3 EDITORIAL By Very Rev. John Abdalah

◆ 4 THE HISTORIC TRIP TO THE MIDDLE EAST By Very Rev. Joseph Antypas The Most Reverend Metropolitan PHILIP, D.H.L., D.D. 12 METROPOLITAN PHILIP, SCOBA Primate MEET WITH PRESIDENT BUSH The Right Reverend 13 ARCHDIOCESAN OFFICE Antoun, Auxiliary 16 METROPOLITAN PHILIP DEDICATES The Right Reverend BUILDINGS AT ANTIOCHIAN VILLAGE … Bishop Joseph, Auxiliary CONTINUES DREAM The Right Reverend 17 THE DEPARTMENT OF Bishop Basil, Auxiliary CHRISTIAN EDUCATION The Right Reverend 22 LOVE GOES ON: THE DAYS AFTER THE Bishop Demetri, Auxiliary ARSON FIRE AT THE ORTHODOX CHURCH Founded in Arabic as OF THE REDEEMER Al Kalimat in 1905 By Samer Bahou by Saint Raphael Hawaweeny Founded in English as 24 THE MEANING OF PILGRIMAGE The Word in 1957 By Bishop Demetri by Metropolitan Antony Bashir 29 WHY PILGRIMAGE? Editor in Chief By Fr. Michael Massouh The Very Rev. John P. Abdalah, D.Min. 30 ARCHBISHOP HERMAN OF PHILADELPHIA Assistant Editor ELECTED PRIMATE OF THE ORTHODOX Joanne M. Abdalah, MSW CHURCH IN AMERICA Editorial Board 31 ANTIOCHIAN HOUSE OF STUDIES The Very Rev. Joseph J. Allen, Th.D. CONFERS FIRST GRADUATE DEGREES Anthony Bashir, Ph.D. The Very Rev. Antony Gabriel, Th.M. 32 COMMUNITIES IN ACTION The Very Rev. Peter Gillquist 35 THE ORTHODOX WORLD Linda Hopkins Anne Glynn Mackoul, J.D. 35 THE PEOPLE SPEAK … Ronald Nicola Najib E. Saliba, Ph.D. MEMBER The Very Rev. Paul Schneirla, M.Div. The Associated Church Press Design Director Conciliar Press Donna Griffin Albert Ecumenical News International Editorial Office: Orthodox Press Service The Word 1777 Quigg Dr. Pittsburgh, PA 15241-2071 COVER e-mail: [email protected] MEMBERS OF THE HOLY SYNOD OF FAX: 1-412-831-5554 THE PATRIARCHATE OF ANTIOCH Subscription Office: 358 Mountain Road Englewood, NJ 07631 ◆

ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION: U.S.A. and Canada, $20.00 Foreign Countries, $26.00 Single Copies, $3.00 THE WORD (USPS626-260), published monthly except July and August, by the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America at 358 Mountain Road, periodicals postage paid at Englewood, New Jersey 07631 and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster send address changes to: THE WORD, 358 Mountain Road, Englewood, NJ 07631 VOLUME 46 NO. 7 SEPTEMBER 2002 ISSN 0043-7964


Autonomy with Unity:


N JUNE 13, 2002, AFTER THREE DAYS OF is the first cultural experience of Christianity, where O prayerful considerations, the Holy Synod of the followers of Christ were first called Christians. It Antioch recognized the Antiochian is practical and flexible, meeting the needs of chang- Orthodox Church in North America as autonomous. ing and diverse cultures. Our relationship with the The WORD commends his Beatitude Ignatius IV and Mother Church is important to feed us and to keep us the Holy Synod of Antioch for their courage and strong. We also need to stay united in America. Our vision in accepting the request of the Antiochian , clergy and people need the support and love Archdiocese of North America for autonomy. of each other. Our strength is in our unity, and we Autonomy will permit the North American choose not to be divided. Our unity with the Mother Archdiocese to meet more effectively the challenges Church and within ourselves is essential for us to of preaching the Good News to America and minister- bring Orthodoxy to America, and to bring America to ing to the needs of the Orthodox in this “New World.” Orthodoxy. The North American Church is a church of It is our most sincere hope that Antioch’s historic approximately one half million people populating a initiative will propel other Orthodox jurisdictions in vast continent some seven thousand miles from the America to follow our example, allowing all Mother Church. She boasts two hundred and forty Orthodox Christian leaders in America finally to churches with three hundred and sixty work together to meet the needs of clergy, including five bishops. While ◆ America and to resolve the canonical and deeply Antiochian in tradition and ethos, practical challenges that we face. she exists in a very different culture than EDITORIAL In this issue of The WORD, you will BY that of her Mother Church. America is a read the text of the Synodal Decision, as Very Rev. John P. pluralistic, technological society that is well as Fr. Joseph Antypas’s article, “The Abdalah constantly changing. An autonomous ◆ Historic Trip to the Middle East.” The church will better witness to this society, Holy Synod decided to establish a com- responding to Christ’s commission to mittee with an equal number of partici- bring the to all the world. pants appointed by His Beatitude Ignatius IV and The Antiochian Church, with her pre-Byzantine Metropolitan Philip to draft the constitutional roots and missionary zeal beginning with Sts. Peter changes which will reflect our new status and to pre- and Paul, has a unique Christian witness, one that sent them to the Holy Synod. America needs. This Antiochian school of practical Autonomy is not the goal of the Antiochian initia- incarnational theology is necessary to meet the chal- tive. Our goal is to begin a new era of renewed com- lenges of America in the third millennium. Two such mitment to Jesus Christ and His Church; an era to challenges are: 1) incorrect theological trends which bring America to Orthodoxy and Orthodoxy to reintroduce ancient heresies that the Orthodox America; an era of renewed commitment to Antioch Church has already responded to and, 2) moral com- and to America. Antioch produces practical theolo- promises based on such errors. gians who respond to the To respond to our mission, we changing needs of the world, need to strengthen our rela- and who preach the true tionships with our Mother gospel of Jesus Christ. Church. We are steadfast America and Antioch are in our resolve to be indeed blessed with coura- Antiochian. Antiochian is geous visionaries: not a nationality or Ignatius IV, our Metro- ethnic origin. It is politan Philip and the a way of thinking members of the Holy and of being. It Synod.

September 2002 3 THE HISTORIC TRIP

The Historic Trip to the Middle East


N MONDAY, JUNE 3, 2002, the Balamand University, which was a telephone call to his sister-in-law, OHis Eminence Metropolitan named after His Eminence. Mrs. Elaine Saliba, and extended Philip left his Archdiocesan At Damascus International sympathies on the death of her headquarters on his way to Paris, Airport, His Eminence was greeted father, the late George Abodeely of France. He was accompanied by the by many bishops and officials. From Worcester, MA. Memory be eternal. Vice-Chairman of the Archdiocese the airport His Eminence went to On Friday, June 7, the meeting of Board of Trustees, Dr. George Farha the Patriarchate headquarters and the Board of Trustees of the of Wichita, KS. In Paris, His was greeted by His Beatitude Balamand University took place at Eminence was greeted by Metro- Ignatius IV, Patriarch of Antioch and the Patriarchate. The meeting was politan Gabriel Saliby of Western of All the East. From there we went presided over by His Beatitude Europe and Archimandrite Gregory to the Sheraton Hotel, which be- Patriarch Ignatius IV. Metropolitans Saliby, and dined with them. In came his hub for the next 10 days. Philip Saliba, Ilyas Kurban, Elias Paris the other members of his dele- On Thursday, June 6, His Aude, and George Khodre are mem- gation, the Very Reverend Joseph Eminence received in his suite the bers of the Board, together with some Antypas, Mr. Nicola Antakli, and Mr. Ambassador of the United States of notable laymen from Syria and Fawaz El-Khoury, joined His America, the Honorable Ted Kattouf, Lebanon, including the Balamand Eminence, and together they took who is an Antiochian Orthodox University President Elie Salem. The their flight to Damascus, Syria on from Altoona, PA. The discussion discussion focused on the financial Wednesday, June 5. The purpose of focused on issues related to the picture of this thriving institution of the trip was two-fold: first, to partic- September 11th incident and other higher learning, its constitution, its ipate in the regular meeting of the issues dealing with the US policy in active departments, and its future Holy Synod of Antioch, which was the Middle East. His Eminence goals. Many vital decisions were to be held at the patriarchate in received many calls from church made, including the appointment of Damascus, Syria. Secondly, to par- leaders and public officials, who wel- Dr. Talee Bashour of San Francisco, ticipate in the dedication of the comed him and wished him a happy CA as a Vice-President for Medical Athletic and Cultural Complex at stay. Thursday night Sayedna made Affairs. It is to be noted that the

Members of the Synod with the President at the Presidential Palace


Balamand University is booming as a Church of Antioch is of the devil.” the Church of the Dormition (Al- shining beacon in the Middle East The interview was televised twice Marimieh) and had lunch with His and continues to attract new stu- and received much praise and Beatitude. That same day and on dents seeking knowledge and educa- appreciation. Saturday night, the occasion of the second anniver- tion. President Salem invited all the Sayedna and his delegation were sary of the passing on of the late hierarchs and mem- President Hafiz bers of the Board to Assad, His the dedication of the Eminence wired Metropolitan Philip President Bashar Saliba Athletic and Assad the following Cultural Complex, telegram: “On which was to be held behalf of myself and on Friday, June 21. my delegation I On Saturday, June extend to you and 8, Metropolitan to the people of Philip held a private Syria our genuine meeting with His condolences on the Beatitude and loss of a great shared with him leader. May God some vital concerns establish his soul in about the forthcom- His heavenly king- ing discussion: the dom. I have no question of autono- doubt that you will my for the Church continue the move in North America. which your great Lobby of the Phoenician Hotel — Fawaz El-Khoury, Leslie Saliba, Metropolitan He emphasized how Philip, Fr. Joseph Antypas, Dr. George Farha father has taken.” important it was to Monday, June 10, deal with this issue, as it expresses hosted by the Minister of was a special day in the life of the real concerns and aspirations of Transportation of Syria, the Metropolitan Philip, his 71st birth- his children in North America. Honorable Makram Obeid and his day. Early in the morning he read a Saturday afternoon he met with wife, to an exclusive dinner. We are card from his secretary, Kathy some highly influential public offi- very proud indeed of our Orthodox Meyer, wishing him the best of cials of the Syrian health. The mem- government, and bers of his delega- had a one-hour tion gave him a sur- interview on Syrian prise party at the TV. The interview Sheraton. Hierarchs covered many sub- were invited. jects such as the Speaking on behalf question of autono- of the members of my, the Arab- the delegation, Dr. Americans in the Farha reiterated the United States after love and apprecia- the September 11th tion for Sayedna’s terrorist attack, his leadership in the memoirs about the Church as a whole. late President Hafiz Also, because of a Assad, and his role recent crisis that hit in bringing together the Syrian Arab the Christian and Republic, the Muslim leaders in destruction of the the United States to 4th largest dam in work together for The Lebanese Presidential Palace — Nicola Antakli, Dr. George Farha, Syria, which left Metropolitan Philip, President Emile Lahoud, Fawaz El-Khoury, Fr. Joseph Antypas, the welfare of some Leslie Saliba many casualties and worthy causes. destruction of prop- Metropolitan Philip said, “I am root- faithful in Syria, who serve their erties, His Eminence refused to ed in this land spiritually, culturally, country in the highest capacities as accept any personal gift. Instead, and ideologically. Anyone that public officials. the amount of 500.00.00 Syrian alleges that Metropolitan Philip will Sunday, June 9, Metropolitan pounds ($10,000.00) was given to sever relations with the Mother Philip attended the Divine at the victims in honor of our Primate.

