
.. -. O’Shaughnessy said the com- of the pipe, the ridges would have service area, ding wi& somewha pany is receiving a lot of pressure to be blasted, or meolher Financing of the new hospital would be responsible for repaying rently planned to be constructed greater potential for growth ir aSTANCE FROM WILLIAMS LAKE to service the two commnities and method used to ensure the pipe volume, will provide for an ever was discussed at a recent hospital f I .2 million over 25 years. adjacent to the new hospital unit, will be the responsibility of the the route could be changed to in- will lay on a flat surface. ldwer per unit cost. board meeting. To a homeowner with a $60,000 provincial government. The clude Pemberton and Whistler. Rue to the depth of the write-r “You will be charged the samc Dan Cumming, regional house, the taxes would be approx- capital is raised by a financial in- Westcoast will build the line encountered, and the technology price as an‘ybody else,’ hospital district appointee to the imately $13.50 a year. The present stitution and guaranteed by the from Williams Lake to Squamish, that must be employed to cross O’Shaughnessy said. He said thc board, said the entire area, from charge on the same house, Central Mortgage and Housing Port Mellon and across to Com- these ridges and rock outcrops, customer should pay the same a Pavilion Lake to the east of representing the facilities at Corporation. ox. PNG is then responsible for Westcoast is concerned substan- in Vancouver and the lowei down to Brunswick Point Lillooet and Pemberton, and the There is no direct tax burden on installing the pipeline and lateral tial cost overruns could res91 . mainland. in the south, would be paying for expansion to. the existing local residents. and establishing a distribution As tides rise and sweep around The cost of natural gas will bc 40 per cent of the cost of the new Squamish hospital, is approx- imately $8.50 a year. Repayment to the government system from Comox to Campbell the ends of to approximately 50 per ce t oi facility. sf The financing for the in- is made through the rent payments River and along the coast to Vic- flood the Straits of Georgia, cer- and 250 per cent cheaper t)n pro J In the past, the people in the toria. tain areas are exposed to signifi- t 6,000 square mile area, as well as termediate care unit, which is cur- by the residents. pane. PNG construction costs in- cept tidal currents. Studies con- Westcoikt and its co Itant! any businesses or landowners, cludes distribution systems in ducted by Westcoast, and ,other have studied the northern pipelinc have paid for the new hospital at Powell hver, Squamish, Wood- available information, indicate crossing to Vancouver Island a Lillooet and the diagnostic centre NO’ONE INJURED IN fibre and Port Mellon. currents on a southern route reach early as 1966. Since the latc in Pemberton. O’Shaughenessy said there speeds more than twice that of the ’ 195O’s, the company has examin The provincial government, and SQUAMISH HOTEL FIRE might be some- trouble installing northern crossing. These currents ed vadeus pipeline routes to thl therefare E.C. taxpayers, will pay Two pmpwand a rescue- MA fwpondal w a fie a -the the balance of the project. the line in the water, which is 17 not only make construction more ishd. PNG was formed in th ’ Squamish Hotel March 4 at 2:23 a.m. miles wide and 1,200 feet deep. difficult in extreme .water depths, late 1960’s to develop natural ga When construction of the acute. Oil had leaked onto the burner of the oil furnace and caused and extended hospital care unit was hiavy smoke to leak into the hallways upstairs. 0rrrr.r first authorized, the capital cost was estimated to be $3 million. Two RCMP officers insured all the occupants were out of The regional hospital district the building and no one was injured. P.N.O. CONSIWUCTION COSTS The fire was extinguished by the department and the smoke INCLUO€S DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM damage sucked out of the hotel. IN POWELL”RIVER, SOUAMISM, Wilful The members then checked the building to see if the leak- WOODFIBRE AND PORT’ MELLON investigated ing, burning oil had set fire to any other room. Police are currently in- The tenants were allowed back into the hotel at 3:15 a.m. vestigating wilful damage of --@=+- ’- municipal highways signs. t The majority of the signs were pushed over by a 4x4 vehicle and SHOWN TONIGHT ON 7,21 police are asking for public If you happen to be in Vancouver tonight and have a friend assistance. you haven’t visited for a while, drop in around 9:OO p.m. Two females,‘ approximately That is when ‘The Plutonium Incident’, the movie that was -TO VANCOUVER ISLAND-570 an I~I 18, were apprehended in the in- filmed locally last fall. will be on channels 7 and 21. -TO VlCT l400m) cidents and charges are pending. RIA -630h The movie was originally titled ‘An Element Risk’. TO CAJBELL RNER - 760km 1470mi) A juvenile male from the of Valleycliffe area was also ap- Local resident Bob Silcock plays the father of one of the prehended and dealt with infor- main characters and several other local people are also featured mally. in the film. 1 On March 3, seven windows Janet Margolin and Bo Hopkins star in the G!m absa a were broken at Mamquam plutonium plant that strives for profits at the expense of its element^: The damage was ap- employees’ safety. proximately $250. The incident is under investigation. Police are investigating a break MERLIN GOOFED! and enter into a private residence That’s right. Merlin gooied. on Skyline Dr. where a stereo and tape recorder were stolen. He never realized how p~$wlarthe Times is when he first set A juvenile male was taken into up the rules for the bike contest, so he’s changed them to make it custody following the theft of a a little easier to enter the contest and win a prize. 30-30 rifle and shotgun from a Just look for the advertisement in this week’s Times for the pick up truck parked on Read full details, and good luck. Crescent March I. The stolen propeny worth $m was recovqed. Charges are pen- WINDOWS BROKEN IN ’ ding. Four juvenile males from the Squamish area have been ar- DOWNTOWN SATURDAY rested, and charges are pending, The windows of three businesses were broken Saturday following a break-in at the pro night between 7:45 and 8:30. shop to the golf club on Feb. 17. The front windows of the Times office, McDougall’s Fur- Twenty t-shins worth S10 each, nishings and K&M Parts were kicked in. Damage estimates were golf gloves, cartons of cigarettes not available. and chocolate b’ars were stolen. There arc no suspects. Anyong having any information The total value of the goods is should contact the RCMP. 5400. I ..


.. merce ctatingour tentative interest meetings to share your ideas. I in such a venture. Your ideas and c __ BCSPCA SQILAMJifl YALLEY BRANCH ANNUAL MEETING

Guest Speaker: Mr. Jack Homes, Executive Director, Vancouver Regional Branch. Film: “Who Cares Anpay?”, Presented by Mr. A1 Hickey, Executive Director, Provin- cial Branch. -COFFEE WttLE!SERVEi3

‘ 4i,l, HCSPCA AKt IhF ITED L d

inac ide nt s There were no ihjuries in two SHARPLY FOR FEBRUARY accidents last week. The Railway’s carloadings February Office: 892-3541 (24 Hours) On March 3 on Highway 99 in in Sales Repmsentellve the Checkerboard canyon area, a totalled 13,128, up sharply by more than 18 percent from 11,056 1978 Firebird, driven by Arnold carloadings in February last year. Gough of West Vancouver, . --Total carloadings for the first two months of 1980, at n received $-2,6@) damage when a 18.774. were lower than in the previous year, owing to a strike n tire blew. The car hit the guard which extended into the first three weeks of this year. January, rail, bounced back and hit the February loadings last year totalled 25.023. . -- rock wall. The accident is under Showing gains in February this year, compared with investigation. February last year, were movements of export grain, copper, professional barbering Sidsworth was charged sulphur, lumber eastern rail, export wood chips and domestic wtih backing while unsafe follow- ._--., WOO0 pulp. & hair styling Visits Squamish ing an accident in the BCR park- ing lot on March 4. ~~ MARCH 11 to 16 Sidsworth’s car received $50 for men and boys damage when she backed out of Larry E. Lewis 8, Trevor W. Neate the stall and hit a car belonging to Appearing nightly at th% SQUAklSH P.S. Sangha of Squamish. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH. Other Sangha’s car received $500 DENTAL MECHANICS performances at the ELEMENTARY & HIGH damage. wish to announce the opening of SCHOOLS including a SPECIAL YOUTH a Ddnture Practice RALLY H.S.S.S. Friday, March 14 at Located in the at 7:30. located in the lobby of the GARlBALDl HIGHLANDER ((898-3237 For further info and times phone 892-3329 GAR IBALD1 HOTEL t HIGHLANDER HOTEL I Squamish OPENING APRIL 1 ____- - -_ I ?I for appointments call I .I 898-5055 I I I EFFECTIVE MARCH 1.I I I I If you are travelling on or after March 17, call VIA at I NOW DIRECT I -~ ‘1 -FmMm- I I I I I I 112.800 8630.. I I 665 I. I VIA Rail Canada is starting the changeover to RESERVIA,its new automated ticketing and reservation system. I Take note of the new toll-free number to call for all VIA train I reservations and information. I Nothing But The Best For Your New Home. Craftsmen I built family home with vaulted ceilings, set on a lot in a resttictive government subdivision. Located near I school and shopping. Asking high 70‘s. Customize now with Be good to yourself, take the train. , I I AVJ I CONSTRUCTION WARRANTY GARlBALDl I PROGMOF ” BNTISHCDUTMBIA HIGHLANDS I’ . .--.---.-.-RmgIdN.d BU0d.r Ymbr 090-95por 898-9539

