Advancing Wisconsin’s Green Manufacturing Economy A COLLABORATIVE REPORT HIGHLIGHTING OPPORTUNITIES FOR WISCONSIN TO GROW OUR MANUFACTURING BASE FOR GREEN ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES. June2020 SPONSORED BY THE TOMMY G. THOMPSON CENTER FOR PUBLIC LEADERSHIP About the authors DR. MATT JEWELL is an associate DR. JUNJIE NIU is an Associate Profes- professor of Materials Science and Engineer- sor in Department of Material Science and En- ing at UW-Eau Claire. His research interests gineering at UW-Milwaukee. Before joining in include materials for advanced supercon- UWM, Dr. Niu worked as a Postdoc Associate ducting magnets and manufacturing process at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology optimization. His professional background (MIT) from 2011 to 2014. He also did interdis- includes three years at ITER, an experi- ciplinary research as a Postdoc Associate at mental nuclear fusion facility being built the Drexel University and the University of in Cadarache, France. He can be reached at Pennsylvania (UPenn) from 2009 to 2011. Dr.
[email protected]. Niu’s interdisciplinary research includes un- derstanding fundamental science in physics/ DR. YAN LI is a professor of Economics at chemistry/mechanics, and engineering ma- the UW-Eau Claire. Her current research main- terials in applications of energy storage and ly studies the role of money, credit and bank- energy-water nexus. The areas include but ing in the macroeconomy and the liquidity not limited to, lithium-ion and beyond bat- effects of monetary policy. She is also inter- teries for next-generation EVs, water treat- ested in examining the income inequality and ments and self-cleaning coatings. Dr. Niu has economic growth in emerging markets.