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Hebrew Bible :  :  Genesis : ,  : ,  :  :  :  :-  : ,  :- : :, ,  :- ,  : , – :-  : , , ,  Numbers :-  :- ,  :- :  :  :-  :  :-  :-  :  :  :  :-  :-  :  : ,  :  :- : ,  :  :  :- :-  Deuteronomy   :  :  :-  :  :-  :  :  : , ,  : , , , , , ,  :  :    :-  :  :  :  : ,  Exodus : , ,  :  :  :  :-  :  :  :-  : :-  : , ,  : :- ,  :-  :-  Leviticus : ,  : : , , 


© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48032-1 — Jewish Law and Early Christian Identity Yifat Monnickendam Index More Information

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Deuteronomy (cont.) :-  :- :  :- :  :  :  :  :  :- , , , , ,  Luke :- , ,  : : ,  :- ,  :-  :  : , , ,  :,  :- ,  : :  :- ,  Joshua :-  :  :-    :  II Samuel :-  :-  :-  :  John I Kings :-  :-  :  :-  :  II Kings Acts :-  :-  I Chronicles I Corinthians :  : ,  Isaiah :-  :  :- Jeremiah :-  :  :  :  : ,  Ezekiel II Corinthians :-  :  Galatians New Testament :,  Ephesians Matthew :  ;-  :  :-  I Timothy :  :- :  :  : –,  :  : , ,  Hebrews : ,  :- : , ,  :  :-  : , ,  Second Temple Literature :-  :  Ascension of Isaiah :  : :,  :-  :  Jubilees :  : Mark :-  : :-  :  :- 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48032-1 — Jewish Law and Early Christian Identity Yifat Monnickendam Index More Information

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:  Laws :-  .  :  On Virtues :    :  Questions on Genesis Dead Sea Scrolls .  Q Ps. Philo frg.  (DJD  )  Q Biblical Antiquities frg. a (DJD  )  .  Genesis Apocryphon   Rabbinic Literature Temple Scroll :  Testaments of the Patriarchs Berakot : Testament of Reuben Yebamot :-  : , ,  :  :  Testament of Simon :  :- :  Testament of Levi :  :  Ketubbot Testament of Judah :  :  : :  :  :  :-  Testament of Dan :  :  :  Testament of Gad :  : :  Testament of Joseph :  : :-  :  Josephus : : Against Apion : .  Nedarim Antiquities :  .-  :  .  :     . Sotah_ . – :  .  :  .  :  Wars :      . - Git_tin_ :  Philo :,  :  De Abrahamo Qiddušin .-  : 

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Sanhedrin   :    :    : ,    :    :    ʿAbodah Zarah Zuta Deuteronomy :  .  ʿEduyyot   :,  -  -  Sifre Numbers  ,  Yebamot   :    Ketubbot   :    : ,    :  Sifre Zuta Numbers :  .  :    :  .  : .  Nedarim :  Palestinian Talmud Sotah_ :  Pesahiṃ :  :, b  Qiddušin Yebamot :-  :, a  Sanhedrin :, b  :  :, a  ʿAbodah Zarah :, b  :,  :, b  :  :, d  Ketubbot Halakhic Midrash :, a ,  :, c  Mekilta d’Rabbi Ismael :, d-a  Nezikin :, a    Nedarim   :-, d-a  Bahodesh :, c    Nazir Mekilta d’Rashbi :, c  . ,  Sotah_ .  :, c  :, c  :, d  Ahrei-Mot_ . Git_tin_ Qedošim :, d ,  . Qiddušin ʾEmor :, b  .-.  :, b-c – .  :, c  Sifre Deuteronomy :, b 

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:, d  a  Sanhedrin a-b  :, a  b  :b  b  :b  b-b      : , d Sotah_ b  Babylonian Talmud b  a  Berakot a-a  b  b  a-b  a  ʿErubin a  a  a-b  b  Git_tin_ a  Pesahim_ b  a  Yoma a  b  Qiddušin Taʿanit b  a  a-b  Megila a  a  a  Yebamot a  ʿ a  Baba Mesi_ a b  a  b  Baba Batra a  b  b  b  b  b  a  Sanhedrin b  a  b  b  a  b  b  b  b  b  b  b  b-a  a-a  a  b-b  Ketubbot b  a  a  b  a-b  b  b , ,  b  b  a , ,  a-b  b-a  b  a ,  a  a-b  ʿAbodah Zarah b-a  b  a  a  Aggadic Midrash b  a  Genesis Rabba b  . b  .  Nedarim . 

