THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, IM t AveNMra Dally Net Preas Rnn The Weather .E K f f it Far tka Waak EBdea Faraanat a t U. 8. Wentker Kevtenbar t, ' MoaHy fllouSy and k tkroDgli aatnretey with a tow Members and husbands of the 1 3 ,8 9 1 tarad pevloda pC Ught rata. Newcomers C3Ub will hold a pavatnrsa ta dOs tonlgM. ngfc A b o u t T o w n closed dance Saturday from 9 aaf tkaAiMK Sainiilay war 69. at OnalWtkm p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Manches­ City o f ViUago CharM Mtai BMitMim WaU^tt, chair­ ter Country Club. Members man c t tfw paat pr«iiM«nta club who' have not obtained tickets will be able to do so at the of tha Anwrican L ^ o n Aux- !•) PRICE SEVEN CENTS atal7, 'wHl have a meeting o t door. YOL. LXXXm, NO. $4 jCTWraCFY PAGES) M AM CraaTER, CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1968 the ohib VVhfay at 8'p.m. at bar hottM, 147 Wpranoke Hd. St. Bridget’s Rosary Society will hold a food sale after all IM ieit Hayeii, eon of Mr. Masses on Sunday. Donations Events mnA ICm. nmmett K. HayeSr 69 may be brought to the church Tory Vote basement between 7 and 3 p.m. Enfield Council CMbbrtdge St.. Jonathan T. B onel^, wasteless, all clear Bewegr, son of Mr. ami Mrs. Saturday or before Mass on Sun­ tender meat. here ar* more O lM n P. Heyvey, 337 W. lilddle day morning. For pick-up serv­ of the same deliciouaiy tender Large fo r In State Yugoslavia, UAR Aid IM e.; and Michael Laimetand. ice call Mrs. James Slrlannl, beef roasU Plnehurst Ir fa- •on of Mr. and MTs. Michael 262 Green Rd., Mrs. Louis Della- mtiui for at ,the amazing Arrests Ex-Aide Lwbntano, 413 Si. Oenter St., fera, 262 Green Rd.. or Mrs. J. price of 20c to 30c less a are — *4hal aa freedimen at Edward McKeever, 69 N. School pound thap last week’s price. Sir Home Auditors CriticiEe Wucb wttar MMSute of Tach- St. • . Dine on the best.. and save money, too . it’s so easy ENFIELD (A P )— An Investigation into a 1962 road Fiscal Controls Bolqn^ The Manchester Power Squad­ when beef comes from Plne­ roject has led to the arrests of three men, including a PERTH, Scotland (AP) Voted Down by Senate iiewu BuwM B an^ wtn ron will meet tomorrow at 8 hurst. Specials not only on Iormer first selectman and the president of a road build­ Britieh P i^ e Minister Sir At Bradley Field mtt*- 4a the MancheaUr FMla- p.m. at the North Methodist bottom round . but on top ing firm A)ec Douglaa-Home won a Mhs •ooMy Tuesday at 7:30 Church. After the business meet­ rounds . wonderful rumps ITia arreats oama laat niglit found to the ofMoe of the for­ seat in the House df Com­ w ... pjn. af the North Methodist ing a film will be shown and and tips , . mer firat aelectman. Some oo«m- HARTFORD (AP)—The refreahments served. The pro­ after town oouneti voted 6-4 In mons today by a whopping {fmreli. She win diacuas Chriat- favor of obtaining Circuit Court eibnen bad ala* queatloned the State Aeronautics Commis­ Rejections maa aeala RefreMiments wlB gram la being arranged by the quality of the reptuving Job. 8,828-vote margin which 1 entertainment committee. warrant againat the three. ' sion was criticized today ha aerred. Free in bond of $200 are for­ The State of Connecticut had he hoped would take some U. S. CHOICE or PREMIUM HEAVY CORN-FED STEER BEEF fiimiahad Etafteld with more tor failing to make more mer first aeteotman' Joseph A, sting out of a bad Conserv­ frequcAf checks on Brad­ A Blow to Tozzoll, snd NlCkolas Dell tlMn $40,000 to matariala for the ative party d^eat in an­ Aquilla, preaident of th* XtoAeM work. It waa refwrtad. ley Field lessees and con­ BOTTOM ROUND BONELESS Construction Oo. ToaaoU left office teet July other special election. cessionaires to protect the Defeat of the prime minister Gozzoli, udto waa plaoad on when Bnfteid adopted a town- state’s financial return. JFK Team probation for two yaars to June manager-oounoil form of gov­ in th* aafa Oonstovativ* district of Kinross and West Perthshlr* state Auditors Clarence F. 1962 after hig oonviotion on an ernment. Baldwin and Robert F. Claffey assault fdwrge, waa eiiargad Tha formar firat aeleetman’s would havs bean an unprace- WASHINGTON — (AP) OrsMaMnd aaaault oonidotion atenuned dentod diaastar for the Ckxisar- said the commiaston made few with defrauding a wbUc oom- eocamtoatlona of financial rec­ Turninfr its back on ttia Wwfrefles ROASTS ib. munity by offloer. Dell AquiUa from an argument to February, vatlves and would bav* plunged ords of tenants durina the 2- White House snd on it* o-wn was chargad with attampttog to 1962, withh Jamea AJbano,i a for­ Britain