Russia's Own Twin Plane Tragedies Allegations Fly Over Two Recent Plane Bombings

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Russia's Own Twin Plane Tragedies Allegations Fly Over Two Recent Plane Bombings c c c c c c c c c c c c cdhe cdedcf cyFce Fh cdfdcf cdedcg c c c cdg ddg cdedcg yAcg cdfdcf dch ddg c c c ddg yAce ddh cyFce cdedcf cydueyde cddddddddde cdecddddde cdedcyAc Gg dcdccddHce UecyAe cdfdcyde cdedcyPdde dddc c cddecdddc yducyde ddcdg cdedcyAecddddddddddde Gcddddddde dddddddce cdedcf cydueyde dcg cdedcyPdde cde ddddAcAce 9dhe Gcddddddde cdfdcyde dddddddce dcedddde cdedcg 8cdg dddddddce cddddddddde drg cyduf cde dddddddce c ddecdddc c cddddddddde drg PddddddAe dyducf dccAcf ddg cdddddddf cyPddHce cddddddddce cdedcfcddddddddddde cdecdcdcde cdecdedre cdddddddddddAc Aucyde dcdccdg ddTe PTe PTe yde ctdddddddAe tddddddddde ddTe cFcecdddddddddcde xdrc dddTcc dddTccxdvccxdrc dce PTe PTe PTe ddTe dce yde PTe cddddddddde dcdg cdctdddddAe cdf Gfdcf PTe dce dddde dce dcfdce cdedcfcddddddddddde dcgcdddddddddcdecdddddddcdcde cdGdAe 9cddddddce Gfdcf tddddddddde dddde ddTe ddTe dcfdce dcedcSe cdctSccAce UScdcGce 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dcecddde cyFf cddddddddde drgtde dd XSccdedc dcftde cyFf cddch c c cFcg c cddddddddde drgtde dd cf dddddddce cdSecdf cddch yFcecRde cdddeG8e cdecddddce cFcedddddc cdeRdHccFwceFg cRde cdecdHwsde dHch dHwcecsdce RHwe9e cdg dHcdcc8dce dde c c c cFche dwesdf dcf cddddddddde dHcf cdeRdHccFwceFg cdg dde dcfdde c@cRddHe cddddddddde dHcdcc8dce dHcf dcfc8dddHccsRde dch dHcf cdwcfsde dcgdde csRHccddddc dcfdde dHcf c c c cdwcfsde dcgdde csGcf dwecsdce cdHecdf cdHhe cdwcecRde cdwcf c c c c c c c c c c c c CHINA......RMB6.00 U.S.A.......USD 1.70 AUSTRALIA......AUD 3.00 UK......GBP 1.20 CANADA......CAD 2.60 SWITZERLAND......CHF 2.60 JAPAN......JPY 188 EUROPE......EURO 1.90 HK......HKD 8.65 BEIJING REVIEW JULY 3,2003 BEIJING REVIEWJULY JUNE26,2003 Russia’s Own Twin PlaneTragedies Own Twin Russia’s VOL.47 9,2004 NO.36 SEP. 49 VOL. 47 NO. 36 CONTENTS SEP. 9, 2004 2 EDITOR’S DESK 2 Lessons From Athens 3 PEOPLE & POINTS 4 WEEKLY WATCH 10 WORLD 10 Cooperation Needed China-U.S. trade friction overlooking complimentary economies 12 Russia’s Own Twin Plane Tragedies ‘Black-widow’ suicide bombers step up terror 14 Making a Move U.S. to redeploy thousands of troops 17 U.S. Military Problem Lies in the Numbers, 18 Not the Geography 18 COVER 18 Lost in Translation Getting Beijing’s signs to make sense 24 Being Understood Beijingers polish up their foreign language skills 26 Dear Prudence Less flash called for in Olympic construction 29 VIEWPOINT 29 The U.S. Presidential Elections and Sino-U.S. Relations What impact will elections have for China? 31 Critical Point 12 China reaches crucial stage of development 33 NATION 33 Tibetan Festivals 46 FORUM There’s always something to celebrate in Tibet 46 Surrendering Bribes Corrupt officials get a chance 38 BUSINESS to return their bribes 38 It’s Getting Hot Again Economy set to sizzle once more 48 EXPAT’S EYE 40 Shock Therapy 48 In Search of Cao Xueqin’s Beijing Goodbye auto loans monopoly Following the trail from 44 State of the Market A Dream of Red Mansions Beijing Review (ISSN 1000-9140) is published weekly for US$64.00 per year by Cypress Book (U.S.) Co., Inc., 3450 Third Street, Unit 4B, San Francisco, CA 94124. Periodicals Postage Paid at San Francisco, CA 94124. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Beijing Review, Cypress Book (U.S.) Co., Inc., 3450 Third Street, Unit 4B, San Francisco, CA94124. EDITOR’S DESK Lessons From Athens By LI JIANGUO A News Weekly Published Since 1958 http: // fter the 28th Olympic Games ended in Athens on E-mail: [email protected] August 29, the five-ring Olympic flag was passed on to Beijing, the city to host the 29th Olympiad in just Publisher: Wang Gangyi A Editor in Chief: Lii Haibo four short years. Now, Beijing has become a focus of the Associate Publisher: Qi Wengong world. Associate Editor in Chief: Li Jianguo Assistant Editor in Chief: Huang Wei In the Athens Games, China achieved a historical breakthrough to rank second on the gold medal tally Executive Editors: Wang Yanjuan, Li Rongxia Editorial Consultants: Francisco Little, Adam Balbo (behind the United States), as well as blooding young ath- Senior Consultants: Shao Haiming, Jin Jianzhong letes. Meanwhile, Athens has also provided Beijing with Senior Writers: Pan Shuangqin, Qin Wenli, many valuable experiences regarding holding a successful Yao Bin, Tang Qinghua Staff Writers: Ding Zhitao, Zan Jifang, Olympic Games. Ding Ying, Ni Yanshuo, What struck me most was Athens’ thriftiness in holding Chen Wen, Ding Wenlei, the games. There was no welcoming ceremony and no Wang Jun, Yu Shujun, Zhang Jinqin, Li Li, Liu Yu, flashy electronic equipment. Most of the events were held Liu Yunyun, Yan Wei, in existing facilities. Gone are
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