The Shul B”H weekly magazine

Weekly Magazine Sponsored By Mr. & Mrs. Martin (OBM) and Ethel Sirotkin and Dr. & Mrs. Shmuel and Evelyn Katz

Shabbos Parshas Behar - Bechukosai Shabbos Mevorchim Shabbos Chazak Iyar 26 - 27 May 11 - 12 CANDLE LIGHTING: 7:39 pm

Shabbos Ends: 8:35 pm

Rosh Chodesh Sivan Tuesday, May 15

Molad - New Moon Tuesday, May 15 5:21 (6 chalakim) AM

Te Shul - Chabad Lubavitch - An institution of Te Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem M. Schneerson (May his merit shield us) Over Tirty fve Years of Serving the Communities of Bal Harbour, Bay Harbor Islands, Indian Creek and Surfside 9540 Collins Avenue, Surfside, Fl 33154 Tel: 305.868.1411 Fax: 305.861.2426 Email: [email protected] The Shul Weekly Magazine Everything you need for every day of the week

Contents Nachas At A Glance

Weekly Message 3 Bar Ilan University bestowed an honarary doctorate upon Dr. Shmuel Thoughts on the Parsha from Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar and Evelyn Katz in recognition of their unwavering commitment to Israel, the Diaspora community and Jewish education. Celebrating Shabbos 4 -5 Schedules, classes, articles and more... Everything you Mazal Tov to the entire Katz Family need for an “Over the Top” Shabbos experience Community Happenings 6-7 Sharing with your Shul Family A Time to Pray 8 Check out all the davening schedules and locations throughout the week Inspiration, Insights & Ideas 9-15 Bringing lessons to LIFE Get The Picture 16- 25 The full scoop on all the great events around town

In a woman’s world 26 Issues of relevance to the Jewish woman

The ABC’s of Aleph 27 Serving Jews in institutional and limited environments. The JLAC event this week was a great success with over 100 people French Connection 28 in attendance. Speaker Elias Obadia inspired the crowd with his talk Refexions sur la Paracha on Torah Codes. Latin Link 29 Refexion Semanal

Networking 30-32 Effective Advertising

Numbers To Know 33 Contacts at The Shul

Daily Study 34 A complete guide to all classes and courses offered at The Shul Get The Picture 35-36 The full scoop on all the great events around town

The Shul Women enjoyed a Pre Shavuos event with delicious food, inspiring words by Laurie Lans and a great dairy food demonstration by Leah Lipskar Quotable Quote

When learning Torah the Jew feels like a pupil with his master; in praying - like a child with his father

– Hayom Yom, Tammuz 26 Thoughts on the Parshah from Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar Shabbos Parshas Behar - Bechukosai it Shabbos Chazak (Strength). The Talmud states “this physical world from which we move on is like he laws of the Sabbatical a Hilula/wedding party” the simple meaning of this statement is that year, Jubilee year, real this physical, materially orientated world is like a big celebration where estate transactions and T we eat, drink, sleep, rejoice and have pleasure. The Alter Rebbe and limits of human servitude are the his immediate successors translate this in a more classical way. “This main focus of this parsha, sharing physical, materially orientated world causes us to become movers”. It is with the children of Israel how the physicality and limited perspective of our hedonistic environments to function in their materialistic that give us the opportunity to move to higher and more accomplished world. levels. It is only this very practical and Angels are referred to as “standing”. They cannot move or grow to higher physical Mitzvah that is not levels since they face no challenges, nor experience any resistance to relevant to every single person, their given tasks and appointed missions. Humans however, who live in a only to those who are farmers, tension flled world often having to overcome many hurdles that stand in landowners and servants where the way of their proper action are called “movers”. It is that contradictory the Torah specifes that it was force of negative tension that serves to thrust us forward, much the same articulated at Mt. Sinai. Just as as the backward thrust of jet engines propel a plane forward or the this Mitzvah and all of its specifcs, details and particulars were given drawing back of a rubber band that pushes the projectile in the opposite by G-d at Sinai, surely were all Mitzvos, especially those which pertain to direction. Only through exposure to limited, physical, material earthiness everyone including all of their details, given at Sinai. can one achieve sublime heavenliness. When charging the Jewish People with the necessity to allow the land to That is why our world is called a wedding party. Just as through marriage, lay fallow during the 7th (Sabbatical year), the Torah states, “And if you representing love and physical contact do we release the power of ask what will we eat…” (25:20) – How can we survive with three years of eternity expressed in the infnity of bearing children, so too do we achieve non-productivity? During the seventh year we are not allowed to harvest infnite holiness by our life in this coarse world. crops of the sixth and will have produce only at the end of the eighth year since we can only begin to plough and plant at the beginning of the It is the Holy RaShbY who conveyed through Kaballah the inner meaning eighth year; hence, the produce of the sixth year must be adequate for and purpose of this world that contains the holiest and loftiest sparks and three years (the 6th, 7th & 8th). energies of G-d Almighty Himself. It is our Holy interaction with the world that releases these energies and elevates it to the highest levels. This incredible challenge to the materialistically oriented human, who functions in the generally accepted socio-economic society, is responded Bechukosai which generally refers to those statutes which are outside of to by G-d with . . . “And I will command My Blessings that the sixth year will the intellectual, rational grasp also convey our essential, beyond limits bear adequate (amounts) for the three years”. (25:21) connection to Hashem, our “Commander in Chief”. It is the total and unqualifed faith of the Jew, who transcends the natural It is that enormous gift of contact with the Divine “Infnite Light” that order of material achievements and relies completely on the promise of we achieve through our selfess commitment to Hashem’s Torah and G-d’s Blessings, that can and does elicit the Divine reaction that brings Mitzvahs which become evident through the knowledge of Kaballah and forth blessing above and beyond the expected order. Chassidus that gives us true and ultimate strength (Chazak) to overcome and succeed against all odds. Everything in this world happens by Divine Providence and direction. When special days or events coincide, their junction must have a message Have a good Shabbos and a great week. of holy potency. This Shabbos comes in proximity to Lag B’Omer, a day of exceptional energy and G-dly strength. On this day the great sage, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, (referred to by his initials the RaShbY) author of the Zohar Rabbi S. Lipskar (Seminal text of Kabballah) passed on. The day is known as the “Hilula” of the RaShbY”. This Shabbos we also read the portion of Bechukosai (My Statutes) which culminates the 3rd Book of The Torah, Leviticus – making 3 Celebrating Shabbos with our Youth Everything you need for an “Over the Top” Shabbos experience Shabbos Mevarchim Tehillim Club Weekly Riddle

The Lubavitcher Rebbe said, “Be scrupulous about saying the entire Tehillim (Psalms) on Shabbos Mevarchim (Blessing of the New Month). It is crucial for you, for your children, and your children’s children.” Every Shabbos Mevarchim in the Haime Library 8:30 - 9:00 am Questions: Sponsored by the Duchman Family 1 )Mount Sinai is referenced in the first verse of the parsha. By what two other names is Mount Sinai known? Which two other mountains in the Torah are known by more than one name? Morah Malkie’s Elisheva Adouth's Tot Aleph Wonder Girls 2) Which law in this parsha involves counting? Which two Ages: 1 - 4 Grades: 1 - 3 other laws in the Torah involve counting? 11:00 am - 12:00 pm 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Montessori Classrooom 2 3) In this parsha, which law involves a wall? classrooom 2 Answers from last week: 1) In this parsha, the myrtle branches taken on Sukkot are called “a branch with braided leaves” (Leviticus 23:40). The chains that attach the High Priest breastplate to the apron are Raquel Gilinski Pre Tween Girls Tween Girls called “a braided work” (Exodus 28:14).

Grades: 4 - 5 Grades: 6 - 8 2) On , a leads the scapegoat to the “land of Geziera” (Leviticus 16:22). These are all descriptions of 10:00 am - 12:00 pm 10:30 am - 12:00 pm the Showbread, the loaves placed on the golden table in the Classrooom 4 . There are “twelve” loaves, placed in sets of “six” loaves each. Each (“one”) loaf is kneaded with “two” solid measurements of flour (Leviticus 24:5-7).

3) In this parsha, the person who cursed Hashem is given the Yossi Cohen’s Yosef Brook’s Hebrew School punishment of stoning (Leviticus 24:23). In parshas Shelach, Junior Boys the person who gathered sticks on Shabbat is punished with Grades: 4th - 8th Grades: 1 - 4 stoning (Numbers 15:36). 10:00 am - 12:00 pm 10:00 am - 12:00 pm RIDDLE RULES Classroom 1 Answers to the riddles can be given to Rabbi Shaykee Farkash any time over Shabbos. The first child to give a correct answer to each of the questions will win an INSTANT prize! Mendy Katan Debbie’s Shmuely's Davening With Dad Teen Girls Teen Boys Grades: 9th - 12th Grades: 7th - 8th Grades: 9th - 12th 10:30 am - 12:00 pm 10:30 am - 12:00 pm 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Teen Girls Room Montessori 3 Haime Library

4 Celebrating Shabbos Everything you need for an “Over the Top” Shabbos experience

Kiddush This Week: this week is available for sponsorship. Shabbos Schedule Farbrengen This Week: Early Minyan 6:15 p.m. The Shabbos Mevarchim Farbrengen is sponsored in honor Candle lighting 7:39 p.m. of The Rebbe, the Leader of our generation, the Shluchim Mincha / Kabbalas Shabbos 7:40 p.m. of the Rebbe and the supporters of the Shluchim. Hashkama Minyan recital of entire Tehillim 6:00 a.m. Shabbos Day Hashkama Minyan 7:15 a.m. Shalosh Seudos This Week: Recital of the entire book of Tehillim 7:30 a.m. Shalosh Seudos this week is available for sponsorship. Tanya / Hayom Yom 8:50 a.m. Shacharis (Morning Services) 9:00 a.m. Children’s Programs 10:00 a.m. Upstairs Minyan 10:30 a.m. the caterer for this week’s Kiddush 12:00 p.m. kiddush and Shalosh seudos is Farbrengen in honor of Shabbos Mevarchim 1:00 p.m. Daf Yomi 6:25 p.m. Nathalie’s Catering Men’s Shiur 6:25 p.m. Women's Shiur 6:25 p.m. Shalosh Seudos for Boys 6:25 p.m. kiddushim at The Shul Mincha 7:30 p.m. Please help us to provide our weekly Shabbos Kiddush and Pirkei Avot Chapter 5 Shalosh Seudos by becoming a sponsor. Or join the Kiddush Bank Shabbos / Yom TovEnds / Ma’ariv & Havdalah 8:35 p.m. by becoming a Partner ($770 annually ) or Patron ($360 anually) Weekly Video of The Rebbe

Sephardic Minyan Friday Evening The following dates are available for sponsorship: Mincha / Kabbalat Shabbat 7:25 p.m. Kiddush Shalosh Seudos May 12, 19, 26 May 12, 19, 26 Shabbat Day Shacharit 9:00 a.m. Mincha 7:25 p.m. Shabbos Ends / Ma’ariv & Havdalah 8:35 p.m. If you wish to become a sponsor, please speak with Stacy at 305-868-1411 ext 313 or email [email protected]

Lighting 7:43 p.m. Mincha 7:45 p.m.