September 2002 5 THE HISTORIC TRIP

A telegram was sent the Holy Synod to Syrian President decided to establish Assad, expressing a committee, condolences on the appointed equally occasion of the cata- by His Beatitude strophe of the and His Eminence, Zizoon Dam. The to propose a consti- Syrian foreign min- tution for this istry responded, autonomous arch- expressing the ap- diocese. The consti- preciation of Syria tution would then for the thoughtful- be presented to the ness and generosity Holy Synod of of the contribution. Antioch after this Once again we take committee meets in this opportunity to the fall of 2002. It is wish our Father in time for God to act, Christ, Metropolitan and indeed He did Philip many good act through the years to come. We Patriarchal Cathedral in Damascus — Board of Trustees of Balamand University vision and blessings do appreciate his of the members of sensitivity and awareness to the detailed presentation on the issue of the Holy Synod, revealing again and needs of the victims. His Eminence autonomy. He assured the members again the conciliar spirit of the cut another birthday cake at the of the Synod that autonomy does Church, expressing visions for home of Mr. and Mrs. Adnan Takla not mean severing relations with the responding to the plea of this his- on Monday night in the presence of Mother Church of Antioch. He toric decision. His Beatitude the Patriarch, and reviewed the details of the decision Under the patronage of His Metropolitans Khodre, Aude, and of the General Assembly of the Beatitude Patriarch Ignatius IV, the Chedraoui, Ministers of Public Antiochian Archdiocese of North Orthodox community in Damascus Health, Higher Learning, and America, which was adopted in Los and its suburbs is experiencing a Petroleum, their spouses, members Angeles, CA on July 26, 2001. He spiritual revival. New churches are of the delegation and other friends. gave the rationale upon which the being built, new organizations are Mr. Takla is originally from Homs, plea of autonomy was established: created and some long standing and Syria and is a member of the namely, the distance of the Arch- existing institutions are starting new Balamand Board of Trustees and a diocese from the Mother Church, projects, responding to the growing Damascene layman and contractor. the identification with the civiliza- needs of men and women, the young The Holy Synod of Antioch held tion of North America and the way and the old-aged, as well. It is note- its regular 35th meeting at the work is handled, the amazing worthy to mention the project Patriarchate in Damascus, Syria, growth of the parishes and missions which is undertaken by the St. from June 11 to 14, presided over by of the Archdiocese, and the fact that Gregory Orthodox Society for His Beatitude Patriarch Ignatius IV there are already five bishops who Orphans and Old People. Founded and in the presence of Metropolitans are governing the pastoral needs of in 1912, the Society continues to Ilyas Kurban, Philip Saliba, Spiridon the Antiochian Church in North take care of a varying number of old Khoury, Constantine Papastephano, America. His Eminence was hopeful people of both sexes, and orphans, George Khodre, Youhanna Mansour, that the holy fathers of the Synod making sure that they live in a Elias Aude, Boulos Bandali, Elia would respond to the needs and friendly, family-like atmosphere, Saliba, Elias Kfoury, Antonios expectations of their children in providing them with health care, Chedraoui, Serjius Abad, Kirrilos North America. On Thursday, June and social leisure activities. Dumat, Damaskinos Mansour, Saba 13, the Holy Synod issued a SYN- In a special reception given in Esper, Paul Saliba, George Abu ODAL DECISION blessing such honor of the members of the Holy Zakham, Paul Yazgy, and auxiliary effort, and recognizing the Synod, the President of the Society, Bishops Elias Najm, Niphon Saykali, Antiochian Archdiocese of North Mr. George Nashawati, summarized Youhanna Yazgy, Mousa Khoury, America as autonomous. They the past, present, and future plans of Basilios Nassour, Luka Khoury, expressed their conviction that this charitable arm of the Ghatas Hazim, and Dimitrius Hosny, autonomy will strengthen the Patriarchate, assured everyone of its including the Secretary of the Holy Antiochian witness and make it commitments to the needy, thanked Synod, Economos George Dimas. more effective. In order to cover the in particular Metropolitan Philip The Autonomy issue was first on the canonical and pastoral factors which Saliba for his generous contribu- agenda. The discussion lasted three will affect the constitutions of the tions, and wished all health and days. Metropolitan Philip made a Patriarchate and of the Archdiocese, length of days.


On Thursday, June 13, the mem- economic binds the Lebanese are the Arabic version of the Synodal bers of the Holy Synod, headed by experiencing; and the assurance decision on autonomy, he approved the Patriarch, were invited to visit that the Antiochian Church will the English version which was pre- with Syrian President Bashar Assad, always be rooted in the Arab world, sented to him. The Antiochian who welcomed his guests very witnessing to the creative Christian- Orthodox Church is indeed fortu- warmly. Metropolitan Philip and his Muslim dialogue. nate to have as its own Metropolitan delegation had a private audience It should be noted that His George, one of the most brilliant with the President as well. Many Beatitude Patriarch Ignatius IV put theologians in the Orthodox world. ideas were exchanged concerning his automobile and driver at the dis- He is a man of action and vision. In the role that the Antiochian Church posal of His Eminence Metropolitan his writings you can “feel” the work can play in North America, bringing Philip. Saturday, June 15, the and the operation of the Holy Spirit the light into the Arab-American Patriarch and his entourage visited of God. May God grant him many relations that benefit the United Sayedna at his suite and bid him good years to come. States and all Arab countries. The farewell. Tuesday, June 18th, Metropolitan President thanked Metropolitan On Sunday, June 16, after a short Philip and his delegation visited the Philip for his leadership and his role stop at the home of Mr. & Mrs. President of Lebanon, General as a catalyst. Metropolitan Philip Nabeel Shaghoury, the Metropolitan Emile Lahoud, at the presidential had written a moving poem in the and his delegation crossed the palace in Baabda. Sayedna also had Arabic language, based on the Syrian border and entered Lebanon, a private audience with him. They recent brutal Israeli aggression making a short stop in Shtoura, discussed issues related to Arab- against the Palestinians, causing the Lebanon. His Grace Bishop Niphon American concerns, and President destruction of human lies and prop- Saykali, representative of the Lahoud commended Sayedna for his erties. He had commissioned a Antiochian Church in Moscow, host- leadership in the United States of young Damascene calligrapher to ed him and his delegation to a America. After the meeting, His write the poetry on papyrus sta- luncheon. Afterwards we headed to Eminence visited the Cathedral of tionery. At the conclusion of the Beirut, Lebanon and stayed at the St. George, which is under renova- presidential visit photos were taken Phoenicia Intercontinental Hotel. tion, and had a warm and friendly and a presentation of the poem in On Monday, June 17, Metropolitan luncheon at the table of the dynam- an exclusive frame was made to Philip, accompanied by his niece, ic Metropolitan of the Archdiocese President Bashar Assad, who Miss Leslie Saliba, who had come to of Beirut, Elias Aude. Metropolitan expressed his sincere appreciation Lebanon to visit her relatives and Aude surrounded Sayedna Philip for the gift. The visit proved to be attend the dedication ceremony at with love, friendship and respect. one of the highlights of the trip to Balamand, made his way to the Monday evening both Metropolitans the Syrian capital. It gave us insight mountains. He visited his home- and the members of the delegation, into the visions and aspirations of town, Shreen, and met with mem- including Miss Leslie Saliba, were this young president, who is leading bers of his family. Metropolitan guests at the home of the former his people into the gateway of the George Khodre of Mount Lebanon Minister of Environment, Mr. Samir 21st century with conviction and was also invited to the luncheon. Mukbel, and his lovely wife. His determination. Being the hierarch who authored Eminence met many friends, public The Holy Synod officials and hier- concluded its meet- archs as well. ing on Friday, June Wednesday, June 14, and issued a 19th, Metropolitan press release ex- Philip was the guest pressing its bless- of the former Presi- ings and recognition dent of Lebanon, of the Autonomy of Mr. Elias Hrawi. the Archdiocese of Present were Bishop North America. The Niphon Saykali, press release cov- Ambassador Fuad ered the condition Al-Turk, former of the School of Foreign Minister Theology of St. John and member of the of Damascus and its Parliament, Fares continued growth; Buweiz, and His the plight of the Excellency Issam Palestinians and the Fares, the Deputy injustices inflicted Minister of upon them by Lebanon. President Israel; the social and Bishop John Yazgy introduces Sayedna Philip, June 21 at the Balamand Theological Institute Hrawi remembered

September 2002 7 THE HISTORIC TRIP the hospitality of Metropolitan Philip Syria, the Honorable Ted Kattouf. guests moved to the Cultural and during his visit to the United States That evening he had an open forum Athletic Complex, where Metro- five years ago, and thanked him for with the media, discussing diverse politan Philip presided over the ser- his contribution and leadership. issues and topics. vice of the blessing of grounds and Wednesday night, he paid the Friday, June 21, is a day to be sprinkled the complex and the audi- Deputy Prime Minister a visit and remembered. Metropolitans Philip ence with holy water. Then at the had dinner on his yacht. His and Aude, along with the delegation, university auditorium President Excellency Issam Fares is known for traveled to Balamand University for Salem welcomed all guests and his integrity and honesty, and is the dedication of the Cultural and thanked Metropolitan Philip and the respected by all politicians and Athletic Complex named after Antiochian Archdiocese of North church leaders for his many contri- Metropolitan Philip. The ceremonies America for the many contributions butions and good works. started at the of the School given to the university. He ex- On Thursday, June 20th, Metro- of Theology. Hierarchs, deans, pro- pressed his joy for receiving all con- politan Philip continued his visits fessors, students, seminarians, tributions rendered and referred to with the Lebanese public officials. including the President of the Metropolitan Philip as a “rock” and He had an audience with the Prime University, Dr. Elie Salem, and the “oak tree” rooted in the Antiochian Minister, Rafic Hariri, and met the Dean of Theology, Bishop Youhanna soil, witnessing to the Spirit of press, where he pointed to the fact Yazgy, were present. With the chant- Antioch with visions and good that Lebanon is emerging like a ing of “God is the Lord who has deeds, and with a total sense of giv- phoenix from the ashes of war and shown us light” rendered by the ing. Metropolitan Philip gave a mov- people should be more positive in seminary choir, Metropolitan Philip ing lecture on the spirit of competi- their attitudes towards the country was escorted to a hall where he tion. He recalled his days at the and its leaders and avoid “weeping delivered a speech on pastoral Balamand Seminary, as a student and wailing.” That same day he met responsibilities and care, and and a teacher as well, where he was with the Speaker of the House, Mr. answered questions. Dean Yazgy involved in sports. He outlined a his- Nabih Berry, at his palace. He also thanked him for the support he has torical sketch about sports in made a surprise visit to Mrs. Violet given to the School of Theology ancient Greece and how sportsmen Khalife, the mother of Walid Khalife, throughout the years and presented competed in a brotherly fashion. He at her home. Later he had lunch him and his delegations with gifts. wished that politicians in Lebanon with the American Ambassador to From the School of Theology all would learn from the true sense of

Metropolitan Philip blessing the Athletic and Cultural Center at the Balamand University.


sportsmanship, and wished all those friends, Ophthalmologist Dr. Kamal his past memories as a of the who would use the fields and the Zakka, and an Orthopedic doctor, late Metropolitan Elia Salibi, the courtyards to build up a genuine Dr. Ghassan Skaff, and their spous- echo of the voice of the late chanter, spirit of competition, to build the es. On Saturday night a reception Andraos Mouaikel, and the beautiful Lebanon that meets their aspira- was held in his honor and in appre- services held there in the presence tions and dreams. The seminary ciation for his contributions, love, of the President and public officials choir then entertained the audience and support to the St. George on New Year’s Day. The Metropolitan with some musical selections, and a Hospital. At the Bristol Hotel had brunch in the home of the hon- lunch was served on the university Metropolitan Elias Aude gathered orable Minister of State, Beshara campus. On his way back to the the medical staff and the Board of Merhej, who commented on Phoenicia Hotel there was a short St. George Hospital, including the Sayedna’s role in the United States stop at the Church of the Ascension Ambassadors of the USA and and in the Arab world as well. He in Kfar Hbab. Sayedna encouraged Greece, the honorable Vincent Patel thanked him for his strong leader- the pastor and the building commit- and George Gabrielidis. The dinner ship, friendship, and love. Metro- tee members to continue the good was sumptuous. Gifts were ex- politan Philip responded with nice work and complete the project. The changed and the ambience was words and thanked him for his gen- visit to Balamand University was extraordinary. Once again, Metro- erosity. He had received two phone one of the highlights of Sayedna’s politan Aude, Mr. Salam Rayes, calls while he was still at Minister trip. We witnessed the growth and director of the hospital, Miss Elaine Beshara’s home: one from His the emergence of a young university Andrea, the public relations officer Beatitude Patriarch Ignatius IV growing in the midst of rocks and of the Archdiocese, Mr. Emile wishing him farewell, and another olive trees and rising as a shining Rahbani, Superintendent of Building call from Archimandrite Atallah star, calling for collective financial and Grounds, and the entire staff Hanna of the Holy Land, thanking and moral support under the patron- spared nothing to show their appre- Sayedna for his support of the age of our beloved Patriarch, and ciation to their guest of honor and Orthodox Christian Arabs in the the intercession of our Lady Theo- members of his delegation. Patriarchate of Jerusalem. tokos of the Balamand, who contin- Sunday, June 23 was Monday, June 24, Metropolitan ues to pray for the growth and the Sunday; Metropolitan Elias Aude Elias Aude accompanied His well-being of this thriving institution presided over the Hierarchical Eminence as they visited the newly- of higher learning. and the Kneeling ser- built Church of St. Nicholas, located On Saturday, June 22, Metro- vice at the Church of the Annun- next door to the Archdiocese head- politan Philip had an interesting ciation. The choir was phenomenal. quarters. The elegant edifice practi- interview with the new TV station. Following services, there was a pri- cally “sits” on top of the old church, The interview was very much appre- vate visit to the Cathedral of St. which is currently being used for ciated for its focus on some impor- George, downtown Beirut. Metro- everyday services. Later he met the tant local and international issues. politan Aude gave Sayedna Philip a Minister of Public Works, Mr. Najib He dined with two of his longtime private tour of the site. He recalled Mikati, at the Archdiocese residence THE HISTORIC TRIP

and dined with him. being established to His Excellency pre- take care of the sented His Emi- needs of all people. nence a beautiful The spirit of God of St. Nicholas shines brightly in the wonder-worker. the Archpastoral Now, we were get- ministry of a great ting close to bidding and humble hier- farewell to many arch, loved and re- exciting experi- spected by all, ences, gatherings, Christians and non- meetings, and Christians, Ortho- scores of friends. dox and non- The “” Orthodox; he is one brought some dear for all and all appre- friends together at ciate the one who the home of Michael proclaims the word and Yolla Mufarrij. of God in righteous- Such sweet memo- ness. It is also note- ries will linger in Metropolitan Ilyas Kurban, Metropolitan Philip, President Bashar Assad of Syria, worthy to express our minds for many Patriarch Ignatius our gratitude to years to come. We Metropolitan Elia of thank God for friends who continue able and dynamic leadership as the Hama, Syria, who proved to be a to reveal their hospitality and true Metropolitan of the capital of good friend and who stood by nature and those who endear them- Lebanon, churches are being built, Sayedna Philip and gave him all love selves in a genuine spirit. The smil- remodeled, renovated, and restored. and support during his entire visit. ing face, the warmth of heart, and and are being edu- Tuesday, June 25th was our depar- the hospitality of His Eminence cated to serve and minister to the ture day. Sayedna Philip was inter- Metropolitan Elias Aude had exceed- flock. Young men are motivated to viewed by Al-Safir daily newspaper ed our expectations. Metropolitan dedicate themselves and become for one full hour. The interview was Aude revealed to our Primate his future servants of the Church in var- printed the following day. I hope one love and good fellowship. Under his ious capacities. Institutions are day our readers will benefit from it,

