THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, IM t AveNMra Dally Net Preas Rnn The Weather .E K f f it Far tka Waak EBdea Faraanat a t U. 8. Wentker Kevtenbar t, ' MoaHy fllouSy and k tkroDgli aatnretey with a tow Members and husbands of the 1 3 ,8 9 1 tarad pevloda pC Ught rata. Newcomers C3Ub will hold a pavatnrsa ta dOs tonlgM. ngfc A b o u t T o w n closed dance Saturday from 9 aaf tkaAiMK Sainiilay war 69. at OnalWtkm p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Manches­ City o f ViUago CharM Mtai BMitMim WaU^tt, chair­ ter Country Club. Members man c t tfw paat pr«iiM«nta club who' have not obtained tickets will be able to do so at the of tha Anwrican L ^ o n Aux- !•) PRICE SEVEN CENTS atal7, 'wHl have a meeting o t door. YOL. LXXXm, NO. $4 jCTWraCFY PAGES) M AM CraaTER, CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1968 the ohib VVhfay at 8'p.m. at bar hottM, 147 Wpranoke Hd. St. Bridget’s Rosary Society will hold a food sale after all IM ieit Hayeii, eon of Mr. Masses on Sunday. Donations Events mnA ICm. nmmett K. HayeSr 69 may be brought to the church Tory Vote basement between 7 and 3 p.m. Enfield Council CMbbrtdge St.. Jonathan T. B onel^, wasteless, all clear Bewegr, son of Mr. ami Mrs. Saturday or before Mass on Sun­ tender meat. . . here ar* more O lM n P. Heyvey, 337 W. lilddle day morning. For pick-up serv­ of the same deliciouaiy tender Large fo r In State Yugoslavia, UAR Aid IM e.; and Michael Laimetand. ice call Mrs. James Slrlannl, beef roasU Plnehurst Ir fa- •on of Mr. and MTs. Michael 262 Green Rd., Mrs. Louis Della- mtiui for at ,the amazing Arrests Ex-Aide Lwbntano, 413 Si. Oenter St., fera, 262 Green Rd.. or Mrs. J. price of 20c to 30c less a are — *4hal aa freedimen at Edward McKeever, 69 N. School pound thap last week’s price. Sir Home Auditors CriticiEe Wucb wttar MMSute of Tach- St. • . Dine on the best.. . and save money, too . . . it’s so easy ENFIELD (A P )— An Investigation into a 1962 road Fiscal Controls Bolqn^ The Manchester Power Squad­ when beef comes from Plne­ roject has led to the arrests of three men, including a PERTH, Scotland (AP) Voted Down by Senate iiewu BuwM B an^ wtn ron will meet tomorrow at 8 hurst. Specials not only on Iormer first selectman and the president of a road build­ Britieh P i^ e Minister Sir At Bradley Field mtt*- 4a the MancheaUr FMla- p.m. at the North Methodist bottom round . . . but on top ing firm A)ec Douglaa-Home won a Mhs •ooMy Tuesday at 7:30 Church. After the business meet­ rounds . . . wonderful rumps ITia arreats oama laat niglit found to the ofMoe of the for­ seat in the House df Com­ w ... pjn. af the North Methodist ing a film will be shown and and tips , . . mer firat aelectman. Some oo«m- HARTFORD (AP)—The refreahments served. The pro­ after town oouneti voted 6-4 In mons today by a whopping {fmreli. She win diacuas Chriat- favor of obtaining Circuit Court eibnen bad ala* queatloned the State Aeronautics Commis­ Rejections maa aeala RefreMiments wlB gram la being arranged by the quality of the reptuving Job. 8,828-vote margin which 1 entertainment committee. warrant againat the three. ' sion was criticized today ha aerred. Free in bond of $200 are for­ The State of Connecticut had he hoped would take some U. S. CHOICE or PREMIUM HEAVY CORN-FED STEER BEEF fiimiahad Etafteld with more tor failing to make more mer first aeteotman' Joseph A, sting out of a bad Conserv­ frequcAf checks on Brad­ A Blow to Tozzoll, snd NlCkolas Dell tlMn $40,000 to matariala for the ative party d^eat in an­ Aquilla, preaident of th* XtoAeM work. It waa refwrtad. ley Field lessees and con­ BOTTOM ROUND BONELESS Construction Oo. ToaaoU left office teet July other special election. cessionaires to protect the Defeat of the prime minister Gozzoli, udto waa plaoad on when Bnfteid adopted a town- state’s financial return. JFK Team probation for two yaars to June manager-oounoil form of gov­ in th* aafa Oonstovativ* district of Kinross and West Perthshlr* state Auditors Clarence F. 1962 after hig oonviotion on an ernment. Baldwin and Robert F. Claffey assault fdwrge, waa eiiargad Tha formar firat aeleetman’s would havs bean an unprace- WASHINGTON — (AP) OrsMaMnd aaaault oonidotion atenuned dentod diaastar for the Ckxisar- said the commiaston made few with defrauding a wbUc oom- eocamtoatlona of financial rec­ Turninfr its back on ttia Wwfrefles ROASTS ib. munity by offloer. Dell AquiUa from an argument to February, vatlves and would bav* plunged ords of tenants durina the 2- White House snd on it* o-wn was chargad with attampttog to 1962, withh Jamea AJbano,i a for­ Britain into si government crisis. Your choice of Imy size. mer noting buUdtog inapeetor. Instead Douglas-Home’s big year • period ending June SO, leaders, the Senate has vot­ obtain numay under fatee pra- 1962. tenoes. AJbano aooueed Toxwdi at puH- victory was a psychological ed to ban aid to Yugoslavia tog a gun. eolditor to hia party’s loss Thurs­ Ike number of examtoatinm Towfi Oterk and Traaaurar day night, by another big mar­ made, the awktora said, oouhl and the United Arab Re­ Lovovioo taafrini waa amatad Mliqpini'a arrsat waa on a public. DOWN TOP ROUND ROAST lb. 95c baobntoality bwolvlng th* ka*|>- gin, of th* Common* seat for th* not be determtoed "beoauae on a chasye of paying an order district of Luton. records were not maintained by Administration wishes for a not aignad to a majority of the hgr at town records. NaStber of free hand were trammeled on the two oieetoal record* that ra- The Perthshirs vote was ttie department. 4 aeleoUnen. H* waa fread tai $96 Ike Aeronauttca Dapartment Thursday, as the Senate put Down bond. auMwd to Magrtoi’s arrest waa Douglas-HOme, 14,147; Alastalr THB FINEST LEAN Duncan MUlar, Libaral, 4,819; admitted the aixktors were eor- these prohibitions into the fee- All thra* an* aohaduled for connected wltti the Aalfia Rd. eign aid authorization bill and oonatruotton work. The olerieal Andrew Forreetar, Labcrito raot to their criticism. ■cm a Clrouit Court hearing Nov. 96. "Ttwre have been damned few approved annthe ' amsndmsiit to Down RUMP and SIRLOIN TIP Town oouneU ordesad an to- recondi were diaoovered by hir- keep the lid on assistance to k>- vestdgatora aa they went (•** Pag* aeven) toapeettona by ua,” said Aero­ Prices on quality bacon veatlgation six waeka ago into nautics D tr^ or Horace B. done.sia. OVEN ROASTS lb. 1.09 the Raiffla Rd. reaurfboing proj- through aB records to ttiair are down to the lowest WeitheraU. "We didn’t have the For good measure, th* Senate / act. DeU Aquila’a firm was low Raifte Rd. project probe. approved still another ban ea figrure in a long: time . . . Toeyn Maniiier Franda J. nsomel needed to do the Job. bMder and raoalved a contract Recognition e have tried to get additional aid this to nations whess firii- no limit. . . buy as much - AND SAVE 20c LB. ON TENDER hi Semtamfcer, 1968. Ita bid waa Tedeaoo aaM today that Mjagrtoi aooDuntanta from the legMa- tog policies "violate freedom of as you want. 198,000. vdB remain on hla Job pending the seas.” Several oounottimn had oom- the outoome court aoticn. He ture.. .but got only half a man at from the legMaturc, which Administration forces risaily EYE of the ROUND and special pUuh^ that data on btda and ated ha haa no totanttan of aua- For Viet Nam were reeling as the Ssnat* ■IRTMBTONB POR NOVIMBBR MISS ICW A LEAN apectfleatSona could not be didn’t give us sufficient funds.” pnaMng MiagTM at thia tbn*. Hitting bookkeeping and ac­ closed up shop after tta first SILVER TIP OVEN ROASTS lb. 1.19 Was Hurried counting pnacticea, BaMwto and night session since taking up Claffey aaM failure to keep a foreign aid a week ago Mtmday. SUCED The slow and rocky road to tnohy topVf ft rich ooWsit brown Ofttn^ eltar WA8HINOTON (AP) — Th* dose check on losses at the Wickham Mansion in Park to Go ROUND STEAK GROUND lb. 89c ahport meant the Mate had no passage of the $8,741,366,009 Md aparklhtg m ahampagiM. QIamourized her* BACON United Stotaa hurrlad Its recog- aaniranee k was getting a prop­ a measure Is strewn with 47 addi­ Save 10c Lb. niUon of South Vlat Nam's new er ffewnciM return. tional amendments, ainqed *Hh- Ir ■ bH>«M eeWng of The tum-of-4he-century m an-f the designa fior the park were<»and layout of rooms do no*, per- er at paring the authorisation or govammant cm the urging of Yhe audit showed some teh- Sion which graces the grounds drawn In 1961, will begin soon. mlt its adaption to any type of restricting how the funds be HorewWwe ■fintehed 14-ker«t gold. $41, U.S. Ambassador. Henry Cabot anta were not billed and others of Wickham Park on W. Middle The trustees makes it clear building or activity planned for were bated tocorreoUy because used. IwBiJIno NdwdI tax. Easy Paymente. Tpke. a* the Elast Hartford that iHae decMon to destroy the the future. CUBE STEAK and Lodge, officiala said today. Administration forces i>lan to Along with the recognition on «f took a t tofonnaticn on new town Une will be tom down old tniUdlng was not reached "The commisatoners of Wink- sgraamsnte or changes to axist- fight later to restore the Presi­ sometime during the next few wMhOut some regrets. ham Park, and offlcials of the TOP ROUND SLICES lb. 1.09 Thiliursday, U.8. offidat* Immedi- dent's discretion to provide most atoly bagwR conaidaring resump­ taiig oontswote. favored nation trade treatment weeks, a oesualty of obeoles- “After very careful consider­ towns of Bast Hartford and 4 Ib i. 1.89 For Swiss Steak. tha d a p a r t m e n t received oense. ation by the trustee, and (the Manohestear, with whom this tion of fo r * i| n *M wMeh bad for Yugoslavia and Poland, bean throtfiiotfise down In an affort $900,000 to revenue during 1062, barred last year by Congress. In its place will spirou*. erven- consitiUng) euchlteot and plan­ problem has been discussed, mskily to rental feea, ooncee- tually, a number of recreation ning consultant, no practical or thoroughly concur with this Canadian Bacon pkgf. 69c KNUCKLE SOUP B O N E S ...... lb. 10c to fore* the aid Dlam raglin* to Sen. William Proxmfre, D- ease its anti-Suddhlst eampalto- atona and aaseesmenta for use Wis., put through the amend- facilities more appropriate to economic use of this building opinion. of atateowned property and this day and age. could be devised in keeping “The house has been a land­ Morrell’s Thick Lodge urged a apaad-iip1-iip In uia : ment to out off all aid to Com­ (JltehaA U.S. recognition procedure prl ottttea at the field. This might The Hartford National Bank with the develojwnent of the mark in the area for many munist Yugoslavia except for JlW Iliai - SUVIttMITMl B a co n ...... lb. 59e marUy bacause of inereaaad Ipiita been higher, the auditors A Trust Co., trustee for the p>ark.’’ a bank spokesman says years, and it is with reluctance tiSteLtiUtaatikiaii* some surplus food and tor as­ 'Maintenance and up-keep Ommuniat (mratioila against iBfltcaited, f the department had sistance to American aehoola, MW Bfebi St., Manchester privately endowed park, have that this decision has been done a better ohacktog Job. Phone MS-2741 I announced that the demolition would be prohibitively expen­ made.” 5 ^ the provhdoaal fovam nam that That’s Far Enough libraries and hospltaia. m m a4hted p q ^ r .hut waakand, And Sen. Frank J. Lauscha, N which has been planned since sive. and the type of structure Howeiver, “Within the neott servenal months, additions and CCLD CUT SPECIAL AT Shooting Arreet Barking attendant J. C. Strickland book this oar up the ramp to a downtown JacksonviUe, D-Ohio, said he will offer aa Buy now for your holiday Th* iilgcB ffghn* amiouncad m m KAVBN (AP) — Bal- Fla., perking garage and heeded for an empty space.----- then discovered the brake* didn't amendment to wlp* out com­ improvements to the park wIB cakea ...SAW glace mixed that CommuiM *Vl*t Cong m be made, including tennis courts, PINEHURST SERVICE MEAT DEPT. iiiioce AnHunaSato, a ftery- hold. Unhurt, Strickiand wee heck at work—and working slow er-a few minutea tetfr. pletely the President’s disera- fruits S9c and 69c Jar . . . the eap- (AP Photofax). tion to aid any Communist eoun- skating pond, extension of the Citron and other peels . . . tsnperad ex-boxer already on pt to craai'sato tataC 'fo r *1nro ineidenta of ag- try under any clreumstaBsa. water mains, and the oonstruc- DUBUQUE BRAND Candied Cherries. tUsordw which, eoMd I ba hlamadblam< Under present law foreign sM Uon of the first permanent toilet gfevartiad aeiasdt, waa airreatnd an wa ftUVftlTUllVill CliftliftWIVEr* enoe again laat night after a Felt Like *Skunk at Lawn Pgrty^ Fund at 60*Vc cannot be given Yugoslavia, Po­ facility building.” H u : ^ Saigon warn land and other Conununiat ooun- Neoct, "A program for the en­ LARGE BOLOGNA urged I ? ' gevanulnant to ra- iteuuittog to a bar. In hia boKtog daya Annunri- Going up! The United tries unless the President deter­ largement and improvement at S l ic e d o r p ie c e aito uasd the name Midge Ren­ Fund totals today reached mines the assistance is vital to the Oriental garden, which is .<8a* Pag* Twelve) $66,407, wMoh is 60 per the security of the United the prime beauty ai>ot in the AND DUBUQUE ault Only four houn after he bad oent o t th* $116,000 goal. States, the recipient is not con- park, will be Inaugenated. Dodd Regrets Tiff trolled by the Kremito and that ‘Tnoluded in the long nuog* left Supaitor Oourt for the day, Divtaion reports reeul as UVERWURST follows: Initial gi/ts, $46,- the aid will promote the eoun- ;>lans is a modem community Go-Worfcer Held Annunateto, 44, waa chargad with seaauH with intent to kill 638; Business - Employes, ty's independence. 'yuilding that will serve for var­ The big fight Thursday nlgM . In r Shooting of imd held to $60,000 bond. He $9,904; Resktential, $11,971. n ious types of group actMtlee." Over Senate Delay came on the amendment by mb . The plans for the park ware Buy Morrell’s ready to eat fully cooked hams at waa anaated at hia home In Eaat^ Haven. Ernest Gruening, O-Alaska, to originally drawn in 1960 and the service counter or get these hams in cans at Noted Engineer bar help to any nation wliirti y 1961 by a Brookline firm of H u vtoUm — ateo a former the self service case . . . boxer — waa Lorenz (Lorry) the President determines la aa- landsoape architects, Otansteod exXfOORD, Umb. (AP)—a WASHINGTON (AP)—Declar-^he is not going to turn the Sen- U.S.^ Soviets gaging to or preparing tor ag­ Bros. Oov. Haison RockefelMr tatloB wtth Wtaam Hunter, 10, dur- 2temita, 80. He was shot once tog he "(elt like a skunk at the ate into a sideshow to “ give the kig soda shop ta 'Dyat'm drug atore, H. (AP Mthsr of three ptasfted to the aBxkanen. lUs oondUiiqn gressive action against the Unit­ V lawn party,” Sen. Thomas J. appearance of being busy for Now being altered, they to SALE ON Pbotolkx.) oent today to ajmurder charge ed States or any country raoeiw- chided at the time ball fields, waa Denned frtr today at Otaoe- Dodd has offered his regrets tor the purpose of impressing the Agreeing on in the sn^er Steytog of a promi­ New Haven Oonummfty Hoa- tog U.S. assistance. Identical ta tennis courts, skating and hock­ steaming up the Senate’s decor­ boss—the American people.” a provision in the Houaa-passad nent eteetr onfca engineer as he pkall. Playtex ey ponds, a dhtp-’n’-putt golf MORRELL’S HAM, 5 lb. can 3.69 aat at dinner with his wWe snd ous atmosphere. Then later, as Dodd told the bill, K was approved, 66 to 16. course, a pool and an observa- Pohee said there were ottver And the senators welcomed Senate, Mansfield oalled and of­ Space Rules seven ehUdren. patrons to the tavern, the duh tilon deck. Aten H. Btununthal, $6, a t the abashed member back in fered to come over and see him. | g ee Page Xwolvo) TTte park was the estate of 70 on Oolumlms Avenue, hut the club with a round of ap­ “ It made me feel like a Rocky Goes All-Out Peabody, dmled the c h a ^ be­ ttut no one claimed to have plause. By TOM HOOE Clarence and Bdith Witdchsm IMPORTED FROM DENMARK fore' Dlstitot Ooust Jodie Otte peanut,” Dodd told his col­ wknesaed ttu shooting. So ended two days of harsh leagues Thursday night. He said UNITED NATIONS. N. Y. from the late 1890s until Mnf. I held < M. WMtnay and waa held with­ words that began with Dodd’s he considered Mansfield “ a gen­ Living’Bras Wickham died In I960., S & W ... a really out hail t e further court ac­ 'The Xgfat wvu bad,” a de­ (AP)—The United States and Clarence Wickham's w ill, HAFNIAHAM 4 lb. can 3.99 For tion. tective explained. charge Wednesday that the Sen­ tle, decent, honorable man—a the Soviet Union have reached which went to probate shortly ’Du vtoUm waa Benjamto 1C. Zendte U a htiUung 984- ate leaders are maintaining great soul.” another agreement — on legal Bulletins SAVE 40c diffarant stawad J pounder who fought aeveral Wall Street hours of 12 to 6 while Dodd explained that when he principles to govern exploration after his death in 1945, pro­ X Gurley, 37, who until reeently Called from AP Wires vided that the estate should be­ yean aa a profeestonai heavy­ leglslatioh is gathering dust. first spoke out h*e was “ upset by of outer space, diplomatic sourc­ NASHUA, N.H. (AP) — Gov.fNew Hampahire presidential wtnked wkh Bhunenthal. Neither of the leaders, Repub­ all these delays we Ijave been come a privately maintained tomaioas Nelson A. Rockefeller continued preference primary next March Guttey was rtiot dead aa he weight. Annumsiato was a light­ es reported Thursday night. weight during his days aa a lican Everett M. Dirksen or having” but that he wanted to Informants said the agree­ public park upon Ms w i f e ’* today his all-out campaign to 10. aat eating with his family at special pro. Democrat Mike Mansfield was I tell his fellow senators, ” We do ment would be submitted soon TAX %UT DEAD death. "get out and meet the people Sen. Barry Goldwator of Ari­ their home on Mato St, Onn- present at the time. I have wonderful men to lead us.” SAVEl®® and discuss the Issues” in the zona waa vacationing at an un­ cord. to the General Assembly’s spe­ WASHINGTON (AP) — Th* He also set up a $2.4 mil­ Plnehurst Frozen Foods But Thursday Dirksen wa.s al­ Earlier in the day, when the cial political committee in the Senate Finance Committee -to­ lion trust fund, whose income highly strategic New Hampshire disclosed lideaway but an aide Blunventhiti la a design sn- . Co-ed Dies most waiting at the door, his air was hotter, Dirksen asserted 4 cans 1.00 glneer and‘ a widower. His form of a declaration and reso­ day set Dec. IS as the data was to be devoted to the opera­ Select Mette Munk Danish and delicious Sara Lee primary. in Washington said Rockefellar’s NEW HAVEN (AP)—A coed temper ruffl^, his usual mellow that Dodd “ ought to get a see- lution sponsored by all 28 mem­ for winding np its public bear­ tion and development cf the His initial efforts as a formal announcement hasi)(t changed ch&dren range to age from at Southern Connecticut State tones brassy. tog-eye dog” to lead him to the Cakes at this counter and fill your freezer with candidate ‘were hampered by the conservative RaWbUcan bers of the Committee on the ings on President Kennedy’s park. to 9. College died today of injuries “ If you want night sessions, chamber "so he can be around Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. Ill-billion tav out bill. Th* The park itself is comprised these Shurfine specials: driving rain. But he kept up a senator's plans. \ • He was arreated to Peabody received yesterday when she and we’ll keep you here, and then more often.” laat night and booked after 12 The Soviet Union and the Unit­ annoiinreinent seemed to kltl of about 128 acres, 108 of them fast moving pace. Goldwator has yet to'. an­ another coed were hit by an you will know ufhat’s going on!” Referring at a news confer­ any remaining chance for to Manchester,' The New York govemor’a nounce if he will seek the GOP homa of queatlcning. auto near the college. ed States have tried for the past Dirksen shouted at Dodd. ence to Dodd’s Wall Street hours two years to drafl an agreement Senate action on the top-pri­ SHURFINE FRENCH FRIES ■chedule includes the opening in presidential nominatlm. He paid Oonoord Police Oitef James Linda Nolan, 18, of Oakville, Dodd replied he waa not charge, Dirksen said acidly; ority adiiitoistraUon bill Brie Concord of the first, official a brief visit—bUled as non-politi­ Ftoan toM the court a gun he died of internal injuries at the to cover such matters as the cowed by Dirksen's ’’menacing "Quite a number of things can rescue of astronauts and space year. Only one week will re­ Rockefeller for president head­ cal—to New Hampshire recently said waa used to the Slaying Grace-New Haven Community words and implications.” induce cerebral incoherence. I main after Dee. IS nntU CX>n- FAT CRINKLE CUT FRENCH FRIES quarters. and said he wo^d enter the waa found to the trunk cf Hospital. vehicles that make emergency Mansfield took it easy on his landings on foreign soil and lia­ gress starts Its Cliristnias re­ Rockefeller, 66, announced state’s primary if he decides to Bhimwthal’s car. Fay Stopek, 18, of Flushing, Democratic colleague and said (See Paga Twalv*) cess Dec. 20. The recess is to OVERWEIGHT CHOPPED SPINACH Thiirsday in Albany his official seek the nomination. IPollce aaM Gurley recently N.Y., the other coed, was re- bility for space vehicia, acci­ dents. run to Jan t. A week would candidacy for the Republican In Little Rock, Ark., Wlnthrop had rertstered several com juried in satisfactory condition not be nearly enough time for Available to you without a doctor's nomination for president. Rockefeller said of the New plaintss ttwt a former eo-work- at St. Raphael’s Hospital. Shortly after the signing of the pr^acrlptlon, our drug c^led LEAF SPINACH , Stock up on Cream C4>aside ration and votes on the ODRINEX. You muat lose ugly fat I He then plunged immediately limited nuclear test ban and the bill In the Finance Committee, Now—own Amerie»*i *1 in 7 days or your mousy back. No Into his campaign to win the (Baa Paga Thirteen) (Bee Page Nineteen) ' (See Page Twelve) ' Rusk Discusses Viet Nam begdhnlng of this session of the SQ UASH . \ inneh less floor aettou, based strenuous exercise, lualiTes, Style S & W Corn General Asaembly Sept. 17, So­ sage or taking of so-called reducing I on past handling o< major tea at lowest price ever! candiei. cra ters or cookies. viet Delegate Nikolai T. Fedo­ legislation. chewing gum. ODRINISX U. _ tiny 1 MIX or M ATCH at this low price In Live News Conference renko promised to spare no ef­ tabletiblet anaand easilyeaell awswallowsd. " Whsn fort to overcome U.S.-Soviet dif­ youou take ODRINEX,ODRINEX. you atUI en­ FRENCH N-BUDOEBT Playtex makes this special offer *0 yon e«n jiscover joy your meals, still eat the foods 6 cans 1.00. ferences on Jhe matter. PARIS (AP)—The Freoeh you like, but you simply don't havs 8 pkgs. 1.00 WASHINGTON (AP) — Secre-S>was behind suggestions that the' Although the sources did not the urge for extra portions because tary of State Dean Rusk said United States seek a political National .Aesembly os^errode for yourself the superior comfort and durability of ODRINEX deprestes your appetite detail contents of the agree- sharp criticism from the So­ and decreases your desire for food. | today the new government of settlement with North Viet merU, it was said to incorporate Str*tch-ever* elastic in Playtex Living Bra*. South Viet Nam brings hope that Nam. From all he could learn, cialist opposition today and - Your weight must come down, be­ mubn of the Soviet proposals to approved a $737.9 — i^Uloa cause as your own doctor will tell the troubled nation can be "free he said, the North Vietnamese the legal subcommittee of the But hurry... ffii* offer it for *. short, time only ou. when you eat less, you weigh were not prepared to accept any nuclear force budget for 19M. 8 , and secure.” 0«t rid of excess fat and Uv« outer space committee last^ The vote was 297 to 100 with longer. ODRINEX costs te.OO and Plnehurst Vegetables I Rusk told a news conference, changes to the present political spring. But some provisional that’ •nd stock* are Kmitod. Is sold on this OUARANTOE; If situationlUi as It aiffected them 20 abotentions. Moments lat­ npt satlafled for an^raeson just re- I on the day after recognition of er, the entire $8,876,400,006 •. Playtex Living Bra. Machln* waahabk ta deterganli turn the package your^ oniggist Genuine Idaho bakers are now in and we feature CAllFORNiA I the new government by th* Rusk said he saw no reason (Bee Page Twelve) and get your full money back.*ck. No to modify the Geneva agree­ biidget was passed by a show 25 lb. Maine and Conn. Potatoes at the low price ' United States and Britain, that of haniis. and bleach... won’t yellow, pucker or straldi out quesUons asked. ODRINEX Is sold | tomato JUICE this country has -no special in­ ment to maintain South Viet with this __ guarantor_____ ^ of 89c bag. Nam’s independence -but that Nylon or cotton-Dacron* oupa. White 32A to 42C I ^ g Store, 942 Main, Mall terest of its own to Viet Nam ROBINSON TO GET POST ruled. and never has had a selfish the North Vietnamese had to Progress Seen agree to leave it alone before ALBANY. N.Y. (AP) —Gov Reg, 13.95 each— 2 for 16.90 or buy one for I3.4S. GOLDEN FRESH ’ I concern there. Nelson A. Rockefeller plans to I The American interest from the United States could think of On Wheat Deal *1)’’ aisaa reg. $4.95 each— 2 for $8.90, or buy one for $4.45. any changes to policy. appoint former baseball star the outset, he said, has been to Jackie Robinson as chaimiaa b. Playtex living Long lin * B ra ...«M i alaatlo, Winter insure survival of the nation Rusk was asked about what a WASHINGTON (AP) — The of the State Athletic Commis­ CARROTS i» 10” against the threat of Communist reporter called th* French point word to Washington and to Mos­ sion, it was learned today. Magle-Midriff for smootliaat hnst-to-hip Ibte a*ar. takeover. of view on possible neutraliza­ cow Is that the long-stalled $250- Robinson, first Negro to pii^ For the first time to history, tion of South Viet Nam. million wheat deal may go DEUOIOUa In the big leagues, alto to Nylon oapa, white SEA to 44IK the secretary of state’s meeting He said he felt the French through. expected to campaign ter Reg. $6.95 each—now only $S.9S, i Coming with reporters was opened to were talking on a long - range AdmtoiatraUon sources were Rockefeller in the governor’s McIn t o s h a p p l e s 3 lbs. 29c live broadcast. It was carried Jbasls, looking far into the fu­ hinting cautiously ITiuraday quest for the RepuMleaa grata N ow O n ly $4.95— % Length Long Line—with nylon live by Mutual Broadcasting ture. night that there has been prog- dcntlal nomination. Aluminum Comb. S & W Tomato Juice System and ABC-Radlo. The Tht United States sees nothing reaa on the...... chief stumbling ibr cup*. White 32A to 44C Reg. $5.95 each. Come to Plnehurst for home style medium hot television networks taped it for in the French proposals that block—shipping rates. CONVOYS GO THROUGH Windows and Doors later viewing. would involve action in South "D ” siaM rag. | 6 .9 S aaek—noar oiffy I5.9A sausage, reralar sausage meat . . . Boneless and 6 No. 2 cans 1.00 And to the Soviet capital, RERUN (AP) — U.8. and ’nW , YOU WILL NEBD The|rule to the past has been Viet Nam at present, Rusk said. Soviet Premier Khrushchev told French convoys crossed the regular pork loins . . . Connecticut fresh ehieken YSEM BOON 1 46-OX. cans 1.00 that reporters could not quote Rusk said the chief problem a group of visiting American autobahn from West Germany end parts. the secretary directly until he that developed with the Ngo businessmen at a party, “ I got to Berlin today without Soviet WHY NOT lUY had had a chance to review a Dtoh Diem regime to South Viet the news today that the grain Interference to * new teat «f N O W o n d S A V f transcript of his remarks and Nam was an alienation of the dealers to America have made Soviet Intentions oa the siqie^ HOUSE &, HALE edit them if deemed advisable' people. He said ha felt the new a reasonable approach and per­ highway. To oomplate flto tor policy reasons. regime would ba able to resolve haps we can reach agreetpent tost, a British convey Maad MAIN 4T-. MANCHESTER HOME The news conferenoa centered the dlfferancas ao that the couh after all." up at the Soviet cheokpotat at Three of a Kind Injuries on the Viet Nam situation but try could move against the Oom- Th* deal tavolvaa sale of Marienbom at the Oer- Plnehurst Grocei^y Inc. mms* llirea man ware leifiag tavattiartaa taw'llpaiie Mat aX e i beohaa. Aari tawaaa tiaated, from tert, Jtanea aeel, rangad widely. I munista with umty. about 4 million tons ef surplus man end for the llO-mBe Open TonigKt Till 9:0 0 SPECIALTIES gtar wiMn It hit aafitlMr ta T a m n , Aita.^ TIM th ra IIDftM I w6b |ta 9iaM tettti etataBnnial' tadutaw. end In response to a quaatlon. aerosa Oommoalat Baal taaa- 64S-S8M CORNER MAIN and TURNPIKE-OPEN THURSDAY and FRIDAY till 9 tainuMKMoualy hit ataaOui^ wtwM or ‘ (AV ncftatec). Rusk said ha did not know what ■MftIF SS nmiOELL FLACV lata itaw 'F Seea ieeta aad Lea i ------r-’ i I ■ 7


