Glossary A-Alb 19 December 2015 23,761 Words
Glossary A-Alb 19 December 2015 23,761 words a- - (Prefix; from Old English: a-, originally ar-,=away) - away, on, up, out, eg: arise. - (Preposition; from Middle English, from Old English) - of, eg: akin to. - (From Greek) - not, or without, eg: ahistorical, agnostic, asymmetrical and astylar.1 - (Preposition: Middle English: a-, from Old English: an, on; from Middle English: a- from Old English, as: akin; from Middle English: a- (=Old French prefix a-), either directly from Latin: ad=to, or at, as: ascend, or through French: a- =agree, eg: address) - of, eg: akin to. Or from Middle English: a- =Old French a- from Latin: ab=from, or away, eg: abridge; from Middle English, Ancient French: a- = Old French e-, es-, from Latin: ex=out, utterly, eg: affray; or from Greek a- =not, without, eg: agnostic and amoral), through Latin, or through Latin and French: adamant and amethyst).2 -a (suffix) - forming: - Nouns from Greek, Latin and Romanic, feminine singular, eg: (Greek) idea, (Latin) piazza; and women’s names, eg: Lydia and Cecilia. - Plural nouns from Greek and Latin neuter plural, eg: phenomena and genera.3 @ (symbol; noun: arobase; ubiquitous from 1971, when Ray Tomlinson () invented email, he saw it as connected to the gidouille, the spiral glyph on the front of Père Ubu’s gown in Ubu Roi; it appeared as a key on the Lambert typewriter, New York, 1902 for a symbol in pricing items; French: arobase, used in Italian trade from 1536, from Spanish and Portuguese: arroba, from C11, originally also a unit of measurement; possibly from: Arabic: ar-rub=quart).
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