a .. -. O’Shaughnessy said the com- of the pipe, the ridges would have service area, ding wi& somewha pany is receiving a lot of pressure to be blasted, or meolher Financing of the new hospital would be responsible for repaying rently planned to be constructed greater potential for growth ir aSTANCE FROM WILLIAMS LAKE to service the two commnities and method used to ensure the pipe volume, will provide for an ever was discussed at a recent hospital f I .2 million over 25 years. adjacent to the new hospital unit, will be the responsibility of the the route could be changed to in- will lay on a flat surface. ldwer per unit cost. board meeting. To a homeowner with a $60,000 provincial government. The clude Pemberton and Whistler. Rue to the depth of the write-r “You will be charged the samc Dan Cumming, regional house, the taxes would be approx- capital is raised by a financial in- Westcoast will build the line encountered, and the technology price as an‘ybody else,’ hospital district appointee to the imately $13.50 a year. The present stitution and guaranteed by the from Williams Lake to Squamish, that must be employed to cross O’Shaughnessy said. He said thc board, said the entire area, from charge on the same house, Central Mortgage and Housing Port Mellon and across to Com- these ridges and rock outcrops, customer should pay the same a Pavilion Lake to the east of representing the facilities at Corporation. ox. PNG is then responsible for Westcoast is concerned substan- in Vancouver and the lowei Lillooet down to Brunswick Point Lillooet and Pemberton, and the There is no direct tax burden on installing the pipeline and lateral tial cost overruns could res91 . mainland. in the south, would be paying for expansion to. the existing local residents. and establishing a distribution As tides rise and sweep around The cost of natural gas will bc 40 per cent of the cost of the new Squamish hospital, is approx- imately $8.50 a year. Repayment to the government system from Comox to Campbell the ends of Vancouver Island to approximately 50 per ce t oi facility. sf The financing for the in- is made through the rent payments River and along the coast to Vic- flood the Straits of Georgia, cer- and 250 per cent cheaper t)n pro J In the past, the people in the toria. tain areas are exposed to signifi- t 6,000 square mile area, as well as termediate care unit, which is cur- by the residents. pane. PNG construction costs in- cept tidal currents. Studies con- Westcoikt and its co Itant! any businesses or landowners, cludes distribution systems in ducted by Westcoast, and ,other have studied the northern pipelinc have paid for the new hospital at Powell hver, Squamish, Wood- available information, indicate crossing to Vancouver Island a Lillooet and the diagnostic centre NO’ONE INJURED IN fibre and Port Mellon. currents on a southern route reach early as 1966. Since the latc in Pemberton. O’Shaughenessy said there speeds more than twice that of the ’ 195O’s, the company has examin The provincial government, and SQUAMISH HOTEL FIRE might be some- trouble installing northern crossing. These currents ed vadeus pipeline routes to thl therefare E.C. taxpayers, will pay Two pmpwand a rescue- MA fwpondal w a fie a -the the balance of the project. the line in the water, which is 17 not only make construction more ishd. PNG was formed in th ’ Squamish Hotel March 4 at 2:23 a.m. miles wide and 1,200 feet deep. difficult in extreme .water depths, late 1960’s to develop natural ga When construction of the acute. Oil had leaked onto the burner of the oil furnace and caused and extended hospital care unit was hiavy smoke to leak into the hallways upstairs. 0rrrr.r first authorized, the capital cost was estimated to be $3 million. Two RCMP officers insured all the occupants were out of The regional hospital district the building and no one was injured. P.N.O. CONSIWUCTION COSTS The fire was extinguished by the department and the smoke INCLUO€S DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM damage sucked out of the hotel. IN POWELL”RIVER, SOUAMISM, Wilful The members then checked the building to see if the leak- WOODFIBRE AND PORT’ MELLON investigated ing, burning oil had set fire to any other room. Police are currently in- The tenants were allowed back into the hotel at 3:15 a.m. vestigating wilful damage of --@=+- ’- municipal highways signs. t The majority of the signs were pushed over by a 4x4 vehicle and SHOWN TONIGHT ON 7,21 police are asking for public If you happen to be in Vancouver tonight and have a friend assistance. you haven’t visited for a