
Appendix 417 A. The Electromagnetic Radiation Field

In this appendix, we will briefly review the impor- The mean specific intensity Jν is defined as the tant properties of a radiation field. We thereby assume average of Iν over all angles, that the reader has encountered these quantities already 1 in a different context. Jν = dω Iν , (A.3) 4π A.1 Parameters of the Radiation Field so that, for an isotropic radiation field, Iν = Jν. The specific energy density uν is related to Jν according to The electromagnetic radiation field is described by the 4π specific intensity Iν, which is defined as follows. Con- uν = Jν (A.4) sider a surface element of area d A. The radiation energy c which passes through this area per time interval dt from where uν is the energy of the radiation field per vol- within a solid angle element dω around a direction de- ume element and frequency interval, thus measured in −3 −1 scribed by the unit vector n, with frequency in the range erg cm Hz . The total energy density of the radia- between ν and ν + dν,is tion is obtained by integrating uν over frequency. In the same way, the intensity of the radiation is obtained by dE = Iν d A cos θ dt dω dν, (A.1) integrating the specific intensity Iν over ν. where θ describes the angle between the direction n of the light and the normal vector of the surface element. Then, d A cos θ is the area projected in the direction of A.2 Radiative Transfer the infalling light. The specific intensity depends on the considered position (and, in time-dependent radiation The specific intensity of radiation in the direction of fields, on time), the direction n, and the frequency ν. propagation between source and observer is constant, With the definition (A.1), the dimension of Iν is energy as long as no emission or absorption processes are oc- per unit area, time, solid angle, and frequency, and it is curring. If s measures the length along a line-of-sight, typically measured in units of erg cm−2 s−1 ster−1 Hz−1. the above statement can be formulated as The specific intensity of a cosmic source describes its dIν = 0 . (A.5) surface brightness. ds The specific net flux Fν passing through an area el- ement is obtained by integrating the specific intensity An immediate consequence of this equation is that the over all solid angles, surface brightness of a source is independent of its distance. The observed flux of a source depends on Fν = dω Iν cos θ. (A.2) its distance, because the solid angle, under which the source is observed, decreases with the square of the −2 The flux that we receive from a cosmic source is defined distance, Fν ∝ D (see Eq. A.2). However, for light in exactly the same way, except that cosmic sources propagating through a medium, emission and absorp- usually subtend a very small solid angle on the sky. tion (or scattering of light) occurring along the path In calculating the flux we receive from them, we may over which the light travels may change the specific in- θ therefore drop the factor cos in (A.2); in this con- tensity. These effects are described by the equation of text, the specific flux is also denoted as Sν.However, radiative transfer in this Appendix (and only here!), the notation Sν will dIν be reserved for another quantity. The flux is measured =−κν Iν + jν . (A.6) in units of erg cm−2 s−1 Hz−1. If the radiation field is ds isotropic, Fν vanishes. In this case, the same amount The first term describes the absorption of radiation of radiation passes through the surface element in both and states that the radiation absorbed within a length directions. interval ds is proportional to the incident radiation.

Peter Schneider, The Electromagnetic Radiation Field. In: Peter Schneider, Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology. pp. 417–423 (2006) DOI: 10.1007/11614371_A © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006 A. The Electromagnetic Radiation Field

418  The factor of proportionality is the absorption coef- field by emission, accounted for by the τ -. Only −1  ficient κν, which has the unit of cm . The emission a fraction exp τν − τν of this additional energy emitted  coefficient jν describes the energy that is added to the at τ reaches the point τ, the rest is absorbed. radiation field by emission processes, having a unit In the context of (A.10), we call this a formal solution of erg cm−3 s−1 Hz−1 ster−1; hence, it is the radiation for the equation of radiative transport. The reason for energy emitted per volume element, time interval, fre- this is based on the fact that both the absorption and quency interval, and solid angle. Both, κν and jν depend the emission coefficient depend on the physical state of on the nature and state (such as temperature, chemi- the matter through which radiation propagates, and in cal composition) of the medium through which light many situations this state depends on the radiation field propagates. itself. For instance, κν and jν depend on the temperature The absorption and emission coefficients both ac- of the matter, which in turn depends, by heating and count for true absorption and emission processes, as cooling processes, on the radiation field to which it is well as the scattering of radiation. Indeed, the scatter- exposed. Hence, one needs to solve a coupled system ing of a photon can be considered as an absorption that of equations in general: on the one hand the equation of is immediately followed by an emission of a photon. radiative transport, and on the other hand the equation The optical depth τν along a line-of-sight is defined of state for matter. In many situations, very complex as the integral over the absorption coefficient, problems arise from this, but we will not consider them s further in the context of this book.   τν(s) = ds κν(s ), (A.7) s0 A.3 Blackbody Radiation where s0 denotes a reference point on the sightline from which the optical depth is measured. Dividing (A.6) For matter in thermal equilibrium, the source func- by κν and using the relation dτν = κν ds in order to tion Sν is solely a function of the matter temperature, introduce the optical depth as a new variable along the Sν = Bν(T ), or jν = Bν(T )κν , (A.11) light ray, the equation of radiative transfer can be written as independent of the composition of the medium (Kirch- dIν hoff’s law). We will now consider radiation propagating =−Iν + Sν , (A.8) through matter in thermal equilibrium at constant tem- dτν perature T. Since in this case Sν = Bν(T ) is constant, where the source function the solution (A.10) can be written in the form jν Sν = (A.9) Iν(τν) = Iν(0) exp (−τν) κν τν is defined as the ratio of the emission and absorption   + Bν(T ) dτν exp τν − τν coefficients. In this form, the equation of radiative trans- port can be formally solved; as can easily be tested by 0 = ( ) (−τ ) + ( ) − (−τ ) . substitution, the solution is Iν 0 exp ν Bν T 1 exp ν (τ ) = ( ) (−τ ) Iν ν Iν 0 exp ν (A.12) τν    From this it follows that Iν = Bν(T ) is valid for suffi- + dτν exp τν − τν Sν(τν). (A.10) ciently large optical depth τν. The radiation propagating 0 through matter which is in thermal equilibrium is de- This equation has a simple interpretation. If Iν(0) is the scribed by the function Bν(T ) if the optical depth is incident intensity, it will have decreased by absorption sufficiently large, independent of the composition of to a value Iν(0) exp (−τν) after an optical depth of τν. the matter. A specific case of this situation can be il- On the other hand, energy is added to the radiation lustrated by imagining the radiation field inside a box A.3 Blackbody Radiation

419 whose opaque walls are kept at a constant tempera- ture T. Due to the opaqueness of the walls, their optical depth is infinite, hence the radiation field within the box is given by Iν = Bν(T ). This is also valid if the volume is filled with matter, as long as the latter is in thermal equi- librium at temperature T. For these reasons, this kind of radiation field is also called blackbody radiation. The function Bν(T ) was first obtained in 1900 by Max , and in his honor, it was named the Planck function; it reads ν3 ( ) = 2hP 1 , Bν T ν/ (A.13) c2 ehP kBT − 1 −27 where hP = 6.625 × 10 erg s is the Planck constant −16 −1 and kB = 1.38 × 10 erg K is the Boltzmann con- stant. The shape of the spectrum can be derived from statistical . Blackbody radiation is defined by Iν = Bν(T ),andthermal radiation by Sν = Bν(T ).For large optical depths, thermal radiation converges to blackbody radiation. The Planck function has its maximum at h ν P max ≈ 2.82 , (A.14) kBT i.e., the frequency of the maximum is proportional to the temperature. This property is called Wien’s law. This law can also be written in more convenient units,

10 T νmax = 5.88 × 10 Hz . (A.15) Fig. A.1. The Planck function (A.13) for different tempera- 1K tures T. The plot shows Bν(T ) as a function of frequency ν, The Planck function can also be formulated de- where high frequencies are plotted towards the left (thus large pending on wavelength λ = c/ν, such that Bλ(T ) dλ = wavelengths towards the right). The exponentially decreasing Bν(T ) dν, Wien part of the spectrum is visible on the left, the Rayleigh– Jeans part on the right. The shape of the spectrum in the 2 5 2hPc /λ Rayleigh–Jeans part is independent of the temperature, which Bλ(T ) = . (A.16) is determining the amplitude however exp (hPc/λkBT) − 1 Two limiting cases of the Planck function are of par- ticular interest. For low frequencies, hPν kBT, one exact equation. In the other limiting case of very high can apply the expansion of the exponential function for frequencies, hPν  kBT, the exponential factor in the small arguments in (A.13). The leading-order term in denominator in (A.13) becomes very much larger than this expansion then yields unity, so that we obtain 2ν2 ( ) ≈ RJ( ) = , 2h ν3 Bν T Bν T kBT (A.17) W P −hPν/kBT c2 Bν(T ) ≈ Bν (T ) = e , (A.18) c2 which is called the Rayleigh–Jeans approximation of the Planck function. We point out that the Rayleigh–Jeans called the Wien approximation of the Planck function. equation does not contain the Planck constant, and this The energy density of blackbody radiation depends law had been known even before Planck derived his only on the temperature, of course, and is calculated by A. The Electromagnetic Radiation Field

