PRICR lo CENTS \'()L. IX., No. 4. CINCINNATI, MAY i, 1897. l>EK YEAR, $1.00

this titiif Jiiy fellow citi/.eii-. n discovered that We could not return it for it was all cross- same manner I had the fair, hut not quite This is the first of a series of articles the secretary of a fair association wa;'. the lined. Neither could we hold it over for so lavishly you may he sure. I useil a which will run through i>erhai)s a half wln>le thill)'. He is supposeokkeeper, );eneral director, peci.'illy the hi); stands. Ihiterprisiu); results surpassed my most sanguine ex- to the readers of the pajier, than hy simply advertisiii); and press a);ent, all rolled citizens came forward ainl offered sides of pecUitioiis. Subscriptions Ix-gaii to come st.itiii); that I useaying projierty. hill jKister who is l«K-ate devote the course of my j)ere);rinations 1 have my entire time to my new venlure. found many queer unirnis of this kind, Success attended me, and, oh, how I l-'or instance, I have known hill j>osters enjoyed it. .\fter my exjx-rience as a wlu» were also law vers, artment, niana);ers of thea¬ into months and my hank account con¬ tres, doctors, printers, «lru):);ists. under¬ tinued to mount higher and higher, mv takers. and. in fact, anythin); at all that joy simply knew no iMUinds. .At last I would help to .adher when I went into the a hundred years old. husiness. I owtusl a weekly in a Western When I figured up at the end of the town. Mv p,irents hail purchasetl it ' th.e year I found that I had cleared twelve weekly for me when I left colle):e. s«i as hundred dollars. Rut I also found that to );ive me a chance to );row up with the was afxmt the limit that a town of country. The town had alnuit in- 2.50 ) in'iiahitaiits would yield. I was am- luhitants. althou);h we claimed hiiioiis. I con-luded I woulil Ux>k for a and was located, to quote a writer of note, larger town, so I broke my as.sistant in to “aliout forty miles Horn everywhere.” routine office duties, and prepared for a l-'or aliou't two years I had a terrible trip. I had a line of sample posters from strii););le with the we»-kly. It was mp and an eastern house that gave me a commis¬ tuck. (Iccasionally I );ot the weekly sion on all sales which I made for them, down, hnt generally it was on to)). 1 and as I had been quite successful at tremhle yet to think whit nii);ht have home I concluded to take them with me, lieeii if mother, down had not .s«-nt my idea lieing to defray smiie jxirtion of me re);ularly lar);e Inixes of );ruh. The my exix-nses by canvassing the various circulation at the time I came into |>os- towns 1 intended to visit. It was a happy si-ssion, so the former owner );lihlv in- thought. I met with such marked suc¬ fornieil us, was i.ioo, and the mail list cess on the road, and I enjoyed the work lialleys, hastily counted, laire him out so thoroughly, that I determined to follow Rut it shrunk terrihlv on ch>ser examina¬ i‘. until such time mayhap as I might l»e tion. It is astounditi); what a minilH-r of able to buy or buy into a city plant. s.imple copies it takes to );o round ainoii); When tile subject of this series of arti¬ the eastern a);ents. In ni\ c.isi- it was cles was first broached to me I rather over two hundred, and when these, to¬ thought that there was little that I could gether with exchan);es, advertise-rs who .say to the readers of TilK Rii.i.hoakii dealt direct and dead ones, were suhtract- that would lie particularlv helpful or in¬ teresting, hut since thinking the matter ed from the total, I found my lama tide list was a trifle under five hundred. over I have concluded that I may jxissess This, of course, was disconraRiii);, hu* some ideas and lx? able to convey some suggestions which will here and there 1 hucked to it with a will. Talk alamt W. D. REDINGTON. prove profitable. I shall do my liest, any ■chemes for circulation huildiii); 1 ti);- way. and if I do no gix)d, at least, I shall uusl out a thousand. I st.irteil a laiiler- do no harm. jilate serial, and presetHeil every man, ed. and finally aloiij; came a copy of TiiK Well, to make a long story short, we In the lieginning I want to direct atten¬ woman and child in the county with a Rii.i.ho\ri> . hiiilt tile hoards and soon hail the town tion to the vast number of gooil towns copy of the issue containiii); the first in 1 ininieiliately wrote for Kick copies covered Then we built Ixwds in adja stalinient. I oflered chronios, coiistructol and also to the se-cretaries of other fairs cent towns and covereil them, m-aking that are yet unoccupied. I know that any town of 2.500 inhahitants can lx; made to luhhiii); lists, and made a |K-rsotial for iiiforni.ition, methoils, etc. In due country routes in the meantime through¬ pay a hundreil dollars a month. I lielieve '<> house canvas. I tried everythin); I course, 1 In-gaii to );et a line on how to );o out all that section of the State, and hy that U.WHS as low as 1,000 will supjxjrt a ever heard of, hnt the circnlafion ahso- alsmt thiiiiis. hnt hy this tiiiie our fair dint of jH-rseveraiice and hard work we hill poster if he will also do distributing, hitely to hud);e. The advertisiii); was nj>on us, and the adverti.siii); had to tinallv u.sed all the pa)>er up. * sign tacking and sign painting. It is I>-itrona);e was just alatiit :isstnhiMirn, and 1h- settUsl. It was decideil that we ou);ht The fair itself. 1 am afraid, did not strange that in view of the congested tiiially I );ot discotira);t*il and tried to sell to have some jiosters. and I was dele);ated amount to much, hut the attendance wa.s condition of other fields of effort that so I iiise-rteil );lowin); adve-rtiseinents in to order them .\s I had no idea of styles enormous. Visitors came from miles many opportunities are overlixiked. the Ka.stern papi-rs, hut ieithoiit results. or the amount required, 1 wrote to a well- around, and everyIxxly in town, especiallv Then again, theie is many a hill |K»ster I hen I lH-);an to hnik around for a trade. known Cincinnati printiii); house, ex- the merchants, voted the fair an unquali¬ at present in a gixxl country town, who is 1 trieil to swaji it in turn for a sheep pl.iiniti); my iietsls as l> I could, and fied success. If ever the directors get barely making a living—contimially hustl¬ 'iicli, miiiiii); claim, a hotel, a livery );.ive them an ojieii order to select styles done jiaying for those jiosters they will ing, in fact, to make Ixith ends meet.who table, and tinallv offered it for a half and quantities in amoiint such as they snrelv hold another fair. hy the of a little judgment might merest in a small circus, hut failed si);- thou);ht 1 nii);ht need. .\nd they did with .Vs’for me. w hen the blow -otT came they double his earnings. It is to these that t'ally in each i stance. a ven);e.ince. oweil me a little over a month’s salary 2 THE BILLBOARD

1 am going to devote niy attention first. “ It is a Condition, not a The¬ 1 am going to give them a few ]K)intersoii how to make it pay. I will start in with ory, that Confronts us." a few “ Don’ts.” To begin with, don't join an association with the idea that it |l>srer IVinhen BY Jam w. hdkk. will bring you work. If you do, you will l>e disappointed, They are not organi/.ed :9i .\ mighty smart man used that expres for that purpose. They are excellent sion once, and I am not ashameil to follow things in their way, but they neither Wc clip the following from the Detroit /'. zx/wg him. If he had ever trieil to jilace bill promise nor engage to secure work for .\rus {Misting throughout this mighty land of their meinl)ers, that is, the real as.socia- Thirty years ago, March iS, the Calvert litho¬ ours, he would have hail less time for duck tions do not. P'akirs and swiiullers in graphing X; Ebigraving Co . of Detroit, Mich., hunting and for hobnobbing with Pier- various cities fre(juently send out a s|K*cies was incorjKiiateii, with Thomas Calvert. Clauil H Candler and Charles B. C.alvcrt as it- officers. jmnt Morgan. of green goods circular promise all Six years jirevious to that time Thomas Calvert The remarkably large numlier of cities, manner of contracts in return for a small had organized the firm of Calvert it Co . which towns, villages and cross roads in these meml>ership fee, but they are merely liegan in the engraving business in a small wav Yesterday, the life of the cotjxiration haring I'niteil States wherein the general coin schemes tf> fleece the unwary. expired by legal limitation, another meeting of mercial advertiser is unable to put out bill Hill posting anil distributing associa¬ the original stockholders, including William .^. posting when he wants to, is truly sur tions are, for the most part, started by peo¬ Ross, w as held, and the pro|>erty and effects w ere formally distnised of to the Calvert kithograjih- prising to the lieginner in this methcMl of ple engaged in business in cities, and ing Co., a new eorjioration which will siuxeed jiublicity. .solely for purposes of mutual ])rt)tection the old conijiany in the business with practically .A prominent city in the East, having and betterment. Their annual business the same officers. C.eo W Heigho, who has fieen with the old comjiany for 16 years, liecomes only one bill {Mister, has nothing but is large in volume, and the expense of a memlier of the new corporation. When the aniusemeiit {ia{ier on its billboards during supporting the organization, which falls company was first organized it had a small office the theatrical season, and the bill {xister on them individually, is comparatively in a building at the northeast corner of Jefferson THOMAS CALVERT. avenue and Griswold street. Subse<|nentlv its says he can't take commercial work ex trifling. This .same amount to a bill plant was removed to the old Tribune tniililing. ce{it during the summer months, but is Do not forget the fact that when a news¬ poster in a small town, however, is some on Lamed street, the new ijuarters lieing made very anxious for it then. necessary by the rapid increase in its business. paper publisher needs advertising, he times burdenscune, esj>ecially so when the •A well-known city in Iowa is similarlv Today the mimiany occujiies all of the does not go to his brother publishers for expense and loss of time involved in at¬ structure at the southwest corner of I.arned and situateil, also one in laiuisiana, so we it. Not he. He is onto the game. He tending the annual convention is added. Shelby .streets. It has offices in San Francisco, can't lay it to the slothfulness of the Chicago anil St Louis, and has acijuired a reputa¬ buvs the real thing, and, consequently, Very few of the country bill posters who South or the un{)rogresKiveness of the tion that extends to every section of the civilized the bill poiters ami di.stributors cut his do l>elon^ to the a.ssociations ever attend world. It is iniprotiable that any other corpora¬ East .Anil the funny {lart of the trouble money up. the meetings. It follows naturally that tion in the state can present such a record of is, that a man who should attemjit to go their needs or desires are not made known, Steady and persistent advancement in the face of every obstacle. During its corporate life the into these towns and {lut u{> a giwMl ser¬ and constijuently no action looking to engraving business has lieen practically revolu¬ News from New York. vice, and encourage the general adverti.ser their welfare and fienefit is taken. It tionized. but the comtiany has more than kept to use the billlioards, would be given to pace with the multifarious changes. Its liest l-ig Syrup is putting out a new 4-sheet, would Ik.- a grand thing for the business understand that he was out of place; that work today is not sur|sassed by that of any other a facsimile of their old 20 sheet stand, if some plan could be had that would similar institution on earth, and it isnoexagger- the pro{ier work for him was knocking and also a new de.sign in 16 sheets. The bring the country bill ])osters together tion of the truth to say that much of it rises alwve sa{i Dom railroad ties; that another man the plane of mere commercial work to real art. new design is a change, anres,see«l the pafier, and in a few days I will answer by mail or in these columns. or raid Nathan should have had the distinction. mercial advertiser continues to mourn for got a letter saying that the pajier had I am in and out of Cincinnati all the -F‘. M FMwards. was finally heard Irom in Washington. D. C., where he was ationt to marrv space. lieen {Kisteil, “and {ilease send me my while, and you can me in care of a Miss Mayo. -T R. Dawley, president anil The "Hey Rulie” from the West comes money.’’ The Bii.i-»oaki). manager of The Great American F!nj{ fg Print to New York, and in time gets the hay- .A letter was w ritten to ask where the Co., of New York, will go to Eurojie this summer. Mr Dawley has btanch offices at Liverpool. Lon¬ ■seed curried out. Yan Buren's new man, {>a{x‘r was {MWteil. and another was sent The following bill is now jjending be don, and Paris, and will combine business with Mylius, and Jam W. Hoke, Ixith innocents to a salesman who ha{i{)ened to lie within fore the legislative assembly of the pro¬ pleasure on his trip abroad-The F;n<|uirer from abroad, ran up against a great game a hundreil miles of the place, instructing vince of yuef)ec : Job Printing Co., Hennegan & Co , Russell ft Morgan, The Strobridge Litho. Co., and The last week. The Singer Sewing Machine him to go down and see how the {)a|ier ■‘I. The no*.tin){ or jilac^nliiiK or exhihUin>; in Ilonaldson Co., of Cincinnati, are all very Company asked them, among others, to placed. The letter from the salesman the streets. lanes, or public places in any town busv. The IXinaldson Co., in particular, is submit sketches and estimates for a whole was a revelation, //e found all the f*iiper or city, of illustrated placards and show bill.s. for rnsfied with work. They are working over-time the purpose of advertisinii exhibitions plays or and have two other lithograjdiing establishments lot of posters and the posting thereof. I fiosted, as charged for; but guess where’ ojieras. having depicted thereon nude or semi¬ in the yueen City helping them to get their con¬ warned both of them that no matter Way out in the suburlis, far from the nude human figures, or sensational -how bills tracts out on time.-W. 1. Sterett, the lead¬ whose sketch was the liest, and no matter haunts of men. and every sheet was with delineations thereon of murders or attempts ing poster printer on the'Pacific Coast, has joined to murder, or figures using firearms, knives or the ranksof The Billboard's advertisers- whose price was lowest, that a certain pasteil onto an ol/// Poster, wherein falo. attended the openings of Ringling Bros Mr. Sjiringer, the receiver of the old his methods are .severely criticised, and and the Sells-Forepaugh shows.-The Care- Springer it Welty Lithographing Co., has early and {iheiiomenal success of that re¬ he himself stigmatized a “printing house queville Lithographing Co are much in evidence markable remedy. on the lioards of the Windy City. brought suit against the .A. S. Seer Print loafer,” was lioth unduly severe and un¬ The National, of Chicago, umler the energetic for cojiyright infringement. Sjiringer says deserved. While Mr. Stahlbrodt may not manipulaiion of its new manager, is iMKiming he caught them at it, and the Seer |K*ople be an unqualified success as a solicitor, The ttarniini f». Bailey )>eople make this office their headiiuarters. own up. and .say it wasilone on Springer’s The large clofhing manufacturers, de and has lieen more or less obnoxious at

