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Taste of In Your Neighborhood Strawberry Looking back to jam Nærast er du når du er borte. Noko Norway Day in blir borte når du er nær. Dette kallar for June! eg kjærleik – eg veit ikkje kva det er. Seattle Read more on page 8 – Tor Jonsson Read more on page 13 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 123 No. 25 June 22, 2012 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy Norway.com News Find more at www.norway.com Opportunity to live in peace News Confessed mass killer Anders Nobel Peace Prize Behring Breivik has shown his psychiatrists some of the love laureate Aung letters and messages of support San Suu Kyi visits he has received since killing 77 people in dual terrorist attacks Norway last July. Psychiatrist Terje Tør- rissen took notes on the letters in order to document the sort of St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n responses the 33-year-old right- Norwegian American Weekly wing extremist has received since carrying out the July 22nd attacks. He described reading The Nobel Peace Prize win- adoring love letters to Breivik from 16-year-old girls. The ner Aung San Suu Kyi – on her sheaf of correspondence also first European tour in 25 years af- contained marriage proposals, ter being under house arrest in her letters from religious groups native Burma – ended her four-day wanting to convert him, and visit to Norway on June 18 when ringing endorsements of his ac- she was picked up by U2 frontman tions from families in Sweden. Bono and transported to Dublin in (blog.norway.com/category/news) his private jet, where the Amnesty Concert took place later in the eve- Travel ning. More conferences than ever “I am starstruck. I hope I can before were arranged in Nor- See > Peace, page 6 Photo: Kjetil Elsebutangen / Ministry of Foreign Affairs way last year, and those attend- Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi participated in the Forum on June 18. ing are now viewed as saviours for the tourism industry. With visitor numbers down because A Cup to remember On American screens of financial problems abroad, hotel owners are among those keen to attract professionals Schwan’s USA Cup 2012 draws near TV show based on gathering for a combination of Norwegian crime business and fun. They spend an average of NOK 3,500 per novel coming soon day (USD 580) among those attending gatherings in Oslo. No r w a y Po s t (blog.norway.com/category/culture) A U.S. production company plans to make a television show What’s inside? based on a series of books by re- nowned Norwegian crime novelist News 2 – 3 Anne Holt. Business 4 “This is huge, and we've Research & Education 5 worked on it for a long time. En- Photo: Simon Schuster Opinion 6 – 7 See > show, page 15 Norwegian crime author Anne Holt. Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 Roots & Connections 10 Answers for Dale Oen Obituaries & Religion 11 Photo courtesy of Schwan’s USA Cup Swimmer’s death Arts & Style 12 Schwan’s USA Cup is held every year in Blaine, Minn., and draws young soccer In Your Neighborhood 13 players from around the world. Established by the Sons of Norway, the soccer caused by heart Norwegian Heritage 14 tournament is based on the annual Norway Cup in Oslo. failure Sports 15 Ke l s e y La r s o n Copy Editor St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n $1 = NOK 5.9818 Norwegian American Weekly updated 6/18/2012 Summer is in full swing, and 20 states and 17 countries kicking that means green grass, blue skies, a soccer ball around on the green Norwegian swimming super- In comparison and kids kicking the soccer ball fields of the National Sports Center star Alexander Dale Oen died of 5/18/2012 5.9891 around on the lawn. soccer complex, the world’s largest heart failure with a blood clot in 12/18/2011 5.9591 At the Schwan’s USA Cup, a coronary artery, according to the 6/18/2011 5.5238 it means about 14,000 kids from See > cup, page 15 See > dale oen, page 15 Photo: Facebook.com 2 • June 22, 2012 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Kina forbyr salg Norske barn teller dårligere Økt forskjellene i skolen Toåringer i norske barnehager teller dår- ligere enn barn i andre land. Til gjengjeld er Kinesiske myndigheter de bedre i geometri, viser nye forskningsre- Ett av målene med har forbudt landets sultater. Forskere ved Lesesenteret på Uni- Kunnskapsløftet som versitetet i (UiS) har undersøkt reiseoperatører å i overkant av 1.000 toåringer og skal følge regjeringen kom med i dem fra de er to og et halvt til de er ti år gam- markedsføre og selge le. Barna skal kartlegges innen områdene 2006 var å utjevne sosiale turistreiser til Norge telling, geometri og språklige matematiske forskjeller i skolene. Det begreper. Forskerne har allerede oppdaget VG at barn i norske barnehager skiller seg fra har de ikke klart barn fra andre land på flere måter, skriver I Kina er alle reiseoperatører statlige og Stavanger Aftenblad. Funnene fra UiS viser det sterkt voksende markedet bygges opp at de norske toåringene er dårligere til å si Aftenposten med omfattende pakkereiser til blant annet telleramsen, de er lite opptatt av å finne hvor Foto: Flickr mange, og de har også svakere antallsoppfat- europeiske land. Derfor fikk det ikke så stor Forskjellene mellom elever fra res- Kunnskapsløftet bidrar ikke til å utjevne sosiale for- betydning at kineserne i 2010 anbefalte tur- ning enn det forskere tidligere har funnet. skjeller, konkluderer en ny forskningsrapport. Forsker Elin Reikerås tror at forskjellene surssvake hjem og ressurssterke hjem har istene å holde seg borte fra Norge så lenge ikke blitt mindre de siste årene. Snarere tvert operatørene hadde Norge med på program- mellom barn i norske barnehager og barn i gangselever med innvandringsbakgrunn økt imot. met. andre land oppstår fordi norske barnehager fra 7,5 prosent i 2007 til 10,4 prosent i 2011. legger mer vekt på lek og er mindre skole- Flere får toppkarakterer – og flere går ut Nå er det forbudt å ha Norge med på I gjennomsnitt får elevene med innvan- rettet enn hva som er tilfellet andre steder. av ungdomsskolen uten karakterer i alle fag rundreisene i Europa, og de statlige oper- dringsbakgrunn dårligere karakterer enn ma- (NTB) etter innføringen av Kunnskapsløftet. atørene må derfor endre på sine pakkereiser. joritetselevene. Det viser en ny forskningsrapport som I Kina er det ingen private reiseoperatører. Men når utdannelsesnivå og inntektsg- Bare fire av ti gifter seg i kirka er laget av Anders Bakken og Jon Ivar Elstad Mens Japan tidligere var det asiatiske runnlag er tatt med i statistikken blir karak- Kyrkja er ikkje lenger det naturlege valet ved Norsk institutt for forskning om oppve- landet som hadde den mest omfattende rei- terene til elever med innvandringsbakgrunn når forelska par skal gifta seg. Andre former kst, velferd og aldring (NOVA). sevirksomheten i Europa, har Kina med sine gjennomsnittlig litt bedre enn majorite- for vigsel blir stadig meir populært. Human- Dette er to av grunnene til at Kunns- mange nyrike innbyggere utviklet seg til det teleevene, viser forskningsrapporten. Etisk forbund i Hordaland går ein travel kapsløftet ikke bidrar til å minske de sosiale raskest voksende markedet for de fleste eu- Det er også blitt et høyere karakternivå sommar i møte. Det vanlege for dei har vore forskjellene i læringsutbytte mellom elever i ropeiske land. gjennom 2000-tallet, både på standpunkt- om lag 45 vigslar årleg, men i år blir det over ungdomsskolen. I UD har man tatt kontakt med den nor- karakterer og eksamenskarakterne. 70. – Ein samlar familien og har ei feiring – Alt sett under ett, er det likevel vår ske ambassaden i Beijing for å få avklart hva Statssekretær Elisabet Dahle i Kunns- av kjærleiken og at ein vel sin livspartnar. vurdering at Kunnskapsløftet trolig har hatt som ligger i forbudet. De to landene er beg- kapsdepartementet synes rapporten er viktig Det har mykje med livssyn å gjera, kva ein en viss negativ innvirkning på utviklingen av ge bundet av WTO-avtalen som forbyr tiltak trur, og kva ein kjenner seg komfortabel og interessant, men den gir få svar på hva den sosiale ulikheten i grunnskolen, sier An- av den typen Kina nå skal ha gjennomført. med, seier organisasjonssekretær Silje Gu- som er årsakene til at skolen ikke utjevner de ders Bakken, forskningsleder i NOVA. Verdens handelsorganisasjon (WTO) leng i Human-Etisk Forbund i Hordaland. sosiale forskjellene godt nok. Det er forskjeller mellom jenter og gut- får jevnlig slike klager fra land som mener Ho trur noko av grunnen til at fleire vel dei er at mange vil ha seremonien på litt utradis- ter, mellom elever med ulik sosioøkonomisk seg utsatt for handelsboikott. jonelle plassar, og deira vigslarar kjem dit familiebakgrunn og mellom majoritetselever og elever med innvandringsbakgrunn. English Synopsis: A new report has revealed that English Synopsis: Chinese authorities have forbid- brureparet er. – På kaiar, på fjelltoppar og social differences in schools have become even more den the country’s travel industry from marketing or den type ting seier me gjerne ja til, seier Under Kunnskapsløftet har andelen av- divisive. selling tourist vacations to Norway. Guleng. Borgarlege vigsler blir det òg fleire av. Men for kyrkja er historia ei anna. Frå å nærast ha monopol på vigsler på sekstitalet, har det berre gått nedover. Under 37 prosent Beste måling tone og aksel gifter seg valde kyrkjebryllaup i fjor. – Kyrkja blir op- pfatta som å ikkje vera særleg «up-to-date», Høyre har ikke hatt flere Aksel Hennie har fridd til seier Dag Øistein Endsjø, professor i reli- velgere i ryggen siden gionsvitskap ved Universitetet i . Tone Damli Aaberge på (NRK) 1909! Ikke siden før kvinner ferie i Paris – og fått ja! fikk stemmerett i Norge, Frp vil ha eget barnehagetilsyn har Høyre hatt større (VG Nett) (Frp) ønsker VG at kontroll i barnehager skal føres av en oppslutning enn nå Kjendisparet, som nylig kom hjem fra uavhengig tilsynsgruppe og ikke kommu- miniferie i den franske hovedstaden, har vært nene selv. Kommunene er ikke bare eier VG av barnehager i stor skala, men også lokal sammen siden 2009, og nå er de to forlovet, får VG