2020–2030 "Innovation comes only from an assault on the unknown"

Sydney Brenner (1927-2019) President, the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Promotion Corporation (2004-2011) Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine 2002

ON THE COVER: The cover image depicts a Möbius band with three half twists arising from the limit of a sequence of tetrahedral rings, all connected with a minimal, uniformly distributed twist angle. Like all Möbius bands, this surface has only one side and one edge. The shape is the first member of a previously undiscovered hierarchy of increasingly complex, knotted surfaces constructed from closed space curves. Credit: Michael Grunwald, Johannes Schönke, and Eliot Fried, Mathematics, Mechanics, and Materials Unit ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS This document is a summary of the OIST Strategic Plan 2020-2030. OIST was 2 About OIST 14 Structure initiated with an act of the Japanese Diet in 2009. The 4 Foreword from 18 Global broad aims for OIST in that the president connections legislation were to provide internationally distinguished research and education and 6 Environment 20 Economy contribute to the promotion of Okinawa. OIST's guiding 8 Campus and facilities 22 Culture principles (p2) and the strategic goals (p24) are true to that original concept 10 Research highlights 24 Strategic goals of OIST. The complete document details the actions that we will take to achieve the strategic goals and can be found at: ABOUT THE STRATEGIC GOALS Relevant strategic goals are listed at the top of the pages. Read them in full on page 24. The Summary of the OIST Strategic Plan 2020–2030 is published for the Okinawa To develop as To attract the Institute of Science and 1 a world-leading 9 best talent Technology Graduate university and University by Nature an international To build an inclusive Research Custom Media, a research hub 10 and welcoming part of Springer Nature. community 105-6005 Tokyo-to, To deliver a world- Minato-ku, Toranomon 4-3-1, 2 class PhD program To build a modern, Shiroyama Trust Tower 5F, 11 attractive, state-of- To translate the-art campus 3 discovery Copyright © Okinawa Institute into impact To promote of Science and Technology 12 responsible Graduate University. All rights To contribute to stewardship of the reserved. The information in 4 the societal and environment this publication was correct economic well­-being at the time of going to press. of Okinawa To communicate November 2019. 13 our contributions To maintain locally, nationally and 5 excellence globally THE STRATEGIC in governance To maintain diversity, PLANNING PROCESS To foster 14 well-being and an Extensive consultation with 6 an efficient open, collaborative OIST leadership, faculty, administration culture research and administrative staff, and students informed To support To plan for the OIST Strategic Plan 7 partnerships in 15 sustainable growth 2020-2030 between August Okinawa between and long-term 2018 and its approval by the academia, industry excellence Board of Governors in May and government 2019. Active management To complement and implementation began To create an 16 funding through in September 2019, evolving 8 entrepreneurial grants, sponsorship to take account of progress, culture and philanthropy new opportunities and changes in circumstances.


OUR MISSION: ESSENTIAL OIST We are a pioneering graduate university. We conduct research that bridges In the eight years since OIST's inauguration, we disciplines to explore new frontiers of scientific knowledge. We educate a new have made significant progress. Here are the generation of scientific leaders. We are a essential figures and short history of OIST. catalyst for an innovation hub in Okinawa.

OUR ACHIEVEMENT: OUR GROWTH: OIST is ranked 9th in the world by the Nature Index 2019. Its normalized share, a measure of OIST's Nature Index output as a FACULTY proportion of its overall output in the natural sciences, puts it in a 200 league with the likes of Princeton University, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) and other prestigious institutions. Targets 160 75 120


40 in the in Japan world 0 1 9 2011 2019 2023 2033

MAR. 2007 OUR HISTORY: Construction of campus started NOV. 2011 Jonathan Dorfan JUN. 2001 appointed 1st Minister of State for Okinawa and Northern president Territories Affairs and Minister of State for JUL. 2009 Science and Technology Policy, the Honorable OIST School NOV. 1, 2011 Koji Omi, announced a plan for a new Corporation OIST accredited MAR. 2015 international graduate university in Okinawa Act ratified as a university Lab 3 opened

APR. MAR. 2005 MAR. JUN. 2012 2016 2003 OIST Promotion Corporation founded 2010 Lab 2 opened Engineering Onna-son through an Act of the Japanese Diet First lab support building selected opened in SEPT. 1, 2012 opened as OIST AUG. 2005 Onna-son OIST accepted location Sydney Brenner appointed president first graduate JUL. 2016 of OIST Promotion Corporation students Marine Station inaugurated






GUIDING PRINCIPLES: SUSTAINABILITY FREEDOM We want to be recognized for world- leading, cross-disciplinary research that benefits humanity. We want to be the destination of choice to work learn and collaborate, linking science to education, leading to innovation OUR VISION: and entrepreneurship, supported by an efficient administration. THE ADVANCEMENT We want to be the partner of choice for innovation and a catalyst in Okinawa, OF KNOWLEDGE promoting economic growth and sustainable benefits, addressing problems important to FOR THE BENEFIT Japanese and global society. OF HUMANITY

2021 Cabinet Office completes its review of OIST

2022 2027 JAN. 2017 The strategy for faculty New external review to Peter Gruss appointed appointments for the next develop next 5-year strategy 2nd president 5 years to be reviewed for faculty appointments

2018 2019 2024 2026 2028 2030 First PhDs graduated Lab 5 Lab 6 Lab 7 Lab 8 Lab 9 preparation DEC. 2018 started I2 Innovation Incubator established to foster DEC. 2019 start-ups arising from Lab 4 OIST research


A UNIVERSITY OF BRIDGES OIST has the potential to take its place among the stars of the academic world. According to president Peter Gruss, the university is just getting started.

IST is a university of bridges: From the physical bridges spanning the rainforest gullies O Peter Gruss, president between our remarkable campus build- of the Okinawa ings; to the scientific, economic, and Institute of Science cultural bridges we are strengthening and Technology between Okinawa and mainland Japan; Graduate University, to the far-reaching intellectual bridges giving the welcoming address to the stimulating collaboration between OIST class of 2019. faculty and the very best of the global research community. The founders of OIST, including Nobel Laureates Sydney Brenner, Jerome I. Friedman, Torsten Wiesel, and Steven Chu, as well as Japanese states- man Koji Omi, had a vision to establish an institute that would conduct ‘best- in-the-world’ research. After only eight years we have made significant progress towards realizing that vision: a recent normalized Nature Index ranking of global research organizations places us first in Japan and number nine in the world for the proportion of high-quality scientific papers relative to our total out- put of natural-science articles. How has a ‘new kid on the block’ achieved this in such a short time? A BRIDGE TO THE STARS In any organization there are two types of thinkers: those who dream of the stars, and those more concerned with keeping a solid foothold on Earth. We want OIST scientists to reach for the stars and demand the impossible. We want to take care of the groundwork so they can be free—financially, academ- ically and administratively—to explore the cutting edge of knowledge. At OIST we strive to make sure that we have an tasks so that our faculty can devote organizations around the world is that we administration that is as efficient as pos- themselves to research. have stable funding, opening the door to sible within our regulatory environment. highly creative, high-risk but high-po- At many institutions across Japan and A BRIDGE TO EXCELLENCE tential research. This kind of funding is the world, much of a senior academic’s OIST follows the formula that my pre- absolutely critical to OIST sustaining its time is spent on administration and vious institute, the , place as a globally pre-eminent research grant applications, leaving less time for has applied for the last hundred years: institution. We cannot rise to the top and research. Here at OIST, we do all that hire only the best. OIST funds brains, build upon our success without the high- we can to reduce the demands of grant not projects. One of the conspicuous trust funding that has underpinned such applications and other administrative differences between us and most other rapid achievement. High-trust funding,