Goshen, Ind.; G. F. McDonald, MontRomerv, Purdy Personal. -Ala.; J. H C.ray, Willimantic. Conn.: (;. w. York. Haverhill.'Mass., P. F, schaeler ChicaRo, SiflK- f.reen of S;iti Hrancisco, arc very jiot>- III ; Clarence f; kuney, WaiikeRan. Ill,; w. D.’ iiUr amoiiR ailvertis« rs on the I’acific Coast.- Hiisted, Maiisheld, I'a., Frank P. Myers Dan¬ 1- H ll.i!u roft. is 1 ity bill poster at Fresno. Cal. ville, III.; F. M. Groves, FA'an-viIle, Ind.; Janies M Dishon, Terre Haute, Ind.; J G I.ovitiR.New - Henry Werner, of Winona semis ns notice Castle, I'a ; H H Tyner. S(iriiiRfield. O ; Frank of a SpriiiR Fair to lie helil at Winona tins year. P. Mcl.auRhIin. Crijiide Creek, Col., C.eorRe D. II is 'omethiiiR of a novelty —-—-The linn of McGuire, Delaware, t).: Frank Collins. Park City, I tah; Frank M Deuel. Kankakee. HI ; BlLLfV>STE^ Iv Haviil. city bill {io-.lers at ClarksbiirR W Jos. F HastenpliiR. Red Bluff, Cal ; .A H. Davis^ Va . ha- been succeeded by Havid Jt Co.- Nashua, N. H , C M Murphy K Co , .Montpe¬ Iiartt >S: Hartt. who manaRe Bache Auditorium, lier. Ind,: Will Comstock. Itoonville, N. Y.; Chas. Ii. liilmore. Oswcro, N Y DEPARTMENT at Well-tairo Pa . are reachiiiR out after bill .A H Searlis is secretary of the Curran Co.. lai-tiiiR - -kiihler fc Slone, i- a new firm at of Denver.-VFntiira Bill PostiiiR Co., of Veii- till mail Ala — - FMiii . was a Biclhoako caller. Vpril Dide(iendence. K»s . writes us that her husband, have just gotten out a splendid i-sheet. yrd. Mr. lUixter was on his way home from w ho owns the lioards at th;it (xiint. has joined WashinRton 1> C , where he had lieen sojonrii- the advance forces of RiiiRliiiR Bros’, shows. BILL POSTING ASSOCIATION. They deal direct, using chance may offer inR since the inauRiiration ceremonies- -J. A. Parker, of Charleston. III., writes, service, and covering the entire country I, M. Harkiiess, of Stockton. Cal , styles himself Runey says, “Thh Hillhoarii is the stuff” Put the‘Mias City" advertiser -Thos. P Hay ft and Canada. iiie on the list.-C. F;. Washburn, of West Co , of WilminRton. N, C.. have a fine line of Su()erior, Wis,, has purchased the boards of the Preparations for the Convention. iKxirils - Jake Tannctilsiiim. of Mobile, ad- I'itcher Tri-titv Bill I’ostinR Co., ai d n iw he has The Marion l-'rnit Jar and Holtle Co., of vis« s us that any work entrusted to Mr Mike sole control of the city.-Mrs. \. C. Seward, McHermotl, Jr . will lie properly attendeil to of Stillwater, Minn, (iiiblishes the .Stillwater Tin- jtHotrrs of the International Hill Marion, Iml.. who manufacture the fa¬ He has the use of all of Mr. Tannenliaiim's .Wr’ssfngfr. ninsa job printing office and o(>erates boards this summer.-F‘ K Stone, of Midille- rostin){ AsMK.'iation are busy making ar- the bill (josting plant of the city. And it is all mous Mason fruit jars, are having an im¬ biirv Vt.. writes us that he thinks Thk Hill- well done at that.-The Tvrone Adverti-ing rangenn nts for the St. I.ouis meeting. mense edition of I-sheets jirinted. They Ko.AHii is the liest hill posters ;>aper ever pul>- .Agency, of Tyrone. Pa., us that they have will cover the country, dealing direct lished.-J. T. Henderson BloomiuRton. Ill., five hundred runniiiR feet of billlioards.-^-J. Spei' r.ites «m all railnwds will l»e ob¬ has joineil the Internaiioiial Bib PostiuR As-mk.-! .A Blight, manager of the Ballarat Advertising with bill jKisters. ation-]. P. Casimir, manaRer of Casiniir tained, ami likewise special rates at all and Bill Posting Co., of Ballarat .Australia, sends iipera House, at Calvert. Tex., owns the Ixiards US a co(iy of the .-fu.n. bill jKisting and fence signs. This is the serv ice at Paso Koble-. Cal. He controls the en street, west.-Geo Castner. who never reads Orntlrnirn —W e nolu c in Tiif Bili ttOAKn tire northern half of San Louis Obispo Co.- Thk renewed his siit>scri(ition Aiiril your ivsKiation meets in convention in St. I.oiiis first agency to give the advertiser his J W Reamer, is a new one at Waterloo, Wis., I.S. just the same.-From the St Joseph (Mo.) Jiinrsthtii ah We woiilil like very much tohuxe choice of the three fiiediunis in one and who is thinkitiR of joiniiiR one of the a.ssocia- .Veau- we clip the following : - A traveling starch you call the meetinK at the Southern Hotel, ami tion--Chas. HimmI, of Delphos, o.. has the same otlice. adverijsei went to jail at Clinton the other day make this your heaetitors and is now in sole rather than pay a bill (Mister's license. A lew doulileiily aware that the southern Hotel enjoy* control of the boards in that city.-Chas H. hoii.-s' incarcen-tion was sufficient to take the facilities for accomnioy any other hotel postinR licen»e ordinance.-H C Sherman, and was released. '-This from the Kockfi r 1 ID the I'niteif st.Tte» .\t that season of the year ns. We would like to see every hill poster has purchased the Ixiards formerly owned hy J. J (iazrtU ■ “The hillhoards are bt-deviled to the weather is none too cool, ami our larKe corri- Kirby, of Boone. la . and is now the only bill in .America a sub.scrilier to this valuable an extent hitherto nni>nown. even in this liixii- ilorsand parlor* make our house very ilesirahle pister in that thriviiiR town.-There is no rioiis city Between the little red imps on the ou that .icrount maga/itie. Nothing would tend more to¬ license at FMinis. Tex. Mr J. 1). Jones, com¬ Kellar (laiier, the diminutive fellows of the Wiz¬ Wt sh.ill Ik- Klail to Rive yon the use of oiir ward improving the conduct of the office mission broker and millers’ aRent. is the bill ard Oil and the ilevils. large airl small, of all parlors or ordinary for meeiini: uur{>oses. and poster He has about a thousand feet of lioard' as it exists to day. We clip the first edi¬ shades and colors used in heralding Faust, the anv other r<«ims you mav desire for conimittie --T. .A Burr, of I.ancasler. Wis , R,ns out of atmos(>here is ileciiledly sul(ihurons "-K (, room*, free of charRe. writh proiier atteii lance torial of the current issue, vir : the business -hortly-J T. Henderson of I.earv. of Franklin, Va'. savs that he (iiit ll(■nne KloominRton. Ill . has purchased all the Ixiards W i would als.> make you a »iK-cial rate of f t This ttiARariiic Ror- forth with a ifrfinitrnc-'s hundred feet of hoards at that (npiiit. and is in it l»t day for any rnemlier of your oritani/ation. Ilf piirpisc that is 111 m.itkeil contrast to many of in that city formerly ow ned by C Fb Perry-, and to stay-Born Marvin, ol Aurora. III., must and where two peotde ovvujn the same nsoii thr piihlicatu'ns are starteil from lime to now has siile control of the town-Stop the surely- coiidiu't a moilel service. He is more fre- and lerson. If i-onvenient for .inv ol \our Is lo impress u{ion the husines-pnhlic the fact ha- finally parted w ith a dollat for a year's sul>- agents and advertisers than many bill posters in SvTiption to Tut Klil.aoAKti-W* P Pierce. representative* to call at the hotel. I will taki that accoiiiitini: is ihe vital elemt iil ol luisintss larger cities.-.Albert V. Hiiih, manager of plrasiiie in showiriR you the test ac- never yet li« en acconfcif to it. sible brochure w hich may l>e enclosed wilh anv enm mi slat ions we have, and we will doeverv Heariie, Tex., are reachitiR out after commer¬ letter.-J. G. Keul. city Fill (xjster at Meri- Ihinc III our jsiwer to make your ivavention a Moiithlv. »i.i>i |K‘r No. hh Wall cial bill postiiiR-Jim Curran has contracted dota. Minn., kee(>.s a newstand in that city and and a sucv-es«ful one street. New Vork City. with the KiiiRliUR Bros, tor Denver. Colorado handles Thk Kii.i.iioarii.-W I.. Hissong of We would like to havi- you let iis know as SprinRs and Pueblo. He furnishes them with Butler, t).. writes as follows, viz ; “I take the earlv as iiossihle of vour decision the lioard-. lot-. lithoRraph boards and coutury (ileasiire of writing to you to inform you that I Very tiuly yours. Hill {xisters who would like to .see a daubs in each city. Ralph W Peckham closed have otjened a hill (jostingand di.strihutiiiR plant lirsKV C. I.Kwts. M.inaRir. the contracts-R Chas. •'■rfRRs is the only at this (ilace. I have some giMid hoards !!(> and licens« d bill pjster at ^■■e<>rRetow n, S. C.- am going to build more soon. I received sample St I.ot is \pril 15. isj;. model lirovdinre for enclosing in letters of I). F’rakes has started a service at Ouray. Col. t>a(H-rsof the January and February Bikluoako Inli rnational Bill rnstin|c Association solicitation should write to the Central He maii.-iRe-, the opera hru-e there.-jos and I see it is a good (laper, aiid every- bill (■rntlenirn We will Rive the menil*ers .md Barres. ol Fllyria, O . is the riRht party at that (Xjster should lie a subscriber. Please find en¬ their ladle* attendinR your convention, which Citv Show Printing Co. of Jackson, Mich., tsiint. He is a member of the Ohio State Bill closed $1. for which p'easesend me the pa(jer for meets in St I.oiiis in July or .\uru»i. the rate ol for theirs.entitled. “Poster .Advertising ” Posters' .Vs.ser day, PostitiR Co. succeeds otto .\ Vance.-Janies for I’see I can't get a ong without il. As sexjn as Kiirn|iean plan F'ollen ow ns the lioards at I.elxinon. Ohio.- I get things in go< d working order I will write The St James 1* opposite the southern Hotel, The Cross Printing Co., of Chicago, are F W Siihl. of Moline, 111 . i- not in the busine-s you a long letter for the column of the 'Letters where you will lie near headijuarter* justlv famed for their letter he.ids Their any louRer-W C French, of PetersbiiTR, to the FditvJr.”'-Jacob Pevier, of Hudson. Yourstriily, Titos 1* Mlitt-a Va’. manaRe- the .\caf IVirtl.tipl, jHisters. distributors, fair tiianagers and Toledo (Ohio' Commercial: “The bill iKistiiiR ' Ka». I Bill posting Co., w rites as follows : “Fin busincs- in this city haschanRcd hands, and w-ill closed please find $i for Thk Bili hoarij. I take Midi , arc going to test the laianls. They esjH*cially sign painters should write for hetealter be in charRe of Mr .\1 Bryan, who is great interest in reading the piper, and I would known a- a totvnotcher at this kind of work not do without il My work has always given h.t\e III work a one-.shect in colors, which their samples, which are sent free. .Alreadv the effect- of the new manaRement can g.Mxl .satisfaction. When I tell a firm I willgive ought to lie completetl hy the time this lie seen alxnit the city The old bill boards are them a -,o days’show iiig they get it I alw-avs issue reaches our readers. Hill jxisters There is one of the old .schiHil at Koko¬ lieinR remoilelcd and’ new ones bt inR erected at strip my lioards. the pa()er stick- lietter. I make my (xisie with steam and the very Ix-st of should address the secretary of the ctmi- several place- In-teadof beiiiR unsiRhtly and mo, Ind. Hi* name is 11. 1!. Henderson, half broken, a- are many bill boards, the new flour. 1 see lots of w-ork, both (xisting'and dis¬ ptiiy, .Mr. \V \V. Terrill ones are a distinct addition to the appearance of tributing, mentioned in yoiir valuable (>a(ierthat and he is a relic of the dim and forgotten « anv place where they are put up Bill (losiinR 1 never get out here. 1 think 1 have got the best past, or else a modern degenerate. The i- fH-vomiiiR an an in these times. It i-. more¬ lioarilsand locations of any (xjsling com(xiny in Vvv Hki'rKN’S 1.1ST.—Ntni I’ratt.«>f the over. a business w hich reipiires brains and hiist- the stale 1 find if you do gixxl work (jeo(>le hav¬ linn of .\. Van Heiiren \ C«», of New California Pig Svi-npCo. sent him eight liuR. Mr Bryan ha* demonstrated that he pos- ing work of our kind to do soon get on to yon. jj sheets and twenty-four i-sheets. ami -r.,«es ls->th e-sentials He is known as one of Honesty is my motto. ' --Any hill (xjster who York, has coiiijiiletl a hamlsomecatalogue the iH-st men in the business, and is president of is in need of (jaste hrii.-h handles can secure on March i,;th he sent them his hill for enough to last him a. vear if he will send 50 cents of the iMisting stationsand hiilletin iMi.trds the Bill Pirsters' As-'X-ialion Besides doiiiR the w-otkin this city he has charRCof the hiUinR of to the Burton Handle Co.. Burton. O., and ask coiitioiled hy that firm. It takes seveiily- posting mat amount of ji.ijK-r ,tt ,s cts. {nr sheet for thirty dav s' show ing. Some Cleveland and '.\kron '■-J. \ Muldoon. of them for ,sam(jles-O P Hiiiiey is the right iiine pages, ipiarto, to enumerate them, F;a-tport. Me . writes that he has received 500 man at Pi-*rre. S. Dak.-Attention is directed se venteen days .ifter, or to l>e exjilicit, on to the advertisement of the Wilmington Bill and every page eairies a sharp, crisji, j4-'hect (sisters for five months’-howinR adver- March Vth. the iiistmctor strncly the tisiiiR the Continental KrewinR Co ot Boston. Posting Co., in another column. This firm con¬ tftsi Iv put argument in favor of this side sists of Jesse- K. Biiylis and Geo. W Jackson. town. .Hid. much t»> his surprise, could The work is (ilaced throiiRh Sabil Johnson, ol .uivertising. ll is neatlv printed aRent. i-d Brixid street. Boston. Mavs. Maine is Ixith thoroiiwhly reliable. not find a sheet up. Then he went on a F. Ct. Flei-her. of Tarentiini Pa . writes as fol- throughout ill two etdors, on a line ipial- a prohibition Slate, but as brewers are seljom still hunt and found that it never bulls we are forced to conclude that prohibition low-s -please find enclosed 5' for ore year's it\ of jiaiKT, and, taken all hi .ill, is the siiliscriptieJn to your valuable journal. Please lieeii iiji. .After coiisiderahle ditlicnlty he prohibits nit -1’. * ■ McHermit. an old Ik-'' .iiid most thoroughly .sensible ami F'ore(>anRh bill poster, is Roinc to break into send me this month’s pa(Kr. Business isall O K. fin.dlv sncceeiK-d in finding the fxifx-r ami Have now riinning on mv Ixjard. Six Little Tai¬ bu-.inevs-like bnH'hure we have ever bad Canton, l>.-C. .\ Yecker, of I.ancaster, ap- left the town, th.uikfiil that it Imd not (ireciates the value of Thk llii.t.Ho.vKli, and does lors, California syrup ot Fig-. No-To-Bac anil till pi «-asure of review Mg. The ordinary seime more waiting on the weather lo se-ttle. liecn Inirnt iijv This man Henderson is not want lo bt- without it. He has Sells Bros bil' ^Misting firm would doiibtlevs pro- early in June-We acknowledRe receipt of Bli.i.ito.ARii is all right and should be in every a mctiilHr of the Indiana .A.s,sir. I’ratl is to Ik* eommemled al-o (lublishes the theater programme at that I'mlcr the one-man law of this latter or- our <(iiotinR trom. vi* F' W Shell. IXslReville, fo' ills etiterpris4* It not onlv rellects Wis .A I Blair, Milton. Pa ; K. K Brown Rew (xjint-Murdock & Co., who, under the -tyle gani/ation all its memlK-rs endorse him of the Inter-State Bill Posting Co , control the cri uiMiii Van Henren Co., lint it re- .AUwny, Ind.; J Ballard Carroll. .Allianv. N Y.; and are leagued together to st‘e that he Jas .\. Curran, Denver Col.: lUin Sutfiff, C.I0- lioanls of Waverlev. N. 'V.. ami Sayre. Pa., and •1' Is to tile greater dignity of the bnsi- publish the Waverlev 0(>era programme, keeps his griji t'li the tow n. They s;ty to 'v-ers(sirt. N. Y ; C ti'Beirne, Fiilton, Mo., T F'. iii •- I verywhere. Kinirv. Bellows Falls. Vt . Passaic .Adv Co . have the following line on their bnsine-s cards : the advertiser ; If yon |H*st Koktmio yon Passaic. N J.; C.ordon Culver. Butte, Monl., ’■Pa(jer protjerly (josted. plea-es the public, pro¬ must jiatroni/e Henderson. He is otir Harry Sloi-'ps, ChaltamsiRa. Tenn ; Mrs. V, C. cures purchasers and (xiy- (jatrons profitable 1 N' C Davis, of I’rankfort, Ind , has percentages '-Mr. Fd Heverin. of Louis¬ meiiilH-r. Seward. Stillwater. Minn . C .A Yecker, Ijtii- K' I out a line Jo sheet stand lie will caster. Pa.. Crittenden JC Co.. Centralia. Ill ; ville, Ky.. was a Billboarh caller .April *j. He •1' lireel with hill j-Histers. The Ikm- Isn't this a tine attitude for men of in¬ Thos P. Dav Co. WilminRton. N. C.; J. F" closed a contract with the IVmaldsons for (xioer w ith which to bill the Louisville FUks' .Minstrel-. I' Co. made the jMister. telligence lo assume. Tolierman, New Braunfels, Tex.; Chas. Knitr, 4 TH^ BILLBOARD

We see the .same mean, short sighted fact, always, a methoe treated from an advertiser’s standptiiut AnsweriiiK voiirsof th I'or the editorial or bu^iuess departments to . .we would state that on prices ate fixeil bv the. i gcHKl will of the oflicers ami memliers of and in an advertising paper. THE BILLBOARD PUBLISHING CO. .\ss(H-iation. of which we are memliers Fo the organiz.ation. But just let him evince These are Yankee answers, but they get a city of this sixe the .\ssociation scheduh 1- j Suhscriplion, ?i.oo Ter Year, In Advance. as follows, viz : an interest in the billlioards and attempt there. We have never seen any incon¬ ADVKKTISINC. KATKS a trial of their merits, and at once he is gruity in the combination, ami we do Advertisemeiits will Ik* published at the uni¬ Any piip« r with which you may see fit to 1 favor us will teceive our prompt and careliil ' form rate of ten cents t>er agate line ; copy for subjected to every annoyance, discourtesy not lielieve that any exists, but l)e that as attention. Res|>ectfully yours. advertisements must reach us on or before the and abuse that a rabid ingenuity can de¬ it may. The Billboard will continue to twenty-fifth of the month. Our terms arecash. vise. He is reviled, threatened, boycotted, run its Fair Department. Billhiuifd Ath'ertising is sold in l^ndon at Lo7v^s No. 10.—OroTATIONS AND PRICES Exchant^r^ Charing Cross^ and at AmeHian all for no other reason than, he has at¬ * Ad7>ertistn(s: Xo7vsf*af»fr Agency^ Trajalgar Build¬ * * F'or Bill Posters. ings^ Xorihumherhind Ar-e.. f{\ C. In Faris^ at tempted to patronize the billboards. Bretano's^ tj Ar^rnuf del Opera. The trade sup¬ Chas. .\i’STiN Bates always stoutly plied hv the Anteriian Xeivs i 'o. and its branches. Where one persists, ten turn away dis¬ Remitta nee should he made by t heque, post-ofiice or contended for truth in advertising. l*rob- exf^resi money order, or registered letter addressed gusted with the petty narrowness of the and made payable to The Biltboard Fub. Co. ably no other advertising expert has ad¬ In reply to your favor of the.inst The editor cannot undertake to return unsolicited men with whom they are dealing. This would state that we are unattached to any of manuserif*t: correspondents should keep copy. vocated “ the truth, the whole truth, ami the associations Our schedu'eof prices i^ U'hen it rs neces.\ary to wire us the instructions is v\hy the billlxjards, with ten times the as follows, viz : and copv for ad^’crtisem* nts., great sa7'ing in the nothing but the truth ” as tirelessly and matter of telegraph tolls may be had by recourse to pulling power of publications, have less the Oonaldson Cipher Code. persistently as he. Furthermore, he than a thousandth part of their patron¬ Allow uz to (Mtrticularlv recomnieml our practiced what he preacheil. In an evil hour listeil and protected sere ice. which exper MAY, 1897. age. icnct- has tauKht us is the most satisfactory » though he yieldeil to a desire that had long to our clients. If favored with your |>alron « • ane. you can rely upon our l>est efforts lieinK consumwi him, and launched Critkistns. put forth in your liehalf • History proves that a(|uestion is never A CORRESPONDENT—evidently a very Res|>ectfully, It is the old, old story. CriticistHS had to finally and fully settled until it is settled young man, who is experiencing his have a circulation, and the great Chas. right. All of the temporizing on the first season in fair management, opines No. 11.—(drtiTATioNs AND Pricf:.s. Austin fell. Bowled over as ea.sily as any (juestion of slavery went for naught. that our efforts to give the fair managers For Bill Posters ordinary mortal. The account of the Human Ixmdage was a monstrous wrong, of the country a paper of their own is marx’ellous growth is thrilling, it is — only to he righted by complete emanci¬ commendable. He also hazards the sug¬ well, just read it. None of the bald, pation, and it is so with the " ” as¬ gestion that if The Bii.lboard was pub¬ We haee your esteemed letter of the . crude fabrications of the ordinary circu¬ irniuiririK our rales \» e enclose you here sociation in bill posting and all of the lished in New York it would speee pleased to hear from vou. I will guarantee Its blindest devotees and its most zeal¬ ever held, and the one after which all the you Kood ser\ice. I do not ask payment un¬ til the expiration of jo or 60 days. It my work will not increase \our siiles you do nw's • affair of the kind in the country. Taken arbitrarily advance prices, but merely to se¬ progress and development. It is time cure nnifornnty in differt-nt s<-ctions of the all in all, we are inclined to think that Carl>ondale. Pa., March 9, 1S95. country This redounds as much to your that the intelligent bill jxjsters of America To the DriiK Trade, and advaiitaxe as it doestothat of the bill fsister we could hardly have hit upon a lietter Advertisers in • Wr assure you that we are only askiiiK you quit making compromises and adopted We. the undersif(iiea|>er, to fairs, fooerly we are. Yours respertfully. ♦ * * taken care of as he has lieen hill pd show or an exposi¬ piiblisheil monthly at 7*1 I-’ifth avemic. Chicago, 111. We do not know who b\ They came as near realizing them as the tion is. Is it not first, last aner- live you may sticceeil. If you .succeed Yet it is doubtful if any president was manufacturers and farmers exhibit their manent publicity at merely nominal rates We have a coi'iisof exj»ert artists Onr Sibils you may rest aHstireil that the force and subjected to such tirades of abuse, such wares and prfxlucts for? Is it not to ad- are works of art. Our locations are the very effort ex|H*nde‘l wouhl, in almost am lies! to be had. Can we say more? Sketch¬ other walk in life, have made you a mil censure, at the hands of the W. C. T. U. them ? What is the fair or the ex- es and estimates fire ujxtn application. Resjiectfully, lionaire. But, then, we are not all aftci as was Hayes. jx>sition itself? Is it not frecjuently, in money. I’shaw! THE BILLBOARD 5

