After Camp Portraits in Midcentury Japa Nese American Life and Politics
After Camp Portraits in Midcentury Japa nese American Life and Politics .#", /(01+)(+ University of California Press —-1 !"#$"%"& '() *+,"%") '(+-(+ —0 —+1 571-48160_ch00_2P.indd iii 9/22/11 3:54 PM Portions of Chapter 2 3 rst appeared in Greg Robinson, “Le Projet M de Franklin Roo se velt: Construire un monde meilleur grâce à la science . des races,” Critique Internationale No. 45 (May 4667), pp. 87– 94. Portions of Chapters : and 26 3 rst appeared as Greg Robinson, “Nisei in Gotham: Japa nese Americans in War time New York,” Prospects: An Annual of American Cultural Studies, Vol. :6 (4667), pp. 792–7;7 . Chapter < originally appeared in somewhat different form as Greg Robinson, “Birth of a Citizen: Miné Okubo and the Poli- tics of Symbolism,” in Greg Robinson and Elena Tajima Creef, eds., Miné Okubo: Follow- ing Her Own Road (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 4669), pp. 2<;– 288. Portions of Chapter 8 3 rst appeared as Toni Robinson and Greg Robinson, “Mendez v. Westminster: Asian- Latino Co ali tion Triumphant?” Asian Law Journal, Vol. 26, 4 (May 466:), pp. 282– 29:, and in revised form as Greg Robinson and Toni Robinson, “The Limits of Interracial Co ali tion: Méndez v. Westminster Reconsidered,” in Nicholas De Genova, ed., Racial (Trans)formations: Latinos and Asians Remaking the United States (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 4668), pp. ;:– 22;. Chapter 22 3 rst appeared as Greg Robinson and Toni Robinson, “Korematsu and Beyond: Japa nese Americans and the Origins of Strict Scru- tiny,” Law & Contemporary Problems, Vol. 89, No. 4 (Spring 4667), pp. 4;– 77.
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