Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 a Diekert K. Florian to a decision shoot hunter’s the affect constraints How utn selection hunting pressure. selection predictable this theoreti- for should the account management sys- wildlife seen confirm hunting future sustainability, meat-motivated and on achieve To and test tem. recreational dataset a we unique in Norway, predictions a from cal of deer Using likelihood shot . increased and an particular i.e., a values, all shooting reservation costs competition lower higher season, to and remaining probabilities, lead sighting shorter hunter’s lower a hunters, the how among govern show that We regulations choice. and and formal rules, model, the norms, by hunting given informal a constraints the pattern those for particular in selection to microfoundations emphasizing relative emerging behavioral removed the develop markedly are explain differ we To classes that predators. size and natural or rates of sex, natural age, exceed which mortal- far in to that subjects rates It 2016) ity carnivores. 13, large May pop- of review wildlife for many devoid controlling (received ulations of 2016 way 12, predominant October the approved is and Hunting MA, Cambridge, University, Harvard Clark, C. William by Edited Netherlands The Wageningen, EW 6700 University, and Wageningen Germany; Heidelberg, 69115 University, Heidelberg int ho ihe nmldpnso optto among deci- competition the on their how depends fill addressing animal to sighted study time a no shoot limited been to have has sion limit- may There meat, quotas they (5). recreation, have and quota hunters for choices, of Most is their proportion (9). hunting ing small regulation most a population trophies; only or for However, 8). is case extreme (7, hunting the hunting on mostly trophy focusing of property, static a as treated species hunted hunting. valuable trophy for most Hordaland moose, interest (after second increasing and value the meat Fjordane, of is terms and deer in Sogn Red coun- 1). the Romsdal, in (Fig. harvested and population, being the deer Møre red of the ties majority of 75% the than holds dra- more with increased coast have west elaphus) The (Cervus matically. deer red for quota hunting evolu- selectivity. for understand potential to hunting and need overall we dynamics the tion, population of how to resilience understand maps the endanger better pressure not or To does ecosystem that population. supporting way poli- of hunted the a inform tens of in to wildlife health few need manage the a urgent to of an how on hence traits timespans cies is phenotypic short There over specific (6). even of generations evolution removal to there selective hunting, leads that trophy heavy concern with is populations processes. reluc- ungulate evolutionary some affects The also In ratio (5). population sex rapid distribution skewing facilitates but offspring age growth, with females and shoot having sex to selectivity tance hunter overabun- natural to in due the is resulting increase distorted this often of have range, Part populations (4). their dance pressure, expanded popula- hunting deer and high in grown this animals Despite individual (3). the tions adult of of 80–90% cause predominant for the con- mortality is mainly Hunting are (2). Europe hunting by in trolled populations wildlife most and limited A etefrEooia n vltoaySnhss eateto isine,Uiest fOl,N01 so Norway; Oslo, N-0316 Oslo, of University Biosciences, of Department Synthesis, Evolutionary and Ecological for Centre nteeooia ieaue eetvt yhneshsbeen has hunters by selectivity literature, ecological the In resulting and distribution, size, population the Norway, In nutilzdcutis() hi ucinlrlsaestill are roles functional their many (1), recolonizing countries now are industrialized predators large natural lthough | pia stopping optimal a,b,1 nre Richter Andries , | utrbehavior hunter ,adteei an is there and alces), Alces a,c ne ae Rivrud Maren Inger , | c niomna cnmc n aua eore ru,SbDprmn fEconomics, of Sub-Department Group, Resources Natural and Economics Environmental oildilemma social a n teMysterud Atle and , 1073/pnas.1607685113/-/DCSupplemental at online information supporting contains article This option. access open 1 PNAS the through online available Freely Submission. Direct PNAS a is article This interest. of conflict no wrote declare A.M. authors and