Priority question for written answer P-003016/2021 to the Commission Rule 138 (Renew), (Renew), (S&D), (Renew), (ID), (S&D), (PPE)

Subject: The ’s next steps regarding Finnish travel restrictions

For a few months now Finland has been ignoring the principle of free movement of persons in the EU by repeatedly extending strict travel restrictions that are currently in place until 27 June. In addition to Finnish citizens and permanent residents, only persons working in areas essential to the functioning of Finnish society and security of supply and persons with essential reasons for travel are allowed to enter the country.

We believe the Finnish travel restrictions are neither proportionate nor justified, as the European Commission also pointed out back in February, but Finland has failed to take notice.

According to the Schengen Borders Code, temporary border controls may be reintroduced at the internal borders of the EU if the measures are proportionate and limited in time. Such restrictions, however, must be used as the last resort in exceptional circumstances and must be proportionate. The restrictions adopted by Finland have long been neither of these.

This means that Finland is in breach of the principle of free movement, which has directly caused and is still causing suffering to many people.

1. What specific steps does the European Commission plan to take, and when, to ensure that the principle of free movement of persons once again applies to Finland?

2. What does the European Commission propose to do if Finland continues to ignore the principle of free movement?