420 integration over the Planck function, a precise definition. Since no historical astronomical ∞ observations have been conducted in other wavelength π π 4 4 4 ranges, because these are not accessible to the unaided u = dν Bν(T ) = B(T ) = aT , (A.19) c c eye, only optical astronomy has to bear the historical 0 burden of the magnitude system. where we defined the frequency-integrated Planck function ∞ A.4.1 ac 4 B(T ) = dν Bν(T ) = T , (A.20) 4π We start with a relative system of flux measurements 0 by considering two sources with fluxes S1 and . The and where the constant a has the value apparent magnitudes of the two sources, m1 and m2, then behave according to π5 4 8 kB −15 −3 −4 a = = 7.56 × 10 erg cm K . (A.21) S S 3 3 1 1 −0.4(m1−m2) 15c hP m1 − m2 =−2.5 log ; = 10 . S2 S2 The flux which is emitted by the surface of a blackbody (A.24) per unit area is given by This means that the brighter source has a smaller ap- ∞ ∞ parent magnitude than the fainter one: the larger the = ν = π ν ( ) = π ( ) = σ 4 , F d Fν d Bν T B T SBT apparent magnitude, the fainter the source.1 The fac- 0 0 tor of 2.5 in this definition is chosen so as to yield the (A.22) best agreement of the magnitude system with the visu- |Δ |= where the Stefan–Boltzmann constant σ has a value ally determined magnitudes. A difference of m 1 SB ∼ . of in this system corresponds to a flux ratio of 2 51, and a flux ratio of a factor 10 or 100 corresponds to 2.5or5 ac π5k4 σ = = 2 B magnitudes, respectively. SB 2 3 4 15c hP = 5.67 × 10−5 erg cm−2 K−4 s−1 . (A.23) A.4.2 Filters and Colors Since optical observations are performed using a com- bination of a filter and a detector system, and since the A.4 The Magnitude Scale flux ratios depend, in general, on the choice of the filter (because the spectral energy distribution of the sources Optical astronomy was being conducted well before may be different), apparent magnitudes are defined for methods of quantitative measurements became avail- each of these filters. The most common filters are shown able. The brightness of had been cataloged more in Fig. A.2 and listed in Table A.1, together with their than 2000 years ago, and their observation goes back characteristic wavelengths and the widths of their trans- as far as the ancient world. Stars were classified into mission curves. The apparent magnitude for a filter X is magnitudes, assigning a magnitude of 1 to the brightest defined as m X , frequently written as X. Hence, for the stars and higher magnitudes to the fainter ones. Since B-band filter, m B ≡ B. the apparent magnitude as perceived by the human eye Next, we need to specify how the magnitudes mea- scales roughly logarithmically with the radiation flux sured in different filters are related to each other, in (which is also the case for our hearing), the magni- order to define the color indices of sources. For this tude scale represents a logarithmic flux scale. To link these visually determined magnitudes in historical cat- 1Of course, this convention is confusing, particularly to someone just becoming familiar with astronomy, and it frequently causes confusion alogs to a quantitative measure, the magnitude system and errors, as well as problems in the communication with non- has been retained in optical astronomy, although with astronomers – but we have to get along with that. A.4 The Magnitude Scale

421 Fig. A.2. Transmission curves of various filter-detector systems. From top to bot- tom: the filters of the NICMOS camera and the WFPC2 on-board HST, the Washing- ton filter system, the filters of the EMMI instrument at ESO’s NTT, the filters of the WFI at the ESO/MPG 2.2-m and those of the SOFI instrument at the NTT, and the Johnson–Cousins filters. In the bottom diagram, the spectra of three stars with different effective temperatures are displayed

Table A.1. For some of the best-established filter systems – Johnson, Strömgren, and the filters of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys – the central (more precisely, the effective) wavelengths and the widths of the filters are listed


λeff (nm) 367 436 545 638 797 1220 1630 2190 3450 4750 Δλ (nm) 66 94 85 160 149 213 307 39 472 460

Strömgren uvbyβw βn

λeff (nm) 349 411 467 547 489 489 Δλ (nm) 30 19 18 23 15 3

SDSS u g r i z

λeff (nm) 354 477 623 762 913 Δλ (nm) 57 139 138 152 95 A. The Electromagnetic Radiation Field

422 purpose, a particular class of stars is used, main- notation where S denotes the flux, which was denoted sequence stars of spectral type A0, of which the by F earlier in this appendix) Vega is an archetype. For such a star, by definition, Lν U = B = V = R = I = ..., i.e., every color index for Sν = , (A.27) π 2 such a star is defined to be zero. 4 D For a more precise definition, let TX (ν) be the where we implicitly assumed that the source emits transmission curve of the filter-detector system. TX (ν) isotropically. Having the apparent magnitude as a mea- specifies which fraction of the incoming photons with sure for Sν (at the frequency ν defined by the filter frequency ν are registered by the detector. The apparent which is applied), it is desirable to have a similar mea- magnitude of a source with spectral flux Sν is then sure for Lν, specifying the physical properties of the % source itself. For this purpose, the absolute magnitude dν T (ν) Sν m =− . % X + ., is introduced, denoted as MX , where X refers to the X 2 5 log ν (ν) const (A.25) d TX filter under consideration. By definition, MX is equal to the apparent magnitude of a source if it were to where the constant needs to be determined from be located at a distance of 10 pc from us. The abso- reference stars. lute magnitude of a source is thus independent of its Another commonly used definition of magnitudes distance, in contrast to the apparent magnitude. With is the AB system. In contrast to the Vega mag- (A.27) we find for the relation of apparent to absolute nitudes, no stellar spectral energy distribution is magnitude used as a reference here, but instead one with ref AB a constant flux at all frequencies, Sν = Sν = D −21 −1 −2 −1 m − M = 5 log − 5 ≡ μ, (A.28) 2.89 × 10 erg s cm Hz . This value has been X X 1pc chosen such that A0 stars like Vega have the same mag- μ nitude in the original Johnson V-band as they have in where we have defined the distance modulus in the the AB system, mAB = m . With (A.25), one obtains final step. Hence, the latter is a logarithmic measure of V V μ = = μ = for the conversion between the two systems the distance of a source: 0forD 10 pc, 10 = μ = = % for D 1 kpc, and 25 for D 1 Mpc. The dif- dν T (ν) SAB ference between apparent and absolute magnitude is AB − Vega =− . % X ν m X m X 2 5 log Vega independent of the filter choice, and it equals the dis- dν T (ν) Sν X tance modulus if no is present. In general, this =: . mAB→Vega difference is modified by the filter-dependent extinction (A.26) coefficient – see Sect. 2.2.4. For the filters at the ESO Wide-Field Imager, which are designed to resemble the Johnson set of filters, the .4.4 following prescriptions are then to be applied: UAB = A Bolometric Parameters + . = − . = = UVega 0 80; BAB BVega 0 11; VAB VVega ; RAB The total luminosity L of a source is the integral + . = + . RVega 0 19; IAB IVega 0 59. of the specific luminosity Lν over all frequencies. Accordingly, the total flux S of a source is the frequency- integrated specific flux Sν. The apparent bolometric .4.3 A Absolute Magnitude magnitude mbol is defined as a logarithmic measure of The apparent magnitude of a source does not in itself tell the total flux, us anything about its luminosity, since for the determi- mbol =−2.5 log S + const., (A.29) nation of the latter we also need to know its distance D in addition to the radiative flux. Let Lν be the specific where here the constant is also determined from ref- luminosity of a source, i.e., the energy emitted per unit erence stars. Accordingly, the absolute bolometric time and per unit frequency interval, then the flux is magnitude is defined by means of the distance mod- given by (note that from here on we switch back to the ulus, as in (A.28). The absolute bolometric magnitude A.4 The Magnitude Scale

423 depends on the bolometric luminosity L of a source via flux S) of a source cannot be observed in most cases. For observations of a source from the ground, only a lim- M =−2.5 log L + const. (A.30) bol ited window of frequencies is accessible. Nevertheless, The constant can be fixed, e.g., by using the parame- in these cases one also likes to quantify the total lumi- ters of the Sun: its apparent bolometric magnitude is nosity of a source. For sources for which the spectrum mbol =−26.83, and the distance of one Astronomical is assumed to be known, like for many stars, the flux Unit corresponds to a distance modulus of μ =−31.47. from observations at optical wavelengths can be extrap- With these values, the absolute bolometric magnitude olated to larger and smaller wavelengths, and so mbol of the Sun becomes can be estimated. For or AGNs, which have a much broader spectral distribution and which show = − μ = . , Mbol mbol 4 74 (A.31) much more variation between the different objects, this so that (A.30) can be written as is not feasible. In these cases, the flux of a source in a particular frequency range is compared to the flux L Mbol = 4.74 − 2.5 log , (A.32) the Sun would have at the same distance and in the L same spectral range. If MX is the absolute magnitude of and the luminosity of the Sun is then a source measured in the filter X, the X-band luminosity 33 −1 of this source is defined as L = 3.85 × 10 erg s . (A.33) −0.4(M −M ) L = 10 X X L . (A.34) The direct relation between bolometric magnitude and X X luminosity of a source can hardly be exploited in prac- Thus, when speaking of, say, the “blue luminosity of tice, because the apparent bolometric magnitude (or the a ”, this is to be understood as defined in (A.34). 425 B. Properties of Stars

In this appendix, we will summarize the most important the flux ratio at two different wavelengths or, equiva- properties of stars as they are required for understanding lently, from the color index X − Y ≡ m X − mY in two the contents of this book. Of course, this brief overview filters X and Y, the temperature Tc is determined such cannot replace the study of other textbooks in which the that a blackbody at Tc would have the same color in- physics of stars is covered in much more detail. dex. Tc is called the color temperature of a star. If the spectrum of a star was a Planck spectrum, then the equality Tc = Teff would hold, but in general these two B.1 The Parameters of Stars temperatures differ.