The I.M.R., A.R., F.K.D., and data; paper. analyzed the I.M.R. and A.R., F.K.D., research; htpriiaei ie rp n h oe h sighting the lower the and trip, hunters given more a the is. higher is, in probability is season animal participate harvest given remaining that a the shooting show shorter of We meteo- the likelihood the situations. with the choice and 181,989 indeed data exploit that temperature, can probabil- these we precipitation, conditional These Matching phase, moon on shot. the animal. information not an construct recorded, but rological shooting directly were seen, of to not animal been ity us where have hunted allow 1), animals of (Fig. data which loca- type 2010 256 also and and covers but number 1999 panel the Our between only data. Norway with in theory tions our confront con- to and incentives hunter’s set. choice the her or affect his cost all strain the and animals season, hunting shooting organized, dedicated is of a of hunt timing the an and way length as The the shape hunting pressure: constraints framing selection social By emerging how animal. the show we given problem a stopping shoot decision optimal not individual the or on shoot focuses that to model a develop animal. we and Thus, man between encounter nonrecurring and individual the in analysis their cast models. trophy have harvesting and studies of these meat framework far, between So trade-off (12). the con- hunting addressing land-use or around constraints. centered (11) quota 10), flicts val- ref. a and from (e.g., mainly time perspective hunting uation at as looked has such literature economic factors The or members team uhrcnrbtos ...dsge eerh ... .. n ...performed I.M.R. and A.R., F.K.D., research; designed F.K.D. contributions: Author owo orsodnesol eadesd mi:[email protected]. Email: addressed. be should correspondence whom To utr optn n hre eann season. remaining shorter a more with and social declines competing selectivity hunters unique by that a hunting, shaped using deer from is evidence, dataset convincing selection provide hunter We has how constraints. search animal explain economic an from to shoot insights theory to apply We not addressed. or been shoot individ- and not the to many influences decision However, context hunter’s how social population. ual the the understand how of from to question removed the essential are cul- animals is of because which it and values, evolution for tural and control population Both subsystems. for ecological delicate scarce. and with social still the system between are social–ecological feedbacks a predators regu- is natural wildlife are as Therefore, America hunting, North through and lated Europe in populations Wildlife Significance eepotauiu aae nrdde utn incidents hunting deer red on dataset unique a exploit We an by characterized is it harvesting; like not is hunting But a . b eateto Economics, of Department NSEryEdition Early PNAS | f6 of 1

SUSTAINABILITY SCIENCE The hunter incurs a fixed cost ci per period (representing, e.g., his or her opportunity cost of labor, access fees to the hunting area, etc., measured in terms of utility), regardless of whether an animal is actually shot or not. Each period, the hunter observes one animal whose value is ex ante a random variable X . Clearly, the hunter goes hunting only if E[X ] > ci . The optimal policy in the basic setup is characterized by a “reservation value” that equals the expected benefit from follow- ing the optimal rule. Eq. 1 describes the “optimal shooting rule,” where ξi is the reservation value:

shoot animal if x ≥ ξi [1] do not shoot animal if x < ξi .

The reservation value ξi thus defines the selection pressure exerted by this hunter i: All animals whose trait value is at or above the threshold are subject to being hunted, whereas all ani- mals with a lower trait value are safe from being shot. The expected net return from policy Eq. 1 is given by E[max{ξi , X }] − ci and the reservation value can be expressed R ξi R ∞ as ξi = ξi dFi (x) + xdFi (x) − ci , which implies 0 ξi

Fig. 1. Map of Western Norway to indicate our study area. The graph shows R ∞ ci = (x − ξi )dFi (x). [2] the numbers of shot animals in Norway. ξi