bekreftet. barnehagemyndighet, med ansvar blant an- – Det var voldsomt. Jeg skal ikke ta av, net for å føre tilsyn med at barnehageloven – Ja, jeg kan bekrefte at Tone og Aksel men dette må være den beste riksmålingen med forskrifter etterleves av barnehagene har forlovet seg, sier Damli Aaberges man- jeg har sett, sier Høyre-leder til Foto: Jan Petter Lynau, VG innenfor kommunens grenser. Kommunen ager David Eriksen til VG. NÅ GIFTER DE SEG: Aksel Hennie og Tone Damli VG. har det samme tilsynsansvaret overfor alle Rett etter klokken 15 tvitret Tone føl- Aaberge. barnehager i kommunen, enten de eies av For det er historisk sus over Høyres gende: kommunen eller av andre. Solveig Horne i oppslutning i InFacts måling for VG. – Verdens lykkeligste jente ... avisene.... @tonedamli + @AkselHennie = Fremskrittspartiet mener et eget tilsynsorgan I målingen er Høyre landets største parti Artisten blogget tidligere i uken om at #kjærleik, skriver skuespilleren. eller tilsyn på fylkeskommunalt nivå er en med en oppslutning på 35 prosent. hun var på vei til Paris, etter å ha blitt over- Paret har kommet hjem fra Paris og har god idé for å forhindre situasjoner med ru- Sist Høyre hadde en høyere oppslutning, rasket av Aksel. oppdrag på hver sin kant i dag, sier Eriksen. tinesvikt og kritikkverdige forhold i landets var ved stortingsvalget i 1909. Fire år før – Hva kan du si om frieriet, Eriksen? Tone Damli Aaberge er i Sverige hvor hun barnenhager. – Foreldre leverer fra seg bar- kvinner fikk stemmerett i 1913, fikk Høyre – Detaljene er private, men Aksel har deltar i Zero Rally, et rally for utslippsfrie na på vei til jobb i den tro at de har det trygt en oppslutning på 41 prosent. gjort hjemmeleksa si og fikk et meget lyk- biler i Østersund i Sverige. og godt. Barnehagene skal ikke kun være en Hadde InFacts måling for VG vært val- kelig ja. Tone er en veldig glad jente, fortset- Hennie og Aaberge viste seg første gang oppbevaring for barn, sier hun til VG Nett. gresultatet, ville det ha gitt Høyre 63 man- ter Eriksen. som et offentlig par under Amanda-utdelinga – Hovedbudskapet er at Fremskrittspartiet dater på Stortinget – 33 flere representanter – Fortell om ringen! For han fridde vel i i 2009. Hun kom fra et forhold har fremmet gjentatte forslag på å få til et enn partiet har i dag. med ring? med grafisk designer Simen Wardenær. Han uavhengig tilsyn uten å få gjennomslag for – Folk vil ha et skifte. Det er ingen en- – Hehe! Jo da. Han fridde med en flott var tidligere en god venn av Hennie. det. Dette er for at denne typen hendelser keltsaker folk er opptatt av nå, men de er ring, mer vil jeg ikke si. Aaberge møtte sin kommende ektemann ikke skal finne sted, sier Horne. opptatt av å få et regjeringsskifte. Det opp- allerede som 16-åring. det var i forbindelse (NTB) – Er det satt noen dato for bryllupet? lever velgerne at de sikrer best ved å stemme – Dato er ennå ikke satt, men at det blir med TV 2-konkurransen «Idol» at hun tilfel- på oss. Vi er navet på borgerlig side, sier Sol- et sommerbryllup i 2013 kan jeg garantere, digvis støtte på ham inne på et treningssenter berg. sier David Eriksen. i Oslo. Men det var først noen år senere de Sist Høyre fikk en oppslutning i valg på VG Nett har foreløpig ikke fått tak i to fant tonen. over 30 prosent, var i 1981 og 1985. Aksel Hennie, men han har selv kommentert English Synopsis: Norwegian movie star Aksel Hennie English Synopsis: Norway’s Conservative party has mediedekningen av saken allerede på Twit- has proposed to his girlfriend of three years, Tone Damli the highest popularity rating it has ever had in 100 ter. Aaberge, and she has said yes. The pair has not yet set years, according to a new survey. a wedding date. Lykkelig gutt leser solskinnshistorier i Ap har ikke de endelige tallene før om et par uker, men allerede ved utgan- gen av september meldte landsstyret at det var registrert 10.000 nye medlem- mer av rundt 60.000 totalt. AUF hadde på samme tidspunkt fått ca. 3.000 nye medlemmer, et tall som nok vil være større ved årsskiftet. Høyre fikk 5.000 nye betalende medlemmer i 2011 og slo sin interne mål- setting med ett år. Venstre fikk i underkant av 1.000 nye medlemmer. Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news June 22, 2012 • 3 News This week on Norway.com Day by day Visa denied by China Shakeup in the cabinet Norwegian Prime Minister Summary of each Former prime minister named new agriculture and transport day’s developments ministers on June 18. was named Minister of Transport and of July 22 trial Communication, taking over from Magnhild forced to cancel trip Meltveit Kleppa, while Trygve Slagsvold to China Vedum will replace NRK as Minister of Agriculture and Food. Stoltenberg’s coalition of the Labor, Socialist Left and Center parties in 2009 became the St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n first Norwegian government to be reelected June 8 (Day 33) Norwegian American Weekly in 16 years after guiding the nation out of The prosecution calls forensic psychi- a recession by increasing spending. Arnstad, atric witnesses. The court decided that the 50, is a Center Party member and was oil child psychiatrist Per Olav Næss cannot be On June 12, China denied a visa to for- minister from 1997 to 2000. Vedum, 33, also released from their confidentiality. He was mer prime minister Kjell Magne Bondevik of the Center Party, has been a member of therefore not allowed to act as a witness. in an apparent snub to diplomatic relations parliament since 2005. Ulrik F. Malt, professor of psychiatry, testi- between the two countries after the Nobel (Bloomberg) fied about the various ways to do psychiatric Peace Prize was awarded to a Chinese dissi- observations. He also tried to explain how dent in 2010. Bondevik was scheduled to be Norway asks Brazil to spend rainforest the two groups of psychiatrists have come to in China for the World Council of Churches funding two different diagnoses. Attorney Lippestad meeting in Nanjing, and he was the only one Norwegian authorities wants Brazil to tried to get the last part of Malt’s statements of 30 delegates who was denied a visa for improve the country’s spending of the rejected, without success. the meeting. NOK 2.5 billion Norway has awarded to The World Council of Churches (WWC) the rainforest since 2009. At least NOK 2 June 11 (Day 34) Photo: Wikimedia Commons billion of this funding is still sitting in the general secretary, the Rev. Olav Fykse Tveit, This day in court was dedicated to fo- Kjell Magne Bondevik, who served as prime min- bank. At the climate summit in Copenhagen ister 1997 – 2005, was denied a visa to China to in 2009, Brazil committed to reduce the See > china, page 13 attend a religious meeting. See > trial, page 11 cutting of the rainforest by 80 percent before 2020. Norway’s investment helped fund the Amazons Fund, and up until now the money has mainly been spent on implementing Criminally sane or insane? Out of Syria a deforestation program. Minister of Environment Bård Vegard Solhjell and Psychiatric report causes disagreement UN terminates observer Minister of Development Heikki Holmås force due to violence both traveled to the Amazon in mid-June. over Breivik’s mental health in July 22 trial “We are very concerned with only giving out money to projects we know work, and No r w a y Po s t that will help preserve the rainforest. But we want to Brazilian government to become even better at investing these funds, and On June 12, 16 out of the 17 members Sørheim's and Husby's report, in order to that’s what I would like to discuss with the of the psychiatric evaluation team consider remain objective. The team's main objective Minister of Enviroment,” Solhjell explains. July 22 terrorist Anders Behring Breivik was to look for symptoms, or the lack there- Norway has promised Brazil at least NOK criminally sane after an observation of more of, not to diagnose, she explained. 6 billion in support for the rainforest up than 220 hours. “It takes a lot for a person to not slip and until 2015. Norway’s support is part of the Maria Sigurjónsdóttir, psychiatrist and reveal themselves during such a long time collective effort to reduce the total amount physician, led the observation. She is also period,” according to Sigurjónsdóttir. of greenhouse gas emissions globally. (Norway Post) the country's leading expert on paranoid Husby and Sørheim, who testified June schizophrenia, the diagnosis given to him by 14 and 15, stated they believed Breivik was Porsgrunn factory may shut down court appointed psychiatrists Torgeir Husby criminally insane. Breivik asked to com- Photo: UN Photo / Devra Berkowitz The Norwegian porcelain factory Porsgrunn and Synne Sørheim. ment on their testimonial, and insisted that it Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (right) with Nor- will most likely have to close as a result of During the observation, Sigurjónsdóttir would only take five minutes. Judge Wenche wegian Major General Robert Mood in April. poor sales and a loss of NOK 3.5 million. explained in court, the accused showed no Arntzen eventually granted him permission If the factory closes, all manufacturing and sign of confusion, had good long-term and to speak. No r w a y Po s t product sale of the famous designs will be short-term memory, could speak to several Breivik started out by stating that he had terminated. For more than 125 years, the persons simultaneously and kept a solid level a good working relationship with Husby and factory has produced high-quality china, The U.N. has decided to terminate Nor- of concentration during conversation. Sørheim, and that he saw them as an oppor- with inspiration and designs from several Sigurjónsdóttir emphasized that neither tunity for propaganda. "The intention was to wegian Major General Robert Mood’s ob- well-known artists. her nor anyone else on her team had read (NRK) See > sane, page 6 See > Syria, page 7 Enjoy Norway all year long. Keep up with Norway and the Norwegian-American community with the only Norwegian newspaper in North America! $ Subscribe – it’s easy! one year subscription: 59 Call us toll-free at $79 in Canada and $179 in Norway and all other countries (800) 305-0217 to start a new subscription

