Biol Invasions DOI 10.1007/s10530-017-1497-y


Invasive decrease microbial capacity to nitrify and denitrify compared to native California communities

Chelsea J. Carey . Joseph C. Blankinship . Valerie T. Eviner . Carolyn M. Malmstrom . Stephen C. Hart

Received: 25 September 2016 / Accepted: 26 June 2017 Ó Springer International Publishing AG 2017

Abstract Exotic invasions are a major driver dynamics, we measured inorganic N pools, nitrifica- of global environmental change that can significantly tion and denitrification potentials, and possible medi- alter the availability of limiting nutrients such as ating factors such as microbial biomass and soil pH in nitrogen (N). Beginning with European colonization experimental comprised of A. triuncialis of California, native grasslands were replaced almost and E. caput-medusae. We compared these measure- entirely by annual exotic grasses, many of which are ments with those from experimental grasslands con- now so ubiquitous that they are considered part of the taining: (1) native annuals and perennials and (2) regional flora (‘‘naturalized’’). A new wave of invasive naturalized exotic annuals. We found that A. triun- plants, such as triuncialis (Barb goatgrass) cialis and E. caput-medusae significantly reduced ion- - and caput-medusae (Medusahead), continue to exchange resin estimates of nitrate (NO3 ) availability spread throughout the state today. To determine as well as nitrification and denitrification potentials whether these new-wave invasive plants alter soil N compared to native communities. Active microbial biomass was also lower in invaded soils. In contrast, potential measurements of nitrification and denitrifi- Electronic supplementary material The online version of cation were similar between invaded and naturalized this article (doi:10.1007/s10530-017-1497-y) contains supple- mentary material, which is available to authorized users.

C. J. Carey Present Address: Environmental Systems Graduate Program, University of C. J. Carey (&) California, Merced, CA 95343, USA Point Blue Conservation Science, Petaluma, CA 94954, USA e-mail: [email protected] J. C. Blankinship Á S. C. Hart Life and Environmental Sciences and Sierra Nevada Present Address: Research Institute, University of California, Merced, J. C. Blankinship CA 95343, USA Department of Soil, Water, and Environmental Science, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA V. T. Eviner Department of Plant Sciences, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA

C. M. Malmstrom Department of Plant Biology and Graduate Program in Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, and Behavior, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA 123 C. J. Carey et al. communities. These results suggest that invasion by A. Protozoa, for example, are unicellular eukaryotes that triuncialis and E. caput-medusae may significantly can provide top-down control on N cycling by grazing alter the capacity for soil microbial communities to on bacteria. Although not always the case (Meisner nitrify or denitrify, and by extension alter soil N et al. 2014), these modifications can lead to plant-soil availability and rates of N transformations during feedbacks that facilitate the persistence of invasive invasion of remnant native-dominated sites. species (Kulmatiski 2006; Eviner et al. 2010) and potentially inhibit successful re-vegetation of desired Keywords Aegilops triuncialis Á Elymus caput- species (D’Antonio and Meyerson 2002; Suding et al. medusae Á Exotic plants Á Soil nitrogen availability Á 2004a; Corbin and D’Antonio 2011a). Plant invasion Á Protozoa Plant invasion frequently elevates soil N availabil- ity by increasing the rates of key N cycling processes, such as N mineralization and nitrification, though the magnitude and direction vary considerably across Introduction studies (Liao et al. 2008; Castro-Dı´ez et al. 2014). For instance, McLeod et al. (2016) found that four exotic occupy many ecosystems worldwide plant species, , Centaurea stoebe, and are considered an important driver of global Euphorbia esula, and Potentilla recta increased the environmental change (Vitousek et al. 1997; Tyliana- abundance of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, and in kis et al. 2008). Understanding the mechanisms by three of these cases this resulted in rapid increases in - which exotic plants invade, and the ecosystem effects soil NO3 compared to communities of native plant of invasion, are therefore a major priority for invasion species. However, the opposite effect is sometimes ecology and global change research. For decades, the observed, as in Dassonville et al. (2011), where it was mechanisms (e.g., the diversity-invasibility relation- demonstrated that invasion by Fallopia spp. lowered ship) and aboveground effects of plant invasion have potential rates of soil nitrification. Variability among been extensively studied (reviewed in Mack et al. results highlights the need for continued experimental 2000; Richardson and Pysˇek 2008). With a growing research that unravels the complexity of belowground appreciation for plant-soil interactions, research has responses to invasion (Kumschick et al. 2015)by also focused on understanding how key soil processes controlling for confounding variables such as pre- such as nutrient cycling respond and feed back to invaded site dynamics (Suding et al. 2004b; Kulma- influence invasive plant populations (Ehrenfeld 2003; tiski et al. 2006) and time since plant establishment Liao et al. 2008; Gaertner et al. 2014). (Strayer et al. 2006; Yelenik and D’Antonio 2013). Soil nitrogen (N) cycling is a process of particular Field-based experiments where plant communities are interest because N is a critical limiting nutrient for seeded in a ‘‘common garden’’ provide one promising plant growth (Vitousek and Howarth 1991) and can way to control for these confounding variables and have considerable effects on net primary production mechanistically capture changes to the soil with exotic (NPP), plant community composition (LeBauer and plant invasion. Treseder 2008), water eutrophication, and other In this study, we compare soil N cycling and ecosystem services. Exotic plant invasion can influ- microbial biomass across three experimental plant ence N cycling if traits of the invasive species differ communities that had been established for five years in from those of the displaced species. For example, California. These communities were comprised either invasive plants can alter N cycling by modifying of (1) a mix of native species commonly used in rooting structure and N uptake patterns, nutrient use California grassland restoration projects, (2) a mix of efficiency and litter quality, or phenology (Ehrenfeld naturalized exotics that have been dominant in Cali- 2003). Alterations to the soil microclimate (Eviner and fornia’s grasslands for over 250 years, or (3) two new- Chapin 2003), disturbance regimes (Mack and D’An- wave invasive grasses (Aegilops triuncialis and Ely- tonio 1998), bacterial and fungal community compo- mus caput-medusae) that are actively invading native sition (Stefanowicz et al. 2016; McLeod et al. 2016), and naturalized grasslands in California. Both of these and soil food webs (Clarholm 1985) can also mediate new-wave invasive species, which are winter annuals the effects of invasive plants on soil N cycling. native to Mediterranean Europe, can significantly 123 Invasive plants decrease microbial capacity reduce plant diversity and forage production in had been established for five years. In addition, we rangelands (Jacobsen 1929; reviewed in Nafus and measured the abundance of ciliates, flagellates, and Davies 2014). Aegilops triuncialis was introduced to amoeba (collectively protozoa) in April to determine the US in the early 1900s (first sighting in 1914; Peters whether shifts in N transformations appear to be linked et al. 1996) and is currently spreading throughout with changes in these bacterial grazers. California, Oregon, and Nevada (D’Antonio et al. 2007). Elymus caput-medusae was introduced in the late 1800s to Oregon (Bossard et al. 2000), infests at Methods least 1 million hectares in the western US, and in 2004 was estimated to increase its areal extent by 12% each Site description and experimental design year (Duncan et al. 2004). Previous work has shown that both A. triuncialis The experimental site, located in Davis, California and E. caput-medusae have litter qualities that can (38°32045.5200N, 121°47005.3700W), experiences a reduce decomposition and slow subsequent release of Mediterranean-type climate, with hot dry summers available N into the soil, potentially contributing to a and cool wet winters. In 2011, summer (June– self-sustaining feedback loop (Eviner et al. 2010; Baty September) and winter (December–February) mean 2012). Aegilops triuncialis litter, for instance, has high daily maximum air temperatures were 32.2 and carbon to nitrogen (C:N) and lignin to N mass ratios 13.8 °C, respectively. In 2012, mean daily maximum (Eviner 2004; Drenovsky and Batten 2007). In addi- air temperatures in summer were 33.3 °C and winter tion, E. caput-medusae litter contains much silica temperatures averaged 15.3 °C. In 2011 and 2012, (Bovey et al. 1961; Swenson et al. 1964), which can annual precipitation was 173 and 216 mm, respec- slow decomposition (Kaneko and Salamanca 1999)by tively. Long-term (1981–2010) averages for temper- limiting microbial metabolism of plant cell wall ature and precipitation in Davis, California are constituents (i.e., cellulose, lignin; Street 1974). 16.2 °C and 498 mm, respectively (Arguez et al. Although net N mineralization does not scale linearly 2012). The soils at this site are primarily ([75% of the with litter mass loss (Parton et al. 2007; Manzoni et al. area) of the Reiff series (coarse-loamy, mixed, super- 2008), it is possible that by retarding decomposition, active, nonacid, thermic Mollic Xerofluvents); the A. triunicalis and E. caput-medusae slow N release other soil series present (\25% of the area) is the from litter, reduce inorganic N pools, and alter Brentwood soil series (fine, smectitic, thermic Typic subsequent N transformations in invaded soils. At Haploxerepts) with a 0–2% slope (USDA Web Soil the same time, the delay in peak spring growth typical Survey, of A. triuncialis and E. caput-medusae (Peters et al. In the fall of 2007, experimental grassland com- 1996; Drenovsky and Batten 2007; Young and Man- munities were established in a fallow field, which prior gold 2008) leads to a late-spring peak in plant N uptake to 1985 had been cultivated for agriculture. Plots (compared with earlier peaks for both naturalized and measuring 1.5 9 1.5 m each were arranged in a native communities; Baty 2012). This could contribute randomized complete block design (8 blocks total) to prolonged plant uptake of inorganic N in invaded and seeded as communities of: (1) native species communities, thus removing comparatively more N (Bromus carinatus, Elymus glaucus, Elymus triti- from the soil over time. Consequently, we hypothe- coides, Acmispon americanus, Lupinus bicolor, Stipa sized that A. triuncialis and E. caput-medusae would pulchra, Poa secunda, and Festuca microstachys); (2) reduce N availability, potential rates of nitrification naturalized annual species (Avena fatua, Bromus and denitrification, and microbial biomass relative to hordeaceus, Festuca perennis, and Trifolium subter- those in native plant communities (Hypothesis 1), and/ raneum); or (3) new-wave invasive annual species or communities of naturalized exotics (Hypothesis 2). (Aegilops triuncialis and Elymus caput-medusae). To test these hypotheses, we measured soil ammonium Experimental communities were seeded to reflect a ? - (NH4 ) and nitrate (NO3 ), potential rates of nitrifi- mix of the most common species in each of these cation and denitrification, and total active microbial community types. In California grasslands, composi- biomass (substrate induced respiration) seasonally in tion varies greatly from year to year, with dominant experimental semi-arid grassland communities that species in one year becoming relatively rare in another 123 C. J. Carey et al.