Eq. 2 has an intuitive interpretation: The individual thresh- Theoretical Results old value ξi is chosen so that the marginal cost incurred by We develop a behavioral model to predict how constraints on not shooting in the current period and awaiting another period hunter decisions affect selectivity. The centerpieces of a model just equals the expected marginal return from one more obser- that describes the hunting decision are (i) that one shot can vation. The right-hand side of Eq. 2 defines a function Hi kill at most one animal, (ii) that the animal the hunter actually that maps a given trait value x into the utility gain that the observes is essentially an independent and identically distributed hunter i can expect by waiting for the next observation. That is, H (x) ≡ R ∞(y − x)dF (y) draw from the population, and (iii) that the hunter is constrained i x i . on how many animals can be shot. The function Hi is convex and strictly decreasing, and it sat- The first feature distinguishes hunting from harvesting, where isfies limx→∞Hi (x) = 0 and limx→0Hi (x) = E[X ]. This result many animals are removed from the population in one instant implies that whether a hunter chooses to shoot an animal (there are, for example, thousands of fish in a trawl net). The depends not only on characteristics of the animal (given by the second feature relates to the fact that animals move and that the trait value x), but also on characteristics of the hunter. Indeed, hunter cannot be sure to see a given animal again when he or she hunters may differ in terms of opportunity costs and also how lets it pass. The third feature stems from the fact that most hunt- they value a sighted animal. Fig. 2 illustrates how different costs ing is actively managed by quotas. The constraint could also more and different valuations affect the reservation value ξi and, generally result from specific investments that have to be made hence, the probability to shoot an animal. before hunting. Without loss of generality, we set this constraint so that the hunter is allowed to shoot exactly one animal. These three features make it very natural to frame the hunt- AB(A) Different costs (B) Different valuations ing decision as an optimal stopping problem: At each sighting, the individual hunter has to choose whether to shoot the cur- rent animal and stop hunting or to continue and wait for the next Hi(x) opportunity. Hi(x) = Hj(x) Hunting as an Optimal Stopping Problem. The animal population is Utility heterogeneous with respect to a given trait (for example, antler cost ci

size). Assume that a given hunter i has a monotone preference cost c = c cost c i j j H (x) ordering over these trait values, where we define x ∈ [0, ∞) as j the value that this hunter assigns to a given animal. Let each ani- ξi ξj ξi ξj mal have a unique value so that the hunter’s valuation of the population can be described by a cumulative distribution func- Quality of observed animal (x)

tion Fi (x). Here, the population is defined with respect to the Fig. 2. The reservation value ξi is chosen so that the expected utility gain particular type of quota that the hunter holds. Assume that the from not shooting the current animal (with value x) equals the cost of wait- distribution Fi (x) is stationary and known to the hunter. This is ing for the next observation. When hunters differ in terms of cost but value unlikely to be literally true, but it is plausible that the hunter has animals in the same way (A), we can see that the hunter with the lower a general idea about the distribution of trait values in the pop- hunting cost cj implies a higher reservation value ξj and a longer duration of ulation and the opportunities to update his or her belief are so search. Hunters may face the same costs, but differ in terms of valuation (B). For hunter i we use a standard log-normal distribution [F = ln N (0, 1)]. limited that they can be neglected. The assumption that the dis- i For hunter j, we use a distribution Fj = ln N (−0.6, 2), which implies that tribution is stationary is warranted when the relevant population the valuation function is skewed to the right. This may represent a trophy is large with respect to the scale at which the decision is made. hunter who preferably shoots animals with large trait values, whereas many Note that a stationary distribution also implies that the vulnera- animals in the population are of low value to him. In this example, the tro- bility of animals does not change over time (but see Discussion). phy hunter has a higher reservation value and a longer duration of search.