...... GA RIBALD I SPECIALIZING IN TAR a ROOFING LTD. GRAVEL NEW ROOFS If your HBR Block-prepared "No JOp Too Inroll'' tax return is questioned, we ROOF REPAIRS step in-to represent you to the district taxation office, SERVING all year round, at no extra SQU AMISH cost.We know all the tax IaWS, WHISTLER, AND and we double-check your PEMBERTON return before you sign it. We'll take ,your place, becausethe place nothingof good solidcan takeser- vice. FOR A FREE ESTIMATE KARL ON Y-OUR 898-3732 OR Bowcock lost the gold medal to a contender from Coquitlam during the Winter Games. n ROOF OR GUY - SUNOECK CALL: 898-9267 I ALL WORK GUARANTEED r, . Register this week for baseball CHARTER AIR ~ERVICE @DUWOID .CLAY TILE THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS FLYING SCHOOL .SHAKES % SHINGLES to see a new division started to of- Registration for the Howe please register at any of the other SIGHTSEEING FLIGHTS @FIBERGLASS .NEOPRENE 092-3624 Sound Minor Baseball Associa- locations between 6:30 and 8 p.m. fer softball to girls aged 8 and 9. OHYPALON 38029 Cleveland Ave. tion started yesterday, Monday, - March II - Squamish Elemen- As in all sports, there is a need for am amLTD. BOX 1547, SQUAMIW, 0.C. VOW 500 parent participation and support. March 10th and will continue until tary TIME PER SEAT *n Friday, March 14. . March 12 - Mamquam Elemen- If anyone is interested in coaching' Victoria 40 mins. 37.35 Last night registration took tary or umping we would be delighted place at the Stawamus School and March 13 - Brackendale to hear from them. Please call Nanaimo 30 mins. 26.60 Peter Martin at 892-3871 or Daryl wiH continue at the following Elementary Ppwqll Riym:, ; \,; ; \:49,m9* 40.00, school!+each nkht from -6:30 - 8 March 14 - Britannia Beach Short 898-5523. + , , ! ;, L qppbel!,.Rbp .: 60miols. 53.31: p.m.: . A,, Elementary The league is arranging a Tonight, Tuesday, March II, LaSt year there were 23 teams meeting with a representative Brdlbrne * 'I 35 mins. 32.00 Squamish Elementary from Britannia to Pemberton, from the B.C. Amateur Softball Sechelt 20 mi& 18.65 Wednesday, March 12, Mam- comprised of over 300 girls aged Association with a view to af- Port Alberni 45 mins. 42.60 quam Elementary IO to 18. League gaTes commence filiating with this group. There BASED ON 3 SEAT CAPACITY Thursday, March 13, Brackerr- April 28 and continue through to will be a general meeting of the dale Elementary our Tournament Weekend which League in April (date to be an- Sqwmirh Municipal Airport, Brackendale Friday, March 14, Britannia will be held June 21 and 22. The nounced later) at which more in- 898-9016 electric rates Beach Elementary girls play an average of two games formation and future plan9 regar- The fee structure for this year is a week. This year, we would like ding the.league will be available. effdwApril1 ..----- as follows: Age Division Fee 6-8 Peewee (T-ball) $8 9-12 $15 Little League ~ 13-15 Junior Babe Ruth $17 16-18 Senior Babe Ruth $20 B.C. Hydro electric rates are being increased TkbJ ages listed above are p9 of effective April 1to cover projected increases in the cost August 1st. Proof of age is man- datory and you are asked to take of providing service during the 1980-81 fiscal year. along your child's birth or bap- While the increases average 7 per cent for residential tismal certificate. Cheques should be made payabl,e to and general customers the rate changes will have greater Minor Baseball Association. effect on those customers whose consumption of Minor baseball is a popular electricity is relatively high. -- - - sport in this community and you are urged to register your son this Residential customers who use 550 kilowatt-hours of week as late registrants may have electricity or less per two-month billing period will pay to be placed on a team waiting list. If further information is re- 25 cents more per month, or $3.00 a year. quired please call Chuck Elliott at 892-3038 Corinne Lonsdale at RESIDENTIAL ELECI'RIC CIbMonth Period) 898-5540 or Gary Wong 898-3310. RATE rr EMPLOYERS - you can beneflt when you open up assist you In flndlng young people whose interests OLD RATE NEW RATE -____ c a new job for young people In your Business or and talents match your job requirements. . - BASIC RegistrationTo; the 1980 Girls' operattarr;ProPtmrnnw Hem%howitwoh------. -- - - .. CHARGE ~--- r61;w- ----$5100 Softball League is under way. If to leam worthwhlle job skllls$nd lhe Province of It's easy to partlclpate. If your business or farm has _____ . - - . . . British Columbia will sham the cost of wages with you. been In operation for at least one year, the Ministry ' you missed registration at 1ST 550 kW.h of Labour will help you pay the wages of up to five Stawamus School last night, PER kW.h 4.54 4.54 There are many young people willing and able to young people. We will pay between $1.40 and $2.50 -____... _. . . . . become productive members of our province's work per hour as our share of the cost. For those jobs ALL ADDITIONAL force. When they do& benefits everybody. All they that will lead to permanent employment with your \ need is the opportunity. Youcan give them that CONSUMPTION firm, we will conslder funding for up to twelve PER kW.h opportunlty in a job that provides a good training months duration. Jobs may start anytime after April - .- - - - . ___ - 2654 .~ . ___3.04.- experience, and we'll help you do it.. We'll share the 1st 1980, but we suggest that applications be for- MINIMUM cost of wages with you when you hire an eligible warded early - allowing six weeks for processing CHARGE $4.50 ____ ..L. -~$5.00 young person for either a summer or permanent job How to apply __ that will allow them to learn as they go and develop Appllcatlons for funding are available from any The above rak is for residential customers connected to Hydro's integrated marketable skills. The system is simple with a Provincial Government Agent, Ministry ofLa36ur kmsmkionmtwxk ~. minimum of paper work. Office or one of the B.C. Youth Employment Offices You wethe person of your choice or we can listed below. Here are same examples of how new rates will affect typical electric bills: LOCATION PHONE H Apartment suite without either electric space heating or water INTERIOR REGION heating-two month consumption of 500 kilowatt-hours: '25g a Cranbrook 14 - 13th Avenue, South V1C 2V8 426-2283 Kamloops: 546 St. Paul Street V2C 2J9 3740078 month increase. Kelowna: 1449St. Paul Street V1Y 2E4 763-924 1 House with electric water heating but without electric space Nelson: 601 Front Street WL 188 352.5378 heating-two month consumption of 2,000 kW.h: $2.79 a month Pentlcton: 269 Brunswick Avenue V2A 5P6 492-7247 Vernon: 201 .2Wl .32nd Street V1T 5M2 ' 542.1397 increase. LOWER MAINLAND REGION House with both electric space heating and water heating-two Abbotsford: 201 -2630 Bourquin. West V2S 5N7 853-7497 Province of month consumption of 5,000 kW.h: $8.04 a month increase. All Other Lower Mainland Areas: British Columbia e industrial customers sei-ved on Hydro's electric transmission. 4946 Canada Way. Burnaby V5G 4T6 291.2901 ratekif receive rate increases of 22% on April 1,1980, as announced NORTH REGION Ministry of Labour Dawson Creak 1201 . lard Avenue V1G 4d2 782.52% in 1978. Pfince George: 101 1 .4th Avenue V2L 3H9 5648120 Employment Opportun (New electric rates effective Apnl 1 for all residential and general Smlthers: Box 340.3883.2n$ Avenue VOJ 2N0 8474229 customers will be enclosed with the first billing after that date.) Terrace:d548 Lablse Avenue V5G 1P8 635-4997 Programs Bran& Wllllams Lake: 307 - 35 South 2nd Avenue V2G 3W3 3988258 VANCOUVER ISLAND REGION Courtrnay: 941 England Avenue VgN'2N7 3346603 Na"nalmo: 238 Franklyn Street V9R 2x4 7534683 Victorla: 808Douglas Street V8V 1x4 387.1131 RC.HYDROQV It take) IO to 12 inctm of snow to equal one inch of rain.

I .. . I .. . - . . . . . - .- .-..A .. I’ 2 .- .\ _.

-. -----. E .. .. ’. .. , .., , ‘..

glucose from the sugars and starches in foods diabetes. relate’. to beat the honest men and hang them up.” - In 1979, researchers applied to the CDA Whether the youths in question can be called ‘traitors’ “As a result I believe intellectual Curiosity and vigow accumulates in the blood until some of th9 A few minutes later the young cynic was himself hung in the Shakespearean sense is debatable, but they and have been stifled, vocabulary and communication skills surplus is eliminated by the kidneys and pass- for $1,341,576 in grants for projects designed up on the end of a sword by an assassin representing the their supporters of freedom of expression are obviously diminished. Books and magazines with COntrokd ed off in the urine. Hence, sugar in the urine to uncover more of the mysteries of diabetes honest establishment. sufficiently numerous to beat and hang up the poor vocabulary do not increase,word usage. Relevant material and too mhch sugar in the blood are signs of and, hopefully a cure for this disease which - On the stage, the child stabbing is no less horrifying honest man who wanted merely to defend the quietness does not necessarily grapple with universal thana. and sanctity of his ,home, diabetes. limits life, can cause severe vascular and and has considerably more justification than similar in- Action-packed stories do not guarantee intellectual cidents in modern television shows for children. Nor is it only amongst maurauding gangs of youths stimulation.” The use Of insulin has prolonged problems and can pose great Shakespeare, ever sensitive to audience reaction, had that the numerical superiority of those representatives of Maybe our legislators - and the lobbyists who are h . the diabetic’s life span., but it is not acure for economic hardships. The association was only taken pains to indicate that, however many positive the less desirable qualities of humanity is evident. The effect the lawmakers - could do with a bit of the inteb- diabetes. The diabetic’s best chances for able to supply about a quarta of the amount~__ qualities the child might have, he was also inclined to division between sides is a bit more confused in our own . expansion with a study of Shakespeare encourages. + h&&and life are achieved through- a delicate ~ requeste~.~o~t~~s~reasonscozed, na- moufikess; ther&%e~y-thenature of things, hewas sub- IegidaKfFbiiCthe sirdggle is-there nxnethaess. Mhhe,-- evervhndv_.-.,__-, else..~ could dowithxbit Of it Bs well, and balancing of diet, exercise, and his insulin. tionwide campaign is being held to increase ject to a lesson in civilized behaviour. The opposition, ad;&tising themselves as the epitome maybe, in another 400 years or SO, the ‘liars and Swearen’ He did npt survive to benefit from his lesson, but his of honesty, are currently trying to label _as traitors the will no longer outnumber and outmanoeuvre the immt After, the experience of the 1979 funding available for research and for the assessment of the human organization, and the result of government which is trying with equal desperation to citizen who wants only to be left alone to survive with Marathon, Allan ran in the Winnipeg and educational services also offered by the CDA. his voicing it, live on to bring comfort today to conser- represent itself as composed of honest men of business. Some sort of social, cultural and intellectual security. . Toronto marathons and this year accepted the I Please support diabetes research and sign a d burden of representing the national Canadian pledge today.

I Estuary has balanced view We congratulate Jack Stathers on is elec- managed to present a more balanced outlook tion of chairman to the public involvement on the issue at the second meeting. . work group and the ten people who form the And that is just what we need, balanced corn mi t tee. public input with no strong biases one way or the other, to develop a comprehensive plan W’e think the management plan now has a for the estuary. good, balanced representation from both As we have stated before, there must be a sides, pro-development and pro-conservation, compromise on the issue. from the public. Squamish is growing and needs develop- Contrary to several people’s opinion, we ment to avoid becoming a bedroom commmi- also believe the public had to wait the two ty. However, the development must be con- weeks to “get its act together”. The tone of trolled and be ecologically sound. the first public meeting resembled more Of a This public involvement work group is the mob gathering for a lynching than an infor- first of its kind in the province and the rest of mation meeting. Canada. With a cooling off period, the public Let’s set an example.