Questions? Call us toll-free at (800) 305-0217, email [email protected], or write to us: Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: www.norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $59 domestic; USD $79 to Canada; USD $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • June 22, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business

Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (June 18, 2012) Winners Losers Norsk Kr. 5.9818 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change Changing times Nio 3.3 17.6% Scottish Salmon Co. 2.3 -16.4% Dansk Kr. 5.9055 Fara 4.1 7.4% Repant 1.8 -11.4% Oscarsborg Fortress, once important in Svensk Kr. 7.0271 Birdstep Technology 1.7 7.0% Oceanteam Shipping 3.1 -8.8% Eitzen Maritime Services 1.1 6.7% InterOil Exploration 9.5 -7.6% wartime, is now the perfect summer attraction Canadian $ 1.0245 Renewable Energy Corp. 2.6 6.0% Norse Energy Corp. 2.1 -6.1% Euro 0.7946 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons Part of the Oscarsborg Fortress on .

Ra s m u s Fa l ck LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: Oslo, Norway Certified Public Accountant Small businesses (206)789-5433 Individuals Oscarsborg is part of Norway’s cultural popular tourist attraction for everyone who is 3824 18th Ave Specialized Assistance Seattle, WA 98119 heritage. Having been the site of dramatic interested in natural beauty, culture and his- events during wartime, it has now been tory. There is a museum to visit, and guided transformed into an arena for arts and cul- tours are conducted. Today Oscarsborg is Find the perfect gift from in ture, small business and great experiences. also used for courses and conferences. The our online store, or if The fortress is famous for opening fire old soldier’s quarters even offers spa treat- and sinking the German heavy cruiser Blûher ment. you’re in the area, visit our on the early morning of April 9, 1940. The The fortress has its own guest harbor, shop in Waupaca, Wisconsin! E 801 Lauritzen Lane Waupaca, WI 54981 fire was well-directed and highly effective. It perhaps the most charming one in the entire (715) 256-9930 • [email protected] may be seen as a twist of fate that the enemy Oslo fjord. Visitors arriving by boat are wel- was put to flight by German cannons bearing come to use the guest harbour. It’s unique lo- Jewish names such as Aron and Moses. cation sets the stage for maritime enjoyment. The fortress was complete in 1855. It The Harbour Inn is open for lunch and light was named “Oscarsborg” on the occasion dinners, refreshments, ice cream and snacks. of the visit by King Oscar I in August that Close by there is a special obstacle course year. In King’s Grove there are autographs for children between 6 and 60. The terrain SWEATERS — COLLECTIBLES — ROSEMALING — FISHERMEN’S CAPS — BOOKS — AND MORE! of other kings who have visited the fortress, on Oscarsborg is fairly rugged, with some Visit us online at www.thetrollscove.com King Oscar II, King Haakon VII, King Olav steep hillsides and cliffs, so children should V and King Harald V. be kept under adult supervision at all times. At the torpedo battery soldiers fired the The Fort Courtyard was in use for drills MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE torpedoes that sank the Blûcher. Today the and other types of assembly. Today the battery is part of the museum. It has been courtyard is used for larger assemblies and a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w through many stages of rebuilding. It was concerts such as the Firework Concert. In operative until 1993. Together with the tor- August there will be Opera in the courtyard. pedo workshop next to the entrance, a visit to This year well known peaces from great op- Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, the battery makes for an interesting introduc- eras will be performed. Boats leave every commercial transactions and estate planning. tion to the most secret parts of Oscarsborg. hour from Drøbakk. There are also special For safety reasons the torpedo battery is only opera boats from Oslo. Why not enjoy a lot open to pre-booked visits. of beautiful music, fantastic songs and a lot 2401 NW 65th St, P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 Oscarsborg was officially opened as a of atmosphere under a clear dark sky? Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 military cultural monument in 2004. It is a Have a nice summer! Business News & Notes LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. Norway orders first F-35 jets as part of USD Norway to close 149 post offices Sales and Service 10 billion deal The Norwegian Postal Service said it will close Norway said on June 15 it had authorized or- 149 post offices in favor of smaller operations ders for the first two of dozens of F-35 fighter available at grocery stores. Officials said they jets it plans to buy from the U.S. as part of decided to close the offices due to a reduced its largest-ever government spending project. demand for letter sending from consumers and “Norway today commenced the largest public the move will leave the country will only 30 procurement project in its history,” the govern- remaining traditional post offices, The Norway Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK Post / Hegnar Online reported June 14. The of- phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 ment said in a statement. Minister of Defense fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 hailed the NOK 60 billion ficials said the reduction in letters came along (USD $10 billion) deal for a total of 52 jet with an increased demand for package delivery fighters. “The F-35, which Norway selected in with the increase in online shopping. 2008, represents a completely new generation (UPI) [email protected] of combat aircraft that will form a corner stone 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 of the future Norwegian Armed Forces.” (AFP) norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research June 22, 2012 • 5 Research & Education The new face of the sea Have our fisheries and aquaculture reached the limit of sustainability?

Ch r i s t i n a B. Wi n g e NTNU

The President of SINTEF Fisheries and Karl Almås believes if aquaculture is Aquaculture, Karl Andreas Almås, crouches going to be sustainable, we must increase its over his laptop, opens one of his presenta- efficiency and develop new technologies to tions and finds an illustration. It shows one catch only the wild seafood we want. red curve and one blue. He then indicates the point where they meet each other, then Trawling down in the food chain frowns and says the message he cannot repeat One of the research scientists eager to often enough: There is a huge gap between put fresh aquaculture knowledge into prac- the world demand for fish and what we can tise is Research Director Håvard Røsvik. To- harvest from the world’s natural stocks. gether with product designer and colleague The figures are clear: If we don’t do Mads Heide, he is working on the final polish something about overfishing, the stocks of of a new animation. It demonstrates one of wild fish will be dealt a fatal blow. At the the research scientist’s pet projects: a bubble same time, the world’s population continues trawler, which the world has not seen any- Photo: CH//www.visitnorway.com to grow – and with it the global demand for thing like until now. Soundtracks featuring Fishing boats at Røst, Lofoten. food. the cries of sea gulls, the splashing of waves “On a global basis today, we have an and the sound of boat motors turn the film flume tank in Hirtshals in Denmark,” says as wide open as possible. It yielded results. average annual consumption of 15-16 kilos clip into a living depiction of a trawler that Røsvik. “Scientists knew that fish were often The cross-section was 12 times greater and of fish per person,” says Almås. “If we are uses air bubbles instead of a net to surface damaged in the cod end because turbulence the swinging movements were dramatically going to continue consuming at this rate, we its prey: the 3 mm long, protein-rich Calanus occurs around traditional cod ends, causing reduced compared to traditional codends. need to double the production of farmed fish finmarchicus. them to swing from side to side.” Another advantage is that the mesh remains within the next 20 years. Doing this in a sus- “This tiny creature, which has its natural However, by turning the mesh in the cod open when the trawl is stretched. tainable manner will be a major challenge.” place way down on the food chain, contains end, the SINTEF research scientists found This means that the small fish escape and large amounts of proteins as well as marine a way to avoid turbulence: namely that the Balancing act fats,” says Røsvik. mesh in an outstretched position remains See > sea, page 6 As well as expressing his concern, Karl The film shows the boat chugging off in Almås is also optimistic. As the head of Eu- the smooth sea, while releasing air bubbles rope’s largest research institute for fisheries into the waters depths. As Calanus finmar- and aquaculture technology, he knows more chicus contains many hairs on its tiny body, than most about the conditions in the sea and it attaches itself to the air bubbles in the same how this can be achieved. manner as a nail attaches itself to a magnet, Music Education He says two closely related aspects of and floats up to the surface. The tiny crea- sustainable aquaculture need further work: tures are then collected in a fine-mesh cloth At PLU, rigorous academics and a caring community One is to develop technology for more and enter the catch chamber with the assis- selective and gentle capture of species in the tance of a pump system. It is ingenious and ensures challenge and support for every student sea to enable natural growth in the stocks and simple. only capture the quality we actually want. The challenge previously has been to This must also occur without the fishing capture a sufficient volume of the little crea- fleet comsuming large quantities of energy. tures. With this trawler, it is likely that large The other is to increase the efficiency enough volumes can be captured to make it of aquaculture. The president’s figures show profitable. There is certainly enough to cap- that the difference between fish production in ture: Calculations show there are 300-400 1980 and that which we will require in 2030 million tons in Norwegian waters alone. is a full 60 – 70 million tonnes of farmed fish. “Capturing just one per cent of this bio- This means among other things we must stop mass would cover the requirements for the using fish as feed for farmed fish. Norwegian aquaculture industry,” says Røs- Fish caught at sea must be human food. vik. Therefore, we need to find feed alternatives from lower in the food chain. Plant oils and The 90 degree effect proteins could be utilized as ingredients for Another challenge Røsvik and his col- feed in the aquaculture industry, and this is leagues are working on is selective capture: an area some research scientists are working Developing trawler systems that make it pos- on. Another alternative is to convert natural sible to catch fish of the correct size without gas to bioproteins, so-called single-cell pro- damaging the small fish. teins. “Trawling accounts for 40 per cent of the Last, but by no means least, we need world’s total fisheries production,” says Røs- Members of PLU’s University Symphony Orchestra prepare for a concert. to succeed in finding some new species of vik. “As such, improvements to this method farmed fish and develop technology that of fishing will produce major consequences enables a smarter and more cost-effective for the different fish stocks and the areas in CHALLENGE SUPPORT SUCCESS production of the fish species we are already which they live.” farming. A simple, but extremely effective solu- If Almås achieves his visions of techno- tion to make trawling gentler and more se- logical development and knowledge transfer, lective has been to turn the trawl net 90 de- there will be some hectic times for the re- grees. PLU searchers at SINTEF SeaLab at Brattørkaia “If we are going to continue consuming Tacoma, Washington www.plu.edu 800-274-6758 in Trondheim Harbour. However, they are at this rate, we need to double the production already well on the way to finding solutions of farmed fish within the next 20 years.” to the challenges. “This is one idea that we tested in our 6 • June 22, 2012 norwegian american weekly opinion < sea An opinion column about current issues in Norway From page 5 Join the conversation! the fish that are large enough to be caught suffer much less damage than now. Energy On the EDGE consumption was also reduced. A large pro- Gratulerer med dagen, Skogfjorden! portion of the trawling fleets fishing white- By Kelsey Larson, Copy Editor fish off the coasts of Iceland, Scotland and New Zealand have now adopted this idea. During a recent trip to my home good thing that had happened dur- state of Minnesota to celebrate Fa- ing the day) always united the girls Aquaculture moves offshore ther’s Day, I couldn’t help but notice again in friendship and joy to be at “If the aquaculture industry is going that summer has officially begun in this place that they all loved. Dur- to grow globally, this must happen at sea,” the Midwest. Though here in Seattle ing times like this, I saw exactly how says Arne Fredheim. “Fish farming in rough we are still experiencing the “June important Skogfjorden’s work is: waters and open sea is something we can do gloom,” and the sun is mostly hid- in a world overtaken by violence at den behind a veil of rainclouds, Min- schools, bullying and a very fright- well in Norway, and this knowledge is in de- nesota blessed me with sunburn and ening increase in teen suicides, it is mand from clients worldwide.” mosquito bites. more important than ever that places Fredheim is now working to develop For so many kids across the like Skogfjorden exist. A place where fish farms for the open sea. He and his re- country, sunburn, mosquito bites and kids feel safe, accepted, challenged search colleagues at NTNU and SINTEF summer in Minnesota means some- and loved. A place they know they have been awarded NOK 80 million. One thing special. It means it’s time to can come back to again and again. of the research scientists’ visions is an ad- head to Skogfjorden. Photo: Skogfjorden Skogfjorden’s 50th anniversary vanced fish farm that can “think for itself.” Ever since I was a counselor at Tucked away in Bemidji, Minn., Skogfjorden is a haven to cel- celebration hasn’t even happened Such fish farms will be able to float to more Skogfjorden – Concordia Language ebrate all things Norwegian. yet at time of press, but the loving optimal locations when required and sub- Villages’ Norwegian village, an im- words coming from all corners of the Skogfjorden villagers are often some of the merge in the sea when exposed to rough mersion language-learning experience for globe and from villagers and staff of all eras most interesting people out there: lovers of weather. Even though this vision is unlikely kids – in 2009, I have watched deltakere have already proved what a special place travel, language and forging connections to be a reality for at least 10 or 15 years, the (campers) and lederne (counselors) alike this really is. Connections through technol- across cultural borders. technology for fish farms in the open sea is use Facebook to count down the days until ogy have made it easy to share stories and Skogfjorden is also a refuge. For two already in place. the trip to Bemidji, Minn. “274 days until pictures, and even for Skogfjorden alumni weeks in 2009, some fellow counselors and “Our part is to view the total, integrated Skogfjorden!” some will exclaim on the so- to reconnect. Skogfjorden 50’s Facebook I were in charge of a cabin of 15 13- and process, from the technological and opera- cial networking website. It’s never too early wall is full of posts sharing stories, pictures, 14-year-old girls. Though we definitely tional sides through to the biological chal- to start getting excited about Skogfjorden. and memories from different individuals’ had some tough days to get through, I was lenges,” says Fredheim. And this year is a special year. Skog- time at the camp. One former villager and constantly amazed by and very grateful for fjorden is celebrating 50 years since it was current counselor has used the Facebook our nighttime talks around the bord (table). founded with help from the Sons of Nor- page Campaign for Skogfjorden, with its Here, the girls felt secure enough to talk < insane way, among many other generous donors approximately 400 members, to raise over seriously about the stress of their lives out- From page 3 who have realized the importance of the lan- $3,250 for scholarships that make it easier side Skogfjorden – whether it was trouble guage village’s work throughout the years. for parents to send their kids to the north- at school, with friends or with family – and give them a detailed description of the con- In honor of this amazing accomplishment, woods of Minnesota. how the knowledge that they would be at tent in the compendium, and about the orga- the weekend of June 22 – 24 will be chock- The Skogfjorden family is an amazing Skogfjorden in the summer was sometimes nization Knights Templar.” He explained that full of fun events to commemorate villagers group of people, and their 50th anniver- the only thing that got them through the he wanted this information to be leaked and and staff, past and present. sary celebration is a wonderful tribute to year. At Skogfjorden they knew they’d be used in the media so that he could spread in- After all, Skogfjorden is so much more the important work they have done and the surrounded by caring people and felt they formation about his views. “I gave them a lot than just a summer camp. It is a cultural ex- differences they have made in the lives of could be completely themselves. Despite of information that they could misuse. That's change. Here, friendships are formed across children and adults everywhere. Gratulerer the daily petty grievances that come with exactly what happened,” Breivik said. state borders and even oceans. An appre- med dagen, Skogfjorden! a cabinfull of middle schoolers, our eve- The killer is fighting in court to prove ciation for another country’s culture and ning chats and tradition of en god ting (one to the jury that he is sane. He has written a language is instilled, and as a result former