2 of 6 | Diekert et al. Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 a enso yagvnhunter given a by shot be been there Let has hunting. by in stop denote else to and has someone hunters she identical by or he filled so, been If has meantime. the quota infor- the his update whether before to on has but mation hunter it, the shoot opportunity, to shooting allowed next is the hunter the animal, him- independently. an shoot for observing to hunts decision several the hunter makes where each least Scandinavia, at but or (jaktlag), in herself team or setup a common form a hunters is This quota. is. is season animal remaining given the a shorter shooting hunt- the of the higher likelihood selective the more Conversely, the pattern. is, ing season hunting remaining the longer 1. Prediction ste endby defined then is as over, have we general, In given is value period last the last into the going by in of animal reward any expected shoot the will period, hunter the that Knowing period. in hswudaon oreplacing to situa- amount noncompetitive would a animals This of com- shoot tion. values not act threshold to respective to agree the incentives may below dampen hunters very that example, thus For norms is gen- petitively. It are other. are there each These that know team. likely participants the hunting and a small within erally behavior of description nonselective harvesting. completely implies competition unrestricted words, any for positive ξ making value, reservation her or his whose animal as an high sees as she p least or sim- at he is is that shoots probability value hunter the any by given that ply probability the case, competitive value with animal new a animal drawing this it, shoot either shoot to not choice or the value. animal, positive an any observing upon retrieving not have from thus gain We no is there and single sunk hunting goes a hunter only the if ante is Ex only following: there the is If reason The used. sees. not is (k opportunity opportunity current the if k to subscript we continue the but drop we hunters, now heterogenous) that potentially (and emphasize individual less We an model imply sighting pressure. therefore of and hunting probability num- value selective lower reservation higher the a a depress and season, all quota, animal hunting per remaining hunters of the how ber show of we length Here, finite decision. a hunter’s the affect that constraints Constraints. Social ikr tal. et Diekert is she or the honoring he team. than hunting if herself the animal or of him- an norm it social shoot trait shooting should in the hunter interested represent more a then which would at value value reservation resulting The 1 c k 0 = emdlteaiigcmeiini h olwn a:When way: following the in competition arising the model We one share hunters several when situation the consider now We Because oee,ursrce optto a o etebest the be not may competition unrestricted However, that fact the and induction backward of logic the that Note Let horizon. time infinite an of assumption the relax we First, = 0 = −c R , ξ + ... 1, ξ ∞ and 1 E k c Because . H R dF [ X 0 ∞ 0 K ξ F H < (x x ] k c > 0 0 = (0) etenme frmiigsotn opportunities shooting remaining of number the be dF (ξ h eevto value reservation The = 1 = ) 0 ξ 0 = c k 0 and k −c u xps,atrhvn paid having after post, ex but , ) (x 0 = E ξ hnteei oeta n utr nother In hunter. one than more is there when > h oe bv osntacutfrthe for account not does above model The ,tehne ilsotayaia eo she or he animal any shoot will hunter the ), k = ) − [ (F + H X ntenx-ols eid h utrhas, hunter the period, next-to-last the In . = ml httersrainvlewl o be not will value reservation the that imply c F ] 00 o all for − −c (ξ i > < o oainlclarity. notational for (ξ k c c c h eevto au nti case this in value reservation The ). + 0 k c + eko that know we , )) ehave we H k H N tflosthat follows it , (ξ p −1 hsdfie h reservation the defines This (0). j k k 6 = −1 h rbblt hta animal an that probability the [H ξ k i + ) ξ F (ξ slre h agrki:The is: k larger the larger is K nperiod in (ξ k c −1 → ξ k c k ξ ) −1 + ) 1 ξ with = . as ξ ξ − k k c K k c F −1 ξ > c ntepurely the In . h ot are costs the , X + (ξ ∞. → ]. 0 H k k ntelast the in −1 ) (0) nEq. in More- . ξ > [3] [4] ξ N 4. 0 k c . h rbblt osot epo h rbblt httetatvalue of trait values the different that for probability value the reservation q plot the we below shoot, is to probability the 3. Fig. wt h tnadnra steudryn ucin n e h marginal the set and function) to underlying costs the hunting as normal standard the (with cost the average, on that, is will increases. animal hunting reason sighted and The per decline selective. will less value become reservation trip. the given day, a hunting in participate hunters more the shooting higher of is likelihood animal the given a Conversely, pattern. hunting the selective 2. Prediction hunter. simultaneously a for it reward while expected population qualita- the animal the depresses the have safeguards of thus competition properties we that