however, does not come with low seek constantly to make the most of the Institute (UK), the Weizmann Institute accountability. Quite the opposite. Every opportunities a leading research insti- of Science () and the Institute of five years an internationally renowned tution can to create for its neighbors. Science and Technology . The team of experts reviews the performance We already employ 200 Okinawans and BRIDGE network aims to strengthen of each faculty member against rigor- see an opportunity for further growth. excellence in scientific research and ous global benchmarks. Only then are In Europe in the 1960s and 70s a lot of education through collaboration and recommendations made for the five-year money went into developing research exchange. All five members of the funding period ahead. institutions and research itself. Now 50 BRIDGE network, among the world's or 60 years later, those institutes have most successful scientific institutions, A BRIDGE TO THE WORLD become the nucleus for new towns, recruit and operate in a global environ- Okinawa is an island of 1.45 million businesses and opportunities. We want ment and promote cooperation across people with beautiful green forests and to repeat that example. I want OIST to institutional, political and disciplinary pristine blue waters and a busy capital be an anchor institution in Onna-son boundaries. I am proud that OIST is city about an hour’s drive from OIST. It and Okinawa — a place that is bustling welcome in such illustrious company. is an instantly attractive place to live or with energy. In addition to housing, we to visit. While connected to the main- want to support the establishment of BUILDING THE BRIDGES land of Japan and to many of Asia’s big- an International Baccalaureate school, We have achieved great things in a short gest cities by a short flight, its relative start-up businesses, and possibly a space of time, but need to grow to realize remoteness offers space to contemplate research center with a world-renowned the dreams laid out by our founders. work without distraction. tech player. North of the OIST campus Institutional growth should not impair Academics come to OIST from all we have the opportunity to develop an our quality. On the contrary: Evidence over the world, including mainland OIST Innovation Park in which people points to 300 professors as the critical Japan, for the level of independence we from OIST, Onna-son and elsewhere mass required to make global impact. provide. Furthermore, we can offer ten- can live and work, showcasing exciting Caltech is a small, private university in ure track to the right people where other invention, stimulating new enterprise, the USA which is extremely successful in institutes cannot, helping retain prom- creating a model for sustainability, and terms of the quality of science per prin- ising young researchers and allowing providing another reason for visitors cipal investigator. It serves as a notable them to develop. A high proportion of to come to this extraordinary part of model. Furthermore, statistical analysis our Assistant Professors are Japanese. Japan. OIST can provide the intellectual we undertook reveals that from a certain Our international mix fosters collabo- core in partnership with Onna-son to number of principal investigators upward, ration and understanding across borders. create the necessary space and envi- there is a step change in productivity. This year we advertized 10 new posi- ronmentally sound infrastructure for a tions and received 1,544 applications. future-focused, innovation-led commu- THREE GOALS The same is true for graduate students: nity and engine for economic success, OIST is a wonderful but unfinished From 1,540 applications for graduate building Okinawa's high-tech future. symphony. It was founded with the mis- study, we admitted 54 excellent schol- Jobs created by the development sion to be among the best in the world. ars. Clearly, OIST is proving an attrac- of OIST will be highly skilled and We have made a formidable start, but tive destination for research. lucrative, creating a pipeline of oppor- there is more to do. Our three objectives In this, I believe we can be an exem- tunity for local people. Our incubator of providing world-leading research, plar. We can model the essential criteria facility aims to spin off companies education and technology development for research excellence, enhance Jap- from OIST research. We are adept at in Okinawa are showing great promise. anese research capability, and provide driving proof of concept or validation After just eight years we have taken our valuable insight to the wider research of our intellectual property. To move to place among the research world’s bright- community. the commercial stage, venture capital est stars, demonstrating that the OIST is required. Japan has only 3% of the concept works. A BRIDGE TO OKINAWANS venture capital that is available in the From here, we need to accomplish OIST is determined to deepen its con- United States, and yet it is the third the necessary growth while maintain- nections with its neighborhood. We have largest economy in the world. We have ing research excellence. With the right a spectrum of activities for Okinawan hard work to do to bring good ideas to support, the vision can be achieved. ■ communities both on and off campus. commercial reality. Of the many programs, my favorite is our annual ‘open house’, where most of A BRIDGE TO THE BEST the labs open their doors and arrange In June 2019, we created the Basic hands-on activities for children and Research Institutions Delivering Grad- families. Last year about 5,000 people uate Education (BRIDGE) network attended. with four other world-leading graduate We are very fortunate to have the research institutions: The Rockefeller Peter Gruss town of Onna-son as our home, and University (USA), the Francis Crick President, OIST


Around the coast, patches of man- Okinawa. They are using surveys, insect groves form a buffer for the waves and traps, camera traps, and audio record- DISCOVERING a nursery for young fish, while further ings in 24 locations around the island out from the beaches, coral reefs shelter to establish what plants and animals are THE ECOLOGY hundreds of fish species in every hue here now and whether it is changing over imaginable. Of the Japanese prefectures, time. The research is doing triple duty by OF OKINAWA Okinawa has the most diverse collection being used as an education tool for the A community project is of plants and animals. science classes of Okinawa and an eco- Okinawans are the biggest authority on logical monitoring tool for the Okinawan recording the plants and the ecology of their island, which is why prefectural government, as well as being animals of the island. Assistant Professor Evan Economo tapped world-leading research in its own right. into their knowledge for the OKEON “The three biggest threats for biodiver- Churamori project (Okinawa Environ- sity around the globe are land use change, kinawa is a sub-tropical island mental Observation Network). climate change and invasive species, and between the Japan mainland and “As scientists we get excited if we we can use Okinawa as a model system O . Geologically, the island publish a paper in a high-profile journal to see how these threats play out in the was formed when ancient coral reefs met like Nature, but people on the island microcosm of an island,” says Economo. continental uplift, creating an island of want to see that our research has some Advanced technologies such as machine two halves. The north is wild and moun- relevance to their lives,” he says. Econo- learning and genomic sequencing make tainous, with steep hills covered in lush mo heads the Biodiversity and Biocom- surveying more efficient, and combined jungle, and the evergreen trees are draped plexity Unit at OIST and has partnered with old-fashioned trekking through the with epiphytic orchids, competing for the with local schools, museums, companies forests it is establishing a comprehensive attention of thousands of insect species. and government officials to establish a picture of the wildlife of Okinawa. The south is hilly and more densely popu- long-term documentation of the plant “A lot of insects aren’t even described lated, a city fringed by sandy beaches. and animal species on the main island of yet. It’s a monumental task,” he says. ■ © Kamoshida Akie / EyeEm / Getty Images © takau99 / Getty Images

6 OKINAWA INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY © Kamoshida Akie / EyeEm / Getty Images © takau99 / Getty Images

A NEW WAVE OF RENEWABLE ENERGY The power density in the ocean’s Shintake says it can be mounted on waves outstrips most other the concrete tetrapods that cover renewable resources by 10 times. much of Japan’s coastline and its But the expense of converting and location, proximal to shore, allows transporting that energy from the it to be readily maintained, makes open ocean is often prohibitive. transporting the electricity to shore Accelerator physicist, Professor more feasible, and captures the Tsumoru Shintake became fixated energy of the waves as they are with finding a way to harness wave most concentrated as they break. power when he moved to the Testing continues, but Shintake island of Okinawa to take up his hopes his fresh perspective on post as head of the Quantum Wave an old problem could be the Microscopy Unit. His team has breakthrough wave developed a new generator to take energy needs. advantage of Okinawa’s Pacific coastline. The device is a turbine that faces the waves like a child’s pinwheel in a breeze.