To a good approximation, stars are gas spheres, in the cores of which light atomic nuclei are transformed into B.2 Spectral Class, Luminosity Class, heavier ones (mainly hydrogen into helium) by ther- and the Hertzsprung–Russell monuclear processes, thereby producing energy. The Diagram external appearance of a star is predominantly character- ized by its radius R and its characteristic temperature T. The spectra of stars can be classified according to the The properties of a star depend mainly on its mass M. atomic (and, in cool stars, also molecular) spectral lines In a first approximation, the spectral energy distri- that are present. Based on the line strengths and their bution of the emission from a star can be described ratios, the Harvard sequence of stellar spectra was intro- by a blackbody spectrum. This means that the specific duced. These spectral classes follow a sequence that is intensity Iν is given by a Planck spectrum (A.13) in denoted by the letters O, B, A, F, G, K, M; besides these, this approximation. The luminosity L of a star is the some other spectral classes exist that will not be men- energy radiated per unit time. If the spectrum of star tioned here. The sequence corresponds to a sequence was described by a Planck spectrum, the luminosity of color temperature of stars: O stars are particularly would depend on the temperature and on the radius hot, around 50 000 K, M stars very much cooler with according to Tc ∼ 3500 K. For a finer classification, each spectral 2 4 class is supplemented by a number between 0 and 9. An L = 4πR σSB T , (B.1) A1 star has a spectrum very similar to that of an A0 star, where (A.22) was applied. However, the spectra of stars whereas an A5 star has as many features in common deviate from that of a blackbody (see Fig. 3.47). One with an A0 star as with an F0 star. defines the effective temperature Teff of a star as the Plotting the spectral type versus the absolute magni- temperature a blackbody of the same radius would need tude for those stars for which the distance and hence to have to emit the same luminosity as the star, thus the absolute magnitude can be determined, a strik- L σ T 4 ≡ . (B.2) ing distribution of stars becomes apparent in such SB eff 4πR2 a Hertzsprung–Russell diagram (HRD). Instead of the The luminosities of stars cover a huge range; the weak- spectral class, one may also plot the color index of the est are a factor ∼ 104 times less luminous than the Sun, stars, typically B − V or V − I. The resulting color– whereas the brightest emit ∼ 105 times as much en- magnitude diagram (CMD) is essentially equivalent to ergy per unit time as the Sun. This big difference in an HRD, but is based solely on photometric data. A dif- luminosity is caused either by a variation in radius or ferent but very similar diagram plots the luminosity by different temperatures. We know from the colors of versus the effective temperature. stars that they have different temperatures: there are In Fig. B.1, a color–magnitude diagram is plotted, blue stars which are considerably hotter than the Sun, compiled from data observed by the HIPPARCOS satel- and red stars that are very much cooler. The temper- lite. Instead of filling the two-dimensional parameter ature of a star can be estimated from its color. From space rather uniformly, characteristic regions exist in

Peter Schneider, Properties of Stars. In: Peter Schneider, Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology. pp. 425–429 (2006) DOI: 10.1007/11614371_B © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006 B. Properties of Stars

426 Since stars exist which have, for the same spectral type and hence the same color temperature (and roughly the same effective temperature), very different lumi- nosities, we can deduce immediately that these stars have different radii, as can be read from (B.2). There- fore, stars on the red giant branch, with their much higher luminosities compared to main-sequence stars of the same spectral class, have a very much larger ra- dius than the corresponding main-sequence stars. This size effect is also observed spectroscopically: the grav- itational acceleration on the surface of a star (surface gravity) is GM g = . (B.3) R2 We know from models of stellar atmospheres that the width of spectral lines depends on the gravitational ac- celeration on the star’s surface: the lower the surface gravity, the narrower the stellar absorption lines. Hence, a relation exists between the line width and the stellar radius. Since the radius of a star – for a fixed spectral type or effective temperature – specifies the luminos- Fig. B.1. Color–magnitude diagram for 41 453 individual ity, this luminosity can be derived from the width of the stars, whose parallaxes were determined by the HIPPARCOS lines. In order to calibrate this relation, stars of known satellite with an accuracy of better than 20%. Since the stars distance are required. shown here are subject to unavoidable strong selection effects Based on the width of spectral lines, stars are clas- favoring nearby and luminous stars, the relative number den- sified into luminosity classes: stars of luminosity class I sity of stars is not representative of their true abundance. In are called supergiants, those of luminosity class III are particular, the lower main sequence is much more densely populated than is visible in this diagram giants, main-sequence stars are denoted as dwarfs and belong to luminosity class V; in addition, the classifi- cation can be further broken down into bright giants (II), subgiants (IV), and subdwarfs (VI). Any star in the such color–magnitude diagrams in which nearly all stars Hertzsprung–Russell diagram can be assigned a lumi- are located. Most stars can be found in a thin band called nosity class and a spectral class (Fig. B.2). The Sun is the main sequence. It extends from early spectral types a G2 star of luminosity class V. (O, B) with high luminosities (“top left”) down to late If the distance of a star, and thus its luminosity, is spectral types (K, M) with low luminosities (“bottom known, and if in addition its surface gravity can be right”). Branching off from this main sequence towards derived from the line width, we obtain the stellar mass the “top right” is the domain of red giants, and below the from these parameters. By doing so, it turns out that for main sequence, at early spectral types and very much main-sequence stars the luminosity is a steep function lower luminosities than on the main sequence itself, we of the stellar mass, approximately described by have the domain of white dwarfs. The fact that most stars are arranged along a one-dimensional sequence – 3.5 L ≈ M . the main sequence – is probably one of the most impor- (B.4) L M tant discoveries in astronomy, because it tells us that the properties of stars are determined basically by a single Therefore, a main-sequence star of M = 10M is parameter: their mass. ∼ 3000 times more luminous than our Sun. B.3 Structure and Evolution of Stars


low cross-section.1 The energy production rate is ap- proximately proportional to T 4 for temperatures below about 15 × 106 K, at which the reaction follows the so-called pp-chain. At higher temperatures, another re- action chain starts to contribute, the so-called CNO cycle, with an energy production rate which is much more strongly dependent on temperature – roughly proportional to T 20. The energy generated in the interior of a star is trans- ported outwards, where it is then released in the form of electromagnetic radiation. This energy transport may take place in two different ways: first, by radiation trans- port, and second, it can be transported by macroscopic flows of the stellar plasma. This second mechanism of energy transport is called convection; here, hot elements of the gas rise upwards, driven by buoyancy, and at the same time cool ones sink downwards. The process is similar to that observed in heating water on a stove. Which of the two processes is responsible for the en- ergy transport depends on the temperature profile inside the star. The intervals in a star’s radius in which energy transport takes place via convection are called convec- tion zones. Since in convection zones stellar material is Fig. B.2. Schematic color–magnitude diagram in which the subject to mixing, the chemical composition is homoge- spectral types and luminosity classes are indicated neous there. In particular, chemical elements produced by nuclear fusion are transported through the star by convection. B.3 Structure and Evolution of Stars Stars begin their lives with a homogeneous chemi- cal composition, resulting from the composition of the molecular cloud out of which they are formed. If their To a very good approximation, stars are spherically sym- mass exceeds about 0.08M, the temperature and pres- metric. Therefore, the structure of a star is described by sure in their core are sufficient to ignite the fusion of the radial profile of the parameters of its stellar plasma. hydrogen into helium. Gas spheres with a mass below These are density, pressure, temperature, and chemical ∼ 0.08M will not satisfy these conditions, hence these composition of the matter. During almost the full life- objects – they are called brown dwarfs – are not stars in time of a star, the plasma is in hydrostatic equilibrium, so that pressure forces and gravitational forces are of equal magnitude and directed in opposite directions, so 1The detection of neutrinos from the Sun in terrestrial detectors was as to balance each other. the final proof for the energy production mechanism being nuclear fusion. However, the measured rate of electron neutrinos from the The density and temperature are sufficiently high in Sun was only half as large as expected from Solar models. This Solar the center of a star that thermonuclear reactions are ig- neutrino problem kept and astrophysicists busy for decades. nited. In main-sequence stars, hydrogen is fused into It was a first indication of neutrinos having a finite rest mass – only 4 in this case could electron neutrinos transform into another sort of helium, thus four protons are combined into one He neutrino along the way from the Sun to us. Recently, these neutrino nucleus. For every helium nucleus that is produced this oscillations were confirmed: neutrinos have a very small but finite rest way, 26.73 MeV of energy are released. Part of this mass. For their research in the field of Solar neutrinos, Raymond Davis and were awarded with one half of the energy is emitted in the form of neutrinos which can in Physics in 2002. The other half was awarded to Ricardo Giacconi escape unobstructed from the star due to their very for his pioneering work in the field of X-ray astronomy. B. Properties of Stars

