Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project – Additional Financing

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Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project – Additional Financing Involuntary Resettlement Due Diligence Report Loan 2860 (SF) Updated in July 2015 ARM: Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project – Additional Financing Prepared by the Armenian Water and Sewerage Closed Joint Stock Company (AWSC) for the Asian Development Bank. This involuntary resettlement due diligence report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section of this website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. INVOLUNTARY RESETTLEMENT DUE DILIGENCE REPORT (Updated in July 2015) SUBPROJECT V, TAVUSH MARZ ARMENIA. WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION SECTOR PROJECT- ADDITIONAL FINANCING Project Number: L2860-ICB-1-05 YEREVAN July 2015 ABBREVIATIONS ADB Asian Development Bank PC public consultation GoA Government of Armenia RA Republic of Armenia AMD Armenian Dram LAR Land Acquisition and Resettlement LARP Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan LARF Land Acquisition and Resettlement Framework WSS Water Supply and Sanitation WTP Water Treatment Plant AWSC Armenian Water and Sewerage Company SCWE State Committee for Water Economy LA local authorities DRR daily regulating reservoir 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 4 A. Project Background ........................................................................................................................... 4 B. Scope of the Project .......................................................................................................................... 4 C. Design Features of Subproject V ....................................................................................................... 5 D. Objective and Scope of the Report ................................................................................................... 6 II. LAR REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROJECT .................................................................. 7 III. MINIMIZING OF LAR IMPACTS..................................................................................... 7 IV. SCOPE OF POTENTIAL LAR IMPACTS ....................................................................... 10 V. CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................. 11 3 I. INTRODUCTION A. Project Background 1. On the back of the successful implementation of the Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project, Phase I, the Government of Armenia (GoA) through the State Committee for Water Economy (SCWE) has requested Asian Development Bank (ADB) to support the funding of a new project. ADB agreed to provide GoA with the loan of 40 mln USD to rehabilitate and extend Water Supply and Sewerage (WSS) systems across 10 Subprojects and improvements in operational efficiency and financial management of Armenian Water and Sewerage Company (AWSC)1. The additional financing project of the WSS Sector, Phase II includes 18 towns and 92 villages in order to implement the above-mentioned procedures. Within the scope of 10 Subprojects it is foreseen to make investments in 10 regions. This due diligence report concerns to Subproject V in the absence of any land acquisition and consequently, no resettlement impacts. B. Scope of the Project 1. The Project is aimed (a) to rehabilitate and upgrade water supply infrastructures, (b) to improve the performance of water supply services, and (c) to improve the management and operational efficiency of the water utility company. 2. As a result, Project will ensure further public health and environmental improvements by providing potable and reliable water supply to beneficiary households. It will also support poverty reduction by (i) reducing the incidence of waterborne diseases and costs of medical care; (ii) improving the time poverty of women due to labour intensive housework such as water collection, which may allow them to participate more in social and economic activities; (iii) providing safer and more reliable water supply; and (iv) improving the quality of life of households in all the project towns and villages by improving their access to safe and sustainable drinking water. 3. The Project will establish safe, reliable piped water supply for 112 communities: 18 towns and 94 villages within 10 Marzes (Aragatsotn, Ararat, Armavir, Geharkunik, Tavush, Lori, Kotayk, Shirak, Syunik, and Vayots Dzor). The Project will be implemented through subprojects. The following towns and villages of Tavush Marz are the beneficiaries of Subproject V: Noyemberyan, Berd and Dilijan towns Zorakan, Ptghavan, Berdavan and Bagratashen villages. 1 AWSC – a government-owned commercial company that is managed and operated through a management contract by an international water utility company. 4 C. Design Features of Subproject V 1. Subproject V includes Noyemberyan, Berd and Dilijan towns as well as Zorakan, Ptghavan, Berdavan and Bagratashen villages of Tavush Marz. The subproject is committed to 2142 beneficiaries. 2. The network in beneficiary communities is mostly built in the 1950-70s. Some waterlines and water metering units were built in 2009-11 in the framework of the projects financed by ADB. About 80% of system is in emergency condition. 3. The following measures are proposed for the improvement of water supply system in the subproject towns: zoning WSS system and replacement of emergency pipes of water supply distribution networks in all zones. 4. The following approaches lay in the basis of proposals for improvement of water supply systems of the settlements covered by the project: - reconstruction and construction of distribution networks of Noyemberyan, Berd and Dilijan towns Zorakan, Ptghavan and Bagratashen villages which will lead to leakage reduction, provision of water demand and rational usage; 5. Considering that the most part of the communities is included in the program financed by ADB, and financial means are limited, the prior improvement activities program includes works, which will have significant feedbacks and will foster the water supply efficiency in the communities. Technical and financial feasible proposals were chosen. 6. The main criteria for water supply system improvement for Noyemberyan, Berd and Dilijan towns Zorakan, Ptghavan and Bagratashen villages is briefly presented below, which served a basis for developing the priority investment program. - possibility to include the residential areas in AWSC area; - collection level by the customers and willingness to pay; - current condition of the water supply to the community and the possibility of improvement; - capacity of the system, including that of the water source and possibility of water provision; - possibilities to increase the manageability level of the system; - technical condition of all of the elements of the system and improvement needs; - water metering availability and possibilities to apply or introduce the metering system; - necessary volumes of construction of private house entry lines and water meter installation; - possibilities to reduce leakage and wastage and the required bill of quantities; - possibilities to reduce operation costs, management efficiency. 7. The following elements are designed for Subproject V: (a) construction of de50-250 and de50-160 diameter polyethylene waterlines, total length L=50590m; (b) construction of water metering junctions and entry lines of private houses with de20-de160 polyethylene 5 pipes for total 2770 consumers; (c) construction of valve regulation junctions; (d) construction of pressure regulation junctions; (e)construction of buried valve junctions; (f) restoration of 1x500m3, 2x250m3 and 1x300m3 capacity DRRs; (g) demolition and rehabilitation of 5499m2 asphalt concrete cover; (h) reconstruction of separate sections of conduits with DN300 and DN200 steel pipes, total length L=300m; (i) restoration of separate sections of DRR emptying pipe with de315 polyethylene pipes, total length L=200m. The following measures are proposed by DD for the improvement of water supply Details are presented below in the table (Error! Reference source not found.). Table 1: Works to be implemented under the Subproject V Works to be implemented M/U t. an hen Total Total t. Berd t. Dilijan v.Zorakan v.Bagratas v.Ptghavan v.Berdavan Noyembery Construction of drainage system lm - - 600 - - - - 600 Construction/reconstruction of lm - 300 - 2540 1070 - 3910 external waterline* Repair of DRRs m3 2050 400 - 400 160 - 280 3290 (160+120) Construction of pump station pc - - - - - 1 - 1 Reconstruction of inner network lm 26050 25065 - 8450 5550 - 3980 69095 with de40-de250 diameter polyethylene pipes, testing, washing, disinfection Construction of entry lines of pc 11 /1150 1608 - 651 187 - 430 4026 private houses, set-up of water metering chambers Construction of entry lines of pc 25 20 - - - - - 45 apartments buildings and public units Construction/reconstruction of pc - 10 - 2 1 - 2 15 pressure regulating and hydrant chambers Construction of valve and buried pc 85 64 - 10 4 1 7 171 valve junctions Construction of water supply set 20 - - - - - 20 round chambers D. Objective and Scope
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