THE BILLBOA PRICR lo CENTS \'()L. IX., No. 4. CINCINNATI, MAY i, 1897. l>EK YEAR, $1.00 this titiif Jiiy fellow citi/.eii-. <le- I wish I could descriln? the consterna¬ and settled hy making over to me all the MAKING IT PAY; lermine*! l<) hold a fair. They met, or- tion of the ili»'cctors when the paper ar¬ lioardswe had built,and that is how I got HHni/e<l an a.ssociation, ami elected me rived. There was enou);h to hill an ordi¬ into the husinesi. Hints for Country Bill Posters. secretary. I little su.s}Kcte<l what 1 was nary circus in a dozen tow ns. There wrre 1 immediately arranged to advertise the doinn when I accej)te<l the position. I half-sheets, whole sheets, three-sheets (iazette (my paper) on my newly acquired Il\ ll.\KKISoN II.VY.X’Ks Mt'BH.Xkl) only saw a salary which, while nominal, and );reat hi); twenty-ei);ht-.sheet stands. hoards and tliroughout the country in the was tanj{ihle, hnt I s<K>n discovered that We could not return it for it was all cross- same manner I had the fair, hut not quite This is the first of a series of articles the secretary of a fair association wa;'. the lined. Neither could we hold it over for so lavishly you may he sure. I useil a which will run through i>erhai)s a half wln>le thill)'. He is suppose<l to know the next year l)ecause it was all dated. one and a three-sheet, printed from pine dozen issues of TilK 1 know everythin); and do everythin);. He is the What to do with it was the (|uestion, es- blocks, which I engraved myself. The of no lietter way of introdnciii); myself man:i);**r, lH>okkeeper, );eneral director, peci.'illy the hi); stands. Ihiterprisiu); results surpassed my most sanguine ex- to the readers of the pajier, than hy simply advertisiii); and press a);ent, all rolled citizens came forward ainl offered sides of pecUitioiis. Subscriptions Ix-gaii to come st.itiii); that I use<l to l»e a countrv hill into one I did not know even a little hit hams, stahles, and even store rooms, hut in. slowly at, hut faster as time wore jRister myself, and, hy the way, Iwlore I alMiut fairs, s«j I started in to rea<l up. I few were lar);e enou);h Ry this time, on, and eventually advertising took on a procee«l further I will just explain what I consultetl the .\merican Newspaj)er I)i- much readiti); of TnK Rii.i.ho.xki) hacl milil boom. I soon found myself in pos¬ mean hy a country hill po.ster. He is a rectory for a tra<le paper <levote<l to fairs, awakened in me an interest in hill post¬ session of a hit of |>aying projierty. hill jKister who is l«K-ate<l in any town of hnt there was none listed. Then I wrote in);, so I sug);ested to the directors that ()thers found it out almost as s<xm as I under ten thousand inhahiiants. Just at to Rowell & Co., explainiii); what I want- we huild some Ijoards. Ilia le the discovery, for I was surprised present he is an exceedin);ly vaMous jn-r- shortly thereafter to receive an offer for sona);e. Sometimes he is a pajier han);er; the pajier, which gave me a very fair ()uite fre«juently he is the sta);e car|H nter Ixmus over what I had paid for it origin¬ of the ojiera house ; then a);ain he may lie ally. I sold it quick. I was an enthusi¬ a si);n jiainter, a livery man or a carjienter. astic hill |x)ster hy this time, and as an t iccasionally he is htT, for I know well- o|x-ra house washuilding in the town and ni);h a dozen plants that are mana);e<l, and I had already succeeded in working up well niana);e<l at that, hy women. iHiriii); some l<x:al trade. 1 was anxious ti> devote the course of my j)ere);rinations 1 have my entire time to my new venlure. found many queer unirnis of this kind, Success attended me, and, oh, how I l-'or instance, I have known hill j>osters enjoyed it. .\fter my exjx-rience as a wlu» were also law vers, <lealers in fertiliz puoli.sher the iiu-re fact that 1 was making er, preachers, justices of the jn-ace, chief headway was a delight. .