428 Fig. B.3. Theoretical temperature-luminos- ity diagram of stars. The solid curve is the zero age main sequence (ZAMS), on which stars ignite the burning of hydrogen in their cores. The evolutionary tracks of these stars are indicated by the various lines which are labeled with the stellar mass. The hatched areas mark phases in which the evolution proceeds only slowly, so that many stars are observed to be in these areas

a proper sense.2 At the onset of nuclear fusion, the star decreases by the same rate as the abundance of helium is located on the zero-age main sequence (ZAMS) in the increases. As a consequence, the duration of this phase HRD (see Fig. B.3). The energy production by fusion of central hydrogen burning is limited. As a rough es- of hydrogen into helium alters the chemical composi- timate, the conditions in a star will change noticeably tion in the stellar interior; the abundance of hydrogen when about 10% of its hydrogen is used up. Based on this criterion, the lifetime of a star on the main sequence 2If the mass of a brown dwarf exceeds ∼ 0.013M, the central density can now be estimated. The total energy produced in this and temperature are high enough to enable the fusion of deuterium phase can be written as (heavy hydrogen) into helium. However, the abundance of deu- terium is smaller by several orders of magnitude than that of normal = . × 2 × . , hydrogen, rendering the fuel reservoir of a brown dwarf very small. EMS 0 1 Mc 0 007 (B.5) B.3 Structure and Evolution of Stars

429 where Mc2 is the rest-mass energy of the star, of which in the center rise so much as to ignite the fusion of a fraction of 0.1 is fused into helium, which is supposed helium into carbon. A central helium-burning zone will to occur with an efficiency of 0.007. Phrased differently, then establish itself, in addition to the source in the shell in the fusion of four protons into one helium nucleus, an where hydrogen is burned. As soon as the helium in the 2 energy of ∼ 0.007×4mpc is generated, with mp denot- core has been exhausted, a second shell source will form ing the proton mass. In particular, (B.5) states that the fusing helium. In this stage, the star will become a red total energy produced during this main-sequence phase giant or supergiant, ejecting part of its mass into the is proportional to the mass of the star. In addition, we ISM in the form of stellar winds. Its subsequent evolu- know from (B.4) that the luminosity is a steep function tionary path depends on this mass loss. A star with an of the stellar mass. The lifetime of a star on the main se- initial mass M  8M will evolve into a white dwarf, quence can then be estimated by equating the available which will be discussed further below. energy EMS with the product of luminosity and lifetime. For stars with initial mass M  2.5M, the helium This yields burning in the core occurs explosively, in a so-called he- / EMS 9 M M lium flash. A large fraction of the stellar mass is ejected tMS = ≈ 8 × 10 yr L L/L in the course of this flash, after which a new stable equi- − . librium configuration is established, with a helium shell M 2 5 ≈ 8 × 109 yr . (B.6) source burning beside the hydrogen-burning shell. Ex- M panding its radius, the star will evolve into a red giant or Using this argument, we observe that stars of higher supergiant and move along the asymptotic giant branch mass conclude their lives on the main sequence much (AGB) in the HRD. faster than stars of lower mass. The Sun will remain on The configuration in the helium shell source is unsta- the main sequence for about eight to ten billion years, ble, so that its burning will occur in the form of pulses. with about half of this time being over already. In com- After some time, this will lead to the ejection of the parison, very luminous stars, like O and B stars, will outer envelope which then becomes visible as a plan- have a lifetime on the main sequence of only a few mil- etary nebula. The remaining central star moves to the lion years before they have exhausted their hydrogen left in the HRD, i.e., its temperature rises considerably fuel. (to more than 105 K). Finally, its radius gets smaller In the course of their evolution on the main sequence, by several orders of magnitude, so that the the stars stars move away only slightly from the ZAMS in the move downwards in the HRD, thereby slightly reduc- HRD, towards somewhat higher luminosities and lower ing its temperature: a white dwarf is born, with a mass effective temperatures. In addition, the massive stars in of about 0.6M and a radius roughly corresponding to particular can lose part of their initial mass by stellar that of the Earth. winds. The evolution after the main-sequence phase de- If the initial mass of the star is  8 M, the tempera- pends on the stellar mass. Stars of very low mass, M  ture and density at its center become so large that carbon 0.7M, have a lifetime on the main sequence which can also be fused. Subsequent stellar evolution towards is longer than the age of the Universe, therefore they a core-collapse supernova is described in Sect. 2.3.2. cannot have moved away from the main sequence yet. The individual phases of stellar evolution have very For massive stars, M  2.5M, central hydrogen different time-scales. As a consequence, stars pass burning is first followed by a relatively brief phase in through certain regions in the HRD very quickly, and for which the fusion of hydrogen into helium takes place this reason stars at those evolutionary stages are never or in a shell outside the center of the star. During this only rarely found in the HRD. By contrast, long-lasting phase, the star quickly moves to the “right” in the evolutionary stages like the main sequence or the red HRD, towards lower temperatures, and thereby expands giant branch exist, with those regions in an observed strongly. After this phase, the density and temperature HRD being populated by numerous stars. 431 C. Units and Constants

In this book, we consistently used, besides astro- very convenient properties of cgs units is that the en- nomical units, the Gaussian cgs system of units, ergy density of the magnetic field in these units is given 2 with lengths measured in cm, masses in g, and en- by ρB = B /(8π) – the reader may check that the units ergies in erg. This is the commonly used system of this equation is consistent. of units in astronomy. In these units, the speed of X-ray astronomers measure energies in electron light is c = 2.998 × 1010 cm s−1, the masses of pro- Volts,where 1 eV = 1.602 × 1012 erg. Temperatures can −24 tons, neutrons, and electrons are mp = 1.673 × 10 g, also be measured in units of energy, because kBT has −24 −28 mn = 1.675 × 10 g, and me = 9.109 × 10 g, re- the dimension of energy. They are related according 4 spectively. to 1 eV = 1.161 × 10 kB K. Since we always use the Frequently used units of length in astronomy Boltzmann constant kB in combination with a tem- include the , thus the average perature, its actual value is never needed. The same separation between the Earth and the Sun, where holds for Newton’s constant of gravity which is al- 1AU= 1.496 × 1013 cm, and the parsec (see Sect. 2.2.1 ways used in combination with a mass. Here one has 18 −2 5 for the definition), 1 pc = 3.086 × 10 cm. A year GM c = 1.495 × 10 cm. has 1 yr = 3.156 × 107 s. In addition, masses are typi- The frequency of a photon is linked to its energy ac- = . × 33 ν = −1 = cally specified in Solar masses, 1M 1 989 10 g, cording to hP E, and we have the relation 1 eV hP and the bolometric luminosity of the Sun is 2.418 × 1014 s−1 = 2.418 × 1014 Hz. Accordingly, we 33 −1 L = 3.846 × 10 erg s . can write the wavelength λ = c/ν = hPc/E in the form In cgs units, the value of the elementary charge is e = 4.803 × 10−10 cm3/2 g1/2 s−1, and the unit of the magnetic field strength is one Gauss, where hPc − = 1.2400 × 10 4 cm = 12 400 Å . 1G= 1g1/2 cm−1/2 s−1 = 1erg1/2 cm−3/2. One of the 1eV

Peter Schneider, Units and Constants. In: Peter Schneider, Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology. pp. 431–431 (2006) DOI: 10.1007/11614371_C © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006 433 D. Recommended Literature

In the following, we will give some recommendations D.2 More Specific Literature for further study of the literature on . For readers who have been in touch with astronomy only occasionally until now, the general textbooks may be More specific monographs and textbooks exist for the of particular interest. The choice of literature presented individual topics covered in this book, some of which here is a very subjective one which represents the pref- shall be suggested below. Again, this is just a brief erences of the author, and of course it represents only selection. The technical level varies substantially among a small selection of the many astronomy texts available. these books and, in general, exceeds that of the present text. D.1 General Textbooks Astrophysical Processes There exist a large selection of general textbooks in • M. Harwit: Astrophysical Concepts, Springer, New- astronomy which present an overview of the field at York, 1988, a non-technical level. A classic one and an excellent • G.B. Rybicki & A.P. Lightman: Radiative Processes presentation of astronomy is in Astrophysics, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1979, • F. Shu: The Physical Universe: An Introduction • F. Shu: The Physics of Astrophysics I: Radiation, to Astronomy, University Science Books, Sausalito, University Science Books, Mill Valley, 1991, 1982. • F. Shu: The Physics of Astrophysics II: Gas Turning to more technical books, at about the level of Dynamics, University Science Books, Mill Valley, the present text, my favorite is 1991, • S.N. Shore: The Tapestry of Modern Astrophysics, • B.W. Carroll & D.A. Ostlie: An Introduction to Wiley-VCH, Berlin, 2002, Modern Astrophysics, Addison Wesley, Reading, • D.E. Osterbrock: Astrophysics of Gaseous Nebu- 1996; lae and Active Galactic Nuclei, University Science its ∼ 1400 pages cover the whole range of astronomy. Books, Mill Valley, 1989. The text Furthermore, there is a three-volume set of books, • M.L. Kutner: Astronomy: A Physical Perspective, • T. Padmanabhan: Theoretical Astrophysics: I. As- Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2003 trophysical Processes. II. Stars and Stellar Systems. also covers the whole field of astronomy. A text with III. Galaxies and Cosmology, Cambridge University a particular focus on stellar and Galactic astronomy is Press, Cambridge, 2000. • A. Unsold¨ & B. Baschek: The New Cosmos, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2002. Galaxies and Gravitational Lenses The recently published book • L.S. Sparke & J.S. Gallagher: Galaxies in the Uni- • M.H. Jones & R.J.A. Lambourne: An Introduction verse: An Introduction, Cambridge University Press, to Galaxies and Cosmology, Cambridge University Cambridge, 2000, Press, Cambridge, 2003 • J. Binney & M. Merrifield: Galactic Astronomy, covers the topics described in this book and is also Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1998, highly recommended; it is less technical than the present • J. Binney & S. Tremaine: Galactic Dynamics, text. Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1987,