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Genesis Rabba (cont.) Me’iri (R. Menachem B. Solomon) .  Ketubbot .  b  .  Midrash Shmuel . . . .  .  .  . Otzar HaGaonim .  .  Yebamot    .  : .  Ketubbot   Lamentation Rabba , a  Kallah Rashi (R. Solomon B. Isaac) :  Yebamot b-a  Targum Ketubbot   Targum Neofiti a Genesis Sefer Haora   :  Targum Ps. Jonathan Genesis Ritba (R. Yomtov B. Abraham) :  :  Ketubbot :  b  :  :  Rosh (R. Asher B. Yehiel) Leviticus : Ketubbot a  Sha’arei Tzedek Tanhuma ..-  Genesis ..      Tosfoth Rid (R. Isaiah Numbers Di Trani)   Midrash Aggada on Genesis Ketubbot :  a 

Medieval Literature Classical Literature

Aderet Eliyahu Cicero     De legibus Eshkol Hakofer ..    Halakhot Gedolot Ephrem :-  Mahzor_ Vitri Admonition and Repentance -  - 

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Crucifixion .-  ,  .  .  .  . ,  .  .  .  . ,  .  De ieiunio   .  .  Diatessaron .  .- – .  .  Heresies ., , ,  . .  .  .-  .  .  .  .-a  . .  Nachträge . ,  .  .  .-  .  Nativity -  .  .  . Ecclesia .- ,  .  .    .    .  .  .  .   .  .-  .-  .  . .-  Epiphany .-  .  .  .  . Exodus .  .  .-  .-  .  Fide .  .  .  .-  .  .  .  .  . ,  .  . Genesis Nisibis . . .  .  . . ,  . .  .  .- . , ,  . . ,    ..  .  .  .  .  . 

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Nisibis (cont.) .  .  .-  .  .-  .  Sermons II Paradise .  .  .  .  .  Refutations .-  .-  .-  ,  .  Resurrection .  .  .  .- ,  .  Virginity Sogyātā .  . .-  .  Early Christian Literature . ,  .  Anonymous Works .  .- ,  Acts of Paul .-  . .  Acts of Thomas . ,  .-  . ,  .  .    .  Adam and Eve .-  .  .  .  .-  Anahid .  -  .-  Apocalypse of Peter .-  . .-  Apostolic Constitutions .  ..- .  .. .  ..   ..- .  . – .. Pseudo-Ephrem .-  ..-  Samuel II ..   ..-  III Corinthians ..-    ..  Sermons ..    ..  .  ..  .  ..  .  Book of Rules .    .  Catenae .  §  .-  § 

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§  Aphrahat §  Demonstrations Catena Sinaitica  , ,  §    Cave of Treasures   .    .-   Collectio Coisliniana   §    §   ,  De Joseph et de castitate        Didascalia  , ,  ..  ..    Asterius of Amasea   -  Sermons   .-  Diyarbakir  .  Athenagoras Epistle to Diognetus . Legatio Febronia  ,    . History of Joseph the Carpenter Augustine    Contra Faustum History of Thecla    De bono coniugali Joseph and Aseneth  . De consensu evangelistarum Martha ..- .-  De diversis quaestionibus Protevangelium of James    Retractations   . .  Tarbo Basil of Caesarea :  Shepherd of Hermas Letters . ,  . .  .  Ambrose of Milan . , , , , Luke  . .  .-– .-  .  .-  . , ,  . ,  Ambrosiaster .  Questions .    . , 

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Letters (cont.) .  . ,  .  . , ,  . . , , ,  .  . ,  Mystagogical Orations .  . . ,  . ,  Epiphanius .  .  Duodecim Gemmis .    . ,  Panarion .  . . ,  . .  ..-  .  ..-   ,  .. Moralia .. .  .. -    ..  ..- Clement of Alexandria ..- ..-  Stromata .. .. .. .  .. .,  .. . ,  . , ,  Eusebius . , ,  .  Demonstrations ..  ..  Ecclesiastical History Cyprian ..  .  Ad quirinum Greek Questions .   Dress of Virgins .    .  . Cyril of Alexandria .-,  .,  Contra Julianum . ,  .  .  . ,  . ,  John .     Glaphyra .   .   Cyril of Jerusalem Praeparatio Evangelica .  Catechesis Syriac Questions .    . -  .  ., 

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. .. . Ishodad of Merv Gregory of Nazianzus Genesis Letters .    Orations Isidore of Pelusium . ,  Letters Gregory of Nyssa  

Ecclesiastes Ivo of Chartres . Life of Macrina Decretum VI      Virginity Jerome   Contra Helvidium Hilary of Poitiers  De viris illustribus Matthew   . Epistles .,  . .  Hippolytus .()  .,  Benedictions Galatians -  ..-   Matthew - . , – . , , ,  Ignatius .    Epistle to Ephesians Questions on Genesis . .  Epistle to Polycarp .-   .-  .  Irenaeus John Chrysostom Demonstrations   Against Remarriage Heresies   ..  ..    ..  Genesis .. . ..   .. . ..  .  ..  .  ..  .  ..- .  .. . 