Beirut International Airport on departure day — Father Philip Said, Elaine Andrea, Mr. Kamal Saliba, Governor of Beirut, Metropolitan Elia of Hama, Dr. George Farha, Metropolitan Elias of Beirut, Metropolitan Philip, Mr. Fawaz El-Khoury, V. Rev. Joseph Antypas, Mr. Salam Reyes, Hala Homsey


The Presidential Palace in Damascus — Nicola Antakli (Troy, MI); Metropolitan Philip; President; Dr. George Farha, Vice Chairman of the Archdiocese Board of Trustees; Very Rev. Joseph Antypas; Fawaz El-Khoury, Worcester, MA reading it in both languages, Arabic and English, to appreciate the ANTIOCHIAN ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN ARCHDIOCESE Publications Department thoughts and mind of our great 358 Mountain Road ❖ Englewood, NJ 07631 leader. At the airport VIP lounge, Phone: (201) 871-1355 ❖ Fax: (201) 871-7954 crowded by Metropolitan Elias Aude, Sung in Arabic by the hospital staff, the Governor of His Eminence The Most Reverend Metropolitan Philip the city of Beirut and many good Primate of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America friends, we bid all farewell. We departed, taking with us wonderful The Joy of the Soul: memories. This historic trip gave us Favorite Selections of Byzantine Hymns and Gospels a gift of a great price, which we will Contents: cherish for generations to come. Side One: Side Two: The autonomy of the Archdiocese of 1. Christmas Heirmos 1. Funeral Gospel: St. John North America is now a reality upon “Christ is Born: Glorify Him” “The Lord Said to the Jews” which God will establish His holy 2. Christmas 2. Exapostalarion, Tone 3 Church as one holy united Ortho- “Thy Nativity, O Christ” Bridegroom Service, 3. Epiphany “Thy Bridalchamber I Behold” dox Church in the United States “By Thy , O Christ” 3. Fifteenth , Tone 6 States and Canada, witnessing to 4. Wedding Troparion Holy Thursday Evening Christ and to the true faith. It has “O Isaiah, Dance Thy Joy” “Today He is Suspended on a Tree” been an honor and a pleasure to be 5. Lenten 4. Great Friday Lamentations “In Thee Rejoiceth“ Verses: Threnos with his Eminence as a member of 6. Akathistos Hymn 5. The Holy Gospel for the Resurrection Service his delegation, to serve him and to “The Angel was Amazed” 6. Resurrection Stichera take care of his needs. May God 7. Akathistos Hymn grant him many years. “Truly, I Thy City” 8. Funeral , Tone 8 “I Weep and I Wail” Fr. Joseph Antypas is pastor of St. George Church, Troy, MI. Please send me ______copy(s) of “The Joy of the Soul” at a cost of $7.00 per copy. For orders under $20.00, please include $2.00 for postage and handling. For larger orders, please include 10% for postage and handling. Name ______Address______


METROPOLITAN PHILIP, SCOBA meet with President Bush

T THE INVITATION OF THE Having just returned from the come forward to help their Arab kin A White House, several hier- Middle East, Metropolitan Philip fol- recover their losses in restoring archs of the Orthodox Church lowed Archbishop Demetrios by peace to the region. were asked to attend a forum with expressing his concerns for the Metropolitan Christopher of the President Bush on Tuesday, July 9, volatile nature of the situation Serbian Archdiocese spoke next, 2002, as a part of his faith-based ini- between the Arab countries and the with concerns about the plight of the tiative. Among those attending were State of Israel. While there, he had Serbians and the destruction of hun- Archbishop Demetrios of the Greek the opportunity to meet with the dreds of ancient churches and the Orthodox Archdiocese of America, heads of State of Lebanon and Syria desecration of cemeteries in Kosovo. Metropolitan Philip of the and several officials of those govern- It is there that established United Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of ments as well as masses of the peo- Nations peacekeepers are blinking North America, Metropolitan ple. The sentiments were all the and not providing the populace with Theodosius of the Orthodox Church same. They desperately need the safety and security. in America, Metropolitan Chris- help of President Bush in the quest Metropolitan Theodosius was the topher of the Serbian Orthodox to implement UN Resolutions 242, next to address the President with Archdiocese, Bishop Ilia of the 338 and 194 which, if implemented, concerns of the Palestinian Chris- Albanian Archdiocese, and Bishop would restore peace to the entire tians and their flight en masse from Demetrios of the Greek Archdiocese. region. Metropolitan Philip reminded the Holy Land. He also pointed out Upon their arrival at the White the President that it was his father the special concern of the Holy House, they were escorted to the who initiated the Madrid Conference Church of the Nativity, built in the Roosevelt Room where the President in 1991, which was based on land 4th century by Constantine, which met them in a very jovial and for peace. If this principle were has never had a disruption in liturgi- relaxed manner. The President then implemented, there would indeed be cal services since its inception until proceeded to welcome the hierarchs peace in the region. A good and posi- this last Great Fast period and and began the discussion by iterating tive beginning would be to end the Pascha. It was the only time in its his strong desire to achieve peace in occupation of the West Bank to allow long history that services were not the world, especially in Afghanistan the emergence of a Palestinian state. held. and the Middle East. He stated that, “Please, Mr. President, we need your At this point, Archbishop out of the evil of September 11th, a help to end the occupation.” Demetrios mentioned to the great deal of good has come through In response, President Bush President that Israel has not as yet the compassion, hope and faith of anguished over the plight of the recognized the new Patriarch of the American people. He thanked all Palestinians. He acknowledged that Jerusalem and all Palestine. The the faithful of the Orthodox Church the conditions under which they are President asked his aides in the for the gift of their prayers and sup- living are intolerable and inexcus- room to make note of these revela- port. He then invited the hierarchs able. He stated, however, that he was tions so that he could address these to relay their concerns to him for his the only American President that issues with the people. consideration and support. supported the creation of a All in all, the visit to the White Archbishop Demetrios began by Palestinian State and that he envi- House and President Bush proved thanking the President for inviting sioned a positive future to which mil- intimate and rewarding. The meeting them to the White House for such a lions of American dollars would be was unique, as it was the initiative of discussion in so far as they represent invested if only they, the the White House from within and it five to six million American Palestinians, would abide by his plan was reserved for Orthodox leaders Orthodox Christians. The values of for peace and stability. He was clear- alone. Following the meeting, the tolerance, peace, religious freedom ly frustrated with Mr. Sharon and the President invited the group to the and the pursuit of happiness as Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, with Oval Office for a photo-op, during imbued by the utterances of the whom he had just spoken before which time he described the room, President were synonymous with coming to this meeting. He was also its murals, its unique hooked rug dis- those of the entire Orthodox Church convinced that Chairman Arafat playing the seal of the President and in the United States. The explosions could not produce peace and that he the President’s desk. As they depart- of 9-11 were also an explosion of had to be removed from any emerg- ed, Metropolitan Philip exchanged a love manifested in the prayers and ing government. Arab countries few more words with the President actions of all American Orthodox must stop considering the and again pleaded with him to end churches. Palestinians as step-children and the occupation.



DECEASED Rev. Fr. JOEL GILLAM to Deacon JOHN McQUIDE the pastorate of St. from St. Nicholas George Church, New Church, Cedarburg, WI Kensington, PA, effec- on May 24, 2002. He tive August 1, 2002. was 79 years old. Rev. Fr. KEVIN SCHERER ORDAINED to the pastorate of St. John the Evangelist Deacon ROMANOS Church, Orinda, CA, MALOUF to the holy effective July 1, 2002. priesthood on May 12, 2002 at St. George Rev. Fr. PHILIP NIXON Church, West Roxbury, to the pastorate of MA. He is assigned to Holy Resurrection All Saints Mission, Church, Tucson, AZ, Hingham, MA, while he effective June 1, 2002. completes his semi- Rev. Fr. AIDAN Metropolitan Philip with Oratorical Festival contestants nary studies. WILCOXSON to the pas- Deacon GREGORY LAZARUS MURPHY Archpriest MICHAEL ELLIAS to the torate of St. John the Forerunner to the holy priesthood on July 21, pastorate of St. Mary Church, Church, Austin, TX, effective August 2002 at St. Ignatius of Antioch Brooklyn, NY, effective September 1, 1, 2002. Chapel, Antiochian Village. 2002. Rev. Fr. STEPHEN RHUDY to the pas- BASIL (FRANK) SHAHEEN Archpriest ALEXIS KOURI to the pas- torate of St. George Church, South of St. George, Canton, OH to the torate of St. George Church, West Glens Falls, NY, effective August 1, diaconate on May 26, 2002. He is Roxbury, MA, effective September 1, 2002. attached to that parish. 2002. Rev. Fr. ROMANOS MALOUF to over- Subdeacon JOHN BOURQUIN to the Rev. Fr. GREGORY MURPHY to the see All Saints Mission, Hingham, diaconate on Sunday, June 9 at St. pastorate of St. Michael Church, MA, effective August 1, 2002. Luke, Lafayette-Boulder, CO. Geneva, NY, effective September 1, Rev. Fr. ELIAS MEENA to the pas- 2002. LAICIZED torate of St. Luke Church, Solon, Rev. Fr. NICHOLAS BARGOOT to the OH, effective August 1, 2002. The former Archpriest VLADIMIR pastorate of St. Philip Church, Davie, BELCHER, effective July 8, 2002. Deacon JOHN MEFRIGE as the assis- FL, effective September 1, 2002. tant pastor of St. Elijah Church, APPOINTED Oklahoma City, OK, The 15th Anniversary Banquet of the Palestinian Heritage Foundation was Archimandrite DANIEL effective September to the pas- held at the Marriott Glenpointe Hotel in Teaneck, NJ on April 28, 2002. 15, 2002. GRIFFITH Attendees included, left to right, Joseph Qutub, President of Arab Student Aid torate of All Saints International; Farah Munayyer, Vice-President, Palestinian Heritage AWARDED Church, Salina, KS, Foundation; Metropolitan Philip; Dr. Walid Khalidi; Dr. Nadim El-Kasem. effective September 1, The Antonian Silver 2002. Medal to Mr. PETER DACALES of St. Archpriest ELIAS NASR Anthony Church, to the pastorate of St. Bergenfield, NJ, on Elias Church, Austin, June 15, 2002. TX, effective August 1, 2002. LEAVE OF ABSENCE Archpriest JOHN ESSA to the pastorate of St. Rev. Fr. JOHN SHAWN George Church, TEAGUE, effective June Altoona, PA, effective 1, 2002. July 15, 2002.


RETIRED ON LOAN Deacon GEORGE ESBER to the Archdiocese of Tripoli and El-Koum, Archpriest of St. John Rev. Fr. to the Greek EMILE HANNA FELIX MILES effective September 1, 2002. the Evangelist Church, Orinda, CA, Diocese of Atlanta, effective August effective July 1, 2002. 1, 2002.

Archpriest JAMES KENNA of St. Elias RELEASED Church, Austin, TX, effective August REMINDER Rev. Fr. to the Bulgarian 1, 2002. JOHN MACK Orthodox Diocese of the Orthodox Seminary applications are due ELEVATED Church in America, effective July on January 31, 2003 for the fall 28, 2002. Father DAVID MUSTIAN to the dignity of that year. of Archpriest on Sunday, June 9 at Rev. Fr. CHAD HATFIELD to the St. Luke, Lafayette-Boulder, CO. Orthodox Church in America.


he Holy Synod of Antioch, at its T regular meeting held at the Patriarchate in Damascus, Syria, from June 11-June 14, 2002, and having reviewed the plea of the General Assembly of the Antiochian Archdiocese of North America, which was adopted in Los Angeles, CA, July 26, 2001 and has been sub- mitted to His Beatitude Patriarch Ignatius IV and the Holy Synod, blesses the wish of its children in the Antiochian Archdiocese of North America, and recognizes their Archdiocese as autonomous. This will render their witness more powerful and more effective, as they identify with the civilization of North America; and in order to express the canonical and pastoral factors of this renewed Archdiocese, which will affect the basic law of the Patriarchate, on the one hand, and the constitution of the Archdiocese on the other hand. Therefore, the Holy Synod decid- ed to establish a committee, com- posed from six to eight persons, appointed equally by His Beatitde and His Eminence Metropolitan Philip, to propose a constitution for this autonomous Archdiocese, to be presented to the Holy Synod of Antioch, in order to acquire its final canonical status. The first meeting of this commit- tee will be held in the coming fall.


