End-Of-Life Treatment of Radio Base Station Transceivers in Europe, Japan and the USA – a Life Cycle Assessment Study
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End-of-Life treatment of Radio Base Station transceivers in Europe, Japan and the USA – a Life Cycle Assessment study Anna Grunewald Jessica Gustavsson Stockholm 991210 TRITA-KTH-IM 1999:22 Lith-IKP-ING-EX--99/19--SE Preface This study was initiated by Ericsson Radio Systems AB and carried out as a co-operation between Ericsson Radio Systems AB, Linköping Institute of Technology and the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm during the summer and autumn of 1999. First of all, we would like to thank our supervisors during the project, Susanne Lundberg at Ericsson Radio Systems AB, Jörgen Furuhjelm at Linköping Institute of Technology and Lennart Nilson at the Royal Institute of Technology for valuable help and guidance throughout the project. We would also like to express our gratitude to Jens Malmodin, Richard Trankell and Elaine Weidman at Ericsson Radio Systems AB and to Fjalar Kommonen at FFK Ltd for all their help. One of the most difficult tasks in this study was to develop probable logistic scenarios for the take-back of discarded transceivers. We would like to take this opportunity to thank amongst others Rickard Slettmyr and Mattias Sundstedt at Ericsson Radio Systems AB and Mikael Hietarinta at Nippon Ericsson for taking time to help us with this. Finally, we would like to thank our contact persons at the involved recycling companies, who have provided valuable information to the study; Kazuo Suzuki at Total Environmental Recycling Management, Mike Ogle and Darrel Stoecklin at United Recycling Industries Inc., Johan Zwart at MIREC B.V., Lennart Edvinsson at Ragn-Sells Elektronikåtervinning AB, Anders Axelsson and Sune Nordström at AB Arv Andersson, Sören Brännström and Theo Lehner at Boliden AB, Lars Cronquist at Gotthard Aluminium AB and Christer Forsgren at SAKAB. Stockholm, 10 December 1999 Anna Grunewald Jessica Gustavsson i Abstract The background to this study is increased efforts at Ericsson to evaluate the environmental impact of the products. Earlier Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies at Ericsson have mainly focused on the production- and use phases, whereas the End-of- Life (EoL) phase has not been thoroughly considered. This, along with the fact that legislation on producer responsibility for electronics is anticipated in a number of countries around the world, has made research in the environmental impact of the EoL phase increasingly important. The main objectives of this study were: To develop scenarios for the most likely EoL treatment of Radio Base Station transceivers in the three geographic areas Europe, Japan and the USA, to evaluate the environmental impacts of these scenarios by using the LCA methodology, and finally, to compare the environmental impacts of the two options for EoL treatment of a Radio Base Station transceiver; dismantling and shredding without former dismantling. Initially, two transceivers were sent out for recycling trials, one to the Japanese recycling company Total Environmental Recycling Management and another to the American recycling company United Recycling Industries Inc. Also, contacts were established with the recycling companies MIREC B.V. in the Netherlands and Ragn-Sells Elektronikåtervinning AB in Sweden. Out of the results from the recycling trials and the contacts with MIREC and Ragn-Sells, four different scenarios were developed. These scenarios all start with manual dismantling. Furthermore, the Swedish recycling company AB Arv Andersson was contacted and an additional scenario based on shredding of an entire transceiver without former dismantling was developed. It shall be noted that the shredding scenario is a hypothetical scenario, based on the assumption that the transceiver does not contain any beryllium oxide components, which otherwise often require the transceiver to be dismantled. The five EoL treatment scenarios discussed above were combined with assumptions on the take-back logistics for discarded transceivers and totally nine different EoL scenarios were developed. Finally, the environmental impacts of these nine scenarios were evaluated by using the LCA methodology, and the following final conclusions were drawn: • The environmental impact due to transportation is relatively large compared to the impact of other processes involved in the End-of-Life phase of a transceiver. • In most cases, aeroplane transportation causes several times larger environmental impact per tonkilometre than truck transportation does. • It appears that, from an environmental point of view, shredding of an entire transceiver without former dismantling is a just as good alternative for