Download the Meeting Program, Including Abstracts
PROGRAM: Overview of oral and poster presentations FINAL PROGRAM 37th AMLC SCIENTIFIC MEETING CURACAO (MAY 18-22, 2015) MAY 17 17:00 Registration (optional) and "ice breaker" on the beach at Carmabi END of DAY 0 (MAY 17) MAY 18 8:00 Registration at the Hilton Hotel 9:00 Official opening 37th AMLC Meeting The Eastern Caribbean: A laboratory for studying the resilience and 9:30 PLENARY: DR. B. STENECK management of coral reefs 10:30 Coffee break Time Authors Title Shifting baselines: three decades of nitrogen enrichment on two 11:00 * Lapointe B, Herren L, Tarnowski, M, Dustan P Caribbean coral reefs Finding a new path towards reef conservation: Antigua’s community- 11:15 S Camacho R, Steneck R based no-take reserves Lyons P, Arboleda E, Benkwitt C, Davis B, Gleason M, Howe 11:30 * C, Mathe J, Middleton J, Sikowitz N, Untersteggaber L, The effect of recreational scuba diving on the benthic community Villalobos S assemblage and structural complexity of Caribbean coral reefs Perspective on how fast and efficient sponge engines drive and 11:45 * De Goeij JM modulate the food web of reef ecosystems Lesion recovery of two scleractinian corals under low pH: 12:00 S Dungan A, Hall ER, DeGroot BC, Fine M implications for restoration efforts Session chair: Kristen Marhaver Kristen chair: Session The status of coral reefs and marine fisheries in Jamaica’s Portland 12:15 * Palmer SE, Lang JC Bight Protected Area to inform proposed development decisions 12:30 Lunch (can be obtained at the Hilton, Carmabi (next to Hilton) or nearby restaurants and bars Historical analysis of ciguatera incidence in the Caribbean islands 13:30 * Mancera-Pineda JE, Celis JS, Gavio B during 31 years: 1980-2010 Smith TB, Richlen ML, Robertson A, Liefer JD, Anderson DM, Ciguatera fish poisoning: long-term dynamics of Gambierdiscus spp.
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