
Reivew on the general fertilization

™ Concept of fertilization: Fertilization is the process of male and gamates fusing. ™ The normal site of fertilization: It is ampullary of uterine tube. The process of fertilization

™ Capacitated ™ Acrosome reaction ™ Fusing of sperm and ’s membrane ™ Zona pellucida reaction ™ Fusion of maternal and paternal genetic material forms the cleavage

™ Mitotic division of zygote is called cleavage. ™ Zygote undergo cleavage to form morula. ™ The cells of morula rearrange to form blastula. The structure of blastula ™ It consists of inner cell mass, and blustular cavity.

Polar trophoblast

inner cell mass/ embryoblast


trophoblast Implantation

™ Concept of implantation: It is a process that blastula is embedded in the . ™ The normal site of implantation: In the fundus or body of the .


Body stalk

somatopleuric Splanchnopleuric mesoderm

The formation of bilaminar germ disc parietalis

Decidua basalis

Uterine cavity Decidua capsularis cervix


Relationship between the embryo and the endometrium Formation of trilaminar germ disc somatic cavity The formation of neural tube

™ Anterior neuropore Posterior neuropore Derivatives of neural tube

™ Brain ™ Spinal cord ™ Unclosing of cranial neuropore causes anencephalic or meningocele. ™ Unclosing of posterior neuropore results in rachischisis or meningomyelocele. Formation of neural crest

™ The neural crest form peripheral nervous system, melanocytes in skin, endocrine cells in adrenal gland medulla.

Cross section

Dorsal view Derivatives of the

™ Epidermis ™ Special structure of skin Derivatives of paraxial mesoderm

™ Inner and ventral sclerotome form axial skeleton including vertebral column, ribs and some skull in head. ™ Lateral dermatome form dermis and subcutaneous tissue of skin. ™ Medially myotome contributes to all skeletal muscles of body, head and limbs. Derivatives of intermediate mesoderm

™ Urinary system ™ Reproductive system ™ The parietal mesoderm will form: Zmost connective tissue and smooth muscle of body wall Ztissues of limbs including cartilage, bones and girdles Zparietal layer of pleural membrane, cardiac pericardium and peritonium. ™ The visceral mesoderm layer will form: Zsmooth muscle and connective tissue of endoderm- linked organs, Zcardiovascular system Zvisceral layer of pleural membrane, cardiac pericardium and peritonium. ™ The intraembryonic cavity will form: Z peritoneal, pleural, and pericardial cavities. and

™ Fetal membrane include , , , and . ™ They originate from the trophoblast. Amnion

™ Structure of amnion: amnion includes the amnion and extraembryonic mesoderm. ™ amniotic liquid: ™ Hydramnios /polyhydramnios: Z >2000 ml, abnormal CNS or digestive system

Dead end of esophagus ™ : Z<500 ml, abnormal urinary system

normal kidney polycystic kidney sagittal section Superficial view Yolk sac

™ The yolk sac outside of embryo body will degenerate. ™ The will close and degenerate. ™ Meckel’s or ileal diverticulum. ™ vitelline cyst. ™ umbilical fistula or vitelline fistula The mesoderm covering yolk sac forms blood island Cross section

inner wall

sagittal section A 3-week-old embryo showing primordial germ cells in endoderm lining inner wall of yolk sac close to attached allantois. Umbilical cord ™ Umbilical cord consists of , amnion, vitelline duct and allantois during early stage of . ™ The villine duct and allantois will degenerate before . ™ The surface of umbilical cord is covered by amnion cells. The development of allantois ™ Distal portion of allantois is obliterated to form . ™ If the urachus remains open over, urachal fistula is formed. A urinary discharge may then be found at the umbilicus. ™ urachal diverticulum ; urachal cyst.

urachal fistula


bladder Chorion: villous and smooth chorion ™Villus ™chorionic plate Zprimary villus Ztrophoblast Zsecondary Zextraembryonic villus mesoderm Z tertiary villus ZAmnion ™stem villus Zdecidua ™free villus parietalis

™ Villous chorion or chorion frondosum. ™ Smooth chorion or chorion laeve. Placenta ™ The placenta has two components: fetal portion and maternal portion. ™ The fetal portion is villous chorion ™ The maternal portion is decidua basalis. placental barrier: ™ Between fetal and maternal blood ™ Components: Early period ZEndothelium & basement membrane of fetal capillaries Zthin layer of connective tissue in the villus core Zcytotrophoblast and basement membrane. Zsyncytiotrophoblast. Later period ZEndothelium & basement membrane of fetal capillaries ZSyncytiotrophoblast Function of the placenta ™ Exchange material ™ Production of syncytiotrophoblast human chorionic , HCG: Zmaintains the corpus luteum. ZAppear in early stage of gestation & maternal urine, an indicator of early human placental , HPP maintains pregnancy human placental , HPE stimulates uterine growth and development of the mammary glands.

Somatomammotropin/ human , HPL promotes development for milk production Monozygotic **

™ Forming two blastocyst respective placenta, amnion, and chorion. ™ Forming two inner cell mass in one blastocyst common placenta and chorion, separate amnion ™ Forming two primitive streaks and two on one germinal disc common placenta, amnion, and chorion Conjoined (Siamese) twins

™ Partial splitting of the primitive node and streak The period of embryonic development(week,fertilization age) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 20 38 CNS HEART EYE EAR UPPER LIMB LOWER LIMB LIP TOOTH URANISCUS EXTERNAL GENITALIA

■high sensitivity to teratogenic agent ■ low sensitivity to teratogenic agent sensitive period to teratogenic agent in human : from 3rd to 9th week.