into si government crisis. Your choice of Imy size. mer noting buUdtog inapeetor. Instead Douglas-Home’s big year • period ending June SO, leaders, the Senate has vot­ obtain numay under fatee pra- 1962. tenoes. AJbano aooueed Toxwdi at puH- victory was a psychological ed to ban aid to Yugoslavia tog a gun. eolditor to hia party’s loss Thurs­ Ike number of examtoatinm Towfi Oterk and Traaaurar day night, by another big mar­ made, the awktora said, oouhl and the United Arab Re­ Lovovioo taafrini waa amatad Mliqpini'a arrsat waa on a public. DOWN TOP ROUND ROAST lb. 95c baobntoality bwolvlng th* ka*|>- gin, of th* Common* seat for th* not be determtoed "beoauae on a chasye of paying an order district of Luton. records were not maintained by Administration wishes for a not aignad to a majority of the hgr at town records. NaStber of free hand were trammeled on the two oieetoal record* that ra- The Perthshirs vote was ttie department. 4 aeleoUnen. H* waa fread tai $96 Ike Aeronauttca Dapartment Thursday, as the Senate put Down bond. auMwd to Magrtoi’s arrest waa Douglas-HOme, 14,147; Alastalr THB FINEST LEAN Duncan MUlar, Libaral, 4,819; admitted the aixktors were eor- these prohibitions into the fee- All thra* an* aohaduled for connected wltti the Aalfia Rd. eign aid authorization bill and oonatruotton work. The olerieal Andrew Forreetar, Labcrito raot to their criticism. ■cm a Clrouit Court hearing Nov. 96. "Ttwre have been damned few approved annthe ' amsndmsiit to Down RUMP and SIRLOIN TIP Town oouneU ordesad an to- recondi were diaoovered by hir- keep the lid on assistance to k>- vestdgatora aa they went (•** Pag* aeven) toapeettona by ua,” said Aero­ Prices on quality bacon veatlgation six waeka ago into nautics D tr^ or Horace B. done.sia. OVEN ROASTS lb. 1.09 the Raiffla Rd. reaurfboing proj- through aB records to ttiair are down to the lowest WeitheraU. "We didn’t have the For good measure, th* Senate / act. DeU Aquila’a firm was low Raifte Rd. project probe. approved still another ban ea figrure in a long: time . Toeyn Maniiier Franda J. nsomel needed to do the Job. bMder and raoalved a contract Recognition e have tried to get additional aid this to nations whess firii- no limit. buy as much - AND SAVE 20c LB. ON TENDER hi Semtamfcer, 1968. Ita bid waa Tedeaoo aaM today that Mjagrtoi aooDuntanta from the legMa- tog policies "violate freedom of as you want. 198,000. vdB remain on hla Job pending the seas.” Several oounottimn had oom- the outoome court aoticn. He ture.. .but got only half a man at from the legMaturc, which Administration forces risaily EYE of the ROUND and special pUuh^ that data on btda and ated ha haa no totanttan of aua- For Viet Nam were reeling as the Ssnat* ■IRTMBTONB POR NOVIMBBR MISS ICW A LEAN apectfleatSona could not be didn’t give us sufficient funds.” pnaMng MiagTM at thia tbn*. Hitting bookkeeping and ac­ closed up shop after tta first SILVER TIP OVEN ROASTS lb. 1.19 Was Hurried counting pnacticea, BaMwto and night session since taking up Claffey aaM failure to keep a foreign aid a week ago Mtmday. SUCED The slow and rocky road to tnohy topVf ft rich ooWsit brown Ofttn^ eltar WA8HINOTON (AP) — Th* dose check on losses at the Wickham Mansion in Park to Go ROUND STEAK GROUND lb. 89c ahport meant the Mate had no passage of the $8,741,366,009 Md aparklhtg m ahampagiM. QIamourized her* BACON United Stotaa hurrlad Its recog- aaniranee k was getting a prop­ a measure Is strewn with 47 addi­ Save 10c Lb. niUon of South Vlat Nam's new er ffewnciM return. tional amendments, ainqed *Hh- Ir ■ bH>«M eeWng of The tum-of-4he-century m an-f the designa fior the park were<»and layout of rooms do no*, per- er at paring the authorisation or govammant cm the urging of Yhe audit showed some teh- Sion which graces the grounds drawn In 1961, will begin soon. mlt its adaption to any type of restricting how the funds be HorewWwe ■fintehed 14-ker«t gold. $41, U.S. Ambassador. Henry Cabot anta were not billed and others of Wickham Park on W. Middle The trustees makes it clear building or activity planned for were bated tocorreoUy because used. IwBiJIno NdwdI tax. Easy Paymente. Tpke. a* the Elast Hartford that iHae decMon to destroy the the future. CUBE STEAK and Lodge, officiala said today. Administration forces i>lan to Along with the recognition on «f took a t tofonnaticn on new town Une will be tom down old tniUdlng was not reached "The commisatoners of Wink- sgraamsnte or changes to axist- fight later to restore the Presi­ sometime during the next few wMhOut some regrets.
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