L\IIDDLESEX. [KELLY's Pallarlio at Vicenza: Here Rlierl Charles James Fox, 13 Sanitary Inspector, John Henry Clarke, Local Board Sept
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5 CHISWICK AND } 44 t TUR~HAM GREEN. :l\IIDDLESEX. [KELLY'S Pallarlio at Vicenza: here rlierl Charles James Fox, 13 Sanitary Inspector, John Henry Clarke, Local Board Sept. I8o6 and George Canning, 9 Aug. I827: the Ofli.ces, He a thfield terrace grounds are beautifully laid out and adorned with much Assistant Sanitary Inspector, William Warren, Local fule timber and with statuary and temples; the bridge Board Offices 1>ver the lake and the classical gateway in the grounds Collector, Chas. Fador Hughes, Vestry hall,Heathfield ter are the work, in 1621, of Inigo Jones; the latter was Public Establishments :- given by Sir Hans Sloane bart. M.D. to the Earl of Metropolitan Police Station (T division), High road, Burlington in 1738: in I8I4 the Emperor Alexander I. Chiswick; D. Rawlings,superintendent district inspec of Russia and other sovereigns visited the late Duke of tor; J. Fearies, J. Ford & T. Aylett, station sergeants, Devonshire here: in 1842 Her Majesty and the late & 5 sergeants & 65 constables Prince Consort and in I844 the Emperor Nicholas of Hoyal Horticultural Society's Gardens, Archibald Far Russia and John I. King of Saxony, and planted trees in quharson Barron, superintendent remembrance of their visit : Grove House is a mansion Turnham Green Scientific & Literary Society, Heathfield situated near the Thames: adjoining is a villa, also terrace, Edward C. Boville esq. J.P. president looking on the Thames, erected by the late J. Pullman Y estry Hall, Hea thlleld terrace, Turnham Green esq. ·and called Grove End. In Hogarth lane is the Fire Engine Station, Camden terrace, High road, house, called Hogarth House, in which the great artist William John Fairbrass, officer in charge lived. Among past residents in Chiswick were Sir rnblic Officers :- Stephen Fox kt. paymaster of the forces to Charles II. Collector of Queen's Taxes, Edward .Millwood, I59 and the projector of Chelsea Hospital, to which he con High road tributed £I3,ooo; he died 28 Oct. I7I6; Alexander Pope, Coroner for Western Division of Middlesex, William -the poet; George Augustus Eliott, Lord Heathfidd, the Bruce Gordon-Hogg M.D. Priory gdns. Bedford park defender of Gibraltar, d. I790; and John Zoffany R.A. d. 1\Iedical Officer & Public Vaccinator, No. 2 district, I810. Sutton Court, at the corner of Sutton Court road, Rrentford union, .Tames Tiley M.D. 8 Brackley road is one of the ancient mansions of the ducal family of Coroner's Officer, Sergeant Charles Grove, Police sta Cavendish and was the residence of one of the married tion, High road daughters of Oliver Cromwell, who also visited here. Poor Rate Collector, '\V. H. Jex, IB Clifton gardens A very large portion of the parish is the property of the Registrar of Births & Deaths for Chiswick Sub-district, Duke of Devonshire K.G. ; the land formerly occupied Brentford union, Charles Lawrence, 4 Heathfield as market gardens is now being rapidly covered with gardens; deputy, Thomas Charles Lawrence, 4 Heath ~legant houses. Ravenscourt park, a fine open space of field gardens. Registration hours : mon. wed. & fri. 32 acres, adjoins. The entire parish of Chiswick con from 6 to 8 p.m.; tues. & thurs. 8 to 9 a.m tains 1,3n acres, of which 104 are water and foreshore; rateable value, £r24,709; the population in I8DI was Places of Worship, with times of services:- 6,505, in I881 I5,972, and in I8gi was :-Chiswick, St. .Nicholas' Church, Rev. Lawford William Torriano J:o,3gr ; Turnham Green, 4,921; Grove Park, 1,794; Dale M.A. vicar ; holy communion every sun. at B St. Michael, Bedford Park, 4,222; part of Gnnnersbury, a.m. ; matins, holy communion & sermon Ist & 3rd at 635 ; total, 21,963, which is also the Local Board dis II a.m. ; matins, litany & sermon, 2nd, 4th & 5th, II trict. a.m. ; evensong or litany & sermon, Ist, 3rd, 4th & 5th, 3·30 p.m. ; children's service on 2nd, 3·30 p.m.; Post, M. 0. & T. 0., Express Delivery, S. B. & Annuity evensong & sermon every sun. 7 p.m. ; holy com & Insurance Office, 276 Chiswick High road.-Alfred munion (plain), last sun. after matins; week days Platrier, sub-postmaster. Delivery of letters at 8. ID & holy communion, daily, 8 a.m. & during advent, lent n a.m.; 1, 4• 6 & 8 p.m. Letter Box cleared at 8, 9·45 & on festivals, 12 noon; litany wed. & fri. 12 noon; 10.25, II.30, I2.40, 2.40, 3·55. 