(Hobbs and Mooney 1995; Hobbs et al. 2007; Eviner 2011–2012 during periods representative of the major 2016). Our goal in planting the treatments was to seasons (October—warm and wet; January—cool and introduce key common species of that particular wet; April—warm and wet; July—hot and dry). At community type, but to allow the relative proportion each sampling date, we took five mineral soil cores of these species to vary by treatment and over time. (1.9 cm diameter 9 15 cm deep) per plot and com- Prior to seeding, of the existing seed bined them into a single sample in order to account for bank was stimulated through irrigation, and plants that within-plot spatial variability. For all soil analyses, germinated were treated with the non-selective herbi- there were 8 replicates per treatment (n = 8), except cide . In each 1.5 9 1.5 m plot, a total of for April 2011 in which case there were 10 replicates 139 g of seed was added, with an equal proportion of (n = 10). Field-moist soils were sieved (2 mm) and each species by weight in the mixture. Seed source is the \2 mm fraction was retained and stored at 4 °C provided in Online Resource 1. Plant species were until analysis. All samples were processed within allowed to vary in abundance (Online Resource 1); 3 weeks of collection, with more time-sensitive anal- however, non-planted species were weeded periodi- yses (e.g., KCl extractions of inorganic N) occurring cally. We assessed species percent cover during the within 48 h of sampling. spring of each year, at the time of peak flowering (of To supplement the collection and analysis of soil the late-season species). Here, vegetation cover in the cores, we measured a number of in situ soil param- inner 1 m2 area of each plot was assessed using a eters. Soil temperature was measured every sampling modified Daubenmire approach with 10 cover classes date using a traceable metal thermometer (Control (0–5, 5–20, 20–30, 30–40, 40–50, 50–60, 60–70, Company, Friendswood, TX, USA) at 7.5 cm depth. 70–80, 80–90, 90–100%). Because the same observer We also measured volumetric water content (VWC) at assessed all plots across all years, we were confident in each sampling date using a Time-Domain Reflec- the consistency of these smaller cover class bins, tometer (TDR; MiniTrase, Soil Moisture Equipment which allowed for greater sensitivity to assess changes Corp., Santa Barbara, CA, USA). Fifteen-cm long in cover (Bureau of Land Mangement 1996; Bonham TDR probes were inserted vertically into the soil in 2013). Native, naturalized, and invaded plant com- October 2011 and 30 cm long probes were installed munities were distinct in plant composition from the adjacent to the 15 cm probes in January 2012 (n = 6 time of plot establishment through 2012 (Online per treatment per depth). This design allowed mea- Resources 2 and 3). In 2012, native, naturalized, and surement of VWC within 0–15 cm and 15–30 cm soil invasive cover of native plots averaged (respectively): layers. Finally, we buried ion-exchange resin (IER) 70, 10, and 10% in native plots; 0, 40, and 50% in bags to estimate N availability over time (see ‘Nitro- naturalized plots; 0, 0, 90% in invaded plots. During gen Availability’ below). Ion-exchange resin bags the year of soil collection, the perennial plant Elymus were prepared by adding 15 mL (approximately 8 g glaucus dominated native plant communities (Online wet weight, 4 g oven-dry equivalent) of cation and Resource 1), and N-fixing species (Acmispon ameri- anion resin beads (J.T. Baker Mixed Bed Exchange canus, Lupinus bicolor, Trifolium subterraneum) were Resin, IONAC NM-60 H?/OH- Form, Type 1, 16–50 absent or nearly absent from all treatments (minimiz- Mesh) into undyed nylon-mesh stockings that were ing their effect on N dynamics at the time of subsequently tied shut. One bag was buried in each sampling). plot at a depth of 7.5 cm in mineral soil (bags were inserted into an undisturbed soil profile face by digging a small access hole) and incubated for an Sample collection average of 6 weeks (n = 12). After the end of the incubation period, resin bags were removed and Semi-arid, Mediterranean-type ecosystems experience exchanged with new resin bags (using the same hole strong seasonality in temperature and especially at 7.5 cm depth). The first bags were buried on precipitation, thus the relative effects of plant com- October 18, 2011 and the last bags were removed on munity composition on soil properties may vary August 31, 2012, totaling eight incubation periods; considerably throughout the year. Hence, we sampled some of the removal and insertion dates corresponded in April 2011 and four additional times throughout with soil sampling dates. 123 Invasive plants decrease microbial capacity

Soil properties Potential nitrification and denitrification

Each soil sample was analyzed for gravimetric soil Potential rates of nitrification were measured using a moisture, total carbon (C) and N, and pH. Gravimetric shaken soil-slurry method as described by Hart et al. soil moisture was determined by drying soil subsam- (1994). By creating optimal conditions for (bacterial) ples at 105 °C until constant mass. Because total nitrification (Ouyang et al. 2016), this 24-h incubation carbon (C) and N were not expected to show strong estimates the population size of nitrifying microor- seasonal variation (Binkley and Hart 1989), we ground ganisms in the soil, and therefore approximates in situ soil subsamples to a fine powder and combined nitrification rates likely experienced over longer samples from individual plots over the four sampling periods of time. Briefly, 100 mL of a solution ? 3- dates for these analyses (October 2011–July 2012). containing 1.5 mM of NH4 and 1 mM of PO4 These plot composites were then analyzed on an (pH 7.2) was added to 15 g field-moist soil in a Elemental Combustion System (Costech Analytical 250 mL flask. Flasks were capped with a rubber Technologies Inc., Valencia, CA, USA). Soil pH was stopper containing a hole and placed on an orbital measured using a pH electrode (Orion DUAL STAR shaker at 180 rpm for 24 h. Sampling occurred at 2, 4, meter, Thermo Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA) after 22, and 24 h by removing a 10 mL aliquot of the allowing 15 g fresh weight soil to equilibrate with suspension from each flask and centrifuging at

30 mL 0.01 CaCl2 for 30 min (the soil slurry was 8,0009g for 8 min. This sampling scheme was mixed continuously during measurement). deemed the most efficient approach for estimating - change in NO3 over time, given that for a variety of - Nitrogen availability soils the rate of NO3 production has been confirmed as linear from 2 h to more than 36 h (Hart et al. 1994). Soil available N was measured using two indices: After centrifugation, 5 mL of supernatant was then instantaneous estimates of KCl-extractable inorganic placed into a disposable polypropylene tube, capped, ? - - N pools (NH4 -N and NO3 -N) and IER bag time- and stored at -20 °C until analysis for NO3 on a integrated estimates of in situ inorganic N availability. Lachat AE Flow Injection Autoanalyzer. Concentra- ? Measurements of inorganic N pools estimate plant- tions of NH4 were also analyzed from these samples available N at one point in time, whereas IER bags to check that nitrification never became limited by ? approximate relative differences in N availability, NH4 . in situ, over time (Binkley and Matson 1983; Binkley Similar to nitrification potential, denitrification 1984). Prior work has found IER measurements relate potential measures the in situ denitrifying enzyme well to other soil N transformations such as net N activity of soils. We measured denitrification potential mineralization and nitrification that affect N avail- using a protocol developed by Smith and Tiedge ability in soil (Binkley and Hart 1989; Lajtha 1988). (1979). Briefly, non-limiting conditions were created - We estimated instantaneous inorganic N pool sizes by amending 50 g field-moist soil with NO3 and — -1 -1 by extracting 15 g field-moist soil with 100 mL of labile C (0.1 g NO3 Nkg soil, 1 g glucose-C kg 2 M KCl. Samples were shaken on a mechanical soil, and 1 g glutamic acid-C kg soil-1) in a 250 mL shaker for 1 h, filtered using pre-leached (with deion- flask. The flasks were sealed with a rubber stopper and ized water) Whatman No. 1 filter paper, and stored at septum and 20 mL of acetylene was added to inhibit

