Mayor 'Gratified' with Support of His Public Prayer Movement
THE MIDDLESEX COUNTY Serving Woodbridge Township, Cartcrct and Edison •ntrntf u M (1u IU| Puhll<h«1 Wecklf *< P. 0. Woodbrid**, N. J. Woodbridge, New Jersey, Wednesday, October 22,1969 On Wednesdii* TEN CENT3 Wolff for Second Ward Some Water- at WOODBRIDGE, N. .]., August 4, 191,5. (All Editorial) in Fords. His knowledge of the neighborhood — its people and their problems — is unmatched. Residents of the, Woodbridge Second Ward deserve a Throughout the years he has forcefully and effectively youthful, capable, energetic, problem solving Council- demonstrated his concern for civic betterment by his out- man as their representative in the Municipal Council, standing record as a leader. Some of his community ac- Democratic candidate John A. (Jack) Wolff possesses tivities include: these qualifications — in abundance! Tire Commissioner Fire District =7; president, John In the brief period since he was appointed to fill the un- Board of Fire Commissioners of Woodbridge Township; fxpired term of John It. Kgan, he has demonstrated an Fords Fire Company p\\ St Joseph's High School Father's unusual talent lor sparking activity and interest in here- Club; P.T.A., Our Lady of Peace School, Fords; Greater to fore Second Ward "progress-doldrum areas." Second Ward Democratic Club; Joseph >'emyo Associa- tion; John F. Kennedy Democratic Club; Our Lady -of Today, prospers appear bright for a new Fords branch Peace Holy Name Society; William J. Warren Association; library. A new Second Ward municipal swimming pool is Fords Clara Barton Baseball League, and the Fords Youth now closer than ever before i<f becoming a reality.
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