Eruv Information We would like to emphasize that every Erev Shabbos, individuals should call the Eruv Hotline to make sure that the Eruv is operational. The number to call is 305- 866-ERUV (3788). The Eruv message is recorded approximately two hours prior to candle lighting. Surfside: The Eruv in Surfside now includes the walking paths along the beach. Pushing strollers and carrying is permitted on the paths, but not beyond the path or onto the beach. Bal Harbour: The Eruv in Bal Harbour included the inner (western) walking path only. The pier at Haulover Cut is not included.

To pay your annual dues visit: 5 Community Happenings Sharing with your Shul Family

Birthdays Yahrtzeits 27 Iyar Mr. Stephen Cohen 27 Iyar Yehuda Leib ben Shmuel obm 27 Iyar Mr. Saul Spitz Father of Mr. Mordechai Turgel 27 Iyar Michael ben Zalman obm 27 Iyar Mr. Sasha David Zuckerman Uncle of Mr. Michael Werner 28 Iyar Mrs. Sandy Goldfarb 28 Iyar Shmuel ben Avraham obm 28 Iyar Mr. Nosson Levinsky Father of Dr. Robert B. Mondshine 28 Iyar Mr. Neil Mark Schuster 28 Iyar Miriam bas Joel HaCohen obm Mother of Mrs. Susan Packer 28 Iyar Mr. David Eyal Woldenberg 28 Iyar Chaya Klara bas Binyamin Yosef obm 29 Iyar Mr. Daniel Cohen Aunt of Mr. Harold Tripp 29 Iyar Ms. Mushka Schneider 29 Iyar Yosseph ben Yaich obm 29 Iyar Mrs. Chaya Schottenstein Father of Mr. Raphael Ammar 29 Iyar Chaya Royza bas Asher Zelig obm 29 Iyar Ms. Michelle Sher Surah bas Asher Tabac obm 29 Iyar Mr. Yonatan Smulevich Aidel bas Asher Tabac obm 1 Sivan Mrs. Raquel Sragowicz Rivke bas Asher Tabac obm 2 Sivan Mr. Isi Stein Chana Pessel bas Ashertabac obm 2 Sivan Mr. Yechiel Weinfeld Shlomo Leib ben Asher Tabac obm 2 Sivan Ms. Basya Chasha Wuensch Mother, Sisters and Brother of Mr. Leon Jakobs 3 Sivan Ms. Juliette Nanikashvili 29 Iyar Chana Necha bas Yaacov obm Mother of Mr. Brent Levison 4 Sivan Ms. Daina Anhalt 29 Iyar Noach ben Velnel obm 4 Sivan Mrs. Jeanette Furman Father of Mrs. Susan Packer 4 Sivan Mr. Martin Lustgarten 1 Sivan Moshe ben Meir obm 4 Sivan Ms. Aleah Salzhauer Brother of Mr. Jeffrey Glick 4 Sivan Mrs. Nechama Malka Simon 1 Sivan Gamalo bas Miriam obm 4 Sivan Mr. Yosef Smulevich Mother of Dr. Menahem (Jimmy) Srur 4 Sivan Mr. Moshe Natan Sterental 1 Sivan Frieda bas Avrohom Simcha obm Mother of Mr. Barry Cohen 1 Sivan Raizel bas Aron Yehudah obm Kid’s Birthdays Grandmother of Mr. Abraham Gewirtz 27 Iyar Samuel Sragowicz 2 Sivan Joseph obm 29 Iyar Mika Halberstam Brother of Mr. Jacob I. Sopher 29 Iyar Yosef Wasserman 2 Sivan Yaakov Yitzchak ben Shmuel obm 1 Sivan Elijah Segal Father of Mrs. Mildred Nyman 2 Sivan Ariela Perel Sragowicz 3 Sivan Gedalia obm 2 Sivan Chana Sarah Tevardovitz Father of Mr. Abe Mark Sher 3 Sivan Leib Rubinstein 4 Sivan Violeta Fins obm 3 Sivan Avi Waxman Grandmother of Mr. Jacob J. Givner 4 Sivan David Friedman 4 Sivan Aron Yehuda ben Yekusiel Tzvi obm Father of Mr. Abraham Gewirtz 4 Sivan Chana bas Rav Yehoshua HaLevi obm Anniversaries Mother of Mrs. Sandra Gewirtz 4 Sivan Hana bas Tamou obm Mr. & Mrs. Jackie & Johana Abraham Mother of Mr. Raphael Ammar Dr. & Mrs. Brian & Gila Dooreck 4 Sivan Itsak ben Leibel obm Father of Mrs. Susan Rosenstein 4 Sivan Tamara bas Moshe Sholom obm Mazal Tov Daughter of Mrs. Sylvia Urlich Fox Mazal Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Ezzy and Malka Rappaport on the birth of a daughter, Rivka Dina. May they raise her to Torah, Chupah and Maasim Tovim and have much nachas from her. Mazal Tov also to the grandparents, Rabbi & Mrs. Yosef and Bassie Medali. Welcome to New Members Mr. and Mrs. Michael & Ronit Blisko and Family Mazal Tov to Mr. & Mrs. Dan and Carolina Goldfarb on the birth of a Mr. and Mrs. Iser and Sara Rabinovitz and Family daughter, Raizel Mushka. May they raise her to Torah, Chupah and Maasim Tovim and have much nachas from her. Mazal Tov also to the grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Jorge and Raquel Goldfarb.

6 Community Happenings Sharing with your Shul Family

Iyar Light & Power Thanks To Our Donors Light & Power and Wine for Kiddush & Havdalah for We sincerely thank the following members and supporters of The Shul for donations received between 05/01/18 and 05/07/18 the month of Iyar is Kindly Sponsored by We apologize for any errors or omissions that we may have made. Mr. & Mrs. Jackie Abraham Rabbi & Mrs. Aaron Lipskar Mr & Mrs. Yankie and Odelia Weiss Mr. & Mrs. Chanoch Alperovitz Ms. Nina Mack Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Arber Mr. Marder in honor of their children Mr. & Mrs. Dan Arev Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Matz Neomi, Meyer and Eli Mr. & Mrs. Jonah Bardos Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ness Mr. & Mrs. Danny Barouk Mr. & Mrs. Shlomo Peretz and in honor of Yankie’s Birthday Mr. & Mrs. Baruk Benamran Mr. Hanoj Perez Mr.& Mrs. Gad Bitton Mr. & Mrs. Shabtai Plutno “Those who establish for prayer and those who come there to pray, those who provide lights for illumination, wine and grape juice for kiddush Mr. & Mrs. Mr. Ari Propis and havdalah, food for the wayfarers and charity for the needy, and all those who Haim Borochoff Mr. & Mrs. Mayer Rivkin occupy themselves faithfully with communal affairs - may The Holy One, blessed Mr. & Mrs. Isaie Bouhadana Mr. & Mrs. Levi Yitzchok be He, give them their reward, remove them from all sicknesses, heal their entire body, pardon all their sins, and send blessing and success to all their endeavors, Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Brenner Rosenblum together with all Israel their brethren; and let us say Amen.” Rabbi & Mrs. Uri Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Uri Rotlewicz-Spiwak Mr. & Mrs. Shlomo Danzinger Mr. & Dr. Yehuda Sabach Mr. Ashley Diener Mr. & Mrs. Jason Saka Refuah Shleimah Dr. & Mrs. Brian Dooreck Mr. & Mrs. Clement Salama If you have a health update on anyone listed please contact The Shul. We would like to keep the listing current and remove names of people who have recovered. Mr. & Mrs. Dovid Duchman Mr. & Mrs. Mark P. Schnapp MEN WOMEN Mr. & Mrs. Zalman Duchman Rabbi & Mrs. Moshe Schneider Aryeh Leib ben Sura Henya Shoshana bat Mazal Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Dunn Mr. & Mrs. David Schwartz Rafael Maya ben Sol Chaya Miriam Yehudit bat Chava Mr. & Mrs. Ettai Einhorn Mr. & Mrs. Fred Shainbaum Aaron ben Tamar Clara bat Corina Raphael Moshe ben Miriam Rivka bat Shoshana Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Feltenstein Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Shapiro Yichael ben Layke Leah Rochel bat Sarah Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Gilbert Franco Mr. Lawrence E. Sheftel Meyer Yankev ben Chaya Etel Miriam bat Risha Raizel Mr. Daniel Gielchinsky Mr. & Mrs. Eff Shmuel Alexander ben Esther Raizel Dana Ella bas Devorah Hinde Mrs. Perla Gilinski Mr. & Mrs. Keith Singer Raphael Moshe ben Sarah Chana bas Shoshana Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Glick Mr. & Mrs. Yossi Sokol Moshe ben Zoila Ilana bas Shaina Rochel Moshe Avraham ben Tziporah Riva Chava bas Elka Menucha Mr. & Mrs. Dan Goldfarb Mr. Jan Stark Chaim ben Pnina Chaya bas Rachel Mr. & Ms. Ighal Goldfarb Mr. & Mrs. Yaakov Saidoff Gabriel ben Esther Fayge bas Chaya Ms. Renee M. Grossman Mr. & Mrs. Adam Weinberg Eber Avraham ben Fruma Esther Miriam Leah bas Helen Mr. & Mrs. Mendy Halberstam Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Wolf Shmuel ben Sarah Perl Yosef ben Edwina Ms. Lydia Hasson Rabbi & Mrs. Aryeh Wuensch Avrohom ben Feigel Mr. & Mrs. Moishe Hersman Mrs. Pnina Wuensch Mordechai David ben Esther Raizel Mr. & Mrs. Abel Holtz Ms. Belinda Zaret Yedidya Chaim Raphael ben Elana Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Jaimovich Mr. & Mrs. Avrom Chaim Yehuda ben Chaya Sara Shimon Yitzchak ben Leah Rochel Mr. & Mrs. Paul Jaimovich Zelmanovitch Chaim Tzvi Hirsch ben Guttel Ms. Shay Kardonski Mr. & Mrs. Adam Ziefer Mr. & Mrs. Jordan Kavana Dr. & Mrs. Richard Koffer Mr. Yosef Levy 7 A Time to Pray Davening schedules and locations throughout the week