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Genesis (cont.) Nativity of Mary .-   .   .    John   Methodius   Matthew Symposium .– ..  .- .-,  Origen . – Contra Celsum . . ,  .,  .  .  .  . . – . . ,  .  Genesis Ephesians  .  . Propter fornicationem .  , - – Matthew , -  . , , Virginity  .  John   .-  .  .  .,  .  Luke Julius Africanus .,  . ,  Chronography .    Romans .. Justin Martyr Priesthood of Jesus   Dialogue . Ps. Clement . . Recognition .  .    Virginity .,  .  First Apology – . Ps. John Chrysostom . .  Opus imperfectum in Matthaeum Second Apology .   Ps. Macarius Lactantius Sermons Divine Institutes .. . 

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Ps. Matthew .      ,   .   De pudicitia Sanctam Christi Generationem .    , ,   .  Sulpicius Severus of Aquitania De virginibus velandis .- Letters . ,  Theodore of Mopsuestia Tatian Commentary on XII, Malachi .-  Greeks John   . . 

Tertullian Theophilus Ad uxorem Ad Autolycum    . . .     . . .  Adversus Iudaeos .- ,  Adversus Marcion Victorinus of Pettau .  Commentary on the Apocalypse . . .  .  .. Legal Codices Apologeticum .- Councils and Synods Carne Christi   Council of Ancyra   -     .- , De cultu faminarum Council of Arles     ..  ( ) , De exhortation castitatis Council of Chalcedon   .     Council of Elvira   -    .    De monogamia ,   ,    . ,    .  . Council of Gangra  .,  .  Council of Laodicea   .-    . - . Council of Neocaesarea

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 ..(). ,  ,  ..()   .. () ,  Council of Nicaea ...    ...  Council of Trullo ..    ...  Synod of Beth Qatraye  ...  Synod of Ezekiel ..    ..  Synod of Mar Aba Justinian Code   ..    ..  ..  Corpus Juris Civilis ..  ..  Digest ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  .. .. ,  ..  ..  ..  ..  ...  ...  .. ..  ..  ..b  ..-  ..g  ..  .  ..- .  ..  .. Syriac Codes ..  ...  Jesubarnun ...   ,  ...  -  ...    ..    ...   ..   ...-    ... ,  Jesubocht ..  .  ..().  .  ..().  .  ..().  .  ..().  .-  ..().  .-  ..().,  . ,  ..().  ..  ..().  ..  ..().  .  ..().  .  ..()  .  ..().  Syro-Roman Lawbook ..()   

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 ,  Theodosian Code          . . - .-.  a-b  ..  ..  Timotheus ..  ..  Law Book ..    ..   ,  ..    ..    ..    ..        Gaius     Institutes      .       . .

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Aaron (biblical),  idolatry,  Abbahu, R.,  in flagranti,  Abbaye, – punishment, , ,  abduction marriage, , , , ,  rabbinic ,  annulment, , , ,  return to husband, , , – biblical law,  Synagogue,  by one’s betrothed,  vs. fornication, ,  Christian approach, ,  vs. rape,  death penalty, , ,  aggadic literature, ,  Emmelia,  Babylonian,  prohibition on marriage,  Palestinian,  punishment, , ,  Akiba, R., ,  rabbinic halakha,  Ambrose, , , – return of bride, , ,  Ambrosiaster,  Roman law, ,  Ammonites,  vs. cohabitation,  Amnon,  vs. rape, ,  Amphilochius, , ,  Abgar (King),  Amram Gaon, R.,  Abraham (patriarch), ,  Ando, Clifford,  Abraham Kidunaya,  angels, ,  Acts of Thomas, , ,  Antioch,  Addai,  Aphrahat, , , –, – Adler, Yonatan,  Apocryphal acts of the Apostles,  adoption,  Aramaic,  rabbinic halakha, – Christian Palestinian Roman law,  n-s-b,  use in Christian theology,  š-b-q,  adultery, , , ,  š-t-p,  adulterous thing,  Jewish Babylonian,  analogous to parricide,  ʾ-n-s,  biblical law, ,  n-s-b,    by men, p-_t-r, Christian approach,  q-d-š,  criminal offence,  š-t-p,  damage for men,  t-r-k,  death penalty, , , , , –, Jewish Palestinian, ,  , , , ,  ʾ-n-s,  defilement, , , ,  n-s-b,  divorce, – q-d-š,  father’s wife,  š-b-q,  Gentiles,  š-t-p, 