Peter Schneider, Recommended Literature. In: Peter Schneider, Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology. pp. 433–435 (2006) DOI: 10.1007/11614371_D © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006 D. Recommended Literature

434 • R.C. Kennicutt, Jr., F. Schweizer & J.E. Barnes: Gal- • G. Borner:¨ The Early Universe, Springer-Verlag, axies: Interactions and Induced , Berlin, 2003, Saas-Fee Advanced Course 26, Springer-Verlag, • A.R. Liddle and D.H. Lyth: Cosmological Inflation Berlin, 1998, and Large-Scale Structure, Cambridge University • B.E.J. Pagel: Nucleosynthesis and Chemical Evo- Press, Cambridge, 2000. lution of Galaxies, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997, • F. Combes, P. Boisse,´ A. Mazure & A. Blanchard: Galaxies and Cosmology, Springer-Verlag, 2001, .3 • D Review Articles, Current Literature, P. Schneider, J. Ehlers & E.E. Falco: Gravitational and Journals Lenses, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1992, • P. Schneider, C.S. Kochanek & J. Wambsganss: Gravitational Lensing: Strong, Weak & Micro, Saas- Besides textbooks and monographs, review articles on Fee Advanced Course 33, G. Meylan, P. Jetzer & P. specific topics are particularly useful for getting ex- North (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2006. tended information about a special field. A number of journals and series exist in which excellent review ar- ticles are published. Among these are Annual Reviews Active Galaxies of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ARA&A) and - omy & Astrophysics Reviews (A&AR), both publishing • B.M. Peterson: An Introduction to Active Galac- astronomical articles only. In Physics Reports (Phys. tic Nuclei, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Rep.) and Reviews of Modern Physics (RMP), astro- 1997, nomical review articles are also frequently found. Such • R.D. Blandford, H. Netzer & L. Woltjer: Active articles are also published in the lecture notes of interna- Galactic Nuclei, Saas-Fee Advanced Course 20, tional summer/winter schools and in the proceedings of Springer-Verlag, 1990, conferences; of particular note are the Lecture Notes of • J. Krolik: Active Galactic Nuclei, Princeton the Saas-Fee Advanced Courses. A very useful archive University Press, Princeton, 1999, containing review articles on the topics covered in this • J. Frank, A. King & D. Raine: Accretion Power in As- book is the Knowledgebase for Extragalactic Astron- trophysics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, omy and Cosmology, which can be found at 2002. http://nedwww.ipac.caltech.edu/level5. Original astronomical research articles are published in the relevant scientific journals; most of the figures pre- Cosmology sented in this book are taken from these journals. The • M.S. Longair: Galaxy Formation, Springer-Verlag, most important of them are Astronomy & Astrophysics Berlin, 1998, (A&A), The Astronomical Journal (AJ), The Astro- • J.A. Peacock: Cosmological Physics, Cambridge physical Journal (ApJ), Monthly Notices of the Royal University Press, Cambridge, 1999, Astronomical Society (MNRAS), and Publications of • T. Padmanabhan: Structure Formation in the Uni- the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (PASP). Besides verse, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, these, a number of smaller, regional, or more special- 1993, ized journals exist, such as Astronomische Nachrichten • E.W. Kolb and M.S. Turner: The Early Universe, (AN), Acta Astronomica (AcA), or Publications of the Addison Wesley, 1990, Astronomical Society of Japan (PASJ). Some astronom- • S. Dodelson: Modern Cosmology, Academic Press, ical articles are also published in the journals Nature San Diego, 2003, and Science. The Physical Review D and Physical Re- • P.J.E. Peebles: Principles of Physical Cosmology, view Letters contain an increasing number of papers on Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1993, astrophysical cosmology. D.3 Review Articles, Current Literature, and Journals

435 The Astrophysical Data System (ADS) of NASA An electronic archive for preprints of articles is freely which can be accessed via the Internet at, e.g., accessible at http://cdsads.u-strasbg.fr/abstract service.html http://arxiv.org/archive/astro-ph. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abstract service.html This archive has existed since 1992, with an increas- provides the best access to these (and many more) ing number of articles being stored at this location. In journals. Besides tools to search for authors and key- particular, in the fields of extragalactic astronomy and words, ADS offers also direct access to older articles cosmology, more than 90% of the articles that are pub- that have been scanned. The access to more recent lished in the major journals can be found in this archive; articles is restricted to IP addresses that are asso- a large number of review articles are also available here. ciated with a subscription for the respective jour- astro-ph has become the primary source of information nals. for astronomers. 437 E. Acronyms Used

In this appendix, we compile some of the acronyms that CFRS Canada–France Survey (Sect. are used, and references to the sections in which these 8.1.2) acronyms have been introduces or explained. CGRO Compton Ray Observatory (Sect. 1.3.5) 2dF(GRS) Two-Degree Field Galaxy Redshift CHVC Compact High-Velocity Cloud (Sect. Survey (Sect. 8.1.2) 6.1.3) ACBAR Arcminute Cosmology Bolometer Ar- CIB Cosmic Infrared Background (Sect. ray Receiver (Sect. 8.6.5) 9.3.1) ACO Abell, Corwin & Olowin (catalog of CLASS Cosmic Lens All-Sky Survey (Sect. clusters of galaxies, Sect. 6.2.1) 3.8.3) ACS Advanced Camera for Surveys (HST CMB Cosmic Microwave Background (Sect. instrument) 8.6) AGB Asymptotic Giant Branch (Sect. 3.9.2) CMD Color–Magnitude Diagram AGN Active Galactic Nucleus (Chap. 5) (Appendix B) ALMA Atacama Large Millimeter Array COBE Cosmic Background Explorer (Sect. (Chap. 10) 8.6.4) APEX Atacama Pathfinder Experiment CTIO Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observa- (Chap. 10) tory AU Astronomical Unit DASI Degree Angular Scale Interferometer BAL Broad Absorption Line (-Quasar, Sect. (Sect. 8.6.4) 5.6.3) EdS Einstein–de Sitter (Sect. 4.3.4) BATSE Burst And Transient Source Experi- EMSS Extended Medium Sensitivity Survey ment (CGRO instrument, Sect. 9.7) (Sect. 6.3.5) BBB Big Blue Bump (Sect. 5.4.1) EPIC European Photon Imaging Camera BBN Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (Sect. (XMM-Newton instrument) 4.4.4) EROS Experience´ pour la Recherche d’Objets BCD Blue Compact Dwarf (Sect. 3.2.1) Sombres (microlenses collaboration, BH (Sect. 5.3.5) Sect. 2.5) BLR Broad-Line Region (Sect. 5.4.2) ESA European Space Agency BLRG Broad-Line Radio Galaxy (Sect. 5.2.3) ESO European Southern Observatory (Sect. BOOMERANG Balloon Observations Of Millimetric 1.3.3) Extragalactic Radiation and Geo- FFT Fast Fourier Transform (Sect. 7.5.3) physics (Sect. 8.6.4) FIR Far Infrared CBI Cosmic Background Imager (Sect. FJ Faber–Jackson (Sect. 3.4.2) 8.6.5) FOC Faint Object Camera (HST instrument) CCD Charge Coupled Device FORS Focal Reducer / Low Dispersion Spec- CDM Cold Dark Matter (Sect. 7.4.1) trograph (VLT instrument) CERN Conseil European pour la Recherche´ FOS Faint Object Spectrograph (HST instru- Nucleaire ment) CfA Harvard–Smithsonian Center for As- FP Fundamental Plane (Sect. 3.4.3) trophysics FR(I/II) Faranoff–Riley Type (Sect. 5.1.2) CFHT Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope FWHM Full Width Half Maximum (Sect. 1.3.3) GC (Sect. 2.3, 2.6)

Peter Schneider, Acronyms Used. In: Peter Schneider, Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology. pp. 437–439 (2006) DOI: 10.1007/11614371_E © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006 E. Acronyms Used

