THURSDAY, MAY 88, 186t tWHimr-POUR AtwraM Dafly Nat Ptaaa ^ob For Am Wetifc Boded The Weather , HanrtifBtfr lEtt^tting H ffoU t AprU SO, 1968 Foreeaot of D. A WsMhsr. BorMHi Frost warning i M i I John Mother Chapter, Order of ' Miss Arlyne Mary Garrity, and chlldren'a work;' Mrs. Rlohard mlttos are Mra. Walker BiiggA 1 3 ,9 7 4 DeMolay, la (ponaorlng a spring daughter of Atty. and Mrs. Har- Mrs. Brooks Sperry, literature and publications; ohaimuui; Mrs. Hetbert 'McKin­ 86 to 46, OoMer in rarol araao. A bout Tow n dance Sotutday, June 8, at the (dd W. Geirrity, 141 Pitkin St., was Mrs. Walker Briggs, supply; Mrs. ney, Mrs. John Bieggs, Mni. Alton Mamber of Aodtt . Saturday sonny and warmer. Higli 'Maaonic Temple from 8 p m . to 2 recently elected vice president of Louia Champeau, promotion, and Hall, Mm. Philip Leea and M n . Dnrean of drealation near 70. , ndM rt H. SolHMtx, loa of Mr. M n. Paul Grifflttaa, memberMiip. M foichesU ti M d t b u . Harold F. Schueti, IS a-m. AU 'mefnben are invited. ZeU Phi EJta sorority at Emerson Heads WSCS Russell MacKendrick. •A City of Village Charm ntoaiM iDr,, hoa complated rocrult College, Boston. Committee chairmen are M n. Dr. James V. Claypool, super-, training o i Uw Naval Training Mandtester Rod and Gun Qub Richard Reinohl, and Mrs. David intendent of Norwich District of 85 East CeBter St. Ontor, Great Lakes, HI. will have Ladies Night Saturday Mariner Ship 4, Manchester Girl Second Year Howe, pubUcity co-chairmen; Mrs. the New England Southern Con­ VOL. LXXXn, NO. 200 (TWENTY PAGES) ^^ANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1963 (Olaaslfied AdvsrUaing on Page 18) at the clubhouse on Daley Rd., Scouts, will sponsor a bake sale Joseph SwensBOn, church activ­ ference, spoke after the business At Summit St. PRICE SEVEN CENTS Coventry. Dinner will be served at Saturday beginning at .1:30 p.m. Mrs. George Brooka of 71 Weth- ities; Mrs. Robert Samuelson, ro­ meeting. His topic was "Called, Uriel tidga of Maoons, Morrow, WEEKEND CASH AND CARRY SPECIAL! wBl hold a Q>e<^ meeting Satur- 8:30. A four-piece orchestra will in front of the Stop and Shop ereJl St. was recently re-elected tation; Mrs. Marshall Hodge, fel­ Confronted and Compelled.” ttagr at 7:80 pan. at the lodge. The play for dancing from 8 to 1. store, W. Middle Tpke. Homemade prudent of the Woman’s So­ lowship; Mrt. Richard Wann, The Rev. Ray C. HoIUs Jr., as­ FRESH-CUT MOoter Maaon degree will be ex- bread, cake and rolls will be ciety of Christian Service of South hospHaUty; Mrs. Charles Banks, sociate poster of South Methodist GOP to Gut State News erapUfiod. George Moberg of Bol­ The Silk Town Blites color featured. Methodist Church, and installed by sunshine; Mrs. Howard Keeney Church, was soloist. James W. ton will preside. guard will sponsor a car wash the Rev. Lawrence F. Almonfi, pas­ and Mrs. Mark Leadbetter, kitch­ McKay was organist. Pentagon Hot Saturday at 9 a.m. at the Fem- , Charles F. Perkins, SK3, U.S. tor, with other officers In a candle­ en; and Mrs. Russell MacKen- A social time was held in the CARNATIONS *1 - mla Neon Sign Oo., Spruce St., be­ Coast Guard, son of Mr. and Mrs. light ceremcwiy. drick, pianist. Reception Hall, after the cere­ Governor’s Roundup tween Oak and Maple Sts. The Frank C. Perkins, 23 Autumn St., Other officers are Mrs. Law­ Memibers of a nominating oom- monies. U.S. Asks InjlinCtion event was rained out last Satur­ is home on leave after spending 14 rence Almond, first vice president; day. Proceeds of the wash will be months in the Aleutian Islands. Boosts used to purchase equipment for After his leave, he reports to the Over Changes ICC Ends Hearings the newly organized color guard, USCG Supply Center, Brooklyn, which will make its first appear­ N.Y. ance in the Memorial Day parade, HARTFORD (AP) — A On Rail Merger and also appear in the Marine By BinXIN O. FAY < Ing under proviatons of the d n l^ penny a pack on cigarettes is Members of the VFW Auxiliary FARMS Corps League parade Jtme 7. WASHINGTON (AP) — cation law and its revislpHs. as far as Republicans say BOSTON (A P)— A week- will participate at Hanon Hatch Criticism by Congress'" members they will go on tax increases To HeadCff Wallace The Salvation Army will con­ Post installation tomorrow at 8 Secretary of Defense Robert generally has beet^Xestrained. long hearing by the Interstate COHAGE p.m., 40 South St., Elmwood. Con- S. McNaln^ra’a vast revamp­ But within th^-dnllltory, there this year. Commerce Commission on the duct an open air service tonight 'The rest of Gov. John Dempsey’s at 7:30 at Main and Birch Sts,, ductreases are Mrs. • George Eca- have been s^tdd objections by proposed Pennsylvania - New bert, Mrs. Olive Ray, Mrs. Harry ing of the Ml|tary establish­ proposed tax Increases, which to­ CHEESE preceded by a service of prayer some officers,' sharp private dls- York Central railroad merger Mahoney, Mrs. Florence Plitt, and i l l ment—its adnunistrative or­ apeemem.."by others. One of the gether with the sixth cent on cig­ and meditation at the Citadel from arettes were supposed to produce concluded today with testi­ 6:30 to 7:16. Mra Marie Hale. ganization, its chain of com­ high cpnunanders Is ed the way for pos­ nedy, but completely loyal to would leave out the New Haven Secretaries installed are Mrs. CCHT SODA IN CANS O t x fnelr country. He says, too, that sible Injunjjtive action agaipri the Stanley Best, missiorairy educa­ Lone H oldou t (Continued on Page Eight) Railroad, curr^ptly In bankruptcy defiant gaV^ernor who has pledged • E A S Y T O W A S H ! case of 24 cans “ we have to have a secretary to proceedings, and the Boston and tion and service; Mrs. Dean Pat- make the final Judgment.” to bac,-personaIly any Negro ^ o Maine railroad. att^ p ts to enroll at the state In­ • N O IR O N IN G ! ^2.98 tersrm, Christian social concerns; Straight ^r Assorted. Save 39o In Spy ^Trial Some officers worry that the Mrs. William Newton, eqiiritual thrust of McNamara’s reorganiza­ Congress Approves Chief hearing examiner Jerome stitution. • N EV ER M IL D E W ! life; Mrs. George Elliot, student tion is toward eventual merger K. Lyle adjourned the hearings to ' U.S. Dist. Court Judge Seyboum VALUE H. Lynne ordered Wallace to ap­ YARD work; Mrs. Ralph Herman, youth NEW YORK (AP)—U.S. Navy of the services into one single June 4 in Wa-shlngton. • HREPROOF! Yeoman Nelson C. Drummond unit. Measure to Give The examiners had heard more pear before him June 3 In Birm­ No, say McNamara’s aides, than 50 New England witnesses ingham to show cause why a pre­ LOBSTERS / will be retired June 8 on ch a fe s Women Equal Pay liminary injunction should not be ■k WIN A SEWING MACHINE . . . NO PURCHASE NECESSARY ★ of stealing secret documents “ We aren’t unifying the services, LOBSTER MEAT we are unifying the effort." (Continued on Page Eight) is.sued. Spring Special “ This action is brought by the FRESH HADDOCK from his post at the Newport, They mention his "package” WASHINGTON (AP)-Congress R.I., naval station and selling program under which each serv­ United States in its sovereign ca­ RANCHES and CAPE CODS has approved the principle that pacity to safeguard the due ad­ and FLOUNDER then to Soviet agents. ice with a similar function has women should be paid the same Painted For $ ^ ^ . 0 0 been brought under central, co­ V e r n o H Man ministration . of Justice in Its -OPEN- FROZEN SWORDFISH The Baltimore-bom Negro—the wages as men for equal work and courts and the integrity of its first of his race to be tried for ordinated direction. Examples are it is close to becoming the law of Judicial process,’’ said the com­ PLUS PAINT his life as a cold war spy—re­ the strategic roles of the Air the land. plaint filed by Atty. Gen. Robert and TRIM mained under $100,000 baU after Force and Navy and the tactical It has taken 16 years of plug­ W a n t e d in F. Kennedy. roles of the Army and Air Force, PUUsi; Daily 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. his first trial ended In a hung ging to get this recognition of The show cause order quoted SPECIAL PRICES ON These Pinehurst steaks, sold the service way, not cello Jury Thursday. now in a combined “ Strike Com­ “ simple Justice,” Asst. Secretary mand.’ ’ Bank Holdup Wallace’s publjc statement that LARGER HOMES wrapped, are all top U. S. choice or premium grade. of Labor Esther Peterson com­ he was Invoking “ the sovereignty The