consider the information personal and confideii the fake riiion Distributing Co. of Chicago, an tial should not be made, and I cannot recogni/e has not tiinnd it out yet.-C. M .Mnrpliv iV the necessity of keeping such facts in the dark Co., of MoiiHa-lier. Inleas«-d over their liiid lohii M r.vaiis, •>! Vonngstow 11. I lino w riting iindi-r date alruiis 1 «ery niomii and pros¬ pects giMsl-C C Williain-. of I'eacham. v t., compels us to slate bluntly weilo not 1 kt s I'liK Itii.LKo VK11 veiy iiiiich K H like the combination. .-Agents ami ilis- Jr . is proprietor of the iiiilT.ilo liistribiitiiig trtbuiors have nothing in common. The linn ail. at is». I’e.irl street, that city t I.. .MniiRel manages the liitegiitv .Advcrlisiiig iliial role is incongruous, ami, liesiiles, .\geiicy (di'ti ibntois . with offices at ’7,0 i.ariiei s Ivors stro? gly of /'/it' Sun, /'//<■ . stiect, I’liii.idelphia.-M. J isonneb.>rn .Moi //thiU ami other publicatMiis of that ilk. gaiitow fi. vv Va . 1' a new oin--'d K Burke In the advertising field evidences of These latter lielong to a class of perioili- hi Co , No J7Jomene street, .New lirleuiis, •• LEFEBVRE'S BUDGET. arc condiictiiig a si-rvice-.Maik .\ Bondy great activity are liecoming more and cals commonly calleil sample copy pa¬ manages the .National Di.stribnting .\ssiial I.eU tixrr pers; that is, they have little care for at 17 Winder sin-et. IK-troit. .Mich -F. M. M.niclir>.ti r, N H ' more apparent. Furthermore, the houses Black, ol Colorado. Sprfiigs, w li reiire-a-fits the itona fnle suliscrilrers, their editions lieing ■ I’rfsiili iit Climnh has callnl tite thinl that show the most marked signs are Curran Co at that (Miiiit i' thinking ot joining among the largest, liest and oldest estab¬ mostly mailed free to lists of names in the 1 .A. of D-back of s)>ace prevents onr quoting from letter.s received from the tollow- cmivt-nlion of the International lishments in the country. This is a sure the interest of mail order adverti.sers. .\ssiK i.ition of 1 tistrihntors for July 20, These names are largely those of persons ing distributors during the past month vir indication of the near approach of good F W Kiley, .VlarllHiro. M.iss . 1. A Pearson, .1 .mil 22, ami naineil Cincinnati as the times. resident in villages and rural districts, West Milton. O ; W D Dixon, Milwaukee. Wis.. j.l.u i- of meeting. and few, if any, ever find their way into Thomas Kaiii, .Miildletowii. NY; P M I'.orttel. the hands of advertisers. It will be seen, bnnbury. Pa. .A J. Blair. Milton. Pa . Janies B \V 11 Steinhrenner has efTecteil ar- There is no pajier in the world that a -McConnon, Dayton. t> : H. C Tnlly , .Mecliaiiics- therefore, that it is sheer folly for a real bnrg, (I ; W .s. Jones. Bingliampton. N Y - Geo. r.inneinents with Mr. huke Hunt, of the distributor can advertise in to the advant¬ distributor to waste his money in adver W. Vansyckle, Indi.iii.ipolis. liiib; Howard N. Hotel liinory, wherehy the lar>;e lianouet age that he can in Tmk BilUBo.^RD. tising in them. They are not. and never Holshouser. Covington, Tenn . J H. Haynes, IroiUon. tl . H. Jos Harih Paducah. Ky.; C. H r x'tn of this hostlery will he placeil at Fvery advertiser, large or small, who uses, can lie, a meilium of communii ation be¬ V right, I'.lasco. Kan . Frank Gee. Valiev Falls. the ilisjKisal of ileleyates to the conven¬ liiLs useil, or contemplates using, the ser¬ tween advertisers and distritmtors Kan.; F;dw B Bridger, .Atlanta. Ga ; j. R. F'. tion This hotel will also make a sjiecial vices of distributors, suhscrilies for and Whenever you see a distributor .serious¬ .Allen, New iirleaiis. b's . Henry Fnclis. Tsacra- menio. Cal , .-s; J .vlc.M.mis, .Ambrosi-, Pa , Frnest r.ite to ilistrihutors. reads the paper regularly ly soliciting business by patronizing the M Hazeltoii Dover. N H . Herman liefker. columns of publications of this stamp, Junction ily, Kan . P C, Stout, St. bonis. .Mo.; I tistrihutors ouy'ht to keep a iMmk in Distributors who now and then find you may safely set him dow n as a novice W b. C>oldsby. Petersburg. Ill.; Robert H john- son. Warren. Pa.; C> C. Wiikisoii, DeGr.ift, ii.; which to record the tips that apjiear from themselves with a superfluity of spare or a rank sucker S M Craig, .Austin. Tex , Henry A Brraiiis. month to month in Tmk Him.hoxku hhi- time on their hands will do well to write Papers of this kintl are excellent me¬ Winona. Minn . W S. Bye. Cedar Rapids. Iowa; diums for mail order advertisers. .An ad¬ J. T Hudson. Pittsburg. Pa C C. Williams, ter tl'.em alphalietically, so as to avtiid to the Mineteaux Soap and Chemical Co . I’eacham. Vt.: Frank H. Diiisiiiore, Coshocton diiiilication. and then whenever you have yS F Third street, Cincinnati, who ad¬ vertisement will frequently bring almost tihio: Fre.l Will Ktickerman. San .Antonio. I ex ; a little sjiare time, say once everv month, vertise for agents in this issue of Tmk as gooil returns on the fourth, fifth, or C. H Young .New ilrleaiis, ba ; W P. Hiinler, sixth insertion as it dtxrs cn the first, lie Carnii. 141 send them all a letter or a circular to let Bii.I.ho.\KU. They extend an ingenious J. H Hell, of Staunton. Va . wants ;i Copy of them know you are still duin>' husiness at offer that enables any one who half tries cause, as a rule, the list of names is the .March Bii.lbo.vhd We are out Canativ of the old stand. It will frerpieiitly result in to earn from f2i> to ffo a week until changed each month, but distributors his briithrrdistriliiitoisaeeoiiimiMlate him ' cannot possibly utilize them to advantage. Walter H Baker, of W.iy iiestairo. Pa., writes as one or a mimlier of contracts, and wilt the tow’i is completely workeil over. The follows, vi/ III reg.ird to the National liis always p;iy for the e\}Hnditure involveil firm is entirely responsible and reliable. The subscription price Iteing merely trihiitiiig .\ssia-i;itio.i ol Philadelphi.i. ot whitli in printing; and {>osta>'e. nominal, usually 25 cents j>er year, it Clem H. Congdon is prisident. don t think would seem that their tips and jxiinters much of it I lieloiigeil to it over one vearand It is past all understanding why ailver- never received one ct ill s worth of work from SfKCi.\l. To B. B. A We wish to warn should at least lie worth that, but it must tisers jiossesseil of good average intelli¬ them I also sent an ad to the .XuK an I sent the all distributors a},;ainst writing; the Foster- lie iKjrne in mind as there is no sin money III adv.nice to Clem H Congiloii. A tew gence |)ersist in entrusting their distrib¬ weeks after he asked me to pay it again I am •Milhurn Co.. No. 29; .Michi){an stri*et, cerity liehind their pretentions, their mat¬ uting matter to messenger companies. done with them-When a man is bunkoed BntTalo, N V. This firm diK’s not care for ter is carelessly and perfunctorily com¬ he does not generally glory in it and alNUit They invariably get lioys' service by .so the services of reliable ilistrihutors who piled, and it is, therefore, unlikely that it. There are exceptions to the rule, however, doing, and it is often worse than no ser¬ as instance one Sehaeler, ol Pott Chester, N Y., make a husiness of such work. Ttiev pre¬ any infonnation of worth or value can vice at all. Vet ihey do it, and that, Uk». who is np .igainst the .Nati-nial Distributors As¬ fer to )iive the work to the liK'al drujinist, lie had from them. sociation and glad ot it -F P F;iliott. of De when they can find right in the same to lie distrihuted in the way he thinks fiance. t> , is well recoiiimeiided.-Clem. block a distributing bureau oi>erating a Bnrnsworth brilliantly toasls ol doing work at U-st If he puts his name on the adver- Purely Personal. 40 eeiils a thousand F;. b Bates w rit.-s ns coqis of faithful and exjierienceil men. tisin)^ matter, it’s nolxslv's husiness hut that Congdon jiaid him -I'lideribdeof .April of the firm in i|uestion. Thev have The I>t-fiaiicr Distributing Bureau. -.iK-ceeii a very small opinion of distrihiitors who the right man at Ituliana. Pa-\ Ileltelliach, have to give np all work in coinplianer w iih his rejHirt any had distrihutiti); done hv their Xtrtisfr's (lUtJf, puhlisheil by honest uf S.inta Fe. New Mex , w rile-, n- that he ciiiiiiot |)hysiciaii ' orders, and go to a warm climate . men. They wish it understiMMi that thev Staiilev Day at New Market, N. J., are lio without Tiik Billboakp. w hich remiiiil-. us yet there is little hot>e of a complete recoverv that distributors in general arc finding the tnijKr. even in a warmer climate '—-—W J Kryder.o’l can run their business without having self explanatory. No further evidence of if not iiiilespensable. 'till a great conv.-nience. Dowagiav. .Mich., in renew ing his siiIi-k tiptioii their mail tliwMleil with letters rejsirtinj; the duplicity of this j^ierson Congdon is -Richter .Xi stone, with olhccs at Richter's as-nres ns th.ii he eaiiiiot get along without riiL Hotel. Culliuaii. .Ma , have enibarkeil in the Billiuiakd -John J Tischner. of North waste S> save your stamps, at least as neeileil to convince sensible distributors distributing biisine"-tleo. W. Vansyckle. of Cramer Hill. N. J is highly spoken of. lon^; as Harry Thorp Vars remains secre- that they want none of him, his pajier or Inilianapolis. continues to enjoy the same large Benj. Miles, ot Huntington. Did. is handling tari of the concern. pitronage which has always lieeii his.-I'he Caliti r lia Fig Syrup. Dr shoop. and Kiimer. his as.sociation : W H Bathgate .Advertising .V Di'tribiiting Co., besides other w ell known firms. Miles is making 'sonir lime aRO «e (fol a copy of llie .-<; j. Stackhouse Co., 5.t2 .Arch street, ilclphia Sk" liciiii: a puller.' wc concliuleif to IS well svxiken of by liis patrons.-Thos P all 1' said - W W Deiismore, ol Mount Car¬ lr\ it Dav It Co . are the right parlies at Wilmington. mel. III. is one ol CongdoiTs lambs who has not Philadelphia; (irossCereai Co., Ft.Wayne, We have il.'iie so We haif a ten line «if in N C-David «i Co., ot Clarksburg W. Va . i' discovered that he h is liten 'horn as yet. Me liid ; Hower Cereal Co., .Akron, O . Ken¬ Keliruarx nunilHr, «nif the re-ult is. nothttiK — a new- firm at that point-Donat I Lefehvre, distributed the circulars that Fred Jenks nedy \ Ker>'an, Detroit. .Mich.. No u'' a siiiKle reply to out ail. ami our atf is the write' us that Thk. Billboard is getting more of F;igin, refused to handle. In view of which, tiest in the tvit>er. The .Sku is an utterly worth¬ and more interesting e\ery month Irom a distri¬ this (laragraph Irom his letter head is amusing Shelhx street; Kicka|MMi I ml Co., Chajiel less ailveiti'iiiu medium butor' point of view Thos Kain. of Middle- "Six thousand circulars will cover my entire ter- V Haven. Conn , W. T. Haii.som •For honesty s sake, don't rec.immend the town. N Y., i' going to make a change in the rilory thoroughly. .Any more wonIdTie wasteil. Co . Schenectaily, N. A’. Sum aK>in. name and iiolicy of his tsiper, which will tie of I cUarge fz for putting out 1000 circulars of niiy C .S WlI.Si'N ili CIV, i.t6 WadeSt. great interest to distributors Write him-^ kind, ami direct the work mysell -W. H. Vaii'vckle seems to gel about all the Indianafiolis Case notifies its that mail addressed to W. F. rile Bridge City Pharniacal Co., No. 210 Cincinnati. i», March w, isu-. Stanlex I>.tv distrionting that is worth having-Haynes tTCoiiiior X Co , New York City, is returned by I ilhoun street, 1‘ort Wavne, Ind., i* a sit In the name of justice and ttiilh never of Ironion. has lieen investigating Con}{ilon on the postal authorities, marked ’fraudulent ’ his own acixnint. and finds that we Mad him aliont -C H. Wright, ot I'.Iastxi, Kas. is ttdnking .'oun>{ firm, hut will make it a siUVrss, aKain revsnnmend the rhiladelphia .San totinv one MS an advettisinn ni< ilium l-ijjht -Wm It Fogg Twombly. writes i' of instituting a service at that point He would lor they intend to do lots of ad\ertisin)(. We will liet yon |w'. and v>lace the money in the f.dlows "If I conhl not let mv work sjieak for like to have some distributor write him how to Better write ’hetn. handsof tleoige F Kowrell a, Co , that either the itself rather than take shelter behind a license. 1 go aliotit il-.A Verkins manages the Si" hat not a circulation of i.uoocopies an is.siie. would quit the business."-Distributors every¬ Wiiioua Distributing Co.-David A Co., of J .A. Clough. Chicago, has contracted or that L. Smith, lormetly of the Agfnls’ where should w rite John Bndd. circulation man¬ Clarksburg, W Va , sent out a cunning little en¬ Hnald. is at the head ot the^aw' ager of Pennsylvania Grit. Williamsport. Pa velope just large enough to contain a small hiisi- He is going to s,imple copy all sections of the tiess card. It is odd and coiiseqiieiitly a gootl ad- 275.000 for the California Syrup of Figs. Youta truly. C A Wilson ik Co I hey appreciate gvKal work, hence the country.- K. Hridger. of Atlanta, ^ys that vettiscmeiit-Dot at J Leftbvre does not CiaCCLATION gt'ESTION. Radwa'v's. Kilmer's and the World's DisMnsary apptove ol character impcisoiiation in combina¬ contract given. .N'ew Market. N J.. March 15. tSg:. paper at that po iit was very poorly handled- tion with distributing An admirable article C M Congdon. Ks*).. '/Ae.S'aa Philadelphia. Pa. Jno. H. Jones.of Baltimore. Md .displays a g.iod from his pen on this subject is unlortunately rile runior in our notes concerning Meat Sir—Kindly inlorin me how many Feb. caption on his leltter head i. e. Distributing crowded out of this issue. .1 loung lady's sudden death, presumably issues vou mailetl.'and I would certainly like the executed honestlv and judiciously." There is a P. l) reoeipts which 1 will promptly return. world of meaning in that word • judiciously." t y t.iking HU overdose of a cough cuie Yoiirstriilv, St.snufy It all mere is knowing how. It im¬ I niedy sanifiles distrihuted here, is laid TMK SfN plies tact, experience .md discriminating intelli¬ Exhibiting:. gence : and has a convincing ring *‘ite I he autopsy revealeil that she had I Petsoiiiil and Coiitidrntial ' that will inspire coiiliilence in the heirt of an The legitimate us - of 'tore w indows is to at¬ Used iniiieral ihiison, prohahlv niercurv, Phit.idelphia. t s .\ . March n. ifij* advert'ser-James I, Hill, the efficient and tractively exhibit s,onilerance ot i»piiiion was ag.iiiist il way to •• key the results Irom a window, but if her death. a slight •dilTi-teiicr with the Posloflic l>e- W H.Ca-e. indorse-s Cincinnati for the ixniven- there were it would surprise most mereliaiits. .\ fairtnienl has iiiteilrreil wiih the niai'iiig of the tion - ■ J .A Clough, of Chicago, now keeps very large perceiil.ige ol men when they txm- < •‘’I’l-te” Cixiley, of Biiighamtoi', i-siie The eimte edition will Ik- maileil. now- sixteen experieiu-ed meiwcoiistai.tly employed clude to buy shirts, shoes, neckties or a hat walk i-\i-r. and It yoiii |mltons are not s.itistieil w ith -J IS IHinal Ison, ot iTlia.-a. Mich says that down the strict where most of the ontfilltrs ot A ., has a s|H‘cial system h\ which he till- itinrns | wdl hnd a way to satisly-them 1 Cong.ton twid him and asks that we give him the town .ire congrrvaled. and make their selec¬ able lodo •‘detectivt. wiirk" on all woik had ho(ird to gel thi thing fixed lip fn-fore it at¬ credit for s»i doing 1 his we do cheerfiillv and tions from the windows There are the gi lals and there is the price--lhere could la- no ta tler istrihuted there, and, suffice it to say, if tracted anv attention Yours veiy truly, will keep It lip as long as Congdon doe'—— Ct.i-M il CoSl.tHIN. W H Case-, of Fort Wavne. advises ii' that he advertising The intrchant who i' careless ■le work is not done right it is re|Hirted alaint his windows los»s an iiicaU'Ultihle amount In matters such as are relertetl loin the alioxe. •cun t keep house" without Thk Billboard. 'til facts clearly proven. utlccting the interest of advertisers, a regiiest to -Israel Darvia, of Weyaiit, Pa , is up against of trade. THE BILLBOARD

Some Advertisers. The Deadly Parallel.

