Quarterly Newsletter

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Quarterly Newsletter DUTY HONOR COUNTRY QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER VOLUME 16 JANUARY 2010 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT INSIDE THIS ISSUE: and engaged AOG and Academy Women to leverage By Marene Allison ‗80 relationships to benefit West Point Women. NEWS FROM THE FRONTLINES 2 Happy New Year! I hope you were able to enjoy We have discovered over these first several years that WPW & BUSINESS 4 the holidays with family and friends and that you we are a diverse group of women who are joined have defined your new goals for not only the next 30 YEARS & ITS JUST THE 5 through a common shared West Point and Army year, but for the next decade. On that note, you BEGINNING experience. We have also recognized that we are a will soon be hearing about West Point Women‘s hardworking and busy group of ladies, who while we goals for the upcoming years. Until our next would like to be more involved have a difficult time OUR ALAMA MATER 6 newsletter, when we publish these goals, I will actually making that happen. fill you in our accomplishments since our founda- WPW & POLITICS AND 7 tion. WPW, as a board and organization, believes it is our GOVERNMENT duty to find ways to strengthen our links to one an- Since 2005, we have held a Women‘s Conference other, educate each other on what is happening all at West Point in 2006, voted in 3 boards, stood WPW & FAMILY 8 around our alumnae, learn from one another, and up a website, and es- empower us to be stronger WPW & EDUCATION 8 tablished a newsletter, in all our endeavors. and published 16 edi- WPW & NETWORKING 9 tions. We have also Again, Happy New Year! I communicated to our hope that you have a pros- WPW & SPORTS 11 a l u m s t h r o u g h perous, healthy and happy Linkedin and Facebook year! WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE WPW? 12 For those very lucky DID YOU KNOW? 12 DUTY individuals, the By Kate Hiebert ‗96 moment when duty Caroline Taft ‘10. In both family and military no longer became a realms, Crissy Gayagas ‘84 has found a way to As young adults we chose the duty bound path of requirement but a way of life was the moment a West Point education and signed on for a lim- when they found their passion. At that mo- gracefully balance her passions with great con- ited time to devote our lives, our hopes and our ment, duty no longer had a self-sacrificing con- viction. In education, Donna Brazil ‘83 ex- minds in support of our national defense. It rep- notation, but a much more liberating and pas- hibits great fortitude in pursuing higher educa- resented, and still for many of us today repre- sionate way to exist. tion. On the fields of friendly strife, Sylvia sents, a moral and physical obligation to serve Thomas ‘11 describes what it takes to be on others, contribute to society and achieve a mean- For me, I believe that I have certainly per- the West Point Women‘s Rugby team. Fi- ingful life. At the time of that decision, most of formed my duties in life as promised and con- us were aware of what duty meant, but probably tinue to find happiness with the people in my nally, in life, you will find Donna McAleer ‘87 few of us knew how duty felt. As cadets and life and in the decisions that I have made, but calls writing her new-found passion. Have you young officers, we were keenly aware of what finding my very own passion has eluded me. found your passion-filled-duty? If so, consider duty required of us and how we needed to per- How envious am I of those who have both dis- yourself very lucky! form under challenging and sometimes stressful covered and live their passion-filled duty. For- circumstances. tunately, I am inspired by our fellow alums who seemed to have found ways to align their duties For many of us, duty continues to be defined as and passions. service to our nation as a commissioned officer while for others, duty continues to manifest itself On the following pages, you can read more through other, honorable career and life choices. about those ladies who are inspiring us all…In For some, duty is embodied in family or religion, the military, Shelley Raymond ‘96 reflects on while others believe that their duty belongs to her duties as an S3. From West Point, you will some other person, organization, idea, or con- hear how our cadets are finding even more ways cept or some combination of any of the above. to give back and broaden their horizons from WEST POINT WOMEN PAGE 2 JANUARY 2010 QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER NEWS FROM THE FRONTLINE in defense of our country. We have Being All You Can Be: Good News for Women in the posted position papers