stanRia whldh have been losuad by MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, tX)NN FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1968 approxlmataly 90%. of the world’s PAGE T H I ^ 31 ’ Lehnert Plays In the poatal adonrinlstrationa has created HANCHeSTElt an enthusiasm among stamp col- Sheiliwold on Bridge by the industrial avoraga, knock­ ® News lectors. To service these colleotora. Try Home Cooking ing on the door of a new all-time Brahms Work Mlnkua PubUcatlona has issued a Stocks Nudge high, Grimm feels it has a good Oiildrek who had planned. to ichance of getting there this sum­ ^ OPEN t DAYS new album gapeclaliy for these South dador By JOHN GRUBER stamps. A supplement wUl be re­ BRIDOE EXPERT enjoy school food on Friday, mer. ' AVOIDS END PLAT NorthOouthJ Peak of 1961 Oswald Lehnert scored a per­ leased early in the fall to cover the May 81, will go hungry unless And he thinks the investors are LUMBER By ALFRED 8HEINWOLD they change their plans. School enthusiastic and confident about Your'^^n venience I sonal triumph last evening writh balance of the issues not entered. A bridge player is not without menus were erroneously sent to (Continued from Page One) the possibilities. his performance of the Brahms Ihis three ring album la priced at honor, save in his own ^ m e. But K 6 4 INCORPORATED $4 — the pages alone priced at $2. A K 4 The Herald and printed yester­ But, he said, surveying a board Violin Concerto ^urlng' a concert he must expect a good roasting day, although there wiU ^ no profits, regardless of risk, and room full of ticker tape watchers MONDAY Thru SATURDAY 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. They can be purchased at your in his own game, no matter how Q > by the Heirtford Civic Orchestra. local dealer or store. ■ A sr school next Frid'ay because of more willing to build portfolios in Walston’s office on Wall well he plays. AH of which may AYS the four-day Memorial Day slowly and more carefully, value street: THURSDAYS 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Mr. Liehnert. at one time concert- explain the comments made wbsn upon value.” master of the Manchester Civic, I 9 I 10 9 S weekend. No amount of beating “ Still there’s no one out there Portugal has announced that H Ernest Keller, Los Ailgeles - 9 S 3 Q j l o f on school house doors. is likely Walston’s Grimm said the pub­ stomping Hts. feet and clapping and a seml-flnalist in the Tchai- has issued a set of stamps honor­ ance exocutivs, got out ftmn un­ kowsky competition in Russia, AP Newsfeaturea « 10 7 S 5_____ I K I 9 4 to produce so much as a single lic "isn’t in the market head- his hands like' they were doing a By SYD KKONISH ing the Paris Postal Conference. der in today’s hand. SOOTH piece of bread; there will be no­ over-heels on borrowed money. year and a half' ago." CEPAR played in a truly masterful man­ Values are 1 Eacudoe, 1.50 Skeudos South dealer / 4i A K Q J S The long awaited Emancipa­ body home. It hasn’t gone overboard on ner. offering about as excellent a and 6.Escudos. Also Issued by that North-South vi^erable S? A 3 growth and tfantastlcally over­ •pring ^ a le performance as you are likely to tion commemorative stamp will be WATCH OUT FOB WIVES country are atampe. honoring St. Opening lem l^ u een of Hearts. 0 7 6 5 priced stocks. DENVER (AP) — A study of hear. issued in Chicago on August 16, Vincent De Paul and the Sth cen­ South t o d t ^ s ace of hearts and * A 3 2 _ " A , couple ,of years ago It was W t GIVE This is a concerto noted for Its the opening day of the "Century 160 murders in Denver since Jan. Keith’s guarantee that the price you pay is as tenary of the Military Order of stole a Ipdk at his opponents. Kel­ Sairth Wm( Nntf Negro Juror just a numbers game. Now 1, 1958, indicates that 46 per cent many difficulties, but Mr. Lehnert RgEN scraping and squawking so com­ link in a massive black chain In Spy Trial TAM PS. YOU YOUR MONEY’S WORTH! Don’t settle Now Playing State J%,eater on sale, reported the Waaliington South drew two rounds of trumps, until it fell out of his hand." With the market, as measured were most often the killers. for less. monly encountered in perform­ placed against a blue background. Press. cashed the king of hearts, and One of the gi'eat untold stories ances of the work. I was impress­ "You still haven't seen the ALUMINUM Atop the stamp Is the inscription ruffed a heart. He next led a point,” West put In. "It’s no ac­ (Continued from Page One) of World War II is brought to rescue of the pi Liippizan ed. “United States” flanked by "1863- the screen on a lavish scale by Four numbers from Handel’s diamond to dummy’s king. cident when Keller makes a good horses from the fi Spanish 1963” and “5 cents.” At the bot­ Keller saw what was coming play. It’s a miracle.” Asst. U.S. Atty. Vincent L. Slip off your shoes-stretch COMBINATION Walt Disney in his exciting new Riding School of Vii “Water Music” opened the pro-.^ tom is "Emancipation Proclama­ Synagogue Youth Brdderlck told the all-male jury; adventure drama, "Miracle of the gram under Robert Brawley’s'^ and dropped the queen of dia­ As I started to say; A bridge Veteran performer Eddie Albert, tion.” monds under dummy's king. player is not without honor. "Why was Drummond a trai­ White Stallions.” and James Francisous, thjented baton. Here the strings played Designer of the stamp is Georg To Seat Officers tor? Not because he was a Com- out-and watch TV in the Opening at the State Theatre well, but woodwinds and brass When declarer continued with the Dally Question CELLAR SCREENS young star of ’’The N ^ ed €5ty’ Olden of New York City. He Is the ace of diamonds Keller dropped Partner opens with one heart, muhist. He was in this game for today, the Disney film will were rather insecure, both rhyth­ one thing and one thing only ■ and ’’The Investigators,” oo-stia mically and tonally. The flutes, in first Negro ever to d ^ g n a U.S. Kenneth Wichman of 54 Brook­ the jack of diamonds. and the next player passes. Ton be shown through Tuesday. Today in this exciting film, which wa postage stamp. money, money, money! Soviet deep foam comfort of a Monday and Tuesday Shows will ^particular,, were distressingly on field St. will be Installed as presi­ Declarer went on with the dia­ hold: Spades, 8; Hearts, Q-J-10-9- TERMITES agents would be useless without and STORM SASH n>ade on location in Vienna. the sharp side. Collectors desiring first day Can­ dent of the UiUted Synagogue monds, and Keller played the 6 Diamonds, 6-8-8; Olnbs, 10.7-6-S. begin at 4 p.m. Saturday’s show cellations of this commemorative traitors like Drummond." will be continuous from 1 p.xai, After the intermission Jane Youth group tonight at Sabbath deuce and held his breath. For­ What do you sayT may send addressed envelopes, to­ services at 8:16 at Temple Beth tunately for the defense, West had Answer: Bid two hearts. Tou Drummond, on the witness and Sunday from 2 p.m. . ' Hullng and Paitricia' Marsh wew stand in his own defense, testified MAT BE ATTACKING featured in the trumpet and Eng­ gether with remittance to cover Sholom. David Kravet, state direc­ the nine of diamonds and was have only 8 points in high cards, STRATORESTER Two of Hollywood’s mdSt ver­ Buckley Program the cost of the stamps to be af­ tor of United Synagogue Youth, able to win the trick. but the singleton and the trump he was framed by the Soviets in satile and popular stat'V Robert lish hom passages of Aaron Oop>- 1957 when he was stationed in Choose Your Favorite Color For Either Chair — land’s "Quiet City.” This is not a fixed, to ^ e Postmaster, Chicago, will speak. Werner Hirsch is ad­ West returned a club through length are enough to make the ’Taylor and Lilli. - ^Im er, a r e Based on Sound Illlr.oia The outside envelope to visor of the group. dummy’s queen, and Keller even­ hand worth a raise. London and was made to look teamed for the first Ume as the work to evoke much enthusiasm, like a spy. After that, he said, TOUR HOME but it served to give an American the Postmaster should be clearly Other officers to be installed are tually took a club trick to defeat courageous Colonel Podhajsky and Mrs. Jayne Shea’s fourth grade marked "Emancipation Proclama­ Gordon Hlirwltz, first vice presi­ the contract. If Keller had won For Sheinwold’s 86-page book­ he was blackmailed into their BE SURE...for a complete FREE Inspection his b^utifm wife Verona. composer representation on the service and had actually planned presented its culmination program program. tion commemorative stamp.” dent; Richard Siegel, second vice the third round of diamonds he let, "A Pocket Guide to Bridge,” Filmed in brilliant color, this Collectors are reminded that president; Miss Susan Harrison, would have been forced to lead send 60 cents to Bridge Book, to kill one of the Soviet agents of your Home by a Termite Control Expert stirring movie unfolds the daring ‘"rhe Adventure of Sound” to par­ TTie Prelude to "IMe Meister- when his arrest by the FBI slnger” brought the program to their requests must be postmarked third vice president; Miss EEen away from the king of clubs, and Mancheinter Eve, Herad, Box 8818, ents and to pupils of grades three not later than Aug. 16. H arrison, recording secretary; South would have avoided the loss Grand Central Sta., New York 17, thwarted the plap. Supervised by Graduate Entomologists. I a close. As in the opening Uandel, Mias . Linda Bayer, corresponding of a club trick. He insisted the documents he through six Wednesday at Buck- the strings played well, but brass N.Y. ley School. Austria has issued a new 8 secretary, and Miss Paula Rosen, "What miserable breaks,” South Copyright 1968 passed to the Soviet agents were and woodwinds were on the rag­ of no value to Moscow. Call Ml 9-i^240 Catherine Twomey opened the schilling stamp conunemoraiting titesurer. grumbled. "That lucky KeUer General Features Oorp. Spring Special ged side aigaJin. 9till, it was fine the lOOth anniiveraary of the Paris program with Uluslrated remarks to hear some Wagrner for a change, BLISS has keen Serving the RANCHES and CAPE CODS about the many sounds heard dur­ Postal Conference. Featured ttn WOOD since he is neglected in this vicin­ the new Stamp is a drawing at P^ted For ^ ^ .0 0 ing the school day. Dean Mandell, ity. Home Omrter in Conn, ior over two postmen talking to a Oilrd ContinuouB Police Arrests Martha Sohardt and Wayne Huot Taken by and large, it was a on horseback. These men are COMBINATION presented the questions proposed very god concert, one which was From 81 years PLUS PAINT wearing the postal uniforms at STARTS RaauMs of vandalism in bulldlnga ait abandoned Keeney Bt. Nike site reveals broken interior win­ by the class which initiated furth­ truly memorable for Mr. Lehnert’s 1863. The black brown on yel­ TODAY 4 R.M. dows, a door ripped from its hinges, .oaseiboard heating shields ripped away, and smashed milk- Mrs. Dorothy Elaine Palmer of and TRIM er study in this branch of science. performance, and very acceptable STATE low adhesive notes the date 1863- wblte ligtitlng fixtures which were taken from overhead lighting and broken on the tUe floors; 886 Hartford IJd. yesterday after­ DOORS Fred Minney introduced the for the remainder. 1963. Shown At 4:20-6:30-8:40 Herald photos by Ofiara). noon was charged with fraud in SPECIAL PRICES ON special vocabulary words and their LARGER HOMES Also issued by Austria is an obtaining state aid. She ported a meanings that helped to .clarify UGHT UP THE SKY addiltloneJ value to tts series of $200 bond while awaiting presen­ and simply certain concepts in PARIS (AP)—If all the matches national buildings. The 20s red DARING tation of her case in Circuit Coiut ALLSTATE PAINTERS sound. Mary Lou Mikulski told produced in France last year were blue stamp depicts the church and A 12, Manchester, June 10. Coventry—Tel. 742-7668 laid end to end they would stretch about Sir ^ b e r t Boyles experi­ monastery of Melk. Andrew Harmon, 44, of 73 Lin­ Hartford— 289-698* ment proving t^at air ca rries eight times the distance between ’The "Freedom from H unger” GAMBLE the earth and moon. den St., yesterday was charged sound. Robert Person showed a with Intoxication. He posted a $25 Control Corp. picture of the first air pump which This is the report of the state- controlled match industry. Dur­ fora bond and will be presented in Man­ DIV. OF BLISS EXTERMINATOR COMPANY, Inc. was used in this experiment. chester’s Circuit Court 12 June ing 1962, 70 million matches were THE OLDEST & LARGEST PEST CONTROL CO. IN CONN. Jared Hull and Robert Knight manufactured, the report said, Prize 10. disouBsed sound wave shapes in bring ing in 132 million francs various instruments accompanied (about $26 million). with drawings illustrating the var­ Greater ious patterns. Craig Ladabouche demonstrated the various inten­ Than JOHNS MANYILLE sities of sound on a drum. Richard Gottlieb also gave a demonstration STARTS TONIGHT of high and low sounds on the Victory! autoharp. Leslie Gray explained MANSF/ElOf^ CORRULUX the difference between the regular tJCT.3l-32.WmiMAMTICCT:) IHj vibrations which make music and IDEAL FOR the irregular vibrations which A ROMOLNtiC ROUND-IHE- make noise. PATIOS Carol Schmidt told how mole­ WOBlD/WHUnrI. V OPEN 7 DAYS cules play a part in sound. Suzanne GREENHOUSES 11 MAPLE ST. , Gold explained the procesa of heair- MOM Across From First National ing while Joan Wamlck pointed Parking Lot to the various parts of the ear. I ^ W N D S O newest fashion at HOT BEDS COIN OPERATED Kenneth Bernstein explained the SCREEN FENCES WASH-’N-DRY CLEAN operation o f the vocal dhords wdth SANAVISIONB ana MBTNOOOLON 1 ^ 16-Lb, Wash— 25c a drawing. Jane Morrison and plus Associate Feature Horry! Eod* Tonltc b udget-stretching James Murphy told about a few ■ WALT DISNEY’S 8-Lb. Dry Clean— $2 of the scientific discoveries that ■ “MIBACLE OF THE FREE MOTH PROOFING ■ WHITE STALLIONS” iMid been made with fish in re­ ■ plni “THE LAWLESS lation to sound. R'F i F i ' n ■ B B E E D ” DISNEY CARTOONS Robert Hail Guy Feeney discussed storing SUNDAY FLOROK sound through the use of the Tape "DAY o r THE Saturday Continuous From 1:00 P.M. I D K y o H TBIFFIDS” T1 — "X-IS” p rices! Recorder. The audience heard a SHOW AT DUSK Sunday From 2 P.M.^—Mon., Tuee. From 4 PJVI. . Masterpieces selection of songs which the class Gate 7:30—Show 8:30 BLACKTOP had recorded. IHf BEST AHEAD OF THF REST Starta Wednesday; Bob Hope and Lucille Ball in “ CRl'TIC’S CHOICE” plug “ TERM OF TRIAL* Joan Moran and Joan Fontaine in Miniature ended the program with oral top­ SEALER ics titled, "The Frontier of Sound.” reported at the Wickham Park Es­ Ten Boys Blamed for Wrecking tate Calbin in which some $1,200 OPEN SUNDAYS damage was done to toe cabin. HFERS il SHOUTS UTTLl ARISTOCRATS Nike Buildings on Keeney St. Det. Graham solved the Wickham (not shown)shown * MINIATURE CHOeOLATSS e Saturday Matinee 1 ;S0 e Park vandalism with toe appre­ J90V TS hension of two 16-year-old Blast .Assorted Milk and $1.98 MANCHESTER STOCKADE 5 Tonight! Tonight! Ten boys between the ages of llif^ing syatem apart, tore plumbing Hartford youths. Dark Chocolate lb. PAUL’S and 14 have been arrested by Man­ units (including sinks) from the Patrolman Albion Wihipple made chester police in connection with floor and walls, and broke over­ toe initial investigation of toe O Dfiive 77 '■ Nike vandalism complaint, report­ p i l f ^ B o l - t O n N o T 4 ::h vandalism at the abandoned Nike head glass light shades. It was re­ FENCE STEAK HOUSE control site off Keeney St. ported. ed to police by George ■ Englemey- The boys, all of whom live in er, site caretkker for toe Halsit BT. 30 VERNON, CONN. (Approximately 8 miles from "All of the boys were never at the g e n e ^ area of the site, did the site at one time. They climbed P iq u ets Oo. Inc., Middleiboro, f the Vernon Circle —take your right at Circle ...) Mass., hired by the New Hlngland r HI6H an estimated $3,000 damage to the over the fence and into the build­ Owned and Operated by PAUL L. YOUNG SB. Corps of Army Blngineers to patrol DON’T M ISS TH IS!!! military buildings, according to ings in pairs, threes, fours, and so Det. S gt Joseipii Sartor and Det. toe vacant 50-acre site. I s y iVI PANTS 8:05 6:85-9:40 on, with no ring-leader or organ­ Thomas Gratiam who conducted ized group,” Sartor said today. SMORGASBORD 2 EXPLOSIVE MOTION PICTURES-1 BIG SH0l9f the lnvestlg;ation. "They just wanted to break the JOHNS MANVILLE The ^ tectlves reported that the place up. The heaviest damage was W «L: "MlracJe White Stallion” Every Sunday Starting at 8 P.M. S '9 ^ 0 Per Person boys b^we Into some 13 buUdihga found in the buildingaXnear toe en­ All You Can Eat. - A Consuming V«ng*ancel - Unparalleled PaselonI at the site between May 3 and May trance,” he said. BEAUTIFULLY PREPARED 21. They climbed over a chain link The Nike site was deactivated ASPHALT fence which surrounds the com­ by toe Army on July 1, 1961, and Here's THE 3.77 TWIN LOBSTER DINNER EVERY FRIDAY plex and wrecked about eight of has been vacant since that time. COMPLETE DINNER 2^ A scorching love affa ir' the buildings. They pulled out The Nike site case was reported CottOn-atrefch nylon, light fixtures, broke windows and GIFT For that destroyed 3 people! to i>oldce on May 16 at toe same SHINGLES mirrors, ripped much of the heat- time a similar incident was also with look, feel, wear 901 MAIN ST.—MI 8-5321 Two Academy Winners Pietrol.^^ DANCING Friday and Saturday Nigrhts 9 to 1 worshippw her. "I of denim , gentHe tfrefeh PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY Best Actress COURTEOUS SERVICi^^OCKTAIL BAR • JUNE GRADUATES Best Supporting Actress for fif, vn hampered Ann Bancroft. Patty Duke DINING ROOM CLOSED MONDAYS * Mark) ’ • FATHER'S DAY “ The Miracle Worker” wante(] her. movement. Slue, 10-18, HOUSE and GARAGE 9:35 We are pleased to announce that the "JOAN JOYCE TllIO” Or just for yourself . . , Burt I.ancastcr — in ’ will be here for^your listening and dancing pleasure May $1. Gianni PLANS “Bird Man Of Alcatraz” look her...* o w e r s 7:00 Accommodations for 100 patrons avail­ One Complete Show able for weddings, banquets and holiday 7 O’clock parties. For reservations, phone 875- Smart Topping! Doors Open 6:30 1643. Ample Parking. FOR WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT lililii SHORT-SHIFTS JIMMY MINICUCCI IS OUR CHEF wjw ncnnKS.;/ MEMORIAL DAY Read Herald Advs. HfSNTS % l\s>k , GERANIUMS MIXED BASKOS MAKTiNELLf 1.97 3 For ^1«00 A N D UP AND POTS IN .7 To top your denims or DISCOUNT For party-perfect For The Cemetery The LARGEST P O H E D MUMS 5W(m mits. Shown, ^olid dining, come here Selection in Town 'color eotfon broadcloth GASH and CARRY You'll toast our delicious cuisine, «2.50 ’ 1.50 At morLOW Prices! 'and polchwork print gracious service and congenial EASTMANOOLOR coflon .., more, includ­ A CAHwo roNn-BKcas^PFCWCTiaii tX lR Per atmosphere. Plan your next party wfnreiTow kuwHxnciEo w cumikuluk Supplies, Service^ Rentals on ing piques in group. Month ANNUAL FLOWERING PLANTS .... dox. 2»e here and be pleased. ROEASID BY ULTRA PICTURES CORP Typewriters and ALL Busi­ Sizes 5, M, L. 643-5144 » Tel. 643-1415 ness Machines . . . 2-year lease’ on standard 1968 Large Selecfion Of Cuf-Flowers Comet 2-Door. Lower rates for DOUBlE-EXCITEIiaEIHT Jew mileage users. , E-Z TERMS! MANCHESTER WIDE ASSORTMENT OF POTTED PLANTS Includes Everything A H M n E HERB'S WHY YOU SAVE Holiday Show FREE MAIN ST. PARKINO But Gasoline MMK- VEGETABLE PLANTS 4 ..AT ROBERT HAU * Wt far toih Lease Plans For All FLOWERING SHRUBS and EVERGREENS Makes and Models Starts 'SSangrl * There or*' no.crerirt LUMBER M A R L O W li * Wi^ hove f\i3 “FOOD Wed., May 29 j u s s a i. Cautrfb it with "UNI-OABD” * Vy4u 9avG tove' INCORPORATED MORI ARTY SUNDAY DINNERS Air-conHitioiiec( for yovr shopping c o m fo r t. BIAIN BT. — 648-5221 AVEY’S FOR EVERY SERVED ^ W«WMr BROTHERS 1* NOON to G PAl. McCONVILLE GREENHOUSES 25B CENTER ST. *61 CENTER ST.—64S-6185 45 E. Center S t MOOD** 302 WOODBRIDGE ST.- - 649-5947 ROUTE 5— SOUTH WINDSOR. CONN. OPEN EVENINGS and SUNDAYS Read Herald AdvsJr PLENTY OF FREE PARKING leader was Mrs. Robert Dixem, as­ preoldsnt; Muriel Auden of Mon- net& Inkier, Mis. Rudolph lAifln- Change Proposed sisted by Mfs. Frederick Crowley.- Rockville^V ernon Chester, secretory; and Bdward buhl. M i s . Ikvln Luglnlnihl, lb s. CHILDREN'S . Also vaiaed to Scout rank were: Us of Rockville, treasurer.^ Ronald Tksub, -Mrs. Binmamiel Kathleen Buokson, Nancy Oamell, Two ScholoreMpe Klotef, Mrs. Robert Luglnbuhl, To Pension Law Sharon Carpenter, Donn^ Cafro, Memorial Day WiUkun Field of Hartford Tpke., Mrs. Cheater Ivanlcki, MTs. Adam* HEAhTH SAND Crockett Files Jeesioa Oonlay, Martha Jean RodcvUle, and Htte Mary BUlen- Karkevleh, Mrs.' Edgar Knox, There will be a public hearing Carpenter o^-^emon have been Mis. Burton Uske^ and llss. Ed­ V i & C l Danielson, LiesUe Dutton, Holly on Jtina 4 at 8 pm . on n propoaed W. H. ENGLAND Gorton, Ihula Goodwin, Martha awarded aoBolarehlpe to the No- ward SwUieckl. Speeches Set fittUnanoe that would taMhida tha For Selectman Hilton, Carole Lanere, Mindy I^ - tionoLR;^ Croae Aquatic Schools. Appotatihenta may ba node LUMBER C O . sard, Sarah Miner, Andrea Mat­ ifte Cnrpeitter will otUnd the through any of theos women, or town dark in tha Town Pmston • Open All Day Satardoy c 'iiV*''flirtliai-iiilrHif irimsAii Viiil m i]..iiiiiiJ«iil(jMtOluriifalAjk|fl^^ T. J. Oookett •nnoimoed today thews, D ^ le MoCann, Beverly Comp Lutherlyn School at Proa- with the Red Cross Offloe. • Plan. By 2 Youths pect, Po., June Itl to 21. She will **At th e Oieaa” —449-8M 1 that h« wlH seek the poet of first Rliey, Nancy Thorp, Alana Tom­ In FFA Oompetftlaa Town directors, who win con­ if k*s m fashiom it's at aslaitiiisii on the Republican ticket study handicapped and synchro­ IXiturs FYuineis of America linson, Elaine Toner, Sharon War- Richard Backofen a^'IVUliam duct the hearing, have considered Jfc' '■ . ,• this fall. He said he has been asked nized swimming. members at Roclcvhla High School ‘ J rwtt Jeanne Webb and Helen Ver- Otto of Rockville Hlgti School will Field wiU attend Camp Gardner a isqueat from Town Clerk Ed­ by a nuniber o t people to run fee: falDe. The leader was Mta. Weldon woo gold emblem awards in the deUyer 'the Gettysburg Address Lake at Colchester June 12 to 22, recent vocational agrioulture oom- ward TOmldd osldiig to be includ­ the ottloe which will be vacated Miner, assisted by Mrs. WUliam ed in the i^an, despite the foot Iqr CSMilea Robbhw who Is not and Logan’s Gibers at Memorial and study water safety. peUtlon at the UniveisKy of Oon- Buckson. Day exerclsto in Grove Cem­ Robert J. Kjellqulst, ohalmian of that be is an elected official, not sealring re-deoUon. All girls in Troop 668 received n ecticu t etery^ ' the safety sendee of the Nathan Glenn lugbibuld took a Hist In a hired town employe. Crockett appeared before the second class badges and member­ ’rtfe Rev. Robert FTiby of Ver- Hale Branch, American Red Cross, dolly cattle Judging; Oorl Pholk- The present ordinance q^ified BbepuhUcan Tow n Conunittee at ship stars: Denise HiUs, Dym Koz- announced the scholarships. that aleeted offidola ore not eligi­ ikowskl, Mary Ann Lodi, EUaine fion Methodist Church wlU give graf. a fourth, and VnUiam Iii>- Ms meeting Tuesday night and Testimonial Tlcketa ton, fifth place. In sbowmanshlp. ble. The ordinance would be ex­ WE RENT Tomorrow SMILING SERVICE made formal application. Peresluha, Denise Reopell, Jean the invocation, the Rev. Wlnthrop Farnsworth of RockvlUe BaptM Tickets are available from any The Housatonto Valley Region­ panded to allow only the town A real eetate and Insuranoe Hoar, Betsy Hunter, Cheryl Tit- Rockville policeman for the, testi­ clerk to participate in th# plan. MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER agent, Crockett is currently chairs, comb, Diane Williams, Maiy Lou, Church will conduct the tribute to al High School ohiHi>ter won the the unknown dead, and the Rev. monial dinner in honor of Rock­ sweepobakes bontMr for the sixith Town Counsel Irving Aronson LAWN man of the piibUc building com- Maneggia, Martha Young, I^reen ville Police Chief Peter J. Dowge- consecutive year; wMh second exid has drafted the propo^ amend­ miseion. He is also active in the Pepdn, Angela Zeppa, -Ellen Con­ Norbert Belliveau of St. Bernard’s LAST DAY! wlcz June 22. The dinner will be tMrd plooes being taken ment, which can be seen at the town baaebaU program. verse and DebWe Mikells. Leader Church will give the benediction. Heads Club A parade will begin at 9:30 at the Koeciuszko Club, 1 Vernon Wbmogo of Idbidifi^ and Wood­ town detfc's office. MOWERS nie town ooromlttee is not re­ of the troop was Mrs. John Coe- Mias Barbara E. Coieman, 188 Ave., RockvlUe, beginning at 7 bury chapters. ^ Fashion’s leasing the names of any people Thursday morning. tanzo, assisted by Mrs. Charles Lydall St., last night was in­ p.m. Sale of tickets closes June 17. B ake Sala UNB UP FOB PHONES who have filed, although at their Zeppa. Master of ceremonies will be stalled as president of the Man­ Harold McLaughlin, past district Hospital Notes A coffee hour aad boke sale will OSLO (AP) — The waiting list SWEEPERS meeting they discussed possible Special guests were Mrs. Edith Admitted yesterday: Margaret candidates. The nominating com­ chester Business and Professional commander of the Veterans of be held at the Sacred Heart for teleptumes In the city of Oslo Number One H. Petersen, public relations chair­ Women’s Club at its annual din­ T racy, 11 Range HIU D r., V sm oti; Churrii in Vemon Sunday after mittee, consisting of Joseph Pren­ man for the counsil; Mrs. Gasprin Foreign Wars, and parade mar was 16,800 a t the beginning o f ner and Inatallation pf officers at M rs. RMth CarroU, 34 HUm S t ; the 8:30,10 and 11:15 am . Mase* 1968. Altboush N orw ay's state tele- tice, chairman, Mrs. John McCar- Morra, Bolton finance chairman; shals will be Ronald Heim, com­ SPREADERS Willie’s Steak House. mander of the Rockville American Howard Bajohr, Maple St, SUling- The Ladlta of the Sacred Heart communlcotran odmiidstratlon in­ rlck and Richard Mona, are hop­ Mrs. Kenneth Kaiser, former ton; Mrs. Della Parry, Tunnel Rd., are ■ponoorlng the aftUr. ing more people will file. Hie dead­ Other officers are Mrs'.'George Legion Post, and Ebclaus Parker, stalled 1,000 new seta lost year, Fabric Troop 668 leader: Mliss Carol Le- Zervas, first vice president; Mrs. Vernon; David McNamara, Pin­ including 7,200 in Oslo, the over­ line for tiling is July 11, five days febvre. Troop 667 leader la to be­ retiring commander of the Veter­ LAWNOVATERS before the caucus on July 16. Eldna Ainacough, second vice ans of Foreign Wars Post. nacle Rd., Ellington. Vemon news ia handled by The all number of applicants dropp come the le^er of the girls hon­ president; Mrs. Ernest Roy, Discharged yesterday: Stephen Hemid's Bodcvnie Borenn, 5 W. only 4,000 t o ' 88,000, and Oslo’s Mrs. Dorothy Miller, chairman ored last night The Rockville High School band Hollister, 35 Mountain St; Mia. recording secretary; Miss Mar­ will play and a salute to the dead Main St, telepliofie 875-SU8 waiting list was only 2,000 leas SKILL SAWS of the town committee, said there Mrs. Robert Young, neighbor­ ion Copper, corresponding sec­ IdeUa Horn, Tolland; Vital Oor- 649-6797. than lost year. bad been diecussions as to whether hood chairman, reported .that next will be ^ven a* both the Grove Hill mder. Green Lawn Convalescent LEGSIZE retary, and Mrs. Norman ComoUo, Cemetery and St. Bernard’s Ceme- CHAIN SAW the oMnmittee should endorse can­ year the three troops involved in treasurer. H om e; Richard Gessay, 12 BUna- STOCKINGS “W hipped Cre/am” didates and thereby show to the last night's exercises will be as­ tery. Mrs. Anne Waddell was recent­ Mem'bers of Oo. B of the 16»th beth S t; David Williams, 117 Proo- caucus that it finds theae candi­ signed to two new troops, eadi ly apiminted state public relations peot St; Mrs. Mary Sksweo, ROTO TILLERS dates qualified for the offices they with a combination of girls from Infantry will be iai the firing (Hialrman of the Connecticut Fed­ squad, and a Rockville High School Phoenix St, Vernon; Mis. Am SALES and SERVICE . are seddng. It haa been the polk^ Grades 4, 5 and 6. They will be Calm and son, 13 Hlllcrest Dr.; of the BegMAUcans not to endorse eration of Business and Profes­ student will play Taps. ORANGE HALL PRINTS known as Junior Scouts. sional Women’s Clubs, Inc., at a M is . Janet Sweet and daughter, candidatee because of the party “She reported that Mrs. William Carnival Regularly $ 1.35 convention in Danbury. The Rockville American Leglcn Hartford Tpke. rule requlTing that candidatee file Orunske has offered to be uniform Women’s Republican Chib CAPITOL Once-a-Year their Intention to seek office. Post will hold a carnival again this A a* exchange cAairman in Bolton; and ■worth are co-m anagers o f P on- year, at the Vernon Shopping Cen­ The W omen’s BepubUcan Club o f A fi IP s The Democratic town commit­ that Grade 8 girls may march in Vemon wlU meet Tuesday of 8 CHARMING tee, on the other hand, has al­ tlcellia. E. J. Hutchinson manages ter. EQUIPMENT s A ie the Memorial Day parade for the the Educators. It will be June 17 through 22, p.m. at the home of Mrs. George SAVINGS ready endorsed a slate of candi­ PTA. Girl Scout policy forbids 88 MAIN ST. dates, but . these can be challenged A bout Town with a Saturday matinee at 2 Wilson, Wllahire Dr., Vemon, to them to march as Brownies. elect officers for next year. BINGO ONXY from the floor at the caucus. The Women of St. George’s o’clock. The site will be the rear of OPEN 7 AM. to 5 PM. DAILT There are no nominations from the Dinner Deadline Episcopal Church have scheduled the lot on which the Sage Allen A elate of officers will be pre­ EVERY SAT. NIGHT-7:30 3 pr. $3.50 sented by a nominating commit­ THURSDAY 7 AM. to 0 PM. SALE! floor In.the Republican caucus. Reservations should be made no a rummage sale from 9:30 a.m. to building is being constructed on SATURDAY 7 AM . to 4 PM. The Republican town committee later than May 29 with Mrs. 1:30 p.m. tomorrow at the pai-ish Rt. 83. Seven rides will be part of tee, indluding Mrs. Francis Prich­ ard, Mrs. Thomas Carruthers and 72 East’ Center St., Manchester will have a qieclal meeting on George Maneggia for the joint din­ hall on Rt. 44A. Free coffee will the carnival. TEL. 643-7958 Regular $ 1.50 June 4 to discuss candidates. ner meeting of the Holy Name be served. Carl Graf is chalihian . Mrs. Louios Blair. Refresbmenta Society and St. Maurice Council Golf-A-Ranm will be served. Sole $1.28 Oiri Scouts Dine BloodmobUe Vhdt » 1 4 .9 9 The schotd cafeteria was filled of Oatbolic Women slated on June Manchester Evening Herald Bol­ The Jaycee Golf-A-Rama is to­ morrow alt Connecticut Golf Land, The BloodmobUe will visit the to capacity to e the Oirl Scout 3 at 6:30 at the Villa Louisa. There ton' correspondent, M. Clemewell Seamlees and Full Faaliioned Regular $ 1.65 mother-daughter potluck last wiU be a short business meeting Young,, telephone 643-8981. any time before 6 p.m. Prizes will area Wedn-esday from 1 to 6 p.m. with instEUiation o f new offioers. be grlven, and gam es are scheduled, at St Luke’s Church in BUing- Sole $1.41 ^ nlg^t 41 Brownies became Vl-Cal photo & Oirl Scouts and 15 Scouts The ToUand Ooimty Federation The temperature variation on the Campers Elect t « i . acMeved second class rank. of Democratic Women's Clubs, moon fluctuates from about 212 Jam es P. Lynch, 21 Thompson Women soliciting donois are MRS. JAMES METCALF Regular $1.95 Because of a change in Girl workshop and luncheon is sched­ degrees Farhenheit, nearly equiv­ St., is the president of the area Mrs. Bdward Ltiginbuhl, Mis. PLANNING TO BUILD OR REMODEL? Scout program soon, this was the uled tomorrow from 9 a.m. to 2 alent to that of boiling water, to campers organization, for the Bmest BaUasy, Mis. B^amln Miaa Lois Trent of Butler, NJ.< Connecticut. He Is serving with Sole $1.66 I sf -X a night temperature of 200 de­ third time. Others elected are Moser, Mrs. Urban Lugitvbuhl, lawt 1^-up ceremony, and the pin. at the WdUtmantic Country Plan your financinsr just as carefully as you plan and Airman l.C, Jomea Metcalf of the UB. Air Force, stationed at first ceremony at which Grade 3 dub. Mrs. Mary Morgan Is taking grees below zero. Stw art Hillman of Coventry, vice Mrs. Leon Schneider, Mis. Ken- Wrlght-Patteraon APB, Ohio. reeervBiUons. your buildins: or remodeling. See Manchester’a Tolland were united In marriage girls could become Girl Scouts. COLORS LEGSIZE Brownies from two troops were Baseball Notes oldest financial institution for the type of financ­ Saturday, May 4 at the Church FOOTSIZE preaented their wings. Girl Scout Boitan Dairy defeated PTeno ing best suited to your needs. Consult with us of the Nazarene, Butler. FOR RENT medium beige BREV email slender legs 8 to 101/4 pins and membership stars. They Realty 9 to 1 last night. Jay anjiame without obUgation. light beige MODITE average lege 8% to 11% Plante pitched for Bolton Dairy The bride la the oaughter of Mr. 8 and 16 mm. M ovie P rojeotom ware admitted to Troop 668. end Mm. Robert Trent Sr., of But­ taupe DUCHESS long ample lege 9% to i m Flying up were: Karen Aspln- and Richard Hammond end Donald ALBERT & LARRY'S —sound or silent, also 85 mm. \ y Roser for Flano’s. ler. The bridegroom la the aon of slide projectors. FMCOOS SKIOQI OF FW wall, Sharon Behlii^, Rosemary a Mr. and Mm. James Metcalf of M and M OH will play Bolton Carpenter, Holly Chaplin, Jean f 7 Tolland, end a grandson of Mrs. Crawley, Kathleen Dixon, Patricia Dairy at 2 pm. Sunday. BEAUTY STUDIO WELDON DRUG CO. Fonseca, Maureen Gordon, Mar- The first game of the season SAVINGS Hamilton Metoatf of 89 Pleasant 901 Main S t — Tel. MI S-5321 raret Gnmske, Gloria Kilpatrick TRI-errY SHOPPING PLAZA—VERNON CIRCLE 8t.i' Miancheater. in the pony league will be played TEIL. 644-0020 TEL. 875-1607 Joan Llcitra, Donna Mlnicucci, tomorrow at 3 pm at the school The Rerv. Ruesell M etcalf o f the LOAN Church of the Nazarene performed Joyce Moberg, Denise Morra, Deb- field when the Educators meet A S S o C I A r I O N tile double ring ceremony. orah Negro, E^isty Nichols, Julie PontioelHs. The Bolton teams are MONDAY. TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY SPECIALS FOR Sheridan, Fern Mulka, Claire two of 14 in the Coventry league. SPRING AND SUMMER MONTHS v/A/ms The bride, given in marriage by Thorpe and Sara Young. Their Will MaxweD and Emerson Bos- her father, wore a atreet-length Lacy and open ... WALK-INS INVITED ON THESE DAYS ■ AiicwiaTat'a oeeasT rmawoiat iwiTiTUTioa gown of peau de aole with Alencon l o o t • A € a in lace appliques, deoigned with Current Annual Dividend •cooped neckline, long sleevea and cool as a summer breeze , a. BEAUTIFUL PERMANENT WAVES On Inaured Savlnga BRANCH OFFICE, ROUTE 81, OO'VENTBY full skirt. Her ahoulder length Veil of Ulualon was attached to a cab­ INCLUDING SHAPING bage rose, and she cairied a bou­ $ 10.00 AND STYLING quet of white rosea and camellias. Firtr;i H m irc ^ MON.-TUE5.-FRIDAY Mias Betty Montanye of But­ A WE ALSO FEATURE MANICURING 31.50, ARCHING $1.00 L A III H l l l f III O mUBSDAY 9 AM. to 8 PM __ ^WED. CLOSED A T NOON NO ler was maid of honor. She wore Doily SHAPING, STYLING AND ALL PHASES OF a atreet-length sheath of tur­ quoise chlffan over taffeta with y\Atdi BEAUTY CULTURE BY COMPETENT OPERATORS Doliveries matching rooe headdress, and car­ TOMORROW ried 'a bouquet of pink camationa. "W e'll Be Earl Yale Jr. of Wilkes-Barre, In the new SUNTAN colorl Pa., served aa best man. Robert Here To •'VA* r * m m B IS OUR LAST DAY Trent Jr. of Butler, a brother of the bride, was an iisher. Service A reception was held at the Ma­ Whot HOBBY SHOPPE sonic Temple in Butler. The couple W e S e ir will live In Dayton. Ohio. M\ GOING OUT OF Mm. Metcalf is a g^achiate of TED TRUDON Butler High Sriiool and attended Coll Eastern Nazoren. College, Wol­ 649-5341 BUSINESS SALE laston, Maas. Mr. Metcalf la a B graduate of Ellington High School VOLKSWAGEN and attended the University of i.#' EVERYTHING WEEK-END SALE FLETCHER GLASS CO. O" Ma n c h e s t e r Mitchell 188 WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE 1.00 WHEN YOU THINK OF 9-7879 ..kii V i GLASS, THINK OF FI.ETCHER P r i c e SAVE - ^300 SATURDAY, MAY 2S CORNER DURANT ST. \ ) ON N A-DAT b O O K PRICES LARGE QUARTERS TO SERVE YOUR NEEDS! C O M E EARLY FOR BE5T 5ELECTION5 IParis Curtain Shop PLENTY OF FRONT AND BEAR PABKINa 1960 REN AU n DAUPHINE $466.00 829 M A IN STREET Monogram Black Widow Large Selection AUTO GLASS INSTALLED Ford “T” Pick-up Rod New Planes BARGAINS GLASS FURNITURE TOPS Throughout The Store 1961 VALIANT 2-DOOR SEDAN $875J)0 MIRRORS (Fireploceond Door) ^ 99c 1.49 To 24.95 C O IN 5 INDIAN HEADS PICTURE FR A M IN G (oH types) AND W IN D O W O lid PLATE GLASS 1960 CORWAIR CLUB CPE. $899JI0 Monogram Yellow Jacket HO Train Sets LINCOLN PENNIES ■-•j Ford Competition Complete With 5CALEXTRIX 5ETS ' OONTRAOTORS: WE HAVE IN STOCK Memorial Day Plants’ Roadster Transformer 1959 ENGLISH FORD 4-OOOR SEDAN. $389A0 LIONEL MEDICINE CABINETS ond SHOWER DOORS PLANTED POTS and BASKETS $2.95 up Up 99c 5.95 NEW AURORA SETS ESTIMATES ^LADLY GIVEN ~%‘k CLOSED BAT. AT 1 P.M.—OPEN THURSDAY E'VENINO BRING YOUR O W N CONTAINER TO BE 1954 DODGE 4-DOOR SEDAN $99.00 STAMP ALBUMS SUPPLEMENTS FILLED WHILE YOU WAIT AMT 63 Customizing Master’s Wagon A. 1959 RAMBLER 2-DOOR SEDAN $38660 K its Scale Models AM T C A R S Floral print "WTiipped Cream,” GERANIUMS 49e-65e-89c-98e slightly blouson dress,,, Special OFF with jewel neck, self sash and box 99e 5 0 % pleated skirt. In Pink, Blue. Green. ANNUALS 1958 RAMBLER $48160 ROAD RAGE SETS TOU CANT Sizes 7 to l5 . Hundreds to Choose PRIVET HEDGE 20c eo.— $15 per 100 AFFMD NOT TO $ 1 4 .99 Rfom— 65c per poc ON SPECIAL Fldschm ann Renewal Visible 1958 MORRIS CONVERTIBLE ^66 HO SPECIALS ON TO B. . f '<1 Steam Engines Airplane Engine Allover fern print "Whipped Cream” * EXTRA SPECIAL TYCO, ATHERN, 2-piece dres.s with jew el neck, sleeve­ OPT 1957 DODGE Vz TON PANEL $196j00 5 0 % 7.95 MANTUA . ..I less. buttonback and permanently ' 1 8-10' SILVER MAPLE-^$5.95 end CAUFORNiA CLIMAX pleated .skirt. In Blue, Pink and Gold. HUBLEY META! CARS - i Sizes 7 to 15. Reg. $8.00. I IS DAYS via Hr,-. 1 $12.99 $1 4 .99 MAPLE SHADE TREES 1956 BUICK 2-DOOR SEDAN $28760 W ood Props Slant 6 Atr-ISCORTIO T O U R S ____ E n g i n e WESTERN SADDLE fra« N.V.-aUABANIIIS saPM Iuei* • NORWAY MAPLE DIPARTING WIIKLY - IViRY SATURDAY Lovely*’’Whipped Cream” in a 10c “ U s t 1A95. GUN Stcirtlng Jely 13 thru Oct. 19 flattering print with jewel neck, 6.50 » h annSAr^NIMM W Swl m r MM IwriS, Mi«r*4 hi IMl h .sleeveless, self belt with string tie • SUGAR MAPLE S.08. 1.99 m ta tm i !• s i n y m tym y tmHttmlltm at .| n m t jm m im DON’T MISS THESE 10 BARGAINS i S S iim immt M f ak eaaip.Srtia, AM COMOlIKkNe eOOMI I and impressed pleated skirt. In • CRIMSON KING MAPLE •'•■I'’ ' AMBROID HO KITS yI *Nn » "MITON « NAWIAM VIUAM HOm. 1 heSeaw aaS anah la Green or Yellow. Junior Petite size! G o - C ^ Polaris B eg. SAO. <1 y y b^Manr yaa Ay aapitlt aria win (ha yaa ha 5 to 13. • S ik p M aP> 4Maa«a al. Nat aah an yaa ncalalas An — TIME TO SPRAY — Submarines CMdW IM M U IIM a a MmciAl^^taCOniD raua, laa yaa $1 4 .99 lOJW. Special y an tMUahaj na aana SM SAVMet Iktt ahatlar hi taMh* U m Hubba;rd HaU All Purpose Grarden Spray 3 First Come— First Served L ist A40. C^peolal | COIN FOLDERS r mr ahlalalaf laiay * 4 ^ WaHriW, S Aaya la laa l iaaliiii, X ASya h laa AaBiHi Iha nh laclaAaa h aathw, KfMaaalat, Hahlh anay alhar aAMAaaal fcahiaa. » • \ * ^ ” " 1 5 c WHITHAM’S LANDSCAPE NURSERY nrunimi fAty Oanr MaaA lalaatiaa laWAUMUWAII, tllAje ALL SALES FINAL " -J./,.* I ai>iii.i vwiW'Oiw ■I.T.I.IH. iiii.i.iBaiin.iici I.h uoypuRy^nii , (JOHN E. WHITT14M) TED TRUDON, Inc. "GROW WITH US!" MANCHESTER „Si Bonte S, Bolton—500 Yards From Bolton Your Authorized Volkswagen Dealer Notch—643-7802 ------TOLLAND TURNPIKE. TALCOTTVILLE HOBBY SHOPPE TRAVEL SERVICES Open Monday thru Saturday 8 AJW. to 7 PM . PHONE 649-2838— OPEN EVENINGS 3S7 GREEN RD,—TEL. 649-4626—475-1539 Sunday 9 AM . to 6 PM. 403 CENTER STREET f ■ TEL M9-7233 A ▲ a