Current facilities (phase I) Phase II

Phase III LAB 6 N






LAB 10 LAB 11



LAB 14

LAB 15



58 CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER Visitors can take MAIN ENTRANCE Route 58 north from Naha to reach OIST's main campus




58 58 A beautiful campus is

58 58 58 conducive to health and well-

58 being, making people happier Main and more productive. A joint campus Onna-son venture of the firms Nikken Seragaki Sekkei (mainland Japan), campus OIST Kornberg Associates (USA), Innovation Naha and Kuniken (Okinawa), Park N Seaside Naha Airport designed the campus with

N campus laboratory buildings on top of hills overlooking the East Sea and connected by a network of bridges passing over the gullies. They researched successful campuses around the world and the labs were carefully designed to maximize FUTURE LABS interactivity between AND RESEARCH administration and laboratory FACILITIES disciplines. Accordingly each lab can accommodate the work of physicists, biologists, chemists, computer INCUBATOR scientists, mathematicians BUILDINGS and engineers. 'Interstitial spaces' between the laboratory floors for ducting, electricals and IT cabling allow labs to be configured and re-configured rapidly with a minimum of disruption to the working scientists. INNOVATION The campus is designed INCUBATOR (I²) to withstand typhoons and HOUSING other natural disasters, while protecting the fragile ecosystems of its location. Featuring energy-saving architecture, the campus has Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) silver certification for at least one of the laboratories.

a commercial zone, OIST Innovation eateries, a center for lifelong learning, Park – delivered with Onna-son village and a school. Okinawa, with its OIST INNOVATION and industry partners – will inspire and extraordinarily beautiful coastline, PARK entertain, promoting innovation, and is well-established as a destination supporting work, life, and play. Start- for high-quality tourism. OIST The OIST Innovation Park, to the north up businesses will develop within easy Innovation Park will provide another of the existing campus, will provide reach of sustainable, environmentally reason to visit, whatever the weather. an exhilarating and high-tech home advanced homes, linked by future Creating an outstanding, science- to the breakthrough innovation and modes of smart, energy-efficient themed visitor attraction in the Park enterprise which flows from world- transportation, alongside retail, is another part of OIST’s blueprint for leading basic research. More than just recreation and community services, development.


A RAPID PULSE Extremely short bursts of light yield insights.

emtosecond spectroscopy har- The unit applies their capabilities to nesses extremely brief pulses condensed matter systems like van der F of light to excite electrons in Waals materials, which are atomically materials and study their behavior on thin, two-dimensional crystals, rele- short timescales. OIST’s Femtosecond vant to next generation opto-electronic Spectroscopy Unit, led by Associate technologies. They also study energy Professor Keshav Dani, uses this inno- materials and quantum materials. vative method to explore properties of The unit collaborates with research cutting-edge materials, and to examine teams within the university in neu- phenomena at the far extremes of the roscience and art conservation. Their electromagnetic spectrum. femtosecond pulses can stimulate a Leveraging OIST’s culture of inno- neurochemical release in non-human vation, the unit has developed powerful brains, thus enabling studies in learning tools using techniques in terahertz spec- and behavioral mechanisms. troscopy or by merging femtosecond In a collaboration with art conserva- light with electron microscopy. This tors, the unit developed methods for tak- Associate Professor Keshav Dani is a physicist originally from the USA. His team allows the researchers to make 'movies' ing minute cross-sections of artworks uses ultrafast pulses of light to better of how electrons move in materials in using femtosecond laser pulses, mitigat- understand the properties of 2D materials, space, time, momentum and energy. ing damage to the artifact. ■ which have much heralded applications.

Yokobayashi’s team has recently MAKING THE SWITCH developed a synthetic riboswitch that, in response to histamine, could activate Researchers are developing a switch that can turn protein expression. An artificial cell genes on and off in response to a chemical prompt. fitted with riboswitches could be used to respond to an allergic reaction by deliv- ering antihistamine or anti-inflammatory he intrinsic functional diversity designing and testing synthetic versions drugs, or to deliver a drug payload and of nucleic acids is unmatched — not only because they are of immense then trigger its self-destruction. “T by any other class of molecules. interest in biotechnology, gene therapy, The team are also using high-through- As a chemist, I was intrigued,” explains and other industrial applications — but put sequencing to analyze tens of thou- Associate Professor Yohei Yokobayashi because they may also help reveal how sands of ribozyme and deoxyribozyme on his decision in the mid-2000s to natural riboswitches work. mutants, to engineer better riboswitches. switch his research focus from proteins There are different ways to make One of the synthetic riboswitches recent- and peptides to RNA engineering. riboswitches in different organisms. “To ly designed by the team is able to control In his Nucleic Acid Chemistry and make riboswitches in mammalian cells, the expression of a gene that regulates Engineering Unit, Yokobayashi leads for example, we engineer self-cleaving the predatory behavior of a bacteria a team of researchers who engineer RNA, called ribozymes, and combine called Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus. nucleic acids with sophisticated func- them with other RNA elements, called Yokobayashi is currently working with tions, one of which is to act as a switch. aptamers, which bind our drugs or small industry partners on gene therapy appli- “We want to turn genes on and off in molecules.” cations focused on turning therapeutic cells using chemical signals. One way The small molecules that activate protein expression on and off. to do that is to use RNA which can these switches need to be cell-permeable, “With a riboswitch you only need to recognize small molecules and change non-toxic, and able to bind to aptamer insert a small sequence in the gene you its shape in response.” sequences very efficiently, explains want to control, so the system is very These RNAs are called riboswitches Yokobayashi. Examples include guanine, simple and robust compared to the exist- and Yokobayashi’s team is focused on theophylline and tetracycline. ing protein-based gene switches.” ■


ward for the thirsty work of walking on a A NOSE FOR BEHAVIOR treadmill, is available. The mouse, show- ing its comprehension, starts lapping at Complicated neural processing happens as soon the water nozzle. as mouse brains are alerted to smell. The mice, genetically modified to have fluorescent neurons when they are active, were trained that pineapple smell would ssistant Professor and head of the coming information, and which part return water and all other smells could be Sensory and Behavioral Neuro- refines our perception. In visual percep- ignored. Then the researchers minutely­ A science Unit, Izumi Fukunaga tion, for example, incoming light is not shifted the recipe of the pineapple smell researches scent perception in mice in highly modulated until a few steps into and rewarded only one variant. order to understand neural processing of processing. Switching quickly between the training information. But Fukunaga and colleagues, includ- setting in which all pineapple smells re- “Humans can tell the difference be- ing an intern, Anzhelika Koldaeva, who turned water, and the modified setting, in tween the smell of red wine and cheese later did her PhD in a different unit, which only one variant of pineapple did, for example,” she says. “Or we can smell discovered that smell is processed differ- the mice showed the ability to keep up different red wines — Californian ver- ently. “We discovered that the olfactory with a changing landscape. Their response sus French red wine — and understand bulb, the very first smell center of the was correct about 80% of the time, with something subtle about the scents present brain, is already the region where this the mouse realizing within the first few in each type. Optimal representation of modulation takes place,” says Fukunaga. licks that the rules had changed again. stimuli in the brain is different depend- In a box, a mouse ambles on a tread- The behavior change “may prove use- ing on behavioral contexts. And context mill, its head kept still by a harness so ful to understand how the brain imple- changes all the time.” that a microscope­ can target the mouse’s ments solutions that meet ever changing Fukunaga wanted to understand which brain. The mouse receives a waft of behavioral demands,” the team wrote in part of the brain processes the blunt in- pineapple scent, a cue that water, a re- their paper in eLife in 2019. ■

NEURAL COMPUTATION A recent project from the Neural Computation Unit combined magnetic resonance imaging, blood markers, and patient reports to reveal that there are three subtypes of depression — now the leading global cause of disability. The unit uses theoretical, neurobiological and engineering approaches to develop machine learning algorithms to elucidate brain mechanisms. They have built robots and virtual agents that can learn a variety of goal- directed behaviors, thereby clarfiying the minimum adaptations necessary for survival and reproduction. Their smartphone robot platform has recently been used as a testing ground for more data- efficient learning.

