. She is retiring at the nal moving around of ofHpds, fur­ proposed $697.8 million general merly an executive of the New end of the school year. TTie event are asked to bring a hot dish or R & R BONED ure for his reappointment as Air Haven, the Boston and Maine and niture and people In oHler agen­ Force chief of staff. fund budget too—but by only $26 Enrollment is «pen to her former and present salad, and the Ladies Aid will pro­ cies to carry out .Consolidation million. other railroads was the final wit- students and frienda vide dessert and coffee. S f R L O W A deep and ^rvading silence plans will contlpde for some House Speaker J. Tyler Patter­ I ness. He urged the Idea of two CHICKEN months more, aMnough the broeul has settled amemg generals and I strong competitive railroadg.j"' BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) admirals. ^ son said the GOP program, by i This 12 oz. can, carefully p^ked changes haveXseen made. holding tax boosts down, would "be reaching to the mid-west from the —The federal government in- .The revajdping has been done Will this end disputes trithin the I coast. Mrs. George Brooka by Richardson and Robbins is CAN Pentagon? a tonic for the people of the state yoked its sovereignty today j x ' without asking Congress for new and its economie health during the Today's session marked the G ^ e ^ g e usually sold at $1.39. Now only legislmHon, with McNamara act' President Kennedy does not a move to block GJov. Mrs. Robert Frost, second vice (Limit 2 cans to allow more to think so. next two years'.’’ i 100th day of ICC hearings in vari­ C. Wallace from preventing president; Mrs. Eeirl Swallow, Shortly after Republicans made ous cities on a proposed merger save $1.20 on each 2 can purchase). “ I am sure there’ll continue to the enrollment of a ^ e g r o at third vice president; Mrs. Wil' be disputes,” he says. their announcement, the Demo-1 of the New Y jafk Central, one of FIBERGLAS FABRICS liam MoGoohan, recording secre­ cratic-cqntrolled Senate passed the ' New G btg^d’s western links, the Universeity crf^Alabama. N e ^ o Juror The people in the Pentagon are with the Pennsylvania. Such a tary, and Mrs. John Von Deck, “ strong-minded men,” says Ken­ administration budget. A complaint by'lhe Justica De­ Parfect for Curtains and Drapes treasurer. The budget Includes an Increase merger, as presently pronosed, partment opei>ed the way for pos­ nedy, but completely loyal to would leave out the New Haven Secretaries installed are Mrs. CCHT SODA IN CANS O t x fnelr country. He says, too, that sible Injunjjtive action agaipri the Stanley Best, missiorairy educa­ Lone H oldou t (Continued on Page Eight) Railroad, curr^ptly In bankruptcy defiant gaV^ernor who has pledged • E A S Y T O W A S H ! case of 24 cans “ we have to have a secretary to proceedings, and the Boston and tion and service; Mrs.
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