Help Easter Seals succeed Snow-capped Mount Garibaldi looms in the SLY. There is an old Chinese proverb that says: Last year the Lions were able to add seven “A bit of fragrance always clings to the hand. Easter Seal buses to the fleet giving a total of that gives you roses.” I 123 vehicles travelling throughout the pro- Maybe that is why the Lions Easter Sea] vince serving more than 60 communities. The

Appeal ii always such a success, It makes you . addition Of these seven buses means that an fer1 good to give. additional 937 handicapped children are going to school, getting out in the community and At the conclusion of this campaign, FROM OUR FILES enjoying life. In all, more than 4,600 han- P number 33, conducted by the Lions in 209 dicapped clients use Easter Seal buses. dub\ in approximately 180 communities, the A successful Easter Seal appeal this year, 5 years ago 10 years ago 15 years ago 20 years ago Mf.s.-‘-A‘R-..Bar.25 years rkm&.thFago . .-.-..... - -... Lion5 Easter Seal appeal will have raised near- .. from March to 16, for $590,000 will put the Council last week discussed The Pemberton Valley The Squamish Valley dyking Garibaldi: Site of the i%X ly $6.5 million to help the 25,000 handicapped IO . .. Lions in a position to build a project that will the question of Sunday opening Farmers Institute queries the and drainage committee recom- Winter Olympics! A fabulous Recreational Association’s an children in British Columbia and the Yukon. help even more handicapped children: A new for any shops which wished to regional district regarding zon- mended that a committee of event for a fabulous alpine park. nual Good Citzenship Award at There seems no doubt of the That is a Sraffling when you ‘On- do so and decided.thc bylaw ipg- and. land control and asked three visit Victoria to discuss the the annual meeting last Thurs- bigger Easter sea] House, where C-iIdren and governing closing days should be the band which plans it had con- dyking plan for the Squamish physical capacity of the park. iider the number of appeals for money there . day. Last year‘s award winner their families can stay in Vancouver when they inspected with a view to seeing if cerning this. The institute was Valley with the minister or lands Sidney Dawes of Montreal, was D. DeBeck. are each year and the number of Outstretched for diagnosis md lreatment for it should be changed. primarily concerned with plans and forests. Canada’s representative on the * *---e ’

kwLpoised =.a cup~orclenched as a_ fist for for future-. zoning~ of their valley. International Olympic Commit- one of .thecrippling digaw.that affect. .. -. * .*. *. . *** Health Minister Eric Martin knocking On doors ready to receive the our both at birth and after. WEB Engineering is to do-a * * -*--. - - A‘new three phase, 60 cycle, tee, proclaims it as the best announced last week that grants charitable dollar for the good cause. cost study of upgrading of the Only 2.68 inches of rain fell five horsepower fire siren for the available site in Canada for this in aid for hospital repair and So give to Easter Seal when you receive Cheakamus Valley road, it was during the month of February Mamquam area, to be installed event that draws competitors renovation were approved by the And the cause for Easter ,Seal is a good your envelope in the mail ... and smell the decided at \he council meeting which is a record for this area. at the Mamquam bridge, was from all over the world. provincial government. one. Easter Seals help handicapped children. fragrance on your hand. held March 4. Council’is to set As in the rest of Bsitish Colum- ordered on the recommendation *** Squamish General Hospital will up a roads construction and bia, it was a most exceptional of Fire Chief Jack Clarke who Mrs. Elsie Spettifore of receive a grant of $385.17 from maintenance area including the month. told council last week that he felt Pemberton Meadows opened the government. area from Fergies to the this would be the best one for her kitchen door early one morn- municipal boundary and the the area. ing recently and surprised a unorganized settled area. coyote eating from her dog’s dish on the doorstep.


\cconcl CIA\\ M.III Kcgistr.iticin Numhcr 11-17 Last year, clusters of insects report. AS evaporation takes insects, themselves susceptible to tion or all their life stages. And ing more spefific infomation, Return P~)st.igc

3ibbancT Mybad a per- Lk ‘_ so#&& %i1$5& We have S-:.:.s: ;+, *. tw6 &aU children, a girl, 8, and a boy, 4. Maybe we’re old fashion- I ed or square but hefelt he didn’t Wi*the chidlren to know he I worked with strippers. How do A spacial thank you to Mrs I you explain that to an eight-year- .Peggy Barnfield for her many old irl? I just wish that people floral displays. I woudf think before they say the Once again, may I say thank nun are crazy not wanting to you to all you wonderful people. I work with strippers. How would Alma Thackeray ! they feel explaining it to their Secretary I I I I I for holidays .... I I We will re-open Tuesday, March 18th. I Sorry for any inconvenience I I I the frame shop I I* I I .. __., I I I I I t I I I , I’M. .. . FOR.-- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Does your organization qualify? Estahtished, non-profit Deadline for project proposals is

~~~ March 28. t ., , . IllCmL -+- ,. I may qualify to receive finmciiil J\\i\t- hire student\, proposals must anck to hire \tudent\. Ix ‘I suhmitted (post-mrkedl no later than \larch 28. $If course. it i\ to your I What projects should you consider? or@niution’\ advancage to 5ul)rnit it\ I I ’li) qualify. projects should applicxxion arly as poAle. but CATERPILLAR 966C, 1980 employ at last three student5 for 4s to \larch 28 i the final deadline. kr‘s I March1344 I 18 weeks between the Sth of \lay the time to 1et that summer project Front End Loader I PI1 I and.the Sth of Septemtm. f’roposals off the ground. ,20 Ton Log Loader We’re having a real must be of benefit to student pnici- I sale on a real treat. I 20 Ton Gravel Loader ,‘&I . ’ .’ pants and should he of lasting xilue to Rented with Operator 2.:. Thr& thick layers of the community I real hot fudge and I I+Employmenl and Empiol el Kevin Bishop . Irnm~grallgnCanaoa IrnmtgralfonCanadi I crisp, crunchy peanuts. I , ’. : With cool and creamy What students will be employed? I DAIRY QUEEN@soft serve I f’ost-secondar) or \econdq ‘.:JL in between. The Peanut I students intending to return to school I in the fall. who are ( hnadian citizen3 I 89cBuster at €3 Parfait.our participating Now only I or permanent resident5 are eligiblc. -8984212- I v:,.Q$#DAIRY UEEN” store. Ihe Summer hthEmplo)ment I MI HOWE SOUND . ITSAREALTRW!’- I I EQUIPMENT LTD. Cleveland Avenue I SQUAMISH PHONE 898-5212 I OFFER AVAILABLE AT: Squamirh I J

A I . .. ..c- - ..c I .. , ..... INVESTMENT ' ITY Jeff and Digger Dosjaoin. karate competition at the Winter Games. Brqc kendale 10 8 1 1 30 12 17 There is an immediate need Mamquam Rovers 9 5 2 2 19 14 12 for conscientious profit- Squamish 9 2341616 8 motivated individuals to 1 TIME CHANGE FOR Mamquam Rotarians 9 2 5 2 '16 26 6 became Mercury outboard Stawamus , 9 06 3 9 2103 dealers in selected areas. Two Division 4 DROP IN KEEP FIT Squamish Credit Uni6n 10 0 types of franchises are 9 2 61 7 19 @WE SOUND MEWS LEAGUE~JMamquam Hustlers 9 71131 615 available: small engines, 4-40 The times for the drop-in keep fit at the Civic Centre have Legion 277 Mustangs 109 42611542 6 0 18 24 85 H.P., and full line. changed . Stawamus The classes now will be held Mdnday from 6:30 to 7:30 GAME SCHEDULE CON TACT : A Brac kendale IO 091 955 1 a.m., Tuesday from 7:OO to 8:OO pm., Wednesday from 6:30 to "A" bague games be played: D. HOBSON, SLS. MGR. Junior Soccer League Scores & Standings - March 8 , 7:30 a.m., and Thursday from 7:OO to 8:OO p.m. WedPesday, March 12: 9:30: Floorman vs. Super Valu Junior Girls: Stawamus 3 Brackendale 0; Stawamus 0 MERCURY MARINE LIMITED The fee is still $1 per session, or $10 per month, and the 11:15: Pemberton vs. Truckers 8310 WINSTON ST. Mamquam 0. 41 class is open to men, women and teens. Showers are also Sunday, March 16: I1:l5:Weldwood vS. F1oorman Senior Girls: Squamish 2 Stawamus 0; Mamquam 1 BURNABY, B.C. 7.. b. available. 