tive effects, result evolutionary paradoxical and trophy the the ecological of to deterioration harvest. due a selective about values concerns less are implies there competition as that Insofar clear is it uation, by defined n eoeby denote and ytepoaiiyo eigi,mnstecrancost weighted certain animal, the minus an it, of ξ seeing value value of expected expected probability (the the the period with by value next that current the so the of sees, shooting last she of the or value In the he deci- follows: animal as any optimal deduced shoot ξ the be will sighting, can hunter the hunter uncertain period the of for rule effect sion the on trating hr ovrec ftedfeec qainfor that equation difference the of convergence where lower the rdcin,nml htagvnaia smr ieyt be more to the likely (ii) season, more harvest is remaining the animal key shorter given three the yield a (i) problem shot that stopping namely optimal an predictions, as hunting lyzing situation, pattern. choice hunting next the the in selective animal more an the see to is probability the higher 3. Prediction ˜ ˜ 1 0 = Probability to shoot (p) Let given a during seen is animal an that certain not is it When Eq. whether of Regardless nsmay btatn rmmn ellf etrsadana- and features real-life many from abstracting summary, In ednt h eevto au nsc iuto by situation a such in value reservation the denote We = 0 = {1, 00.51 ξ ˜ q k fteei n eidlf,tehne a otaeoff trade to has hunter the left, period one is there If . q and 0.8}, R oilsrt o oilcntanso h utrsdcso affect decision hunter’s the on constraints social how illustrate To > p p p p < 0 ∞ ( ( ( ( ^ ξ ~ ˜ q k k k c k x k 1 ξ ) ) ) ) ˆ −1 k dF c s oegnrly ehave we generally, More is. etepoaiiyt e naia nagvnperiod given a in animal an see to probability the be h agrtenme fcmeighnesi,teless the is, hunters competing of number the larger The h eevto value reservation The = c gi olw rmtepoete ftefunction the of properties the from follows again iiesao length season finite sighting uncertain hunting team competition unrestricted (x ξ ˜ = N −c k ξ ) = ˜ 1. h orsodn eevto au.Concen- value. reservation corresponding the − k {1, (F + 050 5 10 = c Remaining daysinthehuntingseason(k) = euelgnral itiue ri values trait distributed log-normally use We 5}. −c − (ξ c + k + )) qH qH N 4 −1 rEq. or ( Obviously, (0). ξ ˜ k ξ ˜ h −1 k H sicesn in increasing is + ) ( ξ 5 ˆ k c etrdsrbstesit- the describes better −1 ξ NSEryEdition Early PNAS ˜ k + ) −1 , ξ ξ ˆ ˜ k k c 1 −1 ξ = ˜ ilb smaller be will k q {13, i n h fact the and hti,the is, That . . c othat so ) ..., 12, ξ ˆ | k c tis It . f6 of 3 [5] [6] H 0}, X .

SUSTAINABILITY SCIENCE hunters participate in a given trip, and (iii) the lower the sight- season, the less likely it is to shoot a given seen male deer. In ing probability. Fig. 3 illustrates how these effects play out for a other words, the shorter the remaining time horizon is, the less given hunter i with cost ci and valuation Fi . selective the hunters are. In contrast to team size and the number of remaining days in Empirical Evidence from Hunting in Norway the season, there is no single covariate that captures our third the- In this section, we test our theory by analyzing a unique dataset oretical prediction. However, if we consider the total number of on red deer hunting incidents in Norway. Red deer are a sexually observed animals in a given trip as a proxy for the probability of dimorphic species, with large differences in body weight between seeing an animal, we see that these coefficients are negative and males and females (14). Red deer prefer habitats that offer both statistically significant for all categories. This result suggests that forage and cover within close range. Mating takes place in Octo- the higher the probability to see an animal is, the less likely it is that ber, with a distinct rutting period where males defend smaller a given male deer is shot, exactly as the theoretical model predicts. harems of females or land occupied by females. Males mature Additionally, we control for weather, day of the week, and the around 1–3 y of age, but do not allocate much energy into the moon phase. We find no effect of precipitation, but we find a rut until they reach 3–4 y and females mature around 1.5 to 2.5 y lower probability of shooting a deer during weekends than during (15). A single calf is born in June. weekdays. Moreover, we find that a larger visible fraction of the It is rare that red deer reach old age. Young individuals experi- moon is positively correlated with the probability of shooting. If ence particularly high hunting pressure, and older males experi- a larger fraction of the moon implies better visibility, this may— ence higher hunting pressure than older females (3). For males, at first sight—seem at odds with our third prediction. However, the chance of survival from 1.5 y to 2.5 y is only 52%, and it is whereas better current visibility certainly increases the chances 55% from 2.5 y to 3.5 y. The corresponding survival rates for to