ah informal and. tnthnate sat- •4- dumb Ingenue, with child but tkng. A s a bonus to thosa who. Ogarette Cause Andover New T alent without marriage, did excelleht attended Sunday’s meeting at Town to Pay Honor jobs, quite conybiclng in parts i s : tha Von der Mshden ^Recital Sheinwold on Of 2-Car Crash that would otherwise nave been Hall, a spedal concert was of­ BRAD DAVIS G O P Caucus Scores H it edmpletsly Implausible. fered by seven UofC profes­ HOP The rest in the cast were Motorist Ronald J. IVevsna, OUR BIG LOT OF sional artists. To W ar Vets Monday competent if not tasptred. The Principal sponsor of the LOGICAL REASONINO • M, OlB«tonbunr. laat m«M was Set NoVk 18 By PHIUP BAYER sets, credited in tbe program to "Friends of Chamber Music’’ is BEATS FINESSING Both Kite vulasraMs aunanostad to appaar ia MM- . TONIGHT — 7:30-11 HM In "Boy Meeta Girl,” a light H(e .Little Theatre Workship, the UofC School of Fine Arts, Novra ohsatar’a OircuU Omsrt 13 4 n y*^*i*” A Uhy. who6€ motto i8 “ Peace with Honor,” comedy by Sam and Balia were veiy well* done. By ALFRED SHEINWOU) 4 j y 7 « 2 Spawack about Hollywood in the The plky, which is light and but H is hoped that listeners Nov. 35 to anavirer a oiMcya of / MANCHESTER HIGH SCHOOL GYM will be celebrated Monday in Manchester. A parade will PotlClcal news from both and musicians throughout the It's a good thing that Alvin Xy None daya before television, which somewhat dated, has no {dot By HOWIE HOLCOMB O A Q J 9 5 4 foilura to driva la a propar School Regalattooa! Saiaheri er Sacha ^ v e Manchester High Ikhool at 10:80 a.m., and there fironta tnehidas'a oaucua for the opMied last night at the Bowers worth mentioning, requiring ex­ area—professional and amateur Roth is as famous for his im- Ians. RepubUcana'and a county maat- —will participate as members. _____ 4 1 4 DONATION 71a w i l l ^ oereiponies at ^dancheeter Memorial Hospital at School, ths Little Theatre of pert timing and a /ast pacs to compromislng honesty as he is W W T EAST H m charge stammed froat^a kig of Zlemoorats, both, to ba Manchester uncovered a new make the gags funny and the Labor troubles are labor troubles, no matter what the By pooling their talent and in­ 7 o’clock Cw5 ^ hospital, at MIonras Parit on talent In Joseidi Santint, a young play worth me evening. In this VALUE terest. H wiii be possible to soR orm a B T a u m o r MANCHEWim held neoct week In Andover. level you find them, they aren’t confined to just the ^ A 4 ^ 10 4 3 E. Middle Tpke., near Ntow Bol­ newcomer. department, however, the pro­ offer a wMe range of chamber wrise people might have won­ ^8732 OK ton Rd. ’Travena, eaatbound, B. Osntsr St, and at SoUter'a Mrs. Bdwerd Montandon, Jimmy Hoffas of the world. The Lancers, a half dozen FMd In Bast Cemataty. As one. of the partners tn a duction, for much of the ever literature, including some mas- dered about the way he played 4AK453 4Q9S7.2 leaned down to pick up a Many to Get ohalrman of tha Republican local youngsters, were .scheduled to take part in the terwrorke seldom perfoomed, this hand. SOUTH Dedtcnted to ttie oauw of two-man team of fast talking, ning, failed. In addition to a few drc|>p*4 cigaretta, aisd drove Ilia Town Oommlttae, has an­ practical joking script writers, minor opening night fumbles, Dick cnark Caravan of Stara" ’V'V Dean Oookson feels. South dealer 4 A 4 car over the center lane and Preaklmt John F, Sunday at the Biishnell but According to Deen Oookson t9KQJ»l73l hi Mb prodamatlDn Long Holiday nounced that a special caucus Mr. Santini was as dour and there was a basic lack of pace, Both sides vulnerable Into the left raar side of ssi on­ Which made the show drag. Per­ were canceled out when it was the initial response has been Opening lead—King of Clubs 0 IP « . VsUnna Day "Qtvea of the Republican party w4Il ba funny as the authors must have coming vehicle driven hgr Ea- held on Monday, Nov. 18, at 8 anvlsicmed. haps the direction by Philip found they were nwi-union mu- quite gratif>'ing. Among the Suppose somebody showed baetian Lodoaro, 43, cf Osdar 8w4 ons ef ua an opportunfty m oheervanob of Veterans ■Iciana. conunents he received from the Sealb West Nsrtk Bast EVERY SATURDAY N10HT bGre often came the king of spades to de­ begiln at the high school, go went usual tomerrow. day would have been a wonder­ (like once a week) 7” Bridge,” send 50 cents to when Me car went out of oon- PLEASAN T Ctekinson who served on the qtonsored by the Manchester foiled to be convincing. Jr. as Young Man, Phil Burgess ful showcase for their talents. clarer's ace, and East played Bridge Book, Manchester Eve. on E. Middle ’I^die. to Main St., Post offloe employea too will Federatinn of Teacheie. A 11 Allan Coe Jr., a veteran per- Jr. as Radio Voice, Jerry Coro experienced mechanics. Most of these cars have been One of the least exclusive the eight of spades after a frac­ irol ait a Main St. totasweetkai south to Haornea St., west on campaign oommuMcetlons com­ The group includes Carl Chit- >1 clubs in Connecicut. the Herald, Box 3818, Grand Central essd rammed a sign poat and a have a day off, alnoe there wlU mittee of the oouncll. Mlancheater teachers are invited. former, was competent aa the as Offlesr, Lee Whltsell aa Hos- tion of a second. Station, New York 17, N. T . traa, i>oUoe reported. They aaid Batynea St to Manchester Me- be no house deHverles nor win­ AvenilU is fofniUar to many aglng and stupid cowboy star, pltal Nurse and C. Willis Oay{ traded in on new Oldsmobiles. Jian. leader and lead guitar; "Friends” welcome all persons Catches King VIEW LODGE n oria l HoqiMBl. Prefer Barry Copyright, IMS iritaigerald waa akXM whan tlw dow servloe on iMa holiday. local t e a c h e r s through the bdt fluffed several of his lines, as Major Thompson. Dick Stocks, organ; Jim Smith. writh an ear or a heart for mu­ Roth drew two rounds of Other unfta hi the parade will Mrs. Montandon also said sic, Dean Oookson said. General Featurea Corp. aoddmt oeeutred. 4 MH.ES EAST OF WILLIMANTIC ON ROUTE • 'Ihere won't be any Clrcutt courses he teaches at ths uni­ Young Danny Everett, as the | Perfermances are scheduled I T o o a U st; Perte Harris, electric trumps and led a diamond to hySude a color gui^. Mayor Oourl IS ssnvlons, since court that at a GOP Town Commit­ bass; Phil Zopadka, saxoi^ione, Deadline Today 455-9503 versity hi the hlstoty and phi- English heir and would-be film * for tonight and tomorrow night, | dummy’s ftct. This caught the VYanda J. Mahoney and Antoni employes wfU have the day off tee meeting held earlier this extra, and Rosalie Blum as the both at 8 ;80. and Mike Benevento, drums. DICK OLAKK High school musicians plan­ Still Automated week a poll o f the 16 members losphy of educaition; and his king and permitted Roth to dis­ N. Sadtak, former U.S. Oon- also. class In "The SchoM and Sp- AB are Manchester residents ning to compete for the fifth card his losing spade and thus Bsent revealed that, as of and have studied with various annual $1,000 Aetna Life nuislc greasnMn; a National Guard Buainesswlse, all banka w olaty,” which deals with the 1963 MODELS— make an overtrick. If he had MARBLE HILL. Ga. (AP) company, the Manoheater High be oloasd Monday, but the now, their preference for poa- music teachers here and in scholarship are reminded today Automation has invaded tha rote o f ttte teacher hi the Amer­ H artford. taken the finesse, he would Bchool Band, Veterana stores will be open. :^le GOP preMdentlal candi- is the deadline for applkstions. moonshine whisky business. WANTED dataa gave eight votee for Gold- ican social struoture. All are sngaged in paK-time have gone down. eolora, wreath beareni, veterasw AU aotlvltlea of the town AveilU, who Uvea at HemOock 1968 Oldsmobile Super 88 Holiday Coupe Applicationa are available Roth’s reasoning was very State and federal agahts water, three tor Rockefeller, fuzzy em(>loyment while continuing through music departments of WDRC wants you to Dance and nuxtUary menibera and Boy iworeatlon department fei the Point, Coventry, was recently simple.___ ^ _ West ______had already i 8 huge, push-button op- on the Bushnell Stage and Bcouta. West Side Rec, Bast Side Rec one v^e for Nixon, one vote their education at nearby col­ Oomneoticut pubUc, private and shown up with the ace-king of i elated still In a raid near this for Romney, and throe are un­ etocted to the Coventry Board 1963 Oldsmobile Super 88 Holiday Sedan leges and univeraitiee. parochial secondary schools and stay for the "DICK CLARK The program at the hcepttal and Community Y vdU go i of Education. He Is a graduate w uzzy clubs, the ace of hearts, and GeorgU community SHOW" starring BOBBY wtU open with the playing of usual, but WtU be called off on decided. They were the only area private music teachers. They the king of spades — yet West, W ^esday night. They said ths of Keene (N.H.) Taachers Col­ 1968 Oldsmobile Starfire Coupe group invited to appear with /fiouid be mailed to Hartford VEE, BRIAN ' HYLAND, '*lhe Star Spangled Banner," by Tuesday, because the centers To Hear Atty. Parakey lege, and holds a master's de­ 15.4" never entered the auction.; automated that all THE RONETTES and featur­ the Manchester High School will be used as potting plaoea on Hhigene Schwanke, Demo- the Caravan. Symphony Orchestra, 1(M Asy­ West couldn't also havs the; operators had to do waa gree hi American history from 1963 Oldsmobile Dynamic 88 Convertible honey Oh well, there's ahvays an­ lum 9t„ Hartford. ing 15 other big name acts Band, dlreoted by Robert Va- rsferandum day. oratiic town chtdmuuif an­ the Untveraity of Connecticut, king of diamonds. I pr‘n>e it and then run it by elec- tar. The Rev. Joeeph H. ICc- nounces that the Democrats of other day! Coming Events If East had the king of dla- controls from a house sev- . com ing Sunday, Nov. 10. where he is a candidate tor his Daaoe «^rts held Sat. night, Osm of St Jamea’ Chmxh wMl Andover will be hosts to fel­ 1963 Oldsmobile Dynamic 88 Holiday Sedan IrWmieB Tmibt Note Last two performances of monds, Roth's only chance was **** hundred feet away. That dontorate hi education. During M Hie Clancy Brothers and "Boy Meets Girl" are scheduled Nov. t at tho Mawheeler ghne the invocatkxi. GOP Committee low members of the ’I'olland 1961-62 ha waa an Instnictor bear to cGtch it ungUGrdGd. You j ufitGneo wee Just snough to County Democratic Association Tooimy Maken. among the na- toni^t and tomorrow at 8:30 at don’t have to peek If you can bootleggers to escape, Stato Amtory. Chairman O’Bright chaplain at UOonn. 1963 Oldsmobile F-85 Cutlass Convertible Bower School. and past oommaadsr of the Meeting Tonight at a meeting to be held Nov. tion'a leading folk singers, are think. Rretidiody vroicome. Ooaso 14 at the BBementai’y School scheduled to appear again at “Norway Today,” opening American legion, wH weloome 1963 Buick Electra 4-Door Sedan Dally Quewtlea and dance. Oonw and cheer thoes present and Mayor Msi- at 8 p m . the Buahnell Sunday, Nov. 17, event in the 1983-84 Bushnell Aa dealer, you boM: Spadee, The Republican Town Com' Lecture Series, is scheduled to­ your favorites. 4 honey wlH speak. Badtak la the mlttee will meet at 6 today at The speaker is to be Atty. sponsored by the GeeMc Foot- 4-9-7-8-S; Hearts, None. Dla- FRI.-SAT.-SUN.! eouples. bail Chib. Hartfonl. night, tomorrow and Sunday at guest sP«sIAL MC Rea Laatby mander Yeomans will call the -iltata Ccmventlon In January. for the Democratic party bi the 1962 MODELS— Watch will present a concert of roH. WUber T. LKtitte, pastoom - Tbe convention will consider case before the Federal Courts their aacond appearance here the rules changes which will be in New Haven. Aa he has in. leaa than a year. A huge martial and semlclasalcal music AdmhMda gl.04 mender of the Amsrtoan Legion, Tifesday at 8:30 at the Buahnell. wUl-recite "m Flanders Field,” ed by the Republican teayed an Importsnt role in the 1962 Oldsmobile Super 88 Starfire Coupe number o t Manchester fane at­ Thursday evening at 8:15, tate Council at a session in Democratic party for many u m i AHWTOOIIAT6 ■ tended their previous concert and a wreath will be plaoed by "The Masked Ball' will open WUf red ClariM and Mia. Wilber Hartford on Thursday. yaara he la well qualified to ■NMAtUm 6H0001ATIB 1962 Oldsmobile D-98 Holiday Sedan •NLY and wera undoubtadly Instni- the Connecticut 0]>erm Assn, Manchester’s Republicans are present tMe queation. Tho out­ mental in tha quick return. little . Aaaorted MUk and ft1 A | | | season at the Bushnell. Giussep- WUUam Shields o f tbs A im y entitled to send four representa­ come of the caM could bring Dark ChooMate L b .^ 1 * ^ 1962 Oldsmobile Dynamic 88 HoSday Sedan New Mnsi cal Club pe DiStefano, Virginia Gordon! and Nsnry Club wtS latae the tives to the convention, two for about aweefiing changes bi the Coma 300 aftVSonadoa of and Bnxo Bordello are among BOLTON flag, and a trumpeter foam the each town representative to the poUtioal m^e-up of the state. Tha flawtesB quality ef ths precious diamonds chamfcer muaio met at the Uni- the featured performers. General Assembly. 1962 Impala V-8 2-Door Hardtop Mak* your child happy high achool band wtU olay taps. The aesoriatlon tMs year veratty of Connecticut School of FYiday, Nov. 15, the Hartford Pina Seeond Big Hit In Color The Renr. George F. Naetrand, They will be chosen by caucus ocsnpletes over 30 yean of poli­ ia matchad only by tha jawalled perfection of naxt time you for Fine Arts Sunday to launch Jass Society will sponsor a Fall 0»-Wt VINCE EDWABM Is LAKE of party members, as town com 1962 T-8 Convertible ‘THE HIRED QCN" "WOMEN of the WORUV* raotor a t St. Mary’s Bptaoopai tical activity. It is believed to the high-precision Omega movement within. Mfvico at a Mobil Station. Connecticut’s newest "dub." Jazx Festival at the Bushnell. mittes rules stipulate. Frl. a Set. eeel. frem S:8S Church, will gtva the beneihc- All towiu must choose their be tbe only county group which Tako home a cuddly toy Organined as the "Friend# of Curtain time 8:30 p.m. Boa. vac shew at 7:89 Narrated by Peter UstiBev tlon. has met, uauajly every month, Tha msrquisa, 6178; tha round, 6660. Both In Chamber Music,” the novel so­ This week's program in the HOTEL representative on Nov. 18, how­ honoy boar. He's very soft u-j.' )2 FUEE ’Tha publlo ia Invited to at- ever, according to the Republi­ continuously for so many years. 14-karat white gold. Faderal tax includad. Ask ciety has tsvo basic alma: To Sunday Coffee Hour series at Gate 4:10 ghewH At 1 pjna Under Natr Msnsgvsasat t3M oeramonles. It would be difficult to find and aqueezable! provide a forum for lovers* of South Congregational Church, can State Central Committee for Easy Payments. NEGRO BROS.. INC. Unis, the town committee wlU anyone of staiture in Demo- chamber music, and to win con­ Hartford, features the Hillingdon oetic pohtioB who has not met HOLIDAY SPECIALS N arrange their caucus at their verts to this intimate art form. String Qiiartet. Sponsored by the with and spoken to tbe as­ In these respects the "Friends” F’ine Arts Foun^tion, the pro­ T en Trees Stolen maating tonight. Also on the schedule are dis­ sociation once or more thnaa bi FOR YOUR HOLIDAYS! M obil are akin to booster clubs. gram starts at 8:30 and is free. the 30 years of its eodstenoe. U ofC Fine Artd Dean FVank "Ice Capadea of 1984" opens From Nurs^y cussions of the town referendum sch em ed for Tuesday, on brnid The late Lewla Fhelpa and Ma « i5 « Oookson believes that the best Nov. 35 (through Dec. 1) at Special aon Chaitea were charter mem- 1961 OLDSMOBILE Dynamic 88 Holiday Sedan. way to hear and enjoy chamber Eastern States Coliseum, West , Pottoe today are toivestigntlng issues for two school additions c M l c h o A and the Dsmocratic-sponsored bera. New meeubera are alwa.ya Radio, heater, hydraraatic, power steering, power waa MiiSTsat-asTta tssHiaia music is to present reoi^sUs in Springfield. Bvsnr Friday Niflit diree oomplelnta of theft called highway Improvement program welioome. UHMarCk Jtwtltst - tltVlKSMlTHt brakes. One owner. Very, very clean. A 1 Q O C into polios headquarten yestar- And reports from district com 958 Main St., Manohoster Holiday P rice ...... I STEAMERS AND 6»y- mittees which are Investigatinj; Maaobeater Evening HeraM M l MAIN BT.—646-5631 Phone 643-3741 specific town problems andi local Andover oorreapondent, Law­ Preaoription Pharmacy ’Ben snrengreen treea, valued 1961 OLDSMOBILE D-98 Holiday Coupe. Loaded. CUM CHOWDER a t 640, were rcM rted atolen party pollotes. rence Moe, ielephone 743-6796. from FlanUaivd On The Park­ This car has everything. It’s elefui and has the best Lsrfe Portion way at 1315 Tbltand Tipke. 'Ihe of care and it Shows it. RIOOC 6 0 c tbefts oocurred aometiine be­ cut along dotted lin e ..^ . HoHday P r ic e ...... l O T D tween Sunday night arul Tues­ \ « day nKcmlng, poTloe saM. 1958 T-BIRD 2-Door Hardtop Coupe. Radio, heater, Laat night at shout 6:46, a Fordomatic, power ateering, power brakes. White NEW sBd Exciting Mnric pUTM snatcher grabbed a wOm an’s purse as she walked along with black interior. G10QRa To Dance B y Bldridge St., near Main St. Po- HoHday P i ^ Stop In soon to moot yo«r Noe asld the woman was V knocked down. Contents in the 1961 Sport Coupe. Radio, friends in the Tire^ace Plus DISNEY CARTOONS to COLOR missing bog included 630 in Room.” bills, change, a check book, and heater, standard transmission. Black I t l ^ O C ★ TUESDAY EVENING ONLY it Other personal Hems. htNior. White. Holiday Price ...... I *1 # 3 BOLTON LAKE Kevin Ootmolly of 16 Falr- CINEMA GUILD PRESENTATION Save this, Neighbor. HOTEL rimw St. last, night, between 6 'THE STUDENT PRINCr* phn "KIM** and 8 o’clock, had Ms bicycle Ronte 44A—Bolton stolen from outside the Bast Side Recrestlon Center a t 32 Bchool BU It may be the last one you'll ever see... 1961 MODELS—

BOARD OF LUKRAKIBB tlKHl OMmobHe DynanMe 88 HoHday Sedan HIDOEIFIIEaLD (AP) — Gov. John N. Dempeey say* he will I961 OMamobtlc D-98 Holiday Coupe Something Wonderful! For All The. appoint a state board of li­ braries to study CknnecUcut'a 1961 Fovd yictoria l-Door Hardtop Famliy To Enjoy Together! Mbrary system. The Governor, dedicating a new wing of the 1961 Chovrolet impala 4-Door Hardtop ■' —Truly An Amazing Sfory! Ridgefield library yeeterday ''lit' iiir said he- would qreate the board 196>1 Ghevrolot Impak Convertible by executive order. YTie 1863 General Assembly foiled to act on creation of a Hbrary board iOMINB T8 THE BWSNNEU In the last minute nuh. ’Gansett’s nm Flip-Top Gan has a byit-in (xm opeiier! A t YO U R ONE NIGHT ONLY— —Weekend Specials — WOODLAND Irish Te Tha Msshbom! 1959 Pontiac Catalina Convertible...... S 1 1 8 5 OLANCY _ TONMY OWNERS REPORT INEY PLANTING TIIVIE GARDENS 1969 Pontiac Catalina 4-Door Sedan ...... G995- HOLLAND BULBS DIRECT FROM THE LAND^ B R O T H E R S MAKEM 1959 Chrysler Windsor 4-Door S edan...... G 8 9 5 QF WINDMILLS AND WOODEN SHOES! "Frrmt rmtk « f tOk eeeeSryi fo U .per/envwi* EXCLUSIVE HARTFORD SHOWING SAVE 1957 Oldsmobile S-88 Convertible ...... G-IOS N, Y . Timm • SHOW TIME • . Look Af These Special Bulb Prices! Ssm we< hv 4 « Herttsni Ssslic Fee**# Ciet TottIqht 6:30 m d B:3S EXTR.A SPECIAL'm i x .89 Tickets available at Bushnell Box Office by mall and at Moriarty Broe. Call Dan Carey Saturday cant, from 12 HYACINTHS Doe. • t ^ ^ ^ 5 8 0 BURNSIDE AVE EAST HARTFORD Doc. 8 9 e 643-5135 or 648-4274). Ail aeata reeerved, Sunday cont. from 2 P.M. TULIPS 63.50, 2.75, 2.25. • 'S .^ /6 XJtJX 8 ^ 1 . CROCUS Large, Mixed. 50 For • r , l 6 o k DAFFODILS King Alfred—Doc. V ,, ■( s Special Values On: Madonna Lilies, Grape Hyacinths, Miniature Tulips, Friftlllaria, Snow­ ■?—i' ' ■ i drops, Scillas. Dutch Iris, Daffodils, all colors. Also following tulips—Darwin, Cottage, This 1956 Buick Special Convertible is a car A TVIumph, Emperor (red and white), Rembrandt, t’arrot. Breeder, Lily flowered. Double Early Kaufmaniana dwarfs. i, that has had the very best of care. Very low ^ mileage, under 80,000. Very clean. See it A CHRYSANTHEMUMS— Grttttiihouse Potted ...... $1.95 STER tonight. ^ CHRYSANTHEMUMS— Cut Rowers ...... bunch $1.59 BOLTON NOTCH where everything is as you like it PLANT TREES NOW! Japaneae Yews, upright and spreading, Routes 6mMi44 4 ► *795.00 i large landscape else ...... 3.35 Maple Trees, 8 ' .o n ly S .ffS (Also apeglmcn plants) ...... Ifem locks TONITE—ENDS SUNDAY—Yeu Must I I It For Yourself i Whm it U important Chiii«j4f Elm. 6.8’ . n n lv ■ O K that avarything h$ axactly Small Pure White DRIED MATERIAL ELIZABETH / RIUHAHD Clump Birch ...... 5 .D 5 up Have Fun! Create' your own arrangements TAYLOR / BURTON Tightf thit it tha plaea to linileii. Ginkgo, Moraine sad Rhsdemaater with our excellent selection ef colorful ^■Tl'T- n': Locust, ..Hemlocks, Sycamore, Weeping Strawflnwers. Balnbow Corn, Bright ■IrcJi, Albertiana Spruce, Mugho, HTilte diffM/ Wa tpaciaiif ia MANCHESTER and Scotch Pine. Wheat, Pods. Oats, Beautyberry, Autumn Leaves;' Fruit, Gourds, Wood Roses, Cat­ plaatiag partieul^ paopla. Lnadacape Department — Fra# Landscape tails, Bittersweet, Pumpkins. Advice. Let Us Help You With Your PlMting Probicma. Marsh Hay toe Mulehtag .. ,146. large bale MOTOR SAHS lhi> V I Pt SELLING AND SERVICING AVEY NEW OLDSMOBILES FOR OVER |«61 — 29 YEARS — WOODUND Gardens 112 W. CENTER STREET * ''VIPtt” 46 6M6 TW DOUaUB” At tiSi OPEN DAILY TIU 9 P.M. ic JOHN J, ZAPADKA —- Tatophaae 643-1811 BREWING 00.. CRANSTON, R. L ia WOOPLAHP ST. MANCHySTBl 64I-B474 ■ONUB A T A O n O K I"’ n . '"V. HANCHESTER e v e n i n g h e r a l d , MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1968 FACE m i dha bhana tor ttw troobl* an ttw Audit for Town teot IM t tba anODiaafa are kept Bankruptcy Sale hi dhtoiant ptaoaa, a Saw whtoti Evening Serijes Search Painstaking In Two Parte the towki to hafictnfi to m O f by FREElEUttRY For Famed Hotel TV-Radio Tonight ooMotidattaE an accounOnE hi 7A.M.IefPM: Begins Sunday the ooHtnfiar’a offloa> T lfig y m r MantoMtor’o fincnl l By n a U P J. KBVPBB jumniR— n tf.__ i l At S M ary’s For Yale President NEW TORK (API — The 8t. audit 'Wfll be aiteifktod In two parta — an tnuaiuU prooeduro< *' Bird Waa Omen ■ V' Jb-* ’-ik- George Hotel, a Brooklyn home *T1h* Waya and ’neaohinga of Television wMoh has been approved by the ^ Oiupch" wiU be the them* By ANOELO NATALE *?Tale? Whom wtwM you sug­ 'to president*, authdra, ballplay­ 6:00 <^^Bia 8 IlieaUr (la prog'^ ( S4(M0). 77 Sunset Strip S(Mbe TUX Oonjintooioner. PINE BLUFF. AriL (i^)— gest? Why? of tha annual Sunday evmiag MBW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) ers, actors and generatlona of (SO). 1 HavHave Oun. Will Travsl Tt»e ikrot aotsUon, wtilefa town roriea of gt. Mary’s IDpiaoopaJ if i^s m fashitm k^s et The corporation set. up two (23) Movie at a (In progreaa) OOj Intematlonal Showtime ogtdltoaw Bomr, MAoH and'On., H m ■«oret ballot waa over, and special committees — a survey sailors, is Hated for bafikruptcy (KV80) Barly Show (in prog- (33) Schools Match Wits R,^N G ^ » u r c b which win eommance •tree men paid a nocturnal call reia) (34) tevltaUoa to Art OPA, wfil turn hi adon, wfii hv- •Sunday. committee designated to receive sale. ( S) News 8:00 (34) Of Poets and Poetry ohxto flp ir a tor afi town Pino Bluff. It baeama a dally Greatest Values of OPEN TUESDAY and at ttia home of Kinirman Brew- the names of suggested succes­ One of New York's biggest (18) In the Pubtlo Interest (SO) Naked a ty thing. An adult biqulrer’a ctoaa will (30) n im (33) B logra^ y oounta aoBoeixt the water and' FUEL o n moat the cleigy in NWll atar Jr. on the Tale University sors to Gri.swold, and a commit­ and earliest luxury hotels, Its , (34) Dr. Poeln’e Qiania 08) Subat^^oa TV The Pina Bluff Commarcial tee "on the nature of the pres­ aewecia] SMILING S E R V 1 < e m b « body of the university, mittee, headed by prominent 9:00 (34) Storieq of H. R. Mnmw c6Mwa “the audKor haa had bird. lawyer Edwin F. Blair, received caught between moimtlng costs 6:10 ( 8) New Breed 9:80 ( 8-13) TwUlgtat Zone yyytog toatruoUon. The new (1 0 -3 3 t) Huntlev-Brinkler aotna difltcuity hi oorreMhig “ Moat of them caDad to tall : kr and they broke the news to more than 800 replies contain­ and increased competition. ( 8-30-40) Farmer's Daofbter BANTLY OIL •ovtoa on Confirmation Inatruc- MAIN STREET, MANCHI^ Bresnster that he had been una- (34) What's New (10-3380) Harry’s QtrU file ancnial baato booka wtitdi me the bird waa a sign that ing 160 different nominees. It "It's a shame,” Free said. "I ( 3) Walter Cronklte ( 'iMI ', \ 1 |\( tlon will feature several recent­ ■ Bimoualy Reeled president of (30) Social Security ■ 0$).^beer1pUon ’iV tha wwter d^iartnMnt maintadna there would ba a death In tha worked closely with the- other think there are 12,000 new hotel 10:00 OMMO) Jack Paar (C) family,’’ aaid Mra. Varnell. ly raleaaed filme in coVnf with ' Tale. rooms in New York. W# are 03 ) Newebeat (34) Japanese Brush Paintinc for «s* State PuUte UtIUtlaa Mill Brewster, 44, provost of the committee, headed bj- Harold (40) Superman Otmmtarinn with the cash' ao- She dlacwuntad the eupar- aDprapiiate audiovlaualB. overbuilding.” OS) Life of RDey ( 8-18) Alfred Hitchcock anlversity and, in effect, acting Howe n. in the ' ‘v^eedlng out” ( 8-3040) Fight of the Week oouMt boolM ttM eontroBar’a of • atltion. ■ I I.. M l’: ;■ I , M TTie text book to be lined will ^ '>e’. process that had to follow. f:00 OS-3380-40) News. Sports and 'to "The Way* and Teachinga of ' president since the death of A. The at. George, started by a Weather 10:80 (18) Subscriptioo TV Iloa iiwfnlaliia for the town.” Monday ona of her iBelaa (11 «rl\ \ 111' t i l , i After a rquhd of summertime sea captain in 1884, looks down ( 3) Death Valley Days 10:48 ( 8-3040) Maks that Spans' the Church’’ by < ^ o n Haugh- •*y • • i ' . V•••’ ' : tm tney Griswold almost six 11:00 ( 8-133380) News. Spoi% and TIm manaigar ptaohi part ot died. months earlier, promptly ac­ meetings, the committee man­ on New York Harbor from (34) Planet Earth... wout. Topdea covered wtU be aged to trim 127 name. ■■ -v.s- weiioame to attend the aertca light man “ must be a leader— in New Haven on the night ^ operated by bankruptcy trus­ Oct. 11. and the secret ballot in ait St. Mary’e under no chhga- ^ -not too far to the right, not too tees. tlion. Oergy on the utef? of the ] Here's Oiir BEST ^ far to the left, and of course not which Brewster was elected. Was there any controversy at HOLIDAY FAIR ^ church are the Rev. (George F. Ju«t in Time G Ul loo much in ^ e middle. Noatrand. rector; the Rev. John all prior to the selection? No, Picka Hight Door Hi? D R ESS B U Y “He must be a magnificent say the corporation members, D. Hughen. dircictor of eduoa- '■ ■peaker and a great writer. He noting that the vote was unani­ PUEBLO, Ook). (AP)—If Joe Safurday, Nov. 9fh rion; ihe Rev. Wfiliam F. Gender ' ■ i-? For Cold Days Ahead! must be a good public relations mous. Lucero had been as hioky at ID; and the Reiv. Ronald K. T om orrow ! naan and an experienced fund Forty-five minutes later, Lew­ bingo, he might have won some­ ^ COFFEE SHOP— 10:00-4:00 Makleman, per7>etual deacon. talaer. He must be a man of is, Blair and. Howe paid the thing. kon health and stamina, a nocturnal call at the home of Lucero, 28, has been sought by ' SWEDISH BAKE SHOP young man—but also mature Kingman Brewster Jr. police on traffic charges for Book Fair Slatpd •nd fd l of wisdom. WINTER That was the procedure that nearly a year. An acquittance iiiii! “ He must be a man of the led to Brewster’s selection as informed them that he could be LUNCHEON— 11:30-1:30 By Buckley-FTA . «otM and yet he must also Tale prekident. Members of the found at a church bingo party ^ v e great spiritual qualities, corporation decline to name the ’^ursday night. In obaervance of National PASTELS ■a snut be a Tale man and a other men who had .been con­ As a policeman approached TRINITY COVENANT Education Week and National preat atdwUr.” sidered. him, Lucero dashed through one CHURCH Book Week; both of which occur V «*Aa I bave been talking,” At the end the question still of three doors in the room and next we^k, the Buckley School Kaswis aaid at the time. “ I don't remains: What are the qualifi- escaped. Hackma'Iack St. PTA will (ponaor it* annual doubt you have realised that cationa for a Tale president? There were officers stationed Book Pair in the ichool aiiditori- Biere la

' A LEM Shop \ y Friday* to ■ EQUIPMENT $:S0 PJM, BT. «$—VERNON 386 NORTH MAIN STREET . II B O O K V nX E 875-dOhl $ 4 ^ ^ ^ 1 ManelMalert EaterpriM INA a rt MAIN

