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Northwest Friend, December 1950

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io aii rx. BETHLEHEM CI 7-^ ci6 76: B y S c o t t T. Clark ND who knoweth whether thou art come to calendar said, that day to them was Christmas. miracles, and after Histragicdeathfor our sins. the kingdom for such a time as this?"— He came triumphantly from the tomb,"victor of 1755 the settlers in the Lehigh Valley By the calendar it may have been some day in "A" E s t h e r 4 : 1 4 . over death, hell, and the grave. Historyof tells Pennsylvania, us that during threatened the early with winter Indian April or in July, but never-the-less it was massacre, fled for refuge to the village of Beth Severe distressing times come periodically Christmas to them for the Savior was born again in human history, and also in individual lives. The persecution of the early church brought lehem. This latter was a settlement of earnest down deep in their hearts. dark days to the small company of believers. Moravian colonists, who had established friendly The outcome of such crises is not easy to pre What power that story has ! How it has changed dict. Sometimes there are tragic consequences; It was a sad hour when Stephen, the first Christian relations with the red men. But the Indians had the lives of men, and even the course of history! martyr, was cruelly stoned to death. Then Saul been thoroughly incensed, and were aroused to sometimes, great deliverance. Some has No! I'll retract that statement. It was not the made havoc of the church, leading many be such a frenzy that they broke their truce and said that if we ride in on the crest of the tide we story. No mere story could do such miraculous planned a bloody attack on the village may make a safe landing, but if we are caught lievers—men, women, and children—to prison things. Let us say, rather, that it was the super in the back-wash of the undertow we may be and to death. Such a time as that! Believers All this happened just before Christmas. As natural Holy Spirit of God taking that story, were scattered from Jerusalem, the apostles Christmas day approached ominous signal fires swept out to destruction. which the Bible calls "Good News" (the gospel), In Queen Esther's time, the Jews were in and Ananias were afraid of Saul, even after his flared on the surrounding hills. The tribal and bringing it powerfuUy to bear upon the hearts drums were heard in the distance. The war- great distress. They were in captivity in a conversion. But God brought deliverance. He of men. heathen land; far away from their temple, their raised up Paul for such an hour as this. So we whoops of the savages echoed through the forests, L e t u s t h a n k G o d t h i s C h r i s t m a s t i m e f o r H i s and the hearts of the besieged settlers were filled altars, their priests, and religious services of might multiply illustrations. marvelous plan of redemption—for sending His But what has all these things to do with us in with terror. their God. There were enemies all around them. Christmas morning dawned. It had always Son, born in the likeness of men, to redeem us And now that wicked Haman had laid plot for the our modern times? Certainly these are dis been the custom of these pious Moravians to f r o m s i n . massacre of the whole race. Oh, such a time tressing days. We do not want to appear as a assemble Christmas morning and sing songs of as that! Humanly, they were in dire extremity; "calamity-howler," but leaders in various fields praise to the new-bornChrist-child. Should they no possible way out. Esther sent back word for admit that we are in strategic times. Now again do it this morning?—or should they keep watch all to fast and pray, and she would, at the risk in war, after five short years from the close of at their posts ? They did not hesitate long. This of her life, go in unto the King, to plead mercy. last World War. Our boys being sent back onto was the time to show their faith in God. So they You know the story; God gave great deliverance. the battle fields. And for what? No leaders assembled themselves, sang their Christmas There are many Bible examples of severe seem to know the way out. What will be the consequences? Are the last days upon us? Re songs, prayed and worshipped as usual. crises, nationally and individually. May we When their worship time was over they re mention a few. The children of Israel were in vival meetings sweeping multitudes to God. God sumed their guard. To their utter astonishment such cruel bondage in Egypt, that God said their giving a final call for nations to turn back to Him. and unbounded joy, they saw the Indians break cry had come up to heaven. After demonstrations Who knows whether thou (preachers. Christians) art come to the kingdom for such a time as this? camp and disappear from sight In the distant, of His mighty hand In the plagues, this people wooded hillsides. Miraculously, it seemed, a were caught in a trap, while leaving Egypt. The Is God giving America a last call to come to her Red Sea was on their left, the cliffs in front and knees and turn back to God? Great numbers of bloody massacre had been averted. churches and ministers have turned away from What had happened? on the right, and the enemy's army behind them. the old time gospel, and have become only social Well, later, when peaceful relations had been NORTHWEST FRIEND Oh, such a time! They cried unto God, and he organizations, with no spiritual life or message. re-established, the reason for the dispersal of Published monthly, except August, by Oregon Yearly Meeting of took them through the divided waters of the sea, the Indians was revealed. While the war council Friends Church, at Portland, Oregon. Copy dead-line: 20th of and they sang the song of deliverance on the Moral standards have fallen to an all-time low, each month. with delinquencies, dissipations, drunkenness, of the chiefs was planning the attack, the winds o t h e r s h o r e . broken homes, and crimes mounting at an alarm carried the strains of the Christmas carols to Subscription Price $1.50 per year in advance King Saul disobeyed God, led the nation into the ears of the enraged red men. There was sin, was faced by the Philistine army, defied by ing rate. Oh, who will come to the rescue at T H E S T A F F the giant, Goliath. Such a time as that! God such a time as this ? God is calling for great something about those sweet melodies that R a y L . C a r t e r E d i t o r - i n - c h i e f numbers of faithful saints to-stand in the gap, soothed the savage breasts. They could not carry 1619 S. E. 21st Avenue, Portland 15, Oregon raised up an unknown godly shepherd youth, Telephone EAst 4845 and sound the warning against sin and ruin, and David, who through prayer, faith, and action, out their planned attack, but retreated to their Mildred H. Minthorne Christian Endeavor Society Editor call people back to God. haunts in the forest. 3908 N.E. Maywood PI., Portland 20, Oregon came to the hour, and God gave deliverance. Roger M. Minthorne Treasurer The giant was slain, the army routed, the country What a singular thing it is that that Pennsyl 3908 N.E. Maywood PI., Portland 20, Oregon Now, what is the application of this message? vania village was called Bethlehem, and that this saved, and they sang the song of deliverance. Some will be asking. What has all this to do with happened on Christmas day. YEARLY MEETING BOARD OF PUBLICATION It was adistressingtime when John the Baptist me? Almost every one, some time or other, F r e d e r i c k B . B a k e r P r e s i d e n t and Jesus came. No voice of a prophet for four Nearly two thousand years ago there came Herald Mickelson Secretary passes through some crisis in life. It seems out of the original Bethlehem a song, sung not by Joseph G. Reece, Ray L. Carter Members ex-officio hundred years; synagogue services only a dead that God has to bring us to humiliation in order human lips, but by angels from heaven, announc Emil Swanson, Earl P. Barker, Herman Macy, Mahlon Macy letter of the law; selfishness, greed, and sins to get us to call upon Him. To be sure, some ing the birth of "a Savior, which is Christ the Address all literary contributions to the Editor, 1619 S.E. 21st Ave. everywhere. The times were so dark many will not heed and turn to God. Some turn to Portland 15, Oregon violence and crime, and try to shoot their way Lord"—and this was on the first Christmas day. Address all subscriptions and changes of address to the Northwest despaired of the promised Messiah ever coming. The winds of God had carried that song far Friend, 1619 S.E. 21st Avenue, Portland 15, Oregon But John the Baptist came in just such an hour, out, only to make matters worse. God may and wide. Eternity alone will reveal how many Address all checks and money orders payable to the Oregon Yearly preaching God's prophetic messages, turning allow some to come to severe extremities in Meeting, 1619 S.E. 21st Avenue, Portland 15, Oregon souls have been turned aside from paths of si n the people from their sins back to God. Jesus order for Him to have opportunity to reach their Entered as second-class matter, April 16, 1940, at the Post came from lowly Nazareth, with His spiritual hearts. to follow the lowly Christ, because that sweel Office at Portland, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879. story reached their ears. No matter what tht teaching. His simple parables. His powerful (Concluded on page 11) Vol. 29, No. 10 This primary goal must be pushed and Yearly Meeting must begin and continue taught constantly, but whereas it was in every church among all the people What About Bolivian Quakers? n e c e s s a r y f o r t h e m i s s i o n a r y t o t e a c h rather than training a few who would be these pioneer churches the first step over-all. This statement need not be a B y J a c k L . Willcuts toward spiritual initiative and organization, contradiction to the former premise that it is not possible for the experienced the national Christians can teach their (This article has been read and approved by each member of the rally assume a similiar doctrinal and Mission Staff. It Is felt that Oregon Yearly Meeting should be made spiritual national leaders themselves to aware of the proposed reorganization of our Mission churches and organizational form corresponding to the people better than we. A complete plan should join In prayer regarding this Important matter.) background and beliefs of these mission nurture the newer churches in this phase might permit the national Christians with aries. Already the Indigenous Society of of church life as well as in the way of sal potential leadership ability to serve as Bolivian Friends has been organized, dis vation. It is a universal mission fact that pastors, others as Yearly Meeting officer^ P'^ORYearly several Meeting years, genuinely those of interestedOregon organized and reorganized in a trial and a national can reach his own people much with no one in full directorship. This in the Bolivian Mission have con error effort to lay some foundation for a more effectively and rapidly than a for brings us to cases, a specific plan for sidered the desirability of an indigenous Bolivian Quaker C hurch. '' Bolivian Quaker eigner. The essential and primary object commencing this goal. Friends Church in this field, A thoughtful C h u r c h " i s u s e d a d v i s e d l y b e c a u s e i t i s ive of the missionaryispioneer work, then For the past two years the field has and scriptural study of foreign mission assumed by those on the field that this is to develop a mission station into a mission been organized as follows: an executive development invariably leads to the ulti the desire of the constituency at home, church until he has made himself unnec committee made up of five members in- mate goal of a self-supported and spirit- that is to pattern a Bolivian church on the essary. It now appears the missionary cludinga president, which must be a directed national church. So far, in our same doctrinal and organizational basis work in our mission is to develop and national believer, vice-president, who is Bolivian work, the need for an indigenous with a similiar type of worship and evan foster a Bolivian Friends Yearly Meeting, a missionary, treasurer, who