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Index 

Judean by kissing,     p-_t-r, by purchase, , t-r-k,  by sexual relations, ,  Samaritan Palestinian by writ,  š-b-q,  celibacy, , , , ,  Targum ceremony,    p-_t-r, Dead Sea Scrolls, t-r-k,  death of spouse, , ,  Arian controversy, ,  divorce, ,  Aristides,  duration, ,  asceticism fornication. See fornication: during betrothal alternative to matrimony,  Judea, ,  as betrothal to Jesus,  ketubbah,  Christian encouragement, , , , legal requirements,   minimum age,  Christian rejection, , ,  minor, ,  Dead Sea Scrolls,  rabbinic halakha, , , , ,  Emmelia,  refusal, ,  female,  Roman law, ,  New Testament,  son-in-law, ,  rabbinic rejection,  vs. marriage, , , , , , ,  Aseneth (biblical),  vs. matrimony,  Ashi, R., – betrothed Athenagoras, ,  celibate woman and Jesus, ,  Atzmon, Arnon,  Jacob and Rachel, ,  Augustine, , , –, –,  Jesus and Church,  Augustus (emperor), ,  Joseph and Mary. See Mary (mother of Jesus): betrothed to Joseph Babylon,  Lot’s daughters, , , , ,    Bardaisan,_ biblical exegesis, Barnard, Leslie,  Christian literature, ,  Basil of Caesarea, , , , , , , Christological,  – factual,  canonical letters, , , , , ,  in service of theology, , , , , , , Basil the Elder,   Bathsheba (biblical),  biblical law, ,  Bauer, Walter,  Christian use, , , –, ,  Beck, Edmund,  Bilhah (biblical), ,  Beit Hillel, , – Billerbeck, Paul,  Beit , , –, , – Birkat Haminim,  Benin, Stephan,  Bishopric authority,  Beruna, R.,  Book of Jubilees,  Bethlehem,  borderlines betrothal Christians and polytheists,  adoption of husband’s name, , , – Jews and Christians,  annulment, , –, , ,  Jews and Judeans,  approval before the elders,  bridegrooms’ blessing,  argument for Jesus’ Davidic descent,  Brock, Sebastian,  argument for the virgin birth, , ,  Bussières, Marie-Pierre,  as contract, , , , , , , ,  as Jewish phenomenon, , ,  Cave of Treasures,  as matrimony, , , –, , , , , census, – , , , , , , , , , Cerbelaud, Dominique,   Christian Romances,  biblical law, , ,  Church, 

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 Index

Church Orders stoning, , , –, –, –,  Apostolic Constitutions, ,  strangulation, , ,  Didache, ,  Dinah (daughter of Jacob),  Didascalia Apostolorum, , , ,  divorce, , , , , ,  circumcision,  adultery, , , , , , , , Clement of Alexandria, , ,   clergy biblical law, , ,  regulations, , ,  bill, , , , , , , , See also cohabitation, – get celibates,  Christian prohibition, , , , , , , divorcees,  , ,  during betrothal, , , , , –, , Dead Sea Scrolls,  –, , , See also sexual divorcée as adulteress,  relations: during betrothal fornication, , , , ,  commandments, abolition of, , ,  from a non-Christian,  Commentary on Genesis and Exodus, ,  from betrothal, , –, –, –, Commentary on the Diatessaron, ,  –, , , ,  Constans (emperor),  from prostitute,  Constantine (emperor), , , –, , God and Synagogue,  ,  hardness of their hearts, , ,  Constantinople,  hated wife,  Constantius (emperor),  heresy,  Costobarus,  initiated by wife, ,  councils,  insufficient for remarriage,  Ancyra,  Jesus and Church, ,  Beth Qatraye,  Joseph and Mary, , , , , – Chalcedon,  mandatory,  Elvira, ,  murder,  Neocaesarea,  New Testament, ,  Trullo,  procedure, , , , , , – Crawford, Matthew,  public, , , ,  Cyprian,  reasons, , , , , , , ,  Cyril of Alexandria, , – return to husband,  Cyril of Jerusalem, –,  Roman law, ,  Roman vs. Christian,  David (King),  Salome,  forefather of the Messiah,  second marriage, , –, ,  Dead Sea Scrolls, ,  unilateral, –,  death penalty,  Doctrine of Addai, ,  authority,  dowry, ,  axe,  Drijvers, Han, , – beheading, –, , –,  biblical law, , , – Edessa, , , , , ,  burning, , , ,  Christian community,  burning in a sack,  Jewish community, ,  Christian writers,  Jewish–Christian community, ,  crucifixion,  languages,  Dead Sea Scrolls,  polytheism,  drowning in a sack,  School,  execution,  Eleazar, R.,  kārēṯ,  Elizabeth (mother of John), ,  mauling,  kinswoman of Mary,  rabbinic halakha,  emanciapation of son,  Roman law,  Emmelia, ,  status of convict,  Ephraim Miḳša’ah, –

