Losing £200K a Month
• • BEST STUDENT NEWSPAPER 2009 EEDS • Guardian Student Newspaper of the Year been repeatedly warned about rhc high levels nf drug usage at the premises, but despite this the ~ituatiun had not improved. Losing £200k a month P opular Leeds club venue ergeant Robert Fullilo,7 e, Victoria works has its license [ lead of Leeds Dismct f le continued: "11Kn: had been something d1e~ took into account: uspended after concerns Licensing Office, said: "We fear EXCLUSIVE sysremncic prohlems w1rh.111 the "'t es of course, one problem is from police over the levels of that before too lung there will ' ' . department that have been there of cow· ·e that we han: to ask is drugs use on i ts premises. be a drugs fatality. for a long time. TlllS was 11ot wh; the, didn't see this leHI nf Police told a licensing sub "I laving been given a clear through anything under hand, it is dctic1ts coming? committee on \\"ednesday warning in June/July 2009 that ~irnpl)' bow Biological Sacnce is "\'Chy were their budgets tundcd. approved a ye, r earlier? \'Chj, w11en 1 ovember 18 that the nightclub, police were di satisfied with the The scboul did well in their we ha\·e been telling d1em for vears located 111 } lolbeck, should not way customers were being In an exclusive interview with recen L Research l\s. essmem that their strucmre is un ·ustainablc, open for business am1d fears supervi ed and the likelihood of L eeds Student Professor Steven Exercise (RAE), a mechanism that have the) been per iscing with that that the level of drug use on the a drug death or serious injur) at Homans, D ean of the faculty, assesses the qualil'\ or research 1n structure:' \X 'e ha"e been saying for premises wpuld inevicabl} lead the ire, the same situation wa.~ answered fears over the curreht Uruversmcs and co1le~cs in the l I'-, years that thL, eraration of teaching to the death of a partygoer.
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