American Familv Record Co., Hrook- yueer. isn’t it. this combination from the piges lyn, N. Y. ol ihfftjul Momftiti. devoted (?) to the interests •ku “ Advance Advertising Agency, Cleve¬ of distributors, .-tiiril mimlier. 1S97? land, Ohio. Page 6. Column 5. ‘Same pige, advertising Kditorials— | column ^ of prevention—a pound of cure. Do not let your American Heat Insulating Co., Pitts- I'unny how many fake .Advertising— burg. circular ilistributors’j Ji.joper 1000 cash for UUnCv ^ costly advertising matter fall into hands of fakirs. Albion lUectric Soap Co., Kalania/.oo, concerns come in exist- distributing circulars, ence, get jolted, and| f. S. Dist. Bureau, Mich. blink ont again asqnick- Chicago. Allen Medical Co., Boston. ly as they come in this Use ifn Ounce of Prcpeniioni Burrell, II. T., Boston. worUl. .A pine table, $.s tier ioi«) for distrib¬ dozen deluded victims uting samples washing Custer Medical Co., Parkersburg,W.Va. ami a .sounding title'tluid. Send 6c stanipi 4 i* c.. Employ Vansyckle. Calenburg, H. K., Co., New York. comprises their layout.|A W. Scott.Cohoes,N A'. Dudley, P. C., Bath, N. Y. f Vansyckle Advertising Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Kditorial coluinn, jcopied from same page. Kngland, VV. H., New York. Page 6.1 advertising column. G W. VANSYCKLE, Manager. Kuropean Importing Agency,New York. New crop of adver-| $,so a inonth and ex- I'idelity Loan Ass., & Co., New York. a chestnut, and only distributecircnlars;oiil\ SMITH & BIBES, HEARNE, TEX. Home Stuerfectly reliable business of supplying w-anted; sC each, or fs Levell, L. S., Toronto, Out. addre.sses. They are a jier 100, is paid by us for Moulton \V A., Adv. Co., Cleveland, O. class hard to get, and .such names, enclose loc Michigan Metlical Institute, Albion, must lie endorsed by a. for lKX>k and iiistruc- physician or druggist, jtions. Mich. K. K. Novelty Co.. Mayer Drug Co., Oakland, Cal. Beaver Springs, Pa. Gold or $ilocr!«« MacRae, Major D., Boston. Manhattan Investors’ and Security Co., fleiiiiecjdn The National Distributinjz .As-sociatiop Both mill Go Vour may, New York. of Detroit, Mich. (M. A. Bondy, manager), MeiUcal Pdectrical Co., New York. makes a price of #1.25 per thousand and If you advertise judiciously. Let Morton Mfg. Co., Muskegon Heights, offer 15 per cent discount on all orders the petiple kiioW what ytm have. Mich. over 10,000 pieces. It is interesting to N. T. Aurophone Co., New York. A sample, a well-written Ixioklet, & Co. note the way prices vary among distribu- , National Klectric Water Lock Co., New or circular will do tors. They range all the way from #1.25 York. to f2 50 per thousand. Often you will ! But it must be Distributed in the ridht way Pierce, D. T., Jr., New York. find two distributors in the same town Platt, Ci. W., Toronto, Ont. with different prices, as, for instance, to increase your trade. Rantlall, S. F , New York. right here in Cincinnati, Steinbrenner’s ; Rose Drug Co., Birmingham, Ala. rules at 51.50 for large contracts, while | Now. that s our business, we mean P05TCI? Red Star Watch Co., Chicago. the Chapmans demand #2, each, stoutlv it. (nir trade is to create a demand Standard Medical Co., Cleveland, Ohio. contending that their price is tlie right for your goods. Correspondence Skeels. S. B., M. I)., Toledo, Ohio. one. Sauveur, L. C., Philadelphia solicited. Of necessity, price must Ire based ujkui I Sherman, W. O., Providence, R. 1. cost. No one will deny that it costs more ■ Thurman, j. B., & Co., Chicago. to distribute the outskirts and suburbs of ' Pkintcics Universal Register Co.,New Yoik- D. J. Lefebvre a city than it does the congt sted center. Wynkoop Bros., Milfoid, Del. The houses are further apart; as a rule, j Webster, Ford Co., New York. they set back in a yard a con.siilerable dis- ! 719-721 Sycamore Street, Wright, A. M., Dr., & Co., Albion, Mich. Advertising Co., tance from the sidewalk, and trips back Wil.son, R., New York. and forth to refill the sacks consume time Western Fruit F'arm Co., New York. CINCINNATI. and car fare. Yet distributors alwavs Reliable Distributors, West, J. C., Medical Co., Chicago. want enough Ixxiks or samples to include Yockell, A., New York. these out-lying districts. Strange, is it ' O Roy W. Crabb, Lima, Ohio. not ? P. O. Box 483. Dr. ]. M. Craig. Omaha Bldg., Chicago. But strangest of all is the offer of the Send for Catalogue and Sam Delaney Oil and Grease Co., Milwaukee. National jieople of Iietroit, who offer a C.arwood Candy Co., FNanston, Ill. MANCHESTER, N. H. pies of Posters discount to advertisers in ogier to secure Garfield Medical College, Chicago. this less lucrative work. They practicallv Jud B. Harris, Fort Wayne, Ala. say to advertisers: “ It will cost vou Health Capsule Co., Chicago. I1.25 per thousand in the city proper, but James Lancaster, New York. if you will include the suburbs we will do Lima Book Co., Lima, Ohio. the whole thing for 51.06'4 jier thousand.” A. C. LaConilie, Los .\ngeles. Cal. There is something wrong here, l.ut we Niles Meilical Co., Chicago. .od and thunder scenes, and .A German statistician estimates that 12 otjo 000 not keep in stock, v* Never did. Never will. js miraculous Before and .\tters.” setting forth ^copies of newspai>ers are printed every vear vhe virtues of Bolus' Mils and Good's Sarsapa¬ The tiermans are good at figures and this par You want good, intelligent, result-bringing distributing. rilla, decorated the whole country side -gaudy, ticular one is in danger of a Ho kI of proixjsitions badly - executed prints, struck from wooileii from those in great need of a circulation liar. blocks that sujier-imposed one cros.s-hatchiiig of I do good good, intelligent, result-bringing distributing. color up Jti another. That the touch of Midas has tempted the gods from off Parnassus I am In Cincinnati. Chicago and St. Louis, those Don’t you think we should agree. LET'S GET TOGETHER. afraid we must acknowledge when we see the collies (if ,1/ttwiev’r Manazinr wh'wh w ere for s;ile chefs-d'-aeuvre of such jiainters as Millais. Van on the newstands. were mutilated. The adver¬ Haanen. l.andsecr, Kdouard Hrere and the tisements of subscription agencies were tom out Wrench Millet figuring as advertisements for bef .le thev were offend for sale. The other soap, bicycles and cigarettes. Less rcprehen>i- side of the i>age always contained advertisements ^ $l»J,00 l cxinfined to the alK,ve ^ 519 MAIN STREET. mannerisms, we have much to thank them for ; three cities, either. It was general throughout the country. even those realists who sarcastically declare they are not cultivated up to admiring turqoise OMo. cow's standing in magenta meadows ' must allow Newspapers. einonnatl, a marked improvement on the whole, in the By McCall, Ad Writer, Samtiigii spring*, N A’. mural advertisements of to-day over those of the Beware of the man who tells you that he has early sixties.—H'orld. the best paper on earth He u a liar.—/'«iA


This is an age of investigation and in¬ It li-s not lx?en so many years ago that W. D. REDINGTON. vention. In all avocations of life we find the black ami white sign was invariably The subject of this sketch, w hose fsirtrait ai>- those who are continually striving to get the rule ; but since the advent of the ad- ixarson our first page, tirst saw the light of day up vmie thing new. Hence, we s-ay, if verti.sing sign jiainter, with his ways that in otego. New- York State, aliunt forty years ago $ign$ u $idn Painters the sign jiainter wants to keep in the are vain and curious, it has lx?conie the .At the early age of thirteen, his lather, a con¬ Ixiat, he must {>addle a little himself. exception. There is a great deal of black used, but not in connection with white. tractor and builder, t between jt and the letters. it with water ciilors. sumed the reiqionsibifities of a lull Hedged tele graph operator. Thi.s profession he followed successfully, steadily ascending the ladder of Ink idK Writim; on (ii.Ass —.Accord¬ The following make gfxxl and effective A subscrilaT wishes to know the differ¬ promotion until he fx?came train dis|>atcher, ing to 1‘aintnifi iiuJ the fol¬ ence lietweeii aluminum and luminous combinations for signs where there is ho which position he held until two years ago,- lowing mixture makes a giKxl ink for jiictorial work ; 1. Background of yellow w hen he resigned to accept his present position paints. They are tw»> entirely different as manager of the distributing department of writing on glass : Dissolve36gr. of vMliuni ochre; jilaiii black letters, lighted with pro«lucts. Aluminum is a metal, and the large and well-known medical tirm of Dr fluoride, 7 gr. |M>tassium sulphate in Kilmer & Co , Binghamton. N. Y. comes Inith as a solid and in bron/.e form. white ; (juite showy. 2. Flat blue ground, .Vxx’c water; dissidve also 14 gr. of chlor¬ with letters traced in rather bro.'id outline Just a w-ord as to how .Mr Redington became a Many of the metal letters now usenized a comt>aiiy in the You will fxr siirjirised at the result. out with black. town in which he resideil, Norwich, ."X' Y for pall> for (Minting letters on )' and in the purpose of giving all advertisers the Ixs’t re¬ decorations. I.uniinous paints are made r.iMxl work creates its ow n demand .A sults obtainable from a distribution. He at once from calcium sulphnle and a varnish Some of our lH?st ready-mixed jiaints dill away with hoy service and with a force of successful 111.111 is always sought after, no drilled men at his command sought to win the iiiaile for the pur'jxise. They are made in are made by mixing the jiigment with a matter what his calling. vehicle made of linseed oil ami sal-scxla confidence of the advertise r, regardless of com¬ different colors. It is said that the cal¬ pensation. isoliciting small lots of distribution cium sulphide made in this country is un¬ water, or lime water, half and half. Take from his lotal advertisers and not allowing one fit for the purpose Acconlinjj to the liest However graceful apjx-arances letters a small handful of sal-soda ami jiut in a single i>ap« r to lx lost or to fail to reach a pos¬ gallon of water, then mix with this a gal¬ sible customer, he made the system so proHtable authority, the Bullock it Crenshaw Co.. mav have, they never look exactly right to his patrons that the local merchants liegaii Philadelphia, ate the only dealers in this without they are symmetrical in shape. lon of oil; stir in a little suljdiate of /me, making distributions often and regularly and country that handle the only kind that That is, they should follow' a general line and you will have an oil that will wear telling Mr Redingtoij to set his own figures and hx)k equally as well as pure linseed uisni his services. His first patent medicine ad¬ xives satisfaction. Their brane read as easily the darkest night Hitt-lnirn, Ha., Match 9.-Hole-, San Franci.s own bn-iness lo do this, he knew he the drawing. The glass inside the Ixiutid- ci> tirancli. lias siib-s-rtt>rd for Tiii Billho.ako as in the ilay time. bring results, and to hold the luitroiiage of his -Henry C. Crosby, of the Koniaine HIiIk., ary of the sign is then jiainted, with the customers he must continue to bring results If l*atter«4in, .N, J.. is well '{lokcii of-W. K During the winter we feel that we are background color cutting in sharp rouinl he could m ike it profitable for the advertiser to Kendrick, of Hiitte. Mont., i- a si^n writer who continue his services, he could always have prof¬ strictly up-U>-ainter, but now that the circus poster is the paint is dry, the letters are removeainter swer the thousand ami one ipiestions received true of advertising sign painting. .And ana, Ha , make a sjiecialty ol hand-painted Harry—"Because he wrote a sentence daily from distrifiutors from every iiart ot the we tH*lieve it is for the Too much {W-ters in imit.ition of lithoxiaphrd -lands.- compa.vs. anaintersa{ Mc- water, then dip in the whiting and rub on tnrned to give the adverti.sers the worth ot their it cuts much bvster than s;indp.ijx‘r, ami C«>nib City. Mis- . are contemplating a bulle’in money. He fxlieves that the International A.s- the letters, when the dirt and grease will service .if that point -Willis Jones, of Co¬ the surface will lx? just as snith. .A sociation of Distributors has lieen the /Dj/and •hsapjx-ar ;i.s if by magic. Kinse with lumbus Miss Is thinking of a bulletin plant for on i organization to catch the idea and put it pniiid of it will liist for a long time, for, that city-t'.ardner Hlades, of .Alexandria, into succes-ful execution, and only hopes that clean water. This will not soil the most when it Ixrcomes gummy and dirty, a I.a . is a sign txiinter w ho ixjsts bills He intends their membership and methods mav tie ex delicate colors. to join the International Bill Hosting Ass<>ciation. teiideil until it covers the entire I'nited States little excelsior may lx put on it, or some We acknowletlge reiyipt of communications Mr. Rediii'/ton isalw.iys wide awake for new tiirjientine jxiured on it, and the dirt from the following sign writers during the .\ corresjKUKlent icsks what is the l»est up to- in the disirilmtion line biiriusl out. It is made t>f steel shavings, nninth iwst R I.. Nesbit. I.elginon Ky Wal and never hesitates lo shoulder a bag and -atisfy black back-ground for signs. In my opin¬ ter H Baker. Way neslioro. Ha : I'fer C.las- Sign himself f>v actual work, as a distributor in prac and fire d«xs not hurt it. .Any dealer can Works, I.ouisville. Ky . .A. I. .Armstrong. Colum¬ ion, there is nothing Iwtter, nor more tice, the neces,sary requirements to obtain the get it fi»r you. bus. O . C?olim ,X M igg, Trail. British Columbia; lasting, than Dixon's Silicia (iraphite. It attention of the jxople and interest them in the Fdward II. Colnmbus. C.a.. Charles .A. literature lieing distrifiuted. He is a genial is made of black lead and silicia, and is l.indenian, St Clair, Mich. whole-souled man, willing to excuse mistakes' Work, whether goixl or Iwd, is an Ad¬ practically indestructible. It covers well, but quick to punish a wrong doer. Bv constant vertisement, Consequently, it should not study he is aide to judge an aiiplicaiit's charac¬ while its spreading caj*acity is nearly lx? rusheil to its detriment. Trying to do ter ami experience bv the composition of his eijual to lamp black. Sulphur fumes Every Man to His Trade. letter, and many an ajiplication lies tiled tor w«>rk fast is commendable, but it should have no effei't on it. and it wurks either future reference" for this very reason. He is al not Ix" ilone, if, at the s;ime time, it William 1-'. Covly. Ixtter known as "Butfalo ways ready to give hi- traveling or local distrils on iron or winmI cannot lx? «lone well. Bill. ' has gone out of the newspavK-r business, utors the lienefil of his ow ti exjierience ami the'uuluth Minn 1 Hifis. in which he was inter- pleased to receive any suggestions from any one This is the season of the year when esteil, having l>een merged into another iKtixr. tending toward a snixessful distribution He is tiixxl turpentine is essential to g

when evajHiratetl FxxiK I- in receij't of a circular sent out by the The liest signs are those which are em¬ Tewell Brothers, of Buffalo. ad\erti-ing their txr- blematic those which have a figure to Tlterv art* titaity sinit ji.iiitters tltroiij;li- form.tnce- with b.tlLvou and parachute at county show what it is that is Ixdiig adveitiseil — fairs The letters ot commendation app«-ar Handy Business List of Canadian ottl lltf coiititry vtlto ilo iitd have work that jx> character. Thes»‘ signs therein are verv effective But whv wouldn't it more th.iti one Italf of the time, ainl some be a giv'I thiiig for the-e -killed aeronauts to Newspapers Free. nive to the sign jiainter a chance to dis not that. If they woiihl takt ttj» hill start an adverti-ing ageiicv on their ow n hixik. play noveltv and originality. Thus, a sign and make a go >1 m irgin of profit over amt alHive The ..' Advertising Agency I.imited 1 jiostiii); anil ilistrthntiiiy; in eonnectioii Toronto, have piibli-hed a complete'gazetteer 01 lor a liall club should have some of the what they get from Fair managements, without with their sty'll jiaintiny;, they eoiilil make lessening the value of their -how- in the slight- Canadian isijxrs, with impnlat- n ot towns cir paraphanalia usisl representesl by a draw¬ culation of tKi|xr-. etc., together with biaiik a j'ihmI ihiny; out of it, ami, at the s;mie e-t degree ' Sign- t»aiiited on the Killoon would ing. \ sign for tKhl I'ellows’should have not long lx- exiK>s«-d to the eye of the public, but memo, columns I'liis i- the first iirwsiiatxr time, each wxnilil Itelj* the other. directory i—ned in for four year- .A the three links displayeil. In fact, all they would attract intense interest while the ascent w .is going on. and they would lx talked of copy <»-ill fx -ent free lo sending -ix ct- 'igns that are connecteil with any thing so long afterwards it is a serious question in stamps to p.iy postage; also copy of their that is represeiite^l b^’ an emblem should But life ill the sign if you yyant it to whether advertisers would not find that their bvxrklet Canadian .Magazines and Sixiety Ha pets.” have that einblein displayeil. live. money had been well sjxul. A'jixe.