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Index 

Ephrem Bishop,  acquaintance with Jerome,  by one’s betrothed, ,  affinity with Christian writers, , , , , concealment, –  death penalty, , , ,  affinity with halakha, , , , , , defilement, , ,  – defilement of name, ,  affinity with Jewish traditions, , –, , during betrothal, , , , , , ,  , , –, , , , , affinity with Palestinian traditions, , , , , , ,  , , , , , ,  during widowhood,  affinity with Roman law, ,  falsely accused wife,  as Post-Nicene Christian, , , –,  Israel against God,  asceticism,  justifications for,  authentic works, ,  priest’s daughter, , ,  biblical exegesis, , , –, , , , punishment, , ,  , , , , , , , rabbinic halakha,  –, , –, – reader,  contact with Jews, , – vs. adultery, ,  death penalty,  Fraade, Steven,  divergence from Christian writers, , , –, , , , , , , genealogy , , , ,  biblical law,  divergence from Roman law, ,  biological,  divorce, ,  nonbiological, –,  knowledge of Greek,  patrilineal, , ,  knowledge of languages,  through adoption,  layers of legal discourse,  Genesis Rabba,  legal practice,  Gentiles legal terminology, , –, , , , ,  in rabbinic literature, , , ,  legal thought, , ,  law, ,  systematization, ,  get, –,  life,  from betrothal, , , , – midrash, , , ,  Gibson, John,  polemic against Judaism, , ,  Golani, Shira,  polemic against polytheism,  Gomorra,  relation to social reality,  Gospel of Thomas,  state of research, ,  Greek unauthentic works, , , ,  bdelugma,  uniqueness, , , ,  ʾepaggelia,  use of Peshitta, , –,  ʾepiklēros,  virginity, , – gambros, ,  Epiphanius, , , – gameō,  Er (son of Judah), , ,  gamos,  Esau (biblical),  gunē, ,  Eusebius of Caesarea, , , , –, –,  mageiros,  Eusebius of Emesa, ,  mnēstēr,  biblical exegesis,  mnēsteuomai, , , ,  Evans-Grubbs, Judith,  moicheia, ,  Eve (biblical),  nomos,  paranomia,  flood (biblical), ,  porneia, ,  fornication, , , , –, , , , stratiōtēs,  –,  sugchōrēsis,  before betrothal,  suggenis,  biblical law,  sunoikein, 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48032-1 — Jewish Law and Early Christian Identity Yifat Monnickendam Index More Information

 Index

Gregory of Nazianzus, ,  rabbinic,  Gregory of Nyssa, , ,  baʿal,  Griffith, Sidney,  dāb̠ār,  Griffiths, John,  dāb̠ārbārûr,  Gvaryahu, Amit,  ʿerwāh, ,  ʿerwat dāb̠ār,  Haar Romeny, Bas ter,  ge˘rušā,  Hagar (biblical),  gērûšîn,       halakha, , , , ge_t, as marker of Jewish identity,  g-r-s,  authority of jurists, ,  g-r-š,    –    ā  Babylonian, , , , , , h_ m,  ā ̠ā  Christian observance, h_ t n, Christian transmission,  h-r-g,    conservative, h-_ _t-p, Dead Sea Scrolls, , , ,  ʾistrātyōs,  Galilean,  magêros,  Geonic,  mēʾûn, ,  Judean, , ,  n-ś-ʾ, ,  Karaite,  ʾ-n-s,  legal pluralism,  q-d-š, ,  morality, ,  qînûy,  New Testament,  ʾ-r-ś, ,  Palestinian, , , , –, ,  šāʿā,  pluralistic,  šidûk,  rabbinic, , –, , –,  šošbin,  rabbinic vs. biblical law,  š-t-p,  rejected, , –, ,  z-n-h, ,  sectarian, –, , , , , , , Hebrew Bible,   Decalogue,  tannaitic vs. amoraic, endangered ancestress,  , ,  Helvidius,  Targum, ,  heresy, , ,  vs. Roman law, –, , ,  Hilary of Poitiers, , ,  halakhic literature, , , , , ,  , – amoraic,  Hippolytus of Rome,  Babylonian, ,  Humfress, Caroline,  early tannaitic,  Hymns against Heresies,  Palestinian, , ,  Hymns against Julian,  Second Temple,  Hymns on Epiphany,  tannaitic, , ,  Hymns on Faith,  Tosefta in Talmud,  Hymns on Nisibis,  Hananel, R.,  Hymns on Paradise,  Hanina of Sura, R.,  Hymns on the Church,  Hebrew,  Hymns on the Fast,  biblical Hymns on the Nativity,  ʿalmâ,  Hymns on Virginity, ,  be˘tûlâ, ,  ā ̠ā –  h_ t n, , identity  –  l-q-h_ , , ethnic, maswe,  geographic,  naʿărâ,  religious,  ʾ-r-ś,  idolatry,  śimlā,  biblical law,  ʿ-z-b,  Ignatius, , 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48032-1 — Jewish Law and Early Christian Identity Yifat Monnickendam Index More Information

