Losing £200K a Month

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Losing £200K a Month • • BEST STUDENT NEWSPAPER 2009 EEDS • Guardian Student Newspaper of the Year been repeatedly warned about rhc high levels nf drug usage at the premises, but despite this the ~ituatiun had not improved. Losing £200k a month P opular Leeds club venue ergeant Robert Fullilo,7 e, Victoria works has its license [ lead of Leeds Dismct f le continued: "11Kn: had been something d1e~ took into account: uspended after concerns Licensing Office, said: "We fear EXCLUSIVE sysremncic prohlems w1rh.111 the "'t es of course, one problem is from police over the levels of that before too lung there will ' ' . department that have been there of cow· ·e that we han: to ask is drugs use on i ts premises. be a drugs fatality. for a long time. TlllS was 11ot wh; the, didn't see this leHI nf Police told a licensing sub­ "I laving been given a clear through anything under hand, it is dctic1ts coming? committee on \\"ednesday warning in June/July 2009 that ~irnpl)' bow Biological Sacnce is "\'Chy were their budgets tundcd. approved a ye, r earlier? \'Chj, w11en 1 ovember 18 that the nightclub, police were di satisfied with the The scboul did well in their we ha\·e been telling d1em for vears located 111 } lolbeck, should not way customers were being In an exclusive interview with recen L Research l\s. essmem that their strucmre is un ·ustainablc, open for business am1d fears supervi ed and the likelihood of L eeds Student Professor Steven Exercise (RAE), a mechanism that have the) been per iscing with that that the level of drug use on the a drug death or serious injur) at Homans, D ean of the faculty, assesses the qualil'\ or research 1n structure:' \X 'e ha"e been saying for premises wpuld inevicabl} lead the ire, the same situation wa.~ answered fears over the curreht Uruversmcs and co1le~cs in the l I'-, years that thL, eraration of teaching to the death of a partygoer. still ongoing-in October." cuts being undertaken in the but ~1.1s mclnt tunclmg went and research, 111 the focult\· of In a rcporr on the situation at .'\ a result of police evidence, Facutly of Biological down. Biological aences, 1s not a the venue, \'\'est Yorkshire the panel decided-to suspend the Sciences(FBS). Tbts funding was n:duced due to sustainable strncture. Pouce said: "These premises ,·enue's license until a revie\\ oo Ll'edr J'tJfdmt was told bv Prof the government putting less money "The Lnion and staff put have a hisrnry of staging high- December 11. l lomans that rBS hm'c had into the grants awarded through the together a ,·cry detailed docwnent R,\K. on ho,\· re-so-ucruri11g and cuts risk events which arr-ract \\'hen police carried out financial problem for, "actuaUv to be honest, <.juite a while." The nivcr. in and College coulcl be approached, ancl handed it customers associated with safety checks at the club in June, "From the original . projected Uruon (CCL'), m response to the ov -r to the FBS management and it serious crime and class A dtug­ officers witnessed one dubber financial forecast, £400,000 a cuts, attcmrted to gcr a ye:u·'s was JU t summarily ignored. So thi. dealing and mi. use." taken to hospital w1tb a cocaine month. 1l11s was due to our hiatus on the proposed cuts to nc,tion that they arc cunsulting wid1 Police gave cl1L committee and ecstasv overdose and 0 expenditure being higher than our fonnulatc further plan of their staff simpl~ isn't m1e. detail· of regular violence arrested sevcral men after a fight income: for sume tin1c. But incc own. But <!I\ (.:n the fact diat "Y.::s cup; have got to be made, among revellers and cases of broke out on the accumulacing 50"1., of the ·taff costs BiolmYJcal 'sciences is losing but another thing we ma~ argue is drug oYerdoses. th~ough. voluni;.uy redundancies, £20n)'ino a month, [j('dr \'ti1dmt that the manner in which the Police sav that management du ha;, dropped to £200,000 a asked ]\lark Ta,,Jor BaIT\, L'CU budget is con~tructed is in itself of the 1,800 capacity vcnue had Continued on page 2 >>> month. Prof nomans explained. press officer, ,vhether chis was arttficmlJy creating a situation of rL-alistic and whether this was Continued on page 5 >>> \' .I tud nt.or _ 02 Friday, November 2 7, 2009 Leeds Student Sketch was, naturall), 111vited to the the national crackdoWn 011 freed awards ceremony at a wanky venue in heartwarming portent of the nigh om; a Lon<lon. Fuelled by free alcoho~ the dy-top!a ~~tain IS rapidly becomml:rnart: night ended predictably, with art theft, In :tddinon to the japes at the rn~dia a misguided om.:-man crqsacle