Heatth Insurance to Be Mandatory at Tufts Next Year Dining Halls Open
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FF-1CAMPUS NEWS ." The Tufts Daily IHighs~~~loudy in the 50's-1 LI -_ please recycle this newspaper. Wednesday, May 5, 1981 Volume TI1 Nuinber 62 Heatth Insurance to be Mandatory at Tufts Next Year Art Charlton All Tufts students will be required to have health insurance next year in ac- cordance with a new policy announced by the Busar' s Office this week. Effective September 1, 1981, Student Health Insur- ance will be mandatory for . every student registered at Tufts in all subdivisions of the university, including students on affiliations and in foreign programs. Marilyn Bibeau, Depart- mental Assistant in the Bur- sar's Office, said no ex- ceptions will be made to the policy finalized last Thursdaj by the provost, Dr. Robert Shira, director of Health Services Dr. Reagan Administration's escalating "defense" budget. (photo by Michael A. Snow) George Rizzone, the Bursar, Mildred Dilullo, the univer- they return 'to Tufts next part of the cost. Next year, sity's insurance agents Som- Dining Halls Open fall. ail lab work will be done ers, Kit(-hen, and Essler If a student does not at Hooper Infirmary. of Salem, MA, and Bibeau. Early In Attempt return the waiver form be- The Tufts plan will not- Each student will be fore the due date, he or include a'ny spouse dependant To Avoid Long charged $165 for the Tufts she will be automatically coverage in the 1981-82 aca- insurance plan on the Bur- enrolled the Tufts plan, demic year. An alternative Lunch Lines sar's bill for the fall 1981 in and will not be able to list of insurance companies semester. If a student has by Gale Fiarman waive the policy after that. which provide this service another insurance plan prov- "This policy .is for the will be available upon re- If you .are tired of wait- ing at least equivalent cov- student's own protection," quest at Health Services, ing in long dining hall erage, i.e. Blue Cross or Bibeau said. lines, you can receive some Blue Shield, Bibeau said Bibeau explained. "An unfor- Students who turn 19 dur- solace, in knowing that Din- the student may waive the seen accident or illness ing the course of the aca- ing Services is working on Tufts plan by fully complet- can be financially devastat- ing. '' demic yeas and might be too a solution to this time-con- ing a petition for waiver old for family insurance suming and aggravating prob- form attached to the bill The new Tufts insurance plan, which costs $50 more plans should consult their :em. and returning it before Aug- than the previous, non-man- policies, Bibeau advised, Steve Toste of Carmichael ust 26, 1981. datory policy, will in- to assure adequate coverage Dining Services says no def- Registration will not for the entire year. If the inite decisions have been be allowed unless proof of clude . catastrophe accident insurance, hospitalization, student will no longer be made. The change presentlv an adequate accident health being considered is opening lab testing, psychiatric covered by the parent or insurance policy is provided guardian's policy, the stu- the dining halls 15 minvtes via the waiver form or pay- in-patient and out-patient care, and other features dent will be required to earlier at lunch. In most ment in full for the Tufts purchase the Tufts insurance dining halls, this is al- plan is made, the Bursar's to be described in a bro- chure now being printed. plan. If the parent or ready being done. Toste says Office reports. guardian's policy covers however, we are not sure "If they don't make the The brochure will be sent with the fall tuition bill the student for the fall if this change will fully payment and thcy don't send semester, the student will cure the overcrowding during in the waiver, they won't between July 3 and July 6. In the past, lab-testing be required to have the lunches. be able to register," Bibeau Tufts policy for only the Besides working on the said, adding that "students was sent out to be done, continued paqe 4 , continued page 4 might not exDect, that" when and students had to absorb .. r Tufts Daily AKTHUK I.. CHAKLTQN, JK., I.:dit.or 'in Chief News Briefs MIKE FIIHUS, Fxc!Liit.ive Edit-or ANTHONY EVERETT, Ass0ciat.e I:dit.oi- . ~I~LRIF.CIKIS. H.