Symphony and Associate Conductor James C. Meena of blessed memory of the Cleveland Ballet. Maestro and Khouriye Ruth Meena, he Meena has led opera performances became director of the St. George for the Pittsburgh Opera, Portland Liturgical Choir of Cleveland at the Opera, Orlando Opera, Sarasota age of 19. Upon moving to Pittsburgh Opera, Opera Pacific in Orange in 1976, he undertook the director- County, CA and the Utah Opera; as ship of the St. George Choir of well as concert appearances with Pittsburgh, as well as the St. Sava the Pittsburgh Symphony, National Serbian Orthodox Choir, and found- Symphony Orchestra R.O.C., the ed the Orthodox Liturgical Choir of KBS Symphony in Seoul, South Pittsburgh, a combined choir of Korea, Egypt’s Cairo Philharmonic, singers from several Pittsburgh JAMES MEENA APPOINTED the Orchestra Regionale Toscana in Orthodox jurisdictions. CHAIR OF THE SACRED Florence, Italy and the Teatro MUSIC DEPARTMENT OF THE Massimo Bellini in ANTIOCHIAN ARCHDIOCESE Catania, Sicily. James Meena has a t the opening night of the long history of ser- A Sacred Music Institute, held at vice to the An- the Antiochian Village July 24-28, tiochian Orthodox Metropolitan Philip announced Church as director James Meena as the new Chair of of choirs, regional the Sacred Music Department. He music coordinator congratulated Jim, thanked the for the Midwest members of this important depart- Region and the ment of our Archdiocese, and paid Eastern Region of tribute to the late Raymond George, SOYO, and a mem- former Chair of the department. ber of the Sacred James Meena, Opera Carolina Music Department of Director since July, 2000, served as the Antiochian General Director & Principal Orthodox Christian Conductor of the Toledo Opera for Archdiocese of North fourteen seasons while also serving America. as Resident Conductor of the Toledo The son of V. Rev. Archdiocese Board meets in May, 2002 at Antiochian Village

DAILY DEVOTIONS OCTOBER, 2002 1. HEBREWS 9:1-7; LUKE 10:38-42; 11:27-28 16. EPHESIANS 3:8-21; LUKE 9:44-50 (FAST) 2. GALATIANS 3:15-22; LUKE 6:46-7:1 (FAST) 17. EPHESIANS 4:14-19; LUKE 9:49-56 3. GALATIANS 3:25-4:5; LUKE 7:17-30 18. EPHESIANS 4:17-25; LUKE 10:1-15 (FAST) 4. GALATIANS 4:8-21; LUKE 7:31-35 (FAST) 19. 1 CORINTHIANS 14:20-25; LUKE 7:2-10 5. 1 CORINTHIANS 4:17-5:5; LUKE 5:27-32 20. 2 CORINTHIANS 6:16-7:1; LUKE 8:26-39 6. 2 CORINTHIANS 4:6-15; LUKE 7:11-16 21. EPHESIANS 4:25-32; LUKE 10:22-24 22. EPHESIANS 5:20-25; LUKE 11:1-10 7. GALATIANS 4:28-5:10; LUKE 7:36-50 23. EPHESIANS 5:25-33; LUKE 11:9-13 (FAST) 8. GALATIANS 5:11-21; LUKE 8:1-3 24. EPHESIANS 5:33-6:9; LUKE 11:14-23 9. GALATIANS 6:2-10; LUKE 8:22-25 (FAST) 25. EPHESIANS 6:18-24; LUKE 11:23-26 (FAST) 10. EPHESIANS 1:1-9; LUKE 9:7-11 26. 1 CORINTHIANS 15:39-45; LUKE 8:16-21 11. EPHESIANS 1:1-17; LUKE 9:12-18 (FAST) 27. 2 CORINTHIANS 9:6-11; LUKE 8:41-56 12. 1 CORINTHIANS 10:23-28; LUKE 6:1-10 28. PHILIPPIANS 1:1-7; LUKE 11:29-33 13. TITUS 3:8-15; LUKE 8:5-15 29. PHILIPPIANS 1:8-14; LUKE 11:34-41 14. EPHESIANS 1:22-2:3; LUKE 9:18-22 30. PHILIPPIANS 1:12-20; LUKE 11:42-46 (FAST) 15. EPHESIANS 2:19-3:7; LUKE 9:23-27 31. PHILIPPIANS 1:20-27; LUKE 11:47-12:1 By Very Rev. George Alberts

September 2002 15 ANTIOCHIAN VILLAGE


NTIOCHIAN VILLAGE IS in 1979 to hosting 980 children who The Village Camp program A the realization of a dream … attend the camp each summer, employs four full-time, year-round Metropolitan Philip’s dream divided among four two-week ses- staff, including the Director, Father in the late 70’s to establish a spiritu- sions. Michael Nasser, who was a counselor al retreat cen- from 1986- ter for people 1992. Fr. of all ages Michael also where they directs the could learn College Min- more about the istries Depart- Christian way ment for the of life, grow in Archdiocese. their faith, and “In the past, better under- we have had to stand the cul- relocate our ture and her- enrollment, itage of Eastern registration, Christianity. and adminis- On Thurs- trative pro- day, May 30, grams due to 2002 at 12:00 the seasonal noon, His Emi- building we nence dedicat- were in,” said ed and blessed Fr. Nasser. “We two buildings, had outgrown the Camp’s the building as Metropolitan well with our Philip Welcome 55 summer Lodge and a employees and Maintenance 64 volunteers Building, as who imple- part of An- ment our tiochian Vil- Camp pro- lage’s expan- gram. It was a sion and reno- Blessing the Metropolitan Philip Welcome Lodge at Antiochian Village Camp, May 30, 2002. blessing to vation plan in break ground progress. The Lodge is constructed of white in March for this multiple-use, log The Metropolitan Philip Welcome pine logs and has about 3600 square Lodge as a hub for our Camp and Lodge was dedicated as a year-round feet of space, including a loft and other youth activities we host here facility to house offices and meeting basement. All funds for the project at the Village,” he added. space for Antiochian Village Camp were provided by the Metropolitan The Camp program has expanded staff and volunteers. The Lodge will Philip Endowment for the beyond activities related to summer also serve as a reception and regis- Antiochian Village, which was estab- camp with a Winter Camp Program, tration area during the busy camp lished in 1991 in lieu of gifts for His held over the two winter holiday season and a meeting, storage and Eminence in honor of his 25th weekends in January and February, safe-shelter facility in support of the anniversary as Archbishop of the and Family Camp, designed to bring Camp and its programs, which has Antiochian Orthodox Christian grown from having a few registrants Archdiocese of North America. Continued on page 21



Getting Ready for good ol’ fashiOned creative festivals? christian fun

As this year’s work for creative festivals begins, At St. George Parish, Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, take inspiration from these photos from last year. At the church school sponsored a Christian Halloween St. Stephen the Protomartyr Parish, South Plainfield, Party. The children came to liturgy dressed as their New Jersey, workshops are held for festival projects. favorite saint or a Bible character. Afterward, games Khouriye Beba lends special support to the workshops as she wishes every child to enrich their church school experience with a hands-on project. Pictured above are George Ghamim, Iyad Ghanim, Wael Kanj, and Farris Ghanim. Fr. Stephen Tewfik is the pastor and Camille Wasser is the Church School Director.

At St. George Parish, Flint, Michigan the children of the fourth grade got into the spirit with “helping hands” t-shirts. These were worn as they participated in service projects, in keeping, of course, with the theme! Fr. Joseph Abud is the pastor, and Khouriye Leslee Abud is the Church School Director.

were offered such as “Pin the Halo on St. George,” and “Halo Toss,” which was a ring-toss contest. Less active was the “All Saints Matching Game” where children were shown and told the stories of various saints and then asked to find the match in the icon cards they had been given. Shown in the photos are: Maia Doumit playing one of the games, participants (from left to right) Sophia Kerns, Caitlyn Ibrahim, Jessica Kerns, and Maia Doumit. Can you guess which Bible character is portrayed by little Kyra Stetler, at right? Decode the answer by writing the sentence and the let- ters in reverse order: “kra eht forf regit a” Photos: Bonnie Bajalia


FROM THE DIRECTOR’ S DESK do is not for the , or the director, but for God. And, my heartfelt thanks for those of you who have again accepted the privilege of teaching our young Beloved in Christ, brothers and sisters in the Lord. May God bless us all!

Happy new year to one and all! I have always felt Carole Buleza like September, rather than January, signalled a new year. School begins again each September, and being a student for a good many years beyond the norm, as FAITH AND FAMILY well as a teacher, it’s no wonder why I felt so. When I by Judy Pappoff learned that the Church year began in September, I felt like I had unknowingly tapped into an eternal truth! Speaking of such truth, we continue looking at Children and the movements of an Orthodox life with the topic of repentance. Judy offers wonderful ideas for working Discipline with the children, and I offer thoughts on the concept itself. Orthodox Institute. We have a wonderful Ortho- As adults, we struggle with repentance. We are dox Institute planned for this October. Brochures, often afraid to confess our sins to our priest even made to double as posters, have been sent to every though we may be truly sorry and committed not to do pastor and church school director on our list. If you the same thing again. Why do we need to confess to need one, please email us at [email protected] and we our priest? We need to recognize that our sins, even will send you one. You may also use the form on the the most personal, represent a wound to the Church as last page of this newsletter, and consult our web page well as to ourselves, and that Jesus Christ is the Divine to determine the classes for which you wish to register. Physician of our souls and bodies. St. John We will be honored with the presence and words of Chrysostom wrote, “By sin, we separate ourselves both Bishop Basil this year. from God and from His Church . . . Did you commit Pilot of New Publication. Another exciting event sin? Enter the Church, repent for your sin, for here is this year is the pilot testing of the eighth grade book the physician, not the judge. Here one is not investi- that we have been working on, The Way, The Truth, gated, one receives remission of sins.” and The Life. It will be finalized by next summer. Our Our children need to learn that sin is turning away official curriculum is published by the Orthodox from God, and that the Church brings us back to God Christian Education Commission. If you need a cata- and cleanses us of sin through the Mystery log, consult your pastor, or phone 1-800-464-2744. (Sacrament) of Repentance, also called confession. New interim middle and high school materials are Parents need to be both guides and examples from the available. time toddlers begin interacting with others. Here are What are you looking forward to this new year? As ways you can aid your child’s understanding of a teacher, one motto I try to live by is, “Find the gift in repentance. every child.” It is rooted in Orthodox thought — each 1. Listen when your child explains what he or she of us is made in God’s image; each of us is gifted by has done. React as God would want you to. Respond God. How can you find the gift in every child? Take as you would have others respond to you. Discuss (not the time to reflect on your class session. Did you make lecture about) what occured because of the child’s act. an attempt to include every student? If not, pause and Explain how God created all things and does not wish consider what each child’s gift is, and how you can us to be destructive; and/or that God loves every per- affirm it. The Church School Director page on our son, and wishes us to be kind and loving to all. Help website offers tips for this. Be prepared for your classes your son or daughter put his/herself in the “other per- so that your mind is free to focus on the students. son’s shoes,” with phrases like, “How would you feel if One of the best ways to let a child know that he or . . .” If the child responds with, “But he did it first!” she is valued is to be attentive. I am privileged to know ask the child to think of different ways to handle that a person who can do this very well. When in conversa- situation. Urge the child to say, “Stop it!” loudly, or tion with him, I and others feel that our words, and by take the role of the child and model how to express extension, we as persons, are truly wonderful. I believe hurt — “I feel hurt when you make fun of my name, his attentiveness comes from a conviction that every please stop.” person has something to offer. Look for the gift in 2. Teach your child how to apologize sincerely. We every child! As Orthodox Christian teachers, we need have all heard the “Sorry!” that passes as apology in to live by this motto as it comes right out of our many families. This is really a learned way to avoid theology. getting into more trouble from Mom and/or Dad, not a I will be praying for those of you who have, for the real apology. Parents need to model sincerity in asking first time, decided to teach. Keep in mind that all you forgiveness. “I am so sorry I was not patient with you