Daily Learning Schedule at The Shul 6:20 -6:50 am The Rebbe’s Maamorim Chassidic Discourse R’ Zalman Lipskar 7:45 am Daf Yomi R’ Dov Schochet 8:45 am (approx) Halacha Sephardic Custom R’ Shimshon Tzubeli 10:15 - 11:00 am Maamorim Maamor of the Rebbe R’ Shea Rubinstein

Shacharis Minyanim (mon - Fri) Sunday Shacharis Minyanim Main Minyan 6:50 7:30 9:00 Main Minyan 8:00 am 9:00 am Sephardic Minyan 8:00 Sephardic Minyan 9:00 am

Daily Chumash & Tanya after every Minyan

mincha / Maariv Minyanim (mon - Thurs) Sunday Mincha /Maariv Minyanim Main Minyan 2:00 pm Early Mincha 7:50 pm 10:00 pm Sephardic Minyan 7:50 pm Following Main Minyan 7:50 pm Late Maariv 10:00 pm

Evening Kolel Schedule - Monday and Thursday 8:45 -9:30 pm Mon & Thurs 8:45 - 10:00 pm Evening Community Kolel Chavrusah

To our beloved Soldiers in the Israeli Defense Forces, Halachic Times courageously protecting and defending Eretz Yisroel. We pray Based on times for May 16 for you and all of the soldiers safety and well being daily. Hinda Clara bas Chana Guenendel Benyamin Aharon ben Jeniya Gila Rut Alot Hashachar / Dawn 5:14 am Jonathan ben Aliza Sher Earliest Talit & Tefllin 5:49 am Amir Herzel ben Dvora Dorry Netz Hachamah / Sunrise 6:34 am Eden Chana bat Karine Cecile (Earliest Amidah) Latest Shema 9:53 am Zman Tfllah 11:01 am Chatzot / Midday 1:17 pm Earliest Mincha 1:51 pm Plag HaMincha 6:39 pm Shekiah / Sunset 8:00 pm (preferable latest time for Mincha) Tzeit Hakochavim / Nightfall 8:25 pm (Earliest preferable Ma’ariv)

Times taken from Please note that during the week times may vary by a minute or two. If anyone would like to send us the name of a soldier in the IDF we would love to add them. 8 Kiddush Bank The Investment with a Guaranteed Return

Kiddush Bank 5778 Our very special thanks to the following Partners & Patrons whose contributions will help us to cover some of the costs of the un-sponsored Kiddushim and Farbrengens in the coming year. Partners - annual contribution of $770: Patrons - annual contribution of $360:

Mr. Arnold Lewis Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Bernard & Chavi Englard Mr. & Mrs. Boruch and Yonit Duchman Mr. Serge Moyal Mr. Daniel Gielchinsky Mr. Mordechai Olesky Mr. & Mrs. Josh and Divi Greisman Ms. Sreter Mr. & Mrs. Edward and Pauline Kopelman Dr. & Mrs. Gene and Sandra Moteles Mr. & Mrs. Temuri and Maya Nanikashvili Ms. Engel Ramirez Mr. & Mrs. Shmuel and Gittel Wolf


Become a member of our 5778 Kiddush Bank Please call the shul!

9 Inspiration, Insights & Ideas Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!

Hayom Yom In the winter of 1942, the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Y. Schneersohn, of righteous memory, gave his son- in-law, the future Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory, the task of compiling an anthology of Chasidic aphorisms and customs arranged according to the days of the year. The calendar was entitled Hayom Yom. In describing this work Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak wrote: …”A book that is small in format…but bursting with pearls and diamonds of choicest quality.” “A splendid palace of Chasidism.” True to these words, Hayom Yom has become a beloved classic work and a source of daily spiritual sustenance. Friday - Iyar 26 in Likutei Torah. The next day, the frst day of The command “You shall rebuke” is preceded by the Shavuot, he delivered the maamar Us’fartem and words “You shall not hate your brother,” for this is its elaboration as printed in Likutei Torah. During a precondition for the rebuke. The Torah continues, the festival meal of the second day of Shavuot, “...and you shall not ascribe sin to him,” for if the the Rebbe delivered the maamar V’hachachma rebuke was ineffectual, you are certainly the one mei’ayin timatzei which is the second elaboration responsible, for yours were not words coming from on the subject of tisp’ru chamishim yom printed in the heart. Likutei Torah. If you go in My statutes.” Our Sages interpret the word “if” as a plea, in the sense of “if Shabbos - Iyar 27 only you would go in My statutes.” G-d’s pleading ikrei, its root-side.” Our fathers, the holy Rebbes, My father related that he heard from his father (as it were) with Israel to keep the Torah, in itself bequeathed a boundless heritage to the frst quoting his father (the Tzemach Tzedek), who aids man and gives him the ability to remain chassidim, that their sons’ children and their heard the Alter Rebbe refer to himself as the son steadfast in his choice of the good. Moreover, “... daughters’ children throughout the generations, of the Maggid (his Rebbe), and as the grandson of you go in My statutes” - the soul then becomes a in whatever country and environment they may the Baal Shem Tov. mehaleich, it progresses. be, will have that “root” - which is the attraction of Sunday - Iyar 28 their “inwardness of heart” to the rock from which * * * n one of the nocturnal visions in which the they were hewn. At times this element is covered With the advent of Mashiach, there will be revealed Tzemach Tzedek saw the Alter Rebbe (his and concealed in a number of garbs. This, then, is the superior quality of the traits of simplicity and grandfather), during the Thirty Days of Mourning the avoda of whoever desires life - to remove these wholeheartedness found in the avoda of simple for the Alter Rebbe, the latter recited for him the coverings, to establish for himself periods for the folk who daven and recite Tehillim with simple maamar, Al shlosha dvarim. After the maamar the study of Chassidus, and to conduct himself in the sincerity. Alter Rebbe said, “If the man emits seed frst, she manner of the Chassidic community. bears a female” - that is your mother; “if the woman Thursday - Sivan 3 emits seed frst, she bears a male” - that is you. Wednesday - Sivan 2 Whoever ponders the approach of Tosafot in his In the year 5589 (1829) the Shabbat of Parshat comment beginning “Torah etc...” (Shabbat 89a) Monday - Iyar 29 Bamidbar was on 5 Sivan. Before the kindling of will understand that the festival of Shavuot is an The ascent of the soul occurs three times daily, the Shabbat candles, the Tzemach Tzedek delivered auspicious time Above. On that day G-d confounds during the three times of davening. This is the maamar, S’u et rosh...avotam. Following the the “supernal accuser” of Israel, similar to His particularly true of the souls of tzadikim who “go commentary of Ibn Ezra, he interpreted the word confounding the accuser during Shofar-sounding from strength to strength.” It is certain that at all S’u in the sense of elevation, as in “Ki tisa et rosh,” on Rosh Hashana and on the holy day of the Fast times and in every sacred place they may be, they (lit. “When you take up the head.”) The implication of Yom Kippur. offer invocation and prayer on behalf of those who is that through avoda of the radiance of the soul are bound to them and to their instructions, and within the body, an elevation is effected in the Friday - Sivan 4 who observe their instructions. They offer prayer in Shavuot is an opportune time to achieve everything head (rosh) and essence of the soul as it is Above. in improving Torah-study and avoda marked by particular for their disciples and disciples’ disciples, In this vein he then explained a number of Torah- fear (awe) of G-d, and also to strive in teshuva that G-d be their aid, materially and spiritually. verses and statements in Zohar and Midrash. concerning Torah-study, without interference by the accusing Satan - just like the time of Shofar- Tuesday - Sivan 1 At noon on Shabbat the Rebbe delivered the sounding on Rosh Hashana and the holy day of the “Throw a stick into the air; it will fall back on maamar V’eirastich and its elaboration as printed Fast of Yom Kippur. 10 Inspiration, Insights & Ideas Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!

