Italy/UK 意大利/英國 2019 | Italian | DCP/Online | Colour | 101min Director Producer Maysam Makhmalbaf Scriptwriter Marziyeh Meshkiny, Mohsen Makhmalbaf Cinematographer Maysam Makhmalbaf Editor Maysam Makhmalbaf Production designer Flavio Russo Music Gruppo Folk Verbicaro Nel Cuore Sound Farid Pirayesh Cast Ylenia Galtieri, Margherita Pantaleo, Raffaella Gallo, Paolo C. Santeramo, Danilo Acinapura Production Makhmalbaf Film House, Allelammie, Rai Cinema World Sales Makhmalbaf Film House

©foto di Francesca Errichiello Marghe and Her Mother 半熟小小姐

The film narrates the story of three generations of women. Despite [導演的話] living together and in close proximity, their worlds have grown so 影片描述三代女性的故事。雖然住在一起,近在咫尺, apart that they struggle to understand one another. 然而她們的世界愈來愈遠,要了解彼此,須幾經掙扎。 Although the film Marghe and Her Mother is made in Italy, the 電影雖在意大利拍攝,但故事卻在歐洲、甚至全球各國 same story can happen every day throughout Europe or even in any 每天上演。 country on the entire planet earth. 現代生活為人類帶來無限可能及無數選擇,不過似乎卻 Modern life, besides all its possibilities and numerous choices it 妨害了人的基本需要:安穩工作、互信友誼、真摯愛 has offered to the mankind, seems to have jeopardise some of their 情,有時甚至是人的基本尊嚴…… basic needs. Having a secure and stable job, a trusting friendship, a true love or sometimes even their basic human dignity… Mohsen Makhmalbaf

Mohsen MAKHMALBAF was born in Tehran, Iran in 1957. He was imprisoned for five years SELECTED FILMOGRAPHY 主要作品 for political activities. He and his family, including wife Marzieh Meshkini and daughter 1990 The Nights of Zayandeh-rood 撒恩達之夜 Samira Makhmalbaf, have become some of the most renowned Iranian filmmakers. 1995 Salaam Cinema 電影萬萬歲 He has made over 20 feature films and won awards worldwide. He is also an educator, 1996 無知時刻 establishing Makhmalbaf Film House in 1996. 2001 Kandahar 坎大哈 慕森麥馬巴夫 1957 年生於伊朗德黑蘭,曾加入反抗王朝的政治組織,入獄五年,伊朗革 2012 The Gardener (docu) 園丁偈語 ( 紀錄片 ) 命後從政治轉向寫作,81 年與多位回教藝術工作者成立與藝術中心,從事故事、戲劇和電 2014 The President 總統大人着草了 影劇本寫作。至今執導超過二十部長片,屢獲殊榮。96 年創辦「麥馬巴夫電影之家」學校。 2019 Marghe and Her Mother 半熟小小姐