Music Festival attract you to the Rheingau. the to you attract Festival Music and old town atmosphere. Wine festivals and the Rheingau Rheingau the and festivals Wine atmosphere. town old and quiche) or „Spundekäs“ (a savoury cream cheese spread). cheese cream savoury (a „Spundekäs“ or quiche) experience. Koblenz, Bonn and Wiesbaden offer theatres theatres offer Wiesbaden and Bonn Koblenz, experience. kooch“ (a sort of potato cake), „Zwiebelkuchen“ (onion (onion „Zwiebelkuchen“ cake), potato of sort (a kooch“ for cyclists and roller-bladers make the Rhine a special special a Rhine the make roller-bladers and cyclists for Blauer Spaetburgunder with an ample helping of „Dibbe- of helping ample an with Spaetburgunder Blauer
[email protected] fireworks displays or the “Tal toTal Valley Experience“ Experience“ Valley toTal “Tal the or displays fireworks wine growers‘ bars. Try the new Riesling wine or the the or wine Riesling new the Try bars. growers‘ wine Events such as “Rhine in Flames“ with illuminations and and illuminations with Flames“ in “Rhine as such Events with wine festivals in picturesque villages and romantic romantic and villages picturesque in festivals wine with An autumnal hike along the Rhine combines golden leaves leaves golden combines Rhine the along hike autumnal An
[email protected] Festival. Fax: +49 (0) 67 71-95 93 814 93 71-95 67 (0) +49 Fax: Im Rheingau locken Weinfeste und das Rheingau Musik Musik Rheingau das und Weinfeste locken Rheingau Im kooche, Zwiebelkuchen oder Spundekäs. Spundekäs. oder Zwiebelkuchen kooche, und Altstadtflair bieten Koblenz, Bonn und Wiesbaden. Wiesbaden. und Bonn Koblenz, bieten Altstadtflair und Riesling oder Blauen Spätburgunder mit deftigem Dibbe- deftigem mit Spätburgunder Blauen oder Riesling Tel.: +49 (0) 67 71-95 93 80 93 71-95 67 (0) +49 Tel.: machen den Rhein zu einem besonderen Erlebnis.