' ( I

1 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OOMM, FRIDAY, MAY M , 1B6S MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONNr FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1968 PAGE 8B V 1N eratgatj w art tnqpMntng, no the abbey and from the Outside ooavtotlon wfaloli then flashed im - UAttar M tet kind «C a^pnm world, asM.hia relations with them- A Thouflit for IMajr ou otM of tbs most wmraifui ai^ iiY e n t r y of flvs wins and no loaoM with Andover sent a choric reading, "What the himself, not tn an aloof manner, Iffra lb maj oiiglnaUy kava anOiatlsirf preclpHato tense atouationa whldi moot aottva kitaiteata ki UnglmRl Fred Young having pltofaad a no- Church Is. Oemson Gives but waiting for the other’person our trmtiaaA glya liae to self-doubt and evalua­ OWBBoSof M tha true mnrot o f ImgniMi hltter thla weak agalhst Bykaa Eight fifth gradei:a..'wUl. be the' to make any friendly overtures, tion. All of the diaracters emerge Msttiodban." R waa the starttog WE MAMC Junior Hlgli of RookviUa. ’IIm Gatchell to Speak speaking ohoir and tost in “Now to which he responds well. He FREE DELIVERY n ia ana elaar foreaful Ihlnff tried and changed In aemt man­ point of a worMwIde revival of team la playing BUlngton today in PHNl4>^iven liaise We Great and Famous Harvey Gantt studies long and hard." 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Praoldant Kannady might hava ner and to 'aome degrae. 13iia M a TViday la tha 320th analvaraary svangohoal OhxtatMiMtv which that town. On Memorial Day Men,” a brief pageant. They are Gantt has enrolled for both Bald i^th ragard to Ouantanamo novel by a v ^ young woman of tha daap qdrttual axparianoa of after more than two oeriturtea hM ’The home aoonomios daport- Deborah Pcacheron, Bruce Co- not lost Rs force. pram* MKrlflct wMi • 8TM8. Rw flrMit, summer sessions at Clemson. He without boning hlmaelf la would wtdoh axaminea aome of the baalca John Weatoy wMoh madt him one O il P a rtin g .ment, Mn. Emily Itoatb, toaohar, Nathan !B. QatcheU will be molli, Mark 'Hanna, Beth Ferris, Tolerable Life transferred to Clemson In the mid­ ARTHUR DRUO of Mvhig in a mature and thinking As wa raoafl tha kfe-ohangiiig ilMlf « Mwaorkd « f Ikf §rMMI 8Mil> wig otaga a foahlon ritow from 8 Janet Diehl, Linda Lappen, Donna dle of his soj^omore year from hava bean that whatever our fu­ manner and in a style. astringent Of the worM** g roat retlgioua eocperience o f o m man, lot us pray to 8:80 p.m. TXieaday at tha adiocfl. speaker at Memorial Day services (Continued from Pngs One) leaders. fk t. • * Rw McrifiM of OoR'i Son. at Andover Center Cemetery. The Phillips and David Caldwell. Iowa State, and hopes to make ture purposes and needs with re­ and dignified, but carrying the that God will touch our kves wWh Tha public la Invit^. la^ addition, Bibles' will be presented to third up some lost work. Among the new novels at Whit­ For years he bad been search­ his transforming power. ^ *---- ^ aLa R.- For Auction ceremony •wUl follow ‘ the parade, gard to that paval base might be, reader along with ease and joy in .FOr v W IVfW fffV W9fwm0 flMv NR there wUl be'eoChlbito in the home- sponsor^ for the second year by greets by the Rev, Lawrence Al­ in contact with huve always con­ Read Herald Advs. en Library are three of great di­ her polished prose and in charac­ ing for a faith that oould give him Rev. H. Osgood BsaosU,, ducted themselves well and I one thing could be taken for versity which will be read during a satisfying sense of assurance MMBMA Rami Mrs, OMlwrine Kakwir, wife o f making department as well oa the Senior Service Girl Scout Troop 21. mond, partor, Gfuy Barton and rates ters worthy of her efforts. Pastor North MsthodUt NNvw NW wwNa ToMh WNN9N* have had no trouble of any kind.’’ m rm aam on certain—that we would never be the "hammock reading” daya we that he was acceptable to God. IndustrUd arta department under, Ttie invocation at the cemetery Mrs. Alfred Hutchinson, ~ PwaU* In Adranc* Church, ManoheStor. Albeit F. Kolber o f Rte, 31, and a the dlrectloh of Garland Reedy Narrators are Miss Marjorie Gantt lives In a single room on •••••••••• 921.00 forced out. hope are coming. ’"Tte Long Winter” by John The cUmax of that searrti cama wUl be given by the Rev. Ray­ the first floor of the smallest dor­ U.00 Obristiqiher imagines a new Ice on May 24, 1738. He describes reglatared nurse has donaitod a and Roland Btoodlay, Inatructora, mond H. Bradley Jr. of First Con­ Williams, director of Christian Ed­ I.S0, But such a clear, reasonable, "Miss Clare Remembers" Is the bur hovo ovorfattfhf Mo.** Joho 3i1A mitory at (Tlemson. It is expected the FAIR is changing its name to IM latest In a series by "Miss Read.” Age which forces a group of Ekig- It very simply in his Journal; landscape painting to the Public and tha art department under tha gregational Church; and the bene­ ucation; Mrs. Robert Ellington, as­ direction o f Mra. Tareoea WU- sistant superintendent of the mir- he will remain there for the re­ and long-range ansit'er from*" the Her books have for the most part lish people to decide whether or "In the evening I went very R.ANGl. Health Nursing AosoclaiUon Inc. diction by the Rev. John K. Honan, mainder of hia stay at Clemson. KBHBBIR or President would, of course,. have not to migrate to Africa, as much imwilling to a society In Aldars- Uams, instructor. pastor of St. Columba’s Church in sery-klnderghrton dl'vision; Mies ----- SATED PHISl' been concerned with the small \M» The painting "Winter In Ver­ The hall supervisor, Dennis PrsM in esClualTalT been subject to Immediate Repub­ events of day-to-day life in an of Europe is already doing. This is gate Street, where one was read­ Scholarahipa have been awarded Columbia. Charlotte Hutchins, children’s divi­ Crocker, a senior from Pacolet, D & L leDabllentlon THE OHUROH OF THE NUERENE mont” win be oiucrtioned off at the to at least onS-half of Coventry The parade will form at 8:15 English village ’This one is In the a harder decision to make in these ing Luther’s preface to the Epis­ FUEL OIL 8M MAIN ST.. MANOBBD«nCR, OONNSCnODT sion superintendent, and Mra. Ver- has probably been in closer con­ ------„ j r ^ t a d to It or lican arrows of new inference and future times than It would be now, tle to the Romans. About a PHNA auction June 8 to, be held High School’s graduating olasa ac- a re. at the school and proc:eed on ner NyUn, second gniia lead teach­ The Fair has always been a D & L—Davidson & Leven- crotUtod In tnia paper suspicion. same tradition, but what Miss - A OHUROH WITH A MIS8ION- tact with Gantt than smyone else. pabllabed here, Clare, who is now a retired school for Africa is dominated by the quarter before Dine, while he was GASOLINE ROBBRT J. SHOnr. PHtor on the property of Mr, and Mrs. oordingto school offioiala. ’These Schcx>I Rd. down Hebron Rd. to er. ’’Harvey has conducted himself thal Store . . . we’re just changing the name to better tfon of apeclai— "You mean,” they would then teacher, recalls are the village black race. ’The Europeans would describing the change whkdi God Riidhard Nicola on Depot Rd. tn have been awarded by varloua col­ the cemetery. Anthems will be "Glory to the in such a manner that even the identify it as being a part of the D & L stores in West uao reaerred. works in the heart through faMi SUNDAY BBRVIOBS leges including Rensaalsar, North­ Marching practice for the pa­ Father Give,” by the Junior Choir have been asking, "that you are days at the turn of the century. be forced to swallow the bitter­ , the south end of town. ’This Mem most conservative of students Hartford, New Britain and Manchester. We’ll have the A SeiT- Here is the close little family and ness, and darker, of being the un­ in Christ, I'felt my heart strange­ Snadoy Sehooi...... tiflO and numerous other artlclee are eastern, Vassar, Mlddlebury, Get­ rade •will be held by Cub Scout and ”Chrlst When a Child a Gar­ have to griidgingly admit he has quite willing to be negotiated ly warmed. I feK that I did trust BANTLY OIL tysburg, University of Connseti- School Leader Pack 124 on Sunday at 3 p.m. at den Made” by the Wesley Choir, same quality merchandise, the same famous brands, the ■ Tito ou t?” the large events of history which derdogs, of servitude and of in­ Worohlp Hour ...... tOiiO being accumulated for the auc­ guts and good sense,” Crocker -z-'ency—New touched their lives briefly. ’They sult. But the novel is not a large in Christ, Christ alone, for salva­ C'OMI’ W'l . INC, Youth Fellowship *••••••••••«•••••• SiOO tion to beneAt the PHNA. cut, and others. Wflaon L, TUley at (Jhiurlemant, tha school. both under the direction of Mrs. said. same personnel, the same management . . . P»TOt ai^Boataa. So one might conclude that, once tion; and an assurance was given Scholarshipe are given to help Bulletin Albert Khlbfleisch. Jcu:k B. Grove lTOit bdread or wwe daya etched with drama and imperaonal picture of wortd oata- BvaageUam TiiO Mrs. Kalber has studied with Maas., recently engaged as super- "He seems to be well aware of the moronity of the debate had clyam. The Uvea and problems of me that He had taken away my i.;i MAiN - i 1 William Oowln of the WUliman- meet financial expenses for the The town recreational council will be organist. the position he is in, and avoids de^ sorrow, but they have re­ Intondent of schools for Coventry, has slated a meeting Wedneaday EVERYTHING'S THE SAME . . . EXCEPT been well launched, the only way ceded h) time and dimished in im­ two married Bkigliob couples are Sins, even mine, and saved me OFUDNIISDAY tic Sttolte Teachers College, with first year when the general financ­ win assume hla duties on Atig 1. Ushers are Ellen Humiston, anything to embarrass his fellow Tha Serald PrtBtmc Company, Inc. from the law of Sin and death.” ; i:i.. MKiiiiII !i.i."p!r, Mrs. Nora Addy Drake of Coven­ ing need ie greatest, it is rsported. at 8 p.m. at the home of Fdward Paula Varoa, Marsha Vennart and THE NAME! la no fln anfilal reaponalbnlty for for the President to deal with it portance until the lives all look— of first Importance. It la their BOO-week Service TiOO He will succeed Supt. Royal O. Yeomans on Lake Rd. students, the school, or himself. ora appearing la much oa most of ours—rather wnall, personal problems, compU- ITie historian, Lacky, aa3rs of Ihm Ks illi' I K 1 try, indtruOtor a/t the HI. O. Smith Persons Interested in helping FiSher who will leave the poet on Laura Zaglio. “Here in the hall he has kept to other r e a d ^ matter mi was to make the moronic long- quiet, uneventful and lacking any Gated by the preosure of world this event, “It is scarcely on' ex­ School In Sitorrs, os w d l os scholarriiip funds are invited to Aug. 31. Brenlng HetalA range commitment he did. In some aggeration to say that ^ scene having done portrait painting with Manobester Evening Herald An­ dramatic form and climax. But events that concern us and bring meet with the Convenbiy High TUley has signed a ttuee-year dover correspondent, M argery adrartlaing cloelng hoiira: areas, as President Elsenhower which to ohnboL W siaJL h e r e camore ’Trail, was given a baby Uni^verstty. He is currently en- Oed deadline: 10:80 Am. oMh **nie Prism” by Jeimifer Lash July, as well as at WiUimantlc ToUed toi a doctoral program at pobHeatlaa eneapt Sahnrday -> value. ’There is pleasant, agree­ State College, Platnville F'ine Arta shower recently by neighbors, At South Church hM a background which should able reading available for all friends and relaUves. Abmjt 80 the Univeralty of Connecticut. 85 East Center St. Show, M&icheoter Fine Arta Tlhe new superintendent is the Jury Of One Peer? prove quieter and even more re­ in weU-wrttten prose of some For FOR WEDDINGS a l l i o b m a l o c c a s i o n s flhow and Waitldns Galleries. She guests attended. At Summit St. nautical l''rtday. May; 34 tiring Mian a small village—a stknulation and thought. The fore­ father o f five Ohlklren, the oldest Children’s Day Vespers at South Oocaslonally, not very often, is a memher of the ’Tolland Coun­ Hostesses were Mra Raymond Methodist Church will be held monastery and its life of ser^ty going samples should indicate that Pooler, Mra Herbert Chapman and a Grade 6 pupil. WEEKEND CASH AND CARRY SPECIAL! there is the other side of the ra­ Professional ty Arts Asaociatlon and the Man­ Sunday at 4 p.m. at the church, Guantanaino Forever? and even dullness. 'Hie thread be­ your pubUc library hopes to have bKJTHINC TO SEND AWAY FOR- chester Fine Arts AosoclaJtlon. Mrs. John Goldsnlder, who used FRESH-CUT cial coin. tween the monastic life and the BORiethlng for each o f you. with "O Praise Him! Alleluia!” as knits... CARPET Workshop Set balloon decorations and served an Hlnkel Jr., James Wilks and Lud- the theme. ParUsaa detmte In the realm o f It ie natural that It should ex­ secular is woven chiefly by Dom appropriately decorated cake. wto T. Kolodziej. I ucius Treheame, and the surface SPARKLING STAFF •The Coventry Historical Society The program wlU open with jf fcrslgB policy haa one almost In- ist, and natural that it should pro­ meeting at 8 p.m. Tuesday will be Girl friends of Mrs. MacLach­ The new doors kistaUed on the doz. $ 1 . 5 9 calm is penetrated to reveal per­ LOB ANGELES (AP) — Thera CLEANING EVERYTHING IN STOCK! building are to be painted black. songs and stories about day and CARNATIONS - dillMe talent. duce occasional injustice of its a worlulhop at Booth-Dlmock Me­ lan also honored her with a shower night by the pupUs o f Five Year sonal ehaHenges o f searing im­ are a couple of real jinvela based recently. The executive board is planning , It la a talent for working us own. portance to the faidividual. morial liibrary. Kindergarten, led by Mrs. Eldward sailor-happy at American Airlines headquarters O pen Thursday Night Until 9 Memhera are caked to bring In Briefs a donee next month with Stanley toward hnpoaaEble, ridiculous, and But when It occurs, H doeent Dom Luciua is intellectually here now. Ttl. 649-1752 J. Harris as general chairman. The Cole and Mrs. Richard Bmbser. various old Objects, either large or Uriel Lodge of Masmts will have Scripture verses will be read by regrettable positions, and freezing brWIant. but pertiaps a little de­ Capt. J. L. Jewell has been date wlil be announced soon. tops and pants always make sense to try to hide ficient In human warmth and un­ omall, dating before I860 of which a special meeting at 7:30 p.m. the second and third graders, fol­ SM into them. joined by his daughter. Penny EARNER’S RUE they know something as to origin, Mrs. Herman '"Jake” .Lel>oyt, It, or smooth it over, even on the derstanding. ’Ihe people with Gray Jewell, who just graduated tomorrow at the Masonic hall in scheduling cheUrman for use of lowed by a litany of praise by the CUSTOM-MADE ROLL-UP ALUMINUM in flag>-bright Ihers waa aoch a bit of freezing argument that it will take a lot of and Upholstery OleaBlBg history. or uses. They are also Merrow. TTie master mason degree first graders, led by Mra. Roderick whem he Is most Intimate, both in from stewardess college. asked to bring in ohjecto dating the center by chde groups and or­ done, in a defensive oratorical op- One Of will be oonferred by the AuxiUacy ganizations, has reported that the McCann. Fourth graders •will pre- AWNINGS such injustice to balance the in­ before 1860 on •which they would State Police degree team. cotton knits aratlon by President Kennedy, at building •was used 216 times dur­ Awning Width Window Height Price justice already on the record from Connectkut’il nice information. Both groups will The Whirlawaya Square Denes hln press oonference Wednesday. be discuosed at the workshop. ing the past year. 36” 60” 125.75 for juniors the use of excessive prii^^pe and Club meet at 8 p.m. today at ’The center ran 52 teen-age One cocreapondent asked a ques- power by the outer side of the ra­ Lsrfoit A numlber o f members are ex­ Coventry Grammar School. Out­ 42 60” : 127.15 pecting to bring in Objects and donees. Others using the building tlen which had in ba<^ of it sev­ cial relationdiip. side club dancers are welccnne. Re­ 48 60” ; \tSJ90 . . by Alison Formal data on the history of the town include Boy Scout ’Troops 57 and eral daya of petulant public uproar ’IV> be specific, there was on which rirty have been working. freshments will be served by Mr, 63; the Young Mothera Club; the 54” 60” 131.00 ftom varloua Republican iqiokes- These will oonoam homes, furnish­ and Mrs. Kenneth Walker of Man­ Coventry Historical Society; the 60” 60” $32.75 young Navy man on trial down In Rental chester, Mr. and Mrs. Robert HI. boys baseball assoristlon; the men about the country, all of federal eourt ki New York on ings, schools, early Industries, churches, (Bstd auch. Stegner and Mr. and Mrs. Horace bkxxknoblle; a square dance group DOOR CANOPIES TO MATCH vrhons had been demanding to charges of spying for Russia. He Storoo Watkins, of Coventry, and Lee and a dog obedience clasB. On ths agenda will also be a Projection Pries know whether or not the Kennedy admitted, on the stand, taking discussion oonoemlng the bill in Warner of Storrs. The club is com­ The adult membership for the pleting plana for its first summer 42” administration was getting ready money from Russian agents over the legislature on a meeting house year totaled 365; junior member­ 1 2 8 .9 0 series of dances to be held at an ship, 97. 42” to abandon tha naval base we now a period of time. He quarreled with Sor the Society. open pavilion in Bolton, starting 1 3 1 .0 0 aooupy on the Island of Cuba. the proaecuUon only on the ques­ Orownlng of Virgin' 48” 10.20 The Crowning of the Blessed June 14. Manohestor Evening Herald H m prectoe question at the news tion of whether or not the docu­ In Court of Honor Coventry ocrre^MMideat, F. Paul­ 48” 1 5 .5 5 Virgin Mary will bo held at 3 p.m. ine U ttle telephone 743-62S1. FREE INSTALLA'nON—ALL COLORS aonference went like this: ments he delivered in return for Bupday tn St. Mary’s Church. Ar­ Mies Carol Murdock, 17-yeor- *^Cr. President, Republicans thia Rusaian pay were valuable or rangements are being completed okl daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rich­ hav« charged that some kind of not. by memhers of St. Germaine Guild. ard M’urdock of Puckar St., is MANCHESTER AWNING CO. amcHig 10 girts selected for the 105 W. CENTER S T .^ ’TEL 649-8091 agreement mdsts, or may exist, for The program •will include reci­ H w trial waa oompleted, and tation of the Rosary followed by Court of Honor of the State 4-H someday for our abandoning went to a Jury. Prom the start, benedlcblon. ’The proceealon will Drtos Revue held Saturday at the Guantanamo naval base. Could you the jury stood 11 to 1 for convic­ Include both boys and girls of •the University of Connecticut. This is N otice * y* semnMnt on that please, sir?” tion. fourteen hours later, when parishes of St. Mary’s Oiurch ki the thlTd time Miss Muidook has RERJUIIUHS m 4 rnoie RERANIUHS •been awarded thVs honor, halving that question, with its “existo the jury asked to be dismissed be- Coveni^ and St. Joseph’s Church in BJaglovUlo. entered in the county competition. JOHN POSTMA s r may eodat” and with its “some­ oause it knew further delibera­ from WOODUND 81RDEHS- Carrying the crown •will be There were 65 girls from wWOh the Watdi and Clock Repslring 1375 Silver Lane day" thrown in, reflected all the tions would be hopeless, the vote Christine IRoy for the "Crowning Court was selected. vngue but wild alannism the Re- inside the jury still stood the same of Our Lady” ceremony by Miss Murdock has been in 4-H 810 Main St., Manchester EAST______East Hartford puUlean orators -Involved had way. nriw Homs off n «ift That n soM " Theresa Carpenter. Attendants club work for eight years and has been a junior leader for three Tel. 528-2711 tried to footer. Up to this point, there was one will include Catherine Murdock, Deborah Waldron and Pierette years. She is now a junior leader W lU BE CLOSED HARTFORD Now we eome to the President’s factor in the atoty of which most GREENHOUSi S-P-E^T-A-C4J-L-A-RI Major. of the 4-H Snippers club. FO R SUMMER answer, which went as follows: of the country waa ignorant. Oonnecticuf’s Greatest The oommittee ki charge in- One of the 10 girts chosen wHl June To A fter ILatior Day "Well, I think that that charge ’Ihere had never been any special eludee Mira. Francis A. Perrottl, be selected to attend the annual NURSERY Nursery Center in tiie (above) button- kKMcatee, as acme o f us perhaps— identification of the Navy man on Chairman, Mrs. Richard M. Clay, national conference ki CMcagoki Center of Oonneotiout. Mrs. Harold J. Crane, Mrs. An­ acme people have suspected be- trial as a mendier of any specific the f ^ . front overblouse drew J. Buckley, Mrs. Richard Miss Murdock ie a aenlor at Oov- iera—that there was some poUtt- racial group. with mandarin col­ 3 5 ‘-50*-85* Nicola and Mrs. Richard Murdock. entty High School and •will be at­ lar . . . and long eal motlvatlan in aosne o f the at- But after the jury had been die- Mrs. Walter Fitzpatrick is in tending Ward’s Business School In BUY THE BEST... tardcs upon our pcdicy in regard to missed, the question of race at­ charge of making the crown for Hartford, starting in July. WATCH FOR THE lAYCEE SALESMAN slim knit pants. OUba. These are large, well grown plants, fall of color. Pick the service. Mrs. Moore Stays tained some news importance, Thday at 6:30 pm. all interested "that, of coarse, ie oompletely Mrs. Burton K. Moore o f WilU- Come se« our eutskinding healthy POTTED ROSES blouse 3.98 which led some newspapers, at them fn»n our green houses. Excellent for Memorial boys and girts in Grades 1 through mantic, formerly of Coventry -wUl untrue— had never bem consid- least, to Identify not only the ra­ 8 ere asked to be at the church continue as teaser at South Cov- — many in bud— some Ueoming! JACKSON & p a n ts 5 . 9 8 ored, K win not be done, and .to cial groiqiing of the Navy man an Day Mid for your home. ■ v for a rehearsal for the program. entiy Nursery and Kindergarten. luioo that with no evidence merely trial, but also that of the lone Bridal Show Soloist The executive board reports there SELLING PERKINS, CONARD PYLE, C. R. BURR. beeauao vmI* happen to be putting juror who had held out against all The Oleanera Circle of Second ore still openingB for ths com­ * A Congregational Church •will have bined nursery ctnd kindergarten TBOPIOANA hi an acoustical center for our— 11 associates. , FRESH. AHRACTIVELY ARRANGED ANOELIQUE Mrs. Ronald Bdmondson as solo- fall class. Mrs. Roland Stoodley, HAWAH SiPABTAN improving our imderwater detec­ n»ey were both N^rroea. ,1st. ait.lts..faShlon show of bridal membership ohaiiman, may be LIGHT BULBS SOU’TH SEAS CORAL DAWN tion eyatem in Bermuda and ’To that lone Juror, H developed, gowns at 8 p.m. today at the contacted for information...... MIXED POTS, RUSTIC RASKETS, RUSTIC LOGS ALOHA CHBIS’IIA N DIOR (right) V-neck, collared, adrengtheiiing our naval base in what was going on in this trial chfurch. Refreshments will be Heads Hale Center ROYAL HIGHNESS NEW DAWN striped t-top over solid color Puerto Rloo—from these two ac­ and in the jury room waa merely served efter the show at the Mire. William H. Kenyon has Church Community House. been elected president of the Na­ JOHN ARMSTRONG IMPROVED BLAZE knee-capper knit pants. tions K was deduced that we must e continuation of a race struggle Window loxM ami Urns F ilM As Yea Uka Thom Mra. C^rence Hkbnondson •will than Hale Community Center; ^ 2 p®*" - FlKE KING be giving up Guantanamo. going on outside. GOLDEN SHOWERS (No charge for fllUng urns and tubs. Only for material used.) be narrator. Tickets may be ob- Mrs. Howard Craft, •vloe preetdent.. GmCAGO PEACE top 3 .9 8 "I would hope that, that we Accordingly, he held out to the talne;! at the door. About SO wom­ Other ofnicera ore: Mra. Horald ORCHID MASTERPIECE p i n k ' p e a c e CRIMSON GLORY would find a good deal more real- end against a vote for conviction. en and girls •will be, modeling R. Lemons, secretory; !Mre. Joseph STOCK UP ON BULBS pants 5 . 9 8 Imi In Republican conversations For the “ Do-it-yourself,” complete line oof Vinca Vinee, Ageratum, Spikea, Potted gowns of brides, bridesmaids and Guinan, a s s I t a n t secretary; RHUMBA . STERLING SILVER If the federal govenuneot oon- Petunias, Nierembergia, Coleus, Marigolds, etc. flower ^rls. Charles Lowery, treasurer, and about foreign policy, because ducta a aecond trial, the dramatic School Notes John Rlsley, assistant treasurer. that'a untrue—they know it’s un­ FOR WORTHY JAYCEE PROJECTS issue will then be that of whether Coventry High School’s Grade 7 New members on the board In­ YES! We Have Jackson t( Perkins Tfree Roses true—but It may be the sort of the next jury will be all-white. But and 8 basebaJl team has a record clude Gordon Poole, George W. tlUng i^ ro going to hear now for the kind of thing that has to hap­ PLANT BEDDING the next IS. months." pen eventually is clear enough; VEGETARLE PLANTS ^Thore was the President, os we just as society, by not paying any PLANTS NOW! think was his right in the circum­ special attention to the -moe of Tomatoes IRcd, Yellow, Plmn, Cheny), FtOWlRIN^ANNUALS stances, waving the political flag Transplanted, foil containers. Freah the accused spy, declared there from Grower to You. Satisfaction guar­ Petunias, Marigolds, bach at the Republicans. was no connection between that Peppers, Spronts, Cauliflower, Lettuce, anteed. Zinnias, etc. Most But there also was the Ib«si- race and the alleged treailhery In­ Eggplant, Broccoli, CoUarda, Kohlrabi, dmt, oven while he was accusing volved, so members of that same Ageratum, Alyiaum, Aston, Calendula, Pe­ /,// 9 p.ttt. desirable new varieties. the RsfuUleau of irresponsible race must be able to alt on a jmy tunias, Oarnatloiia, Dahlia, Stock, Salvia, Parsley, Celery, Basil. TH U R S D A Y S OF MANCHESTER OF MANCHESTER alannlam and i^litical tactics, go­ Snaps, Balaam, Soobleaa, Larit^or. Marigolds, and vote guilty if the legal and Zinnias, LobeUa, Torenla, Gomphrena, Olori' FRIDAYS FULL PLASTIC ing beyond reasonable, responsi- moral facto so indicate. osa Daisy, many others. Doz. SELF-SERVICE TRAY eo. Ma limits ta hie own denials and Reasonably prle^ Mostly Dos. 65c 45c 50c 65c