is a national, church has paralleled the growth in gelical emphasis to which we are ac organizationally as well as spiritually. and a secretary and evangelistic secretary numbers and stability of the national customed. In reality the terms "Indigenous (This name or term is preferable to both of whom are missionaries. These church. Has the time come to converge National Organization" and others are "Indigenous Society" or other names as five members are chosen by the locally- these two purposes into a single reality? merely attempts to create in the minds of these are neither fully understood by the named representatives of the various con The following comments are an attempt to the believers and ourselves a vision and nationals nor those at home.) Now is the gregations. These representatives include acquaint you with the thinking of those plan for a Bolivian Friends Yearly Meet time to do it. Whether it takes 5 years, at least one member from each church or now on the field regarding this problem, ing due to the small number of members, 10 or 25 is not important, the essential outstation and meet twice annually to and it is hoped suggestions, study and but for practical purposes it could more thing is to formulate now a definite pro approve or disapprove of the actions taken much prayer from over the entire Yearly wisely be called a Yearly Meeting. gram for future development. During the by the executive committee. The functions Meeting shall result from a review of our It is no easy task to acquaint a group of past few months a skeleton framework has and purposes of the executive committee been made and has proven practical. The mission status. Aymara Indians, many of whom are com have been comparable to a combination of Excessive emphasis on organizational pletely illiterate with no socially cooper central emphasis of this organization has the Evangelistic and Mission Boards at phases of missionary work can be detri ative background of any type, in the ways been to stress the financial responsibility home. They supervise the financial ex mental and tend to obscure the real pur a Friends church functions, even though a Christian and a church must carry. penditures of the entire field, consider pose, that of winning souls to Christ. the organizational part is very simple to Another phase of this first framework pastoral changes and opening of new fields, Nevertheless, some careful consideration us. Throughout the years the missionaries of the new Yearly Meeting, from our view advise on conference programs. They is necessary along the line of organ have wisely stressed as a first step toward point, is to escape a pitfall which thwarted raise by offerings, budgeting and use of izational goals. Some desirable frame a yearly meeting, the formation and oper previous attempts in field organization, farm land, funds to aid in church mainten work must be found in which our group of ation of the local Monthly Meeting. La Paz that is to carefully and prayerfully choose ance and erecting new buildings. The national Christians can grow individually, Monthly Meeting and A m a k a r i Monthly the local leadership. In these formative Mission Council has envisioned and en numerically and can glorify God most Meeting have learned this lesson very well years this point cannot be overstressed, couraged this group or organization as a and conscientiously appoint in a responsi as leadership is a temptation to anyone, step toward educating the people in the effectively. At various times during the and to these oppressed, inexperienced past years the Mission Board and mission ble manner their clerks, recording clerks, need of a real Yearly Meeting and the aries have discussed this serious problem, ministry and oversight bodies and other people it is a genuine problem. Yet God manner in which it should develop. Hence, is able to develop humble, consecrated using such terms as "National Church", Sunday school and church officers. In the close missionary check on local leader "Indigenous Society", "General Council" fact, the way in which they have learned leadership among the Aymaras, and is ship and the much consideration of field and other combinations of these ideas. and assumed these responsibilities gives doing so. Fortunately, the Quaker way of finances. The latter is ever with us. worship and business transaction permits Obviously,amission enterprize composed evidence of their capacity for greater (To be concluded next month.) of three organized churches, two prepara work. It is quite possible the La Paz no ecclesiastical dictators or autocrats, but encourages all to share equal responsi tive meetings and eighteen regular preach church would continue in a most orthodox ing points, including a total of some 700 Quakerly fashion, would grow and get souls bility for the church and to God. This saved, would name and support a pastor seems to be an ideal type of church for believers, must eventually formulate these people. Once this idea can be grasped definite plans for a national church on a plus assuming outpost activities, if it were national level. This Bolivian Aymara necessary for the missionaries to leave by a sufficient number of our people, we feel this problem of over zealous leaders Church of the future will of necessity be Bolivia tomorrow. Should it not be the GOD SO LOVED will be solved by the people themselves. patterned largely by the missionaries missionary goal to develop each congre THE WORLD themselves. The ultimate plan will natu- gation to this point? Therefore, training for the work of the AROUND GEORGE FOX COILEGE I T E M S O F I N T E R E S T

Fox College, with the ministry and members of From the College Chapel the Yearly Meeting everywhere, form a great with our mission will give to us additional partnership in the task of maintaining and The Cavits Join Our Mission missionary strength at this crisis time in history B y t h e P r e s i d e n t spreading the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. when an all-out missionary program is impera The busy days of college-living provide a We wish to thank the many friends of the college, tive if Oregon Yearly Meeting is to meet the strong temptation to be encumbered with the first, for their prayers, without which it would National Holiness Missionary Society challenge of the hour. Marshal Cavit, who has are now working with Oregon Yearly things of this life. Despite good intentions, the be impossible to go forward as a Christian Marshal and Catherine Cavit of the from time to time been the evangelist for our current custom of multiplied extra-curricular institution, and secondly, for their moral and Meeting of Friends in Bolivia as associate mission, has a tent and will be helping to carry activities would rob one of time for devotion, and financial support, especially through the $ 2 5 missionaries. The Cavits are experienced out the evangelistic program on the field. The therefore of spiritual strength, unless definite Club Living Endowment which Is the arterial missionaries having spent one term in Bolivia Cavits became officially associated with our effort is put forth to live an aggressive Chris system of higher education for the church. under the National Holiness Missionary Society mission on November first. tian life. Paul said to Timothy, "Thoutherefore Walter Lee, formerly pastor at the Vancouver and are well acquainted with and very appreci In the Cavit family are Marshal and Catherine endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Church, is performing the task of business ative of the work of Oregon Yearly Meeting in and their daughter Christine, who is nine years Christ." The meaning of hardness, as applied manager for the college since Roy Knight, who the highlands of Bolivia. old. Many of the Yearly Meeting will remember to a soldier, is not without meaning to our nation is now dean of men, dining haU manager, and Marshal as one who spoke in several of our at the present time, and the Lord challenges assistant professor in the Bible department, churches while on furlough. His people to put the same persistence in Chris resigned from the position of business manager B y t h e t i m e t h i s p a p e r , i s r e a d , H o w a r d a n d tian life that the soldier, puts in battle prepa at Yearly Meeting time. Walter Lee has taken Julia Pearson will have arrived in Portland, ration and into the battle itself. over the responsibilities of building and grounds Oregon, and will be settled in an apartment at When satan is not able to overcome one of director, purchaser for the coUege, publicity 1420 S.E. 34th Ave. which has been rented for God's children by great temptation, he apparently director, as well as caring for the insurance them by the Mission Board. The Pearsons had tries a multitude of petty annoyances. Again, program. He further supervises the finances an arduous and exciting trip down the Amazon quoting the Apostle Paul, "Be not overcome of of student organizations, the student supply store, R i v e r t o i t s m o u t h w h e r e t h e y t o o k s h i p f o r N e w evil, but overcome evil with good." Overcoming and is making an inventory of all college equip York. In New York they purchased a car and temptation may require us to be active about m e n t . H e f r e q u e n t l y p r e p a r e s n e w s c o p y f o r drove home. We thank God for their safe arrival. our Father's business, encouraging some weaker papers also. Since Oregon Yearly Meeting has no adequate friend, going out of our way to take a special Prof. Paul McNeely is greatly expanding our retirement plan for its missionaries, and since interest in some one and performing some audio-visual aids departments. the altitude of our work in Bolivia is so extremely kindness in the name of the Master. John, in Many of the George Fox College faculty high, several years ago the Board of Missions Revelation 2:10, suggests that the faithful were members have taken health insurance through set the time of retirement at an earlier age than to be faithful unto death (up against death) and t h e B l u e C r o s s p l a n . m a n y m i s s i o n s i n o r d e r t o p r o t e c t o u r m i s s i o n the Lord would give them a crown of life. Just a r i e s a n d g i v e t h e m f u r t h e r y e a r s o f s e r v i c e a t as a crown signifies a ruler at the top of his a l o w e r a l t i t u d e , a s t h e w a y m a y o p e n . T h e kingdom, so faithfulness unto death signifies that Homecoming Pearsons will soon be reaching that age and the child of God has put God first in the absolute therefore will not be returning to Bolivia, but sense. After Christ had endured temptation in "Should Auld Acquaintance be Forgot?" Not will enter other service as the Lord may lead. the desert place the angels ministered unto Him. so long as George Fox CoUege continues to Roscoe and Tina Knight and their two children Of angels we read, "Are they not all ministering attract alumni and friends to delightful annual sailed for Bolivia aboard the S.S. Gulf Banker homecoming programs. Two himdred twelve s p i r i t s s e n t f o r t h t o m i n i s t e r f o r t h e m w h o s h a l l f r o m N e w O r l e a n s o n N o v e m b e r 2 n d a n d h a d be heirs of salvation?" We may know of a cer registered alumni, friends and students enjoyed arrived at the Panama Canal zone on November the unique program of classes and chapel de tainty that God is for us. The Apostle James The present arrangement was made possible 6th. By the time this article is read they will signed particularly for guests throughout the because the National Holiness Missionary Society suggested to his Christian brothers that/they undoubtedly be back in Bolivia. count it all joy, or accept it as credit to their morning of November eleventh. moved its field of service to the lowlands of Walter P. Lee, Minus the element of student preparation and Bolivia while the Cavits felt a concern for the Pres. Board of Missions account, when they fall into many sorts of temp crucial examinations, the students-f o r-a-day tations, knowing this, that the trying of your highland Indians. The agreement was made about appreciated classes in "laughter and the Ameri a year ago, but during the year the Cavits by faith worketh patience. can scene" with Dean Donald McNichoIs, audio Oh Lord, we