Author Index
BULLETIN INDEX: 13DEVOLUMCBULLE 98, NUMbeRS 1–12 Author index JINDAL, TARUN R., and JINDAL, RAHUL M., Sur- A geons bring RRT to patients in Guyana, 98, 6:17 BABU, MAYA, RAS-ACS Symposium essays: Resi- AHMAD, SYED, NELSON, HEIDI, KATZ, and and dents debate pros and cons of online patient rank- | 67 MATTHEW H.G., ACS Clinical Research Program: ings, 98, 11:19 Borderline resectable pancreatic cancer: Pushing the BAKER, JENNIFER, and MISRA, SUBHASIS, and technical limits of surgery, 98, 1:61 MANIMALA, NEIL J., and KUY, SREYRAM, and AL-REFAIE, WADDAH B., and WEINBERG, ARMIN, GANTT, GERALD, The role of politics in shaping and NELSON, HEIDI, ACS Clinical Research Program: surgical training, 98, 8:17 Are older adults adequately represented in surgical BARNEY, LINDA, and JACKSON, JENNY, and OLLA- oncology trials? 98, 5:52 PALLY, VINITA, and SAVARISE, MARK, 2013 pay- ANDERSON, BENJAMIN O., Citation for Prof. Cheng- ment policy and coding changes affecting surgical Har Yip, MB, BS, FRCS(Edin)(Glas), 98,11:55 practice, 98, 1:9 ANDERSON, JAMES, and ORESKOVICH, MICK, Phy- –and JACKSON, JENNY J., and MABRY, CHARLES sician personalities and burnout, 98, 6:40 D., and SAVARISE, MARK T., and SENKOWSKI, ARMSTRONG, JOHN H., and SUTTON, JON H., Issues CHRISTOPHER K., Coding and practice manage- discussed at the AMA House of Delegates meeting ment corner: Coding for damage-control surgery, 98, include definition of surgery, obesity, 98, 10:75 8:57 –and SUTTON, JON H., Surgeons advocate in the AMA –and JACKSON, JENNY J., and OLLAPALLY, VINITA House of Delegates,
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