Santa p'e N. M , .March 20. 1V17 Si-r.inton. Pa,, .April it. is.17. l or •ilterii days 4 cents |r-i slieel, for Hiirtv liditor Tin Bii i.uoarp. PMitor The Bii i.boakd. days, ^ ends (ler sheet for three months 41 Ciiiciiinati. 11 ^ Vf^TT£'l>C loTiir. Cincinnati. 11 ct Ills |iei sheet jx-r niontli.imew ed eveiy nioiilli DearSii Plxciise nii asking, but w hv don t 1 Di.irSir We .are in rei'eifil ol a conimiinica lot six iiloiiHis iK cents |x-i she< I |>ei iiioidh % LfctCfcKS EDICOR. X cet nil )>a|>er ' I h.ive not had am sin i tb ■ lion ftoni \oiir business de|iarlnient si.itiiig leiu wed eveix iiioiit h. lor I well 1 months i vent- __ 4^ Jan .iiy niiiiltwr. and I think ion iim-t have loi 0111 siibsi-iiptioii lor voiir most excellent fiiibli |H i sheet |H-r month renewed every month ^ / «(/»•> /fii\ /iiiiil’ny thr-/>iif>/i.\/i, i - in: i/r •! iti itteii me 1 ii.inteil to put an ad in tlie .\|iril c.ition had rx|>iriil. .mil that you iiiilici|>ated llisiiibntiiig Cii.iilats fi 40 p, r thousand //^^ !»«M <;«<»<;//«/./( V/ iiiiinber, but waiitcii the |ia]K‘r to make it nj». oiii desires and reneweil the saiiu lor iis. loi Isx.klets f'.y. pri Ihoiisiud siinidi s, fi 9, ,g., /Jy ti'i <11/ in/iit'/ t"/mns /iinninii’i’ (>/' the tile and olti n am asked lor ti i iii bi dtiiiii ■ill the trade ixriisiicals by our side, file hist C ildlllg lo size < nm if ;<'r er cent to Col (fi iini/Iifiiiiiiiiii 11/ Hill lilt Iii/niiii/i ii/i ^ Biisii.iss has opeiieil ui> jiretty lair, but look shut ourselves in the oltice. and gb.iii tax idices tor more l.iter on Yours niiiiv the !ielt>ful hints we find in 'fill Bii 1 Isiard. .All work guaranteed doiu with iie.diiess and .A. M Di I'TP l.liAi II. Pdi-dosed jiit.ise liiid check for the amount dispatch 'i'oiii wotk is solicited due, .111.1 il you wish at anv time to lose 0111 Addless, 11iciidshi|i, just you lotgtI to send the |i.i|K'r Kt-wiiH’r, 111 . .M:iicli li. I'^C McMiiiii' i le I Ire . .Atuil 14 iSi; t.EO H 1,1 viNox \ oil: s lor business, Kr Til I 111 I i.i'.o IK i>. I'.di'oi The Bii.i.i.oarp. l.iceiised Bill Postet. Collax AA'asliiiigloii. kl ESI ,Si I.oM. I'iiiciuiiHti. 1) c incinnali ti kelercmes AY J Hamilton, diiiggist l Dear >ir Having piiriTia'.rd all lrill1><)aril>i aril Dear sir since our last reiKiit we have dis¬ J Mt nr. diiigglst /ell M Beelie tobicc.niisl all other oiit-d'Kjr ailv«rrti'«iii){ space in oiir city, tributed samples ol Pam Pills tor Dr .xfles FROM AUSTRALIA. .Aaioii Kuhn, merchant. Colfax Hardware Co. we take pleasure in annaiincini{ that we are I'le Medical Co , Elkhait. Did , and have made de- Non , viiiie of you bill (Misters w hu pareil to n taek- liveiies tooiir local druggists for them 1 his is Adi laidi, P'eb 21. isn7 have lieen s . siux-essful with retailers write Air inn and distrilnitinK w ith neatness and de-tialch the siisnid order lor Di. Miles this vear, and I PMitor Till Bti.l.iRi.AKD, I.ennox anil give him the necessary (Miinters— e.xjKct another in a few days. ki suits tell. W e Cincinnati. (1 \Ve have a nninlier of k*’*’*! tioards in Kood loca¬ P.DIIOR tions, and can post any size front a three-shei t are now bill (xisiiug tor the .Anieiican I'oIkicco Dear Mir-.Many thanks foi papers, etc am to a two hundred-sheet stand al«ont six hnndreil Co and the J J llagler Tobacco c o. Have sent delighteil with them. sheets in all. t)nr work is done liy ext>erienctd in lour orders to the Donaldson l.ithograpliing Kindly receive my monev or.ler lor twelve woikineii. We are lor hiisines, on strictly hnsi- S'.*’ ; '■''iicinnati, lor ixisterslor home iiierchaiits. nioiiths Billboakii .idvertisiiig 1 am at .t loss ness principles, and all work entrusted to ns This is the hrst adwitising by bill ixisting lor when I tlo not get them anil I also wish you to wiJl lie honestly done. We unarantec c.oinple'e home f.iercliaiits in this city ' We are fast put send me Janii.iiy, Pebru.iry, Match. .April and satisfaction. We lielieye the advertiser ttinst yi t ling up new bill lioants. \ours truly, Novenibci, iSvz .heI with those niitnl ets and for every dollar invested an honest doUars'worth !•. P. B.axoAssi.K. Manager. III,lowing on. 1 will then send you allot her dollar of work We have the best facilities for di.stii- ill June next to contiiiiie How alxnit Kick iiiiin liutinR, Ktnl make a st>ecialty of this class i f Ixrrs' 1 will endeaior to send you a letter as Austin Tex . .April in. iSj7 Ireipieiilly asjs.ssible wotk We do not employ hoys, hut solier, hoiie-t PMitor The Bit i.iio.akn. 1 .nil sending, through your kindness for iiieti. If we can do any work for yon, whii h we Cinciiin.iti. 11 sincerely hope we can. we will welcome inst>ec- twelve months subsciipiioii to the Id.ciri-isg Dear sir—I i>aid $i to join Mr. Congdon - si. tion, for we know yon will have confiilence in ns H'oihi. so you can itilotni them it xoii think it D .A in isq, and >.■ cents dues in amance, but and we can net a share of your patronajje. Onr adxisible after the I.obb liunibiiggery 1 .iskeit to lx-droje prices are three cents jK-r sheet for fifteen days’ I cle.irly make it niy duty when writing for 1x1 Iroiii the roil oi nieinlxrsliip. and h.ive showiiiK, aiid'tive cents tier sheet for thirty liays' atixthing you advertise to nientlon Bit.I board never corresixiiuieil with him since. as 1 coiisi-ier it only tair. Yours liiily. showinn. Will also renew your paper without Mr. Congdon .sent lu.ouuol the I.obb iiainphlets cost if iTesired. We should lie pleased to quote PRED. ClHlMlls to i,ake Charles with the iiiiilersianiting that I jirices for any other line of work on ap)>lication. was to receive 40 cents ix-r tlious,inn the head of to my satisfaction, w ill avail myself of your low taken a tug start The inerchantsof this city have the red letter yon w ill note the names of all the Hlin M Siitlifl. city bill (sister of C.loversv ill. , advertising rale*. 1 w ill want toliecome a nieni- aw.ikened to the fact that there is ammhfi bill .-•sscK-iatioiis that ' laked" me, one after the N. Y,, was Isirn March 2S, iS(o His earlv lile lier of I. .A l>'s. and do they have a standard of {sistiiig coni|>any here who are alive and up to- other. Many sent list-, of advertisers, most of up to |S h. was s(s Id in his nali\-e village. prices for their work ’ Youts truly. date. and give goixl. honest s<-rvice fhe Hinchle whom are dead. 1 guess. Ihrough stann>s used, C.loversxille, N Y . his father Imiig a merchant 1. H. Asin. Brewing co., luo y-sheets Kxrk lieer. the keil metnlxrship fees. etc.. I am almut »sO out. The there. .At the age of seventeen years he. with hts Mtar Clothing co., 200 --sheets AA'hite Sewing ‘ Sucker ' family w ill never Ix-come extinct (larents’ consei.l. left home for the AYrst Hr .Machine Co , .Gxi ^ sheets, bicvcle, " the .All>aiiy Chillicothe, Ill , .April f>th, tso;. 1 have received si veral sample copies of voiir landed in the cdy of Chicago, w here he olaainrvl Hardware Co., 100 n-sheets. ' bicycles and bicycle KditorTiiK Bii.i.boarp. paper, and must say that it is a "dandy " a (Mi'itioii on the c A N AA Ky as tin man He suits, ' Condon vS; AAisely, hatters, yx) 3 sheets. Dear Sir—Business is lieginninK to look nj) a Yours truly. rose from that (xisdion to engineer, in which Pbnpire c'l.ahing Co.. 200'i-sfieets. Kingsley, the little now Posted twenty-five t-sheets and 12.S S. M. Craig, 510 W P'ifth St. ca|Kicity hr served fora iieruxt of seven ytais halter, yo i-sheels; Maul, the clothier, i>«'o hat i-sheets for M. W. Kahn it Co., local: nailed when, his mother Ixing at the fxiinl of death, he posters Troy cold w ater Kalsomine Co.. Troy, board and tin signs, advertising Parker's Head¬ Covington, Tenn., March 22, 1S97. was called home In the mr.intinie he havl taken N. A'., are tiilling the city with yxj 1 sheets 'l ache Powders ; distrihnteil samples anil pajiers Piditoi Tup; Bioliioakd, to himsv It a wile, .iiid logdhri wdh his daiigh ftlaced an order w ith the Donaldson I.ilhograph advertising Bucklen’s kemedies. .samples of Cincinnati. U ter. then an infant, went p'asi to hisoldhonu. Co.. Cincinnati, for this coni|uitiv, and have Parker's Headache Powders; sample papers of Dear Sir Bii.i.biiakp is the liest ]i;iper pul>- His nioHirt rrrov ered, and (iievailed on him to charge ol putting out their i>aiier to bill jxisters Street fC Smith's New York Weekly, facketl lislied for ciicular distributors and bill posters to stay with her and hi* father, hr lieing thrironly in the New P.ngland Stales. .Mr Miller, iiiy ad cloth si^ns for I.. H Thomas ft Co., drnggists, advertise in. I have tried them all and know child, so he n signed his (sisitiun on the railroail vertising solicitor, is now busy on tliiee other local Distrihiiteil liooklets ailvertising Diamond what I am talking alxiut. Tiik Bii.obo .ki> anil r< ni.iiiieil Bid not wanting to remain idle large firms who are going to use {xistt rs in the Dyes, Wells. Ktchardsoti ft Co., Burlington. Vt. brings results. kesp t yours. and Ix-ing a little ambitions he wanted some near future. I.ast Thursday he closed .m order Song Books for Wizard Oil Co , Chicago, 111. How AKU .N lloi.Sllol'SP.K. thing to do In Psikiiig uruiind he saw that here for .sO,<«x) 2-sheets with a certain firm, but they Kecciveil a trade offer fioiii Oil'iiore Drug Co . wniiM lie a gisxl o(i« ning (or a bill posting (ilant will not do niiich po.sting until August, as 11 is Hietcher, t)hio Just received a consignment of Peru. Did., March 15, is,j7. there lieing notu here at that time. No stxmer now too late lor their spring trade Besides the .laper to post from the Monk Intnalnction Co., PMitor The Biliboarh. thought III th.iiidonr He at oner went to work theater work tor llarmaniis Bleecker Hall and Bill Posting Contractors, Peoria, Ill. We have Cincinnati, il lo secure the iii cessarv lixTHions (or iKxirds. ami the Pearl street Theater, and work I see in the several new and prominent locations We are Dear Sir—.Alter reading the different article, started in l-i rstafdish a -a rvice That he has future, I sh. 11 have iilenty of work. There are maktng a lot of new three-sheet Isiards. so as to in the .March number ol Billbo.aki) in relation succeeded giss without saying He h.isarinted matter sent out a (ilant as there i> in the Mtate of Ne »• A'ork .mil future looks bright, regard'.ess of the two shin believe in lieing prepared, so that when the rush by Dr I.obb and one Congdon 1 was made to IS vxin-t.iidlx adding to it as fast a* business dt ing stars, P. A. and O J.. lh;it are leading mv conies we can take care of it. We hope to have wonder what bill tiosters and dist ributors could iiiands He has guuind leiileil in advance lor opposition and billoweis along. something of interest lor next month, expect of a person or firm that is not willing to billlsk'irds and is leady at any time to aceotn- 1 am, yours, etc. iRil.D .AIcIntark. kespectfnlly yours. ^>ay over 40 cents jxrr thousand lor distributing imxlate aiix ami alt who conic He lirlongs tu llr.NRY CiiAKVAT, Manager. Iroiii house to house, and. what is worse yet. the New Aotk Mtate Hill Posters' .Ass-s-iatioii. Colfax, AA'iish. .April 10, iSer thousand for distributing printed iii.dler thiity days Ht s has its coiiten's a-sii as leieivi d The question of jsmr service or the prices. ol all Ills (Mitiiii.s Hi is.ilsiiihe rr(iresi*iitMlive lieen received, anil, as usual, was bright and how to get m< rclianis m our tow n to ameitDe CiiAs. \Y SrnisMA.N ol the iRiiialdsiiti I.dhiigra(ih Co, ami has sold stiarkling. To me it gets Ig-tter every time. The has Ix eii a f.ii/zler to me. I have a nice lot ol quite a Iiimibet ol his meirh.iids lithe only troiilile is that it is not published often sanipirs from the Doiialdson and kivetsuie mf glHt hs fioiii then house His 1 iisloiiirrs ate enough' It ought to 1h-issued weeklv The bill- Milwaukee I hoiisi’s. and have made two stnn g Mansfield, Tioga Co.. Pa . March *7, iv.,-. well (ileasid with their wotk fsiards here are displax ing jsiste rs for Warner's Piditor Tup. Bii.i board, efTorls 'last tail and this spring to get some ol Safe Cure and Yeast Co.. The saver's Tonic and Cineinnati. o. tlieiu inti lesteil bat w 11 hold avail itviniiiade Malaria kemeily. Phillii>s liigeslible C adviftising tigarding the .n.,- iiotliing if Huy w .iilil oiilv |«i\ lor the lafMr Hotp-f to hotisa- ilistriiditin^ of sRitipIes Co. I have jii't finished distributing ivSno pani- tional Di-tribulors Assiciation ol Philadelphia but tint was no inoiic iiient I h« y ar. lie that coiMldiies tlif Airtm s of Ixith iiistri)dititi>; ph'ttsaiid 19.150 v ast samples for the VYarnei's Pa., with much iiitirest. Would say tiui or onr low 11 is tixj small ' |"'l*»l.ition .iml I anil t-Nliiliilnig. r«afe Cure and Ycasi Co., ami have a shipment of rattier Congdon under that name, ha’s Ix-eii ti> have about (oiiie to the that iithei I 20.000 pamphlets for California Pig Sirup Co.. ing to work us by sending us some of the litei.'<- am tixi etitliiisiasiic on Hie result.- cd (xisler 30,010 I.ydia Pi Pinkhani .Medical Co.’, firsides ture. It, nodoutit. will have the desired effiit «if work, or the men hauls cannot recognize a g.sHl local work Hood's Tid Bits. Williams' l-ink discouraging ns for gixal ol having amthiiig to thing when they see il Its Advertising Value. Pills, World's Dispensary. Swain’s l.aliorntorv. do with the concern, and perhaps many others. I also s-t III to lie lix) •niiich" out ol the way A I situ.Ill u :i% lo Iiy m.til Dr. King s Discovery and kadway & Co. have There are several other organizations ol this with foreign adveitiseis 1 have uimiU d cm iilai s, al H cards *wuin»l« s ol silk come and gone. Some of their work was w retch- nature in the coiiiitrv that ought to lx- shown up as 4xr enclosed, all over Hie coiintrx. but idi.x’ oihrr ^;oim|s Im i |i sain)dr hus i»iiint»rt<'d aid e lly done: in fact, the best work done here for the good of the cralt. Yours truly, gel an •x-easional Iwilch. but I shall keej) '■ n CMialo^tird |*ftcr (or **ach (d Ihr iiiiiiitH*rs uas through agents was Dr. King's Di.scovery. I have liip; W. D. Hi'stp.Ij .AijvP.RTisr.M. Co imshitig ' and (x-rha|is it will come luy way later had a visit from Mr. D D. Sli pard, represent¬ on. Yojrsiiuly, nl sftit A lady in Iohii %*ri»tr in llir rally Hiitiinin e no Hillslioro. Tex., .March 16 isr,- KtMMisaiid rn rn rd tln ni sonir siji moi tbs lat< t PMiior The Bii.i.board, The enclosure refi-rn-d *to in the letter is a shiRldy work anil honest distributors would get she batl tnadt be r s^ |r< tb n and s# nt tbr antonni Ciiiciniiiii o credit foi their service. Yours truly. three-fold circular, which reads as follows, viz rc<|nirr«| tor tbr nnnil»rr ol \ar.ikes,lale, l.ltx-ilon Paloiise. Pullman. Colton’ Ciiicinnaii. fKisiirs assixiatioiis Biisiinss mx-s not xei was tnd tiiistiicwx ordrrret ibr K(mm|s I y I niontow n. > aeh have Iroin vz> lo 1 'o|x>pul.i' Dear sir—During the past month we have done am .lint toeiiongli 10 admit ol onr uniting w'i h saniplr and be- bad a riK^il to all tbr nneiiry * I lion, ami the distance from Collax range- from the following work : zixi navy tobacco signs, an orgatiiz4itioii. but if work gets heller we ex¬ H<' to-ilate advittising dilTerenl firms that weie mentioiu d in your p'ele a laily wlio wanird a silk drrss wbo livrd williin establishment that is prej and to do a iiy ihiiig in navy; 100 i-sheets. I.ongley Hal (local 1; 30 signs tiiarv I'Siie in regard to bill ixisting and have a biindr«‘d tnilrs of iliia onr whe* would riot ili Pabst Chemical Co. We also have J. H. I,a Pearl's that line, Iroin tin king a sign |ii billing a (iicns received several lots of jaaper Wishing you trrlly or Imitrrclly bearof it. and tbr advertise circus for some time in July. and we are prepared lo iiiaki- coniraeis lor prm success, we are. yours resjiectlully. III* fit It Hotibl t»r lor Stewart waa w«»rtb iiiorr CkiTTP;sup;.N & Co. tei-ted and icnewable wolk at Hie following l'liii.i.ii"S Bros., City Bill Posters. prices: than tbr rntirr valtir of thr kcmnU which br sriil. •Amffttan Atiiffinft THE BILLBOARD