pray thee make us worthy soldiers visual aids with Professor Paul McNeely, college agreement were assisting the Union Bible SPOKANE Calls for PRAYER Seminary Mission in La Paz until Samuel and of they kingdom. planning and function with President Parker, Old Gladys Smith of that mission could return to the By Mildred Brown Testament history with Professor Paul Mills, field from their furlough. S P O K A N E F R I E N D S S T A N D A T T H E C R O S S laboratory in physics with professor George In preparation for the coming of the Cavits to ROADS OF OPPORTUNITY! On the Campus Kenny, and choir with Marvin Baker. The chapel our work, the Chester Hadley Memorial home in It has been most heartening to receive the period featured a message by Earl Ceil as guest La Paz has been arranged into two apartments Open doors to the gospel and opportunities speaker. for service make the necessity of a place to many words of encouragement and well wishing so that both the Willcuts and the Cavits are living The usual rain and the short end of the score hold services on Sunday imperative! f r o m f r i e n d s f a r a n d n e a r w h o a r e i n t e r e s t e d i n at the La Paz headquarters. the progress of George Fox College. Surely our in a football game betweenG.F.C. and Willamette We ask all Friends of Oregon Yearly Meet University junior varsity in the afternoon failed According to the agreement, the National Holi ing to unite with Spokane Friends the week of Christian education, as represented by the ex ness Missionary Society furnishes the financial cellent academy in Greenleaf, and by George (Continued on page 11) DECEMBER 3 to DECEMBER 10 in prayer that support for theCavits,andour missionfurnishes the Lord will direct us in finding a temporary 6 the living quarters. The association of the Cavits 7 location for the winter months where we can His will in all our plans. The right doors may start a Sunday school and worship services. be opened wide and wrong ones closed (d) For Message. The Old Testament prophet spoke by t h a t a n y o f fi c e r o r c o m m i t t e e , l a c k i n g w i s d o m i n A hospital unit which can be converted into a Clark Smith as pastor (he carries a heavy load, direct revelation. The New Testament prophet how to develop a more vital organization, can very adequate place of worship is available at and the long distance between Hayden Lake and spoke by direct revelation, but more than that, comprehend God's master plan, through prayer. Farragut, Idaho for $1800.00 This building is Spokane add to the problem). he was a witness. It must be in the heart of a He earnestly desires to multiply our efforts and 28 by 64 feet, well insulated and strongly con money, for the Brotherhood is of His own con structed. The purchase price includes moving Spirit-filled individual who has been called to preach. A clean thing cannot come out of some ception. to Spokane. But before this can be done lots thing unclean. (2) It must be Biblical, based on Henry Berndt, Yearly Meeting treasurer, must be found, and a foundation put in. Due to 'TfCcet the great doctrines of the Bible. There is a reports that only $107 were received during cold weather, frost is too deep in the ground now A ministers meeting for the two quarterly difference between warm truth and cold facts. October. He urges that we all work to increase for that to be done this winter. In fact foundations meetings was held at the Greenleaf church No (3) It must grip the heart of the message bearer. the number of pledges so that the entire $300 can need to be put so deep, because of the frost, that vember 20. Service began at 10:30 a.m. with The message must prepare the preacher. There be met each month. His address is 4336 McKinley only three feet more of excavation will provide group singing, foUowed with a devotion by Cora are just as many varieties of delivery as there Avenue, Tacoma, Washington. a f u l l s i z e b a s e m e n t . Gregory reading part of I Peter 5. She stressed are personalities. God called each one that He —Deane Roberts F O R T H E A B O V E R E A S O N S W E N E E D that feeding the Flock of God is the primary duty might have a variety. There is an order to Yearly Meeting secretary TEMPORARY QUARTERS THIS WINTER. of the pastor. Prayer was offered by Joseph which we must belong, it is the order of Burning A small chapel has been found, which is on Reece. A special song, "I'd Rather Have Jesus", Hearts. Prepare like it depends on you, but when the edge of the district we would like to enter, was sung by Elsie Gehrke and Bernice Mardock. you go into the pulpit remember it all depends Portland Quarterly Meeting that has never been used for religious purposes. The Greenleaf Academy quartet also brought on God." There is a possibility that this can be rented but two special numbers. An open discussion for all was held both in Portland Quarterly Meeting was fairly well it will necessitate some work on it. The rental Richard Wiles opened the morning discussion the morning and afternoon. Many helpful sug attended on Saturday afternoon of October 28th would be about $35.00 per month, and any work with the topic, "What is the Distinctive Message gestions came that will make us better ministers. in spite of real bad weather. At 2:30 p.m. the or materials used on the building would be de of Friends Today?" Some of the high-lights of There were thirty-three present andeachfelt meeting was opened by Ray Carter with an in ducted from the rent. We will have to furnish his message were: "George Fox was not entire that it was a profitable day. spiring song service, Roy Clark at the piano. heating equipment and chairs or benches. So ly original. He entered into an experience with Prayer was offered by Oscar Brown, of Salem. far this is the best possible rental space found. God without the aid of another individual. The Prof, and Mrs. Keith Macy, of Cascade College, A WIDE OPEN DOOR among the young people peace testimony was not new in regard to Friends. sang a duet, "My Presence Shall Go With Thee." has been set before us and we feel we must enter The Friends started many reforms and were Idaho Brotherhood Two pastors, new to the Quarterly Meeting, were at once. The High School young people in our known for humanitarian activities. They taught At a rally held jointly by Boise Valley and welcomed, Roy Clark, of First Friends Church, Friends families asked for a young peoples meet that man doesn't necessarily need rituals, but Greenleaf quarters, November 13, Friends Vancouver, and Dillon Mills of Parkrose Church, ing, and they said they thought about 15 would be can have direct access to the throne. They re Brotherhood in Idaho took a new grasp on the Portland. interested. A "word of mouth" invitation was fused to take oaths, taught the brotherhood of work of church extension. Clare Willcuts, Home- Dillon Mills brought the message of the after sent out, and the first night without any pre man, and made no distinction of sex. These dale pastor, highlighted the evening at Dairy- noon, speaking from Phil. 2:5, on "The Mind of liminary effort 25 young people responded. The were so endued with the power of Christ that it ma n' s Hall in Caldwell with an inspirational Christ." The Gospel should be made attrac tive in our lives, but it will never be popular. following week 32 were present. There are a made their message different. If we have a dis message from Romans 10:14,15. "How then number of others who have expressed a desire tinctive message today it is because we keep that shall they call on Him in whom they have not "The whole world lieth in the wicked one." The to attend also. unction. It is not words, or mention of facts, that believed? And how shall they believe in Him of mind-set of this world is the carnal mind, which The group is so large it has been decided to make Friends distinctive; it is something deeper. whom they have not heard ? And how shall they is enmity to God. The political mind-set is divide them into two groups. Clark Smith is Other denominations have failed to bring the hear without a preacher? And how shall they against the ways of God. The educational mind sponsoring the young people, and Elizabeth Smith preach, except they be sent?" He completed set is contrary to the ways of God. The more we and Ruby Martin will direct the intermediate power into their messages. If our message is distinctive, it is because we live what we believe. his message with a first-impression report of cater to the carnal mind, the more we get away group. It is not a message of social service but of sal his visit with Clark Smith and the Spokane con from God. The religious mind-set is not against Of this group one has had some contact with vation." gregation two weeks before. Since Clare is new the church as a good institution. The church Catholics, two have had slight contact with the Pot-luck dinner was enjoyed during the noon in this yearly meeting it was especially interest has a good influence. Mormons, and two or three others have attended hour. ing to check his impressions of the workers and Paul said, "We have the Mind of Christ." Sunday school a few times with the Martin The afternoon opened with the group singing, the project with others previously given. He George Fox and his followers also had the mind children. The balance have had no contact with "Jesus CaUs Us." Devotions were led by David feels that there is an outstanding nucleus of of Christ and got many saved. Christ had our any religious group whatsoever. They are open members in Spokane, that the city of Spokane salvation in mind and went to the cross for it. to the gospel now. WE MUST REDEEM THE Fendall reading from I Corinthians 2:1-5. He stressed that we should live the word and that needs more evangelical churches, and that Clark He became obedient to death, even the death on time. we should come before the people with fear and Smith is as well qualified as a man could be for the cross. Will we be obedient for the salvation This fall William and Esther Mae Thomas trembling. A quartet composed of Paul Barnett, this caliing of God. of souls these days? If we are really open to the moved to Spokane and have made a real con Nathan Pier son, Clare Willcuts, and Joseph More than one hundred men were present. mind of Christ, there will come a great out tribution to our group. This month the Pender- Reece sang two numbers, "At the Feet of Jesus" Dick Cadd led in a group sing, then the Quaker pouring of the Holy Spirit upon us. grass family from McKinely Avenue meeting and "I Lost the World." Hour Quartet sang two numbers. Granger A missionary program was brought at 4:00 are moving here and will strengthen our forces Hubert Mardock opened the discussion with Longstroth, Yearly Meeting president, reported p.m. with Geneva Bolitho presiding. She spoke greatly. At Yearly Meeting time we did not have the topic, "What Constitutes a Spiritual the new prospect for purchasing a building from of the extension work in our Bolivian mission enough of a nucleus to staff a Sunday school Message?" The foUowing are some of his re the Farragut base for $1800 delivered, the cost and gave news notes about our missionaries. rightly. NOW WE DO HAVE. The Lord has marks: "It pleased God that by the foolishness to be handled by the Board of Evangelism and the Camas ladies sang a duet, "I Wonder Have I been adding to our group those trained and ready of preaching He might save them that believe. local congregation. Done My Best for Jesus?" Then Miss Helen to serve. God has caUed us to a high calling. The New There was time for conversation and pledge- Willcuts told of her experiences on a recent PRAY WITH US FOR: (a) A place of worship Testament preacher is the New Testament signing over refreshments of ice cream and visit to Bolivia, and also told of the growing and needed equipment (b) This challenging prophet. Three things are necessary for a cookies, served by the men of Caldwell church. work there. Prayer was requested for the new group of young people (c) That we may know spiritual message: (1) Origin of a Spiritual We want to praise God for His direction in work and for new buildings, for the young people 8 the planning of our fall rally. We are confident and for the national workers. with them in prayer that the Holy Spirit will lead At 4:45 p.m. the Public Relations Committee which the Quarterly Meeting C.E. superintendent, in their thinking and also prepare the right man BIRTHS took charge of the meeting. After a duet by Harold Ankeny, presided. South Salem C.E. won for favorable consideration of the call when we MARTEN.