today. It must be really frustrating for you when I do in The WORD, you will know that this is the third arti- not let you finish what you are saying. I will try to be cle in a series which I hope will spur thought on more patient and listen to what you have to say next Orthodox spiritual maturity. As I see it, the “Orthodox time.” Of course, you, as parent, do really need to way” is comprised of movements. These movements strive to be more patient and actually listen in the are not consecutive, as stages, but rather co-exist as future. When your children hear you express true sor- “places” where our spirits dwell during our journey. row, and hears your resolve not to do the same hurtful (By way of analogy, consider our spiritual “journey” as thing again, they are likely to follow your example. a day at the workout gym. The gym offers “places” or 3. Help your child to apologize with a complete stations for different exercises, or “movements.” We sentence. The child should include a) how he/she is may be at one station one visit, another the next. sorry for what he/she did, and b) that it was wrong or Together, they aid our efforts at healthy living.) hurtful, and c) that he/she will refrain from that behav- Let me begin by recalling the first movement, con- ior in the future. When your child has trouble finding version. Conversion is the movement downward, as the words, offer help. symbolized in our going into the to die 4. Urge your child to go to Confession. Explain to ourselves, and then the movement upward, as we that God created us to live united with Him. When we rise out of the water to live for God. We are then called sin, we turn away from God. God wants us to come to walk with God, as if on a path, to “theosis,” or union back to Him. The Mystery, or Sacrament, of with God. Needless to say, despite our best efforts we Repentance allows us to ask forgive- stray, which brings us to the second ness of God. We are then reunited of the five movements and the topic with Him and are cleansed of our of this article: repentance. sin. Just as an apology can bring peo- We stray; we sin. How would you ple closer, so too, with God. Explain define sin? Some think of it as failure; what Confession means to you, and others as weakness. Indeed, there are how you feel when you are absolved. elements of failure and weakness 5. We parents need to receive involved. However, the word sin, the Sacrament of Confession regu- “hamartia” in Greek, means “to miss larly. Parents should go to the mark.” Think of your your life as Confession, and bring their children. an arrow released from a bow on a The child, while still very young, can straight path to union with God. If the sit in the back of the church and will arrow doesn’t hit the target, it has come to know that Confession is part of our Orthodox missed the mark. When our lives stray from the path life. Encourage your children to begin receiving to theosis, we have missed the mark. As a movement, I Confession as early as the priest suggests, as older chil- see a straight line which curves around, as if a cane. dren may have undue anxiety about Confession. Realizing its mistaken bent, the line continues around 6. Read the lives of the saints to your children, or to return to the original path. with them. A few suggestions are St. Mary of Egypt, St. In Greek, the word for repentance is “metanoia.”As Moses of Ethiopia, St. Photini (woman at the well), St. with “hamartia,” insight can be gained from delving Pelagia of Antioch and Jerusalem. Through these sto- into a word. “Metanoia” is a compound word. The first ries, children and adults can come to a greater under- part is “meta.” Most of us know the word “metamor- standing of what repentance, “metanoia,” really phosis,” which describes the change in form that a means. caterpillar undergoes when it is on the road to becom- ing a butterfly. Consider “meta” as “change.” The sec- ond part of the word is “noia.” It is from the word “nous” which can be described as both heart and intel- Of Caterpillars lect — it is the driving force of our life. Thus, we can hear people speak of metanoia as a “change of heart,” and confession a “change of mind,” or a “change of life.” The Prodigal by Carole Buleza Son is an example from scripture. The Prodigal strayed from the path by leaving his father's home and living sinfully. By returning home, he changed his direction Recently, my son captured a caterpillar, or as he and his life. says, “calerpitter,” and placed it in a ventilated jar. Understanding sin as “missing the mark” helps Yesterday it attached itself to the lid and we watched avoid the potentially silly arguments about degrees of as it intently wriggled and gyrated to begin forming a sin, or phrased differently, “When exactly do I have to cocoon. What an effort for this creature who aimed to go to confession?” The Orthodox Church is not con- be a butterfly! Nature can reveal spiritual truth, and so sidered one of rules — we are not “juridical.” Our it did to me, as I will explain later. understanding of sin as “missing the mark,” aligns per- If you are attempting to read the Department of fectly with our Orthodox understanding of theosis as Christian Education newsletter as it is published here the goal of our life. If you are like the Rich Man in the


Gospel who believed he’d followed the command- spiritual nourishment, and we grow. We emerge spiri- ments, think again. Evaluate your progress toward the tually cleansed — a new person. It is said that we “mark,” union with with God. Do you feel that you’re regain our baptismal robe. The caterpillar has only one at a spiritual roadblock? Have you stalled in your chance to become a butterfly. Through the Mystery of walk? Have you turned away from the goal? Are you Repentance, we have many opportunities for new life. feeling distant from Jesus Christ? All of these are indi- cations that it is time for the Mystery of Repentance. Department of Christian Education What about the times when we go into denial about what we’ve done? When we have sinned, the Holy Regional Representatives Spirit works overtime trying to open our eyes so we see the need to return to the Father. My hard heart has Eastern: Rev. George Alberts (724)684-5472 been brought to metanoia unexpectedly by words in a Midwest: Robert Snyder (330)493-4029 book, by a movie, by a friend, by my spiritual father. As the caterpillar gyrated intently to form its cocoon, Western: Joseph Tershay (916)726-3018 there are times when we need to struggle to change Can-Am: Jacquelyn Fadel (716)282-8243 our lives, to achieve metanoia. Southwest: Maggie Hock (402)493-4433 To conclude, and in keeping with this analogy, the New England: Anna Timko-Hughes (978)686-3274 Mystery of Repentance is like our cocoon. We receive Southeast: Betty Randolph (864)639-2204

ORTHODOX INSTITUTE REGISTRATION FORM October 10-13, 2002 Antiochian Village

Name: ______Phone: ______Address:______E-Mail: ______City: ______State/Province:______Zip: ______Parish: ______Circle One: Teacher Church School Director Youth Worker Other Check website for course information - Friday Oct. 11, 2002 Session I (Fri. 9:30-11:30 AM) ______Session II (Fri. 1:00-3:00 PM) ______Session III (Fri. 3:30-5:30 PM) ______Saturday Oct. 12, 2002 Session IV (Sat. 10:00-11:30 AM) ______Session V (Sat. 1:00-3:00 PM)______Session VI (Sat. 3:30-5:30 PM) ______REGISTRATION AND ACCOMMODATIONS Non-Commuters Commuters (meals included with accommodations)* (includes lunch) Please Check Early Bird Registration Fee $40 _____ $30/day Fri. _____ Sat. _____ Regular Registration Fee $50 _____ $35/day Fri. _____ Sat. _____ (After Sept. 10) Total registration fee: ______*Overnight Accommodations (includes meals) Occupancy: Single $100 per night _____ Double: $67 per night _____ Thurs. _____ Fri. _____ Sat. _____ Total accommodations fee: ______Total fees: ______VISA/Master Card/Discover______OR make check payable to Antiochian Village NOTE: The Village will not provide transportation from Pittsburgh Airport, but will provide transportation from Latrobe Airport. If your final destination is Latrobe Airport and you need transportation, please contact the Village well in advance to make arrangements and check here ______. SEND THIS FORM to: Antiochian Village Conference Center, c/o Orthodox Institute, RR #1 Box 307, Bolivar, PA 15923. Phone (724) 238-3677. DEADLINE: ALL RESERVATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY OCT. 3, 2002.


ANTIOCHIAN VILLAGE Continued from Page 16 parents and children together for a three-day camp experi- ence over either Memorial Day or Labor Day weekend. The Camp concludes their regular summer season in August with a Pennsylvania Special Olympics Sports Camp, which is funded by Teen SOYO as part of their community ser- vice program. The new Maintenance Building, a variegated steel covered pole building of 3500 square feet, was included in this initial expansion program as Antiochian Village Conference and Retreat Center launches a renovation project, expands its community out- reach program, and breaks ground later this year for a new museum, library and audi- torium wing. The expanded camp offices required the relo- cation of the former mainte- nance shed, which the mainte- nance staff had also outgrown. Antiochian Village is a spe- cial place where all people can find spiritual renewal and can conduct important business and learning in a quiet and hospitable environment. For information, call (724) 238- 3677 or visit our web site at



ARRIVED AT THE ORTHODOX the damage was. A local television some of the other parishioners I Church of the Redeemer in Los station confirmed my worst fears, assembled at the site. The beautiful Altos Hills, CA on the morning airing live footage of our beautiful icons were ruined. The hand-carved of Saturday, April 6, 2002 thinking it church completely engulfed in and Bishop’s throne, most of was a fine day for painting. The flames. our liturgical equipment and books, members of our Teen SOYO group Unsure of what to do, I drove to the priest’s and many wanted to remodel the interior of the church grounds in shock. The other items donated in the memory our old church build- of parishioners’ loved ing that served as ones were all their Sunday School reduced to ashes. classroom, and today The house of wor- marked the first step ship, where my sis- of the process: paint- ter was married, ing the interior sky where my nephew blue. The group, for and niece were bap- which I am an advi- tized, where I sor, was enthusiastic dreamed of being about the task at married, was gone. hand. I had my In this moment of doubts about how far anguish, our priest, we would get that Father Samer day, but, as usual, Youssef, led us in a they exceeded my solemn prayer in expectations, manag- front of the gate of ing to finish almost the church. We all the painting. I left needed the courage that evening im- to press on. pressed by our teens’ At this point, we efforts and looking did not know the fire forward to showing had been intention- off their work after ally set, but we all Divine Liturgy the Our beautiful church burned to the ground on Sunday, April 7, 2002. We will hoped it was not. rebuild an even more wonderful church to the Glory of God. next morning. The Department of But this did not happen. Before local fire department was able to Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms sunrise on Sunday, April 7, a person keep the fire from spreading to the (ATF) had sealed off the church or persons broke into our beloved office, fellowship hall, and Sunday grounds in order to deduce how the church, saturated our School classrooms as well as neigh- fire began. On April 8, the ATF with accelerants, and set the build- boring houses. But, before the fire- granted a few of us access to work in ing on fire. The church grounds are fighters contained the raging infer- the courtyard beside the church fairly isolated, so the fire went unno- no, the middle third of the roof had office and Sunday School building. ticed until around 5:30 AM when a collapsed. From behind the yellow The ATF agents told us they would driver spotted the smoke and flames police tape on the street it was clear complete their investigation by that from the nearby highway. the interior was completely Thursday, so we worked feverishly When I heard about the fire that destroyed. to answer phone calls and prepare morning, I was not sure how serious I mourned with and comforted for the Akathist service on Friday

22 The Word LOVE GOES ON

evening. Many parishioners took yard carrying a box full of charred ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a time off to help out. Words of sup- items. We watched as he pulled out tooth.’ But I tell you not to resist an port and donations came pouring in the remains of our Holy evil person. But whoever slaps you from sister parishes and the sur- from the blackened items. The fire, on your right cheek, turn the other rounding community. The show of which reached temperatures over to him also. If anyone wants to sue love we received was you and take away truly inspirational, your tunic, let him and our parishioners have your cloak also. cannot say enough And whoever com- to offer thanks for all pels you to go one who have given us mile, go with him their prayers and two.” support. In his sermon the The following day, first Sunday after the His Grace Bishop fire, Father Samer Joseph led us in a told the parish of the prayer service in sacred discovery. front of the church The parishioners and grounds and stayed members of the com- for Presanctified munity alike were Liturgy that drawn to the Gospel Wednesday. His book. The Lord words reinforced clearly spoke in our how many of the time of hardship, parishioners felt. telling us not to be “We should not cry for the loss of 1000 degrees, melted away the consumed with hatred or react to our church because we, the parish- metal cover of the Gospel and start- violence with violence. Even those ioners, are the church.” He deliv- ed to eat away the pages from the with the hardest of hearts were ered a message conveying our top and the sides before being extin- moved by the power of this message: opportunity to triumph over hatred, guished. As Father Samer blew the our Lord’s all-encompassing message and to prove that always to choose nothing can prevent love over hate, for the worship of God. we can only dissolve On the morning of the hate of the the fire, it was hard arsonist by showing not to wonder how our love. God could have let At times, it is hard this tragedy happen. not to feel we have But, with the passage taken a huge step of time, the connec- backwards. Just as tion established with we did 20 years ago, our neighboring we hold services in community and the our small church, “wake-up call” to the waiting for the new Faith have served as one to be built. The reminders that the teens had planned to Lord indeed works in paint white clouds mysterious ways. on the sky blue walls If there were any of the old church the question about our day before the fire, Lord and Savior “You have heard that it was said, … ‘a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, Do not but they did not get resist … evil. But if any one strikes you on the right cheek, turn … the other also; Jesus Christ watch- and if any one would sue you and take your … him have your cloak as well; and the chance to. While ing out for us, it was if any one forces you to go … one mile, go with him two miles.” we did not paint answered in full that those clouds, we do first Wednesday after the fire. The ashes of the top remaining page, the have their silver lining in that we ATF agents were compassionate passage that remained sent chills continue to worship and show our enough to allow Father Samer to be down our spines and humility into love for God, and He in turn contin- with them as they searched the our hearts. It was Matthew 5:38-41, ues to show his Divine Love for us. remains of the Altar. He came back where the Lord tells us: to the makeshift office in the court- “You have heard that it was said,