Foreclosure On Your Soul to the original seller.) How about if a Jew sold homeland, some 2600 years ago, the Jubilee Selling Your Integrity, Your Love an ancestral home located in an un-walled year laws and plot-sale laws were no longer city? Here the law constitutes the “best of both applicable. Yet each mitzvah and law in the and Your Soul worlds” of the two former cases. The home Torah consists of a psychological and spiritual By: Rabbi YY Jacobson could be redeemed immediately after the sale, dimension, as well as a physical and real-life The Mortgage just like a home in a walled city. And even if it dimension. It is this dimension that is still My buyer told me that he lived in the was not redeemed during the frst year of the very relevant today. What is the metaphysical same house for 10 years. When I checked, sale, it could still be redeemed afterwards, till meaning behind these laws? I found out he’d still be there today if the the arrival of the Jubilee year when it returned “ to its original owner, just like the law regarding Selling Your Career, Home and Soul Governor hadn’t pardoned him.” “The sellers the feld. Fields, homes located in un-walled cities, and told me their house was near the water. It was homes located in walled cities, symbolize three in the basement.” “If you think no one cares Income vs. Dignity aspects of our daily lives: Fields represent you’re alive, miss a couple of house payments.” What is the logic behind the three different a person’s career and his or her day-to-day “There is no longer a need for the neutron laws concerning the sale of 1) felds, 2) homes interactions and purchases in the outside world, bomb. We already have something that destroys in walled cities, and 3) homes in un-walled in the “feld.” Homes, situated in un-walled cities, people and leaves buildings intact. It’s called a cities? One of the great biblical commentators, represent a person’s internal home and family mortgage.” the 13th century Spanish sage, Rabbi Moses ben life, which are not exposed for all to observe. Owner to a house hunter: “Yes, the kitchen is Nachman, known as , explains the Homes located in walled cities, surrounded by a bit small, but with a mortgage like this you rationale in a rather moving way. Selling your an additional wall of protection, are symbolic won’t do much cooking anyway.” personal home due to impoverishment affects of the most vulnerable and intimate space of a not your income (a home does not produce person’s life, usually guarded by an additional Fields and Homes regular profts), but your dignity. Selling your fortress of privacy. This represents a person’s The Torah portion of Behar discusses the laws feld due to poverty, on the other hand, might inner relationship with his core-self, his soul. His concerning sale of land in the Holy Land. After affect your income (a feld produces regular G-d, his or her moments of prayer, meditation the Jewish people entered the land of Israel profts) but not your personal honor. To preserve and transcendence. Here, the Torah gives us a in 1273 BCE (the year 2488 since creation in the dignity of an impoverished individual who blueprint of what transpires when we “sell” and the Jewish calendar), Joshua, the Jewish leader, was forced to give up his home, the Torah dispose of our careers, homes, and selves. assigned a plot of land to every tribe and family, allows him to redeem it immediately after the as recorded in the book of Joshua. If a Jew fell sale, throughout the entire frst year, as soon as Goodbye Integrity upon hard times and was compelled to sell his he comes up with the money. After the year is When you sell your feld, i.e. when you allow your ancestral feld, the Torah -- the constitution of up, however, he certainly relocated to another career and your daily external encounters to -- gave him the right to redeem it two home; now the buyer is entitled to hold on to become tarnished by dishonesty and selfshness years after the purchase date. The seller would his purchase as long as he wishes. It cannot -- you can get away without noticing your moral return the money to the buyer and receive be redeemed any longer. Concerning a feld degeneration for a full two years. Only after two his feld in return. If he did not redeem it, the however, which affects a person’s income rather years of moral and spiritual decay will you begin feld would return to him automatically with than his dignity, short-term redemption was to sense the void in your life. The depravity the arrival of the Jubilee year. What was the unnecessary. The Torah’s only concern was that caused by the “selling” of your integrity will Jubilee year? After the Jewish people completed the feld be returned to its original owner upon begin to haunt you. Then, when you have the settling of the land of Israel 14 years after the arrival of the Jubilee year, in order not to become aware and frustrated, you can liberate entering it, they began counting their years in deprive a person and his family of their natural your feld and your life. Even if you don’t, time cycles of ffty. Every 50th year was observed as source of income. Homes in open cities, says and life’s experiences are likely to do the job. In a Jubilee year during which ancestral plots of Nachmanides, were often used for farmers and the 50th year, you will get back your feld. But land that had been sold during the previous 49 guardians of felds. Thus, they were treated like why wait so long? years, reverted to their original owner. Almost no the felds themselves and needed to be restored to their owner by the Jubilee year. Yet since their Goodbye Love sale or gift in Israel was legal for longer than Then comes the far more serious situation 49 years. This was the law concerning the sale sale (just as the sale of full-fedged homes in walled cities) was embarrassing for the seller, where you “sell” your home, i.e. you lose touch of a feld. What happened if a poor Jew was with your loved ones, your wife, your children forced to sell an ancestral home located within they too could be redeemed immediately after the sale, even before the passing of two years. and your closest friends. In your smugness you a walled city in Israel? Here the law changed enter into your private bubble and you alienate dramatically. This home, the Torah states, could The Psychological Dimension the people closest to you. You give up your be redeemed only until the frst anniversary of home. the sale. Thereafter, it remained the property of All of these laws applied only when the entire Jewish nation was living in Israel, each tribe the buyer in perpetuity, and did not return to “What is Home?” asked Ernestine Schumann- dwelling on the land designated to it. When the seller with the arrival of the Jubilee year Heink. Her answer: (unless the buyer chose to sell the home back the frst Jewish tribes were exiled from their 11 Inspiration, Insights & Ideas Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!

A roof to keep out the rain. Four walls to keep Did He Sell Us Out signifcant severance gift): “Then, he shall leave out the wind. Floors to keep out the cold. Yes, By Naftali Silberberg you; he and his children with him.” On this the but home is more than that. It is the laugh of biblical commentator says: “Says Rabbi a baby, the song of a mother, the strength of a Shimon: If he was sold, who sold his children father. Warmth of living hearts, light from happy [that Scripture states that his children go free eyes, kindness, loyalty, comradeship. Home is with him]? However, from here, [we learn] that frst school for young ones, where they learn his master is obligated to provide sustenance what is right, what is good and what is kind. for his children.” Where they go for comfort when they are hurt or sick. Where joy is shared and sorrow eased. Some 2000 years ago, our Father exiled us from Where fathers and mothers are respected and our homeland. No longer are we an autonomous loved. Where children are wanted. Where the nation ruled by G-d and His Torah, instead we simplest food is good enough for kings because are subjected to the rule of foreign powers. it is earned. Where money is not so important as But we are not alone in this slavery. As Rabbi loving-kindness. Where even the teakettle sings ertain words produce a knee-jerk negative Shimon says, “How precious Israel is before G-d, from happiness. That is home. G-d bless it. And reaction. They are automatically associated wherever they are exiled, the Shechinah (Divine when you dispose of your home, you will sense Cwith malevolent people and behavior. presence) is exiled with them.” the emptiness immediately. Your life will just Slavery is one such word. The mere mention become far more shallow and artifcial. Since of slavery evokes images of appalling cruelty, G-d is not an apathetic bystander. He is with us the pain will be felt immediately, you are indeed exploitation, mistreatment and sub-standard in our most diffcult moments and sharing our capable of liberating your home right after the living conditions. As such, it’s diffcult to mention distress. When we cry, He cries. When we are in “sale.” Here again, even if you don’t possess the Torah’s sanctioning of slavery without pain, He is in pain. the courage to change, time and life’s journey people recoiling in distaste. Most people want usually will change you. But why wait? Who to dismiss this as a product of the primitive Yet Rabbi Shimon protests: “If He was sold, knows what can transpire till then? Will you still times when the Torah was given, and then who sold His children?” G-d is omnipotent. He have the chance to repair broken relationships? eagerly move on to other mitzvot that are more can endure this harshest of slaveries without in tune with our lifestyles and morals. it affecting His status. He can simultaneously Goodbye G-d be within and yet remain aloof. But we, His Then comes the third and most serious condition A closer study, however, of the Torah’s view children... how can we be expected to suffer -- when you “sell” your most intimate space, on slavery reveals that it could not be more through this exile while openly retaining our when you become alienated from your deepest different than the inhumane slavery practiced in exalted status as G-d’s children? sense of self, from your inner relationship the USA before the Emancipation Proclamation, with G-d. In such an event, you can sense the and that is sadly still practiced today in certain How could He sell His children?! extraordinary void immediately and thus uncivilized societies. The Torah contains many liberate your soul right away. But if you wait for laws requiring the master to be humane and To this Rabbi Shimon responds: “From here, [we more than a year, you will likely lose the chance kind to his slaves. In fact, a master who abuses learn] that his master is obligated to provide to ever liberate your inner identity again. When his slave has to compensate him, and in certain sustenance for his children.” you allow the external pressures or enjoyments cases, it is grounds for the slave’s freedom. of life to rob you of your core self, when you no We are not enslaved in exile. Our souls are as longer dedicate twenty minutes a day to speak writes: “A master is required to free as they ever were. The physical Holy Temple your heart out to your Creator, when you have provide his Hebrew slave or maidservant with may have been destroyed, but the spiritual no time for the essence of it all, you will soon the same food, drink, clothing and housing as Temple for G-d that exists within every Jewish lose touch with the notion that you ever had any he himself is accustomed to. As it says, ‘for it is heart is intact and untouchable. No superpower innocence to lose. You may no longer know that good for him to be with you.’ You cannot eat fne has any dominion over the spirit of the Jew. there was anything to liberate. It is painful to , while he eats inferior bread; you drink lose things (“felds”) in life. It is far more painful aged wine, while he drinks un-aged wine; you What has changed is our sustenance. While we to lose people (“homes”) in life. But the worst sleep atop pillows, while he sleeps on straw...” used to receive our provisions directly from pain of all is when we lose our connection with G-d, now they are channeled through our new the quintessence of life and reality, with G-d. The master is also responsible to care and masters — the nations and their archangels. We simply can’t afford to lose our souls. None provide sustenance for the slave’s immediate of us can afford to sacrifce our few intimate family — though he has no right to demand And they have no choice whether to provide us moments of prayer and communion with G-d that they join his workforce. This is derived with our needs or not. The master is required to because of other responsibilities or pleasures. from a verse (Leviticus 25:41) which discusses provide for the children. They are only conduits For without this relationship, we might one day the slave’s leaving the master when his term through which we receive our heavenly ordained look in the mirror and observe a living body expires (at which time the master is also allowance. encasing a dead soul. required to provide his erstwhile slave with a 12 Inspiration, Insights & Ideas Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!