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•'•vV n . ■■ A t-


I. Asks Injunction Mrs. Bagley Obituary GOP to Cut NATO Sets Program TV-Radio Tonight M i Presidentof Governor’s To Head Off Wallace Women Fall from Pole .. To Beef Up N-Power Television Kills Lineman 8:00 (OoatlaiiM 6S) Dickens and Fenster into Alabama during the recent Mrs. Harriett Abbe, Wapplng;, and meeting at the Manchester j present three-and-a-half to four In this declaration, the Alliance racial disturbances in Birming­ ^ty pole snapped in two and crashed and outside the NATO area, the 8:80 ( 8) Victory At Sea ) :» ( S-lfi Alfred Hitchcock ^Jonathan Hunt, Coventry; How­ Country Club. per cent. draft communique sold "tenelone as a whole mode plain any attack . (40) Superman (18) Subscription TV ham. to the ground. ( 8-4(HS8) 77 Sunset Strip "Mr. Qraad" Dioron ^ ptiyttttr Wovtn Jao Snap tab "Mr. Orand" ard Kenneson, Clark Rd., Bolton; Others elected are Mrs. Clifford It also includes increases In the and difficulties continue to exist” on West Berlin would be deemed (18) Burns and Allen Full FaahlonadI Madras typi "We welcomed this because the The accident, police said. Hap­ on attack on NATO territory. (84) Probability (10-23-30) Price la Rl|tot (O I ettttm shirts! ullds, prints Miss Mary Kasperan, 1 Cristopher Hansen, first vice president id and "have a profound effect on (23) Club House 9:46 ( 34) Command in Battle ■iman-dtwni supima eottan! Ban-Len nylon! wavan plaL courts are the proper v torum for pened at 2:14 p.m.^on New Brit- corporation and unincorporated The draft communique stressed 9:00 (10-33-30) The Quiet Revolution settling disputes of this sort,” Dr., RockvUle; Frederick Lewie, charge of program; Mrs. John the Alliance.” 8:46 ( 8) Walter Cronkits ICOTTON 8 C O L t - A M SOLIDS A W ASH N* EnetXr.” ‘aec''r;rtar^V‘ W ‘ TO^ Ave., Hartford, when Cappa business taxes and elimination of that NATO recognized the need _ ^ (10-23-80) HunUey-Brtnkley (34) Conservation Time to Act ^OXFORD STYLKB FATTERN9 WI^AR Kennedy said. "We are prepared 89 Finley St.; Venning Sharp, It went on: 0:30 ( 3-lfi Eyewitness 2.99 2.59 3.99 3.59 Hartl Dr., Talcottvllle; John was on the top of a pole which the sales tax reduction now per­ "Soviet forces remain in Cuba; "to achieve a satisfactory balance T;00 ^ 3 - ^ 8 ^ ) News; Sports; and ( 8) Henneaey to obey the court’s decisimi in the Bailey, corresponding secretary; broke iinexpectedly at the base. Suchy, 91 Clinton S t; John mitted for trade-ins on the pur­ and the situation there, with its between nuclear and conventional ( 8) Biography (63) Han From Interpole ease." Mrs. Earle Rohan, treasurer; Mrs. He rode the pole as It fell, but was (40) H Squad Moran, Enfield; Mrs. Alice Green, Raymond S c h a 11 e r, asaistant chase of new automobiles, trucks repercuesione- In'ffrt region gen­ arms.” (34) 30th Century Revolutions Re added that in- the hew case knocked to the ground when It In this context, tho permanent ( 8) Death Valley Days 1:00 ( 3-8-10-1^33-3o-Ki«8> News. 'also ."we are prepared to abide 56 S. Alton St.; William Tantillo, and tractors. erally, atltl gives cause for con­ (18) Subscription TV Bports,Bp ■ “Weather ■ Estelle Dr., Vernon; Mrs. Sheila struck a parked utility truck. The Republican heads said the party cern. Ministers also expressed council of the Alliance in Paris (10) Tonight (C) by the court’s decision, and we exterior of the pole looked solid, (10) Boots and Saddlts ( 8) Movie would hope and expect that Gov. Kehoe, 275 Oakland St.; Mrs. does not favor these proposals. | their disquiet over recent events has been Instructed to moke fur­ T;U (33) Hirailghte (40) Steve Allen Show but the Interior "appeared rotten," 'Ihey said at a press conference. in Loos and stressed the impor­ ther studies, in cooperation with 7:80 ( 8-13)^w hlde L;30 (12) Movie Wallace will do the same.” Barbara Belllvoau, 142 Dlsme Dr.; ( 8-40r68) Cheysnne Mrs. Anita Donnelly, 162 Center police said: that they were announcing some) tance of sustained efforts to se­ Lemnitzef's staff, of "the inter­ 1:30 (33-30) Tonight (C) Kennedy noted that Wallace had Cappa was taken< to Hartford related questions of strategy, 80) Honeymooners ( 8) Movie said he would raise new legal St.; Miss Alexandra Gburski, 68 of their major propoeals—even be- j cure respect for the .Geneva SEE BATUIU>AY’a TV WEEK FOB OOMPUETE USTING Hospital about 2:46 and died at 9 fore coming out with their detailed ; force requirements and the re­ questions in connection with his Campfield Rd.; Mary Jane Dooley, p.m. of head injuries. agreements.” resistance to enrollment of the 284 Avery St.; Elmer Peckham, budget—"because our hand waa Turning to Germany and Ber­ sources available to meet them." A utility crew of the Hartford forced by the Governor.” lin, the statement observed that Agreement on the nuclear force Negroes. Coventry; Kenneth Heim, Tolland; Electric Light Co. was moving "While these ‘new legal ques­ Bruce Kaddy, Stafford Springs; They referred to the governor’s the threat has certainly not disap­ was the chief achievement of the wires from old poles to new ones, three-day- meeting of the North Radio tions’ sound like the long-discred­ Mrs. Phyllis Carriere. 516 Wood- which are being installed to per­ announcement Wednesday that he peared. ited . doctrine of interposition, bridge St.; Mrs. John Dougan, expected the state to end the fis­ "Thanks to the firm attitude Atlantic Treaty Organization’s iiU t UgUng InidndM only thogo newg broodouto of 16 or lft-n>tBato | mit widening of New Britain Ave. foreign and defense ministers. nonetheless, the way to determine 116 Eldridge St.; Candice Le- Police said wires had been re­ cal biennium with a "modest sur­ maintained by the West, howev­ lengtli. Some gtattons eairy otbgr ohort nowgoMtH). is in the courts, not in the streets Blond, Tolland; Cynthia. Goble, moved from the old pole before it plus.” Missing WDBO_1SS6 7:06 Conversation Piece or not by a confrontation of mili­ RFD 2; Mrs. Eunice Culver, 77 broke. There were Indications that the 8:00 Jim Nettleton 7:36 Chet Huntley tary or police forces in Ala­ Boulder Rd.; Charles Brown, Henry Donahue, 37, of 1006 W. 8:00 Raynor Shines 7:30 News of the World F\ineral services -will be held GOP program came as a shock to Middle Tpke., and an employe 6t i:06 Newa Sign Off 7:46 Senator from Conn. OollarlBss knit Conan taarsuekar "Mr. Grand" Action ala bama,” Kennedy said. Chamia Knoll, Talcottvllle; Mrs. Monday at), 1:30 p.m. at Christ the admlnistratlo'l . 4raAV-ti8 8:10 Pop C^oncert Alice K l^ , 109 Cooper Hill S t; the New Haven Railroad, miseing 8:00 News 9:00 Red Sox vs. Tigers sardlgan! ^ bunon-down! Snap tab eollar! Poekot ma Lutheran Church, Broad St., Hart­ The governor issued only a for about seven weeks, has been 8:16 Paul Har^eyt Or. Albert B. 11:30 News Mrs, Rose Jacks, 88 Meekville Rd. PAINTS S ford, Burial will be In Rose Hill terse statement that said that he the object of an area'-wide search. Burke 11:46 Sporta Final 100% BIRTH YESTEIRDAY: A Memorial Park, Rocky Hill. could not comment until he sees 8:80 Alex Drier 12:00 Starlight Serenade 3.59 COTTON 2.59 STAIPES 2.69 Bolton daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Donahue was last seen at about 8:40 Sports 1:00 News and Sign Oft. Friends may call at the Maple a detailed budget proposal. 3 a.m. on April 6 when he was at 8:60 Bob Constdine W FOF'-14U Flano, 7 Lilac St. Hills-Valley Ekineral Home, 29 Republicans maintain that the work at the New Haven freight 7:00 Edward P. Hoigan 6:00 Joel Cash DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: Hartford Ave., Granby, tomorrow tax Increases are not needed be­ 7:16 Connecticut P.M; 7:00 Bill Hughes yards near Windsor St. In Hart­ 7:80 Dick’s Den 12:00 OIrand • 11 Firms Show Mrs. EMna Armatrong and son, 193 from 6 to 9 p.m., and Sunday from cause there will be more revenue ford. His car was found parked in 8:00 Meta vs. Cards WINF—XZft Adams S t; Mrs. Dora Pellertn 2 to 4 and 6 to 9 p.m. coming In than the governor anti­ the area. 10:80 Showcase 6:00 News. Wall Btreei and son, 30 Hemlock St.; Rose U:00 Sign Oft 6:16 Showcase The family requests that In lieu cipates in the next two years. Police say Donaltue, a Manches­ w n c —itm 6;4b (x>well "Fhomae Interest in Staigdr, 18 FrankUn S t, Rockville; Mrs, Roger Bagley of flowers, memorial donations They said the state would wind ter native. Is about five feet, eight t:00 News, Sporta and Weather 7:00'8howcaae John Graaso, 14 Fairfield St.; may be made to a building fund at up the current two-year fiscal pe­ 8:80 Financlrt Repbrt 8:00 Yankees vs. Senators inches tall, and weighs 190 pounds. COME’N'GET’EM 8:38 Albtun of the Day 10:30 Showcase Jamea ’Tuttle, 9 Anderson S t; Mrs. treasurer and welfare; Hrs. M. the Shephard of the Hills Lutheran riod with a surplus of $8 million He has red hair and a ruddy com­ 8:46 Three Star Extra 12:16 Slgnoff School Bids Virginia Fraser, 8 Wella Rd.. TaJ- Adler Dobkin, ways and means; Church, Granby. Instead of the modest surplus pre­ plexion. When last seen he was oottville; Mrs. Rose Donadio, 98 Mrs. Joseph Magnano, member­ dicted by the governor Wednes­ wearing a checkered jacket and we’re deaing ’til ship; Mrs. Robert Starkel and Eleven oontcaetors have reques­ Wells St.; Therese Gall Fetherston day. light gray work pants. 60 Arcellia Dr.; Lisa Marie Pom- Mrs. Raymond Quish, hospitality; ted plans, indicating Interest in Ed ^'^ai?ner Dead, Rep. Robert T. Cairns of Mad­ Police believe Donahue was de­ tiiey’re gone! pei, 190 School S t; Janet Andsr- Mrs. Jerome Brett, publicity; Mrs. ison, House chairman of the Fi­ spondent over a recent death in bidding on oonstruotton ot the aon, 701 Hartford Rd.; Katherine Philip Holway, legislation, and MHS Custodian nance Committee, said the GOP his family. Anyone having seen our uged car prices ore doionright daring^ STATE town’s high school. Architect Taggart, Tolland; Mrs. Beverly Mrs. John Pickles, parllmentarism. estimates there will be $20 mil­ him is asked to contact the Hart­ check these specials... Arnold Lawrence said today. He Kelly and daughter. East HaK- Members of a District liaison lion more in revenue in the next ford Police Department. ford; Ranald WaUh, 50 Bunce Dr.; conrunittee are Mrs. Jack Mercer, EJdward C. Wagner. 83, of 190 termed the firms leading con­ two years than the administration WELDING SERVICE Glenn R. McKiimey, Bolton Center District 1; Mrs. James Higgins, Oakland St., former custodian of estimates. Aerllan acrylic! Rad strlpad cot­ "Mr. Grand" tractors in the Manchester and Rd.; A Raymond Kpmer, 63 Elro District 2; Miss ESinor Haskin, the Old Manchester High School, He said the administration es­ Bankruptcy Filed Immediate Emergency Bervloe! Wash R* waar! ton bunon-down! Wash n’ waarl -Hartford areas. One New Britain S t; BUen Martin, S ^ th Windsor; District 3; Mrs. Donald Conrad, timates fall short of what can building firm has adso asked for District 4, and Mrs. Donald Knof- died suddenly this noon at hta S O L ID S S Mise Theresa Iheirien, South Cov­ really be anticipated by some FANCIES the plans and specifications. entry; David Austin, Wlilimantic; la. District 6. home. He was custodian for the $8.25 million in the corporation By Youth Centre I ELECTRIC — GAS 1.99 1.99 1.89 Tb« bid opening date has been Robert Slattery, 598 W. Middle Members-at-large elected are board of education for 40 years, tax, some $9 million in the in­ 643-2408 . . . 649-7578 changed to Jime 13, T. J. Orockett, ’Tpke.; Ruaaell Sublette, Wapping; until his retirement 12 years ago, Mrs. J. Herbert FlncHay, Mrs. John heritance tax, about $2.25 million Elli Moore, Inc. of Hamden,] look for a lot of likeables at our ( j^ chairman o f the public building Karen OjaJa, 2 Hartland Rd.; Wallett, Mrs. Trueman Crandall, and served at the high school with in the cigarette tax, and by which has a store in. the Manches­ Located In The HARTFORD ROAD ENTERPRISES oommission, said today. It had Francis ROhlin, Wapping; Patricia Mrs. John Rottner and Mrs. Har­ his twin brother, Frederick J. smaller amounts in the alcohol and ter Shopping Pryfkade, has filed in j originally been scheduled on June Steele, 560 Vernon St.; Thomas R. lan Tayjor, retiring president. Wagner. insurance taxes. U.S. District Cour-t a petition to At 270 HARTFORD RD.—MANCHESTER 12 but the Community HaU is not Nelawanger', 88 Hilltop Dr.; Mns. Mrs. "Taylor waa presented with Mr. Wagner was born in Rock­ reorganize under chapter 11 rt the | avallahle on that date, Crockett Nancy McGuire, Andover; San'dra a gift by Mrs. Findlay on behalf of ville, July 21, 1879, and lived in Bankruptcy Act. said. McGrath, Berkley Dr., Vernon. the club and in appreciation for.- iClanchester almost all his life. He The Manchester store is the ] ’The PBC hopes that ground will DISCHARGED TODAY: David was a mend>er of St. Bridget’s 19^2 C O R V E H E ...... $3595 her services. Vernon Man Youth Centre. Convertible. 250 HP., 4-speed transmission, positractlon tear be broken for the new school by Cox, Glastonbury; Mrs. Mae Eliz­ Members of a panel discussed Church. Creditors met In New York] the end of June, he added. abeth Charest, Birch Mt. Rd., Survivors, besides his brother of axle, radio, heater, bucket zeata. Sharp looking maroon with problems and issues pertaining to Tuesday aird requested the firm I black Interior. Separate bids will -be opened on Bolton: Scott Lewis, Columbia; Manchester. Harlan Taylor, Fran­ Manchester, include a daughter. Miss Katherine Wagner of Man­ Wanted in file the petition. The board of EEi | Jome 19 on fixed equipment items Frank Giorgio, 699 W. Middle cis Del'laFera and Harold A. Turk- chester; a sister, Mrs. Minnie D?,- Moore, Inc., W edne^ay author­ 1962 CHEVROLET BEL A I R ...... $1895 Don’t let this happen including fixnlshings and instal­ Tpke.; Mrs. Antonina Lukas, 86 ington, R«(>ublican directors, dis­ ized its president, Julius Moore, lations in the general science, vis of. Rockville, and several nieces j 2-Door Sed?n. 6 cylinder, standard transmission, radio, heater. North St.; Margaret Mitchell, East cussed the Improvemeint of coni- Bank Holdup to file. physics and chemistry laiborutor- Longmeadow, M a a a.; Laureen and neiphews. 1962 CORVAIR Model "700' . $1895 munications between various town 'The Holmes EVneral Home, 400 The petition has been referred I ies, home economic, arts and Rivers, 315 W. Middle Tpke.; Mra. committees and commissions, the 4-Door. 6-Pnssenger Station Wagon. 6 cylinder, standard shift, crafts, and industrial arts rooms, Main St., Is In charge of arrange­ (Oonttamsd from Page One) to Saul Seidman, referee in bank- | Mary Jaslowski, 35 Lditohffleld S t; consolidation of the Elighth Dis­ ruptcy. heater. as well as the library. Mark Hlasny, 6 Middle Butcher ments which are Incomplete. "le . Grand" lOOS eottan! Aotlon sIssTSl. Fire Gall trict with the town, and the and for driving without a license. Elli Moore, Inc., has its m .a 1 n I Rd., Rockville; Mrs. Joanna downtown problem. 1962 CHEVROLET IMP A L A ...... $2595 aupima eananl Zipper plaskatl Pockst mttif! ’The fire at the home of Wil­ Hai^gh, 96 Helaine Rd. EUzabeth P. Caldwell Federal authorities issued a operation in the Hamden Plaza, Convertible. V-8, auto., power steering and brakes, radio, heat­ Mrs. Raymond Oowen, chairman warrant for his arrest. and other stores in New Haven, W A S H H* A L S O I V Y liam Androlevich on Tolland Rd. TOLLAND — EUizaibSth Payne er, whitewalls. 2.69 WEAR 1.99 FRINTS 2.59*co^^7oH yesterday morning was not a of public relatione for the Cit­ Caldwell, 67', a d e r Mill Rd., died Songailo is an unemployed ma­ Blast Hartford, West Hartford, chimney fire, as the neighbor who izen’s Advisory OouncU of Man­ this morning at Rockville Caty chinist who formerly worked for Wethersfield, and Holyoke and | 1961 ...... $1645 called the fire department sus­ Warning Issued chester, explained the advantages a Greater Hartford firm. He is Springfield, Mass. 4-Door Sedan. 6 cylinder, standard shift, ra'dlo, heater. Hospital. Sport Shirt SfzM 841-^XL ■ pected, but the result of a flooded to the town of ha'ving a commun­ She ■was the -widow of George divorced. oil burner. All three units of the In 2-Car Crash ity college. If he is apprehended, he 'Will be 1961 PONTIAC TEMPEST ...... $1595 RELINE YOUR BRAKES Dregg Shirt Sizes 14-17 NeeU E. Caldwell. 4-Door Sedan. 4 cylinder, standard shift, radio, heater. fUre department responded to the Atty. Vincent Diana, represent­ Bom July 21, 1895 in New Lon­ taken first to the scene of the crime for a re-enaictment and then Carpeuters Back call. A written warning for failure ing the redevelopment commission, don, iAie was a daughter of 1961 FORD FAIRLANE "500"...... $1495 The cellar floor was flooded explained urban renewal, and Charles and Eh-a Davis Payne. to the U.S. Commissioner in Hart' to grant the right of .way • yester­ ford for presentation in federal 4-Door Sedan, V-8, auto., radio, heater. with oil and the furnace was red day was issued to a Washington Martin AJvord, chairman of the She has lived in Tolland for 25 Ou Temple Job I m $1 Ago court. hot when they arrived. ’They used St. woman following a police In­ Town Planning Commission, told years, coming from New Lonn. 1961 CHEVROLET BEL AIR -. - ...... $1795 Thirty men on the Vernon po­ dioxide and '^e smoke ejector. vestigation of a two-car crash at how the master plan will benefit Mrs. Caldwell was a member of Some 25 carpenters today re- I 4-Door Sedan. V-8, auto., radlb. heater, whitewalls. AND SAVE I^^Muus Kxtenslve smoke damage .was done Center and Main Sts. Manebopsterr" United Congregational Church, a lice force, state police force and turned to their work at the Tern- | federal officers have worked on to the house. Police reported that Mrs. Ver­ Traman Crandall, diairman of member of Kiowa Council, Degree pie Beth Sholom project on E. 1961 COMET CUSTOM ...... $1495 Ant^levich, a member of the onica A. Steltz of 91 Washington the building committee, spoke on of Pocahontas; of the Disabled the case since yesterday afternoon Middle Tpke. 2-Door'Sedan. 6 cylinder, standard shift, radio, heater, white- ■without rest. Kith 6wnr brake jeb in turn your v o lu n t^ fii« department, was St. was traveling south on Main the work being done by the com­ American Veterans Auxiliary of The returned marked the end of I walls. GRAND Major Samuel Rome of the called home from' ■work. No one St., shortly before noon, and while mittee on fire stations. Atty. John Manchester; Anderson-Shea Poet, a two-week strike by some 1,300 Rottner, board of education mem­ VTW, Auxiliary of Manchester; State Police Special Forces is in 1961 CORVAIR Modtl "700" ...... $1695 drams F R E E ...f^ r <211 per irtieell was at home at the time of the making a left turn to continue on members of Hartford Local 43, 4-Door 6-Passenger Station Wagon. 6 cylinder, auto., radio, fire. Main St. through the intersection, ber, discussed the part that poli­ and the 'American Gold Star Moth­ charge. The $2,198 holdup .of the Ware^ United Brotherhood of Carpenters heater. School Mean her car collided with the right tics plays in the board of educa­ ers Inc. and 'Joiners of A m e r i c a, who BRAKE RELINES GUARANTEED Monday — sloshburger on roll, front of an eastbound car operated tion. Survivors include five sons, house Point branch of the E^rat National Bank of Windsor. Locks yesterday settled their differences | 1960 FORD T-BIRb ...... $2095 potato sticks, wax beans, apple by Michael Marks, 42, of New Mrs. ’Truman Crandall served as George Caldwell Jr., of Monson, 2-Door Hardtop. V-8, auto., power steering, radio, heater, FOR 30,000 MILES OR 1 YEAR panel moderator. occurred just before noon yester­ with contractors. WAY crisp; Tuesday— chicken pie with York City. Marks' wife, Mary, waa Mass., Arthur Caldwell and James whitewalls...... W V i ^ B ...... Mrs. Thomas Bailey waa chair­ day while the manager and a Jack R. Hunter is prime con­ MAI.CHESTERm BRANCH hot biscuits, cole slaw, cake shaken up but did not require Caldwell of EEIington, Robert tractor for the Temple project. squares; Wednesday—frankfurts medical treatment. man of a committee in charge of Caldwell and Raymond Oald'well of teller were out to lunch. Only two 1960 CHEVROLET BEL A IR ...... $1695 a buffet supper. women tellers were in the bank at The strike had also affected two DISCOUNT CENTERS on roll, mustard and relish, po­ The Stelti car, with right front Tolland; four daughters, Mrs. other Hunter contracted projects 4-Door Hardtop. 6 cylinder, auto., radio, heater, whitewalls. tato chips, sauerkraut,, chocolate damage, had to be towed away. James Norris of Man

■ ' - 4 - ' ' 1 .