BY-i.AWS. WallinjffonI, Conn , writer as follows, vi/ ; ATticle I Linornni —Ten nicnilirrs of this as- “f“leas«r include in your list of lairs forConncc- soci ilion shall constitiitf a <|iiorniii. tient that of the WallinKfonl A({ruultiiral S«>- Article 2 -KnUsol Order —The ruUscon ained eiety ^^<■J>teml>er S and 9, (leo. T. Jones. s<-cre- in "Cnshiiin s Manual shall Kovern this as-socia- Last year yon hail oneol onr days assijjned ti ll! Ill all cases to which the\ are applicahle, the (lay alter the fair closed, ainl there was a lot an I in which the\ are not inconsi-teiit with any ***. L'lkirs that came to town who had to (^et out rides of Older that may la- adopted t.\ thisasso- without any show at the fair, so iileas« he sure elation. and have dates correct.” W H tlaiiner. the A tele ',-Aniendnients—These h\ laws may leronaiit says that Tiik IIii.lhoakp is the best lie aineiKle I at an\ reiiular annual im-etin^ by a advertisini^ medium he has ever found for his two-ihiids vote o'f all members present and business.-T. K. ('.rinley's lerial circus and V itinji Liir grounds hipiMMlrome may lie addressed at otticers for P(^7- Chas II. tianson. president. Carlsiii. Ind. — t- \V llenlsick will ai^ain I riiaiia o , W 1 McCleiiahan, vice president, •’'anai'e the WinnijieK Kxjiosition this year.- Tkw ■ SxiSsi cstk aMnlh w lk« ^«ck , W 1 Tenney. Troy. O ; 11 L. season, comniencinis shortly." Mr. Korsman re- ConducMd by ARTHUR BABBriT. Madison, Ww " ‘Kkins Hilblioro. O cently received (luile a len){th\ notice in Chas. The next annual meetiii); will tie held at the Austin Ikites inlicums ro mis of the Ohio state Hoard of AKriculture on Wednesrlay eveniiiK preceding the State Agri- ' — culture Convention Ajiropos of the ingenious advertisement rite Central Uliio I'air .XssiK-fation is a We are all well aware that the Los .\iig»lis -turit Is -uch as to prum|it evi ry I.os .Angeles Purely Personal. of the Kipans Chemical Co. now going thing ort the leaili r-hip needed to awaken her every re- has also lieeii connecltd with the l-n.iiklin. 1 ihio sp.iisive public -nirit and pionipt it to the right showed that the Northwestern < >hio I’air fair for the past seven years. Capt. Carev is no other ad on the same lines: anion in the right way. to IS entirely free from deht and has doubt the oldest fair secretary in tlliio. and he Rowell’s likes the races yet.-Col. Chas. dc I'.arnio tiioiiev in the treasury. The ronipinv Improved elected the following directors: C. CilNsTirt TIoN A.ND BV-I.AWS Patent ^ '■.•rman, X. Saltsinan. 1.. tV Williams, N. Ilf the Ohio state .Ass.H'iation of Presidents and Itiirtscher, J. I.. .Mickey, W J. Wagner, sex-retanes of l airs, .Adopted .April 15. isv7. American

M l-'Iack, 1.. McKee, (•. W Cunningham, To the officers and Meniliers of your .Associa¬ Newspaper T 1>. .\danis, I>. Peters, V. l-*isher, 1-’. Iv tion V-Mir c.i’iimittee chosen one year ago to Seg leave If it catches on, the same idea may lie to report the following The I'iast Tenne-see l-’air .\ssocialion, at CO.N'sriTfTIOS adaptetl in a variety of ways, for instance : Kiioxvide, hasconipleted a new half mile .Article I —Name and object.—The name of this Printers Swaps track, ItK'ateil alKint three miles from the orgaiii/ation shall be known as the state Ink Newspaper city Mr .Arthur ('.raves is secretary e eli- lively sjiecial attraction will ilo well tay- Monday. .Aiigu-t .',1, ISQ7, his twenty-first year in I nimaciilate, mciit of an annual tee ot -o cents charge of the races He is a capable, (xi’nscien- The Ohio State I’atr, at Columhiis, ail- .Article t—elfficers —The officers of this associa¬ tioiis and honorable gentleman : will go his full tion shall consist of a piesident vice-president, races by electric light. length to accommodate a friend, and will be re¬ secretary and treasurer and an P^xecutive Corii- tained as long as he wants the position." mittre ixjnsisfiiig of the president and secretary Julius LeMoyne, secretary of the fair .-it Wash¬ (toiiiiding I’air managers w ho w ant to see a nuclei and the three other niemtiers They shall lie ington l*a , writes a- follows: "Notwithstanding form for a space application tilank should elected at the regular meeting each year the hard time- and election excitement, our 1 xerve by a majority vote, and shall hold their resjiect- fair, as you see by enclosed treasurer's report, write to the chiet of the 1 lepartment of imply ive offices for the term of one year, or until their not only paid all ex{>enses, but left us a balance 8 triggers yon. lixhihilsof Trau.sMts.sissippt and Inter¬ siiccess-irs are duly elected It shall he their of 5f««i to apply toonrdebt. We own our grounds, national l-!x{M>sition, iiinaha, Neh. diiiv to j-erform -uch service as is u-iially re- 42 acres, which, with improvements, have cost Or, another acrostic, something like ijnired of suit officers, and such other duties as us «vj,cK». and are worth the money tlur fair this asstK-iation shall, from time to time, pre- last year was one of the few that made any A Succcssiul Exhibit. scrila money—t>art of w hich 1 attribute to good adver¬ Rowell’s .Article 4 Meetings.—This association shall tising We use y*ioo posters within twenty-five Ingeniously The home pr.sluce exhibit ice« nllv held nt meet aiiiin.illv in the city of Columbus on miles of our grounds I read with interest Tiik l. os .Angelrs may l« (airtv acxxnintrtl to hnic Wcdiiesil.ix evening prior to State Agricultural BiLLKOARt). es|>ecially the fair dejiartment.—The Piratical 1m I II n siicvesslul one in rverv rrsprvl Thi- is coti'-et.tioii retiort referred to i- .m exceptionally good one. m. iiU evident by the lad that Ihecriticism which .Article A .Amendments.—Thi- constitution blit is crowded out through lack of sjxice.- And tcllow s the exhibit has lieen as favoralde .ss were may Iw amrmleil at aiiv regular annual meeting W. C. Marshall, secretary of the fair at Dayton, Nervy the notices given it by the press dur.iig its eon of this association tiy a three-fourths vote of the Ha . is a iiew-spajier niati. He edits the Dayton tinu.inee iiif nitiersliip pre-ent and voting .%■»:(■(-Geo. T Jones, secretary of the fair at Scheme. •All the Ivos Angeles )ia(>ers in summing up the results uf the exhibit sprak as (-ordially ol the dinplay and of the ninn - ageiiient as they did dining the time when It was riioning and when their rr)virt» may lie coiisnlerrd to h.ivetietn to a large extent ixrlnreil by a desire In pr.iisr- It in order to attract visilois j The jiidgniint pronounced since the j .lose of the exhitilt amply confirms all the lavuratile things- aid alsuit it while { It was still a civic festival and a matter 1 ol iiiuiiiei]

Twenty sheet j-sister, depicting the new starting machine. Press uf The Donaldson l.itho. Co., Ciii ti. 10 THE BILLBOARD

Bo-tun (v)Aensville P O) Clermont county Hair PriH-torville LawrenOe county Hair Setit8t. Sept 6 to 10 Bennett Behymer pres LtHust J P Eaton pres LaBelle J W Rucker treas \ This list is revised and correcteil monthly Corner J O Rapi> treas Owensville John W Krckard s<-c Secretaries arc urgently requested to send Rowan sec Blowville Riivriina Portrge county Hair Sept ji to 21 in their dates at the earliest jwssiMe mo¬ Bowling Green WikhI county Hair Frank IHiw- K IkMilitlle t>re» SIreetslioro C H laiuliert ti. ment after they arc claimed, and to notify ell |>res Periysbiirg E B Beverstock sec Ton Lalayelte Smith sec LIST OF us promptly as to any change. Kostefs togany J O .\veiy sec Weston Richwoml RichuiXHl Tri County Hair Oct 1 and dates arc published absolutely Free Biicyrus Crawford county Hair Sept 21 to 24 13 1. H Hechlol tires York Kobl Smith ti< of Charge. E B .Monnett pres M J Monnett treas B J E Riihinson sec Copyrtghted . All ftghlitfsftieJ Beal sec RiH-k springs .vieigs county Hair Setd 14 t„ FAIRS Burton I'.eauga county Hair Sept 14 to 17 Chas P B Stanlierry Ides Pomeroy John Mcoin Hall pres East Claridon H C Tuttle treas P treas Pomrioy H C Fish sec Pomeroy " ' W Parinalee sec S.ileni Salem Hair and ExtHi Co Sep/to- CONNECTICUT. Dowagiac Dowagiac I'nion Hair Sept to Celina .\ug 17 to 20 C W Halfhill sec Sandusky Erie ruiinty Hair Setd 21 to *24 Oct I Samuel Johnson sec Cadiz Harrison county Hair Sept 29 to iV-t 1 W Taylor pres .'.eo R Prom treas John r Danbury Danbury Hair t)ct 4 to 9 S H Rundle Hillsdale Annual Hillsdale Hair Sep 26 to IX't 1) McGuire pres Sam’l Hamilton treas J Mark sec pres C M Kundle sec J W Bacon treas 1 C W Terwilliger sec C I'.lover sec .Sidney Shelby I'oiinty Hair S< pi 21 to 24 It Norwich New I.4>ndon county Agl Society Sept Ionia Ionia Dist Hair .\sstt Luther E Halt Canal IKiver Tuse-arawas ixninty Hair Sept 21 I'.uthrir pres E H Duncan treas J E kus.elt 21 to 2t Theodore W Yerrington sec pres W 1. Peck treas Chas A Cornell sec to 24 H WStrebsec Wallingford Wallingford Agl Society Sept 8 Canfield Mahoning county Hair Sev>t 2S to 30 Smitbfield Jefferson ixninly Hair Sept p, to 9 (leo 1 Jones sec MINNESOTA. S 1) 1. Jackson pres Youngstown S A Hogg 1 s Vale pris Chas McKinney treas | treas J H sec Youngstown lla\ nr sec Hamline .State .8gr Socy Sep 6 to 11 ILLINOIS. Canton Stark countv Hair Sept zstoik-ti C St CLtiisyille Belmont county Hair Setd i to Hutchinson Mcl.eotl county .\gr Society Sept M Welty pres North Industry H .\ Wise treas A C Dari..h t>res E G Amos treas T c Avi. Aledo Mercer county Agl Society Sept 21 to 24 15 to 17 H C Lvoti pres J H Slover sec J H I.ehman sec sre ^ John Brady pres W H Graham sec St Paul State Hair Sept 6 to it Ed Weaver Carrollton Carroll counlv Hair Sejit 2S to l>ct 1 Stiiingtield Clark county Hair Ang 24 to r 1 pres Mankato A B Moffatt treas Mankato E Avon The Avon Hair Sept 14 to 17 J 1* Johnson Jas .K Lee pres Harlem Springs Thos J Salts yf Kandeis pn s l.uwieiiceville J II Gutloiigh W Randall sec Hamline pres Julian Churchill sec man treas C \ Toi>e sec tteiis pitcnin Will Jenkins sec Seth Winona Winona Spring Hair May 26 and 27 Carnii White county Agl Hair Sept 7 ton K I. Chagrin Halls Cuyahoga county Hair Sept 7 to I'oledo Tri Slate Hair Aug 24 to 27 TB Tucker 10 1. R Dunham j>r«s Newburg Wm Rinlgers sec Organ sec MARYLAND. Griggsville Illinois Valley Hair Assn Aug j to treas Geo B Hiiggett sec Troy Miami county Hair Setd 27101x1 1 Ts Frederick city The Frederick Hair IK-t 191022 Chillicothe Rose county Hair .\ug 3 to 6 Clark Sisdt pres Jot II A .McCurdy treas W | iVn 6 J H Hatch secy Harry C Keefer sec W "^tory yires Theo S\ietnagle tieas 11 W ney sei La Harpe I.a Harpe District Hair Assn Aug 23 Rockville Montgomery co Hair Aug 31 to Sep Woodrow sec I t>t>vi s.tiidusk> Wyamlot county Hair seid to 27 Geo F into pres Judd Hart/.ell sec John E Muncaster secy Norlieck Carthage Hamilton county Hair .Aug 17 to .si to 10 SB Gillrtt tires Carey Henry Rear Mt Carroll Carroll county Hair Aug 31 to Sept Timuniuin Matyland State Hair Sept 14 to 17 3 G H Bncher pres Geo C Kenyon sec Chas G .Mitchell pres Wyoming Wm H Blair treas (>s.'ar Billhardi sre ’ Springfield Illinois State Hair Sept 27 to Oct 2 MASSACHUSETTS. treas Madisonville D 1. samtion sec silxerton I iliana Chamtiaigp ixiiiiity Hair Aug i- 1., Celina Mercer county Hair .Aug 17 to 20 S H C H < t>res || p Wilson treas' t W W C Garrard sec Sturbridge E V Corey sec Weaver pres Early J M Winter treas C W Crow I sei- •' Taunton Bristol co fair Sept 21 to 23 Gertrude Ha If hill sec Mercer Van Weit Van Wert county Hair Sept - to 1. INDIANA. Williams sec Columbus iihiei State Hair .Aug w to Sept 3 J S Stuckey |ires H. B Gilliland treas 11 11 Worcester Massachusetts State Grange Hair Bourltoii Bourl)on Hair Oct 5 to 8 J W Hid.son J I' Robinson pres Rockaway J C Bower treas swartout .\ug 31 to Sept 3 John B Bowker sec sec Columbus W W Miller sec Columbus Warren I rumlile i-ounty Hair .Aug yi to Seta • Crown Point Lake county Hair Sept 7 to 10 CoshiXTion Coshoi'ton county Hair iRt 12 to is S H Bartlett pres «i D .Morgan treas James I A A Bibler sec MAINE. Ell M Hanlon pres Corwin McCoy treas RolR Kennedy sec Elwoo