438 GRB Gamma-Ray Burst (Sects. 1.3.5, 9.7) LSR Local Standard of Rest (Sect. 4.2.1) GUT Grand Unified Theory (Sect. 4.5.3) LSS Large-Scale Structure (Chap. 8) Gyr Gigayear = 109 years MACHO Massive Compact Halo Object (and HB Horizontal Branch collaboration of the same name, HCG Hickson Compact Group (catalog of Sect. 2.5) galaxy groups, Sect. 6.2.8) MAMBO Max-Planck Millimeter Bolometer HDF(N/S) Hubble Deep Field (North/South) (Sect. 9.3.2) (Sects. 1.3.3, 9.1.3) MAXIMA Millimeter Anisotropy Experiment HDM Hot Dark Matter (Sect. 7.4.1) Imaging Array (Sect. 8.6.4) HEAO High-Energy Astrophysical Observa- MDM Mixed Dark Matter (Sect. 7.4.2) tory (Sect. 1.3.5) MIR Mid-Infrared HRD Hertzsprung–Russell Diagram (Ap- MLCS Multicolor Light Curve Shape (Sect. pendix B) 8.3.1) HRI High-Resolution Imager (ROSAT in- MMT Multi-Mirror Telescope strument) MS Main Sequence HST Hubble (Sect. 1.3.3) MW HVC High-Velocity Cloud (Sect. 2.3.6) NAOJ National Astronomical Observatory of IAU International Astronomical Union Japan ICM Intracluster Medium (Chap. 6) NFW Navarro, Frenk & White (-profile, Sect. IGM Intergalactic Medium (Sect. 8.5.2) 7.5.4) IMF Initial-Mass Function (Sect. 3.9.1) NGC New General Catalog (Chap. 3) IoA Institute of Astronomy (Cambridge) NGP North Galactic Pole (Sect. 2.1) IR Infrared (Sect. 1.3.2) NICMOS Near Infrared Camera and Multi- IRAS Infrared Astronomical Observatory Object Spectrometer (HST instrument) (Sect. 1.3.2) NIR Near-Infrared ISM Interstellar Medium NLR Narrow-Line Region (Sect. 5.4.3) ISO Infrared Space Observatory (Sect. NLRG Narrow-Line Radio Galaxy (Sect. 1.3.2) 5.2.3) IUE International Ultraviolet Explorer NOAO National Optical Astronomy Observa- JCMT James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (Sect. tory 1.3.1) NRAO National Radio Astronomy Observa- JVAS Jodrell Bank–VLA Astrometric Sur- tory vey (Sect. 3.8.3) NTT New Technology Telescope JWST James Webb Space Telescope (Chap. OGLE Optical Gravitational Lensing Ex- 10) periment (microlenses collaboration, KAO Kuiper Airborne Observatory (Sect. Sect. 2.5) 1.3.2) OVV Optically Violently Variable (Sect. LBG Lyman-Break Galaxies (Sect. 9.1.1) 5.2.4) LCRS Las Campanas Redshift Survey (Sect. PL Period–Luminosity (Sect. 2.2.7) 8.1.2) PLANET Probing Lensing Anomalies Network LHC Large Hadron Collider (microlenses collaboration, Sect. 2.5) LISA Laser Interferometer Space Antenna PN Planetary Nebula (Chap. 10) POSS Palomar Observatory Sky Survey LMC Large Magellanic Cloud PSF Point-Spread Function LOFAR Low-Frequency Array (Chap. 10) PSPC Position-Sensitive Proportional LSB galaxy Low Surface Brightness galaxy (Sect. Counter (ROSAT instrument) 7.5.4) QSO Quasi-Stellar Object (Sect. 5.2.1) E. Acronyms Used

439 RASS ROSAT All Sky Survey (Sect. 6.3.5) UDF Ultra-Deep Field (Sect. 9.1.3) RCS Red Cluster Sequence (Sect. 6.6) ULIRG Ultra-Luminous Infrared Galaxy (Sect. REFLEX ROSAT-ESO Flux-Limited X-Ray sur- 9.2.1) vey ULX Ultra-Luminous Compact X-ray Source RGB Red Giant Branch (Sect. 3.9.2) (Sect. 9.2.1) ROSAT Roentgen Satellite (Sect. 1.3.5) UV Ultraviolet SAO Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory VLA Very Large Array (Sect. 1.3.1) SCUBA Submillimeter Common-User Bolome- VLBI VeryLong Baseline Interferometer (Sect. ter Array (Sect. 1.3.1) 1.3.1) SDSS Sloan Digital Sky Survey (Sect. 8.1.2) VLT Very Large Telescope (Sect. 1.3.3) SFR Star-Formation Rate (Sect. 9.5.1) VST VLT Survey Telescope (Sect. 6.2.5) SGP South Galactic Pole (Sect. 2.1) WD White Dwarf (Sect. 2.3.2) SIS Singular Isothermal Sphere (Sect. 3.8.2) WIMP Weakly Interacting Massive Particle SKA Square Kilometer Array (Chap. 10) (Sect. 4.4.2) SN(e) Supernova(e) (Sect. 2.3.2) WFI Wide Field Imager (camera at the SNR Supernova Remnant ESO/MPG 2.2-m telescope, La Silla, SMC Sect. 6.5.2) SMBH (Sect. 5.3) WFPC2 Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 (HST STIS Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph instrument) (HST instrument) WMAP Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe STScI Space Telescope Science Institute (Sect. (Sect. 8.6.5) 1.3.3) XMM X-ray Multi-Mirror Mission (Sect. 1.3.5) SZ Sunyaev–Zeldovich (effect, Sect. 6.3.4) XRB X-Ray Background (Sect. 9.3.2) TF Tully–Fisher (Sect. 3.4) ZAMS Zero Age Main Sequence (Sect. 3.9.2) 441 F. Figure Credits

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– Type 2 QSO 208, 382 BL Lac objects see active galaxies A – unified models 183, 207–215 black hole demography 206 – variability 178, 184–186, 198, 202, black holes 109, 191 AB magnitudes 422 211 – binary systems and merging Abell catalog see clusters of galaxies – X-ray emission 207, 214, 380 400–402 Abell radius 229 adaptive optics 80 – in AGNs 81, 185–194, 383 absorption coefficient 418 Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) – in galaxies 3, 8, 109–113, 191, 202, absorption lines in quasar spectra 26, 365 218, 371, 400–402 219–222, 331, 361, 365 age of the Universe 17, 154, 271, – in the Galactic center 6, 80–85, – classification 219–221 274, 353 194, 205, 218 –Lyman-α forest see Lyman-α forest age–metallicity relation 55 – scaling with galaxy properties 3, – metal systems 219, 221, 361 ALMA 410 111–113, 206, 207, 397 accelerated expansion of the Universe (M31) 14, 87 – 109, 186, 193 154, 327 Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT) blackbody radiation 418–420 accretion 11, 186–188, 249, 371 25 – energy density 419 accretion disk 186–188, 191, 195 angular correlations of galaxies bolometric magnitude see magnitude acoustic peaks 339 318–319 BOOMERANG 342, 348 active galactic nuclei 89, 175–222 angular-diameter distance 157, 158 bosons 160 active galaxies 10, 89, 175–215 anthropic principle 173 bottom-up structure formation 293 – absorption lines see absorption APEX 410 boxiness in elliptical galaxies 96 lines Arecibo telescope 19 bremsstrahlung 242–244 – anisotropic emission 207 ASCA 31 brightness of the night sky 236, 362 – big blue bump (BBB) 195, 202 astronomical unit 37 brown dwarfs 427 – binary QSOs 204 asymmetric drift 58 bulge 54, 92, 98, 397 – BL Lac objects 185, 211 asymptotic giant branch (AGB) 429 – of the Milky Way 54–55 – black hole 185–194 Butcher–Oemler effect 270, 393 – blazars 185, 196, 210 – broad absorption lines (BAL) 219, B 221 C – broad emission lines 177, 181–182, Baade’s window 54, 78 196 background radiation 379–382 Canada–France Redshift Survey – broad-line region (BLR) 207 – infrared background (CIB) 380, (CFRS) 312 – classification 182–185, 207 390 Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope – energy generation 109 – microwave background see cosmic (CFHT) 25, 312 – host galaxy 183, 185, 202–204, 207 microwave background Center for Astrophysics (CfA) Survey – in clusters of galaxies 251 – of ionizing photons 333 311 – luminosity function 182, 216–219 bar 55, 89 Cepheids 44 – narrow line region (NLR) 201 baryogenesis 412 – as distance indicators 44, 63, – OVV (optically violently variable) baryonic oscillations 337 115–116 184–185, 211 – at low 344 – period–luminosity relation 115 – QSO (quasi-stellar object) 183 baryons 4, 161, 163, 165, 334, 352 Chandra satellite 31, 104, 202, 214, – quasars 10, 178–183 beaming 210–212 248, 381 – radio emission 178–181, 207 Beppo-SAX 32, 404 Chandrasekhar mass 49, 328 – radio galaxies 183–184 biasing 313, 314, 324, 359 chemical evolution 49, 138–140 – Seyfert galaxies 11, 177, 183, 191 Big Bang 3, 15, 152, 153, 157 clusters of galaxies 12, 223–273, Subject Index