take a clear targeted shot, it does not affect the hunter’s gen- females are much higher (81% and 82%, respectively, based on eral estimate of the probability of seeing an animal at future trips, capture–mark–recapture analyses in ref. 3). which is the aspect that our third theoretical prediction relates to. In Norway, the hunting rights belong to the landowners. The In addition to the three key predictions on season length, team land of one or more landowners constitutes the lowest level of size, and sighting probability, our model of hunters’ shooting the local management units (vald). Quotas are area specific to decisions implies that the probability of shooting a given ani- this level and set by the municipalities. Quotas are based on sex mal increases nonlinearly as the season approaches its end. We and age (calves, yearling males and females, adult males, and test for nonlinearities by estimating the model with the variable adult females). It is also allowed to shoot younger animals on remaining days in cubic form. The estimated relationships are adult quotas. Here, we concentrate on the older males as the plotted in Fig. 4, whereas the regression coefficients are shown main category of interest. Results for females, calves, and year- in SI Appendix, Table S2, column 4. We find striking similari- lings are shown in SI Appendix, Table S3. ties with our theoretical predictions and our empirical results (compare Figs. 3 and 4). In particular, the probability to shoot Results increases nonlinearly as the season comes to an end. This effect is The reservation value in the mind of the hunter is unobserv- stronger the more hunters are in a team, also in line with theory. able. However, we can test the implications of the theoretical We do not find any evidence that hunters are guided purely by model. We estimate the probability of shooting a male deer con- self-interest, which would imply that the presence of one fellow ditional on seeing it with a probit binary outcome model that hunter would be sufficient to shoot every animal upon sighting. includes location-specific random effects and year-specific fixed Our empirical results are, however, consistent with hunters being effects; see Materials and Methods for details. The results, shown guided by social norms. Typically such norms are stronger in in Table 1, strongly support our theoretical predictions. smaller groups, which is again supported by the empirical results. First, the coefficient on team size is positive and highly statis- We have extensively tested the robustness of our results and tically significant, confirming our first theoretical prediction that the restrictiveness of the implied linearity. First, we run several more hunters in the team increase the probability to shoot an specifications of the estimation model (SI Appendix, section 2). animal upon sighting. Second, the coefficient on the number of Second, we discuss hunter heterogeneity (SI Appendix, section remaining days in the season is negative and highly statistically 3). Although there are no data on hunter preferences or hunter significant. This means that the more days that are left in the types (the data on hunting effort are anonymous), a first step is to distinguish trips taking place during the weekend from week- Table 1. Probability to shoot an animal upon sighting: Results from day trips. Despite the probability to shoot being lower during the a binary outcome model using probit regression with location- weekend, we find that our theoretical predictions hold equally specific random effects and year-specific fixed effects for weekend and weekday hunters. Third, animal behavior, not only hunter behavior, can also influence harvesting vulnerabil- Coefficient SE ity [occurring through, e.g., differential use of open habitat (16) Team size 0.048∗∗∗ 0.006 or behavioral responses to prevailing weather and moon phase Remaining days −0.003∗∗∗ 0.001 (17)]. In addition, hunting early in the season will always change Seen male −0.079∗∗∗ 0.021 the size and composition of the population later in the season. Seen yearling −0.028∗∗ 0.011 If these effects are large and statistically significant, it will intro- Seen female −0.016∗∗ 0.007 duce bias. In SI Appendix, section 4, we show that a “popula- Seen calf −0.030∗∗∗ 0.009 tion depletion” effect is not important. Finally, we address the Weekend −0.084∗∗∗ 0.023 possible concern of reverse causality that may arise if the num- Precipitation 0.000 0.001 ber of hunters is not exogenous. We use an instrumental variable Moon fraction 0.090∗∗∗ 0.033 strategy to take such reverse causality into account. SI Appendix, Constant −0.478∗∗∗ 0.137 Table S8 presents the results, confirming the robustness of our Observations 22,705 findings. Log likelihood −10,049.1 Clusters 245 Discussion SEs are clustered at the management unit (vald). Hunting has a crucial impact on many wildlife populations, and ∗P<0.10, ∗∗P<0.05, ∗∗∗P<0.01. this is particularly the case for ungulates. For a large part of