38-page document which outlines his criti- The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is cism of the psychiatric report point-by-point, not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. which he also attempted to have published in the media. “Eighty percent of the content is fiction,” Breivik said about the report. < peace Breivik told the court that their impres- From page 1 corners are shelters where residents have the Suu Kyi had a meeting with the President of sion of him is based on five components: The freedom and opportunity to live in peace,” the and the Standing Committee on she said in her lecture. A public meeting for Foreign Affairs and Defense, before going on trial, questionings of him, the compendium keep my nerves in check during the concert the Nobel peace laureate was held later in the to Losby Manor, where she took part in the and the two psychiatric reports. Breivik tonight,” said Bono to NRK. day. Oslo Forum’s annual mediators’ retreat. At then asked the jury to overlook the report by Aung San Suu Kyi arrived in Oslo in On Sunday June 17, Suu Kyi had talks the meeting, she made clear that a function- Husby and Sørheim, and claimed that it was the afternoon on June 15. She had a meeting with Foreign Minister Støre in Oslo before ing government is the first step toward peace based on his mother’s statements when she with Prime Minister Stoltenberg in the late travelling to Bergen. There she had a meet- in her conflict-riddled country of Myanmar. was going through a difficult time after the afternoon, followed by a press conference. ing with members of the Rafto Foundation “Without a functioning rule of law, we attacks. In the evening, the Prime Minister hosted and visited the Rafto House. She praised cannot end the ethnic conflict in the coun- One of Sørheim and Husby's core argu- a dinner for Aung San Suu Kyi at Akershus Norway for its history of tolerance, mutual try. Therefore I work on the rule of law as a ments for why he is paranoid schizophrenic Fortress. respect and multiculturalism, and thanked its higher priority than the work with the ethnic is that he sees himself as judge for who gets Suu Kyi gave her Nobel lecture in Oslo people for providing “such a warm sanctuary groups,” she told conference participants. to live and die. According to Breivik, this City Hall on June 16, 21 years after receiving for people so different from you”, including After her visit to Norway, Suu Kyi con- is common for several terrorists. Does this the award. many Myanmar refugees. tinued her international travel to Ireland and mean that all terrorists are paranoid schizo- “Our ultimate goal should be to create a Suu Kyi returned to Oslo that evening. the U.K. phrenic? “Murder is not the end goal for ter- world without refugees, homeless or people In the morning of June 18, Aung San rorists, but the means,” he concluded. without hope, a world where all the earth's

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UPDATE norwegian american weekly June 22, 2012 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Dear Editor, Joyce Johnson, and I first went to Norway; cifically younger women and young to mid- Managing Editor I read with interest “Bunad Bustle” in and while I bought a sweater modeled after dle-aged men. I thought it was a typo at first Christy Olsen Field [email protected] your May 11 issue. I think I’ve known about the Valdres Christening curtain or kristne- read, but realized it was for real. Copy Editor and Subscriptions Manager bunads all my life, though not through pho- tappe, it wasn’t until the next time we went Their first mistake was taking the copy- Kelsey Larson [email protected] tos or even personal descriptions. Maybe I that I bought material for a bunad. By then I righted name of a national organization, Sons was born with the idea! had decided to make something approximat- of Norway, making it confusing for the name Assistant Layout Editor When I was in my early 20s, conscious- ing the Svennes rutastakk, which in the arti- of a TV dating program, a singles program Harry Svenkerud [email protected] ly trying to make a Norwegian-type outfit, I cle was worn by one of the little girls. While I designed for relationship opportunities for Advertising made a long wool jumper. The material had would have liked to have woven the material, women aged 20 – 30 and men 20 – 55. Call (800) 305-0217 Email: [email protected] thin strips of brown, red, yellow, and off the pattern looked complicated with lovely Yes, men up to 55 and women not over Contributing Editors white. This was decades before I went to fine wool. I did buy the material at Husfliden 30. It means a man of 55 cannot meet any Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. Norway or even knew much about my fam- in Fagernes and made the bunad back home. woman over 30 and that women at 31 are Carla Danziger McLean, Va. ily history. I mention this because the mate- The colors in the bunad are black, red, olive, too old, obsolete, ineligible, out of the field. Sölvi Dolland Fraser, Mich. Erling Dugan Ventura, Calif. rial, though woven in the U.S., is very simi- blue green and yellow. I made a red apron Women are only eligible or desirable for 10 Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. lar to material that is used in a Gudbrandsdal and wore a white “Norwegian” top that I had years of their life; but men for 35 years. Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway bunad. All I had to do make it more like the bought in Wisconsin. I felt brave enough to See something sexist, demeaning, de- Marit Fosse Geneva, Switzerland Judith Gabriel Vinje Burbank, Calif. ones I’ve since seen photographed was to put bring it to Norway for May 17 the following grading, insulting and inequitable here? In Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. a red top on it and I did do that. year. People might have been talking behind many ways it is not fair to men either as they Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway I did that about five years ago. It was my back, but no one said anything about my often prefer a woman their age or closer to Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. about 15 years ago, that I had found out that bunad. Since then I have bought even more it. When I commented on Facebook, I got Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. one of my great-grandmothers was born in material and have made a vest for myself and responses such as: “Not fair to women,” “I Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Lom in 1847. I never met her but I do have a bunad for my granddaughter which I will gasped at this! Men up to 55! Women are ob- Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. an idea of what might have been worn there have to alter the next time I visit. solete at 30? But they think they are modern Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. so long ago. Since then I have gotten even more and forward by adding the optional gay or Solveig M. Lee S seattle, Wash. adventurous as I’m embroidering the Old straight! ” Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Valdres pattern on a navy bunad. So far I Interesting also that the name of show Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. have the top embroidered. I tried various does not include women. David Moe Juneau, Alaska Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. kinds of thread: cotton embroidery thread, I wonder how this contest would have Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y. crewel wool thread but had to buy the wool been received if it had advertised Women 20 Sada Reed Woodbury, Minn. thread in Norway. Nothing else looked right. – 55 and men 20 – 30! John Erik Stacy S seattle, Wash. Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Now I’ve started on the skirt. I am appalled at this outrageous attitude Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway towards women especially since it involves Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D.

Hilsen, Norway, who goes out of their way to be CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives Janni Belgum fair to women in the workplace, government to make its news report fair and accurate. If you Coleman, Alberta, Canada and home. It is an insult to both countries, to have a question or comment about news coverage call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly women everywhere, and also to decent men. reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for This needs to be changed immediately style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right and people need to let these organizers know not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor that this kind of sexist age discrimination is taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. Photo courtesy of Janni Belgum • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and Dear Editor, not acceptable, ever, in any country. letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian Janni (center) wearing her bunad in Valdres with Sexual discrimination is serious stuff, American Weekly, and our publication of those views is her cousins. not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and in this case, I think not legal. When I Sincerely, and complaints about the opinions expressed by You might think that the first time I’d get read the article “Looking for love?” in the Astrid Tollefsen the paper’s editorials should be directed to the to Norway I would buy a bunad or at least June 15 issue, I saw that the show “Sons of Author of “Following the Waters: Voices publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published weekly except the first week of the calendar year, the material to make one. In 2002 my cousin, Norway” was looking for participants, spe- from the final Norwegian Emigration” the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. < syria NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription issued a statement Saturday, saying that the al Åsne Havnelid in the Red Cross interprets Cost: US$59 Domestic, US$79 to Canada, From page 3 US$179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. violence poses a definite risk for the observer the U.N.'s decision to terminate the force's force, and makes it challenging for the force work as a sign of how serious the situation SINCE MAY 17, 1889: server force in Syria due to escalating vio- Formerly Norway Times to complete their mission. He was given the has become. Western Viking & Washington Posten lence. task of leading the observer force in April, in “Civilians suffer more and more each Norwegian Major General Robert Mood association with the conflicts in Syria. day,” she tells Aftenposten. “As the only in- Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah- has announced that they have decided to can- Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, According to the Associated Press, the ternational organization currently present in Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven cel the observer force's work because of in- force will continue to evaluate the risk on a Syria, we do what we can to help save lives creased tension and violence in Syria. Mood day-to-day basis. However, Secretary Gener- and those who are suffering.” NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Han Ola og Han Per • June 22, 2012 norwegian american weekly 8 • June 22, 2012 norwegian american weekly TasTasTete of NorwayNorway

Nordic delicacies Jam for June “a taste of Norway iN the heart of BrooklyN!” Celebrate the season of strawberries 6909 Third Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209 Phone: (718) 748-1874 • Fax: (718) 833-7519 www.nordicdeli.com The Little Viking Scandinavian GiftS a touch of Scandinavia in southern California We have combined our two stores 28465 Old Town Front St. #104 and moved – Temecula, CA 92590 stop in to have a look and say hi! (951) 676-6800 | [email protected] Discover Norway with Vesterheim WWII in Norway: The Occupation and Resistance Summer 2013 Immerse yourself in the history of the German occupation of Norway and the courageous Norwegian resistance.

More info coming soon—check vesterheim.org. To hold a spot for this tour contact Michelle Whitehill Norwegian-American Museum at 563-382-9681 or [email protected].

God Sommer! Our summer break is coming!

The Norwegian American Weekly office will be Photo: Tine.no closed July 13 – August 6 for summer vacation. Strawberries are the perfect June fruit for delicious jam that lasts all year.

No issues will be published July 20, 27, August 3 or 10. Regular printing will resume August 17. Strawberry jam Jordbærsyltetøy Utsira, Norway, Farm and Family History, 1521 – 1995 By Jostein Austrheim Recipe from Food in Jars Translated by Johannes Christoffersen, Edited by Virginia Stover

This book will be especially interesting to those who 9-10 cups of chopped strawberries (prefer- added during the maceration step) have relatives from Norway. It gives a very detailed ably macerated with a split vanilla bean and 2 lemons, zested and juiced account of families from Utsira, who emigrated to the US and Canada during the 19th and early 20th centuries. two cups of sugar over night) 2 packets of liquid pectin (that’s one box 5 cups of sugar (this includes any sugar you total) Over 200 photos, charts and maps. 526 pages Cost: $29.95 To order, call (425) 818-0678 or email [email protected]. Fill a canning pot 2/3 with water and put on the stove to bring to a boil. Visit us at www.heronrunpress.com Put berries, sugar and lemon zest/juice in a large pot and cook over medium high heat for about 15 minutes. Boil the fruit down so that it begins to take on a syrup-type texture. If you have an immersion blender, use it at this point to puree some of the fruit. If you don’t, use a blender to puree about half the jam (working in batches; you don’t want hot jam to splash you!). Add the blended jam back to the whole fruit jam. Bring to a boil and squeeze in the pectin. At this point, there will be a bunch of foam on top of the jam. Skim the foam with a large spoon. Let boil for approximately10 more minutes, until the jam has taken on a syrup texture (when boiling, it should resemble boiling candy). Lay out your clean jars. You’ll need approximately 5 pints or 10 half-pint jars. Put your lids in a saucepan of hot water in order to soften the sealing compound. Bring a kettle to a boil now as well, in case you need a bit more boiling water for your canning pot. Celebrating 50 years of business Fill the jars. Wipe the rims with the edge of a towel dipped in boiling water. Top with lids and screw on rings. Put a rack or folded towel into the bottom of your canning pot Visit our store in Seattle or find us online! (don’t let the jars be in direct contact with the bottom of the pot). Carefully lower the jars into the boiling water. You can stack them one on top of the other if need be. www.scanspecialties.com Process for ten minutes in the boiling water. When time is up, remove the jars from the water and put them on a towel on the counter. They should begin to ping fairly quickly, 6719 NW 15th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98117 Phone: (206) 784-7020 — Toll free: (877) 784-7020 indicating that they’re sealed. If any of your jars don’t seal, make sure to refrigerate them. Mastercard and Visa accepted. Hundreds of items available for nation-wide shipping! norwegian american weekly June 22, 2012 • 9 Travel Just below the Arctic Circle There’s a lot to do in Helgeland, which is known for its unique coastline and mountain formations

Photo: Terje Rakke / Nordic life / www.visitnorway.com Hiking Helgeland’s many beautiful mountains is only one of the activities to be found in this region of Norway.