SUMMARY OF THE STRATEGIC PLAN, 2020–2030 11 what this structure Professor Matthias OUT IN FRONT OF THE really looks like, Wolf loads a sub- we are one step zero sample into a cryo-electron RESOLUTION REVOLUTION closer to figuring microscope. out how the whole Working with the World-record imaging feats have been achieved by virus works,” says best equipment, OIST researchers using state-of-the-art equipment. Wolf. top researchers and powerful computing In another has allowed Wolf imaging triumph insight into viruses, ssociate professor Matthias nique has several advantages over X-ray using cryo-EM, such as the Ebola Wolf is using recent advances diffraction, which has been traditionally the team reported virus, inset. A in electron microscopy (EM) to used for molecular structure studies. in the Proceedings determine the structures of lethal viruses, In particular, samples don’t need to be of the National Academy of Sciences the as well as potentially life-saving ones. crystalized, and they are frozen in their structure of a virus that infects cancer Viruses are miniscule. For example, natural state, rather than subjected to a cells, but not healthy cells. “Using vi- the diameter of the deadly Ebola virus high vacuum. ruses that specifically target cancer cells is equivalent to about 210 atoms. As a Wolf’s group has combined cryo-EM and destroy them offers us a new way to result, our knowledge of their structures and high-powered computing to fight cancer,” says Wolf. has been unresolved, but a technique determine the structure of a The Seneca Valley Virus known as cryo-EM is sharpening our part of the Ebola virus, which was discovered in 2002 and view of them. killed more than 11,000 people targets a receptor that is “Improvements in detectors, compu- in the 2014–2016 outbreak expressed in tumor cells in tational power, microscope optics, and in West Africa and remains a more than 60% of human stage stability over the past 10 years have global threat. At a world-re- cancers. “It is a very, very led to a so-called resolution revolution, cord resolution of 3.6Å, the interesting biological target, which now allows us to image individual team imaged the protein and it has generated a lot of atoms, in favorable cases,” says Wolf, sheath that supports the buzz,” says Wolf. who leads the Molecular Cryo-Electron genetic material of the virus, The team identified the crit- Microscopy Unit at OIST. because this structure plays an important ical part of the virus for binding to the To image a virus using cryo-EM, a role in the replication of the virus. The receptor. This will help researchers de- sample is snap frozen at cryogenic tem- team reported their work in the presti- velop ways to enable the virus to avoid peratures, placed under the microscope, gious journal, Nature. being neutralized by the immune system and then iteratively imaged. The tech- “Now that we have a clear picture of so that it can attack tumor cells. ■


FINDING A NICHE THE OIST PHD IN MICROFLUIDICS DIFFERENCE Choosing to do her PhD at OIST led Shivani An OIST PhD takes a different approach, aiming Sathish in an unexpectedly productive direction. to educate a generation of future research leaders who are experts in their hivani Sathish, trained in genetic molecules that are collected in an chosen disciplines, but also have a working knowledge engineering, never thought she’d enclosed waste unit. It’s a completely of other disciplines. We S have a patent awarded with more sealed system, which minimizes the believe this will encourage than a year left to go in her PhD. It’s risk of sample contamination. cross-disciplinary working all thanks to OIST’s innovative PhD Sathish and the team are currently and thinking, which are program where candidates undergo developing proof that the concept increasingly essential three lab rotations in their first year. works based on sexually transmitted attributes for research leaders. The OIST PhD takes One of those rotations must be outside infections (STIs), specifically chla- five years in total. During the candidate’s field of expertise, and mydia, as the immune response to the the first year, each student it’s in that rotation, micro/nanofluidics, infecting bacteria can be detected in completes three four- Sathish really found her niche. blood. While it’s still in early stages, month rotations in different In Professor Amy Shen’s Micro/Bio/ the team have managed to detect laboratories, at least one Nanofluidics Unit at OIST, Sathish is clinically significant levels of the of which is out of their field focused on making better, faster diag- antibodies. They are now looking for of interest. Students can receive credit for undertaking nostic devices. But along the way, she an industry partner to move with them external courses, online or found time to design and create a work- to the next stage of testing: showing off-campus, opening a vast ing prototype of a point-of-care fluid­ that the device can consistently achieve array of specialist course handling system, and have it patented. accurate results. options that OIST is not able In the lab, huge pumps control how In 10 years’ time, Sathish is hopeful to teach. After two years of fluid is delivered to tiny, microfluidic this device could lead to a test for course work and research training the candidate chips. Sathish and research technician, multiple sexually transmitted infections submits a written thesis Kazumi Toda-Peters, a fabrication (STIs), and that it is as ubiquitous as proposal for assessment. specialist, wanted to shrink the deliv- home pregnancy tests. The next three years of ery system so it would be comparable Developing the device, and her research lead to the PhD in size to the chips and suitable for experience at OIST, has crystallized thesis and examination. point-of-care use. “We wanted to make Sathish’s desire to become an entrepre- While there are certain core courses and academic something that doesn’t need external neur. Outside the lab, she has become themes, the aim is to power and that you can manipulate by part of Okinawa’s vibrant Latin tailor coursework hand,” Sathish explains. dancing community, made lots of to suit each The device works as follows: a user Okinawan friends, and learned student’s puts a drop of blood in the sample more about the culture. needs. collection area; it is then mixed with “Coming here wasn’t a stored reagent. The mixture is fil- what I expected – because tered, removing, for example, blood it was easy. The graduate cells and protein aggregates, and the school and student support molecules of interest are delivered to a section helped with microfluidic chip. The next component everything. So I didn’t is a bioassay to detect infection, which have any problems, even involves capturing the molecules of though the language was interest and washing off of unbound completely different.” ■

Shivani Sathish tests the microfluidic assay device she developed while undertaking a PhD at OIST. An Indian national, she came to Okinawa to study genetics but found a new love in microfluidics.

SUMMARY OF THE STRATEGIC PLAN, 2020–2030 13 STRUCTURE 1 6 9 10 14 15 16

DARING TO DISCOVER DIFFERENTLY As an international university in Japan, OIST has taken a non-traditional approach. From administration structure to laboratory design, OIST is breaking new ground.

