Telecommunications Providers (Ranked by Number of Local Employees)
Telecommunications Providers (Ranked by number of local employees) Services Provided No. of Local Employees Name 2009 Address Total No. of Parent Company Companywide Year Telephone Employees Facilities-Based revenues Top Local Locally 1 Rank Website Companywide Headquarters or Reseller Local voice service Long-distance voice service Cellular voice service Data transmission Wireless Internet Digital Other Services Provided Key Equipment Partners ($000) Executive(s) Founded Verizon Wireless Inc. 1,400 Verizon Communications Inc. and Facilities-based X X X X X X X Wireless voice and data services, consumer multimedia Alcatel-Lucent, Nortel 62,000,000 Russ Preite, 2000 1. 133 Calkins Road Vodafone Group PLC2 service, music on demand, location-based services, Networks Corp., Research Upstate New York Rochester, N.Y. 14623 81,000 wireless e-mail, text messaging, picture messaging, In Motion Ltd., Casio region president (585) 321-7000 Basking Ridge, N.J. downloadable applications, push-to-talk service America Inc., HTC Corp., LG Electronics Inc., Motorola Inc., Microsoft Corp., Nokia Corp., Palm Inc., Samsung America Inc., Kyocera Corp. Frontier Communications Corp.3 1,255 Frontier Communications Corp.4 Facilities-based X X X X X X X Integrated telecommunications services, switched and Cisco Systems Inc., Nortel, NA Ann Burr, 1899 2. dedicated network services, dedicated and dial-up Alcatel-Lucent, Sonus president 180 S. Clinton Ave. 5,671 Rochester, N.Y. 14646 Stamford, Conn. Internet access, e-mail, voice mail teleconferencing, Networks Inc., Mitel (585) 777-1000 digital network lines, domain name service, VOIP, Networks Corp. virtual private network Time Warner Cable Inc.
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