—To Ladean and Thelma Martin, the attendance banner with forty present and George and Jeanette Stevens, Virginia Helm gave are finally able to make it. Greenleaf, Idaho, a daughter, Patricia Lee. a temperance reading and spoke on the im Rosedale Friends were second with over thirty ESLENGER.—To George and Grace Eslinger, at the meeting. The song service was led by Sincerely, portance of teaching on narcotics and smoking Gervas A. Carey, Entiat, Washington, a daughter, Wanda Fern, as well as drinking. This was followed by a talk Marvin Baker, head of the music department at b o r n S e p t e m b e r 6 . Chairman." by Morris Heacock about the liquor situation as George Fox College. Special music was furnished BROWN.—To Elvett and Marguarite Brown, The committee named in the above letter concerns the November elections. This was by a male quartet from the college. Then Marvin Cashmere, Washington, a son, David Clio, born would welcome correspondence from concerned very enlightening and inspiring, giving us new Baker brought a soul-searching message on on September 16. courage to go out and do our best for God. Saul, showing the folly of his rebellion against friends in the Yearly Meeting.^ Just address MERRISS.—To Paul and Virginia Merriss, Port A fine supper was served by the Vancouver the will of God. Eleven young people responded your letter to any one of the above-named com land, Oregon, a daughter, Claudia Louise, born l a d i e s a t 6 : 0 0 . to God's call during the altar service and prayed mittee, expressing your preference or your par O c t o b e r 2 . t i c u l a r c o n c e r n . through to victory. RASKINS.-To Frank and Lois Raskins, Scotts The Committee. Saturday morning worship service of the Mills, a daughter, Karen Theresa, born October Newberg Quarterly Meeting Salem Quarterly Meeting convened at 10:30 with 4. a song and praise service. Clynton Crisman, OGIER.—To Orrin and Rene Ogier, Gladstone, Newberg Quarterly Meeting met at Chehalem Center on November 10, 11 and 12. Clem Brown pastor at Medford, brought the message from EVANGELICAL CONFERENCE BOOK Oregon, a son, Ronald Orrin, born October 22. led the Saturday morning song service. There Romans 1, speakii^ on the three "I am's": I DUNAGAN.—To Gerald and Vivian Dunagan, a m d e b t o r, I a m r e a d y, I a m n o t a s h a m e d . was time for testimonies. Clem Brown sang A book has just come off the press giving the Portland, Oregon, a daughter, Vicki Lynn, born "He WiU Keep." Walter Lee brought the Lunch was served by the host church. The local entire proceedings of the Evangelical Friends O c t o b e r 3 0 . chairmen of the Christian Education committees WATSON.—To Floyd and Arline Watson, New mess^e of the morning on the church of Jesus Conference held in Wichita, Kansas, this met with the quarterly meeting superintendent, berg, Oregon, a daughter, Barbara Lorraine, Christ. He read Matt. 16:13-18. The church summer. All of the addresses delivered are of Jesus Christ is not an organization but an Orpha Cammack, and started to make plans for b o r n , N o v e m b e r 7 . a Sunday school raUy to be held in January. The given—some in full, others are given in summary. MILLS.—To Loren and Betty Mills, Long Beach, organism. It is spiritual, it is not visible. The You cannot afford to be without this record. A church is made up of individuals. It consists of missionary committee met at the same time. clear presentation is given of the message of California, a daughter, Loreen Ruth, born No The afternoon business session opened with v e m b e r 1 7 . those who are members of the body of Christ. F r i e n d s f o r t h i s h o u r . O r d e r f r o m t h e B e t t e r The mission of the church is to witness. devotions by Charles Ha worth. Then Irwin Alger Book and Bible House, 420 S.W. Washington, A basket dinner was served In the basement. reported on the work at Talent, saying that they Portland 4, Oregon. The price is 75? per copy. had had to give up the church building in which S U C H A T I M E A S T H I S Visitors Included Dorwin Smith and Carl Miller. (Concluded from page 3) Leland Hibbs led the singing in the afternoon they had worshipped and were holding their services in the city hall. They are looking for service. Kelsey Hinshaw read Matt. 12:31-37. EVANGELISTS The Holy Spirit has been good to all of us, ward to building a church soon. Clynton Crisman, Men's actions are caused by the condition of their Alden and Esther White, 900 - 23rd Ave. S., visiting our hearts time and again, only to be hearts. The business session was short. The pastor of Medford church, reported that they grieved away. We have driven off conviction, were busy in the Christian Life Sunday school Seattle, Washington. turned Jesus away, and gone on in our own in Quarterly Meeting Sunday school convention at Present slate: contest and that they were planning a visitation terests. Revivals come, camp meetings are Newberg on November 29 and 30 was announced. Nov. 26-Dec. lO.^Quilcene, Washington campaign in the near future. The foUowing held, prayers have gone up, stiU some give no Levi T. Pennington gave a brief report of meet Dec. 10-March 15.—Open dates committees gave reports: Christian education, heed to the call of God. We can't help but wonder ings he recently attended in the Middle West. if God will withdraw His Spirit and give them up Verne Martin presided at the Sunday evening evangelistic, service, and foreign missions. MARRIAGES Christian Endeavor business meeting and rally. Visiting from other quarterly meetings were MOWERY-BENNETT.—Carol Mowery became to be lost. These are times of crises. There The attendance banner went to Sherwood, Charles Haworth, Carl Byrd, and Levi Penning the bride of Eugene Bennett at a beautiful cere are signs of the last days. The coming of the ton from Newberg, and Laura Shookfrom Boise, Lord certainly draweth nigh. Perhaps God is Barbara Blake led in singing songs and choruses mony in the Camas Friends Church Friday, No and a time of testimony. Laura Beaty, a student v e m b e r 3 . crossing some one's pathway once more in such at George Fox College, played some numbers on a time as this, to save them from being eternally her accordian. The Portland-Newberg Quarterly YEARLY MEETING SUPERIN DEATHS lost. Pray, Christians, pray I Perhaps God will raise someone up for the issue in such a Meeting C.E. skating party at Newberg on No VESTAL.—Frank E. Vestal a member of New TENDENT TO BE CHOSEN t i m e a s t h i s . vember 17 was announced. Marvin Baker, pro berg Friends Church, whose certificate of fessor of music at George Fox CoUege, brought The foUowing letter has been sent out to membership came from Hesper, Kansas in 1890, the message. He read Luke 12:35-48. There members of the Yearly Meeting Executive Com passed away November 19. He came to this (Concluded from page 6) is a danger of accepting religious responsibility mittee. community when 16 years of age with his parents. to dampen the spirits of the crowd for the annual too lightly. With privileges there go added He had lived in and near here all these years "To the Executive Committee homecoming banquet in the evening. Highlights responsibilities. There are responsibilities to except a short time in Fairbanks, Alaska. A of the banquet were the presentation of the "Alma Oregon Yearly Meeting faithful and respected member serving in many government, to our churches, and to God. Mater Prayer" composed by Marvin Baker of " D e a r F r i e n d s : ways has gone to his reward. the music department and sung by the a cappella "You wiU recall that the Yearly Meeting SIMS.—Paul B. Sims, aged 61, died at his home choir for the first time under his direction, a near Marion, Oregon on September 2 9, 1950. Salem Quarterly Meeting instructed us to seek a suitable person to serve message by Oscar Brown on prayer and the song as General Superintendent after this year. Funeral services were held in the Marion Friends There were 188 in attendance at the C.E. rally benediction by the Harmonaires male quartet. "In view of the urgency of taking this up prior Church, October 2, with Jack Otto officiating. To climax the day, the three-act play, "Young Friday evening at t h e South Salem Friends to our mid-year meeting I am appointing Frede Although ill for several years, Paul was faithful Lincoln", which had been presented to a large Church, and most of the group was young people. rick B. Baker, Ray Carter and Walter P. Lee in church attendance and interested in the work The evening's activities started with get-ac and his absence is keenly felt. Survivors include audience on Friday evening, was given before a to make preliminary investigation and present packed house. The conclusion was most im quainted games in the basement, directed by to our next meeting their findings with a nomi his wife, Frances Sims, and a cousin, Edgar P. pressive, with colored lights playing on "Old Betty Bishop and Jacquelyn Davis. At 8:15 all nation for the place if they are able to do so. S i m s o f S a l e m . went upstairs for a brief business meeting at Glory", and the choir in the balcony singing the "May I further suggest that each of us join 10 "Battle Hymn of the Republic". » A - sessions at South Salem. The songs, testimonies Christian Endeavor and message by ClyntonCrisman were all closely related and indeed an inspiration. The good meal s e r v e d b y t h e S o u t h S a l e m l a d i e s w a s f o l l o w e d by a short business session. We all went home feeling we had spent the day profitably. November 19. This morning 1 was glad to attend Zaum's 'Diary services at Marion. 1 always enjoy the warmth October 20-November 2. I spent these days and friendliness of the people. 1 brought the vacationing at the Harlan Macy home in Green- message for the worship service. leaf. Wonderful days they were, too. 1 enjoyed Had a good chicken dinner at the George every moment and was sorry when it was time Wilkinson home, where 1 had stayed the two nights to leave. PARKROSE high school C.E. has been meet previous. Following dinner Lea and 1 hurried October 28. Executive meeting in Newberg to back to Newberg so 1 could attend services at ing regularly on Sunday evenings under the day. 1 was sorry not to be able to attend as the Chehalem Center. Vern Martin and 1 were leadership of their sponsors, .William and Mary meetings are always an inspiration to me. I responsible for the High School C.E. lesson. Harold. They had a masquerade party on No felt out of place all day. vember 3, and on the 17th joined the endeavers If you're ever tempted to wonder if you're of Portland and Newberg (garters for a skating October 30-November 2. 1 had lots of fun help getting anything accomplished, and if you are ing with the children's meetings at the Greenleaf where people don't seem to appreciate it, read party in Newberg. On November 19 their ser church. We had about 70 or 75 lively youngsters vice was in charge of a male quartet from George and think of the words of this song written by Fox College. e v e r y d a y. C h a r l e s W e s l e y. November 4. Another sister, another wedding! "A charge to keep 1 have, The junior and intermediate societies at It was a lovely, warm fall day, just right for the PARKROSE have also been meeting regularly. A G o d t o g l o r i f y, wedding. We had lots of fun throwing rice and They had a Halloween party together in the church A never dying soul to save. painting and fixing the car. And fit it for the sky. basement the evening of October 27. November 5. 