ew technologies and great move between disciplines, developing and recruiting and supporting OIST advances in our understanding their learning by following their inter- faculty members and researchers. OIST N of nature often come from the ests, and gaining understanding and Professor Tadashi Yamamoto (also head fusion of knowledge from very differ- insight into other ways of working. of the Cell Signal Unit) serves as Dean of ent disciplines. This can come from, To facilitate development within a Research, with a focus on research strate- for example, applying techniques and discipline, researchers tag themselves gy and external research collaborations. methodologies that are well-established with their interests, allowing commu- All OIST graduate students are support- in one field to a completely different set nications to be targeted and enabling ed by the Graduate School, headed by of problems in another field, or com- potential faculty, students, researchers OIST Professor Ulf Skoglund (also head bining disciplines to create new fields and entrepreneurs to find the relevant of the Structural Cellular Biology Unit). of research, such as psychophysiology, thought-leaders on an issue. Virtual net- As we grow, more of the adminis- molecular biology, quantum comput- works (themes) of common interests can trative load will be handled at building ing, biophysics and biochemistry. As a be quickly formed and dissolved. The level, supervised by a senior academic, result, many traditional universities are compact interconnected campus enables while the intellectual leadership will encouraging cross-disciplinary research researchers to meet easily and extend come from the themes. by lowering inter-departmental barriers. their knowledge of other disciplines. OIST has outstanding, state-of-the- Since OIST has never had departments, art, research equipment and facilities, there is nothing to lower — initiating including an engineering support collaboration across disciplines is in the building, cleanrooms, imaging, genome hands of the researchers themselves. sequencing, marine station and envi- ronmental monitoring network. These A DIFFERENT APPROACH common resources are managed by ded- As a very young institution, OIST has icated researchers and technicians who the freedom to rethink the structure of a participate in many projects. Research university, for example to encourage and from theoretical physics to ecology is support cross-disciplinary research. underpinned by our scientific comput- Already, OIST is showing an impres- ing and data analysis section, who work sive measure of internal collaboration "I think this university is a kind with researchers and IT to deliver high of experiment for the Japanese (facing page), which we ascribe to our government. It’s completely different performance computing (HPC) and structure. In this, we aim to be a model from the national university model. storage infrastructures attuned to their for how universities can re-organize to WE HAVE TO COMPLETE research needs. Students and researchers create a more collaborative environment THE EXPERIMENT." are trained in these latest technologies, leading to scientific breakthroughs. Masayuki Shibata, Vice which is a great career launch. Our pioneering structure dispenses President for Financial A university is a community not Management with traditional academic departments. only of scholars but also those who Instead, we organize our administration support them. As such, OIST values by physical location. Each lab building This structure is repeated at the level and develops our administrative staff, houses faculty members in the life and of the floor, the building and the whole 20% of whom are Okinawans. These physical sciences, and their research university to create a ‘fractal OIST’ staff play the crucial role of enabling units, together under one roof. Adminis- model (see lab structure, facing page). OIST research to proceed, and can take trative staff sit centrally in the building OIST academic leaders include pride in the part they play in building a and share resources and workloads. Provost Mary Collins, an immunologist world-leading research institute. Laboratories form around a research and virologist from the UK, and Dean of While centralized administration has problem. Often these are cross-disci- Faculty Affairs Milind Purohit, a particle many advantages, we are also working to plinary and bench space will be shared physicist from the USA. They work to identify where decentralized work is of among scientists from different areas support the interdisciplinary environ- working together. Students are free to ment by running core support facilities CONTINUED ON PAGE 16 Sciences Digital ©

14 OKINAWA INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY Other physical Environmental Sciences science and Atomic, molecular, management Interdisciplinary nuclear, particle engineering and plasma physics Ecology

Bio­ chemistry and cell BIRDS OF DIFFERENT FEATHERS biology Associate Professor Yoko have any common ground. periods between chirps had Yazaki-Sugiyama was But in talking, we figured devoted neurons. Genetics fortunate to work next what kind of help we could Yazaki-Sugiyama says door to physicists at OIST. give each other,” she says. that while such a fruitful A neurobiologist, she The result was a collaboration was easy and colleague Makoto collaboration and a paper in to instigate at OIST, even Araki were working on the famous journal Science smaller questions in the understanding the neural in 2016. Together, they daily life of scientists benefit mapping of birdsong. In discovered that parts of a from the multidisciplinary casual conversation, an OIST zebra finch’s song appear environment. Clinical colleague suggested she to be hardwired. Even when “Even just a tiny thing. sciences involve physicist Mahesh raised surrounded by other What kind of subjects do we Bandi as his expertise in birds’ song, the zebra finches need to use? What kind of complex natural phenomena couldn’t help but sing to the materials do we need? We might lend some insight into rhythm of their species. The can just knock on the door of her birdsong enquiries. team then worked to identify the next room which is totally “At first I was hesitant to the brain regions responsible, in a different field. It makes it talk to him because we don’t discovering that the silent really easy.”

Materials LAB STRUCTURE INTERNAL COLLABORATIVE NETWORK engineering Each laboratory building hosts This diagram represents the internal several labs working on particular collaborating patterns. Each node represents Physical questions. The staff of these labs the clustering of collaborating publications chemistry can come from many different based on the field of research, with the size (including scientific disciplines. Resources, indicating the number of publications, and structural) such as supplies, instruments and the shorter distance between nodes showing computing are pooled for efficiency. higher frequency of collaborations.

The current composition of disciplines is roughly LAB even between the life sciences and the LAB LAB physical sciences. This OIST may shift over time as research strengths 32% 51% emerge. 6% 7% LAB LAB 4%

Physics Central Theory administration Math Chemistry Psychology Life sciences OIST aims to repeat the pattern of central Artificial administration and intelligence interdisciplinary and signal research at the processing level of the lab, Administrators the building, and work in the center the university Neuro­

© Digital Sciences Digital © of each lab building as a whole. sciences


the greatest benefit. Our policy is to em- and our approach is to treat staff and power those most capable and informed students like family. Because more than to make appropriate decisions locally. half of our scientists and students and many of our administrators are interna- AN INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY tional, we have put in place the support SITUATED IN JAPAN structures required to facilitate a smooth Although located in Japan, OIST was transition to life in OIST, Okinawa and never envisioned as a typical Japanese Japan. Our University Community Ser- “Our mission is stated. But OUR CULTURE IS MADE university. Instead, the founders always vices Division and the HR Relocation OF OUR PEOPLE.” perceived OIST as an international Team provide help with visas, housing, Tomo Nagase, university. Our university policies are daily welfare, financial support, external Vice President of therefore in line with global expectations. scholarships or fellowships, travel, and Human Resources We value diversity. Our researchers physical and mental health. and students come from every region Many who come to OIST have young of the world. Therefore, a culture that families, so OIST has an on-site child celebrates difference, and embraces development center and an after-school tolerance and acceptance, is essential program where children are cared for to the success of OIST. Our approach and learn in English and Japanese, just a was recognized in 2018 by the Optical short walk from their parents. Demand Society’s inaugural Institute Award for for the center has grown almost four- Diversity and Inclusion Advocacy. fold in just six years. OIST also offers This diversity naturally gives rise to a up to six months paid maternity leave commitment to freedom of expression. and will hold a staff position open for up Whether in university administration, re- to three years. search, ideas, political views, or personal English is the language of science expression, OIST believes all staff should and the common language of OIST. "OIST has a policy of SUPPORTING FEMALE SCIENTISTS because be free to express themselves and their Therefore, we provide a range of English- if 80% of scientists are men, then culture. OIST celebrates religious, na- language courses for scientists, support we’re doing everyone a disservice tional and cultural holidays from around and administrative staff and their because there are all those women the world, as well as Japanese festivals, families. For those who wish to integrate with something to contribute who such as Golden Week and Obon. We have more closely into the local culture, we are not getting a chance." clubs for all manner of sports, cooking, also provide Japanese language lessons. Gail Tripp, Vice President for University Community crafts, and of course academic interests. The OIST experience includes access Services (and head of We recognize that researchers need to a medical clinic and the Ganjuu well- Human Developmental more than state-of-the-art facilities to do being service, which provides counseling Neurobiology Unit) great research: researchers have needs for staff, students and families. Along with freedom of expres- sion, OIST is committed to academic freedom. Under our current funding WOMEN BYBY JOBJOB FAMILY TYPE (%) (%) arrangements, our researchers are LoremWorking ipsum towards dolor overall sit amet, gender consectetuer parity, OIST adipiscing is making elit, gradualsed diam progress nonum- myacross nibh all euismod our different tincidunt job ut families, laoreet butdolore there magna is much aliquam work erat yet volutpat. to do. Ut free to explore ideas of importance to understanding the fundamental nature Executives Managers Researchers and technicians Faculty of things. Because our researchers are not tied to specific projects or outcomes, they are free to follow an ethical path to 40 results that seem most worthwhile. Data from early experiments can guide subse- quent ones, or new developments in the 30 field can open an unexplored pathway. The high-trust funding model that has been used to support OIST has allowed our researchers the freedom to follow 20 their own judgement, leading directly to the world-class results we have so far achieved. It has also been key to enabling us to recruit the best talent. This is essen- 10 tial if we are to realize our ambition to be 2014 2017 a globally recognized research university.


