September 19, 1959 the Board of Regents of Washington State University Met, Pur- Suant to Call, in Executive Session at 10:00 A
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212 September 19, 1959 The Board of Regents of Washington State University met, pur suant to call, in Executive Session at 10:00 a.m., Saturday, Sep tember 19, 1959, at the Ridpath Hotel, Spokane, Washington. Present: Regents H. R. Hamilton, President, Milton W. Durham, Thomas P. Gose, Alan Rogers, and Leo Weisfield; and President C. Clement French, Dean of the Faculty S. T. Stephenson, Business · Manager Carl Pettibone, Special Assistant Attorney General Marshall A. Neill, and William Gnaedinger, representing the Faculty Execu tive Cotmnittee. ~ i Absent: Frances Owen and William N. Goodwin. l I J I i 1. Meeting with Representatives of Associated General Con tractors. Philip E. Keene, University Architect, Richard E. Brown, President, and C. E. Eively, Executive Secretary, Eastern Washing ton Builders Chapter of Associated General Contractors, met with the Board to discuss mutual problems in bidding procedures and in the award of construction contracts. Mr. Hively said there were two points he would like to discuss: first, any preferential treatment for Washington contractors; and, second, the procedures followed when an error is discovered by the low bidder after bids are opened. Dr. French said that the "5% preferential" l aw applies . only to purchases and that the Board has never given preferential con~ sideration to an in-state contractor in the award of construction contracts, and that the law requiring substantial employment of Washington labor must be observed by contractors. {At 10:10 a.m., Mr. Vern Johnson, a Director of Associated General Contractors, joined the meeting.) Mr. Hively said that the attitude of AGC is that a contractor should be allowed to withdraw his bid if it is established that he has made an "honest" mistake, but that the award of contract · should not normally go to such a bidder. However, after discussion of the situations faced by the Board in which corrected bids were materi ally lower than the next low bids, the group agreed that the Board's action in the award of contracts to the low bidders was right. Mr. Hively suggested in the interest of avoiding misunder standing in such cases that a letter of explanation go to all firms that had submitted bids. Dr. Durham said that such a let ter might well be addressed to the Associated General Contractors and that office could notify the involved firms. Mr. Hively said this would be a good procedure and his office would be happy to cooperate. (At 10:35 a.m., Messrs. Hively, Brown, Johnson, and Keene left the meeting.) 2. Letter from Shefelman. Dr. French read a letter to the Board from Mr. Harold S. Shefelman, President O·f the Board of Re gents of the University of Washington, congratulating WSU on the change of name from college to university. Mr. Shefelman also ex pressed pleasure in the acceptance of the WSU Regents to co-host the 1960 annual meeting of the Association of Governing Boards to be held in Seattle. Mr. John King of the University of Washington and Dr. Milton W. Durham of Washington State University will as sume responsibility for the meeting. -~ 3. Letter from Avery. Dr. French read to the Board a let- ter from Emmett L. Avery, retiring chairman of the Faculty Execu tive Committee, expressing the appreciation of the FEC for the opportunity to send its chairman to the meetings of the Board of Regents and expressing his personal satisfaction for the more comprehensive understanding he had gained over the past year about the complex operations of Washington State University. Mr. Hamilton introduced Mr. William Gnaedinger, new chairman of the Faculty Ex ecutive Committee, and welcomed him to the meetings. 213 ., ; .. · ",,~ ,~ :~ September 19, 1959 ... ,.,.~:~· 4. Transfer of Agriculture Credits from Junior Colleyes. Dr. French infor~ed the Board that, effective the fall of960, credit for introductory courses in agriculture in the state jun ior colleges would be transferred in the same manner as are other courses. Only those courses approved by our agriculture personnel will be accepted. 5. Awards for Distinguished Graduates. Dr. Durham requested that some consideration be given to recognition of WSU graduates who have attained eminence in their fields. Mr. Pettibone said that the University of Washington grants awards in four different categories to outstanding graduates as circumstances merit. Mr. [ Hamilton requested that Mr. Gnaedinger take this matter to the Faculty Executive Committee for evaluation and recommendation. (At 11:00 a.m., Mr. Hamilton directed that an Open Session of the Board be held, at which time Mr. Keene and Messrs. Walker and Trogdon, Architects for Women's Dormitories, entered the meet ing.) 9. Minutes. It was moved by Rogers, seconded by Gose, that the Board of Regents approve the minutes of the meeting of August 18, 1959. Carried. 