321–324 Coma cluster of galaxies 12, 117, 228 – density fluctuations 145, 277–335 – Abell catalog 228–230 comoving coordinates 146, 280 – expansion equation 147, 149–155 – Abell radius 229 comoving observers 146, 155 – expansion rate 146, 155 – baryon content 323 Compton Gamma Ray Observatory – homogeneous world models – beta-model 261 (CGRO) 32, 402 141–174 – catalogs 228–230, 255–256, 322 Compton scattering 193 – Newtonian cosmology 146–148 – classification 231 – inverse 168, 193, 214, 252, 381 – structure formation 16, 17, 279, – color–magnitude diagram 271 concentration index of the NFW profile 391 – Coma cluster 12, 228, 242 299 COSMOS survey 367 – cooling flows 248–252, 263, 401 convection 427 – core radius 232, 233 convergence point 38 – dark matter 223, 234, 248, 323 cooling fronts 251 D – distance class 230 cooling of gas 384, 391, 396 – evolution effects 270–273 – and star formation 384, 396 Dn–σ relation 108 – galaxy distribution 231–233 – the role of molecular hydrogen 384 dark energy 4, 149, 327, 328, 353, – galaxy luminosity function 230 Copernicus satellite 30 412 – galaxy population 393 correlation function 283–284, 288, dark matter 3, 63, 64, 102, 165–166, – HIFLUGCS catalog 255, 256 316, 338, 360, 398 353, 411–412 – hydrogen clouds 237 – related to biasing 358 – cold and hot dark matter 286–287, – intergalactic stars 236–237 correlation length 283 351, 391 – intracluster medium 223, 236, cosmic microwave background 3, 16, – in clusters of galaxies 13, 223, 248 242–256 142, 252, 253, 336, 379 – in galaxies 8, 100, 101 – luminosity function 256, 270 – dipole 114, 316, 320 – in the Universe 17, 165, 281, 336 – mass determination 13, 233–234, – discovery 168, 336 dark matter halos 101, 290–293, 391 246, 248, 257, 262, 266, 322 – fluctuations 277, 278, 309, – number density 291–293, 322, 383 – mass–luminosity relation 258 336–349 – substructure 302–306 – mass–temperature relation 256 – foreground emission 342 – universal mass profile 298–302 – mass-to-light ratio 234, 266 – measuring the anisotropy 341–349 de Vaucouleurs law 55, 90, 98 – mass–velocity dispersion relation – origin 168 deceleration parameter 153, 154 257 – polarization 307, 348 declination 35 – morphology 231 – primary anisotropies 336–337 deflection of light see gravitational – near-infrared luminosity 259 – redshift evolution 156 lenses – normalization of the power spectrum – secondary anisotropies 336–338, density contrast 278, 289 291, 322, 324 341 density fluctuations in the Universe – number density 322, 330 – spectrum 156, 381, 383 277 – projection effects 229, 255 – temperature 156 – origin 307 – richness class 230 cosmic rays 51–54, 180 density parameter 148, 151, 154, 171, – scaling relations 256–260, 322 – acceleration 53 322, 330, 336, 344, 349, 351, 353 – Virgo Cluster 12, 228 – energy density 54 deuterium 163 – X-ray radiation 13 cosmic shear see gravitational lenses – in QSO absorption lines 165 – Zwicky catalog 229 cosmic variance 346–347 – primordial 165 COBE 22, 168, 336, 341, 346 4, 15, 148, diskiness in elliptical galaxies 96 cold dark matter (CDM) 286 149, 327, 344, 349 distance determination 114, 253 – substructure 396 cosmological parameters, – of extragalactic objects 104, collisionless gas 94 determination 291, 309–355 114–117 color excess 41 cosmological principle 145 – within the Milky Way 36–44 color filter 420–422 cosmology 14, 17, 141–174, 309, distance ladder 114 color index 41, 420 277–354 distance modulus 40, 422 color temperature 425 – components of the Universe distances in cosmology 155, color–magnitude diagram 39, 373, 149–151 157–159, 216 425 – curvature scalar 151 Doppler broadening 196 Subject Index


Doppler effect 38 F formation 392–395 Doppler favoritism 211 indicators for complex evolution Doppler shift 10 Fanaroff–Riley classification 178, 95–98, 393 Doppler width 11, 196 184 mass-to-light ratio 96 downsizing 401 Faraday rotation 52, 212 stellar orbits 94 drop-out technique see Lyman-break feedback 360, 396 – halos 100 technique fermions 160 – Hubble sequence 88 dust 41, 208 Fingers of God 316, 317 – IRAS galaxies 368, 370 – extinction and reddening 41, 328, fireball model see gamma-ray bursts – irregular galaxies 88, 224 373 flatfield 236 – late-type galaxies 8 – gray dust 329 flatness problem 172, 174, 307 – low surface brightness galaxies – infrared emission 51, 90, 102, 196, flux 417 (LSBs) 99, 301 208, 369, 374 free–free radiation 242 – luminosity function 117–119 – warm dust 196, 208, 371, 374 Freeman law 99, 105 – Lyman-break galaxies 367, 391 dwarf galaxies see galaxies free-steaming 286 – morphology–density relation 360 dynamical friction 235, 238, 397, 400 Friedmann equations 149, 289 – post-starburst galaxies 241 dynamical instability of N-body Friedmann–Lemaˆıtre model 15, 149 – S0 galaxies 88, 393 systems 85 fundamental plane 107–108, 319, – satellite galaxies 101, 224, 304, 360 dynamical pressure 47 392 – scaling relations 104–109, 116, 319 FUSE 30, 335 – SCUBA galaxies 374–377 – spheroidal component 111, 113 G – spiral galaxies 88, 98–104 E bars 88 38, 411 bulge 98, 102, 397 Galactic center 6, 77–84 corona 103 early-type galaxies 88 – black hole 80–85 dark matter 100 accretion rate 194 – distance 45, 56 early-type spirals 98 Eddington efficiency 205, 206 – flares 82 normal and barred 88 Eddington luminosity 193–194, 205, Galactic coordinates 35–36 rotation curve 8, 100–102, 104 207, 371, 402 Galactic latitude 35 spiral structure 103 effective radius Re 55, 90, 107 Galactic longitude 35 stellar halo 100 effective temperature 425, 426 Galactic poles 35 stellar populations 102 Effelsberg radio telescope 19 galaxies 7–8, 87–140 thick disk 100 Einstein observatory 31, 255 – bimodal color distribution 119 – starburst galaxies 11, 89, 203, 358, θE see gravitational – brightness profile 90–92, 98 369–371 lenses – cD galaxies 90, 92, 230, 237, 249, – substructure 302–306, 396 Einstein–de Sitter model 264 – ULIRG (ultra-luminous infrared see Universe – chemical evolution 138–140 galaxy) 24, 90, 208, 370 elliptical galaxies see galaxies – color–color diagram 357 galaxy evolution 17, 390–402 emission coefficient 418 – dwarf galaxies 90, 224 galaxy groups 223, 228, 237–238 energy density of a radiation field 417 – E+A galaxies 241 – compact groups 237, 238 equation of radiative transfer 40, 417 – early-type galaxies 8 – diffuse optical light 238 equivalent width 181, 332 – elliptical galaxies 88, 90–98 GALEX 31, 361 expansion rate see cosmology blue compact dwarfs (BCD’s) 90 gamma-ray bursts Extended Medium Sensitivity Survey classification 88, 90 – afterglows 404 (EMSS) 255 composition 92–93 – fireball model 404 extinction 40, 328 counter-rotating disks 96 – hypernovae 405 – extinction and reddening 40, 328 dark matter 101 – short- and long-duration bursts 404 – extinction coefficient 41, 422 dwarf ellipticals (dE’s) 90 G-dwarf problem 140 extremely red object (ERO) 371–374, dwarf spheroidals (dSph’s) 90 globular clusters 55, 102 391, 394 dynamics 93–95 GOODS project 366 Subject Index


gravitational instability 278–282 horizon length 171, 339 K gravitational lenses 65, 121–131 horizon problem 171, 173, 307 – clusters of galaxies as lenses hot dark matter (HDM) 286 K-correction 375 260–269, 368 Hubble classification of galaxies Keck telescope 2, 25, 27, 357, 407 – cosmic shear 329–330 88–89, 366, 390 King models 233, 247 – critical surface mass density 122, Hubble constant H0 9, 114, 116, 117, Kirchhoff’s law 418 128 154, 344, 352 Kormendy relation 92 – Einstein radius 124, 126, 261 – scaled Hubble constant h 10 – Einstein ring 67, 125, 126, 128 Hubble Deep Field(s) 26, 364–367 L – galaxies as lenses 121–131 Hubble diagram 9, 158, 325, 326, 328 – Hubble constant 130, 254 Hubble Key Project 116 large-scale structure of the Universe – luminous arcs 260–264, 356 Hubble law 8, 9, 114, 146, 156, 325 307, 309 – magnification 67–69, 123, 367–369 Hubble radius 145 – galaxy distribution 309–321, 344 – mass determination 126, 128, 130 Hubble sequence see galaxies – numerical simulations 293–297 – microlensing effect 64–77 (HST) 25, – power spectrum 284–289, 291, – multiple images 65, 66, 123, 26, 110, 212, 261, 362, 409 307, 313–318, 330, 335, 338 125–129, 261, 368 Hubble time 144 Las Campanas Redshift Survey – point-mass lenses 123 hypernovae 405 (LCRS) 311 – search for clusters of galaxies 269 hypervelocity stars 84 last-scattering surface 168 – shear 265 late-type galaxies 88 – substructure 304–306 light cone 142 – weak lensing effect 102, 264–269, I light pollution 18 329–330, 338 Limber equation 318 337 inflation 173–174, 412, 307–412 line transitions: allowed, forbidden, gravitational waves 307, 400 initial mass function (IMF) 132, 387 semi-forbidden 201 Great Attractor 320 Integral satellite 33 linearly extrapolated density Great Debate 87 integrated Sachs–Wolfe effect (ISW) fluctuation field 281 Great Wall 277, 311 338–340, 349 linearly extrapolated power spectrum Green Bank Telescope 20 interactions of galaxies 218 286 groups of galaxies 14 interferometry 21 LISA 400, 411 growth factor D+ 292, 322 intergalactic medium 331–332, 334, Local Group 14, 223–228 Gunn–Peterson test 382 357, 382, 385 – galaxy content 224–225 ionization parameter 205 – mass estimate 225–227 H IRAS 23, 311, 321, 342, 370, 374 local standard of rest (LSR) 57 irregular galaxies see galaxies LOFAR 410 Harrison–Zeldovich fluctuation ISO 24, 370, 374, 380 Lorentz factor 190 spectrum 285, 307, 339, 344 isochrones 133 luminosity HEAO-1 31 isophote 88 – bolometric 423 heliocentric velocity 38 isothermal sphere 123, 232–233, 247, – in a filter band 423 helium abundance 142, 164–165 261 luminosity classes 425–426 Herschel satellite 380, 410 IUE 30 luminosity distance 157, 158, 325, Hertzsprung–Russell diagram (HRD) 327 133 luminosity function 117 Hickson compact groups 237 J – of galaxies 117–119, 230, 322, hierarchical structure formation 293, 372, 394, 396 303, 374, 391–392 James Clerk Maxwell Telescope – of quasars 216–219, 333 high-velocity cloud (HVC) 56, 227 (JCMT) 22 luminous arcs see gravitational lenses HII region 51 James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Lyman-α blobs 378 HIPPARCOS 37, 38, 426 409 Lyman-α forest 219, 220, 351, 357, Holmberg effect 225, 397 Jeans mass 383–384 385, 386 horizon 170–171, 287 jets 178, 190, 191, 196, 211–215, 251 – as a tool for cosmology 335–336 Subject Index