I penda to a great extent on private managerial Frances -decisions in future development, Congress Approves personnel. him: Officials Hear msny people will get a chance to On th^ House floor, the measure "It Is some time since wofnen I dtaai^rove the plan, by aimply not Measure to Give was championed by both men and doing what it recommenda.’’ of this country have been in the | wtnneh. minority.” Wealey C. Carroll, panel .mod­ Women Equal Pay Mrs. Green, who has cham­ Plans of CRPA erator and ORPA repreeentative pioned such a bill since she came from Skist Hartford — "The mem­ to Congress nine years ago, told BUYS! ber town’s generally good response (Oonttnoed from P»ge OM the House "vested interests” op­ i On Thursday, June 20, the 66 Capitol Regrion Planning to the CRPA zoning referral com­ pose thk measure. Progress has Personal Notices rAgency representatives from the 26 active member towns in mittee’s recommendatTons (the S M 'f'Pat McNamara, D-Mich., It been made on Jim Crow laws, committee suggests appropriate will be headed for President Ken­ Friday. May 24 the region will choose a future for the Greater Hartford nedy's signature. And Kennedy is she said, "and it’s high time to Compiled by Students of Manchester High School Mr. Williain 0. Coe, Faenlty Adviser ^area. action to town zoning authorities for it. work against Jane C iw legisla- on zone changes near town bor­ Uon,” C a ^ O f Thanka nignt, in the idyiUoally town ^ t h a share of industry, a Secretary V wish to thank all of our nelah-1 ders that might have inter-town of Labor W. Willard There were moments of humor bora, frlandi and • relatives for tno fomiel MUlng o t the Oohneeticut full range of housing types, and Wirtz called psMsage "a major Oeneral U fe Jnsunuice Oo. build- or regional significance) seems to in the sometimes technical de­ man> acta of klndnesa and nympathy shopping areas, to the strong cen­ show that the advisory nature of step In the long struggle toward bate, When Rep. William M. thown tia in our recent bereavement. big In Bldomfleld, five ideal paths ter plan, which groups concentrat­ providing full equality for women Wa especially thank all those who aent the CRPA ia sufficient to provide Colmer, D-Miss., rose to oppose the beautiful floral tributea and loaned to the very real future were ed development In the central city, guidance." in our society.” the uaa of cars. charted. this "legislation for a minority,’ ’ Hartford, and ranges lew and less How could 30 per cent of the The measure will become effec­ the dean of congresswomen, Rep. During the next four weeks, the dense development in rings aroutid region be maintained as open tive a year after the Pre.sident The Dennis Sullivan family 66 r^iiresentaUvee, in consultation the city. space ? signs the bill. In cases where col­ with town offlclala and cltiaena, n>e sateUlte plan is a modified lective bargaining agreements are 1 ^ must decide for their town which Putnam — "We live in a small balanced plan, with regional cen­ section of the region; I think we involved, it may be two years. -■-■■a i o f the five altematlvea they would ters of two or more towns having The bill would prohibit discrim-1 ft prefer for the oommundty — both were ail surprised to see the DWORIN'S concentrations of industry, shops inatlon because of sex In the pay- their local community and the and housing, while the linear plan amount of land still available for -i use in the Capitol Region. The ment of wages to some 27 million 1 GUYS and GALS 15-19 regional community. is like a modified strong center workers now covered by the Fair I .1 same thinking is behind the Wil­ i i Laat night many o f the town system, but with the intense de­ Labor Standards Act which in -' Snininer's almost horo— don't be loft out of oil the 1 i officials were also present, to get velopment running north a n d liam H. Whyte recommendations eludes minimum wage laws. V S for recreation land aa is behind w an idea what the altemativea south along the Coimecticut River The Wage and Hour Division of fun. SIGN UP N O W for tho "Amoiicon Beauty" New Low Prices! ' ace, plan work without regional gov-1 From Teaching Staff ets may be purchased at the contain a vast store of knowl­ ernment." | 4-Door. Green. Come and radio, heater, powergllde. door at $1 per person. In addi- edge and should prove a great for use aa pubHc recreational see this one. Stock No. 4457. Stock No. 4378. areas, whUe laige land holdings Greeley — "For example, the ditlon to the two evening show­ Teacher Entry asset to students. m m A gifted, vital, and vitalizing^ enta’ reading abilities, necessitated ings, there will be a matinee Bursts Forth Tonight and extensive large lot develop­ largely private regional planning $895 $2195 Theee books give a clear in­ ment should be discouraged. agency In metropolitan New York personality is lost to MHS with the organization and equipping of - Saturday afternoon at 2 for ele­ MHS artists and writers have a reading laboratory, the testing sight Into 'voluminous treas­ Housing—there should be a wide City has proved very successful, the resignation from the faculty of mentary and 'junior high school combined tlMlr talents to create ures of knowledge. In a mat­ variety of housing type?, from though without official authority.” of students so that individual needs children and the parents of the "One of the most lively, enter-9>month3 of Inten.sive work in danc-« with "Laurie,’’ to be played by Mrs. Helen P. Skinner because of might be determined, and the the 1963 Fine Arts Magazine pub­ ter of minutes, cxie can learn, apartments to large lot homes, Mrs. Lee — “It will be up to Second cast. taining and colorful musicals it ing, singing and acting, is the Janet Cheeaman and Jennifer ^ U1 health. planning ot a specific program for lished by the Arts Grwqj and sold what great minds like Plato, avaUable in as many .areas aa community planning boards to Aristotle and Freud had to say has ever been my privilege to largest production Sock and Bus­ Caven, in the night shows and feasible. carry out the jA an ; without their Mrs. Skinner has objectified the each. A semester of reading has to students last week. This maga­ kin haa ever attempted. Roughly matinees respectively. Laurie is '57 CADILLAC been required for underclassmen about love, art and democra­ see!” wrote a reviewer for The Industrial developmeiU—should cooperation the plan will be use­ 9-Passenger Limou­ image of the inspiring teacher zine Is the second annual edition, cy. They contain some 163,- a hundred students have been the aloof type who once says, "I less.” since she came to Manchester 33 whose reading ability haA been be­ first started in 1962 by the late Nation when he first saw "Okla­ working on jobs, both on and off wouldn't feel sorry for any man, be concentrated in industrial G O O D > ^ E > t R sine. Raven black, low their general level of intelli­ Drama Group 000 ideas or tcplcs of interest. homa!” Tonight the citizens of parks, with adequate faculties for No Referendum | years ago. In the BkigUsh class­ Mr. Daldd Hartwell; Miss Mary These vohunes were published the stage, to make It possible. It no matter what!” Unfortunately production and shipping. radio, heater, hy- $ ■ gence. In unaaslgned periods, Mrs. Lou Smith of the English depait- Manchester have the' privilege to Is the first show produced by the tor her, however, her mls€uithr<^y Keith — "There will be no ref- i room, aa director of the Sock and Skinner haa offered upperclaaamen by the Encyclopedia Briton- "These obJecUvea should then be dramatic, power >1' Buskpr drhma d a b ,' and aa a spec­ Gets Awards ment is advisor to the gztuip. see “Oklahoma!” on the stage ot club to have two complete casts: is combined with a pretty face. erendum, so individuals within a nUNUHLS! an opportunity to improve'reading '„a lc a in ooUzdtoratlon with the the Bailey Auditorium, performed abided to each of the reg;ional ialist in reading for the Jiast four The Fine Arts Magazine gtoto One for the Friday and Saturday Kathy Vennart and Betty Cran­ town will not have any direct I brakes, power steer­ apeed; every period has been filled. tTniversIty of Chicago. by members of Sock and Buskin plans, to det«m lne which provides years, Mrs. Skinner has made an recognition to the best of the fine night shov/lngs and one for the dall are the two playing "Ado An­ choice over the plan cboaen other Representative of the many who Dramatic Society and the Music the beat balance o f desirable fea­ than their influence on thdir rep- VF*' ing. exceptional contribution to the de­ Monday Night art and literature of MHS students Saturday afternoon matinee. nie,” a girl who claims she just tures." have, been delighted with their and is published under the a s u fi- There are 116 overhead lights In Department. reaentatlvea decision.” velopment of Manchester young progress was one Hmon* student "Oklahoma!” was first produced can't say no.” "Annie’s” suitor is The five |dans range from the CCS of the Flue Arts Group and the.MHS cafeteria. The show, a culmination of “Will Parker,” portrayed by Stn However, Greeley added—"Since people. Her goal of perfection, her 'Who rejoiced that her college work A ceremony for the National on Broadway in 1943, and has balanced plan, which provides each the effectuatlcm of the plan de- extraordinary talent for organiza­ Maryann Kovalcek, president, In been popular ever since. Thousands Jochimsen and Peter Almond. would require leas time as a re­ Thespian Society will be held Mon­ cooperation with the English de­ '60 VALIANT '62 RAMBLER tion, her creative imagination, and day, May 27, at 7 p.m. at Miller’s have seen it performed and many "Will” intends to marry "Annie” American 2-Door. Haven sult. partment. D E A L NO. 1 D E A L NO. 2 4-Door. White. Heater, auto­ her persuasive enthusiasm have Restaurant, to honor junior and more are familiar with songs from when he’s "worth 350" and can black. Radio, heater, white Mrs. Skinner’s professional This year, for the flnrt time a afford it. matic transmission, white- benefited ihiccessive groups of senior Sock and Buskin members its score, sucli as “Out of My walls, .to. 3682. Ideal pleas­ training in speeth and theatre in­ contribution from a teacher was ^ W ill "Oirlej’” find happiness with walls red Interior. Stock high school students. cluded study at “the Leland Power* who have greatly contributed to Dreams,” “The Surrey with the F U L L S E T F U L L S E T No. 4453. ure car and <>conoinical, too. accepted. Mr. David Monahan’s ex­ Fringe on Top,” "Oh, What a the offish "Laurie?” Can "Will” Of her many achievements, Mrs. School in Boeton, her work for her the club. planatory essay, "The Poet as Cre­ raise the f 50 neceasopr to make $1195 Skinner’s work with Sock and Master’s Degree at (jolumbia Uni­ EHeven Thespians will be Induct­ Beautiful Morning,” and, of course, $1195 ator” was placed first in the book. ■**« “Oklali^a!” "Ado Annie” start saying "no” ■via Buskin is recognized far beyond versity, and experience in a variety ed Monday night. To qualify for Mr. Monahan wrote of the reader’s the bonds of matrimony? What­ DRIVEWAYS $ ^ 0 5 0 Manchester. Under her direction, of summer theaters. A summer’s membership, it' is necessary to job to understand a work and the Members of the cast performing ever the outcome, there's fun for '56 FORD ' the club won top honors In ten study at Cambridge University in on Friday and Saturday nights '58 OLDS. 4-Door. Ivory and blue. Ra­ have done 100 hours of work ki poet’s duty to guide through sym­ all tonight and tomorrow night as Free Estimates On: Convertible. . Coral, radio, of the annual Connecticut Secon­ Elngiand enriched her teaching of the dramatic arts. These new mem- bols. Tills essay written about “Of are: Jimmy Smith, Janet Chees- dancers, singers, bronc busters, a dio and heater, automatic. literature. Study at the Unlverrtty man, Kathy 'Vennart, Stuart Jo­ ’ 3 8 “ -A heater. Hydramatlc. Stock No. 4094. , dary School Drama Festivals and 'b«rs Include Diane Bampton, Jen­ a Winter Night” by Susan Trotter, Pei'sian peddler and an eccentric No. 4291. in two. of the NeW Ekigland Festi­ of Hartford qualified her oCficlolly nifer Caven, Joan (jirttman, Eliz­ ’64. Also included in this year’s chimsen, Frost Thumauer, Eld old, man come together on the BITUMINOUS ASPHALT PAVING 2 f'oi ^19^8 2 FOR *25®® $42j$ vals Mrs. Skinner never had to as a r«^ in g specialist- abeth Dawkins, Betsy Gaudreau, work were Dianne Platt’s "Song of Hachadourian, Harry Hunting- stage at 8 p.m. $895 tailor her selection of a play to Mrs. Skliuier was the first high Oreglann Gibbs, Hklward Hacha- the Tiller” and ”I Am the Earth’^ ton. Mark Squatrito, and R o n Liz Dawkins 8’64 6.70x15, tube-type Helm. • DRIVEWAYS • PARKING LOTS 6.70x 15, tube-type '61 CMVROUT the obvious abilities of a year’s school teacher to replace a college dourian, Stuazt Jochimsen, Donna which won the Scholastic Arts III memberships because she could teacher as- president o f the-New MandMl; Robert— PatuUik; - and Magazine Gold Key. Award...... The matinee cast c/onsisls of Sj^aker___ • GAS STATIONS • BASKETBALL COURTS '62 VO LVO Parkwood /Wagon. Radio, Harry Hlintingldn,' Jennifer Ca­ Nylon All-Weather “42 Nylon All-Weather “42” heater, standard trans­ reach latent emotions and train Hyland Speech Teachere’ Associ­ Kathleen Vennart. Contributors this year were Mrs. Alice Gurney was guest 2-Door. White. Radio, heater, the teen-age actors to express ation. She has filled the presidency Sue Trotter ’64, Jennifer (3aven ’63, ven, Betty Crandall. Pete Almond, .speaker at a meeting of the In­ ALL WORK PERSONALLY SUPERVISED Blackwalls W hitewalls whitewalls. mission. /Tutone beige and In addition to theee awards, nine gold. N o. 4242. them in voice and manner. and other offices in both the state Jeff Thomas )6M Ooltman ’65, Gregg Gibbs, Eric Johnson, Ron ternational Relations Club held 15-month Road Hazard Guarantaa 15-month Road Hazard Guaranteo ' and the New England Dttuna Fes­ members of the society wlU be­ Donna Davis ’63, Dennis Morin ’63, Helm and Alan Archibald. A member of the club had varied come one-star Ihespiana, signify­ Tliuraday, May 16, after school. WE ARE 100% INSURED Prices plus tax and trade-in tires $1645 $1990 tival coimclle. Dianne Platt 'M, Mary Williams TTie actors are supported, in Prices plus tax and trade-in tires experience in acting or stage craft ing that they have completed 200 Mrs. Gurney, who traveled to Rus­ ».'-T ■ Her colleagues at Manchester ’64. Paul Flavell ’63. Baihara each cast, by a group of about sia with a group of women trying whether working vrith the annual iKxm’ work. These students are Richmond ’64, Paula Wuppeifeld public production, with the one High are conscious a t the depriva­ twenty-five singers and dancers. to convince Russian women to pro­ DE MAIO BROTHERS since mo Barbara Pearce, Kathy Ryan, RlcOxmond ’64, Paula Wupperfleld "Curiey,” played by Jimmy act ,plays given at assemblies, or tion to the^sohool In losing Mrs. Nicholas DeCesare, Frost Thurn- test nuclear ’ testing, qpoke ateut TEL. 643-7691—WE CARRY JENNITE SEALER Skliuier’s professional excellen­ ’63, Maryann Kovalcek ’63, JOah Smith in the niglit shows and Russia and showed slides. The , with workshop plays presented at auer. Sue Boris, Jeff Pond, Jeff Coltman ’64, Jim Prentice.and Harry Huntington in the matinee, »ctob meetings. cies, regretful alt missing her'spir­ Thomas, Stu Jochimseh, and Ed­ slides included plciureg of War­ CHEVROLET ited guidance of the 'faculty So­ Candice Fenn ’63. i t ^ r y Pond Kathy Ryan is the best “bronc buster” in the saw. Leningrad, the Kremlin, and The annual club trip to New ward Hachadourlah. ’I^vo mem­ n6 moM y ^d 6'w n ! cial Committee and saddened at Art work chosen by the Art territory and best "steer roper” in several children’s camps. 4-Door. White, heater, York, as well as participation In having BO fine an Indi'vidual with­ bers, Jeff Pond and Frost department and Bobbi Weiss, art 17 counties. He ie madly in love I Sally Chapin, ’65 - TCFSYN MOTNTIfifG! school drama festivals, added ob­ nm m auer will become two - star editor, Included the cover, ‘'Infini­ Legion of Honor powerglide. Stock No. drawn from dally peroonal asso­ Toughest by test of any' rubber $1 servation to participation as ,ex­ ciation. ’ITiesplans for 300 hours of work. ty,” by Dlahe. Lewis, ’64, who ever used in Goodyear auto tires. 3798. perience. ’The fun of the annual Five sophomores will receive plcms to pursue art as a career. banquet and dance was not less­ Other artists contributing were The rising curtahi, the perform­ Kathy Ryan has always wanted Miss Anna McGuire’s English U certificates from the Manchester ers, the scenery and the appreci­ "to put on dungarees and a sweat­ ened by the fact that the niceties High School Chapter. They are; Herta Stertman ’63, Robert Car- of social behavior were a part of classes have been, entertained by son '64, RoUand Cote ’64, Mike ative audience are reminders of shirt, can'y an unabridged, foot­ oral topics such as "How to Midce Toby SJoeberg, Judy FrlUiaen, Judy Sock and Buskin. And Sock and noted volume of Shakespeare and MHS Hopes Dashed the training. Italian Wine," "Cricket,” “ Swiss Jaekaoil, Jolw Krinjak, and Jo­ Laurintano ’63, Cindy Sriggs ’65, It is characteristic of Mrs. Robert Lincoln ’65, Pat Close ’63, Buskin Is an imposing memory of some cans of beans and stowaway Skiing” and "Irish Wakes.” anne Neilsen. Gall Seiler, ’65; Jeffry Pond, this week’s leg;lon- on trains for a free trip across the '59 FORD Skinner's feeling of responsibility Joyce Hendrickson ’64, and Thom­ '59 MERCURY • to society th^, during World as Barlow ’64. naire. His alacrity and <5lve, country." She considers Rasputin Pl»o powor mowor that station wagon. 4-door Coun­ 4-Door Hardtop. White and witnessed in both dramatic and the most Interesting character in try sedan, blue. Radio, War n , she had the club donate Eighty-eight Manchester mer­ By Windham Loss coral, radio, heater, Merco- chants served as sponsors for Fine real life, have won him popularity. history and King Aroo is her fa­ MOWS/ cfoeMM ond mukhmt heater, Fordomatlc. Stock the proceeds of the annual play, D E A L NO. 3 D E A L NO. 4 , maUc, whitewalls. Stock "Smiling Through,” to a Mdtidle Arts this year. The magazine is He says that he "likes most every­ vorite public ..personage. Though No. 3576. No. 3880. Annual Arts and Crafts Sale body.” she has bizarre preferences, Kathy — im ofvo 9pmniti9n Canteen unit. sold jointly with MHS Publica­ The familiar rhyme. "Rain, rain j;fir^. baseman Mark Monotta '64 $1195 The club provided a rich and tions Staff, advised by Mrs. Grace Jeff has spent many hours re­ has combined her longing for the F U L L S E T $990 ___ _ hearsing and performing beneath extraordinary with a record o f dis­ go away” was repeated by the wSre ajao guilty of errors. F U L L S E T varied experience In good theatre Highlighted hy Student Works Kunz. members 'of the Manchester Base­ , Manchester scored in the third, for its audiences: from the stark . . Joan Coltman, ’64. the .MHS stage lights. His most tinguished good- citizenship '55 CHEVROLET through her four years of high ball team last Tueseday at Willi- when Crowell doubled and Don ■57 OLDSMOBILE tragedy o f the Greek "Antigone” memorable moment in Sock and mantic, but to no avail. V^ile the 4-Doo-, -Station Wagon. 2- 4 - ^ r . Black. Radio, neater, One can gather an idea of the Buskin was playing the part of tohool. Simmons ’63, delivered a timely (a. New Elngland Festival winner) The annual Manchester High rain washed out Manchester’s single to drive him home, "^is tone green, heater, Power automatic. No. 4183 School Arts and Crafts sale vast output of the arts and craft "Algernon Moncrlefr’ in “The She is a member of the first Glide. Stoci: No. 4515. to the moving universality of ” Our Guidance Office hopes of viotoryover Windham, it lead held up until the disastrous, $795 Town”; from the charming period be held Friday and Saturday. May classes and the high quality, of Importance of Being Earnest.” team on the Debating Club, of may also have swept away a fifth, their work. This year Mrs. La- * 5 3 ' ® $350 piece of "Pomander Walk” to the 24 and 25, In the arts and crafto Jeff's other extra-curricular ac­ which she is vice president. She chance for a state tournament A week from yesterday, toe In­ brightly .contemporary "Junior rooms, 209 and 207 and in the 'verne' Kelson thought It might' be Receives Viewlex tivities include membership in the has served the school as a mem­ berth. Elvery game from here on added attraction to show some I dians whitewashed Maloney, 5-0, for $ ®® 2 f o r $ 3 2 $ 6 '59 STUDEBAKER '56 CHEVROLET Miss” ; from the eighteenth cen­ library. The exhibit will be iu>en Somanhls and Current Affairs ber of the High School World.^and on in is a “ must” game. at Memorial FMeld, behind the five- 2 26 _ tury comic vein of "The Rivals," 7 to 9. This special time scheoule of the notebooks kept by the Art The Guidance .Department has Club. Jeff passes much of his Girls’ Leaders Club. She is active 4-Dkjor Wagon. Tutone green. Appreciation classes. These show ! The contest was curtailed after hit pitching of Captain Fred Mc- 6'.70xl5, tube-type ' 5.70x15, tube-type LARK to the modem laugh-provokw, is in conjunction 'with the "Okla­ received a Viewlex, a college pre­ leisure time reading, and he enjoys in (Current Affairs Club where she five inning* with Windham lead- (Jurry ’63. Mac fanned 11 and is­ heatW’ powergllde. pakvtlngs of famous artists of spe­ 2-Dbor. Blue, heater. Stock No. 4008. "Our Hearts Were Young and homa" production so that during viewer which has a built in phon­ attending sports games and pep was recently elected an officer In . Ing 3-1. However, after dclay- sued only one free pass. Intermission guests may come to cified periods in the history of art ograph and screen. The purpose rallies. the Model UN (Congress at Hart- Nylon ill-Weather Nylon All-Weather $695 Gay.” and are examples of impresaion- I ing the game for apparently 20 George May ’63, provided all the ■ ” I $595 The creative dramatic talents the exhibit. - of the Viewlex^ is to give college- J effs studies for this year in­ fprd. Kathy finds other vents for I minutes, play was resumed. The support Mac needed when he belt­ In teth push-type arif-propdled Orbit-Am models, an Blickw alls W hitewalls Paintings, sketches, prints, ce­ iam, potntaliem and realism. Tech­ bound students an opportunity to clude Advanced Placement Eng­ her various interests as a Thespian which Mrs. Skinner brought forth niques and Comparison of artists ; Indians made the most of this ed a prodigious toree-tfm homer In •xcliuive feature circulates grata clippings in an orbit 18-month Road Hazard Guarantea 16[;-month Road Hazard Guarantaa '58 FORD can be observed in 1963 in local ramics, masks and other clay see and hear about different col­ lish, Modern History, Latin IV, in Sock and Buskin Dramatic So­ chance. Tom Moore ’65 and Ron the third. May has been getting 2-Door. White and blue. Ra­ '57 FORD are noted. chanber until they're cut to tiny particles. These fine Prices plus tax and trade-in tires Prices plus tax and trade-in tires theatrical productitms In the work pieces will be on display. Anyone leges. Math Anaiysls and Trigonometry. ciety and by participating in girls’ Anderson ’64, who had doubled ”toe good wood” cm toe balls aa of dio, heater 6 cylinder, stand­ Country Squire 9 Pass. Wag­ wishing to purchase on art piece The crafts division of the show So far the department has re­ He says tlmt English and math are intramurals. She also serves as a P*Hiclea are then blown down cloa^ to the ground to give of Fred Bllsh and Allan Coe. Law­ boasts exhibits of pewter boxes, and 'Walked, respectively before late and appears to have rounded nourishment to growing grass. ard transmission. Stock No. on. V-8, radio, haater, auto­ yers John Shea and Richard Wood- may do so If the price is lUited. ceived filmstrips and records for hda favorites. Jeff’s scholarly abil­ Sunday school teacher aiid on the the rain, return^ to toe bases. into sh a ^ after being side-lined by 4010. matic. Stock No. 3817. silver jewelry, enamel cloisonnes, the Viewlex from thirteen colleges ity Is further indicated by his executive board of her youth group house and high school Ehiglish Oil paintings will be priced at |9, pewter jewelry, ash trays, tie Bill McCarthy ’63 then walked to ankle iiijury at toe beginning of When you use an Orbit-Air, your lawn is beautifully | , and Is on waiting lists at other membership In 'NationzU Honor and writes a column for her church $725 teacher Gilbert Hunt are among water colors nt 6 and other racks and tie l»ra, earrings, rings, load toe bases. Rick Marsh ’64 the season. m ow ed...and aa clean as a carpet. The Ormit-Air is an $595 the local men Whose dramatic prints and sketches at S3 and un­ colleges to receive this free ma­ Society and a Letter of Commen­ newspaper. poked a sacrUUice fly to deep left, Both McChirry and CrowaU gar­ braedeta, necklaces and key terial. dation from the National Merit excellent leef-mulcher. too. training has had value in their der. chains. The prices vary from |.50 Both her writing and speaking scoring Moore. With two outs nered two hits tor tot victors MTION-WIBE IHMl NUARO AND OUALITY 6UAIIAItTU-AII naw Goodytar 125 OHar "OK" Uitd Cars to CbooM The department has also receiv­ A'wards. talents have been rewarded by and 't w men on Don Crowell ’63, while McCarthy belted a seomd Ayto Tires arc euarantecd Nation-Widc; 1. Against normal road hazards professions. A great deal of pr^aration has to $10. Not Retreads, Not Seconds, Not Closeouts Mrs. Skinner’s obvious success gone into the arts and crafts show ed two records for students inter­ Jeff chooees Winston (JhurchUl two Honorable Mentions in the a standout perfoimer all day, dou­ liming double to sigqteit toe hit- * * * * ^ * * " ' * * • * “ OtSIT-AIfS erhtt chamber b camptetely e„ blomxrts, fabric brealu, cuts—euept repairaUa punctures. Students have worked equally ested in going to college. The rec­ as his favorite historical personage limited to orl|inj| owner for number of months sitecified. „ as dramatic coach has enriched this year. Paintings had to be Scholastic Writing Contest and a bled to drive In what looked to be tli^ attack. enUeted — eUminets* dangar from eb(ccti buried by the Made. ------“ irAnAgainst hard to prepare for this exhBiU ords, "How to Get Into College” because, he says, Oiurchill "was Speaker’s Citation at a UConn de- toe two "go ahead” runs. But THESE TIRES ARE 6UARANTEED any defects in workmanship and material without limit as to Unw or many young lives but her less mounted, prices listed and names and sale. A vast amount of work 'To.ouching all bases . . . lUck attached. Students have worked and “ Fincuieing a College Ekhica- a great and leader.’’ batp. the game was delayed again— Marsh ’64, made a speotaoi^r mileage. - (kwdyear tire dealers in the U.S. or Canada will maka adjust­ public contributions In the class­ into theee piecee. They must tlon,” may be heard In the Gui­ The merit and resolution of CheaM Iba 3-hp Oelume (pudi-lype) ORMT-AIR, or the 3V%-ho room have provided even more equally hard in making the room Kathy has other things to keep this time for almost an hour and shoestring g roh m the fourth in­ IN WRITIN6I ment allowance on new tire based on original bead depth remaining and put together, pdiahed and dance Offffice or borrowed over­ Churchill can also be apiplied to .Pawar.propaned ORUT-All Wo hove fh o «...S aa ut Id d ^ current “Goodyear Prica.” extensive benefits. Loving poetry neat, pinning up pictures, and find­ her busy, such as her studies this was never resumed. Thus, the ning of toe Windham game to pre­ r buffed, tagged and priced. Mrs.night so that students may dis­ Jeff, who loolis forward to at­ year, .which indludea; Western score reverted back to the last serve, at that time, Gallagher's herself, she evoked student re­ ing out who belongs to what. Elizabeth Budd, head of the de­ cuss them with their parents. tendance at Dartmouth CToIlege in Civilization. Chemistry, Honors complete inning, toe fifth, and nb-hitter . , . Marsh narrowly sponse. Whether a class was using A variety of shapes u d sites of partment and crafts teacher, has Backed Up By 60/000 Goodyear Tire Dealers And Stores Wherever You Go . • paintings are available*. Thia year Students who wieh to use the September. French II, and 'Advanced Place­ Wihdham« won 3-1. missed an extra base hit when his choral speaking techniques, dram­ Judged and prepared the display Viewlex or records may pick up Jeff is the son of Mr, and Mrs. atizing a piece of literature, or a great many new techniquea have ment English. When her time isn’t Gary Gallagher '64 pitched per­ clout down toe left field line land­ CAPITOL EQUIPMENT C H E V R O L E T J along with her students. posass in the Guidance Office. A. V. Pond, 210 Parker St. involved in "busy work” or long fect ball for four complete innings,, ed foul by taichee . . . Crowell’s discussing a proMem ki a big been introduced. Students have T te arts and czefts aale has 38 MAIN ST. — TEL. 643-7958 done ooUagea, inkwaahes, char­ Miarj Luke ’65. Sue Troitter, ’64 range projects, both o f which she retiring the first twelve 'W hipp^ fielding Sparkles and his hlttbig circle, the BngUsb period w«a live­ been a feature of Mancheeter High dete:Sts, Kathy enjoys painting ly anid rewarding. coal sketohes, pen atid ink in a row. But then toe "ro o f’ has improved . . . All toe hits in O P E N 7 A M . to 5 PJd, DAILY School for the past few “years. In the corridor behind xthe oafe- and drawing, tennis, reading and fell in. ' A hard stxyt bounded off toe sixth tamiilg of toe raiawllorti, Many adults remember the an­ sketches, color wakh«f, tempera Oueets have been invited, and stu­ toria is a framed picture/pf MHS, The word "Thespian” comes "A FRIENDLY PUCE TO BUr* nual literary' pilgrimages which colors, alpha ookH*, caaoina cotois listening to the songs . of Joan Crowell’s chest for toe first safe­ ened contest were nullified . . . An­ T H V U O A Y 7 A J L to • PJW. NicholS' dent* have been urged to have explaining cost and contractors. from the name of the Greek poet, Baez. ty -off Gallagher. The Whippets derson and Simmons both cams, up TiYe, Inc. Mrs. Skinner', conducted for her and poster paints. PaateU, finger their parents attend. Thespis, who lived olbout 600 BC. 289.3441 • OPEN EVENINGS classes in American Literature to paints wera alto uted. Meth­ Though next year will find her then pushed down four straighit with hard nnunden in key oltna- ' MATHKDAY 7 AJIf. to 4 P.M. 295 ,BROAD STREET The winner* of keys aitd places The MHS library recently ac­ He introduced the practice of at the University of Chicago, bunts, and all four runners reach­ tionn . . . Only two gamc^remoln 467 CONN. BOULEVARD. EAST HARTFORD sitee oaeodated with New EMgland ods of apidying the color In­ hi the National Art Contest and quired six books o f French litera­ using aotors for performances MANCHESTER authors iii Boston and Concord. cluded razor blades, atring, palate Kathy now lives'at 79 Vernon St. ed base, resulting in ttusa valu­ for toe Red and White . . . TTie. Scholastic Art Contest may be' ture. Written In French, they in­ where chorused had- been ordinari­ with her parents, Mr. Mrs. able runs. Gallagher twice threw Wrndham lots tiiay come baok to aciia flklnnar'a moat, recent woik.; knlvea, bruahes, pena and aeen among the other entrlea in clude works from the Middle Ages ly used. TradHltm has tt that be ddvotad to impravament ot otu- ireni." Charles E. Ryan. > to "t h e wrong base” in toda oha- ’Tiaunt" toe KslISynm. to the present w«s ttte tnvwtor ot. tragedy. li z Dawkins, ’Ci