1 visited the Boise church today, The Junior C.E. of McKINLEY AVE.,Tacoma, having charge of Christian Endeavor in the eve "To serve this present age. had a television and taffy puU party November My calling to fulfill; 18 with their new advisors, Mrs. Warren and ning. November 9. I'm still finding rice around the O, may it all my powers engage. Mrs. Perry, at the home of Mrs. Perry. New house! We had the reception at home. To do my Master's will!" officers for this group are Judy Murphy, presi November 10. Traveled from Greenleaf to New —Laura E. Shook dent; Marlene West, vice-president; Janice berg today in Arthur Winters car along with his Pendergast, secretary; Barbara Janson, treasur son Norman, Mr. Dunbar, Mr. Presnall and er. Carol Gossard. PUGET SOUND QUARTERLY T h e s e n i o r s o c i e t y o f t h i s c h u r c h h a d a November 11. Homecoming at George Fox Halloween party October 31, with their advisors, College. It was fun to see school chums again MEETING C.E. RALLY Mr. and Mrs. Jones. This group has formed a and to sit in the rain while watching the football Gospel Team which meets for a study class and game. The food at the banquet was delicious The Puget SoundQuarterly Meeting C.E. rally prayer meeting. They recently had a gain of and the speeches short and sweet. The play, was held on November 3 at the Everett Friends f o u r n e w m e m b e r s . "Young Lincoln", was excellent, certainly worth Church. Among the 120 present seventy were F R I E N D S C L U B coming 500 miles to see. young people. November 12. This morning 1 enjoyed the wor Lois White was song leader with Carl Reed at The College club, under the sponsorship of ship service at the Newberg church, and in the the piano. There were special numbers in music the Quarterly Meeting Christian Endeavor Union, evening attended the Quarterly Meeting rally at from almost every church represented in t h e meeting at Eagles Hall just off the University of Chehalem Center. This was Vern Martin's first Quarterly Meeting. Another added attraction Washington campus, is growing in numbers, rally since being elected. He did a very fine job was the combined orchestra which we feel is an fellowship, and morale. For two sessions in and shows promise of being a good superintend a s s e t t o o u r r a l l y. November, there were 15 present. ent. A banner was presented to the group of young The Bible studies during the last periods have November 17. This was a busy day with the people from Quilcene for having the largest per been led by Robert Morrill of Northeast Tacoma. morning spent at the clinic; part of the afternoon centage of their society present with mileage New singspiration books are now being used; and shopping in Portland, while trying to dodge taken into consideration. the music is an important part of the worship umbrellas; in the early evening attended the An installation of C.E. officers was held with and praise. football banquet at the college dining hall, and Lela Morrill, Chairman of the Christian Ed One of the best features is the fine catering then journeyed with a group in Dick Zellars' ucation Committee in charge. The officers are by Esther vVoodward in which we college youth car to the Salem Quarterly Meeting rally. as follows: Pastor advisor,—Milo Ross; super are partaking of monumental meals at a very This was an excellent rally. There were 118 intendent,—Velda Leach; assistant superin nominal charge. in attendance. Music was furnished by a quartet tendent,—Eric Palmer; secretary,—Pat Wood During the last month, new attenders have from G.F.C.,the message by Prof. Marvin Baker included Peter Johnson of Kirkland, Tom ward; treasurer,—Ernest Stephens; devotional and souls praying at the altar. chairman,—Ryllis Mullin; missionary chairman, Scuitto and Jean Mathis, of Seattle, Dorothea 'Spud' Ankeny is the new superintendent of —Harley Brotherton; and social chairman,— NORTHEAST TACOMA SUNDAY SCHOOL Feller, formerly of Highland inSalem, Sadie and this quarter, and is doing an excellent job. Lewis Byrd. Monica Brown, of Vancouver, B. C., and Paul These three pictures show the scholars at the opening exercises November 18. 1 attended the Quarterly Meeting of Northeast Tacoma's growing Sunday school. The top picture Is An outstanding eight-minute message was Sesse, a new Friend from Great Falls, Montana. looking toward the front of the church. The two other pictures show the right and left sides of the center aisle, looking toward the rear given by Milo Ross. 12 13 old-fashioned games and fun was enjoyed. at Renton.) Everyone, too, enjoyed the book of "golden Mrs. Dorothy Roberts will serve as the newly-elected memories" in pictures of that time. president for the Missionary Society Union of Everett, a W e are enjoying the messages of our pastor, Ethel combined organization of the various missionary societies Cowgill. A M O N G T H E C H U R C H E S of the city. On October 22nd the Sunday school initiated an at NORTHEAST TACOMA tendance contest. The contest consists of an airplane Robert Morrill, Pastor trip to Japan where our missionary, Christie Bundy, thirty present with several unable to attend. We have a serves. The boys and girls are each endeavoring to be November 11 and 12 was a big week-end for Northeast Greenleaf Quarterly Meeting very large group this age and are trying to get them more the first airplane to reach Japan. The losing side will Tacoma. On Saturday the 11th, a Sunday school parade interested in Sunday school. treat the successful airplane passengers to a party. The went over as a big success. This parade is part of the HOMEDALE Our plans are drawn for our new parsonage, which we climax of the contest we have entered that is sponsored Clare WLIlcuts, Pastor contest will terminate an offering taken for Bibles to be hope to start building as soon as possible. Until the distributed to the Japanese. by Christian Life Magazine. Between 75 and 100 persons A good time was had by all attending the pound social parsonage can be completed, our pastors are living in Our general superintendent, Joseph Reece, brought the took part in the big turn-out. Winners of the various for our new pastors on September 15. Games and a Marie Williams' basement apartment at 1515 FUmore. morning message Sunday, October 29th, at which time our prizes offered were: best class float, primary 1st class devotional period were followed with refreshments of pastor was filling the pulpit at Agnew. We also had the taught by Mrs. Veeder; best decorated bicycle, David pie and coffee. The WlUcuts received a good supply of GREENLEAF pleasure of having Clark Smith bring the message, No Berlin; and most unusual entry, Phillip MorriU. Judges foodstuff. John Baxter, Pastor v e m b e r 5 t h . were the local PTA president; Loren Jones, pastor of Our regular Rally Day was October 1. We did not reach Mr. and Mrs. W. E. WiUiams, Wilma and Leon, spent Everett church was host to the Puget Sound Quarterly McKinley Ave., and Betty Byrd, also of McKinley Ave. our goal of 200, partially due to some sickness in the On Sunday 180 persons turned out at Sunday school to the week-end at Woodland, Idaho, with Mr. and Mrs. Meeting, November 3rd and 4th, with a large young people's make a record of the largest attendance ever seen at community. Attendance has picked up this fall, however. Bennie Puckett. rally Friday night and a well-filled church for all services The Junior department repeated the Bible verses, which Fourteen members went to Melba to the aU day of prayer Saturday. Sunday school. As you can see this well exceeded our were sent out for them to learn, and the Beginner's de last Tuesday, November 14th. A good meeting was re The first annual Homecoming day of the Everett church peak goal for the six-week contest of 150. The attendance partment sang two songs they had learned the last quarter. ported. was held November 12th. Among the 125 who attended of Sunday school during the contest runs as follows: 117, The annual chicken-pie supper sponsored by the Lucy Greenleaf Academy closed a week's revival on No were former members and friends from Spokane, Tacoma, 129, 136, and 180. We hope that we wlU be able to keep Wright Guild was held at the church basement on Tues vember 12th with G. Franklin AUee as evangelist, and Whldby Island, Camas, Marysville, and Sherwood, Oregon. a good number of these persons coming in the following day night, October 10. Hymns were played during the OrVille Winters as song leader. Mr. AUee's messages Also greetings were read from a number from distant weeks. dinner and a short program was given at the close of the were timely and very much appreciated by all. cities. The Rev. Frederic E. Carter, of Oregon, who We also can report progress on the building program. evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Williams were called to Spring- served as pastor 27 years ago, brought the message for The chimney is now completed and most of the front Is A farewell dinner was given after church October 15, brook, Oregon, by the death of Mrs. Williams' cousin, both morning and evening services. Irma Davis arranged finished. It is hoped that the basement wiU be ready for for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robertson who have moved to D e n n i s M i l l s . for the special music given. A bountiful pot-luck dinner use by the first of the year. Star. A gift of a motto and a birthday book were presented Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Macy returned from Culver, Oregon, was served to members and visitors, and the afternoon A junior C.E. group was started once again onSunday, to Mrs. Robertson from the Missionary Union, and a one day this week where they had been visiting the Jay spent in renewing friendships. God's blessings rested November 12. This is sponsored by Mrs. Ruth Dean. large picture of "Christ at Dawn" was presented to Mr. and Dwight Macy families. Gladys Rhoades, who had been on the services in a marvelous way. Mrs. Elsie Wilson, one of our members has spent Robertson from his Sunday school class, the "Up- visiting her daughter, Mrs. Dwight Macy, returned with November 19th marked the beginning of regular eve quite a time in the hospital. We miss her from our ser streamers." them. ning services for the church. Heretofore they have been vices and pray that she will be able to be with us again Clare Wlllcuts and Floyd Peterson sang a duet, Mrs. Relatives and friends met together at the home of Ray Elmer Mitchel gave a poem and short talk and the pastor held only on special occasions. soon. Cloud in honor of Lealdis Mardock's eighty-fourth birth The trustees have voluntarily taken on a new function gave a farewell talk. day. Fifty-one children, grand-children, great-grand which has pleased the ladies immensely and been appreci HAYDEN LAKE The regular Sunday school council meeting was held children, relatives and friends were present. Out-of- C l a r k S m i t h , P a s t o r the evening of November 7 at the parsonage basement. ated by all—that of setting the tables and serving. The town guests included Isaac Mardock and wife, also Clio trustees are: Clark Ricketts, Justin Sands, Raymond The work at Hayden Lake moves along with some en Plans were made for the Christmas program and the Mardock and wife from Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. Headrick date was set for Wednesday evening, December 20. It and Letha Dillon from Boise, Mr. and Mrs. Orlie Clark- Ricketts, Albert Leakey and John WaUace. couraging things, and some not so good. This seems to The Women's Missionary Union has started using the be the common lot, so is not to be taken into consideration. was decided to order uniform lessons for next quarter son, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Clarkson from Melba, Mr. and book "Prevailing Prayer" for its devotions, and the for the Primary and Junior departments to repiace the Three new families are attending and show real interest Mrs. Leon Winters and family, Mr. and Mrs. Carol lesson was presented at the last meeting by Lily Leakey. in the services. The Sunday school Is growing. We have graded lessons we have been using. Winters and baby from Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin The Christmas committee appointed by the Sunday organized a Women's Missionary Society with Ivy Stephens Winters and baby from Nampa. Ardis Lamm made a CALDWELL school, of which Frank Burris is chairman, is now busy as president; Helen Curryer, vice president; Ruth Rami, beautiful birthday cake on which were placed eighty-four David Fendall, Pastor making plans for the Christmas program. secretary; and Elizabeth Smith, program chairman. candles. The guests joined in singing "Happy Birthday," Two of the Moody Institute films have been shown in We are enjoying the messages of our new pastor, David and Isaac Mardock asked the