Hey kids and parents! Fill in the blanks as you talk Big Idea about this week’s lesson together. Have fun! Faith is believing in God even when we don’t understand what Key Points he’s up to • God gave Abraham a son Key Question Why did God need to test named ______even though he was super Abraham?

old. 21:2-3 Memory Verse Hebrews 11:17 “It was by faith • God tested Abraham’s ______in a crazy that Abraham offered Isaac as a sacrifice when God was testing way. Genesis 22:1-2 him.”

• Abraham ______the test and proved that he trusted God more than anything. Genesis 22:12

• ______is believing in God even though we don’t always ______what he’s up to. Hebrews 11:17

Talk About It 1. What’s your favorite part of the video? What’s one thing you learned from it? 2. Do your parents ask you to do things or eat things that you don’t like? Explain. 3. What was the name of Abraham’s son? 4. What did God ask Abraham to do that was hard? Why did God ask that of Abraham? 5. Read James 1:2-3. Why can we be joyful, even when we’re going through hard times? How does the hard stuff make our faith stronger? 6. How will you apply this lesson to your life this week?

3 Teacher instructions: Choose an activity for your classroom.


Instructions: ● Give each kid a Bookmark template (page 5). Have them cut out each item. ● Have them color and decorate their bookmark. Then, have them glue on the Big Idea and the verse to the bookmark. ● As they work, remind the kids that God tested Abraham’s faith when he asked him to give up his son. God wanted to know if Abraham would give up anything to follow him. Abraham passed the test and showed his trust in God because he obeyed even though he didn’t understand. In the end, Isaac was spared and Abraham goes down in history as a man of great faith. We can trust God, too, even when things happen that we don’t like or understand.

Supplies needed: Bookmark template (pg. 5, 1 set per kid), Scissors, Crayons, Glue


Instructions: ● Divide the class into two teams. Give each team a bell or ringer. ● Ask a question from below. First to ring in gets a chance to answer. If correct, that team gets a point. If wrong, the other team gets a chance to answer for a bonus point. Team with the most points in the end, wins. Questions: 1. Who made promises to Abraham? (God) 2. T or F: Abraham was really young when he had Isaac. (F) 3. What is the Big Idea today? (see board) 4. What did God ask Abraham to do? (give up Isaac) 5. From what book is our memory verse found? (Hebrews) 6. Why did God test Abraham? (to see if he loved God more than anything) 7. What book is full of God’s truth? (Bible) 8. Who died for our sins? (Jesus) 9. T or F: God should be first in our lives. (T) 10. Is our story from the OT or NT? (OT)

Supplies needed: Bells/Ringers

2 Instructions: Solve the puzzles.

Big Idea

Key Question

Memory Verse

Hebrews 11:___ “It was by

______that Abraham offered ______as a

sacrifice when God was testing him.”

4 BIBLE STORYLINE Q2 Isaac and the Sacrifice


Hebrews 11:17 “It was by faith that Abraham offered Isaac as a sacrifice when God was testing him.”

5 Teacher instructions: Choose an activity for your classroom.

OPTION 1: LESSON REVIEW 3. What is the Big Idea today? (see board) 4. What did God ask Abraham to do? (give up Isaac) TIC TAC TOE 5. From what book is our memory verse found? (Hebrews) Instructions: 6. Why did God test Abraham? (to see if he loved ● Draw a Tic Tac Toe board on the whiteboard. God more than anything) ● Divide the class into two teams. Give each team a 7. What book is full of God’s truth? (Bible) bell or ringer and assign them either the “X” or “O” 8. Who died for our sins? (Jesus) ● Read a question from below, first team to ring in 9. T or F: God should be first in our lives. (T) gets a chance to answer. If correct, they get to put 10. Is our story from the OT or NT? (OT) their symbol up on the board. First team to get 3 across wins. Questions: Supplies needed: Bells/Ringers 1. Who made promises to Abraham? (God) 2. T or F: Abraham was really young when he had Isaac. (F)

2 Instructions: Color the picture.

Key Question Why did God need to test faith is believing in Abraham?

god even when we Memory Verse Hebrews 11:17 “It was by faith that Abraham offered don’t understand Isaac as a sacrifice when God what he’s up to was testing him.”