–dampedLyα systems 220, 332 – hypervelocity stars 84 perturbation theory 279 – Lyman-limit systems 220, 332 – kinematics 57–64 photometric redshift 362–365 Lyman-break galaxies see galaxies – magnetic field 51–53 Pico Veleta telescope 22 Lyman-break method 362, 390 – rotation curve 5, 59–64 Planck function 156, 419 – structure 4, 44–56 Planck satellite 349, 410 – thick disk 46, 50 planetary nebulae 49, 429 M – thin disk 46, 50 – as distance indicators 116 Millennium simulation 296, 398 polarization 51 MACHOs 64, 70–74 mixed dark matter (MDM) 288 Population III stars 384, 385 Madau diagram 389–390, 394 Modified Newtonian Dynamics population synthesis 132–137, 392 Magellanic Clouds 14, 70, 224 (MOND) 413 power spectrum, normalization 291, – distance 115 moving cluster parallax 38–39 313, 330, 336, 353 Magellanic Stream 56, 225, 398 Press–Schechter model 297, 383, 395 magnification see gravitational lenses primordial nucleosynthesis (BBN) magnitude 420–423 N 15, 163–166, 309 – absolute magnitude 422 narrow-band photometry 356, 379 – baryon density in the Universe 323 – apparent magnitude 420–422 Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object proper motion 38, 80 – bolometric magnitude 422–423 Spectrograph (NICMOS) 26 proto-cluster 360, 374 main sequence 40, 426, 428 neutrinos 48, 162 proximity effect 332 Malmquist bias 118 – masses 166, 288, 352 pulsating stars 43 MAMBO 22 – radiation component of the Universe maser 78 162 Q mass segregation 236 – Solar neutrinos 427 mass spectrum of dark matter halos neutron stars 48, 74 QSOs see active galaxies 291–293, 297 New General Catalog (NGC) 87 quasars see active galaxies mass-to-light ratio 50, 135, 227, 238, New Technology Telescope (NTT) 26 322 non-linear mass-scale 292 – in clusters of galaxies 322–323 R – of galaxies 96, 100, 106, 108 MAXIMA 342 O 38 merger tree 395 radiative transfer equation 417–418 merging of galaxies 140, 203, 370, Olbers’ paradox 142 radio galaxies see active galaxies 390–393 Oort constants 61 random field 282–283 – dry mergers 240, 393 optical depth 41, 418 – Gaussian random field 285 – major merger 392, 397 optically violently variables (OVV) – realization 282 – minor merger 392, 397 see active galaxies Rayleigh–Jeans approximation 374, MERLIN 21 419 metallicity 44, 47, 50, 133, 138 P reaction rate 162 metals 44 recombination 16, 166–168, 337, 382 microlensing see gravitational lenses pair production and annihilation red cluster sequence (RCS) 271, 274, Milky Way 35–85 161–163 364, 392 – annihilation radiation 54, 77 Palomar Observatory Sky Survey red giants 426, 429 – bulge 54 (POSS) 228 redshift 10, 142 – center see Galactic center parsec 4, 37 – cosmological redshift 155–157, – chemical composition 47 passive evolution of a stellar population 188 – dark halo 5, 70, 73 137 redshift desert 391 – disk 46–51 peculiar motion 114, 116 redshift space 316 – distribution of dust 51 peculiar velocity 57, 280, 306–307, redshift surveys of galaxies 309–321 – gamma radiation 54 316–321 reionization 168, 331, 332, 337, 348, – gas 46, 50–51, 222 period–luminosity relation 43, 44, 351, 382–387 – halo 55–56 115 relaxation time-scale 235 Subject Index


reverberation mapping 198, 204 spiral galaxies see galaxies time dilation 328 right ascension 35 24 transfer function 285–288, 314 ROSAT 31, 104, 255, 258, 322, 380 Square Kilometer Array (SKA) 410 trigonometric parallax 37–38 ROSAT All Sky Survey (RASS) 31, standard candles 49, 116, 324–325 Tully–Fisher relation 319 255, 324 star formation 51, 374, 383, – baryonic 106 rotation measure 52 387–389, 392 Two-Degree Field Survey 217, 277, rotational flattening 93 – and color of galaxies 136, 274, 314, 316 RR Lyrae stars 44, 56 363, 390 Two-Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) – cosmic history 387–390 259, 321 – quiescent star formation 390 two-photon decay 167 S – star-formation rate 89, 133, 203, 333, 361, 387 Sachs–Wolfe effect 337, 339 starburst galaxies see galaxies U Sagittarius dwarf galaxy 6, 227, 392 Stefan–Boltzmann law 420 ultra-luminous compact X-ray sources Saha equation 167 stellar evolution 392 (ULXs) 371 satellite galaxies see galaxies stellar populations 46, 47 ultra-luminous infrared galaxies scale factor see Universe Subaru telescope 27, 362 (ULIRGs) see galaxies scale-height of the Galactic disk 46, Sunyaev–Zeldovich effect 338, 341 Universe 47 – distance determination 253 – age 144, 153, 154 scale-length of the Galactic disk 47 – Hubble constant 254 – critical density 148, 171, 298 Schechter luminosity function 118, superclusters 277, 322 – density 15, 17, 351, 353 230, 323 superluminal motion 188–191, 207, – density fluctuations 17, 277 SCUBA 22 210 – density parameter 155, 165, 171, secondary distance indicators supernovae 47, 429 322, 323, 330 116–117, 319 – as distance indicators 49, 116, – Einstein–de Sitter model 17, 155, seeing 19, 25, 37 324–329 159, 281, 292 self-shielding 377 – at high redshift 325–326 – expansion 8, 146, 147, 161, 279 service mode observing 29 – classification 48 – scale factor 146, 152 Seyfert galaxies see active galaxies – core-collapse supernovae 48 – standard model 3, 169–173, 302, SgrA∗ see Galactic center – evolutionary effects 328 309, 346 shape parameter Γ 288, 314, 319, – metal enrichment of the ISM – thermal history 160–169 324, 336 47–49, 385 shells and ripples 96 – SN 1987A 48, 115 shock fronts 53, 180, 214, 251 – supernovae Type Ia 49 V Silk damping 337, 339 surface brightness fluctuations 116 singular isothermal sphere 232, 261 surface gravity 426 vacuum energy see dark energy Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) SWIFT 405 velocity dispersion 46 217, 239, 313, 319, 351 synchrotron radiation 52, 179–181, – in clusters of galaxies 232 SOFI camera 26 196, 212, 214 – in galaxies 93, 113, 123 softening length 294 synchrotron self-absorption 181 Very Large Array (VLA) 21, 212, sound horizon 337, 339, 340 synchrotron self-Compton radiation 376 source counts in an Euclidean universe 214 Very Large Telescope (VLT) 28 144 Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) source function 418 T 21 specific energy density of a radiation Very Long Baseline Interferometry field 417 tangent point method 61–63 (VLBI) 21 specific intensity 156, 417 tangential velocity 38 violent relaxation 235, 290 spectral classes 425–426 thermal radiation 419 Virgo Cluster of galaxies 12, 114, spherical collapse model 289–290 Thomson scattering 193, 337, 341 116, 117, 228 spiral arms 98, 103 three-body dynamical system 85 virial mass 256 – as density waves 103 tidal tails 370, 393 virial radius 256, 298 Subject Index

459 virial theorem 13, 187, 233 wedge diagram 310, 316 XMM-Newton 31, 202, 248 virial velocity 298 white dwarfs 49, 73, 328, 426, 429 X-ray background 168 virtual observatory 411 Wide-Field and Planetary Camera X-ray binaries 188 VISTA 407 (WFPC2) 26 VLT Survey Telescope (VST) 407 wide-field cameras 265, 407 voids 12, 277, 311 width of a spectral line 181 Y Voigt profile 221 Wien approximation 419 yield 139 Wien’s law 419 W WIMPs 161, 165–166, 411 WMAP 22, 168, 345–352, 382 Z warm-hot intergalactic medium 334 wave number 284 X Zeeman effect 52 weak lensing effect see gravitational zero-age main sequence (ZAMS) 428 lenses X-factor 51 Zone of Avoidance 36, 223, 320