Index 

Ilan, Tal,  Joseph (son of Jacob), , ,  incest,  Joseph and Aseneth,  death penalty,  Josephus, , , ,  father and daughter, , ,  Jovian (emperor), ,  father and daughter-in-law, – Jubilees,  incitement editing,  biblical law,  Judah (biblical), , , , , , ,  infamy,  hidden blessing,  inheritance, ,  levir,  biblical law,  Judah (tribe), – epiklerate,  Judah Hadassi,  rabbinic halakha,  Judah son of Bathyra (I),  Roman law,  Judah son of Bathyra (II),  Irenaeus, , ,  Judah, R., , ,  Isidore of Pelusium,  Judaism Israel (land),  Babylonian,  Palestinian,  Jacob (patriarch), , , ,  rabbinic,  Jacob of Edessa,  sectarian,  James (son of Joseph),  Judea,  Jephtah’s daughter,  Julian Saba,  Jerome, , , , , , , , , ,  Julianus (emperor),  acquaintance with Ephrem,  Julius Africanus,  biblical exegesis, –, ,  Jus primae noctis,  Jesubarnun,  Justin Martyr, ,  Jesubocht, , ,  Justinian (emperor),  Jesus, , , , , , , ,  crucifixion,  Karaite descendant of David, , ,  Karaite literature,  descendant of Judah and Levi,  Kister, Menahem,  descendant of Levi,  Klijn, Albertus, ,  family,  kohen. See priest rejection of synagogue,  Kugel, James,  son of God,  son of Joseph, ,  Laban,  Jewish festivals,  Lactantius, ,  Jewish-Christian Latin channels of transmission, , ,  accipio,  literature, , ,  adulterium, , , ,  Jewish-Christians,  per vim,  Jews alumnus,  Babylonian,  cognomen,  in Christian writing, ,  coniugium,  Palestinian,  conubium,  Syrian, ,  despondere,  Johanan ben Nuri, R.,  desposare,  John Chrysostom, , , , , , , , discutio,  , , , , ,  divortium,  biblical exegesis, , , ,  gener, ,  John the Baptist, ,  gentilicium,  Jonah, R.,  incestum,  Joseph (father of Jesus), , ,  infamia,  descendant of David, ,  matrimonium,  genealogy, –,  nomen,  married to Mary,  nubo, 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48032-1 — Jewish Law and Early Christian Identity Yifat Monnickendam Index More Information

 Index

Latin (cont.) Mary (mother of Jesus), –,  praenomen,  betrothed to Joseph, , , , –, , , raptor,  , , , ,  raptus, – descendant of David, –, –, –,  remitto,  descendant of Jacob,  renuntio,  descendant of Judah,  repudium, ,  descendant of Levi,  spondere,  divorce. See divorce: Joseph and Mary sponsus,  execution,  stuprum, ,  fornication, , , ,  per vim,  married to Joseph,  law virgin birth. See virgin birth Ancient Near Eastern,  virginity, , , , ,  Christian, , See also legal traditions: matrimony,  Christian after prostitution, ,  evidence from metaphors,  Alexandrian Jews,  evidence from terminology,  approval of guardian, , , ,  evidence from theology,  as betrothal, ,  Jewish. See halakha before clergy, ,  legal pluralism, ,  biblical law,  legal statement, , , ,  by force,  mandate for legal action, , –, , , ceremony,  , ,  Christian and Jew,  Noahides. See Gentiles: law Christian and non-Christian,  positivism, , ,  Christian obligation,  realism,  Christian vs. Hellenistic,  Roman. See Roman law Christianity, – Sasanian,  clergymen, ,  Syriac, , ,  conditional,  terminology, , ,  consent, , , , , ,  vs. custom, , , ,  de facto, , , , , , –, –, legal traditions  Christian, –, , , , , , –, Jesus and Church,  , ,  ketubbah, , , , ,  vs. Roman law,  legal requirements, –, , ,  Greek, ,  levirate, , , ,  Leloir, Louis,  minimum age,  Letter to Publius,  minor,  Levi (tribe), – necessity for the masses,  tribal land,  New Testament, ,  Lex Iulia de adulteris,  North African church,  liability perpetuity, , ,  abduction marriage, , –,  priest,  rape of married woman, –, ,  refusal,  rape of virgin, ,  Roman law,  Lifshitz, Berachyahu,  second marriage, –, –, ,  Lot, , , –, , , , , , ,  son-in-law,  daughters of, –, , , , , , spiritual,  , , ,  temporary,  other daughters of, ,  third marriage,  sons-in-law, –,  to another during betrothal, , , ,  mamzer, , – tribal intermarriage, ,  Mar Aba,  with a foreigner,  Marcion,  with a nonvirgin, 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48032-1 — Jewish Law and Early Christian Identity Yifat Monnickendam Index More Information

