The Dual Pandemics Lead to a Breakout Year for the Volume of Communication Measurement

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The Dual Pandemics Lead to a Breakout Year for the Volume of Communication Measurement November 2020 Issue 11 CONTENTS Measurement ........... 1-2, 15 Awareness ......................3-4 Measurement ........... 4-5, 16 Organization....................6-8 Marketing ..........................9 Diversity & Inclusion .........10 Marketing ........................11 Social ................... 12-13, 16 3 10 12 History .......................14-15 MEASUREMENT The Dual Pandemics Lead to a Breakout Year for the Volume of Communication Measurement Here’s a topic you won’t have a chance to discuss around the munication to measure as brands are communicating far table during your cancelled Thanksgiving dinner: the state of more than they did previously with employees. communication measurement. It would have been a discus- Like Burke, Paine reasons that economic uncertainty is a sion worth holding. main driver in communication measurement’s rise this year. As PR marks Communication Measurement Month in No- “We’re in a permanent state of anxiety,” Paine says, and vember, measurement seems to be continuing its upswing when there’s uncertainty “people want certainty and data. of recent years. Ironically, the global pandemic, is partially They want answers. Measurement provides those answers.” responsible. As Paine said early in the pandemic, ‘Data is your PPE.’ As Katie Paine, the self-proclaimed There’s another cost factor. “Measurement of PR and Queen of Measurement, says, “Everything communication is so cheap compared to measuring other [communicators do] is being measured things,” Paine says. Since communication measurement is more now and measured better.” not a huge drain on budgets, “I don’t see anybody cutting it.” That’s because the economic down- Paine describes the communicator’s lament at this time. turn has left businesses with little room “’I don’t know if what I’m doing is working or not. And I can’t for error. “Since everyone is being more afford to make a mistake because I’ll get fired, lose my job Katie Paine resource-conscious, you have to get things Founder or mess things up. So, I need more data.’” As a result, com- right fast. And you have to measure,” says Paine Publishing municators are doing “way more surveys and asking their Johna Burke, global MD at AMEC, the com- stakeholders more…they’re doing much more measurement munication measurement organization. because it’s an uncertain time.” In addition, boardrooms, she Equally vexed, the C-suite is demanding says, are seeking more data. “They want to know if things are more data from communicators to under- working and if not, how can we make them work?” stand what messaging is working. Commu- She cites the example of Georgia-Pacific, whose paper nication measurement, she says, used to products were in great demand early in the pandemic. Its ex- be a nice-to-have. It’s a must-have “in this ternal message, Paine says, was not to panic. The company crisis,” she adds. could track message pickup, message amplification and how 2020, Burke believes, may show a its message were playing on social. “It wasn’t a question of Johna Burke Global Managing steeper incline in measurement “than we making more sales. Instead, the concern was people being Director otherwise would have projected.” In part, able to find toilet paper, posting pictures of themselves find- AMEC this is a quantity issue. There’s more com- ing it and feeling happy about it,” she says. Continued on page 2 ©2020 Access Intelligence LLC. Federal copyright law prohibits unauthorized reproduction by any means and imposes fines of up to $100,000 for violations. Continued from page 1 Vol. 76 ISSN 1546-0193 For measurement advocate Mark Stouse, cators report to marketers, he says. Moreover, the high-volatility environment of the pandemic communicators lack access to data from other Editorial Director, Erika Bradbury, [email protected] means you need to measure more often. Ow- parts of the company that they’d need to deliver Editor, Seth Arenstein, ing to the “swirling, changing environment,” more meaningful analysis. [email protected] you need to run data more regularly through re- On the agency side, most firms measure, Director, Marketing Production: Tracey Lilly, [email protected] gression analytics to capture but “very few have made data and analytics a changes in relationships be- routine, non-negotiable part” of their culture, he Senior Content Manager, Sophie Maerowitz, [email protected] tween causes and effects. says. When measurement-focused clients ask Content Manager, Nicole Schuman, The coronavirus pandemic PR firms for data, they receive it, he says, but [email protected] is one reason companies com- those are “rare exceptions.” About 2-3 percent SVP, Marketing Group, Dan Hanover, municated internally more in of communicators are analyzing communication [email protected] 2020 and are measuring its data with an eye toward aligning it with business Divisional President, Kerry Smith, Mark Stouse [email