blessing, after which a BETHANY the last month. At the first service we had about thirty, Fendall. bountiful picnic dinner was enjoyed. Pictures were taken Ethel Cowgill, Pastor and last evening we had forty-three in the evening service. of the honored guest, and the afternoon was spent in A surprise "pounding" was given recently to David, We at Bethany are glad to report our homecoming on We need help in prayer. Beverly and Danny Fendall, following prayer meeting. visiting. October 27, 28, 29 was enjoyed by all who attended. All Refreshments of cookies and ice cream were served. Mrs. Eva Warnkin from Hartford, Kansas, is here our speakers answered to our caU and gave some very ENTIAT The interior of our Caldwell church has taken on a visiting her mother, Mrs. Elraa Stanfield, and other good messages—Inspiring and uplifting. The Lord was Robert Morse, Pastor new appearance. Last year the home project for the relatives. present from the very first service in the message of missionary society was sponsoring and helping to make Mile Ross, and the speaking of Ernest Frltschle, the duet Different members of the congregation enjoyed the following visitors in their homes during the fall months: new benches. The men of the congregation made and in- Pueet Sound Quarterly Meeting sung by Ernest and Beatrice Frltschle. God's blessings staUed them a few months ago. Also a new table and seemed to be out-poured on Saturday and Sunday. The Mrs. Max Murphy (Rachel Jones) of Rockaway, Oregon, flower stands have been added. A short dedication ser EVERETT and Mrs. Alvin Delamarter (Esther Tish) of Spokane, John Frazier, Pastor messages as planned were well received. There were vice is to be held November 19 for these new improve- Washington, at the T. I. Jones home. Robert and Lela The parsonage has been open every Tuesday morning over 200 who attended, 85 of whom were at the dinner on Morrill and two children, Phillip and Barbara, of Tacoma, Saturday and Sunday. We were glad to secure the services Our Evangelistic committee decided that o n the last for a ladies prayer meeting which has proven a blessing. of a cook, Mrs. George Jones, so none of the members at Robert's mother's, Mildred Morrill. Our junior boys Sunday school teacher, Mrs. Marcella Harold and Joyce Parnell enjoyed the visit of Harold's Sunday night of each month a time shall be given for all had to miss the services. presentto tell of their experiences in personal evangelism, Burris, is conducting child evangelism classes in her Our offerings were beyond our expectations, so we are parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Parnell and two brothers home each week, and Mrs. Ida Harvey, our newbeginners and a sister, of Coyville, Kansas. the preceeding month. We expect this to be an incentive planning to buy new curtains and put in a new sign-light. for each member to speak to someone about their soul teacher, is assisting her. AlsoPerle Bentley has opened We certainly appreciate the cooperation of others who At the parsonage were Lawrence and Irene Lee and need. We are sure this will be a blessing to our meeting. her home for classes and will be teaching. daughter of Melba, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Kincaid and two helped out. As Mrs. Baker, of Renton, and her husband daughters, Patty and Carolyn of Ontario Heights, Clark For a number of Sunday nights our pastor is to give Mrs. Georgette Ricketts had a nice supper and time of got up to sing, she said "I think this is the very altar I us the flannel-graph story of Pilgrims' Progress. This enjoyment for her Sunday school class of junior girls, and went, to on ray knees for forgiveness of my sins when I and Elizabeth Smith of Spokane, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl makes the service more interesting to children as well on November lUththeolder juniorgirlsinClaraFrazier's Watts of Bowmont, Idaho. was a girl." We told her it was the very same one that We were sorry to lose William and Esther Mae Thomas as bringing out spiritual truths to the older ones. class spent a happy afternoon roller skating. was used at the old Bethany church from 1924 to 1938, also The young married people had a Sunday school social A large crowd of youngsters and oldsters gathered in the pulpit was the one her father had made, while he was and family from our midst, but trust that they may be a the church basement for a Halloween party dressed in blessing in their new work at Spokane. The Lord has the night of Halloween. The party was held in a barn living. (The Bakers are pastors at the Nazarene church loft and all who attended were masked. There were about costumes of every description, after which an evening of given us another family for which we are thankful, Elvett 15 14 and Margaurite Brown and three children of Cashmere. Florence Weber and decided to send a box of warm clothing The parsonage has recently been wired for an electric to Christie Bundy. Already a large box has been nearly man. Refreshments at this meeting were served to 24 16th for a chili feed. Those attending reported they had ladies. a good time. range, and a new electric water heater has been installed. filled and we find the community interested also. These conveniences are appreciated very much by the The Mother's Club held their Thanksgiving meeting at Mrs. Mabel Ommen was hostess and Mrs. Ocal A pink and blue shower was held at the home of Letha McClintock co-hostess for the missionary meeting in Oc Williams in honor of Letha Dillon the evening of November p a s t o r s a n d f a m i l y. the parsonage. After an abundant turkey dinner, a fine 18th. An enjoyable time was had by all. Paul and Betty McComb and daughter, Joanne, have program was enjoyed. Our pastor's wife had the de tober, 19 being present. "A Bolt of Cloth", a playlet, was Mrs. Everett Gulley was in the hospital for a few days moved to Wenatchee for the winter. They will be missed votions, followed by several readings, and a duet by Hazel given by Helen Morse and Helen Glass. Helen Morse f r o m o u r s e r v i c e s . Pike and Bea Fritschle. The speaker of the day was our also gave the study lesson on "Revival comes to Korea". receiving treatment. We are glad she is home and able Jennie McConaughey had the devotions on "Intercessory to be out. Friends of T. I. Jones will be glad to hear that his pastor, who really challenged us with our responsibility health is much improved, for which we thank the Lord. as parents, especially in teaching our children to be thank Prayer." Mrs. Mable Lyda presided at the business We are missing Harley Brotherton and Evan Jones since ful. session. Refreshments of coffee and pumpkin pie were STAR school started. Harley is attending George Fox Colleg e The college C.E. and young married Sunday school served. Nathan Pierson, Pastor and Evan is attending Washington State College at Pull class have been invited to hold a "platform" service on Rev. D. C. Van Slyke spoke on "Public Morals" and also told part of his life story, one Sunday evening recent Friday evening, November 3, was Family Night at the man. Paul Jones at present is at Camp Roberts in Vashon Island for a Saturday evening meeting of the church, sponsored annually by the Women's Missionary California. evangelical churches there. All are looking forward to ly. A joint meeting of the Boise Valley and Greenleaf Society. A hearty family-style dinner was served, during December 2nd and the ferry ride by moonlight (we hope) which time a program was presented by the children and Quarterly Meeting Friends Brotherhood was held on Mon QUILCENE to the Island. young people. Recitations, vocal and instrumental L e r o y W h i t e , P a s t o r The committee is busy planning the Christmas program day evening, November 13 inDairyman's HallatCaldwell. This was a special rally of the men in the interest of our numbers proved that we have lots of talent among the The people of this little church have been quite active which will be held December 18 for our Sunday school Yearly Meeting project at Spokane, Washington. Clare younger set. Following the dinner and program, group the past month. children. Willcuts, who recently visited the field, was speaker for games were enjoyed. Some of the yovmg people, our pastors, and some of the A 10:00 a.m. service is planned for Thanksgiving day. Several in the community asked if we were having such a the evening. Sunday, November 19, is a day to remember in the older people attended some of the meetings at Agnew. service and expressed a desire for it. Following the ser The annual Harvest Home fellowship supper was held history of our church, as the much anticipated dedication Our meeting received a picture for having the most vice Thanksgiving dinner is to be served in the parsonage at the church, Tuesday evening, November 14. The base service for the new church addition was held then. We people present. to some of our young people away from home and others ment was attractively decorated in autumn colors and were privileged to have Joseph Reece with us for both Some of the young people, and our pastors, journeyed in the church who wish to join the group. leaves. After the supper the following program was pre morning and afternoon services. Our church was well to Everett for the Quarterly Meeting. Our C.E. group sented: Flute solo by Miss Beth McBee, U.S.A. travel filled for the morning service which was followed by a won the C.E. banner this time, although we didn'thaveas bountiful fellowship dinner at noon. At 2:30 the dedication pictures were shown by Mr. and Mrs. Vic Lawence, and service was held, with many former residents and good a percentage of members present as some groups, Boise Valley Quarterly Meeting a piano solo was rendered by Miss Beth McBee. A'pound members of neighboring churches present. The church when the mileage was considered the banner came to us. MELBA s h o w e r w a s p r e s e n t e d t o o u r p a s t o r s a t t h i s t i m e . Our C.E. group and the Methodist C.E. of Hadlock have Russel Stands, Pastor was almost filled to capacity. The program was as started a series of Youth for Christ meetings. The first follows: Congregational song; Scripture and prayer, Miss Ina Smith, who is attending the Northwest Nazarene BOISE meeting was held at our church and everyone who attended Paul Barnett, Pastor Nathan Pierson; early history of the church. Pearl Reed; received a blessing. We ask your prayers that it will be Coliege, was a recent visitor in the home of our pastors special song, ladies trio; dedicatory message, Joseph possible to continue these meetings, and that many will She attends our regular services on Sunday. Miss Smith's" Since last reporting, Hubert Mardock was with us for Reece, special song, male quartet; statement from come to know the Lord through them. home is in Paonia, Colorado. a two weeks' revival. Many received help, and several building committee, Raymond Ha worth; special song, Revival services are to be held here the week following Two Halloween parties were enjoyed this season. accepted the Lord as their Saviour. We are certainly ladies sextette; dedicatory service, pastor and congre Thanksgiving. Alden and Esther White will be the evange Frances Stands held a party for her Junior girls Sunday praising the Lord for all his benefits to us. We were gation; benediction. lists. Pray for us as we go into these services. school class. The Junior boys were invited to attend glad to have Mrs. Mardock in our midst during this time Joseph Reece exhorted us to keep our church clean and The young married class held a party at the vacant house of revival. Harlow and Gertrude Ankeny came to us as in order as an honor to the Lord. Our desire to improve our song leaders, and their assistance was greatly S E A T T L E M E M O R I A L on the Lawrence Lee ranch. A spookie time was had by our church shows to the world that it means something to Milo Ross, Pastor all attending. appreciated. US, We missed the John Farner family and Marvin and Our Sunday school has been engaged in a contest. Our $ 760 in pledges was taken, to help remove the remaining Attendance at our Sunday school keeps growing, and Louise Clarkson from our services the week-end of No highest attendance was 133. Our Sunday school has deficit on the building. four times recently