Vi s i t No r w a y

Go island hopping on a bike, paddle in 200 caves in the area around Mo i Rana, and level. the local culinary traditions as a part of your a sea kayak, explore a cave or go hiking in two of these offer several guided tours daily Rana Spesialsport arranges glacier tours paddling tour. the spectacular mountains dotted along Hel- in the summer season. on request on both glaciers. Those must be For kayaking courses, guiding, hire of geland. Grønligrotta Cave is one of the largest booked three days in advance. kayaks and kayaking equipment, please con- and most visited caves in the Nordic region. tact one of Helgeland’s many kayak special- Crossing the Arctic Circle This is also the only Nordic cave with elec- Boat cruise and RIB ists: The Arctic Circle at latitude 66 degrees tric lighting. A guided tour takes visitors sev- Join a boat trip and explore the beauti- north is the gateway to Arctic Norway and eral hundred meters into the mountain and ful Helgeland coastline, where you will find Vega Opplevelsesferie the realm of the midnight sun. If you are lasts around 45 minutes. thousands of islands, plentiful wildlife and Tømmervika Opplevelsessenter travelling along the E6 motorway, the Arc- More adventurous travellers meanwhile unique mountain formations. Hav & Fritid tic Circle crosses Saltfjellet Mountain, and is can take the two-hour guided tour of the Cruise on Helgeland: Are you tempted Rana Spesialsport a good starting point for wonderful hikes in Setergrotta Cave, where large giant’s kettles, by a boat cruise in beautiful surroundings Island hopping by bicycle the Saltfjellet-Svartisen National Park. gigantic chambers, ice and limestone forma- and a maritime atmosphere in a local passen- The Arctic Circle Centre is located in tions, narrow marble passages and an under- ger boat from the 1960s? Take a trip on the The coast of Helgeland is well-suited to the middle of the Saltfjellet Mountains by ground river await. MS Gamle Helgeland and experience some island hopping for cyclists due to its moder- the E6 and has a souvenir shop, cinema and of Nordland’s maritime cultural history on ate car traffic and relatively flat roads. Cycle restaurant. The invisible boundary for the Glaciers board this floating museum. For more infor- from Brønnøysund to Sandnessjøen and visit midnight sun is made visible here with the Explore ice blue glaciers surrounded by mation, visit helgelandscruise.com or call several of the beautiful islands there on the aid of a marble line and several memorial outstanding natural beauty. In inner parts of +47 48 27 94 01. way, like Vega, for instance, a UNESCO monuments. Helgeland there are two glaciers well worth RIB trips: Seløy Kystferie arrange trips World Heritage site. Tips and recommended a visit, whether you want to enjoy the view by rigid inflatable boat (RIB) on request. Ex- tours are available from the tourist informa- Hiking from the foot of the glacier, or join a guided perience the open sea, feel the wind and have tion centre. The centre also has bicycles for Experience the wilderness hiking in glacier walk. fun. They also offer adventures tours in the hire. Helgeland. You can follow marked trails or Norway’s second largest glacier, Svartis- archipelago, photo safaris and deep-sea fish- make your own route through the Norwegian en, stretches over 370 square kilometers and ing trips. Vega Archipelago World Heritage Area wilderness. The Seven Sisters range, Saltfjel- boasts as many as 60 arms. One of those, Vega Archipelago World Heritage Area let/Svartisen National Park, Børgefjell Na- Austerdalsisen, can be reached by a boat trip Sea kayaking was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heri- tional Park, Lomsdal/Visten National Park, across Lake Svartisvatnet. The 20-minute Experience the paddling paradise of the tage List in 2004. The Vega Archipelago the Oksskolten and Heilhornet summits are boat trip operates daily during the summer Helgeland coast. With thousands of islands, acquired this status mostly because of the just some of the most famous mountains in season. A three-kilometer-long path then islets, skerries and sheltered bays, this is re- unique interaction between the eider duck Helgeland, every one of them offering a fan- leads to the ice. garded as one of Norway’s best areas for sea and the island population during the nesting tastic experience of the great outdoors. The Okstind Glacier is situated in the kayaking. The narrow fjords, majestic moun- season. To this day the local residents protect Okstindan mountain area and the walk there tains and thousands of islands provide great the nesting birds against all dangers and in Caves is well worth the effort. There is a marked variations and exciting adventures. Find return receive the precious eider down when Join a professional guide on an adventur- path from the Leirskardalen Valley and up to your very own beach, stay in the traditional the birds leave the nests. ous underground experience. There are some the glacial apron at 1,200 meters above sea rorbu (fishermen’s cottage) and experience 10 • June 22, 2012 norwegian american weekly Roots & ConneCtions

norwegian American Weekly Photo of the Week NorwegiaN 101 LANGUAGe PRACTICe WITh heIDI håvAN GROSCh Time (tid) Tick tock, tick tock. how many ways are there to tell time? (Hvor mange måter kan du foretelle for mye klokka er på?) Many wear a wristwatch (et armbåndsur) and some even carry a pocket watch (et lommeur). If you know where to look you can almost always find a clock (kan du nesten alltid finne ei klokke), and those of us who prefer the old fashioned clocks (gammeldagse klok- ker) with hands (and not the digital ones) can still find what we are looking for (finne det vi leter etter). Some could care less and live on their own time schedule (leve etter sin egen tidsplan) while others are habitually early. Which one are you? (Hvilken er du?) Time passes quickly when we are having fun (tiden går fort når vi har det gøy), seems to drag on forever (ser ut til å pågå i det evig) when we don’t want to do something or be somewhere, and often there never seems to be enough of it (det aldri synes å være nok av det). Now it is summer and the warm, long days pass quickly as we try to cram in all the yard work (prøver å gjøre alt hagearbeid), visits (besøk), and relaxing that summer brings. I hope time is your friend (tiden er din venn) this season, and that you have enough of it to do every- thing you have on your summer to-do list (alt Photo courtesy of Pat Ponnay du har på din sommer Subscriber Pat Ponnay submitted this photo, of her granddaughters Lilly and Jamie Albo- gjøremålsliste). Good nico, with the note: “Sons of Norway Lodge No. 13, Fram Lodge in Eureka, California, sent luck! (Lykke til!) its two youngest members to ride in the 2012 Eureka Rhododendron Parade. The girls rode in a Stutz Barecat and enjoyed waving their American flags. With this year’s parade theme “Service above Self – A Tribute to our Veterans,” it was an honor for the girls to ride in the vintage car with World War II veteran Mr. Chase.

Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? Email [email protected] or mail your photo with a caption.

Do you have a new grandchild? Does your loved one have a milestone birth- day coming up? Has your family recently celebrated a wedding or special anni- versary? Share your news with the Norwegian-American community by printing an announcement with us for just $35. For more information, call us at (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected].

Ole: I lost my yob again, Lena, but vasn’t my fault dis time. Da boss told me to do vhatever da signs say. Lena: So, vhat did the sign say? Ole: “Vet floor.”

Joke from Ole & Lena: Live via Satellite Ole and Lena America’s favorite Norwegians!