-20 °C until analysis on a Lachat AE Flow Injection the reduction of N2OtoN2. The soils were incubated Autoanalyzer (Lachat Instruments, Inc., Loveland, anaerobically on an orbital shaker (180 rpm) for CO, USA). Ion-exchange resin bags, once removed 90 min; 15 mL of the headspace was sampled at 30 from the field, were immediately air-dried, weighed, and 90 min. Gas samples were stored in evacuated Ò and placed into 125 mL flasks, to which 50 mL of 2 M Exetainer until analysis for N2O production on a KCl was added. Samples were then shaken uncovered Shimadzu GC-2014 electron capture detector (Shi- for 1 h on an orbital shaker, filtered, and stored at madzu Corporation, Columbia, MD, USA). Values of

-20 °C until analysis of filtrate on a Lachat AE Flow N2O produced were used to estimate the overall size of Injection Autoanalyzer. the denitrifying microbial community.

123 C. J. Carey et al.

Microbial biomass and accumulated (IER) inorganic N pools, nitrifica- tion and denitrification potential, microbial biomass Microbial biomass was estimated using two methods (SIR), soil water content, and temperature. In this that provide complementary information. Substrate procedure, least square means were calculated, and induced respiration (SIR) was measured at all four the model was fit using the Restricted Maximum sampling dates from October 2011–July 2012 (n = 8 Likelihood (REML) method. In the model, plant plots) and microscopic enumeration was measured community type was designated as the between-plot only in April 2011 (n = 10 plots). By measuring CO2 effect (fixed), and sampling date as the within-plot production, SIR estimates those microorganisms that effect (fixed). Block was also included as a random are active and glucose-responsive (Wardle and Ghani effect in each model. A two-way ANOVA was used 1995), while direct enumeration allows for the sepa- to assess significant treatment differences in bacte- rate quantification of bacteria, fungi, and protozoa rial biomass, fungal biomass, total microbial bio- (Paul et al. 1999). mass, and fungi/bacteria mass ratio, because these Substrate induced respiration was modified from measurements were sampled only once. When West and Sparling (1986). Fifteen grams of field-moist necessary, response variables were transformed for soil was weighed into 250 mL flasks and 30 mL of a normality and homogeneity of variance. All fig- -1 glucose solution (30 g glucose l H2O) was added to ures present values as untransformed. A non-para- each. The flasks were sealed with a rubber stopper and metric Kruskal–Wallis test was used to assess septum and placed on a shaker (180 rpm) for 2.5 h. At significant treatment differences in protozoan bio- 0.5, 1.5, and 2.5 h, 15 mL of the headspace was mass because the assumptions of normality could Ò sampled for CO2 and stored in evacuated Exetainer not be fulfilled through transformations. We used until analysis on a Shimadzu GC-2014 thermal pre-planned contrasts to make comparisons between conductivity detector. Changes in [CO2] over time invaded and native (Hypothesis 1) and invaded and were used to calculate microbial biomass (West and naturalized treatment (Hypothesis 2) means when Sparling 1986). plant community type in the overall model was In April of 2011, samples (10 g) were shipped significant (a = 0.05). We did not compare native overnight to Soil Food Web, Inc. (Corvallis OR, USA) to naturalized communities, as this did not address where subgroups of protozoa were differentiated and our hypotheses. When date was significant in the enumerated by direct counting of serial dilutions using overall model, a Tukey HSD post hoc analysis was microscopy. The direct counts were then used to used to make comparisons among sampling dates. In estimate total protozoa population sizes using the most some cases, a percent difference was calculated probable number approach (Darbyshire et al. 1974). between two plant community types to illustrate the Soil Food Web Inc. also estimated total bacteria and magnitude of effect, where the difference fungi in the soil samples. Total bacteria was estimated (%) = (((Treatment - Control)/Control) 9 100). by direct counting using a fluorescein isothiocyanate To further visualize the soil parameters and their (FITC) method (Babiuk and Paul 1970) and fungal relationship to plant community type, we performed a biomass was calculated by measuring the diameter and principal components analysis (PCA) using a stan- length of hyphae (Lodge and Ingham 1991). We dardized covariance matrix approach. In addition to converted bacterial and fungal biomass measurements the PCA, we performed a multi-response permutation from mg kg-1 soil to mg C kg-1 soil by dividing by 2, procedure (MRPP) based on Euclidian distance to test assuming that approximately 50% of microbial for significant differences in soil properties between biomass is C (Bratbak and Dundas 1984). plant community types (Mielke et al. 1981). The MRPP is a non-parametric procedure that tests the null hypothesis of no difference between groups. We Statistical analysis performed MRPP in R Version 3.2.4 (R Core Team 2016) using the Vegan package 2.3-3 (Oksanen et al. A repeated-measures split-plot analysis was used to 2016) and the ‘Strata’ function to account for block. assess significant effects of treatment (‘‘plant com- All other analyses were performed in JMP Pro 12.0.1 munity type’’) and sampling date on instantaneous (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). 123 Invasive plants decrease microbial capacity