\oplrtoii Eo* Kivrr I'air and DriviiiK Akmi Ontario Ontario Jockey Club Wixxlbine Park Springfield 111 State F'air Sept 22 to Oct 2 YOU WAIVT BUSINESS! Auk M>to Hartfau May 44 to Red hlaiieiiccr »cc Petrolia Oht May 44 43 meeting ist week in June Fall meeting Sept Braver l>ani IKnlKe county fair Sep iM to Oct I C.iielph Ont May u June r 27 to Oct I By distributing your advertising matter where it will be read, in Stockton and C W Harvey arc Gravesend L 1 Brixjklyn Jockey Club Spring Malone N Y Sept 28 to Oct i meeting May 31 to June 19 Fall meetinR Sept Hillsdale Mich Sept 27 to Viet 1 Camden. Population 78,000. Signstacked lk>|>rI Bo«s»*>el ARr and 1> Aasn Sept 1 to 3 Bills po.sted. Write : h C Muffley »ec 14 to > ict 4 Terre Haute Ind Sept 27 to (ict 3 R(J Watson sec C hippewa Falla Chippewa county fair Aur 31 Reading Pa June 4 to 4 Malone Vt Sept 28 to Oct 1 STOCKTON ADVERTISING CO. (B) to Sep 3 Hamilton Ont June 3 to 4 Providence R I (ict 5 lo 8 Box 333, North Cramer Hill, New Jersey. Chipliewa Falla Chippewa county Agr Society Lititx Pa June 7 Lexington Ky Oct 5 to 16 Auk JI to !^Pt t Jea'ce K sharp arc Colorado Springs Col June 3 to 10 Brocton Oct 6 to 9 c uiiilierland Cumlierlaiid ARr Ik I> 1'Ai*sn Sep New York June 8 to 11 Alierdeen S 1) State Fair Oct 11 to 16 14 to 17 11 S Cumatock aec Stratford Ont June 8 to 10 Medford Mas.s Oct 13 to 15 CedarahurK O/taukee Coiiiily AkI Society Set>t Portland Me Rigby JuneStoii I.ouisville Ky Oct 18 to 20 4fi to Oct I \V H Kintrlmaii prea 1) F; Mc- lienver Col June 14 to 19 Salem O July 3 to 4 and July 23 to 30 Ciinlry aec I’richsville O June -.5 to 17 Newark O June 29 to July 2 Chetek Barron county AKr Soc Sept 7 to Rock|x»rt O June 15 to 17 Columbus O July 6 to to Medlord Maas June 13 to 18 No Wonder You Are joaeph F; CartriKht aec Port.smouth O July 27 to 30 liarliiiKtun I^layetle County AkI ScKtety Auk Port Huron Mich June 13 to 18 Chillicothe (i .Aug 3 to 6 disappointed when your dis¬ 44 to »7 l>eo H Weat aec Lincoln Neb June 16 to 18 Waahiugton C 11 Aug to to 13 liodKvville Iowa Countv AkI Society Aur 44 to St Jiiseph Mo June 44 to 43 I.ancastcr o July 13 to 16 tributing is not done the prop¬ 47 I B Hoakinaprea C. W Mundy aec Newburg o June 44 to 44 •Xenia O Aug 17 to 20 er wa./. You can avoid this Duluth Sept Ji to 45 Avlmer Ont June 44 to 44 Butte Mont Aug F:ikhurn Walworth county ARr Sex: Sept 48 to Sfieepahead Bay L I Coney Island Jockey Club by sending your work to us. IK't I Oeo 1. llarrinRton aec summer meetiiiR lune 44 to July lu Autumn Fond dll Me Kite I’ark Fair Aaan Sept 7 to 11 meeting Aug 44 to Sept 11 Good Work, reasouable rates II D llarkle aec Anaconila Mont June 46 to July 4 are our watchwords. Fennimore Fenniincre Fair St D 1* Aaan Aur St Thomas tint June 49 to July 1 43toJ7 John KoReraaec race meetiiiKJuly 5-6 Fort Erie Canada Fort FTie Jockey Club June f eonu€ncTon$, i Ho'rtonvilfe Agr Society H O Dieatirr aec 49 to July 3 and 5 lluilaon St Croix county Arc Sex- Sept it to 17 Peoria III lat meetiiiR June 49 to July 2 4d t Tetes, CekbratiONS. Etc. X Frank MaRuire aec meetiiiR -Aug 10 to 13 W L Slagel sec J. E. STROYER CO., llaiiaton Juneau county ARr Sex: Aur 31 to Sep Detroit Mich Highland Park June 30 to July 3 ifi I'ndet this heaJiHg ur publish free of ^ i 1 C Baldwin aec Warren ti tiak ('.rove D C June 30 to July 3 ^ charge the dates of all notable eients, uhich ^ IronwoiHl Septytoii Battle Creek Mich June 30 to July 30 /|i are Itkely toattrait largeroncoursesofpeople ^ 114 Weld St., Rochester, N. Y. Omaha Neb June 30 to July 3 Mncaater 4x1 Annual Fair tyrant co aRl Scx:y (jv to any one particular city andfoi this reason Memljer I, .A. of D. Sep 15 to 17 D Abrama prea T A Burr aec Sumner lo July 4103 itp proie of impor tance to adz-ertiserSy showmen, £ Menominee Dunn county fair Sep 40 to 44 ('• I.ititz Pa July 5 ittp street men, general passenger agents, etc. ^ Callaway aec YouiiRstown O July > to 7 ftPs The list is carefully revised and corected ^ Milwaukee Wiaconsin State Fair Sep 40 to 43 FUk lAiint S D July 4 to 11 Hr m.mthly, 9 T J FlemiDR aec Madiaon Fine Pa July s to 8 CHILLICOTHE. ILL. Peoria III July6t09 Monroe C.reen Ccunty ARr Sex: Sept i to 4 CHARVAT BILL POSTING CO. Portland Me Rigby July 6 to 9 Frank Smexk aec Henry Ciiakvat, Manager. portaRe Columbia county aRr aexHety Sep 14 to I.a Salle 111 July 6 to 9 M Cummings sec Atlantic City, N. J. Seventh .Annual Convention 17 Kenneely Scott aec Kio Windsor 1 mt July 5 to 10 of the .As.sbciated Bill Posters’.Assvx:iation. July Seven Cities Covered. Population, 12.000. Brighton Beach Nineteenth annual meeting I'hlllipa ITice county ARr Sex- Sept9tnii Fred 17-40. 1897. J. Ballard Carroll, sec'jr, Albany, Correspomlchcc Solicited. W Kuff aec the Brighton Beach Racing assn July 6 to N. Y. Rhinelander Oneiila county ARr Soc Sept 6 to Aug 43 Chicago Ill Illinois Press Assn July 7 a F F; Ihirker aec Petrolia Ont July lO to 15 Chicago. 111. National .As.sociation Moulding Richland Center Richland county ARr Sex: Sep Rockport U July 14 to 16 and Hctiire Frame Manufacturers. liec. 15, 41 to 44 J (i Bunell arc Metlford Mass July 1310 16 1897. Sparta Monroe county ARr Soc Aur 44 to 47 Mendota 111 July 13 lo 16 C'.eo 11 Madden sec Cincinnati unty ARr Soc Sep 48 Western trip, as they contain more interest to to to Fred M Williams aec Portland Me Rigby Aug 6 to 9 Newark () Newark Driving .Assn John H Hagerstown Ind Aug 9 to 14 Swisher pres, C Seymour treas June the average Antericaii than anv two other (mints CANADA. Brighton Beach L 1 Brighton Beach assn First Orlando Fla National Good Roads Congress within the coniines of the riu'tcd States. Study meeting July 6to 44 Second meeting Aug 9lo 43 Feb 2 IS98 the matter carefully, and you will choose the Bowmanville lint West Durham and DarlinR- k. (.. \A for this reason, as well as for the mag¬ ton I'uion ARr Societie« Sept 16 to 17 R Windatt Wellaod Ont Aug to 11 Philadelphia Pa German .American Journalists’ Warren O Oak Grove D C Aug lo to 13 .Assn Date not decided nificent .scenery, superbe(|uipmentand time sec ''■’■iteto F. A WADLKIGH, Collinwexxl lint C.reat Northern Fixhibition Welwter Citv lo Aug 10 to 13 Pittsburg Pa Grand Encampment of Knights F;rie Pa Aug 14 to 15 Templars 4d Tuestlay in Oct W B Melish Gr General Pas,senger .Agent, .Salt I.ake City, I'tah, Sept 41 to 44 J W Archer sec for (larticulars e.exlerich tint threat Northwestern Ftxhibition Ottumwa lo Aug 16 lo 19 Junior Warden Macomb III Aug 16 to » San .Antonio Tex International .Association of sept 41 to 43 Jas Mitchell sec llalitax N S No\a SesAia Provincial Fair Se pt Canton O Aug 17 to 19 Ticket .Agents Mar lo Port Huron Mich Aug 17 to 40 48 to t)ct I James W l*owrr sec St. I.ouis, Slo. Third .Annual Convention of The SEND FOR A COPY OF l.ogansport Ind Aug 17 lo 4u Montreal Montreal Kxpo Aur 19 to SC International Bill Posting .As.sociation. July Rich Hill Mo Aur 17 to 40 Stevensem 418 st Mwrene-e at manaRer and aec 6-9. 1S97. Clarence E. Runey, sec’y, Wauke¬ Macomb 111 Aug 1710 40 Markhani Ont F: R of York aiiel Markham ARr gan, Ills. Carroll lo Aug 17 lo 40 San Francisco Cal Carnival of the Golden ('.ate Sex-ieties iH:t6toh W II Halt aec Medlord Mass aur 17 to 40 Ottawa Ont Central Canada Exhibition Aaan .April 19 to 25 General R H Warfield pres Syracuse N Y State Fair Aug 43 to 47 Henry 1 Fi.-her Cor sec S H Frietllander di¬ Sept 17 to 44 K McMahon aec Newcastle Ind Aug 43 to 48 Sherbrooke oue. threat Fiastern Fixhibitioii rector Orangeville Ont Aug 44 to 45 Troy N Y New York Slate .Assn of Master Aur Xi to Sept 4* 11 R Fraser aec Arcailia Wis .Aug 44 to 47 Painters and Decorators July 7-8 Three Rivera yiie St MRrence Valley Fixhibi- Columbus Junction lo .Aug 44 to 47 Warren O oak ('.rove Driving Club July and Mailed free to all mentioning thi.savlvertisement tion Sept 440 11 J A FriRon aec Fretlonia Kan Aug 44 to 47 Aug B F Pew pres, M S Clapp sec /ll 'S/.\'TSS contains articles by noted writers Toronto Victorian Era F;x|x> ami Ind Fair Aur Rutland Vt Aug 44 to 47 Washington DC I'nivetsal Postal Congress May i upon i>/lice fioutme. Husiness .Mananemcnt, Ac~ 30 to Sept II H J Hill manaRcr and sec While River Jui.ction VI Aug ’4 to 47 counting. .Advertising and /-.< oxoxin-subject.s. in¬ Terre Haute Did fair Aug 30 to Sept 3 cluded under Tmance, Transportation, Commene Fllwixxl Did .Aug 30 to sept 4 ami .Uanutacturing. Horse Shows. Columbus O stale Fair Aur 30 to Sept 4 Poultry Shows. I To read is a lit>eral commercial Newport R I Newport Horse Show Assn Aur Coburg tint Aug 31 to Sept I education in it.self. Amesbury Mass .Amesbury Poultry and Pet j 43 to 48 Champion III .Aug 31 to :sept 3 The otiicc of Bl'Sl N FiSS is to lx: in every office Stock .Assn M H Sands seev Kansas city Mo Thirel Annual Horae Show Sep Vermont and Northern New York Tn^ttingand Monthly, f2 a year. Adilress Seneca Falls N Y Seneca Poultry and ISgeon 1 7 to 13 Fairniount Park A E Ashbrtxik sec Racing Circuit Burlington Aug 31 to Sept 3 Bl SI NESS PIBLISHING CO, .Assn Fred Habel sec | hxi Wyandotte st Plattsimrg Sept - to 10 Canton Sept 14 to 17 13 .Astor Place, New York. Polstlani Sept 41 to 44 Peoria Ills Peoria Feathered Stock .A.ssii Jan 4 j Wixwter o .Aug 44 to 47 to 8 1898 Roller! Joos supt Expositions. Youngstown ti Sept l to 3 Johnstown N Y Adirondack Poultry and Pet 1 Burlington Vt .Aug 31 to Set>t 3 Stock Club Novemlxrr New York N Y Inter Art Extxisitioria ol f Sat Crawfordsville Ind Sept 6 lo 10 Rochester N Y Rochester Poultry Show Jan Lenox Lyceum April 7 to May 4 Wheeling W Va Sei>t 6 to 10 10 to 15 189.8 J J Beveridge sec Philip B. Oliver. Nashville, Tenn. 1897. May 1 tbiict. 31 Hornellsville N Y Sept 6 to 10 WinnepeR Man Winnet>eR Industrial F^xhibi- Ijmsing Mich Slate Fair Sept 6 lo 11 Licensed City BILL POSTER. tion July 19 to 44 F' W llenlxich mRr Hamline Minn State Fair Sept 6 to 11 Dog Shows. Omaha, Neb. Trans-Miaaiaaippi and Interna¬ oskaloosa lo Sept 6 to 9 AND OISTNIBUTON. tional Exposition, June i-Nov. 30, iSyh Kokomo Ind Sept 6 to 10 st I.ouis Mo St Louis Kennel Club March 3 to 6 Providence R 1 Sept 6 lo 10 Wm Hutchison sec 3,000 Fe*.t ol Board. 73 Tbrec-5heeta Mornaon III Sept 7 to 10 Chicago III Mascoutah Kennel Club March to Special Attention (liven to Commercial Races. treading Iht Sept 7 lo 10 to 13 E M Oldbam supt Work and Distributing. i.iberty Mo Sept 7 to to Louisville Ky Kentucky Kennel Club March . All Work Uuar»nte(td. Little Rtx-k Ark March 4910 April 8 Toledo Vi Sept 6 to 11 17 to 40 J .A Reaves sec Newport Kv April 1 to May 46 Plallaburg N Y Sept 7 to 10 Pittsburgh Pa Ducpiesne Kennel Club March 319 Cherry St., FINDLAY, 0. Memphis Tenn April 10 to May t Youngstown li Set>t 8 to to U to 27 W E Littell sec Aipiediict L I t^eenaCounty Jockey CliibSpriiiR Sac City lo Sept 8 to 10 Baltimore Kennel .Assn March 3010 April 2 Dr j POPLLATION 23.000. meetinR April 48 to May 7 Summer meetiiiR Banlstown Ky Sept - to 14 v; W Massamore sec 1 July 4h to 31 Fall mertitiR Oct 4 to 13 Warren Pa sept 14 to 17 San Jose Cal March 31 to .April 3 1 St l.ouiB Mo May 1 Medford Maxs Sept 141017 Stocktonton Cal Stockton Kennel Club .April Ideal Park Wia Ideal Park RacinR .Aaan Be- Bethlehem Pa Sept 14 to 17 7 to to John Heflernan sec | Rina May 3 Washington l*a sept 13 to 17 Los .Angelos Cal Southern California Kennel LexiiiRton Ky May 3 to in Flvaiisville Did Sept I3ti> 17 Club .April 14 to >7 A. E. BENTLEY, Nashvtile Tenn May 3-14 Indiaiiatxdis Ind State Fair Sept 1310 iS West l*oint Miss Field Trial Champion l^iuisville Ky Mayn-4i lies Moines lo State Fair Sev>l 1310 tS Feb 16 W B Stafford sec Only Licensed BILL POSTER in Morris Park N Y (apriiiRl May 8-49 Greeniield Did Sept 13 lo iS Morris Man Manitolxi Field Trials Club Sept 6 Morris Park N Y Westchester RaciiiR assn Rutland Vt .Aug 17 to 19 Jno Wooton sec GUTHRIE, Capital of Oklahoma Newton N C Eastern F'ield Trials Club Nov tj HpriiiR meetinR May 8 to 49 Fall nieetiniiR Canton N Y Sept 41 lo 44 Oct 14 to Nov 4 Omaha Neb State Fair Sept 40 lo 4,s S C Bradley sec Territory. 10,000 feet of space, and Ixiuisville Ky New Louisville Jockey Club Mav Setlulia Mo State Fair SejX x> to 45 Stockton Cal' .April 7 to to satisfaction guaranteed. Rated 14 to 44 Richland Center \A is Sept 41 to 44 Louisville Ky Kentucky Kennel Club March Toronto tint Ontario Jockey Club May 44-49 inc INittsdam N Y Sept 4i to 44 17 to 2t Francis J Hogan sec 317 4th ave made known on application. 1 THE BILLBOARD

HENRY C Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits.

THE HUSTLER ADVERTISING CO EAQLE PASS ROUTE. CROSBY The Short StandarJ (lauire l.lne betwern prin¬ Prompt jiersonal OUT-DOOR ADVERTISING rile onl> excln cipal points ol thr I nited States and Interior KDVERTISmC service giiaran sive dislrilintinu .Mexican l*olnts. No Transfer of Cars at teed at all trines. IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. service in city. the Hurder. .\ throiiKh l‘uUiiiaii llutTrt ^leepiiiK Car l.inr riiiiiiinti daily tH lween !-.aii Antonio. Texa>., and 24 NORTH MINER STREET FORT WAYNE. IND the Citv ol Mexico. .\ iiasseii«et ietiirs<-iit itive iiirets all tiaiiixat tile t'order to Iik>W aftei eii-toiiis iiisjieelioii and SIGNS. to aid pi's-eii>;n-. in making money «\ Knmalne Buildintc. ch.iiiies He Pair (iround (ioods, Play ing Cards and Club Koom Purniture. All ins|K'etorin|ianies the train PATERSON, N. J Merry-Uo-Kounds, f 'xory Uo als. Paro and Poker Chips, each nioriiiii^ troiii llacle ras». Texas to San (iames, Ptc. Sporting Hoods. .Antonio, Tex.i-. to make ins|H-eti:>n of luiKKaKe heloiiKiiiK to northlM.iind (tasseiiKers at their convenience l-'or further inlorniation call on or address nnv Manufacturers of auent ol the Southern l*acific Co., or SIDNEY, OHIO, Konan/a, Star, Carlo \V II CoNM-k, Coniineicial .Anent. Coinnierce llldn , Owns and controls all liilllioards and dead iVlonte Carlo, Etc. Automatic Slot flachines Cincinnati, (I walls in the city. C K 111 \l. A I*. Also IlISTKllU'TlNt; carefully attended to New Designs Every Month. l.argest Factory in r. S. I'.eii. I’ass, .Auetit,A'indail I’orfitio, Diar. Mex Autornatic Game Dev at Lowest Prices TIIKATklCAL AND CITY IIII.I, |•OSTF;kS. G. F. BANGASSER & CO. Distrilniting and .Advertising Agents, CITY BILL POSTERS AND Work promptly and prot>erly executed. B. AA'tMiliwoK ni. Mgr. KOKT W.AY.N'F;, IND DISTRIBUTORS, "^7 Signs Tacked and Signs Painted. Own all Bill' Boards in our locality. P. O Box 38 MCMINNVILLE. OREGON. The Etiglish t>f Thf: Billboard. Suhscrijiiions 50 cents CRITTENDEN & CO , |fer year, post free, may Ik* sent to TRENTON, NEW JERSEY. City Bill Posters and Distributors, 127 Hast Kijrhth St.. Cincinnati, O. The Trenton Bill Posting Co. CENTRALIA, ILL. Owes all Billlioards in the city and suburbs Population 70,000. I guarantee the value of all Bill Posting and Distributing. WM. K. WILLIAMSON. Manager NOTHING EXCELS THE SERVICE RENOEREO BY THE