\s weeks grew of the tire dej>artment, niana);ers of thea¬ into months and my hank account con¬ tres, doctors, printers, «lru):);ists. under¬ tinued to mount higher and higher, mv takers. and. in fact, anythin); at all that joy simply knew no iMUinds. .At last I would help to .ad<l to the tnea);er eartiin);s was self supporting and indefiendent 1 I of their hilHH»ards. will never forget those days if I live to lie I was a pnhli>her when I went into the a hundred years old. husiness. I owtusl a weekly in a Western When I figured up at the end of the town. Mv p,irents hail purchasetl it ' th.e year I found that I had cleared twelve weekly for me when I left colle):e. s«i as hundred dollars. Rut I also found that to );ive me a chance to );row up with the was afxmt the limit that a town of country. The town had alnuit in- 2.50 ) in'iiahitaiits would yield. I was am- luhitants. althou);h we claimed hiiioiis. I con-luded I woulil Ux>k for a and was located, to quote a writer of note, larger town, so I broke my as.sistant in to “aliout forty miles Horn everywhere.” routine office duties, and prepared for a l-'or aliou't two years I had a terrible trip. I had a line of sample posters from strii););le with the we»-kly. It was mp and an eastern house that gave me a commis¬ tuck. (Iccasionally I );ot the weekly sion on all sales which I made for them, down, hnt generally it was on to)). 1 and as I had been quite successful at tremhle yet to think whit nii);ht have home I concluded to take them with me, lieeii if mother, down had not .s«-nt my idea lieing to defray smiie jxirtion of me re);ularly lar);e Inixes of );ruh. The my exix-nses by canvassing the various circulation at the time I came into |>os- towns 1 intended to visit. It was a happy si-ssion, so the former owner );lihlv in- thought. I met with such marked suc¬ fornieil us, was i.ioo, and the mail list cess on the road, and I enjoyed the work lialleys, hastily counted, laire him out so thoroughly, that I determined to follow Rut it shrunk terrihlv on ch>ser examina¬ i‘. until such time mayhap as I might l»e tion. It is astounditi); what a minilH-r of able to buy or buy into a city plant. s.imple copies it takes to );o round ainoii); When tile subject of this series of arti¬ the eastern a);ents. In ni\ c.isi- it was cles was first broached to me I rather over two hundred, and when these, to¬ thought that there was little that I could gether with exchan);es, advertise-rs who .say to the readers of TilK Rii.i.hoakii dealt direct and dead ones, were suhtract- that would lie particularlv helpful or in¬ teresting, hut since thinking the matter ed from the total, I found my lama tide list was a trifle under five hundred. over I have concluded that I may jxissess This, of course, was disconraRiii);, hu* some ideas and lx? able to convey some suggestions which will here and there 1 hucked to it with a will. Talk alamt W. D. REDINGTON. prove profitable. I shall do my liest, any ■chemes for circulation huildiii); 1 ti);- way. and if I do no gix)d, at least, I shall uusl out a thousand. I st.irteil a laiiler- do no harm. jilate serial, and presetHeil every man, ed. and finally aloiij; came a copy of TiiK Well, to make a long story short, we In the lieginning I want to direct atten¬ woman and child in the county with a Rii.i.ho\ri> . hiiilt tile hoards and soon hail the town tion to the vast number of gooil towns copy of the issue containiii); the first in 1 ininieiliately wrote for Kick copies covered Then we built Ixwds in adja stalinient. I oflered chronios, coiistructol and also to the se-cretaries of other fairs cent towns and covereil them, m-aking that are yet unoccupied. I know that any town of 2.500 inhahitants can lx; made to luhhiii); lists, and made a |K-rsotial for iiiforni.ition, methoils, etc. In due country routes in the meantime through¬ pay a hundreil dollars a month. I lielieve '<> house canvas. I tried everythin); I course, 1 In-gaii to );et a line on how to );o out all that section of the State, and hy that U.WHS as low as 1,000 will supjxjrt a ever heard of, hnt the circnlafion ahso- alsmt thiiiiis.
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