Results ratio in native soils was significantly higher during the winter and spring sampling periods (Fig. 1a, e). Invaded versus native plant communities However, we found highly significant main effects of season on most measured soil variables (Online Nitrogen dynamics of invaded and native soils showed Resource 4 and 6). As expected for a Mediterranean- several notable differences. During the months of type climate, soils were wettest November through January, February, and April, invaded communities April, driest in August (Fig. 4a, b), and soil temper- - had less plant available (IER) soil NO3 than native ature increased from January to July (Table 1; Online - ? - communities and a lower IER NO3 to NH4 ratio Resource 7). In addition, soil NO3 concentrations - ? (Fig. 1a, e, IER-NO3 Treatment 9 Date interaction, were highest in April, whereas NH4 concentrations - ? P = 0.012; IER-NO3 /NH4 Treatment 9 Date peaked in July (Fig. 1b, d). Potential rates of nitrifi- interaction, P = 0.029, Online Resource 4). In addi- cation and denitrification were highest in January and tion, compared to native plant communities, invaded July (Fig. 2a, b), and July also showed a peak in SIR communities had significantly lower nitrification (Fig. 2c). (percent change: -27.3%) and denitrification (percent For a more holistic and integrated evaluation of soil change: -40.6%) potentials (nitrification P \ 0.001, properties (Sena et al. 2002), we paired a PCA with an Fig. 2a; denitrification P = 0.001, Fig. 2b, Online MRPP test of significance. The MRPP confirmed that, Resource 4). However, in contrast, pools of when all soil parameters were taken into account, - extractable NO3 did not differ between invaded and invaded and native soils differed more than expected native soils (Fig. 1b), nor did pools of by chance (Fig. 5). This can be observed visually with ? ? extractable NH4 or IER-NH4 (Fig. 1c, d). the PCA, which consistently distinguished invaded Of the microbial measurements, only soil active soils from native soils (Fig. 5). In October, January, microbial biomass was significantly affected by plant April, and July, the first two axes of the PCA explained community type. Specifically, soil active microbial 60, 50, 43, and 58% of the variation in the data, biomass was reduced in invaded compared to native respectively. The soil indicators that contributed to plant communities (P \ 0.001, Fig. 2c, Online separation between native and invaded soils along ? Resource 4). Total fungi and bacteria, measured using PC1 in October included nitrification potential, NH4 direct enumeration, did not significantly differ concentration, and VWC at 0–15 cm depth. In between native and invaded plant communities January, these indicators included nitrification poten- - (Fig. 3a), nor did the abundances of flagellates, tial, NO3 concentration, and active microbial bio- ciliates, or amoeba (Fig. 3b, Online Resource 5). mass (SIR). In April quite a few indicators contributed Similarly, other measured physical and chemical soil to the separation between native and invaded soils properties, including gravimetric water content, tem- along PC1, including nitrification potential, IER- - - ? perature, pH, and total C and N, remained unaffected NO3 and NO3 concentration, IER-NH4 , and active by plant community type (Table 1, Online Resource microbial biomass. Finally, native and invaded soils 6). Volumetric water content at 0–15 cm depth tended separated along the PC2 axis in July, and the soil to be lower in invaded compared to native soils, indicators contributing to this separation included ? although this effect was only near significant nitrification potential, denitrification potential, NH4 (P = 0.06, Fig. 4a, Online Resource 6). Volumetric concentration, and active microbial biomass. water content at 15–30 cm depth was also statistically indistinguishable between the two plant community Invaded versus naturalized plant communities types (Fig. 4b, Online Resource 6). Based on the repeated measures split-plot analysis, During the year we sampled, invasive plants had - - ? ion exchange resin-NO3 and IER-NO3 /NH4 ratios established in the naturalized plant communities, were the only measurements where plant community rendering plant composition between these two com- type interacted significantly with sampling date (On- munity types less distinct than previous years (see line Resource 4). Specifically, compared to native ‘‘Methods’’). Overall, we found few statistically communities, invaded soils showed diminished sea- significant differences in N dynamics between invaded - - ? - sonality of IER-NO3 , such that the IER-NO3 /NH4 and naturalized plots. The IER-NO3 and the IER- 123 C. J. Carey et al.

2.0 Invaded 8.0 ) (A) *** Naturalized (B) -1 Native 1.5 *** *** 6.0 - 3

* dry soil)

1.0 -1 Pools 4.0 dry resin d - 3 -1 IER-NO 0.5 NO 2.0 (mg N kg

(mg N kg 0 0 2.0 ) (C) 8.0 (D) -1

1.5 6.0 + 4 dry soil) -1 1.0 Pools + dry resin d

4 4.0 -1 IER-NH NH 0.5 2.0 (mg N kg (mg N kg 0 0

10.0 (E) *** 30.0 (F) + 4 8.0 /NH Pools - 3

* + 6.0 4 20.0 ** . /NH

** - 4.0 ** 3 10.0 2.0 Ratio IER NO Ratio NO 0 0 ay Nov Jan Feb Apr M Jul Aug Oct Jan Apr Jul Date Date

- Fig. 1 Soil inorganic N availability of native, naturalized, and type 9 date interaction for IER-NO3 (split plot analysis, - ? invaded plant communities over time (November 2011–August P = 0.012) and IER-NO3 /NH4 ratio (split plot analysis, - – 2012). a Ion-exchange (IER) resin NO3 -N, b extractable NO3 P = 0.029). Asterisks above naturalized or native plant com- ? ? N pools, c IER resin NH4 -N, d extractable NH4 -N pools, munity bars indicate significant differences from the invaded - ? e ratio of IER-NO3 -N to IER-NH4 -N, f ratio of community (determined by date-specific contrast analyses for - ? - - ? • extractable NO3 -N to NH4 -N pools. Vertical bars denote IER-NO3 and IER-NO3 /NH4 ratio, P \ 0.1, *P \ 0.05, ±1 SE of the mean (IER measurements, n = 12; pools of **P \ 0.01, ***P \ 0.001). Note variations in Y-axis scale inorganic N, n = 8). There was a significant plant community