End-of-Life treatment of a transceiver as a recycling process starting with dismantling. ii Sammanfattning Denna studie har sin bakgrund i ökade satsningar inom Ericsson att utvärdera produkternas miljöpåverkan. Tidigare livscykelanalyser (LCA) hos Ericsson har huvudsakligen fokuserat på produktions- och användningsfaserna, medan sluthanteringsfasen inte har studerats lika noggrant. Detta, samt det faktum att lagstiftning om producentansvar för elektronikskrot är på väg att införas i ett flertal länder i världen, har ökat betydelsen av forskning om sluthanteringsfasens miljöpåverkan. Denna studies huvudsakliga syften var: Att utveckla scenarier för den mest troliga sluthanteringen av transceivrar för radiobasstationer i de tre geografiska områdena Europa, Japan och USA, att utvärdera miljöpåverkan av dessa scenarier med hjälp av LCA metodiken, och slutligen, att jämföra miljöpåverkan av de två alternativa möjligheterna till sluthantering av transceivrar för radiobasstationer; demontering och fragmentering utan föregående demontering. Inledningsvis skickades två transceivrar ut för provskrotning, en till det japanska återvinningsföretaget Total Environmental Recycling Management och en till det amerikanska återvinningsföretaget United Recycling Industries Inc. Kontakt togs även med återvinningsföretagen MIREC B.V. i Holland och Ragn-Sells Elektronikåtervinning AB i Sverige. Utifrån resultaten av provskrotningarna och kontakterna med MIREC och Ragn-Sells utvecklades fyra olika scenarier. Samtliga dessa scenarier inleds med manuell demontering. Dessutom kontaktades det svenska återvinningsföretaget AB Arv Andersson och ytterligare ett scenario baserat på fragmentering av en hel transceiver utan föregående demontering togs fram. Det skall betonas att fragmenteringsscenariot är ett hypotetiskt scenario baserat på antagandet att transceivern inte innehåller några berylliumoxidkomponenter, vilka annars ofta medför att transceivern måste demonteras. De fem ovanstående scenarierna för sluthantering av transceivrar kopplades ihop med antaganden om logistiken för återtagande av uttjänta transceivrar och totalt utvecklades nio olika scenarier. Slutligen utvärderades miljöpåverkan av dessa nio scenarier med hjälp av LCA metodiken och följande slutsatser drogs: • Miljöpåverkan orsakad av transporter är relativt stor i jämförelse med påverkan orsakad av andra processer som är involverade i en transceivers sluthanteringsfas. • Oftast orsakar flygtransporter flera gånger större miljöpåverkan per tonkilometer än lastbilstransporter gör. • Ur miljösynpunkt förefaller fragmentering av en hel transceiver, utan föregående demontering, vara ett lika bra alternativ för sluthantering av en transceiver som en återvinningsprocess som börjar med demontering. iii Table of contents 1 Introduction............................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background....................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Objectives.......................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Scope and limitations .......................................................................................................2 1.4 Methodology ..................................................................................................................... 2 1.5 Structure of the report .....................................................................................................3 2 Mobile communications............................................................................................ 5 2.1 The mobile communication system................................................................................. 5 2.2 The studied transceiver unit............................................................................................ 6 2.2.1 Mechanics............................................................................................................................... 7 2.2.2 Printed board assemblies ........................................................................................................ 9 2.2.3 Other general information regarding the transceiver design..................................................11 3 End-of-Life of electronics....................................................................................... 12 3.1 The End-of-Life phase for discarded electronics......................................................... 12 3.2 End-of-Life legislation in Europe.................................................................................. 13 3.3 End-of-Life legislation in Japan.................................................................................... 14 3.4 End-of-Life legislation in the USA ................................................................................ 14 4 Life