1 :30: Whistler vs. Pemberton Garibaldi 7. V5A 2H5 420-5630 For further information phone Lynn at the Civic Centre, Playoffs will start on March 19. As the first place is still up Division 8: Mamquam Rangers 0 Mamquam Celtics 0; 1 in the air, the remaining six games will be very important. Sup- 898-3604. Stawamus 1 Brackendale. . .. - - 1. Port Your men's hockey and enjoy Some gQod hockey. The Division 6: Mamquam Rovers 0 Brackendale 2; Squamish 3 playoffs will have the first place team vs. the fourth and the se- Mamquam Rotarians 1. No running. cond place finisher against the third. Not only are the playoff Division 4( Mamquam Hustlers I Legion 277 Mustangs 0; No walking. positions not decided, the top goalie and top scorer are still up Squamish Credit union 1 I Brackendale 0. No exercise. , for grabs. No effort. Penalty - Division B a shorter life. . Last regular game of season - Thursday, March 13: 9:15: Snap- No argument. on vs. Triple C 0 Playoffs to start, Saturday, March 15 at 15 0 Fitness is fun. 9: Let's go 0 Try some. Division C Tuesday, March I I, 1 I :OO: Esso vs. Northair -0 Wednesday, March 12, 7:45: J. Hunter vs. Exporters 0 TEAM STANDINGS 00 Division A to March Early Birds: Nancy Chalmers Dale Eppele 250s. 6171; Jeanette 6 GP GF 'IM 275s; Linda Genio 26%, 6781; Lin- Thkpson 65 It; Maureen Wold Whistler 28 I7 83 40 476 da Pearson 237s, 6361; Lynne 6301. Floorman 27 15 6 6 128 71 36 582 Ashley 621. Golden Agers: Dot Knudsen Super Valu 29 11 123 IO1 32 623 Monday Matinee: Fpb. 25 Mary 244s, 6141; Edna MacKinnon Truckers 28 13 13 2 130 94 28 575 Carey 256s, 6531; Norma Sld 231s, 6111; Dot Dawson 227s; Weldwood 28 9 17 2 98 161 20 423 245s, 6771; Kay Roberts 234s, Grace Clark 6101, Bob Silcock Pemberton . 28 5 21 2 72 178 12 443 5951; 'Rebecca Westmoreland 258s, 6801; Ed Antosh 246s, 6011; Division B 221s. Scott McDonald 241s, 5821. 20 8 Import Motors: Carol Hospital Hili: Susan Hubbard Triple C -I 32 4 145 77 48 475 SEAT 33 18 8 126 90 44 529 Venekamp 261s, 6301; Eileen 357, 246, 222s's, A&A Britannia Johnston 249s, 6141; Joyce Flury Quinn 2%, 7291; ndy Moore 33'10 2o 91 23 682 248s, 6321; Paul Hoodikoff 281s, 267s; Alice Pon ' 6841; Bob Snap-on 32 21 73 446 Elof Manson 265s, 722t; Ed An- Moule 272s; rsh Hurren '264s. SALE Division C tosh 260s; AI Burroughs 6771; Bob 6681; George RDorwnBinning 262s, 624t; Effective April 13 - June 5 J. Hunter 26 23 2 1 174 58 47 232 Silcock 6761. Danny Thorn 6361. (includes May long-weekend) Northair 26 18 5 3 161 83 39 276 Bowieroftheweek,Feb. 18-22: Wednesday Nllrrs: Jill Carlson ROUNDTRIP Oldstock 26 10 14 2 I34 143 22 183 *Heather Lamothe 264s, 5751; Fran 301s, 5781; Denise Desmarais Exporters 26 5 17 3 1 IO I86 13 192 Hurren 233s. 5191; Grace Clark USs, 5531; Lucy Marty 219s; VANCOUVER - CALGARY Esso 25 3 21 I 80 186 7 109 508t; lrvingAlexander328s, 7151; Michelle Buckmaster 5621; !an Les Harrop 266s, 5761; Jim Car- Erickson 270s, 7161; Robert $78.00 RESULTS michael 412t. Desmarais 252s, 6371; John Division B Mixed Neighbors: Grace Koch Parker u)9s, 5991. VANCOUVER - EDMONTON Hunter 1 Esso 0 (game defaulted) 266s, 7651; Daphne Chadwick Monday Matlnee: March 3 Triple C 7 A&A 5 260% 6451; Lana Watson 246s; Grace Koch 321s, 7921; Lynn $85.OO Snap-on 5 Britannia 4 Terry Acorn 244s. 6851; Dot Gauthier 311s, 6421; Ann Graham tANCOUVER - SASKATOO! Northair 2 Hunter 1 Gullacher 235s; Bonnie Hag- 293s; Ann Nielson 269s, 7231; TUNEDUPAND Exporters 6 Oldstock 6 gstrom 238s. Anne Skoglund 263s, 6201; Donna TURNED ON SPECIALS A&A 4 Britannia 2 Tuesday Mixed: Edwina Smith 251s, 6321. SAVE UP TO 52.00 $109.00 Mountenay 281s, W; Joyce Thursday Double "E": Svea Tune up kits IinGludin points VANCOYVER REGINA Northair 8 Oldstock 2 Popoff 26Os, 5921; Wendy Minar Mountenay 222s; Lana Watson condensor and roiori 80, most - INDIVIDUAL STANDINGS North American cas 6 or 8 233s, 5921; Diana 5881; Ian 222s, 6141; Diana Varemchuk cylinder without dual pornis 01 $117.00 Division A A Erickson 2Ws, 6791; Mait Carey 221s, 6431; Wilma Dawson 6031; electronic I nition E605 606 Dumas, Floorman 38 25 63 18 26% 6711; Mike Francis 257s; Bill Bob North 301s, 7711; Keith 616 625 &8 VANCOUVER - WINNIPEG McFerson, W eldwood 28 30 58 12 Fryer 6621. Hoecherl 261s, 6411; Terry 'Mac- Knight, Truckers 29 26 55 54 Wednesday Ladies: Rhonda DonaldFriday 239s, CI~sslc: 6121.Feb. 22 Betty SHOCKS FROM 319,s 4!9h Maxwell, Super Valu 16 34 SO 15 Ladeur 271s; Jackie Eugene 254s; VANCOUVER -TORONTO 260s,Burton 7061; 297s, Leila 8051; Slee Grace259s; Gillian Koch $219.00 6911;Dennis Alex7091; PooleElof Manson264s, 2%,6911; VANCOUVER - MONTREAL George Binning 260s; Bob Silcock 7161; Bob Smith 7161; Ed Antosh '219.00 7061.Friday Classic: Feb. 29: Grace 6 cylif!dWijark plug wire seis IO fii most North American cars from VANCOUVER - HALIFAX Koch 318s, 7241; Betty Burton $249 262s, 5901; Peggy Dawson 244s; .QO Doreen Fraser 5901; Peter Dawson VANCOUVER - CHICAGO 311~723t; George Binning 30&, $441; Bob Silcock 291s; Elof Man- $189.00 son 7221. VANCOUVER - NEW YORK Jets: Marnee Watson 153s; Karla Wold 143s, 260d; Lisa Thompson 140s, 235d; Michelle $249.OO Fairhurst 239d; Shawn Davids Book 30 day5 in advance, stay minimum of 1 days lexccpi for 135s, 249d; Heath Zander IZIS, Saskatoon. Rcgjna. Calgary & 227d; Harley Poole 11%, 216~1, Edmonton - Book 7 days In advance. Bantams: Kathy McDougall ,ray minimum of 3 dajs) 196% 4791; Julie Roberts 171% 4351; Kelly Smee 157s, 395;; Robert Wittow 233s, 5091; Mark Morris 113s; Jimmy Roblnson 169s, 4451; Chris Pearson 4721. l57JNlK Juniors: Michelle Quinn 271s, , 6321; Cheney Chadwick 265s, 6101; Patricia Fairhurst 228s; Lisa NOW (no experience necessary) Lewis 5471; Bryon Tannock 214s' LIMITED 4411; Trevor Mills 164s, 4181; Ed- dy Milner 160s; Michael Meston SPACE 4151. AVAILABLE 4 Seniors: Feb. 24 Colleen Quinn 256s, 6411; Diane Koch 249s, 678t; APPLY: Brenda Biewer 238s, 6451; Chris For Further QuesnelMcLaren 184s, 249s, 4961. 6631; Roger Information Call Seniors: March 2 Liz Brennan THE SQlJAMlSH TIMES 265~~7451; Colleen Quinn 258s, 6571;Chris HeatherMclaren Short202s, 238s,5071; 6301;Nick Bumper to Bumper Location: Pascuzzi 196s, 5181. National Classifled Zone Roli- K & Parts offs: Next Sunday, March 16th at M 38051 ZNDAVE. 10:30 a.m. is the date and time sa SQUAMISH. B C . VON 3u) for the National Classified Roll- Squamish offs. There wilt be 20ladies and 15 12 NOON TO 2 P.M. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY men from Gibsons here to com- Tel: 892-5988 Pete with our 25 ladies and IO 892-5991 men. Scorekeepers and spectators are most welcome. 7

, .I



I DATELINE '80 ANNOUNCEMENTS i In order to ensure that your free announcement in "Dateline '80" gets proper -i and timely coverage, please use or follow the standardized form below to give us the I details. I Dote of event: ______-- -.-~ 1 ldoy) imod h) (dote) I *Brief description ' --- I1 ofevent: _- __ II Place: ~- Lumber, plywood, pulp and other forest products are vital to British Columbia's economy II Time(,): ____--_ _- . . . and getting these products to market is a- prime concern of the British Columbia Railway. .II In fact, of all B.C. Rail carloadmgs, nearly 70% are comprised of forest products. With rail ; **Any brief ___- ... . addi tionoi I service into all major operations throughout our system, and with a wide range of specihed I information: __.-__ 1 I rad cars, we get the wood out quickly and efficiently. . - __ -- I .' I 1, Three 'or four words only. e.g.. ** Add, for example: rnerchondise and/or I "Rummage Sale", "Children's Films", ... attractions offered; title of titrns or 1 Sh0.WS/ I of sp..ea~er.s;...ph'dne, - .--I *. ' fl "Seminar for Single Parents''. eic. . names .^' 1 number for information. etc. '"I'' ~rrrrii~rmlrn~rm~~r~~~~rii-rr) -e- very, successful with 24 teams Merv Foote Men's wear, Road nard, Ken Hutchinson, Leslie ron, Betty Gebhart, Doreen Her- emered. Some curlers came from Runner Sports, Johnny's T.V. Britton Bernard ron as far away as Chetwynd and Service, Fenton's, Fields, 4th Jim Schutz Jr., Ross Prince George and there was also Squamish Hardware, O.K. Tires, Hurley, Ken Bruvill, Kathy C EVENT: 1st Len Gorsuch, a team of retired employees: Len Western Furniture and Daniels Jack Mahood, Jim Hurren Gorsuch, Jack Mahood, Jim Hur- Upholstery, Carney's, Fashionali- (Retired employees), Fran Hurren ren and wife Fran. The employt?es ty, Squamish VI .OO, Stewarts, B EVENT: 1st Ross Casemore, 2nd Bill Smith, Jane Robertson, wish to thank the following mer- Touch of Class. W&S Sellers Don Cruickshank, Maxine Clint Robertson, Glen Petruk chants and companies for dona- Distributors. Casemore, Barb Paddison 3rd P. Torrao, Ron McDonald, tion of trophies, pins, music and Winners: A EVENT: 1st Dick 2nd Pete Cartwright, Rick Bor- M. MacDonald, D. Celli door prizes: John Hunter co.. Reimer, Valda Reimer. Debbie soft, Tom Fraser, Terry Borsgft 4th B. Surbey, Joe Unger, Fern August Jack Motel, lrly Bird Eckersley . 3rd Don Dorosh, Marshall Unger, Marg Surbey

first line tires by Firestone

always wanted and dreamed about for so long. Just a few hours of work and this bike could be yours. We are also offering a sleeping bag rnd pack .- --_ sa&-lor-Tnd and 3rd ptizes. -fkere me-uso mmy- other consolation prizes.