- ? NO3 /NH4 ratio were the only measurements of Of the microbial biomass measurements, active inorganic N availability that were affected by plant microbial biomass was lower in invaded compared to - community type. The IER-NO3 was lower in invaded naturalized soils (P = 0.002, Fig. 2c, Online compared to naturalized soils only during February Resource 4). Direct count measurements of amoeba - (Fig. 1a, IER-NO3 Treatment 9 Date interaction, (P = 0.016, Fig. 3b) and total protozoa (cili- - ? P = 0.012, Online Resource 4). The IER-NO3 /NH4 ates ? flagellates ? amoeba; P = 0.009, Fig. 4b) ratio was significantly lower in invaded compared to were also lower in invaded soils. However, total naturalized soils only during January and February fungi, bacteria, fungi:bacteria ratio, and other proto- - ? (IER-NO3 /NH4 Treatment 9 Date interaction, zoan subgroups were similar between the two plant - P = 0.029, Online Resource 4). Soil NO3 concen- community types (Fig. 3a, b, Online Resource 5). In ? trations remained unaffected, as did NH4 concentra- addition, soil VWR at 0–15 and 15–30 cm depth did ? tions and IER-NH4 (Fig. 1b–d, Online Resource 4). not differ between these two plant community types Moreover, nitrification and denitrification potentials (Fig. 4a, b, Online Resource 6), nor did any of the did not differ between soils of invaded and naturalized measured soil physical and chemical properties listed plant communities across any of the sampling dates in Table 1, including soil gravimetric water content, (Fig. 2a, b). temperature, pH, and total C and N (Table 1, Online

123 Invasive plants decrease microbial capacity

12.0 Invaded *** *** Naturalized (A)

) Native

-1 10.0 *** 8.0 *** ***

6.0 dry soil d -1 4.0

2.0 Nitrification Potential (mg N kg


) 50.0 *** (B) -1 *** 40.0 ***

dry soil h 30.0 -1

20.0 *** O-N kg 2 10.0 Denitrification Potential (mg N 0 500.0 *** (C) *** *** *** *** 400.0 *** *** ***

300.0 dry soil) -1


(mg C kg 100.0

Substrate Induced Respiration 0 Apr 2011 Oct 2011 Jan 2012 Apr 2012 Jul 2012 Date

Fig. 2 Plant community-type effects on a Nitrification poten- naturalized or native plant community bars indicate significant tial, b denitrification potential, and c active microbial biomass differences from the invaded community (determined by (SIR) over time. Vertical bars ±1 SE of the mean (n = 10 for contrast analyses, •P \ 0.1, *P \ 0.05, **P \ 0.01, April 2011; n = 8 for October 2011–August 2012). The effects ***P \ 0.001). Active microbial biomass and denitrification of plant community type did not depend on time (no significant potential were not measured in April 2011. Note variations in plant community type 9 date interactions). Asterisks above Y-axis scale

Resource 6). The PCA and MRPP failed to distinguish 2000). In this study, we examined how A. triuncialis between invaded and naturalized soils (Fig. 5), further and E. caput-medusae, two problematic new-wave illustrating the similarity in soil parameters beneath invasive species in the western US, influence soil N these two plant community types. availability and microbial activity compared to native and naturalized plant communities in Mediterranean- climate California. While the impacts of native versus Discussion invasive plants in California grasslands vary by study (reviewed in Eviner and Firestone 2007), we hypoth- Invaded versus native plant communities esized that due to greater plant uptake of N (Peters et al. 1996; Drenovsky and Batten 2007) and lower Understanding how invasive plants influence the litter quality of A. triuncialis and E. caput-medusae availability and cycling of N is important given that (Eviner 2004; Drenovsky and Batten 2007), a mixture soil N underlies the provisioning of many ecosystem of these two invasive plants would reduce inorganic N services (e.g., greenhouse gas production), and that pools, potential rates of nitrification and denitrifica- changes in soil N availability can cause invasive tion, and microbial biomass compared to plant com- species populations to persist at a site (Davis et al. munities that are native to California.

123 C. J. Carey et al.

700.0 Invaded (A) 600.0 Naturalized Native 500.0 F:B Ratio 400.0

dry soil 2 -1 300.0 1 0

mg C kg 200.0


0 Total Fungi Total Bacteria F:B Ratio Microbial Biomass Microbial Subgroup ** 40 106 (B)

** 30.0 Ciliates 5 105

dry soil) 4 -1 3 20.0 2 1 Abundance 0

10.0 (Organisms kg

0 Ciliates Flagellates Amoeba Total Protozoa Protozoa Subgroup

Fig. 3 Plant community effects on direct count measurements are means ± 1 SE of the mean (n = 10). Asterisks above of a total fungi, total bacteria, fungi to bacteria ratio (F:B ratio), naturalized or native plant community bars indicate significant and microbial biomass (total fungi ? total bacteria), and differences from the invaded community (determined by b ciliates, flagellates, amoeba, and total protozoa (sum of the Kruskal–Wallis post hoc comparison, •P \ 0.1, *P \ 0.05, three subgroups). Samples were collected in April 2011. Values **P \ 0.01, ***P \ 0.001). Note variations in Y-axis scale

In support of this hypothesis, we found that A. soil inorganic N availability in this system. This is triuncialis and E. caput-medusae decreased IER- congruent with the idea that N from decomposing litter - NO3 , potential nitrification rates, and potential is often incorporated into soil organic matter rather ? denitrification rates compared to native plant commu- than released into the soil solution as NH4 , and that ? nities. However, KCl-extractable measures of NH4 litter quality therefore minimally impacts N availabil- - and NO3 remained constant, indicating that in this ity within a given site (Knops et al. 2002). Regardless ecosystem—like others (Binkley and Hart 1989; Qian of the mechanism(s), our findings agree with prior and Schoenau 2002)—time-integrated in situ mea- studies on A. triuncialis and E. caput-medusae sures such as IER bags can provide greater power to demonstrating reduced decomposition rates, lower detect relative changes in soil N availability. soil total N, and a decline in microbial biomass N in Our study was not able to disentangle the relative invaded soils (Canals et al. 2005; Drenovsky and influences of plant N uptake and litter decomposition Batten 2007; Perkins et al. 2011). Our findings further on soil inorganic N pools and transformations. How- indicate that the effects of invasive plants can ever, Baty (2012) measured plant biomass N, decom- ultimately reduce the capacity of the soil microbial position, and litter N loss from the same plots at our community to both nitrify and denitrify. site one year prior to our study. Results from that work Although not always the case (Carey et al. 2015; indicate that plant N uptake may be more important Gornish et al. 2016), invasive plants may indirectly than short-term (\1 year) decomposition in regulating alter N transformations by influencing the size and