on allowing mili- tary women to serve in all units and Military National Women‘s Law Center, welcomed the news occupations for which they qualify, pro- September 28, 2009 and commended the Navy officials for this important viding military women full access to By Melanie Ross Levin, step. When the Navy‘s intention becomes a reality, reproductive health care, eliminating Outreach Manager, the potential pool of candidates for submarine ser- sexual assault, and the need for a revital- and Holly Hemphill, Senior vice will greatly expand – which will not only help ized Defense Advisory Committee on Counsel, with recruitment, but increase the quality of our Women in the Services. We have also National Women's Law force. outlined other recommendations to end Center In a second move, showing progress of women in the discrimination against women in the Army, Command Sgt. Maj. Teresa L. King got a big military in our Platform for Progress. Both the Army and the promotion – one that will put her in charge of over- By moving forward on these issues, the Navy made the news last week with positive de- seeing the drill sergeant training for the entire U.S. Department of Defense will acknowl- velopments not only for women in the military Army. CSM King will be the first woman in this key edge what many of us already know – but also for all people who care about quality - and position – a position that influences the basic training that women in the military have proven equality - in our armed forces. of every enlisted soldier. CSM King said that one of their value and valor and deserve full We begin by reporting that Secretary of the Navy her priorities would be to recruit more women into equality and opportunity in serving our Ray Mabus and Chief of Naval Operations Adm. her drill sergeant school, and said, ―Women should country. Gary Roughead have announced their intention to be allowed into frontline combat units ... if they We look forward to more good news in ―move out aggressively‖ to allow women to serve meet the same standards as men.‖ Sounds obvious the coming months, as more military aboard submarines. That‘s right, in 2009, women right? It‘s not... Currently women are excluded not assignments open up for women and as are currently prohibited from serving on subma- only from submarine duty but also from serving in more leaders like CSM Teresa L. King rines, even though they have been successfully infantry, armor and artillery units. are recognized. serving on surface warfare vessels since the mid- Here at the National Women‘s Law Center we think For more information check out 1990s. Nancy Duff Campbell, Co-President of the that women should be full partners with men serving www.nwlc.org/military. Pregnant soldiers could face court-martial Cucolo's order outlines some 20 barred ac- tivities. Most of them are aimed at keeping Friday, December 18, 2009; 5:27 PM Army spokesman George Wright said the ser- order and preventing criminal activity, such By ANNE FLAHERTY vice typically sends home from the battlefield as selling a weapon or taking drugs. The Associated Press soldiers who become pregnant. But it is not an But other restrictions seemed aimed at pre- WASHINGTON -- A U.S. Army general in north- Army-wide policy to punish them under the venting soldiers from leaving their unit short- ern Iraq has added pregnancy to the list of reasons military's legal code, he said. handed, including becoming pregnant or a soldier under his command could be court- However, division commanders like Cucolo undergoing elective surgery that would pre- martialed. have the authority to impose these type of re- vent their deployment. The new policy, outlined last month by Maj. Gen. strictions to personnel operating under their Under Cucolo's order, troops also are pro- Anthony Cucolo and released Friday by the Army, command, Wright said. hibited from "sexual contact of any kind" would apply to both female soldiers who become with Iraqi nationals. And, they cannot spend pregnant on the battlefield and the male soldiers Cucolo oversees forces in northern Iraq, an area the night with a member of the opposite sex, who impregnate them. that includes the cities of Kirkuk, Tikrit and unless married or expressly permitted to do Civilians reporting to Cucolo also could face Mosul. His Nov. 4 order was first reported by so. criminal prosecution under the new guidelines. the military newspaper Stars and Stripes. Women in COIN (II): How to do it right tended the respect shown to observed, the female Marines were invited men, but granted the access inside several compounds, while the male Friday, October 9, 2009 reserved for women," the report finds.
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