Carpooling D 5 Safe Routes to School D 6

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Carpooling D 5 Safe Routes to School D 6 MAGAZINE FOR IBM DC CE BRNO EMPLOYEES 02 / 2014 IBM supports d 1 Bikesharing d 2 Mobility Planning d 3 Bike to work d 4 Mobility 2014 Carpooling d 5 Safe routes to school d 6 On the way to a more sustainable city ear IBMers, now that summer is cling to and from work. Even though the speaking face-to-face. Of course, every- transport issues…Read more on page 3 . Upcoming Events underway, this makes it a good number of pictures sent was behind our one went home with a little gift; either Finally we put our efforts into collect- Dtime to offer you the second IBM expectations, the winners announcement cycling helmets or a cycling jersey. Find ing updated useful information about Mobility 2014 magazine. There is a lot which followed the official Bike to Work Bike to Work highlights on page 4 . carpooling in IBM – see on page 5 . We 31/7–11/9 Wine that has been happening during the past campaign ceremony turned out to be a Meanwhile the municipality of Brno is regularly talk to carpoolers and we want few months. Brno Bike to Work cam- valuable accompanying activity for the considering a city bikesharing system and to share what we learn with you. In this degustations in paign in May attracted nearly 1000 par- whole project Mobility 2014. This was the Brno mobility plan which is a strategic edition we invite you to enjoy the inter- Open Garden ticipants and we are also proud to an- because the participants had an oppor- document projecting the future transport view with Dagmar Hermanová about her nounce that 10 teams from IBM were tunity to meet colleagues somewhere else and mobility developments in the city. If experience with carpool. Also see an in- Trip by a historical involved! We also announced the Photo other than in the office. This allowed for you want to learn what could be the vision terview focusing on carpool maintenance 23/8 competition in which you were able to a broader understanding of the whole of Brno and why we need such a plan; And… and checking results with Martin Hum- bus to Slup share with us your experiences when cy- project which was best described when how IBM DC CE collaborates with Brno on pola and Aleš Boček on page 5 . 29/8 Day of World Games in Open Garden 16–22/9 European Mobility Week 17/9 Carsharing, electric cars and e-bikes in Open Garden Bike to work 20/9 European winners Trolleybus Day IBM Bike to Work teams enjoyed relaxed settings and small gifts at 20/9 Nakoleon Bike the Bike to Work winners ceremony Ride 5/6/2014 in Open Garden. PHOTO: NADACE PARTNERSTVÍ 22/9 Car free day Mobility through the eyes of carpooler Dagmar Hermanová, 1st Line AM SW Teams Service Delivery Manager shares her experience It has been a while since we started the hand you mentioned that you and your I had a general idea of carpooling carpooling initiative; when did you husband are not looking for new pas- from abroad. I had heard that there are start to carpool? sengers in your car. Why? Carpooling from special traffic lanes on highways reserved I have been carpooling since the be- We need to stop in Kindergarten and just for carpoolers – only cars with more ginning; it was around autumn. Both me we are not able to guarantee an exact time Skácelová? than two people can use those lanes. The and my husband work for IBM. We al- of arrival to and from work. Kindergar- Better to go advantage of this system is that it is not ways drive together and we have never ten is close to IBM and carpool passenger only an online platform, but it is clearly benefited from any advantages from it. would have to share a ride all the way by foot… visible who is carpooling and therefore it This is because we used our own car. We with a screaming baby. This is not what is completely transparent. Even the police arrive to work quite early – usually before I would like to offer to anybody. fine you if you drive alone in this lane. 8AM, so we always manage to park the This makes me very interested where the car without any problem. OK, sometimes Could you describe the arguments of whole IBM campaign is heading. Mostly, we were a little late because of dropping those who do complain about carpool- I appreciate that IBM started to support children off at kindergarten; on those days ing? carpooling and that they are trying to it is problem to park our car. But it’s not They say that since this campaign promote it, motivate and reward people. like we are finding new passengers. has started, there are too many places reserved to carpooling. Personally I am In your opinion, what more should What do you think about the Djengo glad that there is enough carpool parking IBM as a company do to move closer to – carpooling system? places and even that they doubled. Since what you were describing as function- I think that people on our team are the campaign started it looked like all the al abroad? You have mentioned traffic actually able to agree on carpooling. Definitely! The ones who do not car- carpooling places will be just the winning lanes, do you have anything else in mind? However, this application is useful for pool…they usually complain. Those who ones. However those complaining argue Well, right now there is no difference contacting colleagues or bosses which carpool and win parking spots…they are that the garage is occupied by “these (car- between parking in the garage or parking might live in your neighborhood; but you glad and satisfied with it. They wonder pool – redaction comment) people” and outside. In some other European IBMs, did not have an opportunity or enough why their colleagues do not use carpool that they do not have many chances to a person who does not carpool, has to courage to ask them about commuting system since it enables you quite easily park their car. This means that garages park a car 2-3 kilometers from the office it before. to find a people you have not met before are only for people who comes to work and then use shuttle of some sort to get and agree on shared rides to work. at 7 AM or for carpoolers. to work. This does not work in our case Do you talk about the idea of carpool- yet. However, the motivation to carpool ing with your colleagues? If yes in You said that it is easy to agree on a Where did you firstly hear about the in those regions is much stronger because which context? shared way to work; but on the other idea of carpooling? your alternative Continued on page 5 » 02 / 2014 2 Bikesharing Mobility 2014 Bikesharing in Brno How would 700 bikes fit into the landscape in Brno – everyone who bikes to work, school or d Safety → Improve the infrastructural to a friends home on a regular basis knows and perceived safety of cycling to in- that after a few weeks of practice that dif- crease its modal share. ficult hill suddenly becomes easy to climb; d Stakeholder perception: Despite dif- it becomes a piece of cake. Actually, it is ferences in opinion about some de- the distance and the amount of time you tails, most stakeholders feel that there travel that are the most important factors are definitely opportunities for bike- to consider – and in that case the bike sharing in Brno. VISUALISATION: ADOLF JEBAVÝ VISUALISATION: is the number one option, especially for d Cost and benefit analysis → The bud- the rather flat city center. Very important get is there, just need to be diverted. is also the existing cycling infrastructure which goes hand in hand with perceived Luckily, we have seen the first steps in road safety – and here there is still a lot of the right direction on the point of in- room for improvement in Brno. frastructure improvements lately (after The city government already has a releasing the Utility Cycling Plan in technical study about the bikesharing 2010), hopefully it will get even better possibilities in Brno and a real feasibility after the autumn communal elections. study is now in the making. The first study And as there are more and more peo- was done by ADOS company, an expert ple cycling every year and youths who in transport; and the study specifies the care about their town and things around conditions and settings of introduction them … who knows, maybe that Brno of this system with the given background will indeed once become a truly vibrant in Brno. It also states that bicycle sharing, and sustainable city. After all, it is upon just as utility cycling in general, is not vi- each one of us! bicycle sharing system, better tion, the bike-share is extremely liberat- able without developing the rest of the Marek Lahoda known as simply bikesharing, is ing. You can seamlessly transfer to public cycling infrastructure in the same time. A an automated service in which transit or to car without concern about The biggest worldwide Another study has been done just re- Benefits and risks bicycles are made available for shared leaving a bike behind, so a quick ride to cently by group of 30 international stu- use to individuals on a very short term meet someone in the city, leaving the bike bikesharing system dents from Wageningen University and basis.
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