protected] effectiveness. In the US, com- CEO outcomes, he says. Chief Operating Officer, Heather Farley panies also needed to gauge Proof Analytics A simple way to take Stouse’s route, he says, employees’ attitudes on social is to begin with an hypothesis. Then you cre- President & CEO, Don Pazour and racial issues. ate a regression model and look at “what we’re Group Subscriptions — “Internal communication measurement is doing, what other people [in the company] are [email protected] Additional Copies & Article Reprints — probably the number one most-important thing doing who we don’t control, audience data and Contact Wright’s Media, 877-652-5295; [email protected] [companies are measuring] these days,” Paine business data.” That’s how you understand what says. In this environment, “You need to under- you should be doing and how it’s impacting your stand what’s moving your employees.” business, but it will tell you need to measure. On the business side, “You have to measure Stouse contends marketing, not communica- whether or not they are getting the material they tion, “has made strides in the right direction” need to do their jobs well,” Paine argues. In ad- on measurement. As a result, C-suites are “not dition, employers need to know if “employees asking communicators for data or analytics.” In- Published monthly by Access Intelligence, LLC 9211 Corporate Blvd, 4th Floor are feeling disconnected or looking around for stead they are “simply subordinating communi- Rockville, MD 20850 another company to work for because they’re so cation to the marketing department, and stream- Client Services: mad at how you responded to [the murder of lining their communication investment.” Phone: 888.707.5814 • Fax: 301.309.3847 e-mail: [email protected] George Floyd, for example].” In Stouse’s view, communication’s continued New York Editorial Office: Moreover, surveying employees and other lack of measurement progress is ironic since 40 Wall Street, 50th floor, New York, NY 10005 Phone: 212.621.4890 • Fax: 212.621.4879 stakeholders is relatively inexpensive. “And peo- “nothing is as powerful with business audi- ple are home, so they’re responding” at higher ences” as earned material. “Press, analysts, For subscribers only: full access to PR News article archives at rates, especially when there’s an incentive, Paine peer-to-peer, customers all exert a more power- says. When asked what small PR teams can do ful influence on decision-making than paid and quickly to begin measuring, Paine doesn’t hesi- owned, which dominate the top of the funnel, but UPCOMING tate: “Do a survey,” she says. whose influence diminishes greatly in the back- EVENTS AND For Stouse, another incentive to analyze sur- half of the customer journey,” he says. DEADLINES* vey and other data transcends the dual pandem- ics. “Too many marketers and communicators OTHER AREAS OF IMPRovement WEBINAR: know so little about their audiences and their A cultural bias against being evaluated in terms COMMUNICATING sentiments about their brand, their products, of business and commercial value continues to DE&I TO EXTERNAL why they buy, their sense of risk,” he says. exist in communication, Stouse contends. STAKEHOLDERS In addition, there’s a lack of knowledge and NovembeR 17, 2020 IMPRovements understanding “about things mathematic.” PR 1:00-2:00PM ET While Stouse agrees with Paine and Burke that pros, he says, still talk about how they hated COVID-19 “has ignited a massive measurement math. Many chose marketing or communication, MEDIA RELATIONS and analytics fire,” his view is that communica- in part, because of the perception that they in- VIRTUAL EVENT tors are not measuring well. volved little understanding of math or business. DECEMBER 8-9, 2020 “The communication industry is dead-last “The failure of the profession to adhere to DIVERSITY AWARDS when it comes to the use of meaningful metrics a scientific standard of evaluation and proof is CALL FOR ENTRIES and analytics to demonstrate impact and value,” costing it dearly in terms of credibility,” Stouse DEADLINE he says. Part of this is because brand communi- believes. DECEMBER 10, 2020 cators lack “the competence or incentive to grab He would like to see data and analytics as the bull by the horns.” non-negotiables. And it takes initiative. Too many communi- Continued on page 15 *For subscribers only: You are entitled to discounts on all PRN events and webinars. Contact: [email protected] 2 • November 2020 awaRENESS Is Your Brand Accessible to the Disabled? If Not, You’re Missing a Significant Opportunity [Editor’s Note: October marked the 75th PRNEWS: Do you feel PR pros who are blind bring some- anniversary of National Disability Employ- thing to the table that others do not? In addition to what ment Awareness Month. To celebrate, we you said earlier, what are some incentives for PR leaders to spoke with Rachel Carver, a senior PR hire employees who are blind? specialist at Outlook Business Solutions, which is affiliated with National Industries Carver: Blind PR pros have similar skills to others in the for the Blind.
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