123 Invasive plants decrease microbial capacity

.0) composition of soil microbial communities (Hawkes d et al. 2005; Dassonville et al. 2011; Piper et al. 2015). C:N This includes eukaryotic microorganisms, such as 1

- protozoa, which graze on bacteria and archaea (Clarholm 1985; Griffiths 1989). We found that total active microbial biomass was lower in invaded soils (in accordance with our hypothesis); however, the soil) Total N (g kg abundances of ciliates, flagellates, and amoeba

1 remained unchanged between invasive and native - plant communities even five years after the plant communities were established (Fig. 3). This suggests that A. triuncialis and E. caput-medusae did not indirectly alter potential microbial activity or avail- Total C (g kg soil) able N through their effects on soil protozoa. Only a few other studies have measured how soil protozoans

0.05) change with plant invasion, and these studies have

\ found results similar to ours (Belnap et al. 2005; P Batten et al. 2006). For instance, the abundance of c protozoa in a semi-arid desert did not respond to C) ° Bromus tectorum invasion, even when the site had been invaded for more than 50 years (Belnap et al. 2005). In addition, while Centaurea solstitialis increased the PLFA biomarker for protozoa in newly Temperature ( invaded serpentine soils, this biomarker reverted back to uninvaded levels after 2–3 years of C. solstitialis establishment (Batten et al. 2006). In the same study, A. triuncialis invaded soils showed no significant shift in the PLFA biomarker for protozoa. Although it is possible that other soil fauna (e.g., nematodes) may provide top-down control on soil nutrient cycling (Djigal et al. 2010;Baty2012), the stability of protozoan biomass between plant communities sug- gests protozoan grazing on bacteria is not likely b

pH responsible for altering nutrient availability or micro- bial activity of invaded soils. The disparity in potential nitrification and denitri- fication of invaded and native soils has implications for restoration because native perennials are often used to re-vegetate sites after the removal of invasive solution

2 species (Stromberg et al. 2007). If legacies of altered

8). There were no differences among treatments for any of the soil characteristics ( microbial activity persist after the removal of A. = triuncialis and E. caput-medusae, as has been shown

a with other invasive plants (Corbin and D’antonio SE (n

± 2004; Corbin and D’Antonio 2011a), native species may become less competitive which would inhibit Oct Jan Apr Jul Oct Jan Apr Julsuccessful Oct Jan Apr reestablishment Jul (Grman and Suding 2010). Soil characteristics from 0–15 cm depth associated with each plant community type Recent work suggests that this may indeed be the case. For example, E. caput-medusae has been shown to pH measured in 0.01 M CaCl Soil total carbon (C) to nitrogen (N) mass ratio. Soil total C and N were determined on samples pooled across all four sampling dates Gravimetric water content Temperature measured at 7.5 cm depth Native 16.7 (0.8) 14.8 (1.0) 20.6 (0.4) 5.8 (0.4) 6.6 (0.0) 6.6 (0.0) 6.7 (0.0) 6.5 (0.1) – 8.1 (0.2) 14.0 (1.0) 29.7 (1.0) 12.9 (0.1) 1.3 (0.0) 9.6 (0.0) InvadedNaturalized 16.8 15.8 (0.6) (0.8) 15.5 14.6 (0.6) (0.4) 20.0 21.1 (0.3) (0.5) 5.8 5.0 (0.3) (0.2) 6.6 6.6 (0.0) (0.0) 6.6 6.6 (0.1) (0.0) 6.7 6.7 (0.0) (0.1) 6.6 6.6 (0.1) (0.1) – – 8.2 8.0 (0.3) (0.5) 13.0 13.4 (0.7) (0.6) 29.3 30.9 (1.0) (0.7) 12.1 12.3 (0.1) (0.1) 1.3 1.3 (0.0) (0.0) 9.5 9.6 (0.0) (0 Table 1 Treatment GWC (%) Values are mean a b c d generate soil feedbacks by altering soil nutrient 123 C. J. Carey et al.

Fig. 4 Mean soil 30 (A) 0 - 15 cm Invaded volumetric water content at Naturalized a 0–15 cm and b 15–30 cm Native soil depth for native, naturalized, and invaded 20 plant communities. Values are means ± 1SE(n= 6). Volumetric water content 15–30 cm values are not 10 presented for October and November 2011 because

0–30 cm TDR probes were Volumetric Water Content (%) not installed at that time. 0 Note variations in Y-axis (B) 15 - 30 cm scale 40



10 Volumetric Water Content (%) 0 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct 2011-12

availability (in sandy loam soils) and microbial Invaded versus naturalized plant communities community composition (in clay soils), resulting in their increased performance relative to the native We further predicted that the two invasive plants, A. species (Perkins and Nowak 2013; Perkins et al. 2015). triuncialis and E. caput-medusae, would reduce In contrast, evidence of feedbacks for A. triuncialis inorganic N pools and potential rates of nitrification have been mixed. Batten et al. (2008) suggested that A. and denitrification compared to naturalized exotic triuncialis reduced the success of native plant species plant communities. Contradicting this hypothesis, by altering the soil microbial community composition nitrification and denitrification potentials were similar (e.g., increasing the biomarker for arbuscular mycor- in soils beneath invaded and naturalized plant com- rhizal fungi); however, Perkins and Nowak (2013) munities. Most of the other measured soil parameters - found that A. triuncialis caused no apparent plant-soil were also similar, with the exception of IER-NO3 feedbacks affecting con or heterospecific perfor- (lower in invaded soils during January), and active mance. Our work demonstrates that these two invasive microbial biomass, amoeba, and total protozoa (lower - plants reduce NO3 availability, active microbial in invaded soils). Unfortunately, our ability to tease biomass, and the potential for soil communities to out the effects of these two communities may be nitrify and denitrify compared to experimental native limited by crossover of E. caput-medusae into the plant communities. These differences could possibly naturalized treatment plots; while the naturalized help to sustain A. triuncialis and E. caput-medusae species had nearly full cover for the first three growing populations to the detriment of restoration efforts. seasons, their cover dropped to 80% in 2011, and 40% Future work should focus on understanding whether in 2012 as E. caput-medusae increased in prevalence and for how long these changes in soil conditions (Online Resource 1). However, in 2010–2011 when persist, and the consequences that the observed the plant composition of these two communities were changes in microbial activity may have for successful still intact (Online Resource 1), Baty (2012) reported establishment of native plant communities. findings similar to ours, where invaded and naturalized