’L 'I i ■1

V. '

MANCHESTER EVia^ING HERALD, MANCHESTElR, CONN, FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1668 TWELVB MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. OONN„ FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1968 Sohool faculty are: Cheryl Barnes, PAGE THIRTBEN at 290 Long HiU Rd., Helen S. Hebron Katherlfie Darwin and Wills Rob­ l^^'iSbuth Windsor Lawler to D. E. Chase; at 563 erts, all Juniors, chosen fOr lead­ and hom*es for the aged, eq>eOialiy ' . 1 I ' ...... Graham Rd., P. A. Miller to W. ership, abUlty, friendUness, sports­ Rent^ Food Cheap in Chinal 7 at Crestfield in the field of recreation. M. Burrill; on High St., Hillside manship and civic Interest. Girls Racist Governor's Legal Bid , DellaFera, president of the Oon- Fred Caruolo Dr. and Future Rd., Nicholson Contract Bids State will be held at the UofC, At State Parley necUcut CSironic and Convalescent Realty Inc. to the'town of South June 23-29. (Jheiyl is the daughter But Luxuries^ Leisure Scarce Hospital Association, was accom­ Windsor for highway use; at 110 of Mr.iand MreT Charlee S. Barnes ‘ Brushed Aside with Footnote Hillside Dr., PhllUps Associates Invited for Francis P. DellnFera, adminis­ panied to the conference by Mrs. Principal of of Amston Lake, Hrtron. Kather­ Blanche Goodchild, director o f CENTER Inc. to W. B. Savltkas; on Scontlc ine is the daughter of Mr. and (OoBtIntMd Ircm Page One trator, and aix members of the avaUable to all, Ideally for I (OonUnued from Page One moved Into the city if a riot began' nurses at Crestfield: Mrs. Doris Rd., Alex PUkonis to W. P. Kalber; Mrs. Roy Darwin of Andover. staff of .Oresliield Convale-scent Coles, Mrs. Louiss Woodruff, Mrs. on 16 AUen Dr., , Werner RuU- Beappraisal furniture—but thq prices ere not nothing, was a surprise to the again. High School Wills is the daughter of Mr. and Chinese we saw. It a worker has the 14th Amendment and that it Hoe^ital yesterday attended .the Barbara Mitchell, Mrs. Marie Lan­ Mofor Sales koetter to W. L. Avallone; on Oak- Mrs. John Roberts of Marlborough. so very different from those for Kennedy didn’t need Article 10, to see a doctor or go to a hospital, was thereby “ declared to be part Section 333 to send . troops into second annual statewide confer­ ders and Mrs. Ruth Converse. wood Dr.,' U&R Housing Oorp. to Bids for the contract to do a All have fine recorde in experience, the cheaper ranges of simUar of the Constitution.” Frad J. Caruolo of Job’s HiU A. R Sicilia; on Matlock Rd. and the Chinese told us proudly, he Birmingham to Army bases. As ence on "New Volunteer Ventures” revaluation of real estate and per­ activities and sportamaMhip. goods in the West. Roughly gets his treatment free; but his On July 28, 1868, the secretary at the Statler Hilton Hotel, Hart­ PERFUMED CAKE ltd., BUngton, has been named Charing Rd., Wilshdre Woods Inc. The Republican Town Commit­ President he can move troops prtnoipal of South Windsor Higti sonal property of Hebron taxpay­ speaking, he is in the position of family or dependents have to pay of state certified that the 14th anywhere. '•But if he sent them ford. The conference was sponsor­ NAPLES (AP) — If you like to 100% Mechanical to Vincent Edgar. ers, Mked by the aaseasors, will tee is already looking ahead to the half the cost of their treatment. Amendment had become valid. Sohool by the BosJid of Education. Quit Claim .Deeds; Property on a' men with the wages of 1933 into Birmingham to stop a new ed by Connecticut Department bf eat your cake and smell it, too, be opened May 29 at 8 pm . in the October election and will discuss This can be rough. Chief Justice Charles Evans Health. come to Naples, He replaces Henry Adams, who KeUy Rd. from S. C. Carlson to candidates for town offices at its living in the world of lees. riot he would then invoke ar- Guorontoo on All resign^ .his position. to become a town hall. Dennis. A. Keefe, chair­ Still, the cost of Hospitalization Hughes remarked that: “ This de­ •ticle 10. The purpose of the confab was Pastiera ' is a specialty here. F. J. Donahue; on Kelly Rd from coming meeting in Jime. Anyone He is decently dressed in his cision of the political departments xemedial reading Instructor in the man of the assessors, may be call­ blue Jeolcet and trousers, with a is low, and comes to little beyond Nevertheless, the Justice De­ to interest volunteers in working It’s cake perfumed with water of F. 'J.-Donahue to S. C. Owlson; ed upon for details. The winning wishing to take upon himself the of the government as to the val­ Cars, 1956 and obovo elednentary schools. He will be­ on Bumham St., M. A. Gilman shirt—but. never e tie—and a roll­ the cost of board and lodging. partment told ’ the court, although with patients a,t nursing homes roses or attar of orange. bidder must furnish a bond and duties of any of the town offices idity of the 14th Amendment has gin hto duties on Aug. 1. to PauUne Gibnan; on Main St., at MANPHESTER MOTOR SALES necked pullover if it Is'cool; a blue Chang, as a worker, receives his Kennedy hasn’t yet Invoked Article Caruolo is presently assistant must fini^di the work by Oct. 15, is asked to communicate with I been accepted.” J. G. Murphy to Sunset Gardens Chairman Clifford R Wright or quilted cotton jacket for cold full pay when sick: and he re­ But the Justice Department 10, Wallace wants it declared un­ principal of ElUn^on High otherwise must reimburse the town weather. Rut these are all the tires at flO on three-fourths pay. constitutional. I We can arrange financ­ School, and has been since 1956. Inc. at $50 per day if contract has any other committee member. spent the rest of Us brief on the School Menus St. Peter’s Notes clothes he has and they serve him Mrs. Chang gets the same pay as second move Wallace made to get But the Justice Department ing for your car! Ho is a graduate of the Univer­ been made with the town on or be­ for feast days, holidays, and work her husband,. but she gets two urged the court to say that if the sity of Rhode Island, class of 1953, Elementary schools: Monday •— Services at St. Peters Episcopal Now’s the fime,to Get the Best Vacation Buy a lAw dating back to 1871—Article fore June 16. days. days more a month off, retires Pre.sident should think it nece.s- where ho received his bachelor’s barbecued beef on bun, buttered Church Sunday will be: Holy Com­ 10, Section 333 of the U.S. Code I We take anything in green beans, wedge of lettuce and Smorgasbord Report He has a radio, and a bicycle— five years earlier, and has two —declared unconstitutional. . sary to use Article 10, Section 333, degree in education. His mas­ munion, 8 am .; morning prayer, months off on full pay when she trade, too. Radios, real dressing, fruit; Tuesday — frank- A good start is reported for the 10 am ., at which time closing ex­ the streets are full of bicycles— Heads Agents Under this law a President can he' can legally do so and that ter's degree in science education, smorgasbord to be held tomorrow has a baby. therefore the law is constitutional. estate, boats, etc. majoring in biology, was received furts and sauerkraut, mashed po­ ercises of the church school wiH but a camera or a television set Richard 8. Carpenter, CLU, was send troops into a state where at Hebron Congregational Church, on the Oldsinobiie of Your Choice! At the Chao Yang workers’ liv­ Since Presidents repeatedly in tatoes, carrot sticks, geiatin; take place. All children will meet is a rare luxury. elected president of the Manchc;- there is "domestic violence” that from the' University of Connecti­ ing quarter, outside Shanghai—a cut in 1957. He is now complet­ Wednesday—chicken noodle soup, with serving from 4 to 8 p.m. in Phelps HaU at 9:45 to form a He does not even dream of pos­ ter Association of Independent In­ hinders the execution of the laws the past have used troops under ing work for his six-year certifi­ cold meat sandwich, cake; Thurs­ Sponsored by the Women’s Fel­ procession into the church for the sessing a cart newly built residential and indus­ surance Agents Wednesday at the of the United States.” Article 10, it’s a pretty good SPECIAL! cate at the university. Caruolo day—no schooi (Memorial Day); lowship, proceeds will be used to service. There will be no classes Before he needs a car, after all, trial area—we visited the homes annual meeting at the Manchester For example if there should be bet the court isn't going to pay at­ has had eight years experience in Friday—scrambled eggs, buttered help their pledge of $3,000 for he needs leisure; and Chang is not of several textile workers and (Country Club. a race riot in Alabama, where tention to Wallace, particularly '56 FORD held. their families. .«lnce he's complaining about a the field of education. whole kernel com, potato chips, churrii renovation. The brotherhood of St. Andrew yet very • rich in this commodity. Other officers are William Rood whites control the police, the CONVERTIBLE cheese, peanut butter and jam Congregational News He works eight hours a day, six In the primary school, we were President might decide that Ne­ law that hasn't been used on him. Portable TV Ha is married and haa two Chil­ will meet tomOiTow at 7:80 am . of the Crockett Agency, vice pres­ sandwich, fruR MUk is served ’The Rev, John N. Cross, pastor days a week. A man is given four led about by the hand by the en­ groes might be denied equal pro­ Radio, heater,, V-8 dren. as usual ident, and Alfred P. W e r b n e r, TRANSFERRING THE TUNA Police Training School with aU meals. of the Hebron and Gilead Congre­ days off a month, a woman six. chanting children — two children managing agent Of the Jarvis tection guaranteed them by t(ie The training school for the town High School: Monday—barbe- gational churches, wrill have as his Manchester Evening Herald He­ They have two weeks’ holiday a per visitor, and if a hand was Agency, secretary-treasurer. 14th Amendment. I DURBAN, South Africa (AP)— ^^389 noUoe, which began yesterday, wiU cuO pork on roll, wax beans, ap­ sermon topic Sunday, “Rejoice In bron correspondent. Miss Susan B. year, if they are lucky—some relinquished several more hands In such a case the President, The large Japanese fisheries com- plesauce; Tuesday—spaghetti with God’s Holiness.” Service In Hebron have none--8uid this may be spent were always eager to ^ a b it, Frank P. Sheldon, CLU, chair­ if he felt local authorities wouldn't ' pany, Talyo Gyagyo, Is investigat­ be held at the high school twice Pendleton, telephone 228-8454. man of the library committee of weekly through Jime 24 on Mon­ meat sauce. Ice cream; Wednes­ win be at 10 a.m.; Gilead, 11:15, In visiting relatives. Their own They showed us the playgrounds, or couldn't give Negroes protec­ ing using this South African port '56 VOLKSWAGEN day—cheeseburgers or hamburg­ Sunday school in Gilead, 10 a.m.; children may be ; staying with the swings, the fountains, the danc­ the association, sinnounced that 57 tion,'could send in troops. Recent­ as a landing base for tuna catches day. and Thrirsdays at 7 p.m. Law BASEMENT BARGAIN books have been donated to Mary enforcement officers from East ers on roll, beets or com, cherry Hebron, 11:15. The Pllgpdm Fel­ DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — grandparents, and be seen only ing classes. A little group , sang to ly there was a riot in Birming­ made by its fishing vessels off SEDAN or pineapple squares; Thursday— lowship will meet in Hebron at on rare occasions. In the spring, us what; might be called the theme Cheney Library by the associa­ ham. After the riot Kennedj sent Madagascar in the Indian Ocean. Radio, heater, green. Windsor and Vernon, and others in Everything including the kitchen tion. ’The books cover all phases of 9595 area, have been invited to at­ no school (Memorial Day); Friday 7:30 and wUl discuss “Positive sink — was offered at bargain one or two days must be spent Ui song of Chao Yang, in which the troops Into Alabama. ' If catches were unloaded here -fish, baked potatoes, peas, ’Thinking.” visiting the tombs of their ances­ first line is: insurance. He didn't send them into Bir­ and shipped in refrigerated ves­ tend the classes. prices for the "Arts and Ends’’ The association plans to aug- The ooTUse is being instructed pears. Milk Is served with all About Town show held for the benefit of the tors, an annual honor that most "Mother is sleeping after the mingham. There was no need for sels to Japan, the company’s fish­ n>ent the collection with additional ing boats could spend longer times by training officers of the State meals. ’The rummage sale sponsored by Art Center Library. Chinese pay to the spirits of the night shift." them then. He sent them to two *56 CHEVROLET Police Academy, specialists in the Hebron Grange last week brought Items donated from basements departed. It seemed to us to sum up the material each year in order to keep Army bases near Birmingham. on the fishing grounds during the , catching season. various branches of state police Advertisement— In over $60. and attics ranged from antiques ’The idea of medical treatment vigor and pathos of Chao Yang. it up to date. From there they could quickly be 4-DOOR SEDAN work; court offloesa, jail adminis­ Wanted—Carrier in the Avery The marriage of Miss Margaret and picture frames to a lawn- 6 eyllnder, atirk 9495 trators and a training offlcer of Street, Plneknob, Woodland Park Whltehouse Amston Lake to mower. One of the first things to the UJ3. Army Reserve. area. Call Mr. Wilson, Circula­ Robert Cone of WllUmantlc will rate a "sold” tag was a double take place June 1 in the Olleewl Lectures will include note-tak­ tion Dept, Herald. 643-2711 or Ed. sink. Leonard, M4-0634. Congregational Church at 11 o.m., ing, descriptions of persons, inter­ the Rev. John N. Cross, pastor, of­ viewing, preserving e v i d e n c e , '57 FORD criminal law data, traffic control, Manchester Evening Herald ficiating. 2-DOOR South Rlndsor correspondent, Delegates to Laurel Girls State motor vehicle Isiws, accident work selected the Regional High Radio, heater, blue. 9545 and related subjects. Lanra Katz, telephone 644-1753. PnbUo Records Wsnantee Deeds: Property on Chapd Hd., Paul Oaesaiino to P. J. THIS BIG, BEAUTIFUL ’63 OLDS Tranchina; property on Avery St. '57 MERCURY and WooSpin Recoil Starter Radio, heater, automatic PRIMER transmission power S C A E Here's your guide to going places! We’ll give you— R O N FIREMAN AND A LUXURIOUS RIDE! free—this colorful, 88-page Road Atlas and ’Travel quality, performance, value! steering, 9-pass, , * on previously painted surfaces Guide. Detailed road maps of the U. S., Canada and WTG 20-INCH • 'H-iv • MANCHESTER CUSTOM Mexico. WTG20.|NCH r o t a r y m o w e r w i t h '57 FORD RUe GLEANING ROTARY MOWER CONVERTIBLE Dei Knowles^ Prop. Mark II VALUE LOADED IN THE AT THESE LOW, LOW Automatic transmission, V-8, radio, heater, new top, new Some MEDIUM-PRICE FIELD GUARANTEED BRIGGS & STRATTON / / -Charged OIL FURNACE BIG AND BEAUTIFUL PRICES YOU CAN TAKE paint, new upholster- A Combination! 1.25 ing, red and white. ’ ■ 9 U Service OR 2ilI air cleaner WANTED! and not wasted up the chim­ er*, oil filter, five (5) 8.00 x 14-inch tires. The following are standard in '55 CHEVROLET ney. Thousands of owners 14-gauge sled chaaeSe Clean, Late Model ALL Oldsmobiles: Two sun visors, two ash trays, four arm rests and cigar­ 2-DOOR C. J. report exceptional oH sav­ *2975 stick shift, V-8. ings. No soot means that Metallic enameled finish the cause of about 90% ette lighter. (Plus Ck>nn. State Sales Tax) USED CARS aervice calls is also elimi­ nated. Phone us, or come TOP PRICES PAID in—we*! demonstrate. '56 CHEVROLET > MORRISON on B r ie f * ^ Stratton on- Fogarty Bros., Inc. fino. Guaran- II CONVERTIBLE PAINT STORE lead airainat 11 Automatic transmission, V-8, Carter defocts in ma­ radio, heater, A A O C WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS 319 BROAD ST.—'M . 649-4536 te ria ls and CHEVROLET CO., INC. 385 CENTER STREET — 649-9713 workmanship tutone .paint. MANCHESTER C»NN. under normal 1229 Main St. Manchester usa and care. '62 CHEVROLET IMPALA CONV. stick shift, 6 cylinder, radio, heater. Beautiful A 9 9 Q C emerald green., T • Fait, «aiy wind-up n r n Now Is The Time To Gef The Besf Vacafion Buy In impult* starter - ’57 CHEVROLET FOR SHORELINE USE CONVERTIBLE Radio, heater, automatle VALUE-RATED USED CARS Finger-tip Y H F O N LY ' transmission, V-8, power cholce-a-matie steering. jROOC Pike Self Service Laundry '61 OLDS. $1945 '59 OLDS. $1395 SALES-R-POPPIN Hai to be seen! 19B2 88 Holiday Sedan. Fully equip­ 88 4-door sedan. Fully equip­ ped including air conditioning. ped. This car hsia had the very Now Brings You Self-Service Dry OLDSMOBILE Would make a \j(6nderful fam­ best of care and shows it. Transportation '60 FA LCO N ily car. 4-DR. STA. WAGON Deluxe 98 Holiday Coupe. standard shift, seat l>elts. Cleaning To Help You Fully equipped. One owner, '57 C H R Y S. $595 SPECIALS! 128 Iinmaculate X jRTOOC local trade-in. Exceptionally '61 OLDS. $2395 Saratoga 4-door sedan. This condition, '•’ IZiT D low mileage. f3195 Super 88 Convertible. Just •one would make a wonderful YHF-UHF loaded with extras. This con­ second car. ALL AREAS SPECIAL vertible in “Mint” condition. 1956 FORD X '60 PO N TIA C '57 D O D G E $695 Catalina Convertible. Au­ '2-door $125 tomatic transmission, ra­ > ^ 1 9 6 2 '61 FORD $1295 Royal 4-door hardtop. See and dio, heater, power steer­ 8 Lbs. of DRY CLEANING Fairlane 2-door sedan. Com­ drive, this one! ing, power brakes, all now OLDSMOBILE ^ plete hew paint job. Standard white nylon tires, white transmission, 6 cylinder. car, black top, tea OOC m u lR!liiai^luauaaaair of slacks MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES Convenient Credit Motor Sales and 10 neckties malm up 8 Ibsl ' The Kiddies W.T. fc iU tx i > ’’SELLING AND SERVICING OLDSMOBILES FOR OVER 27 YEARS!” . / 634 CENTER ST. Potterton’s MANCHESTER 275 WEST MIDDLE TRKE., MANCHESTER v 512 WEST CENTER ST. — 643-1511 SATURDAYS UNTIL 5 PJd. ’ SHOPPING PARKADE 815 M AIN ST. VERNON CIRCLE Manoheeter’s Largest and Oldest TV, Radio, Record and Appliance Store 6434591 MANCHESTER MANCHESTER VERNON 180 CENTER ST. CORNER OF CHURCH O^iea Evenlage-^BfZ Tvnna V •< h-1^ 5-.p- n