Index 

Meir, R., , ,  Palestine,  Memrā on Divine Mercy,  Papa, R.,  Methodius,  parallels midrash analogical, – biblical commentary,  genealogical, – in Christian literature,  parallelomania,  Mimouni, Simon,  Pascal Hymns,  Miriam (biblical),  patria potestas, ,  mistress,  Vitae necisque potestas,  Moabites,  Paul (apostle), , ,  moredet,  Perez (biblical),  Moses (biblical), ,  Peshitta,  Moses Gaon, R.,  Jewish origins,  Murray, Robert,  Petersen, William,  Pharaoh, ,  Naresh,  Philo,  Nathan (biblical),  polemics,  naturalism, ,  Jews and Christians, , – Dead Sea Scrolls, ,  pollution,  Ephrem, , , , ,  polytheism, , ,  rabbinic halakha, ,  post-Nicene Christianity, , , ,  Nehardea,  Potiphar’s wife,  New Testament pregnant contradictions, ,  during betrothal,  genealogy, , ,  Lot’s daughters, , ,  interpretations, , ,  Mary (mother of Jesus), ,  legal traditions,  Tamar (daughter-in-law of Judah,  Pericope Adulterae, ,  priest Sermon on the Mount, ,  daughter of, , , , ,  terminology, ,  status,  Nisibis, , , ,  wife of, , – Jewish community,  Procopius,  Jewish–Christian community,  prosecution School,  by husband, ,  Noam, Vered, ,  by stranger, –,  nominalism, ,  prostitution, , ,  Christian writers, – Israel,  rabbinic halakha,  Protevangelium of James,  Roman law, ,  adaptations,  influence on Ephrem, ,  oath,  Jewish traditions,  Odes of Solomon,  punishment Onan (son of Judah), , ,  excommunication, , ,  onomastics,  execution. See death penalty adoption,  exile, ,  betrothal, , – expulsion from ministry,  elite families,  financial,  matrilineal, , – knowledge of law,  matrimony, ,  lashes,  patrilineal, , – purity law,  rabbinic,  Roman,  Quispel, Gilles,  use of both parents,  women’s names,  Rab, , , – Origen, , , –, ,  Rabina, 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48032-1 — Jewish Law and Early Christian Identity Yifat Monnickendam Index More Information