4 of 6 | Diekert et al. Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 ikr tal. et Diekert a hleg ohvn itnthnigsao,adi ol be would it and season, simi- hunting a distinct face a having may to ungulates quotas. challenge lar without migratory rele- round hunting year has carnivores hunting be hunting Large predators to human end remains natural the from It for at beginning). insight vance shot the the at are whether than animals trip determined more hunting is, typical (that hunter a day of given given a a for the within that present or see is to effect expect assessing also end-of-the-season when example, identified hunter for the show would, on results We put changes. Our such be (24). should harvest emphasis biological the how more affect of that animals angle the the from of only seasons and assessed rarely is aims for compete that hunters of quota. number given of the a duration and the season selectivity: hunting address the could levers makers practical policy two which identifies by study such Our avoid (23). increasing to effects practices are undesirable have industry already cultures hunter some although trophy sus- (22), growing the unde- the to regarding of lead Concerns may tainability this If evolution. generations, population. human-induced of pro- breeding tens sirable most few the and a from finest over unreg- removed persisting the it, are that killing animals mean to ductive may linked hunting inextricably trophy from is derived ulated value animal the As individual repro- contrast, effect: the In to opposite populations. the animals future yield of may productive hunting quality most the enhance the and selected duce years thou- for ecological of particu- have unexpected Breeders sands in 21). have (20, and consequences may evolutionary hunting, hunting, and that selective concern strongly increasing lar is How- (19). harvest there given a ever, for growth population on effects direct and age to for how individ- for selectivity populations. implications wildlife links to far-reaching manage study potentially hunters with Our classes, of lower animal. sex the decisions given and a behavioral quota, see one ual harvested. share to remain- are hunters probability the more animals shorter the the the which is, declines in season selectivity ing context hunter that social to find point of We results role empirical and main model a theoretical evolution- short- Our long-term, for scales. for and both ary scales implications pressing dynamical has population a harvest term, populations. is sex-selective wildlife of and there development formed Age- the are settings, influence patterns they both selection how different and For how understand 18). to meat need (12, for exploitation trophies the balancing and and conservation 4) (2, around aspects management or recreational and countries, control population industrialized around centers in populations ungulate that cohunters. end of find an number to We the comes with intervals. season increases the confidence also as and nonlinearly 95% increases with shoot to shoot probability the to decision the affect 4. Fig. Probability to shoot sn h utn esna olt civ management achieve to tool a as season hunting the Using the quantify to developed well now are models Population .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 60 h rdciepoaiiyo o esnlnt n emsize team and length season how on probability predictive The 50 Remaining daysinthehuntingseason 40 Team size:1 Team size:2 Team size:10 30 20 10 0 u aaa h rplevel. trip the at data our 3,3 bevtosi oa) u eann apecnit f1199dis- 181,989 of situations. consists choice sample remaining tinct shot year Our been that total). has in in category observations remaining observations certain all (32,639 a identify remove of we and animal category Therefore, an specific shot. where that being filled. year for the are the are that in animals quotas know day as do last time long the we as what that filled at fact not the and is exploiting quota quota infor- by the no obstacle is of this There overcome size regulation. We total to the in due was but on this behavior, although mation hunter animal, to certain a due con- shoot not falsely to effect would not chose one hunter because a estimates, that quota to clude biased those municipality Ignoring to pro- category. will lead and certain this would a season, year constraints of the animals to of more end any year the shooting from toward hibit filled on varies are starts quotas day If traditionally end municipality. hunting the whereas 10, that September account into taking location, fraction day. the each visible as moon ( the downloaded Observatory of were Naval phase US moon (one the on calculated municipalities Data from we neighboring availability). in temperature, on stations depending on four, munic- closest to data the the from lacked on mean these municipality daily from the a mean If daily scale. each the ipality within calculated stations five we to and one municipality, from available tempera- were