To ensure globally competitive work proach, we cannot predict epochal break- is produced, we rely upon the judgement throughs, groundbreaking innovation, or of internationally respected external even when we will become accepted as a experts to review the quality of our world-leading university. This long time- research. Faculty are assessed every five frame is challenging, because it requires years. Those with tenure are assessed by continuation of the outstanding political a five-person External Review Com- support from the Japanese Government mittee, and those without are rigorously we have received so far. “Support staff are, together with the evaluated for tenure based on external The initial investment in OIST will be faculty and researchers, enabling input. As well as receiving advice from wasted if it is not continued in line with OIST to achieve its goals. When our Board of Governors and Board of OIST’s plans for growth. The projected we see what we have enabled, we Councilors (p19), we convene external expenditures chart (below right) shows feel a certain satisfaction. A joy. We panels of world-renowned scientists to the level of commitment required by are not simply serving; WE ARE A PART OF THE PROCESS.” review plans and make recommenda- the Japanese government to continue Keisuke Yoshio, tions for the recruitment profile of facul- OIST’s development into a world-lead- Chief Operating Officer ty over the succeeding five years. ing university. Administrative expen- Beyond recruitment, we also concen- diture increases only modestly as those trate on career development. The C-Hub structures are largely in place today; learning portal has been designed to pro- the main growth is in the recruitment mote professional development at all lev- and retention of outstanding faculty, els of employment, with individualized researchers and students. development plans, professional develop- As a very young university, we do ment courses and industry networking. not yet enjoy significant donations from alumni, retired faculty and GROWTH philanthropists. We anticipate that these After only eight years, OIST is still in a donations will grow as OIST’s global phase of rapid growth. A faculty unit is reputation grows. The creation of the “OIST PhD students have a rare level the group of researchers clustered around not-for-profit OIST Foundation in the of access to high-performance a faculty member. In September 2019 we US is designed to promote philanthropic computing (HPC) resources. A had 75 faculty units and we aim to reach donations, particularly from Okinawan strong HPC background MAKES 300 faculty units by the mid-2040s, a and Japanese emigrants. Similarly, YOU VERY VALUABLE.” compounded annual growth rate of 8%. industry support and partnerships are Tim Dyce, Vice President of The target of 300 is not arbitrary. Our beginning and will develop over time. Information Technology research shows that 20 to 30 principal Until those revenue streams mature, OIST investigators in a single discipline is remains highly reliant on the confidence required to reach a critical mass of of the Japanese government. ■ intellectual stimulation and knowledge depth. Beyond this, the number of high-quality scientific publications they PROJECTED EXPENDITURES, EXPENDITURES, 2020-2030 2020-2030 produce takes a step-like jump. LoremThe increase ipsum dolorin expenditure sit amet, consectetuer will come principally adipiscing from elit, the sed aggressive diam nonum - Similarly, OIST was formed with the myrecruitment nibh euismod of researchers tincidunt ut and laoreet their dolore support magna staff. aliquam erat volutpat. Ut intent of being a truly multi-disciplinary research institute. The range of scientific Research Research support Education Research infrastructure areas we study must be broad enough to Administration Tech and innovation Community services Other foster true cross-disciplinarity and offer sufficient research options and opportu- nities to be attractive to the most prom- ising graduate students and to scientists 40,000 who are, or have the potential to become, world leaders in their field. We will need 30,000 at least a dozen fields of study to yield the breadth required to provide a vibrant 20,000 research community within OIST that will attract current and future leaders. 10,000 Even with this planned rapid growth, it Amount (in millions of yen) will take many years before the fruits of 0 the OIST endeavor will be fully realized. While we believe passionately in our ap- 2020 2025 2030


AN INTERNATIONAL APPROACH Our commitment to developing into a world-class research university manifests in our international approach. Through international recruitment of leadership, staff, researchers and students we have established ties to 66 nations. These people bring with them academic connections and a fresh perspective on research problems. International collaborations on research problems foster and strengthen our global connections, ensuring we are always in touch with the world's best science.


COLLABORATION WITH OIST More than 95 research institutes, many of them high profile, have worked with OIST on joint scientific publications. The Tohoku above map shows the 60+ countries and regions in which University collaborating institutions are based. To the left we highlight the Japanese research institutes with whom we have RIKEN most collaborated. Waseda University Joint publications from around the world Kyoto University 1–9 10–29 30–99 University of Tsukuba 100–249 250–999 1,000+

University Top collaborating institutions in Japan of Tokyo Hiroshima Osaka University University Fewer than 100 papers 100–199 200+ Tokyo Nagoya Institute of OIST University Technology University of the Ryukyus


PLAYING QUANTUM LEGO GLOBAL Physicists from around the world have gathered GOVERNANCE at OIST to probe the mysteries of quantum physics The Board of by studying artificial systems of ultracold atoms. Governors oversees the business of the OIST corporation. kinawa is renowned for its researchers connected to the world by The larger Board of balmy weather, but OIST hosting such events. Councilors has a wide theoretical physicist Professor Busch acknowledges that quantum membership from O Okinawan, academic Thomas Busch is interested in mechanics is counterintuitive. and business what happens much further down “Quantum mechanics is weird. For organizations, the temperature scale. He studies example, we’re really interested alumni and OIST how atoms behave at extremely low in making systems that are in two employees. Both temperatures, just a few billionths of positions at the same time using boards' make-up is one degree above absolute zero (–273.15 strongly correlated, one-dimensional deliberately diverse and distinguished. degrees Celsius). systems. That’s one of our big Atomic nuclei, atoms and molcules projects.” are all examples of quantum systems in Artificial quantum systems may hold A GLOBAL GROUP nature. However, Busch, who heads the key to solving one of the biggest the Quantum Systems Unit at challenges in modern physics — OIST, spends his days designing understanding the strong correlations 36 Japan artificial quantum systems in the that lead to effects such as non- 9 USA hope of discovering new physics. locality or teleportation. While these 4 “We’re essentially engineers, but for are reasonably well understood for 2 fundamental physics,” he explains. systems consisting of two particles, it 6 Other “We try to figure out how to build new is not really known what will happen quantum systems to observe interesting when the number of particles is effects. It’s like quantum Lego.” increased. Progress on this problem As a theorist, Busch designs those will ultimately lead to interesting new A DIVERSITY OF EXPERTISE systems on a computer, and then technologies such as high-precision collaborates with experimentalists at measurement devices or systems for OIST and around the world to create information storage. 26 Physical them in real life. Since 2013, OIST has “We know that quantum mechanics is sciences hosted four workshops on the topic of not the ultimate theory of the universe 13 Medicine coherent control of complex quantum since, for example, it doesn’t include and life sciences systems that brought together some gravity,” Busch says. “However, it is of the leading researchers in the field working very well and we have not from around the world. Conferences, yet found any examples where it fails. Other 7 workshops, and collaborations are Maybe a hint of what is waiting beyond commonplace for researchers, but quantum mechanics is hiding in systems OIST works especially hard to keep its of three, four or five particles.”■ DECORATED GOVERNORS

Nobel 4 laureates Orders of the Rising Sun* Professor Thomas Busch, 5 originally from Germany, is *Grand cordons: 3 Gold and Silver Stars: 2 behind several world-class workshops and conferences on artificial quantum systems held at OIST. His work may help to explain matter's fundamental nature.