September 2002 23 THE MEANING OF PILGRIMAGE the Meaning of Pilgrimage


HE ST. THEKLA AND ST. spective, or change of mind and benefit from your journey. T Raphael Pilgrimage this year heart. 2) What is a Pilgrimage? is an historic occasion, in • Some are deeply questioning • What value is there in making a that we will be offering our venera- their life’s purpose, seeking God’s pilgrimage? tion and prayers of intercession, not divine will. • How can it be of benefit to us? only to the Great Protomartyr St. • Some are committed to the idea • Why should we make the effort, Thekla as it has been for the past 22 and practice of pilgrimage. They when we can stay at home and pray, years, but also to the newly-glorified may not know why they are making without all of the expense and trou- St. Raphael of Brooklyn. a pilgrimage, but are following their ble? The meaning of pilgrimage is a feelings and intuition. I am certain that this line of rea- very important topic, because “pil- soning is the chief reason that most grimage” must be recognized as an Orthodox Christians in America do important part of the spiritual life of not give consideration to planning all Christians. Three aspects of pil- or making a pilgrimage. There seems grimage I will discuss are: to be a general forgetfulness of the 1) the reasons that motivate time-honored practice of Christian Christians to go on pilgrimage; Pilgrimage, one that is as old as the 2) what makes our journey a pil- Church herself. In her two millen- grimage; nia, Christians have made journeys 3) and how pilgrimage can play an for their spiritual benefit: important role in our spiritual growth. • to places where Our Lord lived Through a better understanding of out His life; the meaning of pilgrimage, I hope to • to places where Our Lord, His be able to enhance the spiritual ben- Holy Apostles, and the Saints who efit you may gain during a pilgrim- came after them, performed mira- age and to impress upon you the cles for the glory of God; vital part pilgrimage can play in our • to the places where these holy spiritual life as Orthodox Christians. men and women of God lived their 1) Why Do Christians Go on a lives; Pilgrimage? • and to the holy places where All of us who attend the St. Thekla • Some seek to purify their their are enshrined. and St. Raphael Pilgrimage are on a hearts, replacing confusion with It is not difficult to find accounts pilgrimage … each of us has traveled clarity. of Holy Pilgrimages in the early some distance, whether it be great • Some want to take the time to Christian Church. The early church or small, leaving our homes, our place themselves in the proper set- historian Eusebius of Caesarea work, our friends and families ting so that they may concentrate writes of a second-century pilgrim- behind to come to the Holy on a particular subject, or put into age of Bishop Melito of Sardis, and a Mountain of Antiochian Village to practice a direction given to them third-century pilgrimage of Bishop satisfy some need and desire to from their spiritual father. Alexander of Cappadocia to make a holy pilgrimage. This is what • Some are doing penance. Jerusalem. We are all familiar with we all have in common. Something • And some simply want to calm the accounts of Saint Helen, the that we do not necessarily hold in their minds and find the peace that mother of St. Constantine, and her common is our own personal reason only with God can pilgrimages to the Holy Land, which for attending. bring. resulted in finding the True Cross … As diverse as are the persons who I am not going to guess what your pilgrimages to the place of the make pilgrimages, so are the many personal reason may be … your rea- Nativity of our Lord … to the Holy good motivations for deciding to son for going on a pilgrimage is Sepulcher where our Lord was laid make a pilgrimage: yours alone … between you and … and to the place of the Ascension • Some are seeking inspiration, God … but your purpose for going from Mount Olivet. All of these sites out of a desire to gain a new per- will shape the way in which you will have remained places of pilgrimage


where millions of faithful people benefit the moment you arrive and Apostles,” whose Feast is observed have come since their blessed re- depart, and nothing but memories on September 24, and to Saint discovery. and some photographs to show for it. Raphael of Brooklyn, whose uncor- It profits our souls to visit those 3) Why Is Pilgrimage Important rupt body is present and enshrined special places that have been to Our Spiritual Growth? at Antiochian Village. This is a par- imbued with the grace-filled life of The true focus of a pilgrimage is, ticular kind of pilgrimage in that we holy saints. Just being there affects of course, its spiritual purpose. I am are not visiting the place where our souls. While we are there, we not saying that the journey itself is Saint Thekla lived out her life, or should be moved by what we experi- not important. The journey serves where the miracles that were per- ence to resolve to use each moment, the spiritual purpose, and not the formed through her took place. The each minute, hour and day, to live other way around. The journey is an same is true for St. Raphael. Even for God by His Grace, to put away integral part of the spiritual purpose though we are not journeying to sin … and to love God and our because of the character of its sacri- Maaloula, the town where the brothers and sisters. This is truly an fice, its intensity, and its witness to monastery was built on the site encounter with spiritual reality, and the True Faith. where such miracles took place and we benefit from that encounter. Our pilgrimage begins the where St. Thekla is entombed, or With this understanding, we can moment we decide upon going. At the places that St. Raphael lived and accurately define the word “pilgrim- that moment, we begin our prayers worked, we will still be in the pres- age.” A pilgrimage, then, can be to God that our journey will be ben- ence of these great saints. This is described as a journey to a holy eficial to our soul … that it be one because of the Holy Shrines that

place for a spiritual purpose. Some that will bring us closer to God, and have been founded in their honor on may focus on the journey as being closer to our goal of uniting with the Holy Mountain of Antiochian the central and significant part of a Him. This is how we establish the Village, making their presence a pilgrimage. They may be thinking of spiritual purpose of our pilgrimage. reality. long and sometimes difficult trips to In this manner, everything that hap- The familiarity with the lives of far-off and exotic lands. To a non- pens from that point until our these saints enrich us with the spiri- believer, these attitudes make a pil- return home will come to serve our tual experience of these remarkable grimage sound more like a vacation spiritual purpose. individuals, who more zealously or a pleasure trip. The Sts. Thekla and Raphael than others embodied the Gospel in Certainly, focusing on the travel Pilgrimage their lives. Here are so many clear itself is not proper for an authentic Now let us turn our attention for a examples of living faith, courage, pilgrimage. Unfortunately, our moment to the Holy Pilgrimage to and patience. To this purpose, I American society has taught us to Sts. Thekla and Raphael. As I have would like to offer a brief descrip- look for the entertainment value in said, all of us have to journey to get tion of their lives, which will demon- everything we do … even in our wor- there … that fact is certain. But strate their worthiness to be vener- ship. My brothers and sisters in what is the spiritual purpose in our ated as Saints. Christ, a pilgrimage is not a vacation being there? In St. Thekla and St. Raphael, we … it is not holy entertainment. If We all know that this pilgrimage is can see all of the attributes that this is your focus when you make dedicated to Holy Martyr St. Thekla, define sainthood. The title “saint” your pilgrimages, you will have your who is called “Equal to the means literally a “holy person.” As


we are taught, we are all called to be be burned, God preserved her from power as well. Thekla fled, but seeing saints. However, from the earliest the flames. After that miracle, St. that the young men were about to time in the Church’s history, certain Thekla followed St. Paul to Antioch. capture her, she prayed to God for outstanding men and women have Many other miracles happened help in front of a gigantic rock. The been recognized after their passing around her … she was persecuted rock opened and hid her. This open from this life as having attained for her Christianity and condemned rock became the cave in which she deification, or in other words, union to be eaten by wild beasts, but they spent the remainder of her life; it with God. The test of this is cen- would not touch her. Her steadfast eventually became her tomb. tered upon a careful examination of faith frustrated the authorities, so St. Thekla is called “The Proto- the life of the individual. she was freed. She then began to martyr among Women.” Usually, we If his or her life is found to be an preach the Gospel and brought think of a martyr as someone who exemplary model of has died for Christ. Yet St. Christianity because of a singu- Thekla lived to an old age and lar faith and work for the glory died a peaceful death. So what of God, the Church identifies does “martyr” mean in her that individual as a Saint. case? The word martyr is a When these rare individuals Greek word, which means wit- are given this distinction, they ness. A Christian martyr, are designated worthy to be therefore, is someone who wit- venerated because of their holi- nesses to Christ in his or her ness. It is then that the Church life. She is also called isaposto- recognizes that they can be los or “Equal to the Apostles.” prayed to as intercessors to As I said before, in St. Thekla, God for our health and salva- we can see all of the attributes tion. that define sainthood. The Holy Martyr Saint Thekla, Saint Raphael of Brooklyn Equal to the Apostles Now, I would like to turn our St. Thekla was born in attention to the newly-glorified Iconium, which today is in Saint Raphael of Brooklyn. As central Turkey. She was born all of you know, St. Raphael of prominent pagan parents, was glorified by the Church in and was betrothed at the age of May, 2001. It was a great bless- 18. At the same time, St. Paul ing for me to take part in that had come to Iconium with holy and historic event. This Barnabas to preach the Gospel new saint is dear to the heart to the people there. St. Thekla of all Antiochian Christians in had the opportunity to listen to St. many to Christ. With the blessing of this country, because of his pioneer- Paul for three days and nights, St. Paul, she retreated to a solitary ing missionary efforts at the begin- which is recounted in the document place near Seleucia, where she lived ning of the twentieth century. We entitled The Acts of Paul and for a long time in asceticism. are twice blessed, because the relics Thekla: “From … the advantage of a God granted her the gift of heal- of the newly glorified St. Raphael of window in the house where Paul ing, which she used freely, which Brooklyn are enshrined on was, [Thekla] both night and day also brought many to the Christian Antiochian Village’s Holy Mountain. heard Paul’s sermons concerning faith. Again, this is reported in The Some of us may not know about God, concerning charity, concerning Acts of Paul and Thekla: “A good this holy bishop that is now worthy faith in Christ, and concerning report was spread everywhere of of veneration as a saint, so I will prayer; nor would she depart from Thekla, and she formed several take this opportunity to tell you the window till with exceeding joy miraculous cures, so that all the city about him and his ministry. she was subdued to the doctrines of and adjacent countries brought their Our Holy Father Raphael was faith.” After hearing St. Paul’s ser- sick to that mountain, and before born in Syria in 1860 to pious mons, Thekla became a Christian they came as far as the door of the Orthodox parents. He was a good and vowed to live her new life as a cave, they were instantly cured of student with a great appetite for virgin, in asceticism, so that she whatever they had … and many learning, and in 1885 he was could dedicate her entire life to were enlightened in the knowledge ordained a deacon as a result of his Christ. of Christ.” devotion and studies. His burning Her mother was enraged that The doctors in Seleucia were jeal- desire to study led to his being Thekla had turned away from her ous of her healing power, so they sent granted permission to continue his betrothed. She was beaten, starved, some young men to assault her, hop- theological study in Russia. While in and turned over to the local judge to ing that if she lost her virginity, she Russia, he was ordained a priest and be burned. When St. Thekla was to would lose her miraculous healing elevated to the rank of Archiman-

26 The Word THE MEANING OF PILGRIMAGE drite in 1889, and placed as repre- life of the Church when he was not this lofty goal, we have individuals sentative of the Antiochian able to be with them. He called it Al- whom the Church has recognized as Patriarchate in Moscow. To his cred- Kalimat, a publication that all of us true saints for us to model our lives it, he was a bold defender of the know as The WORD magazine. after. As we see in St. Thekla’s and Antiochian Patriarchate. Eventually, During twenty years of faithful St. Raphael’s lives, there is much he was invited to come to the United ministry, Bishop Raphael continued that we can emulate as we improve States in 1895 to become the pastor to nurture the missions and parishes ourselves spiritually, seeking our of the Arabic community in New he had planted, and helped them to own deification. The example of her York. This was the beginning of the grow. At the time of his death, the dedication to Our Lord, and the work that God had intended for St. Syro-Arab Mission had thirty parish- steadfastness of her faith in the face Raphael. es with 25,000 faithful. of persecution, should be an inspira- As he zealously tended his tion to all of us, as we seek to flock in New York, Raphael become all that God wishes for became aware of the many us to become. groups of Arabic Orthodox Second, we take this oppor- Christians scattered across tunity to venerate these great this continent. Out of love for saints at their Holy Shrines his God and faith, he recog- and before their Holy Relics. nized that they would soon be Remember, in veneration, we lost to other faiths if they are not worshiping them. In were not given the opportuni- our veneration, we give respect ty to worship as Orthodox to the presence of God and the Christians. He always upheld Holiness of their lives. In their and defended the spotless relics, we find that matter has faith, which was “delivered to indeed been deified, and the saints” (Jude 3). In the through our veneration of summer of 1896 he undertook them, we give glory and praise the first of several pastoral to God. journeys across this country. Finally, as we gather for He set out to visit these com- prayer, we ask that the Saints munities, providing them with we are honoring will intercede an opportunity to worship, with God for the salvation of confess their sins, have their our souls. How wonderful it is children baptized and their that we have someone who is daughters and sons married as united with God to be our Orthodox Christians. To assist spokesperson, seeking for us in their worship, St. Raphael was In all of his accomplishments, St. His blessing and help. given permission to produce liturgi- Raphael remained humble … he Fr. Anthony Coniaris once wrote, cal material that was distributed to considered himself an “unworthy “Although saints are not substitutes these budding communities. servant,” yet he did perfectly the for Christ, Orthodox Christians Ultimately, he was given permission work that fell to him. believe firmly in the communion of to bring priests from Syria, and to As we witnessed in hearing some saints. By this we mean that the identify educated and worthy lay- of the highlights of the life and min- Church Triumphant in heaven is not men who were candidates for ordi- istry of St. Thekla, we can also see insensitive to the needs and suffer- nation to be pastors of these newly- that the life and ministry of St. ings of the Church Militant on earth. established missions. Raphael is one that inspires us to The two churches remain connected In order to meet the needs of this devote our lives to Christ, as he did through the bond of love which is growing Church in America, so unselfishly. expressed through prayer. The com- Archimandrite Raphael was elected When we make a pilgrimage to munion of saints is a communion of to be Bishop of Brooklyn, and con- honor these great Saints of the never-ending prayer.” tinued to be the head of the Syro- Church, St. Thekla and St. Raphael, Thus, besides our Church family Arab Orthodox Mission in North or any Holy Pilgrimage for a spiritual on earth, we belong to a larger fami- America. On the third Sunday of purpose, there are many things that ly of God, which includes those who in 1904, St. Raphael we can do to make our experience have gone before us. We are united became the first Orthodox Bishop to spiritually beneficial. with those in heaven. We call this be consecrated on American soil. First, we take time to learn about the Communion of Saints, that is, One of his first acts as bishop was the lives of the saints we are honor- the union of all who share in the life to produce a new publication that ing, as I have just imparted to you. of Christ, whether on earth or in the would bring to his people informa- As I have said, we are ALL called to other world. tion on doctrine, worship, and the be saints. To help us work toward You can now see what a great