Vy % PACK SBV BN MANCHESTER EVENINQ HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIPAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1968 MANCHES'TER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN4 PTtIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1968, M C I S tX of 8,749 vote*. He polled 21,108 For 8atard*y,Only—At and rixth g n h ^ to Tickets on Sale meht -wtU diotribiite aond to by KhruBiohsv blmsalf, was edien I bedanve a man, I put Next year the number w « to- votes to 17,889 for too Conserva­ Manchester Hospital Notes Rockville-Veraon realdente Monday acoonding to tive, 8lr John Fletcher-Cooke; Aanrii^Bt^r that ws had sow triad to away cbildiah thinga orease beoans* we have two Best in d-Year H istory . Sugen* A. Jorito, riiperinbend- Tory Vote MAYRON’S * "For now we aee .through a For Hoot ’n Hop 5.001 for Liberal Malvyn Benja­ ohsng* the long standing pro- The Open Forum ftourth grades but only one fifth «nt of public work*. Reridenta min and 490 for Communist gtaaa, darkly; but then face to and no rixth. W* underriand VIsUtac hour* are 2 to 8 p.m. who wish the ■■nd murt toave Stinting If^raUt oedurst which bad always hith­ TWtsta forthe "Hdot 'n H o ^ la oU oreoa, except maternity Anthony Chater. BAKE SHOP iace: nov 1 know in part; bijt lOommuni^lons for publications in the Open Forum wUll there are no more open apots. MoteVs Bid oontabMia near the rood. If __roiL18H*J> BIT TH* erto bssn observed, and that tt not be guaranteed publioatlon if they ooiftaln more than Ih e totuatton is critical and can­ with Brad Cento as « Kiwanis Nets $3,060 where they are 2 to 4 pjn., and that* to loto Monday, dtotribu- Large for In to* 1959 general election, bb r a l F fFBOmNO b w t OO. INC. then Shalt I know even as aJao omefore to* city election Dee. 8. 100 seats In the House of Com­ ■CBflCRIPTIONWlATBa dlacloeure to some millions of I hope I may have a few lines many years. Visoounta, the Goldfana and the time high for the youth services fund raising drive. motel on Rt. 30 at Merlin Rd. Fira Dtoutot reeMente may also Smith, Independent, 78; William Payable la Adranc* deadly aerloua. But one likely Again I urge the voters of 'Muet Be Foremoat* Guardsmen. ^ ^ Saverio Spirt to, Rocky Hill; has boon approved, effective to- Ruahton, Independent, 45; and mons. One T *ar ...... W f * human beings the world over to of your valuable apace to urge The majority of the aum.O------Mr*. Grace ’TutUe, 21 Hudson igply. F eraona who need gtoeese account of how the crisis ended the votera of Manohaster to Manchester to get out and vote To the Editor; The show, which is tor the d!ay. The Fire District Zoning Richard Wort, Independent, 23. However, Labor’s percentage 12,718, w«* raised from bide 187. Nancy LoBonne; 188. Cliff fet.; Mra. Florence Thurston. 25 read ahould bring toem. f%r*e HMtba...... fSO goes like this: The Russians know that a computer operated vote next 'Tuesday for the —vote for the planned school The need for sound education benefit of the ChUdren’a Serv- twlephnied to to Kiwonlani dur Commission has appswed th* In * toree-aided race In the of the .total vote at Luton in­ On* Month ...... l-8» e-xpansion on Nov. 12. Duff; 189. Ronald Finnigon; Apel PI.; Susan Carpenter, 17 Noturollaed cmoena'must bring creased only 3.1. per cent over first demanded that our man under the guidance of a Scot­ planned school expansion so should not be hampered by the Ices of Oohnecticut., IS sponsorto feig th* 2 two-end-a-balf hour application four to one. Frank­ 1969 general election, the Oon- Frod.G. Bldwards, lack of ample claasrooma in by the SoropUmlto CMib of 190. Mra. Henry Becker; 191. Washington St.; Mrs. Betty lin G. Welle* was absent and totheir papers with toem. the 1959 balloting. NOW ” ■ HfcMBER or tish clerg^yman has rendered Its long needed at. Highland Pari' fOidio eucUon aesriona broadcast 'aervatives won the district by * m ASSOCIATED PRESS (bsmount, then that the tail 428 Porter St. Manchester. ir Robert Peck; 192. M. Hubbard. Aceto, Sunnyvlew Dr., Vernon; Hospitol Note* "We’ll win it back,” said Sir and Keeney Street Sohoole. In Mlanchester. over WINF. did not vote. 12,000-vote margin. No one had Tbe A**odated Prewi 1* exclu- gate* of their truck* b* lower­ opinion that St. Paul was in­ Education of our children 193. Rita SulHvan; 194. L. Mra. Violet Yurkshot, 59 Rus­ Residents of the area have Admitted yesterday: M i expected them to come any- Alec of the Luton seat in a tele- ■trelT antitlad to the «!** rf repjJb- 1951 when my first datightc ’Ihe remetoder, 1342, ha* bean Thornton; 195. S. Smuckler; Mary Pratt, Ellington; M Ee^on of all new* dlapatche* ed, and, then, when they got deed. as so many generations started school at Highland iW l: Plea To Parents must be foremost within our sell St.; Mrs. Ldane Czwertek, oppoeed a driveway on Merlin* near that figure this vislon appearance today. FUEL OIL donated by Mancheaber ettinens, 196. Mrs. William Carroll; 197. Wapplng; Mr*. Alice Franklin, Helen Blonlara, Went R . eraditad to It or not otharn^a nowhere with theee two re­ have beUeved, the author of the the facilities seemed adequate To the EJditor, hearts and minds. merebante and toduatries. In Rd. a« a safety hazard to sriiodl time. craditad ta thl* paper and also the There is no more Impot-tant Reading, Writing and Arith­ FOR RENT LUa Brown; 198. Mra. Grieh; Elaat Hartford; Mrs. Gwen Duff, children who board bueea at the Sandra Schofield, 62 Village St. The 60-ye*r-old prime min­ local new* publlihed here. First Epistle to the Corinthians. as they did in 1953 when the addMiiofi, all the aale i/beme were 199. Mra. Dave Keith; 300. F. Birth yeeterdky: A daugh­ Hippo No Joke Only 131/ 2^ All riaht* of republlcatlon of quests, that our men move second daughter started school. .■Unction that each of ih as par­ metic taught to the tune of anti­ btorrs; Mra. Vera Spera, Tal- iirteraecttan. They have asked ister wa* a member of the ■pa<^ Xipatcha* herein ar* al*o toward the rear of th* truck* quated tricks, can not be tolerat­ 8 and 16 nun. Movie Projec­ donatad by town buslneaentn, W. Helfrick; 201. John Baminl; oottville: Fred Nukls, 22 Angel ter to Mr. and Mra. WHUam But during the following years ents and civic minerform, than to provide proper ed. 20il. Mra Charles Cavanau^; St.; John Maston, 36 Lyndale thorized for the project be con­ BIgl, 7 S. Grove St. SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (AP)— to be counted. SubaequenUy the being active in the PTA anc' 86 nun. tilde projector*. rilso provided free of charge- nounced his earldom to succeed Park Supt. Baldwin I^ee re­ irtiU aarvloa eUent of N. E. A. .xtocational . facilitlas for our Manchester must move for 18" 203.: Chet Porclak; 204I. Ben St.; Mra. Jean Rugg, East Hart­ Discharged yesterday: Mra Ruseiane came to the roar of A Thought for Today having many occasions to vis! Last year, the Kiwsjiiane book structed on Rt. 30. Harold Macmillan. ceived a letter offering the city Serrlca Inc. _ , _ _ children. I urge all parents to ward, being ever aware of all of WELDON DRUG CO. Jeffries. ford; Heibert Rowley, 62 Clin­ Bertha Plaoewakl, Worcerter He prepared to return to Lon­ Publlahera RepreaenUtlrea — ■»* the trucks, pretended our men the school the inadequacy ol to *2,171.84 in radio bide, reel- 205. Mrs. G. Gourley; 206. Ironically, 'Jie reridenta who a hippopotamus for Forest Park GASH SAVINGS JnUu* Hathaw* Spaclal Agency — Sponaored by the Manches­ the facilities became more no­ display their interest in their its citizens’ needs. The future 901 Malp St.—TsL 648-68*1 ton St.; Nathan Boykin, South Rd.; Mark Boudreau, 24 don for the clash with Harold totoig about 76 per cent of the Sandra Adams; 207. Dorothy object to the Merllne Rd. drive­ Zoo. T o rt Gblcaito Datroll and had moved as per their le- ter Ooandl of Ohnrebee ticeable. The auditorium be­ children by voting their ap­ holds a light only If our educa­ WlivdBor; Mra. Janice Hodge, way are the only onea who can Thompson S t ; Yvonne Luoa, Wilson’s Laboritea that will I P T O tional foundations are firm. total value of the 260 Ibetne. Curry; 208. Roland Meher; 209. 121 FYilknor Dr.; William Ritch­ Greet Ridge Dr.; Mra. Lena Hill. The letter bore the name of loScBBB AUDIT BUREAU OF quest, aithough they had not, came the cafeitcria, the lighting proval of the proposed addi- Axlditionai gttts put the total eliminate it. A protecUve cove­ come with the opening of the tiona and Unprovements to the I appeal to all. Vote yea for Louis Hennequln; 310. Alice An­ ie, 31 Deepwood Dr.; Mrs. 87 Union St.; Mra. Iren* Gag­ new ^Parliamentary aession on Dorothy M. Pierce of Hyatts- CQtCDIiATiONB. ______and solemn^ put down their What must it be like to be faclilUes practically exploded over the *2,600 mark. nant prevents commercial use Keeney 8t. and Highland Park the School Bonding Issues on derson; 211. Martin Aroian; France* Streeter. 11 Essex St.; non, Mkiam Dr.; Mra. Jemn Tuesday. ville, Md. It explained the writ­ n a HeraM Prlntlnr Company count. Thl*. apparenUy, wa# the God. To aee a man battling when a projector waa plugged 'The ftrat two years of th* of property facing Merlin* Dr., to for a movie, over-crowding School* on the f orUscomtag Nov. 12. 212. John Barnini; 213. Norma Edward Hale, Wapplng; Shan­ Kerkto, Grant HM Rd. It wa.i vital for Sir Alec’s pol­ er had Inherited a hippo from Inc. aamima* no flnanctai raapon* hesuvy odd* and know that to Sedriok J . Rawlins D'DS oale, I960 and 1961, It brought Terrio; 214. J. Willard; 215. and residents must release this an eccentric businessman. The ■Iblllty for typorraphlcal error* ap- "victory” Khrushchev ctelmed, b^an. Now with my son to referendum. soft 24’ non Egan, Andover; John covenant before facllitiee can itical future that he gain a naarinf In aoTertlaemenU and othar help him would rob the man of in *2,303 end *2,601 in radilo Louis Hennequln, who also won VemoB news Is handled by zoo could have the hippo for the later on. third grade, if the addition Very truly yours. Poutre, 51 Summit St.; Mrs. be arranged on the site so that House of Commons seat. Noth­ reading matter ta Tlie Hancheater his achieivemeint of victory. bed*, plua addlUonal gift* and the bonus Item; 216. Mra. Fran Carolyn Bradley, 11 Wil-shire The Herald’s Rockvine Bureeu, cost of transportation to Spring- PER B r e n ^ Herald esn iny sensiWe person dis­ Such an eooperlenoe would be a planned to not completed in Jack Goldberg two driveways can be located ing In the cfonstitutlon so time, he will join with over two and ■ervicea Helfrick. Dr., Vernon. 5 W. Main S t, telephone states, but it is regarded as im­ field. nALLO'N pute, after such an axscount, Divine Tragedy. That would be on Rt. 30. Kenneth B. Parsona, Dtaplay adrertl*adyertlatag cloatag hour*; hundred other children when he ‘SItuattoB Is Critical’ LEE’S FLORIST ‘Thus, at *2,718, the rodto 217. Mra. Carl Swaneon; 218. a d m it t e d TODAY: Inge- 876-8186 or 649-6707. perative in the second half of The Springfield Union tele­ For Monday—1 p.i.m. Friday. that there ought to be two im- tragic for God were It not that Louie Hennequln; 210. S. applicant for the site, said he phoned Mrs. Pierce Thursday war Tneaday—1 * p.,>.m. MOTday. reaches fifth grad* and be Dear Votera: and GIFT SHOP auction thia year groeaed It* borg Allard, Coventry; Scott would be happy to build both the 20th century that a British He la able to walk beside that Smuckler; 220. Hal Harrieon; d a s h e d in t o r o a d night and learned Lee had been For Wedneaday^l Tu««w«r_ penativea for policy, the llr^ transported out of the district Blvery spring at Keeney oh so largeat total rince tta inception Franois, Ellington. entrances on Rt. 30 if the cove- prime minister answer for the FUEL OIL For Ttairaday—1 p.m Wedne»day man facing the heavy oddSiand Rt. 44A, Bolton—64S-8089 BUNDS 221. Stanley Bray; 222. Gail BIRTHS YESTERDAir: A the victim of a hippo-sized hoax. For Friday—1 p.m Thuraday being never to yield a tactical for the two years which I be­ School a parent must aril, four years ago. rjunta are lifted. FAIRFIIELD (AP)—Virginia conduct of his government in lend him courage and faith and There were more items up for Axlamy; 223. Joan Volkert; 224. daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ the popularly elected Commons. "No.” .said Mrs. Pierce, " I ftar“ “SaturSay—i irday—1 p.m. Friday.Friday or symboUc Inch at Berlin, and strength and thus crown the lieve win be the most important “wlMre will my chIM go to * VES, WE DELIVER * Parsons said, "Howard John' Woodford, 30, of Fort L«ee, N.J., dasained daadUne:dMditae: 10:10 ;W a.m. two years in hi* life when he is DOOR m d Wd this year than ever before Osri Haetings; 235. Jean ert Krleger, Cemetery Rd., Ver­ waa killed yesterday when *he Voters in Perthshire and in just don’t happen to have a each day o! publication exeapt man with honor and dignity of sched next year?” Often there cuddly son’s and I are both happy that COOPERATIVE the second, just as Imperatlva. prep^ n g for junior high. la no answer until the school Flowers far all oooaalons; — 288 of them, plus a dozen Brown; 226. Gil Stephens; 227. non; a daughter to Mr. and ran in front ot a c*r on th* the English industrial city of ' hippopotamus around the house. Bshuilsy *— B A.1IL achievement. God never leaves bonus Items. Mra. Frank Grimason; 228. the people of the area had ' Where would I get a hippopota­ OH. rOMP.\NY to do aomethlng to *e* that With the construction of board has found an open spot Weddtaiga, Fanerala, Cot WINDOW Mrs. Everett Walker, 38 Sault- faith enough in this project to Connecticut Tpke., state police Lyton ballotted to fill vacancies PrMny. Novwnber S UB alone. Flowers and Corsages . . . Their retail value Is esUmated Donald Manning. era .Rd.; a aon to Mr. and Mrs. reported. Howard W. Freuse, in the Commons. mus?” SINCT. 19S5 both the United State* and Rus­ Rev. J. Maidey Shaw Ferguson Rd., Butternut Rd., In another sohooL This year 10 grant permission to build it. We “I've been In a lot of odd slt- Z1.5 RRO,\H STREET 4 Mountain Rd.. etc., th* popula­ kindergarten ohBdren are being by the donora at *8,629.80, plua 229. M. Aroian who also got Rodney Bteeanore, WUllmantic; 40, of Fatoflekl, the driver, told Results of the Luton race, an­ sia get out of Germany and out South Methodist Church 8151.60 for toe bonus gifts. The really are oofneemed with the nounced late Thursday night • uatlons but I ’ve never had to TFJ„ 6t3-t5.5S Chess At Check-Point tion of school age children bussed to Smith and 67 fVth the bonus Item; 230. Sam a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. safety of the children and will p^oe Mioa Woodward stepped of sacih other’* <*eck-pointa ? BILCO bidders thus offered 77 per cent Swain; 231. Anna Gluhoeky; John Griffin, 173 Spruce St. into toe road near toe E. Okv- gave the Labor party esmdidate, 1 deal with a hippo. And I hope I IF THE SHOE FITS makes the addition to Highland of th* eatimated retail value of do whatever we can to protect don't.” Bv«n IKough on« «P- Parti School aU the more neces­ 332. Peter Brtuoheka; 233. BXRTH6 TODAY: A daugh­ ter Bt. exit. I Will Howie, victory by a margin DALLAS (AP) — The Casa toe sale Itema — down a litUe Thomae Burgeaa Jr.; 284. Mra. ter to Mr. and Mra. Fldele them.’’ pawnoat th* nfcrwdt ofcvlotiB fact Linda Presbyterian Church now sary. The planned facilJtieB; Hopes are to start reetaurant Upset In Gre«ce HATCHWAYS from toe 80.4 per cent realized Fred Naoeiff; 235. Gall Adams; Voie, 137 Bldgerton St.; a ttwt th« Riisstaiw would ppob- has a conscience box in its li­ renovation of sub-standard last year but well above the per­ construction within three claasroomfl, heating, cafeteria, 236. John Barnini; 237. Ray daughter to Mr. and Idrs. James ■My hay* found some disrupt' brary. . Book borrowers who centages during the first two Hennequln; 238. Rues Potter- weeks. He said bids for the job The defeated leader to th* admirnstrative and health fn- Raynor, 'ThompeonviUe; a eon are due back no later than Nov. keep volumes out longer than yean, which were both in toe ton; 239. R. Hubbard; 240. 8. mov* to make In the Ber- Greek national elwdion last two weeks may now ease their clUtlee. Twwns for the mentaUy to Mr. and Mra. Joeeph La 15, and he hope* to award the OPEN TONIGHT MANCHESTER’S FIRST Drawer Sets 60’s. Smuokler. Roooo, Wapplng. Hn «he*B g*un« this week no we^end, former Pramiar Oara- guilt pangs by putting money retarded, will at. last give my Successful bidders, listed be contract a week later. Elstl- CLOSED MONDAYS son the advantages of facilities DOWNTOWN MOTEL . 241. F. Bray; 243. Harriet DISCXIARGED YESTERDAY: mated time of conatnictlon la ■laititOT what the prevloua manlla, greeted the re*i»t with into the box. ONLY low, may claim their merchan­ VenOomp; 248. Joan VoUcert; David Broeoard, Dockerel dise at Watkins Bros., 086 Main five to six montoe. Motor lodge statu* and procedure of the the sUtement that he waa 2U. Robert Hubbard; 246. R. 8. Rd., Veroon; Mr*. Bridget Mar- plan) ar etlU being worked on. •t., through Nov. 13, and at Pottertoo; 248. David WHdtak- game, anaJy*!* of the game It­ "happy that damooraoy ha* 0*11, Taloobtville; Mrs. Geor­ Houee Break Cliarged Thompson House CUfford toe., 986 Main 8t., er; 297. Tbereoa MjcKeough; gette Guard, 89 SchoUer Rd.; self, nw»* by move,- hae a cer­ won.” toereaftsr. 246. Lee Sullivan; 249. M. Mor- Joeeph E. Safranrit, 28, of tain denperate faaolnation. A guest house for visiting executives, Merrill BOrrand, 64 Mother St. That could possibly b* true. We wish to thank all of our neighbors, friends Make your child happy If toe first bidder doe* not riaon; 260. Ambrose Diehl; 361. d is c h a r g e d TODAY: Hartford, was arrested *t 6:90 1M * Is, retnember. a battle of traveling salespeople, your guests. pick up his purchase within a Leonard Keome; 362. Mrs. p.m. yesterday while hkUiig to Consider the fact that the Oara- and relatives for the many acts of kindness and next time you stop for Etather Watcen, 391 Hartford stiung nation*, for the world Centrally locate on Cottage Street. reasonable length of time, the George Martow. Rd.; Hdwto Walrond, Windsor; the cellar of a Maple Ck. home. manlis regime has been rather service at a Mobil Station. Safranek I* accused of break­ or *ur»tv*l, whichever they fl- Large, airy rooms, handy to shops, second highest bidder will be 358. BtU Hill; 354. Adam Mary RelUy, East Hartford; rigidly ooneerveUve, and that sympathy shown us in our recent bereavement. Take home a cuddly toy notified. Rhodes; 266. John Baminl: 266. ing into a Tolland houee end BSily consider the greater and restaurants, buses. Transient and per­ Mrs. Victoria KurU, 337 Keen­ the leaden of the winning We especially thank Dr. Joseph Barry and Dr. poodle. So pink and part Wednesday’s bidders offered Mr*. John Oliver, who aleo got ey St.; Mrs. Eunice Bloeensky, wH* erreeted on a Circuit Court 12 warrant charging htoi with ■pot* precious goal. Thle-'l*, re- party, former Piemtor Papan- manent guests. Office: 89 Cottage and lovable! 11,603 on toe 144 Items at toe th* bonus Item; 367. Choaie* 39 Oakwood Rd.; Susan mennfcer, the way they test each Mortimer Moriarty; the employes of the Jarvis St.—649-2358. GUTTERS auction block, compared with Cavanaugh: 268. Georg* Mur­ WMteher, 58 Oxford St.; Rich breaking and entering with dreou, repreaenta an totarmedi- $1,116 on ’Tuesday. criminal intent and wkh lar­ other. Thto Is. remember, deewJ- KATHERINE M. GIBLIN, dock; 269. Mra. C. Swonaon; ard Bvana Jr., Wapplng. Ate poUUoal poattion, friendly Company and all those who sent the beautiful WHITE Gifts were donated by Case 360. Mrs. M. MksAwley: 361. ceny over 8350. He w*a to be ly serious, no matter how silly Owner-Manager Bros., E. J . Holl, Manchester to th* West but not a passion­ Mobil ALUMINUM Porker SC Aubo Parte; 362. MURPHY IN POST presented in Manchneter ses­ floral tributes and loaned the use of cars. Bond and Gravel, Edson Bailey, sion in Circuit Court 12 this it may appear. ate admirer of th* nuxiarchy, H. M. Harrtoon; 268. George HARTFORD (AP)—Associate Bach detail of H te deaiBy The family of Annie M. Pohl Lloyd Hobron, W. David Keith, Murdock; 264. Norma Terrio. morning. and you eouid ooma up with the LaBonne Sllverstein Associates 265. Mr*. Robert FuBer: 268. Justice Jam es E. Murphy ol the ’The arrest was mods by Ver­ poatdbUtty that th* election up­ BUN MIUTINI-ima lUIUNII Inc., Raymond E. Gorman In­ State Supreme Coiut of Errors non Chief Constsfale Edmund F. I KWIKSET Jack Repaea; 267. Mrs. T. Ku- has been appointed to the State Ttnia R wee. In retrospect, a set Sunday repreaenta no more surance, Atty. John Mroeek, biak; 266. WtUlam C. Car- Dwy«r and Sgt. Witoam Hlolv- dseAy SNiou* detail when, In William Belflore, Parker Soren, Board ol Pardons. Alao appoint­ than a mild dilft to the Greek roU; 269. George Murdock, who ed yesterday was Arthur L. ey cuid DeteoUv* Joseph Kooa of Atty. John D. LaBelle, Atty. gets the bonus item; 270. the Stafford Springs Btett* Bt>- 1961, when there wa* already poUtical atmnqihere. LOCK SETS Leon Podrove. Atty. Philip Shipman Jr., a Hartford at­ leMian oeer the issue of Berlin M. Morrieon: 271. W. Hbghee; torney. Gov. John N. Dempaey, hoe Troop. Sofranii^ was held The on* reportable factor Bayer, Sanol J . Solomon, Dr. overnight at Stafford to Xeu ef Itself, an American convoy, on Melvin HorwHz, Dr. Merrill B. 273. Joan Belkert; 373. John also announced the appointment which Okmdi any snob view is MacDonald Jr.; 274. Carolyn posting 86,000 bond. N the road to Bertln, let Rsdf be MAHOGANY Rubinow. _ . of Danbury Fire Chief A. Mc­ that, to Buoday’q voting, one of Alao, Dr. Edmond R. Zaglio, Beeeter; 276. Stuart Jochimson; Dermott to the State Civil De­ To DIatribate Sand oountod by the Russians at the The cky pubUo wxxk* dcpari>> the Ocmmiunist-effiUatisd par- the American Finance Oorp., 276. David Thomaa. fense Advisory Council. checkpotot along the road. The 377. M n. Marie Jone; 276. Uee of the eoctreme left wdden- Prefinished First National Store*, Dieplay- Americana had no instructlona oraft Ihc. Garden Grove Cater­ Ahoe Starriak; 279. Patricia ty lost about the aam* amount Veney; 280. Mrs. McKeough, not to let the Russians, if they ers Inc., ■iVlo Printera Btic., th* of votes the Fapandraou party PANELING Manriieater Book Shop, and the who also wine a bomw Item; wanted to, count them as they Vernon National Bank. 281. M. Aroian; 282. Srtuort passed through. It seemed pichsd up. Joohimeon; 283. Ben Jeffrtoa; The OaramanMa govenunent Nen-ooah oontributora were: ba rcaLo u n c e r harmless enough and inoonse- Fdgor exarice Insurance Agen­ 284. Frank Dieneta; 286. San­ managed to.govem prsbty much quentlal enough. cy, Watkta* Bros., CUfford’a, dra Adams; 286. Mra. Howard < 3 ^ to tta own elesr right and man Radio Station 'WINF, and 'The Limt; 287. Jim Btalr; 368. Dave But tfats was in retrospect, of date. Herald. I 'Ihomaa. f 86 East Center St. nouns, one of th* seemingly Wednoolay’s Wgh bidders by If the now government has to At Summit St. America's haifnlees and kisignlfioant Ut- the number of th* item bid on base itself on ooslMon, and If tte tb it ^ which should, pei> ore: WEEKEND CASH AND CARRY SPECIAL haps—and one can stlU only aay th* Oommunitos have the power 146, Ruth Adamy; 146. Nancy IJ,S.^ Soviets pethap*—have been made an is­ to threaten and perhaps toflu- lABojme; 147. Norbert Bte- $ 1 - 3 9 grandest enoe that ooaUtlon, then, onej •onebte; 148. Krlatine Clarice; sue and fought out right then ‘‘tim e to trade the old buggy’!^ 1x12 149. WUUam Marvin; 150. Carol Agreeing on CARNATIONS and there. Would an American can be sure, their goal wUl be HOrtinge; 168. Cart Swanson; mfusal then to be oounted baye dear enough. It will be to pro^ SHELVING 16B. S. Doutt; 163. E. Keefler; Space Rules gift chair V produced wax then and there? duoe tostabthty for Greece, and 164. Mi*. WlOia*.! CarroU; 165. Parioer Bt. Auto Parte: 166. If so, M was better to be count­ fallUK of responalble govern­ xainbefh Keith. (Oonttened from Pag* One) ed. But would refusal to be ment, in the pMslstent hope Th.e 64’s are greatl See the 167. Martin Kkikas; 166. oounted then have been passed that, in any confused failure of Joan MiORteilbenD; 169. David draw U.S. objections were re­ cost Os little as Thomoa; 160. Ray Rock; 161. 125 off as another prankish test of democracy, there wiM be fertile ported deleted. . ground for the fanaticism of Mra. Ahoe Anderson: 102. Mra. It had been indicated earlier nerves? to that case, the r^ rte'w cars at your dealer soon. ‘ Howard; 163. Chris Olenney; that the United States objected If you’re giving him the “greatest” reclining chair fiMal to be oounted at aH the extreme toft. ttd4. Georg* Miurdock; 165. Rita spreading of war propaganda be On the surface, it may be this Christmas, better come right in while our holi­ should have become poUcy. Sunivan; 106. Patricia Conti; barred from outer space, that day stocks are complete . . . and while you can still to any ease, the fact that, In posiM>to to salute the Greek He’ll tell you about the majiy advantages 167. Judy Mroeek; 166. Rdiand space projects be carried out ex­ clusively by governments and special-order a few of the models. There are styles, 1961; an American convoy, per­ election as on* which was run R o i^ . In accordance with the rules SHEETROCK 169. B. Vtanderbrook; 170. J. that natltms obtain conaent of sizes and covers ranging from $125 to $219 so there’s haps quite bswoanUy, let Hself powood; 171; M. Aroian; 172. other nations before undertaking something here for every Dad. A small deposit will and privileges of democracy. of a Golden Key auto loan.® 4 x 7 ...... V*" thkli be oounted became the deveiop- Thomas Kolls, who also re­ a project that might hinder HOWIji hold the chair you choose for Christmas delivery 1 ment to the chess gam* whl

I - . * '7 ’