 Index

Rachel (matriarch), , ,  Roman legal literature, ,  rape, , , , , , ,  Corpus Juris Civilis, ,  as adultery, , , , , ,  Digest, – betrothed vs. married,  Justinian Code,  biblical law, , , – Syro-Roman Lawbook, ,  by husband,  Theodosian Code, ,  by one’s betrothed, , –,  Rompay, Lucas van,  defilement, ,  Rubenstein, Jeffrey,  Dinah, , ,  during betrothal, , , ,  Sabbath, ,  during marriage, ,  Salome Alexandra (Queen),  during sleep,  Samson (biblical),  exemption from divorce,  Samuel (sage), , –,  implications, , , ,  father of,  Israelite’s wife, ,  Samuel Saba (sage),  location, –, ,  Sandmel, Samuel,  Lot’s daughters, ,  Sarah (matriarch), ,  marital status,  baren,  matrimonial bond, , ,  Sasanian Empire, ,  priest’s wife,  Schwartz, Daniel,  prohibition,  second marriage punishment,  former husband’s consent,  resistance, , –, ,  Second Temple return to husband, – destruction,  unbetrothed virgin,  literature, ,  vs. abduction marriage, , ,  seduction, –,  vs. adultery,  Seelig, Gerald,  vs. forced marriage,  Sefer Ha-Ma’asim,  reader,  Segal, Judah,  Rebekah (matriarch),  Semitic traditions,  Refutations,  Septimus Severus,  repentance Septuagint,  alternative to death penalty,  Sermon on our Lord,  alternative to divorce,  Sermons,  Reuben (biblical), ,  Sermons on Faith,  Robert, Cover,  Sermons on Virginity,  Roman Empire, ,  šeṯuqi,  Christianization,  sexual relations, , –,  Eastern, , , , , , , , , , , condition for matrimony, ,  , ,  consent, , ,  Western, ,  during betrothal, –, , , , , , Roman law, , , , , , , , , –, , , , ,  –, , , , , , during captivity,  –,  endangered ancestress,  acquaintance with other systems, ,  extramarital,  Christian influence, –, ,  Gentile with betrothed, ,  civil,  invalidating eligibility for matrimony,  classical,  irrelevance to marital status, , , , – criminal,  levir,  eastern influence,  man with betrothed woman,  Julian,  man with married woman,  Jus civile,  marital status, , , , ,  Jus naturale,  matrimonial bond, , , , , –, positivism,  –, , –, , , , vs. rabbinic halakha, , –, , ,  –, , , , , 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48032-1 — Jewish Law and Early Christian Identity Yifat Monnickendam Index More Information

Index 

obligation during marriage,  š-r-y, ,  reader with his betrothed,  suʿrānāʾit,  sight,  šušefā,  virgin,  š-w-t-p, –,   ʾ ṯā  widow, _tam u , Shelah (son of Judah),  t-m-ʾ,   š ā  Shem (biblical), _tu y , Shemesh, Aharon, ,  zadiquṯā,  Shepardson, Christine, ,  zānyut̠ā,  Shepherd of Hermas,  z-n-y, , –, ,  Shoshanna,  z-w-g, ,  Silberg, Moshe,  Syriac Christianity, , , ,  Silman, ,  origins, –, –, ,  Simon (disciple), wife of,  Smith, Jonathan,  Tamar (daughter of David), ,  Sodom, , –, , ,  Tamar (daughter-in-law of Judah), , , Sogyātā,  , , – Solomon (King),  daughter of Aram,  Sotah, , , ,  daughter of Mardi,  biblical vs. rabbinic,  daughter of Shem,  Strack, Hermann,  Targumim,  Synagogue,  Tatian, , ,  Syria, –, ,  Tertullian, , , –, – Syriac, ,  Thecla,  ʾa[n]ttā,  Theodosius (emperor),  ʿam,  theology Bar Qyāmā,  as marker of Christian Orthodoxy,  brē,  Christian literature, ,  bṯulṯā, ,  Ephrem’s use of, for exegesis,  bṯuluṯā, , ,  evidence from law, , , , , , d-l-l,  ,  ʾegartā d’dulālā, ,  implications on law,  g-w-r, –, , , ,  theological statement, , ,  ā   hm_ , Theophilus,     h-t-n_ , , , III Corinthians, ā ā    hub_ l , Timotheus, , ā ā   Ihid_ y , Toledot Yeshu, kēnā,  translation kēnāeyṯ,  Greek into Syriac, , , , ,  kēnuṯā,  Hebrew into Greek, ,  kṯābā d’šubqānā,  Hebrew into Latin,  luqdām,  Treggiari, Susan,  magersā,  two witnesses,  m-k-r, , , ,  ʿ ṯā    m_sa ar , Ukba, Mar, , msaybṯā,  Ulpian, , –,  nāmusā,  p-r-s-y,  Victorinus of Pettau,  q-d-m,  virgin q-d-š, , ,  Eve,  ā āʾ  ’     ruh_ n it, Lot s daughters, , , , šāʿtā,  Mary. See Mary (mother of Jesus): virginity šbiqṯā,  Tamar (daughter of David),  š-b-q, –, ,  Tamar (daughter-in-law of Judah), ,  š-d-y,  virgin birth, –, , , , , , 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48032-1 — Jewish Law and Early Christian Identity Yifat Monnickendam Index More Information

 Index

virginity, , ,  widowhood, , , ,  irreparability,  as virginity,  marital status, , , ,  celibacy,  pearl,  metaphor for loneliness, personified,  –,  vs. celibacy, ,  second marriage, , , , ,  virginity suit, , –,  social status,  Volterra, Edoardo,  vow, ,  Yochanan, R.,  Vulgate,  Zarah (biblical),  Werman, Cana,  Zecharia (father of John),  widow Zoar, ,  Samaritan woman,  Zutra, Mar,  Tamar,  zuz, 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press