we have set a record for us. No vember 12th. The Earners attend Homecoming and the gradually increased and we trust we will continue to see A union Thanksgiving service for the churches of Star vember 19 was the highest with 48 present. This is most college board meeting at Newberg. The Clarksons were m o r e fi n d i n g t h e i r w a y t o o u r s e r v i c e s . will be held at our church on Thanksgiving morning. encouraging as the new attenders are mainly from the vacationing in the same vicinity. The young people of the church enjoyed a party the Our annual revival will begin Sunday, November 26, local community. The Missionary Society met at the La Verne Forney evening of October 29th. They reported good attendance with Dorwin Smith as evangelist. Please remember our Isabelle Pretlow and Herbert Haughton, two of our home, Thursday, November 2, with Lena Engle in charge. and a wonderful time. meetings in prayer that many needy souls in this needy elderly shut-ins, have been most seriously ill of late, The church song books were repaired. The Gideons had the evening service on November 12th, community will be reached for God and believers strength but are improved at this writing. The Missionary RaUy and Day of Prayer for Boise and the American Sunday School Union had the morning ened in the faith. Work has continued on the meeting house this month, Valley and Greenleaf Quarterly Meetings was held at service on November 19th. We enjoyed hearing from both especially on the furnace and heating, and basement doors Melba, Tuesday, November 14. Paul Barnett was the of these works. MEADOWS and windows; and on the new parsonage, nailing on siding, s p e a k e r f o r t h e d a y. M r s . H a g e w a s c a l l e d a w a y t o c a r e f o r h e r i n v a l i d George Smith, Pastor and building two chimneys. Landscaping of the grounds The ladies of the church gave a very lovely pink and b r o t h e r n e a r S p o k a n e . W e w i l l m i s s h e r i n o u r s e r v i c e s . has begun on a small scale, with gifts from the neighbors. biue shower for Mrs. Louise Clarkson at the Treva Farner Earl Brown received his call to report for active duty We here at Meadows are still working even though you The Women's Missionary Union has been most active, home on Friday, November 17. with the navy. have not heard from us for some time. a n d h a s h e l d s p e c i a l w o r k d a y s o n t h e i r C h r i s t m a s g i f t Edna Grovom recently gave a party for the Beginners The men of the church met the evening of November We had a wonderful revival October 15 to November 1 projects. class. with Alden and Esther White as evangelists. The at Kay Woodward and Carl Reed of the music department, tendance was good with several new ones coming out from with the aid of their coUege friends, have aided of late in NAMPA night to night. We were all blessed through each meet adding to the beauty of our worship through more and Lee H. Stevens, Pastor ing. Christians were brought closer to the Lord, several b e t t e r m u s i c . were sanctified, saved, and reclaimed. God truly worked We have been having cottage prayer meetings the past INSURANCE in our services from the very first. The first Sunday two months. These are for the special purpose of re HOLLY PARK night there were some at the altar. Conviction was heavy Ernest Fritschle, Pastor membering in prayer our coming revival, November 26 on many who did not yield, and we long to see these coming to December 10, with Hubert Mardock, evangelist, and Insurance (Auto, Health and Accident). t o C h r i s t . P r a y f o r u s . The greatest blessing to our church this past month Bernice Mardock and Elsie Gehrke, workers. Fire Insurance (including IrJand and Marine). Special prayer meetings were held each day for two has been and is our early morning prayer meeting. We The ladies of our church were hostesses to the meeting Surety Bonds and Life Insurance. weeks before the revival meetings and each day during gather at the parsonage every morning at 6:00 and how of the W.C.T.U. Tuesday, October 3. A report of the R. R. BURNS the meetings. Each one attending these testifies to re the Lord is blessing! We have seen people, for whom National Convention of the organization heid at Denver Office: Home address: ceiving a real blessing and we plan to continue them at we have been praying, come out to service, souls are was given by the local president, Mrs. Mabel Coddington. 1112 Cascade Bldg. 7005 S. E. Hazel least once a week. being strengthened and attendance at all services has in She reported that the organization is established in 56 Portland 4, Ore. Portland 6, Ore. Nathan and Hazel Pierson were with us in our services creased steadily. It pays to pray. nations with a membership of 50,000. She said the con ATwater 8511 SUnset 2455 one evening and brought a special message in song. Also The Ladies Missionary Union met at the home of vention addresses stressed peace and the brotherhood of we were glad to have with us that same evening Clare Willcuts and Ira Craven. We appreciated these visitors. 16 17 In November the Women's Missionary Union mended man, Melvin WUkins, and Lester DeLapp. and packed 172 pounds of clothing. Some was sent to Friday evening, October 27th, theChristianEndeavors moved to Sprague River, hoping it will benefit Louis' the Women's Missionary Union gathered at her house for Japan and the rest will be mailed when funds are avail had a good time at the Halloween party of the Smith home. health. Maurice Coulson has been called back to the ser their meeting, and enjoyed a day of fellowship in her new able. There were dark stairways, mysterious poises, ghost vice, and he, too, will be missed. home. Several improvements have been made on the parson stories, and gales of laughter. After the refreshments, Farewell parties were held for both the Fowlers and Walter Lee, president of the Yearly Meeting Board of age. Last summer a new roof was put on the house. The Jacquelyn Davis led the group in singing choruses and Maurice at the parsonage. Missions was a recent speaker at Piedmont. Carol, upstairs is being finished for the pastors study and also Marynette Smith brought a thought-provoking story filled Arnold, and Marilyn helped made the meeting forceful with spiritual truths for each one of us. You might ask a spare bedroom. New steps have been built to the up Portland Quarterly Meetine with their music. The message was heart-searching and stairs and enclosed to keep out the snow and rain. Plans Harold Ankeny how he got his sore thumb! or oh second challenging. are beu^ made to paper the upstairs and repaper the thought you might ask Jim DeLapp if he can't tell apple OAK PARK (Camas) William and Mary Tipp, and Elizabeth Battin have been downstairs. Other improvements are planned for next from thumb 1 Earl Gell, Pastor welcomed into membership with us recently. summer if it is possible. The money was raised for Thursday evening, November 2nd, the young married Special prayer sessions for the revival held early this these improvements by the Missionary Union, and the adult group gathered in the church basement for a de fall were faithfully attended by our prayer-warriors, and FIRST FRIENDS (Portland) S u n d a y s c h o o l . licious supper, an hour of fellowship and fun. Mildred will continue Indefinitely. All who can, meet for a time Charles Beals, Pastor Last summer Mrs. Alice Flowers and her children Wilkins directed the activities of the evening. In closing, of prayer before the regular church services. We know were taken into our church as members. We are glad Harlow Ankeny led in singing choruses and Clifton Ross By the time you read this, we will have welcomed God is answering for we sense the Holy Spirit working Howard and Julia Pearson back into our meeting. Their f o r t h e s e n e w o n e s . dismissed with prayer. among us. son Donald has been with us in Portland for several years The Junior Endeavor has been meeting again each Our Sunday school attendance has increased each Harley Adams preached during two weeks of evange while his parents have worked in Bolivia. Latest reports Sunday evening with Eleanor Smith as sponsor. Sunday in November. OurSunday school superintendents, listic meetings. Forty people knelt at the altar and prayed Jeanine Moore, one of our members, has recently been Jacquelyn Davis and Lester DeLapp, have been urging place the Pearson residence at 1420 S.E. 34th Ave. in for spiritual help. Since then others have come, and Portland. in the hospital seriously iU. We are thankful that God our teachers to be faithful in calling on the absentees. several have taken a definite stand. Praise God for the Joseph Cook, who has been a member at our church h a s h e a r d o u r p r a y e r s a n d s h e h a s i m p r o v e d . power in fervent prayer. The revival is still on. TALENT for over fifty years, has visited with us in the past few Irwin Alger, Pastor Dwight Ferguson, being in this vicinity, was available weeks. He is a brother of charter member Lydia Gardner Salem Quarterly Meeting for a one night meeting November 15th. We were very Since moving from the church tb the City Hall the Lord fortunate to have this outstandia^ evangelist at our church. and lives up in Mount Vernon, Washington. On Sunday, November 19, our pastor dedicated three ROSEDALE has been especially precious to us. The attendance and About 165 people came to hear him. Merie Green, Pastor interest have been maintained and a real spirit of victory babies: James Orville Emry, son of Verle and Isabelle The Oak Park Sunday school bus furnished transpor Emry; Keren Blanche Hathaway, daughter of Herbert and A quartet from George Fox College sang for us in our and senSvfOf encouragement is evident. It is a joy to tation for the group from here attending the reviaal meet report that the lot on which we hope soon to start building ing at Cherry Grove on Thursday, November lech. •• Virginia Hathaway; and Cheryl Eileen Lewis, daughter of morning service November 5. May God bless our school is now paid for. Some money is coming in toward our Claude and Joyce Lewis. The brief dedicatory service and help the students as they labor for Him. A group from George Fox College held a platform w a s i m p r e s s i v e . Our Sunday school is in the midst of a contest with two building fund. Plans are under way so that we hope soon service on Sunday evening, November 5th. Their songs to be able to begin our new church. We are indeed grate and testimonies were a real blessing to us. A request Allen Hadley, Sunday school superintendent, has sides, namely. Reapers and Gleaners. We hope this will ful for the use of the City Hall, but will be very happy to announced a contest for boys and girls of camp age. If reap a harvest for the Lord. Contest ends December 10. for a special song, "When Jesus Came," was sung by the Sunday school student is there, on time, with his The Sunday School Worker's Council meets once a have a church home. Lucy Clark. month for prayer over the problems that confront the The O.U.R. class of young adults met for a social The Missionary Union meets every two weeks and i s Bible, and offering, and has studiedthe morning's lesson, and attends a preaching service every Sunday from Oc now making the costumes to be used in the Christmas Sunday school. evening November 7. There were twenty-five present, tober to June, he has earned a free trip to the Twin Rocks We are having a spiritual feast from the lessons brought and a most enjoyable evening of games and refreshments play. camp. He will have earned it, too. to us in our mid-week Bibie studyandprayer service, led were experienced. "Family-nite" has been on a vacation for several b y E d g a r S i m s . The Women's Missionary Union met November 16, at the home of Lois Smith. Beside business and devotional months, but returned November 10th, at which time SECOND FRIENDS (Portland) A get-together farewell supper was held in our church various games were played and several films were shown. Dean Gregory, Pastor November 10 in honor of Forest Cammack, who has gone time, the afternoon was spent tying a comfort which we Refreshments consisting of (mke, jeUo and coffee were to the mission field in Bolivia to help with some work on expect to use as a Christmas gift. served to nearly 40 