not the accepted position. Rather one must frst Halacha of The Week fnish their dairy meal, say Birkat Hamazon, and Sefras HaOmer By Rabbi Dov Schochet only then after cleaning their hands and mouth Waiting on Shavuos can they begin the meal for meat. Even if one Giving G-d Your Challenges did not have bread for their dairy meal, simply By Rochel Holzkenner some cheese, milk or blintzes it would still be necessary to make an after blessing before having meat. Furthermore, in certain cases there is also a requirement to wait a certain period of time. If one had hard cheese, usually defned as cheese aged for six months, one has to wait whatever ne of the well-known customs of Shavuot they’d usually wait between meat and milk. If is to have a dairy meal. While there are one had only soft cheese or milk, then it depends various reasons given for this custom or on their general custom. Some simply wash their emember when your teacher would make O hands and mouth. However, based on the Zohar, even when the dairy meal should be, the general a mistake during a lesson, but when consensus is that the frst day is when we have many wait one hour. Others have a custom to corrected said: “Just making sure that you wait half an hour, which is a diffcult custom to R dairy. The issue is that on Yom Tov we are were listening ... ”? commanded to be happy, which the sages defne understand, for either one simply washes out as having a meal including meat and wine. So their mouth or waits the time required by the Inaccuracies have a way of catching our how can we have dairy and a meal with meat? Zohar which is one hour. One explanation of this attention. Spelling mistakes, crooked pictures, custom is that the Zohar simply wants the milk mathematical slips—they all shout “fx me.” What we are supposed to do is begin with a and meat to be separated and not at the same dairy meal and then follow that with a meal with time. In other areas of the Talmud we see that It is this feature of the human condition meat. So how much time does one have to wait half an hour is considered to be “close in time”, that G-d triggers over and over again in the between the meal and what else is necessary to therefore waiting more than half an hour could Torah. He plants therein seeming errors and do between the dairy and meat. be suffcient to consider the meals separate. inconsistencies, hoping that the reader will stop and think about a way to resolve the “mistake.” The general rule as stated in the laws of milk Some argue that one has to wait the required and meat is that following dairy one can have time before beginning the meal of meat, not This tool is employed in the Torah’s discussion meat immediately as long as there is no cheese simply before eating the meat itself. regarding the Counting of the Omer, where there left on the person’s hands. If it is during the seems to be an obvious mathematical faw. After night and the person cannot properly check There is one opinion which argues that on the frst day of Passover, we are commanded to their hands, they have to wash them. Aside from Shavuot one can relax some of the general count each day in anticipation of the holiday of that, the person must wash out their mouth, stringencies between milk and meat. However, Shavuot (when we received the Torah at Mount which means that the person has to eat bread the vast majority of commentaries reject this Sinai). “And you should count for yourselves or some other food that will remove traces of position. In fact, the Alter Rebbe in his Shulchan from the morrow of the rest day ... seven weeks,” dairy from the mouth. Aruch writes that one must be scrupulous with begins the verse, and then the next verse all of the laws to ensure one does not violate concludes, “ ... count ffty days” (Leviticus 23:14- However, the Rema, the authority followed by the prohibition of milk and meat. 15). This is confusing since seven weeks would Ashkenazic Jews adds that the custom is to be set Shavuot immediately following 49 days of strict after hard cheese to wait before eating Some possible explanations of this strange counting, not 50. meat as one would wait between meat and milk. position are either that even though some Furthermore, there is an expression in the Zohar would not eat meat and milk on the same day How can I know that tomorrow won’t bring back that implies that one should not eat meat in the on Shavuot they were lenient to wait the normal the same old demon?So we are forced to take same “Time or hour” as eating milk. This would required time in order to have both dairy and a deeper look at the commandment to count mean that even after milk one would need to meat and follow the general custom. Or that the Omer. The most basic reason that we count wait before eating meat. while usually some would not allow one to is to mimic the Jews who left Egypt. They were fnish a dairy meal just in order to eat meat, on so excited about the prospect of receiving the Which brings us to Shavuos, after one has dairy Shavuot we can be lenient in order to have both Torah that they counted down the days. We try what is necessary until they eat meat. The frst meals. to relive this experience each year through issue is can one have dairy, wash their hands counting the Omer. and mouth and continue the meal with meat. The important point is that any custom which While some important authorities are lenient, is done to celebrate the Torah should obviously But there is also a deeper reason for the counting. and allow one to have meat after dairy in the lead to a commitment to Torah and its ideals The Hebrew word for counting is sefrah. Using same meal even without Birkat Hamazon, that is and not G-d forbid the opposite. the same letters we can spell the word sapir, a shining sapphire. What is the connection? On 13 Inspiration, Insights & Ideas Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE! each day leading up to the giving of the Torah, sins, but on their lack of hospitality and their the Jews took time to refne themselves, to make Pirkei Avos virulent opposition to anyone who dared their characters shine. And each year we do the share any of the city’s wealth with a stranger. same. From Passover until Shavuot, we engage Don’t Be Fair in a 49-day process of self-refnement. Ethics 5:10 In the words of the Talmud: “The men of By Yanki Tauber Sodom were corrupted only on account of Anyone who has tried to work through a the good which G-d had lavished upon them... character faw will concede that it is very They said: Since there comes forth bread out diffcult. The famous 19th-century scholar of our earth, and it has the dust of gold, why Rabbi Yisroel Salanter once commented that should we suffer wayfarers, who come to it is easier to learn through the entire Talmud us only to deplete our wealth? Come, let us than it is to change one ugly characteristic. And abolish the practice of lodging travelers in even if there seems to be a shift today, how can I our land...” know that tomorrow won’t bring back the same old demon? They even found a way to be charitable while ensuring that no stranger would benefit from G-d Himself concedes to this challenge. The their charity: “If a poor man happened to Torah instructs us to count 49 days. Work hard, come there, every resident gave him a dinar, challenge yourself to go beyond your comfort upon which he wrote his name, but no bread zone and weed out those destructive behaviors. was sold to him. When he died, each came and And then, says G-d, I will give you a gift; the took back his dinar.” They went so far as to gift of making your self-corrective efforts more decree: “Whoever hands a piece of bread to concrete and far-reaching. This is the 50th step a pauper or stranger shall be burned at the of the process. You count 49 steps—do your stake.” part, G-d says—and that will be equivalent to counting 50 steps. I will do the fnishing touches The story of Sodom appears in the Torah for you. he book of Genesis (in chapters 13-14 against the background of Abraham’s life. Indeed, Sodom is the antithesis of Abraham, It is so important to ask G-d to help us work and 18-19) tells us about the evil city of Sodom. who is portrayed by the Torah as the very through our inner challenges. He is waiting to T personification of chessed (benevolence). help us, and He is most inspired to help those First we read how Lot, Abraham’s nephew, Abraham gives of himself, materially who take the grueling work of self-refnement (providing food and lodgings to wayfarers) seriously. settled in Sodom despite the fact that its inhabitants were “very evil and sinful to and spiritually (sharing the truths he G-d.” Sodom is ravaged by Cherdolaomer’s discovered, praying for Sodom); the Sodomite armies, and Abraham comes to the rescue of is intent on keeping for himself what is his. G-d spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai, his captured nephew. Then we find Abraham What’s notable about the people of Sodom saying...”When you come into the land... pleading with G-d to spare the sinful city is that they are not thieves (as was the then shall the land keep a Sabbath to in the merit of the righteous residents that generation of the Flood). Even when they G-d.” (Lev. 25:1-2) may be there, but it turns out that not even ten such persons can be found. Two angels, deprive an interloper of his possessions, they are careful to do it in a “legal” manner. In fact, Rashi explains the connection between disguised as men, visit the city, but only Lot their basic philosophy seems quite benign. In the Sabbatical year and Mount Sinai: will offer them hospitality. Lot saves them the words of the Ethics of the Fathers: “Just as all the detailed laws of the from the Sodomite mob, and they, in turn, Sabbatical year were given at Sinai, so rescue him and his two daughters before One who says, “What is mine is mine and what were all the mitzvot in their minutiae destroying the city. is yours is yours” — this is the trait of Sodom. given at Sinai.” But why did Rashi pick this particular mitzva to illustrate this What were the sins of Sodom? In the English What can be more fair? Granted, the people of point? In truth, the Sabbatical year is language, the name of the city is synonymous Sodom took this to quite repulsive extremes. “proof” that the Torah is G-d-given. For with sexual perversion. This derives from the But is every person who declares “What is no person can promise that the sixth’s Torah’s account of how the mob surrounding mine is mine and what is yours is yours” a year’s crop will be suffcient for three Lot’s house demanded that he hand over his Sodomite? All he’s saying is, “I won’t touch years-and deliver. two guests to them “that we may rape them.” But the traditional Jewish sources — the what is yours, but don’t expect me to give you anything.” (Chatam Sofer) Talmud, Midrashim and the Commentaries — have a different angle on the Sodom story. There, the emphasis is not on their sexual To the Jew, such fairness is the essence of evil. 14 Inspiration, Insights & Ideas Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!

different way. Perhaps, by being awarded a Stories with Soul bag full of gold coins, living in an elaborate Recently In The News It Once Happened palace, filled with holy books, being clothed Amid Threats of War in in the finest silken garb, with a fur hat atop Israel’s North, 600,000 he Chasid stood in his inn pouring your head it would be easier to be a good drinks and dishing out fare to his Jew! Were all of those conditions to be met, Stream to Meron on Lag customers. Today Ivan and Grisha had you’d surely be able to learn Torah and T perform mitzvot with a clear mind, with a BaOmer gotten into a fist fight once again, and he Record attendance at resting place had thrown them out the door, telling them complete heart, without being burdened to take their business elsewhere. Stasha with every care in the world. Well, my dear of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai had refused to pay up his bill which had friend, you have it completely wrong. No, By Yehuda Sugar mounted to a whopping five rubles. The that’s not how it is at all. That’s not the noise, the swearing and constant drunken Divine plan. G-d wants that you, burdened arguments were more than the Chasid could with all the problems that stalk you stand. Some days he could hardly force through your days- lack of money to meet himself to open the tavern door to patrons. your bills at the end of the month, children “Malka,” he would tell his wife, “I just have to marry off, vulgar peasants yelling at you to find some other livelihood, I can’t stand to hurry up with their drink - with all of it any longer.” But, in truth, what else could that, He wants you to be a good Jew. My he, a man with six growing children, find to friend, it is His will that you take all of do in the village? these distractions and put them aside in order to perform His will, even when you “Every day and every night,” the tavern feel that you will shatter into pieces. When keeper thought, “my whole week is spent you cleave to Him, in the face of all these in the company of these coarse peasants, hardships and long for the rare moments of ith the rising threat of war between whose hours are spent guzzling vodka, then solitude when you might fulfill the desire Israel and its enemies to the north, sinking into drunken stupors or engaging of your heart to say a few precious words of Whundreds of thousands streamed to the in senseless, vulgar brawls. How can I help prayer to Him, then G-d gets the greatest village of Meron, Israel, Wednesday night and but decline in my service to G-d when I joy from your service. If all He desired was Thursday to celebrate the annual Lag BaOmer spend all my days in such a place?” Then effortless praise, He would be satisfied festival at the resting place of the great sage, he would once again weigh his options and with His myriad troops of angels who utter, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. fall into despair. “Holy! Holy! Holy!” without stop. No, He desires your heart, which you give Him in Police estimated as many as 600,000 made Finally, he decided that he would pay a visit the face of your daily hardships - that is the annual pilgrimage to the historic site in to Rabbi Aryeh Leib, the Shpoler Zeide. The true service. the upper Galilee region on the 33rd day of tzadik would certainly have some words of the counting of the Omer, which is done daily advice for him and help him to extricate “I advise you, instead of complaining how between Passover and Shavuot. himself from his terrible situation. Arriving difficult it is to make a living in your rough at the home of the tzadik, he was admitted tavern atmosphere, give thanks to Him, for “The frst place people come to pray is the into his study and soon launched into an He has provided you with an opportunity to Kotel [the Western Wall], and the second place explanation of his problem. The Chasid elevate yourself to a place of such sanctity is the resting place of the Rashbi [acronym for explained that he stood in a tavern all that no other test would have afforded you. Rabbi Shimon],” Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Halperin, day, dispensing drinks to all manner of low Indeed, G-d has given you a great gift, and director of Chabad-Lubavitch of Meron for the folks, and he was concerned that he might you should cherish it.” past 13 years, told while overseeing fall into their ways, simply by virtue of the yeshivah students who came to conduct constant contact. On the other hand, he had outreach activities during the festival. “They a family, many obligations to his children, come here because they are seeking salvation. his wife, his elderly parents; he felt trapped. They know Rabbi Shimon can help them with There must be a way out for him... what they need, even if they don’t know why. The Talmud says Rabbi Shimon is the main soul of The rabbi listened quietly to his complaints, all the generations—the one who can release allowing the poor, distraught man to vent everyone from negative judgments.” his feelings. Then the tzadik said with an understanding smile, “From what you Even before sunset and the offcial onset of have told me, I understand you’d prefer to the festival, throngs of determined celebrants fulfill your obligations to your Creator in a coursed through the entrance gates on their way 15 Inspiration, Insights & Ideas Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!

of Torah booming from multiple stages and loudspeakers, to eat and drink from free food booths, and to dance with abandon to a dizzying array of live and recorded music.