HERE'S HOW YOU ENTER (1) Must be a Squamish Times paper carrier (2) The new subscribers must pay 3 months in

(3) The winner of the contest will be the paper carrier who gets the most subscribers (4 ) In case of a tie, the names will be drawn from a hat

(5).. Contest begins March 1st and ends March 31 -B I' I; . 1980

n 1 After weeks of rehearsing, the Squamish Figure Skating Club’s second annual carnival is just days . away. When we see the “polished product” on the ice we should pause a moment and think of all the hard work and talent that went into putting on such a production. ..-- The beautiful and cu&costumes Pemberton have returned home the ages of peewees listed as 7 and IVIIJ. IVldly UUdU. the youngsters will be wearing will after being on an extended cruise 8 year olds. Parents, if you have a *** be a treat in itself. to the Orient. Verlkie dropped in- son who will be six years of age as I Love chapter band performs this week I The theme for the carnival is to the office last week to say hello. . of August I, 1980, then he is eligi- “From Winter’s Wonder to Spr- *** ble. . u ing Magic”. Get you tickets- for Registration for the Howe *** Seven young and talented musi- day, March 13. At noon hour on at 7 p.m. for Family Night; -Special Youth Rally at Howe Bridge results either the I p.m. or p.m. perfor- Sound Minor Baseball Associa- We have tickets in the office for 7 cians who have a song for those dates, the Love Chapter Wednesday, March 12 at 630 Sound Secondary School; Satur- The Squamish Duplikaie Bridge mance at the Times office. Oh yes, tion and the Howe Sound Girls the Wine-Fest dance sponsored by ! everyone aptly describes the ‘Love Band will present noon hour con- p;m. for Family Bible Hour; day, March I5 at 1 p.m. - Space club results for February are mustn’t forget the date - it’s this Softball League started last night the Squamish International as Chapter Band’. These young peo- certs at Brackendale Secondary Thursday, March 13 a18 p.m. for Days Kids Krusade and in the follows: Saturday, March IS. and will continue at schools in the Festival and planned for the Civic ple are in Squamish this week and and Howe Sound Secondary (he Special Lenten Service; Fri- evening Youth Peoples Fellowship February 4: 1st Kathy district until Friday night. Please Centre on Saturday, March 29. A *** will give performances at schools schools. day, March 14 at 7:30 p.m. Night at 7:30 p.m. Boothroyd and Lorraine Hurren, A four week vacation in Indio, check the sports pages for the time member of the Festival said a in the district and at the Squamish G.D. Burlison, principal of 2nd Phyllis Malm and Marg Hen- California, was a much enjoyed and places. “belly dancer” will be featured Pentecostal Church. North Island Secondary School in one for Iris and Bodie and during fhe evening. drickson, 3rd Mr. and Mrs. Den- AI *** These young people use mostly Port McNeill made the following nis Debeck, 4th John Hughes and Barb and Ward Langstaff. Birthday persons this week are *** original music (written by band cbmment after a visit by the band, K. Carlson, tied 516 Alison Candace-~ Ayres, Tanya Wulff, Having wedding anniversaries TOM JONES HAS *** members), and they adequately “The quality of music was ex- Dorash, Brenda Tichauer and Are we really this bad fellows? Darryl Dougall, Wayne Frzch, this week areMr. and Mrs. Spenie communicate a feeling and a cellent, and the style of presenta- Hinde, Mr. and Mrs. John Hill, Tom Clarke, Ross Chapman. Read on . . . “It’s strange,” said Marnie Burnside, Paula Turner, sound to appease anyone’s tion suited our students who rang- Malm,February tied 11:2/3 Mr. Mr. and andMrs. Mrs.Carl the old man, “how afraid young Alex Ryan, Lyndsey Brohman, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Dawson, Mr. musical appetite. ed from grade 6 through 12.” And men are nowadays to marry and Donna-Marie Cyr, Michael Gad, and Mrs. Roy Patrick, Mr. and Last minute props are feverishly being constructed and full The Love Chapter Band from Jimmy, v“ student at Dennis Debeck and Oliver Nelson settle down. They actually seem to John Flook, Doris Kennedy, Mrs. Leslie Armstrong, Mr. and presents a 35-minute instructional Erickson Elementary school in scale rehearsals are being performedAas all of Squamish impa- fear marriage . . . Why, before I Danny Ellis, Phil Ellis, Eric Mrs. Brad McStay, Mr. and Mrs. tiently awaits H.S.S.’s producton of ‘Tom Jones’. and Marian Zarychta, 4th Martha program in elementary schools. Dawson Creek, “I liked the sing; Lowinger, Georgette Woods, 5th was married, I didn’t know the Craven, Leslie Armstrong, Jim Wayne Sidsworth and Mr. and The play, which has been shifted by two weeks to March 19, The program centers around ing in the gym. Thank you for Alison Dorosh. Brenda Tichauer. meaning of fear!!” MacNeil, Brandie.Pickering. Tim- Mrs. Jerry Dirks. and 21, the result of hard work and dedication by countless . “Andy” a naive robot who has coming and I think Andy is neat.” 20 is February 18: John Hughes, my Paineau, Kevin Shilling, *** *** never seen “earth instruments”. On Friday, March 14, at 7:30 individuals, and promises to be a very exciting performance. Lorraine Hurren, 2nd Mr. and Stork Story BUCKLEY - Steven Olson, Andrew Car- Is there anyone out there who - By asking questions and making p.m. the Love Chapter Band will It has something for everyone: romance, comedy, suspense, Mrs. Dennis Debeck, 3rd Mr. and Congratulations to Mike and likes “weak” tea? 1 (and George michael, Hazel Armstrong, John mistakes Andy learns about the present a special concert at Howe and more than enough action. It’s excellent entertainment for 12 Mrs. Carl Malm. Julie Buckley on the birth of Slack, Diane Riel, Jason Wilson, too) love weak tea but the ridicule keyboards, bass, guitar, and Sound Secondary School. years and up! February 25: 1st Marg Hen- their second daughter, Erin Geoffrey McCulloch, Pat Hor- I take you wouldn’t believe. I’ve drums while the children laugh The Love Chapter Band will be Remember, that’s Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, drickson. Phyllis Malm, 2nd Den- Nicole, weighing Ibs. 8 ozs. and vath, Spenie Hinde, Doqna Des- been accused of drinking weasel 7 and learn along with him. Andy at the Squamish Pentecostal nis Debeck, Bill Scott, 3rd Marian born in the Squamish General jardins, Renatta Burke, Roger water, coloured water and other March 19, 20 and 21 at HSS auditorium. then involves the children in his Church on the following dates and Zarychta, Mrs. Debeck, 4th Ross Hospital on February 19th. This is Quesnel, Mickie Gilmour and variations. If you like cream and Showtime is 8:OO p.m. Don’t be late! sing-along choir and orchestra. times: tonight, Tuesday, March I I Chapman and Earl Trace. a sister for Nikki. Jason Wilson. sugar fhen I reckon the tea has to .. The program includes four songs J. *** * * *& be .a liule.stronger. I don’t care by Love Chapter Band., -: & I like this Thought for the How could. I forget my good how strong your tea is but leave The Valleycliffe, Stawamus, , Week: 1 cannot give happiness to friend Evelyn Dawson’s birthday me ’n me weak tea alone. The Garibaldi Highlands and Mam- others without getting a few drops last week? Well I did, and to you Weak Tea Drinkers Association quam schools will be visited on myself. Ev, a belated greeting. Belated thanks you!! tomorrow, March 12 and Thurs- *** wishes also to Miss Roseina Pillay *** A trip back to her home town in who celebrated her 8th birthday Don’t know if they suffered any Elmsdale, Nova Scotia, was a on March 6.------broken bones or teeth while ski- Starlite News good one for Karen Smith. She *** ing at Sunshine Valley near visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. The clerk asked the woman Calgary last week but hope it was ‘Life of Brian’ is a Monty Harry Patterson and sister buying the drinking trough for her a good holiday for Laurie and Python offering and it will be Carolyn and also her in-laws, Mr. dog if she would like one inscrib- Karen Vanzella and Jack and shown on Thursday, Friday, and Mrs. Reg Smith. A visit to ed: “For the Dog”. “It doesn’t Marilyn Riddell. Saturday and Sunday, March 13. Fredericton, New Brunswick to matter,” she replied, “My hus- *** 14, I5 and 16. It is rated Mature attend a cousin’s wedding was band doesn’t drink water, and the That little old Merlin the Frog is with the following warning: also enjoyed. dog can’t read.” one popular creature and the religious ridicule, some nudity and *** *** paper carriers should check the ad coarse language. Spring Break and/or Easter Mrs. Blanche LeBlanc and Mr. in the paper today for new contest A Restricted movie ‘Mustang holidays generally confuse me a & Mrs. Tony Quinn were pleased rules. It could really benefit all of House of Pleasure’ will be shown little so I phoned the school board to welcome from Montreal last you. on March 17 and IS.

February wedding for young couple



. LTD.