MANCHESTER'EVENING HERALD. BiANCHESTER, CONN. FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1968 PAGE PIFTEBN PAGE FOURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING H e I a LI), MANCHESTER. CONN, FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1968 Colum bia of education at the Firat Baptist LITTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR BOOPLE DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Four Will Attend Church, Agawam, Mass,, where Beach Work Day Lutheran Parley ahe served for two years. -xeLESeopie Her book of poems, prayers eind % Called Successful Scripture la a blending of verse k*tl HARTFORD r £ HMPM/ JUST AS 1 THOUaHT Four MdSichester realdenta are and proee of noted wiritecs with y Am w m - to PmvIoM* Punto delegates to the second annusl con­ -»“ THAT ARM 16 AS &00O Joim D. Olarke, ohairmsn of the prayers and scriptural aelections. Krause florist anchester 6RKAT CAESAR/E(T'6 A S IT EVER- WAS/ 1 vention of the Lutheraui Church of She Is also the author of "Altars M , ONLY 8 A.M . I HAY5 YOU FOI?- Hodgepodge Itee Oouacil’a besoh oommlttee, rs> America, (Sunday through Wednea- (SOrceM THAT MY PHYilCIAN SHOULD PUT MPUR HEAD Under the Sky," and "Meditations CONN. IN A SUNG FOR THAT J porta that "Oleaa Up Day" at the day at the Hotel Commander, Under the Sky," released by the O R D E R E D M & TO 6 E T ACROSS 6 Flexible YARN ABOUT BEINO C oonimunlty beach waa very auc* GUnhrldge, Maaa. same. publisher. MANCHESTEtl’S LARGEST GROWER! 50FFiaENT BEST. ON PAIN 1 Pool, In card! 7 And ao forth DelegMes are the Rev. C. Heauy INJURED WHILE WoRklNS^ (ab.) Aa a child,. Miss Pe^se often, O F b o n e n u r s e r y t o FIX 4Robuit oeaaful. ifen on hand to help were Anderaon, peator of Bmanuel Phon* Ml 9<7700 AT RSSARTY'S «MOKE 1 Aportuie 8 Lance WaUaoe Lohr, Kirby Tappan, Sid­ went moimtain climbing with her SHO(^ NOW RIC^ 0 Marine flab Lutheran Church; Victor Johnson, WE SPECIALIZE : Halit 4 Grandview St.; the Rev. Paul father, a minister. Thle. plus her Dltmountad 10 One Ume ney WiiMebouae, William Murphy, U u AMO SHlNej^C 11 Snead'! mounda C. Kaiaer, pastor of Concordia mother's ooUectlons of verse and BUGGS BUNNY T ^ Trea Peter Moeokel, WUbur Fletcher, prose, on nature themes, has In­ J Dwarf (comb, 17Preaaer John Leater, Karl Hammaratrom, Lutheran Church, and M. A. SOhat Always Fresh Flowers form) 10 Walla ler, 73 Alton St. spired her devoUonal Ixwks. 23 Challenge! TVm Kaafan, Howard Shumway, TEt-EPHONE » 16 L a ^ of The Rev. Dwight F. Putnam, T knowtedgo 24 Jewel Doran Shumway, Peter Shtanwmy 28AUot and Qua Naumec. D. D. of Harrisburg, Pa., presi­ 18 Heavy hammera ____ 38 Hebrew aacetlc « 20Stonni 26 More aged Naumac operated a back hoe, dent of the Central Pennsylvania 27HardahrpIII « Condemn! 46HofteW(* FttjksiHnr and 21 Peaat day 28 Nevada dty 41 Peruvian 47 Cheat rattla dmatod by ‘Tappan and tnicka Synod, Lutheran Church of Ameri­ r . (comb, form) 29 Rim mountain! 45 Dill carried away the debria. M. Schll* ca, will be the featured epeaker a 22 Smell 31Apprlae 42 Formally neat SOShakeapea^ berg of Wllltmantlo donated 50 at the convention. Hie topic will 24 Poretoken fairy queen be "Work of the Lutheran Church It’s FAIRWAY for 4 26 Arabian gulf 33 Arnnhitheater 43 Plexua feet of for under the road and Joaaph 'TuhUk aaaiated in plan- In America." BOTH STORES 27PriorUy (prefix) 1 r " 9 B r ” r “ B r IB IT SOWriUngtool nine the pipe layout. Mm. William 1 32 Conatructed rar 14 Murphy, wnoae home la next door • FATHER’S DAY CAROS V RT 34Eicort to the beach, served hot coffee con- Miss Pease Gets 35 Straying It 17 36Maacnlina IB tlnuoualy diirtnc the five hours of OPEN and aH your niclmama work. Works Published IB li Coffee Partlea 37 Service cfairgei 1 : 39 Cry of JT Mrs. Janies Curran, co-chairman "InspiraUon Under the Sky,” a PICNIC NEEDS bacchanal! book by Miss Dorothy Wells Pease, 40 Drone beea of the coffee partlea In Cdunibla TONITE for Hit coming Memorial Day . . . &1 for the Women’s Auxiliary of haa reoenUy been published by • nuirVv>*»PW. M. .. 41Ci.w..a«,>een. BONNIE BY JOE CAMPBELL 5'-sZV« ny a Betgy Roaa tableau waa en­ acted with Mra. Junle Squliea In Ricky just won’t take no for an answer! I told him I the leading role. The table decora- OKAV.IKOM. PONT SLAM THE was through with him and he keeps right on tlona carried out the Maypole " F in iN G REMElHeeR- D otrr DOOR-- PONT SLAM taking me out!" theme and were arranged by Mrs. ^ SH O E S 1 DAY SENSATION ^ SATURDAY 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. PCNT6 LAM 'SLMfi THE THE POOR— Olive Dubreub. i h e p o o r ; POOR tei MAIN t1 IS O U R Manoheeter Evening Herald Oo- MAMCHfSTm hunbia oorreapondent Virginia BL BUSINESS" Oarlaon, telephone 228-92!^ FREE! 4 Pc. BEDROOM SUITE WITH THE PURCHASE OF ANY MAHRESS and BOX SPRING LISTED BELOW Come and join the hundreds, and sea why they are sa yin g s “Here’s THE Car For Me!" SHORT RIBS BY FR A NK O’N E a l ,



h Large Dresser, Twin or Full HILLTOP MOTORS, Im. Mirror, Chest Size Beds and and BMkease Bed BUZZ SAWYBR- BY ROY CRANE edding Available Rt tild M-A BOLTON . .Hie bill, jiit befora Fiiho’s) • - 643-27H a b s o l u t e l y f r e e with the Purchase of These Mattress ond Box Spring Sets AND VOU, NlflO, VOU AND VOUR I BUT I'M AFRAID YOU'LL HAVE TO DO AAOTHER HAP BETTER HAVE WITHOUT IG CREAM, PEPPER.THE DINNER m VOUR CABIN THIS REWARD D0E5NTANSWER MY RING. EVENING. VK ARE 60IN61D as Connecticut’s Newest FAMOUS MAKE INNERSPRING MAHRESS and BOX SPRING HAVE A COUNCIL OF WAR. ^ ^ THEN I'LL SET IT MYSELF, MOM. steel innerspring construction with thick layers of cotton padding. Heavy I KNOW WHERE KEEP IT. duty steel edges. Striped ticking. 1 year warranty. F IA T dealer... PLUS FREE BEDROOM SUITE FAMOUS MAKE INNERSPRING MAHRESS afld BOX SPRING FEATURE FOR FEATURE — steel innerspring construction. Hea^vy duty no-sag edges. Durable striped , ticking. Sturdy handles. 5 yeav warranty. FIAT IS YOUR BEST BUY!. FIAT MODEL HOOD PLUS FREE BEDROOM SUITE MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD e 84 miles to the grallon e Adjustoble, fully reclining: bucket FOUR-DOOR. SEDAN U - b/ - heflewur THEGOVEIJNOR inMNiv ■cuts • Full windows all around • A front hlngfed doors • Roomy FAMOUS "POSTURE SUPPORF MAHRESS and BOX SPRING WILL SEE YOU, GOODNESS.' P. O. E. intetior e High luster flnish • Windshield washers • Luxury ^ HE W fiS JUST t a L k i n g \ THAT i S c A L L (Overseas Steel innerspring construction. Durable woven tick. Pre-built borders. No- TO AAE ON THE f^iONE — LO H <^ FAILED TO touches • Safety dash • Over 80 m.p.h. • whitewalls • Heater J)IErANOE^-^AROUhlD NOON! J CONVINCE ytXJ Delivery Arranged) sag edges. Handles. Extra heavy thick padding. 10 year warranty. . OF SOMETHIN(5l • Defroster • Unibody construction • 55 H.P. (Compare!) • Ail inclusive price • Warranty • Easy terms. PLUS FREE BEDROOM SUITE . Wmid Famona A s A Fln« Crafted Oar Since 1899! OTHER MODELS START AS LOW AS S129S P.O.E. FAMOUS "SPINALPEDIG’’ MATTRESS and BOX SPRING FIAT — "N e w Pearl O f The Imporfs — The High Styled Beauty!" steel innerspring construction. Heavy deluxe 8 ounqe cover. Pre-built bor­ der. Smooth top. No-sag construction plus parmalaters. A ir vents, handles, no-sag edges. Extra heavy thick padding. 15 year warranty. PLUS FREE BEDROOM SUITE ; i n: 4 MR. ABERNATHY INTRODUCTORY DAYS!- *4 -ARVIN(5 My NA/^W/TH NEED A GOOD WHAT ABE ^ THEONEaoseSTTD Tonight fill 9 P.M. and All Day Saturday..... USED CAR? m f > r REFRESHMENTS FOR EVERYONE! T .H v Than Son Our K M r rRIDE and demonstration by FIAT Sdterion Of I I I L L COMPANY. REPRESENTATIVES! OPEN DAILY 9 fo 9 (• EASY BANK TERMS "For A Deal Ih a t’a On Xha L m l, Ooum To Ih e Top of The HUl and Save!’ t :