With his head pressed frmly in prayer against the perimeter wall immediately outside the covered tomb area, Sammy Fried of Jerusalem looked up long enough amid the jostling throng to share: “We travel here a few hours, and then have only a few minutes to muster our powers of concentration to tell Hashem [G-d] what our problems are and ask for help. It’s a good thing it is easy to do that here.” to the covered mountaintop tomb to beseech the A Day Marked by Bonfres and soul of the venerated sage to intercede above on matters ranging from health and livelihood Parades to shidduchim, (marriage partners), fertility and Historically, in Jewish communities around the 1967, less than a week before the start of the world redemption. world, Jews ranging from the most pious to the Six-Day War. From a podium in front of Chabad- virtually non-observant and from all factions Lubavitch headquarters in Brooklyn, the Rebbe “There is something very strong spiritually here of Jewry have followed Rabbi Shimon’s request talked about the looming crisis and invoked a that gives a person a lot of energy and chayus and rejoice with bonfres, song, circle dances teaching of the Rashbi, issuing a call to increase [feeling of life] and joy,” said Avraham Brayman, and children’s parades. in the fulfllment of the Torah as a vehicle for 43, a kosher supervisor from the Chabad increased blessings. community of Elad, who has made the two-hour The bonfres signify the infusion of spiritual trek every year for the past 30 years. “It provides light brought into the world upon the passing “Rabbi Shimon established that in the merit of inspiration for the whole year.” of a righteous person of Rabbi Shimon’s adding in Torah and mitzvot, a Jew can bring stature. They are also symbolic of the candles deliverance to everyone around him and bring customarily lit on yahrzeits. A Center of Celebration Since the them G-d’s blessings in everything they need,” the Rebbe said that day. He then predicted that 15th Century The demonstration of unity such as at Meron’s a great miracle would happen shortly, uniquely Lag BaOmer has been a day of great celebration annual mega-gathering stands in contrast to the anticipating Israel’s victory in the Six-Day War. and prayer in Meron as early as the 15th century. lack of unity that caused the plague that killed In addition to being the yahrzeit of Rabbi ’s students. Shimon, it marks the cessation of a plague that killed the students of his teacher, Rabbi Akiva, For Chana Weingarten, who traveled from For the Children of Israel are My caused by their lack of respect for each other. Brooklyn, N.Y., with her husband, Shlomo, to servants (Lev 25:55) On this day, the remaining students began attend her frst Lag BaOmer in Meron, the correcting their ways. massive assembly brought on a feeling of protection. The Jews are called both “servants” Another reason for the celebratory tradition is and “children” of G-d. Each term Rabbi Shimon’s request before his death that his “When there are this many people gathered refects the nature of the Jew’s followers rejoice each year on what he referred together, it makes for a very powerful feeling,” relationship with G-d. As far as the to as “the day of my happiness,” rather than to said Weingarten, on a break from her job at a body is concerned, a Jew is G-d’s mourn. Chabad-Lubavitch preschool in Manhattan. “I feel like when we are in America, it is a bit servant. One must accept the yoke of Rabbi Shimon is credited both as the author scarier, and everything sounds scarier, but here Heaven as a servant must accept the of the most prominent Kabbalistic work, the it feels so safe. When we are gathered together will of his master and be subservient Zohar, and as one of the most well-known of the with so many Jews, I think Hashem protects us to him. But our souls serve G-d only second-century Talmudic sages, whose mystical all.” through love, as a son serves his teachings are said to have been fully revealed beloved father. the day of his passing. For many at the festival, the co-mingling of celebration and impending confict on this In one of the largest annual gatherings of day hearkened back to words the Rebbe— (Sefer Hamaamarim Kuntreisim) Jews in any one place, revelers en route to the Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous gravesite stopped to hear impassioned words memory—spoke at a Lag BaOmer parade in May 16 Get the Picture The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town

Shabbos Parshas Behar - Bechukosai May 12th 5:30 PM Speaker: Mrs Debby Btesh

At The Home of Mrs Debby Btesh 9801 E. Broadview Drive, Bay Harbor

17 Get the Picture The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town

18 Get the Picture The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town

19 Get the Picture The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town


With Rabbi Dov Schochet Is the world real? What is time? Where does our sense of self come from? Why does evil exist? If G-d already knows what we will do tomorrow, is our “freedom of choice” nothing more than an illusion? Does the word “G- d” actually mean something, or is it just our way of referring to whatever it is that we cannot explain?


WHEN MORE INFO/ Six Wednesdays REGISTER Beginning, April 25 Please call 305.868.1411 8:00 - 9:30 pm or email: RETHINKING EVERYTHING WE KNOW ABOUT OUR UNIVERSE [email protected]

A fascinating, new six-session course by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute LOCATION FEE 9540 Collins Ave Fee: $79 (Textbook Included) REGISTER TODAY: VISIT MYJLI.COM Surfside Fl 33154 Couples Discount: $135 Scholarships Available upon Request 20 what_is_8-5x11.indd 4 2/13/2018 11:17:05 AM Get the Picture The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town

The Shul is working towards some big membership goals right now. We are working to get to 770 members by the end of December 2018. This is truly a community-led efort, and one that won’t make it without the continued support of our members. In order to hit these milestones, we are asking for YOUR help, our members. You can help us spread the word by encouraging others to become members and if you bring a friend who signs up as MEMBER you will get a The Shul Rewards cards full of Surfside Stores Discounts. We’ll be updating you periodically on our progress. Thanks again for helping to make this a successful membership campaign.

21 Get the Picture The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town

22 Get the Picture The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town

23 Construction Updates Keeping you up to date on our exciting progress


We have now split the “underground structures” process into four phases. The frst phase involves H&M now mobilized and focused on the excavation and formation for the grade beams and pile caps in tandem with Thunder Demolition. Attention is on the chipping away of those remaining auger piles which we anticipate will soon be chipped down to their required height within the next three weeks. We will keep you updated on that progress! Royal Plumbing is working in tandem with H&M on-site to locate and lay the underground pipe work before the slab is poured. By early May, we plan to transition to Phase 2 which will include excavating and clearing the elevator pits, preparing for water proofng, and laying the rebar. There’s a lot going on here and we will keep you updated

As always, if you have any questions regarding the construction process, please don’t hesitate to contact Maurice Egozi (786-280-1923), Mitch Feldman (786-556-5425) or Yankie Andrusier (347-723-2731).

24 In A Woman’s World Issues of relevance to the Jewish Woman

WEEKLY CLASSES Women’s Mikvah: Monday Please call Mrs. Devorah Failer for an Women’s Study Group Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar 8:30 - 10:00 pm appointment: 305-866 1492 or At the home of : Please call The Shul for details. 305-323-2410 Please Note: Shabbos & Yom Tov visits must be Prepaid Tuesday Prayer Class Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar 9:15 - 10:15 am 1111 Kane Concourse Suite 618 The Shul Sisterhood Tanya Class In Spanish Mrs. Vivian Perez 10:45 - 12:00 pm

198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village Who we are... Wednesday The Shul Sisterhood organizes all of The Shul’s programming Morning Torah Class Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar 10:00 - 11:00 am and classes geared toward women in the community. Our The weekly portion - Women’s Perspective objective is to bring women of all ages and backgrounds Haime Library together to learn, laugh, experience, and rejuvenate their mind, Tanya Class in English Mrs. Vivian Perez 1:15 - 2:50 pm body and soul. Meet new friends, 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village relax and get inspired! Thursday If you would like to be a part of The Shul Sisterhood, Women’s Tanya Class – Spanish – Mrs. Vivian Perez please call 305. 868.1411 Call Vivian for details – 305.213.3202


INGREDIENTS 1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease a 12-inch baking tray or line with parchment paper. (Can also use cupcake molds) Red Velvet Cake 2. Whip together the sugar and the eggs. Fold in the raspberry syrup, then add baking powder and oil. 12 eggs 3. Transfer to baking tray. Bake 30-40 minutes. Remove 1 cup + 2 tablespoons rasberry syrup and cool. 2 cups sugar 2 ¾ + 2 tablespoons four 4. To prepare Cream Cheese Frosting: Mix ⅔ of the pastry 1 ½ cups oil cream in a mixer with the cream cheese and powdered sugar. 1 tablespoon baking powder Cream Cheese Frosting 5. Heat the rest of the pastry cream, and add to the gelatin while still hot. Slowly add the mixture to the other 2 cups pastry cream ingredients. Mix and fold in whipped cream. 1 ¾ cups cream cheese 6. Once the cake is cool, slice in ½ (width) and frost with 1 ¼ cups powdered sugar 1/3 of the frosting over ½ of the cake. Chill in fridge 30 ⅔ tablespoon gelatin minutes. 2 vanilla beans 7. Layer the other ½ on top, then frost remainder of cake. 2 cups whipped cream After top frosting layer, decorate with wild berries or Optional: wild berries or fowers for decoration fowers.

