[06:08] <Makh> UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN, YE ALL 02[06:08] * Makh (
[email protected]) Quit (Quit: Exeunt) 03[08:48] * Sciencezam (
[email protected]) ha s joined #SuperRobot 02[09:01] * LeoPi (
[email protected]) Quit (Read error: Connec tion reset by peer) 03[09:40] * JackAtSchool (
[email protected]) has joined #SuperRobo t [09:41] <JackAtSchool> Welp [09:41] <JackAtSchool> 55% of the final exam [09:41] <JackAtSchool> Unless he curves it 26% (Which is highly unlikely but not entirely outside the realms of possibility) I'll only be getting a B in that cl ass [09:41] <JackAtSchool> Because for some reason the final exam is worth 30% of ou r grade??? [09:45] <Sciencezam> Man looking at the cost for parts [09:45] <Sciencezam> this black ship is just ridiculous 02[10:00] * JackAtSchool (
[email protected]) Quit (Quit: http://ww w.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 03[10:20] * JackAtSchool (
[email protected]) has joined #SuperRobo t 02[10:20] * JackAtSchool (
[email protected]) Quit 03[10:40] * Hopper (
[email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot [10:40] <Hopper> Good afternoon [10:40] <Hopper> And not morning [10:40] <Hopper> Which it isn't 03[10:40] * Derek58 (
[email protected]) has joined #Super Robot [10:40] <Derek58> yo [10:40] <DMX> Hi there. [10:42] <Hopper> Hey Jack, would you happen to have any sprite rips from Extra? I need some of Marimo's sprites for reasons [11:18] <Hopper> I appear