i-ir PAGE SntTBKN MANCHESTER EyENING HERAli), MANCHESTER, OONN^ PRIDAt, MAT K IM I MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. €ONN, FRIDAY. MAY 24, 1968 PAGE SEVENTEEN THE Lynch of Reds to Pirates for Skinner Herald Angle Pitchef s in Command as Gonard Nips Indians Hodges Loser By E A K L Y O S T Gary Lindholz Joins Mets Sports Editor Mullen^ Tech Triumph Again In First Contest Tops McCurry NEW YORK (AP) — It9 ^ antloa, apeak well of PieraallOtop outfield with Skinner joining Tribute to Strietly Sports DUSTY LEAGUE wfififl’t an fiven exchange. But the ballplayer. He carried a ,274 Vada Pinson and Frank Robin­ Scoring ail their runs in the first lifetime average over a U-yMU- son. N E W YOR K (A P )— On the strength of his first night on Tops in this man’s book in his chosen profession and a the New York Mets got Jim­ In Battle, 2-6 three innings, M oiiarty’s edged span into this season and la rated Skinner said ha bad an Idea he tb6 job, Gil Hodges appears to be in no danger of having to close friend for at least 20 years, Bob Steele was dulv honor­ BA Club, 14-JO, ,,,)ast night at my Piersall and the Waahing- one of the finest fielding outfield­ might be traded, despite the fact leave the country, ed Wednesday night at the Statler-Hilton when 500 of his Charter Oak. It was the first loss Pitches^, Bat9 'ton Senators wound up with ers In the game. b e h it .802 la st y e a r w ith 20 hom­ Hodges, moving., from cellar to hitter. The Reds scored followers showed at a testimonial dinner in hit honor. As By HOWIE HOLCOMB of the season for the BA's after John F. Kennedy. To get Piersall, the Mets also ers and 75 runs batted In. cellar, took over aa manager of fourth on ah error and a ixip sent along a bundle of cash and Reds' President BUI Dewitt the last place Senators Thursday usual, and as could be expected, Steele stole the show with his, Expected pitching duel be­ three wins. Completing a quick doublaplay double by Daryl Spencer. They Jim Galanek and Joe Meyer Cheney to 7-3 will ship a player to be named said he gave up Lynch because night, shifting from the New tween Gary Lindholtz and — without a fumble—the Senators added a run in the ninth on another witty and spontaneous remarks after a speaking program supplied the, hitting power for the la te r to. the Senators. "Skinner is year younger, a York Mets who occupy a similar that ronsumed more time than a?' fired the controversial Piersall error, a stolen base and a single Fred McCurry materialized winners______with______' three _____ each._____ Hal After completing the Piersall better runner and a better out­ position in the National League. nine inning baseball game. over to the Mets Thursday in by Ken Walters. yesterday at Memorial Field^';,ioore had three safeties for the Win over E. ff. deal the Senators' optioned pitch­ fie ld e r ." Before the game, the appoint­ The occasion was to honor Bob’s what appeared to be the oonclu- • • • losers who outhit the BAs. 16-14, er Art Quirk, called up Shetrone Lynch has compUed an aston­ ment came up tor discussion on selection as Connecticut's No. 1 as Conard’s curve - balling Blon o f the deal In which O il from their Columbus team in the ishing record as a pinch hitter. ORIOLES-SENATOB8— Moriartv's ...455 000 0— 14—14-2 Hodges took over as Washington Capitol Hill, where one congress­ sportsooster to r the fourth right-bander stopped Man- Money in the bank for (Che­ Intenudional League, signed free He has a career total of 18 pinch The Senators wasted littie time che.ster, 2-0. The stocky junior fan­ BA Club ...... 222 000 4— 10-16-6 ney Tech’s baseball team this m anager. man said if Hodges can do any­ showing their new manager how straight year. Voting was done agent Burnside and elevated Ken­ homers, one shy of the major thing with the slumping Seantors by members of the press and raddo ned 17, walked only one and al­ Hodges, of course, lost a ball­ nedy, a younnter with the fam' league record held by Oeorge life is lived in the other ceUar. CHURCH LEAGUE season has been freshnuui he will be- just the man to take corps in the state. Steele won in lowed but three scattered hits. player before he even got started ous name who last year tnoke Crowe. Starter Claude Osteen gave up Eight-run uprising in the fourth rifirhthanded pitcher Dan Mul­ over the U.S. foreign aid pro­ a landslide. Although Steele’s He had to bp good to best Me- with his new club, but the Sena­ in by hitting a homer In his first That home nui punch seemed all six Baltimore runs in the first proved decisive last ..night at Mt. gram. Curry, who akso turned in a fine len. 'The slender flipper notch­ tors gave him three in return by at-bat in the majors. to impress the Pirates. Said Gen­ three innings. Solo homers by A1 sportscasLtng achievements were Nebo as Commimlty Baptist Gil seems to be safe at home puahed in the background, which effort. The southpaw aeniof gave ed his third win of the season latchhig onto pitcher Pete Bum- The Lynoh-Skinner transition eral Manager Joe L. Brown; "He Smith and Jerry Adair and a up five hits and three walks while trmmced St. Mary’s, 14-3. Stove yesterday, a 7-S triuniiih over tha side, outfielder Barry Shetrone for a while. The Senators re­ run double by Jack Brandt were was the main reason for the testl- likely will have considerable carries a big bat and can do the* sponded to new leadership by fanning five. Only one of Conard's Ross paced the triumph with back Elaat Hartford High frosh at East and an inflelder name of John F. job as a regular or on the bench. the big blows. nionjal, It was a night to remem­ bearing on the pennant races. rolling over quleUy before Robin run.s was earned. It was McCur- to back homers in the third and Hartford. Kennedy. He’s the kind of player that can ber for the popular conductor of jriMMY PIERSALL The Pirates pick up a slugger in Roberts and the Baltimore Ori­ Hodges and the Senators had ry's third lo.'w ( five wins) fourth, driving home six rune in Mullen has aooountod tor sM In another trade, Pittsburgh spark a club.” the early morning Bob- Steele Lynch and thehe Reds round out c a oles, 6-0, for their 11th loss in' come under Congressional acrutl- Show, Strictly Sports and Cloee- and two of the defats were to Con- all. Cheney wins tlids spring. H ie tai- .^acquired Jerry Lynch, pinch ilut- ny during a House of Represen­ Gordon Adams had a perfect their last 12 games. Up on Sports radio and video ard and Lindholtz. umph pegged the Rangers’ record ter deluxe \rith the home «run tatives committee hearing on (five for five) night at the plat^ Roberts held the Senators to shows. -As has happened frequently in at three wins and tour defeats. touch, from dnclnnaU in a foreign aid. drove in three runs and two hits, both by shortstop Ed Money collected was split down the past, Manchester had men on Mullen went the first six and one straight player deal that sent out­ AFL-CIO chief George Meany three. The winners sent 11 nje RSox on Road Brinkman, and didn’t walk a man the middle, not by Steele and his but couldn’t get the key hit third innings before weakening. fielder Bob Skinner to the Reds. Two Sports Affecting Conley asked if Hodges would make a the plate in their big Inning: Fes­ as he pitched his third straight pretty ..wife; half was earmarked to get them home. Ron Andenson He gave up but two hits, both The Kansas City Atblettcs good manager of the Senatora senden and Dan Pinto w ,r ^ h e big complete victory. The 86-year-old for the Newington Hospital for was the only Indian to .solve Lind­ singilee, end walked five. When he For 13 Games shipped outfielders Manny Ji­ Rep. Edna Kelly of Brooklyn, hitters for St. Mary's m enez, who hit .801 rookie FOXBORO, Maas. (A P) — Ail-^in other yeora Maybe It is the right-hander lost his first four Crippled Children and the other holtz’ serves, getting two hits in tired in the seventh, Norm Jaqutth aa a noting Gil's long service with the two official tries. He was hit by Makeup . game om4he schedule last year and Jose TartabuU to Ing Red Sox pitcher Gene Oonley basketball that Is taking a toll. this season. 60 per cent to the Shriner’s came on and struck out the laiR The victory, BcUtimore’a ninth Dodgers when toey occupied that a - pitch on the other turn at the .shows Gjmmunity/Baptist oppos­ Portland while elevating ' Hector Maybe I wlU have to make up my area, said: "Anybody from Hospital in Springfield. two batters to seal the decision. In 16 Dates la wondering if the time has come in 10 games, moved the Orioles plate. ing North Methodist tonight at MuUen also paced the offense Martinez and John Wojclk from mind wtietber to play baseball or Brooklyn is bound to do a good Although Bob has made it big their Pacific Coast League farm to end bis dual career as a major basketball. a half game in front in the Ameri­ George May’s leadoff single in 6:15. with three hits. Including s triple. Job.” In Hartford, it wasn’t always that BOB STEELE ranriR arr ( a p ) — B ehind club. can League over the idle Chicago way. When he arrived from Cali­ the second was the Tribe's only Baptists . . y / .003 800 3— l4r20-5 He scored twice and drove in two laague athleta In both baseball and “The strange thing is fiiat I love Rep. Wayne Hays of Ohio said: other safety. St. Mary’^ . .. 200 001 0— S-ilO-2 Johnny Peaiky*a furrowed brow Piersall figures to be a fix tu re White Sox. fornia, he had but 20 cents, no resides in Manchester, coaches more. Jaquitb and Bill Marsh had basketball. both g-ames. If I bad to choose be­ "All I can say 1s, if ho does, we Survives Threat In the Mets’ center field and fits The other two games on the more, no less, and a motorcycJe East Hartford. . . . Veteran, stock two aafetles each, Marsh driving dance nightmares of fevers, scree Sidelined by a vlnw which ia tween them 1 will have a problem. ought to get him to run the for­ McCurry survived two errors Manager Casey Stengel’s descrip­ slim baseball card also produced that was nearly out o f gas. car race driver Gene White is now REC LEAGUE home a pair of runs. and batting slumps. Now the Red expected to keep him out of ac­ I want to keep playing- both but I eign aid program.” §nd a passed ball In the first in­ u.sing the big inning as a tion of "m y type of player.” shutouts, both in the National Things have changed for the employed in the body shop at Two games, both with Vinal Sox manager has to woriy about tio n unitU th e Sox return fro m know there cornea a time when I Actually, about the only mana­ ning, getting the side out without ent weapon. Army A Navy PlersaU expressed little sur­ League. Moriarty Brothers___ Tran Con­ Tech, are left on the local slate. a part-time mushroom ehlipper, a Detroit after the weekend, start­ won't be ahle to do both. • • • gerial move Hodges was allowed better in the more than 25 years a score. He moved along well un­ prise at the deal. ‘Tve been In ran, Little League president, has ipp^ Pagani’a, 0-8 at Robertson Coach Tony D'Angona’s crew bowling proprietor and boaebell’a ing pitcher Conley admits he feels to make turned out well. He Steele has been with W n c . There til the sixth when Joey HaydaM Park'. basebedl 16 years. You never “Maybe this will be the year I’ll CARDS-CUBS— are no bill ooUectors outside the Issued another appeal for volun­ opened with two runs in the first worst batsmaiL the preesure of hla year-around yanked Osteen in the third tor opened things w-ith a walk. AgEun Seven runs in the fifth were know what’s going to happen,” have to make that decision.” The St. Louis Cardinals moved Steele residence in Wethersfield teer umpires and official scorers but Blast Hartford knotted the oompetlUon. He also pierforma for Jim Duckworth, who blanked the the Indians had nothing b u t^ ou - enough as the winners cut off a The fourth place Boston club, he said. "I’m happy to go play back into third place with a 1-0 demanding money for unpaid ac­ ....C h arlie Shares, fine director count in the second. It woe 4-3, the New York Knlcka of the Na-, Orioles the final 6 2-3 innings. ble. Just as they did at WiUimantic couple o f later rallies by Pagani’s. just .00(2 points ahead of Kansas tor Stengel. He was my bl^M t Managerial Headache victory over the Chicago Cubs, counts. 'riitis, the proceeds from o f athletics and head baseball and Cheney, going into the seventh City, latmches a stretch of 18 road tlonal BaakethaU Association in and the Cincinnati Reds defeated Osteen was the 14th consectl- Monday. / Ron Gustafson was the offensive booster when I was a rookie. He tive left-hander who failed to last the dinner were earmarked for the basketball coach at South Wind­ but three runs iced the verdict. games in the next 16 dates tonight which capacity he recaivad an an­ Gil Hodges (14), 'who took over as manager of Wash­ the Milwaukee Braves 2-0. Jim NaughUm tried/to sacrifice leader, for the winners with a four made the compliments on my against the Orioles, who are 12-1 two worthy causes. sor High, plans no political career, Haydash to second $nd McCurry's Summary: against the Detroit Tigers with fielding that caused people to be­ k le in ju ry whlxita slow ed h is base­ ington ^n ators Thursday night, looks toward the bull­ Ernie BrogUo, the Cardinal ace, Ih ere is no radio announcer in at least until his right hand mends. for four performance. Ekl White, against southpaws. But Osteen throw to the midway spot was Burt Webb and EHck Krinjak each diiiBey (1) B ill Monbouquette pitching against gin to notice me.” ball start this season. pen as he makes his first pitching change. Starter ran hia record to 5-1 with a five- the state who can come anywhere Injured while protecting a young­ _ .. , . ab r h po a s pb) Hank Aguirre. hitter. Lefty Dick EUlsworth, who was selected to pitch before K>d- late and both rUimers were safe. had two hits for Pagani’s. PlersaU did other things to Conley held out for — and re- Friday, May 24 ges took over. near the liatcnlng audience that ster from falling in a gyni class Schick, rf ...... 2 3 0 1 0 0 0 Gaude Osteen (center) was removed in the third inning allowed only four bits in seven A balk, finst rf4h e season on Man- Ed Kovjs, although reached for Mullen, p-Ri ...... 4 2 3 0 ( 0 3 Aguirre, a tough southpaw moke people notice him. He bad oei'ved — a reported 88,000 raise Cheney ’Tech at Blast Hartford catches either of Steele’s radio last winter. Shares still does not and replaced by Jim Duckworth. Baltimore w. Har­ and additlana. Ceilings. Workman­ Hall Starter Steve Laurettl pitched Goldberg 15, Robinson old H oar, 649-4084. ment services. New England over $6,000 yearly steady income. at a baseball diamond in a.hearby The men in blue allowed the 0 .000 14, Taconis 20: 8:51—R. Peck 10 whltewaUs, good condition. $1,- ship guaranteed. 800 Autumn St. perfect ball over the first three 64M860. Tech., 66 Union Place, Hartford, For interview caU Manchester town. The bus transpprting the run as time was not called. This Peters 14, Menschel 21, Gnrbrous 12' St(x:ky A rt LaMontagne hurled East Catholic to a 7-0 vic- 296. 648-6204, 6-9 p.m . LAndholtz had his curve work­ framea, then gave up single scores 8:58—Knapp 6, AT.T. K IN D S O F clocka rep aired 625-3406. RN or LPN 8-11, part-time. Call 644-0202 between 6 and 8 p.m. home team drove up to^fte playing was incorrect as anytime an ump ii®'*5om>or2o' g’^S^aimin' 8^ K'etch’ Jla^ford Public’s Jayvees yesterday in Hartford. It ADVERTISING ing in fine fashion. He fanned the in the fourth and fifth. Arm y A onnon and cleaned, antiques Included. BIDWELL HOME Improvement 549-4519. area and deposit^ the players cleans the plate he should call Navy had three home runs in the am 12. Rubin i® Vandervoort H: 9:12 was the second Straight two-hit 7-0 triumph for the Eagles. W ork guaranteed. CkUl 649-1962 be­ Company—roofing, siding, altera­ ABLE, ALERT, apt and ambitious. time. I f he fails to call time and first three and two of the last 1951 NASH CONVERTIBLE, excel­ and the coach. Soon after a boy sixth before Fayle came to the res­ lent running, flOO. 649-8616. tw een 9-12 nocn and after 4 p.m. tions, addltioas and remodeling 11 you have these qualities, we puts the broom to work he is in three. H e ' got everyone in the Baiiargeon i7: g'l’i^Thoma^'s.'^'who*- L e f t y F ra n k K in e l stopped N o rth w e s t C ath olic b y th e sam e Bonds—-Stocks— in uniform drove into the parking cue. ley 14. Conyers 15. Hunter 16; 9:16— score Tuesday. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS of all types. ExceUerrt workman­ Help Wanted—Male 36 would like to talk to you. We have error. Tribe batting order at least once A-1 SCREEN REPAIR service Mortgages 81 area. He was wearing the baseball Lauretti .slammed a two-run MarkowskU. True; 11, Mael 25. Mosler , TiJ,e two safeties o ff the bespec- 8 AAL to 6 PJM. BCRD 1958, blue and white, 4-door, ship. 649-6405. an opening for a man to be train­ flannels o f the home team. Before A three-man committee met on! the exception of Anderson 1.5: 9:33—Becker 8. Weber 14.’ Stvgar V-8, automatic transmission, ex­ with Alcoa screening. Call CONCRETE FLOOR Finishers ed as a sales representative for the protest but asked for a higher and Rich Marsh. The Indians got homer for the winners as did Bud e 9:;^McCarthy 8. FCimzIl tacled right-hander were a bunt ■ ...... ! ' ■ SECXJND mortgages — Unlimited alighting from the car and putting 13. Wilson 12. Tardiff 14: 10:30-Har- cellent condition, 649-6012. 649-4688 tor free pickup and de­ RAY’S ROOFINa CO. — shingle needed with good experience. Call the Manchester area. Blxcellent authority and Cal Hubbard, super­ three men as far as second but Thompson for the losers. and a tapped roller, down the third Hole ■ in ■ One funds avallal^ for second mort­ on his spiked shoes, said player ngan 8, Scranton 14. Keamev IS. base line. He fanned eight and COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT livery. Prompt service. Quantity and built-up roofs, gutter work, 648-1870 a fte r 6 p.m . starting salary, commission and visor of American League umpires none past that point. Dillon’s ...... 322 000— 7-8-6 1957 FORD FAIRLANE, good con­ discounts. roof and dilrtmey r^airs. Ray gages, payments to suit your Ht a cigarette When fini^ed, he walked six in recording Wb third MONDAY Thrn FBIDAY 10:M AAL-4SATDBDAY • AM. bonus, all employee benefits, such made the verdict, The loss dropped Manchester to Army A Navy ... .000 lil3— 5-8-4 dition. Best offer over 8400. Osll H agenow , 649-2214, R ^ Jackson, budget. Expedient service. J. D. ambled over to join his team­ win of the seasrai without a de­ as vacation -with pay, insurance, '"The run should not have been 6-4 for the O C iL season and eUm- ForNickl aus a fte r 6 p.m ., 649-1846. BITUMINOUS concrete driveway 648-8826. R e a lty , 643-6129. etc. Excellent oppoiti^ty for ad­ mates and almost Immediately NA-nONAL IJ5AGUE feat. and Jenlte J-16 sealer. F re e esti­ allowed to score. The runner inated them from any chance at Hall Sweeps Match PLEASE READ YOUR AD vancement for this better than started to warm up. He was the Although the hits were even The Eagles now show a 9-3 sea­ 1960 CHEVROLET Impala Con­ mates. W. O. Schwarz Co., Inc., BESET BY BILLS? Let Un help NO LAY-OFF IN SELLING starting pitcher. In- between in­ should have been sent back to the league championship. Victor­ NATIONAI. LEAGUE Olaaslfied or "W an t Ads” are taken over the phona aa a aan- average position. Apply at the third,” was Hubbard’s ruling. As ies in their two remaining games M oriarty Brothers outscored son’s mark with two games left. On Golf Tour vertible, automatic, radio, heater, 876-2042. you to a fresh start by consolf- nings this character didn’t sit with With Injun Netmeii renienoe. Tha adverUaer abonM rend tala ad the F1B8T D A Y IT Singer Sewing Machine Company, a result, the game In question will Green Manor, 10-6. in the run de­ I A pair of first-inning runs gave W. L. Pot O.B. V-8, 848 engine. 648-8475. Roofing and ChininejrB 18-A dating the many debts that de- the squad on the player’s bench. would give them an outside chance APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS In time for the next laaer- Good salesmen are always in 832 Main Street, Manchester. be replayed from the point o f pro­ at a berth in the post-season CIAC partment at Buckley Field. Ste've them a quick lead yesterday and San Prancia 2fl ts .684 — c e l l a r s , a t t i c s and yards mcuod your atten tion in to cos Instead he wandered back into the MEMPHIS. Tenn. (A P ) — With ROOFING—toactallilng repairing demand, earnings are high on test. Tournament. Hemenwaj', who pitched all the Sweeping every game of every as It turned out, they were all Loe Angeles .. .25 10 .610 1 tion. H ie Herald is re^ponrtble f w only O N E tnoorreet or omitted 1962 CADILLAC, 2 door hardtop, cleaned. Also, trash hauled to easily paid monthly obligation. bleachers and sat with his girl set, Hall High trounced Manches­ that was needed. But a single run rising temperatures promising to insertion tor any adverttaement and then only te the extent of a model 62, clean, power steering, dump reasonable. Call 640-1866. roofs of on kinds, new rooes, gut­ 82,000 requ ires only $44.60 p er percent^e basis, full training « « s Summary: way, led the ■winners at the aid scores, a breakup was ex­ SL L oiiIk '...... 22 20 .524 4 ^ program, opportunities for ad­ friend. What’s scholastic baseball ter. 5-0, In a CXjIJIL tennis match in the fourth and four in the sixth Cincinnati...... 19 18 .514 "make good” Inaertion. Errors wlilob do not leoaen the vahw ol m ust sell, 1876. 648-4818. ter woek, ehlirmeys oleaned, re­ month inclu(iing rej^yment. If Help Wanted— Consrd (2) plate with three safeties. pected today in the log jam at 5 LAWN MOWERS, sharpened and paired Aluminum aiding. SO vancem ent. fTione 626-1718, 1-4 coming to when scenes like these End of the line ab r h po a c rbi at IVest Hartford yesterday after­ wrapped it up. Chicago ...... 20 20 the adverttaement ivill not bo eorreoted by "make good” f you have property equity, con­ Male or Female 87 Haydash. 2b Ed Pagani delivered a two-run the head of the $60,(K)0 Memphis AOO 51/, repaired, sales and service,' rental yerrs’ experience. Free esUmatee. p.m . only. are permitted? 1 0 0 2 0 noon. Eight of the nine East Catholic Pittsburgh .., tact F’raM Burke, Connecticut Noted durii^ the recent college Navghlon. If 0 0 0 0 0 homer and a double for the Man­ Open golf tournament. .19 19 .500 51/, equipment. L A M Equipment * * ♦ Augustine. ■ lb The doubles team of Neil Wise starters hit safely. Mike Leach led Milwaukee .... 1062 FORD 4-door, 8100. Call C a ll H ow ley, 648-6861. 648-0768. Mortgage Exchange, 15 Iiewia M U L T H IT H o p e r a t o r , part- baseball umpiring season was one 0 0 9 0 0 ors. .19 22 .468 7 649-6606. C orp., Route 88, Vernon, 875-7609. umpire who showed up at least Cowing, cf .. 1 1 0 0 1 and Doug Pearson came closest to the way ■with a ^ p le and a single Philadelphia .. .17 22 .486 8 YOUR COOPERATION WILL St.. Hartford. 246- time. Must know how to operate Balls ,’n Strikes Samuriian. c 0 0 lead Thursday with three under Manchester exchange, Enterprise half under the weather and the Farrington, si a victory_ by extending their op­ and three RBIs. Tom Bavier had Houston ...... 18 24 .429 BB APPRECIATED DIAL 643-2711 M odel 1250W. Pleasan t w orking 0 2 10 1 INTEBNATIONAL LE.AOUE ponents to 6-4 scorea in both sets. parsers over the 6,501-yarci,. par 5!4 1946. conditions. ExceUent opportunity Speaking of scholastic baseball, smell of liquor could be detected Yosclle. rf 0 10 0 0 Piling up a big lead in the early three singles whUe Kinel Had one 34-36-0.00 oo70 Country ~ N«»- York .. . 716 2A .890 10 Radh>-TT Rqialr Services 18 EXPERIENCED Painter wanted. Ward. 3b .... Summary: and a pair of RBIs. Colonial Club Tra^BK-'Tracton Business Opportonities 32 for retired person. Hours and best Class A team observed this yards away. This chap was 0 0 0 1 0 ir.ning.s, Ansaldl’s routed Pagani’s, course. ONE STOP — 187 Spruce Street. CaU 648-1420. Lindholtz p . 0 0 0 5 0 Singles - Lombertson H def. Summary T liu n iday’a RMHilta CONNIES TV and Radio Service, days flexible. CaU 643-U41, Ext. Gprtng has been East Hartford assigned a varsity game and made 12-1, night at Verplanck Field. Jack. Nlcklaus, the tour's lead­ St. lAHiia 1, C h icago 0. DODOE 1963, FORD 1964, one ton One call — 649-8070. For your THE STEAK HOUSE in Bolton Is High’s hustling Hornets. Although Total.®...... *^2 2 5 27 Lautenbach M, 6-1, 6-4; Miller H, East Catholic (71 available all hours. SatiafacUon WANTED — OIL burner service 276 for'ah appoihtmehL a trip of nearly 100 miles to keep 9 2 2 The winners scored their dozen ab r h po a « rbl ing money winner, put on the Obiclnnatl 2, Milwaukee •. With refrtoerator bodies, good every printing requirement. Wed­ all cleaned up. Has to be sold. off to a terrible start, losing their .HanrhMtcr <0) def. Potter M, 6-4, 6-S; Filbig def! Maaluk. If . ding accessories—rubber stamps guareiiteed. Cali 649-1815. mechanic. Full time. Good propo­ his assigpiment. His imiform and ab r h po a e rbl nms on only .>rix hits, two of them N., 6-0, 6-2. 0 0 best show among early leaders Only Games Scheduled conation. Oaer Bros., 140 Rye St., Some restaurant eqidpment JOBS ON SHIPS, $100. weekly. first three games, the Hornets ge.ieral appearance was an insailt Crowell. 3b McCarthy, If 0 0 TROUBLE REAGHINO OUR ADVERTISER? South Windsor. 628-6644, or see Schleldge Printing Co. sition for right man. Apply in per­ ...... 4 0 0 0 3 1 by Bob Pitriizello. Three pitchers Doubles— Miller and Conard H. Leach, cf . . with a' hole-in-one on the .A T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 048-1677. McCarthy If 3 0 0 1 0 0 New York (Craig 2-6) a t S t lathe and Bridgeport Aerators, 0 0 Harvey, c ... Ark,,. Fred Hawkins of El MANCHESTER Package DaUveiy. Anderson. 2b 2 0 2 4 I 0, lABiia (Gibson 1-8) (N ). . Fret to H enM R oaiiri-^ I960 AMERICAN. Aluminum awn- EXCELLENT WOI^ done la first-class men, fringe benefits, Doga-rBirds—Pets ' 41 Marf*h, cf .. v 2 0 0 0 Thomae, rf , Die!?’ Mayer of Palm Desert, lig h t tm ck ln g and package deUv® Barry, rf ... (t 0 Pittsburgh (Friend 4-8) at Mil­ Sngs, 46x16, Y bedroom s, com plete­ oleanlhg yaids, cSilafs, attics, overtime. Apply Paragon Tool, Lltwfn 3b .. Calif Cary MIddlecoff . of Mem- aiy. Retrlgerators. w aM i^ and FREE KfTTBNS — Bousebroken, X'’'"''' ...... 29 0 3 27 12 2 0 Four Meet Standards Shattered 1 1 waukee (.Spalui 6-2) (N ) Want Informatton on one of oar oinsolflod adveallMaMntnt H « ly furnlshea Assume mortgage. garages. Also, light trucking.' ATLANTIC REFINING CO. 269 A dam s St., o r ca ll 649-8079. Sullivan, 3b . (1 0 phis. Johnny Pott of Gulf Hills, stove moving specialty. FMding gentle with chUdren. 649-7002 ave- Conard ...... 000001 01 0--2 Viara ns answer at the teleiiiiniio Isted f Mmpl^ eag the 8764884. 640-6968. SB: Crowell. SAC Naughlon. Moore, 1 1 Mls.s. and Tony Lema of San Philadelphia (MeUsh t-t) ,a* chairs tor rent. 649-0702. APPLICATIONS needed lor full­ nings. '' LaMontagne. p I 1 C^lnclnnatl (Purkey#»V 1-0)1_A \ (N/1SI )\ Mansb: ST: CowinpN LOB Conard 7 1 Leandro, Calif. Good gallonage service statlan time employment, days. Apply Manrhe.ster 6: BB McCurry 3. Lind THE AUSTIN A, CHAMBERS CO. holtz 1: SO: McCurry 5. Lindholtz 17 Bracken, Rohrback Standouts Totale: .31 7 11 21 7 1 « In^ close pursuit at 68 were Jack Anto Driving School 7-A available for leaise in Man­ Burger Chef Drive-In, 236 Main BOARDING MEDIUM size and HBP; By Lindholtz (Anderson): B Mc- Hartford (0> McGowan MANCHESTER ANSWERING SERVICE Household Servlees Moving, packing, storage, local chester. Excellent location small dogs. Grooming Cocker ab r h po a e rbl of Largo, Fla,, Dave Street, Manchester. PB Moore. Brown. 2b ...... 4 0 0 . Hill ..... u.of Jack.son, Mich., Mllleri A M iro ro .^ r . _ . M ORnDCK’S Driving School Iho., (Offered 18-A and long distance. Agents tor across from King's. This is an Spaniels our specialty. Harmony Manikup, 3 0 0 0 Barber of San Antonio. Don Sikes I , BRICAN UlAGUB 649^500 offices, classroom^ooated Man­ Wheaton Van Unea, Inc., world­ opportimlty for a man who PART - TIME floor waxers. Open­ Hill Kennels, Hebron Rd., Bolton, In Loss to Bristol Eastern Peniw^ll. If .. 3 wide movers. FYee estimatea. 0 0 0 of Jack.sonyllle, Fla.. George! w . L. Pot. chester Parkade, lowar level. Be- FURNTTURB REFINISHED — wants to make good money In ings for morning shift, also, eve­ 648-6427. Ex-Twi Leaguer Graff. 3b 1 0 0 G.B. 648-0187. A LOT of VALUES t?olon. cf .... 3 0 0 Knudson of Toronto, and M lL 25 15 .625 and leave yonr mesoage. Yoofll hear from ginneni, older, nervous otudents, Scratches, bums removed, color his own business. Until 6 p.m. ning shift. Call 649-5384. Four meet records were splitt>held. It gooe as a record Faucher. lb , 1 0 0 Souchak of Grpssinger, N.Y. • .24 15 .615 time wHhont speiMUng all evening at the our specialty. TMn-age driver’s changed. Manchester Refinlahing 289-1661, after 6 p.m. 643-2381. Tonv Berube Dies BJoinap lb 2 TIM EKEEPERS and timestudy '63 MERC. $2495 '59 CHEV. $1495 even but the overall jjalnts were ~ ft 0 The ace. Nirklaus' ,>Irst a.® . New York ., 20 18 .606 education oouzm. State certified. C o., 643-9288. Eastern’s Bud Traverse 'loosed K'ng. r ...... 2 ft 0 ® BoHlon ...... men. Must be experienced. Apply Monterey 2-door. White with Impala 4-door hardtop. Com­ balanced in Bristol ^lastem's favor Lubyii.^kl, rf pro and the flfUi in ids career, 19 16 A4S 649-7898. Painting-dP^iering „ 21 tlic sliot 47’3” for onotherfmark, V I REWEAVlNa of bnmi, okoth botes. in person Cheney Brothers, Inc., blue interior. Radio, heater, pletely equipped. Tony Berube, 48, former Man­ yesterday as the Lajicers defeated Colon, p ..... 2 0 1 n 0 i-ame on a a" sharpshal^ !si‘ .six x "lfon''“w Iroi rlp S’***' .20 17 .541 TH REE B A Y G ULP service sta­ SEPTIC TANKS extending his own mark o f '44’2” Lost and Pound AntomobileB For Sale 4 LARSON'S — Connecticut’s first Zippers rspaired, WIndaw Shsdes pimertianglng. 81 Cooper HUl Street, Manchester, standard transmission. chester Twilight League catcher Mauchestei' 66-48 in a track meet set a year ago. Skip Gneko set Tqtala; ...... dowTiiowTi the 185-yard third hole. The , . • • 10 17 .485 tion available for lease, excellent AND and coach with the British Amer­ 24 0 2 18 licensed driving school, trained m a ^ t o m easu re; oQ stated Vaoe- Good Cleon workmanahtp at tea- Conn. at Bristol. another meet standard with a die-1 m 2 0 0 1 0 4 X—7' 't** ®a bank at the rightriglit ooft fli^ •‘'ngeles .19 28 .453 LOST — SIAMESE cat, male, vi­ 1659 FORD, Country Squire, 9 bpi>ortunlty for the right indi­ '61 UNC. $3895 ican Club, died Wednesday night 3B; Leach. SB:__ certified and approved, now of- ttea blinds Ktys mads wbUs you aonablc ratea. SO years in Man­ '59 THAMES $895 Two a t tile new mai’ka went to cus flip of 135 feet. Learh. Alubicki. the green, took a hard kick left* ’ ,17 21 .447 7 cinity Church and Unden Sts., passenger staUen wagon, stand­ chester Raymond Flake. 640-9237. vidual, paid training program. PLUGCED SEWERS Continental convertible. All in Bloomfield. He . had been in ill Thomaa. Litwin 2 Viara 4 toring Massroom and brtiind wait. Tape Recorders for nst. TWO MEN wanted for assembling Blnglish Ford station wagon. Jdrh,. Bracken and Carl Rohrbach. Other indltridual winners f o r nr*. Manikaa P#»nn<*Il; ijiMontag- and lammed the pin. ' 14 28 .878 R ew ard. C a ll 648-2866. ard, shift, radio, heater, 8 ^ - Call For additional Information, call window units and' general ware­ white with' black 'anti white health for sievei'ol years. W ashington whed testructlon ter teen-ngers. M a rlo w ’s, 867 M ain, 649-622L Tellow; rNicely Quipped. interior. Full Continental "1510 Tribe’s co-captain ran the 440 h^chester were Craig PhilMpa i nocolon 6. ^Colon 4: SO: LaMontaRneaMonta|- ^ chill breeze that , swept the I 14 38 .888 649-4100. Gulf OU Ctorp, 625-8168. house. work. Please apply at Funeral iLOST — Boy’s black and white 649-6076. Machine Gleaned equipment. sendees will be held Tin 52.7 to eclipse the old mark (8801, Bud Froehlich (broad i ______' Roui’Ke of the day .sent Thursday’s Resulta CUSTOM REUPHOLBTERINO HOUSES PAINTED — . Reason­ G reg g A Son, Inc., 66 Hilliard Saturday at 2 o’clock at ,the [-of ,62.9 set by Ed Wajidle of East- jacket at Hllng Field. Call 1959 TAN CHEVROLET Parfcwood able. Phone 649-7816. Septic Tanks, Dry Wells, Sew­ '62 WILLYS $2095 (880), Bud Froehheh (broad Carmen M a u r o, former major sS^'’®”w rA ‘ietf The ^ ^ Uniore 6, Washington 6. and allpoovers made to order. In Street, Manchester. Bloomfield Federated Church. T h e ; ern in 1960. Rohrbach won the Only Games Scheduled. 649-0926. station wagon, 4 door, 6 pas­ Help Wanted—Feniale 35 er Lines Installed—Cellar Wa- Jeep CJ-5. Full canvas top, '62’ALPINE $1995 jump), and Don Fish (javelin). league outfielder, coache.s the Uni- o ^ ,. o T golfm-s k ; business since 1980, three genera­ t«prooflng Done. Taylor A Modeen FiinenU Home [ two-mUe run tn 10:50.5 and since „ Today’s Games senger, well maintained, on« own­ ErZ LERN tions of quality workmanship. A ll EXTERIOR AMD Interior painting. ELE(3TRIC3AN’S helper, experi­ 14-wheel drive. LfOts of extras. Roadster. Red with black top. 880 relay team of Lariw v ^ .y « W„Wn,r.on '’S ,' K TT. FOUND—One Mack 1( h a ir er',' c a ll 649-8494 anytim e. Wallpaper books. Pap^anging. will be open tonight from 7 to 9. it was the first time the event was ^ Baltimore (McCormick 0-2) a t work guaranteed in writing for MATURE MARRIED woman, wUl- enced or journeyman, e a 11 Radio, heater. Real deanJ Duhaime, Ned Oonin. Phillips and male. Call Bolton Dog arden. OeUlngs. Floors. Fully Insured Bracken also won. the opening round laat year. Clweland (McDowell 2-8), (N), Driving School 10 years. Sem’a Upholstering, Ing to learn, part-time kitchen 644-1429. '62CHEVY-2 $1745 649-7601.' 1966 BUICK CENTURY, 2 door workmanship guaranteedC Leo MeKINNEY BROS. 622-4206. .help, nights 6 -1 . Apply in person, 4-door sedan. Radio, heater, '60 OLDS. $1595 TOe loss dropped the Indians to i n n r r * t M tane- hardtop, green and wMte, radio, Connecticut’s largest, auto­ Peiletlei , Ml 9-raM U no answer, (3ove Restaurant, Coventry, Conn. SewM tras Disposal Co. standard transmiitsion. Clean, (Sdgnian 2-5), (N). heater, new rebuilt automatio matic and standard, shift, " 88” 4-door. Radio, heater. caU 648-9048. 742-7384. 180-182 P eart S i — M I 8-5808 with low mileage. .season, all in the CXIIL. u.. Only "--tiPats the Win Seventh This Month. Washington (Stenhonse 2-6) a| transmission, new lacquer paint, free pick-up service, teen-age Hydramatic, power steering, • OHttr ziaMity m l M » mm Tail dragging? Nnjo^'ork (Ford 4-8), (N). PenNHialB Read Herald Advs. power brakes. .state meet, (X T L Field Dav and no rust, new plastic seat covers, classroom, older and nervous Building—Contnetiiif 14 PAnm M O and widlpaptitaag, wall- BABYSITTER, two chUdren, moth­ • Udatirt 0-Mi( pittM (tal the Claes A Meet remain. ' I Boston (M o n b o u q w ^ 4-6) oA BLECTROLUX Sales and dsrvloo, excellent condltton, 8280. Call students our specialty, 116 p^ier removed,oved. W ulpimr booki er works, preferably live in, '61 COMET $1395 You Need ' Itotoolt (Aguirre 8-8), (N). 2-door. Radio, heater, stand­ '60 CHEV. $1545 • CM u» transmissirai, power steer­ '62 RAMB. $1495 absorbers provide all the Cromwell in Charter Oak Confer­ downT Short on down payment? 1965 NASH, 1 DOOR hardtop, auto- bars, oountsrs, Utohen oaUnets, resume to Box D, Herald. ing, power brakes. One own­ Five rune in the first inning Sports Viewing m atlc, 876. C a ll 648-07790779 5:80 service. Day or evenmg lessons. PAINTING — Five room ranches American 4-door sedan. Blue. ®mooth-riding comfort YOU 3. 'FSi!erT.-t‘ «’ ence action at Coventry. The de­ BankruptT RepoaoesoloiiT Don’t vaaltory unite, table-tops sad er. Real nice! Radio, heater. One owner. REPLACE have every tight to er[mL feat was the first of the year for gave Stafford High a springboard p.m . Reasonable rates. Msnehester and Capes tor $60. Trim and YOU ARE a wonderful person. toward an 8-1 victory over ESIing- deopalrl See Hcmeat Douglas, te- Drivtog Academy, 742-7246. tadahd s ts a d a 649-8986. paint extra. Also scraping. Switch DOW and ride related! ®kf'S"Krnei*’ l?'r'?(?-'io“ ’ *' CromweU after 12 straight wins • S A T U R D A Y quire about lowest down, smoU- YOU deserve a car ot your own, SHOCKS Um High yesterday at Stafford. 1:56—Senators vs. YankeM 1957 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 2- 742-8101. new clothes and the many D.m°M ' d^'4“7’3’" ° -■ >’ and the first regular season lose ost payments anywhere No small ROME REPAIR and maintenance EVERY Sophomore Ron Bemet made his Channel 8 door hardtop, standard transmis­ remodeling, roofing and altera- EXTRAS that make life more Dlacu*: i Gri.®ko B, 3. TTsvereo B. in 21 games, a streak that extends or fManco comj^ y pto. Basiness Serrieos Offered l8 PAINTING — Interior and exteri­ 3. Kankow®ki B d. 135' back into last season. first start for Stafford and held 2:25—(lets vs. Cards sion, 4 barrel carburetor, recent tions. Call Ruaa 4Jklns, Builder, pleasant. If a limited budget 20,000 the Purple Knights to six hits in Douglas Motora. 888 paint and boi^ job, whitewalls, or, ■ free estimates, reasonable MORIARTY ■ Javelin: I. F1®h M. 3. N

• V ' . . .

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