~n;iging Edit.or LnVEKNE P. HAKGETT, Managing Edicor 1'4UL VAN @SIX)L, Ncws Ediror KEN ASHFOKL), Fut.urcs Editor ' ROI\ ?YKOT, Sp0rt.s I:dit.or ONA DIKE, Art.s Editor :<EN SUNSIILNE. Photography Editor President Reagan has Supporters of Bobby Sands SL'E LESSI.t:K, Layout. I:dit.or BETH KOSt~, Layout Editor asked veteran diplomatic in Northern Ireland were JOE LUCA. Copy lidi t.or MARY HUCCI, Graphics Editor troubleshooter Philip Habib reacting with grief--and KOHEKT KELLEK, Product. ion M.lrlngr:r 'NIKI~,L TAYLOK, Rusincss M.inagr:r/ SUSAN COLE, Advertisirg Manager to fly to the Middle East. violence--to his death. Res- TLNA TEKKACIANO, Officr: Manager I.ISC SPEZZAFERRO, Circulation The purpose of the trip: idents of Belfast's Roman The Tufts Daily is a non-protit student-run neuspaper putiished by the students of Tufts Uni Habib will try to diffuse Catholic District draped versity ueekdays during the academic year Printing by the Harvard Crimson. Inc.. Cambridge, the gathering storm over black flags from their win- MR. Please address correspondence to: The Tufts Caily. Curtir Hall. Tafts University, Medford. Israel and her Arab-neigh- dows as* a sign of mourning MA. 02155. Telepbme: (617) 628-5000. exts. 6130. 6131. Business hours 9-5 ueekdays. U.S. Postage paid in MeJford, Massachusetts. bors. Among the developments as the b.ody was taken from adding to the tension: the the maze prison to the Sands deployment by Syria of So- family home. Letters to the Eat viet-built surface-to-air ,Reagan's 1982 Budget missiles in Lebanon. In Defense of PTP Expected To Pass 2 EB.1. To Investigate To the Editor: By most estimates, Presi- proper nurturing, a student Mi ne Workers's Strike dent. Reagan seems on the I am writing on behalf cannot form good academic verge of getting a 1982 of Richard Yoder who is . habits; Mr. Yoder and fac- The FBI has been called in .to investigate what budget blueprint that's much leaving Tufts at the end ulty in his position work to his liking. But the Pres- could be the latest in a of this term. Mr. Yoder has toward this end. ident's taking no chances. loss series of violent acts in fallen prey tc the plight I feel a personal He met with members of the loss the wake of the United Mine of so-called part-time as well as an academic House yesterday and the Worker's 40-day-old strike profs, professors and lec- at the university's action. White House says the lobby- against the soft-coal indus- turers hired. by the univer- It is unfortunate that ing will continue almos' try. In Kentucky,' two rail- sity to assume the respons- Tufts, with a ten-thousand 'until the vote is taken-- ibility of teaching courses dollar plus tuition cannot road bridges were dynamited and grading students without muster a higher percentage and a miner walking a picket the security of adequate or a more equitable dis- line was shot and wounded monetary compensation or t-ribution of funds for those today. State police say the Violence At His Death tenure. I do not know uni- vital professors explosions and shooting were Firebomb-hurling rioters versity policy,and thus can- who are instrumentat !n not related. But when asked clashed,with British troops not make a judgement on what undergraduate education. if the bridge explosions and police in the worst vio- action it takes, but I do Although Mr. Yoder may not were strike-related one lence in the past two weeks. feel strongly that the in- benefit from his efforts, trooper replied, "Possibly, At least 21 people were re- tellectual interaction which I hope that the university's but not proven." , ported injured. I shared with Mr. Yoder powers that be will acknow- merits a statement on the ledge his "crusade" and give responsible, and merely been to Mr. Pemberton's tab- university's policy removing greater weight to the impor- stating, two and a half le, she would have been more him from his position here. tance of the PTP .position months later (in yesterday's informed on what he was do- I try to believe that and the students the) teach. article), that the terms ing. Her assertion that she a university's primary pur- they used may have been too heard no 'cautionary remarks pose is the education of Peter Schwartz severe, is meaningless. The and saw no pamphlets about its students. It would be warning contained false in- Intercept clearly means formation concerning the either that she did not walk naive to assume however SHAB on Intercept that, being a corporate distribution of the circular up to the table, or that structure, education is the that accompanies Tntercept, she did not look or listen To the editor: sole function of the univer- and it was based on the very carefully when she was sity. Still, would ideal- On February 20, 1981, report of one female. This there. Ms. Bodden misstated I \ istically like to believe the Tufts Daily printed a unidentified female used what Mr.