NO MONEY DOWN We Are located STORE HOURS MON THRU THURS O.A.C. on 2nd Avenue , Phone 900om -600pm 45 DAYS TO across from the 900omFRIDAYS -900~~ FIRST PAYMENT Bowling Alley in 892-3424 SATURDAY 900om -600pm FREE DELIVERY Downtown Squamish private and non-profit. It is ty. Bg 3 News International Women's Wnk parents whose concern for their preschool supervisor, skilled in one last set of yoga plus before the starts March 8. Swimnastics. The swimnastics summer comes. Dates are from children's need for a quality developing a program of learning DR. AND MRS. RAY FLETCHER On Tuesday, Feb. 26, before *** course for people ages 13 and over April9 to May 14. This class is on- educational experience in vital to suit the intellectual, social and Judge C.I. Walker, Michael Her- Many people who participate in preschool years leads them to not emotional needs of the preschool will be continuing. The program ly five weeks this time and the fee ron was convicted of being a Big 3 have planned programs for only provide such an experience, ghild. will start April 7 and run till May I has been adjusted accordingly. AUSTRALIA TO BE HOME minor in possession of liquor and March and hope to attract more but to participatf in it well. * Our preschool is -a growing from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. Registra- Foot Reflexology. The,second as wilful damage. He received one- people to gather socially and The primary function of a good place where parents, children-and tion is limited, so register soon. set bf Foot Relflexology will be FOR NEWLYWEDS year supervised probation with discuss the action to take in the parent participation preschool is teacher grow together. Parent and Tot Swimming. A held in the afternoons at the civic conditions on both counts. process of solving the Big 3 issues: program for the parent and tot to centre junior lounge from 12:30 to to help each child achieve and en- If you would like to become in- jobs, day care, transportation and Brackendale Art Gallery was the scene of a quiet family JohnChristopher Kelly, bothQolwalchuk formerly and of attend together. All children up to 2:30 p.m. Registration is limited. joy the fullest development possi- volved with the preschool and communication. Our meetings arc school age are welcome to thts Registration. Please watch the ble for ,him, and to provide would like enrolment informa- wedding On December 16 when Rev. Jack Lindquist united in Whistler,pled guilty to possessidn open to the puMic free of charge; ' class. There will be no instruction. paper for ads on program infor- parents with the opportunity to in- tion, please contact Beris Hughes marriage Lynn Stathers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stathers of stolenproperty and each receiv- there are no membership dues, Tuesdays from I to 2 p.m. starting mation and registration . Registra- crease their understanding of at 898-9058. Of Squamish, and Dr- Raymond John Fletcher, son of Mr. and ed one year unsupervised proba- and no obligations. We will tion for programs will be after the themselves, and their children. April 8. Hydro Hint to Waste Watchers: Mrs. Fletcher of Rockhampton, Qtreensland, Australia. tion with conditions. discuss funding and sources of Kinderdance. A program for ads appear. AH our programs are The children, three and four Dimmer swjtches,provjde flexibili- A reception at the Gallery followed the ceremony. Robert Buchan was fined $400, revenue. children ages 10 six. Your pre-registration, with the hcep- four years of age, play. This is the basic ty in lighting levels, let you Save and MrS. Fletcher departed for Port Pirie, Australia, on in default. 14 days, for impaired Wednesday, March 12, is here child will learn to develop creative tion of drop in keepfit. In order medium for learning in the early energy'and money. ' FdJ. 2 where he has a veterinary practice. driving. and the Big 3 Reunion is on at 7 . movements ...... to music. --~ ~~ to support the viability of courses, years:They enjoy a rich variety of

~ p.m. at the Second Avenue Centre Saturday Afterdoon Gym. Kids pEexeKrJy.The-office is maw,-pfmts~~d- ex= I- 'U *1 of EveryoneCapilano College.is invited to come. ages seven-to 12 can come out for open from 8:30'tob:30 pm. Mon- periences. They learn to use their an afternoon of fun and games; day to Friday. The staff will be bodies effectively, express You can come to any meeting or having one weekend registration themselves, cope with their feel- Scouts, Cubs Squam ish Foster 9 --ping pong. badminton, baseball, come to them all. Everything trampoline, etc., starting April 12. day, Saturday, March 29, from I1 ings, get along with others, solve aboutreunion Big gives 3 isthe newsworthy. public a chance The Gym night for adults and teens. a.m. to 2 p.m. problems, satisfy curiosities and & Beavers Parent Association feel good about themselves. . to meet' with all the committees at News once and discuss progress and RAMBLINGS On Tuesday, March 4th, the cham of the Drug and Alcohol plans of action. Joan Dale, who is f rorn Squamish Foster Parents Associa- Commission. This informative contact person for the jobs com- tion and the Ministry of Human workshop emphasized the need - East Howe Sound mittee, has arranged for a special ~~ Resources co-soonsored an even- for similar workshom= ~ in ~~ the.~- guest speaker from the ministry of ing discussing child abuse. future. It was impossible in one labor, Chris Waddell. Chris will - Guest: from .the Ministry of evening to answer all the questions discuss the women's exploratory ' Human Resources included John and concerns expressed. Our apprenticeship training progrant. May we take this OPPOrtunitY to 'Cuboree 80' possible. Thank you Flook, social worker; Gary Noble, thanks to principal Jeff Larcombe We hope the large number of thank all those who participated one and all. supervisor; Eddy Lettinga, social and Valleycliffe teacher Evelyn in our District Bottle Drive last unemployed women in Squamish FOR ALL YOUR worker; Terry Ewan and Paul Walters in helping to make this will apply and start a program for Saturday. To Stan Jones at the The wheels are in motion quite Badger, family support workers. evening a success. Highlander a 'tip of the scout literally as the first of the Group women in Squamish to apprentice SEWING NEEDS A film was presented followed by *** and become self-sufficient ' cap' for his hospitality and run-offs in the Kub-Kar Rally a panel discussion. The ,The next meeting of the I assistance to the Scouters and also took Place last week at the 1st tradespeople. The program. is Honourable Grace McCarthy has Squamish Foster Parents Associa- sponsored by Canada Manpower to those householders who SO Brackendale. First across the set aside March,4-7 as Ministry of tion will be held tonight Tuesday, generously donated their bottles finish line to take top marks Was and a training allowance and Human Resources Week. This March 11 at Hospital House mobility fund are available for in- I andProceeds cans to ourfrom drive. these fund- parrenrunning Tipperin with withsecond Steven place Giles and evening helped to let the public (directly behind the hospital) at ry- dividuals taking the program in Located in the Highlands Mall meet their social workers. 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker will be Maple Ridge, but Squamish has raising projects help tQ keep our David Keeler and hns Radtke Terry Ewan, family support Groups active and functioning taking third and fourth honors *** facilities in local industry for ap- , On Wednesday evening, March worker, Ministry of Human prenticeship. It is our hope to and make. activities such as respectively. 2nd Squamish takes 5. at the Valleycliffe Elementary Resources. Mr. Ewap will discuss over the track this week and so it have Squamish women train in School the Squamish Foster parenting:the various .. ~-njiijrie aspects.... wishi.ng- of foster ..to Squamish. . -...... goes throughout the District until P gent 5-CGs po hsored 'a -w OTKshop. Film times-have been Set by we zero in on the civic centre for on "Drug Awareness". Guest know more about fostering is cor- the District Rally on March 22nd. Sandra Bellamy and Jane Hor- speaker was Ms. Charlotte Fin- dially invited to attend. vath, contacts for the communica- tion network, with a lot of help from Judy Vetsch who is librarian at Capilano College. The first film is "When I Say No, I Feel Guilty", a systematic assertiveness training film. Film time is II a.m. at the Brackendale Art,Gallery, on Thursday, March nion.13, the The morning restaurant after will Big be 3 openReu-,

Friday till Sunday, April 1. Int. Undercoat Participants of this Big 3 com- m2-220 Int. Flat Latex munication network meeting iq #52-010 ' Brackendale will have use of t%e 95 kitchen facilities, and should $11 0 gal. brunch".bring their own "brown bag At I p.m., after the film and- INT. OIL brunch, the women of the INT. LATEX Squamish Women's Centre will SEMI GLO,$S then speak at the first public #22-010 EGGSHELL meeting of the Squamish #55-010 Women's Centre Committee. AII executive has been elected by the $13Fgal. women, and steps have been taken 10 apply for funding for a Squamish Women's Centre to house the Big 3 projects, and INT. LATEX endless objectives to improve the -- standard of life for evenone in SEm-'--- #50-010

PAINT THINNERS With General Paint. #05-507 BREEZE EGGSHELL LATEX, the beautiful. PAINT $298 easy-lo-apply mellow gal. sheen washable finish tor bedrooms living BRUSHES .. rooms hallways and lamily rooms Quick 4+ __ - clean-upwlth w%miisoapy wXTEifm- first time with General Parnt l%++= 137 2L WALLPAPER look for 2" = 2.73

Helping you fo do rf nghf fhe hrsf fme. 3" - 4.73 4" - 6.09