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTE^l, CONN„ FRIDAY, NOVEMBER t, 199B p A o i m e m near Havana. Those convicted tary draft law and unilateral sfore^wide sale ends D&L tonight till 9 by a military court for the slay­ disarmament. South Windsor Events ing were Enrique Cntz Abreu, Events Chairman Richard B. Ruaaell, Check These identified qs the ringleader, Ro­ D-Oa., said he had been asked A DAVIDSON berto Echavarria Martinez, En­ to put Off the -vote on Nttze’s In Wofld rique Gonzalez Cepero, Osmany In Nation nomination until next week. Rua­ Council Votes Down Prieto Vera and Ismael Mer- aell said NlUe would be recalled & LEVENTHAL LONDON -(AI»)=Pnitce kept chirrrte fWmandez. ■ WAWHNOTON 1 m the 01^ If Tither- aenatora wlnt to one sex story, the 17lh century A firing squad on Monday ex­ news from Washington: question him further. STORE novel “Fanny Hill,” off British ecuted Francl.sco Duenas Lan- D E ^: For the third time ttls Water Service Bid book stands today. The printers din, said to have been a mem­ ON THE MEND; Sen. Clair MANCHESTER are stopping another, the life ber of the CIA espionage and year, the House Thursday grudg­ Engle, D-Callf., was released .story,of prostitute Mandy Rice- sabotage band. ingly approved a temporary in­ Wednesday from the Naval Hos- Vh» town council, at ita^cjo foe inAmtry, parWfi* area*. plUl at Bethesda, Md., where PARKADE meeting Wednesday evening, tmd so forth. Davles. crease in the national debt lim­ he was treated for a brain tu­ A. joint meeting will be held A paperback edition of "Fan­ HAVANA (AP> — The Soviet it, but only after throwing a voted not to aiwume the obli­ on Wednewlay at 8 p.m. in the ny Hill, Memoirs of a Woman Eoba.ssy celebrated tlj® .rtpi an­ mor. CAR gation and expense of eupply- high school, between the co»m- of Plea.sure," was .scheduled to niversary of the Bolshevik Rev­ scare Into administration lead­ It will be some time before Engle is back at his desk, the Tng pubHc water to Troy Rd. cll, planning and zoning com­ go on sale today, but Scotland olution with a huge redeflUon ers. mission, board of education, Yard obtained a warrant against Thursday but Prime Minister The 187-171 vote that sent the senator's physician. Dr. Roy and Brookfield St. at thle time. public building comptilabiou and It under the obscene publications Fidel Clastro was absent. legielatlon for a $315-billlon cell­ Sexton, said Thursday, "but he It wa* felt by the council, in industrial development oommis- act. Police seized thousands of The government annoimced ing to a more sympathetic Sen­ plans to maintain dally ccmtact Buys view of a report eubmitted to ■sion. The purpose of­ copies Thursday night from the that Castro had left Havana In ate showed 147 Republicans and with his staff and operations In them by Town Engineer Wal­ ing will be to establish an publisher. the afternoon for a tour of sev­ aih Democrats opposing the In­ his office win go forward on a juniors, misses ter Marquette and Councilman ‘business as usual basis.' ” save on agenda for subsequent meet­ The novel describes the amor­ eral provinces. President Osval- crease and 187 Democrats sup­ Frederick Mahr, that thia wm ings. dn Dorticos and Castro's young­ porting it. Sexton said Etogle’s general 57 DeSOTO mainly the problem of only ous adventures of a laundry health Is good. He will recuper­ so TRIUMPH James B. Golden, Poster St., maid in considerable detail. It er brother, Raul, the a rm ^ Six ’months ago, the House Roadster, gray. radia 4-Door. Tutona whit* and Legion Speaker misses' petites' two famUiea. The council also was granted $600 as indemnity minister, also were reported out voted a debt increase to $809 ate at hia Washington home and gray, radio, heatar, auto­ famous maker felt that theee families did not went on public sale in New York will receive ph;^otherapy to hoate>, 4-speed standard WKUafn J. SKm , associate "for any loss of value to his this year after a State Supreme of town. billion by a nine-vote margin. shift on the floor. No. matic. No. 4662. . Justice o< the Connoctiout Su­ •xhaust all of the resource* property which may have oc­ Foreign Mini.ster Raul Roa In Auguet'-it continued the $809- strengthen his right arm and | available to them for acquiring <3ourt justice niled it was not 5095. preme Court of EJrrors and a >'^7' curred when the town put a obscene by modem standards. and Minister of Industry Ernes­ billlon top tintll the end of this leg. $295 water: Namely, they did not drainage pipe through hia prop­ month. $1295 member of the Manchester drill an artesian well, only a The story of Mandy. 19, co- to Guevara were among the Girls’ erty.” star with Christine Keeler in the 1,500 guests at the reception. Without the', pending exten­ American Ijegion Poet, will be Better dug and a point well. Even This aiUiatlon arose when the sion, the celling would drop to SO CHRYSLER though a dug well, for exam­ John Profumo scandal, was to I A3 WEL AIR the main speaker at “Old | towTi put drainage pipe.s al<»ig have come out next week. But K ’t'a n s > ie s > ja n e $285 billion on Nov. SO. 4-Door Sedan. Nice white ple, m ia^ contain impure wa­ the property lines of most of The bill would hike the eetl- 4-Door Station Wagon. Timers Night” Saturday, Nov. ter, an artesian well, coming “the printers say they do not r a i l ! l » L .a il » finish with automatic, ra­ Aqua, heater. Power Winter the homes along B e e lz ^ b Rd. 1 I f Ing to $316 billion until next 16 al 7 pjn. at the Poet Home. from another, soiirce, might wish to print the book.” said a dio, heater, whitewalls. Glide, whitewalls. Ko. Untrimmed to correot a flooding problem. spokesman for her publi.sher, * In S e rv e r ir0 IK llJ ' June 39 and then droRlt to $S09 All old timers ot the poet I have good water. However, in one or two In- No. 4655. 2490. with 25 year* or more contin­ There waa also the problem cionfldentlal Publications. billion until next July 1. sUnoes, the pipee crossed the Mandy's memoirs are tilled Before sending the measure to $1145 uous membership ■will, be hon­ I of precedent if the town sup­ property, preventing the owner MOSS BEACH, Calif. (AP)— ored. Wive* of honored mem­ plied water for these home*. "After Denning, The Mandy Re­ A large fireball, apparently a the Senate, the House turned Coats I from further improving his port." Lord Denning investigat­ down a Republican attempt to bers ■will be guests ot the Le- ' Caats A m Mahr noted, about of property by anything which meteor, streaked across the San shuttle it back to the Ways and the reeidenta are supplied with ed security aspects of the Pro­ Francisco Bay areas sky Thurs­ glpn. might iWve foundations in that fumo scandal. Means Committee for downward Ihe Rev. John D. Hughes of water by a t3rpe of well. If any day night, exploding ■violently, revision to around $311 billion. 55 CHEVROLET si- dtixen foimd himself without and landed In the Pacific Ocean Bt. Mary’* Episcopal Church I adequate water, he could peti­ Leonard Yost. Foeter St., ap­ PALERMO. Sicily (APl-The several miles offshore. will give the Uvvtx^lon. Fran-1 ;■ /: .» irf regular to $60 peared before the c«mc41 re- NITZE: The Senate Armed ote Garrla, Department com­ LA/. tion the town to bring him city Regional Assembly of thi.s Ital- Thousands of re.sidents saw Services Committee put Paul H. 2 - D 0 o r Hardtop. water, citing this case as prece­ qtieeting he be paid $500 al.'o. ian Island—birthplace of the u,e object. mander, and JamcB Pattercon. | (Mayor Egan exiplained that the Nitze through the wringer on Gray and coral, ra­ District oonunander, will pay dent. Mafia- has adopted a plan to joe Miles, chief of the Point Thursday and then delayed for Oouncilman James Throw* councH could only indemnify strike at the underworld socie- Montara Fire Department in the dio, heater, power- tribute to the honored guest*. people over whose property the ty’s Influence on Sicily's eco­ a weak a ■vote on hia nomination Kenneth Yeomans, post com- ] suggested that a study be be­ Moss Beach area, said he saw by President Kennedy to be sec­ glide. gun. by qualified personnel, per­ pipes crossed. The pipe w>enl nomic life. and heard the fireball explode mander, and Mr*. Rhvard Wal­ ^38 ^48 along Yoet's rear property Mne. The assembly voted Thursday' and drop into the ocean. retary of the Navy. ‘395 ter*, auxiliary prewident, will I haps In conjunction with a pro- poaed geographic study, to Town Attorney Edwin lA m night to examine ownership of The Federal Aviation Agency The tnree-nour hearing took welconw all members and | man stated that "lot* with the wholesale sales and at San Francisco International some stormy turns: Although guest*. consider an overall plan of sup­ witnesses usually are not sworn, pling metropolitan water to rear 5-10 feet subject to ease­ commercial and industrial a-'se- Airport said a Navy patrol A2 CHEVY II 59 CHEVROLET Mayor Francla Mahoney will I 7-14, reg. 35.98 Our entire stock of fall the different area* of town. ment* do not sell for any dif­ ciations to see If the Mafia has plane also saw the object hit the midway through the sessimi, Impala 2-Door Hardtop, bring greeitlngB from Manches- | This should be a generalixed ferent price than those with- a hand in them. It ordered water and identified it a.s a me­ Nitze was at the request of Sen. Convertible, black with Beige. Radio and heater, ter. and Francla E. Minor, part and winter untrimmed study for a specific question Tea ouil the easement.” Yost felt a sharp lookout on public works teor. Strom Thurmond, D-8.C., who ONLY red trim, heater, white- Power Glide, whltewaDa. commander, will be toastmas- j that he had signed this ease­ projects to keep out underworld San Mateo County Sheriff’s demanded he “tell the truth and walls, standard transmls- No. 4427. ter. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Ed­ coats reduced! Pure the Troy Rd.-Brookfleld St. nothing but the truth.' problem. ment under a misunderstand- influence. watch officer, Roger Goad, said aion, 6 cylinder. $1395 ward J. Reardon, pastor of St. The appointment of a town ing, as he hod been told that Authorities say the Mafia has the explosion “literally shook Nitze told the senators that he $1895 Jamee' Church, will give the wools, boucles, tweeds, attorney waa again tabled. Miaa if he did not sign hi* land recently concentrated on gain­ the” He said reports in­ never advocated the United Benediction. Shirley Delnlcki. temporary would be condemned. He felt ing commercial footholds to ex­ dicated the object blew apart States turn its Strategic Air Mak* your child happy 60 PONTIAC Consecutive membership! meltons, camel hair and clerk of the council, waa nomi­ that if one person ■were paid tend It* power and raise money. before it hit the water, emitting' Command over to U.N. control next time you stop for 57 OLDSMOBILE Catalina 4-Door Station bards will be presented to the tor the easement he shmild a blue, then orange light He said he tossed the Idea Into Wagon. Green, radio, novelties. Newest .styles nated by Councilman Edward service et e Mobil Station. Convertible. Radio, heater, honored members by Command- | Pastula for clerk of the coun­ have be«i paid also. PARIS (AP)—France is turn­ Moss BesLch is about 15 miles a national strategy seminar heater, hydramatio, pow- ar Yeoman*. The mayor was empowered ing out atomic bombs on an as­ south of San Francisco. sponsored by the Stanford Re­ Taka homo a cuddly toy automatic, green finish, *r brake*, power steen* -•'■ > ■ 4 . . oe--"; and colors . . . all famous cil. whitewalls. Dancing to the music of Mike 1 Thin appotniUnent was again to appoint a convnlttee to es­ sembly-line basis and will con­ search Institute In 1960 to do(. He'll toon be your ing. No. 5100. Gate* and hi* orchestra will tablish a poUcy regarding the tinue nuclear tests to develop a “aUmulate thought and discus­ child’s best friend! $695 mill fabrics. tilled, a« lihe motion waa lost: f f ’ s l\ot Fare sion $1695 conclude the evening’s enter-1 Oounettmen Umberto DetMaatro, taking of land tor easements so hydrogen bomb regardless of tainment. Now’s the time for warm winter coats . . . and D&L has that there Is a precedent to protests at home and abroad, Nitse, now assistant secretary Tickets may be obtained from •nirowe, Pastula, and WUUam ■ays Defense Minister Pierre CAMBRIDGE, England (AP) of defense for International se 62 CHEVROLET I them at special Anniversary savings! Zip-lined camel boy Threiiier voting for Mias Del- follow and the Bieelzebuh Rd. —British bus conductors are 59 FORD Impala Super Sport $- any member of the post, or by I misunderstanding does not re­ Messmer. curity affairs, also declucd 2-Door Hardtop. Tutone nOcM; Ooundlmen Waiter HIH, authorized to charge half fare himself opposed to any policy of Mobil Door Hardtop. Radio and contacting the Post Home. coaUs . . . or Black Watch coats with dynel collar . . . or Carlo PreetBeo and Vamon cur. The committee is to be He told the National Assem­j for animals brought aboard by white and turquoise, radio, composed ot the town manager, appeasement toward the Soviet heater, Fordomatic. Sty­ heater. Power Gild*. tap name spart and dress shirts Peitersen voting againat; a n d bly Thursday the bombs had human passengers Urtion, the recognition of Red whKewalls. sparkling Al­ Red Watch plaid with fox collar . . . and several more! Mayor John Egan and Oouncil- town attorney, town engineer, been coming off production lines When squeaks emitted from a lish and ,mappy! pine white finish. No. two councilnven (W 111 i a m since the middle of the year for China, termination of the mill man Mahr abstaining. : market bag carried by Cathleen $895 5094 $ 2 3 9 5 Korea Youth On another queation of prec- Threeher and Carlo Prestileo) France’s Mirage IV planes. I Norman, who had paid for a six­ «d«ait. the council voted aug^ftind^ and a member of the Planning A Gaullist deputy said 15 to 20 penny ride, the conductor said, ■applying water aervioe to GSen- and Zoning Commission. of the supersonic bombers would "I don't know what kind of Discouraged , ^ . 9 9 daOe Rd. As the town was An appropriation of $4,500 be operational by the end of creatures you've got in there but reg. $4 ta 5.95 each lined, hooded paying for the oonstraoUnn and was granted for IS fire hy­ 1964. Unofficial sources estimat­ I'll have to charge you three NEVER-ENDING STUDY ■ervictng of Olendale Rd., ft drants as recommended by the ed last month that (our to six pennies." '59 CHEVROLET By Job Lack was f«M that the town AouM fire chief end town engineer. Mirage bombers had been Mrs. Norman forked over the To eerve the public’s health needs pn^Mrty, the pharmacist famous Texas-maker These hydrants wiM be instoHed turned over to the military. money, rode to her destination, must never stop learnittg. For examike, he must learn all not aiao p«y tor InattaUlng fa- Impala convertible By WILUA.M L. RYAN 3P0RT SHIRTS: Our most famous brand! All long sleeve shirts in car caats cibttias fior that area. The town on Main St., Oovemor’s High­ and as .she left the bus opened about the hundreds of new drugs that come out every year. AP Special Correspondent way, Bdden Rd. and Hltton Dr. HAVANA (AP)—Prime Minis­ the bag and revealed two toy He must learn what they're for . . . how they’re used . . . Blue, radio, heater, au­ AouM eMlter do one or the other. SEOUL, South Korea (AP — labels are in our It waa thought. In the original Tha^ Northeast Refuse 0>m- ter Fidel Castro's government i bears with built-in squeaking how to dispense them so they’ll do what they're supposed tomatic transmission superior fabrics, wovens, prints, solids, strii>es. plaids . . . button- dealings with the industry on mlbtee was granted $200. executed five men Thursday' whistles. to do—safely and effectively. Years of college training . . . whitewalls, power “They educated us to be unem­ Ctorenoe Gay resigned from night for slaying a militiaman. plus never-ending “post-graduate” education . . . go into steering. No. 4440. down and spread collars. Famous label in every shirt. S, M, L. XL. Gler«dBlle Rd., no reference waa Local newspapers claimed the ployable,” a young South Kor­ boys' corduroy made to the town’s Inatailhig the Pubic Building Oanunia- every prescription we fill. That’s why w* say . . . 1290 ean said with a mirthless laugh. \ Mon. On the agenda of the next five were agents of the U. S. svB/ter. O ntral Intelligence Agency. TODAY’S PRESCRIPTION IS THE Yoimg men seem resile.*!* In Town Manager Tsery meeting wffi be the appolnb' thi.s tense little republic of 27 DRESS SHIRTS: Our own D&L Brand and Ivy Hall dress shirts, reg. to $35 ment of Ms tegdaoement. Also It was the second execution BIGGEST BARGAIN IN HISTORY Sprenhel reported that he had this week of alleged CIA agents. 62 CHEVROLET million which lived through a slacks received a comrunicBtion ftorm on this agenda will be discus­ bloody war against communism pima and oxford cloth, button-down, tab and spread collare, whites, ChcKise from two popu­ sion of street lights on roads Militiaman Vicente Perez was . Published In Hie Interest Of Phannoey and Medletiie By 61 PLYMOUTH Impala 4-Door Hardtop. the Connecticut Water Oo. atat- gunned down Oct. 23 on a farm V-R. Gorgeous jet black and remains alert to the pos­ lar styles, warmly pile big that they would “reimburee not acoeptad by the town, ex­ 4-Door Sedan. Black. sibility of another one. 3-7, reg. 3.98. solors and stripes, Sizes 14i/'^-17. Stock up now I tracts from the audUen refwrt; Pushbutton, automatic with red and black in­ lined. Convoy style as

BIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, NQVEMBER 8, 1963 PA G * T B If town elections, will be »bl« to I RaconniMid vote on the quertlons In Dla- Green, as announced by Cmdr. AMBROSE M. DOtflL »JXJ 10:SO a.m.. and at St. Jo- Hebron Ho\\’ard'E. Porter. Polls Ready trlct 3. i a Coventry nepti s Churc*> m Ba-<^^n an have included those of Andre onm I convention M d committee rules the town electors in the three- with assembly of parenU in the ' * Identification irpm one rf*t!E' "WiU you be there?" la the Duff Joy and Scott Andrew sentatlves of the SUte Republican party, part referendum vote. All indications point to the ‘Sounds’ Broadcast auditorium. They will then idsit Joy, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Don­ missions or other c vie organlsa-, Legion Note of the librarians if t h e > v i^ moat popular question erf the the claasrooma following the Moderators have b^n ap­ approval of the school questions Injuries play a formidable to use the library fiuHlltle* ald Joy; Deborah May L«on- tions which may wish to 1 joj,n Kulmvch, membership Photos on Sale "Sounds of MHS,” Man­ week'. W here? A t the Hoote­ regular Tuesday schedule of pate. He considers civil chairman of Jones-Keefe, J pointed and voting machines but the survival of the road part hn any aporta aeaaon, and after 4 p.m. '.of nanny, of course, to be held in ardi, daughter of Mr. and Mr.s. have been assigned to each Dis­ bond Issue is In doubt. Vi: chester High's bi-weekly their children. ___ Alfred LeonardI: and Deborah a.s a serious « '® ^ , “ "'^® y American Legion, report.s th e; ttxMta teOiina wtilch can rine Any 'student wishing to radio program, will be broad­ the Bailey Auditorium Satur­ On Tueeday at Rober^n trict. The League of Woman Votera Lj-nn Fultz, daughter of Mr. thought of as ®PP\y‘" « to ^ai membership to date is 53. aibova them, generally produce buy one of the Photo Clu1;'s cast Ihla Sunday evening at day. Nov. 16, at 7:30 p.m. School parents and children conditions only, but considered quota for this vear being Chief moderator will be Atty. and the Manchester PT.A. Many well-known folk *lng- and Mrs. Peter Fultz. Council have distributed cir­ the fineait recotda. dlfiplayed pictures may 6:30 on radio station WINF may view the book fair ^orn The church will meet at 1:30 by Burt as a 60 members. It is hoped that Joseph A. Conti, whow head­ The Cro*B-Country team, Track Teams era have been invited to per­ 9:15 to 11:15 a.m. and 1 to the case of .such disa.sters as .. __j membershin of culars (through the services of j now do #0 . The money from (1230). Among this week's 3 pm .Sunday. The congregation the case of such d isa ^ M as membership of quarters will be District 1. at vvtiich haai been atruggltng form. Among the headliner* ore p ni. Wednesday, the fair w-Ul all fcf the tow’n’s school chil­ the sales will go toward feafiires will be: Spotlights fsTmiteS to bring a hm ch.! hurrioanes, fires ®nd 77 may be topped if sufficient the Ea-st Side Rec. Th other, For Sale crtnund tihe .500 mark for a good new equipment for the on two outstanding students, Ken Toplln, popular ethnic f(^k replace the usual Guest Speaker four will be Atty. Allen B. dren! urging approval for the End Season part of the aeaaon, haa had its club. In the future, the a windup of MHS sports, a singer: the Nutmeg Trio, an Ing and WUl be on exhiWt from Thomas District 2. West Side school addlUon.s. The Rev. Nathanael M. Gup- or Rent •haro of injurtiee. Co-captain price of the print will be reading from Sock and B\is- amateur group from Simsbury 7-30 to B P-sn. Refreehments -- 0 — - nr* ARked to pay their dues as Rec; William M. Broneill, Dis­ EsUmatea of how many of committee and will elect a till of Hartford will speak the town's 22.000 electors will Jim Oolemon, '64, auffered an included with It In the dis­ FWMting in a blaze o f glory, kin's upcoming prod\ictlon which won first place in the will be sen-ed. ■ which is asked to send ® .«P ':*- possible, trict 3, Waddell School; Atty. the MsjMhester Cross Country Hartford Junior Chamber of The town schools a1ll be building committee. Entertain­ sentative, to be j D.snre Slated Sunday at a Family Night pro­ vole In Tuesday’s election, range , kijury to hi* feet—one that la play case across from of "Dark of the Moon,” and ment w-ill be provided for the William B. Collins, ■ District 4, comoiuy referred to as "ftUlen team racked up four consecu­ reports of rarious club activ- (Jommerce Hootenanny; and clos^ Monday, Veterans Day. name before the end of the pres- The Connecticut Trail Blazers gram at Second Congregational the YMCA; and Raymond L. F,l- from 3,000 to 8,000. mCDICflL Room 1117. children attending with their arches.” Promising Peter Godin. Anyone wislilng to moke tive victories to end their seaeon itlre. "Soimds ” is a student Mr. Lawrmce Perry, w MHS Club News ent month. dance will be held Nov. 16 in the iis. District 5. Buckley School. | The Buttons and Bowls 4-H parents. .Ilmmy's Progress Cnuroh. A potluck will be OUTSIDE HOFFA PACT PHflRmflCY '65 ho* encountered the same a purchase may contact wMh a respectable 5-3 record. oroductlon under the direc­ folk singing, chemistry teacher. Belltown Sport.sman clubhouse served at .5 p.m. Guplill 'will • A total of 27 voting Ma­ The harriers pulled out a tion of Mr. David Monahan Prof. Warren Wlllman, from Club Is seeking someone to Mr, and Mrs. Edwin L. Brown in Marlborough at 8 p.m. Local NEW HAVEN (A P I—Con- IHNS.nUM.I.S. »N.I«414d Injury, which acttially ia a re- Mr. Laurence Perry in Manchester Evening Herald speak on "What Is a Confer­ chine* will be In use; six each squeaker against Windham. 27- of the Engliah Department. a teacher's college in New York eive Instruction In sewing. of the Amston secUon of Heb­ people may obtain tickets from necUcut, Massachusetts and ault of etrained muscles on the Room 243, giving him the Coventry correspondent, P'. ence," at 6:30. Movies will be in Districts 1 and 2. seven in floor of o**e’a foot. 28, and *oundly ran Wethers­ State, and Mi*s Jeannle Lee, Jlrs. Grant E. Toothaker Jr., ron, wish to express their William Bromley arid .son or District 3, five in District 4. and Rhode Island will not be affect­ name and number of the Pauline Uttle, telephone 741- shown for young children. Runners generally meet the picture along with hi* field Into the ground by a score .•lometlmes known as Southern club leader. Is InstrucUng in gratitude to the 15 blood don­ Mra. Lee Johnson. There will three in District 5. Out of town ed by negotiations for a new cooking. New club officers are 6231. ors who went to New Haven to A* minister of the Connecti­ national Teamsters Union con­ problems o f side arches early name. The size picture of 20-41. Bell, are coming, too. Mis* Lee be round and .square dancing. cut Conference of Congrega­ owner* of MancheMer property, After giving up the first two Gay L^ke, president; Patricia contribute the type of blood Chiirrh News tract, a tnicklng official says. In the season, but as the curtain which is desired, 8x10, 4x6, Debate Q u b come* from a tradition of folk tional Christian Churches. Dr. who normally may not vote In place* against Windham, the Pratt, vice president; Deborah needed for the open heart opera­ Church aen-ieps this Sunday fbJlS on this year's season, aide or wallet size, must be singing as her father Is a col­ Barth, secretary; Marcia Mor­ tion given their son J im m y . GupUll pastoral con­ arches or "sUtohea” are no long­ given with the order. thin clads took five of the next lector of western fcAklore. Sh* will be: St. Peter's Episcopal. cern for the welfare of Participating ris, treasurer; snd Effie Costas, 12th Circuit They also wish to thank Mrs. Holy Communion, 8 a.m., Morn­ er a problem. Rodman Stewart •lx spots to give them their has a contract with the Afton n.ore than 300 Congregational reporter. Edward Foote and the Rev. ing Prayer, sermon and church The next project for the sUm one-poisvt margin. The one- Mu*lc Co. of Virginia to write Roof Repairing John N. Cross for their help. school, 10 a.m.. the Rev. Gor­ Churches In this state, and Harriton’t Fleetfeet is the Thanksgiving point victory made up for two original material In a folklore Court Cases servea as general superintend­ one^point defeats earlier in their In Congress X session to continue work Mrs. Foote la local chairman of don W. Weeman, rector, officiat­ Moncheister players. In <»ark mUfiorms. drive onward to another go*! against HlUngton in vein. on repairing the roof of the ent of the Missionary Society Your Classes Attend season. PWl Kenny. '64. once Fred Preston, of the Hortt blood recruitment. ing. of Connecticut. He has seiwed their game last week. The final score was i-O. Coventry Historical Society's It is now reported that Jim­ Congregational services Sun­ DOWNTOWN thad the runners stay In shape again led the harrier attack fol­ ‘ I’m afraid yoM're out of or­ College of Music and PhU Gal­ Walter J. Topol.skI, 26, East as pastor of churches in Maine b r i n g y o u r n e x t Superior Court lowed by Co-Oaptaln Rich lAli- house on South St. will be held Hartford, yesterday afternoon my vidll now be able to lead a day will be: Hebron First for the grueling flve-miler. der on that point!” wore the lop, a well known guitarist, will tomorrow and Sunday with and Massachusetts, and was a berte, '64. and Peter Godin, '65. was ordered bound over to normal life as a result of the Church, 10 a m.; Gilead. 11:15; Stottwion In the midst of a dismal sea­ aJso attend. Local talent will be John Metzel in general charge. member of the faculty at An­ The JV team finished their words re*oundlng from the treatment. He is a Grade Gilead Sunday .school. 10 a.m.; son, the Manchester football Mrs. Parmys Pratt's business Sock and Buskin Prepares repreaented by the Cavaliers, a Miss Margaret E. Jacobson, Superior Court at Hartford for 1 dover Newton Theological PRESCRIPTION regular eoason with their eighth Hockey Team mertlng of the MHS Debating the alleged rape of a 17-year-old student at the local regional Hebron 11;1.V The Rev. John team has also been rocked by. law classes vUsited Hartford Su­ group of MHS student*. not Mra George E. Jacobson, la School in Ma.ssachu.setts. consecutive against no de­ Team today a* it prepared for Vernon girl. school. The Columbia Red Cross N. Cross will preach from the COMPLETE Injuries. Mark Heller, '66, a po­ Mr. Dartd Monahan, an MiHS the recordljjg secretary of the topic "Gracious Living." Parish­ Dr. Gupfill Is an author and tential place-kicker, suffered a perior Court lat week. The pur­ feats. This marks the first time For Its Autumn Debut the Annual High School Model English teacher, will emcee. fludge Edward Hamill ordered Chapter, of which Hebron and contributor to religious jour­ HERE Ends Season, society. the bindover after a tl>ree-hnur ioners are asked to bring shoulder injury and has been pose of the trip was to allow in many years that a JV cross C^ngreos to be held tomorrow The program is being apon- New Reporter Andover are members, is also nals, and was a former editor LINE O F country team has been urf:eaten. hearing on probabW cause, friends. lost for' the season. A "round- a/t UOonn. aored by &e MHS faculty, and The Coventry Pins and Nee­ to be commended for Hs aid. of the Minister’s Quarterly...... , , .V J u „i I toe students to observe court The little harriers were led by “Break a leg” may be an old- dark” with the aid of the sped which was establls)lM by the Regional Board News John Sherwood of Amston ■ ball to the ' procedures and to see a law Scores 3-0-3 ally ordered fluorscent paint The group atteivding as dele proceeds will go to the teacher’s dles 4-H Club will meet Tues­ Lake has been chosen chairman O FFIC E AND ler may *1111 be slowed by the Lee Dowd, '65 who placed sec­ theater saying meaning “good gates from MHS are Jim Mac- retirement fund. Admission la day at the home of Its leader, court here. / Matters ^discussed at the Re­ Htorarv. make-up and costuming materi­ Topolskl poste^a J1,000 bond of the ushering service at the Jolting injury. The clonera, 42 students In ond. Dowd WTUi followed by luck," but Sock and Buskin'* Pherson '65 and Rich Sullivan $.75 for students and $1 for Mrs. George Jacquemln. A new gional High School school board '64. fractured Knight (3), Ken Henklnson (4), leading men aeem to take it a al. while awaiting appearance In Hebron Church. The appoint­ Our Sorvlet Is SCHOOL Dave O’Dell, all. visited the Connecticut Su­ Finishing the season with two The scenery for the sets, now ’64, a* Senatoni, and Ed Oolt- adults. TtckeU may be pur­ club member, Ann Robertson, the first of this week included Mfl arm and la lost for the sea­ Phil Russell (5) and Mark Gib­ tie games, the girls’ field hockey Wt too literally! For the sec­ chased from any high school the higher cqurt. business education, home eco­ ment was made by the deacons Prompt, Courtoous I preme Court of Efrora. the being created for the folk dra­ man '66, Mike Podolny '65 and has been given the reporter of the church. Last Sunday pa- son. O’Dell, a real competitor, son (6). Final score vras 20-39. team has turned In the impres­ ond time in a row. the male Paul Oworek '64, as Repreeent- faculty member. He was i^e.sted Oct. 9 after nomics, audio viiual aids, aivd SUPPLIES Hartford County 'Bar Library ma, Is very stylistic. Scenes will post, reUevlng Patricia Diehl rishionera were met at the door FREE DELIVERY—TEL. 64D-.»14 was the mainstay of the In The harriera found them- sive record of 3-0-3 for its lead in the club’s production Is Bob Wbiteaell, '65 police received a complaint increased library faculties, as and the State Law Library. take place In the woods, general atived. who Is historian. by Deacon Lucius Robinson and (Uons’ defense, while turning in selve* in the middle of things at second year of existence. plagued by leg trouble. The Girt Scout Neighbor­ from the, girl's mother who re­ reported by the evaluation com­ CoE The students were impressed store, church, on a mountain The OongresB formerly debat­ ported that her daughter had 3,ir«. Robinson. stellar performance* in egch of the anmuU OCIL Field Day last The team played to a score­ Gary McDonald, '66. who ed bills .a'111 work of the alphabet, the nineteenth, with an experienced instructor. or out of SUNDAY SERVICES combination of enjoyable mu- ficationS of yearbook ataffs. because "there I am going to S seems moist often to be used This period will enable them to 9.80 •Ic, good food and a gay Pari- After lunch in the school cafe­ make my fortune." In prepar­ Sunday School ...... to de-scrlbe the diversity of tal- become acquainted with the H O T W A T ER ? olan atmoaphere contributed to teria. the convention heard the ation for leaving for the land Worship Hour ...... 10:45 lenLs possessed by this week s handicapped .students and th8 WHCRC the enjoyment of all. report of the rwminating com­ of the Golden Gate. Rick has Youth Fellowship ...... 6:00 female Legionnaire, Elaine techniques needed to instruct NOVEMBER SALE Just O'/zc’*' a day for fuel Uppn arrival, the couples mittee and listened to the Tor- been Mvlng a full and active BURDENS them. Evangelism ...... 7:00 X were ushered through the re­ rington High Sdiool Clarinet Sheldon. life right here In Manchester! can get you out of 12 36 — 235 Lbs. She's a girl who loves sing­ New members are. Donald BECOME •tf ceiving line by members of the Choir. The students attended An Honor Roll sUident, Rick ALUMINUM COMBINATION trouble! ing, as evidenced by her three .... Anderson, Terry .CMmmlngs,...... o-. WEDNESDAY .07 prom committee: Bill Carney, workshops on aubjeola in their is followmg a course otf English Dlskan, Sue Martel. BLESBINOS $ Julie Hobin. Hope Childers, Bill field of work and interest. vear membership in the Round Mid-week Service ...... 7:80 Table Singers and her partici­ IV. SpoJiiah m . CSiemistry, ^ d | Reiser. Jim Slriannl, WINDOWS S10JI5-DOORS $29.95 If you live in * typical Hutchinson, L ^ Fava, Mike Officei-s of the (3SPA of Per Square pation last yesT in the opera' Trig and Math Anol.y.siB, the i Betty Smith all '63. Door Canopies, Roll-up Awnings, Canvas Awning* Repaired, houae, you could eaaily run Orlowskl, Jpdy Frithsen, Paul 1962-1963 from M jlS are Mr. "Aida,” held at the Bu.shnell. latter' two ■being his favontes. ( Lerov Beckett, Erik Re-coVered. Take Down Service and Storage, Boat Canva* out of hot water several SHINGLES 7 (Pllkonis, Linda ttarHilbn, Juris Jay R. Stager, adviser otf So- He has been interested in and in Sock and Buskin’s mti- Johnson, Jim Nathan and Gall Repaired or Made New Tp Your Pattern. All Work Custom time* a week. Puklnskis. and Richard Slegal, maflhis, who is ‘ second ‘ vice apdrts, both at the East Side WHITE — BLACK — SLATE GREEN president; and Judy Hall of ■sical "Oklahoma.” Swimming, Seller, all '65. Timothy Badger, Mode. GromitieU — Eyelets — Fasteners. Alr-Condltloner Now you can have all the In addition to co-chairmen Recreation 'Center and here at Linda Brannick, Eileen C^irlst- hot water you need at one Betsy Hyde and Stan Opalach. Somanhis, who is on the Stu­ as the present treasurer of Cover* Custom Made for Commercial and Home. Aquaette*. Sewing, and, Scout MHS, where he has been a mem­ ensen, Bruce Eagleson, Gordon time for anly 9 'ic * a day. All are member.s of the junior dent Advisory Council. ber of the Varsity M Club for ing. also play important role* Maltempo, Joan Marlow. Mary- Think of it—only 9’jiC* a LO C K T Y P E — 240 Lbs. daos. Jim Newton, '66 two years. Hi* endurance (a Ann Pearson and Sally Plat* NEW in her busy life. MANCHESTER AWNING CO. day! , The chai>eronea who greeted quality much needed for finding all '66; and Barbara McChirry Sharing her capabilities on 195 W. CENTER STREET—649-8091 'Yes, thanks to Mobilheat AND the couples were Mr. and Mrs. fortime*!). t? shown by his se- '67. —and an oil-nred hot water George EJmmerling, Mr. Lau­ Sundays, she ia a long time lootion* of athletfc {xirstiite; In­ Any other MHS student who Is heater of correct capacity— rence Leonard. Mr. and Mra. Ensjlish Dept. member of the Instructors otf door track, cross ootmtfry, and Interested in Joining lOH should your family can take care Arthur Glaeser, .and Mr. and the Handicapped Club, ami spring track. come to the high school pool SHINGLES *7’’- — works part-time as a nurse s o f all their-washing needs USED Mra. James Moriarity. Some memorable moment* in Sunday at 1:30 p.m. Applicants, aide at the Manchester (Con­ .If at one time. The highlight of the evening Tries Teams hi* life have been tihe la-st tv.’o must have their junior or senior MORIARTY'S FLYING-A SERVICE Mom can do the family came at Intermission when valescent Home. Thanksgiving Day race* in life-saving, bn of good char­ wash. Sis can do the dishes Mrs, Joyce Don and Mrs. Scholastically. Senior Elaine which he haa competed. (Re- acter. and have a desire to help lovely Julie Hobin '65 was .studlc* five subjects; Honors at the same time Junior These men apply Eastern State’s roofing. Micliael Bisi and crowned Queen of the Prom David Ehrman of the English milts? "Wedl,” Rtck says, “I fin­ the handicapped youth. takes his bath, and you en­ English rV, Western Civiliza­ ANNOUNCES SNOW TIRES Co., Glastonbury, Conn. R. Dion, 32,5 Autumn St., Manches­ against a backgpwind of the Department will conduct a ished!” ) President Bob Johnson recent­ tion, Chemistry, French IV, and joy a shower. Arch o f Triumph. She received project in team teaching next Work at Pero's Fruit -Staivd ly announced plans to hold an Don’t delay—phone u* to­ ter. Check with us for other applicators. lOH convention, a one-day 18 red roeea to honor of her quarter. This program is de­ Choir. and membership in St. Brdget’a A NEW LUBRICATION SYSTEM day. Find out how easy it Is We have top quality new and u.sed snow tires in signed to take advantage of She wa* the 1961 recipient otf CYO are other aotlvitle* which workshop to interest other to switch to a Mobilheat- ■overeigpity. the Homemaker, otf the Year schools In forming organizations most sizes. Prepare now for the winter weather Julie's court consisted' of each teacher's .special abilities liave kept Rick busy. In his FOR 1962 and 1963 CARS fired water heat. Award and lost year was chosen .similar to Manchester’s. Kathy LARGE SUPPLY OF BeUy Hyde '86, Judy Frithsen and to further enrich the course. leisure moments, he enjoys •Average family of four. that’s just around the corner. Throughout the quarter, their as a High School Speaker to the "good food, good movie*, and Conlon and Elaine Sheldon, both '65, Linda Garrison '68, and ■84 are co-chairmen of the plan­ PISTOL-MATIC Georgette Ponton '64. Each re­ cla.sses wjll be In coordination Toastmasters' (Club. “Shel” i* good music”, particularly the and will cover the same ma­ also the winner otf a Scholastic music from "West Side Story." ning committee. COME IN and LET US SAVE YOU ROLL ROOFING and NAILS ceived a dozen red roses. The -Paula Rosen, ’65 A NEW FLYING-A PRODUCT Parisian atmosphere was com­ terial. At various times, both Writing Award. If he had a million dollar*. MORIARTY classes will m eet. together to Sundaes topped with hot but- pleted b)6tbe Ufe-llk« structure Rick says he would tour the FIXTURE NURSES TESTED MONEY ON SAFE WINTER DRIVINO! of the Eiffel Tower as a center hear lectures by either Mrs terscotoh .sauce and the jazz world. His next four years, how­ MR. CAR OWNER: The new "extended lubrication" Don, Mrs. Ehrman or a guest A sample of the National display. music otf Dave Brubeck head ever, will be tjdten up at St. Lea^it of Nurses teat was giv­ periods (30,000 miles, etc.) require sjxjcial grease BROTHERS Cyndee Flynn, '66 speaker, and to aee movies and her litot otf favorite things. Some Bonaventure University or Bos­ en to all senior nursing candi­ Don’t be bothered with mounting and re-mount­ EASTERN STATES hear tapes. otf her most unfoigettable ex­ ton College, where he will ma­ of exacting chemical comixisition. The PISTOL- The general subject of the d a l^ on Tueaday, NoV. 5, by 643-5135 The present Senior class will perience* were thl* past sum­ jor in maithematlca. MATIC program is your guarantee of satisfactory ing tires. SAVE TIME and MONEY— New and unit will be Mass (Communica­ the Guidance Department. The be the fifth graduating class to mer, when she hiked the Long Rick is the *on of Mr. and lubrication service. This program includes an aj)- Used Wheels. complete all four years In the tion and Public Arts. "The purpoae of the test. Is to give 301-315 Cmifor St. Hidden Persuaders" and other Troll in tSie mountain* otf Ver­ Mrs. Anthony 7Allnekas, 399 the girls an mdlcatloji of what plication key color coded with the guns a’nd' greases present school building. The mont. the Sknlor Reception, Oakland St. first such group was the class research materials wjlL'be used their actual test will be like. to prevent errors or misapplication. W E GIVE FARMERS EXC;]ANGE as texts. Also planned are stu­ 1963, and to* Ume she had a U * Dawkins, '64. The National League otf Nuraea GREEN STAMPS of '60. dent panels and debates. alumtiber party for eighteen girla Te*t la achrilndstered by th* This program will affect only in one amaU room. The teachers’ parking lot in Meadow Lane, ahe hope* to hospital to which the condidat* FLYING-A PANTALEO’S the periods one and four level ” ahel’« ” truly an unseJtfiah * applying, and plays on Ipii- LAWN and GARDEN CENTER front of the school has recently -niifta'irom her *eot otf honor under th# oroll of Triumph, os Julie — . Hobin, ^ study pkyeical therapy at Wm- 1 SfR V IC E three ^nlqr.. English classes aentor filled with skill and ain- portont port in determining oo* MORIARTY’S had a new paint Job, Yellow the Champ* EJlysees, reign* over thf 1963 Junior Ppom. Members otf oerity. *n»e daughter otf Mr. and mon* Oolloge- .... - . ■T.98 AUTO PARTS taught by J^eae teachers. * Holly D. Hooker, '64 o e p ^ 'IC*. M o b ilh eat TOLLAND TURNPIKE, BUCKLAND— TEL. 643-5123 paint has been applied to a u U t G «?t«»n . '65, Jndith Frithsen. '66. Georgette Ponton '64 and Gary Gunos, '66 Mr*. FYonk Sheldon otf 36 TIM MORIARTY, Prop. park-guide lines, and to all HORACE ST— Mf-734* B«t*y H y d e ,'66., (HeraJd photo by ^ . ’ ) *■ S10 HARTFORD ROAD Open Daily 8 A.M. to 5 P.M.—Sat. 8 A.M. to 12 Noon— Closed Sundays curb* around the oval. '■fc' I ■■■■■■' ' - I ' f PAGE THIRTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1988 MANCHESTER EVENING HERAli). MANCHESTER. CONN^ FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1968 PAGE TWELVE qutry iMvd been florwarded to the providing pent offloe pnrfitog foe of" totalitarianism, Commu­ Pont O ffic e ’s regtonal dhneter for post oMoe customera WINDOW SHADES FeU Like ^fikunk at Lawn Party* nist or otherwise.” said KucheU Bolton Postal Departmnet Says iVo to Bonton. ___ Tt to trive th a t. thn Pngt Rusk Discusses Viet Nam Rocky Goes All-Out But Kuchel said it would be On BtptonlM r 18, toiM w ith Office Department for many premature for him to lalK about Groan,'W liita, Ecrw Recognition Events no apsetno mply, the chamber years han been to. need of addi­ Obituary any role he might-take in Rocke­ To Chambers’ Parking Plea wnola the poetanaator geherai tional fUnda. Tedford Cites- feller's California campaign. WoshoUa In Live News Conierence Tiff onoa ntore. and ■waa told once ' “These fimdn have not been Sen. Carl T. CurUs of Nebras­ For Viet Nam Mrs. Ororcp N. WUoon For New Hampshire torfiiooming, and I would v « i - In State ka, aa avowed Ooldwater sup­ The Manchester Chamber of^expense of -'^inistomer ■arvlee,” more that the mabbsr had been MOLLAND FINISH ture t o . sSy that one of the Mrs. Jennie Roebel Wilson. 82, (Conttnoed from Page One) the interest of the United States. porter, said Rockefeller's an­ according to Atty. Kelly. lefeiTed to the Boston office. Difficulty on Ootnnveree hoa received a flat basic reason* to becaum of the widow of George N. Wilson, died (Gontinned from ’ Page OnO 3. Rusk was asked what the (ConttBaed from Page One) launched by Qov. Nelson A. nouncement wae no surprise As outlined in the chamber'! rtortfi]-. toat month; the cham­ toss m m Made ts Order Wgs Hurried lack of consideration of ftr^ ye.slerdav at Crestfield Comales- Among other matters arialng: chances were for a multihatlon Rockefeller. "nor did hie challenge to other "no’' firoiH the Po«t Office De­ letter, the federal buck-paaaing ber received a IsWer from the WHh Tesr RoBen sendee to the pubMc as an In­ cent Home after a long illness. Police said the girls were nuclear force, in view of pres­ Over Senate Delay York governor'* announcement; Sen. Norris Cotton of New Republicane to enter the prima- partment—after a year ^ of happened like this: Boaton Regtottal Offtoe’a direc­ 1. Asked how he would re­ Schalle/ Lots (Oootlniicid from P » « o On*)' .She...... was.. a .sister of Mrs. Srott walking on the street about a ent political unrest In Italy and On O ct 11, 1963, the Man­ direct rout* to solving the riTJ^ LINE OF CUSTOM spond to what the questioner "M y brother* and my *l*t#r and Hampshire aald he looks for "a rloe next spring catch anyone olaeolc bureaucratic rtin-aroimd tor, DonaM P. Steete, who oaid H. Simon of 417 S. Main St., 1 block from the college when England. chester Chamber sent the Poet problems of the Poet Office De­ manded to know why there was I heard hi* decision at a meet­ fine aggressive” Rockefeller napping. _eto a request that the fectoral that "Acquioitlon of addtttonal VENETUN ILINDS main calm and not to succumb whom .she made he/ home, they were struck by an auto ' said is the indication that Con­ He said, “ Now that we know Donald Tedford, town zon­ campaign. Office Department tn Washing­ partment. (Contllnied from Page-One) not more action on civil rights ” 1 am sure his challenge will government provMe parking for tond adtototog the federal bufld- te ruses. Othrt' survivors include a sis- driven by Mrs. Dolores Lynn,- gress is getting fed up with that our allies are in favor of ing agent, said today he caii ing In New York.” ton an Illustrated proposal that "We are completely disgust­ But he added: be accepted,’-’ said Curtis. Manchester's oentral Post Of­ site to not oombempMed at • The United States followed ter Mrs. Robert A. Oilp of 28. of New Haven. There is no It, we are ready to go ahead.” not issue zoning permits oci legislation. There 1* talk in Washington the federal governmant buy the ed, dlihlluflioned and to com­ L A. JOHNSON foreign aid. Rusk said he does don’t think I ever encountered Mansfield retorted Uiat the “ We don’t want an early cam­ thiB time a* prenent area to 4. Asked for his assessment of four Notch Rd. lota until they fice. used car lot a,djol'ning the Poet plete diaagreement with the Great BrlUin s lead In bestow- Young.stou-n, Ghio and two sidewalk at that point in the not understand the tendency to anything quite so incoherent in that Sen. M argaret Chase Smith paign. We want a campaign that In a letter to Postmaster adequate for poatai operatiooa. Great u ru a ii^ brothers, Atibran J. Roebel of road.. how the latest difficulties In Ber­ are approved as a subdl'vtMoin Senate Is awaiting House action Office loading area off Main St Poet Office Departnvent on tt* the Congressional Record. on a "whole” civil rights bill of Maine m ay enter the New steadily Intensifies until the end. Bolton General John Gronouski. 0»am - “There are no postal fund* to PAINT GO. tng recognition to the new re Qtiio. and Charles B. ------cut back on foreign aid aa deep­ lin affected U.S.-Soviet relations by the town planning commis­ The GOP senator said' most And I ’m just optimistic to think north o t the Center. policy, end the entire maimer in and added that if Javlta wanted Hampshire OOP presidential ber Preadent AUy. Eugene T. acquire latvd fo r puWte parktog 728 Mala 8L, Tel. 849-4M1 gtme less than a week after the Homestead, Kin, ' Pricex Rixe ly aa Is now being discussed In Rusk said they had raised- some sion. senators put In a full day In the that WS can carry New Hamp- The need for the parking area which this matter h «« been han­ to take over the leadership.” he primary. Sen. Smith said Thurs­ Kelly aays that he has given facilifies, and so no fiirther m ilita ^ coup that toppled Pre.s- ^n afternoon service will be H A R T F O R D (A P I Coffee The problems are .still "v e ry serious questions.'-' •• The lots, owned by Raymond Senate and have to work nights shirs.’■hlra ” WSCS Sale Has whs noted as being "extrem ely aotoon ia' bring con^dered to dled. He said he was unable to de­ is welcome to do so.” day she I* considering entering up In "dtaguert and disillusion,’’ urgent,” since most of the curb- Went Ngo Dinh Diem. Sunday at K ings Funeral ' - with us. he said. SohaUer of Andover, are locat­ and weekends to keep up with Ooldwater, .who tope polls in this m atter.” •W e wtM call thia to the at­ price.RFX)AST develop the relations to the mu­ the restaurant. Institutional and to West Berlin, and were very Njpw Hampshire's OOP conven­ ea)e tomorrow at the annual Abraham A. Rrblcoff, and Rep*. partment Realty Division repli­ Rusk also said he was very of the difficulty regarding per­ office Thursday. Atty. KeMy ha* responded WINDSOR LOOKS (AP) — tual benefit of both countries.' vending machine trade. serious. tion support. Christmas Fair sponsored by Bernard F. Grabowskl and ed. stating the request had been Mrs. (ini4-e V. (Vrimaiui much concerned with the ten- mits. Even -- -- ^ The New York governor made that " I Hunk the manner in T)>e U.S. weather Bureau is«ied ; For its part, the provisional gov-1 ■'Spot level” prices for green dency of Congress to "legislate 5. To questions about the gen­ Rockefeller conceded at sever­ the Women’* Soctoty o< Christ­ Emilio Q. Daddairio. forwarded to the General Serv­ Mrs. Grace V. Orlmann of Tedford noted also that the showed some heat vvhm Sen. his- announcement in Albany, which this matter hn* ' been this five-da>' foreceat for Oon- emment gave strong assurances eral U.S. attitude on military foreign aid." al points Thursday that he was ian Service of the United Meth­ The chamber contend* that ices Admlnl.*tratlon (GSA). Nonvich died last night at ooffee in Boston and Nmv York foreign policy " by re.strlctlng well which supplied the 22 Jacob K. Javlts, R-N.Y,. de N .T., then flew to New Hamp­ handled Is. .. s>ihbolic of the to the United States that it markets has ri.sen from 2 to 4 the actions of the United States coups, especially In relation to far behind but said he felt he odist Church, Rt. 44A In Bolton. the autonvObile ha* become such On Dec. 3, word came from neicti)cut today: Crestfield ConvalescoU Hos­ houses On Cook Dr. Is cm prop­ shire for two days of campaign­ enrtire opemliOn orf the Post O f­ would live up to Its IntCmaUonal ' cents in the past six to eight with regard to certain countries. I.atin America, Rusk said it was could win with an Intensive, per­ Skirt lengths, mother-of- an Integral part of everyday the GSA that It had "no plans Tomf>eiaturee eyver OunnecU- pital. .“ihe was the mother of erty next to Sohaller’s lots, and ing. fice Department." obligations and would restore Rusk said events in the world difficult to make any generaliza- uonai supper at 8 pir^ ^^^y' BockviUe-Vernon sonal campaign In which he pearl jewelry, enibroldered lor the acquisition of additional ciut during the five-day period. Mrs. Edward Kirkham of 83 w'eeks, and is scheduled to in­ that the water from a spring- " I know I am the underdog In life that five Post Office De­ “The Post Office Department constitutional government as | move much too rapidly to be tions. He said that In South Viet with foreign dishes cooked by 1 would meet as many New dreasea, ooetdme dolls and bead­ land at .this building. Satjuixtoy thtxxigh Wednesday-, Adelaide Rd. crease another 2 cents in mid- fed well .suppl.ylng a house the polls,” he said In Nashua, partment I* "etlcking its head , seem* only to approach a prob- soon as possible through general tl^d dow-n bv legislation ' Nam the government Is moving the members. Dr. Peter Gram Hampshire voters as possible ed bags are among the hand- "The provision of off-street are expected to average 2 tn 8 She is survived by one other November. These increases have north o f the lots is piped across N.H., "but if one comes into pol­ to five *and" by ignoring the ■ lem from its own point of view. •lections. President Kennedy Is the on e' rapidly toward constitutional will show slides on his trip to | and present his views to them. sonne Hems from abroad on sale. parking for patrons of the Man­ , degi'ees above normal. Teimper- 30J1, '« te keep out of the situation. . . t, gram Is headed by Tj- Kenneth »v. ^ Scdrwedel, ■who h «* 27. Diem died—Mrs. Nhu had fears years. He was employed as a witli Russia because it was in ' She said that Liguori had his dressed a special assembly of MOLTIPU VITAMW *d sway because we sold oat to M e the children were in the presl- Matthews, Emerson Bosworth, thus far atteinxled every meet­ 400 cheering, applauding stu­ And If he does become a ran largfat sale to our history—bat we weaver by Cheney Bros, until Shot hy Policeman secretary give her (Mrs. Krey- Walter Waddell and Alden dldate, Ooldwater said in Con dmtlal palace, which was heav- hds retirement 15 years ago. He ing. txjld the gremp that fear dents. ON* ASAY (Tyr«) have restocked our. shelves with H A R T F O R D (APi Richard sigi two letters w-hich she cop­ Chick. cord. N.H.. 10 days ago, he will By bombed. She later learned was a communicant of St. Colli ml was the ba*j* for change* made At a late afternoon news con­ KMMhi of Item* and hope yim won't L. Jones, 18. is in .satisfactory Public Records ied on a portable typewriter at The -Pilgrim Fellowship ha* enter thf New Hampshire pri­ they had been taken to the high­ Bridget's Church. the first and second ference. Rockefeller renewed took M M |NW ye* s*»* lto« tto sin ls « fiW be disappointed. Rain check* will be condition today at McCook Hos­ an empty desk in the board invited the Pilgrim Fellowahip mary and campaign actively In land reeort of Dalat. charter.s. He said the fear wan hie criUclsms of Goldwater and rteatoeMot St *■ 8s«* dfisM riO wMIMri liven for anv Item not tn stock. He i« survived by a daughter, pital after being shot by a Tuttle Re-elected Warrantee Deeds office. Her third request, to we of Tolland to their by resident* of the the state. An aide pf Mrs. Nhu. Col. W il­ charged President Kennedy with MICHAEL DWORKIN. Mrs. Thomas R. Graham with Hartford px f -ernan. Police, ^ d .WUUam H. Roediger and the school bus contract, was de­ day at 7 p.m. A movie, ‘'Thelt^P*^^^,^ . , A candidate’s consent Is not liam K. Ellscu of New York City, failure In dealing with such key Registered Phann*c4#t. whom be made his home; a son. Jones was shot while f l ^ n g Mary Roediger to Frank J. la- nied by Liguori, she said. Gift ". will be shown, followed 1 required to put hi* name on the aald ahe asked the archbishop By School Board \-- wxxild mean unequal rep­ and International communism. Tex.; and two grandchildren. Sgt. Jame« Cronin said he property at 144 Scott Dr. as saying. " I and my .secretary fre.shmenta. geles as abon as poaslble. Anoth- Donald Tuttl* has been re­ resentation within the $egi*la- Rockefeller said he considers Cotton, top name among Gold TTie funeral will be held tx>- spotted a car that w'a« report­ cannot be placed at your dl«- Zoning Permit* BABY ar source said the aret) Harold W. Garrity, Stanley ttve body. himself more representative water supporters in New Hamp­ Roxall CHILDREN’S B B IrW IN I morrow at 8;30 a.m. from the ed stolen parked at Nelson Eund elected chairman of the board poeal to copy records for the John and Violet T o o m e y, CHNJNIEN'S M U L’nPIJC asked Mrs. Nhu to come to Bray and Gladys Bray to Hugh "This i«* since changed," he than Goldwater of the progres shire, said a defeat in that pri­ Holmes Funeral Home. 400 Main Sts. last night. He ap­ M. Clark and Roberta C. Clark, entire morning. I have a wit­ Toomey Lane, eight-room 00- VTTAMINS Md WON |lBi^ Rom e instead but that she re- erf education and Mrs. Phyllis ■edid. five spirit of New Hampshire. mary could kncKk Rockefeller VITAMIN ASHRIN M proached It with rm'olver ness as to my statement.” lon-ial; Marshall Lovegrove, lied, “I have Important work Main St., with a Maas of re­ Fox was re-elec.ted secretary ait property off Pilgrim Lane. "Some «xp«n»ee are the same Rockefeller asserted he con­ out of contention for the nomi­ quiem at St. Bridget's Church drawn, he said. Harold C. Beebe and Tryphe- ;Mrs. Kreyslg said she replied South Rd., carport; Russell nation. He said "It wouldn’t be CMEWAIU DROPS 50's - 1 OR. TONIC UpH Sj do here.” the meeting iVedneaday night. that she coiild look through the wherever you live,” he oonUn- sidered Goldwater "outside the a t 9. Burial w ill be in St. Bridg­ na A. Beebe to Richard W. Spll- Moonan. South Rd., enclosing fatal” If Goldwater entered and Reg. SX.Oa MHT 'T h e driver of the car yelled records herself to save time, ued. Riltbirth and garbage col- main stream of American life” loco et's Cemetery. Prinicipal George Patro* said ler and Violet A. Splller, proper­ porch; Robert Murdock, .South SAIGON. South Viet Nam 'cops', aimed the oar at me and and that his refusal wa* a vio­ Icotlnn ooetB are a b w t the Mme on such ls.*ues as foreign aid, ^ lost. b no. !.♦* ||& |W (A P )—Maj. Gen. Ton That Friends may call at the fu- the state survey- on local school ty off Elro St. Rd.. breeeeway and garage, RIO. ISc 3 8 tried to run me down,” Cronin lation erf the "right to know" whether you pay for them social legislation, and the U nit-; Rockefeller himself said if he m M stotos 4% Bote. For Dinh. South V iet Nam ’s boyish iwiral home tonight from 7 to 9. need* being conducted by Dr. Charles C. Maxson and M ar­ Harold Dwryer. Rt. 85, three •said. "I huxhed back and fired law'. She said she then left the through city taxes or on an ed Nations. was defeated in New Hampshire tsetei. ten te looking security minister, is out Wilham Sanbom and Dr. Har­ garet L. Maxson to Edward J. tool Mveds; Eugene Carinnl, Rt. 2 hr at the car. The oar went out of office, although there were oth­ indivldua] baalA. Several Republican voters who "I'd be very sorry, but I ’d keep to promote a friendly, easy-go­ riet Gessler, consultant for Barrett, property at 58 Croft Dr. 44A. garage and storage; Mrs. Agnes H. Hall control and hit a pole." er things she had been planning He told the group that Utere met the governor said that, de­ right on campaigning In other elementary education, will be Richard Morra. Tinker P*ond ing IpnAS* ^ government ROCKVILLE — Mrs. Agnes Crotvln said he told the driv­ Quitclaim Deed to look up. Is a great difference between spite the polls, it was not a fore­ primaries.” 2.10 Im 39c IS S toat succeeded the. strait-laced Rd., three-oar garage; Oharlee Hiland Hall. 92, of 73 High St. er to remain where he was. but completed by Ohristma*. Florence Hayden to Aaron At it* meeting Wednesday fire imsuranc* rate* for a home gone conclusion that New Hamp­ Wlnthrop Rockefeller, the gov­ Cook, property on Cook St. Ootoum, North Rd., fi-ve - room regime of Ngo Dinh Diem. died late 'Wednesday at her he got out o f the car and ran The aelectmen had informed night the board -voted to make o f equal value in the city and shire would support Goldwater ernor's brother, said In Little Dinh proudly calls himself the ranch; AbiUo Santo*, Lyman home. She was the widow otf off. the board that they are discue- Executor Deed the secretary of the board, Mr*, In the fire dtetriot. He suggested In the primary. Rock, Ark., the whole family C H E W A B IJt achltect of the coup that de­ Frank S. Hall. " I told him to Btop,” the po- aing Irvcorporatinig the town and Robert W. Gordon, adminis­ d a r e W orfel, the legal cus­ Rd., five room raised ranch. that member* obtain and com­ Rockefeller said he wcmld met to discuss the formal an­ AOmCNNC 6T UVENOEI 'WO" stroyed Diem last Saturday. , RexsN BUFFERED lioemain said. “ He kept running •school insurance policies with trator of e.state of Aaron Cook, todian of recordB and stipulated Briefs pare the two raites. spend as much time as nouncement. ' OOD LIVER on. Though the operation was di­ Mrs. Hall was bom in Now and I fired at him.” an eye toward a comprehensive to Jennie C. Pitkin, Elizabeth that all request* to see record* United Church wdll Discuanion at the meetmg ry In New Hamp.shire. His cam­ "I'm glad he got his hat In at the PARKADE DUSTING rected by Maj. Gen. Duong Van Brunswick. Canada, on Dec. 24. NAIL ASPIRIN Jones was wminded in the liabiii'ty plan. This would cover L. Cook and Florence Hayden, must be m ^ e in wrri-ting, gi'ving have a Chiristmas fai- tomor­ centered tiround the 1957 Booota- paign strategists said he would the ring. " Rockefeller said. "It Mlnh, the new chief of state, 1870. a daughter of Thomas and POWDER, TABLETS back. the w-hole town and wotild re­ property on (>)ok St. row- from 10 a.m. to 6;.30 p.m. AUan-Hamllton report of the be In the state on Nov. 26 and gives us a chance to get the is- 100’s, Dinh has told interviewers: Aim Noonan Hiland. She lived the reason for the requeet. Thfe 8*knt toth POLISH Three teen-age girls were in sult in a somewhat lower rate Attachment of Real Estate term records was construed to and a turk-ey supper with stt- tri-govamment setup of the J6 and again on Dec. 12 and IS. .sues out Into the open and that "The plan was meticulously pre­ In Rock'vUle for 56 years, com­ ana. M e the oar with Jones. Their names than is now in force. The select­ Clarence'T. Nicholson against ting* at 6 and 6:30. town. Members orIginaUy agreed Goldwater, who was in New is of maximum importance aa REMOViR pared by myself and I launched ing from Portland. Maine. mean "minutes” only. ki rfltac. B o t of 180e 1.29 were not disclosed. men and the board memibers -will John Deme. d'b a W INF, and The state’s rig^ht-to-know There will be no school Mon­ to read it for background In- Hampshire late last month, has we move closer to the conven- _ R8O.30C fee coup at the precise favor­ A member of St. Bernard's Police said Jones w-as recent­ D»f. I 2.10 meet with local insurance agents Ronald E. Wright, property on law* provide that ell record*, day— ^Veteran* Day. formataon. but decided last night not announced plans for a return tlon.” able moment.” Church, Mrs. Hall was also a ly released from Cheshire Re­ In the near future to diiscuas Vernon St. and at Palm and made, maintained « r kept on that the report shquld be up­ visit. On Capitol Hill, Thomas H. Z For 1 * 3 0 Dinh is noted for his vanity. member of the Ladies Catholic formatory. the possibllititiee. Cooper Hill Sts., $20,(XX). Manrhe*ter Evening Herald Rockefeller was Confronted at Kuchel of California, Srfnate Re­ He speaks with extravagant ges­ file by any body or official, dated in some areaa for pro­ Benevolent Association, the La­ AM the buses hove been in­ Cobum and Middlebrook. Inc. Bolton correspondent, deme- three points Thursday with ques­ publican whip, said Rockefeller tures and strikes dramatic pos- whether or not the records are jected use. Over 8 Month* Supply dies Auxiliary to the Ancient spected tiy the state and foimd against the Aetna Realty Co., well Young, telephone 64S-896I. tions on how he thought his di­ will be "a vigorous aind articu­ as for photographers. Emergency Landing legally required to be kept Discuesiions o f comparative Order o f Hibernians and Kiow-a in saitisfaxAoiy condition. A property at E. Center and Pit* vorce and rem arriage would af­ late voice for the historic prin­ “ He Is a Hollywood general,” G REAT FALLS. Va. (API A shall be public and that every chTference* between the first Council, Daughters of Poca­ total o f 160 students kin Sts., $800. fect his political plans. a Vietnamese said recently. Connecticut pilot, apparently lost resident shall have the right to two exx: attempts can.sed mem­ ciples of our party. hontas. are now being transported. Marriage Licenses He said that the development* "Nelson Rockefeller Is a dedi­ There is no question Dinh’s in bad weather, made an emer­ inspect or copy them at “such bers to issue an invitation to REXALL REXALL She is survived by a daugh­ Howard Frederick Machle Robertson Gets in his private life were a prob­ cated American and a relentless participation, whether voluntary gency landing yesterday on a Dr. Marla Nepumoceno ha* reasonable time as may be de Dr. Roibert KiJigrfxiry and Doi>- ter, Miss Anna E. Hall, with Jr., 480 N. Main St., and Bar­ lem. But he again gave the reply o r involuntary aa some claim, country club golf course. given health examinations to termined iby the custodian.” ald Loverin, chairmen of th* RED whom she made her home; a bara Jeanne Fountain. 467 N. Safety Award ■ he has offered to the same ques­ ELIXIR TERPIN was important to the success of Virginia State Police IdenUfi- students In Grade-s 4 and 7 and Teacher Needs firert CXX efforts, to talk about brother, William Hiland o f Main St., Second Congregational tion in the past—that delegates CAMKAN COIORS ed him as Richard T. Lewis, 31, to aill children In the school who In School Supt. Philip their effort* at the next meeing. ttie plot. White Rock, B.C.; two sisters. Church, Nov. 23. tn the Republican National Con­ HYDRATE N.F. The general, 37, commanded of Riverside, Conn. He was un­ have not had a physical in three Liguori’s report to the board of The RcberUton School ha* re- Also elated for tite meeting MOUTH Miss M ary Hiland and Mrs. Frank Donald Popowics Jr., vention and voters In primaries j Fof the 3rd Vietnamese army corps, years. education this week he said that ^ved a C ^ i^ te of Excep- next Thursday will be a report CASCADE LIPSTICK coughs of conxnon Harry Bowren, both of Van­ hurt. Hampton, and Nancy would each "ju d ge In his or her | RUDDER which encompasses the area Lewis, flying his single engine The auditors have completed in order to staff the neiw high tlonalno Meri't ,>n,.r by the National; sections of the new chatter colds er hay fever. couver. B.C. Catherine Cole, Hartford. Cen­ own heart” whether the divorce > around this capital. It includes Navion from Danville, Va., to | examination of the books on | school next fall 10 and periiaps Safety Ooimcll required by state statute. Her- WASH The funeral w ill be held to­ ter Congregational Church, Nov. and remarriage should be count­ CHRISTIMAS CARDS 4 ox., GLOVES the powerful 6th division in the Dulles IntemaUonal Airport, | hot Itmch fund^ aotiviity ftind | 12 axlditional teachers will be Announc^ent th^ Robertson I Harmabury and Robert L. morrow at 8;15 a.m. from Mrs ed against the governor. field, plus four battalions of ma­ morrow at 8;15 a.m. from Mro. 1 gecond hole of and petty cash. It was voted to | , needed. They include an EbigUsh 1 ^ been ^ a ^ d Oil the c*)uncl-]’s Eaum will knvestigaite the re- K eg. Reg- 79c Rockefeller said his new wife, I m etodet rines, two battalions of airborne Hall s home with a high Maas Bend Country Club. T h e ! drop from the books an account | Richard Bunce Hautenan, teacher, a .social studleo-EngUalh ^ ooaa School ^ e ty Honor quirement*. of requiem at St. Bernard's the former Margaretta "Happy” $ 1.00 troops and some 30 tanks within plane rolled through a creek and that has been uncollectable for teacher, a teacher each for ^ ^ m a p a l Membero agreed to hold elsc- 2 Beta. Church at 9. Burial will be in . . . > . .• *_ - 1 ______lian Man V^aOellO.Capello, 183 InS HilliardliilllaFQ nt..St, Ayvy%vayv«V\4rxA Murphy, would participate very 2 h r 8 0 l 90c the city. Without his forces, any plowed ahead about 100 feet on j seven years math. science, home economic*, 2 tor m St, Bemard'a Cemetery. St. Bridget’.^ Church. Nov. 23. ® I tlon for permanent officers next actively In his campaign for the i^irising would have failed. its nose. Damage to the air­ A oommundcaiUon from Dart's industrial art*, bu«inie*8, two .*embly yesterday. Thus is the I - Bok of 25 Frtnch-lold cards, 4 x Gordon James M etevier Jr., nomination. He said that Mrs. But stories are going- round Friendfi may call at the Hall craft was estimated at $2.5- cafUtal' c^Day account open In will continue to improve the to dwelling at 9 O’Leary- Dr., (Continued from Page One) Barry Ooldwater's top New 801 Center St. a diHarant da«i|n. Rollt buying champagne all around. Miss Francis G. Qulsh (.-ommi.sadon to promote social the amount of $1. Liguori noted program to teach our .young an 201170", iota) 360*. I Mayor How-ard E, Houston, a $850. Hampshire backer said today he Manchester He was obviously trying to set ’n>e funeral of Mias Frances I Republican, by some 2,2(X) votes and cultural activities for the that the fluorescent Ughts in- people to protect themselve*, stalled In the CD room and re­ and their fdllow' students,” Gruening and other sponsor* thinks the conservative law­ 643-5135 the tone of the new government. G. Qulsh of 72 Arcellia Dr. was 1 Tue.sday. Shea said yesterday Catholic Youth Organimtion of 1 R*fl. 81.00 Reg. 35« quested in this year’s budget To earn a place on the honor made clear the .ainendment was maker will win that state’s first Swashbuckling in the black held this morning • from the ' he would declirie a nomination St. Oolumba's. The(y are; John DEUKE Ctn WRAP. had already been paid for out roll, initiated in 1944. the school aimed at the United Arab Re- In-the-natlon presidential primal- BED TRAY beret, red kerchief and camou­ Holmes Fimeral Home, 4RM POWER POOL. delegation weonesaay may n p e interna- Rouleau and Jamee Wheeler. ond cousins. T u b s . (all finishes). Prices? From a compared. All pupil* in Grades helped improve the situation, pointees—who stood up to Diem Young People’s Society will H A R TTD R D (AP) Three through 8 were given both and ,marL0W ReK.V5.00. 1 2 .8 8 POCKET RADIO meet Sunday at 7 p.m. for fur­ administration sources Indi­ before Diem was ousted. (Dormec-Uctit power eompanies teats at no cost to the school. Complete with leather ease, His boldness sometimes'over­ ther fall and winter planning, cated. But they stressed that no and one from western A 11 correcting and scoring ELECTRIC ear plug, and battery. reached itself and, after a brief a abort business meeting, a dis- agreement has been reached. I T h u r s . chu.sells have formed a new service* will be done by the H iiiiiiiH iiH Even IMrk* Up Canada spell as military governor of I cussion of the new magazine Khru.shchev had said Wednes- ♦ 19.95 TO *9 9 .5 0 powe)- pool, to be known as Houghton-Mifflln publishei-s. ORGAN Trenoendoii* Power Saigon during the martial law for Christian teen-agers, and a day the deal may fall through' t i l l s 1 the Connecticut Valley Electric The Lest* took two w-eek* to START SAVING— OR ADD TO YOUR SAVINGS W^lSTINGHOUSE cord* (18-21 Stations) crackdown on the Buddhist^ social hour wlUi refreshments because of the American ship' 1 • six Exchange. Tlie new- agency will (XMTipiete. • Play song In 15 mlniite* Built-In Antenna here last August, his star ap­ Members of the first Confir­ ping rates. He did not specify 1 bgein operation Jan, 1, 1 ^ to School Menus Play* r.verywhere peared to be waning. Thursday night what new word I mation class a n d ^ l, yOung peo­ serve Hartford Electric Light There i* no school Monday; $1.00 will hold STEREO Reg. 29.95. During his term as military he had received, but said: “ If | Up to 200 Hours Placing ple are welcome to attend. Co., United Illuminating Co., 19*88 governor, Dinh spoke the gov­ Tuesday - meat and noodle we bargain on the basis of equal-1 on Single ?»e Battery Connecticut Liglit and y^ower ON or BEFORE the 10th 4 speed*, 4 boure of play­ 90-Dav Guarantee casserole, carrots, fruit; your purehoso ernment line with fervor. At Miss Sharon Gingras. Miss Ity without discrimination then . • 1 Co., and Western Maapachu- Wodneoday - chicken gumbo ing. REG. 814.95 one new* conierence Dinh de­ Lindfi Garrison, Miss Barbara we can agree.” setta Electric. Comi>anW of­ soup, funa salad aand\vich, Earn Dividonds From tha 1st of the Month LIGOETPS I.OW PRICE nounced “ foreign adventurer*” Hamilton. Mias Patricia Har- Tw elve maritime natiohs ex­ . for froo ficials .said yesterday the chocolate cake; Thursday — and Implied the United State's ri-s. Miss Mary Beth Odell, Mis* pressed concern Thursday over, Reg. 69.95. wa* plotting to overthrow the agency will control transmip- hamburg on roll, tossed salad, 0)e condition imposed by Ken­ Christmas Deborah Palmer and Miss Sally sion o f electricity in the aiaas FM-AM RADIO government. fruit; Friday — macaroni and nedy. 'ft 'ft 'fi 48.88 Platz, all of St. M ary’s Episco­ served by the oompanie*. » 9.99 cheese casserole, stewed toma­ Dr. J. Herman Van Roijen, "Later I realized we were de- pal Churcli, wlU be h on or^ to­ INSURED 1 dolivtry.. • 2 Radios in one oalved, humiliated and suspect­ toes-, celery sticks, brownies. the ' Netherlands ambassador, night at a special recognition DRUG HEARING SET SAVINGS ed by Diem and Nhu,” Dinh dinner for Episcopal Gjrl handed a note to Q. Griffith SAVINGS • No static or interference • Music, ne^s all day •ays. “ Even I wa* placed under CHICAGO (AP)—The gov­ Manchester Evening Herald Johnson, assistant secretary of GILBERT ovw Scouts ait Grace Chuiidi P«u4ah ^ EAST TERMS and FWBE DBUViaRT — • Double duty tubes that give 8 tube power ■M et aurvelUance.'* House, Long Hill. ernment directed Drs. A. C. Columbia correspondent, Vir­ state for economic affairs, on unci LOAN B-y and Ste>-an Durovlc today ginia M. Carlson, telephone 228- behalf of 11 European nations A S S o < I A r I O N • Powerful volume with sensitive selectivity ROAD CURRENT f r e e M A IN ST. and P U R N E IX P A R K IN G TOASTER The executive committee of to show cause why tliey 9224. and Japan. • American made i Grill bacon, broil, , the American Legion Auxiliary slMHild not be prosecuted im- “ I expressed our concern that ANNUAL /AfSU/tS^gA V/A/m* “ Dependable For Over M Yearer RACER Personal Notices dor federal law* for claiming WIDER USE OF CIDER this purely commercial transac­ ■aacMieTiS’* eteter ri N * N e lAt iweTiTMTiea • Full 90-day guarantee I to a st, Z c o o k iiw will meet Monday at Z:30 p m. DIVIDEND R EG . 34.95 lavele. K n - at the Legion Home. KreMozen to an effective drug HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — tion has been tied to the pref­ • Multiplex for stereo against cancer. The Food and Step)* a r e being taken to erential condition In favor of J W O T r A i a i ^ m ov, abln In Memoriam American shipping,” he told re­ • Ideal for kitchen or bedroom 12v*y» MORALE PICKS UP Drug Administration served expand Pennsylvania’s elder In­ BRAMOH OFFICE, ROUTE 81, COVENTRY REVERE porters after a conference With SAIGON, South Viet Nam similar notices on Marko Dur­ dustry and encourage produc­ In loTliig memory of BlIxabeth Johnson. Cars have reverse gear, 2 indi­ Olmord._____ who passed away No­ (AP)—A senior American ovlc, brother of Stevan; Dr. tion of quallW cider for year- TEA KETTLE Deside Japan and the Nether­ vidual speed controls, fence vember' 7, 1960. inllitar}- epokesman *ald to­ William F. P. Phillips of Chi­ rotmd markdQng. In this way Reg. cago, and the KreWozen the Pennsylvania Department lands, the countries joining In MA guard rails. Powder packed 60, Keg. 6.95. 2 day all report* Indicate Viet­ ru R N iT U R K d e p t .- -Lower Store Level Away in God's behutiful lafden, the diplomatic action were Bel­ OPEN TILL 5 P.M. m o n ..,t u e s .-f r k In the valley of peace so fair. namese o ffic e r morale Research Foundation. A n of Agriculture hopes to "un­ 49.95 cycle transformer. Some day, some time, when toll is F D A spokesman said an In­ mask” cider from Its tradition gium, Denmark, France,, West m a i n 8T., M AN O H ESTEB — Phone M9-5281 19.88 tliroughout the entire country THURS. 9 AJU. to 8 P.M— WED. CLOSED AT NOON al Halloween connotation and Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan« ,hae risen strikingly einee the formal closed hearing wdll be Extra Hours W*'S maat our loved one there. maka It a yeanround drink for Norway, tha United Kingdem ^go Dinh Diem regime WM held In Ofaloi«o iMarttng Nov. aiet*r • Hr*. WUUam McKinney npany eccast|>na. and Sweden. end famllir ^ ^ overtliMiwn la*t weekend. X*. •»