123 Invasive plants decrease microbial capacity

Fig. 5 4 1.0 Principal Treatment components analysis (PCA) Invaded (A) October 3 Naturalized SIR NO - Pool of plant community type 3 Native Denitrification (symbols; left panel) and soil 2 0.5 NH + Pool parameters (vectors; right 4 1 panel) separated by sample 0 0.0 period (a–d). Red circle VWC invaded plant community; -1 green cross native plant Nitrification Component 2 (28.0%) community; blue diamond Component 2 (28.0%) -2 -0.5 pH naturalized plant Invaded~Native: -3 A = 0.05, P = 0.02 community. SIR substrate Invaded~Naturalized: GWC A = -0.02, P = 0.41 induced respiration, VWC -4 -1.0 volumetric water content; -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 GWC gravimetric water Component 1 (31.5 %) Component 1 (31.5 %) 6 1.0 content; IERNH4 and - IER-NH + IER-NO January 4 3 IERNO3 ion-exchange resin (B) ? - NH and NO 4 4 3 Denitrification availability, NH4Pool and 0.5 GWC NO3Pool KCl 2 NH + Pool extractable concentrations 4 SIR ? - 0.0 of soil NH4 and NO3 . The 0 pH Nitrification soil indicators that Temperature NO - Pool contributed to separation -2 3

between native and invaded Component 2 (23.5 %) -0.5 Component 2 (23.5 %) soils along PC1 in October -4 Invaded~Native: A = 0.06, P = 0.02 included nitrification Invaded~Naturalized: ? A = -0.04, P = 0.78 potential, NH4 -6 -1.0 concentration, and VWC at -6 -4 -2 0246 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 0–15 cm depth. In January, Component 1 (26.2 %) Component 1 (26.2 %) these indicators included 3 1.0 - April nitrification potential, NO3 (C) VWC concentration, and active 2 microbial biomass (SIR). In 0.5 GWC April, PC1 indicators 1 pH - NO3 Pool included nitrification NH + Pool Nitrification - 4 potential, IER-NO3 and 0 0.0 IER-NO - - 3 NO3 concentration, IER- ? Temperature NH4 , and active microbial -1 + IER-NH4 SIR biomass. Finally, native and Component 2 (19.3 %) -0.5 Component 2 (19.3 %) invaded soils separated -2 Invaded~Native: A = 0.27, P = 0.01 along the PC2 axis in July, Invaded~Naturalized: Denitrification A = 0.04, P = 0.14 and the soil indicators -3 -1.0 contributing to this -3 -2 -1 0123 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 separation included Component 1 (24.2 %) Component 1 (24.2 %) nitrification potential, 8 1.0 NH + Pool denitrification potential, (D) July SIR 4 6 ? Denitrification NH4 concentration, and Nitrification active microbial biomass. 4 0.5

Results of MRPP are also IER-NH + GWC 4 presented, where 2 pH VWC - IER-NO3 A = percent change and 0 0.0 NO - Pool P = P value. Note 3 variations in X and Y-axis -2

scales Component 2 (25.5 %) Component 2 (25.5 %) -4 -0.5 Temperature Invaded~Native: -6 A = 0.33, P = 0.02 Invaded~Naturalized: A = 0.06, P = 0.10 -8 -1.0 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Component 1 (32.2 %) Component 1 (32.2 %)

123 C. J. Carey et al. treatments had similar rates of net N mineralization Conclusion and net nitrification. This suggests that our findings are robust, and that other explanations for these similar- We have demonstrated that—compared to native plant ities may exist beyond crossover between treatment communities—the invasive species A. triuncialis and - plots. E. caput-medusae reduce soil inorganic NO3 avail- One possible explanation is that differences in ability and the abundance of microbes involved in important morphological or physiological character- nitrification and denitrification. It follows that gaseous - istics between these two particular plant community (N2O, N2) or aqueous (NO3 ) loss of N may be lower assemblages were not large enough to induce changes in invaded soils, and that changes to N availability by in N pools and transformations. Indeed, the effects of these invasive species may inhibit native plant an invasive plant can depend on how functionally restoration. In contrast, very few differences were distinct it is from the resident species (Castro-Dı´ez detected between invaded and naturalized soils, sug- et al. 2014), and in this case A. triuncialis and E. caput- gesting the belowground effects of A. triuncialis and medusae shared some ecologically important traits E. caput-medusae during invasion of naturalized with species comprising the naturalized plots. For grasslands may be less pronounced than previously example, both A. triuncialis and E. caput-medusae expected. have similar litter C:N ratios as Bromus hordeaceus, the dominant plant in naturalized plots at the time of Acknowledgements We thank Jill Baty, Abby Dziegel, Grant sampling (Eviner 2004). Furthermore, because both Iveson-Lane, Emma McCorkle, Nicholas Marlowe, and Erin Stacy for their help in sample collection and preparation. The the invasive and naturalized plants are annuals, they experimental design and setup was greatly facilitated with likely share similar rooting depths and may conse- technical and labor support from the UC Davis Department of quently use inorganic N and water from the same Plant Sciences Field Services, led by James Jackson. Funding spatial niche (Holmes and Rice 1996), illustrated here for the experimental design and setup was provided by the USDA NIFA NRI Controlling Weedy and Invasive Plants by similarities in soil moisture (Fig. 4). In addition, Program (Grant No. 2006-55320-17247), Kearney Foundation because A. triuncialis has been found to differ more of Soil Science, Hatch Funding, and Packard Foundation significantly from naturalized grasses than E. caput- funding to the UC Agriculture Sustainability Institute. medusae (in terms of field rates of net nitrification; Eviner et al. 2006), it may be that invaded soils would have differed from those of naturalized soils if A. 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