... b, . ~...... Tc ...... - . ,I till tender, stirring occasionally. '14 tsp. pepper cheese (about 4 ounces) . .* - Do you pay interest and ser- reduce any of your expenses, into one monthly payment. Add flour: cook and stir just un- In small saucepan saute onion 2 ms vice charges on monthly charge other than credit payments? You - advising, if necessary, til flour starts to brown. Stir in in butter until tender; set aside. \ 2 to 4 tbsps. butter or accounts because you can't pay on may find that some of your in- bankruptcy procedures. tomato paste, broth, salt, sugar, In lightly greased 9x9~2inch mrgnrine time? come ordinarily used for luxury or To obtain the services of a debt and pepper sauce. Cook and stir baking dish spread half the Thinly spiead bread slices - Are you easily tempted by of- unnecessary goods and will- counsellor, contact your local till mixture comes to a boil and bread cubes. Top with chicken, with sandwich spread. Top 4 fers of easy credit, contests for power, making a strict budget and community information centre, or thickens. Simmer uncovered cheese, onion then remaining slices with chicken, then cheese. credit card holders or cash bor- sticking to it may bring the pro- the local office of the B.C. five minutes, stirring oc- bread cubes. Mix well eggs, Top with remaining bread rowers, or other credit schemes or $ blem under control, and may even Ministry of Consumer. and Cor- casionally. Stir in chicken and milk and seasonings. Pour over slices, spread side down. In solicitations? eventually solveit. porate Affairs. season with fresh-ground pep- bread. Bake in preheated 325 shallow bowl or pan beat .milk per. Heat until hot. Serve over oven 45 minutes or until knife and eggs until well blended. Dip rice. If desired, garnish with inserted about 2 inches from the sandwiches in egg mixture parsley. Serves four. edge comes out clean and top is about 'I? minute to coat both BROILED TURKEY SALAD crusty and brown. Makes 4 to 6 sides. In skillet, brown in butter, 2 cups diced cooked turkey servings. turning once. Serves 4. The c0mpan.y town and BUTTONS a great saving on Buttons. Many Ilh cups diced celery CHIKKEN-RICE PILAF Green snndwicb spread: sizes and colourt to choose from 1 tbsp. lemon juice 1 large onion, chopped 7 Mix well_l[)..c_ug mayonnaise. women lh cup mayonnaise or mayon- 1 hrge wcot, qunrtcred length- 2 tbsps. minced ch-ive:, I tbsp. can be improved by joining nalse type salad dressing wise, then slid thin parsley flakes,-- and 2 tsps. dry A film program of interest to and who still live, on the 50' card Salt and pepper to taste 1 large clove garlic, crushed mustard. women is to be shown on two OC- together and forming social and geographical oufskirts of society. casions during the week of March aid organizations such as women's centres and day care centres. There will be two showings of 17-21. No Life for a Woman these films. The first will be Tues- UNIQUE ZIPPERS*B~~nowand save. AII No Life for a Womad is in very ' Vegetable accents (N.F.B.)is the title of a 26-minute day evening March 18 at 7:30 p.m. unique zippers - on sale , documentw' about British Col- high demand these days, and we at the Brackendale Art Gallery. were very lucky to get a booking: ' Marinated vegetables, colorful 1 small onion, sliced in rings umbia's single industry resource The second showing will be We encourage you to come out TC lh price salads and relishes all help to Y4 cup vinegar towns and the wdmen who live in Wednesday, March 19 at 1:30 and see it. round out a menu and lately the Yz cup vegetable oil them. It was filmed last year in p.m., at the Cliffside crudities or raw vegetables have Don't let a high food bill Mackenzie (forest industry) and The second film, Great Grand Neighborhood Pub in clove -qf garlic, minced DRAPERY Time for Spring Decorating. ~uy become ver)r popular, either in a 1 tbsp. sugar limit your family's nutri- Fraser Lake (mining). Through Mother, gives an appreciation of Valleycliffe. These events are free your drapery this week and save platter with a dip or marinated in 1 tsp. salt or to taste tion. Poor planning, over- personal interviews the film earlier pioneer women - those to all and are co-sponsored by the chronicles the lives of some of the a blend of vinegar and spices. 'x (SP. pepper buying, limited storage who settled the praiees. These Capilano College Media Centre Try them to add a different Pinch of dry mustard women who find themselves in. women, too, had to come to and Women's Resource Centre, space, convenience foods -I 20 % off all drapery flavor and taste to your winter Vi tsp. dried tarragon these maJe-oriented towns. terms with their situation, but and the Squamish Public Library. meals. Mixed Mustard- Pickled Vi tsp. dried bnsll and wasting leftovers rather Boredom, depression, loneliness, they won many victories, such as For -mark information, please call Vegetables, a Vegetable than high food prices may unemployment, drug abuse, and being the first women in Canada Judy or Susan at 892-5322, or 1 tbsp. chopped parsley BEEHIVE SAYELLE o greot assortment of Vinaigrette or a Marinated Beet Cook broccoli, cauliflower, car- be contributing to your cabin fever are only some of the to receive the provincial vote. Jane at 892-31 IO. problezs they must deal with. colours. A great saving at Salad would add color and flavor rots and turnip in boiling salted higher food bill. Make prop- Together, these two films See you there - and bring a and for a rhw vegetable dip try water just until barely tender but er nutrition a part of your The film does not leave the should complement each other friend! Crudities with a Cucumber- still slightly crisp. Drain and cover bii Lifestyle. women without a solution, well, giving us a view of women of Hydro Hint to Waste- 88' . . . Y.wm .Dip,. .... ~ .. . - ... . immeidately with cold water., however. It shows how their lives different times who have lived, Watchers: Buying an electric MIXED MUSTARD Drain again, and combine 4th. 4181 Winnipeg - - 892-3ii 6 onion in a large bowl. Combine heater? CSA Performance Cer- PICKLED VEGETABLES remaining ingredients for tified heaters give you top effi- 3 large cucumbers, peeled and marinade; pour over vegetables, ciency. cut in 1 inch chunks and mix gently. Cover and chill 10 medium head mullflower (2 several hours. Serves 8. cups nom) 2 cups tiny peeled onions (or MARINATED BEET SALAD large onions cut in chunks) 6 medlum beets .I I small green pepper, choppd 1 large onlon, sliced Into rings The 1 small sweet red pepper, chop- 2 stalks celery, sliced thinly ped 3 lbsps. cider vinegar 2 tbsps. coarse pickling salt , Yz tsp. sugar CLASSIFIED 1 cup cold waler Y2 tsp. Salt Y 1 '/I cups granulated sugar Garden Centre x bP. pepper BUY SELL SWAP TRADE '/d -cup all-purpose flour X tsp. dry mustard dNLY FOR A FIVE LINE 2 Ibsps. dry mustard Vz tsp. dried basil $3.00 1 tsp. turmeric 4 lbsps. vegetable oll ADVERTISEMENT If PREPAID 1 tsp. mustard seed chopped fresh parlsey MOSS KILLER 1 tsp. celery seed Cook beets in boiling salted 4-2-3 kills moss and feeds 11/a cups white vinegar water. Peel and slice thinly. Com- yourtion. lawn20 kg inbag. o single applico- 4'1 cup water bine beets, onions ad ceiery. Combine vegetables in large Combine remaining ingredients - ..-' .. .%&; -Sprinkle- with pickling -salt Reg. 9.95 and pour over vegetables. Special 7.95 and add 1 cup coid water. Let Marinate in refrigerator for at stand one hour and drain well. In least one hour. Serve sprinkled large heavy saucepan, mix with chopped parsley. Makes 6 together sugar, flour, mustard small sewings. and spices. Stir in vinegar and DOLOMITE LIME watelr gradually. Bring .IQ .bQd, CRUDITIES .WITH Counterocts excess ocjdity- stirring. Add drained vegetables, CUCUMBER-YOGURT DIP duzng the winter months. bring back to boil. Reduce heat Yz cup plain yogurt Guaranteed not to burn. Ideo1 lawn preporotion prior to spr- and simmer '/I IO 1 hour, stirring YI cup grated cucumber ing fertilizotion. 20 kg bog. often. until vegetables are tender. 2 green onions, finely chopped - "- into mp.chopped green pepv' seal (or store in refrigerator). Salt and pepper to taste 0.tu hlakes 2 to 3 pints. Dash of cayenne V FALL VEGETABLE Blend ingredients together, It is.0 must to spray and VlNAlGRElTE Chill to blend flavors. Makes fertilize NOW to kill WINTER & SPRING about 1 cup or four servings. 1 cup broccoli cut in 1 inch insect and fungi Serve with 2 stalks celery, 2 carrot Sat. ' pieces ROBINSON 3286 Cleveland Thurs. Fri. and assure 1 cup small cauliflower florets sticks, 2 green onions, 2 green STORES 892-3012 March 13,14 & 15 Provides ideol winter nourish 1 cup thiny sliced carrots pepper strips, and a cherry tomato men! for lawns shrubs, or any assortment -\ Lmbsgond flowering bulbIS. of vegetables of 1 cup yellow turnip in 2 inch b,\ 20 sticks your choosing. -- 9.95 spec 5 THANKYOU

To all who assisted in the search for our dog, Snow. Special thanks to the young boy who finally caught her. The Thomas Orser Family Huge selection 01 tropical plant and spring bulbs jpw+i++irr+irwT*-**# in stock NOW!! *rl STARLITETHEATRE 8m-sos2 69esw 0 All ages welcome--children and adults 2.8~10.2.5~7,U).Wpllets % . showtlme 8 pm unless stated otherwise # $1 extra per person for group photos fhurs Sun March 13 16 Mon - tu- March 17 - 16 * $ - - Entire package ,orders only! Entire Rg. $12.95 MONTY $ MUSTANG Less &pasit Satisfaction guaranteed or deposit .95 PYTHON'S HOUSE OF cheerfully refunded. Balance - b~,$12.00 3 LIFE OF PLEASURE .c Photogropher Hours: I, Restrict& * BRIAN 10 A.M. to 1 P.M., 2 P.M. to 5 P.M. - Friday to 730 P.M. - Saturday to 5 P.M.


eduction rearend. jadial rubber. basement'gditr for rent on 15th Ave. workshop & 'playhouse.'.AssumabIe. mortgageat IO%%. 898-5849.13.1 I) i30.000. Ph: 992-7335 or 992-753! Available from April 1st. Wall to wall buld' you like a business of you luesnel. carpet, frldge, stove, drapes & cablevi- IQ-Cmms&l B Wl?-%tA€?-< -_ sion. Ph: 892-5837. (3.1 1) Industrial Prowrtv tart. Begin at home, full or part time floor man Iohn Detre 35Oc Dozer with ROPS anopeirt' &-clearing blade, with or CEMENT BLOCK BUTDINT84 MoMle Homes for Sale deal for husband and wife teams Carpets 0 Tiles 0 Uaolcom :all 898-3372. No obligation. No in 0 Cemmlc Floor & Wall Tiles without winch approximaltely I500 3 years old,. 16' high, 3,000 sq. ft. 24x56 3 bdrm. mobile, home, living & lours. A-I condition. Ph: 858-5001 Three IZ'x14'overhead doors, proper- ormation over the phone. Let's hav Sales and Installation 66 OfficesforRent dining rm., den, double bathrm., offee and talk! (3.1 I) ifter 6 p.m. ty 150' x loo', fluorescent lighting; drapes, $25,000. Located at Wagon MICHAEL McEH/EN Office space available, professional 1975 Cat D8K ripper, angle blade or building, Cleveland Ave. 892-3441 well insulated, heated. Many uses. Wheel Trailer Court. Bay 26. a92-3870 Call Tom 378-4632, Merritt, B.C. 898-9526. (3.12) V-blade, 60% U/C, fully enclosed eves. 898-9523. (I. 16M) I 00. Appliances and Repairs :ab, Prince George, S93,500. 1973 Cat 1974 12'x62' two-bdrm. Shelby Com- MC c/w Weldco grapple. near new modore, Jocated in Spiral Trailer 19 Cleaners .P. bucket, 235x25 80% tires, Tube- 67 Stores for Rent 80 Houses for Sale Park. Partially furnished with 4 ap- SQUAMISH APPLIANCE ok ROPS, machine presently in- pliances. Excel. cond. 898-9480. (3.1 I) - Moduiar home, 24x40, all appliances, tected, Vancouver. $72,000. 