while, drop in around 9:OO p.m. Two females,‘ approximately That is when ‘The Plutonium Incident’, the movie that was -TO VANCOUVER ISLAND-570 an I~I 18, were apprehended in the in- filmed locally last fall. will be on channels 7 and 21. -TO VlCT l400m) cidents and charges are pending. RIA -630h The movie was originally titled ‘An Element Risk’. TO CAJBELL RNER - 760km 1470mi) A juvenile male from the of Valleycliffe area was also ap- Local resident Bob Silcock plays the father of one of the prehended and dealt with infor- main characters and several other local people are also featured mally. in the film. 1 On March 3, seven windows Janet Margolin and Bo Hopkins star in the G!m absa a were broken at Mamquam plutonium plant that strives for profits at the expense of its element^: The damage was ap- employees’ safety. proximately $250. The incident is under investigation. Police are investigating a break MERLIN GOOFED! and enter into a private residence That’s right. Merlin gooied. on Skyline Dr. where a stereo and tape recorder were stolen. He never realized how p~$wlarthe Times is when he first set A juvenile male was taken into up the rules for the bike contest, so he’s changed them to make it custody following the theft of a a little easier to enter the contest and win a prize. 30-30 rifle and shotgun from a Just look for the advertisement in this week’s Times for the pick up truck parked on Read full details, and good luck. Crescent March I. The stolen propeny worth $m was recovqed. Charges are pen- WINDOWS BROKEN IN ’ ding. Four juvenile males from the Squamish area have been ar- DOWNTOWN SATURDAY rested, and charges are pending, The windows of three businesses were broken Saturday following a break-in at the pro night between 7:45 and 8:30. shop to the golf club on Feb. 17. The front windows of the Times office, McDougall’s Fur- Twenty t-shins worth S10 each, nishings and K&M Parts were kicked in. Damage estimates were golf gloves, cartons of cigarettes not available. and chocolate b’ars were stolen. There arc no suspects. Anyong having any information The total value of the goods is should contact the RCMP. 5400. I .. r .. merce ctatingour tentative interest meetings to share your ideas. I in such a venture. Your ideas and c __ BCSPCA SQILAMJifl YALLEY BRANCH ANNUAL MEETING Guest Speaker: Mr. Jack Homes, Executive Director, Vancouver Regional Branch. Film: “Who Cares Anpay?”, Presented by Mr. A1 Hickey, Executive Director, Provin- cial Branch. -COFFEE WttLE!SERVEi3 ‘ 4i,l, HCSPCA AKt IhF ITED L d inac ide nt s There were no ihjuries in two SHARPLY FOR FEBRUARY accidents last week. The British Columbia Railway’s carloadings February Office: 892-3541 (24 Hours) On March 3 on Highway 99 in in Sales Repmsentellve the Checkerboard canyon area, a totalled 13,128, up sharply by more than 18 percent from 11,056 1978 Firebird, driven by Arnold carloadings in February last year. Gough of West Vancouver, . --Total carloadings for the first two months of 1980, at n received $-2,6@) damage when a 18.774. were lower than in the previous year, owing to a strike n tire blew. The car hit the guard which extended into the first three weeks of this year. January, rail, bounced back and hit the February loadings last year totalled 25.023. -- rock wall. The accident is under Showing gains in February this year, compared with investigation. February last year, were movements of export grain, copper, professional barbering Sidsworth was charged sulphur, lumber eastern rail, export wood chips and domestic wtih backing while unsafe follow- ._--., WOO0 pulp. & hair styling Visits Squamish ing an accident in the BCR park- ing lot on March 4. ~~ MARCH 11 to 16 Sidsworth’s car received $50 for men and boys damage when she backed out of Larry E. Lewis 8, Trevor W. Neate the stall and hit a car belonging to Appearing nightly at th% SQUAklSH P.S. Sangha of Squamish. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH. Other Sangha’s car received $500 DENTAL MECHANICS performances at the ELEMENTARY & HIGH damage. wish to announce the opening of SCHOOLS including a SPECIAL YOUTH a Ddnture Practice RALLY H.S.S.S. Friday, March 14 at Located in the at 7:30. located in the lobby of the GARlBALDl HIGHLANDER ((898-3237 For further info and times phone 892-3329 GAR IBALD1 HOTEL t HIGHLANDER HOTEL I Squamish OPENING APRIL 1 ____- - -_ I ?I for appointments call I .I 898-5055 I I I EFFECTIVE MARCH 1.I I I I If you are travelling on or after March 17, call VIA at I NOW DIRECT I -~ ‘1 -FmMm- I I I I I I 112.800 8630.
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