
Can Campbell do it? is in the fight of his life as the countdown begins to the state elections. But will he make a good Premier, asks Alex Bernard

nergetic. Passionate. Driven. These are Rod Birch was the chairman at Grainco the words frequently repeated when and worked with Newman for five Easking past colleagues to describe years until 2001. “If you gave Campbell a task former Lord Mayor of Campbell you knew it would get done, on budget, on Newman. Those in his inner circle say that time and to the best of his ability. He always it is these qualities that will get him over the was ‘Can Do Campbell’. line on 24 March when Newman goes up “I haven’t had much to do with Campbell against rising star Kate Jones in Ashgrove. since he left Grainco 10 years ago but my Labor has held Ashgrove since 1989, overwhelming view is that he is someone but if Newman’s performance in City Hall who gets things done, he includes his team in has shown the people of Brisbane anything decisions, and I disagree with that notion he’s it’s that he’s not afraid of a challenge. LNP supposedly an autocrat. I think you’d find it councillor Geraldine Knapp, now serving in hard to find ex-colleagues or staff members her fifteenth year, has known Newman since who would tell you he wasn’t a team player.” his pre-selection in 2002 and he was the There’s no doubt Newman’s biggest and fourth lord mayor she has served. “I have a most ardent supporter is his wife of 20 years lot of time for Campbell Newman personally Lisa, although even she admits to being a bit and the utmost respect for him professionally. Campbell and Lisa Newman with daughters Rebecca (far left) and Sarah anxious about the task at hand. “It’s nerve- He was a terrific lord mayor and while we had racking, [for me] because I’m watching plenty of ‘robust debates’ he really did make remains adamant he really didn’t consider it is just so much to do. I accept that.” someone I love go through this very arduous things happen. Getting the traffic flowing is until after the Brisbane floods of 12 months Radio 4BC morning show presenter Greg process, like watching your children doing just one good example of that. He thought ago. “I really enjoyed being the Lord Mayor Cary has been interviewing political leaders, exams. But he’s a really honourable and about what was essential to allow Brisbane to of Brisbane. It was a terrific job but in the both international and domestic, for more committed man. He’s passionate about the grow,” says Knapp. aftermath of the floods there were so many than 25 years. “I’ve always found Campbell to things that matter to him, his family, his work, But does a good lord mayor equal Premier frustrations with the current government and be a decent bloke and a very straight shooter. the environment, the community and what I material? Clem Jones and Sally Anne so much that needs doing, I thought ‘I can do In an age where spin rules, that’s a big plus. saw in him that made me think ‘he’s a keeper’ Atkinson weren’t able to make the transition. that’,” says Newman. Moreover when, as lord mayor, he said he are the same things that will make him a good “Leadership is leadership. Of course, it’s a He cites former Prime Minister John would address issues on behalf of listeners Premier for .” leap from lord mayor to Premier but he has Howard as the political leader he admires. he did. Like , he also has a very She laughs good naturedly when told how the vision and the drive to do it,” says Knapp. “It was his poise, his passion for serving his positive outlook and personality which is a much has been made of the open affection “He also has an understanding about where country, and don’t we miss him now? His key factor in modern political leadership.” the couple shows each other. “Oh look, that’s the state needs to go. As lord mayor he always measured, dignified approach to running the So what does Cary think are the challenges just how we are! I think it would be sad if we made us (councillors) accountable and I country, that’s what I revere.” Newman faces if he were to become Premier? felt we had to change.” believe he can bring those talents to the state. The term “workaholic” comes up often “His challenge will be to lead a parliamentary And she’s given up trying to change her “Local governments across Queensland when colleagues describe him and Newman party in the hot house of State Parliament. husband’s “workaholic” tendencies. “He will be a damn sight better off with someone himself admits there wouldn’t be much work- There will be a greater complexity of issues takes on everything with gusto and passion. who’s done that job and understands how life balance in the state’s top job. “There isn’t and politics and he won’t be able to win He likes to do things! The biggest waste of they work from the inside.” really much balance when you’re in those battles by weight of personality alone. It’s also money was the hammock I bought when we Although there had been rumours for roles, but people have every right to demand fair to say that not everyone in his own party first married. He’s only ever used it once to some time that Newman might make the a lot from their political leaders and I know was thrilled with how he became leader. They swing the girls in – it’s in pristine condition in switch to state politics, the man himself the first term will be incredibly hectic as there will have their own agendas.” a cupboard.”

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