people. Elizabeth Delano was in our Senior C.E. on Sunday, the farm, and to visit his brother Paul, who is a mission The pastor's family, with Jane Peters and Barbara The Men's Brotherhood of the Quarterly Meeting met October 29 and she read the Scripture in the evening ary there. Forest plans to stay three months. Sample, went to Salem to attend Salem Quarterly Meeting on Monday, November 13th, with an attendance of 41 par service and sang in the C.E. choir. The Harmonaires There were 33 adults and young people who attended the the week-end of November 17-18. Although the time at taking of the fellowship dinner. from George Fox College sang several selections and Quarterly Meeting C.E. Rally at South Salem Friends Salem was very short and the way very wet, they felt re Dan Cupid seems to be shooting darts again for two of led the evening song service. As it was the fifth Sunday Church, November 17. paid in blessings received from the services enjoyed. our Sunday school teachers are each wearing a beautiful of the month, the C.E. had the entire evening service with A good interest is shown in our Women's Missionary token of betrothal. Cliff Ralphs bringing the evening message. Union and work is being accomplished. MEDFORD Several of our members have been sick and hospitalized. On October 21, the Delphian Sunday school class had a We are looking forward and praying for a revival at Clynton Crisman, Pastor Flowers, cards and gifts were sent, personal visits made very successful social evening in the church basement. Rosedale. Please pray with us that God will undertake The Homebuilder's class had an enjoyable evening, to cheer them and pray with them. All have again re- The potluck dinner was followed by games and a very here. October 28, at a Halloween party at the church with all mrned to their homes except one, whom our Heavenly good time. the usual procedures. They played games and bobbed Father called to be with Him. On Tuesday, October 31, our church basement was the HIGHLAND AVENUE for apples. Refreshments of pumpkin and applie pie with Even in this sorrow we can rejoice, for all who knew scene of a gala Halloween party. There was a contest Edward Harmon, Pastor Winnie Williams and heard her testimonies, know she was for the most unique costumes in several classes, so whipped cream were served. prepared to answer the call which came late Saturday nearly everyone came "well-dressed." The prize for Thursday evening, November 19th, the Women's Our Sunday school attendance is steadily increasing the best-dressed family was won by Louis and Mary Sandoz Missionary Union met at the home of Susie Feller. Kath since we entered the International Sunday School Contest. evening, October 28th at the Vancouver Memorial Hospital. and family; the best-dressed couple was Emil and Alberta leen PhiUips and Betty Ankeny had charge of the program We are making great plans for the future toward going Swanson, an old-time Quaker couple. Eddie Smith won and Nina DeLapp the devotions. The business meeting forward in God's work. PIEDMONT Herald Mickelson, Pastor the prize in the children's division as an anything-but-shy was called to order by the president, Betty Ankeny. God is blessing in our prayer meetings,—"Hour of maid. If one had dropped in unexpectedly, he would have Delicious refreshments were served by Susie Feller and Power" as we have begun to call them. We are realizing After several extra "work nites", extra W.M.U. work said the clothing worn was "out of this world". Apple Deva Armstrong. November 16th the Women's Mission definite answers to prayer in our midst days, and individuals putting in long hours, the basement cider and pie were served and everyone agreed that the ary Union sponsored a family night at the church base class-rooms and meeting place of the Junior Sunday school October church night had been highly successful. ment. Inspite of the stormy weather, several enjoyed is painted. The main color is light green with shades of MARION Several students from George Fox College helped out the dinner and the games directed by Ethel Ankeny. All Jack Otto, Pastor coral and darker green in class-rooms, on chairs, benches, w i t h t h e m u s i c i n o u r s e r v i c e s o n N o v e m b e r 5 . W e appreciated the spiritual message of the film "His Be screens, etc. The finished product is really pleasing to appreciate these un-official delegations from our college. Marion has built a new chimney and re-shingled the the eye. quests". Hostesses for the evening were Sarah Hoffnell west side of the roof. This was financed by our annual Thursday, November 9, the W.M.U. met in the church a n d L o i s H a r m o n . A Thanksgiving program was planned by t h e Junior basement to make plans for the coming year. Many The Christian Education Committee, which meets the work-day, when those not otherwise employed, worked a Sunday school for the enjoyment of the adult department. interesting ways of raising money were discussed. day in Clark's bean-yard, and gave their wages to the The songs. Scripture verse and recitations all reminded first Tuesday of every month, has appointed the following church. Many who work at other jobs also gave a day's Thursday, November 9, at seven in the evening. Dean committees: Christmas program—Betty Ankeny, Kath us of the many things for which we should be thankful. Gregory showed his beautiful colored pictures, taken on leen Phillips, Mildred Wilkins, and Lois Harmon; Sunday wages to the fund. The Sunday evening service carried the same theme, We regret to lose Louis Fowler and family. They have his summer trip. After the pictures, the visitation group school bus committee—Harold Ankeny, CharltonSmither- with a list of blessings written out to make it more vivid. met and planned for the coming year. The past year's Although Ruth Fisher has moved from our community. work was so successful that the group is planning on 18 19 taking In more territory this year. Pray with us that many souls will be won for our Lord through the visitation Newberg Quarterly Meeting program. Walter Lee gave an Inspirational missionary sefjfpon NEWBERG in the morning service November 12. His family furnished Carl Byrd, Pastor t h e m u s i c f o r t h e s e r v i c e . November has been set aside by the Stewardship Cl Sunday morning, November 12, the following persons mittee for presenting this responsibility and challenge^ were welcomed into the fellowship of our church as pew all. The committee secured a pamphlet for an insert members: Vernon and Olive Ogle and children, (jren into the bulletins for this month and a presentation t"H"- and Duane; Walter and Carol Lee, Marilyn and Arnold; Bible school, a sermon by the pastor and a p and Miss Beth Hockett. The following were add^ as "Thanksgiving Ann", as weli as presentations in various affiliate members: Gene Hockett, who is our assistant ways in other departments of the church. This committee pastor; TerreU and Kathleen Repp and children, pois h a s a s i t s c h a i r m a n P a u l M i l l s . Marlene, Kathy and Pamela. Each year the churches through the community Plans for a revival have not been made definitely as Ministers Association give a supper for all teachers in yet, but cottage prayer meetings are being helq and Newberg and surrounding territory, to which more than prayers for our revival are our concern in all our ser 200 teachers and church workers including pastors are vices. invited. This was heid in the Friends church this year We were glad to have Ronald and DivonnaCreceliu^ and with around 160 present. It was a delightful occasion with baby in the morning service November 12. Ronald f^els fine fellowship around the tabies on which there was an the call to full-time Christian work. He had the lead abundance to eat. A brief program was had at the tabies. the Four Flats Quartet until he was caUed into the ser An orchestra has been organized with Mrs. Wilma Miils vice in the Air Force this fall. as director. They have presented acceptable music for Eleanor and Wayne Antrim from Nampa, Idaho were in the evening services as well as playing during the song o u r s e r v i c e N o v e m b e r 1 2 . T h e y c a m e d o w n f o r t h e services. There are around twenty who have part in this coUege homecoming. Eieanor sang during the Suiiday activity. school hour. The Q>,i^erly Meeting Men's Brotherhood met at Our reporter, Carol Belles, is in Vancouver Memorial Newi'jrg nurch for their regular monthly meeting. Rev. Hospital. She had a serious operation but is getting Mahlon Macy, pastor at Forest Home Friends Church, along fine and will soon be home again. was the guest speaker, bringing to us a most timely and challenging message. Refreshments were served and a PARKROSE time of fellowship enjoyed. About forty were in at Dillon Mills, Pastor tendance. The average attendance at the Parkrose Sunday school The Women's Missionary Society heid its monthly during the current contest has been at this writing siig(,tly meeting in the home of Mrs. Violet Richey with about over 124. This is an increase of almost forty since the forty present. A pleasant and profitable lesson was pre contest began. The record high attendance during the con sented with a book review by Gwendolyn I>arker, "The test thus far is 142. The contest closes November 26. gbc Walking Preacher of the Ozarks". Much activity in pre prizes are being offered to individuals who make the most paring Christmas remembrances for the Sprague River points by coming and bringing others. For the inter pastors and for our outpost at Netarts is a matter of chief mediates and adult division the first prize is a fpll interest. scholarship to one of the camps at Twin Rocks next Thanksgiving time was observed with a suitable sermon summer. Second prize is a half scholarship to camp; and music and then we are imiting with the community observance of Thanksgiving at the Church of The Nazarene third, a magazine subscription. For the primary depart ment the prizes are Lincoln logs, a cash register, and on the 23rd. roUer skates. The contest is the Third International Sunday School Increase Contest sponsored by Christian (The following was received too late to be classified.) Life Magazine. A special community Thanksgiving service is being held at the church Wednesday evening, November 22. M c k i n l e y a v e n u e Time is to be given for personal testimony and praise, Lor en Jones, Pastor and special music offered. A religious film will be shewn The Sunday school is working on a project to raise at the close of the meeting. money in order to have our bus in running order this Plans for the Sunday school Christmas program here winter. The Ladies Missionary Society made little foot- are underway, with Fern Mills and Mildred Minthorne long strips of material into pockets for each individual in charge of arrangements. The program wiU be called to store pennies, nickels or larger pieces in. We want "The Christ of Christmas", and will feature colored to see how many feet of coins we can attain. slides of the story of Jesus' life, a Junior choir, and The Young People's Gospel Band held a service in a neariy ali the members of the Sunday school. The pro Convelescant Home on one Tuesday night, and on the gram will be given December 17 in the evening. second Sunday of the month a group of young people went A special Christmas eve vesper service is being to the Indian Hospital. Mrs. Franklin Warner, Naomi planned for late afternoon on December 24. Martin, Evelyn West, LaVern Allen, and Alice Perry sang The Parkrose community greatly appreciated having in the halls while Mr. Jones visited. Dr. Parker and a male quartet from George Fox College The followdng Sunday a recital featuring Jan' at this church all day November 19. Dr. Parker brought grast and her violin was held in the church messages both morning and evening, with the quartet with everyone invited. ThePendergrastfam furnishing both vocal and instrumental music. The quartet us to move to Spokane. They wiU be grea. was composed of Paul Puckett, Wayne Pier sail, Fred On the Wednesday evening before Tha- Littlefield, and Randall Emry. They also sang for Sunday church wiU unite with other churches of th. school closing exercises and had charge of the Christian for a special Thanksgiving service. E n d e a v o r s e r v i c e .