1974 -Retail-store- space, 1400 sq. ft. & REFRIGERATION CARPET & on fences, large garage, storage shed, sun VZ cubic yard P7H Excavator, stan- Cleveland Ave., available Nov. 1 ..Call 3 year old 12x60 Bendix Leader mobile porch, plush shag, well instfated on EXPERT REPAIRS , ird bucket with teeth, GM power, 892-3822or 898-9018. (I0.M) home with sundeck; addition and TO UPHOLSTERY large lot in quiet Bracken. Park. fenced yard. Furniture incl. Like new. IW hours, Vancouver, $152,000. 1973 898-9465.(3.18) Reasonable price. 898-9841. (3.18) ALL MAJOR APPLIANCES lountain Logger skidder, 3 to choose Washers Dishwashei CLEANING om, all low hours, excel. cond.. 12'xtQ' Mobile home, 1 bdrm., fur- Iryers Ice Equipmer Extractaway system ancouver, Kamloops, Cranbrook, nished, located in Pemberton b.H. (elrigerators Freeze1 Free visuol estimates !4.500 each. Phone 324-2446 or 1 Park. Offers accepted. 894-6698 eves. Commercial Refrig. All work guaranteed $5-9759. [3.l Im) Call g. 24 hr. Answering Service. AFFORDABLE lode1 5 linotype. electric pot with I1 898-3403 or 892-5604 I daniadown 11975 Paramount 12x60, 3 bdrm. JOHN SIMPSON . 898-3278 PRICES lags - 8 point, 3 mags - 12 point, I Darrel McNutt . it is so-0-0-0hard to leave mobile home with addition, 3 sheds, lag - IO point, 2 mags - 6 point, I mag fridge, stove, w/d, all fenced. All Work Guaranteed Call Dave 898-3414 TOPPING, LIMBING 5% point, also Hammond saws all in or FALLING Daniadown takes pride in the quality. workmanship and wide 615,500.898-9041. Sq. Build, Maint, Ltd. 3od condition. Write The Times selection of their continental quilts. You can turn down the heat DANGEROUS TREES 1974 12x62 Diplomat, 2 bdrm., good ublishers, 1422 Pemberton Ave., and still keep cozily warm on the coldest nights and free yourself I04 Accounting 45' fully insulated lift boom from tedious bedmaking forever :ondition, 4 appliances. a33 Timber- lorth Vancouver V7P 2S1 or phone Free Estimates - Fully Insured Choose covers, accessories and drapes from a large chbice of town Estates. 898-5016. (4.1) DOUGLAS E. RUDY, A.P.A. 30-753 I. Call Ian a1 898-3479 mix match colours in perma res fabric. The decorating pos- 4 Bookkeeping & Accounting 20 Contractors sibilities are endless, and mafles the ideal gift Income Tax 0 Office Service KEN TqEM Drop jn and see why Daniadown is the mosi popular quilt in and Longview Contractors Ltd. ACTION Canada. Dealer lis1 and colour brochure on request. 90 Recreational Pktperfy Computer Services istom builders, yhistler-Squamish TREE SERVICE ill build to sit. 898-5741 anc 125 Stall Trailer Park. Laundromat, 38140 Cleveland Avenue MACHINERY Trimming ond pruning 01 shrubs trees showers, electric hookups, house. Squamish, B.C. 8-5497. (I .30m) and hedges Tree lopping ond toke Potential for growth,, excellent '.O.Box 284 Tel: 892-591 MAVERICK DRYWALL AND PARTS downs. Fully insured . Free estimates returns. Owner retiring. Klondike gold iping, Boarding, Textured Ceilings )ox 1461 *Y, I.C. Pb. 198.5b74 camp. Box 65, Dawson, Yukon YOB Bar and Steel Studs, Good used lote model equipment .I 1GO. Ph: 993-5366. (403) SDM business Service Ltd. Quality Workmanship also wrecking. Cat. IHC. Fiat . ALLIS. BY OWNER: Investor opportunity. Complete Office Services PHone 888-3562 after 4 p.m. equipment for parts. '/z mile lake frwtage, 100 beautiful including: .30m) Unit 202.5920 No. 6 Rood acres, good timber, subdivision ap Accounting & Bookkeeping Richmond, B.C. proved in growth area; newer bsmt. Income Tax & Payrolls 24 Hour Phone Service 604-278-4881 log home plus 3 modern motel units. 38018 Cleveland Ave. BOEDEKER all services. Great hunting, fishing & Squamish, B.C. Box 1809 CONSTRUCTION LTD. recreation area. Off Hwy '24, Bridge MI-2nd Ave. Lake. Clear title. Trades, terms, etc. Residential negotiable to mid 90s F.P. Phone 892-9351 892.5991 593-4475. (3.1 I) CommerCial Industrial 61- Moving 6 Hauling

daniadown quilts Itd. ~ 892-3610 SQUAMISH FREIGHTWAYS 92 Business Opportunities 109 Building Matgrials 892-3838 Established 1967 INVEST! West acreage, Binta Lake, IF YOU ENJOY GARDENING rural property west of Vanderhoof, Do it year round using an aluminu 22 Chimnev Cleanina fast food & games Fraser Lake, fast and glass greenhouse! Write for fr 162 Masonry REALTY LID. food & billiards Smithers. Rose brochure to: B.C. greenhou SUNRISE MASONRY Munro, 562-8967. Block Bros., Prince Builders, 7323.6th St., Burnaby, B.1 :ustom fireplaces, chimneys and all 37991 Cleveland Ave. George 563-7775. V3N 3L2. Mail orders now available DAVE'S BOMR 1760, Squamlrh, B.C. . ,.. ypes of brick and block work. Free Box 892-3541 a stimates. 898-5693. VON 3G0 24 hr. 'answerfig pqrvlce

EVERGREENS 6 FERNS Excellent CHIMNEY CLEANING ~ PAEPATASI OFFICE HOURS REALTY WORLD building lot in Gariboldi Flu Fireplace MASONRY LTD. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Mon-Sat Highlands. Build your castle in Box 89, Britannia Beach Vacuum Equipped the sky. fl8,W. Call Gray :ireplaces, and all types brick, stones or Sotidoction Guaranteed Wayne. t block work, Vancouver. Whistler, Suncoast38105 2nd Ave. SQUAMISH Realty Ltd. UNINTERRUPTED VIEW and 'emberton FREE ESTIMATES privacy in lovely Maple Place, 090-34 14 Don Lecky (evenings) ...... 892-9027 892-3160 or 892-5561 Brackendale. The Squamish River Anytime times Dir. of Sa. Buildinn Main?. Ltd. I /I Gray Mitchell (evenings) . . . . 898-9566 and Tantalus mountain range at in real estate. Wayne Mitchell (evenings) . . 898-3142 your back - a beautiful place to IT'S LIKE BEING 1% A PARK ii REALTY WORLO build the house of your dreams. the hackyd of this lovely 4 hdrm Joyce Cunningham ...... 173 Photographers 8 home. Lots of wood inudc . nict Suncoast Realty L-% 898-3218 Call Gray of Wayne. COMMERCIAL LOTS in Photo Supplies I fireplaces, Ige. work area. Yd 38105 Ave , Squamish IEW LISTING 2nd completely landscaped & frnccd . i OM with I XCELLENT FAMILY HOMB 892.5961 (24 hour answering ser. )LY MPUS IO 5Omm .8 lens delight to we -Call for an appoini CHIMNEY ind case 5328.88 ~ 20 units at this price YlTH SPFflACULAR VIEW of men t t oday . anrwor~ng with the purchase. Get your Don't delay - Wilfs Photo Centre #9. iaribaldi Mountain, 3 bdrmr. up, ~rvlta business developed while prices % 551 Estevan. Nanaimo. B.C. VPS down. Above average carpeting ore still affordable! iY5. Ph: 753-9434. L light fixtures. 2 f/p's - one wiih to 1 -1 ___ i HOME SERVICES food adaptor. Close element. ch-pe maT.TPricedin atisfaction Guaranteed We Have Lots of Buvers! I78 Refrigeration d w If you want a quick sale call us! DUNK'S GARIBA1,I)I ESTATFb - FA\ TASTIC \IEW . 2 hdrrn\ up, REFkIGERAlION 6 APPLIANCE down SERVICE 29 Drivina Schools Box 1728. Squamish 898-5656 SQUAMISH rWLISTING DRIVING SCHOOL Jp & down duplex. needs rome earn to drive with a qualified lioen :oFmeiic work. Bottom wife 1 instructor. Full preparation fc ented . Ige. fenced yd. Pricc in- I..T :ludes all drapec. one fridge & two river's examination. 190 Sewing Machines SIDE BY SIDE ~ODt:R! ,tovcs - tiood revenue property. - For more informanon phone b Repairs...... I)&Pl&X -.[dl h\mt\. Each, ~i& 892-5058 can he purchad \eparafel) bdrms., Iiiing riii , diiitng rni. Ir CABIN IN THE WILDERNESS? Not quite HEMLOCK HONEY1 A well maintained 3 EXCELLENT FAMILY HOME . mid fifties. regular thaped lot uith lot\ ti 2 bedroom family home with a 3 bedroom Easy care aluminum siding and a well kept but we have houses ond 3 cabins (all Fibre Fak trrr\. i-tferor Iinijhcd in cedar bosement suite to help PO~your mor- now renting) by the Mornquom on o large 3 bedroom home. Fruit trees and garden 44 Garden Supplies for all your sewing needs I ocaied in Rrackcndalr. pie wedge piece of property. For more tgoge! All 5 applionces downstoirs*tostay 011 fenced. 2 bedroom legol suite in bose- Highlands Mall detoils call Gray or Woyne. plus all dropes up and down. 2 fireplaces. ment. Stove, fridge 8 dropes up ond dovin A must to see. Mid Fifties. Coil Joyce. stay. Call Grgy or Wayne. 898-5421 . IS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 9 am till 6 pm Daily

-- -_f-_tt ~~ 192 Sporting Goods STH-AYE.,-LARGE HOMF. & FOR ALL SEE ROADRUNNER extra lot. Older new11 rrn,l\atcd YOUR GARDENING NEEDS SPORTING GOODS bdrms. doun. I [email protected]. uitti piit' FOR ALL YOUR door\ opening on to roo1 of IC\. 090-3013 HOCKEY EQUIPMENT \iudio addition uhiih ~(iuldhe 41 OVERWAITEA PLAZA hdrm.. lee. fain riii . lot\ t I I 892-303I hcautiful trm8. flcrur.r< 152 Insulation . 194 Surveying Squamish tnsulation Home lnsulntlng ' Robert B. Brown & Associates Call for Free Estimates British Columbia Land Surveyor and Professional Engineer 892-3986 i Box 13. Whistler. B.C. I1 .M) ~ Phone 932-5426 Serving Squamirh. 3drm. home in quiet area of 3 ACRFS plu\ 1890 sq I Whistler and Pemberton Brackendale offerr, you comfort (appro\.) port 8r heani r;inchc plus nice view of surrounding Secluded with Ipr \!rean1 8. tro LOACH. HOBBS & KY LER British Columbia Land Surveyor mountains. Rumpus rm. down dol. 1 bdrm\.. 2 full hntl\\. ' with lee. rioragc rmf.. J appl. Slu,t hc \ri HORSESHOEING , 1640 Bridgman Ave. rtone f/p. Ro5s Rd. High 'rimming, servicing. Squamish area. 50's. to he appreciatrd ._._-.- - Nonh Vancouver. B.C. behind you. A 3 bedroom, 2% bathr&m SCAPEDlOT with super kitchen and living It You're tired Of "'orking for Someone 'hone Hans Berger after 7. 988-2530 or 980-%17 898-3751 WE NEED LlSflNGS If YOU WANT 19 SOLD CALL US home, double pane windows AND an room with heatilator fireplace. Lots of else then this excellent business oppor- - - tunity is great for an ambitious family. HERMON. BUNBURY & OKE assumable 10% % mortgage. Completely privacy. Assumable 10%% mortgage. . Professional Land Surveyors SQUAMISH SPECIALISTS finished up and down (in-loy suite) Fridge Call Joyce for more details. . This grogery and Pop Shoppe busineqs is CHICKS & Engineer5 showing a good return and has room for .JOAN CASSELL R.J. CASSELL MRS. RONNIE McCARTNEY and stove to stay. $74.900. Call Gray' or brown egg layers, white Leghorns, at 89a-3226 098-3216 twa5va I - ?. expansion. We hove all financial informa- ...Wayne. white Rocks. Order early - ship #202. I107 Seymour Street I tion available to serious porties only. Call Inywhere. Napier Chick Sales, 6743 Vancouver. B.C V6B 3M7 DOROTHY GO~DEN HELEN MAGEE LINDA BURRI~ Grav or Wavne. :16th SI.. Box 59, Milner. B.C. VOX I Telephone 687-6841 898-3249 892-3905 892-55WJ TO. 534-7222.(tfn) ' (1.9M) , I






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B. LB.


1pple Juice 385 mL. TINS 4 KO. BAG