25 French Connection Refexions sur la Paracha

Vivre avec la paracha En quête du Divin monde n’est qu’une projection. Tout comme D.ieu est création tout autant que dans le cosmos. la quintessence de l’existence, sans commencement Où faut-il chercher D.ieu? Et tel est bien le but de notre existence, la raison d’être ni fn, la création se ressent elle-même comme une par Ari Sollish de la création. « D.ieu désira avoir une résidence dans existence essentielle, sans commencement ni fn. La les royaumes inférieurs », expliquent nos Sages. Notre t D.ieu parla à Moïse au mont Sinaï en ces termes raison pour laquelle le monde se ressent comme une mission n’est pas de créer quelque chose qui n’existe : parle aux Enfants d’Israël et dis leur… pendant entité autosuffsante est qu’il n’est en fait rien d’autre pas, mais de révéler la divinité qui est déjà présente six ans vous sèmerez vos champs, vous taillerez que la Divinité. E au sein de la création, de prouver qu’il n’existe pas de vos vignes et ramasserez vos récoltes. Mais la septième année est une année de repos pour la terre… vous ne C’est donc là le sens véritable du verset : « Je suis D.ieu ; dichotomie entre l’esprit et la matière, entre l’infni et pourrez pas semer vos champs ni tailler vos vignes. Je n’ai pas changé. » De nombreux grands philosophes le fni. ont conclu, sur la base de cette affrmation, qu’après Lévitique 25, 1-4 C’est aussi la raison pour laquelle les mitsvot sont avoir créé le monde, D.ieu en a rapidement donné essentiellement des gestes physiques, accomplis au Pourquoi le commandement de la Chemita [la loi qui le contrôle à d’autres forces. Il est impossible de dire, moyen d’objets matériels, car c’est seulement ainsi enjoint de laisser la terre reposer tous les sept ans] affrment-ils, que D.ieu demeure étroitement impliqué que nous pouvons révéler que la divinité est présente est-il spécifquement associé au mont Sinaï ; tous les dans la création sans toutefois en être affecté. L’idée même dans les aspects les plus concrets et les plus commandements ne furent-ils pas donnés au mont même que l’Être Suprême, la Vérité Ultime, puisse matériels de la création, ce qui est l’objectif de notre Sinaï ? La Torah vient plutôt nous dire que tout comme s’associer avec un monde aussi vil et fragmenté suscite existence. la Chemita fut enseignée au mont Sinaï, à la fois d’une des cris de protestation. Bien sûr, cette approche manière générale et dans ses détails spécifques, toutes exclut tous les miracles, la Providence Divine, et toute Le travail de la terre les mitsvot furent enseignées au mont Sinaï à la fois de intervention divine du même genre. Sur la base de ce qui précède, nous pouvons mieux manière générale et dans leurs détails spécifques. Mais, à la lumière de l’explication donnée ci-dessus, c’est comprendre le commentaire de Rachi cité au début Rachi sur ce verset une réalité totalement différente qui émerge. La raison de cet essai. Pourquoi la Torah a-t-elle choisi la mitsva Nous vivons une époque de prospérité matérielle et pour laquelle D.ieu n’est pas affecté par la création ne de la Chemita, l’obligation de s’abstenir de tout travail d’avancée technologique inédites. Ces technologies tient pas au fait qu’Il en serait complètement détaché. agricole une fois tous les sept ans, pour en déduire que ont une infuence sur tous les aspects de nos vies, de Bien au contraire, c’est le fait que Lui et Sa création sont toutes les mitsvot furent enseignées au mont Sinaï à l’éducation aux loisirs, du travail à la santé. Au moment un qui en est la cause. Ainsi, le sens de la proclamation la fois dans leur sens général et dans leurs détails ? A où la révolution informatique et technologique nous de D.ieu est : tout comme il n’existait rien d’autre priori, la Torah aurait dû choisir pour cela une mitsva propulse toujours plus avant sur le chemin de la que D.ieu avant la création, il en est de même après plus « fondamentale », telle que celle de donner la satisfaction matérielle, nous pouvons nous demander la création : il n’y a toujours qu’une seule et unique charité ou d’observer le Chabbat. si ces avancées peuvent, de quelque manière, être existence, celle de D.ieu, car Il est la défnition même de Mais de fait, c’est particulièrement dans la mitsva de intégrées à notre évolution spirituelle. De nombreuses l’existence, la substance de la création. Ainsi, la nature Chemita que s’exprime la raison d’être de tous les philosophies soutiennent que la spiritualité est un elle-même, la matérialité de notre monde sont divines. commandements. Durant l’année de Chemita, il était état transcendant, affranchi des contraintes de la Les fondations interdit de travailler la terre de quelque manière que ce matérialité. Le Judaïsme, toutefois, a une approche soit et la certitude du Juif que D.ieu subviendrait alors Ces deux perspectives ne diffèrent pas seulement différente. à ses besoins d’une manière totalement surnaturelle idéologiquement, mais également dans leurs exprimait sa foi absolue et son dévouement applications pratiques. Un indéfectible envers son Créateur. Et pourtant, à tous Deux fois par jour, nous affrmons l’unité de D.ieu en Comment atteindre la spiritualité ? D’après les égards mis à part cet aspect, cette septième année proclamant : « Écoute Israël, l’Éternel est notre D.ieu, philosophes, il faut transcender les limites de ce était une année ordinaire, car toutes les autres formes l’Éternel est Un. » En réalité, l’unité de D.ieu ne signife monde, se détacher de la matérialité pour atteindre de travail étaient autorisées ; seul le travail lié aux pas seulement qu’il n’existe aucune autres force ou un niveau de sublimation propice à la spiritualité. Tant cultures était interdit. puissance dans la création, mais qu’il n’existe rien que l’on demeure prisonnier des limites de ce monde, Cette idée exprime bien le concept même des mitsvot en dehors de Lui, pas même la création elle-même. disent-ils, on ne peut jamais vraiment parvenir à : révéler le surnaturel au sein du naturel, le divin au Tout comme les images qui apparaissent dans l’esprit l’accomplissement spirituel, car D.ieu est effectivement sein du profane, l’esprit au sein de la matière. C’est d’une personne n’ont pas d’existence propre réelle « enfermé » hors de Sa propre création. en dehors de son esprit et sont toutes composées de la raison pour laquelle la mitsva de Chemita est la la même substance appelée « pensée », il en va de Le Judaïsme enseigne en revanche que l’on parvient source de laquelle découle toutes les autres mitsvot, même concernant D.ieu et Sa création : celle-ci dans à la spiritualité, non en fuyant l’ordre de la nature, car elle incarne le but des mitsvot et, en défnitive, son ensemble n’est rien d’autre que la manifestation mais en arrachant les voiles superfciels d’obscurité celui de la création. Ainsi, la prochaine fois que vous physique de l’énergie divine, qui est la véritable et pour révéler la divinité présente dans la création et aurez l’occasion d’accomplir une mitsva, ne manquez unique « substance » de l’existence. qui s’exprime expressément dans ce monde. Ainsi, pas cette opportunité en l’écartant au motif que ce ne alors que d’autres croient que D.ieu et le monde sont serait qu’un acte trivial et dénué de sens. Sachez que Ainsi, bien que le monde paraisse être une réalité antinomiques et qu’il faut tourner le dos à la nature la communauté de destin, en fait l’unique mission, autonome, distincte de la divinité, c’est le contraire qui pour atteindre le divin, nous croyons que D.ieu n’est pas qui unit l’ensemble de l’humanité et tout le cours de est vrai : la seule réalité est la réalité divine, dont le limité au royaume de l’esprit et qu’Il se trouve dans Sa l’histoire, dépend de cet acte. 26 Latin Link Refexion Semanal

Parasha de la Semana Judíos por Elección hacemos – la Tojaja la leemos siempre poco ¿Los conversos son ciudadanos antes de Shavuot, la fiesta de la entrega de la Tora. Ese momento en la montaña, de segunda en el judaísmo? cuando todos estuvimos parados en Sinaí By Yossy Goldman frente a la gran Revelación, escuchando los Diez Mandamientos fue el momento Los conversos son ciudadanos de que nos convertimos en un pueblo. En segunda en el judaísmo? ¿La conversión Shavuot dejamos de ser una familia (hijos a nuestra fe es algo que aceptamos a de Abraham, Isaac, Iaacob, Sara, Rivka, Rajel y regañadientes? Lamentablemente, a Lea) para convertirnos en un pueblo. Ese día ¿lo largo de mi vida escuché muchas frases todos nos convertimos al Judaísmo. Todos derogatorias sobre este tema, irónicamente, nos hicimos judíos en Sinai. de gente que no se considera observante, como: “La mona vestida de seda, mona Entonces, todos los años leemos el solemne queda” y más por el estilo, pero fuera de lo reproche preparándonos para revivir este que algunos individuos puedan pensar ¿Qué histórico evento en el que nos “convertimos”, piensa el Judaísmo? y podemos de esta forma ser parte del pacto con Di-s sincera y genuinamente, con La respuesta simple es la vieja y clásica reverencia y temor. definición sobre quién es judío “Aquel nacido es alguien que merece el amor de Di-s. Un judío por elección es un judío cien por cien. de madre judía o convertido acorde a la Seamos todos, tanto aquellos que nacieron Halajá (Ley judía)” Entonces, si la conversión . como aquellos que se convirtieron, fue hecha y supervisada por un Beit Din verdaderos judíos sinceros con nuestra (Tribunal Rabínico), el converso es tan judío No obstante, queda por dilucidar un pasaje fe, nuestra Tora y nuestra Tradición. Que como cualquier judío de nacimiento. Aquellos podamos aceptar la Tora nuevamente con el que miran con desdén a los conversos deben talmúdico complicado que dice “¡Los conversos son para Israel como la plaga!” celo y la pasión de quien tomó esa decisión, recordar que muchos de nuestros grandes la decisión de ser judíos. Sabios fueron descendientes de conversos, No es muy agradable la definición. Una incluido el legendario Rabí Akiva. explicación simple puede ser que cuando un converso no es sincero y no está dispuesto Más todavía, el Midrash menciona que un a vivir una vida judía plena (quizás se converso genuino es mas preciado a los ojos convirtió al judaísmo por motivos ajenos, de Di-s que un judío de nacimiento ¿Por qué? como casarse con un judío) entonces su Porque el que nació de madre judía no tuvo mal desempeño en el cumplimiento de los elección. Si tu madre es judía, tú eres judío, preceptos desmorona al judaísmo y tiene un y listo. No puedes renegar de tus orígenes. efecto negativo en los otros judíos. Te guste o no, es un hecho biológico y espiritual que marca tu vida. Puedes tratar de Pero, existe otra interpretación de este convertirte a otra religión pero el judaísmo texto. Algunos entiendes que decir que Clases y Eventos no reconoce estas alteraciones artificiales. los conversos son una plaga para Israel Clases en Espanol Un judío es judío, y queda judío. Si naciste se refiere a que los conversos dejan mal judío morirás judío. parados a los judíos de nacimiento. ¿Por Porcion Semanal qué? Porque comúnmente los conversos Rabbi Shea Rubinstein son más aplicados en el compromiso con Lunes 8:45 pm - 9:45 pm Pero un converso no debía convertirse Analisis de distintos temas basados en la Perasha al Judaísmo. Nadie lo forzó. Al contrario, la fe. Es posible ver que los conversos aquellos que eligen el judaísmo están al son más observantes y apasionados en el Rabbi Shlomi Halsband tanto de lo que llamamos Antisemitismo. cumplimiento de las mitzvot que aquellos Miercoles 8:30 - 10:00 pm Domingo 8:30 - 10:00 pm ¿Para que necesitan esto en sus vidas? ¿Son que nacimos judíos. “Una plaga para Israel” se refiere entonces a que este entusiasmo suicidas o simplemente entupidos? ¿Puede (Para Mujeres) alguien cuerdo buscar deliberadamente y profundo compromiso nos avergüenza al resto. Sra. Vivian Perez Tzores (Sufrimientos)? El Midrash dice que Martes 10:45 am - 12:00 pm alguien que toma esta decisión en forma Miércoles: 1:15pm - 2:50 pm consciente, y deliberadamente abraza la Esta semana leemos la Tojaja – el reproche. Jueves: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm fe de los hijos de Abraham, sabiendo la Una serie de graves advertencias al pueblo 198 Park Dr. Bal Harbour impopularidad y el rechazo que ellos sufren, judío de no alejarse de los caminos de Por favor llamar al 305.213.3202 Di-s y una variedad de maldiciones si lo para confrmar 27 The Aleph Institute Serving Jews in institutional and limited environments