down awards, Sketch was banned from the the orthem line, pipe smoking, and l l yd e Park Pub for not drink vorruring blood. Bloody students. quickly enough. \_} pset by the cos::1 Meanwhile, closer to home Sketch Sk} TV, and 111 aid of offsetting th . IS has noticed the Exec Ct.'ar-mongcring some f orm o f managerial lacke' has begun, with myriad posters going requested ketch buy another drink y or up in support. ofl\ forion 4. ·\pparently, leave before fini shing the previous O Leeds Student is the in order ro halt the w,1vcs o[ abhorrent Asserting that he had the right to ~- abuse that hapr,en seeming!) k<:tch do an~og, the peon then fell voice of the students cvery"·here but here, we need to allow before Sketch s immense wit. Realisi ng Tius week, Sketch's older siblings won our esteemed leaden; the power to veto tlu humiliaoon, the only acceptable of the University of a Guardian Icdia Award for best anyone they don't like from coming to recourse secme<l to be an outright ban student newspape1~ congratulanons to Leeds. But we always visit. It's good to sec our careerist As an added bonus, Sketch was Union Bov, Girl, Fl , Chap and G. barred need writers. 1 representatives beautifully nurrocing from the Royal Park too. photographers and designers. We want you to join us. Victoria Works license suspended from front page would like to thank out Guests reported a high the night went ahead and that it Got a Story? cu tomers for their messages of ecurity presence at tht: wasn't cancell ed." premi es. support and will ket:p you all Metropolis night and no major The license suspension is Has a crime or a Club management claim that up<laccd in the next few days on incidents of violence were expected to cost Victori a Works dodgy landlord made all guests arc searched upon the th<: future." reported. thousands of pounds in lost arrival but police descnhed rhis Events promoters were forced Michael Steele, who was at the revenue. Two event have already you the victim of as "complctc:ly not rrue." to relocate rheir club nights at the event fo r Leeds Studmt, said: " I t been cancelled and three others injustice? A staremcnt on the Victoria last 1u1nute, with Saturdav's was nice that Metropolis was have been moved to alternati ve Are you fed up with Works official website said: "As Metropolis event moved to city back at the Loft, I thtnk a lot of venues .. you are probabl) a,vare, Victoria centre venue the Loft, which people were c1uite happy about your School's Work licence has been used to ho t the event and bas a that. conslant blundering? uspendcd for four weeks. We capacity of just I 000. "Many were just graceful that We ·re here to inform as well as entertain, and we want to hear Ha,ring landlord trouble ? from you. till not got #rour depo i Email us at news@leedsstudent. o rg or call 0113 380 Got a story to tell?_ 1450. All correspondences will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. Corrections lf you feel we have reported something innaccurately or unfairly, we want lo hear from you to put things right.. Contact us at [email protected] rg EDITOR NEW DESI N inco Virginia Newman Marcus Chippindale. Tom SODS) [email protected] Knowles, Laura Mackenzie, Laura Crane. Tom JiVanda, THE LS Matthew Power, Joey Severn Tom Reilly. Katie ASSOCIATES news@]eedsstudent.org FEATURES Szadziewska. Rachel Wyncoll Rob Heath Suisse Osborne-James, [email protected] -TEAM Dafydd Pritchard SPORT Evelyn Prysor-Jones, Adam COPY EDITORS [email protected] Ifor Duncan, Michael Richardson, Chris Stevenson Mark Sellick, Stephen Glenister, Joe Short features(d)leedsstudent.org Beckett, Victoria Gray PHOTOS sport(a;leedsstudent.org copy@lleedsstudentorg Sarah Greene. Charlotte DEBATE Sintrat, Richard Smith James Legge To advertise in LS please [email protected] debate4.!)leedsstudent.org email: [email protected] Friday, November 27, 2009 Leeds Student 03 Student team, with the Guardian's Matt Wells (far left) and ho t Colin Murray (far right) Photo: Teri Pengillcy Dafydd Pritchard presenter Jun Sno\\, highlighn:<l thL stiff competition. Llni, i:rsicy':; trium, iratl· of media prize. c.iualir~ uf wrmng and breadth of "The ,1ward 1s a testamcnt t" the outlets, · pro, id1ng ,o many ::,econd to Lei:ds in the co\'en1ge as reasons for the decision. fantastic work of ~o many ulented, opportunities for inL1uisi11\'e mmds ne\\ sp:1pLr cntegoq \\ as Cardiff Sn,;w, in particular, ,v:L inspirational and high!) sexual and foul mouths. llniYnsi11 's Gair Rlndd, while Leeds St11de11t has been crowned impn:s cd: ''The standard of people.
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