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Vol. 2 'LG\RXNQRZDJURXSRI ZRPEDWVLVFDOOHGDZLVGRP FRIDAY /// April 4 Vol. 2 'LG\RXNQRZDJURXSRI ZRPEDWVLVFDOOHGDZLVGRP" 'LG\RXNQRZDJURXSRI167$PHPEHUVDUHFDOOHG6DYHUV" -RLQ\RXUJURXSLQVDYLQJHYHQPRUHRQFDULQVXUDQFHZLWK DVSHFLDOGLVFRXQWIURP*(,&21RZWKDWèVDZLVHGHFLVLRQ 9LVLW*(,&2ERRWKIRUDTXRWH JHLFRFRPHGXQVWD_ 6RPHGLVFRXQWVFRYHUDJHVSD\PHQWSODQVDQGIHDWXUHVDUHQRWDYDLODEOHLQDOOVWDWHVRUDOO*(,&2FRPSDQLHV'LVFRXQWDPRXQWYDULHVLQVRPHVWDWHV2QHJURXS GLVFRXQWDSSOLFDEOHSHUSROLF\&RYHUDJHLVLQGLYLGXDO,Q1HZ<RUNDSUHPLXPUHGXFWLRQPD\EHDYDLODEOH*(,&2LVDUHJLVWHUHGVHUYLFHPDUNRI*RYHUQPHQW(PSOR\HHV ,QVXUDQFH&RPSDQ\:DVKLQJWRQ'&D%HUNVKLUH+DWKDZD\,QFVXEVLGLDU\k*(,&2 Booth 1317 1DWLRQDO$VVRFLDWLRQIRUWKH(GXFDWLRQRI<RXQJ&KLOGUHQ Celebrate NAEYC’s first time exhibiting at NSTA! Join us every day * for demonstrations of physics and young children based on our book Ramps and Pathways. Have a great idea for a session? Submit a session proposal today. www.nsta.org/conferenceproposals Deadline: April 15, 2014 NSTA NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE EDUCATION Professional Development Strands Natural Resources, Teaching Every The Science Student Learning— Natural Child by of Design: How Do We Know Partnerships Embracing Structure and What They Know? Diversity Function for information and updates, visit, www.nsta.org/conferences NSTA 62nd National Conference on Science Education Boston, Massachusetts • April 3–6, 2014 Volume 2 Friday, April 4 Conference Highlights (Friday) ......................5 Conference Strands. 6 Informal Science Day ............................10 Meet Me in the Middle Day ........................10 NSTA Exemplary Science Program (ESP) ..............12 NSTA Press® Sessions ...........................14 Elementary Extravaganza. 14 Friday Daily Program ..............................17 Meetings and Social Functions (Friday) ............... 124 Index of Exhibitor Workshops (Friday) ............... 125 Schedule At A Glance (Friday) ..................... 131 Index of Participants (Friday). 149 Index of Advertisers ............................160 National Science Teachers Association 1840 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, VA 22201-3000 703-243-7100 E-mail: [email protected] www.nsta.org Cover photo credit: Photo of the equestrian George Washington statue in the Boston Public Garden courtesy of Sean Pavone/iStock. The environment is important to science educators. These programs are recyclable and were printed on recycled paper. NSTA Boston National Conference on Science Education 3 Conference Program • Highlights —Courtesy of Greater Boston Convention and Visitors Bureau Visitors and —Courtesy Boston Convention of Greater Friday, April 4 7:30–9:00 AM Science in the Community Breakfast (M-3): Steve “Jake” Jacobs, sponsored in part by DuPont. 17 7:30–9:00 AM High School Breakfast (M-2): Rory Wilson ...........18 8:00–9:00 AM Featured Presentation: Arthur Eisenkraft sponsored by Shell ..............................19 7:30 AM–4:00 PM Informal Science Day ..........................10 8:00–10:00 AM Elementary Extravaganza. 14, 37 8:00 AM–2:00 PM Meet Me in the Middle Day, sponsored by NMLSTA .... 10, 19 9:00 AM–12 Noon NSTA ESP Symposium ...................... 12, 38 9:00 AM–5:00 PM Exhibits. 40 10:30–11:30 AM Featured Presentation: Steve Rich. 56 12 Noon–2:00 PM ASTE/NSELA Luncheon (M-4): Raj Chetty ..........74 12:30–1:30 PM SCST Marjorie Gardner Lecture: Mike Klymkowsky ....75 1:30–2:30 PM NSTA Chapter and District Ice Cream Social in Honor of Wendell Mohling, sponsored by GEICO . 85 2:00–3:00 PM Featured Presentation: Joseph Acaba. 86 2:00–3:00 PM AGU Lecture: Suchi Gopal ......................86 3:30–4:30 PM Robert H. Carleton Lecture: John E. Penick ......... 102 A historic neighborhood in Boston, Beacon 6:15–8:45 PM NSTA Teacher Awards Gala (M-5) ..............71, 121 Hill is known for its narrow, gaslit streets 6:00 PM–12 Mid Special Evening Session: A Festival of Engineering, and brick sidewalks. Technology, and Science Treats as Related to STEM, the NRC Framework, and the NGSS, Part 2 .........122–123 9:00 PM–12 Mid President’s Mixer with DJ and cash bar ............. 