Licensed and Re8poT>8ible HERMAN DELKER Bill Posters and Distributors, WE ARE SUCH. NGHAMTON CoipAHY!"*^ Bill Poster - - Distributor, CONTRACTORS FOR JUNCTION CITY, BROWN & WATSON OUT-DOOR ADVERTISING Box 402. KANSAS. IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Special care given to Prompt Service by What is worth doing at all Lorain, O., P. J. Smith, Hoiise-tc-Hoiise Distributing. Keliahle Men. Is worth doing well. Bill Poster Hiid Distritmtor. Laramie, Wyo. JNO. H. JONES H. H. R5, Mgr.Uperii Houseand City bill poster and distributor (lio’d), l.'iO 'M "st. • * !17 cilities for ilixtribultng, sampling, sign -card, tin or steel. Population. 5oii,<»o. Belvidere, 111. {s, s^.oo. I .A. of D. Fred. W imn. Bill Poster, , N. W. Cor. .tount & .McHenry Ms., Wilmington, North Carolina. Pop¬ ! , K OWN OR CONTROL .M.I ulation, 25,000. V y* BO.XRUS .\NI) I'OSriNC Thos. P. Day & Co., Bill Posters and Distributors rRlVlLHCrKS IN. Oregon Sign Co., Bill Po«MTs. IMstrlhutora and Sign Paint Hillsboro, Texas. MANSFIELD era Box :(7I, Dregon t’lty. Oregon Phillips Bros,,City Bill Posters and Distribu¬ tors, ■ailiiKT io\v:i in the “Northern Fayetteville. N. C. • iMW Kins Bros . Bill Pofteis and DIalrIFn- over 6 (xk) stjuare feel «>f iMiarils. lOrs, |,

R. W. STORRS, De Funiak Springs, Fla. Waukon.Iowa Win. 8. Hart & Co Can cover all W est Florida < uiside of Pen fop f.iNsi I..Hir'd Ml* spare, UiciudUig sa* nin In anv manner desired _tl Op.*-a ll**i|se Mild Fair (Jroiiiids. O.mi 1 Brantford, Can. Pop. 17,000. wo* k 'iivwhere In N. F', Iowa aiily Chas M. HiiiUli .V «'o.. Bill Posters and Dis¬ Poster Inks Nuimimo, British Col. Pop. 7,000. tributors. own aid control Ui.iXXI feet of A. A. IihvIh owns anil coiilrom all bill larards. Re'ialib distribution. _ If boards Mild spacea. P. <1. Box |Mlf Oakland, Cal. Pu’koepaie, N. Y. 24 Mechanic St. Belasco


4 CMARLES W. YORK, ^ t nill Poster and ! ^ B Distributor. ^ ♦ HAVERHILL, MASS. ^

I niaklsirihiitioi;, Tiit'fcIng. Kellaiiio .Mm only .Ml towns In .laciisoii imil W.VHiKlolte t’os. Mem. InteruHllonal .Ahh’ii of Ulsfrlbiitors. I’ii-torial anertiiient to any amt everything advenisa’ite. Boston, Mass Pop 500,000. I.on s t ra'>(ll Dislrllm'or ."> Heath ave. Meridian, Miss., Pop. 15,000 New and Artistic l.ine of Kve Catchers, from originals l>y . I. D. Hotter, city hill poster and diatrlhu- Richards Cassidy, who aims hereafter to keep the advertising lor "HT worlil supplied with an atiundance of absolutely Iresh Rutland, Vt, M. Kingsley, material at very moderate cost. Write for tiwiiHHiid controls all til I llroards. Address catalogue. |s \ces SI., KiitlMiid. V’l. Parkersburg, W. Va., Pop. 16,000 t'.'■ • lieuvr.o.t, hill poster and dlatrihU' lor. Kefereoce. any hank in city. .Satia- Jackson, Ga , C. A. Henderson & Co. enar'»n'»'* d |!r Memher I. .\. of l>.. adverll-log sceois, Paducah, Kv., H. Joseph Harth. Territory r .Mlaiita, Mrltoiiough, (irittiii. mr. manager!” I’nexcelled IMsi rl lull Iiig s,.rvloe. d!l laieusi tirove. Jarksnii, KIhiiiIIh. .Maeoii, 7 Ktirsyth and liarnesviile, liirliides popula¬ Scranton, Pa. Population 120,000 tion of 17.', uii **!»7 “One mement Please iQlsilffifO Population. The .Metropolis of Hie coal regions. Spiingdale, Arkansas. 'cianaiCo 15,000 \VK paint pictorial advertising signs, Kee«e * l,.ong, DisirihutorH mavli •'irculars sampies, lM>ok eis alnianacs.ete . society silk banners, show canvas, hotesily and thoroughly disirthut d trom Chillicothe, Mo., Z B. Myers. (iwiis all hill Isiard.. Taektiig, Distrlhiit- house to house at reasonable rates, cd. WILMINGTON theatrical scenery and imitation litho. dress l>. H Whlteuer. tt*«7 paper. leg and Kill Posting done satisfactory or no pav Write him. dirr OT'R artists are expert and up-to-date. Grand Rapids, Mich BILL POSTING, Atlanta, Ga., 124 Haynes St. tieorge li»nnurd. KeMahle Dlutrihater \VK do bill posting, distributing and Mm I'litcn, Advertising DIstrihiitcd, DISTRIBUTING tacking. Kis ns tacked up In this and adjoining coun¬ Winona. Minn. Pop. 25,OCO. ties. «! INI p,ip iiNNi and up. dlf7 WiiionH t'lmiur Dlot. t ii . Ts K. se.'ond ut WE own 20,000 feet of space, honesty, tipiierkl ttutdoor AdvertlseiK, Sl^n I'MCk Terre Haute. Ind. energy, experience and World’s Fair Inc H Mnecin I v ADVERTISING Jamcii M. Dlshun. Dmtrthiillng, '.St South diplomas. •Sth Ht. II Pittsburg, Pa. Pop. 600,000 OUR Iroards, stock, laltor and prices are F>lHttlli>hed IWJ. GOMPANY, Carlisle, Ind. O. K. SuDIvaii • o.. K. J OhOeote I>l»trlhiitor. n The "TWIN CITIKs" IdHtrlhultiig .\geiicr K-Htatilished in Dl-STKIKUUtRs. WE have no alleys, back fences, “Charlie Office 6, SI*lh St. Kraiich. AI.bKOHKNV jKssK K Bavi-IS. I lAcksos, Manning, S. C •I.T HfliSirS. Manager. Oku. W Jackson. , vropnciors lx)xes,” boys or “bums.’’ Diairlhutor. T. .M. Young. .Manager. WE want your address, acquaintance, Box"Y.’’ Mattapan, Mass. D. L. Cushing, Own all the prominent board.v throughout the work and insjtection, once got, always ■ Ireiilar i lotrilniior and iJen Adverii«er. city. 5atl.«faction guaranteed on all work. Charleston, W. Va. Pop 16,000 retainetl, "It s vour move.” K. H. •'arwit hen Distrlhulor. SatisfactloD Milford, Mass. Pop. 9,000. guaranteed, six adjoining towna. nit K. K. N«gn . I»'a rlhnt'»r .'CfT .Main st Office, Grand Opera House, Bangor. Me., and Neighboring Tucson, Arisona, 2,000 ft. of boards C. n. Smith & Co., Cities. Pop. 40,000 W M Mklii Hox. Its. dl'J I>l>trilint'>r and sign I’ainter, reliable Wir Brantford, Canada. vice at tiottoni rates. Write me for estl- Delaware, O. G. D. McGuire, Wilmington, male<. E .\. L’amphell. 17 Park Si. iiH7 I'llv Kill P.wier and liuirlhiiior Population of City 17,000. County 50.000. Stavanger, Miun Peru, Ind. Chas W. Stutesman, Country 5.000,000. l.lcens‘‘d t'ltv Kill Poster and Olslnhiitnr. oic Hit III, Kill Pti^ler and Dlatrihiitor nr the distribution of Hnit HU. niC Distributors and all legitimate advertising matter In Chi¬ cago and suburban towns. Waukesha. Wis. I'Hdwell K. Mevis City KIM Poster and I>i«- General Advertisers. RUBBER STAMPS Irlhiiior ailN MhIii SiVeel ii!*7 Prompt Service Guaranteed. Correspondence Solicited. Climax Stamp Works, Iwx iot>, Helgreen, Ala. Aurora, Ills. B. Marvin. Miihlletown is the Railnwtd and Commercial Huh of ttrange County. Population, ample -any wording—and self-inking i>ad, ilc. Kill Poster and Dlslrihiilor. t'Ircull, It! City County u7,7bo. Memliers International .XssiKiation of Distributors. towns. Pop. ISI.UNI. Il!>7 THEATRE TICKET PRINTERS C. F. Ansell, Mfg. Coupon Theatre Tickets and Diagram Ticket Racks. Lowest prices, .\lways on time. No mi.stakes flashville Distributing apd ^dveftisipg Co 155 Washington Street. Chicago l.1«» .V. t'fiorr.v .*ers. j|7 JAMES I awauna County. *•'<’7

■ ! THE BILLBOARD THIS IS AN AGE OF SPECIALTIES We make a specialty of Posters—colored, lithographed posters. They are just the thing with which to advertise jo/tr s/>rda//v. We can prove that we can give you more profit- bearing advertising with posters for a certain stated amount of money, than you can obtain for a like amount in any other medium. We not only prove it, but 'ar^i^uarantcc it. If you are dubious, write us. THE DONALDSON LITHO. CO., CINCINNATI. OHIO.

To get the best results from posters, advertisers should use special posters, that is to say, they should have their posters made to order—have a special design made especially for their own use. But those who want to try them in a small way, just for a beginning, will find our stock or syndicated posters just the thing. HERE ARE TWO NEW ONES.


is designed for milling companies, who may wish to advertise (exj eri- mentally) any specialty in the way of a braml of flour, oatmeal, rolle

25 for f 2 7,s 100 for $ ' v> 300 for fiq 00 50 for 4 7,s for II IX) >00 for 30 00 75 for 6 50 200 for 14 00 i


is designed to advertise cigars, whisky, bitters, spices, or will answer for a tooth powder. It is in no sense a show bill, but on the contrary, is Ireautifully finished in colors, and resembles a handsome show card. It is particularly attrac¬ Certainly^ tive. There is something alxiut it which commamls the attention and holds it. It is attractive without looH At Us. We Eat it. Ireing either suggestive or vulgar. No better poster was ever made for advertising articles of interest to men. We sell them all printe«l ami ready to |X)st at the following prices;

25 for $2 7c 100 for * 7 30 300 for $iv 00 50 for 4 75 130 for 11 00 300 for 30 00 75 for 6 50 200 for 14 00 1000 for 55 00

If your bill poster can not show you samples, send 9 cents in stamps for either. Send it to The Donaldson Litho. Co. CINCINNATI, CHIC.

BILL POSTERS AND AGENTS. Please note that we have issue' Races and Boat Races; new \K)sters for Bicycle Races, Spring Hats, Spring Shoes and Spring Clothing; new posters for Picnics, Athletic Carnivals, Baseball Matches ami Outings; new |)osters for Traction Parks, Excursions, Ice Cream Parlors and Gas Stoves. Samples free to agents an«l bill posters of recognize

SL'CCRSSOR TO POPULATION 12,000. n> l\. INDIANa SIGN GO HARRY P. BOWMAN C. A. HOOD City Bill Poster, SIGN WORK OF ALL KINDS TO ORDER. T Distribute jEaiVETTE, pn. BILL POSTING A SPECIALTY Circulars. Own and Control All Billboards and J. H. HAYNES & SONS’ WalLs in the City. DISTRIBUTING AGENCY Special Attention Given to Commercial Work

Only ExcIuhIv e llistributin); Agency in the City “Mouse to Mouse Work" Our Motto.

POPULATION. 19,000. INDIANA. PA 2t>2 Mulberry St.. IRONTON, OHIO, STILLWATER, MINN. Stillu ater, Minn. Mrs V. C Seward city Hill I’osler ami Distriinitor. Mrs. V. C. Seward, Uistrihutor and Bill Boater. § AGENTS WANTED § L. A. DANIELS, 6,000 Names and Addresses. €ity Bill Poster andiDistributor, I’rinted on Ouniined I’aper. All received in reply to niy Directory aer, 500 for 50c. Stamps taken You can start a jirofilable bu.siiiess witUnut any capital, provided you POPULATION 8.000. JOHN H. ROWELL. send ns written two recogiii/.etl resj>t>n.sihle business men of your town or Mcni1>er International Bill Posters Association 1556 Huron Str instead if you prefer. Everyone wants a portrait for ^ " use on stationery and other printed matter. We make this offer just to introduce our paper to new readers. THE ADVERTISING WORLD is an eight page, five column, monthly paper, illustrated, original, devoted to up-to-date methods of advertising. When you read it you NGENIOUS SIMPLE PRACTICAL will understand why it has such a large circulation. Address

THE ADVERTISING WORLD, Columbus, Ohio. The Babbitt Ticket Account Book PRACTICAL SIMPLE INGENIOUS JOHN T. WILLIAMS BILL POSTER FAIR MANAGERS 346 Morrison St., PORTLAND, OREOON should iX)rr«-s{)ond with the undersigned, in reference to the alwve and s,)ecial Hstablished iSbS. ixtoks designed to order

PRINTERS, ENGRAVERS Send all circulars and siiiiiples DESIGNERS, for distribution throughout the MADISON, WIS Western Reserve to the Write for Prices and Saxe .Money Established 188«’. C. L. MUNKEL, Manager. Printed for 75 Cts. and 100 Note Heads post aaio. 25 ENVELOPES. 10 CTS. INTEGRin ADVERTISING AGENCY It s your turn next If you would catch thi GEM CARO CO. B) North Cramer Hill. N. J. irtnersof Oklahoma advettisein T'lip IIokni t oes to Sun fa.-mers in i iklahotua in May. t ct». 2116 0»ntt SI., PHIUDEIPMI. PI. line. Goes to tires* isth t>KI.AIIOM.\ One reason whv von should give us a trial. \Ve have yet to receive our first OKNHT. ('■uthrir. Oklahoma. Box tpsi V'.ixxi iiamrs. never tiern copied. 5j.ixi|ier l.nx' Dc You Use Circulars? complaint for work done by ns in a careless, indifTerent or dishonest manner. •Kill chance for |iatrnt medicine tin n \Vr send oui* to 1,000 or more Hi-:t names no When placing anv advertising in rhiladelphia, or within a ratio of fifteen miles, '.o.oxi names 5> «n tier i txio. s msi. 54 V*. x lf dirictorv namcsi each month with grnal results. tting Bat*. »cts.. catch moa night, ss Keceit'ts, we would lie plea.sed to hear from you. Should tie |ileased to *end your* • 0x9 or smaller) oo, all diffrieiit. Circulars maileil with T he We make a .sjiecialty of tlistrihnting circulars and samples, tacking and all otnet. loc |HT nxi .Address. with them for ft.ixi tier thousand. I’rctwy alt OKI.AIIOMA MAII.INO AGHNCY. chargi s kinds of out-dtHir advertising Estimates Cheerfully Furnisheil. Itox i>n{y of our lists for to cts. tier usi or ».*.ixi p« r thousand 97 If yon are an up-to-date adx’ertiser you want the UMP NNAHT from .ADVKKTIS HIGGINSVILLE. mo Pop. 5.0CO fW E Vv nil I l'!Ks xx'ho use use nainrs nr l>. \v. McNEAL CO., latest and txest advertising novelties. ad.lresses of anv kind, tsirticularlv The Greatest Country on Karth. Before placing your order write 'It'K l•()|,KS Af.KNTS ot l AKMKKS 511 W. <>7th Street, Chicago, Ills We have over letters received from Thetdi. Noielty Co.. 32,34&36E.3ilSt, advertiseineiits run by \-iiiious adx rrtiscrsof I.ite latrs, which we will rent for ixniy Mrs. V. C. Soward,Stlllwator,MinD. Th-onlv licenwd Bll.l. POSTtHS in the city ClXCIXX.ATl. OHIO. We bux letters everx' day n* hear from Control ami own all tiillboards and adx*ertisitif Manufacturers of and dealers in Domestic and '■'ll. ADVKKriSKkS I.KrTKK BfKKAt . tnivileges in the city. Wc are up to date AI Bill Posting and Distributing. Imported .Advertising Novelties. Cards, ' K Baii.|,.v, Manager. iiyW tist St . N Y.Citv work properlv executed. .Also signs tack^l Calendars, 1‘anels, Shapes, ftc. Largest I.etter Utokeragr Concern in llie World. Meinlier Inlet national Bill Posting .Asscx'iation Distributors and Sign I’ainters. tt 16 THE BILLBOARD imimmm l\c Bill P(istcT5’ REAL ITiciKl.

I am /iOiL' placing posters for the George Childs Cigar in almost every state and territory, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific. Ihe posters range in size from a quarter-sheet snipe to a 24-sheet stand; there are twelve different sizes and kinds, and 1 designed and printed all of it, and it all bears iny im¬ print. I have spent $ioo,ocxd for these people, and 1 expect to spend three times that amount during the coming twelve months for them. During the past year numerous bill posters had tliis paper on their boards without a break for the entire 3’ear. I am fioiu placing posters for the Admiral Cigarette Company throughout seven states; the posters were designed and lithographed by me, and bear my imprint; 200 bill posters con¬ sider this a good thing. I am fiozc posting and distributing in ten states for Saver Tonic; the posters were lithographed by me and bear 1113' imprint. I am fiozv placing posters for the Dunlop Detachable Tire, throughout the Union, as far west as Denver. The posters were lithographed hy me and bear 1113’ imprint. Hawes Hats, 3-sheets and 16-sheets, bearing 1113’ imprint. occn})y the billlx)ards in 400 cities and towns; some of this is placed and paid for 1)3’ the local agent, some 1)3’ me. Gold Bond Cigar is a new advertiser; I am nozi' placing their paper on the billboards in several states. The first idea this advertiser ever had of using the billboards he got from me nearly two 3’eais ago. His paper will be well handled, and he will be a big spender with the bill posters. The above are among those which I am izozc placing with the bill posters. The Advertisers’ REAL Ericiid.

M3’ facilities for placing YOUR bill posting are of a superior nature. I am known to every bill poster in the Union as the promptest pay in the hnsiuess, and I get the best of treatment on this account. The3’ all know that I do not countenance any careless work—that the occasional man among them who proves dishonest with one of my clients, the future work of all my clients. Come and see me. We can benefit each other.

'am w

There are a fezu bill posters who have not communicated with me, nor sent me their rates, capacity, etc Those who have not are invited to do .so.