blessing it is for us to make a Holy Pilgrimage to Sts. Thekla and Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese Raphael. This is how we gather the 358 Mountain Road, Englewood, NJ 07631 spiritual fruit of our effort to make Phone (201) 871-1355 Fax (201) 871-7954 this journey. This is why it is vital to our spiritual health that we as CHANTS FROM BALAMAND Christians make Holy Pilgrimages. By the Choir of Balamand Monastery and the St. John of Damascus Institute Consider yourself to be Ambassa- (Produced by Conciliar Records) dors for God when you go to your homes after a pilgrimage. Tell your Byzantine Chant in Arabic family, friends and fellow parish- Chants from and for the feast of St. John of Damascus ioners about your experience. Tell 1. Troparion of St. John of Damascus 8. Prosomoia them about the true value of making 2. Anoixandaria 9. a Holy Pilgrimage, and encourage 3. O Lord, I Have Cried 10. Doxology them to do so. Pilgrimage must be a 4. Prosomoia 11. part of the spiritual life of every 5. Doxastikon 12. It Is Meet, in Truth, to Bless Thee Orthodox Christian. 6. 13. It is my prayer that each of you 7. Praises 14. Hymn of Balamand will return to your homes enriched Available as a CD only for $16.95 and revitalized after what you will experience on a pilgrimage. During Please send me ______copy(s) of Chants from Balamand at the cost of $16.95 each. your stay, you will be given many For single orders, please include $2.00 for postage and handling for US orders, or opportunities to learn more about $4.00 for Canada and Overseas. For orders of two or more, please include 10% your faith. You will have many oppor- postage and handling for US orders, or 20% for Canada and Overseas. Amount tunities to learn about your faith. We enclosed $ ______. Please send to: will have many opportunities to pray together, and you will have time to Name: ______pray and meditate in private. And you will have the opportunity to Address:______spend time in fellowship with your ______brothers and sisters in Christ; bound by our single spiritual purpose … to seek union with our God. It is my hope that each of you will ANTIOCHIAN ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN ARCHDIOCESE make a spiritually rewarding pil- Publications Department grimage. 358 Mountain Road, Englewood, NJ 07631 +Bishop Demetri Phone: 201-871-1355 Fax: 201-871-7954 Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America UNDERSTANDING THE ORTHODOX LITURGY AGUIDE FOR PARTICIPATING IN THE LITURGY OF ST. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM St. Thekla & St. Raphael Pilgrimage Schedule BY FR. MICHAEL NAJIM AND T.L. FRAZIER Friday, September 20, 2002 4:00 PM Registration Price: $13.95 Order Now! 5:30 PM Supplication Service 6:30 PM Dinner 9:00 PM & Confessions Saturday, September 21, 2002 9:00 AM Matins & Confessions 10:00 AM Hierarchical Divine Liturgy Noon Breakfast 1:30 PM Session I Renewing Baptism — Fr. John Abdalah — Fr. Jason Del Vitto Marriage & — Fr. John Nosal Storytelling for Young People — Please send me ______copy(s) of “Understanding the Orthodox Liturgy.” For orders Fr. George Alberts within the US under $20, please include $2 for postage; for larger orders, please include 10% Beholding Creation — Fr. Paul Albert 2:30 PM Supplication Service for postage. For orders under $20 in Canada and overseas, please include $4 for postage; for 4:00 PM Session II larger orders please include 20% for postage. I have enclosed US $ ______. Choose from list under Session I. Please send to: 5:30 PM Dinner 7:00 PM Vespers NAME:______8:00 PM Bishop’s Reception Sunday, September 22, 2002 ADDRESS: ______9:00 AM Matins 10:00 AM Divine Liturgy ______11:30 AM Brunch Call 724-238-3677




HEN THE QUESTION What about those who go to the pilgrimage is a chance to get in W arises about attending a beach to relax to the ocean’s touch with ourselves and let God pilgrimage, most people rhythm? Are they not seeking peace enter our lives. would rather do something else, like within themselves? What about At a recent retreat at Antiochian attend a baseball or football game. those who travel to the Baseball Hall Village some people were disap- Why? It is hard to say; there are of Fame in Cooperstown, NY or the pointed to learn upon check-in that probably as many answers as there Football Hall of Fame in Canton, we had no televisions in the lodging are people. OH? Are they not seeking connec- rooms. But after attending services Yet, going on a pilgrimage is an tivity to great athletes through uni- and participating in the workshops ancient rite of passage. In the forms, bats, balls, and rosin bags, or they exclaimed, “We do not need Islamic religion one is expected to through the photo and statistical televisions because we are so go to Mecca for the Hajj at least memories of their heroes? enthralled with the program. Where once in a lifetime, if one can else can you go for this kind of afford it. Those familiar with experience?” This remark illus- English literature know about trates the transforming nature Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. of pilgrimage. It is an opportuni- These are the tales people told ty to grow in knowledge and in when traveling together on pil- faith. It is an opportunity to test grimage. In the early church out our beliefs and question people traveled to the Holy where we are going in our lives. Land to witness the sites where It is an opportunity to take Jesus was born, taught, and stock of our relationship with died. Then they returned with a God and with our family. It can flask of holy oil or water from be a life-transforming experi- the sites they visited. ence. What about Americans? Why The Fall Sts. Thekla and are we so apprehensive about Raphael Pilgrimage at Antiochian going on a pilgrimage? Some say Village from September 20-22, it is because we are afraid of the Pilgrimages of escape, comfort, 2002 is such an opportunity. There is unknown. Others say that we are peace within, and connectivity are a shrine to St. Thekla, and St. unsure of what we will encounter. all good things. But avoiding reli- Raphael is buried on the Village Still others insist it is because the gious pilgrimages in search of self grounds. There will be supplication spiritual side of our lives is thought according to the world’s way is services to each of them, in which we of as emotional, and we Americans another matter. There is only one ask their intercession for our needs are supposed to be “practical” peo- way to the solace we seek — time to Christ Himself. There are work- ple. with the Father. Religious pilgrim- shops planned to learn more about Although “practical,” recognize ages provide such time with a our faith. There are worship services, that Americans do go on pilgrim- change of pace, an opportunity to including a hierarchical divine litur- ages. It is a natural human activity. participate in something sacred and gy. There are opportunities to meet But the pilgrimages are not religious holy, and a chance to grow closer to old friends and to make new ones. ones. What about those who journey God. A faith-based pilgrimage is a Everyone is welcomed. Come and to Disney World or another theme chance to set aside all worldly cares see! park for a vacation? Are they not and enter another world, rather For more information, visit our seeking escape from their daily than taking our current frustrations website at round? What about those who make and troubles with us like when we, check it a practice to spend several weeks go to a baseball or football game our poster on your church bulletin or months in Florida during the win- expecting to be entertained or vent- board, or call the Center at 724-238- ters? Are they not seeking comfort? ing our anger at the officials. A true 3677.


Archbishop Herman


FTER TWO ROUNDS OF Joseph Swaiko in Briarford, PA on On December 4, 1970, he was ton- A voting, the Holy Synod of February 1, 1932. sured to monastic rank and given Bishops of the Orthodox After his discharge from the mili- the name Herman, in honor of the Church in America elected His tary in 1959, he enrolled in Saint recently glorified Saint Herman of Eminence Archbishop Herman of Tikhon Orthodox Theological Alaska. On October 17, 1971, he Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsyl- Seminary, South Canaan, PA, from was elevated to the rank of Igumen vania as the new Metropolitan, or which he graduated in 1963. He was and named Deputy Abbot of Saint ruling hierarch, of the million- Tikhon Monastery. member Orthodox Church in He was elected to the episco- America [OCA] on July 22, pate on October 19, 1972 and 2002, the opening day of the elevated to the rank of Church’s 13th All-American Archimandrite three days later. Council. He was consecrated to the epis- While His Grace Bishop copacy at Holy Resurrection Seraphim of Ottawa and Orthodox Cathedral, Wilkes- Canada received the majority Barre, PA on February 10, 1973 of votes on a second ballot — with the title of Bishop of no candidate received the Wilkes-Barre, serving as an required two-thirds vote on the auxiliary of the Diocese of first ballot, necessitating a sec- Philadelphia and Eastern ond vote — the OCA Holy Pennsylvania. Synod of Bishops opted to elect Bishop Herman continued to Metropolitan Herman, who has reside at Saint Tikhon Mon- a wealth of experience on every astery and Seminary, where he level of the Church’s life, continued to teach. In addition according to the Very Rev. to his ministry within the John Matusiak, OCA Commu- Diocese of Philadelphia and nications Director. Eastern Pennsylvania, he “The election of the candi- served as Temporary Admin- date receiving the second istrator of the Diocese of the largest number of votes is not West in 1975 and Temporary uncommon,” Father Matusiak Administrator of the Diocese of explained. “At the election of New England in 1978. Follow- Metropolitan Theodosius 25 years appointed personal secretary to His ing the death of Archbishop Kiprian, ago, another candidate had received Grace Bishop Kiprian, who became he was elected Bishop of Philadel- the majority vote from the dele- Rector of the seminary in 1961. phia on March 17, 1981 and Rector gates. The same thing happened in Following his ordination to the of Saint Tikhon Seminary the follow- the early 1960s when the late Holy Diaconate in March 1964 and ing May. Metropolitan Ireney was elected to to the Holy Priesthood the following In 1994 he was elevated to the the Primacy.” month, he served on the seminary rank of Archbishop by the Holy Metropolitan Herman succeeds administration and as Instructor of Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox His Beatitude Metropolitan Church Slavonic. He also served as Church in America. Theodosius as Primate of the mil- Rector of Saint John the Baptist Metropolitan Herman has repre- lion-member Church. Earlier on the Orthodox Church, Dundaff, PA and sented the OCA at numerous events day of Metropolitan Herman’s elec- Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox abroad, traveling with Metropolitan tion, Metropolitan Theodosius for- Church, Uniondale, PA. He became Theodosius. He also participated in mally retired as the Church’s a member of the seminary accredi- the historic conference of North Primate, in light of health concerns tation committee, and helped form America’s Orthodox Bishops in due to a series of strokes he had suf- the seminary’s Board of Trustees, of Ligonier, PA in 1994. fered over the past two years. which he was a charter member and Metropolitan Herman was born secretary-treasurer. Continued on page 34


Antiochian House of Studies Confers First Graduate Degrees

NTIOCHIAN VILLAGE HERI- edge of the holy Orthodox faith, but al, intensive week-long units held in A tage and Learning Center who cannot attend seminary full- residence at Antiochian Village hosted the first commence- time. In addition to the Doctor of Conference and Retreat Center. ment exercises for the Antiochian Ministry and Master of Arts pro- These weeks supplement the contin- House of Studies on July 18, 2002, grams, a St. Stephen’s Diploma in ual “distance education” and awarding 17 post-baccalaureate Orthodox Theology and a House of mandatory mentorship supervision degrees. His Eminence by a priest that are the Metropolitan Philip foundation of the pro- awarded seven Doctor gram. The Residency of Ministry in the Program is also part of Eastern Christian a required adjunct pro- Context degrees. The gram for seminarians program is conducted for several Orthodox in collaboration with jurisdictions including and accredited through the Antiochian jurisdic- the Pittsburgh Theo- tion. Thus it draws logical Seminary. His instructors from a Grace Bishop Youhanna renowned pool of (John) Yazigi, who is Orthodox theologians. Dean of the St. John of The St. Stephen’s Damascus School of Diploma program offers Theology, University of two education options, Balamand, Lebanon, a one-year Education joined His Eminence in Option for specialized awarding ten Master of teacher training, and a Arts in Applied Regular Option of three Orthodox Theology years that provides degrees. The master’s advanced study and a program is accredited deep immersion in the through the University Orthodox faith and of Balamand. The 17 results in a Diploma in graduates represent the Orthodox Theology first post-baccalaureate upon completion of the degree recipients from program. any of the four House of Commencement Studies programs. The exercises were held dur- program currently ing the 12th biennial enrolls 143 students. Clergy Symposium at The Antiochian Antiochian Village. This House of Studies is the year’s Symposium advanced theological theme, “Antioch: Its education institute of Incarnational Theology the Antiochian Arch- and Ministry,” drew sev- diocese, and was found- eral hundred Orthodox ed in 1980 by priests from throughout Metropolitan Philip. North America. It offers The program provides advanced the- Studies Residency Program are clergy the opportunity for worship, ological education in a “distance available. Christian education, renewal and fel- education” environment for those The House of Studies Residency lowship together. who desire to further their knowl- Program is conducted through annu-