To contribute to The Aleph Institute’s programs, or to volunteer your time, please call 305.864.5553 28 PLEASE READ ONLY Networking AFTER SHABBOS Effective Advertising


Brand New, Beach Modern Bal Harbour Village

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Custom Chef’s kitchen w dual Sub-Zero refrigerators, dual Viking oven, dual sinks, dual dishwashers & oversized island; Smart House equipped; 10-seat high-tech screening room w 105” screen. Huge master bath w his/hers sinks, toilets & showers. Impact windows & doors; Infinity edge pool w beach entry & hot tub; Outside kitchen, covered patio, sauna; Rooftop deck w fire pit; Whole house generator. Walk to Beach, Dining, Shopping and Houses of Worship! Asking Price $5,250,000. SELLER FINANCING AVAILABLE.


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Bal Harbour Bellini -10225 Collins Ave : Unit # 2004 SW and E Views 2,918 Sqft 3 Beds 4 1/2 baths incredible sunsets $3.495M - Large balcony The Kenilworth -10205 Collins Ave : Unit 302, Corner 3/2.5 2325 sq ft, totally remodeled,like new,3 balconies $1.5M The Balmoral - 9801 Collins Ave: Unit # 9 F SE views 2 Beds 2 Baths 1,688 Sqft ,marble foors ,new baths,Ocean Views $950k large balcony Unit # 17 W SE views 2 beds 2 baths original unit with amazing Ocean Intercostal and city views, large balcony (We have another units pocket listings) The Plaza - 10185 Collins Ave: Unit 710 SE exposure 1/1 over 1000 sq ft, all redone, $448K, Unit 815 1/1 SE exposure original $355K, Unit 202, original 1/1 w/impact windows 338K- Best buy on the water in Bal Harbour Tiffany - 2/2 plus Den for Rent. 2018 sq ft. Unfurnished. $5200/month Surfside Champlain Towers East -8855 Collins Ave: Unit 4J- Direct Ocean 3/3, 2260 sq ft- $1,360,000 Champlain Towers North - 8877 Collins Ave: Unit 309- 3/2.5 with Ocean Views, 2367 sq ft- Reduced to $1,299,000 Miami Beach Blue Diamond-4779 Collins Ave: Unit 3703- First time Offered- 3/3, 2010 sq ft- $2,250,000 Aventura Porto Vita Bella Vista - 19925 NE 39 PL: Unit # 602 East views Ocean and Intercostal 2,850 Sqft 3 beds 4, 1/2 bats $2.480M newly redone

Turnberry Village South -19900 E Country Club Dr: Unit # 1009 marina views and ocean 2 beds 2 baths ,spotless unit ,only needs your belongings

29 PLEASE READ ONLY Networking AFTER SHABBOS Effective Advertising

PAID ADVERTISEMEnTS DO NOT CONSTITUTE ENDORSEMENTS BY ANY RABBIS OR THE SHUL. THE SHUL RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REjECT ANY AD SUBMITTED. CITADEL REALTY, LLC. Raquel Sragowicz Cell: 305.588.2481 Email: [email protected] Ritz-Carlton Bal Harbour Condo-Hotel: Studio,1 full bath, Gorgeous water views, 510 SQ FT, $485,000 Use it for personal use or rent it out thru the Ritz Carlton Hotel program.

Surfside: Waterfront 9056 Bay Dr: 5 Beds, 3 baths, $1,750,000

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Development Opportunity- 1040 - 94 St. 4 units- Rented- 2 beds/ 2 baths + den $1,650,000

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32 Numbers to know

Contacts at The Shul 305.868.1411 Rabbi Rabbi Sholom Lipskar Ext 311 Associate Rabbi Rabbi Zalman Lipskar Ext 345 Rabbi’s Executive Assistant Ms. Lydia Hasson Ext 311 Rebbetzin Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar 305.992.8363 JLAC / Adult Ed/ Singles Rabbi Shea Rubinstein Ext 342 CYS College / Kolel Rabbi Dov Schochet 305.790.8294 Accounting Mrs. Geri Kelly Ext 341 Controller Mrs. Janice Barney Ext 318 Offce Manager Ms. Stacy Waxman Ext 313 Events / Offce Assistant Ms. Milena Liascovitz Ext 328 Dinner Mrs Devorah Leah Andrusier Ext 339 Shul Gaboim Youth Director Rabbi Shaykee Farkash Ext 329 Mr. Andrew Roth Operations / Maintenance Rabbi Shlomi Katan Ext 319 Reception / Accounts Payable Mrs. Mindy Natoli Ext 0 Mr. David Portnoy Mikvah Mrs. Devorah Failer 305.323.2410 Rabbi Henry Eichler Pre-School Mrs. Chana Lipskar Ext 325 Mr. Ettai Einhorn Sephardic Minyan Chazan Shimshon Tzubeli 305.865.4205 Mr. David Ben-Arie Hebrew School / Editor Mrs. Aurit Katan 786.382.9006 Mr. Seth Salver Hashkama Minyan Mr. Lazer Milstein 305.349.3040 Mr. Mordechai Olesky 786.262.9115 Board of Trustees Foundation Trustees Ambassador Isaac Gilinski - Chairman Alberto Kamhazi Albert Pollans - President Simon Falic Shmuel Katz M.D. Jaime Gilinski Sidney Feltenstein Leo Kryss David Lichter Matias Garfunkel Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar Jaime Gilinski Lazer Milstein Monroe Milstein - Treasurer Max Gilinski Michael Perez Saul Gilinski Ryan Shapiro Board of Directors Sam Greenberg Claudio Stivelman Steven M. Dunn - President Jerrod M. Levine Abel Holtz Morris Tabacinic Mitchell Feldman - Vice President Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar Mike Izak Rabbi Zalman Lipskar VP Development Alexander Matz Eric P. Stein - Treasurer Lazer Milstein Joel Baum - Associate Treasurer Ezzy Rappaport Executive Committee Steven M. Dunn - Chair Evelyn Katz Dovid Duchman - Secretary Eliott Rimon Carolyn Baumel Brian Roller Devorah Leah Andrusier Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar Max Benoliel Seth Salver Janice Barney Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar Eli Dominitz Daniel Shapiro Joel Baum Rabbi Zalman Lipskar Boruch Duchman Ryan Shapiro Maurice Egozi Orit Osman Velvel Freedman Michael Tabacinic Henry Eichler Marc Sheridan Eli Freund David Wolf Mitchell Feldman Daniel Sragowicz Bruce Gelb Jose Yankelevitch Daniel Gielchinsky Cynthia Stein Ighal Goldfarb Jacob J. Givner Eric P. Stein Sam Greenwald 33 Daily Study A complete guide to all classes and courses offered at The Shul


The Rebbes’ Maamorim 6:20 - 6:50 am Daf Yomi 9:00 am In Depth Chumash 1:30 pm PHL 101 PHL-301 PHL-501 Rabbi Z. Lipskar TXT 220 Rabbi Dov Schochet TXT-110 Rabbi Dov Schochet Daf Yomi 7:45 - 8:45 am Tanya - Sichos 8:00 - 10:00 pm Insights to our Torah Portion TXT-220 Rabbi Dov Schochet PHL-322 Rabbi Shlomo Haltzband (Spanish) 8:45 - 9:45 pm PHL-120 Rabbi S. Rubinstien Chok L’Yisrael - Sephardic 8:45 am Reb Shimshon Tzubeli Women’s Study Group 8:30 - 10:00 pm TXT-110 Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar Chassisdic Discourses 10:15 - 11:00 am At the home of: Please call The Shul for PHL-322 PHL-510 Rabbi S. Rubinstien details. Community Kollel (Men) 8:00 - 9:30 pm (Monday & Thursday) LAW-154 Shul Rabbis & Kolel


Women’s Morning Torah Class Parsha (Men & Women) Senior Torah Academy 12:00 - 1:00 pm 11:15 am - 12:00 pm Pirkei Avot ETH-101 Rabbi Dov Schochet 10:00 - 11:30 am TXT-110 Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar TXT-501 Rabbi S. Rubinstien Women’s Torah Portion Class Chassidic Discourses (Men & Women) Senior Torah Academy (Men & Women) (Spanish) 10:45 am - 12:00 pm 11:30 - 12:30 pm 12:00 - 1:00 pm TXT-110 Mrs. Vivian Perez PHL-320 PHL-501 Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar TXT-120 Rabbi Dov Schochet 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village or Rabbi Zalman Lipskar (Main Sanctuary) Book of Judges - Years 2780 -2835 Tanya Class - English 1:15 - 2:50 pm Women’s Tanya Class (Spanish) PHL-120 Mrs. Vivian Perez 11:00 am - 12:00 pm 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village PHL-320 Mrs. Vivian Perez Spanish Kolel - Chassidus Call Vivian for details - 305.213.3202 8:00 - 10:00 pm PHL-301 Rabbi Shlomo Haltzband


34 Get the Picture The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town

Twenty Three girls graduated from The Shul Bat Mitzvah Club this week, with a beautiful ceremony attended by proud family and friends. Each girl spoke about her Jewish role model and the girls presented a check of money they had raised for Chabad Terror victims. After the formal ceremony everyone enjoyed a delicious celebratory meal. Mazal Tov to all our graduates!