121 Mission Statement The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all. The ideas and opinions expressed in the conference sessions, and in any handout materials provided, are those of the presenter. They are not those of the National Science Teachers Association nor can any endorsement by NSTA be claimed. NSTA Boston National Conference on Science Education 5 Conference Program • Conference Strands The Boston Conference Science and Literacy: A Symbiotic Relationship Committee has planned the Attention to literacy is often seen as taking time away from science. In fact, built conference around these right into the Common Core State Standards, ELA, literacy can and should be used to four strands, enabling you enhance the effective teaching of science. Well-designed and integrated science and to focus on a specific area literacy instruction creates a symbiosis that supports classroom practice and student of interest or need. Strand achievement. The investigation of science concepts within the elementary classroom events are identified by enhances the development of reading, writing, and communication skills. At the upper icons throughout the daily grades, strengthened literacy skills continue to empower all students to access the program. science content and communicate their understanding. This strand will address how literacy and science are in service to each other across the learning continuum. See the following pages for a list of sessions and events for Teaching Elementary Science with Confidence! each strand. With limited time, resources, and opportunities to learn science, it is no wonder elementary teachers find teaching science within the school day to be challenging. There is a constant struggle to find the time for engaging students in active science experiences. We also know that simply doing a science activity does not produce a deep understanding of concepts. This strand provides opportunities for elementary teachers to enhance their content knowledge, locate resources, incorporate science and engineering practices from the Next Generation Science Standards, and explore classroom management strategies when teaching science. Leading from the Classroom H Throughout their careers, teachers grow professionally and often see opportunities to improve science education. But does that mean leaving the classroom? Why can’t a teacher be both a classroom teacher and leader? Effective science teachers often think that the only way to increase their impact on science education is to leave the classroom. In fact, there are myriad leadership roles that can be fulfilled as a teacher leader. This strand addresses the skills and opportunities for developing leadership capacity while continuing to serve as effective classroom teachers. Engineering and Science: Technological Partners Are you integrating science and engineering practices into your instruction? Are you looking for the latest cool tools to enrich your classroom? With the NRC Framework and the Next Generation Science Standards defining science and engineering as intertwined, teachers are expected to integrate both within the science curriculum. This strand explores the thoughtful, effective, and meaningful integration of technologies to increase STEM learning and understanding. 6 NSTA Boston National Conference on Science Education Conference Program • Conference Strands Science and Literacy: A Symbiotic Relationship Friday, April 4 8:00–9:00 AM 12:30–1:30 PM 3:30–4:30 PM Liberating Literacy Strategies for Today’s Collaborative Editing of Student Work Telling a Story with Data and Visuals: Science Classroom Online in Science and English Language Arts Critiquing and Creating Infographics in the Classroom 9:00 AM–12 Noon 2:00–3:00 PM Short Course: To Read or Not to Read: Bringing Primary Scientific Literature to the That Is No Longer the Question Classroom Through the Journal of Emerging (By Ticket: SC-10) Investigators 7KH7LPHLV1RZ 7KH3ODFHLV'DOODV :HDUHVHDUFKLQJIRUWDOHQWHGHGXFDWRUVLQ x 0DWKHPDWLFV x 6FLHQFH $PRXQWVXEMHFWWRFKDQJH UHDVRQVWRMRLQRXUWHDP $SSO\RQOLQH ZZZGDOODVLVGRUJ &RPSHWLWLYH 6LJQLQJ <HDUO\ )DVWHVW /DUJHVW $SSO\RQOLQH VWDUWLQJ LQFHQWLYHV FHUWLILHG JURZLQJ GXDO ZZZGDOODVLVGRUJ VDODU\ ELOLQJXDO XUEDQ ODQJXDJH VWLSHQG VFKRRO SURJUDP GLVWULFW LQ7H[DV $PRXQWLVVXEMHFWWREHDGMXVWHGRQ%RDUGUHFRPPHQGDWLRQV )RUGHWDLOVRQKRZWREHFRPHFHUWLILHGLQWKHVWDWHRI7H[DV KWWSZZZWHDVWDWHW[XV NSTA Boston National Conference on Science Education 7 Conference Program • Conference Strands Teaching Elementary Science Engineering and Science: with Confidence! Technological Partners Friday, April 4 Friday, April 4 8:00–9:00 AM 10:30–11:30 AM 8:00–9:00 AM Using Electric Circuit Puzzles for Design and Featured Presentation: Chrysalis: Digitizing the Learning Experience and Assessment Transforming Your Teaching Taking IT Mobile (Speaker: Steve Rich) 8:00–11:15 AM 9:00 AM–12 Noon Short Course: Our Changing Earth: 11:00 AM–12 Noon Short Course: Sustainability and Engineering New England’s Geologic Past Engineering Made Easy: NGSS Practices for (By Ticket: SC-11) (By Ticket: SC-8) Elementary Students 9:30–10:30 AM 8:00 AM–12 Noon 3:30–4:30 PM Going Beyond Data Collection—Sharing in a Short Course: We’re All in This Together: Differentiating Science for Elementary Science Classroom Cooperative Learning in the Science Students How-To Workshop on Organizing a STEM Classroom (By Ticket: SC-9) 5:00–6:00 PM Design Challenge Day 9:30–10:30
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