1 Introduction
Notes 1 Introduction 1. Barry, ‘Introduction’; Golden (ed.), Encyclopedia; Barry and Davies (eds), Palgrave Advances; Owen Davies, ‘Witchcraft, Magic and Culture 1736–1951: brief historiography’ (2007) at www.cunningfolk.com; Gaskill, ‘Pursuit’. For the wider historiography of spirits, miracles, the ‘disenchantment of the world’ etc. see Walker, ‘Cessation’; Marshall and Walsham (eds), Angels; Saler, ‘Modernity’; Walsham, ‘Miracles’; Walsham, ‘Reformation’; Walsham, ‘Invisible Helpers’. 2. Briggs, ‘Many Reasons’. The main surveys are (for Europe) Levack, Witch Hunt; Briggs, Witches and Neighbours; Behringer, Witches; (for England) Sharpe, Instruments; Sharpe, Witchcraft in Early Modern England; Sharpe (gen. ed.), English Witchcraft. 3. Macfarlane, Witchcraft; Thomas, Religion; Larner, Enemies; Wilson, Magical Universe; Briggs, Witches of Lorraine; Hutton, ‘Anthropological and Historical Approaches’; Bever, Realities. 4. See Hodgkin, ‘Gender’, and for key texts on women: Larner, Witchcraft; Roper, Oedipus; Dolan, Dangerous Familiars; Purkiss, ‘Women’s Stories’; Purkiss, Witch; Willis, Malevolent Nurture; Sharpe, ‘Women’; Goodare, ‘Women’; Roper, Witch Craze. For masculinity see Gaskill, ‘Devil’; Kent, ‘Masculinity’; Rowlands (ed.), Witchcraft. 5. See Levack, ‘Crime’ and for key texts: Unsworth, ‘Witchcraft’; Sharpe, Witchcraft in Seventeenth-Century Yorkshire; Sharpe, Instruments; Sharpe, ‘Devil’; Gaskill, ‘Witchcraft in Early Modern Kent’; Gaskill, Crime; Gaskill, ‘Witches and Witchcraft Prosecutions’; Durston, Witchcraft; Gaskill, ‘Witches and Witnesses’; Gaskill, ‘Witchcraft and Evidence’; Newton and Bath (eds), Witchcraft; Sharpe, ‘Witchcraft in the Early Modern Isle of Man’. 6. Thomas, Religion, p. 570. For a historiographical perspective on Thomas’s work see Barry, ‘Introduction’ and Macfarlane, ‘Civility’. ‘That most intrac- table of issues, the reasons belief in witchcraft declined’ (Sharpe, Instruments, p. 33) is the subject of Bostridge, ‘Witchcraft’; Bostridge, Witchcraft; Sharpe, Instruments, pp.
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