Jl k ^ t . ■» 7ii ;' i. ,

PAGE FIFTEEN MANCHISI’ER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CO^N., FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 8, 1968 r PAGE FOURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1968 THE Coast Guard Nears All-Time Win Mark Upset-Minded Indians Away Herald Angle • __ . . . . . -. ------—— ' ' ■ ■ — — ■ I ■ ' By EARL YOST Play Central Sports Viewing Bout with Machen Sporta Editor Milt Pappas TONIGHT Wethersfield On Saturday 10 p.m.—Fight oI the Week ‘Find Your Name* Conteit (Ohuvalo vs.,Alongl) Likely for Winner Makes Offer ‘'Find Y w r N ^ e ” cwiteet, conducted by The Herald Channel 8 Hosts Tribe; ' ' V i ' . In Top Game in cooperation with the Ice Cspades and the Springfield SATURDAY i MIAMI BEACH. Fla. (A P)—A fight with Eddte Ma­ -V^ -"v* Tq Orioles Hockey Asa^iation, next week will produce a doeeii 1:45—Penn State vs. Ohls East on Road NEW HAVEN (AP) — State chen looms as a possible prize tonight for the winner of winners, each gettiM a pair of free tickets for the -1964 Ooast Guard’s unbeaten BALTIMORE (AP) — edition of the Ice Capades. All readers of The Herald Channel 8 ' a 10-round bout at Miami Beach Auditorium between By HOWIE HOLCOMB and untied football team 4iS0—AFL Highlights George Chuvalo and Tony Albngi. ‘ Milt Pappas offered today need do is to clip the entry blank which appeared in needs one more victory to Channel 8 “We’re working hard, Wednesday night's edition, algnf 6 p.m.—Wide World of The match will be televl.sed;------to take over as manager of go down as the greatest bv ABC-TV starting at 10 p.m. trying to pull off an upset the Baltimore Orioles and aome and return to The Herald Sporta against Cassius Clay. On Bept. by 13 noon Saturday. Nome of Writing in the current iaaUe ever tum^ out at the (Sky Diving, Power EST. 7, 1960, Machen lost i 12-round and get that big first win,” end speculation over who doily winner will he listed of Sport Magazine, Marciano Academy. In New London. Boat Racing) Harry Markson, director of decision to Liston. said Tony Alibrio a bit will handle the baseball unong the daeatfied ode sUrt- accuses the press of seising The Cadets have registered Channel 8 boxing for Madison Square Gar­ The Chuval-Alongi fight grimly yesterday as he club next season. tog with Monday n ^ t ’e lame. every opportunity "to paint she In a row, and are solid 6 p.m.—NFL Highlights den, said effort.s are being made shapes up as a tough one that herded his Manchester The brash 24-year-old pitcher Ustmi as the.' meanest man in favorites to roll to a history Channel SO to match the winner with Mac- could come to an early finish. High football charges toward a admitted he haan't been ap­ •America since John DllHnger.” making seventh by trouncing OiSO—Olympics Preview hen in another televi.sion fight Chuvalo. 6-foot-l strongman Haiders Primed and Ready for Battle with Vernon Sunday schoolroom wtiere they’d have A 1 A < proached by Oriole Oaneral First at Yale Maiclanq admits that the week Central Ooruveotiout State Channel 8 in Miami Beach Dec. 27. from Toronto, has knocked out a blackboard drill. "After all,” Manager Lee MacPhail. There weM a first for Yale preaent otaampion has provoked (1-5) at New Britain tomorrow Machen ha.s come back ag­ 19 of his .30 opponents and ha-s at 1;30. SUNDAY lost only six. Along! has scored Primed and ready for tiieir biggest hurdle of the feated clubs are, left to right, Jim Monaghan, Pete he continued, -’‘University of ' / r. * . a . But his tongue-in-cheek pro­ last Saturday when the many of his bad notices, but gressively after a nervous Connecticut lost five straight, posal included these quallflca- freshman gri^ere out- he ^jsete to "manufactured” In the only other college foot­ 1 ;48—Time Out for Sporta breakdow’n thirt sidelined him 19 knockouts in 31 fights and 19n3 Charter Oak Cbnference Sunday afternoon at Benson, Steve Nichols, Dave Wilcdx, Jim Sproul, Channel 3 has been beaten only twics. John Gabbey and Jim Leber. Both clubs have won then won, we’re fighting to do tlona: ted the Dartmouth frosh in stories about Liston’s alleged ball. battle In the state, WU- for 14 months. After three Memorial Field againsf Vernon is the Manchester the same thing.” , ' ' ‘f / h V Pt'* 1. ”I’va had more major mud at New Haven, 6-20. rudetieae and irretponalbllity; lioms (1-4) invades Wesleyan 2 p.m.—Giants vs. Eagles straight knockouts, he has i The Canadian was out of ac- Raiders’ line. Slated to start in the battle of unde­ si.x starta. (Herald Photo by Saternis.) The task u a tougti one since ' league experience as a player ii the scoring oonaiated of two ".Aa'' far as I'm concerned, (2-4) for an important LlbUe Channel 8 'liGER—Cosmo lacavaz'zi leaps over a moved up to No. fl in the World tion last year. He .started a the Indicuns must take on WetJi-1 Oi, : than some of the men being con- cks end one field goal, these people are pointing to a Three encounter at Middletown 3:30—Jets vs. Oilers gaggle of fallen Princeton and defending Cornell Boxing Association rankings and | comeback this year and has erafield tomorrow at 1 p.m. at i L siderM for the manager’s Job.” le foc^hall g«ea hock 91 years villain who doesn't exist when at 1;30. Channel 8 players to score a touchdown for the Tigers at No. 7 in the Ring Magazine rat­ won five straight. Including four (At 24, «£llt ranka first in con­ they 'Miake their finger at Lis­ Surprising Yale (4-2), Con­ 6 p.m.—Sports Spectacular ings. He was No. 1 before his knockouts and a decision over the Elagles’ Field and the host i gamea. on a vansUy Palmer Stadium. lacavazzi is the nation’s No. 1 Mike DeJohn. Kickoff at 7, cdub Is one of four olube still ' 4' ’"i. tinuous-service seniority among end nearly as many fresh-, ton.” necticut. (1-6), Trinity 3-3-1), Channel 8 illness. 34 Prizes for Road Racers, battling: for the CXJIL title. They the Oriolea. He has been with inan and Jayvse contests, hq£ Mors important than being Bridgeport (3-4) and Southern scorer. Tuesday night when he rfioiw a 4-1-1 record to date Baltimore since graduation none, a survey showed, wou^td Uk'ed. Marciano argues, is Oonnecticul (3-3) lilt the road. knocked out Bull McMurray in The Chicago White Sox have Sunday's all - ImporlanI The sons of Eli, Improving the top two earned run leaders CHiartor Oak <'^»nfp^»‘n(•e while the windess Tribe has lost from high school In 1967). up 6-2...Winter roster of the whether or not the champion ROCKEXTES — Norma Allen .SPICE _ Caroline Janicke the sixth round at Sacramento, 2. ”I have background as a each week and recent conquer­ 132 Pat Annulli 127-337. Inge Machen said he would like to in the American League in Gary football tramp botupf'n' V p p - all five starts. Boston Red Sox tockidee sqtith- has ability. In Liston’s case, 130-335, Helen Wilson 140. Lor­ Blast Catholic High wiU also manager...with a winning rec- paw pttcher BBl SpanswiCk of there’s no doubt that he ia an ors of bough Dartmouth, face a Ou’jirie 338, Mary $anty 346. meet Sonny Liston after the Peters (2.S3) and Juan Plzarro non and .Man<'hpstpr at Mp- All Workers Are V olunteers University of Pennsylvania team raine Woolette 94. without a (2.39). morial Klpld will find thp invade RidgefieSd for a 1 pjn. I ord.” ThompsonvUle. With Billy Gard­ exceptional fighter. Writes mark. Flo Niles 345. ' champ's February defense atsrtlnir timp advanced to 1 date wtth the Rixlgefield High (He referred to the intraaquad ner bock In the mln<^, aa a Marciano; "Sonny Liston may that upset Harvard last time RES By EARL YOST top names in long di.stance run­ (Red) Hadden said the prize varaitjy. The Blue and White ;game In spring training Involv- player-ooach in Seatne, th e bt a contrweraial guy, but out. Thedr Franklin Field con­ o’clock. ning. list will be the same as In past BOWLING LEAGUE Coach Bill Smith of the • “Best road race in the was beaten last weeh by the' i Ing two teama of pitchers — be­ O airst City player W the only there aren’t many people who frontation in Philadelphia has local Raiders and Harold What kind of prizes are of­ years. Wiltoy JVb and now is 3-2 for j fore the main aquad arrives on Nutmegger on the, aquad---- are going to knock his talent attracted new interest. Yale te Standings Pohl re|)ortPd today all ar- country in attracting en­ fered? This means there will be this. Mb first "formar* season. | 'the scene). Fifth annuaJ Fhod ^ r t i n Crone for laying a body cold . a alight favorite. W L P« ranirements had b<^n com­ tries, holding spectator in­ Acording to Amateur Athletic prizes for the first 25 finishers, RiidgefieM, coached by BUI | 8. "I would save the club mon­ OoiHVtry rocee, 2.7 mUee for Herd’s a champ who deecrvee Oemneotiewt, having broken Sweet Violets ,...29 11 .725 1 Union rules and regulations, plus three more for the first ey because my combined pay as into the wdnntng oohnnn, meets Ftorgert. Me Nots ..26 14 .650 j "GOOD/r^^EAR' pleted to start one hour ear­ terest and in the volume three schoolboy participants to Allen, has a 5-1 mark and ac- ! schoolboys and 4.26 miles for to be called orre.” lier than oritrinally slated. which govern the race, mer­ cording to Allen "It's our best player-manager would be less dtttance runners, wUl be staged a bough one in Boston Univer­ Ragweeds 22 18 .550 j of prizes offered.” chandise awards are presented cross the finb?h line. Then there than for both me and tha new Liston will become popular sity at Boston. Trinity faces Tiger Lilies ...... 21 19 .525, Jinuny Roach, former Man­ by the sponsoring Nutmeg For­ are two three-man team awards, record in years.” NAVY DESTROYER^Roger Staubach, the Navy’s Bunday, Nov. 17 In Middletown eventually, Marciano pr^icls, FVxir Roees ...... 11 29 .275. chester High grid great, This statement about the an­ Soocer action scheduled to- manager. And the front office over the WesJeyan University strong Amherst at Amherst, nual Five Mile Road Race in est No. 116, Tall Cedars of bringing the prize list to 34. quarterback All-America candidate, limbers up for wouldn’t have to make long dis­ possibly as soon as he signs to Mass.; Bridgeport travels to Morning Glories . .11 29 .275 coaches Vernon. Lebanon., each runner, who regis­ dary, was postponed yesterday course. fight Oassius Clay. "Everybody A crowd of 1,000 is ex­ Manchester on Thank.sgiving by radn and weit groimda. All some of the slippery tactics that have made num­ tance telephone calls during • * * Cortland State at Cortland, morning, the 27th edition due Where does the money come ters on Thanksgiving morning, the winter, since I Uva In Bal­ gets some pleasure from seeing' N.Y., and Southern Oomectknit. Doris Unkbein led this week's ■ pected. from for the prize.s? is presented a small souvenir OIAC Toumssnent games will ber 12 the Middies’ destroyer and earned the nick­ a loudmouth and a phony ex­ scores with 187 and 455. La.-; NEW WHEELS this year, ha.s been echoed over be pitayed Monday afternoon, timore.” Elusive Pigskin after a week’s layoff, returns the years by many of the top Principally, from Manche.ster gift from the Tall Cedars. name Roger the Dodger. 4. "Everyont says the Orioles posed. Since the public can’t to action at Ithaca, N.Y., agadnst vonn Toop had a 180. men who have competed here, busine.ssmen, and intcre.sled It's a 100 per cent benefit at­ starting at 2:30. Manchester’s While tlhere ware three tom- do the Job themselves, they just Sandy Koufax of the Los defending Class A champs wlU need color. I’d give it to them Uee on ooneeoutive plays in the Ithaca Oodlege. Angelea Dodgers set a Nation­ fellows like Joe McCluskey, parties, who purchase advertis­ traction with no one connected by going back to my original might be rooting for Liston to They've been playing football COUNTRY fXUB WOMEN Young Johnny Kelley, Old ing space in the souvenir pro­ with the race in any way. in­ oppose Stantford at Kaiynor Tale-DarimcuUi fOothali game do It f'or them.” al Leagfue strikeout record Tech Field in Waterhury while •Best Quarterback Ever?^ name — MilUadla Papastegglos. at New Haven last Saiturdaiy, at Coast Guard since 1921. The Standing when he fanned 306 batters Johnny Kelley, Dr. Charlie Rob­ gram. cluding the runners, getting any Even Casey Stengel can’t top Other qualities Marcriano ad­ 1951 team cdosed with a 6-9-1 L. Pet. bins and Gordon McKenzie; all General Chairman Wilbert renumeration lor their efforts. RodcvilUe, making its ftiat tour- Pem end H arva^ did their Ivy mires in Lisbon are . fapnesby during 1963. that one.” League oounterparts even bet­ in 1951. Coach Otto Graham's Woods ...... 23 13 .630 noy start, takes on Windsor 1 had a dream ttia other and a willingness bo brain hard present team has two games Spoons ...... 22 14 .611 Locks at Memorial Field here. night,” Pappas said. "We won tor. Six times Harvard turned for every fighb. And, "He’s his Brassies ...... 22 14 .911 50% OFF Trull Gets Acclaim left. Central ConnocUcut and Rit getting back to football, the ball over to the Quakere own boas and this can’t but 15 .583 the World Series, and for the without benefit of a punt. The Springfield College, to improve Niblicks ...... 21 Manchester wBl have three var- first Ume in history tha same make him good for boxing . . . on tl» t record. Ma.shies ...... 20 16 .553 DURING OUR PRE­ ' silty men aftisent tamorrow. Don person won the Most Valuable Orimson lost the pigskin three Nothing’s better for boxing Putters ...... 20 16 .555 i HUbhard, AI Spencer and Dave For Play at Baylor Player and Manager of the times on pass interceptions and than a fighting champ and I Tees ...... 19 17 .527 Ode&l are out becatsae of a bad Year awards. It was mo.” three times on fumbles. Penn, think Sonny’s going to be Just Statistics leaders Irons ...... 15 21 .441 SEASON WINTER TIRE I knee, lUness and a broken arm As lor Jim OentUa, Jack tipeet winner, 7-2, did not fum­ that.” Drivers ...... 12 24 .33'3 respectively, while Bill Mann NEW YORK (AP)—.Bay- the first time they've got­ Brandt and Jerry Adklr — men­ ble once... .Substitution rule * * e Wedges ...... 6 30 .173 has left the squad. krr football Coach John ten their hands on the bail tioned as possible trade bait— now In effeot very bewUdertog Clash in Boston With Mann out of the pic­ Bridger is an ebullient man in their last games. Pappoa said ha would wont ail We wont mention namee, but a End o f the Line High this week were Evelyn ture, the queirterbacklng will be who wants to tell the world They’ve won seven in a of them in his starting lineup, Saturday ago a coach sent 11 Connecticut Dragway In Blast BOSTON (AP) —If you're a Lorentzen 137-346, Jean Hamp­ left to Woody Clark and sopho­ about "My boy Trull.’’ He row, but the margin of vtc- with GenUle the p l a j ^ eap- men into game. Official said, Haddam will close up shop with Statistical bug, then by all ton 137, Emma .Tohnson 128- more Bob Hamilton. There Is a does kb at e\’er>’ opportun­ teny In the last three to­ taln. •no. no, you can’t do thait.” So its final race meet of the sea­ rights the Boston Patriots-Son 339, Olga (Jolla 128-351, Irene good possibility the lanky 11 men left. However, the 11 son . . . F>ee Day will be ob­ Diego Ohargers game Sunday ity- tals only 13 points. 'We’d have a loose club,” Piyor 128. youngster may supplant Clark Each, of counse, ia un­ Pappas said. “We wouldn’t have which left ware not, because served Tuesday at Narragansett should end in a scoreless tie. Or In a starting rote. He has look­ And some of the compa­ there waa no check-off, the seme Park. All adults will be admit­ a(t least in a tie. risons he makes Involving beaten in the Southwest curfew. Maybe the players MERCANTILE — Ray Bean ed good both running and pass­ Conference and the winner wouldn’t be happy... but they’d 11 which entered. ted free and a new auto will But don't let the figures fool ing and there Is .the obvious sit- Baylor quarterback Don * * * be given away to the lucky you. Anything could happen. TruU are at once refresh­ probably wiU get the host be Ured.” uation that with five losses, apot in the Cotton Bowl, Pappas said ha wouldn’t aign ticket holder . . . Coast Gusird When the two American FVxjt ! Joe Vlnisko 364, Pete Spelas Manchester might w^l be look- ing and a little aiwe-slnpir- anything'leas than a seven-year Good for Boxing Cadets will be in attendance ball League teams meet in F>n- ing. LUken; ^ y lo r hasn't won the title way Park, It will be an interest­ 354, Joe Rivosa 152-369, Larry I Ing to the future. in 40 years. contract, so he would have se­ Ex - heavyweight champion Saturday In New Britain when Lorentzen 352, Ted Spelas 138' ” IP I AUbrlo, in fact, agreed his "My boy TruU,” pro­ curity as a player In the unlike, Rocky Marciano says Sonny the Cadet gridders meet Cen­ ing oontraM. claims Bridger, "is the best Most of the rest of the The Chargers, who lead the 372, Roy McGuire 372, Rollie ' younger players will be seeing unranked teams aiso have ly event he would be fired as Lisbon, popularly regarded as tral, The Cadey Corpe will pa' Irish 351, Sonny Chandler 355, j more action in the final three quarterback I’ve ever seen their work cut out for manager. the ring’s arch villain, ia ac­ rade at 1 ;05, a highly spectacu­ Western Division with a 6-2 Bob lanicke 367, Dyke Pleasant I games, giving them more tx- anywhere or anytime or on them, with only No. 3 Mis­ The long-term stipulation may tually good for boxing. lar sight. record, lead the AFT, in two 149-382. I peiience for next season. any football field. And that give MacPhail the out he needs, offensive categories —total of­ sissippi scheduled for a fense and rushing offense. And Blast Catholic will also be goes for Baugh, O'Brien, breather. Oi' Mise, 5-0-1, in case he doesn't want to sign DUSTY-AUTO — Stan Ml mlaslng one starter, but he’s an Lujack, Graham, Unltas or has a home game against tha budding managerial genius. they're second In passing de­ rucki 154—407, Loo Foglla 374, important one. Fldlback Joe even Tittle.” little Tampa. No. 7 Ala- NFL Have-Nots in Spotlight fease. Ted Chambers 142 — 360, Ken RAY STREETER I Akibickl ia not expected to play Which is rather ratified bama is idle. Hie Patriots are pacing the Montie 135—361, Gerry Chap' ! acooTXhng to Coach Andy Bay- company. But Trull’s cre- league In total detfense and Second-ranked Illinois, 5- ara second In passing defense. pell 146-1S5—389. Georgs Tel- lock. His role will again be tentials are ail in order. He 0-1, is a t home to a Michi­ Ping Fall Fagt her 135, Dyke Pleasant 361. S & G AUTO SERVICE filled by Walt Baanight who leads the nation in passing gan team that may be bet­ San Diego has scored 237 SUBURBANITE Second Division Clubs poinlts and allowed 161. Boston, j proved a more aatiafactory un- and total offense, In six ter than its 2-3-1 record At Parkade Lanes ELKS—Carl rfunter 140 — I derstudy last week. But H's al­ games he has a total of would indicate and No. 4 playing one more game while 379, Mike Denhup 161 — 377, winter tires never ways birtter to have two good 1.491 yards and has com­ compiling a 6-4 record good Thursday, Friday, Saturday Navy could have its hands In Dugty League^ enough for a tie for the Eastern Bob Wagner 141—353, Al Heim ' backs rather than one. pleted 106 of 185 passes for full with Maryland, 2-6. The Paired with Leaders 356, John Madigan 351, Frank lower priced... ^ Thus the offensive backfield 1,461 yards €uid has com- Middies, led by Roger IXviSlon lead wWh Houston, ha* Bucahti 371, Rooco Lupacchino win show Mike Mashik a t quer- Tbare’s no truth to the ru­ scored 231 points and given up Nov. 7, 8 and 9 dbWAS. Gtaubach, take a 6-1 rec­ mor pim were placed oiooer to­ 368. Joe GiWlli 364, John Rleder 3 DAY 1 terback. Tom Bavier and Pat "My boy TruU,” continues ord into the game at the NEW YORK (AP)—Rarely, if ever, have the Have- 156. 357. ' Kirol at the halves and BaS- Bridger, "also has the knack Naval Academy. gether last nigttt at the Park- Nots and Never-Been-Ables been so conspicuous on one ■ night. No other changes are of doing his best under Auburn, at 6-0 one of the ode Lanes. The maplee were program in the National Football League, possibly hold­ HI-LOW — Joan Konarski ' planned, Baylock said, except a pressure.” three remaining unbeaten, ■till on the normal i^pata when Sports Schedule 452. NEWWHEELS I switch in defensive line {unign- Trull gets his chance to untied teams in major col­ Parkade Induetrial League ing the balance of power in the battle for divisional ments for 'Tom Andre<;>ti and honors that continues Sunday. prove all this tomewTOW at lege drolea, risks its No. 6 bowlers took akn, but dM they SatUBday, Nov. 9 GARDEN GROVE — Aim Dave Petro. AtisUn, Tex., when he leads standing against tough fly then! Here’s the way It looks at a^ Twerdy rolled a new high single 50% off regular price glafice; Football -- Manchester at TIRE the bulky Bears against un­ Mississippi State, 4-2-1, at No lesN than V7 300 (or bet­ who leads the league with 20 Wothenrfield, 1;30 p.m. of 162 and finished with a 349 I CXIIL STANDINGS Minnesota, which haa never beaten Texas, the nation’s Jackson, Miss. ter) games were rolled fay the touchdown passes. East Catholic at Ridgefield, triple. Other high scorers were i Opp. top-ranked coUege team. Oklshoma pounding ailong 90-mon league last nlgtxt. In been able to beat the Packers, Clara Trueman 136, Fran Ja- W. U T. PU. Pts. takes a 8-6 record into Green The Steelers gave'Cleveland a 1 p.m. The game looms as the toward another Big Eight addition, new league records stiff battle before bowing 35-23 Sunday, Nov. 10 maitis 127-125-360, Ruth Htlin- Platt ...... 4 1 0 96 top attraction on the na­ title and ranked fifth at 6- were set for high Individual and Bay for a clash with the West­ ski 138-355, Alba Soblski 128- Hall ...... 4 1 0 83 1, 1s home to Iowa State, 4- ern Division co-leaders, who are in their first meeting and the re­ Itolice Cruisers vs. Blue Dev­ ".95 Tires and Wheels high team triple*. Art Nicker­ 333, Kitty Sibrinsz 130, Arlyne Wethersfield 4 1 1 74 tional schedule and prob­ 7-1. turn should again be a struggle ils, 1 p.m.; Fire Fighters vs. ably the last really big 3. No. 8 Pitt, 5-1, is at son got the first with 206-233 between two Browns.^.pd Browm Smokeaters, 2:30 p.m., both Norite 158-346. Oonard ...... 3 1 1 80 Notre Dame, 2-4; ^No. 9 and 194 for 633. Paul’s Paint Loe Angelea, which hasn’t S-A-L-E! Windham ... 3 8 0 87 stumbling block on ttae passing for Pittsburgh and Jim­ games at Mt. Nebo. 6.50x13 Michigan State, 4-1-1, ia at Longhorns' path to the na­ grabbed the team marie with been able to beat the Bears in my Brown running for Cleve­ Pony Raiders vs. Vernon, 2 ST. JAMES’ LADHES -Flor- Makmey ... .3 3 0 124 Purdue, 3-3, and No. 10 8, 121. their last eight games, moves C entral...... 3 3 0 24 tional championship. Their land. Pittsburgh played the first p.m., Memorial Field. ence Baldt 144. BILL GRANT only other games are Ohio State, 4-1-1, ia host Other high acorcca; Bd Ipen- Into Chicago with a 2-6 record. game without fullback John Manchester .0 6 0 34 to Penn State, 5-2, in a oer 201, Sam Goggin 203, Ray The Bears ar* tied with the Tubeless For Late Model Cars—7..50xl4 Black Nylon Eastern ... .0 5 0 38 against Texas Christian, 3- game scheduled for region­ Henry Johnson. 2-1, and Texas A A M, 1- Demera 217, E)d Kodea 303, Packers at 7-1. The Cardinals, S-3 in the East, IMPORTANT! al televiaion coverage. Peter Ricd 210, BiU Oppelt, , Philadelphia, which hasn't Noriheastern Needs Victory Plus Tax and 2 Old Tires Off Your Car. This Week’s Games 6 - 1. Princeton, 6-0 and the still have hopes for a .shot at the The Bears are unranked, Gil Thibodeau 201, Pat Pora- been able to beat the Giants in title with one game remaining DON’T BREAK THE SEAL Manchester at Wethersfield only other unbeaten, untied, dlsto^lS, Norm Warren 318 — five straight games, takes a 2-5- Other Sizes Proportionately Priced Central at Windham but have an khprei^ 5-1 visits • Harvard for an Ivy against New York and a pair mark, losing only to Ore­ 568, John Goiongos 204-305— 1 record to New York, where the against Cleveland, but get To Complete Perfect Year Get extra new wheels at 50% off now Platt at Hall League game . 603, Bay Bolduc 222—679, AJdo Giants will be trying to stay no Oonard at Xleatem gon State. They’ve beaten Other gam