OIST'S CONTRIBUTION TO SUNSHINE FOR THE THE OKINAWAN ECONOMY Economic stimulus will flow to Okinawa from the FUTURE activities of OIST researchers and their families. Pervoskites are generating a buzz in sustainability. A promising new kinawa’s economy will benefit Center commissions an external expert material for the greatly from the success of assessment. If positive, patents are next generation of O OIST. Onna-son derives its obtained and then proof of concept high efficiency, low income largely from tourism and OIST (POC) funding is available to develop cost solar cells and represents an opportunity to diversify the idea to the point that an investor optoelectronics devices including its economy and set it apart from other could license the patent or form a start- LEDs and lasers, coastal towns. Jobs at a university, up company. they are the whether in service, administration, “POC work is fundamentally subject of study for technical support or as a researcher, different from basic science where Professor Yabing tend to be high-skilled, well-paid and you’re trying to publish discoveries Qi and the Energy stable. We expect OIST will directly of original science. It’s still research, Materials and Surface Sciences employ 1,000 Okinawans by 2040 but it’s focused on fine tuning the Unit. Qi's team making OIST one of the larger local implementation and confirming uses cutting-edge employers. marketability, as opposed to just making tools to examine Apart from direct employment basic discoveries,” says Baughman. the complexities at OIST and spin-off companies, We expect the number of start-ups of the perovskite having the institute as an economic to grow in proportion to the size of the material and draw conclusions about focal point will be a stimulus for Onna- faculty, eventually reaching several per their effect on solar son and Okinawa more generally. year. cell performance. The need for food, clothing, services With support from the Okinawa In recent years and entertainment for OIST staff and Prefectural Government and private experimental families will drive prosperity in the donations, OIST also runs a start-up perovskite solar village in a long-term, sustainable program for entrepreneurs from around cells have overtaken fashion. the world who can benefit from the conventional silicon solar cells outstanding resources and research in achieving AN INNOVATION HUB expertise at OIST. Candidates from sunlight-to- With a facility of the intellectual anywhere in the world can apply to energy conversion. capacity of OIST, intellectual develop their projects in the OIST I2 Commerical appeal property is an inevitable result. incubation center. will be boosted by Many research institutes struggle to “It’s been found that bringing in creating materials that will last a long transfer technology from the lab to the some outside spice makes a kind of time under real- commercial world. We have adopted entrepreneurial community that’s far world conditions. practices from universities with success more dynamic than it would be with Qi's group is trying in technology transfer to drive this just your own homegrown spice,” says to determine the process for researchers, aiming to make Baughman. optimal properties OIST an innovation hub for Onna- Venture capital is not as much a part for longevity and performance. son, Okinawa and Japan. We have of Japanese culture as in other parts established a Technology Development of the world, so we are exploring a and Innovation Center. university-led venture capital fund, with Dr. Robert Baughman, Executive Vice the aim of achieving self-sustaining President for Technology Development investment income. and Innovation at OIST, says “the key In time, we expect an ecosystem of challenge is to identify and develop start-ups and technology companies to inventions without perturbing basic bring vibrancy and information-sharing research.” to the region. Such an environment will When OIST researchers make attract multi-national tech companies to discoveries that they believe could share the growing workspace and skilled

have commercial application, the community of OIST and Onna-son. ■ © Natthakan Jommanee / EyeEm / Getty Images


BY THE NUMBERS OIST'S ECONOMIC IMPACT ON OKINAWA AND JAPAN OIST's Technology Development and A March 2019 study showed that, for every 100 yen invested in OIST, Innovation Center has worked with faculty, 163 yen will be returned to the Okinawan economy, on average, and researchers and students to manage a 228 yen returned to the Japanese economy through innovation and portfolio of activities. economic stimulus.

120 Input (OIST) new invention OIST’s added value (Okinawa) disclosures annually 100 20 OIST’s added value (Japan) 80

indu­stry-sponsored 60 research partnerships annually 25 40

Amount (in billions of yen) 20

proof-of-concept­ 0 projects funded annually 5-7 2017 2022 2030 EMPLOYING OKINAWANS OIST will grow into one of the larger employers on Okinawa. workshops and events 15 Okinawans directly employed Okinawans employed in by OIST in high-skilled positions related activities at all skill levels

startups created 350 650 500 1,000 5 through OIST in 2022 in 2033 in 2022 in 2033

PATENTS AWARDED Environment 13% 10% Imaging Efforts to translate discovery has resulted in an 86% success rate. 135 45% Health 16% Energy 10% AI Other 7%

starch; one characterized a lower glycemic index and as 'OIST Rice'. Saze is RICE FOR by linear molecules, and lower blood sugar. hopeful that this new strain the other by branched In mice, it has been will help stem increases in OBESITY AND molecules. Consumption shown that the Kyushu rice both obesity and type 2 of japonica white rice, led to reduced body mass diabetes observed in recent DIABETES which typically consists after two weeks compared years. In Asia the market, of 20% linear and 80% to those fed on a standard and medical impact could A strain of rice developed branched starch, leads to diet. By repeatedly crossing be huge. Saze's team, at OIST by the head of quick release of sugar from local Okinawan rice with who won an award for their the Plant Epigenetics the starch. To reduce this the Kyushu rice, Saze and work, is now investigating Unit, Associate Professor sudden release of sugar, his team made a variety of how OIST Rice affects the Hidetoshi Saze, could make Saze and colleagues looked rice with digestion-resistant gut microbiota. a major contribution to diet to a strain of rice that was starch combined with the control in diabetes and developed in Kyushu more traits needed for production obesity, which are serious than 30 years ago, which in tropical or sub-tropical health problems in Okinawa contains predominantly climates such as Okinawa. and around the world. branched, digestion- The new strain has been Rice contains two types of resistant starch, leading to examined for registration © Natthakan Jommanee / EyeEm / Getty Images

SUMMARY OF THE STRATEGIC PLAN, 2020–2030 21 CULTURE 1 2 3 4 7 8 10 13

A CULTURE OF EXCELLENCE More than a university, OIST will enrich the Ryukyu cultural landscape.

ialogue has more dimensions than language. When OIST chose its D site on the hill above Onna-son, we made a commitment to engage in a dialogue with our surroundings. Through this dialogue, we aim to better under- stand the culture of our homeland, and contribute to its upkeep and growth. We are contributing to the understand- ing of Okinawa through our research ac- tivities such as the OKEON project (p6) and the genome project (facing page), among many others, but our work in this area extends beyond research. OIST has undertaken a suite of ac- tivities and outreach programs to the Okinawan community. Key parts of the campus, including our café, are open to the public year-round, so our neighbours On OIST's annual open day, local families experience hands-on science in our laboratories. may enjoy the unparalleled views and the architecture of these magnificent build- campus to spark conversation and inter- national curriculum would service the ings. We host an annual science festival at est in the future and technology. In this needs of OIST staff, local families and the campus, in which Okinawan families way, we hope to both stimulate interest in families from wider Asia seeking high engage in hands-on science learning in the sciences and demonstrate the oppor- quality educational opportunities for our labs. The most recent open day at- tunities therein for Okinawans. their children that deliver a multi-disci- tracted 5,000 participants, demonstrating As OIST grows, local, high-skilled, plinary approach to science, technology, an intellectual curiosity in our communi- high-remuneration jobs will be created, engineering, mathematics, arts and ty that we are keen to meet. further stimulating Onna-son and Okina- humanities. We will strengthen our ties Our outreach programs include activi- wa’s economy. We are committed to mak- to the local education and research insti- ties for boys and girls from kindergarten ing the future together with Okinawans. tutions like the University Consortium to high-schoolers and an intern program Our hopes for future include a nearby Okinawa supporting the education and for undergraduates. We host talks, work- school with an International Baccalau- creation of new knowledge industries in shops and ‘nerd nights’ both on and off reate Diploma Program. Such an inter- 21st Century Okinawa. ■