Abraham and Isaac Coloring Page | Sermons4Kids 4/17/21, 405 PM and our partners use cookies to offer the best user experience, relevant ads, analytics, and marketing. Privacy Policy

Allow Cookies Abraham and Isaac Daily Discussion | |... 4/17/21, 407 PM

Elementary Daily Discussion This week, kids learned in Genesis 22:1-14 that God spoke to Abraham and told him to take Isaac up on a mountain and give God the thing that he loved more than anything. Abraham told Isaac that they were going to build an altar and offer a sacrifice to God. Abraham built an altar and arranged the wood on it. Then Abraham looked and saw a ram caught by his horns in the thicket. So Abraham took the ram and offered it as a sacrifice to God. When we put our trust in God, He always provides. Bible Memory Verse: “God Himself will provide.” Genesis 22:8

Review Genesis 22:8 today. Why do you think God was pleased with Abraham’s faith? Ask God to help you have the kind of faith that pleases Him.

Review Genesis 22:8 today. How can we have strong faith in God? Ask God to help your faith grow stronger.

Review Genesis 22:8 today. What did you learn about loving God more than anything? Talk to God about how you love Him.

Review Genesis 22:8 today. What can you do to show you trust God? Pray for people who need to trust God today. Page 1 of 2 Abraham and Isaac Daily Discussion | |... 4/17/21, 407 PM

Review Genesis 22:8 today. What are the things God provides when we trust Him? Thank God for all the things He provides.

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Genesis 15:6 And he believed the Lord, and he counted it to him as righteousness.

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Genesis 22:18 “And in your offspring shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, because you have obeyed my voice.”

© SharefaithKids. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction or Reselling forbidden. Not for use without an active SharefaithKids subscription. God tested Abraham to see if he would give up everything for God – even his son! But at the last minute, God provided a ram for Abraham to sacrifice instead. - Genesis 22 ©Jellyfish One 2011


Help Abraham find Moriah to fullfil God’s request. FINISH


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Spot 8 differences between the two pictures.

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5 7

2 1 8 3



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Genesis 12, 15–17, 22




4 5


7 8


Across Down 3. What did they name their second son, of which God 1. God asked Abraham to obey his request as a (TEST) Across promised to them? (ISAAC) Down of his faith. 3. What did they name their second son, of which God 1. God asked Abraham to obey his request as a ____ of 5. God promised Abraham that he would have more 2. What kind of animal did God provide to Abraham to promised to them? his faith. descendants than the (STARS) or sand. sacrifice instead of Isaac? (RAM) 5. God promised Abraham that8. Who he wouldtold Abraham have moreto spare Isaac’s2. Whatlife? kind(ANGEL) of animal did God3. What providedid theyto Abrahamname their to first son, who was born descendants than the ____9. What or sand.did God ask Abraham to do withsacrificeIsaac? instead of Isaac?from Hagar? (ISHMAEL) 8. Who told Abraham to spare(SACRIFICE) Isaac’s life? 3. What did they name their4. firstWhere son,did whoAbraham was bornand fromIsaac travel to build an altar Hagar? for the Lord? (MORIAH) 9. What did God ask Abraham to do with Isaac? 6. Abraham and Sarah thought they were too old to 4. Where did Abraham and haveIsaacwhat? travel (CHILDREN)to build an altar for the Lord? 7. How old was Sarah when she and Abraham finally 6. Abraham and Sarah thoughthad theya child? were(NINETY) too old to have what? 7. How old was Sarah when she and Abraham finally had a child?

© SharefaithKids. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction or Reselling forbidden. Not for use without an active SharefaithKids subscription. ABRAHAM & ISAAC


Across Down 3. What did they name their second son, of which God 1. God asked Abraham to obey his request as a (Test) of promised to them? (Isaac) his faith. 5. God promised Abraham that he would have more 2. What kind of animal did God provide to Abraham to descendants than the (Stars) or sand. sacrifice instead of Isaac? (Ram) 8. Who told Abraham to spare Isaac’s life? (Angel) 3. What did they name their first son, who was born from 9. What did God ask Abraham to do with Isaac? Hagar? (Ishmael) (Sacrifice) 4. Where did Abraham and Isaac travel to build an altar for the Lord? (Moriah) 6. Abraham and Sarah thought they were too old to have what? (Children) 7. How old was Sarah when she and Abraham finally had a child? (Ninety)

© SharefaithKids. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction or Reselling forbidden. Not for use without an active SharefaithKids subscription.