Introduction to Biology. Lecture 18

Alexey Shipunov

Minot State University

October 17, 2014

Shipunov (MSU) BIOL 111 October 17, 2014 1 / 33 Outline

1 Where we are? Cells, tissues, kingdoms and viruses

2 period Life in Cambrian Cambrian explosion of skeletal fauna

Shipunov (MSU) BIOL 111 October 17, 2014 2 / 33 Outline

1 Where we are? Cells, tissues, kingdoms and viruses

2 Cambrian period Life in Cambrian Cambrian explosion of skeletal fauna

Shipunov (MSU) BIOL 111 October 17, 2014 2 / 33 Where we are? Cells, tissues, kingdoms and viruses

Where we are? Cells, tissues, kingdoms and viruses

Shipunov (MSU) BIOL 111 October 17, 2014 3 / 33 Where we are? Cells, tissues, kingdoms and viruses Cells, tissues, kingdoms and viruses

Vegetabilia Animalia tissues

Protista nucleus Viri

Monera cell

Shipunov (MSU) BIOL 111 October 17, 2014 4 / 33 Cambrian period Life in Cambrian

Cambrian period Life in Cambrian

Shipunov (MSU) BIOL 111 October 17, 2014 5 / 33 Cambrian period Life in Cambrian Timescale of Phanerozoic eon, Paleozoic era

Phanerozoic eon Paleozoic era Cambrian period: 541 Mya period: 485 Mya period: 443 Mya period: 419 Mya period: 358 Mya period: 299–252 Mya

Shipunov (MSU) BIOL 111 October 17, 2014 6 / 33 Cambrian period Life in Cambrian Cambrian map

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Gradually changed from colder to warmer Polar ice caps were most probably present

Shipunov (MSU) BIOL 111 October 17, 2014 8 / 33 Cambrian period Life in Cambrian Main Cambrian biotas

Burgess shale (505 Mya) Orsten fauna (498 Mya) Theses fossils were kept in Lagerstaettes—exceptionally well preserves clay deposits This excellent preservation could be consequence of the rarity of Cambrian destroyers

Shipunov (MSU) BIOL 111 October 17, 2014 9 / 33 Cambrian period Life in Cambrian Burgess shale

Shipunov (MSU) BIOL 111 October 17, 2014 10 / 33 Cambrian period Life in Cambrian Orsten fauna

Shipunov (MSU) BIOL 111 October 17, 2014 11 / 33 Cambrian period Cambrian explosion of skeletal fauna

Cambrian period Cambrian explosion of skeletal fauna

Shipunov (MSU) BIOL 111 October 17, 2014 12 / 33 Cambrian period Cambrian explosion of skeletal fauna Life in Cambrian

This is the picture of famous Czech artist Zdenek Burian

Shipunov (MSU) BIOL 111 October 17, 2014 13 / 33 Cambrian period Cambrian explosion of skeletal fauna Archaeocyaths (most probably sponges)

Most probably, Archaeocyaths were sponges

Shipunov (MSU) BIOL 111 October 17, 2014 14 / 33 Cambrian period Cambrian explosion of skeletal fauna Cnidaria

Tabulate coral

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This is Aysheaia

Our Hallucugenia is also a lobopod worm!

Shipunov (MSU) BIOL 111 October 17, 2014 16 / 33 Cambrian period Cambrian explosion of skeletal fauna Stem Arthropods

Shipunov (MSU) BIOL 111 October 17, 2014 17 / 33 Cambrian period Cambrian explosion of skeletal fauna Stem and crown groups

Shipunov (MSU) BIOL 111 October 17, 2014 18 / 33 Cambrian period Cambrian explosion of skeletal fauna Mollusks: naked

Odontogriphus – stem naked mollusk

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Helcionellid shell-bearing mollusk from Greenland

Shipunov (MSU) BIOL 111 October 17, 2014 20 / 33 Cambrian period Cambrian explosion of skeletal fauna Brachiopods

Shipunov (MSU) BIOL 111 October 17, 2014 21 / 33 Cambrian period Cambrian explosion of skeletal fauna Brachiopods are not mollusks!

Brachiopoda (left) are completely different internally from bivalve mollusks (right)

Shipunov (MSU) BIOL 111 October 17, 2014 22 / 33 Cambrian period Cambrian explosion of skeletal fauna Echinoderms

Sea lily Gogia from Nevada

Shipunov (MSU) BIOL 111 October 17, 2014 23 / 33 Cambrian period Cambrian explosion of skeletal fauna Soft-bodied chordates

Pikaia from Burgess shale

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Yuknessia is a fossil green alga from Utah

Shipunov (MSU) BIOL 111 October 17, 2014 26 / 33 Cambrian period Cambrian explosion of skeletal fauna Fungi

Tappania fungus was known even before Cambrian

Shipunov (MSU) BIOL 111 October 17, 2014 27 / 33 Cambrian period Cambrian explosion of skeletal fauna Problematics: Aldanophyton

Terrestrial plant? Or alga?

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Conodonts are just teeth of unknown , it is still not clear what was it. Jawless fish?

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Haplophrentis, mollusk? Or separate branch on the tree of life?

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Ancestors of both echinoderms and chordates?

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Introns, linear DNA molecules and telomere/telomerase system differ eukaryotes from most prokaryotes Cambrian period started with massive appearance of skeletal fauna: “Cambrian explosion”

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Cambrian explosion.

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