Greta Quilty Thousand Oaks CA Mikael Rickman Southern Shores NC 28. juni Karl D. Johansen Salt Lake City UT Kjersti Iselin Lyngstad-Beakey Oslo Norway Frosty Jenstad Minneapolis MN Alfred Solberg Coeur d’Alene ID Joan L. Rynning Seattle WA N. H. Breivik Norridge IL 26. juni Kristian M Seljaas Lindon UT Joel Kristopher Myhre Marina Del Ray Mrs. Erling Eilertsen Ketchikan AK Tonny Larsen Staten Island NY CA Nancy Ring Issaquah WA Kathy Kerr Wiersma Fairport NY Ivar Strand Winnipeg Man Ruth Atcheson Noank CT 24. juni Marit Warberg New Town ND Mary Kamp Minneapolis MN 22. juni Esther Kolbjornsen Silver Springs MD 27. juni Helen Nilsen Miami Beach FL Elaine Larsen Benner Sarasota FL G. N. Karlstad Sacramento CA Emil Stensholt San Jose CA Eunice Bellerud Auburn WA Anna Jorgensen Seattle WA 25. juni Alvin Blindheim Seattle WA Want to see your birthday in the Margit Bernhus Concord CA Lars Dahl Burbank CA Steven Blindheim Seattle WA Norwegian American Weekly? Hans Lenschow Bellevue WA Lloyd L. Larson Windom MN Neil Blindheim Seattle WA Barbara Jelen Lake Oswego OR Victor Johansen Salt Lake City UT Clara Odegaard Kirkland WA Christian Shiels Pelham NY Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@ Odd M. Hagen Penticton BC Dean Felthous Seattle WA norway.com. Birthdays must be submitted at Bronwyn Allen Redmond WA Borgny Simonis Sidney MT 23. juni Nils Gjersengen Aremark Norway Else Bentsen Seattle WA least one month in advance. Haakon Strand Garretson SD Edward Olsen Riverhead NY Sheryl Hove St. Paul MN NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed Alfred Hartland Seattle WA Solfrid Myhre Price Seaside OR away? Please notify us. norwegian american weekly June 22, 2012 • 11 obituaries & Religion Just a minute In Loving Memory Encouraging columns by the late Pastor Per W. Larsen, written for Norway Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? Times and now shared with the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. Marit E. Gaathje Give what you have Died June 7, 2012 The energy level is not the same for most important thing, but what we are do- Marit E. Gaathje of Brooklyn, N.Y., Carl, and great grandmother of Kyle, Marisa, every individual. Some people can be on ing with our energy we have is. It is crucial died June 7 at the age of 94. Proud member Alex, and Ashley. In lieu of flowers, family the go for hours and hours without rest. that we don’t lose “the inner push” for ac- of Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church for over kindly requests donations to Our Saviour’s Others get exhausted with half the effort. complishment. Our talents have to be put 60 years. Beloved mother of Peter, Eric, and Lutheran Church, 414 80th Street, Brooklyn, They are not lazy, but their biological to use. We are responsible to our Maker for the late Rolf. Dear grandmother of Peter and NY 11209. make-up is different. If only we could re- what we are given (Matthew 25:14 – 30). member that, our judgmental attitude to- High-energy people may spend their ward low-energy people would change. effort on empty pursuits and self-glory. Lars Holmberg I remember a Christian leader com- Low-energy people may deny “the inner menting about one of his colleagues: “He push” and waste time and opportunities. April 27, 1924 – June 4, 2012 is plain lazy!” Today, after many years, I In both cases, the result is the same: A life don’t remember much about the man with without meaning. Lars Holmberg was born April 27, close friends Bob and Betty Smith and Bob the hasty judgment, but his colleague, now We are all intended for greatness! 1924, in Örnsköldsvik, Sweden. As a mem- and Helen Vaa. After marrying in 1954, Lars dead, will always be remembered for his True greatness is to be what God intended ber of the Friska Villor Club in Örnsköldsvik and Astrid began to build their proudest leg- wisdom, his leadership and his gracious us to be. May we never lose that perspec- during his youth, Lars cultivated a love of acy, their family. Resettling in Seattle, Lars spirit. tive. On a gravestone, I found this epitaph: winter sports that lasted throughout his life, enjoyed a 31-year career at the Boeing Com- Never fooled by people who are al- “He did the very best with the possibiliies primarily manifested through his passion for pany. Lars was tireless worker, snow skier, ways on the run; they may just be disori- he had.” nordic ski jumping. boater, traveler, loyal friend, proud Swedish- ented... That’s what life is all about. After attaining his degree in engineer- American and dedicated family man. Lars High or low energy level is not the ing from the Technical Institute of Stock- passed peacefully, with no regrets on June 4, holm, he was encouraged by a family friend 2012. to immigrate to the U.S.A., where in 1949 Preceded in death by his beloved Astrid he began his engineering career at the John (2010), Lars is survived by children Jon Hol- Deere Company in Moline, Ill. Lars soon mberg, Margaret-Ann LeRoy, Karin Schock The Scandinavian Hour transferred to Yakima, Wash., where he met (Bradley), L. Erik Holmberg (Kristen) and Celebrating over 50 years on the air! his partner in life, Astrid Rognstad of Bru- Kristina Bainter (Tom) and eleven adoring munddal, Norway. The couple founded the grandchildren. KKNW – 1150 AM White Pass ski area in partnership with their Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST < trial Streaming live on the internet at: From page 3 June 14 (Day 37) www.1150kknw.com The two court-appointed psychiatrists rensic psychiatry. Seven witnesses gave evi- Synne Sørheim and Torgeir Husby, who be- dence. Psychiatry Professor Einar Kringlen lieve Breivik is criminally insane, began their Funeral Home was the first witness. testimony by chastising their critics. “There SOlie and Crematory are obviously many who believe that their The next witnesses were the team that Honoring • Caring • Serving observed Breivik at Ila prison: Eric Johan- diagnostic abilities compensate for the fact nesen and Arnhild Flikke from the psychi- that they have not talked with the patient,” 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 atric outpatient clinic in Bærum, and Mary said Husby in an acidic tone. The experts say Sigur Jónsdóttir, Alexander R. Flaata, Bente the case and the media pressure has been a burden, and that they “obviously have been Proud to bring you the Sundbye and Thor Egil Holtskog from the Norwegian American Weekly Regional Security Division of the South in doubt,” but were not in doubt when they East. came to their conclusion. The pair proceeded to testify for the next nine hours of the trial, June 12 (Day 35) with only a few breaks. You can’t always avoid a rainy day. Today’s first witness was the psychia- trist Randi Rosenqvist, who is senior adviser June 15 (Day 38) Protect what matters most. at Ila Prison. The second witness was psy- Sørheim and Husby think that anti- chologist Svenn Torgersen. After lunch, Tar- psychotic treatment will help Breivik. “We You can’t protect them from “what if,” but life insurance can help ensure they jei Rygnestad, head of the Norwegian Board are optimistic about treatments and believe that this will help,” said Synne Sørheim to won’t need to worry about what comes next. Be sure you are doing enough to of Forensic Medicine, testified. Testimony protect what you value most. of Charles Heinrik Melle, who heads the answer the judge’s questions about anti-psy- psychiatric group, was postponed. Finally, chotic treatment of the criminally insane. Af- Learn more at Thrivent.com/rainyday Alpha Kallon, one of Breivik’s contacts in ter their testimony, Breivik asked the judge Liberia, testified via video transmission from if he could make some comments. He dis- the U.S. agreed vehemently with everything the psy- chiatric team had said. “Firstly, I have talked June 13 (Day 36) a lot with Husby and Sørheim, and think they Karl Heinrik Melle, head of the psychi- are nice and we had a good working relation- atric group in the Norwegian Board of Fo- ship. The intention of the talks was to give rensic Medicine, reviewed the Commission’s a detailed description of the contents of the evaluation of the two expert reports. Then compendium about this organization, the begins the testimony of psychiatrists Torgeir Knights Templar. I thought of it as an oppor- Husby and Synne Sørheim, who wrote the tunity, that this report would be leaked. But it first report on Breivik’s mental health. was a mistake. I gave them an unimaginable amount of information to abuse, and that was exactly what happened,” said Breivik. Our summer break is coming up! The Norwegian American Weekly office will be closed Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) July 13 – August 6 for summer vacation. 27416NAW N5-12 201201625 No issues will be published July 20, 27, August 3 or 10. 12 • June 22, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style Calendar of Events Chilling thriller What’s going on in your neighborhood? This hot summer read set on Svalbard, Norway in the dead of winter is sure to cool you down Colorado mindspring.com. Scandinavian Midsummer Festival June 23 – 24 PENNSYLVANIA Estes Park, Colo. Youth Camp at Land of the Vikings Mark your calendars for the largest Scan- July 1 – 7 and July 8 – 14 dinavian Midsummer celebration in the Sherman, Pa. Rocky Mountains. Scandinavian dancing, Join us for an active Sons of Norway cul- music, crafts, food, Viking re-enactors, si- tural camp program for kids! Held at the lent auction, raffle sponsors: Icelandair and beloved Land of the Vikings recreation Brekke Tours. Starts with raising of May- center in Sherman, Pa., campers will attend pole at 9:30 a.m. on June 23, followed at 10 morning classes for Norwegian language, with parade of flags and opening ceremo- rosemaling, wood working, hardanger and nies. Free, all ages, wheelchair accessible. other skills. During the afternoon the camp- Visit www.estesmidsummer.com or call ers can swim, hike, participate in a variety (303) 449-9596 for more information. of athletic activities, do crafts, cook and learn about our Viking heritage to name a Iowa few of the activities. Contact Youth Direc- 46th annual Nordic Fest tor Evelyn Karpack at (973) 627-5634 or July 26 – 28 [email protected]. Decorah, Iowa In 2012, Nordic Fest will celebrate its 46th New York anniversary. Since 1967, over 1.5 million Showing of “Glimpses from Brooklyn” visitors from all over the world have at- June 27 tended our festival. Your whole family will Brooklyn, N.Y. enjoy delicious food, traditional crafts, Join the Norwegian Immigration Associa- a colorful parade, lively entertainment, tion, Inc., for a showing of the silent film Photos: www.jeannematthews.com sporting events and our Saturday night fire- “Glimpses from Brooklyn” from circa Left: Bonereapers, published by Poisoned Pen Press, has been described as “Norwegian noir works display. For more information, call 1931. The film is shown on June 27 at7 with an American twist.” Right: Author Jeanne Matthews. (800) 382-FEST or visit nordicfest.com. p.m. at the Danish Athletic Club (741 65th St., Brooklyn, N.Y.) with permission from Maine Norskfilminsitut and the Leivik Family. Ke l s e y La r s o n Maine Nordmenn’s Lobsterbake Admission: $10, non-members: $15. Din- Copy Editor July 28 ner may be purchased before the meeting. Portland, Maine Wednesday is “Kompe Night.” For more information, email niahistoryonline@ya- Sons of Norway Lodge Maine Nordmenn The third installment in Jeanne Mat- Dinah’s arms, she is dragged along in a cur- hoo.com. will not able to host their usual Hummer- thew’s Dinah Pelerin Mystery series, Bo- rent of intrigue and deception that leads her fest celebration at Bailey’s Island this year, Scandinavian Summer Camp nereapers, is a thriller that will both intrigue into a danger she never anticipated. but the lodge has arranged for a private vis- and excite any lover of mystery, but perhaps It also leads her into romance; Sval- it to House Island, just off Portland, Maine, July 9 – 20 especially Norwegian-American readers. In- bard’s police investigator, Thor, though ini- on Saturday, July 28. The visit of four New York City, N.Y. cluding elements of Norse mythology, Sami tially deeming Dinah mistenkelig herself, hours will include a narrated round trip to This summer, kids can explore the rich the island from Long Wharf. Once on the worlds of Scandinavian children’s literature lore, Viking curses and corruption and poli- grudgingly gives him her trust and it soon island a tour of the island will be provided and folklore in this stimulating and imagi- tics stretching from the U.S. to Norway to becomes apparent that they must work to- in addition to a full dinner including: Clam native mini-camp at Scandinavia House in Africa, there is very little in “Bonreapers” gether to solve the island’s sudden outbreak chowder, lobster or chicken breast, corn, New York City led by Malin Tybahl. Held that doesn’t fascinate. of crime. cole slaw and roll, potato chips, iced tea three hours a day, Monday through Friday, Set in the frozen Norwegian tundra of This book will thrill Norwegian-Amer- and hot coffee, Perhaps a bit of Aquavit for two weeks, the mini-camp encourages Longyearbyen on the polar island of Sval- ican readers: With our own U.S. presi- Beer and wine arranged through Chuck! an open mind to exploration, creativity, and bard in the dead of winter, Bonereapers is a dential election campaign in full swing, a The cost $60 per person, which includes cultural immersion through drama games, study in fear of the unknown; from the secrets glimpse into the sometimes twisted world tax and tips. For children 11 and under the arts and crafts, and language learning. kept in a personal relationship right down to of American politics and campaign difficul- cost is $50 for grilled chicken. Children 3 Some aspects of Scandinavian languages the possibility of apocalypse that the Dooms- ties is timely. Matthews uses the backdrop of and under are free! Please recognize that will be taught. The camp will end with a day Seed Vault’s very existence implies. It Norwegian culture, words and phrases that this is one of those functions where you can presentation by the participants, sharing reveals that a political campaign can be diffi- Norwegian-American readers might recog- what they have been working on over the simply relax and enjoy – someone else is cult when there are real human relationships nize, some insight into Norse mythology, course of the two weeks. Admission: $840 / doing all the work. For more information, at stake, and it reminds anyone vacationing and sleepy Svalbard life shattered by two child ($780 for ASF Members). To register, contact Bob Boylestad at (207) 828-5710 on Svalbard to keep a rifle close at hand. In murders as an effective way to bring the two or [email protected]. please call 212.847.9740 or email event_ [email protected]. Dinah Pelerin’s world, polar bears aren’t the worlds together. Minnesota only things on the island to fear. The perfect book for taking a trip to WAshington Dinah learns the Norwegian word mis- Svalbard without risking hypothermia, po- Norway Day tenkelig (suspicious) early in her stay, and has lar bears and the occasional corrupt business July 8 St. Hans / Midsommer Festival ample opportunity to use it throughout the mogul, Jeanne Matthew’s “Bonereapers” Minneapolis, Minn. June 23 rest of her stay in Norway. She is an Ameri- is the perfect summer read for anyone who Norwegian National League will be host- Poulsbo, Wash. can anthropologist who left sunny Hawaii to wants to escape the heat. ing Norway Day in Minnehaha Park for Make a flower wreath, explore the Viking its 81st year! Join us July 8 at Minnehaha Village, meet Norwegian Buhund and Ice- introduce a unique banana seed to Svalbard’s Park, located at Highway 55 & Minnehaha landic sheep dogs, dance around the Maist- Doomsday Seed Vault – a vault with a collec- Jeanne Matthews was born and raised in Parkway, Minneapolis. Starting at 10 a.m., ång, and enjoy a crackling bonfire. Enjoy tion of thousands of the world’s seeds stored Georgia. She graduated from the University activities include arts and crafts, dem- rømmegrøt, pea soup and other traditional deep beneath the ground in case of apoca- of Georgia with a degree in Journalism and onstrations, ethnic and American foods. foods served in the Sons of Norway lodge lypse. The exchange is part of a Republican has worked as a copywriter, a high school Psalmodokin Quartet at 10:30 a.m., fol- (4:30-6:30). At the Poulsbo Waterfront senator’s presidential campaign, and is car- English and Drama teacher, and a parale- lowed by the worship Service at 11 a.m. Park. Coming by boat? For moorage rates, ried out in coordination with one of the sena- gal. She currently lives in Renton, Wash., with Mindekirken’s Pastor Kristin Sundt. see http://portofpoulsbo.com. Other ques- tor’s big corporate backers, Tillcorp. Soon, with her husband, who is a law professor, Barnetog (Children’s Parade) at 12:55 p.m. tions? Contact Poulsbo Sons of Norway at however, it becomes apparent that Tillcorp’s and a West Highland terrier, who is a prima Join us rain or shine! Free admission. Con- (360) 779-5209. motivations are less than savory, and Sena- donna. tact Earl at (612) 861-4793 or evenstad@ tor Sheridan’s Norwegian-born wife and For more information about the author, former Norwegian rock star Erika is swept her books, readings and events, visit www. Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 up in something mysterious herself. A man jeannematthews.com. Bonereapers can be to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! is killed, Dinah’s life is threatened, and when ordered on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and a body falls out of the hotel’s sauna and into Indiebound. Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us June 22, 2012 • 13 In your neighborhood Scandinavian in spirit Looking back at history Scandinavian East Seattle celebrated Coast Museum “Norway Day” 70 years recognizes Paul Busse ago for war bonds as their Scandinavian Sc o t t La r s e n of the Year 2012 New Westminster, B.C.