5·I5 6.I5 (for letters choral evensong wed. & fri. 7.30 p.m. ; evensong mon. with ~d. late fee for country mails), 7• 9, 11.55 except tues. thurs. & sat. 5· rs p.m saturday; sundays, rr.so St. iliary 1\Iagdalene Chapel of Ease, Rev. Alfred Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Edward:l Oldfield M. A. curate in charge; holy com Office, Church street.. -William Spencer, sub-post munion every sun. 8 a.m. & II a.m. (choral); thurs. master. Letter Box r.leared at g.IS, II.15, I2.r5, 7.30 a.m. ; matins with sermon, 10.30 a.m.; even r.55, 3·55. 4·55. 6.40 & 8.4D & from Wall Box song with sermon, 7 p.m. ; evensong with instructions, I2 midnight; on sundays, li.5D p.m wed. & fri. 8 p.m. ; holy communion every sun. 8 .Post & M. 0. 0., S.B.&.Annuity&Insurance Offices: a.m. & all festivals & 2nd & 5th sun. in month at II Devonshire road.-Thomas & Co. sub-postm.asten (choral) with sermon, matins, ro.rs; other sun. (Edwin Stone, manager). Letter Box cleared at 7 matins, litany & sermon at II ; children's service, a.m. monday only, 9.15 & II.5 a.m.; I2.I5, 1.55, 3-55, 3· 15 ; evensong, 7; week days, holy communion, thurs. 4·55· 6.40 & 8.40 p.m. & 12 (except saturdays); on &; saint days, 7.30 a.m. ; evensong, tues. & fri. sundays only at r r. ID p.m 7·30 p.m 349 High road.-William James Laite, sub-postmaster. St. Paul's, Grove Park, Rev. Nevison Loraine, vicar; Letter Box cleared at g.25, 10.Io & 11.5 a.m. I2.I5, 2.5, II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. II a.m. & fri. 5.30 p.m. & 3·55', 5, 6._so, 8.25 & 11.20 p.m. (except saturday); on holy days sunday only, r 1.25 p.m Christ Church, Turnham Green, Rev. Percy James Post & M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Donovan M.A. vicar; sundays, 8 a.m. holy com mmlion; l I a.m. matins; Ist & 3rd sun. in month, Office, :t"J7 High road.-Henry Richard Robinson, sub holy communion; 3.30 p.m. children's service; 4 p.m. postmaster. J .. etter Box cleared at g.2o, 10.5 & II a.m. r2.10, 2, 3.55, 5, 6.45, 8.25 & n.I5 p.m. (except baptisms; 7 p.m. evensong; saints' days, II a.m. saturday); sunday only, 11.25 p.m holy communion; wed. evensong, 5 p.m.; fri. rr a.m. Post. M. 0. & T. 0., Express Delivery, S. B. & Annuity matins & litany, rr.3o baptisms; churchings before & Insurance Office, 627 High road.-Charles Tidey, or after any of the services sub-postmaster. Letter Box cleared at g. 15 & ID a.m. St. .Tames', High road, Gunnersbury, Rev. Charles .Nevison '\Yhitfield M. A.; 8 & I I !l.m. & 7 p.m. ; holy 12.5, 1.55, 3·55. 4-45· 6.40, 8.IS & rr.25 p.m. (except saturday); snnday, Ir.ro p.m communion, Ist & 3rd sun. II a.m. & every sun. at Post & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, 8 a.m.; wed. (in advent & lent) 8 p.m. & saints' days Sutton lane.-William Petter Vigor, sub-postmaster. 11.30 a.m Emmanuel (Reformed Protestant Episcopal) Church, Letter Box cleared at 9.30 & rr. ro a.m. 12.20, 2.5, 3-55 E. s, 6.55, 8.3D & 11.45 p.m. (except saturday); sunday, Wellesley road, Rev. Garth Ireland, incumbent; n.rs p.m only - I r a. m. & 7 p.m. ; holy communion rst sun. in the month in the morning & 3rd sun. in the month in the Chiswick Local Board. evening; thurs. 7.30 p.m !Board days, rst & 3rd wednesdays in each month at 7.30 Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church, High road, Rev. p.m. Offices, V ~stry hall, Heathfield terrace. Reginald Tuke & James O'Connor, priests; 8.Io & .B. Hardy, chairman; W. J. Adamson, E. H. Alleyne, C. r I. I5 a.m. & 7 p.m. ; daily 8 a.m. ; wed. & fri. 8 p.m Bilton, L. B. Diplock, W. F. Fuller, F. Smith, E. C. Baptist (Trinity), Wellesley road, Rev. John Pearce Boville J.P., B. C. Hartzhorne, S Hunt, G. l\Ieacock, Clarke l\LA. ; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m W. P. W. Phillimore, J. W. Peel, Harry Smith, A. Baptist, Annandale road, Rev. Arthur George Edgerton ;· Sich, J. H. Sich, F. Taylor & H. C. Waters II a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 7.30 p.m Clerk, Robert Fitz .Finnis, Vestry hall, Heathfield ter Congregational, High road, Turnham Green, Rev. James Assistant Clerk, Arthur Beavan Holmes; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 8 p.m MP-dical Officer of Health, Frederick Charles Dodsworth '\Vesleyan, Sutton Court road, Rev. A. J. Southouse; L.R.C.P.Lond. 43I High road II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; tues. 7 p.m .Surveyor & Engineer, Arthur Ramsden; Rerbert T.