\ ■> PAGE SEVENTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN;, rtllDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER «,196t PAGE SIXTEEN d a i l y CROSSWORD PUZZT,E By FAGALY and SHORTEN Dogae-Bbda-4*4B. TV TUT-TUT, M.'DEAR, naads repairs, -MO- PIB* POODLES — WHITE toy, AKC A BIG BARGAIN — 8 rooms 06NAWD IS ABUS ACBOM TMoft s a i l • EitelU ^ a i 4 B used furniture and appliances, V M Ar« THI« I HEAA ABOUT adranUgeow T7M. reg^ered, 840-0008. MONTANA CATTLE $169. 810 down. See It at Al­ ^ TELUN6 -mm- 6© 1 Soil* af driw* 6 Hebrew DlR©tBLE HE- COIXO L»E-(V«? MAN/K/ANTSTt30 ITraollBC wrd atceUcn advertising UNOOLN Continental, IM l, «- bert's, 48 Allyn Street, Hart­ HOOEE FOR A MOORING MAST AND AAE TO fFUt )nNl OUake door Oonvertlble, black with Articles For Sale 45 ford. VMILE HE'S IN TOVIIN? SpeND NOiT o T ila l acquaialaDee “ ls3K'J!llfflL^l'*J KifekdlMltl CLASSIFIEiy ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS white top, low mUeago, excel-, summer ON lOSelM lOTapeatry,^ 8 AJW. to 6 P.M. lent cerlence. low. Buy-save. 8 WelcoBMi J Mr. Shapiro, 643-2128, Tots 'n livery man, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. 6 1 ^ MANCHESTER - ROCKVILLE Free estimates. Call Howley, See Mr. Pettenglll, 648-1624. WATKINS BROTHERS Trailers— 643-6361, 648-0768. Teens, 965 Main St. FOR SALE — Flat Stone for ANSWERING SERVICE Mobile Homes walls, fireplace, veneer and 935 ^LAIN STREET WOULD YOU be interested In MAN FOR WORK in our En­ graving Department, prefer patios. Call 649-0617. BY J. R. WILLIAMS 649^500 — 875-2519 FOR SALE — 1960 American Radlo-TV Repair helping me care for my three OUT OUR WAY one with experience on Gorton STOVE and combination mobile home, deluxe model Services children? Salary plus room and a id lanTa jronr massage. YonTl hear from our adrertlaar In JMl completely furnished, aluml board. Call 649-6650. or Hermes engraving ma- imrner, very good condition chines. Apply In person only ^lean, call TTiompeonvllle KITCCHBN SET. pearl m y H-w. without spending all orenlng at the telephone. 'num awning, 2 bedrooms. Own CONNIE'S TV and Radio Serv­ with chrome trim. Bed, nigh er 875-5834. WAITRESS Wanted, six days, the Aetna Stamp A Engraving | i.R i.5.5190. ice. available all hours. Satis­ C o., 226 Silas Deane Highway, boy dresser and night table. faction guaranteed. Call 649- 10 a.m.-8 p.m.' Inquire (Char­ coal Broiler, 550 E. Middle Wethensfield, Conn. AMATEUR RADIO sUtlon re­ Call 649-5966 after 6 p.m. Automobiles For Sale 1815. Lost and Found Tpke. ceiver. transmitters, mlscel- Auto Driving School 7-A I TURRET LATHE operator, GOLD AND WHITE dinette set I960 CHEVROLET Convertible, Isineous parts, complete for FOUND — Tour Gift Gallery, FULL-'nME Waitress for day be first-class machinist, less than a year old. good con- V-8, 848 cu. In. engine, trl- LARSON'S — Connecticut's first Moving— Trucking— quick sale, 8125. 628-8821. Watkins Bros. Gifts for all .oc­ work, 8 a.m .-4:30 p.m.. coun­ average work week 50 hours, dlUon, $26. Call 649-3396 after BY AL VERMKER' casions from the world over. carbs, 8-speed, excellent condi­ licensed driving school, trained, Storage 20 6 p.m. PRISCILLA’S POP certified and approved, now ter and booths, better than av­ good pay and fringe benefits WALLPAPER and Paint Sale. Home decorating accessories. tion. Call 876-2186 anytime. for qualified man. F’hone 643- Celling paint, $2.89 per gal­ offering classroom and 'oehind MANCHESTER Delivery. Ught erage pay, Experience help­ ELECTRIC STOVE, 4 burners, Priced for all budgets. Noel 7627. Echo Machine (Co. lon. Morrison Paint Store, 386 wheel Instruction for teen trucking and package delivery ful but not neces.sary. Apply in excellent running condition, shop now open. person Brass Key Restaurant. agers. 649-6075. Refrigerators, washers and Center Street. $66; Blackstone automatic FOUND — Female puppy, white BOURNE BUICK stove moving specialty. Folding INTERNA-nONAL firm is look­ LOAM SALE — Regular $14 wa.shlng machine, needs work, with tan markings, 6-8 weeks MORTLOCK'S Driving School $60. 643-9277. Inc., offices, classroom located chairs for rent. 649-0752. ing for ambitious woman over Salesmen Wanted 36-A stone-free loam, $12.60; also, old. Call Lee Fracchla, Dog 30 with car to’leam interesting sand, gravel, stone, fill. (?aU Warden, 648-8604. AS IS SPECIALS Manchester Parkade, lower ARE YOU ambitious and In­ FOR SALE — Ga.s stove hi level. Beginners, older, nerv­ Painting—Papering 21 profession. Good Income. Call dustrious? D6 you want to be 643-8603. good condition. $30. Inquire ous students, our specialty. 289-8415 for personal interview. f o u n d — Male puppy, white a success? vWe'll train y ^ to n a VY THAYER baby carriage. Apt. 8, 4 Pearl Street. 1066 Buiok Super 4-

■I'- ■4

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, PRTDXT. JfUTEMBER 8, 1988 PAGE NINETEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, i m Houses For Sale. 72 Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 Hooses For Skle 72 Houses For Sate 72 Housflff For Sate 72 Lots For Sale 73 Co-Worker Held H o u m b For Sale 72 Houaaa Far Sak T2 Houses For Sale gYJSTBH ■tRSnOT, So. KKJE t A P $ j'<» bir lot with VERNON — Reduosd to $18,300. TWO BUlLOINa loU. prime k>- Apartments— Flats— Land For Sal« Houses For Eals m t; 6 room SpUt8put Level. Ii?re:r <» rag lot with VERNON — 64-room expand.^ HOLLISTER ST. — Beautiful COVENTRY — A rei^ good MANCHESTER - IS,600 as­ country atmoephere. L u g e liv­ Cape Cod home — ultra mod­ value. 6 room ranch with ga­ An exceptionally w ell' built I cation, city utUltlea.. PMlbrick In Shboting of Tenements 63 SOUTH WINDSOR — plaice. Large jotlot. G ar^. a able Ranch, 1 4 acrea land, 3- ANDOVER 78 acres, high loca­ GARRISON COLONIAL - S MANCMBSTBR - 7 room older sumes $106 per month. 6 mom ing room with Breplace, alu- rage. Large lot. Home built in bedroom ranch, third bedroom Agency, 648-8464. spUt4svsl, finished famUy at $16,800. Madeline car garage, fireplace, full cel- em in every rsH>ect; Here is tion, open lot, terrific land rooms. First floor conststs of home, oil hot water heat, 3- (Japs, close to everythtag. ntoum atorma, acreena, doors. lar, oil he<■ lal. Additional Addli 10 the perfect home — 6 rooms, 2 1969. Oil heat hot water. Alumi­ may also 'be used «s dtailng Noted Engineer THREE ROOM apartment par­ car garage 8 extra building room, large comer lot. Assume Baltor, 649-1643. CLASSIFIED tially furnished first floor, value. Why buy few acres for large family room with half $104 monthly payments, new Neatly shnibbed, oU hot water Ito^ced to $16,600. Norman acrea may be purchased, $16,- full baths. Aluminum siding num combinations. Close to room or den.' Attached' 2-car Farms Poi* Sale ^6 several thousandi' when you bath, modem kitchen with lou of M c ^ , $16,400 complete heat, aluminum conMnattoDa, Hohenthal, Bielfiore Agency, 800.— -Robert - -Wolverton Jv, Agency, imd oversised garage. Only everything, too. Askliig $12,500, garage, combinations, built-ins, $70.00 monthly, call 878-0816. Phllb?»ekAgency, 649-8464. mortgags, minimum (Coattimed from Page One) can buy all .this investmsnt built-lns, tncludinf Tappan 400 Only $18,900. Lawrence F, Fl- clean as a WhlsUs Inslds aad 848-0131, Realtor, 649-381$. $17,600. Call Barbara Babin at EIlA^rth Mitten Agency,- r a lm fireplace, wall-to-wall THE FARMER’S DREAM — SIX ROOM DUPLEX, 78 Lin­ for less than $160 an acrs. Ovsr range, dining room, living out Robert Wolverton AgaBoy, Realtors, 948-6980. carpeting. Immediate oeeupsn- Beautiful, large farm, Bolton NON-(5e VBLOPMBNT RANCH ano. Realtor, 848-2766, Oiarlss the JARVIS REALTY (JO., er was harrasslng taim. Gurley 1,000 frontage. Also, 1 and 3 room with flreplaca. Second Realtor, 649-381$. NEW U8TING — Nicely, kept ey. Owner 876-6830. area. Will be shown by ap­ den Street. Immediate occu­ $ bedrooms, 2$’ living room Nicholson, 743-6864. REALTORS,. 643-4112, 648-1688. told police the man peudoed tala ADVERTISING pancy. 048-2722, 9-8. acre building lots In excluslvs floor —. 4 bedrooms, plus full 8 4 room (Jolonlal Just off Cen­ SOUTH WINDSOR — liflposlng. pointment. . Property includes residentikl areas, from 8900 to bath. Immediate occupancy. with fireplace, completed .rec­ r a n c h - MODERN Uteban, ONLY A SAMPLE ter Street. Family sised kitch­ BOWERS 8(JHOOL — 7 room Rsdsed Ranch, with 4 Bed­ home, baui) and considerable oar tai front of the Gurley honw CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS FIVE ROOM FL^T, second 88,000. Shoadl by appointment $22,600. PhUbrick A ^ c y , 649- reation room, excellent con­ large living room with fire­ en, formal dining room, flre­ Manchester (Jape, full dormer, 1 4 baths, rooms, 2 baths, ptoyroom, fire­ acMage in clear land. Fred­ and !^«d on him throu^ the dition, recently redecorated, 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. V floor, oil heat, garafe. Call only. Floyd Real Estate, 742- 8464. FOR THE LAftGE place, extra large bedrooms, placed living room with French 4 bedrooms, dining room, ga­ place, 2 car garage, terrace. CONVENIENT CAPE erick M. Gael, Broker. 648- window. 649-9221 after 8;S0 p.m. 7683, 743-8780 evenings. John C. $16,900. Philbrlck Agency. 649- baths, basement fialalMd doors. Center entrance, open Slightly elevated I'TBk^ heavi­ 3682, 643-0281. 'Police (Xtief James E. Ftaian |$r,B00 S-year-old 6-room ranch. rage, near all schools. Owner Hutchinson, 743-7883. 8404. discriminating off into offleo and beautiful reo staliwey. Natural woodwork. QUICK OCCUPANCY 649-1796. ly wooded lot on fine residen­ said that as a result of tha ROCKVILLE — Deslrahle sun­ room, lu ge lot with trees, $19,- . BuUt-ina, 4-ecre lot, ga­ Definitely an excellent value tial street. City water, vedar complaiRto. eoctra patrola were COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Ellington JAN DRIVE (Off London Road, rage. Modern Cape, one block Wanted— Real Estate.?? ny 0 rooms, heated, porch, Elouses For Sale f2 FAMILY 900. PhiTbrick Agency, 649-S464. at $16,60o.. Len Charboneau, clapboard and redwood si made late at night o f the area MONDAY n>rn EBIDAY 10:f0 A.M.—SATURDAY 9 AM. utility room, washer hook-up, Bast Hebron): 8 bedroom Belflore Agency, 843-6121. from Main St. Large kltch- ranch, large living room with $$,$00 a s a u m a s present Price $28,800'. Glenn Robei around Ourley’e home. fine residential area. Rent rea­ VERNON — Just over Manches­ $19,990 62 DUVAL ST.— Sple 'a Span Ill,$00 C u a t o fti-bullt, OOdoot 4 4 % mortgage, laige 74 OLDER HOME — Agency, Realtors. 644-1521, sn with disposal and dish­ WANTED — B-zone lot. Call fireplace. Built-In oven and AA residential area -washer, formal dining room, Investigaitors aaid the buUert sonable to responsible party. ter line. Like new 8% room Colonial, 14 baths, carpet>ttog. Ranch. Treed, beautiful, FOUR BEDROOM Colonial. rooln spHt level, 1 4 baths, 644-1887. 649-4291. appeared to have been fired by TOUR COOPERATION WILL n | A I ^ 3 * 2 7 1 1 counter top range. Recreation 6 bedrooms 3-car garage, anxious owneii, MANCHESTER tiring room with fireplace, 643-6614. ranch, IVi baths, built-in kitch­ ly ahrubbrubbed. prestige Complete, separate facilities bulH-in kltehen, formal .someone crouched aixait 13 feat BE APPRECIATED ITW X# I I Well cared for 8 room Co­ room. Lai^e lot. To assume reduced price. B. J, Carpen­ bakement garage. Price has en with dinette, fireplace. 4H baths area. for in-law situation all under dining room, family room, ANDOVER — $14,900, Custom from the window. The killer, SIX ROOM-duplex, garage, oil l o n 1 a 1. Non-development, present mortgage $2,700 cuh Formal foyer ter, Broker, 649-6061. one roof. 3 4 baths, aluminum Large older home in excep- built expandable 8 room ranch, been drastically reduced for Hayee Agency, 848-4808. garage, one half acre lot, may have leaned agataiot Gui^ furnace,' good location. Quiet custom built. Spacious open required. Madeline Smith, Large living room awnings, heatpd roc room. tionuly good condition. Eix- large living room with fire­ immediate sale. BUYING OR SELLING city water and sewers, anx­ tra large yard with privacy. adults or small family. Avail­ COUNTRY CLUB area — construction on the first Realtor, 049-1642. Large dining room SO. WINDSOR — Lovely old 9 lll.OOO Bix full room Ranch, rec Transfer makes fast sale im­ place, 8 bedrooms, basement ley's car to steady his atan, po­ ContlRiMd From Pr«c«ding Pag* ious owners asking $18,600. Must be seen for full appre­ able December 1. Call 648-4481 Charming 8% room ranch, ga­ floor, and a bedroom or den Heated gunroom and den room (Jolonial, fireplaces, room, 4-acre, treed lot, perative. Len (Jhau-boneau, Bel- garage, quiet neighborhood. “Handling of Bolton Homes lice said . after 6:30. rage, screened porch, terrace, and half bath; second floor 86 SCOTT DRIVE - $18,800. Kitchen-dining area- Dutch oven, garage, bam , $ ehoice area. fiore Agency, 648-6131. ciation. Ideal tunlly home. A Specialty” The family moved into Hm 51 Apartments— Flats Beautiful 8-bedroom Ranch, 2 Ea.sily financed. For appoint­ Household Goods lovely wooded lot, priced be­ - 4 huge bedrooms, full bath. acres, ecenlo view, $17,960 For individual attention call BEL AIR REAL ESTATE two-story white house efcout MANCHESTER-BeauUful new baths, built-lns, nicely land­ butler’s pantry ment call (Jarlson Real Estate, Tenements 63 low appraisal. Hayes Agency, Aluminum storms and Large peuieled, carpeted Hayes Agency, 041-4809. TWO FAMIUES — Two to LAWRENCE F. FIANO four J'oars ago. I e NITH RADIO-phonograph 8 room apartment, excellent scaped, Bowers School area. 180,000 Aaaumable mortgage, 742-7297. 848-4803. screens, attached garage, family room - third floor choose from. Both on bus line FREDERICK M. GAAL They oame to (Joncord eigtift Combination and records, bou-. THREE ROOM partially fur­ location, adults. J. D. Realty, E. J. Carpenter, Broker, 649- ImmaouTate 64-room , Realtor BAN AGENCY 643-9332 huge 160x240 lot. Intercom throughout $18,900 — Clean $• bedroom near (Jenter of town. One is 6tt-37M years'ago when Gurley went to doir chair, telephone .stand, nished apartment', first floor, 643-8129. 8001, 1 4 - yoar - old Ranch, BROKER VERNON — Exceptional value. , 2-car Garage • electric Buicb, walk-out cellar, large 6-6 duplex, the other 6-6 flat. Roger M. Negro work for Massachusetts Inatl- drapes - 84x144, cornice. Tel. no children. .4fee Mr. Colby af­ lot, view, near school, a rsal bulltdna. Ohariea Nlchoiaon T49-6864 Owner anxious to sell. 6 room VERNON — LARGE custom 0 eye Both have separate, mcent 643-8727 Ellington 6 ^ 6 8 2 — 643-0281 tute of TedhnoJogy’s U n n ^ 649-0636. ter 6 p.ip'. IH Birch St. THREE ROOM apartment, ranch completely furnished or buy. Carlton W. Rutdilns, heating systems. Either Is an heat, hot water, range, and re­ SAMUEL M. LAVITT room Ranch, huge recreation , Slate roof Laboratory in neartjy Bedford, unfurnished. Call 648-0002. Realtor, 649-6183. excellent long term invest­ MANCHESTER — 8 bedroom frigerator. available Novem­ room, cast iron radiation. 3- . Formal, private gardens |400 down b u y a 54^room ranch, full bemement and ga­ A graduate of the Universtty Musical Instruments 53 “ AGENCY (Jape, treed lot, city ment. (Jail for further details. $13,990 of Minnesota. Gtu-ley taught sit » - 8 ROOM APARTMENTS. ber 15. Call McKinney Bros., $18,780 - TWO BLOCKS from car garage, hillside setting. (X)N(X>RD RD. — Beautttld (JOVENTRY — 2 family, 4-4, rage, cloee to schools, premi­ PRIVATE PARTY-wants 4 to 6 649-5239, 9-8. To inspect call Mrg. Suzanne water, aewers, immacu­ Norman Hohenthal, Belflore FOREST STREET — Large 10- THifta University in Medford. Inc., 643-6060. High School, six room cape, Hayes Agency, 648-4808. ranch) large Uvlnt room, form­ Agency, 843-6121. cheaper than rent for this um location, spacious living room Cape or older house In HAMMOND ORGAN, Model M8, MLS Realtors at Vernon Circle Shorts, 648-8886, or Mrs. Doris late throughout. room houae, 6 bedrooms, 4 4 duplex. Combination aluminum Newly redecorated 64 room room with fireplace, many ex­ with bench, mabo$:any ease, vacant Thla will qualify tor McLallen, 639-6770, Exclusive al d ln ^ room, camnet Mtehsn, Manchester. Phone 649-5605. $18,900 — ANOTHER GOOD 3 bedrooms, recreation room, baths, excellent condition, ideiti windows, artesian well, lake ranch, ' attached breezeway tras. Reasonable. Owner, 848- 8800. Phone 049-2428- FHA with minimum down 648-2188 — 876-6397 BUY, Lenox Street. Six moms IMMACJULATE 6 room Ranch. location. Owner 6a-7444. FOUR ROOM unheated apart­ ($400) plus closing ($000). You landscaped yard. Marlon B. $16,800 $ • year • old, In-t o w n Plastered walls, breezeway, privileges, immediate occu­ and garage, 8 bright spaci­ 8398 or 649-8228. ment. Call 643-6015. plus enclosed rear porch. Lot ous bedrooms, fiill bath, Blind Workers Unionise JUST TWO LEFT can also get a VA. if you J. WATSON BEACH Robertson, R w to*. 648-6968. Ranch, non-develop- garage, park-like yard In ex­ MANCJHBSTEIR — 8 or 4 bed­ pancy. Selling for $10.8(X). Call REPUBLICAN affords absolute maximum of ment, easy financing. Barbara Woods Agency, 849- living room with fireplace, STERLING 110 bass accordion, qualify. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 188 LYNES8 ST. — 8 room privacy, with shrubbery and & CO. cellent location. Immediate room possIbiUty tat thia Cape Lots For Sale (XEVBLAND, Ohio (AP) — SEVEN R(K>M spacious horns occupancy. Len .Charboneau, ’T702. city water and sewers, 73 white, with case, 1100. 828-3821. 643-1677. ranch, stone front, 3 bedrooms, troes. Close to sveiythlng. Just Cod home situated on quiet, no Employes of the (Jleveland So­ CAUCUS Two new two-b e d r o o m Furnished Apartments 63-A 31 Central Row, Hartford in Manchester on quiet street, Belflore Agency, 648-6121. traffic street. Living room with walking distance to schools. dining room, fireplace, alumi­ call and start packing. T. J. 4 bedrooms, enclosed porch, 3- $18,609 6 full rooms, big kitch­ Vacant. ’ Excellent financing ciety for the Blind—all 40 of The Republican electors of apartments, located at 9 TALOOTTVILLB — 8% room 632-3114 en, sewing room, all fireplace, almost complete rec WYLLYS STREET — 340 foot the Town of CJovenUy'are here­ Wearing Apparel—Furs 57 Ranch, storms, fireplace, one- num awnings, gamge, extras. Crockett. Realtor. 648-1877. car garage, I asking $19,800. Out COMPACrr CAPE on beautifully avaiiatale. them sightless—voted Thursday West Middle Turnpike, Man­ THREE and four-room heated olty conveniences. .Real room in cellar. Fenced rear frontage, 648-7444. by notified that will be a year-old. Near bus line and 649-1434. of state owner wants otters. treed lot. Aluminum storms, Bight to form a union. The ac­ chester. Cloee to shopping, apartments, furnished, children SOUTH WINDSOR — A house nice Cape (Jod. yard. Good lot. Aluminum Bolton Vicinity tion reaulted from a number of caucus at the O tan^.H all, Rt. BLACK HUDSON Seal coat, shopping. Very convenient. PhUbrick Agency, 649-S464. screens, doors, cedar shingles. BOLTON AND Vicinity — Build- slse 16. excellent condition, schools, churches. On bus welcome. OArfleld 9-9923. EAST HARTFORD - Overalied that separates the men from MANCHESTER - Modem Cape storma and acreena. Reason­ SAMUEL M. LAVITT grievances, chiefly wages. 44A on M<^)day. November 18, line. Occupancy December Tongren Agency, 848-6321. 7 room Caps, shed dormer, 1*4 the boys. We offer a 7 room Low upkeep and maintenance. ably priced. Ellsworth Mitten ving lots, land tracts, farms and reasonable. 643-4018. on quiet side street Near HOLLISTER STREET—6-roora 199 foot yard with trees and $5,500 Julia Ales, a former employe 1963 at 8 p.m. for the fbllo^ring 1. Heat, hot water, all elec­ 1%-ROOM FUmlshed Apart­ baths, recreation room, study, home easily expanded to In­ echool, bus. 1 4 baths, fire- $31,600 Garrison Colonial, all Agency, Realtora, 648-6980. AGENCY acreage. Financing available. purposes: ment, light housekeeping, cen­ $14,600—One floor, 8 attractive (Jolonlal, flreplaced Uvliu; plaster construction, shrubs. A best buy at $10,800. of the society, said a check with tric kitchens including dis- very clean, Carlton W. Hutch­ clude a fourth bedroom and placs, aluminum cmnbinations. Lawrence F. Flano, Realtor, lawyers showed workers for the trally located, reasonable. 649- rooms, expandable second room, dining room, I been, Inc., 640-6261. 649-381$. - Manchester Vernon 36x42^. Walk-out basement, 8 Birch Street. 649-7129. Main, second floor, $60. 649- nished, garage, large lot. Will bedrooms, 14x19 living room, 8229, 9-6. altuninum comblnaticms, school sold at our dealership. W e lease to responsible party. 416 Main St., E. HUd. JOHN H. LAPPEN, INC. FURNISHED ROOMS — Com­ Adults preferred. S. A. Beech- $14,890 bus at door. Robert Wolverton plete light housekeeping facili­ tEE ROOMS, heat, lights ler. Agent. 643-6969. A g sa ey , Raaltor, 849-2818. 849-6361 ties, centrally located. Mrs. furnished, parking, front and Dorsey, 14 Arch St., Manches­ rear entrance, one block from WETHERSFIELD — 7 room Weekend, eall 649-7446, eu-6319 specialize in fine cars." Lake Street School—charm­ ter. • school, excellent neighborhood. split, 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, $176, SOMETHING BETTER! GEORGE DE CORMIER Agent on premises. 106 Birch option to buy. References, 829- ing 8>/4 room ranch, 8 bed­ TWO CLEAN sleeping rooms, •PRING BTOBET - Beautiful rooms, full bath, large St. 5866. 6-room ranch, 100-200 lot, 2-car centrally located, must be kitchen, dining area, full Located high on a hill and beau­ seen to be appreciated, refer­ NEW CHEST LUXURIOUS Du­ garage, built-in G.E. kitchen, 8 ba.sement. Owner anxious to TASTEFULLY decorated older ROCKVILLE — Charming 8 bedroams, 1^ baths, aluminum tifully landscaped, a lovely 7 ences. Call 643-2029 between 8 plex Apartments, 571 Hartford room house, $70 monthly. Call sell. type seven room home. Four combinations, $21,400. Robert room spUt-Ievel home tai Ver­ rooms, bath, first floor. Three BANK TCRMS and 4 p.m. or 9 and 10 p.m. Road. 4 4 rooms, 1 4 baths, 528-0718. non. The features: modem conveniences, now Wolverton Agency, Realtor, bedrooms, second floor. Fire­ LOVELY LARGE housekeep­ renting at reasonable rate. COVENTRY — Four rooms, fur- ★ ★ 649-2818. 8 spacious bedrooms. place. H ^ ged lot. Near bus, This Week’s Specials ON ALL SALES ing room. It has everything. In-! ★ ★ schools, shopping. Good in­ Agent^ on premises. Call eve-! nished, fireplace^ garage. Can ATTRACJnVB 6-Room (Jape; -SAMUEL M. LAVITT Jakauded enclosed.aunroom. eluding utilities. Ample park-' nfiigs'""^643-4362. Mr. Gill, own T42-6661. 28’ living-dining room. vestment t o r $14,(XX>: H. B. Ing. 272 Main St. fireplace, wall-wall carpet, AGENCY Grady, Broker, 648-8(X)9. awnings, heated porch, garagei 2 baths. GRIER RD., Second Bolton Kitchen with built-ins and NEAR MAIN STREET for gen­ Lake, Vernon. New, clean 8 beautiful lot, trees, near bus, tleman, private entrance, park­ school. Only $18,800. Carlton MLS Realtors at Vernon Circle frultwood cabinets. FOUR R(X>M Apartment avail­ room home, $100 monthly. Family room. 196S MERGURY ^D00R HARDTOP ing, 28 Pearl Street. Tel. 648- W. Hutchins, Realtor, 649-5132. able Immediately, $80. 649-8642. 528-6884, 643-7716. 648-2188 — 876-6297 Basement garage. 4 ON THE FLOORr—PRACTICALLY NEW. V 7236. TUNE-UP TIME FXDUR Rall 0961 for appointment. able for Inspection at this time. carpeting Including hallways, For appointment other timea, please call Mrs. Suzanne Apartments— Flats— dishwasher, new aluminum VERNON—Older 6-room Caps, awnings, 3 blocks from Main porch, garage, dining room. Shorts, M8-8886 or Mrs. Doris McLalien. 529-6770. 1962 FALCON STATION WAQON Only Tenements 63 St. Just m ove'In—no remod­ Early occupancy. Asking $11,- TOIS IS A 9(X). Tongren Agency, 648- STANDARD SHIFT, IN VERY NICE (MtDBR THROUGHOUT. BIRCH STREET, second floor, eling necessary. $19,900. (Jail J. WATSON BEACH & COJ SILVER STAR owner, 640-666L 6821. 4 rooms, furnace, near Main, DIRECTIONS: Wilbur Cross Parkway—Leave I'Rrkway at Exit REALTORS .... SOLE AGENTS 1695 $90. 649-8229, 9-6. HOME 11 CENTRAL ROW. HARTFORD— 622-2114 FIVE ROOM FLAT. 16 Trum­ / 95— At Vernon Circle turn into Kelly Road—Next to First Na­ bull St., heat, hot water. Avail­ Offering 1957 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR HARDTOP Only able November 1. Garage. Tel. Olenn, Quiet tional and Capri Diner— Follow to tract DUTCH CQLONIAL 648-8684. SHARP, SHARP. FULLY EQUIPPED. GAS ^ 8 9 5

SHOPPING 1956 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE Only FOR A HOME? n 3,500 V8. Fully equipped and nice.