Last month, the Norwegian American Sc a n d i n a v i a n Ea s t Co a s t Mu s e u m Weekly reported the many activities and Brooklyn, N.Y. celebrations in Canada and the U.S. around Norway’s Constitution Day on May 17. Did you know in 1942 the Seattle Norwegian Although, Paul Busse had not one drop community celebrated a different kind of of Scandinavian blood, he had been instru- Norway Day? mental in preserving, sharing and document- The month before, civic leaders dedi- ing Scandinavian culture, and for this reason cated Victory Square. It was a block long, the Scandinavian East Coast Museum names Photo courtesy of Christina Busse blocked off area of University Street between him Scandinavian of the Year 2012. A native of Brooklyn, N.Y., Paul Busse didn’t have Fourth and Fifth Aves. in downtown Seattle. Paul was born Oct. 15, 1939, in Brook- one drop of Scandinavian heritage, but taught “A replica of (U.S. President Thomas) Jeffer- lyn, N.Y. He attended New Utrecht High Scandinavian folk dance for over 40 years. son’s home, Monticello, served as the speak- School. After he graduated he took a job at ers’ stand at the west end of Victory Square” Banker’s Trust where his time was spent do- Photo: Seattle P-I Collection / MOHAI near Fourth Ave., writes historian James R. ing complicated data entry one of the city’s that he dedicated 40 years of his life to learn- View of Seattle’s Victory Square on University Warren. “At the east end of the block” near Street in 1944 looking east towards Fifth Ave. first computers. It was as big as a house. ing and teaching Norwegian Folk Dance. He Fifth Ave, “stood a 75-foot-high replica of Norway Day was held here on June 23, 1942 com- Paul joined the Army in 1962, a patriotic and the Society traveled all over the tri-state The Washington Monument.” plete with Norwegian dancers. Sales of $100,000 move made to defend his country in the wake area and as far away as Norway to perform. “During the war,” continues Warren, in war bonds were made on this day. of the Cuban Missile Crisis. He trained in Paul was also a very thorough research- “many famous movie stars and musicians Fort Dix and Alabama before he was shipped er, documenting the history of Norwegian appeared at Victory Square during bond ral- off for France. During his military service he folk dance and how it had evolved. He was on the home front. lies. Bob Hope was there several times, as traveled all over Europe. After returning to especially adept at sharing how certain types Monday through Saturday, bond ral- was Bing Crosby…” and dozens of others the States he stayed connected to the mili- of dance had connections to other parts of lies were held at noon at Seattle’s Victory including Betty Grable and Lana Turner. tary by taking a civilian job in the Signal Air Europe, i.e. polkas, shaddish, Scottish). Square. Special themed days were held, in- Victory Square’s purpose was two-fold: Corps and also served in the Army reserves In recent years, Paul worked to create cluding Norway Day on June 27, 1942. help sell defense bonds with the money going for almost 20 years. with the Scandinavian East Coast Museum’s “A group of young girls in national cos- toward the war effort to buy planes, tanks, Paul’s interest was not limited to his pa- first Virtual Museum component on their tumes (of Norway) danced to accordion mu- and ammunitions and ships. The other rea- triotism, his other interest was in dance. He website, which documented the Norwegian son was to fuel patriotism among the people realized this after attending the Fred Astaire Folk Dance Society of New York. For the See > Looking, page 15 Dance Studio on Flatbush Avenue in Brook- last two years he voluntarily taught at the lyn. His talent was evident and he quickly Christ Church After School. The children he for your summer reading list! became a dance teacher and competed in taught performed Norwegian Folk Dances at amateur ballroom dance competitions in At- the After School’s Multicultural Festival and lantic City, New York City and Las Vegas. at the SECM’s Viking Fest. Paul was introduced to Norwegian folk For all of these reasons we honor and dancing through friends he met in a Bowling thank Paul for his contributions to the Scan- BonereapersA murder mystery set in Longyearbyen, League and they invited him to join the Nor- dinavian community, by naming him Scan- wegian Folk Dancing Society of New York. dinavian of the Year 2012. Our only regret Norway by local author Jeanne Matthews Here he later became the Dance Leader. He is that this recognition is being given post- also worked with, taught and the Nansen humously. Hewed out of a frozen Lodge Folk Dancers. He loved it so much mountain in Norway 600 < china miles from the North Pole, the Doomsday Seed Vault From page 3 “difficult to comprehend that China contin- ued with this kind of measures.” was designed to safeguard said in a statement that “we are disappointed China’s Foreign Ministry did not re- the earth’s precious collection and surprised that the visa ... was not ap- spond directly to a question on Bondevik. proved.” of seeds... But no fortress, It said in a faxed statement that Chinese are In an interview with Aftenposten, Tveit however remote or carefully rejected for visas every day, that visa policies said that the Chinese government had ap- vary by country and that this case should not constructed, can protect proved the meeting and knew Bondevik be “over interpreted.” against human corruption and would moderate. The meeting of the WCC’s international affairs commission is focusing men who have made it their on issues of poverty, market reforms and un- business to gain control of the derstanding China’s churches, among other NEW! Birkebeiner print world’s food supply. topics. 9.75x12” + generous border The visa denial “is very unfortunate Bergslien’s famous 1869 Norwegian painting of “Birchlegs” ski rescue for the work planned and undertaken by the • full-color, fade-proof Available at independent commission,” Tveit said. • quality paper • FREE shipping in bookstores and Amazon.com In 2010, the Norwegian Nobel Commit- sturdy mailing tube to tee awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to Chi- US 48 states Also as an e-book! nese dissident Liu Xiaobo. China has can- • $15 each, USD only; VISA/MasterCard celed political meetings with Norway as well as canceling orders of Norwegian salmon. Order from At the time of the award, chair of the NORWAY ART “This entertaining mystery boasting a timely theme and colorful Norwegian Nobel Committee, Thorbjørn 1455 West Lake St, B-20 characters will be perfect for those who like to do their extreme Minneapolis, MN 55408 Jagland, said that the decision to honor Liu traveling in the pages of a crime novel.” – Booklist was “not a prize against China.” call 612.339.7829 or 612.871.2236, or email: [email protected] Bondevik said on June 12 that while he had welcomed the award to Liu, he had Why not order now for shipment to your home or business and have this beautiful art waiting for you there?! www.jeannematthews.com “nothing to do with the prize” and it was 14 • June 22, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage Storm of war Rønningen Ramblings Memories of living in Norway during World War II with Heidi Håvan Grosch Many readers of the Norwegian American Weekly lived in Norway during World War II. Heidi was a long-time Minnesotan until she married In remembering the anniversaries of the Nazi invasion and occupation (April 9, 1940) and the her favorite Norwegian, Morten, and moved to his liberation (May 8, 1945), we will publish memories from our readers in April and May. home country of Norway. As a recent immigrant she is experiencing Norway with a unique perspective, filling us I have read with interest the many sto- get hold of the farm had in fact passed the in on the good, the bad and the unexpected! ries about how families survived the Ger- word to the German authorities in Bodø. man occupation of Norway, and the many We never learned who and we had no sus- hardships, pain and suffering incurred by so pects. But such would be a most despicable many. My story is one of a narrow escape act on the part of a Norwegian if true. Sad during 1943. to say, we had Nazis in the fjord who for Going home? My family lived, and some still do, at one reason or another joined the party. They a farm called Segelfore, located in Tjongs- expected German victory and wanted to be fjorden in Nordland. We were a family of on the right side. 10 on a small farm surrounded by a large Another short story is worth telling, but forest and hills. This place is far away from it had its humorous side. I attended gram- the nearest town, Bodø, and not of interest mar boarding school. A young Quisling / to the occupying forces. Nazi who belonged to the hated Hird, Quis- However, one clear day, a troupe of ing’s Guard, placed a series of German / German soldiers surrounded the house with Quisling propaganda posters all around the bayonets fixed and knocking on the door school rooms, all in deep colors pointing by an officers with several soldiers in tow. out the great principles of Nasjonal Sam- The arrival on the ground of this force was ling (Quisling’s party) and fighting with the fortuitously observed by someone in the Germans to rule the world. One evening family, who immediately realized that our after everyone had gone to bed at the shool lives were in danger as my eldest brothers house, I tiptoed down the the lecture rooms, had guns in the house. This “crime” was tore down all the posters and threw them punishable by immediate execution accord- out of the window into the mud. It did not ing to the rules by the Terboven. Solution take the Quisling guy long. The next day, came quickly to my brothers who happened he came storming into the boarding house to be in the house. The ran upstairs to the and told the Housemother to produce the upstairs bedrooms, grabbed the guns and guilty party. The Quisling guy was slender put them under the mattress on a bed and and small of stature, but the Housemother placed my youngest sister seven years old was rather large and robust. She grabbed in the bed. She was told not to move and him one hand in the back of his pants and Photo courtesy of Heidi Grosch From left: Greta Grosch, Ken and Rosalie Grosch (anniversary couple) and Heidi Grosch. keep silent. She obeyed, but started to cry the other in the neck and threw him out the when the officer came into the room. The door, telling him never to show his face officer, young and friendly in appearance, around the school in the future. Surpris- patted her on the chin and said, “Don’t cry ingly, he never showed up again and noth- I have been absent from the pages of a part of before, and I had not yet put down little girl, nothing to be afraid of.” ing more was heard about the affair, and no the Norwegian American Weekly for a while roots in Norway. But like so many things, Having searched the house and barn more posters appeared. I considered that a now as I have been absorbing life back in the time changes our perspective. As the years for “criminal evidence” and found none, victory for King and Fedreland. U.S. for a few weeks. I say absorbing be- have passed, it has become more normal to the soldiers went on their way, and we all It seems long ago, but rather short also. cause despite the mass numbers of Norwe- fade in and out of my American life. Per- took a deep breath. Needless to say, we had My father (a Lutheran pastor) and three of gian-Americans in the Midwest, it is still a haps that is because I feel I belong here in been saved from a fate probably worse than us brothers migrated to the U.S. in 1951. slightly different culture. Norway. My roots have been established and death. Everyone would have been arrested My mother and two sisters and a brother I have now lived in Norway for five now I can begin to grow. and dealt with, and the house and barn burnt came also in 1954 and settled in Tacoma years, and it has seeped into my blood. But Today we don’t have to say goodbye to the ground. and Seattle, Wash. I ended up in California, The other difficulties – shortage of at UC Berkeley, and with a career in San it is equally as natural to be driving on the because we can cross borders so readily via everything, down to one plate for eating, Francisco, Washington, D.C., Kansas, and parking-lot-like roads of Minnesota, eating travel and technology. Traditions become no coffee for grandparents, no butter, or Texas. A long way from the peaceful land- out at restaurants that don’t feel like they cost foggy as cultures blend into each other margarine, no sugar, nothing to buy in the scape in the fjord country, except for a five- a week’s wages and visiting with friends and through music, film and food. Being an im- way of clothes – seemed inconsequential in year interlude with daily passage of German family that I have known for half my life. migrant to Norway is so different now. While comparison to the predicament staring us in warships and transport through the fjord to It hasn’t always been that way. Genera- I was gone, my absent husband was able to the face that fateful day. In retrospect, my escape the English bombers who one day tions ago, Norwegians were saying goodbye participate in my parents’ 50th wedding an- brothers were too daring in keeping guns in sank a dozen ships passing the fjord in plain to their family and friends, perhaps forever, niversary party via a video message, I was the house when everyone knew the conse- daylight. We sat on the roof of the house casting aside one life and embracing another. able to spontaneously send text messages quences. But, who would expect Germans and watched the glorious spectacle. Some returned to Norway changed or broke, and pictures to my Norwegian family via searching an isolated farm in this way? One but many stayed and created a new story for my Norwegian telephone (which, with some 9.NAW.Ulvestad3VolSet.10May2012_Layout 1 5/10/12 11:53 PM Page 1 could conclude that someone, perhaps a Submitted by Gunnar Engen themselves. Mostly. telephone service plans, one can use easily neighbor of Nazi leanings who wanted to Plano, Texas No amount of time spent on American and cheaply in the U.S.), and felt I could just soil could erase their “Norwegian-ness.” pick up as if never having been away with Perhaps that is why Norwegian-Americans friends because I already knew what was go- Norwegians in America, their History and Record: embraced the old traditions so tightly. The ing on in their lives thanks to Facebook. A translated version of the 1907 and 1913 Nord- number of immigrants to Norway from other To be honest, even in the U.S., Norway mændene i Amerika, deres Historie og Rekord Written by Martin Ulvestad countries is rapidly increasing (I think I read is never very far away. My mother and I were Volume 1 — 480 pages, 7”x10” book: somewhere that 12 percent of the Norwegian in Thief River Falls, Minn., during Scandi- • Pioneer sagas, maps & immigration population was born in or had parents born in navian week (the week of the 17th of May), • USA (41 states, 500 counties) & Canada • = $29.95 (years 1825-1907, available now) another country). Will they grasp as tightly so joined over 100 Norwegian-Americans Volume 2 — 640 pages, 7”x10” book: to their traditions as we did our Norwegian in the meeting room of the Senior Center to • 25,000 pioneers by 1,700 locations in Norway ones? watch the film “The Troll Hunter.” My 100 • Norwegians in American Wars incl. Civil War • = $34.95 (years 1825-1907, available now) I remember my first trip back to the U.S. percent Norwegian aunt pulled out all her Volume 3 — 704 pages, 7”x10” book: after having lived in Norway for less than a Norwegian things at her lake home, and I • GENEALOGY—GENEALOGY—GENEALOGY year. I didn’t know where I belonged. It was, rejoiced when I found two Norwegian tiles • Thousands biographical sketches, last name • Where emigrated from, year, where to in a way, like looking through a camera lens at the local antique store in Walker. When I • = $39.95 (1825-1913, shipping June 2012) smeared with Vaseline (something they used brought them home my Norwegian husband Call — send a check —or order to do in the old movies to give the women a commented “Well, those Americans really 3 volume set from website softer glow; for me, it just made everything are more Norwegian than we are!” Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com foggy). With no home or job I no longer felt And this is most certainly true. Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] that I had a place in the America I had been norwegian american weekly June 22, 2012 • 15 Sports