generosity and service to GEORGE O. JOSEPH the Church. George Joseph RECEIVES is a member of the Cathedral of St. George of Toledo and has served there ANTONIAN GOLD as well as his time given to MEDAL the St. Paul Mission.” The Metropolitan went he Mission Parish of on at length about George’s St. Paul, located in accomplishments, dedica- NaplesT and serving tion, commitment and sup- Southwest Florida, was port of his church. All treated to a special visit agreed that George O. from the Primate of the they had erected a mission registry who are Joseph is indeed worthy! Antiochian Orthodox Church. The parish began members of the Order of ! Church in North America. in February 1997, and has St. Ignatius. This means The faithful of St. Paul Metropolitan Philip’s held services in various you have the lay leader- were both honored and visit was an unusual one rented spaces before find- ship, headed by your thrilled by the visit of the — filled with many pur- ing and purchasing ten Council Chair, Alexander Metropolitan and look for- poses. George O. Joseph acres of land in 1998. This Salem, along with that of ward to the day when we and his wife Corrine land was on a two-lane your pastor, Fr. Joseph, to will be able to welcome extended an invitation to roadway across the way inspire you to build a him to our Church — ful- Metropolitan Philip to cele- from two major golf course Church that is the image of filling our dream when he brate and bless their fifti- developments. The land your love for Christ, a glo- will celebrate the Hier- eth wedding anniversary contained a home, which rious church — built to the archical Divine Liturgy. on February 23, which he was converted into a Glory of God. You are Between now and then accepted with pleasure. chapel, with a small office capable of doing it — and — look for our invitation to The Joseph sons — Chris, and vestibule and two do it sooner rather than attend the celebration of Craig, Bradley and David meeting rooms on the sec- later. Build for the future the ground-breaking, im- and their spouses planned ond floor. and for those who will planting of the cross, set- a celebration to take place True to his word, come to this beautiful ting of the foundation, lay- in Florida, where George Metropolitan Philip came area.” ing of the , and Corrine have a winter to Naples. He preached and A wonderful surprise! dedication of the Church, residence. received the Eucharist. Visiting the Church and and the Consecration … The entire parish was The pastor, Archpriest encouraging its growth, and we plan to be busy. delighted by Metropolitan Joseph Shaheen, presided, blessing the celebration of Philip’s acceptance be- assisted by Deacon Elias the fiftieth anniversary of cause he would also have Hamaty. The Church was George and Corrine ADULT FELLOWSHIP OF the opportunity to visit our full beyond capacity. Joseph, were not the only ST. GEORGE, BOSTON, mission community, dedi- Metropolitan Philip chal- purposes of the visit. cated to St. Paul — the lenged the parishioners by Metropolitan Philip sur- name chosen in memory saying: “I have read that prised George by bestowing REMEMBERS ADELE of George and Corrine’s this is the second fastest upon him the Antonian GEORGE son Paul, whose untimely growing community in the Gold Medal — the highest death was indeed a United States and I feel dignity awarded by our tragedy. that this parish is going to Archdiocese. “George has t is hard to believe Saidna had previously be the most dynamic served the Archdiocese that it has been more made a statement to the parish in this area. Six faithfully for twenty-two thanI a year since our founders of the mission, members of this communi- years as a member of the beloved Khouriye, Adele that he would not cele- ty are Archdiocese Board Board of Trustees. He has George, wife of the Very brate a Hierarchical members, and you have followed in the tradition of Reverend Father George R. Liturgy in the Parish until over forty people in your his father and brother in George, fell asleep in the


myriad ways, both in and ment of Orthodox young be decided by a selection outside of the church. people and music-loving committee, and will be Although Adele continues of all ages! determined according to to be missed dearly, her Submission information: lyrical content, style, spirit lives on in all that Saint Romanos Records recording quality, and knew her. Perhaps, if one will continue accepting overall production. Artists listens closely, the faint submissions of original wanting more information sound of our Khouriye’s dis- music through September may email Peter Jon at tinct laughter can be heard 1, 2002. Interested parties [email protected]. in the church hall, followed may send CD-quality re- Lord willing and finances by her notorious exclama- cordings to: Saint permitting, Peter Jon and tion, “Oh, my heart!” Romanos Records, 3806 the faithful of St. John the ! College Ave., Beaver Falls, Evangelist hope to release PA 15010. The final collec- the CD before the end of Lord on March 24, 2001. It tion of featured songs will 2002. seems like only yesterday MUSIC CD that her resounding sopra- TO PROMOTE Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese no voice filled St. George Publications Department Church in West Roxbury, 358 Mountain Road, Englewood, NJ 07631 MA from the choir loft, JURISDICTIONAL Phone: (201) 871-1355 Fax: (201) 871-7954 where she sang every UNITY Sunday. Renovation of the Heart Her warm heart and aint Romanos By Dallas Willard spirited demeanor made it S Records, a company Prelude impossible not to love her. founded by Orthodox folk Chapter 1: Introducing Spiritual Formation: The A dedicated Orthodox musician Peter Jon “Beyond Within” and the Way of Jesus Christian, Adele was active Gillquist for the purpose of Chapter 2: The Heart in the System of Human Life in several church groups. promoting Orthodox re- Chapter 3: The Radical Evil in the Ruined Soul Outside the church, she cording artists, announced Chapter 4; Radical Goodness Restored to the Soul was an accomplished this July the production of Chapter 5: Spiritual Change: The Reliable Pattern Interlude nurse who made her a new CD project aimed at Chapter 6: Transforming the Mind: the Thought Life career at the Veterans Ad- — among other things — Chapter 7: Transforming the Mind: Sensation and ministration Hospital in fostering grassroots juris- Emotion Jamaica Plain, among dictional unity among Chapter 8: Transforming Will and Character (the other hospitals. American Orthodox “Heart”) A native of Wilkes-Barre, Christians. Commissioned Chapter 9: Transforming the Body PA, Adele called Boston by St. John the Evangelist Chapter 10: Transforming the Social Context her home from 1962-1999. parish in Beaver Falls, PA, Chapter 11: Transforming the Soul It was during this time that this CD will include the Chapter 12: The Children of Light and the Light of the we were privileged to know original songs of musicians World Chapter 13: Spiritual Formation in the Local her. Adele returned to from nearly all of the major Congregation Wilkes-Barre permanently Orthodox jurisdictions in Postlude in 1999, where she passed the United States. While away two years later. many of us may be familiar You can experience significant growth in your Christian Adele was the quintes- with the names of some walk, shed sinful habits, and increasingly take on the sential priest’s wife of her musicians more widely character of Christ. In Renovation of the Heart, best- selling author Dallas Willard calls it “the transformation generation. She nurtured known in Orthodox circles of the spirit” — a divine process that “brings every ele- her family, her parish and (such as Gillquist, Andrew ment in our being, working from inside out, into har- her friends. She enter- Anthony, and Kerygma), mony with the will of God or the kingdom of God.” In tained, counseled and lis- there are scores of highly the transformation of our spirits we become appren- tened. Her warm smile and talented, lesser-known tices of Jesus Christ. ready sense of humor musicians all around the Please send me ______copy(s) of Renovation of the often calmed the fears or US whose music deserves Heart for $24.99 each. Please include 10% for postage worries of another, letting to be heard by people out- and handling for US orders or 20% for Canada and them know that everything side their local communi- Overseas. I have enclosed US $ ______. would be all right. Adele ties or particular jurisdic- Name: ______worked hard, sacrificing tions. This CD is a perfect for her family, for her opportunity for showcasing Address: ______parish and for the Church. multi-cultural music for ______She touched our lives in the edification and enjoy-


ARCHBISHOP HERMAN Continued from Page 30 He was On September 29, 1999, he was there when named acting treasurer of the Orthodox Church in America; he we needed served as temporary administrator him most. of the Orthodox Church in America from May until September 2001, during Metropolitan Theodosius’ medical leave of absence. Most recently, he oversaw the process leading to the full accreditation of Saint Tikhon Seminary. Throughout his episcopacy, Metropolitan Herman has received numerous awards and honors, including an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from Nashotah House Seminary in Wisconsin and an honorary Doctor of Business Administration degree from his alma mater, Robert Morris College. In 1994 he was awarded the Order of Saint Innocent Silver Class, the highest honor bestowed by the Orthodox Church in America. Following his election, Metro- politan Herman was formally greet- ed as the Church’s Primate by the other members of the Holy Synod of Bishops and Council participants. He will be formally installed into office at Saint Nicholas Orthodox Cathedral, Washington, DC on September 7-8, 2002. The Order ensures we’ll always be there for him. “ASK ABOUNA” Think back on some of the most difficult as well as the ON THE INTERNET most joyful moments of your life. Chances are your This is an opportunity for teens to parish priest was there to see you through them. have their questions answered by a priest, listen to other young people Thanks to the financial support of The Order of St. ask questions that concern them, Ignatius, the clergy of the Archdiocese are able to live and learn about our Faith. out their winter years with peace of mind. The clergy Beginning Date: retirement fund is making a critical difference in the The first Monday after Labor Day lives of those who have made a difference in ours. Be a Time: Mondays at 9:30 PM Central part of The Order of St. Ignatius’s broad, world-encom- Thursdays at 8:30 PM Central passing vision to make a difference at home as well as in Where: The Archdiocese Web Page. the far-reaching corners of the earth. Go to the Teen SOYO link. Click on “Ask Abouna.” For information on joining The Order Please spread the word as this is a contact the Administrator, Arlene Assile. very important ministry which the [email protected] young people enjoy and can learn much from. tel. (201) 871-1355


in North America which Saidna, Dear Metropolitan Philip, PROJECT MEXICO was envisioned, designed, The Certificate of My name is David Rayan PRESENTS GIFT TO built, and is operated by Meritorious Service pre- and I’m 12 years old. I’m HIERARCHS the combined efforts of sented to me at the recent writing to you today to tell Orthodox from all jurisdic- Southeast Region Parish you how much fun I had at Spanish language tions. It is a collective Life Conference is re- the Antiochian Village. liturgical materials now effort and something for all ceived with gratitude and a Also my friends from St. available to be proud of. great sense of my unwor- George Orthodox Church At the end of the report, thiness. Thank you, at Chicago who went with t the most recent Mr. Yova presented, as a Saidna, for your kindness us also had fun and want A meeting of SCOBA, gift to the Orthodox in and your great assistance to thank you very very Project Mexico presented a North America, a listing of to us in our journey to, very much for creating the gift to the US hierarchs the Spanish Orthodox ser- and in, the Orthodox Antiochian Village. And we when Gregory Yova, vices and music compiled Faith. can not wait until next Founder and Executive by Project Mexico and now On Pentecost Sunday, year to go to the Director, was invited to available to anyone who we had a Pan-Orthodox Antiochian Village. To give a progress report. The has need. The impressive picnic in Atlanta at the show you our appreciation report summarized thir- list of services includes request of Bishop Alexios. we will be lighting up can- teen years of work — the everything but the There was an older lady dles for you next Sunday hundreds of lives which . Complete ser- there from the OCA who is to pray for you. Once have been touched by the vices were gathered from now attending the Greek again we can’t thank you completion of one hundred archdioceses in Chile, Cathedral in Atlanta. She enough. homes for poor families; Mexico, and the US. asked me what church I —With much love, the 5,500+ Orthodox Incomplete or non-existing attend. I told her, “St. David Rayan who’ve come to volunteer services were compiled by Stephen Antiochian and the St. George Group and had their lives clergy using the Liturgikon Orthodox Church.” She changed by the experi- as a guide and approved then asked me, “Why do ence; the establishment of Spanish language text. so many ‘Americans’ go to St. Innocent Orthodox Over ninety percent of the the Antiochian churches?” Orphanage to care for services include rubrics in She had lived in California abandoned and abused Spanish and written for a while and she was teen-aged boys, which is music. Project Mexico is amazed how many now an award-winning careful to mention that “Americans” were in program; and the mission this is a work in progress Antiochian parishes. efforts being made through and hopefully will be a Saidna, this is how I the work. The hierarchs valuable resource. responded. “We are in the were openly enthusiastic Anyone needing Spanish Antiochian Archdiocese in their support and language services can sim- because Metropolitan pleased with the progress. ply contact Project Mexico Philip opened his heart Project Mexico and St. at [email protected] and his arms and told us to Innocent Orthodox Or- or phone (619) 426-4610 come in and make our phanage has functioned to request individual ser- home there.” under the patronage of vices. The complete cata- Thank you for your great SCOBA since 1991. In log is not yet available as a love for God and His Holy 1996 His Grace Bishop whole. Church and for bringing Basil was assigned by other sheep into the fold. SCOBA as the official liai- With the help of God, I son and bishop to Project will continue to serve my Mexico. brothers and sisters and all Mr. Yova noted that St. humankind. Innocent Orphanage is the In His service, only Orthodox orphanage Dannie Moore

September 2002 35 THE WORD 358 Mountain Road Periodical postage paid at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Englewood, NJ 07631

46th Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocesan Convention Hosted by St. George Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral Coral Gables, Florida July 20-27, 2003

FOR EVEN THE SON OF MAN DID NOT COME TO BE SERVED, BUT TO SERVE, AND TO GIVE HIS LIFE A RANSOM FOR MANY. (MARK 10:45) Fontainebleau Hilton Resort and Towers 4441 Collins Ave. Miami Beach, FL 33140 Phone 305/538-2000 fax 305/673-5351 Room Rates Regular $119 per night Concierge Floor $175 per night (Bay view) $195 per night (ocean view) Suites $450 per night Valet parking $16 per day For reservations and information call 305/444-6541, 305/444-9265