7. A roval of Preliminar Plans--Women's Dormitor Buildin "C". Mr. Keene presente t e pre 1.m1.nary pans · or t e Women s Dormi~ory Building "C", the preliminary plans for Buildings "A" t: ' and "B" having been approved at the last meeting. Buil ding "C" will be a mirror duplication of Building "B", and the two will . " provide housing for 618 girls rather than the previously reported 614. It was moved by Durham, seconded by Rogers, that the B·oard approve the preliminary plans for the Women's Dormitory Building "C" as outlined in Exhibit A. Carried. 8. Application for Advance for Public Works Planning--Women's Dormitories and Dining Hall Final Plans. It was moved by Gose, seconded by Weisfield, that the Board of Regents authorize Presi I_! dent C. Clement French to apply to the Housing and Home Finance (~~;.~·-·'- : . : · · ~· Agency for a supplemental advance for public works planning to finance the completion of the preparation of plans and specifica tions for Buildings "A", "B", and "C" of the Women's Dormitories and Dining Hall project. Carried. 9. AcceStance of HHFA Public Works Plan Preparation Offer. It was movedy Rogers, seconded by Durham, that the Board ap prove the Resolution (Exhibit B) concerning acceptance of HHFA public works plan preparation offer. Carried. (At 11:10 a.m., Messrs. Trogdon, Walker, and Keene left the meetil)g.) 10. Personnel Actions. It was moved by Durham, seconded by Weisfield, that the Board of Regents approve Dr. French's recom mendations concerning personnel actions for the period ending August 31, 1959. Carried. 11. Granting of Degrees. It was moved by Rogers, seconded by Durham, that the Board of Regents approve the recommendation of the Interim Committee that the candidates whose names appear in Exhibit C be advanced to the degrees set above their names as mem j I ., bers of the class of September 1, 1959. Carried . L 12. Contracts for Chemist£& Addition. It was moved by Dur ham, seconded by Rogers, that ~e Board of Regents confirm its previous approval by wire of entering into contract with Electric Smith, Inc., for the addition to Fulmer Laboratory, Electrical Construction, in amount of $172,119.00, excluding sales tax, to be paid from State Capital Outlay Appropriations for Chemistry Building or Public Health Service Grant RC-416. Carried. 214 September 19, 1959 · It was moved by Purham, seconded by Rogers, that the Board of Regents confirm its previous approval by wire of entering in- to contract with Metalab Equipment Company, for the addition to Fulmer Laboratory, Laboratory Equipment Contract, in amount of $324,809.00, excluding sales tax, to be paid from State Capital Outlay Appropriations for Chemistry Building or Public Health Service Grant RC-416. Carried. It was moved by Durham, seconded by Rogers, that the Board of Regents confirm its -previous approval by wire of entering in- to contract with W. R. 0 'Rourke, for the addition to Fulmer Labo- !:!-~ ratory, Mechanical Construction, in amount of $717,606 . 00, ex- · eluding sales tax, to be paid from State Capital Outlay Appro- priations for Chemistry Building or Public Health Service Grant RC-416. Carried. It was moved by Durham, seconded by Rogers, that the Board of Regents confirm its previous approval by wire of entering in to contract with Purvis Construction Company, for the addition to Fulmer Laboratory, General Construction, in amount of $846,706.00, excluding sales tax, to be paid from State Capital Outlay Appropriations for Chemistry Building or Public Health Service Grant RC-416. Carried. 13. Compl etion of Contracts over $2,500. It was moved by Gose, seconded by Weisfield, that the Board of Regents approve the satisfactory completion of -contract with Dickerson Machinery Company, Inc., for pneumatic water supply system for WSU Dairy Plant, in final amount of $5,714.80, to be paid from General Fund (Expand Utility Systems--Reappropriation). Carried. It was moved by Gose, seconded by Weisfield, that the Board of Regents approve the satisfactory cqmpletion· of contract with General Electric Company for transformer alterations, Regents Hil l Dormitory and Holland Library, in final amount of $6,058.31, to be paid from Receipts Fund. Carried. It was moved by Gose, seconded by Weisfield, that the Board of Regents approve the satisfactory completion of contract with Pioneer Masonry Restoration Company, for masonry repairs to vari- ous campus buildings, in final amount of $58,120.40; to be paid from WSU Building Account (Reap:propriation). Carried. 14. Suaplement to General Extension Service Fee Schedule. It was move by Weisfield, seconded by Gose, that the Board of Regents approve the recommendation that the General Extension Service be authorized to negotiate, with sponsoring groups such as school districts, junior colleges, professional, labor, and agricultural organizations, a flat fee or group tuition for in struction, said fee to be based on cost of such instruction.