Centrally located in Manchester. Six-room Cape These and many more fine cars always af with four of the rooms usable as bedrooms. New­ A team of Comets, spe(1ally equipped and prepared y ly redecorated, walking distance to shopping and tor hig-speed driving, have shattered over 100 world schools. Aluminum combinations, full basement, records in a 40-day 100,000-mile durability run at hatchway, nice yard with trees. This home will speeds over 100 miles per hour! 119 LAKE STREET quiilify for MINIMUM FINANCING, either VA DECORMIER / or FHA. Vacant, can be seen anytime. Call: COME IHTODAY AND DRIVE THEIR KIH— Six large rooms with space for 2 extra rooms. IJ/s baths, aluminum screens, doors and awnings. Lot Zoo YOUR REALTOR THE SUPER-RUGOED. SIZZUN' HOT ft. by 860 ft. deep. In exceptionally fine condition. MOTOR SALES, Inc Don’t let this one pass you by! T. J. CROCKETT, Realtor 1VM COMET '‘Manchester s Own Rambler Dealer" WEST SIDE REALTY M3-1577 2BB BROAD ST. — MANCHISHR MORIARTY BROTHERS M M 9 4 2 301 CINTIR IT. OPEN EVES., 443-B11I > /.

\ ■ • . K O i - \

PAOB Twmrrv FRIDAY, NOVEMBBR 8,1068 i U a n r ^ B t ^ r ATerage Dally Net Preaa R ub The Weather iffin.iiJi. Far tea Waak gklted Fwaeaat o f IT. B. W eatker iraa«aibarS, lN 8 . tfra Edward C. CuMer of IBO Panel Discusses oommif tee wlB serve otl Tlnicsday Rosary Society About Town Summit St. la spending "P ar­ menta. to SjM>ngor ^ at 6:80 and fMah ents’ Day" weekend at The S b o S ^ lo . Plaus Food Sale 1 3 ,8 9 1 ia tea iidd-40a. Suad^r pertly M «m twri of Votormna of dttadal, Chafleaton, S.C., where Legion of Mary Boys Rifle Club The instroctor Is Bgt. Ounlle a of tba Andit atono aad nUM. High to tea 68a World War 1 Auxiliary will con­ her son, Edward C. Custer Jr., Lshbonto, who la a member o f SHOP lof Orontotton ie MiToIled. as a second oleuas- WCTU Will Meet tee Neitkmal Maneh, $t r ^ A CUy o f Village Charm tent a ward bingo Monday at Members 6t ths Legiom o f The Boya* Mfle dub spon­ A food ade, spdiaored by fit 0 0 IM Pi». at Rocky Hill Vet- man. Boys intereated'may ragMer at this Mary of the Church of the As­ At South Church sored by tea rscraaiion depart- at the buUdlngi designated Bridget/a Rosary Society, wtB eran’a Borne and Hoapltal. sumption vrUl psrtioipats in a be heM to the ohmrch ha* Sun­ an Paga 12) PRICE SEVEN CENTB ICambera wishing to asatat with The Rev. Alex M. Elsessor, menf 'wfll bs organised in each above. VOL. LXXXm, NO. 85 (FOURTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION—SUBURBIA TODAY) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER t, IMS « tha game. or to donate cookies pastor of the OomniUnlty Bap­ panel discussion Monday at 8:10 The Women’s Christian *fem- of tee terse rscreation centers. day morning after all ths Mhsa- SIGN may oontact Mrs. Helen Erick­ tist Church, will conduct a p.m. after a business mesting psrsaoe Union will msst THm s- These dubs are open to any I. In addktton to cakes and son, - hospital chairman. The service Sunday at 6:40 a.m. in day at 10:80 a.m. in the recep­ boys to the TV>wn of Manches­ the chapri of Manchester Me­ of the Lsdies of 8 t. James in ‘Messiah’ Chorus desaarts, roUa and bageU will o f annUary will have a kitchen St. James’ school cafeteria. The tion hall of South Methodist ter ten years of age or over. morial HOapital. The Rev. Earle Church. The project for the feCMiIal Weteeaday, Nov. 18 at '8 purpose and functions of the They will Isam ahout tee hsn- Donaitiiana may bs brought to 1963 Vote p m n t iJie VKw Home. Mem C. Ouster, pastor of the North morning will hs sewing scuffs dUng and firing of peHet rifles. Off This Year DepandabtlKy Methodist Church, will serve as Liegion of Mary wUI be dis­ tee church basement batwem 7 bsM art reminded to bring for the veterans hospitals. A The dribs will meat each week mW wn^eo wVraVaOTQIIi^ hoi^iltai chaplain next week. cussed. potluck will be served at noon and 8 pm.-tonvorrow or before Mine, Train Disasters cmamd goote. Mrs. Michael Edenbum, ar­ at the varlouB oentere and will Eric 8. Anderson, manager of any Maas tee miomtog of t»» with Mra John McAllister and fire a apedfled course, which is the Manchester "Meariah’’ Cho­ On Rights Ww Bear. RotNrt K. SMmoda, Washington DOl, will meet rangements chairman, will in­ Mrs. Oeorge U Fish as hostess- sSite. For pdtekup eervioe osll troduce the panelists. Members set up the National Rifle As- of file latoottville Oon- tonight a t 8 in Orange HaH to • ’te . ■ aoclatton, with the award be­ rus, aismunoad today that tee Mrs. Jaones Slrtannl, 262 Oreen JUST ARRIVED aiBl Church,' will be in elect officers. of the panel are Jchn FoUey, The busineae meeting' will bs ing given by the recreation de­ Handel wurfc, a ^tnadtttonal pre- Bd.; Mm. Louie DaUaFera, 262 ___ o f radio bawadcasta James Mulready, Mias Oorinrie held at 3 p.m. Annual dues wifi partment at the completion of eentation during the Christmas Green Rd.; Mm. J. Edward Mto- In Doubt g|if ■maid by tile ManOhester loyal Cirole of Kings Daugh­ Geeiersloh, Miss Mary Bokus be aooe^ed and the roll will be the various stages. season, wfil nd he pttxhiced Haever, 69 N. School St; or flUMstlal Astodatlon on sta- ters will metet in the Fellowship and Mrs. Elizabeth Edenbum. called. Members are rsminded The group at tee Seat Bide teds year. M ta Robert Rybn, 20 Batea Rd. Japan, 251 Perish ftOB ’WXNlB' ShJnday at 7:85 a.m. Room of Center Congregational There will be a (piestion and that roll call replies will be quo- ,wfn meat on Wedneeday eve­ Tentative pOans oaU for a per- Mm. Dorothy Ketmy sari Mm. WASHINGTON (AP) — and te lf r next week at 7 :S0 Church at 7:45 p.m. Monday. answer period after the dlaous- taiUons on temperance or a Bi­ ning, at the West Side on Mon­ foomance next year and' every Daniel Newoomb are oo-chato- Hopes for House passage ajn. » d diM pjn. Hosteases will be Mrs. James skm. Mra Albert O. Roy and a ble versa day evening, end tee Oonunu- alternate year thereafter. men of tea sale.r Thomson and Mra. Frank this year of a civil riglits MBs Iteu oea Opataoh, daugh- Falrweather. 1953 bill dimmed today after the ^ of Mir. and Mrs. Henry J. controversial legislation hit Opalaob of 2(M Fergunon Rd. is The Britiab American Club VOLKSWAGEN political and procedural Coal Dust Mrartiment chedrman for the will hold a dance for members Deluxe Sunroofs aopiMtDare dans dance, “Wlinter snag.s. and friends tomorrow' from 9 Like President Kennedy's tax l>Kluda,* at St. Joseph Ool- p.m. to 1 a.m. at the clubhouse, Fully Equipped leaa West Hartford. The dance cut bill. It appears to have fallen Explosion Maple St. Charlie Varrick's or- I far beck In a race with the cal­ w iT b a M d Friday, Nov. 15, in ohestra will provide the music. BaUrieom at Mercy •1750 endar. at tea ooeega. Although the civil rights The sxeoutlve board of the W ish M y measure was aimroved by the Traps 600 Women's Auxiliary of Manches­ House Judiciary Committee Oct. ter Memorial Hos^tal will meet 'S3 CHEVROLET 29, a report explaing it and the Tuesday at 1 pm. in the board I committee members' views TOKYO (AP)—Disaster . room at the hospital. Edward j won’t be ready until Nov. 18. struck twice in quick and Thoms, administrator, will •2390 soft Such a report must be filed deadly succession in widely speak on "Ehiepgency Room.” Oorvair Means OonvaeUlile with the House before the bill The date of the meeting was Mommy '42 OLDSMOBILI can take the next step -to the .separated parts of Japan and changed becauM of Veterans House Rules Committee (or a today, leaving at least 251 Day. resolution setting terms of de­ persons dead and hundreds •2290 bate and sending it to. the floor. injured. l oh so John M. WUkaus, aon of Mr. Detective Arthur Savarese checks for fingerprints on panel truck used by ban­ With the Rules Committee and Miw. Mathew F. WUkas o f Ontlaea F-85 OoavetiAla First wa.s a mine explosion on dits who pulled 81 million jewel robbery in New York today. (AP Photofax.) Chairman. Howard W. Smith, the southern main island of 56 Dade Rd. is a freshman at D-Va., hostile to the bill, the Bentl^ OoUega Boston. Maas. '42 CHEVY H Kyushu which snuffed out ths cuddly Had A New is certain to consutpe lives of at least 171 coal miners. the maximum time possible. The second accident occurred 9 Ihe Zlpser Club will meet to­ •1890 Mld-Decembpr appears the morrow at 8:80 p.m. at the club­ \ Half of Loot about eight hours later in ths house to nmninate officers. Hova OonverUMe > US, Soviets Agree earliest the bill could be ready port city of Yokohama, where (or the floor, leaving little time two passenger trains speeding The Ruth Circle of the *42 VOLKSWAGEN Found in NY ij (or the House to act before it in directions hurtled in­ Emanuel Lutheran Church I shuts down (or a Christmas re­ to a derailed three - coach Women will meet Montey at 8 cess. freight. The Yokohama Fire. De­ Dishuxisher •1790 *rhus evidence mounted that partment put the number of p.m. In the board rocm. Mrs. On Wheat Ships Gem Robbery Douglas Porter will present an OonverUMe I neither of the President's top dead at 80, with at least 100 in­ Advent program. Mrs. Roderick ------! priority domestic measures, civ- jured. NEW YORK (AP)—The ll rights or tax reduction, will MacLean will lead the devo­ *41 VOLKSWAGEN WASHINGTON (AP)—^The government has placed The mine tragedy resulted tions. Mrs. Thomas Jones and bandits who hijacked a sta- ; make the grade with Congress from an explosion of coal dust Mrs. Robert Carlson are in Ueg^ations for a mammoth sale of wheat to the Com­ which brought tons of stone and •1590 munist bloc in the hands of private traders after setting tion wagon carrying 81 m l , ..Th^^e just mechanically can- Only the skeleton of a building remains at the entrance of Mitsui Mikawa coal earth cra.shing down in one of charge of refreshments. lion in jewels and gold Pri- not be a tax bin this year," Re­ Instead o f Convertible (Bad) guidelines on the sensitive shipping issue. mine in Northwest Kyushu, Japan, after a coal dust explosion today. (AP Pho­ the main tunnels of the Mitsui St. Bridget’s CTO will hold a Shortly after agreement was^ day apparently tried twice | publican Senate Leader' Everett Mikawa Mine at Omuta. car wajrii on the chureh grounds '41 VOUSWAGEN may add another $M million or before to rob it but were m . iiirksen said today tofax.) . The company said 1,221 " 9 9 4 nnnbuncad Friday between the He said the schedule also is tomorrow from 9 a.m. to noon. United States and Russia on the more to the purchase price. scared off, police say. miners were at work in ths S6me members of Congress working ag^ainst civil .rights leg- slanting galleries at the time, Wafca your cMJd happy handling of transportation, the Two of the five Imndits mas­ islaUon. The Couples dito Of Center •1390 Commerce Department Issued have said the deal may open the but many of them were able, aaxt tima you stop for queraded as policemen. A iRctfcpr (Jlim b bleeding and (aces blackened, Oongregattonal Church sdU Debue Sedan an export license (or the ship­ door for further sales of wheat Less than seven hours after "As I put it together, it would •arvioa at a Mobil Station. be mid-December before civil Protestant J r \ . TV d x vi. , J • • . J to stagger to .safety from two have a pofhick tomonoiw at ment of 100,000 tons of wheat— and other U.S. farm products to Being One!^^ i midtown manhattan robbery remaining exits. Taha homo a cuddly toy 6:45 pm. in Woodruff Hall af­ '41 VOUSWAGEN about |7.S million worth — to the Communist countries. cbimtrles. TneThe | — 'York’s biggest—the__ __ gem__ rights could get to us and our bam Assisted Approximately 80 injured men ter v^ch an illustrated talk on Hungary. Soviet Union recenUy purchased dutributor’ s statTmT"wagontioii and Christmas recess is going to be- poodla. So pink and pert ^ on the 30th of D ecem ber,’ ’ were brought to the surface soon and tovablal the 1964-66 World's Fair will •1490 The deal, by the Cargll|, Inc., 6.8 million tons of wheat from , gu-huy more than half the loot be shown. grain firm of Minneapolis, may Canada and 1.8 million tons found abandoned in a lot. Dirksen said in an interview Goes to President By GOP Aide after the blast. CoaverUMe (White) be the first trickle in a steady from Australia. Louis Moots of Ridgefield, with Sen. Jack Miller, R-Iowa, Police .said 80 Injured miners John Mather Chapter, Order tl^ of U.8. surplus grain to the Russia and several of her sat­ N.J., the driver of the station prepared for Midwest radio and had been brought to the surface of DeiMolay, win have a hay- '41 VOUSWAGEN Soviet Unlm and her European ellites now buy less than $5 mil­ television stations. MILWAUKEE (AP) — The after a coal duet explosion eol- wagon told police that two other By DOUGLAS CX>RNBLL lapsed the main tunnel. Mobil ride tomoordw. Interested mem­ You're So Right... Especially When aateUitea. lion worth of American food a times in the last five weeks he Dirksen emphasized that 0>n- Milwaukee Sentinel said today bers may oontact Ruteell Oue- a Undersecretary of Ctommerca year. Communist Poland and had seen similarly dressen men gress still has much work to do NEW YORK (AP)—President Kennedy, a Roman that Rep. John Byrnes, R-Wis., The dead and Injured brought •1590 Yugoslavia obtain surplus on appropriations. helped an insurance company to surface apparently were hurt N Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr. said leave an unmarked, black car Catholic, addressed a huge Protestant gathering and re­ lette, 244 Woodtaivt for fur­ as the force of the explosion MCaM*Nt-R« uaia ther informaMon. t-Paea. MaUea Wagon the understanding between the American food under the food in the same vicinity and ap-, ^ "This is one of the most ^ ex- ceived an unpai'alleled honor and a warm tribute. whoe* stock Robert G. Baker la Umted States and Russia on for peace program proach his car. slowed by heavy I traormnary sesrions ths,t I have reported to have used as a step-: roared toward the surface from You Con Get The Best Buys In '40 COMET The government said SO per seen in nearly 80 years in Wash- The chief execuUve was the^ ping stone to his mlUion-doIIar I its center, some 800 yards from shipping covem 2.8 million tons traffic. guest of honor Friday night of of wheat ^ c h tea Soviets want cent of tee wheat must be car- . ✓ - bles requiriag American assist- f(»^ne. the entrance. lied in U.S. ships, if they a2e He said ail three times, (lee Page Six) the Protestant Council of New ance in the nation’s own inter-! » ,tory from its Washlng- The nien believed trapped •990 ligr next May' Xl'. The satellite including tee actual robbery, >• York caty at a banquet at which countries ara expeotod to take av^lable, and eeillnga were set nsts. ! ton office, the Sentinel said that were below the expIosiMi area. 2-Door Sedan on tee rates U.S. ship operators thought lie w4s 'about to get a' about 3,600 representatives of Omuta officials warned ths Thfi McmchtslBr R«pvblicaii WomMi's Club an addlUonal 1.S million tons. traffic tleket. The first two all faiths were present. The atmospherS was one Of I Byrnes played 4 part in secur- The 4 million tons would be can charge. cordiality and mutual respect, j ing a change in an Internal Rev- mine filled with gas from tea '40 COMCT U.S. ^ n dealers will offer >**^"**‘* Ths council gave him its new coal dust explosion, police aald. about ISO million bushels aad • _____ CGt M G mGrmarked police patrol State Priest, sprinkled with good humor and anue Service ruling that "threat- Presetifs Kitchen Aid Dishwashers would involve more than $360 Family of Man Award and a compliments. ened tee existence’ ’ of the Mort- Police, firemen and mliisrs ear Appeared, he said. •1090 minion. Transportation costa (8 m Pag* ThtrtMB) gold medal, which was engraved Kennedy came and went in an gage Guaranty Insurance Corp. desperately sought new ap­ The station wagon owned by John Bircher, ■with his name and an inscrip­ enormous freight elevator which | —MGIC—of Milwaukee, proaches to the chamber whsrs 6-Paae. Station Wagop tee AAA Jewelers Service, waa tion saying it was "in recogni­ normally carries tractor trailers ’■ Sources in Washington said the 600 men are imprisoned. found abandoned at tee rear of tion of creative leadership and with supplies and, on occasion, i Baker bought MGIC stock be- One of the rescued said he had '40 RAMBLER a partly demolished building Judi Resnick NOW at NORMAN'S Gets Rebuke dedicated service.” garbage. fore it was approved (or public seen some bodies in the mins. several blocks from tee robbery The evening was in striking More than 1.000 were working ROLUNe STONES ~ iK)SPEL GROUP Allied Retreats Hurt site. Police said tire marks near contrast to another In Septem­ (See Page Six) (See Page Six) In the slanting galleries of tea •1190 it indicated part of the loot had BSUDGfflPORT (AP)—A Ro­ ber 1960 that provided one of the mine when the explosion f-Paaa. Station Wagon been transferred to another ve­ man Oatholic priest has been' most dramatic moments of the brought death and deetructlon at hicle. taken to task by hie superiors presidential campaig^n. Kennedy 3:16 p.m. PORTABU BUILT-IN '40 V O U SW A G E N German Road Rights They said soma of tee Jew^ tor maxing politics with his appeared before 600 members The blast was ao tremendous UNDERCOUNTER pastoral duties. and grue.sts of the Greater Hous­ it stripped away the wood from (See Paga Thirtoea) Tlae Rev. Francis E. Fenton, ton, Tex., Ministerial Associa­ GOP in Dixie to Stay V a steel-supported building north a Near Olaaale Bwapt- •1150 EDITOR’S NOTE — The Ber-f incidents, tee Western officers Frent StyUng -wtio says he is a ntember of tion. of the main entrance tunnel, a Poabbatton Cycle Sdectloa Delaae Sunroof Hn autobahn provides harasS' bowed to Soviet pressures and the John Birch Society, was At that time, he told his prot- twisted large steel pipes out ed a PushbattoB cycto Stnae and H chine, without benefit of po­ ies, many of them badly hurt, a Exeluelve Dnmhla 4-Door Sedan D. Clay representing the United F. Kearney, the vicar general, I would resigrn the office.” Rep.- William E. Miller of New litical Jobs or job promises or States. WASHINGTON (AP) — The their (aces blackened from ths 8:80 ^.M .—TICKETS |1 Poreelala laiida aat a Kxdaalvo Ooided Actfoa wate By JOHN O. KOEHLEB Federal Oonummtoafloaa Cksn- said he issued the sbatemsnt af­ In presenting the award, the York, Republican national hopes, shows great dedication coal powder. eat '40 VOUSWAGEN BERLIN (AP) — The East - They discussed the Western on the part of Southern Repub­ eUmlBatos haad-rtaialBg miaston now muet decide ter consuHatlon with the dio­ council president, the. Rev. Ar­ chairman, told GOP leaders Hundreds of men, women and West crisis over tee Berlin auto­ occupation of 'Berlin and how cesan bishop, the Most Rev. thur Lee Kinsolving, told Ken­ licans,” he said. "It shows they tee 110-mlle autobahn would be whether to regulate radio- and children—familie.s of the miners - a Aateenatie Hft-top a Safe, teoroogb drying wlte bahn follows years of retreats Walter W. Ciirtia. Bishop Cur­ nedy: "You are regularly in from 13 Southern states today are acting because of principles, —milled around the mouth walt^ MANCHESTER HIGH SCHOOL raek •1290 to Communist demands by low- used by Allied military traffic. tele-vialon com mercials in ' the that their party is permanently not because of jobs. Flo-Tlini aanlUaed air face of towering oippoeition tis is to. Ronve attending the our prayers, sir, that Almighty ^ .. ing for news of those entombSd. S-Paea. Station Wagon ranking Allied officers stationed Zhukov demanded that all 'VWtican Coamcil. God may bless, strengteen, entrenched in Dixie. The workshop drew more than ^^e mine, known as the l ^ s a Excfaiaiva Goldad In the divided city after World travelers ^have military orders, foom oongreos and the broad- Republican leaders 100 delegates, most of whom TICKETS ON SALE: Aottoe waa a AatotnaUe Binao Agent . oaat induatry. The action came in response guide and inspire you. You may to Japanese, is one of the oldest M^enaer heipa dry tehea '59 V O U SW A G EN War n . that Soviet army military police to Father Fenton’s support of a be assured of the solidarity of | ended a three-day political said they favored Sen. Barry haad-rlnatag control the autobahn and that That opposition was maide and largest of its kind in Japan. apotfree In the face of an aggressive campaign to seek petitions for our loyalty and support. workshop. Miller charged them Goldwater of Arizona (or the .It was the scene in 1960 ot but subtle Soviet effort to whit­ customary traffic rules and reg­ overwhelnUngly clear in three Dr. Kinsolving said it wa.s an with the continuing job of press­ presidential nomination. Gold- Parkade Lanas—Nov. 1-Noy. 9 a Ezetaiatva, a ^ e wia* ulations be obeyed. the lmp«aictunen.t of Chief Jus- bloody clashes between striking « Tlvn drytag a tovaM e F oreelBln iwteHur •890 tle away at Western rights, the days of congressional hearings Uoe Btorl 'Warren. unprecedented occasion a n d ing for strength on all political water has not announced he will miners andl police. Panel Dellveiy Western officers haye often j Clay demanded that the Allies ending yesterday. levels. be a candidate but is expected Bte'ton’s— Nov. 7 Thnrs. Afternoon and Evening He had urged his parishioners somewhat of an acknowledg­ Police .sa;d the death toU a Klng-Stoe Oapaotty wlte fold taken tee easy way out. 1 determine the size of any con­ Throe dozen broadcasters He paid tribute to the South­ to do so. voys—both in number of vehi­ to sign tee i^ tlon s which were ment of gratitude to a man who, might rea,Ph 100. , do>wn dlvldera In 2-poafllva '59 STUDEBAKER Rather than argue with the paraded before a House com­ he said, helped people "break erners for “ extending and Four workers from the head-' M n. M. A. Dobkki—848-1818 cles and troops—and that the being gathered outside of top laak Russians when facing possible merce subcommittee to regis­ Bridgeport’s Blessed Sacrament o,ut of their suspicions and prej- strengthening your , precinct or- qusrters of Gov. Nelson A. Soviets not be allowed to control lidices and realize that we are ganlzaUon, tor Improvlnitig your Rockefeller of New York, who •490 cargo and equipment on the ve­ ter their objection to the PXJC’e Church Oct. 27. Father Fenton propooal to limit the length and is pastxxr o f the church. all one people.” financial position, and for se­ announ6ed his candidacy this H IVm Plok-U p hicles. lecting outstanding candidates week, circulated among the Zhukov agreed and Clay wrote frequency of oommerclale. Last Sunday the Parish The words drew heavy ap­ D od d O a im s As for moot members of the Bulletin announced that 674 plause. for office at all levels. Southern Republicans in what Bulletins / '59 PEUGEOT in his memoirs: "It was agreed “ The Republican party in the they called a getting acquainted that all traffic — air, road and subcommittee, they alternately signatures had 'been gathered. Kennedy’s address was aimed Culled from AP Wires praised the broadcaaters and "He acted,” Magr. Kearney at building up support for his | jf to stay.” he said tour. Aides Lied in rail — would be free from bor­ foreign aid program, belea-1 here for presidential elec Rockefeller’s . brother Win- While You're at Norman's Get The Best Buys on Famous •390 - der searches or control by cus­ denounced the FXXI. said, “in open oontravention to The testimony dealt with a directions previously given him guered In Congress. He told the 1 for congressional elec­ throp, a national commltteeman Carload Shipmenf Sonroef Sedan ’’ toms or military authorities.’’ tions, for statewide elections from Arkansas, declined to do RED A81EN1TY Otepka Case From the time American, Brit­ council that the family of man (See Page Two) (See Page Six) is worldwide and beset by trou- and for local elections. suiy politicking during the con­ MOSCOW (AP)—Pravda '58 V O U SW A G EN ish and French'' troops moved "Some state organizations are ference, saying he didn’t "want reportod without oommenS PAINTED into Berlin in July 1946 until the further along the organization to divert any energy from the to^y teat Clilneae Premier WASHINGTON (A P ) — Sen. spring of 1947 these rules on the Thomas J. Dodd caUed mi the road than others,” he said,” but purpose of the worksho'p.’’ Chow Enlai attended a So­ •1190 freedom of movement on the in every one of' the 18 states, “ Naturally,"' he said, ” I’m viet Eknbasay . recoptiaa to State Department today to brjng autobahn were genuine. KamMui-Olila ConvertUda charges against three of its offi­ our party is permanently en­ backing my brother.” Peking Friday in honor ot Elariy in 1947 the Soviets be- trenched.” The meeting was the third of tee 46th anniversary of the '58 VOLKSW AGEN cials. He said they have admit­ demandlng identifications ted in effect that they lied under Miller singled out financing as four such, regional workshops Bolshevik Revolution. On Uio 15? this still was a haj^azard the toughest problem in estab­ staged by the Republican Na-1 same page, the Communist OEMRIUI.I oath to Senate invesfigators. operation. SNOW Toasts AnytlibKlI M m , Too •990 "Thia la a shocking matter,” lishing and ertending GOP lines tional Ommittee to prepare the; party nefvspaper printed an ELECTIIIC in traditionally Democratic party organization (or next article from tee Chinese Americas Biggest Radio Value! Deluxe Sedan aald the Connecticut Democrat, (Sae Page Thirteen) PORTABU RMNO vice chairman of tee Senate In­ Dixie. year’s election. counterpart, the Peking Peo­ Daluxt Toast-R-OvM •58 DODGE ternal Security subcommittee. “ The fact that these state par­ Previous conferences were on ples Daily, whteh prais^ tits Fully aatomatte. . .varaatUo beat G-E PORTABLE RADIO Dodd's comments were made ties have managed this difficult the West Coast and in New Eng­ Bolshevik Revolution nnd Ills control. . .new safety heating to a reporter in another flare-up ‘Fire Bobby,’ Cry problem without the benefit of land. The next one is scheduled Soviet Union. elemente. . .tonst ahede controL •590 of tee controversy over tee dis­ office-holding political ma-1 for St. Louis. ComlOeto with eerrylng ^ Ton Panel Truck missal of Otto F. Otepka. vet­ Of Gov. Wallace U.S. SOT. FENCE NOW LESS OC* eran State Department security SAI^N , South VIot Nnm MODEL THAN J*lnTD idsae, Bhoulder strap, ear­ '57 V O U SW A G EN officer, over the protests of sub- (AP)—Fire from n hidden / T -ee oommlttee memters. , MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP)— Communist machine-gun nesl phone and iiattory. Otepka was accused by tee de- Oovi Oeorge C. Wallace has de­ Senate I . Votes Trade Favor killed n U.S. Army sergeant N ew O.E. HIOH DOME AUTOMATIC •590 psurtment of supplying the silb- manded teat U.S. Atty. Gen. nnd wounded an enlisted mns 50 Foot Plek-Up Truck oommittee with information Robert F. Kennedy be fired in For Poland and Yugoslavia with a South Vietnamese pa­ SKILLET '57 V O U SW A G EN from confidential employe loyal­ a dispute revolving around tea trol near the Osmbodlaa Imms- Sections Mg SH iaeh anenker, fold- ty files. use of a government - rented der Friday. The sergeant, not WHh Oontnd and lid t wu oarrylng handle. Oaee The subcommittee made -pub­ automobile in which the Rev. 0 trade wivileges will keep immedlatMy Identified, was wnheanlraWr Terrlflo velne! lic on Friday statementa from Martin Luther King Jr., rode. WASHINGTON (AP) — Partyftee the 15th American, to faU to Mg family tea ao aaqr to •990 A Montgomery (founty grand leaders whipped the foreign-aid Poland and Yugoslavia from 80-dny waimaly on parts three State Department officlala (ailing under complete Soviet ooffibat in .South Viet Nana and labor. Kannaik-CMila Conpe acknowledging that wires were Jury report says it has evidence bill toward passage next week The im^ent occurred la MODEL MODEL P-6081 that King and two others were after the Senate voted to restore domination. 0-126 N o w L t e s 9 M Q C * connected to Oteidca’s telephone desolate Darlac Plateau, ITS EASTERN STATES 1 to permit eavesdiOTping dn con­ transported in an automobile President Kennedy’s authority Acceptance of the favored-na­ 921.95* Than l ^ anggeated Hat pries tion provision by tee Senate does miles northeast of Saigon. versations in hls(<^ce,' rented 'by the Justice Depart­ to extend trade privileges to TED TRUD( Poland and Yugoslavia. not mean it will be in the final It also made public excerpts ment. BUDMIIST ASSIST from earlier secret testimony of Ths report, issued Friday, The controversy over granting bill. It must survive the confer­ VOLKSWAOEt most-favbred-naUon treatment ence with the House. SAIGON. South Viet Nans the (^clals in which they de­ also demanded a full apology (AP)—South Viet Nam's now FARMERS TOLLAND TTJBNPKI from Kennedy “for this unlaw­ to the two Communist countries The Senate voted last year nied knowledge of tee installa­ regime received promlnsn BUY ON TALCOTrVILLB' tion of any listening devices in ful and deceitful conduct.” was one of the highest hurdles to continue most-favored-natlon treatment tor tea- two-countriea from-Buddhlst leadejs toOlF - Phona 6«a-28M O fcj^’B dWM, Wallace, who returned Friday to be cleared, and the- Senate vaulted it Friday 66 to 14. In the trade bill, but the House they will help in the wav The officials are John, F. ReU- night from a New Englanfl against communism Pnd- lonA ea sy epeoUng tour, accueed the Jus­ The vote defeated an attempt refused to go along. EXCHANGE Authorlaet ty, deputy aseistsnt secretaiv of dhlsism ono' plaY a major rsto NORMAN’S Its approval Friday was the tice Department of conspiring by Sen, BYank J. Lausebe, D- state for aeourltyr David I. Bel- In tee cam pUga ngatawt Uto LAWN and GARDEN CENTER TERUSI Danhr Isle, special aseistant to RelUy; with elvil I rlahts workers and Ohlo, to irirlke from tee aid biggest victory ,fpr tee sdminis- demanded a congressional in­ authorisation a provision restor­ trdtion so far in tee two weeks Viet Cong gueirlUaa bgr psto and J&mor D ew w HlU, chief of paring the nnUso’s BndtDilBl TOLLAND TPKE., BUCKLAND—TEL. 848-5128 the Dlvlaian of Technical Serv­ vestigation. ing the authority to Kennedy. of debate. It followed a series KNOWN FOR SERVICE and VALUE ices In tee dspartment’s Office The Justice Department first Fighting Continues Tlie moat-favored treatment la etbaeks which saw the Re- mllUons payohologloally, asM Open DaUy 8 A.M. to 6 P.M.— Sat. 8 A jil. to 12 Noon TMeh Dm N^ep, a O PEN D A IL Y 9 to 9 rLENTYFEEE OPEN if Security. denied teat the ear waa used to accorded to this country’s non- flican and Democratic lead- Moioocate loldien iqan automatie weapons on hilltop near the disputed A lg ^ agrM to cutting Kenoady’a Biiildlilst spoke CLOSED'SUNDAYS PAkKINa flM v aaUI UMlr statsm eate, tnmqxMl King tnm BtrmlBg- Communist tradliig partnsn sATimbAT unm « 4 4 5 HARTFORD ROAD, Near McKEE EVENINOS jaut-Motneean border, 'teoradie fightinr oontinuea deapitpite eease-fiie pact. (AP and guainntass hmar to r'" JaUsi nnder tha Bfa F b o te iH L ) admliiistnUeo ^ifHss.ltat 'iDtom ssglnto. T I 1.