OIST AND OKINAWAN CULTURAL ARTEFACTS Okinawa was once the cen- century insight into these when the traditional method ter of the Ryukyu Kingdom, ancient crafts. Instruments at of textile preparation was which was in power for more OIST, including X-ray diffrac- used; the pigments coloring than 400 years from the tometers, mass spectrometers, ancient lacquerware early 1400s. Powerful, sea- scanning electron microscopes were identified, informing faring traders, the Ryukyu and Fourier transform infrared restoration techniques; and the people had their own unique spectrometers have been used composition of traditional clays culture and identity, from to characterize Ryukyu artifacts. for ceramics was pinpointed. which ceramics, textiles and Bashofu, a fabric made These are just a few examples art survive. OIST research- from banana plants, was of our ongoing analyses of ers have contributed to a 21st shown to be more cooling Okinawan cultural heritage. © jaimax / Getty Images © Natthakan Jommanee / EyeEm / Getty Images

22 OKINAWA INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY DECODING OKINAWAN SPECIALITIES Okinawan cuisine is famous beyond the archipelago, and now OIST researchers are finding out what makes it so special.

ne of the must-try dishes in brown alga is served pickled and makes working to under- Professor Noriyuki Okinawan cuisine is sea-grapes, a slippery snack whose tartness com- stand better the Satoh is a world O or umi-budo, as they are known plements the sweetness of local beer. local marine flora leader in evolutionary locally. This seaweed grows in the form Mozuku is hardier than umi-budo, but and fauna and the biology. He has decoded the genome of a soft, green sprig, adorned with still subject to the vagaries of seawater conditions under for several Okinawan millimeter-sized salty bubbles that pop temperature. which they thrive. foods, opening the in your mouth as you crunch. It’s like a “The local fisherman and the Okina- But aside from door to their wider vegetarian version of caviar and, served wa prefectural institution for fisheries the cultural and consumption. fresh with a light soy and vinegar dip- are always discussing how the mozuku economic benefits ping sauce, is very popular. will go this year. So, we would really of the collaboration, Satoh says it may Professor Noriyuki Satoh’s Marine like to find a strain that is strong against also contribute to global understanding Genomics Unit is the first to sequence all conditions,” says Satoh. of the origin of green plants. the genome of umi-budo. Satoh says he His team has sequenced four distinct “In umi-budo we found some genes was interested in the genetics of this strains of mozuku and found they are involved in morphogenesis which are unusual alga, but more practically, he very different both in appearance and normally in green plants. The grape wanted to find a way to share this Oki- genetics. The diversity may be a benefit, region is like a leaf of a land plant and nawan delight with a wider audience. Satoh says, as the range of genes may pro- using similar molecular mechanisms “Extending the market for umi-budo vide options to confer greater robustness. they form the sea-grapes. So perhaps has two problems. One is culturing con- The work with local fisheries has been there is an ancestor there. We are very ditions; the other is shelf-life.” Sequenc- of mutual benefit. Fishermen share interested and we want to ing the genome may identify methods their knowledge and catch answer these for overcoming both these obstacles. with the OIST scientists, questions.” ■ Potentially, genes for a more robust who in turn are strain could be selected for breeding experiments. Satoh has also previously sequenced the genome for another Okinawan

© jaimax / Getty Images © Natthakan Jommanee / EyeEm / Getty Images speciality, the mozuku seaweed. This


promote interaction and cooperation among different research teams. We will STRATEGIC GOALS ensure that our administrative, research support and education centers evolve The full strategic plan is structured around the with our growth. attainment of these 16 goals. To promote responsible 12 stewardship of the environment,

To become a world-leading To promote the intellectual life we will reduce CO2 emissions using 1 university, we will create a critical 7 of Okinawa, we will deepen the latest sustainable methods for our mass of researchers conducting cutting- our relationships with all generations environmentally friendly buildings. edge cross-disciplinary research by using of the Okinawan community through Furthermore, as part of our development our state-of-the-art facilities and by cultural, educational, sports, and career of facilities we will conduct thorough continuing to develop as a local, national, development activities and ensure environmental assessments, protect regional and international research hub. Okinawan students are provided new local plants and animals and encourage opportunities to achieve their potential in environmentally sound work practices. To deliver exceptional graduate global society. 2 training, we will provide a world- To advance the OIST brand and class PhD program in science and To strengthen the benefits of 13 our international reputation in comprehensive support to a diverse 8 Japan’s investment in OIST, research, education and innovation, group of students with promising talent. we will establish an Innovation Hub we will broaden the communication and create an entrepreneurial culture, of our achievements locally, nationally To encourage and develop new strengthen our ties with Japanese and globally. We will strengthen our 3 ideas and innovation, we will universities and businesses to be an communications with our former create an environment that recognizes integral part of the Japanese research, students and colleagues through an the value of risk-taking in the pursuit higher-education and innovation systems, alumni-relations team and develop an of knowledge and ensures that and extend our strategic partnerships integrated, high-impact communication resources are available to translate with other universities, research strategy to support fundraising. discovery into impact. institutes, industry and government, locally and globally. To strengthen our internal To contribute to the societal and 14 communications, we will 4 economic well-being of Okinawa To achieve our ambitions develop an open culture that embraces and to seed a local innovation ecosystem, 9 to become a world-leading and values diversity, promotes harmony we will develop synergistic relationships international research university, we and well-being and allows everyone with the wider Okinawan community aim to attract the best talents across the to express concerns or opinions freely. and create an environment that nurtures University to create an environment in entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial which diversity is valued and people are To build on our outstanding thinking and build partnerships with encouraged to achieve their full potential 15 research and education national and international universities, through opportunities for personal and achievements and to plan efficiently for industry, and the Japanese Government. professional growth. growth over the next decade, we will work with the Cabinet Office to evolve To ensure that OIST operates To enrich our staff, students’ and our current high-trust funding model into 5 with high international standards 10 family members’ experience, we long-term stable funding and reasonable of governance, we will continue to will build an inclusive and welcoming multi-year projections for both the refine internal and external governance University community with quality baseline and investment budgets, to processes as we grow, and to recruit on- and off-campus housing, sporting, enable our scientists to pursue ambitious outstanding individuals to membership recreation and community activities, and and challenging frontier research across on our Board of Governors and Board of further develop appropriate child care disciplinary boundaries. Councilors to reflect diversity, equity and and educational facilities. inclusiveness and, through periodic self- To complement the baseline analysis, high levels of effectiveness. To support our world-leading 16 funding, we are committed to 11 research programs, facilitate generating additional resources through To create an efficient research across disciplinary boundaries external grants, sponsorships and 6 administration for a growing and enable all members of our philanthropy by providing attractive university, we will ensure effective community to meet and communicate opportunities for collaboration in areas structure, processes and tools, and skilled easily with each other, we will design of mutual interest, without compromising and highly motivated, customer-oriented an interconnected campus with modern, our autonomy, scientific freedom or and accountable professionals. attractive, state-of-the-art buildings that ethical principles. ■


Summary of the OIST Strategic Plan, 2020–2030 January 2020


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Address Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University 1919-1 Tancha, Onna-son, Kunigami-gun Okinawa, Japan 904-0495