Institute; on Meteorological Data 20,203 data Norwegian of the daily by total extracted (provided to a We precipitation deer. y and included ture red 2 and seen of 1) 214,628 series (Fig. and time municipalities harvested different in data 11 available These from were reported. y Data also Unsuccessful 12 reliable. are felt). highly and as animals female regarded vald harvested or are (both no male unit yielding (calf, management trips and class the date hunting age for the and note number furthermore sex ID hunters num- each The an female). the of or and deer male hunters, older shot of yearling, and number seen the of hunted, hours ber of number daily tains Data. Methods and Materials pattern. selection insti- emerging underlying the pre- and shape constraints the tutions social for which account by manner sustain- should dictable achieve management wildlife To for future management. consequences ability, ecosystem unwanted pop- wider and and potentially past abundance wildlife on with of quota estimates structure annual biased ulation new to lead the will basing harvesting Simply case: hunting phy on indirectly operating (17). process hunters climate harvesting the how actual understanding the on affect put may been (30). has dynamics population attention for on little se focuses Very per quotas literature of management selectivity how and wildlife size the or qual- whereas (28) and (29), maturation weather ity plant winter affect of on precipitation severe and focused terms of temperature typically in effects is behavior direct literature explaining hunter effects climate through The operates selectivity. that climate of of applications future framework. fruitful to our potentially and the culture to of points aspects This important hunting (27). in selectivity differences affect that also known non- methods well also is when It com- weekends hunting. during are is residents common evening more whereas is work, and between hunting in drive morning hunters local in for weekdays Sit-and-wait during fields way mon groups. is agricultural the between this, at animal predictably to hunting differ an Linked may shoot population. hunting the hunter in of to differences the to probability of due presumably composition the weekend, (26). the that during hunters, selectivity lower show individual identify affect to results socioeconomic us likely allow our Such not well do will (25). data as our hunters Although generally (13), among more hunters differences hunters deer among red as Norwegian among tinguished as changes prey of approaches. choice migration their of timing whether quantify to interesting oevr ehv acltdtermiigdy ntesao teach at season the in days remaining the calculated have we Moreover, tro- the beyond far relevant policy highly are findings Our effect indirect the is analysis our of aspect interesting Another dis- be can “types” hunter different that evidence is There nNra,i smnaoyb a ofilotadt omta con- that form data a out fill to law by mandatory is it Norway, In al S1 Table Appendix, SI rsnssmaysaitc of statistics summary presents NSEryEdition Early PNAS | f6 of 5

SUSTAINABILITY SCIENCE Estimation Strategy. Knowing the number of both seen and shot animals of negative; theoretical Prediction 1), and N, the number of hunters in the each category allows us to construct the conditional probability of shooting team (we expect β2 to be positive; theoretical Prediction 2). Furthermore, 0 an animal. That is, we split each hunting incidence into several observa- X i,j,k,t includes selected control variables that attempt to capture the sight- tions and assign our dependent variable a value of 1 when an animal of ing probability (Prediction 3). Furthermore, we include a location-specific category i has been seen and shot and a value of 0 if it has been seen but random effect cj and a year-specific fixed effect yt . ui,j,k,t is the idiosyncratic not shot. We estimate the binary choice per category and provide all results 2 error [with ui,j,k,t ∼ N (0,σu)]. All regression results have been estimated category-specific (SI Appendix, section 2). The main specification then takes in Stata, using the command “xtprobit.” Fig. 4 has been produced with the the (general) form command “margins,” assuming that the random effect is zero.

Pr(Y = 1) = β + β R + β N + X0 β + c + y + u , 0 1 j,k,t 2 j,k,t i,j,k,t 3 j t i,j,k,t ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank N. C. Stenseth for encouraging comments and acknowledge the Center for Advanced Study in Oslo, funding and host- where we estimate the probability to shoot animal Y of category i (condi- ing the project “Climate effects on harvested large populations” tional on seeing it) at hunting site j during trip k, in year t. Our key vari- in 2015–2016 (A.M. and I.M.R.), as well as financial support from the Norwe- ables of interest are R, the number of remaining days (we expect β1 to be gian Research Council Grant 215831 (to A.R. and F.K.D.).

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