< looking From page 15

sic” from Ballard High School in Seattle’s Scandinavian neighborhood, reported the Washington Posten. The local Norwegian committee who organized the Norway Day bond rally included “horn music, acrobats and a comedy talk.” The noontime program lasted a couple of hours, said the Posten. Speakers representing the Seattle Nor- wegian community included Mrs. Winifred Winge Niesz, Dr. H. A. Stub and Dr. T. W. Buschmann. Pre-sales and day of sales of the bonds to various Norwegian individuals and orga- nizations were estimated between $90,000 – $100,000 on that day. Photo courtesy of Schwan’s USA Cup That same month on her 13th birthday, Smiles all around: The USA Cup is an opportunity for young soccer enthusiasts to meet peers from Anne Frank made her first entry in her new around the world. diary. Grand Coulee Dam on the Colum- bia River in Washington state was finished. < cup More poignant in the minds and hearts of Se- From page 1 The USA Cup is not only an econom- attle Norwegians that day was that Norway ic boon, but also a memorable cultural ex- was in the 25th month of occupation since Photo: Seattle P-I Collection / MOHAI amateur sports facility in Blaine, Minn. change for kids. “There’s no other American invaded. It’s certain many re- Front page story and photograph from the The youth soccer tournament, now the youth soccer tournament like the USA Cup,” membered this when they purchased a bond Weekly’s predecessor, the Washington Posten, on Norway Day June 23, 1942 at Seattle’s Victory world’s fourth largest, was created in 1985 says Kruse. Indeed, besides soccer games, or a stamp on that day. by the Sons of Norway. With only 69 teams the week includes clinics and workshops, Square. The city’s Norwegian community turned out with dancers, music and speakers to help sell participating, the idea was originally to do a activities, a bike race on the National Sports This article is the first installment in a U.S. defense bonds during World War II. On this “soccer exchange” with teams from Minne- Center’s Velodrome, activities on the ice in new monthly series called “Looking Back” day, $100,000 dollars of bonds were sold. “Nor- apolis and teams from Norway. The event was the giant ice arena, and even social events where we go to the Internet, libraries, and way Day was a record day in Victory Square of modeled after the Norway Cup, and still has such as dances. “We work really hard to cre- other sources to highlight a historical fea- war bonds totaling nearly $100,000” says the close connections with that tournament. “We ate a full tournament experience that goes ture from the Norwegian communities across Posten newspaper headline. consider [The Sons of Norway] our found- way beyond soccer,” says Kruse, and indeed, North America. If you have an interesting ers…they are part of the USA Cup family,” most kids come away from the event with story you would like to see featured, contact says Barclay Kruse, Associate Director of memories that will last a lifetime. Adults Scott at [email protected]. the Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission who played in the tournament as kids today and Chief Communications Officer for the try their best to get their own kids to the USA National Sports Center. “The tournament’s Cup. “We hear the same thing from adults all < show “Sannheten bortenfor” (The Truth Beyond). roots are definitely in Norway.” the time – ‘it’s been a goal of mine to bring From page 1 “This has been exciting, and it will be The tournament grew and evolved fast, my team to the USA Cup,’” says Kruse. exciting,” says Holt, who will be working and with the 600-acre, 52-field National This year, there will be eight teams tering contracts with Americans is not done with some of the biggest names in Holly- Sports Center built in 1990 the USA Cup from Norway participating in the USA Cup. overnight,” Holt tells NRK. wood. Graham King is already a well-known gained notoriety. In 2007 the tournament at- “Typically the teams from Norway are pretty Graham King, CEO of the produc- producer, and has his name on Oscar-win- tracted over 1,000 teams for the first time, good,” says Kruse. Among the participants: tion company Initial Entertainment Group, ning productions such as “The Departed,” and has played host to several visiting soccer Four boys’ teams from Floro (this club is cel- bought the rights for the show about a char- “Hugo” and “The Aviator.” celebrities including Pele, Mia Hamm and ebrating their 100th anniversary, so they are acter named Hanne Wilhelmsen, who works Holt will also be part of the production Landon Donovan, among others. celebrating by attending USA CUP this year); for the Norwegian criminal investigation team, most likely as a producer together with July 13 – 21, 2012 will be the USA one boys’ team from Follo SFK in Oslo; one service. Anne Thomopoulos, who has worked on Cup’s 28th year. Each year the USA Cup girls team from Bærums Verk IF near Oslo; The company has according to Holt de- Rome and Generation Kill, and literary agent has the biggest annual economic impact in one girls team from Bøler IF, Oslo; and one cided to make one season of eight commer- Niclas Salomonsson. the state of Minnesota – even bigger than the girls team from IL Bjarg in Bergen. cial hours, based on the books “1222” and “great Minnesota get-together,” otherwise “Norway is one of the most loyal attend- known as the State Fair. Despite its impor- ing countries,” says Kruse. tance to the Minnesotan economy, it doesn’t The Schwan’s USA Cup is a unique and Our summer break is coming up! get the press hype the State Fair and other memorable experience for kids and adults The Weekly office will be closed July 13 – August 6. events seem to inspire. “It doesn’t get the alike. If you can’t make it this year, check media and publicity it deserves. It’s youth out their website at www.usacup.org. Follow No issues will be published July 20, 27, August 3 or 10. Regular printing will sports – which doesn’t get on the front page. along with Twitter, Facebook, and the tour- Full Service Agency With Experienced resume August 17.Norwegian God Sommer! Speaking Happy Consultants! Summer! And it’s soccer – which doesn’t get the me- nament’s own channel, Kick TV, where ten Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! dia attention it deserves as an international different episodes catch up with players and information will help you make wise travel sport,” says Kruse. coaches across the span of the tournament. Our daily specials and regularly updated informationdecisions will inhelp ayou make constantly wise travel changing decisions in world! a constantly changing world! 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I the silver in the 100m breaststroke in the Shipping $12.00 have had the medical responsibility for this, 2008 Games in Beijing. He won the gold and express a deep apology to the family that medal in the 100m breaststroke in the 2011 we failed to detect his heart disease before World Championships in Shanghai and had We carry a complete line of Scandinavian gifts and food at the Wooden Spoon! the fatality happened.” been tipped as one of Norway's best chances Call (972) 424-6867 or place your order online at www.woodenspoon.ws The report showed he had suffered the at a medal at the London Olympics in July. TRAVEL IN STYLE YOUR STYLE BUSINESS, ECONOMY EXTRA OR ECONOMY

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